tv BOS Rules Committee SFGTV July 17, 2023 10:00am-1:01pm PDT
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monday, july 17, 2023 meeting of the routes committee of the board of supervisors. i'm supervisor matt dorse chair. i'm joined by vice chair walton and visiting colleague supervisor connie chan. supervisor safai is on his way. on behalf of my colleagues i want to express gratitude to our clerk victor young and government government for broadcasting the meeting our producer today jason. >> do you have announcements? >> yes. i like to ask, if you are a guest with us online we ask you mou your microdeponent turn off cameras. and to the announcement the board and committee are convening hybrid meetings in person public comment and renote comment via telephone. public comment will be taken on
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each item. those in person allowed to speak first and take those waitoth phone lionel. call in number is streaming across the stream. you will hear the discussion but muted and in listening mode only. when your item come up and public comment is caused those in person lineup and on the phone dial star 3 toradded to the queue. if you are on your phone remember to turn down your television and other listening devices you maybe using. submit comment in writing. e mail them to myself victor. young you may send comments via mail city hall 1 dr. carlton b. goodlett place room 244u san francisco, california, 94102. the items today are expected to
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be peer on the board supervisor agenda on july 25 unless otherwise stated. >> thank you. mr. clerk. call item one. >> item one is ordinance amending the campaign and conduct code to modify requirements for campaign advertise am to confirm to court order. thank you. mr. clerk. supervisor chan is the sponsor of this item and joining us today. supervisor chan, welcome the floor is yours. >> thank you very much chair dorsey. colleagues this ordinance was introduced by former supervisor mar in november of 2022. and is a trailing legislation for sunlight on dark money, prop f passed by voter in november of 2019. prop f sunlights dark money strengthens campaign finance regulation and the strongest disclosure requirements in the country for dark monemcampaign ex pend tours.
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the prop f new requirementos campaign ads including a committee any committee disclose secondary be contributeors for independent expenditure committee and ballot measures. if the top 3 major contributors of 5 thousand dollars or more as a commit eat disclaimer must disclose the top 2 contributors to the committee as well. however, a lawsuit challenging the ballot measure was file in the san fremantle i believe the plaintiff was david in february of 2020 judge briar rejected the legal challenge and keeping in place the new disclosure requirements. with exception of very small print ads or short audio or
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video of 30 seconds or less the purpose is to bring the proposition footwork finally, the sunlight on dark money requirements to codify in campaign and governmental conduct code section 1.161. in line with the judge briar order. ethics commission approved this ordinance by i vote of 4-0. unanimous vote. on december 9 of twoochl with this codification this will prevent future lawsuits especially like the one that was filed in february of 2020. with that, colleagues i look forward to having support given the fact that 2024 we'll have so many things on the ballot and many issues to discuss. i really look forward to having
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truly a -- election with integrity and he showing the voters who is behind those campaign dollars and that they can make informed decision. thank you. >> thank you, supervisor chan. i did my home work nice to be reading a judge briar opinionful which was like my old job from the old days. i think this is straightforward and i appreciate the leadership you are bringing to the supervisor chan, to make sure our city is complying with the order. i see no questions from vice chair walton. seeing no one on the roster can we open up to public comment. >> members of the public who wish to speak in person lineup. for those remotely dial star 3 to enter the speaker line. those in the queue wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted and begin your
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comments. no one in the room for comment. there is nobody on the phone line for public comment. >> next, mr. clerk. public comment is closed. and i would like it make a motion to sends this to the full board as a committee report with positive recommendation. >> can we have a roll call. >> thank you. yes. the motion is to recommend this matter as a committee report. and on that motion. vice chair walton. >> aye. >> supervisor safai. >> absent. >> chair dorsey. >> aye. >> the motion passes with supervisor safai absent. >> thank you, mr. young without opposing vote item 1 campaign and conduct code campaign advertisement requirements go to the full board with positive recommendation.
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>> call item 2. >> yes. item 2 is approving surveillance technology policy of social media management software. >> thank you. mr. clerk. in compliance with code 19 b the human service agency submitted this policy to the city add administrator's office and discussed at 2 public meetings on information technology right. presents when legislation is introduced. for multiple department and leaves one off specific policies to the department. we'll hear from hsa i understand suzie smith is here planning and public affairs and theresa young virtually. >> are you on line in >>. s i'm online. can you hear me?
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>> yes. >> good morning, everyone and thank you per having me here. i'm theresa young the director of communication with the human services agency. today i'm joined by suzie smith. deputy direct of planning and public affairs. and clothes from hsa our cyber security officer robert and our digital communication specialist. today we are presenting to you our adoption for our hs asocial -- surveillance technology policy for the use social media. to give you a bit of a background. hsa's communication division is responsible for informing san francisco and the public about critical public benefits program present thanksgiving in a timely and accessible manner.
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social media is essential to increasing awareness and understanding of the many hsa programs we reach a large are audience and digital space. social media is a 2 way street and the general public reach out quickly during an emergency when they need help or have concerns or questions. >> as mentioned earlier, we have gone through several presentations with coit on august 11, 2022, hsa submitted to coit our surveillance impact report for social media management software. on august 26, 2022, and september 15 of 22 coit conducted a public hear to consider the impact of our policy. and on september 15, 2022, coit voted to recommend to the board of supervisors to adopt hsa
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technology policies for the use social media. we are here to present that to you all. hope to take questions. >> i have -- i have gone through it and appreciate the work, this can be -- can i ask what is the social media software? >> we are looking. is it the beginning the process of doing an rfp? so, thank you for that question. we are currently using [inaudible] which we have been on a month-to-month subscription. we are seeking approval to purchase a new tool called [inaudible] social. has similar features that we have also vetted that tool with our cyber security officer and would want to make that switch. >> okay.
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great. i have no further questions. seeing no one on the roster. mr. clerk. public comment. >> members who wish to speak are joining person lineup to peek at this time. for those listening remote on the call in line press star 3. for those in the queue wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted and then begin your comments. no persons in the room for public comment. there is nobody on the phone line for public comment. >> thank you, mr. clerk. public ment is closed. and i would like to make a motion to sends 2 to the board as a committee report with positive recommendation. can we have i roll call? >> yes. on the motion to recommend as a committee report. on this motion, vice chair walton. >> aye. >> supervisor safai.
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>> absent. >> chair dorsey. >> aye. >> the motion passes. without objection with supervisors safai absent. >> thank you, on a majority vote item 2 code surveillance technology policy social media software recommend as a committee report. >> mr. clerk, call item 3 and 4 together. >> item 3 a motion approving rejecting nom fagz for reappointment of ben bleiman to the entertainment commission ending july 21st of 27 and item 4 a motion approving rejecting the nomination reappointment of cynthia wang to the entertainment commission. >> thank you. let's hear from ben bleiman for seat 5. represent interests of entertainment associations or groups. mr. bleiman, welcome. the floor is yours
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>> thank you very much >> thank you ben bleiman the president of the entertainment commission. i will make my comments brief i serve on the entertainment commission for 6 scombroers one of the most rewarding responsibleses i had in my life. i love night life in san francisco and small business. being a part of a department that is seen as the gold standards for the interfacing with gentleman and law enforcement and neighbors the entertainment and sound communication especially. . is something i'm proud of and rhyme proud of the small contributions i made toward continuing the legacy there of the entertainment commission i have been on the commission for a while now. and there is going to be a day where my time is over. but i -- i am really -- excited and continuing is important we
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maintain continuity given the fact san francisco is going through a tough timism believe in my heart of hearts that night time entertainment and music and culture and performance is not just going to be a part of how we come back but one of the main driving force for putting us back on the map as we done so many times in the past. that is all i have to say. i will seat rest of my comments, happy to answer questions >> thank you. i don't have questions but i will say i appreciate your willingness to continue it serve. as we have conversations about san francisco coming back and revitalizing our economy the things we do well will be important to the success story and entertainment and night life is something we do well as a city. because of people like you.
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the other thing i vect meaning to several months ago we had a conversation about some of the touched on drug policy and the idea of having drug check service for people may be going out may be users of recreational drugs. that started a conversation between myself and state senator scott wiener. last week he announced he secured a 1 million dollars guarantee for drug checking services i think will will expand the harm reduction conversation this is for people who go to raves or night life everybody who uses drugs have access to no requests asked service and protect themselves from an unreliable drug supply. seeing no question it is or commentses from colleagues. i do have a. >> quick. happy to reappoint the 2 people.
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thanks for your great work for the small business community and the entertainment you promote. >> thank you. mr. bleiman. next up hear from sinnia wang reappointment for seat forrelated to urban planning. ms. wang, welcome. the floor is yours. >> you are muted. >> hi. good morning. it has been an honor to serve on the entertainment commission during a challenging time for the night life and entertainment industry. i'm proud of the way we have been able to balance neighborhood occurrence versus
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>> supervisor safai. >> aye. >> chair dorsey. >> aye. >> the motion passes without objection. >> thank you, on a unanimous vote item 3 the mayor appointment entertainment commission ben bleiman and 4, mayoral reointment entertainment commission cynthia wang move to the full burden. call item 5. >> item 5 a hear figure a member ending july first of 27 to the entertainment commission we have a seat and one applicant. >> great. >> thank you, we have one applicant for seat one. requirement of seat one is machine who represents city neighborhood associations or groups. we have theodorea caminong, welcome. the floor is yours.
