tv Mayors Press Availability SFGTV July 15, 2023 2:30am-3:01am PDT
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>> welcome to the avenue! hi. i'm san francisco mayor breed and it is great to be here on the west side of san francisco. i want to really thank our district attorney and police chief bill scott and sheriff paul and the director of the d. emergency management. mary ellen carroll and so many people joining us including damon the owner of noodle stop, bill is here who is the president of outer sunset merchant's association and eric chang the violent of stop crime sf. we are here on the west side of town to just call attention to all of the investments that i have accomplice in the my budget that is before the board of
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supervisors as we speak. and including the supervisor who represents this community. supervisor joel engardio could not be with us today he is at the board. but he has been in complete support of the investments that we have made in order to ensure public safety not just in where everyone is focused the center of town. the tenderloin, south of market and down town areas of our city. but to make surety people in the west sunny valley the people in the west side their voices are heard, too much we know that there are challenges here with car break in's. home invasions, businesses this have been upon vandalized and the chief will may be talk about a crime that occurred on robbery on 20th avenue and know arrest was just made today to deal with that.
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so it is so important that we continue to make investment in our police department and in our alternatives to policing including our ambassadors a part of the amazing communities. people who speak cantnies like our residents here to ensure tha there are eyes and ears to respond to the challenges that exist in san francisco. we know that public safety now in the city is when everyone is talking b. we than it is the number one concern. and it has to be reflected in our budget investment. just yesterday the police department started a you 92 police academy class with the largest classes since before the pandemic. so we are excited about our recruitment to get more officers on streets. excited about am bas dovers including retired police officers we want to add to every
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part of the city. but today's press conference are about the people who liver here. the people who work he were. the people who deserve to have a safe community. that's why we're here today. to make it clear that we need to take care of our community. wherever they are all over san francisco and make sure that the victims are med to keep people safer. now and the end of this week and tomorrow the board of supervisors will be deliberating the budget and my hope is to keep our public safety budget in tact to make surety sheriff, police department the da's office, as well as our ambassador programs have the investments they need. baumz this is not just about policy. this is about the capacity to deliver on a promise. our basic upon responsibility as leaders of the city to deliver
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on public safety for every resident that is a part of san francisco. and that's why we are all here. i thank you for coming and weathering the storm it you know it is important it is mist competence my hair is getting wet this is important for the safety our city and residents and grill to be here and at this time i want to ask our police chief bill scott to say a few words. >> thank you, mayor breed. i will pig back on a few things. we are excited about yesterday's academy class of 32. the largest class in 3 years. that tells us that things are looking brighter. we are on pace to hire 100 recruit this is year. and without the funding we can't
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do that i really, really appreciate the budget that the mayor put forth, things are brighter. mrksz are up from this time last year. they are not where they were prepandemic but up this is a good sign because as we said to you before, what we end up in the academy in numbers of recruits is a function of how many people can get in the police department of people are seeing the city and mayor making seeing the mayor is garthed a group of leaders working together and i can't emphasize enough how important this is. we are working together in ways that in recent years we were not able to do. and that should be exciting to everyone. i hope temperature is excite to me. the robbery this the mayor mentioned that was due to dill
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gent follow up. but it takes people to do this. when we have shootings or robberies or home invasions and burglars if we don't catch the person at the scene, what has to happen is we have to have enough investigators to put the energy and time in the cases to solve them and that does in the come without investment. things are looking bright are. we have a lot of work and challenges and the mayor mentioned car break in's. even though we are down from 2019 it it is a problem in our city we have to deal with. and we need the police officers on the ground to do this. and i'm excited with what the future looks like and i want to thank our mayor and our partners you will hear from today who are working together as a team. i hope that brings hope to you all and the presence of our city we are and we will get things done, thank you, mayor and everyone for your time and
