tv SFPD OIS Town Hall SFGTV July 15, 2023 4:30am-6:01am PDT
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due to the responsibles of showing unobstructive videos use the web exlink in the description of the live stream. for viewers like the town hall meeting translated click on the ebb ex link in the live stream description and click on the icon in the bottom left corntory select your preferred language.
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>> good afternoon we are here for the town hall regarding occur00 thursday 700 block am the listening audience this town hall is translate in the spanish, cantonese. american sign language and asl for member who is speak those languages. without suggesting a premature judgment on the appropriateness of the force in this incident today's presentation will include details from an officer involved shooting that ended tragically claiming the life of then year old mark child. i like to express my deep condollences to mr. child's surviving family members for the transgender deal they experienced.
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in the san francisco police department we rescue noise that our sworn duty as law enforcement officers imposed no solom obligation on us and honor and respect human life. we than as police officers we are sometimes required use force including deadly force at times in the performance of our duties. we recognize, tooshg officer involved shooting have effects on the members of the community especially for individuals, family and lived 1 who is suffered traumas of their own encounters the criminal justice system where it may be. >> to any of our viewers experiencing trauma from this ins decent or the information or images we'll present during this town hall. then and there help is visible to you. you may contact the san francisco department of public health, crisis line at 415-970-3800 for trauma
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services. here is we hope to accomplish today. first in the san francisco police department to be a national model of 21st century policing we w to earn the trust bicommit to transparency and the tenabilities of procedural justice in this process and in this town hall presentation dependos police and our entire criminal justice system we work to practice procedural justice is about we release facts known at the time about the incident weldo so in a manner that is impartial. we will answer questions from the public and the news media and we will listen to public feedback. acting commands are mark m will present the facts of the case in a few not minutes before turning the floor over to himmism want
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to emphasize this incident is subject to multiple, independent and on going investigation. there may be some information we cannot release at this time because that is prohibited by law or the release of certain information could compromise an on going investigation or certain facts have not established with certainty. we are not able to release unconfirmed information. >> next acting commander mark m.'s presentation have a verbal narrative of the facts as we about them and audio and vo from the officer shooting incident. sfpd officer who is responded wearing department issued cameras act vitd who i on their way to the incident consistent with our body worn come rapolicy the department general order 10.11 you will see body camera
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footage video footage from the officers from multiple perspectives sfpd our dmoiment transparency has guided our officer involved shooting investigation in town hall for several years. although our practice predates the enact am of police transparency laws our prop is consistent with the spirit of reforms implemented by senate bill 1421 and bill 150 sick for accountability. sfpd's commitment to transparency reflect in the releaves information on lineful videos from the town hall and audio rodings from 911 and dispatchers and the video footage i mentioned will be posted sfpd's website san
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francisco police. org and remain there for public viewing. all of sfpd policies and procedures can also be found on our website. san francisco police department directors mandate we release the names of officers from officer involved shooting unless safety occurrence argue against disclosure in this matter there were no safety concerns and acting commander will release the name of the officer a part of his presentation. next i would like to splint investigative processes for an officer involved shooting next. san francisco has a multiagency pregnancy to officer involved shooting each investigation is independent. when an officer shooting occurs in san francisco involving on duty san francisco police officer the following agencies are notified. the pd's investigative services
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detail is the unit responsible for investigate the events that lead up to the officer involved shooting. in this case the activity investigates is an r. of an aggravated assault in progress a homd and the circumstances leading up to it. the i ad is responsible for conducting abinvestigation to determine the officer or officers responsible for the in compliance with standards of sfpd policy. investigations of sfpd units run parallel each has an investigative purvow and focus. each maintain a strict side wall to comply with standards and requirements the san frap d. police acountability conducts an investigation. san francisco voters created it as a successor to the office of citizens complaints with passage
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of prop d in june in the june 2016 election. dpa investigates all incidents any officers discharge a weapon in the course and scope of duties. when that discharge results in individual's injury or death. the san francisco da office inspect investigations bureau for iib is responsible for determining the legality of the officer involved shooting. based on investigation and review the da of the county of san francisco will make the final decision as to whether the involved officer's actions imployed with the laws of the state of california. san francisco office of medical chief medical examiner responsibility for on scene investigation collecting evidence and taking custody of a diseased person in any officer shooting that result in a
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fatality. in tragic cases the ocme is responsible for conducting an autopsy to determine cause of death and report those findings public low. in this incident mr. child die friday injuries they will conduct an investigation to determine cause of death. all notified agencies dispatch, investigators and personnel can begin their inspect investigations. finally, i like to point out this we take community feedback seriously. based on feedback from prior officer shooting town halls we will take question and answer to the extent we are able. noting that this incident remains an on going investigation. we will allocate an hour for public comments and question and conclude this at april 5 p.m. thank you for joining us and now acting commander mark m.
