tv Mayors Press Availability SFGTV July 19, 2023 11:30pm-1:01am PDT
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market street railway, a non profit muni's preservation partner. we get no government funding. we depend on donations from individuals and businesses who love and benefit from the historic cars that run on market street which we brought back 40 years ago, and the cable cars. we run the san francisco railway museum around the corner on stuart street, so check that out some time. we are here as an organizer with sfmta of the celebration of 150 years of cable cars. we have great participating partners and i want to run down them quickly, around business groups, non profits and government agencies. china town (indiscernible) nob chinese historical society of america, the san francisco chinese chamber of commerce. (indiscernible) he was not feeling well. he was going to speak,
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but anyway, we want to recognize. if you want to speak in a few minutes, you are more then welcome. downtown sf partnership. fisherman's wharf. (indiscernible) 50th anniversary this year. want to thank them for the podium and the cool lavender lemon aid you got a sample. pier 39. the san francisco chamber of commerce. city guide, historical society, board chair kevin o'brien is with us we think. san francisco public library with a great list of cable car books you can check out and by the way, all of this information is on our very special website you can scan the qr code on the stickers on the cable car window and go right to that site. also, sf
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travel, sf heritage and last alphabetically, but hardly least, union square alliance. i don't know (indiscernible) we will have a celebration on the actual anniversary date august 2 and that will be at market. it is a really diverse group of people coming together to celebrate this focused on the past, some focused on the present, but all of us have a commitment to san francisco's future and the cable cars will always be part of it. we are here to celebrate is century and a half of them. let's start with the city number one cable car fan, i have seen this with my own eyes, mayor london breed. [applause] >> thank you to the market street railway for all the work and advocacy that they do to make sure that the cable car and the various modes of transportation options that
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existed in san francisco are recognized in the way that we are doing today. how many of you are alive 150 years ago? [laughter] aaron peskin was not alive. you might have been actually. but you know what is amazing, 150 years ago, when we talk about san francisco, its invasion and creativity, the cable car was invented in san francisco. everyone decided to follow suit after 1873 and august when the first ride andrew holiday decided that the horse and the carriage was not making it up our steep hills fast enough. most of us probably cant make it up those steep hills fast enough ourselves, but the cable car was our answer to that. what i think about san francisco and the invasion and creativity we are usually the first of many things. the invention
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of the cable car many fallowed, yes, the television and juke box and so many great inventions we enjoy today, but while others decided to fore go the cable car, san francisco decided to double down and in 1947, we have this extraordinary woman, fidel (indiscernible) who said no mr. mayor, we are not going give up our cable cars. in fact, i'll rally all the women och san francisco, put it on the ballot and save the cable cars of san francisco and save the cable cars she did. [applause] and many many years later the first woman mayor of san francisco, diane finstein, knew there was a need to refurbish the cable car infrastructure and to make sure that the tracks and all the things they run along were preserved so we can see cable cars make it into the future to get to
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150 years. she worked hard both public and private monies, came together and the infrastructure was invested in and look where we are today. cable cars are one of the number one attraction in san francisco. when they come to san francisco to visit, they want to go to the golden gate bridge and want to ride a cable car, and of course i got to also throw in, there is no better food anywhere in the world then san francisco. so, while other people are trying to write us off, we are doubling down. to remind people of who we are and what we represent. this is not unfamiliar territory dealing with the challenges of the city, but the thing that we know as san franciscans most people don't know, this is where the invasion happens, this is where creativity happens. this is where we are reminding people why we are resilient and why we use the phoenix as a symbol to
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rise out of the ashes of challenges that existed in the past, whether it was earthquakes or a down economy, or changes to things because of a pandemic. san francisco continues to not be what we were, but to be something better. time and time again to continue to make sure that we are at the forefront of new technologies of invasion while also preserving and respecting our past. the cable car represents that for us for now and into the future as san francisco begins to come out of a challenging time because of this global pandemic. the stories are still not written about how even though-there is 20top companies in the u.s. of artificial intelgence, 16 in the bay area and 11 in san francisco. the technology that will lead the future is
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happening in san francisco, while preserving maintaining and uplilfting the past and what makes san francisco so special. i want to appreciate all you for being here today. thank you so much to the downtown ambassadors, union square improvement district. fisherman's wharf, downtown merchants and other groups that continue to make sure they are part of a vibrancy of what makes san francisco and all these beautiful people with us who are dressed to the nines to eare mind of the attire that used to be worn so we can feel what it was like back in 1873 when the people who were the first to ride the cable cars did so. it is great to be here, great to celebrate the opportunity for scf san francisco, so continue to support the city, ride the cable cars, enjoy the restaurants and know san francisco, we'll continue to be
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here. we'll continue to matter and we are going to continue to grow and celebrate all the amazing things that our city represents. thank you. [applause] >> there are 11 elected supervisors in the city and county of san francisco, and all of the cable cars belong to one of those people. our board president, aaron peskin. aaron. [applause] >> thank you rick, and thank you to you and the market street railway association for your loving and careful and long stewardship of our cable cars and our street cars. mayor breed invoked the phoenix rising from the ashes and if there is a physical manifestation of that mythical phoenix, it is standing behind me. it is the cable
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car. it is the symbol of resilience and perseverance in san francisco. when they first started in 1873, really in 1888, the city burned down to the ground three times, and that was before the 1906 earthquake and fire. that was before the 1918 spanish influenza pandemic we didn't know about until a few years ago, and the cable car was a constant through all of that. this is the symbol of san francisco's resilience. and as rick said, all 11 members of the board are created equal, but i'm lucky and a little more equal because i represent the original part of san francisco, the northeast corner of san francisco, our china town,
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russian hill, north beach and downtown and what binds those all together, but our historic rolling stock. (indiscernible) was invoked and she comes from a proud line of bay area women like the three women who started save the bay that saved us from ourselves from filling in the bay. (indiscernible) did exactly the same thing in san francisco and it is a lessen that has to be learned again and again. our propensity to mistreat some of the historic resources that makes san francisco the envy of the world never goes away. we must always remind ourselves of the lessens of the three women who saved the bay, the lessens of (indiscernible) and let me say this, yes, this is a tourist
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attraction, but it is also used by our local residents. i have been elected five times by the good people of the northeast corner of san francisco to the board of supervisors, and i know sharon is in the crowd and i know i'm turned out yet again and will tell the secret to my electoral success. in the mornings this is a commuter vehicle and it delivers folks from nob hill and russian hill, and the upper tenderloin to downtown, and if you get on that thing at 7 o'clock in the morning and you hand out your campaign literature, you will be the next district 3 supervisor. in closing, let me thank the men and handful of women who operate these incredible vehicles, who have done so for 150 years. without your work,
