tv Fire Commission SFGTV August 2, 2023 5:00pm-6:31pm PDT
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good evening this is the fire commission meeting july 26, 2023. this is held in person. members miattends the mote to observe can provide comment at the location or by calling 415-655-0001, access code: 2664 531 2704 ## the password is 1, 2, 3, 4. ensure you near a quiet roekz. speak clearly and turn off all
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background sounds. wait for the item. you would like to address to be called. press star 3 to be added to the queue. system will notify you when you are in line you will hear silence had waiting to peek. operator will unmute you. callers will have 3 minutes to provide public commentful you may watch live at item 1 roll call. >> president nakajo. >> present. >> vice president morgan. >> present. >> commissioner feinstein. >> present. >> commissioner fraser. >> present. >> commissioner collins. >> present. >> and chief of department jeanine nicholson. >> present. >> president nakajo will read the land acknowledgment. >> thank you very much. ramaytush ohlone land acknowledgement the san francisco fire commission acknowledges that we
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are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush ohlone who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as the indigenous stewards of this land, and in accordance with their traditions, the ramaytush ohlone have never ceded, lost, nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. as guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders, and relatives of the ramaytush ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples >> thank you. item 2. general public comment. members of public may address the commission up to 3 minutes on any matter in the commission's jurisdiction that does not appear on the agenda. speakers address to the commission as a bhoel not
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individual commissioners or department personnel. commissioners not to enter in debate or discussion with a speaker. the lack of response by the commissioners or personnel does not necessary low institute agreement with or support of statements made during public comment. >> are there member who is wish to comment? there is nobody approaching the podium and nobody on the comment lionel. >> thank you very much. public comment is closed. item 3. approval of the minutes. discussion and possible action to approve the regular meeting minutes of july 12, 2023. anyone in the public wish to comment? >> nobody is approaching and nobody on the comment line. >> public comment is closed. any questions or discussions from commissioners?
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remote commissioners? i will make a motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting. >> thank you very much vice president morgan. is there a second, commissioner fraser. >> president nakajo. >> aye. >> commissioner feinstein. >> i think i should abstain although i did watch sfgovtv but [inaudible]. >> commissioner collins? >> aye. >> motion passes. item 4 chief department's report from jeanine nicholson on issues and events within the department since the fire commission meeting on july 12 of 23 including academy, events, communication and out roach to government agencies and the public.
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and report from administration shayne kaialoa on the administrative division and updates, finance. support services and home land security. and -- chief is up. >> thank you very much, good evening chief nicholson >> good evening president nakajo. vice president and commissioners. and command staff. i'm your fire chief jeanine nicholson and here is my report since the left commission meeting. i want to first say i did take time off, which was wonderful. and i 3 and 4 were great take care of all the business that needed to be taken care of. i will go on another vacation
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tomorrow. kidding. >> but they did great and so -- i'm just super thrilled with them. they went to this you went -- commissioner fraser to the coit writing tower? yes. so, our easy autonomous vehicle issues keep percolating and continuing and -- we had one last night that came to our fire out on balboa. and stop up the intersection. [inaudible] stopped up the intersection and stayed for 30 minutes. and then mou figured out to turn and leave. but we are continuing to see challenges and issues you have seen it in many from many media outlets.
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there are lots of conversations about it. and we are will be moving with california puc. they invited public safety and did not think that was appropriate. we should meet as a city. so -- we will -- eventually -- do that and meet with them to explain the issues and the chief look a load on this with our fire marshall. thank you both for your work on that. we have continued engage am in a peck. our asian pacific, economic, conference something else cooperation or something. what is happen nothing november. huge event for the staechl there will be 20 heads of state here with all of their staff and --
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and -- security. as well as our president and vice president here. it is really an important event. the mayor was saying we have not had this since like you know in many years. of so -- since before she was born. i don't know if it was in the 40s with, yea. >> anyway. >> but anyway, we are not engaged in that and chief brown taken the lead on that working with. we also have chief tong is involved. just a lot of our measures involved in many of the meetings with other law enforcement agencies and everything else there is a lot that goes into this. they will shut down the city.
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blocks radius around things. when that happens. more to follow on that. today, the budget was signed. by the mayor and the budget from the -- board of supervisors cone chan and so -- that's good. we are in better shape than we thought we would be in. we still have needs. we -- did not lose money in the budget. did not cut. we increased it by about 13 and 15 million dollars. so, again, yes, we have a ton of news but grateful that the mayor did prioritize public safety in this budget as challenging as it was with over 700 million dollars worth of cuts this year.
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and i imagine next year will be -- not as nice to anyone. but -- we are in good shape. one more time before the money drops the ink is barely dry. we near good shape >> haze street was in the media. you know, with -- we are going to opening statement street back up to traffic. because -- we have been working with the mta and with the all the folks that run the businesses there and -- we have plenty of written proof and e mail chains of what we need friday them. and -- they were never able to meet us and put cones out was not that complicated. so, but now the city reversed
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the decisions. we are going become to speak with the businesses mta and with the supervisor of that district dean preston. i poke to him today. and my fire marshall is speaking to one of his aids tomorrow of we did not ask for a lot. it is not challenging. what we asked for and it was not done. and we have lots of issues trike to get through there. and -- just a simple requests. hopefully we can work that out. they can keep the businesses and streets closed opened to foot traffic. we met with the nert board and they are a wonderful group of people who just give and give and give.