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thank you for this opportunity to present for reappointment to the entertainment commission. i'm doory caminong borning in san francisco on athens and eccellsior in the excelsior. thank you. supervisor. i was able to return to the district and all the place home. ip proud to be asian-pacific i landser and proud of my san francisco roots. when i think about my heritage what come to upon mind my family and honoring their stories. when i think about my rots what miss to minds a multicultural sprjs of flavors, rhythms. soundses and styles uniquely
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frisco what i call, frisco af. >> i watched my female member sings and watching parents take up dance floor. when i heard songs on the radio i [inaudible]. they performed all across the bay at celebrations of birthdays, balls, weddings, baptisms, fiestas celebrated home towns and feast days of saints. performed at restaurantses, church. hotels. i was lucky to accompany my family and witness the proud immigrants in the community and kept the generation, traditions and connect to home land and cultural lives for themselves and generations who followed. serve fund raisers campaigns for projects and educational
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scholarships for youth here or there [reading fast]. the memories inform my passion to create experiences and events. today i lead community engagement strategies and communication strategies for the department of children, youth and families an agency powerful investment in children, youth and families through the fund. today i serve as vice president of the entertainment commission. i was first appointed to the neighborhood seat by the board of supervisors in 2015. reappointmented in 16 and 19 i served the vice president in 2019 and currently serving my fourth term in this role. i experienced the leadership of former president audrey joseph and josalin cane. they were awe some trail blazers
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in the city's night life. i prudly continue our tradition of women in leadership with executive director maggie, deputy director kate and fellow commissioners will you evera thomas and sin wang i enjoyed working with dan and oh , ewd analyst ben. ben bleiman. >> our city's night life and out door community events heart and soul san francisco. the people and culture secret sauce that makes our city world class. prepandemic night life generated 6 billion i year 3600 businesses employed 62,000 bringing 80 million in tax revenue and 1.sick billion on supply
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services. conconvenience it work with our city agencies and night life community to create and develop strategies supports and solutions for issues facing restaurantses issue bars and other performance space from financial recovery in a landscape of costs and affordability changing consumer behaviors on going health and safety measures.
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staffing and labor shortages and issues ranging from crime to drug use the cost doing business in san francisco is complicated and requires strengths and grace. with that said san francisco night life is not a dying flame it is alive and pulsating with energy we're not on a defibrillator or hospice care. time to say no to the negative narratives this surround our city depilot that there are bold and beautiful moments that leave a lasting impact on our lives. [inaudible] discoveryy telling is not marketing metrics and content it is our tradition, culture and survival rise boost noise and tell our night life stories. my recent experience my 48th
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birthday with friends and family with live music from giants and the best fried chick then san francisco in my opinion. this location is former 330 rich street my favorite night club of my 20's. i was that girl who watched and learn friday my community created and climbed social paces and today i continue that as a public servant preserving the community institutions the fabric of our loved san francisco. thank you and i'm ready to answer questions. >> thank you. >> i appreciate your experience working in seat 6 with the filipino communities will be important, huge role to play. in the district i represent to react have a the spaces. between the commercial areas and
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the residential area in west soma and mid market area. this will be key i'm glad we have so much assets and glad you are a representative. supervisor safai and i 2 who have a large i think supervisor represents more actual people filipino decent than i do. centers in district 6 and saint patrick's church i appreciate your willingness to serve. vice chair walton. >> thank you. chair dorsey i want to say thank you to commissioner caminong for highlighting the assets of san francisco. there are amazing things in the city and need to continue to inform communities inform everyone that our city is
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thriving regardless of irresponsible their tifs i thank you for that. >> supervisor safai. >> thank you. i wanted say a pleasure to work with you. commissioner. so proud you have been a strong voice from our community and your community. and all of san francisco. keep up the great work. happy to support you and continue to work together on making san francisco night life and our city cultural scene thriving -- and grow. thank you. can we open up to public comment come thank you. >> member who is wish to speem in person line up to speak at this time. for those remote on the call in line press star 3 to enter the line.
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public comment is now closed. i would like to recommend seat one of the entertainment commission and sends it to the full board. >> yes o that motion. vice chair walton. >> aye >> supervisor safai. >> aye. >> chair dorsey. >> aye. >> the motion passes without objection. >> thank you on the unanimous vote. caminong seat 1 of the entertainment commission and it moves to the full board >> item 6. >> motion approving the nomination for the appointment of shaddix to building inspection commission. you would like to welcome mr. shaddix up. welcome to the rules committee the floor is yours. >> thank you for your time.
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of mr. eppler's term. i know your experience with activating spaces and love and commitment to the city and the fact you understand city processes will be valuable to the commission so i'm thankful for the mayor for putting your name forward. why thank you. >> vehicle are vice chair walton. supervisor safai. >> thank you. i appreciate mr. shaddix you calling out the code enforcement. and calling the issues out. as ones you would have been in support of. and huimportant they are to the work that the department of building inspection does. it was a difficult experience for a lot of the people impacted by that. and we worked hard to ensure
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what they would be restored. appreciate you highlighting that. look forward to the work that you will continue to do on the commission. and ensure that really good lines of communication between our body and others here. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. supervisor safai i want to express my appreciation for your willingness to serve on this commission this time as mayoral nominee. we had a great conversation and the appreciate the ideas you have about the department and the background you have member worked a lot in the neighborhood. i value your service and happy to support you today. >> seeing no one else. mr. clerk. can we open this up to public comment? >> thank you. >> members who wish to peek and joining in person lineup at this time. for those remotely press star 3 to enter the speaker line.
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>> okay. i'm jordan pronouns she, her, they, them. i was going to speak on another item this peeked my interest and i have no position on whether to support mr. shaddix since the sro collaboratives came up i hope mr. shaddix takes a dive in the conflicts of interest like all the sro collaboratives are funded by dbi through land lorsd. >> which basicsally a knee cap to allow activism and run by tenderloin housing. and they are an e victor i hope he looks as we save the sro collaboratives look at the conflicts of interests and do
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deeper forms on them. thank you. double checking. nobody on the call in line for comment on this matter. >> thank you, public comment is now closed. motion to strike reject in the motion and sends the appointment to the full board, mr. clerk a roll call on this motion? >> we like that as a committee report? strike rejecting throughout the motion. and recommended as a committee report. >> correct. on this motion. vice chair walton.
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>> aye. >> supervisor safai. >> aye. >> chair dorsey. >> aye. >> the motion passes without objection. >> thank you, mr. young an ums vote item 6 building inspection early shaddix moves as a committee report. >> mr. clerk call item 7. >> motion approving rejecting nomination appointment of dena williams to the homelessness oversight commission ending mifirst of 2025. >> thank you, mr. clerk. mrs. williams welcome to rules committee. >> thank you very much. good morning, everyone and chair dorsey, vase chair walton and supervisor safai. good morning mr. young for keep nothing touch thank you and keeping everybody here this morning. >> my name is dena williams. iim gritted with my family 54
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years ago from i republican to san francisco. i fell in love with the city. and love affair never ended. if i am elected to serve it ask out of that love i will be serving >> doing everything i can. to help this commission and the department. problem with doing it off of the thing is this goes dark. [laughter]. spirit of volunteerism and the desire to make this place we call home a better place left by my parents and by the armenian community. if selected i fill the commissioner's pot is slitted for machine served in neighborhood associations and experienced in makered businesses. i have served for many years the delegate from my neighborhood to the west of twin peeks council vice president and president in
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2021. 2022 serving parliament. i deserved director of hoa and board of mount davidson memory yell. i served at the san francisco association of realtors, governmental relations. committee for over a decade and as vice chair and chair in 2021-22. i have been an active volunteer and fundraiser for welcome home project. helping the homeless by different organizations i owned and operated restaurants, coffee shops. health clubs the journey manager of athletic clubs, royals staging business and royals business the left 20 years all in san francisco. as a community volunteer and realtor in this town i'm aware of the challenges facing our city at this time and the public
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and media perception. i know this is in the first time our city faced challenges. i lived here through the 70s and 80s. i lived here through the aids crisis when i lost many friendses to a disease the rest of the world did not care about. we over dame them all and managed e merge a world class city. and i know we can do it again. why we are a city this sxars with a big heart that welcomes everyone. our city to be successful the department of homelessness and supportive housing has to be successful. >> and for san francisco to make it through this time. at this difficult issue we all have to pull together in the same direction. officials. nashgz associations, small businesses, service providers are trowel in this together.
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by the graves god and help of my family i never been housing insecure i have comapproximation for individuals and families and i do understand typeset is a complex issue that lands someone on streets. if voted yes by the committee and the board i will do my best to work with the lest of the important commission and help to bring about the success everyone is concerned about. thank you. >> thank you miss williams. why vice chair walton wrochl thank you very much and thank you for being willing to serve. i have a few questions. the first is just what are your over all feelings about the unhoused community. i have to say that i a newby when it come to this issue. i will bring a beginner's mind if elected. and do my best to learn
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everything that i can about the causes, that lands someone on streets and the reasons people don't always want to go to shelters. and just try to learn as much as i can. i can't say that i'm educated on the subject. >> my next question touchod a bit do you have experience working with unhoused population. only through welcome home project. >> and what do you think are solutions to addressing the issues around people experiencing homelessness? >> well. we are spending the money. so it is accountability. and i think this is why supervisor safai put this motion forth to strengthen prop c that passed a few years ago. he stated men times from 100 million to sick 80 million. and the public does not see the
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difference, the public feels more and more disconnected from the city. and from everyone here. that's the point of view i bring. i'm not an insider i never worked on the inside or city commissions and/or but i bring that perspective of knowing that people are frustrated and they don't know what is going of even the successes i read some of the papers yesterday and you know put many people in permanent housing. i think the number is about 10,000 now you go out and ask the average person on the street, they don't know about that. so, something is broken in the communication. so accountability and making sure the money we spends which we are spending taxpayer money is efficient and effective. because the main thing is it
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help the person this has ended up on our streets. >> can you be more specific about solutions like do we need more affordable housing ore shelters? and you don't have to use those an example of how to address. gi think both. i sell royals in this town i know how expensive it is. i think any avenue we get someone off the street and even if it is into lower inin homeownership programs. may be spends money wiser. >> into and all of it shelters, permanent housing safe sro's all of it. >> thank you. you didn't ask me the one you asked everybody else. >> i listen to some of the
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things yesterday or the last time. this committee came. that's okay i was prepared. >> thank you. >> supervisor safai. >> so, you mentioned a bit about the w this we did the pass measure the creation of the oversight body and some of things you stated are exactly the reason why we did put the ballot measure forward and the driver was accountsability and oversight for the spending of the money and how effective the programs are. and how the money is being spent. and is it spent wisely that is an important perspective to bring to the oversight body. we worked with the mayor's office. when we were crafting this message measure initial low
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along with many members of the board of supervisors and professional and academics industry that work in this field. and one of the things that was asked for the perspective of neighborhood residents association and mall business importance. i think you bring i good perspective. you mentioned briefly the welcome home initiate itch you want to talk about that and when this means to the work you have done? before do you this, want to say that even so00 autoimportance of the seat for my perspective is god have perspective of the people in the inside and good to have perspective of people that lived this experience but it is important to have the perspective of somebody that is out in the streets in the neighborhoods talking the mall businesses and to every day san franciscans so they can be this channel.