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thank you. chief scott. officer involved shooting discuss in the this presentation started on thursday june 22nd 2023 at 2:39 a.m. at a 2 story single family dwelling on the 700 block of 31st avenue and san francisco's outer richmond neighborhood. this incident involved a uniform patrol officer of the sfpd who assigned richmond police station. the officer who discharged his department issued firearm completed crisis training in august 2019. officers who are c it trained completed a 40 hour california peace officer training or post certified course prepares them to respond to person in cries
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incidents and as a team form lit a plan, establish repyre and use deeffect lagz tactical repositioning and time and distance when possible to resolve person in crisis incident. officer who discharged his firearm completed a mind set cord nayed response training in may of 2019. cmcr a 10 our course gentlemaned by the sfpd field tactics force option unit. training objectives decisionmaking during high risk incidents experienced in the field. officers develop necessary skill sets and gain an understanding of how to resolve these incidents with a cord nayd and sound approach using team work and leadership. >> in this presentation you will heart following terminology and
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radio code language used by officers. 187 is police radio code for homicide. 222 is police radio code for person with a knife. 408 is radio code for ambulance. 148 is police radio code for person resisting arrest. 802 is radio code for deceased person. 240 is police radio code for assault or battery. >> 1098 is inroute to new location. code 3 is police rocode for response with emergency licensed siren. rp is abriefiation for reporting party. eiw or extended range impact weapon is less lethal force option. officers use this to deplay a projectile a bean bag. eiw designed to temp rarely
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incapacitate. bwd body worn camera. emergency clear the rochannel. dispatch is the d. emergency management dispatcher and radio communication system. ois is officer involved shooting. code safety statement by a supervisor from an officer who ewe likewised lethal force at an officer involved shooting. questions intended determine existing threats to public safety and oi evidence that must be preserved. the scope of the statement is limited to the collection of such critical fleeting information in the immediate aftermath of the incidents. it is the department's policy to deactivate body worn cameras before obtaining public safety statements and the policy instructs the supervisor to reminds the officers not to discuss it further at the seen.
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the criminology is under investigation. the:00s are a proximate the following is a summary of the events as understand as of today and may evolve further as information is learned through the investigation. >> a word of caution well is profinishity and photographic image in this presentation. as of june, friday june 30 of 23, we believe the facts are as follows. at 2. . 39 amdepartment of emergency management dispatched sfpd officers from rich manned evermonday regarding a battery. dispartnership said the call are reported his wife is bleed willing is blood and thinks his son killed her hitting her with a stick and stated her son was on drugs. during the 911 call the call are could be heard saying, quote,
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let go, mark. and the phone line disconnected. the dispatcher called back the 911 caller stated, quote, please he is on top of middle east i need somebody here fast. in the background a dog was barking there was silence and moments later the dog could be heard yelping. body camera footage from the station officer was activated during his emergency response utilizing emergency siren on his marked patrol vehicle. the responding officer arriveod scene a minute and 50 seconds after the 911 call was dispatched. the officer arrived on scene and benched a personed 911 caller standing in the front door of the resident bleeding from the right side of his face. 911 caller referred to the surviving victim advised the officer of suspect was armed
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with a weapon stating he has walking statistic. >> the officer entered and continued up the stairs to the second story the announcing he was the police. as the officer moved up the stairs a voice heard saying, come on up, bitches. the officer arrived at the top of the stairs and located the suspect in the hallway. the suspect was later identified as mark child. upon locating mr. child the officer maintained a position of distance at the opposite end of the hallway. mr. child was leaning out in the hall from a door way with his right side visible to the officer. officer ordered mr. child, police, let mow see your hands, hey let mow see your hands, let me see your will hands. mr. child held his right hand up
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and left hand was concealed the officer advised he benched blood in the hall. the officer ordered mr. child, sir being get down. mr. child stepped out in the hallway revealing his left hand. mr. child was seen holding a knife in his left hand taking steps in the hallway. mr. child transferred the knife to his right hand taking 3 steps toward the officer and stop. the officer gave mr. child verbal commands. put the knife down. >> mr. child responded quote, i'm not scared of you. >> and did not dromotropic knife. >> the officer advises the officers that mr. child was in possession of a knife known as a 222. sxf requested an officer to respond with eriw. mr. child stated, i'm not scared of you you little bitch. advancing toward the officer.