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and really help cappine tom run the nert program. and so, i we had a good conversation with them. and we had some ideas -- of how we can -- do more things together. do trainings together and other things. now we do have 3 newark cystant deputy chief in house. i would like to ask them to all come up. and i will have each them introduce themselves and tell you how long they have been here and what they are doing now. go ahead, mike. >> president nakajo, vice president morgan. commissioner feinstein, fraser and collins.
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chief. i am mike mullen in support service. 25 years in the department of the prior to this i was battalion chief for 3 years at battalion 6. and i am pleaseed serve the members of the department and the citizens and visitors to this great city. thanks, mike. good evening. president nakajo. vice president morgan. commissioner fine stein, fraser, collins. assistant deputy chief director of training. you seen me before as part of the diversity inclusion office. i had the honor to work with deputy chief beaufort and lieutenantand son helping to make forward progress for the department with dei. i'm honored to be part of train
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and returning become to training i started off as a young officer with the fire department and went top train nothing 2012 this is full circle to lead train and move department forward i completed 21 years. and upon honors and grateful for this opportunity. thank you. >> good evening president nakajo. vice president morgan. commissioner feinstein, phraseir u collins, chief nicholson, i'm derrick miller earthquake safety and bond program. i will help over see the bob finance construction the fire training if sillity and also on the other projects from previous bond initiatives. i have been with the department for 23 years prior had 4 years
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with stockton fire department and before that time on a bls ambulance i served in many exclusive and an honor to be here and privilege to serve with the san francisco fire department. >> thank you. can you speak about your k-9 program you are involved in? >> since 2015 participating in our department's search and rescue k-9 program i'm partnered with riffa an urban search and rescue k-9 part of california task force that is a question i get why is the dog not here. >> exactly. i will not make that mistake again. [laughter]. all right. thank you. >> thank you. all 3 of you appreciate you jumping on board this train with us. and more to follow. have a seat. and i want to end on a bit of i somber note we lost a member
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last week. meaghan franzy. i believe she was with us 22-23 years. and she was also on disability of late with i back injury. and she was found diseased in her home last week we are all really pretty crushed by it. she was a really raubl member of this departmentful came in as a firefighter, became a paramedic fire department. if you remember she was honored many years ago. the tiger incident at the san francisco zoo all those years ago when the kids harassing the tigers and 2 escaped from the pen and she was one of the responders jumped out of her rig and when the tigerses were loose to help the individuals that had
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been injured. by the tigers. she got out. got a back board. got put this you know strapped the person in and go the them in the ambulance awhile the tigers rung around. and so, she did more and she was a member of station 12. which i believe is your neighborhood mr. feinstein for many years and oflet serving at an airport with assistant deputy chief darcy. if we could end the meet nothing her honor i would very much appreciate that. thank you. >> thank you very much chief nicholson. we ask for public comment on the chief's report. there is nobody prochg the podium and nobody on the comment line. >> public comment is closed.
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commissioners any questions or comments for the chief? commissioner fraser, you have a question. i do, thank you. thanks for your report. sorry about the firefighter meaghan franzon. can you hear me? congratulations to all our new ad c's wonderful i'm happy for all of you. and your report thank you very much. my question is related to manage we talked about but was again in the new york times about the fires in san francisco related to the scooter they were menninging scooter batteries. so i then and there is on going but i thought there might be a comment? i can speak a fwoit that, yes. we have been working with elected officials in the city to am determine legislation put
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forward. i think that mark is doing the will same fire marshall >> >> certified or ones this have been worked on. when you look at what something costs. when it is not ul or has been repaired. tell be 100 bucks versus 800 bucks. i think it is very hard to police that. but we have to do something. and we will start there.
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and see -- see where it goes. and what other things we may need it do. we are on it. >> i know you are. thank you. reassuring. >> vice president morgan? >> yes. thank you for your report, chief. you must have read my mind. i was circling a few names dinot recognize. the assistant deputy mullins and chief miller. and i knew who chief mou was. i could not accomplice the name with the face. i know i met them once this clarified it more. i wanted say congratulations, guys. and i'm sure you are big shots now. >> did not have enough. >> and -- you guys had big
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shows to fill and i'm sure you will do fine. looking forward to working with you guys. and thanks for your report of the did the haight street thing, than i have it closed off or what? >> so, a block of haight closed off for the businesses to have -- out door dining and the like and. pedestrianod it. and we ran in issues there. i can get the fire marshalls to talk a bit about it. >> come on up. come on down on the process is right >> good evening president, vice president, commissioners, chief. haight street is closed on from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. on saturday and sundays. as the street closure we use it
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as a possible response route hay have a fire lane down the center. issues we have been having is accesses to that street. we came to an agreement originally on cone formation that would let cars go that you should not drive down the street but wide enough that we could. and it has not been set up this way delays us and issues with illegal park or maintenance, people parking in the crosswalk. if the cones were cest correct low we can't get down because as a result food deliver drivers block it. we are trying to get people to not park well and put the cones out. that is had is going on with haight street. we have been in communication and we will continue doing so over the next month. >> okay. >> thank you. >> all right. thank you very much vice president morgan anything else at this point. >> that's all i have. >> commissioner feinstein. >> fine.