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attention. [applause]. >> our sheriff made an announcement to provide additional resources boots on the grounds to increase capacity to address the challenges around public safety. we are grateful for his leadership and partnership in the efforts. ladies and gentlemen, welcome our sheriff paul mimoto. thank you and good morning. tell take a collective effort with all of us the police department, sheriff's office the da's off the mayor, department of emergency management and the community that is represented here. to make a difference. the chief mentioned the challenges that we have with staffing the mir mentioned the money and the budget committed to help address that challenge. but in the meantime we have issues that we have to address on the street. we have symptoms of what people
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are perceiving a fight but we can fix with the collective effort we are putting out there our department sheriff's office stands behind and with the police department when dha make arrests the da when they prosecute in the courtroom. we are in between. and we want to make surety people we are talking about and that are out on the street the people committing crimes are accountable with compassion. we want to make super that a part of our collective public safety effort the opportunity for rehab and for sobriety, follow what pregnant they individual needs to get help and get better. because when they get better the community gets better. that's when we are focusod now. some people volunteer to get that help. some need to be compelled to get help. we have been working to make sure all of those paths are open
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and available to people out there that need that help. >> we don't need to be about punishment we don't need to be about people sentenced we need to be getting people the service as well. the commitment we have here the sheriff's office does not have ambassador we have retirees that work in different areas. weep don't have police serve aids. what we have are deputies and we are moving our resources into specific yours of the city so the police department and they chief personnel is redirect resources to help everyone in the city. that's what our goal is when what we are working on and i'm happy torhere as we work toward that with budgets and the work we do on the ground. thank you. [applause]. >> thank you. another one of our public safety partners who has been doing an incredible job is our da brook
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jenkins. >> good morning, everyone thank you madam mayor for your dedication to the mission of public safety for san francisco. i want to echo something chief scott said, we are seeing a new time in san francisco. we are working together to solve the problems that are of top priorities to san franciscans this it is a new day where the 4 of us can stands up together and say this we are working toward the same mission which is to deliver public safety to a city that deserves to have t. and so i want to thank the mayor's office for make sure that public safety agencies were a priority. at a time we know our city is facing a budget situation what manying cities in the country are facing but that she has prioritized public safety to make sure there are no deficits
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within our agencies. this would impede us from able to serve city of san francisco. as a part of that, she is sure we are able to have a subelemental addition of 3 narcotic's prosecutors mid cycle earlier this year. to add to my ability to prosecute the number of drug dealing cases we are provided from the san francisco police department. she made sure that the funding for those positions was include as a part of our budget of today we hope that the board of supervisors will continue that funding and approve that funding so we can try to make sure we are putting a stop to the open air drug markets that are affecting our downtown area. we know that we have to set a new tone in san francisco lawlessness will not you can acceptable and a part of that is making sure that downtown gets that message that will spread across the city to neighborhoods
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like where we are today. and so i want to say, thank you thot mayor's office and our partners. chief scott, sheriff miyamoto the head of department emergency management carroll who is here today because jointsly we will achieve when we need to, which is providing public safety to residents and business ordinance. as one anecdote, i will mention when we have theed staffing we need in our office we are able to achief great result in the courtroom. i'm pleased announce we got a conviction or first in a narcotic dealing trial. yesterday. [applause] where a jury of 12 san franciscans decided that enough was enough and that someone who was dealing fentanyl to be held accountable that is when we have the right funding