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the officer then distanced himself from mr. childs retreating down the stairs. as the officer sdenldz the stairs he is heard telling the survivor, get down, get down. >> the surviving victim was on the stairs behind the officer. officer guided the surviving victim down the stairs mr. child pursued them with a knife in his right hand. mr. child is heard saying, you ran afraid you little bitch, the officer told mr. child. get back or i will shoot you, dude. >> as the officer went down the stairs mr. child saying, you little bitch you are running away, huh. >> the time from the top to the bottom of the stairs was 7 seconds. once at the bottom of the stairs the officer continued to give commands yelling, get back. as he assisted the surviving
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victim to the front door. as the officer and victim continued to the front door mr. child was benched at the b. stair case advancing toward them. maintaining distance with mr. child and the surviving victim the officer yelled, get back. get back, get back. >> mr. child did not comply what the officers xhans he advanced toward the officer and sorry vying victim saying, you are running away. at 2:44 a.m. a backup officer arrived on scene with eiw and approached the residents. at 2:44 a.m. 5 minutes after the officer was dispatched to the call for service and 4 seconds after back up arrived mr. child closed the distance with him and the officer and victim still holding the knife in his right hand. at this time the initial responding officer discharged
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his issued firearm. time elapsed was 11 seconds from the top of the stairs to shots firebirds. mr. child bent over policing hands on knees sink nothing a squat position the backum officer anouned quote shots fired. shots fired. >> mr. child placed his left hand on the floor and fell on the floor face up. as he fell the knife bench in the his right hand. an officer yelled, drop the knife. >> mr. child rose to his right side facing away from the officers the officer said, i need to you roll back over i need to see your hands. mr. child did not roll over and show his hands. mr. child rolled his left rekosovoing his right side. officers heard giving him the following commands.
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dromotropic knife. hey, i need you to roll back over. i need to see your hands. hay man i'm trying to help you, man. let me see your hands. i'm trying to help you. man, i need to see your hands we need to help you, okay. >> let's see your hands. we need to come happen you, man. hey man i want to get you medical attention. an officer quote still has the knife. an officer continued to provide commands to mr. child. roll over to your left i need to you get away from the knife. the officers conditioned give mr. child commands to drop the knife complaining show your hands so we can help you. approximately a minute and 44 seconds after mr. child was shot he dropped the knife the knife within arm's reach of mr. child. officers developed a plan and moved forward to contact mr.