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thank you. i appreciate it. >> thank you very much. chief, thank you very much for your report. at this point thank you for take the time to introduce your chief support service. tick a moment to introduce one more. >> please. >> one of our city attorneys here. >> okay. >> carolyn page. and good evening and thank you for being here, sister, appreciate it. >> thank you for that, chief. welcome. city attorney paige, we will all look forward in terms of the chief's appointed support service bond i call it. training. chief miller chief mou by your information sharing yours in the department i got about 70 years.
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it is real important this commission supports you, chief, and the command staff in i mooth and order low transition. it is a great challenge. not an easy task to fill 5 key positions in the departmentful with your administration. i have a tendance tow believe and now being a part of this commission for a number of years in the succession plan. at in point or another all you have the many years will move on to other things in your career beyond this fire department. to me as a commissioner as a commissioner, i will support this move to transition going on look forward to your presentation when is it calls for this occasion. also i believe that succession plan. chief. other than that, and i don't
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have anything else at this point. thank you very much will chief nicholson. and madam secretary the report in terms of [inaudible]. call this. i did call chief kaialoa. >> yes. >> okay. welcome. this is your first verbal narration. we are looking forward to it. no pressure. >> [laughter] well. the tech guru. that's duly noted. commissioner feinsteinful i am prepared. i have a clicker. >> supported the command staff t. [inaudible]. present. >> no. i don't good evening.
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pip shayne kaialoa department chief of administration report for june 2023. as we get right. go back wovnl before i begin want to thank chief nicholson and the fire department one left fooim time for being able to serve as the assistant director of training it was an honor and i highlight of my career being able to be in that position and work with the folks i worked with. and everyone i love to name them all to work with this group was absolutely amazing and to be able to accomplish had we accomplished the reason because
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of folks that work in that division this have the approximation for this fire department, passion for the people that we serve and i thank you. as you can see, you are left with great hands with chief mou fantastic she was there before and a fantastic personful excited be in this position and work with the folks that you saw this evening. so excited you can tell we near good hand and wills move forward. with that let's begin. first slide is our home land security department. land by assistant chief erika sailoros i congratulate her and her team for the work and collaborate rigz and partnerships with state and federalancies to be able to koshed nay events and trainings and keep this department safe. in of those events this year or this last month was the first
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parade and also the san francisco pride parade on june 25th. all smiling face in those for very good reason. but all due to the planning cordination with our partner agencies through assistant deputy chief and josh as well. also in the month of june there was a few exercise on june 20. this was an exercise in in the event we have i large scale incident such as an either quake we have interruption of fuel or in operational periods fuel levels original the city are diminishing and we near prescriptions we are able to fuel our apparatus while in operation. and that's what took place with these partnerships. and it was done at the treasure island training. they are vulnerable.
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next up. :our nert folks, hosted the national conference at the grand hyat-sfo. give it up to captain tom for absolutely work in this event and being able to host this event in san francisco it took months of coordination and planning. that's due to captain tom 800 invitee in training folks. the chief brown gave a keynote speak or yes. speech. and captain tom delivered train and nert trainings and hundred's on training. you know, home land security supports the efforts as there
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are visits to san francisco. fwhn june was the where we have personal [inaudible] command post on stand by and in dms support and through our field unit safety support. and our department have equity competence inclusion under chief shawn beaufort. until this month or june's month, this report i will highlight anderson an incredible individual who works hard. he was on vacation for 3 weeks and still working for this department to move recruitment and out roach forward. know amazing individual. the things he was working on this month with the partners you see in this picture there is college campus advertising. and what we want to do is advertise on the college campuses we are hiring but then also to provide resource of what classes you need to get in the
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department and how we and support and you develop path ways roach out to the chinese constituents [inaudible]. we are also looking at retired sfd member and how to support our out roach and can we leverage the folk who is have been reaching out to us. to get back to the department and help us in recruitment and out reach. looking at path ways for that. there are programs thattand son is involved in the mission high fire sxeshgs ms program. they are develops and earn while you learn. they go through the program and graduate and move in ent school we pay for this program. they can develop the emt certificate. and then able to start applying. >> there was a spring break camp 3 days. this was a part of the team
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nert. program. in the 3 day wes delivered fire, recruitment and information. over the 3 days. beyond that, the partnership with sfusd going on for a time and how we can partner to build the admittance in the college and partnership with recruitment and out reach for the requirement. work nothing how we come to increase our efforts on both sides of the house. next is the health and safety. section under chief alba. they put on the 3 day training for cancer champions. i think you heard in of this through chief oshg o'connor, this is important initiative to us. to deliver cancer trained to our