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without your maintenance, we would not have these cable cars that are the envy of the world. thank you to the workers from the sfmta. [applause] >> beat you to that. i want the sfmta employees please put your hand up, including the retired guys like (indiscernible) these guys do a incredible job and they really care. [applause] somebody else who really cares heads the downtown sf partnership, and that represents this area, helps keep it clean and safe and i want to bring him up now, robby silver. [applause] >> good morning downtown san francisco! it is still morning. i'm robby silver, the executive director of downtown partnership and leading economic recovery efforts for
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the 43 block district around the financial district and jackson square neighborhood. daily cleanings and safety services for three activations and creating new public spaces for all. in fact, we are standing in a area we will be reimagining some time in the next year. we are also standing in a important gateway for the downtown and our city. downtown workers (indiscernible) and embarcadero transit centers. people come from all over the world to see the historic cable cars in action. this is just more then just a attraction as board president aaron peskin pointed out. the cable car lines support visitors, workers and residents from the downtown core through beautiful china town, nob hill and finally, van ness avenue. the top of california street is breath taking and really captures the best of
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what this city has to offer. when i got my drivers license and i will not tell what year that was, i thought i'll drive to san francisco. i hopped on the cable car and immediately transported to a different place and different time and felt the city's energy and decided i wanted to move here. i was transported to new time and place, all cities change and evolve and it is time for san francisco to reimagine its downtown. can california street be the center of economic activity with art, with culture, with hospitality? yes. yes it can. the downtown sf partnership is here to serve the city and lead that. no hill is too steep for the city and downtown to climb. we must reimagine ourselves, it can be done and we are doing it together. thank you all and congratulations.
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[applause] >> cable cars both the original line that ran on clay and sacramento street ended in 1942 and the california line which enders are simnel to mobility for the china town community and i like to call up don. donald is head of the san francisco chinese chamber of commerce and would love to hear some words from you. >> thank you. [applause] mayor breed (indiscernible) not just supervisor peskin- [difficulty hearing speaker] we have been gone through many many challenges over the years, and along the way, the cable car has been there
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with us. bringing visitors in china town. (indiscernible) i remember as a child in particular, the cable car on california (indiscernible) i'm very glad to have the city bringing back this program to encourage more ridership to the cable car in celebration of the 150 years anniversary. thank you so much. [applause] >> thank you donald. now for someone who has maybe the second toughest job in the city beyond the mayors, stepping forward, the director of transportation for the city and county of san francisco, sfmta (indiscernible) >> thank you rick. [applause] since the gold rush in 1849,
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downtown san francisco has been through endless cycles of boom and bust. each of the cycles the people who made real money were not the ones chasing after the obvious things. levistrauss didn't make money off gold, he made money by taking cloth and turning into tough pants for the gold miners. andrew holiday and his father came to san francisco during the gold and also did not make money off gold, but figured out how to make wire rope, which he sold to gold miners all over the state and then thought, what if i took the wire rope crazy technology and combined it with some weird new technology for hauling ore outlet of the ground and turned into technology for
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reinventing real estate in san francisco by hauling people up the highest hill. andrew holiday did make money off gold, he made money off using and reinventing older technologies to create something that people really needed. cable car technology. in every cycle of boom and bust, san francisco has invented the next new technology that lead the world forward but not just by making money. we reinventing ourselves remembering who we are and why we are here and what attracts. that is socialability and joy and beauty. (indiscernible) cable cars are no longer the most efficient mobile technology, but they bring joy. they bring visitors to san francisco. they are at the heart of who we are as
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a city. as we move forward reinventing the next san francisco in this transition from bust to boom cycle, we need to remember that as we reinvent new technology, that we also anchor ourselves in our san francisco values and as a center of joy and social mobility. we are so grateful to be caretakers of these amazing vehicles, and we are also excited and partnership with market street railway, downtown partnership and china town to offer a whole summer's worth of special events, celebrating the 150th anniversary of cable cars. i'm so grateful to our partnership with market street railway and (indiscernible) encourage you to visit in order to explore all the opportunities for riding. the $5 all day rate we'll have starting july 1 for the california line, tours
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of the amazing shops that our crews work in. when parts were out on these cars we cannot order from a catalog. they are hand machined. each one of these cars is rebuilt lovingly by a dozen different trades who have greater skills then any shop anywhere in the world. we will be doing- [applause] they are amazing. also, if you are interesting every wn of the skilled trades we have job opening now. go to to build your career at sfmt a. i thank you for coming out and hope you take advantsage of the tours and trips and special deals we are offering through the cable car system all summer long. thank you so much. back to rick. [applause] >> thank you. were
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your ears burning when he was talking about you? we have one more special guest. he comes to us from the past, but his legacy enders forever and that is mr. andrew holiday. andrew. this is microphone you speak into. [applause] [laughter] >> hello everyone. i'm very glad to be here and i want to thank the (indiscernible) who brought me back to life here to be part of this event today. i wasn't supposed to mention the time machine, but anyway. i did receive a complement as i came up here. i was told i look very good for being dead 123 years. i believe my greatest accomplishment in life
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is to build a cable car system for san francisco. it didn't take very long for my invention to become part of the city reaching other streets such as geary, sacramento street and of course market street. by 1890 there were 18 cable car lines all making transportation easier for everyone to get around. i'm very pleased to see one of my favorite cars here today, car 19, built in 1883. it looks as good today as it did then and i want to thank all those workers who continue to preserve it. i understand some dignitaries are going to ride this car up and down california street. you know, on my very first ride up clay street, we came to the top of the hill and looked at the bottom of the hill far on the
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steep incline and jumped out of the car and panicked and ran away so i had to take the lever myself. i want to assure you men and ladies, that won't happen again today. i paid a extra dollar. i want all you to take advantage of the beautiful cars that- (indiscernible) no other city can brag that they have cable cars like these. they are a treasure and may climb these hills another 150 years. thank you very much. >> thank you mr. holiday. i want to do a quick shout out to our crew who i guarantee will not run away from the car. derrick johnson and calvin watts are our crew and standing by hiding somewhere but they'll be out. we are going to board now. firts i want to recognize my boss, the board chair of our organization, carmen