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one of the things that the civil grand jury found when auditing neighborhood out reach from the department and the way they communicated with neighborhood when is they were doing work. was lacking and needing improvements. you are member out in the neighborhood have worked with neighborhood associations. you can be machine this holds the department accountable. want to give you an opportunity to talk about the welcome home initiative. i feel the neighborhood out reach and mall businesses and the average person in san francisco understanding when the city does is important. a let that all the departments do and everybody who works for the city december people don't than. my welcome home project as some
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of you know am the welcome home project was created by the san francisco association of realtors foundation to support neap when they get permanent housing they go in the house but have nothing. they have nothing in the apartment. they have no sheets no towels no toothpaste, no clothes everything that microwaves. coffee maker. everything this just would make a house a home and usable than just space. welcome mary young welcome home prshthd startd that i supported her from the beginning the mir happy supportive of this program as many supervisors over the years. my role has been primarily as a funds raiser. i can't say i have been out there working in the trenches. with people.
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but i understand the concern. and i have done as much as i can. i do work full time of everything i do on the side is volunteer. and in my upon own private personal time so. >> how do you think data can help improve the work the department does? well data is an important issue in this because so much is being done this is a huge issue and such a huge department and so many nonprofits are involved with it. and it is so intricate and involved many different aspects of just humanity. the data collected and communicates and transparently will help get the message across how much work is being done and how effective it has been.
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and where we need to spend the money. i think that is upon important and the data combined with communication with people that are getting the service and experiencing it is important. jot city does a lot of good work. i took muni today and had is the first times where i taken muni to through united nation's plaza it is delightful. it is clean. beautiful day and kids playing in the play ground and tourists. you know this is not what people see on social media. communicate the work done to the at this times real. makes the work you do.
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if you were to be appointed and confirmed. would you be willing to go to the community meetings one of the things that i have seen wherewith 2 project in my district going with hsh to community meetings. my sense is that the department could be a little better connected to neighborhood organization. it was interesting because before we talked, it was a context that was making me understand the wisdom. the fact this is a seat designate nitted for mall businesses and neighborhoods. i think it would be helpful i know this suspect heavy liftave commission anyway. would you be committed to going out if we will have a lot of community meetings about the 2
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permanent supportive housing meeting in my district. i don't know if other supervisors would like that that will valuable if you did that. >> absolutely. of course. if apointed i will take it seriously and do what i can to 've help the city and the community. >> okay. >> i think there was supervisor safai >> i'm sorry >> no. >> the prior rules meeting a question this voice chair walton had asked. give you the opportunity to i'm not sure. he is not asking it of me. >> was there a question that should have been. one of the questions that he asks specifically and said he is asking it to everyone was so i
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did think about temperature was there is a disproportionate amount can americans disproportionate to the population of san francisco experiencing homelessness. and primary low in the bay rue district. and this is not as visible to people as let's say tenderloin in the center of the city. is and/or like united nation's plaza they are visible parts and the bayview is not it is further out. and i think that so he asked what would you do if as a commissioner to bring light to that? and may be bring attention to that. what i was going to share with supervisor is that i than even though i'm not african-american
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married to an african-american man 35 years until he passd and welcome in the large african-american extended family, and having the son who is mixed race and presents as black to the large community. this is not an issue that has been a side line issue for me or something i have looked at as a you know immigrant to san francisco it is something i locked at closely. worried about my son bh he went out at night and out late. every time he went driving. you know am this is not a subject i'm unfamiliar i'm not the bacon but i have been the egg at the breakfast. my mother in luis 96 years olds and i'm in touch with her. and very much in touch with my
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african-american family. the prop that i would say that community needs in the bayview is -- very targeted approach. and twhoon cannot be left the faith based community there cannot be left out. this is very important part of all the family reunions i have gone over the years. faith plays an important and strong part. and approaching those individuals that are experiencing homelessness may be sleeping in their cars very targeted by people they can trust and giving them a chance and giving them an opportunity to basically improve their lives. i read parts of your book from juvenile hall to the chamber and
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you believe in second chances and i believe in second, 40 and fifth chanceis believe everyone can start a new and we have the resources to help people that will take a targetd and specific approach and not a general approach hoping that communities will come to them. one thing that happened being married a historian and a son as a historian, when i do know the history of the relationship of african-americans to the government has not always been pleasant and not an effective one. so there is a lot of distrust built there and it needs to be a specific targeted attentionified that. another thing i would like to see i like to see more african-american immigration to san francisco i don't know how that can be roached i think it can i don't mean people that
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might need help i mean people that can in and help us rebuild when we had and the error active communities this we had. whether through the you know heard from the entertainment commission from different things we could do to do that. and bring in basically the brain trust that is now in the rest of the city the african-american brain trust and bring it to this city at this time and give attention. to this issue. >> so. thank you for asking the question. i prepared. >> thank you. >> i appreciate you. >> thank you. mrs. williams. >> thank you. >> mr. clerk? no further questions or comments open up to public comment?
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first in person speaker? >> good morning i'm jordan she, her, than i, them i oppose dena williams for the homelessness over site commission. the primary reason for homelessness is the cost housing and real estate. she used to be the government a chair share of sf realtors directed the opposition to tenant rights and antidisplacement prevent homelessness and she is apointsed a commission dealing with solutions to homelessness. prevention and housing the homelessness. i see a fling of interest there. she opposed vehicle triage relying on [inaudible] she mention third degree on next door and also proposed harm reduction help prevent over dose
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and getting people in treatment and thursday on next door i sends screen shots. the faith base community discriminate against the lbgtq+. i opposed the homelessness over site commission not because i didn't want accountability merchant neighborhood association people like her not informed and i and others tried to get that seat changed but the supervisors safai would not listen to us. i am a permanent housing tenant working on eviction issues with others. i'm retaliated against by management because of it. she will block us i will be hopping mad if she does and i don't appreciate the appointment is ran through quickly. only reason this going to committee report the mir does not want to scrutinize her and i don't care about her dei work if youar
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prove her she will have to deal with me in public comment i yield my time. >> i'm josh. sf native i'm support in the nomination of dena williams. homelessness oversight commission with confidence i say that no one spent as much time on service to leading our neighborhoods associations on the west side of san francisco. as the president of west twin peeks council dena lead neighborhood associations through a difficult time during the pandemic. as a redents i'm inspired to see someone meet the needs of the community itch know she will bring qualities to homelessness oversight commission. support her today. thank you. i'm gabe shyer thank you for
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hold thanksgiving. i'm here in support of the nomination. and i think this she talked how san francisco cares but i think it is more fortunate say she specific low cares. there are a lot of people in the city that are not willing to sit down and learn have an open mind and she is someone it is willing to do that and has a pulse on the community in the richmond and sunset in when we think we are not exposed to as much visible homelessness as other parts of the city. and there is a communication issue that she has a great mind in solving through her work with welcome home and neighborhood associations she has the contacts and communication expertise to irrelevant turn the page on this issue. and i would love to see her on this commission. thank you very much.
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can we have our first phone speaker? >> good morning i'm steven martin i'm the out going president of the twin peeks council. vet republican affair commissioner and firefighter for san francisco over station 17 in the bayview. i'm here to talk in support of dena williams. for appointment to the homelessness oversight commission. i worked with her in various capacities throughout the last few years and tell you her dedication to san francisco be people and her community is unparalleled. she is a tireless volunteer for several groups. a thoughtful person. i have confidence she'll give her full attention to the homelessness commission and will
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make very provide a thoughtful and billionsed approach and -- as somebody involved in mall businesses and neighborhoods she is somebody that will be their voice on this commission and bring new ideas and representative the voices of the communities which have been unrepresentatived in the discussion how homelessness affected our city. i hope this she will approve her notchination and irknow she'll be a great asset to the commission but our city. thank you. >> thank you. our next caller? >> i'm mike nor i'm out in the sunset. i typically attend 2 city community meetings a week. i regularly text and e mail joel almost weekly joel engardio.
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i put energy in the homelessness issue and i think with dena regularly with things i learned at the meetings. i have known dena for over 20 years hoo is well connected in the city. strong promoter of the city. strong leadership ability and involved in numerous neighborhood associations. dena is passionate about san francisco. she is compassionate and wants when is best for the city and the people who live here. the city is the homeless community will be fortunate to have dena on their homelessness committee. thank you very much. >> thank you. . next speaker, please. >> i'm kim wong i have known dena for over 10 years and she whatever show does he match its and she is very kind and objective person.