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child. officers on scene provided him medical aid 3 minutes and 11 seconds after he was shot. and checked him for injury anded located a gunshot wound to his chechlt officer rended aid for the wound. officers continued in the residents and located a female and dog on the second floor ofave second on the floor of a second story bathroom both diseased mr. child was taken to zukerberg hospital where he was pronounced deceased the survivoring victim was taken to st. mary's hospital. suspect the suspect's anymore is america child. date of birth is june 12, 1986. evidence. crime seen investigator from the
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sfpd forensic service responded and collected physical evidence from the scene including the not limited to the following. one open folding knife with a 3.75 inch blade. 5 walking sticks and 2, 40 caliber casings. the video not okay and photographs. officers on scene were wearing department issued body worn cameras activated in route to the incident and reported the events as they unfolded. the relevant video and photographs can be provided in the da independent investigation bureau use being 628-652-4411. witness. eyewitness of the incident interviewed by sfpd investigative service detail and the san francisco da independent investigation bureau. any other witness are encouraged
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to contact the san francisco d ainspect 628-652-4411. and involved member. the sfpd officer who discharged his weapon in this incident is officer edward over villa navala number 628 a patrol officer assigned richmond station. of today's presentation is provide in the a multimedia format. in an effort to provide a comp hence ump perspective the sfpd will provide audio from the 911 call and the call for service as broadcasted to responding officers. body worn camera footage. crime scene investigation photos. maps and related visual aids. >> our presentation consists of known video and audio. it it is not intended provide all photos and videos or
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testimony information related this investigation. i will now provide a presentation of this using the multimedia sources. select points to increase the clarity for viewers certain videos enhanced to allow for a better understand happening of the incident. this presentation the enhandled videos and the unedited videos will be available on the sfpd website immediately follow thanksgiving town hall event. sfpd policies can be located on the sfpd website. prior to the beginning of each segment i will provide a brief description to the time, accomplice and location of the content about to be shown. you are about to see relevant video footage and learn about other evidence related this case you can have a better understanding what occurred based upon when we know now. we are in the very early stages of an investigation that can take months to complete our
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understanding of this may change as additional evidence is collected and reviewed. we don't draw a conclusion whether the officers act consistent with our policies and the law until all facts are known and the investigation is complete. a word of caution the image and information you are about to see may be disturb when a police officer uses force to arrest a suspect or defend against attack the images are graphic and may be difficult to watch. there may be strong language used by those in the video view are discretion is advised especially for young children and sensitive viewers. we encourage those in need of help to contact the san francisco crisis line 415-9 upon 70-3800. the inspect investigation bureau is an independent in the da's office investigating all officer
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with a stick the call lost connection and the dispatcher called back. you are about to hear the 2-911 calls by san francisco department of emergency management. in order to protect the 911 caller privacy the caller's voice alterd and personal information redacted. we will now play the 911 calls. >> san francisco 911 what is the location of emergency. >> [inaudible] hello 911 what is your location? >> [inaudible] i'm sorry i can't understand you. [inaudible]. what is the address? what is across street? what is your cross street?
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[bleep]. okay. your wife is bleeding. blood on the floor. what is your phone number in can is we are disconnected? [bleep]. who is there with you? [inaudible] who is well with you? hello. i'm here. >> who is there with you in i can't hear you. >> who is there with you? my son and dog. who do you think did this to your wife? hit with a stick. your son. >> he is on drugs. >> okay. one moment. [inaudible]. let go, mark.
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you are about to hear a recording of call for service it was broadcasted by dispatch to officers. the audio was provided by san francisco department of emergency management. some personal information redacted project the privacy of the victims. >> i'm checking to see >> is your wife unconscious? hello?
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>> >> [inaudible]. >> [inaudible]. the officers are there. you are about to hear the call are for service to responding officers. the audio is provided san francisco department of emergency management personal information redacted protect privacy of the victim. >> 240 [inaudible]. >> 104 advising wife is bleeding and says he thinks his son
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killed her hitting her with a stick add sunrising his son is high on drugs. >> copy. 11 edward. >> 13 howard. is there anyone with riw? 13 howard. prp-rw13 edward. copy. >> george late responding. on call or advising there might be a struggle his son be advised his son is high on drug and possibly named, mark. >> [inaudible]. code 3 from and 39. one away? copy. why within away, copy. >> thank you. >> 117 what is the last name?
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we don't have a name yet from the current call but the previous call was last name [bleep]. we will provide a map of 31st avenue and balboa as enhanced graphics to display the general air. the map will show a google satellite and a google street vow of the incident location on 700 block. 31st avenue these are not shown to scale.
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we will he a body camera footage i will introduce each video prior. camera footage from department issued cameras worn by members of the time of the event. portions of the videos have been blurred due to the display of confidential data base images and graphic content of the first 30 seconds of camera footage does not can tain audio the camera has a buffer system captured 30 seconded prior to activation when activated the camera records audio and video. we are going to play body camera footage from the first officer
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on scene who discharged his firearm and actions leading up and during the incident. this officer first contacted the surviving victim inform the clip the victim advises that mark child was in the property and confirmed he was in possession ofave walking stick this video will be play in the real time image of the victim's face has been blurred. the officer who was work happening alone can be seen entering the house. body worn cam are footage shows mr. child armed with a knife. officer gave numerous commands for mr. child to drop the knife. mr. child is armed with the knife as he pursued the officer with the knife down the stair to the exterior of the house. officer is seen discharging firearm as mr. child advanced toward him committee survivor holding the knife in his right hand.