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clark. leslie rogers a board member, retired head of federal transit administration district. dennis talk to your friends about getting us more money, leslie. and wes (indiscernible) a retired superintendent of cable cars. we got a great board. now it is time for the fun, so we can have the press and the mayor group will be on this platform here. that is for them, but others who are press and invited guests can walk down to the end there and they can climb on the rest of the car and then we'll let others on as we have room. press and invited guests and then we'll get going. [cheering and applause]
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charging emissions and we're free which we're proud of you know, it's not much free left in the world anymore so we managed to do that through donations and through our gift shops. you got a real look and real appreciation of what early transit systems are like. this was the transit of the day from about 1875 to about 1893 or later, you know. cable car museum is free, come on in. take a day. come down. rediscover the city. you can spend as time you want and you don't have to make reservations and it's important to be free because we want them to develop a love for cable cars so they do continue to support whether they live here or other places and people come in and say, yes, i have passed by and heard of this and never come in and they always enjoy themselves. people love cable cars and there's none left in the world so if you want to ride a cable car, you've got to come to san francisco. that what makes the city. without the cable cars, you lose part of
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that, you know, because people who come here and they love it and they love the history ask they can ride a cable car that has been running since 1888 or 1889. wow! that's something. can't do that with other historical museums. rarely, have i run into anybody from outside who didn't come in and didn't feel better from knowing something about the city. it's a true experience you'll remember. i hope they walk away with a greater appreciation for the history, with the mechanics with people are fascinated by the winding machine and i hope the appreciation, which is a part of our mission and these young kids will appreciate cable cars and the ones who live here and other places, they can make sure there will always be cable cars in san francisco because once they are gone, they are gone. it's the heartbeat of san francisco that founded the cable and the slot and without the cable cars, yeah, we would lose something in san francisco. we would lose
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>> good afternoon and welcome to the july 18, regular meeting of the san francisco board of supervisors. madam clerk, could you please read the roll? >> thank you mr. president. supervisor chan. chan present. dorsey present. engardio present. mandelman, present. melgar, present. peskin, present. preston, present. ronen, present.
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safai, present. stefani, present. and supervisor walton, present. mr. president, all members are present. >> thank you madam clerk. the san francisco board of supervisors we acknowledge that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush ohlone who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as the indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions, the ramaytush ohlone have never ceded, lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. as guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors and relatives of the ramaytush community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. please join me in the pledge of allegiance. >> i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
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>> madam clerk, do we have any communications? >> yes, mr. president. this meeting is airing live on sfgovtv channel 26. you are encouraged to come to the board legislative chamber in city hall, second floor room 250. the telephone number and id are streaming on the television. if you need assistance we is have a clerk standing by, 415-444-5184. to send written comments to members, snd your stamped letter via u.s. mail addressed to the san francisco board of supervisors, 1 dr. carlton b goodlett place room 244 san francisco,
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california 94102 or send e-mail to the address we'll have interpretation assistance in chinese filipino and spanish from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. thank you mr. president. >> thank you madam clerk. we'll go to our 2 p.m. special order, the mayor's appearance before the board. welcome mayor breed. do you have any remarks? i know there are no questions this month from the supervisors representing districts 9, 10 and 11. >> thank you president peskin, and good afternoon members of the board of supervisors. over the last several months we have been moving forward to talk about the future of downtown, and changing our laws to make it easier to convert and fill empty space. we reformed our tax truckture to recruit new businesses and delivered on our
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budget priorities to keep our city safe and clean. just yesterday we announced 400-0000 in new small business grants to help fill empty store fronts. all this work matters, but we also have to think bigger. downtown, financial district once the thriving part of the city and representing 70 percent of the tax base is changing and we need to adapt. today i sent several letters out including three to our city administrator, to the san francisco unified school district and to city college. these letters all ask the same fundamental question, how can we as public agencies be strategic with our own use of our real estate, our office space to take advantage of current office climate and directly invest in san francisco's recovery? as the larger employer in the city, we can lead on recovy by investing in high quality office space for our workers, we
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can do this while also leveraging our own buildings and land for other uses. we are in need of more land for housing and the city and these agencies have land all over san francisco. the school district is already pursuing building on vacant land, we are building hundreds of new homes on the old sfpuc land at balboa reservoir, at 49 south van ness partnered with related to build a new city office building and permit center while also creating hundreds of new units of rental housing. the office of economic workforce development willby the resource available to help us think through what is possible, and the other letter i sent was along with our city attorney david chui to the uc board of regents asking them to consider the possibility of
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bringing the uc system to downtown san francisco. whether that's ucsf, uc berkeley or other idea, we have space at the center of the city and the region that could attract students from all over the world. again, it is about what's possible. we aren't saying all of this is absolutely going to happen, but all of it can happen and that's what we need to start thinking about. let's be the city that imagines what's possible. the city that finds the way to make possibility a realty. let's not throw up road blocks, let's remove barriers not just in the policy but the vision for the fuper of the city. when i mention the possibility of bringing a soccer stadium downtown, that wasn't just me throwing out a idea? why can't we do it? it is easy to say something is hard, easy to say
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something is complicated, but if we continue to put up road blocks and say that then it won't be possible. san francisco talks about being a place of doers, a place of dreamer s, we are the place where the television was discovered. we are a place where the inventor of the chia pet and clapper and when we talk about what happens in san francisco and many of the tech industries, the bio tech and other folks, they say, san francisco is where we want to be because this city has the talent, it has the creativity, it has the invasion. regardless of the narrative people are try to put out about san francisco, people still want to be here, because this is where the world is changing. this is where the creativity and tomorrow's invasion and technology will happen because it happens in san francisco first. i want us to start thinking about what is possible. think bigger and with bolder and better
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for the future of our city. we can't be content always limiting and saying no and what cant be done. how do we get to yes? how do we make san francisco better for the future for all of us? thank you. >> thank you mayor breed. that concludes our 2 p.m. special order and thank you for joining today and we look forward seeing you next-actually in september. >> do you really look forward to seeing me? >> i do! thank you mayor breed. madam clerk, can we please go to the approval of our meeting minutes? >> yes, approval of the june 13, 2023 board meeting minutes and the special meeting minutes at the budget and appropriations committee where upon a quorum of the board appeared on june 14, june 15 and june 16, 2023. >> is there a motion to approve the minutes made by supervisor mandelman, seconded by supervisor preston.