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does not really do anything for herself. she does it for others and i know that with her presence special knowledge and compassion to would be i great asset to the commission. thanks. >> next caller, please. mellow this is sarah short with home rise. i'm calling i'm concerned about this appointment. i'm concerned about how quickly it is pushed through without notice or information given to the public or the board of supervisors. in order i assume to avoid the controversy we saw happen last time. but the i could understand d about this candidate brought occurrence. we heard today already this she
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has absolutely no experience with issues of homelessness or upon the hsa itself. which is the organization she would be providing over site to. that is a concern. also her background with the board of realtors raises questions about conflicts. the board of realers has contributed much to. increase in homelessness in our city. and with the exception of the welcome home program to buy things for residents when is they move in done little to be actively involved in addressing the issue. in finally. again from the little i know -- supervisor dorsey mentioned her support in out reaching neighborhood groups about
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supporting supportive housing projects. in their neighborhoods. from when i can tell this candidate has active low imposed low income housing. and such. i would like to know more before having someone on the commission who had. >> speaker time elapsed. >> we are allocating to minutes per person that was the last speaker for public comment. >> thank you, mr. clerk. public comment on item 7 is closed. supervisor safai. >> thank you, chair, i want to say for everyone listening and everyone involved in the process. public. we made a very conscious effort
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finally we also.ed ensure we had someone that worked and had specific experience works widths homeless. the board side. the mayor's side again wanted to ensure we had someone with mental health when we are talking about homelessness it is my opinion misnomer we are really talking about a constituency significance substance abuse over lapping with one another. important top have that and someone has been an advocate with the field.
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we want someone with a fresh perspective. kind heart. open to learn and brings a small business or neighborhoods to the job. and i think dena does this. i think she would admit there is position in the past that she has grown and moved on from. park is one. safe p suggest something i care about we don't need to get deep into t. it is a strategy of success. start in the my district.
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supervisor walton done a tremendous job of fighting for that. and his district and intend to panned that. every neighborhood that has the ability to do that. should share in that experience. same with transitional housing. supportive housing. we need to look for this for all over the city. i had conversations about that and i know this she is open to expanding and asked that on the record today. every neighborhood share in the that. so i feel comfortable today. in supporting her. and i'm happy we are filling the last seat and have a full compliment of members on this important oversight commission. the one thing i will say is that data should be a particular perspective for the work you do.
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instructor:and support dena itself. and sends to the full board with positive recommendation. more than i realized. the first time we had hearingos this i now seen personally with the projects. the upon importance of working with hsh. >> if we are going to make the progress we need to make on everything we are doing with permanent supportive housing. you know i want to make sure hsh
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is doing the work of build being a rep with neighborhoods not just when well is a controversial project proposed on going through processes and coming become to other projects. seeing if things are right and making sure this department is winning the trust of neighborhoods. if it does not tell make progress harder. i want to give a compliment to the policy makers there is wisdom in making this built neighborhoodses. rather than specific expertise on the policy when we mead is perspective on small business organization association and neighborhood merchantses. so i'm going to support this as well. seeing no one else on the roster. mr. clerk i roll call on the notion? >> yes. on the motion to amend rejecting throughout the motion and recommend as amended as a committee report.
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>> walton. >> aye. >> supervisor safai. >> aye. >> chair dorsey. >> aye. >> the motion passes without objection. >> thank you mr. young on an ums vote item 7 goes to the full board as a report >> call the next item. >> item 8 is ordinance amending the park code to reduce number of seats on the park's recreation and open space committee provide for alternate members and allow members to serve for more than 4 terms applied for the appointment having experience with environmental justice. and stability issues and provide that in city hall. >> thank you. mr. clerk. supervisor safai duplicate third degree item we have heard recently so i will let him have the floor to discuss his amendments to the duplicated file >> supervisor safai. >> great.
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thank you, chair. i passed around amendments that we. made give you a bit of background why we are back today. where we heard this item i asked to be rereferred to offer amendments. the amendments are substandive a continuation will be required. the chair of the committee requested 3 amendments that are in front of us today. and was zoined by my district 11 appointee i will go through quickly the changes. first the at large seat president one this come from multiple impacted community in environmental justice to have a broader impact and the ability to pull from a broader scope of community. this gives a chance the disability community which reached out to our office to
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apply for seats. and second. expect alternatives to attends and also authorize them to vote and the primary member refuses an addition to which they condition attends x. we set a process to notify supervisors when a seat has been vacant for 30 days. if no action is taken the board president intervocabulary to a point a member this principle will ensure there can be more filled seats and should address the issues with quorum this group experiences and i have reason to believe if supervisors think the president will appointment there will be more motivated in the instances when they don't move quick enough. i'd like to make those amendment and ask continue it to july 24th.
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thank ann pierce an for her work and her teem. thank you and to my staff and all the prosac members for working with us to make the final changes. thank you, colleagues. >> thank you. supervisor safai. mr. clerk can we open up to public comment. why members who are joining in person can line up to peek at this time. for those listening on public call in line. unmute exclude that will be your key to begin your comments. request we have our first phone caller. good morning. supervisors. my name is richard rossman i represent d1 on prosac. i support all the amendments.
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that i'm concerned about section 5 meet nothing city hall. a little history we prosac used to mote in city hall before we lost our room. and there was no room i was vice chair and we look exclude could in the find room that's why we moved to mc claire i think park. i would like and the rec and park commission as meetings outside of the city hall. so i would like to see amended but to meet in city hall and other organizations good to have prosac recommend section 5 just
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include city hall in other locations and the community. thank you for listening to me. can we have our next caller. >> >> thank you so much to president supervisor peskin and supervisor safai for working with us over the left couple of months and i appreciate supervisor safai sitting down to dispel the history of how this came about. and find solutions hee we had our meeting last week. and our numbers will --
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>> much more oshg bliged to express the amendments. and members have interests and active the public see if they hold. and wanted to know if they were allowed keep it enengagings they would with the changes. ef david pilpel. i think the amendments are workable i have not seen the language not made public yet to my knowledge. on the third amendment i'm assumes that the same in the
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events a seat is taken for 30 days from the supervisor doesn't appoint the president could. it sounds like the -- president could only appoint a member who is a resident of the district. the seat i justmented read that careful low when it is available. as to richard the moment ago. i suggest possible low amending. regular meetings of prosac held at city hall the special meetings held else wrchl given proper notice in the event had they had a need or desire to meet, at mc clarin park or another play ground or the senior center in golden gate
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park they could do that as long as they are regular meetings at city hall and prior meetings were held in room 278 the board's meeting room in between your office and so i believe this could occur again or another meeting room in city hall made available if a code requirement i'm surety steal find a way to house the meetings at city hall. if move on to the next caller. of >> good morning.
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supervisor this is is steven du possibility supervisor safai's in district 11 thank you for the amendments and i did everything when the argone alpha~ stated previously. thank you for the hearing and we look forward to moving forward with prosac and the work we do. thank you. last caller for public comment. thank you public comment for item 9 is closed and supervisor safai would you like to make this motion. >> like to make a notion to sept items proposed and then continue this item to next monday. >> july 24. >> has to you believe they are substantive. correct. >> mr. clerk a roll call. >> yes.
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on the motion to amend the ordinance. and to continue the matter as amended to the 23 meeting of rules committee on this motion. vice chair walton. >> aye. >> supervisor safai. >> aye. >> chair dorsey. >> aye. >> motion passes without objection. >> thank you, mr. young item 9 prosac memberment continued to july 24 meeting of the rules committee. >> mr. clerk do we have further business? >> that completes the agenda for today. why thank you, mr. clerk we are adjourn d chlt
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>> it's about celebrating tlc, bringing in new years by visiting temple and giving to the monks. >> it's about inclusivity. >> it's about keeping family traditions. >> it's about hindi culture. >> it's about your heritage and knowing your roots. >> it's about culture sharing. >> about thes it reconnecting with my past. >> it's about celebrating heritage for api. >> it's about learning the culture differences and finding ways to celebrate them. >> it's about being proud of yourself. >> it's about keeping tradition alive from my parents to my son from chinese new year to celebrating the holidays. >> it's about recognizing and celebrating our culture richness and the importance of inclusion. >> for a brighter and just future.
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>> san francisco is a positive impact on my chinese business. >> i'm the founder of joe-joe. i'm a san francisco based chinese artist. i grew up in the bayview district. i am from china i started at an early age i started at age of 10 my grandfather my biggest inspiration. and i have followed with my traditional art teacher in china:i host educational workshops at the museum and local library. and i also provide chinese writing in public middle school and that way i hold more people
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fall in love with the beautiful of our chinese calligraphy. it is a part of our heritage. and so we need to keep this culture alive. hand writing is necessary field that needs to be preserved generation toieneration. this art form is fading away. but since covid i have been very dedicated to this art and i hope that my passions and serving this art form. there are many stores and shopping centers and companies that are interested in chinese cal iing ravi. i feel motivated to my passion for chinese calligraphy in today's world. so people can always enjoy the
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beauty of chinese calligraphy, from time to time i have a choice to traditional chinese calligraphy to make it more interesting. we do calligraphy on paper. i can do calligraphy different low. >> my inspiration is from nature and provide calligraphy that was popular style of persons time. i will invite to you check out my website or instagram. and there is some events and updated upcoming events that you can participate.