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>> owner of noodle stop i wanted to thank everyone for being here and i support the mayor's effort to rebuild the police staffing and expanding police alternatives and crack down on open drug sales. thank you. >> thank you. [applause]. >> thank you so much damon we appreciate your work and your advocacy and also we are greatest for your establishment along with the businesses here to all of the press when we are done with this conference, take a walk and eat at one of the establishments to show love. and at this time i want to ask the outer sunset merchant association president bill to come up. he is out here he is other parts of the richmond working
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irrelevant hard to support businesses here. we appreciate his work and advocacy, come on up. >> good morning. i want to thank the mayor and supervisor district supervisor engardio not here. their support they have given us the several months the mir mentioned, we [inaudible] 3 months ago to help support the police officers for over time and most important low our ambassadors we have some here. and then the police ambassadors retired that had a significant impact in neighborhoods. people don't know they are fantastic. 3 weeks ago an incident where they had a guy was not sewn in 1 in the afternoon. we had 2 ambassadors a block
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away. they saw what happen period my wife work thered she was bench thanksgiving the guy was making a scene and he was also stopping traffic in walking on 19th and irving. the 2 ambassadors came down and able to defews the situation. if not for them we would have gone to a serious problem. ambassadors are significant part of the police department and augment the police department they don't have one weapons but they have a roand call the station. in our case the radio car came in 5 minutes. and it it is important the mayor mentioned tomorrow or today that the importance of having the public safety, police officers, ambassadors and we have to endorse this, if we don't it gets newscasty here. so -- it is very importantful
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thank you, mayor. and thank you my fellow police officer friends i work with the advisory board and my friends are cops. one civilian friend other than that my friends are cops. thank you. i appreciate. and important to be aware of voting tomorrow and see what you want. something will happen worse. and one left note on irving street we had an arson 5 months ago never had. the flower shop was burned down. young lady been there for 60 years and now back. 3 years later dirt nel essay bar and i noticed the park was taken down. someone at 4 newscast morning took down the parklet we can't vice president that. we never this this stuff in irving over the years we had
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robberies. now everything else escalated and got bad. crime down because of police. ambassadors and the support of the mayor so thank you, mir for everything and let's get the job done here. thank you. >> thank you for put nothing perspective and the points of this is for folks to reach out to their members of the board of supervisors to make it clear that they support our public safety package as a whole. includes the police officers, includes the police department budget. district attorney's budget of sheriff's budget ambassadors and the neighborhood ambassadors, retired officer ambassadors urban al kemp and he others working to keep our city safe this is a package and the goal again is public safety. which is the most important issue facing our city at this
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time. our final speaker today is a person who is a vice president of stop crime sf. ladies and gentlemen, welcome eric chang. >> thank you. mayor. great to be here today, great points have been made and it is raining i will do my best to keep this short as possible i'm eric chang a lawyer for the state of california, dad and residents of san francisco. i'm here on behalf of the neighborhood organization, stop crime. we are a group work to create a safer city for everybody. i'm he were to express support for the mayor's budget proposal. the major's plan out lines key efforts this put public safety at the forefront. one important aspect of the budget proposals the commitment to meeting long-term police hiring needs. no secret that san fremantle has had a shortage of police officers.
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this is affected sponse times. clearance rates and community engagement. allocating hiring more officers, the mayor is taking a proactive step to putting many of the gaps behind us. stop crime we are aware that the over relines on police can bring problems. in addition to hiring more officers the budget proposal emphasizes effective aisle to mreegs. san francisco hen a lead in transitioning nun police work away from police the street response teams or community ambassadors or bart attendsants the programs help police focus on police work. mayor's proposal finding a solution to the admissible health crisis. lesson from the pedestrian with eye toward the future and sends a strong message that san francisco cares about residents. thank you. [applause]. >> all right.