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folk and thought what better way then and there to mile per houror our station stewards who other bridge between labor and the fire house. they go to the meetings. take that information and come back and the grass root's level. we thought let's mirror this and roach out to cap sxans see is interested to deliver the message regarding cancer. upon how we can protect ourselves and how we can understands some of the symptom and when to get checked. that went on for 3 days a partnership with detect together. which has information that is put up in fire house. there is also booklets this talk about risks that are specific to firefighters and things we watch out for and resources. so the intent is this every month the cancer champ yons
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delivers information and training to the members and then start to put up materials. they are looking for other whistles to deliver that information it is palatable to folks they take it in come learn more about cancer and our job and relating to cancer. >> in our behavioral health unit under captain -- thank you. why [laughter] i was on the phone for 4 days straight. before i goat that i want to highlight captain bonjour an and the unit. in regards to our loss in the last week. when it sprung and up court nayeded with command staff for out roach to station 12 and the airport station where meaghan was stationd and deliver resource. bring that team together. come in the fire houses, diffuse and see where people needed
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support we knew it would be a difficult situation. not for the entire fire department and to the stations that she worked had interactions on a 24/hour base. i want to thank cam ain't and her team for that incredible work and the w they do every month. you see here the context were am i'm sorry. 83 unit. 83 contacts over the last month. and you see the hours and how it is broken down. by [inaudible]. upon president next data you see is the data by stress factor. and this helps us understand hat effectiving our folk and better have resources to- them with those. this is just broken down by hours and where they are spent administrative or meetings or in
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person or on the phone. >> next up is office of employee health. doctor brokaw and stefani phelps this month they had 23 exams. and end of probation for the 129th. ems hires, prosecute promotionals this is a mall part of what that unit does in the initial if i was they credit in the office employee health to support our folks like 30 in and out and so many others and things they do throughout the year. as we move forward and i do the presentations that will highlight the different aspects. you can learn well rounded look when they are doing. on the investigative services and new cappine wells doing a fantastic job. i'm sorry i'm getting old exert i cannot see that. [laughter] and i cannot remember
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that. . but i do have the data. so captain probably within a month and he jump in the feet first doing a fantastic job working on initiatives and performing work in the isb for this department. uh-huh. there we are. there we are. [laughter]. okay n. alcohol and drug testing 33 tested all negative and post accident drum and alcohol program 3 post accident tests and all negative. california driver's license we track the via california dmv notifications. and our training captain wealths completed refresher training.
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captain wealths goes out on deployment and over sees an engine company had they travel around california assisting the partners with wild and fire [inaudible]. did go through that training to be appropriated this year if needed. background violationi sb working with hr to phenotype become ground pack net time for the next class. we just met with todd today. and they gave us a grak background on the pack and he delivering more information hope to get that approved shortly. under our passport services, you met chief mullin again another person whop has doe in his position and doing a fantastic job getting i hold of what theion entail and moving forward. in the month of june 110
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requests for service. 116 service orders completed. we did hire plumber. daily operations and plumbing needs and they moved the antique this is in the in your report i changed. they moved this over the antique and firebugy to headquarters brings history to headquarters. nice when you walk in and history there. under quake xherjs response chief miller, the [inaudible] capable of pumping 5, 500 gallons per minute used f it for above water ground hose system. where the water supply is overwhelmd and provides water for firefightering in the events of an earthquake. we have high pressure, august am
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the water supply. i think chief o'connor called at this time feel good session i'm calling highlights. you hearted the chief of course we were at the san francisco opening of coit towers laze are put on. . and it is shot lazars in the sky if the top of coit tower create a candacel in the sky. the next highlight if use summer fishing program. i great program if you don't know about flip motorbike smug put on the gondz learn more about. flame supports the youth from 4-prison in basketball,
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baseball, boys and girls and in volleyball and. this program the fishing program and work toward a wrestling program. this was a finish taftic day. look at that middle picture miling face and is see fish. so a good day. last but not least the international program hosted delegates from ukraine. on the 2 week study tour for learning importance and upon captain francisco gave a tour and fire boat roadway ride. we had 41 members left month and 72 members total over the year. that will conclude my report. in thank you very much, chief. public comment on report and secretary. >> i don't see anybody
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approaching the podium. and there is nobody on the comment pliable. >> thank you very much. public comment is closed. commissioners? commissioner feinstein? congratulations. welcome to your first presentation on your own. >> thank you. [inaudible]. chief kaialoa, i also. to extend thanks to chief tong as your assistant. absolutely excellent job. mented thank you for the glossary of terms. as i think most people that has been around. although we had changing face then and there glossary is important to me. i do read the these reports and they are all in number or
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linguistic code and make its difficult. thank you you will never beat chief tong in her medical -- page and pages. but i really appreciate it very much. i wanted thank you for that. i just -- a couple of questions. pertaining to that what is a 960? 960 i retired anew tan that can work 960 hours a mont. >> i'm sorry. >> retired firefighter or help me. >> yes. >> okay. and firefighter can work 960 hours a month. >> a year. >> a year. >> will not enact their pension. >> exactly. 960 is the mechanic number. i was not sure what that was.