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classes we offer beginning level programming. events. fund raisers, it is about giving everyone who is interested in the opportunity to try glass to work with glass and experience mediums. >> i'm linda i'm part owner and manager of the paper tree in japantownful i'm hope to create a destination. not only do we have our huge selection of origami paper and book but a museum everybody can enjoy that and see what can be done by folding paper >> good to see amazing origami. a selection of paper. got wonderful gifts from japan and great customer service. >> i'm holly and i am the owner of [inaudible] in san francisco. >> we offer classes. and open studio access. workshops lead by local artists
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that you can see here we have a [inaudible]. and people should expect to join the community and just learn about local bay area artists in the process. >> i'm san francisco's first drag laureate and the first one in the world. the drag laureate program and the position is one this celebrates an artist for being the best in their craft and i'm proud to have received that xroel it it is afternoon ambassador role. a role that represents the lbgtq+ community in san francisco the focus on the drag
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performers and trans-activists and performers in san francisco as well. when i heard the city was creating the drag laureate role i was so excited because it did foal like they were paying attention to us. and cared about when we gave culturally and economically to the city >> here is your new drag laureate for the city and county of san francisco! i'm getting the call from the mayor i was chosen was fantastic day. i will always remember. i thought that it would just be about the bay area. because of what happening in the world it became a national story. i hope it can shine a light on san francisco and how they take care of the drag community and the lbgtq+ community. i hope that i can help carve out
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this position and create a role with programs and events this can be passed down to future drag laureate this is come after me and can set a stage and standard for what this program is in san francisco and national low and inner nationally. there is a rich history in san francisco. that the drag community has been part of. i'm very proud to follow in their footsteps and able to maintain what the drag community has done in the past and move forward with creating a bright future. my job is to elevate and celebrate >> you're watching san francisco rising with chris manners. today's special guest is katy
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tang. [♪♪♪] >> hi. i'm chris manners, and you're watching san francisco rising, the show that's focused on rebuilding, reimagining, and revitalizing our city. with us today is katy tang, and she's talk to -- talking to us about assistance and services provided to local businesses. can we talk about the role of the office of small business? many small businesses are struggling to help. how can you help? >> director tang: we are here as the city's central point of information for all things small businesses, so we can help people start, stay, and grow in the city. if you want to start a small business, we can pair you up with small business advisors, who can talk you through your
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business plan, help you develop it, whether it's regulatory requirements, business permits, and just help you understand the journey that was up ahead. and if you'd like to stay in san francisco and perhaps your business is facing challenges, we can also pair you with a business advisor who can assess your business needs and figure out whatside that would best help you. so for example, perhaps you need more marketing assistance or you need to be connected to a loan, a low interest loan or a grant program, if that's available. those are services we can provide to you, whether you're starting out or trying to stay in san francisco. and of course, if you want to expand and grow into a new space, we can help assist you with that and help prepare you for the journey ahead. we have a team dedicated to assist you you with all the
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small business needs, all the requirements needed to help you establish your small business in san francisco. >> do you have an e.s.l. program for people who want to start small businesses? >> director tang: we have staff that can speak spanish and mandarin and cantonese, and we understand if english is not your first language, it can be difficult, so we want to be as helpful as possible. >> excellent. i know that s.f. shines was created to help with restoring and improvement. can you tell us more about that? >> yes. it's run out of a sister development and it's much needed in the small business community. if you are trying to improve your storefront, whether it's outside, perhaps you want to
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make some interior improvements, a lot of times, that involves a lot of cost and resources to be able to do so. for example, you may need to hire an architect to submit drawings so you can get your work done. currently, s.f. shines is offer a pairing of business sign services. you can be paired up with an architect to get your drawings done to help you start to do the actual work. we hope that people will stay tuned, and you can find out more information on our website. that's >> let's talk about the shared spaces program. it's been a huge success, and
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outdoor dining spaces are very popular. >> the shared spaces program, especially during the pandemic, really helped spaces survive. to have an outdoor space where people could safely gather was critical, and the office of small business has been working with these shared spaces during the pandemic. some may or may not have been up to the city's code regulations, so department of public works and other departments have been trying to figure out what violations are and help businesses come into compliance.
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the planning department and the city have decided that they'll give businesses until 2023 to come into compliance. also in the meantime, for businesses that want to start new shared spaces, new parklets, that is still an on going program, a new program, so people can always submit their applications for shared spaces regardless whether they started one during the pandemic or not. >> do you anticipate there being other shared spaces programs in the future and how do small businesses go about finding out about them? >> small businesses can find out about it by visiting our website, sfgov/osb or you can call 415-554-6134, and we can connect you with the planning department and other agencies that would be connected with the shared spaces programs.
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>> over the pandemic, businesses have been victimized by vandals and other crimes. how can you help them? >> the city offers a program called the vandalism relief fund, and this would allow businesses suffering from graffiti or broken windows to apply with the city through our neighborhood services division, and you could get up to 1,000 or 2,000 if you submit certain documentation, such as a photograph of the damage or a copy of the receipt or document showing the amount you paid for to correct the incident. we are so excited that the city now has a centralized permit center, where people can come and get their business done,
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hopefully, in the same day where there are several different agencies, ranging from department of building inspection, planning department, public health, fire department, all here to help people, whether you're building a new business or even new construction, to be able to, again, fit all of your appointments in one day and get things done quickly. so starting in may, our office of small business has actually started working out of 49 south van ness at the permit center, and we have a team of two staff who are dedicated to helping small businesses through their permitting journey. so we do encourage people, you can come to the permit center or you can e-mail us at, and you can communicate with our staff dedicated to helping you with your permitting needs. we hope that people will consider consulting with us before you even sign a lease so that we can help you on the
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path to success and understanding the journey of setting up a small business in san francisco. >> well, thank you so much. i really appreciate you coming on the show, miss tang. thank you for the time you've given us today. >> director tang: thanks for having me. >> and that's it for this show. we'll be back shortly. you've been watching san francisco rising. for sfgovtv, i'm chris manners. thanks for watching. fire commission meeting july 12, 23 the nime is 9. . 01. this meeting is held in person.
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members may attends the mote to be observe and provide public comment at the physical meeting location or calling 415-655-0001 and entering the meeting id access code: 2660 237 2537 ## ensure you near a quiet location. speak clearly and turn off background sounds wait for the item you would like to address. when prompted press star 3 to be added to the queue. system will notify you when you are in line callers hear silence had waiting for your turn to speak. operator will unmute you. callers will have 3 minutes to provide comment.
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roll call. president nakajo. >> present. >> president morgan. >> present. >> vice president. >> commissioner feinstein excused. commissioner fraser. >> present. >> and commissioner collins excused. and chief of department jeanine nicholson. >> present remote. president nakajo will read the lan acknowledgment. ramaytush ohlone land acknowledgement the san francisco fire commission acknowledges that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush ohlone who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as the indigenous stewards of this land, and in accordance with their traditions, the ramaytush ohlone have never ceded, lost, nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. as guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by
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acknowledging the ancestors, elders, and relatives of the ramaytush ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples >> thank you. item 2, general public comment. members may address the commission on matters within jurisdiction not on the agenda. speakers address remarks to the commission as a whole and not individual commissioners or department personnel. commissioners are not to enter in debate or discussion with the speaker. the lack response by the commissioners or department personnel does in the institute agreement with or support of statemented made during public comment. >> madam secretary there are members who wishes to comment. >> there is nobody approaching and nobody on the public comment line. >> thank you.
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why public comment is closed. >> item 3 approval of the minutes. discussion and possible action to approve the regular meeting minutes of june 21, 2023. any public comment on the minutes? >> nobody propping the podium and nobody on the public comment line. >> public comment is closed. questions or comments from the commissioners on approval of the minutes. >> those other minutes of the june 28 meeting. >> june 28 meeting madam secretary on my agenda it says the 21st. >> fraser you have a question. i do it says on here roll call that commissioner feinstein is excused but she is quoted in the minutes i believe she was here. yes. she was present i will change that.