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[sirens]. copy. sir! i'm here. come here had is going on? does he have a weapon? >> he has a walking stick? >> where? >> come here >> come here. >> [inaudible]. come here where is it? police! who is up there! sir, stay down. bitches. police! see your hands. let mow see your hands. let me see your hands. >> blood in the hall and the stairs [inaudible].
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>> hey. put the knife down. >> put the knife down! get downful get down. >> you little bitch. >> running away >> get back. >>you are running away. >> [gunshots fires]. >> drop the knife! you okay. >> hit me with a stick. we are going to play an enhanced video with the footage we viewed of the initial contact with mr. child and the officer on scene. >> blood in the hallway on the stairs. >> sir, get down!
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additional officer arriving on scene seconds prior to the officer involved shooting this will be play in the real time. the body camera footage show the officer who discharged his firearm and mr. child armed with a knife from a separate viewing angle. will 222. running away. get back. [shots fired]. drop the knife! hold, hold.
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in his right hand. >> hey i need you to roll back over i need to see your hands. i need to see your hands! i need to see your hands, man! man, i'm trying to help you, man. >> let me see your hands, i'm trying to help you. joof get back, sir, get back. >> got it covered? sustained back. >> i need to see your hands we are trying to help you. we need to help you, okay? man, what is your name, man! >> we will play enhanced video of the body camera footage we just viewed. >> [shots fired].
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shots fired, shots fired. >> drop the knife! hold here. >> hold, hold, hold. >> in his right hand. we are going to play the body footage from an additional officer this arrived on seen seconds prior to the officer involved shoot thanksgiving officer can be heard issuing commands and a plan to render aid to mr. child and captures the actions of officers as they approach mr. child to renldzer medical aid and request medical assistance from the fire department medics. this video will be played in
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real time. [sirens]. hay, man we need to help you, machine. >> i want to get you medical attention, man. i need to see your hands. >> drop the knife! i need you to roll over. roll over to your left. roll over i need you away from the knife. mark, drop the knife. >> listen the knife on the ground, yea. move him up. slowly move. movement? hold him. mark. do we have a cheeld. get a shield. get a shield. get a shield. and hurry up. hurry up with the shield the knife is out of his hand. do not reach for the knife!
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put your hands on top of your chest. put your hands on your chest. you have to roll the other way. >> roll to your left, mark. don't touch the knife, okay. >> keep rolling. >> roll. can you roll to us? do we have the shield up? come up front. come up front. >> listen, reaching distance. can i take him. why go ahead and move i got you. move, move. [scuffling]. put your hands down.
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>> we will play the body footage from an additional officer arrived on scene this officer provide medical aid to mr. child. this video will be played in real time. >> i got a chest -- [inaudible]. we need to go through the rest of the house. >> hold on. >> mark. look at me. you see me? your mom upstairs. what happened, man. what happened? shield on.
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>> we will play body footage of an officer conducted a search following the ois this officer located a deceased female and deceased dog in the second story bathroom. this video will be play in the role time of due to the graphic nature of the scene and privacy concerns portions of the footage have been blurred. >> mark. all right. what happened, man? search. good. >> wait, wait. move up. move up. move. go ahead.
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division. this photo shows the knife located at the scene. photo is a closeup of the knife once in police possession. this photo shows unknown this photo shows 3 walking sticks located at the scene. this photo shows blood in the hallway outside the bathroom door where the deceased and the deceased dog were located. this photo shows a fired cartridge casing on the sidewal
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together. i assure you this appear isolated in nature and there are no known related public safety concerns. since the dave incident i robbery with community leaders and neighbors and stake holders to address concerns. i will remain in contact with them to ensure that lines of communication remain open and uninterrupted. i welcome questions or concerns from the neighborhood. richmond station engages regularly with our community i host community meetingos fourth tuesday of the month at 5 p.m. of meeting locations vary across the neighborhood visit the station at 461, sixth avenue or call 415-666-8000 for meeting
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locations and details. i want to asurety community this richmond station committed to partner with the neighborhood to improve public safety i'm proud of officers commitment to service the efforts of the officers in this incident and the efforts of all richmond station sfpd members on every shift of every day. they are committed to serving the community and improving public safety. thank you. chief scott. thank you cap ape canning and acting commander america. we will open up the line for public questions or comment. the town hall will conclude at 5 p.m.