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and -- i have will -- couple other questions here. i'm sorry. oh . i was really curious about the ucsf school of nursing project. >> and i don't know what that is. i'm not it references -- their project last month but i don't know what it was. i was curious if you can enlighten us what they are doing and hopeful low in collaborate rigz with us. i assume so >> yes. can you just give me i don't have my full report is this under chief al ba. page 21. and it is under anthony boon:to
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confirm. the fellowship i want to confirm. i'm curious i thought it was a nice partnershipful i'm assuming we have end of probation for 129th fire academy and ems hires and promotion exams. and that there were 23 exams done. did everybody pass. >> yes. >> good answer. >> and i think this is for well, no. sorry. but it is my second to left question. is there an explanation for the number of head injuries of h2's. >> it were just stands out and it is both -- from june first through june 30 and then i don't
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know when a 5020 events is again. it stands out again >> right >> double digits. why interesting. if there are all the h2's the others are all sort of spread amongst the rinks >> right >> we don't than yet we did speak about at this time other day. i thought it was high in health and safety meeting, we don't have the data yet. >> a helmet. >> no. >> you are sure. >> no. >> i'm pretty sure. we have to look back at the 3807 and 5020's to see how that injury occurred y. it was strike the difference between injury to other body part and injury to the head. the had the head injury is carry a lot. and the number was, was significant in so i was curious about that.
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and if i may. we need the data i think you know you see head injury. my goodness we don't have like that many tbi's in the diameter. a lot believe be you know, somebody who needs stitches or if it is a 3807 it is very, very minor. this means it it is they don't go to the hospital. a 5020 they go to the hospital so could be they are getting upon stitches and you know. >> you realize you are talking in code. chief >> 3807 is on here. i want to understand. i'm telling you. 3807 if you see that on page 27, it is simple low an injury report that remains in house and the person does not go to the hospital. 5020 if there is also a 5020
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with this on page 28 that means they very much sought additional treatment to a hospital or go to a doctor a few days later. >> got t. thank you. that was helpful. >> i will spare you my last and wait until your next report thank you and welcome. >> thank you. commissioner collins. very pleased to see you have a plumber. as of july 10 and elect rigz, too. given the time it took to get those two individuals. is it time to lobby for a carpenter? or in other medical person >> to complete. >> in speaking on priorities
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sounds like a steam fit are might be best based on the data. chief mullin can speak to that. i say that chief mullin and congratulations to both. because from my tour of a few stations seemed like there were more issues in plumbing than electric. >> there are. and -- the bad news up front. we -- don't have an electrictrician he was hired and asked to provide his vaccination record and gave us a fake card. and we had to let him go and become in the search for another one. and we will try to avoid that in the future. he was well informd that it was required in the city several
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times. you are authorizeed have one. we are authorized. >> we are going to hire. >> i was getting to seemed like there is trouble getting takes a long time to get authorization. >> it does. >> what i want to do and started to do is track the difference in the cost savings. between our plumber we have the plumber on00 autojob now. versus when we chop it out with dpw. last week we had a water heater go down at station 26. it was difficult to change out because it was on the third floor the roof in a concrete mechanical room. they had to go up fork lift and went up and cut out a large louver. removed it, dropped temperature brought up the new or took out old one and brought in the new
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water heat exert installed it. they need one dpw plumber. in the past that would be 3 plumbers and they would have had to come out with a crane to do that. >> would have been tense of thousands of dollars. >> yea. >> i saw carpenter we needs to be upon handled. you know cursory to you and probably -- not difficult to look at it 40% dpw mark and up reach the conclusion it is better to have your own staff. i know you know. and i can give you a sort of historical perspective. i first start in the 2019, i wanted to us to get our own people plumber, electricitytrician and mechanic.
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dpw sits under the city administrator and we were denied self years in a row and finally got approval last year's budget if not before then and it has taken this long. hiring in the city can be challenging. i know there has been media pieces about that and the like. but i'm so glad we have a plumb or board and we can start to see how it benefits us. >> so my point and i hope i made it clearly was since it takes years, are we starting. >> we are. talking about that. >> what would be the next best hire. our amount of volume of different trade >> great. your answer is, yes, you started that. >> thank you.
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>> thank you very much. commissioner fraser. >> thank you >> thank you, so much. chief kaialoa, congratulations this was a comprehensive report of lots of things mentioned i'm interested inform i want to return to the coit tower thing we had 2 day's notice. 9:30 on a friday night and 40 degrees 40 miles per hour winds and fog. and everybody command staff showed up best foot forward with the truck and it was a great showing. only because of the short notice i want to congratulate everybody and thank you. >> etch thank you. it was a we event. the lights were up for 2-3 nights and that was it. but anyway. well done all i have to say. thank you. >> thank you very much. commissioner fraser. vice president morgan. >> thank you for your report,
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chief. i want to commend you guys. i was looking at the especially on the random drug test and it is post accident alcohol drug testingure always negative. not like in other industries i assure you. [laughter]. the industry i come from take out a dump truck and they take off running. don't bother with the drug test. yea. commends you on this. >> don't they ever catch anybody? that's great news. let's see and -- other 2 commissioners stole my questions. and which is good. but i am piggyback on commissioner collins about the plumber and electrictrician.