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yes. >> all right. thank you. a motion? commissioners? >> like to make a motion to approve the minutes. vice president morgan is there a second. >> i second. and president nakajo, how do you vote. >> aye. motion is unanimous. item 4 chief department report from chief of department jeanine nicholson on issues and events within the department since the meet being june 21 of 23 and including budget, academy, special events, communication and out roach to agencies and the public. and report from operations, deputy chief luttropp on field operations greater alarm fires, investigation. training and airport division. and report from ems and community pair medicine chief tong. on the ems and community
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paramedicine division. >> good morning chief nicholson. >> good morning. president nakajo and vice president morgan. commissioner fraser, chief luttropp. and other command staff. i can't z. chief of department this is my report. since our last meeting. first i would like to welcome chief luttropp to the command staff former low. i know that i believe the cho is in sacramento he is handling a meeting for me up there today. thanks to him. and i'm not sure chief malis in the. room but welcome. our new deputy cho of training. and we have hired a new e search
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emergency response. assist around department cho to replace chief luttropp that is chief miller he will be with us at our next meeting. so, most low we have been command staff getting in the flow of working together. and it has been going well. let me turn my phone off. first off i want to talk about -- videos. we are looking to leverage video production this coming year. first at the international association of fire chief conference. which is helping in august. they will be working on a -- 7 minute vo for us. that talks about our over all department operations and
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history. community paramedicine and emt programs that will run a large conference and will have a huge distribution and i think will benefit the departments profile national low. we are looking at using sfgovtv, thank you for further video production this coming year and our multimedia team. and not just for profile and to show who we are but also for recruitment. and again to show case what we dom looking forward to seeing how that goes this year. i know a lot of the young people really do watch videos. although, very short videos. love using clips with the video in some of our interviews i have
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been doing more in terms of autonomous vehicles. yesterday interviewed by nbc bay area investigates. i was interviewed by the london telegraph. last week. and so we are getting kraft. it was in also in times. magazine. about what's going on with ac's in the city. and you may have heard the california puc has decided to delay the votes i believe until august after july 13th. so -- but really -- more importantly, no real progress has been made with am cruise or
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other companies in terms of sitting down with us in the engine earring to meet with chief luttropp and operation's people. that is disheartning when we need to make things better. we'll see what happens with the votes delayed again. >> speaking of interviews, we have been conducting interviews as i stated conducted them for the division of training and we have wonderful candidates and selected chief julie mau many of you know her already from diversity and inclusion office and i previous officer at the division of training for years. she has run united fire service women and their training for years. she is well versed in what needs to happen and she'll be working
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under chief luttropp. and again the department chief miller will be here next time of you may recognize him of he is one of our search and rescue dog handlers and a stand out in that capacity. we also conducted further interviews for public information officers. we will expand our office a bit and selected just and i know marriano and we will also have several alternates or back ups. that will be curtis and sam manshaka the end of the month. and -- we are looking forward to that. they will start training on days with jonathan baxter. and ultimately the 24/7
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operation. and that concludes my report for today. i again i'm off to the mayor's department head meeting. and chief luttropp is appropriated to -- take you all along. thank you very much. thank you. chief nicholson. do we have public comment on the chief's report? there is nobody approaching and nobody on the queue. public comment is closed. commissioners questions before the cho goes to the major's office at this point? >> vice president morgan. no, chief is busy and i will be quick but i wanted make a note of it that they will have a rally here friday the teamsters are for against the autonomous vehicle hos can show up police show up. that might help employmented to
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make that. gi think in the front steps 7:30 friday. the team terse told me. >> may be that would help. that's all. >> thank you. commissioner fraser. >> thank you. >> yes, if you could say chief more about you mentioned no frg progress on meeting autonomous vehicle companies or representatives? and how is that out reaching and they are not upon responding? or? could you say more about that? >> i will have chief luttropp answer that question for you. >> thank you. >> yea. thank you. and good morning. president nakajo and vice president morgan and commissioner fraser and command staff. what we have been trying to do with the av companies than i have been fairly good partners it public safety out roach and providing training for our membership. and giving us insight on how
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they believe we should respond. what we had very little movement on is any response from a policy or engineering standpoint on how we can have the vehicles stop intefring with emergency team usa. it is increasing over time and that's a concern. our understanding would be as the vehicles become more atuned to the streets and better at operating and better environment we should see less negative interaction with fire vehicles and staff and the vehicles. so. at a level of out reach. out reach is there. but answers to policy and engineering and those occurrence we are waiting. >> thank you. i think it is i really appreciate that. it is on the record at that level. thank you, chief.
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>> thank you. commissioner fraser. chief. i wanted to note to the command staff. that we the commissioners did send a letter in terms of the driverless vehicles and the concerns we had. i wanted to acknowledge that commissioner fraser and commissioner collins wrote letters as well. thank you very much. commissioners. and i wanted to congratulate and see next meeting chief miller. and for information for you chief mau is here special congratulate her. in terms of her appointmentment my question is as we start to appropriate some more resources of personnel toward public information officers position. is captain baxter remain as a public information officer as part of that team? is there information you wanted
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share about captain back ter. he will work directly with the folks on boarding. everyone is on the same page and we are all singing from the same sheet of music. yes. >> thank you very much. that's all we have for the commissioners. good luck today and wish you well in terms of your meeting with the mayor. thank you very much. madam secretary. can we move to upon department chief luttropp? >> yes. >> welcome. >> good morning and thank you for the opportunitiful this will be the operation's update. i'm deputy chief luttropp the operation's update for june of 23. i will start with the first shocker no greater alarm fire in june in san francisco.
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there are 21 reports fire. 107 boxes with 17 working fires an increase of almost 1 huh human % over the last month. last month was a remarkablely low incidents of fire but greater alarm in that number. with the 17 working fires we responded to 11 water rescue calls and 4 cliff rescue calls the summer months the incidents of cliff and water rescue increase. and we are trying to make moves on the operation's side of the house to increase. our ability to responded in the water to the southeast end of the city. and we will have more on follow on that. but this month was book ended by 2 large water events. chief reported out the last one was membership in the water off candlestick point and had one
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just last week in crane cove reporting next month that will result in accommodations. people are doing great work on the water. looking at the working fires distribution for june. they were well distributed. we don't see a focus of -- fires. good distribution. i did include picture this is time. the first is from a fire we had at 537 vermont street. somebody in the room familiar with this fire. i highlight this one because it its this is after the fire is out and the scene does not appear to be active it illustrated the complexity in san francisco. like chief postel said nobody who does it like us. if you take a close look you see nathis company because of the
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over head wires and the trees and the physical geography and the built environment, to get that ladtory that position requires hours of training and close team work and requires having that a plan. ladder work like this, illustrates you know the skiflt fire department but goes become to the training element. we completed a well received ufrng tr truck academy with ladder work with division of training and we see the result in a ladder throw like this carried upstairs and had to be throne at the right spot so not impacted by fire. i think the strong -- second picture i put in here not a fire picture this . is a picture of a helicopter on a beach why is there a picture of this in this goes to our cliff and water
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operations and the close work we have been doing over the past few combreers this developing our relationship with the california highway patrol and other helicopters. so geo 283839 was issued and dliniated our helicopter policy and you see it in action here. there was no safer or efficient way for this person to be removed from the beach and the helicopter was utilized and i think this will be a great program going forward. i through another pretty picture in this is a july fire i will not talk about that one. until july. it illustrates a number of concerns we have with hording condition and squatting. moving on fire prevention. if we fast forward a bit through the report you see that they are on pace with the bulk. if you find yourself on page, 12
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and 13. you see that fire marshall coughlin who is excused today in this fiscal year this is the report out for the fiscal. which they operate on. and you see that permit inspections by port and district. than i attained 1 huh % compliance. the left one on port property where reads 10% is a typo. i apologize that would be 100% this is recoveryings from the health emergency and covid and inability to dot inspections and it is workd and caught up on our permit inspections. this summary report on fire loss. that is than i are on the fiscal that will be the total for the
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year. they approved and comments on the 30 adu's on page 16. this goes to sb9 and the mayor's initiative for 82,000 units of housing. they have been working closely with bureau of fire inspection or sorry. with the building department to finds a way to stream line the process so that his office is allowing as many units to be built with an eye to our access and our ability to fight fire if we have full buildings built behind others this requires education on the part of our staff. it does require access to be protected and he is working hard to protect that access. our conversations continue with mta for various street scape
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changes. we got the report from our second head-to-head study from pierce. and they did find that in areas where there were multiple changes to the street environment including bike lanes and others. where hay accumulated they were seeing an affect on response time. that was good for us to hear. we have more to discussion on that moving forward. and that was fire prevention. at the airport. darcy who is excused he is noticing back from another meeting. they had obviously his list but the events at the airport were they did have an engine fire on a plane and due to the training that they have been able to accomplish at the airport and their increase prescriptional templet at the airport they resolved that.
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get the plevin returned gate without incident and all the operators were appreciative of that. on the 13th of june, the airport experienced a significant power outage. chief darcy intgradual in the emergency operations and the battalion cho in making sure there was zero interruption in service at the airport due to the power outage. i report there was none. thank the chiefs for that. on the skaejth, they did responded to a lithium battery fire at tsa. lithium ion is an emerging threat in fire service over all and i imagine the airport will be a heavy emphasis and focus. we have been hear to take your bat reese out of bags they are at tsa. a strong plan of action for increasing the ability to
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respond to the water. boats will be back in service and once that happens we'll work on an agreement with the airport to bring those boat in our response plan for the southern end of the city, that will be another win. and i want to compliment the people who the changes made in training division and irrelevant stroll lining and new initiatives to meet more than the basic needs they meet at the airport more technical rescue and et cetera and this will increase the ability of the membership at the airport to responded. so, a total of 569 and i will not point out the rescue this is time. there were 28. and finally, the division of training i want to welcome chief mau the director of training and i know she is looking forward to crush thanksgivingion and
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imagine mag she will. the 131st class did graduate and not 45 it was 47 and we seen a dramatic impact on over time and staffing with that number. i do want to point out and probably mentioned left time. the quality of this class according to the train and how excited they were and thank you for coming to the graduation i'm are sure heard that also. everything keeps moving now we started a new class. so, on june 26, the 132nd class started with 58 rekruts. command staff did present to them and they locked like a scared bunch fire recruits. and i'm sure by the end they will be the saltiest dogs we have turned out in the field. we have lost one this week to injury. we are 57 with the class.
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the bhorn had to leave is a current member. they are an, everemployee of the department there is that at least they maintain employment with us unable to complete the tower now. going down to the special operations portion of the on page 24. this lines out our helicopter rescue technician plan. that is a general order 2340. 24 members were trained to work at helicopter rescue technicians. we have a policy but now the trin to go with that policy. >> on page 24. it is something we have not highlighted to my recollection in the past. the things you see with the rescue operations and heavy machinery roll out.
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and the autoextracasion. the captain who is accomplishing training is also on the california state fire marshall cod real for the development of the curriculums we had membership the last few years more involved at that state level and the national level and the development of the training curriculums and koesd i want to highlight that in the future the san francisco fire department's voice is getting out in the world. so we have our long history and our tradition. we can be happy with that and could be comfortable but not resting on laurels and bring the message out to the state. i want to thank the captain for development of program and bring them back to san francisco and
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i want to pass that on to the membership. i feel the sense of ownership i'm first luttropp in this fire department i was not born and raised in the city. we have an opportunity we talk about generational change and talk about the motivation of people work and the things they are look for and career in life. we have the last great professions to inspire and provide that sense of ownership and -- dedication to a jop.