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on that motion a roll call, please. >> on the minutes- [roll call] >> there are 11 ayes. >> those minutes will be approved as presented after public comment. madam clerk, could you please read the first item? >> item 1 is ordinance to amend the public works code and administrative code to eliminate permit fees for a curbside shared spaces permit approved before june
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30, 2024 and increase the gross receipts threshold from $2 million to $2.5 million for permit and license fees and affirm the ceqa determination. >> supervisor safai. >> thank you president peskin. colleagues, we discussed many times before-i spoke too quickly sir, i apologize. [laughter] curbside parklets are crucial to small business recovery in our city. not only do they provide small business owners more space, but they provide service industry workers extra opportunities to find work in our city. my goal with this legislation is that we stay true to the original intent of the shared space program,x which is to help small businesses and not take away from them. i believe eliminating the permit fees in this first year will allow the over thousand applicants, a
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thousand small businesses new and existing established parklets to expand their current footprint and sustain themselves in this really difficult economy. earlier this year we heard from small businesses that would cost them many times over $10 thousand up to $20 thousand to keep their current space, not including the additional adjustments they had to make to conform them to code, which in the end serve our purpose more but rather keeping the money in their hands to reinvest in their businesses by hiring staff and sustain themselves. additionally, inflation continues to effect small businesses, which is why the ordinance adjust the gross receipt threshold for the annual 50 percent license fee waver for businesses that do not exceed $2.5 million in gross receipts. again, this is truly a small business stimulus program. while this
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legislation started as a permit elimination of the fees ongoing, we were able to come to consensus at the budget and appropriations committee working with my colleagues and others and this fee waver will act as a short-term stimulus as i said for small businesses for the next fiscal year. i believe this is a good compromise for us to continue to support the recovery of our small businesses and our local economy. many of whom are the largest employers in the city. small businesses together make up a significant network of employment opportunities across san francisco. i ask for your support today. thank you colleagues. >> thank you supervisor safai. seeing no other names on the roster, we will take this same house same call. the ordinance is finally passed. madam clerk, could you please read items 2-36 together?
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>> item 2-36 comprise the budget for the city and county of san francisco for the fiscal years ending june 30, 2024 and june 30, 2025. item 2 and 3 are the budget and appropriation and annual sally ordinances, appropriating the estimated receipts and expenditures for the departments as of june 1, 2023 and approval of the positions. item 4, this is ordinance to amend the administrative code to increase minimum hourly compensation rate for employees of both non profit city contractors to $23 per hour by jan 21, 2026 to include annual increases based on the consumer price index and city contractors incrementally up to $25.50 per hour by january 24, 2027 with annual
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increases based for certain workers and modify the exemption to minimum compensation requirements for youth employees in summer and after school programs. item 5 this is the ordinance to amend administrative and environment codes to reduce administrative cost by requiring the risk manager to review and update insurance requirements as necessary instead of annually and eliminate the requirement the office of contract administration report on the implementation of city laws relating to select employment practice and use of tropical hardware by city contractor jz require the city administrator to send a list of available reports to the board of superrisers annually. item 6, this amends the administrative code to eliminate the city annual joint fund raising drive. item 7, the ordinance amends the administrative code to conform to current nomenclature the definition of technology market
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place for procurement of technology caw modties and service and adjust the associated fees paid by city departments. item 8, amends the administrative code to extend the board's delegation of authority under charter section 9.118 to the department of public health to approve managed care contracts to include contracts ending december 31, 2028 and to include from the requirement of controller's review those managed care contracts that are based on rates set by the california department healthcare service on or actual healthcare delivery cost. item 9 amends the administrative code to clarify certain procedures for the film commission programs such as when a contract is or isn't necessary to film a news event and clarify the execive director is apointded to increase the daily use fees to engage in film pruck and allow funds from the film
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rebate project account to be used to administer and market the program. item 10-13 are four ordinances that appropriate funds from the san francisco public utility commission in fiscal year 23-24. 10 appropriates approximately $124 million of hetch hetchy cap and trade revenue and power and water revenue bonds for the hetch hetchy capital improvement program and to place $41 million of power bonds and approximately $77 million of water bonds by project on controller's reserve. item 11 appropriates $759 thousand of clean powersf revenue for clean powersf capital improvements and 848 in california public utility commission grant funds to implement the disadvantdage communities and community solar green tariff programs. item 12 appropriates $332 million of proceeds from revenue bonds state of california water resource s control
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board revolving loan or grant funds, water revenues and water capacity fees for the water enterprise capital improvement program and places $282 million of revenue bond and state loaner grant fund proceeds by project on controller's reserve and for item 13, this item appropriates approximately $1.1 million of proceeds from revenue bonds state loans or grant funds wastewater revenue and capacity fees for wastewater enterprise capital improvement program and to replace approximately $1 billion in revenue bonds or state loans or grant funds by projeths on controller reserve for the project. 11 and 13, these are subject to prior currents of the sfpuc and board discretionary of ceqa findings. item 14, this appropriates $502 thousand in the port commission and