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instructions. interpretation is visible in spanish and cant nose if you are watching on web ex. you miclick the interpretation button and select your language. if you are calling in the meeting again call 415-554-0001. you will be prompt when you have been unmuted and your turn to speak. once again each caller will have up to 2 minutes for comment for this your 2 minutes begin once prompted you have been unmute exclude begin speaking. police be reminded you must mute
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the broadcast you are watching in order are public comment to be heard. if you are watching online turn down the volume to prevent to hear you clearly. at it time i ask to you invite the first caller to speak. >> hi i'm stefani i just want to say this this was an emotional thing to watch. i want to thank the police for responding and for all this they do for us. i also want to say that -- need more of you. i thank captain canning for everything he is bringing to the richmond to help engage the community and to really get -- to know us and to make us feel there is hope. but i would like ton when our d1
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supervisor is dog in terms of helping you getting more funding and helping you to hire more people instead of the same old with you know, crist criticizing. i like to hear solutions for mental health and for getting more of you on the street. know this we thank you you are amazing and work heard that was so heard to watch i would not want to be that police officer or responding to this. my heart goes to the fell it it is a tragedy for everyone you have more support than you know and i want to say, thank you and please, recruit more good police officers because we need you. there were 3 other incidents today i witnessed one of them. anyway. thank you, thank you captain and chief scott and thank you all of you for everything you do for us. >> thank you, caller.
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you have 2 minutes. hi. i'm jan. and in addition to sending condolences to the victim and family and community i want to acknowledge the affect this had on the police. this gives a slois of what police deal with on a daily base i. my heart goes out to them. it was very hard to watch and echo the last caller. we need more funding for the police. of we need more appreciation for the police. d1 supervisor, are you hearing this? they need help the community needs that support. thank you for all you do i appreciate it. >> thank you very much, caller. >> caller you have to minutes.
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hi. i'm jewel i i live in d1 like to know what de~esque ligz techniques were used during this encounter i did not notice any. thank you for this. i do invite to you watch the video and look at our department general order 5.01 has description of the deescalation when you watch the vo you will see efforts to create space between the person. who was shot and the officers and -- i would leave it at this we can't make policy determination. i want you to rewatch that video. and look at what the officer did. what he did to try to separate and -- put distance between himself and more time to resolve
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that situation. thank you for your call. >> i was -- okay we will have to disagree on that i will watch it again i didn't thank you. though. thank you. ma'am. caller you have 2 minutes. hi. [inaudible] channel 2. in regards to the investigation can you comment on cha lead to you believe lead up to this. if there were previous calls to this address involving another suspect? >> thank you. all i can reveal at this time is we put out already. am source of the call the time call the officers responded to and that has been release in the this town hall. tell be online if you like to
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relook at t. i can disclose prior event and contact and invite you to look at everything. the town halls are fast moving have you an opportunity to go back and listen to the call. what was dispatchd and what the officers were called to. when incident and crime the officers were called to. thank you for your call. you have 2 minutes. >> i'm jasper i used to being social work weir know fran department of public health. right now i live in ocean view neighborhood. thank you for your efforts in this case. keeping everyone safe awful incident i imagine mag the trauma for the officers. i do disagree with the previous
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caller about the deescalation because it looks like mr. mark was quite drunk and i think the officers did the best they could in terms of ordering them to back up and get down. i, myself was. in the job have been attacked by someone who was on drugs in san francisco. and i lost use of my left wrist. and -- so -- my question, thoe is less lethal force. my question because he had a knife. and the officer had a gun. i wonder if there is of efforts med for less lethal force such as a taser could have been used or pepper spray wonder if there is response for less lethal force. >> thank you for your comments and question. there was an officer who
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responded with a less lethal force option and when you watch the vo that officer's video is was presented as well in this presentation and is online. under fortunately the timing of this ins genetic the time that officer got there the shooting had occurred. so that -- that less leath at option could not be employed. the video if you watch them that officer with the less lethal force the video is posted. upon at this time we have no callers in queue i will reread the instructions. to call in the meeting caught 415-554-0001.