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it is man is a sharp intellect and -- throws himself in when he did and does. and off doing something great now. and i hope i bring that to the job, thank you for your time. thank you very much, chief we will take public comment on the report. and secretary, >> well is nobody approaching and nobody on the queue. >> public comment is closed. commissioners? questions or comments to chief luttropp? >> at this point. thank you for your report. chief luttropp.
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and -- congratulations on your new position. i'm sure will do fine. and you have the benefit coming up under chief postel. i know that will reflect in your performance as well which is a benefit to all of us. and your own achievements as well. your report has good news no greater alarm fire that's great. so lucky june. yes. i guess. and chief o o'connor retired to the lay low. and in honor of those gentlemen. that's great. i had one question.
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fire prevention section on page 7. -- the total open accounts were -- very high in 2022. am i reading that? wrong? or why was it so high in 2022 and it is diminished. toward june of 2023? the numbers on page 7? >> i see the numbers i'm not clear on which line we are referring to. under fire complaints the first couple columns look under 2022, the numbers are so high.
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911, 1131, 1222. >> i see. seems. >> thank you. and unfortunately fire marshall cover listen is on a vacation. this is that bridge period where the complaints that would have been open exclude not pursued during the health crisis and covid emergency. this is the backlog. e essentially. number 1129 and 1140 the new received the seconded column, you see it kind of -- the trends is in the necessary low higher. >> right yoochlt this is just them addressing the backlog and worked hard on this. >> seemed out of whack there. >> 2022. so bad compared to 2023.
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>> okay. >> you see by the end of 22. how they have jumpod it and addressed the problem. commissioner fraser. thank you chief luttropp. am i saying your name correctly. >> yes, >> thank you. >> thank you for your report. welcome to that chair. and i have to say that -- it is impressive had we do with cliff water, helicopter, trucks. hill. an amazing thing.
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i feel that again and again. one question on the helicopter you mentioned collaboration with chp. i can make the order and the policy available. 23839, it had been an ad hoc policy. and they were available to xus did respond we were working with them. not like an mou a method of operation. when they can and can't fly. we work with the u.s. coast guard we don't have a similar
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and have unique properties once they have thermal run, way and they are burning they are difficult to extinguish and create a very to beingic environment. but for the purposes of airport and tsa. there are multiple policies. thank you. thank you for your report i proeshth your presentation format and your references to pages as you gave your report. so that the commissioners refer to it. appreciate you mentioned the airport power outage and thank you for that update as well. i also wanted thank you for
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reference in page references but when you talked about page 25 and the helicopter and noted that chief miller -- the helicopter the rope training and the emphasis of that. i think that is person that lead us or myself occurrence the report. to page 29 talked about nert and keep had i presentation on nert recently with captain tom. come this is all a division of training and acknowledge and recognize and congratulate chief mau in terms of her appointment as chief of training as well. it is interesting as you made references to the fire reserve on page 29. upon page 31 through with photos.
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32-33. that -- we just had a reason conversation myself and vice president morgan. on the fire reserves. and so to empsighs the 420 hours and when they do. is very important and again, a point of information chief mau i did ask commander buck low when he would feel comfortable coming to the commission and doing the presentation. and he did r that somewhere around august or september when they have another opportunity for membership that a time to do that. i will also help us in the commission be familiar with the work of the fire reserves. so i wanted to -- thank you for this report and.
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i think we concluded with your report at this point. we are scheduled at this point to have the dms and paramedicine deputy chief tong present? >> good morning chief tong. good morning. commissioner fraser and luttropp. command staff. sandy tong with paramedicine. in so. for the month of june ems division [inaudible] we averaged 357 calls this last month and that was the same as what we did in may. with a slight decrease prosecute april. not much changed one day we saw over 400 that was all that day.
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on june 8, members of ema staff and field providers participated in a table top drill conducted near ems. after offices this was a drill this mimicked an explosion and active shooter situation there was 130 patients. so it was an opportunity for us to work with the emsa, representative from department of public health. emergency preparation and response team. pepper. and then the san francisco medical examiner's office they walkedllow how they would manage this time event and from when the event occurred through what would happen at the hospital this . is an early exercise for folks to be able to better practice what might happen in a large day drill in preparation more functional drill hopefully live there was something for
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later this year postponed. all of the opportunity for us to practice the events are significant and helpful. and then on june 25. member of the command staff at ems division all paymented in the pride parade. first year we had an ambulance as part of the plan. we are happy to see all of our folks supporting this event. june 30 the ems hosted 25 high school students in the mayor's youth program, operation genesis a program to introduce high school members on public safety. all of them were able to practice hand's on cpr, stop the bleeds and it is a great time for all of us to feel be able to show them what it is that we do. we hadllowllow there in the picture also talk to the crews and letting them know when we
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do. in your report this month i asked chief to highway light a type of incident we independent to and this mont he provide information on cardiac arrest. i wanted give you a sum row what that is. this gives you a picture of the more significant events members go to daily and then we probably be able to give you more. detail about had goes in how we run a cardiac arrest. this is a timely issue. it is time consuming and if we can stabilize and save somebody in cardiac arrest t. is a very intense situation and we want to be able to give all of you a better picture of had that is. during june, the ems division treated 146 cardiac arrests.
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and responded 146. and of these resuscitation attemptod 51. 40 were transported on the hospital. 11 were terminated in the field meant we did all of the things we could do but were not able to revive them. we report all of this cardiac arrest data to care data base that needs the registry to enhance survival. it is i data base for all nontraumatic cardiac arrests resuscitation is done by 911 provider. and so this includes patient this is receive aed shot prior to our arrival. and so california is one of 30 states that participate in the it gives you a picture of you know when we start comparing data how we do with all of that. how we compare to the national
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data looks like. so, this month reported 20 patients had a witness cardiac arrest that means there was somebody who was there that saw this person collapse go in cardiac arrest call dmien 11 and able to responded. 6 of those that were shocked with a difib later. 15 had cpr. and of nez, 19 of them returned circulation meaning we were able to get i pulse become or blood pressure. if you look at that of the 19 that we got that had returned the circulation. out of the 51 that we tried resuscitations that equalled to 38% rate which is great. and next month we will try to do more of a comparative with how we are doing san francisco. and then what we compared to the
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national level. >> for community paramedicine with assistant chief tang these are june highlights. during the month of union we graduated 10 members. these are station 49ems paramedics who participated in the community paramedicine course. 6 week train pregnant lead by cat ain't dan and want specialed by our lieutenant scott ward. since 2017 able to train 72 members. which we believe is the highest community paramedicine training program in the state. >> in terments of the we have a multiagency quality improve am group. ems tapped in medical directors are continuing to meet and mote with other agencies that are doing it in the field. and since we added paramedics we
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have been able to have 20 starts in the fields. and -- according to our data, this is out patient our contra costa colleagues average one start per week and we're 1.6. and then also i think you may have seen there is a mayor's press release this said that our paramedicine will be providing able to place 5150 hold in thes field. we have been training the members through dph. they have gotten in service by our section chief of operations and now as of monday we are having some of those paramedics provide or place 51'50s in the field. and this is our regular snapshot of the data that is included in the report. one thing to note just this we wanted call out that is in the
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represent in the this chart. is that this street crisis sponse temrequest for police is 1.2% and that's you know a great metric. we have been sort of responding to the health emergency calls in lieu of the police. and it seems like that has been the appropriate call. we are not need to call police to assist us with these types of incidents. we on board a new data analyst. the thing in thes report will be revised give you a better picture and trend and you know look back what happened in the previous months so you see how we are changing and improving. >> and he will be working on new dash boards for us and more public facing dash boards we'll put out. more torfollow with when he will do. he started this week we will give you more once he gets on
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board. and finally i wanted to call out one of the incident this is happened in the left month where it was an effort between ems, suppression and even bystanders. on june 272 individuals found unconscious and unexperiencive of an over dose required nar can and cpr. 2 civilians and off duty staff who assisted prior to engine 26
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response. medics and medic 52 and 56 and backed up by c 3 and cp5 in treating the patients. one of the patients was able to receive [inaudible] and able to talk on his way to the hospital. he was expected to have i great recovery the second patient is still in the icu and is more dicey but this is just one of those incidents all of our responders came together and saved a life. that's my report. thank you very much. . chief tong. >> in dam secretary is there public comment. why nobody approaching the podium come nobody on the call in line. thank you. commissioners? >> vice president morgan. >> thank you for your report. chief tong. i wanted ask you a general question. you know i know somewhere i read about the cardiac arrest and the numbers. out of the number was 146? here? cardiac arrests for june? the number of reported cardiac arrests. >> and you know, ballpark figure, out of those numbers, how many do you think was drug
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related or induced or -- >> remember we don't have that data. >> you don't have that. >> no. >> not off hand. >> natural causes or this. >> i am -- assured some of them are over dose and we don't know what that number. >> i was curious. >> yea. >> and -- it was good to hear the report about boss firefighter or whatever the chief of boston fire department giving kudos for his relative this is got sick here and experienced the great service from the san fran fire department. of that's always good and makes us feel good. >> appreciate that. other than that i think the great report. and thank you for your information. >> thank you. >> thank you very much vice president morgan. commissioner fraser >> thank you. thanks chief tong interesting report i appreciated if.