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approximately $97 million in the san francisco public utility commission in fiscal year 2023-24. item 15, this ordinance amends the building code to increase fees charged by the department of building inspection by 15 percent and affirm the ceqa determination. 16, this amends the business and tax regulation code to update emergency medical services fees subject to annual adjustment provisions and require fees for certain additional services and to amend the health code to define the terms trauma center and the pediatric center. item 17, this ordinance modifies early care and education programs and enables the city to use early care and education commercial rents tax revenue for such programs in the budget and are the out-year. item 18, this ordinance amends the health code to set patient rates and rates for other
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services provided by department of public health. item 19, this ordinance amends the municipal election code to opt out of state law that would require the names of supporters and opponents of a local ballot measure to be listed in the ballot statement or questions for the measure. item 20, this ordinance amends the business and tax regulation code to wave retroactively to july 1, 2023 certain first year permit license and business registration fees for specified small businesses that newly form or that open in new location and refund any waived fees paid to the city. for items 21-23, these three ordinances are submitted by the san francisco public utility commission. item 21 authorizes the issuance and sale of tax exempt or taxable water revenue bonds and other forms of debt in an amount of $359 million to finarns the cost of variance capital water projects
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that benefit the water enterprise to altogethererize the issuance of water revenue refunding bond and water enterprise commercial paper. item 22, authorize the issuance and sale of tax exempt or taxable wastewater revenue bonds and other forms of debt in approximate amount of $1 billion to finance the cost of various capital wastewater projeblths benefiting the wastewater enterprise to authorize the issuance of wastewater revenue reund ifing bonds and retirement of outstanding wastewater commercial paper and for item 23, this item authorizes the issuance and sale of tax exempt or taxable power revenue bonds and other forms of debt in the amount of $41 million to finance capital projects benefiting the power enterprise and authorize the issuance of bonds and declare the intent of the commission to reimburse it self with one or more issues of tax exempt bonds or
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other forms of debt and ratify previous action taken in connection as defined within each of the three items. for item 24, this ordinance adopts the neighborhood beautification and graffiti cleanup fund tax designation ceiling for tax year 2023. 25 amends the annual salary ordinance for fy22-23 and 23-24 to reflect the addition of four positions at the port commission and the substitution of 31 positions and addition of 128 positions at the airport commission in fiscal year 23-24. item 26, approves the budget for the ocii, the office of community investment and infrastructure and to approve the issuance by ocii of bonds in approximate amount of $75 million to finance enforceable obligations of the ocii. item 27, this resolution concurs
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with the controller's certification that departments service previously approved can be performed by a private contractor for a lower cost then similar work performed by city and county employees for the following services, budget and legislative analyst service for the board of supervisors, for fleet security services, real estate division, custodial suvs and security services and convention facility manage for general service agency in the city-at the city administrator office. for security services for department of public works, homelessness and supportive housing, human service agency and mayor office on housing and community development. and the department of public health. for food service at the county jail for the sheriff department and assembly vote by mail service for department of elections. item 28 and 29 approve the following two mou's. the memorandum of
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understanding with public health between the following entities that establish the roles and responsibilities for each party for purposes of fund raising and capital projects, for item 28, between the san francisco public health foundation and the department of public health. for item 29, this is between the san francisco general hospital foundation and the city and county of san francisco department of public health and to enter into amendments or modifications for both mou prior to final execution for the purpose of the mou or resolution. for item 30, this resolution approves the budget and out-year expenditure plan for department of homelessness and supportive housing fund and item 31, this resolution concurs with the controller's establishment of consumer price index for 2023 and adjust the tax by the same rate. item 32, authorize the acceptance and
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expenditure of state grant funds by department of public health. item 33, resolution authorizes the public library to accept and expend approximate $1 million grant inkind gift service and cash money from the friends of the san francisco public library for direct support for variety of public programs and services. item 34, approve an agreement between the public health and advocates for it human potential inc. having anticipated revenue to the city of approximately $2 million for a term of september 15, 2021 through june 30, 2025 and to authorize the department of public health to enter into amendments or modifications to effect wait the purpose of the resolution. item 35 and 36, are two resolutions that approve amendments to two grant agreements for the office of economic and workforce development. item 3
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approves the 5th amendment to grant agreement with the san francisco tourism improvement district management corporation to manage the downtown welcome ambassador program including a $5.1 million grant increase for a new total of approximately $21.3 million with increase to the term of one year and 8 months for new term ret row act v to july 1, 2021 to june 30, 2025. item 36 approves the third amendment to grant agreement with midmarket foundation to manage the midmarket tenderloin community based safety program grant amount increase of $31 million for total amount of $61 million, term extension through june 30, 2025. >> thank you madam clerk, that was a mouthful and want to start by thanking the members of the budget and appropriations committee.