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why is it more none money with dpw opposed to hiring your own. that would be considered. public employee, right. in the public employee union we are talking union this is a union town? >> yes. would they be in the public considered a public employee? . they are not guilty union and work for public works a city employee and the thing with public work system they are pret much a monopoly for us. it00 eye can't remember if in the sharter or but there is an upon chapter this states we need to use a public works first and give them first right of refusal. and so -- with that, they do a 40% mark up after.
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and and really, and so this is why i have been set foot in the position like to do it for mechanics and vehicles as limp because -- central shops also has a mark up. and so it -- that's how -- they pay their people. >> okay feinstein made a request. >> morgan's comments. am i correct that dpw does not receive general fund dollars. hence the mark up i know there are other -- functions that are performed by city employees.
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not just for the work done but the administrative folks they have to hire. all of that stuff. city attorneys they need. all of it. and so it all ends up in our lapse. >> thank you, chief and thank you president nakajo. >> thank you very much. vice president morgan. continue, vice president morgan. >> seemed like the get mad at me the steam fitters making a fortune off you. they are old building and need the work. with the boilers and all the stuff. mystery prices furnace. a lot of work keep a lot of people busy. other then and there that. hopeful leave they can
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maintaining the buildings, you are on it. and you got your hands full. chief mullins. >> never a dull mobile home. that's all i good. thank you for your report chief kay lowasm >> thank you. vice president morgan did you want to mention the other subject matters the others touchod for knowledge base of staff. >> you were menninging the commissioners took your question and i just thought for the benefit. >>iel. i was you know going to ask about the -- dpw the -- plumber and the electrictrician you will hire and commissioner collins already asked this question. >> unfortunate situation. hey. saves money makes sense.
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and -- upon commissioner feinstein stole my retirement questions. [laughter]. 980 i was going to ask this, too. >> good questions. you are on it. >> thank you very much. >> if i may? i think what you are trying to accomplish here is to pay for what it actually costs to do the work. to get closer to that number. what will does it cost to do this work? as opposed to that is costs to do this work plus, a fully loaded theoretical number that gets added on to it. right? -- regardless was funding of dpw. costs a certain amount. and it is fair to add a bit to
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that. it is not fair to load it and put some fire stations in the position of -- passing the hat among themselves to get work done. in city owned buildings this is in the acceptable. right? the buildings are liking on them or falling apart or you continue is not acceptable. so -- i think it is a very serious injustice to our firefighters. and our department. i know i'm preaching to the choir. you know -- alleluia for the plumber. keep rolling. commissioner collins, thank you. il comment and ask a few
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questions temperature important this the commissioners express themselves and concerns. for the benefit of you, chief and the benefit as the command staff. you get a flavor with the commission what the concerns are. and frank low the expertise on this as well. commissioner, clothes the dpw scenario is something i dealt with for 27 years when i came in we had a plumber. and in fact i grew up with that plumb per at one point in grammar school. there was a clear this yep that used to have robust activity with is now a plumber not that is past tense and history. for us chief, retournament this level. and i think you heart flavor of the commissioner i wanted say it is important we hear what the cho and the departmentful thank
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you, chief. it is important for us to hear when is real out there. i'm not saying we don't believe but factual information is important. >> if i may, i just locked up public works budget. and it says that 15% near low 15% of the ref now sources from the city's general upon fund support local tax ref nows the imupon poubld waste fund and property transfer sales, hotel and business tax. 15% does come from the general fund. why thank you for this. thank you for this economy commissioner feinstein. also commissioner fraser, thank you for sharing the coit tower experience with winds and fog and cold. the same pride i feel hi see vice president morgan and i out there 5:30 in the morning
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command staff is you will there. it is something. the team all together i wanted comment on that. i will ask you commends you for your presentation, chief and your own style. no pressure. . i being it is important and all important for you to hear your narrative. and i appreciate the way that you point out narratives in the department through this report this . is a heavy report. that's why i have to kind of decipher i will take opportunity to do this. i said smooth and order low transition and support the command staff and the chief. but our clothes called up the chiefs i will do that as well if i may, chief. i want to bring up chief beaufort. there was a recognition by commissioner feinstein on the
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term 960 and chief nicholson described what that means in terms of duration of time and period that report came out and i wanted bring it up and ask more on temperature the narrative is simple. chief beaufort, if i may. first line says, welcome chief beaufort. 960. you hear the questions asked we understand it to be what was it again? 90 days within the year? but in your report you have a specific designation what you want to do with the 950's. if you can narrate that for the commission, please? president next joe. vice president morgan. commissioner collins, fraser. feinstein and chief nicholson. thank you. that portion was suggested
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fromllowllow anderson trying to expand the out roach and recruitment. as a suggestion to myself asked if we could pursue the opportunity to hire retiree in the 960 which are part-time employees to be able to assist us in the office. as they expand. currently, you know office is 2 of us taking on the responsible of on boarding and as well as trying to expand training and out reach to the community we work with. with community partners who build accesses and wrap around service in addition, we would like to start working toward the internal recruitment to talk about the yours like prevention and the airport, training and additional training required to help bring a more inclusive environment t. is to bring to the chief in commission as a
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possibility of adding on an adigz additional resource. >> chief, is this implemented now or projectd and is there a mack or minimum on the numbers of 960's? >> chief nicholson used 960 sparingly in other areas like behavioral health to help during transitions members move through and so, it is not something that the department [inaudible]. we have use today in the past to help us get through difficult areas or train come bridge needed areas. >> thank you. chief nicholson? >> thank you. yes, we have used 960's in the past. and has been of great benefit you to. as you heard from assistant chief beaufort there was too much to do in the dei office
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and -- so we need to look at how we support the dei office so they can do what we need them to do. and so we are always thinking of out of the box ideas. of how to do this x. 960's could be one of the piece. >> okay. i appreciate that. i will wait to get clarity in terms of mack numbers or whatever. ir think when i picked it up from commissioner feinstein 960 was a great idea. we use today before. i wanted thinked impact on budget or how that works for us and positivity but to have retirees we turn to the department in a role makes sense to me. i try and keep contact with former firefighters and chief officers and retired and it is not easy to operate yourself in the department of and even in terms members now that will go out the door.