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starting with the end of your report. that scene with the 2 civilians on the grounds or citizens on ground and people who happened to be there. and you showed up we were called like a movie script. could not make this up that is an amazing thing. i'm assuming that i don't know if this is kept electronic or possible. what the over doses are due to. or you assume they are general low fentanyl or heroin? the me does provide a report every among on over dose and the case they closed that have been proven to be whether fentanyl or a combination. there are a lot this have combined drugs. they are able to tease out the number of deaths that are related to specific drugs. i think that is interesting,
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too. you are doing a lot of calls an amaze being volume of work that is accomplished by your group every day. that's incredible. >> i congratulate everybody on that. and also just you know beginning to coordinate with other areas of our staechl bureaucracy and services to finds out getting to root causes and cordinating. i know you are doing that and appreciate that and want to call that out the difficult and he complexity of that. how important it is for all of us as a city to move forward and trying to solve or address the problem that 457 calless a day represent. >> agree. >> incredible. >> appreciate your report. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you very much, commissioner. fraser. thank you very much, chief tong for your report. i have a few questions
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clarification. you reported we have trained 72 community paramedics. is fire department one of the few or is there are paramedicine division in other cities compared to our sns or are we -- different or stand alone in terms of this term? >> yes. i can ask chief tang to come up. >> okay. chief tom. good morning. chief tang >> good morning president nakajo. vice president morgan. fraser and maurn and command staff. i don't have a hard number for the number of paramedic programs currently in the city. at the high point i believe there are 12.
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right off the top of my had theed city of alameda has a program. that was trained by our chief tanning and some in southern california we're largest group in california as confirmed by the state ems agency. >> okay. so chief, i'm lead to believe that we are pioneers, if that is the word in terms of the community paramedics with formalization of ems6 team usa street over dose teamful is that accurate to say we in the fire department are part of -- this new frontier. i think we were a late comer to the pilot of community paramedicine. but once we did join, we were am immediately in the forefront. our call volume is greater than
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other programs. early pioneer in the sense was star in the 2004. and now we are definitely in the forefront of the community paramedic punch nationwide. so, pioneer and also front runner. >> right. >> using the term pioneer and front runner in terms of the cities do that i have street over dose response team in terms of our community paramedicine division. >> i'm trying to find out if we other few cities that has a street crisis response team or over dose response team other than compared to other cities. >> nationwide there are many mobile crisis units. there are different configurations for that. here in california and southern california there are a number of
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departments that have chosen to employ nurse practitioners. i say this similar to the dhs or beta max. we don't know what will be what is going to end up in the end. i believe that community parmedicine is the route it elevated our workforce and trained to do the work. that of here in san francisco, our mission is primary low utilizer. other programs throughout the nation have other programs that have to do with post hospital discharge. or hospice care and other types. so for us, these patients and individuals are our patients. no one else in the city knows or concerned with the outcome of these individuals more then and there we are. so it makes sense this we our
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own members the ones that are tasked with finding a solution and how to help people get in better care. >> okay >> 72 members we have in community parmedics is a large workforce we have the largest workforce at this time? i believe we have the largest workforce in the state of california not all 72 members community paramedicine trained are on our units. so 72 is the total. total number that working is in the mid 40's. >> thank you for that. i want one more question. on our docket in terms of page 9. under street crisis response team is operational period june first through june 30. call for service 1, 170 calls. and average response time and has average on scene time.
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but in the columns all calls for service, there is a category call remained in the communities this is 486. that you should is unable to locate a number of 179. thaurndz there is a walk away of 62. i'm trying to -- understand completely the remained in the community 486 combined the unable to locate with the walk aways? >> no. that is a separate disposition. remain in community people that we have a meaningful engagement with. and this individual upon chosen to remain in the community. versus us transporting them to another system of care. unable to locate. that we simply we didn't
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identify anybody. walked away would be we consider we want to highlight it so we have its own row but somebody that they saws arrive and they just left the scene before we could engage them, speak or know their name. and this occurs frequency. we want to highlight that but we also like the second graph is disposition of engaged individuals. wee leave those walk aways out. we feel we should not be penalized for not having a positive outcome for someone who chose not to even meet with us. >> right. i appreciate that. and i appreciate the clarity because these are categories we would be interested in. again it helps us commissioners
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to understand what is going on with our members as they go out in the field and deal with clients in terms of our service calls. thank you very much. for that. thank you very much, thief tong as well. >> may i ask one more question . chief tong or anyone. everyone. which i neglected ask i highlight third degree in the report on page 9 about in the middle resource referrals offers, keksz made and rate. come become with your report. on page 9. i did not hear your question i thought. >> i have not got there. a question about that middle section on page 9 resource referrals, connection and made. and connection rate is where my question is. going down the right hands side the percentages are pretty good
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down top about shelter short term and it starts to drop all the way down from there. and specific locality substance abuse dual diagnose treatment is 13% connection rate. i'm not saying you are not doing everything you can do. because i have been out with the msx. i have seen how hard they work to connect people i'm assuming or may be you can tell me the reasons it is a lower such a low percentage. and low number is people just don't want to go? or it is not available? no beds they are closed? no staff. whatever it is? >> thank you for the question . the single most biggest barrier we face in trying to help people is that people don't want what we have to offer.
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this is the number one problem and we don't have the ability to compel people. unless they meet the 5150. that is number one. we have a separate reporting area for when we offer a resource to someone the individual accepts it. and it is not available. and -- i don't have those numbers in front of me. at the moment but this does not address that. this is the connection rate for when we offer it and they accept it. >> okay. >> and then at in point now we have more people trained and certified to put machine on a 5150 hold. will that be in the report? attempts and successes as far as encounters we have? >> yes. this is under street crisis response in group 5150.
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this is simple low the total number of holdses that have been written in the month of june. that is in the month the total is 26 a mont. >> yes. >> and -- this is not include the time when is we assess someone for 5150 and chose not to write it. we felt person did not meet the criteria. we have the numbers to get for you if you like. >> when -- they are deemed eligible or qualified for 5150 hold, how much success we have getting them in a facility that is capable. caring for this person. >> we transport everybody by an
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ambulance and take them to one of our 9 receiving hospitals. the difficult part the challenging part is -- we would like it is large are than what the fire department can do. we need a lot of city agencies working together to get this daya. which hospitals keep people the longest and which hospitals dismiss a 5150 with an hour that would be informative and i then and there is not anything you are not doing. this is i'm -- just wondering. effort that guess into assessing someone for 5150 and delivering them and they are discharged in
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an hour. i'm sure. frustrating >> of course. >> entail >> thank you. you are welcome. >> 5150 hold is 72 hours maximum? >> that's correct. up to the physician and the hospital staff to determine whether they release them within the less than 72 hours. >> that's correct. it means they have to be evaluated by a psychiatrist. and the psychiatrist as everhas the ability to extend this for the full 72 hours and after that, they wanted to extend it on a 5250 for 14 days. some of the hospitals the emergency room physicians authorized to do that assessment in lieu of a psychiatrist. >> in the reference to the
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commissioner fraser's economy in terms what you answered. it is up to the staff at the hospital in they release somebody within the time less than an hour or 2 hours and the problem is that the upon department don't have knowledge base when that happens that person is released out in the community? >> that's right. >> we don't have access to that information. >> all right. >> all right. thank you very much for that. thank you very much, chief tom. >> appreciate it. . all right. madam secretary. item 5. public comment on item 6. pertaining to item 6 including public ment on whether to hold item 6 in closed session. madam secretary. any public comment on item 5 >> nobody is approach and nobody on the call in line. why all right.
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public ment is closed at this point we need to ask the public and the command force and members here to vacate so. we need to vote whether to check 6 in closed session. an action item. why all right. >> i like to make a motion we have closed session. >> thank you vice president mother ab. >> second. >> and thank you. president in fact joe. >> aye joovm this meeting is going in closed we are back in open session. the time is 11:08. there is nothing to report. and item 2 is vote to elect whether or not to disclose closed session in san francisco code section 67.12a. >> commissioners?
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like to make a motion we keep in closed session. not disclose. >> not disclose. >> okay. i will second this. >> and president nakajo? >> aye. >> the motion is unanimous item upon 7, adjournment. >> before we adjourn in memory of a form are fire commissioner grift whoin passed recently. i would tloik adjourn in memory of the 2 firefighters that perished in ship fire back east coast. and that at this point this meeting is adjourned.
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>> so i'm linda i'm part owner and manager of the paper tree in jeopardy an town. >> paper tree opened by my parent in 1968. so we other second oldest business in jap an town. at 55 years this year. we have beautiful papers from japan, thailand, italy, korea and the biggest selection of orgami. i do it because of my grand father and he wrote to the first
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english in it in the early 50s. he had an import business to import japanese goods and of course we had our line of paper. to go with the books he produced. it is something i have been doing since i was 5 and i'm happy to say i'm a designer now and of course having paper tree. it is grit. >> during the pandemic i wanted do something to make a statement to help combat the asian hate that was prevalent at that time. and so i put a call out to have a thousand hearts. this is a spin on the tradition of holding 1,000 cranes when you have a wish. well, a thousand cranes does not make a statement enough why not change it and a call for a thousand hearts? i created a website dedicated to the project.
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a video and fold heart instructions. people sent them in the first mont was 1,000 hearts. they kept coming in. and the next goal was 7, 698, which was the total number of case of reported hate by the ap i website. those were the reported case of hate. there are more not reported. that became the new goal. we achieved 2 months later. the hearts were coming in it it is a big project, we have it part of our store. anyone can come and fold an easy heart. keeping that part of the japanese tradition of this in that way here in japantown is pretty special. its great.
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>> malcolm come up here! supervisor preston, come up here! today is a wonderful day. excited to be here with all of us family, friends, partners, community. and john. hi. john! community and john. i am the ceo of tnbc housing and community development organization building and serving community throughout san francisco. i mentioned today is an exciting and important day for us. we are not here to move a bit of dirt. more important low, we are symbolically beginning to create commu.
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