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if you wish to join the queue for public comment listen to the following instructions. interception is available in spanish and cantonese. if you are watching on web ex click the interpretation button and select your preferred language. if you are calling in the meeting again, call 415-554-0001. enter meeting code 25970639853
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and pounds twice. you may press star 3 to get in the queue to speak. you will be prompted when i have been unmute exclude your turn to speak. once again each caller has up to 2 minutes to provide comment. and will begin once you have been prompted and unmute and you can begin speaking. you must mute the broadcast you are watching for your public comment to be heard clearly. again if you are watching the broadcast online mute the broadcast or turn down the volume to prevent audio feedback so your comment can be heard clearly. we have 2 callers in queue. caller you have 2 minutes. >> i'm crissy and i'm calling
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in regards to what happened. i'm in the neighborhood as well feeling confused and scared and disturbed. we need more police and not defunds the police i want to comment i'm confused the lady mentioned deescalation you can't in an emergency and he was trying to attack the police and had hurt his mother and dog the thing is sad. thank you for the police and i hope that you get more of you guys and we appreciate you. >> all right. caller have you 2 minutes. >> [inaudible] [inaudible] i watched the videos. and it appear to me that the officer asked, i saw had i heard
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this incident that the deceased was holding his father in a hostage and had the knife and the police were concerned that he was going to stab the father. but hay see in the video is that the officer is nowhere near the [inaudible] he was [inaudible]. deceased continued to approach him [inaudible] and then the last [inaudible]. when i see the shell casings one in front of the house on the street it seems there was distance between the officer and the victim. so -- this is had concerns me that the officer really did not engage in any constructive
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deescalations that handled this in a very [inaudible] manner. with the most dire consequences for the young machine who is now depend. and the only surviving member of the family is 84 year old father. that is my comment. just looking at the video. and listening to the audio. in real time thank you. >> thank you for your comments, caller. caller you have 2 minutes. >> i think we should monday morning quarter becomes they know about deescalation. put them through a trainer virtual trainer chief scott and so had they dolled in this instance. all of you first, thank you to every san francisco police
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officer am cho scott stand up for them. connie chan you are a disgrace all you call nothing monday morning quarter backs nonsan franciscans saying deescalate. leave the city. the recall that helped the tide turn get out no one wants you ruin the city. hire more cops. protect the middle class and everyone in the city thank you sfpd and again all you losers calling in to hate on cops get out you monday morning losers. >> thank you for your call, caller. >> caller you have 2 minutes. i wanted listen to the whole thing and the person a couple times ago was talking about you know did not pass muster for him the shooting i'm wondering did he hear the dog yelping being
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killd that was horrify to hear and not hear the cop begging the guy to put down the knife and you know telling him hemented to help him? you know -- may be the last caller used strong words but i say this is monday morning quarter backing. and you know this was awful and i think that it was very clear that the police officers cared a lot for the entire situation. and i know you, i don't know about the people who i think they just -- don't want the police here. refunds the police give them more monet guys don't get the guy and women don't get paid enough as is. >> thank you for your caller. >> you may press star 3 to raise your hand to peek for public comment after you called in.
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each caller will be afford one, 2 minute opportunity to poke if you spoke you will not be afford another town to speak. anyone not spokin press star 3 to poke for public comment after you called in. >> we have no callers in the one -- one caller in the queue. you have 2 minutes. i'm a reporter with local special wanted to ask officer involved in any other incident in his career thus far. that's all. >> thank you for your call, ma'am. that information we cannot disclose in this town hall.