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i know that i asked the question what are you doing without the department. there are member this is have been involved with that. i wanted comment. it is good to pull a 960 if you comprehend i'm assuming the word goes out there will be some numbers the term i will use or number in terms of it. i say the resource. promise vied information. mr. beaufort. and transition other than the report. support service predecessor. >> and all of the questions this
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come up >> on here page 4, chief. i go through the report. retires and lefted are you with mow on page 43. >> the envelope. improve am project. i seen a lot of reports but don't recollect that if he were nog package one and 2. i see the anywheration of that but -- can you give me more? can you give us more on that. what does that? >> this would be more and [inaudible] work.
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bond money different east bond. there is work peculiaraged up under 2 different -- and to be clear. if there is a question i have or we have and you don't continue at hand. we are sure you will bring that back and to be fair to the chief's department nobody knows who upon ask the questions. this report has bonds information. and so has chief mill are come on as well and again chief miller's report. i guess answers my request where the reports are and chief? thank you president nakajo. vice president morgan. commissioners. in the left month i held both
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jobs. these are referencing work that come on line for us. closing the 2010 bond there is interest, crewed to the bond. fold nothing in to future projects including work in envelope projects will be a great benefit to support service. it is that connection with the path of supportive service. they only split at the beginning of the year. so the -- reference to packages i believe is just -- a decision and point where we decide what work can be done for what price pointful joc is jarring an and nomenclature a contracting. that coming in under a set amount under a million dollars
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conducted under public work this is is on n transification. this information is just referencing future work that will come in under this project time. and that savings role or the additional money role from the 2010 bond y. that clarity help and appreciate it and appreciate the relationship with support services and the bond. as well, chief mullins and miller. not easy. in my mind the new training station this we have this is in front of us. per of that some concentration on station upon 7. that currently as i read the report, does not seem to be a budget for that. this makes sense to mow if we can finesse something on the agenda. that clarity package now makes sense. appreciate it. >> help to help.
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>> chief miller, i know i will not ask you up here but want to say in this report in the seat for awhile on page 51 treasure island emergency fire water supply. i learned that but -- i never knew there was an emergency water supply like that efws. does not surprise me. i appreciate this, chief. congratulations. on page 51. i did not know we had our own separate water supply on t. i. >> president, vice president and commissioners temperature is still under construction. the city's high pressure water system or emergency firefighting system the intention to have i functional emergency
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firefighting water system on treasure island. it will have a great number of residents at some point. intention to install the system this will follow the main thorough fares can supplied boy a salt water pumping spagz complete nothing 2028. in the time and in cases when that pump facility might not be available intention is manifolds on the shore line and the fire boat and crew set the ferry terminal appropriate to tie and up supply this water system at one of the intended manifold installation points 4-500 feet of hose. a significant amount of hose for the boat to supply water in the system and the water supply can explore installing an if i canned facility to have hose in
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place for that operation. would be a great deal on the fire boat and layout from the boat. >> all right. i appreciate that. the explaining on page 51. a real cover ownership is this still the term existing or still transitional? what is that? that cover is in place the location of the future manifold. the manufactures had struggles. meeting the to the residences we require. it is in press and expect success. that is the location they explore the hose cabinet. >> chief on top of my head what is this population of residents there t. i.? i have an idea. >> i cannot speak to that. >> all right. >> that is something perhaps we know it will be increased.