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thank you so much. i appreciate you being here. are there any questions for anyone about what we are talking about today? [inaudible]. >> so there was a rally yesterday from groups concerned about the cut this is are being med to those diameters for social services. can you talk about the need. >> can you ask the question related this press conference. can you talk about the difficulty in having cut in super portions and funding public service as a priority t. is miles an hour complicated to be clear for example, in our childcare resources, there were no cuts to any programs. this it is money over 400 million dollars in this budget for childcare. that will sit you know spent for years. and regardless of when people are talking about relating to
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universal childcare because the voters voted on this. there are limits to what the money can be spent to. in fact the current fiscal year all resources allocated for all the things the childcare community wanted to do, was not spent and will not necessary low get spent. . it is not about cut its is about making changes to address some of the challenges we had a 780 million dollars deficit. since we want to talk about this. everybody else was laying people off in san francisco, not only did city workers not get laid off they got a raise in the midst of a global pan dig we saw increase in investment in food security and public safety and other community resources we saw funding go from this to this because of our federal support. and nonprofits many minot have
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been able to set up shop still received grant fund thanksgiving we allocated to them whether they were doing the work or not. and the point is -- we are at a different time even 3 there may be shifts and perceived cuts the fact is many of the organizations are still being made whole. there is a shift we are out of the pandemic. there are some things need anded some things that are not needed and making, justmentless the q that is making sure that the thing that san franciscans care about more than anything now is how do we make sure that someone does not get hurt because someone is in the midst of committing i crime. we are doing everything we can to make sure there are officers and ambassadors and people and eyes and ears on streets to deal with what people are impacted by. that folks know that criminals cannot come to san francisco and
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get, way with committing crimes and not be held accountable that is what i say. because we need to if you in perspective. everybody is crying about a cut but it it is not exactly how they are crafting it which means that for those. you have interests to engetting down in the weeds of the budget and looking at the perspective, of how the organizations have grown considering since i have been mayor, and when we had to do to make adjustments people will be made whole they will be doing business and we are still moving the city forward but this investment is need in the public safety. >> you are everthe 11th hour the message was to the board as they go in the last days of negotiations. >> message has been very clear. because and i'm hoping they are hearing from constituents
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because i hear from them temperature is public safety. public safety. on all levels. the need to see officers and ambassadors and people walking the beechlt need to make sure when a crime is committed machine is accountable this . is manage from all over communities throughout san francisco. we know there are certain areas are more challenged. but we have deposit to listen to the people who we represent. and as i said earlier the biggest priorities is to make sure that as leaders that we have safe cities. this we are investing and keeping residents of our city safe. that has got to be a prior no chipping, way at a bit here and there to pay for a neighborhood pet project. because what good are the neighborhood pet projects if people don't feel safe. we have to be we have to make
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tht number one priority. >> yea. >> there are some businesses that say for example someone [inaudible] who are saying that heel close his 2 businesses because he never got help from the city. what do you say to him and others who are that close to closing or made up their minds already. >> i do i will say that some of the programs this we invested in for small businesses have really done remarkable things. first year free where new businesses opened get all city fees waived incredible. our various signs programs from economic and work formals development. where we invest in helping people with parklets and build outs. and supporting various neighborhoods people will need to apply they have to do have to go through a process. but there are grants and there
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are upon no interest loans there are when some of the windows broken there say broken window fund we help to support businesses. i think that might be true for some businesses i would say to any small business they should reach out to office of economic and workforce development on the whoonld you have someone who is struggling on another hand you have i met business owners who got help who are in business because they were able to get the help at the right point when they needed t. we want to protect our small buildings. there is money my budget currently and look i than the board is looking at everything they are looking at office economic and workforce development. i don't want to put that money on reserves the businesses need this money now. they don't need a bureaucracy to get a few dollars to pay staff and keep doors open. well is money to invest in our budget we ask small businesses
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to reach out to us. >> it is for chief scott. chief, you mentioned more higher interest in cadets. why are people thinking about joining the san francisco police department now. >> the we are competitive the board passed a package to increase salaries that made us compet than i in this area and this area competition is stiff. other thing i believe people are seeing victims made and the city and public safety in the police department that matters. you know if you are chose tos choose between know one police
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department or another you look at benefit and saul rows and support. you look how that police department and this offices are treated when those go on awry i continuing is more desirable. in and doing a lot of work t. is a nobody's game it is also a game of qualitiment the right people who want to serve the city with heart those other people we are attract. saul reese the passport for the police department has done i one 80 in the last few years. and those things matter. and it is more than just more than just joining a police department to join a police department. we hope that our folks are here for 30 years or more all the things they look at and this turns it around we are seeing the
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