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supervisors chan, ronen, walton and safai and particularly chair chan for i think the least-sorry, mandelman, excuse me, my bad. the least acrimonious most challenging budget we had in recent times, so hats off to all of you and applaud to supervisor ronen who went above and beyond the call to settle various matters and with that, supervisor chan, my profound thanks. the floor is yours. >> thank you president peskin. colleagues, at the beginning of this process i set with a goal to bring accountability to city spending through the hard work of colleagues on the budget and appropriation committee who fought for a more equitable san francisco. together, we present to all of you today with the budget that does just that. i like to thank my colleagues on the budget and
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appropriations committee, supervisor hillary ronen for her support and unwavering advocacy and bringing her know how as a former budget chair to the table and make sure we get this through. and vice chair rafael mandelman was critical in helping move our community forward. not just during the budget june time, but really throughout the month leading to it. of course, supervisor shamann walton keeping all of us time and tine again on time and honest. and supervisor ahsha safai for making sure we keep the conversation going. and of course, we as a committee didn't also do this alone as a committee. just also want to thank supervisor melgar for bringing early child care communities together. through her leadership we got it done. and last but not least, our board president aaron peskin for being
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ready any hour of the day, standing by when i call to offer-readily offer his guidance and support. for that i'm really grateful. i'm also grateful for the partners who moved the budget forward from my friends and colleague francis shay and team kelly grove, (indiscernible) our ever steady budget committee clerk, brent, our outstanding madam clerk and the entire clerk's office that supported our process, especially during the last two weeks. of course for mr. harvey rose and his team. (indiscernible) and the staff at the entire team at the budget and legislative analyst. of course our controller ben rosenfeld and (indiscernible) and rest of the controller's office and of course our
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director, budget director from the mayor's office and her team and of course our deputy city attorney ann pierson stayed with all those hours. colleagues through this budget we restored an unprecedent $75 million to direct service for our most vulnerable residents in san francisco for the next 2 fiscal year. some of the touch time still ahead of us. i have to be very honest. even though this budget we protected critical funding for child care and early education while preserving funding for food security, we have restored funding for the sro collaborative to protect single room occupancy tenants and safeguard funding for small sites acquisition. we have increased wages for workers in the community based organization and service industry. we have increased funding for shelter beds while preserving funding for housing for families and transitional age youth. we have preserved the critical work of
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the ethics commission as we are about to enter a very robust election cycle. and we have funded the creation of the office of reparations. all this was the work of this committee together. the restoration of these vital services fulfilled our promise to serve every san franciscans and create a more equitable budget not balanced oen the backs of our most vulnerable. this is about the people we serve. this is why i'm most grateful for our labor partners, community advocates and organizers here with us late night early morning and their advocacy helped all of us accountable and truly turned this budget into the people's budget. i'm thankful for all of you and placing your trust in me as your budget chair. finally, we still have little work to do and as last order of the business before we vote on
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these items, we will need to move some technical amendments to item 2 and 3 to amend the board of supervisors spending plan to correct some department destinations for item numbers c2, c6, c9, c11, c59, c76, c97 and c98 and update the description for item c24. and to authorize the controller to make adjustments as necessary to implement the board's action in order to balance accounts. so, with that, colleagues thank you. we are here. i also have to remind all of us, this isn't over. we are only the first of the two years budget cycle. actually we have a tough road ahead of us, so with that, again, i are want to thank the budget and appropriation committee. i look forward to seeing all you again, not soon
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though. you have recess. but i will see all of you back in the committee back in this chamber to get back to a very touch budget ahead of us. thank you. >> thank you chair chan. supervisor ronen. >> thank you. i just wanted to give a huge thanks to chair chan for providing wonderful leadership throughout the budget process. like many years, this year was particularly hard when we first got that budget from the mayor, i could not see how we were going to solve it, and get to a point where we could get this passed at the board and i think the hard hard work that we did at the committee, because man, we put in the hours really paid off, and as usual, the incredibly brilliant staff of our fiscal staff and the city
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from the budget director to the bla to the controller to the city attorney's office, it was as always a huge group effort and just always so impressed with the brilliance and the commitment of just all of the fiscal staff in this city that keeps running. finally, i really wanted to thank jacky preger of my office. this was her first budget. she said it nearly killed her, but thank goodness she took a couple weeks of vacation and slowly coming back to life for all her really extraordinary hard work on this budget. and to all the committee members, thank you for sitting for hours and hours and hours upon end making sure we listen to every public commenter in the city and that we went through each department budget with a fine
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tooth comb. i couldn't wait for it to be over, but feel extremely excited with the result. congratulations. >> thank you supervisor ronen. supervisor melgar. >> thank you so much president peskin. first, i just want to commend chair chan and her phenomenal aid francis shay for leading the budget process despite the many challenges we faced. and also to thank the entire committee for their long hours of work and all of your staff where all the work is supported in a very touch budget year. i also would be remiss not to acknowledge the hundreds of early care educators, families, working parents and advocates who came to city hall to hold us accountable to the will of the voters. this is is a group of people who don't often tell us what is on their mind.
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to insure we protect prop c to achieve the goal of universal child care in san francisco. i want to thank chair chan and controlling rosenfield and his team for all the work and brilliance, particularly supporting in finding a sophisticating resolution to insure we protect the baseline of bayview prop c and utilize the interest accrued rather then the $30 million baseline funding to help close the budget. i want to thank anna dunning for the mayor budget druckter director for leadership, partnership and thoughtfulness and i want to make clear hearing chair chan comments about next budget year and the hard work ahead, that we have many difficult decisions ahead of us in the next fiscal year, but have to be conscious about the cost and benefits of the hard choices we make and avoid being
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penny wise and pound foolish. for early education every dollar we spend for kids 0-3 saves us hundreds if not thousands of dollars later on for those san francisco citizens. i know our vice president kamala harris did a lot of work when she was attorney general in california making the connection to early education to everything that comes later. again, want to thank the chair for her leadership in your great ability to tune up the noise and stay on task and i appreciate all the members of the committee. thank you. >> thank you supervisor melgar. supervisor engardio. >> thank you president peskin. i want to extend gratitude to the mayor budget team, our controller, budget legislative analyst and budget committee lead my chair chan. the budget secured critical investment for senior youth and community based organizations even as we