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to call in call 415-554-0001. the number to dmaul the meeting is 415-554-0001. enter code 25970639853. then pound twice. each caller will have up to one, 2 minutes portion to speak. if you wish to join the queue listen carefully. interpretation is in spanish and cantonese on web ex click the interpretation button and select
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your preferred language. remind callers if you had know town to peek we are affording each caller one, 2 minute opportunity to speak. at this time we have 2 callers in queue. caller have you 2 minutes to speak. hi. i'm [inaudible] my husband and i lived in san francisco for 8 years i want to thank you for the opportunity to participate and today's discussion and the viewing of the video. you provided is hurtful. my condolences to the appeal of the victims impacted and lost live its is sad to see that, of course. and i want to thank the police
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for everything they do kept us and city and vulnerable to be on camera. every day in your jobs. i don't think most other people could say that. and you are doing it in an error stressful situation. thank you so much. i would like to ask given a lot of the crime in the city, the lawlessness we have been experiencing and a lot of theft we see over and over again, i am wondering one, what we as community members can do to participate in more discussions like this and when forums there are. and what we can be involved also that is done in broader scales. myself and husband and i have been affected by some of the these events. we witness them every day and the city is different then and there 8 years ago. and so without the same forums
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and that is don protect residents of san francisco. thank you. thank you. being involved if you live in the richmond the captain holds month low community meetings and captain canning does more then and there that. attends community meetings all overnight richmond i invite you to contract your district if that is richmond. go all on line on our department website san franciscopolice. org and it has the district stations calendars and activities and ways to be involved. on a broader scale, it is stay engaged. our -- we have been fortunate to be able to balance a bit of our staffing shortages with over
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time that the mayor and the board has granted us and we got a budget approved that will be adopted next month hopeful low get further relief. our classes as big as in 3 year its is good news to try to bridge the staffing gaps we have to put more officers out on the street. we have to keep continuing to battle crime, fight and investigate crime and we invite the public to be a part of that. your engagement is important. i know off the topic of tunnel hall but appreciate your call and contact your district station. be involved and participate in meetings join community please advisory board. every station has them. chief forums and opportunity to engage with mow to problem solve on challenges in the city. there are many ways. thank you for your call.
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caller you have 2 minutes to speak. >> thank you, chief scott. this is matt roy from san francisco in the richmond for 20 years. i like to thank you for everything this you and your officers do for us. this horrible situation points to a need for better mental health resources. in san francisco the san francisco d. public health has really failed our population. and in addition i'm looking forward to vote to replace connie chan. she is an embarrassment. thank you. >> thank you, caller for your call. >> we have zero callers in queue if you would like to speak reminds you i may press star 3 to raise your hand for public comment after you called in.
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minutes to provide public comment for the town hall meeting. you have 2 minutes. >> hello. >> yes. >> okay. i have lived in this neighborhood my entire life born and raised here. i had experience with the richmond district police station i would like to make my comment i watched the video up until i could not any longer. i wanted know what type of training has the retch monday police station had in dealing request mental illnesses i saw of an escalation of a situation with a person who was toll low mentally ill. when the cop arrive exclude
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started shouzing, police it further antagonize the individual whomented to approach and create a hostile situation. i do feel sad about this tragic situation and feel bad the cop was put in this position. it appeared me the cop shot from a distance and surely there are other tool this is are available to deescalate a situation where a person who is mentally ill has gone off their rock and credited a situation. i say this because i feel sorry for the 84 year will old father who lost his wife and son and dog and that's my question is there going to be more mental health training for our law enforcement personnel so offer you are seeing them confront
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situations they need not only to think quickly how to de~esque lit and respond to a person who. s to credit a conflicting situation and put themselves in danger and everyone else. thank you. >> thank you for your call and comments and questions. the answer is yes, our training on how to handle these crisis situations involving people in mental health crisis is on going. and will continue. on going we have training this was a part of acting commander m's presentation in terms of other training. critical minds set. it really involved how to respond and coordinate when officers face that 5 situation. the answer is, yes. officers have and will have training on how to respond to people in crisis.
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peculiar low mental health crisis and we are committed to do this. and that will not stop. at is this time we have no callers in the queue. you may press star 3 to raise your hand for public comment after you have called in. to the call in dial 415-554-0001. the number to call in is 415-554-0001 ementer code,
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the officer who in respond my opinion based on the video the cops responded in the thymely manner. within a minute. and thifrpg them for that. the family would also thank them because imagine if there was another casualty in the family because of son appeared to be on drugs. officer did everything he could do the people saying use more deescalation did not provide tactics they are there to talk in my opinion if you don't have solutions why talk in thank you officers, thank you to sfpd and hire more to help us. thank you. thank you. you have 2 minutes. why yes i'm calling to say thank
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you to the the police officer. he is brave and i proeshth had he does. i feel very bad for the family. we have a mother a son that is gone. and i want to say we really need to get rid of the police commission they are making so hard for our police officers to do their job. and i i am tired of people who talk about descalation they have in the a clue i would like the people to walk in the shoes of a police officer and see had they go through. thank you. >> thank you for your comments, caller. at this time we have no callers in queue. you may press star 3 to raise your hand to peek for public comment after you have called
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