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thank you very much. for that. >> you are welcome. appreciate your patience with me. at some point because part of the property i thought that being it is captain ain't chew used to be a part of this. i did not see it here but some point and [inaudible] came up as limp i thank you it is important the commission chief nicholson if we can have anthony boon come up to introduce himself to the commissioners. and at in point. yea. that's the one. >> to clarify, president for captain chu you like him to present or like information in the. i would not mind seeing him up
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here he i know he works during the day you can tell me when we can schedule him. his job is a tough job. >> difficult. why the commissioners should be aware television with all of the things that come out from the et cetera, et cetera . but -- there is a mandate to get prop f and he's got to be the person. i continued. part of your report, chief yoochl yep. and the last thing chief nicholson. there was a number of reported retirements this month threat or 46? was that the expectation? weep thought it might be higher f. this is the case being mid year are we good on retirements at this point? >> we expected a higher number. there was talk of a much higher number. so, 41 for the month of june
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basically the end of the fiscal year is not as high as we thought. if you look how much retired the past year and hires the past year there is a net gain that's when we look for every year so we can reduce continue to reduce the over time. >> okay. thank you very much. >> thank you for your report. item 5 am public comment on item 6. public comment on all matters pertaining to 6 below including public comment on whether or not to hold diks 6b in closed session is there public comment? >> then propping and nobody on the comment line. where public comment is closed. item 6. public closed session regarding
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personnel merits. vote on whether to conduct item 6b in closed session the commission may her 6b in closed section pursuant to code and code section 67. 10 b. >> commissioners need a motion to vote on this. vice president morgan. >> second. >> commissioner fraser. >> president nakajo. >> aye. >> commissioner feinstein. >> aye. >> commissioner collins. >> aye. >> the motion is um we are going in closed session. thank you very much. we are going to ask torn vacate to go to closed
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>> just texted my [inaudible]. back in opened session, commissioners. >> sfgovtv do you have us become in open session? >> okay. he said they are ready. >> okay. >> madam secretary. >> okay. there is nothing to report. there was not action taken. item 2 vote to elect whether to disclose all discussions held in closed sessionch specify in the code upon 67.12 a. >> commissioners? >> commissioner fraser.
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>> aye. >> okay. second that. >> thank you very much. commissioner feinstein >> president nakajo. >> aye. >> vice president morgan. >> not to disclose. >> and commissioner collins. >> the motion is unanimous e. item 7 adjournment. >> i like to adjourn this meet nothing memory of police help mow with her last name. meaghan. thank you very much, commissioners this meeting is adjourned. >> thank you.
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the big people in work outs and eventual low i look in the and found out she was teaching how to do physical trin to get people red to work in the fire department. that peeked my interest. the oak lan fire department was the first fire department i did. i did a firefighter one training program there. that got me into fire whim start the paramedic school i went to city college and fell in love with the city. i did nile internship at station 49. it was wonder. . i learned the san francisco wave doing things. like the wild, wild west, every day. i loved it was a family environment here. that made mow say san fan fire department, that's i didn't want to be. i avoided science my entire education up to becoming a paramedic. i failed my first time taking my emt registry. i hope well is nobody out there
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that gets discouraged if this happens. you have opportunity to take again. i d. i came back. took it, passed and continued to paramedic and pass the my registry the first time. being a woman in the fire department i am a minority here. a minority in multiple aspects. i'm a woman. biracial i'm the only black woman paramedic in the ems position. it is insane and i hope i encourage other women to join this profession that does not represent the city of san francisco. i love to show up on a scene and i can see the comfort in member who men looks like me or my family members they see me and they are comforts. i hope there are women that see
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me and see themselves in me and know they can do this job limp i have a 20 month old daughter at home. i would like to teach my daughter it is okay to say no as a woman and have and voice that opinion. and i did a good job of that already. >> i really hope that anybody considering this field schedule a ride along. go to your local deputy or knock on an ambulance window can ask to schedule a ride along. that is irrelevant how diit my first couple ride alongs i saw things that blew my mind and said, that's what i want to do with my life. [music]
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>> driver, bye. >> hi. i'm will b. mixture weltake a walk with me. >> i just love taking strolls in san francisco. they are so many cool and exciting things to see. like -- what is that there? what is that for? hi. buddy. how are you. >> what is that for. >> i'm firefighter with the san francisco fire department havings a great day, thank you for asking. this is a dry sand pipe. dry sand pipes are multilevel building in san francisco and the world. they are a piping system to facilitate the fire engineaire ability to pump water in a buildings that is on fire.
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>> a fire truck shows up and does what? >> the fire engine will pull up to the upon front of the building do, spotting the building. you get an engine in the area that is safe. firefighters then take the hose lyoning line it a hydrant and that give us an endsless supply of water. >> wow, cool. i don't see water, where does it come from and where does it go? >> the firefighters take a hose from the fire engine to the dry sand pipe and plug it in this inlet. they are able to adjust the pressure of water going in the inlet. to facilitate the pressure needed for any one of the floors on this building. firefighters take the hose bunked and he will take that homes upon bundle to the floor the fire is on.
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plug it into similar to this an outlet and they have water to put the fire out. it is a cool system that we see in a lot of buildings. i personal low use federal on multiple fires in san francisco to safely put a fire out. >> i thought that was a great question that is cool of you to ask. have a great day and nice meeting you. >> thank you for letting us know what that is for. thanks, everybody for watching! bye! [music] thank you for coming
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today for the budget signing. i know supervisor chan, there were a lot of challenging time and doubt and frustration. when i am surprised throughout this entire process no are matter what you kept a smile on your face. thank you very much for your heard work and for working with your colleagues and you know getting us through, i know we had to make hard decision in light of 780 million dollars, two year deficit. fact we got through it, and almost record time is pretty surprising. and add moirable. congratulations and thank you to each and every one of your colleagues for the work you put in the budget as well. [applause]
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