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faced a big deficit with more difficult decisions to come next year. i want to thank supervisors ronen and chan for helping preserve dist rth 4's youth and family network. funding for the vital service was on the chopping block and many in the sunset are relieved we were able to save critical funding for youth and families in need. i am proud this budget will raise the minimum wage for our city funded healthcare workers. they do essential work caring for other people's families. now they will also be able to better provide for their own families. i especially want to thank my west side colleague supervisor melgar for her efforts as a champion for bayview prop c. supervisor melgar was a strong mediator for our is ity youth and families. thanks to her advocacy we were able to accomplish the goals sought by the mayor's office while preserving baby prop c funds for future generations. colleagues, we provided a lifeline to home grown business
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passes first year free and delaying scheduled increase to gross receipts business tax. i want to thank the mayor as champion for neighborhood commercial district. we are able to fund activation efforts throughout the city to increase foot traffic encourage diversity or discovery of what our diverse neighborhoods offer. residents and visitors are going to experience san francisco and create a lot of joy and we need more of that. speaking of joy, i are want to encourage all of my colleagues to attend our first sunset night market scheduled for september 15 on iving street. celebrate food, music arts. this helps accomplish many goals to improve our city, bringz people together, makes streets safer, gives small businesses a boost so i look forward having you there as we work to create our best san francisco. >> thank you supervisor engardio. president peskin. >> thank you
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supervisor walton. i rise to offer an amendment to item number 19 that is part of the budget package, which is the ordinance amending the election's code to opt out of a state law enacted last year that would require the names of supporters and opponents of local ballot measures to be listed in the ballot statement for any election. this measure did incompass the state law incompassed and applied to charter cities like san francisco, but gave us the ability to opt out and that is what this legislation provides. and given the fiscal situation that we face, i think it made sense. it costs according to john arts our director of elections in so far as
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it could add 125 characters per side per ballot measure and additional page. cost as much as a half million dollars so i concur with the legislation but it is nice if we can comply with ab1416 and to that end i like to offer a amendment that does not make this permanent but requires us to revisit this on a annual basis and that has been distributed to all of you in the long title. it would add at the end of the long title for any election held in fiscal year 23-24 and future elections subject to approval by the board of supervisors. on page 2, at the end of subsection f to add the language for elections held in fiscal year 23-24 and future
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approval by the board of supervisors by resolution submitted and approved as part of the annual budget process and to add that at section 5-10 on page 3 in subsection d, for election held after fy-23-24 the board may opt out of the requirements of section 910 subsection a by resolution submitted and approved as part of the annual budget process. i would like to thank deputy city attorney brad russi and deputy city attorney ann pierson for their very quick work in crafting this and the suggestions from ben rosenfield and ask for a second. >> thank you. motion to amend item 19 by president peskin and seconded by supervisor ronen. >> thank you. i'll call on supervisor walton next, but before i do that, is
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there a second to technical amendments, by chair chan and seconded by chair ronen. supervisor walton, the floor is yours. >> thank you president peskin. first want to start with a big thank you to chair chan for her leadership through the budget process as well as supervisor ronen working and bringing community together to address some of the proposals that the mayor put forth that really bring people together and do it in a manner that brought folks together so thank you so much for that. also want to thank tracey brown from my team as well as the entire district 10 office, the budget legislative analyst, controller's office, deputy city attorney ann pierson and of course the mayor's budget director anna dunning. we were able to restore a lot of resources that were proposed to be cut. restore cuts from the draconian mayor office of housing community development.
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restored funding to combat domestic violence, protected child care and homelessness resources, secure funding for recovery hubs and we secured funding for the office of reparations and just excited about being able to come to a point where we could balance the budget, particularly and in the face of pretty high deficits over the next couple fiscal years so thank you to everyone who worked hard on this budget, including the community and of course our clerk brent who was here with us the entire time and also other members of the clerk's office who stayed with us and of course made sure we were able to have efficient meetings and conducted business of the city. thank you. >> thank you supervisor walton. supervisor preston. >> thank you president peskin. i want to echo a lot of the comments of colleagues and really thank budget chair chan and entire budget committee for
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their extensive work and deliberation throughout the process and i really appreciate their diligence and care in balancing a lot of competing demands and needs and this looming deficit we are all aware of, and will not repeat but echo the thanks to all the other folks involved, bla, controller office, mayor budget office, city attorney. takes a ton of work to move this forward and appreciate everyone's efforts. let me start by recognizing-i think the budget committee was put in a very difficult spot this year. i think the mayor's budget funded some important shared priorities, including tenant right to counsel, various mou's with unions, wellness hubs and are many other essential services, but at the same time, that budget also sought to defund
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key and crucial priorities like affordable housing, food banks and services for domestic violence survivors just to name a few. as some of my colleagues referenced, the community really activated to push back on that initial proposed budget and really thanks to the advocacy of residents across san francisco, and the work of this board lead by chair chan and the budget committee and as a number of folks recognized in particular, former chair ronen's work on the major ballot measures and others on the committee who really took leadership each on their own initiatives. the budget was dramatically improved in many respects. in addition to restoring some of the most mayoral cuts this budget provides funding for
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crucial programs and resources that will help our city become more equitable for poor and working class san franciscans. i'm also personally deeply appreciative of the many items we were able to secure from my district including a drop in site for homeless individuals in the tenderloin. peer lead overdose funding, (indiscernible) violence preventions, (indiscernible) just to name a few. p so i'm proud of our office work in the budget process and appreciate the collaboration of budget committee members and chair chan in securing a lot of those crucial budget items. i want to say that i recognize that no budget is perfect. there is a process of give and take here but here is where i land, were it not for two major issues and that's the defunding of social housing and the massive increase to the police budget, issues i made clear
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are red-line for my support of a budget, were not for those issues i would support this budget even if i had issues with particular line items here and there as we all have particular issues with line items here and there. on housing, inexplicbly the mayor continues the unfortunate pattern of seeking to divert prop i revenue away from social housing. but this year the mayor's budget and budget before us went a step forward defunding to the tune of 20million. funds the board already appropriated to the housing stability fund for small site acquisition and community land trust. this undoes progress toward affordable housing goals set forth in the housing element. it means displacement of residents at the hands of real estate speculators and loss of buildings that could have been saved and converted
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permanently to affordable house. i want to be clear, the refusal to invest in social housing is not because of a lack of funds and that is clear from what this budget does with the police budget. in this budget we will fund policing thin city more then we ever have before to the tune of nearly $800 million. the sfpd is getting a $62 million increase on top of the $50 million increase last year and $25 million supplemental just a handful of months ago. this despite the fact that our city has made significant investments and progress in diverting non-criminal calls from police and reducing calls for service. our office suggested millions of dollars of cuts to sfpd the public wouldn't have noticed and none were taken. meanwhile racial disparities in policing rage on despite reform efforts. the
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most recent data shows the end of last year police were 25 times more likely to use force against the black community then they were against white people. and the recent arrest of 81 children many children of color at a recent skating event shows police resources continue to be used in questionable ways. these unconditional budget give-aways to sfpd are in my opinion out of hand and not making us safer. so, colleagues, rb i will be voting no despite the many good things in this budget, including many things that i my team spent countless hours working to support. i do this with immense respect and gratitude and appreciation for the work of chair chan and the budget committee, and i appreciate and thank them all for their work. i also want to thank my entire staff, especially my legislative aid
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preston killgore who led the work of my office along with melissa hernandez, kyle (indiscernible) and jennifer bullen and thank each and every person and community group who met with us to advocate for priorities in the budget and came and spoke to the budget committee. we appreciate your time and involvement and there is no question in my mind that you all helped to dramatically improve this budget. with respect and for these reasons i will be voting no on the budget today. thank you. >> supervisor preston, just as a house-keeping matter, would you like me to call and vote separately on items 2 and 3 or would you like me to call-we have called 2-36 together. would you like me to call and vote on them as one? how would you like to cast your descenting vote? >> i assumed as a package-happy to support the amendments put forward. >> great. supervisor
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safai. >> thank you. i just want to briefly say thank you to chair chan for her work leading this process and all the committee members. my colleagues supervisor ronen, mandelman, walton for-- (indiscernible) and supervisor melgar for jumping in. obviously helping tremendously during the process and president peskin. also want to thank the budget director anna dunning and her team working so collaboratively with us. i will say that i think the way the conversation started and the way the budget was presented to us, i think it was extremely harsh toward children and families. took a lot of work and lot of energy to get the message out to them that we were going to do everything we can to balance this out and it is hard when people haven't gone
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through that process before to understand exactly what the outcome might end up being, but i think we did a good job in the end and probably a precursor to the conversations there next year, but i thought the process was smooth. other then public comment every single day. just kidding. [laughter ] not really. anyway, but thank you for everyone involved and i think at the end i think we have a pretty strong budget with really good initiatives that will help move the city forward in a positive direction. thank you. >> supervisor mandelman. >> i like to echo all the thanks and will not repeat them all. thanks to chair chan and my colleagues on the committee and all our staff and then i want to add in, jacky thornhill formally of my office and (indiscernible) of my office. >> thank you. colleagues can we take the amendments
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to items 2, 3 and 19 same house same call? the items are amended and on items 2-36 with 2, 3 and 19 as amended, madam clerk a roll call, please. >> supervisor walton, aye. supervisor chan, aye. supervisor dorsey, aye. supervisor engardio, aye. supervisor mandelman, aye. supervisor melgar, aye. supervisor peskin, aye. preston no. supervisor ronen, aye. supervisor safai, aye. supervisor stefani, aye. ten ayes and one no with supervisor preston voting no. >> ordinances passed first reading and
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resolutions adopted. congratulations. madam clerk, please read item 37? >> item 37 is ordinance to amend the planning code to permit health service uses on the ground floor for specified areas of polk street neighborhood commercial district to affirm the ceqa determination and are make the appropriate findings. >> roll call. >> on item 37- [roll call] there are 11 ayes. >> the ordinance is finally passed. next item. >> 38 is ordinance to amend the
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administrative code to extend the sunset date of the san francisco sentencing commission to june 30, 2026. >> same house same call, the ordinance is finally passed. next item. >> item 39, ordinance to wave the public right of way occupancy assessment fee under the public works code for major encroachment permit associated with the seal rock inn at 545 point lob os and affirm the ceqa determination. >> same house same call, the ordinance is passed first reading. next item. >> item 40, this vote requires a 9 vote requirement pursuant to charter section 88.422, a ordinance to approve the health service system plan and contribution rates for calendar year 2024. >> same house same call, the ordinance is passed first reading. madam clerk, 41-45
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together. >> comprise 5 resolutions that approve the execution of master license agreement between the city and following various entities to install telecommunication systems on san francisco municipal transportation agency and san francisco public utilities commission poles, each for term of 12 years and resulting in revenues that exceed 1 million for each contract. 41 approve the crablth with gte mobile net limited partnership verizon wireless. 42 approve the contract with mobile it. 43 approve the contract with exte-net. (indiscernible) doing business as at&t and are to affirm the ceqa determination for each
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item. >> same house same call, the resolutions are adopted. next item, please. >> item 46 approves a emergency declaration of the san francisco public utilities commission to contract resources to repair the road failures on cherry lake road and hetch hetchy road where damage by above normal precipitation and series of recent winter storms with total estimated contract cost not to exceed $20 million. >> same house same call, the resolution is adopted. next item, please. >> item 47, authorizes department of technology and office of contract administration to enter into an agreement between the city and zone llc for enterprise products not to exceed $55 million for initial 3 year term through august 31, 2026 with the option of one of
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six one year extensions. >> same house, same call, the resolution is adopted. please read item 48-49 together. >> comprise two resolutions that designate the community and outreach neighborhood advertising and official advertising. item 48 designate the bay area reporter, the wind newspaper, the wind newspaper and sing thao daily. (indiscernible) newspaper, the sellven communications doing business as the san francisco bay times, and the hearse communications doing business as san francisco chronicle, all to be the outreach neighborhood periodicals and for item 49, designates the clinton riley communication doing business as san francisco examiner to be the official newspaper of the city for official
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advertising for fiscal year 2023-2024. >> same house, same call, the resolutions are adopted. next item . >> 50, retroactively authorize to enter into the following two related agreements with department of healthcare service for state medi-cal county inmate program. the participation agreement and the administrative service agreement 23-30045 in amount not to exceed $24 thousand for a term through including june 30, 2026. >> same house, same call, the resolution is adopted. next item, please. >> item 51 resolution to aauthorize the mayor office of housing and community development to expend soma community stabilization fund dollars in the amount of $600 thousand to address various impact 06
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destabilization on residents and business in the soma for term through june 30, 2024. >> same house same call, resolution adopted. >> motion to enact 4.75 percent cost of living adjust to base fiscal year 22-23 contract amount of approximately $2.9 million for budget and legislative analyst services to as of july 1, 2023 resulting in new 23-24 contract amount of approximately $3.1 million and direct the clerk to take necessary administrative action to amend the contract accordingly. >> same house, same call, the motion is approved. next item, please. >> item 53 amend the business and tax regulation code to extend through december 31, 2024 the gross receipts tax rates in effect january 1,
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