tv Public Works Commission SFGTV August 9, 2023 1:30pm-4:31pm PDT
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>> good morning respond with here. settleal and commissioner settleal is absent today. warren post? >> here. >> turnerch >> here. woolford. >> here. >> zoubi. >> present. >> with 4 members present we are quorum for the public works commission. for members of public had wish to make comment from outside the
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hearing room today you will dial 415-655-0001 and use access code: 2660 786 4322 ## and to raise your hundred to speak press star 3. unless you are speaking under the general public comment note you must limit comments to the topic of the agenda item being discussed. if commenters don't stay on topic the chair may ask to you limit to the item at hand. we ask this public comment med in a civil and respectful american and refrain from profanity. address your remarks to the commission as a whole not individual commissioners or staff. the public is welcome to submit comment in writing via e mail address public works. commission
1:32 pm on behalf of the commission we extend thifrngs to sfgovtv building management and media service for help make sure this meeting is possible. >> thank you. before calling the next item of are there requests from the commission to amend the order of today's agenda in hearing none we gallon to the next item my announcements i have several. prize. i of course, as i always do we are into yell. i would like to call the public's attention to the june issue of the news letter works. the features i enjoyed was the spotlight on the american
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institute architects conference, which our commissionering wool afford oh straighteded capitol projects that the architects from around the world toured. in the works, profiled the department's partnership with the organization black forest. to plant tree in honor of black san franciscans who died of covid and improve neighborhoods who lack tree canopy. there was an attractive pilot project on page street as well as the downtown pride parade, roadway and sidewalk clean up the department under takes every june. and a prevow of the 500 blocks of streets to be repave instead new year we just started. another feature was a video showing how sand at ocean beach is relocated to not intrued on
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the great highway and how this relocation work is scheduled not to disturb habitats. there was an oped in the chronicle regarding the cost and the futility of sand clearing. first looking at other alternatives for that city expanding the beach front to a full service public park. unless and until that effort would happen, public works will continue this work. i have a question for director short on this topic. does public works know or i'm sure, could you report today or in the future on what the cost is to the department of the on going sand removal from the great highway in terms of the department's labor, machinery costs and other costs. it would be interesting to know what we are paying to clear the upon sand every year.
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yes. thank you, chair post. carla short. i have notes i could hair which includes some costs and happy to come back with a few more >> thank you we will wait. >> the last thing is i want to update regarding the public works commission work to fulfill recommending a slate of 3 candidates for a permanent director to the mayor for her consideration. we work and careful low to recommend qualified candidates from a national pool of applicants and recruits. with summer vacation schedules the process has been delayed we remain focused and hopeful that director short will return to the urban forestry senior rather than later. that concludes my announcements today. do my colleagues have announcements today?
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secretary fuller? thank you i have a brief announcement an update on the activities of the sanitation and streets commission i share regularly. public works commission know busy their activities and a share a somewhere update with the sanitation and streets commission on public wroshgs commission activities. this >> on from the bureau of building and street repair plus a report on street cleaning in response to the controller's may report on street conscience am and also the 2 sanitation and street commission members attended the montoya awards lunch on wednesday the 19th,
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which is a renude effort between both the department and the san francisco building and construction trades to honor frontline and labor workers who have been nominated by piers. and -- so, they were honored by both the department san francisco building and trades council as well as the sanitation and streets commission this concludes my announcements. >> thank you. are there questions for secretary fuller? open the announcement portion to public comment. members of public had wish to make 3 minutes on comment on item one. lineup against the wall.
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if you are call nothing 415-655-0001, access code: 2660 786 4322 ## we dom not have members wish to peek on this item. and sfgovtv is letting me know we don't have callers who have expressed interest in speak. we have not no further public comments. that concludes public comment. why thank you very much. >> secretary fuller call the next item. >> item 2 is the director's report. and communications. and this is an informational item. carla short is here to present her report. thank you, bob, good morning
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carla short. i hope you are having a good summer. i have a few items including a lengthy update on the great highway. i hope that this is interesting and not too much information. let me start by stating the great highway is jurisdictionally complex and politically charged. the great highway opened in 1929 before the great depression and under the jurisdiction of the rec and park department. runs adjacent to ocean beach golden gate recreational area. public works, sfmta and public utilities have interests in it. in 1992, rec and park entered in know agreement with public works to address maintenance responsibilities for the great hoichl under this agreement we are responsible for asphalt ask removal of sand from the road and the promenade between
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lincoln and sloat boulevard. the frequency is driven by resources and the need various yearly based on assume lagz of sand. we never had enough funds to always keep the sand off the roadway. unplanned road closures last hours, days or weeks. most years we had approximately 240,000 annually for the operation funding by the puc. driven by complaintses about the closures have kick in the additional funding in the last couple years a high of 681 finished in 2022 to 23 public works 2 days every 2-3 weeks. we don't have staff to perform this work more frequently and sand clearing prioritized with crews other work including
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paving and potholes. we'll cathed the costs for more roadway clearing operation. they range from 391ed for 2 days of removal every 2 weeks to 1.3 million for real move 5 days a week monday-friday. i want to note the estimates don't include the needed funding for annual relocation project that you mentioned this morning. that moves sand on the beach closer to the water and the goal of that to reduce sand that blows on the highway throughout the year that is the project we have to ensure we are working around the little snowy [inaudible]. now. the question is should we be removing sand from the great highway and that's where the political side come inform some don't want it opened car and suggest the sand clearance operation is a waste of money and time. these are the same people who want it turned a park for walking and biking and other rec uses.
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and i'm sure are aware a pilot under way now that bans vehicles on weekends. well are others who view it as an important north/south corridor this keeps traffic off residential street in thes sunset district. people are passionate and vocal and contact us regularly. either demanding we step up removal or keep the road closed. weep don't have a position in this on going debate the decision is not ours to make. it is important to note if the city decides for a permanent closure we need remove sand from the road for bicyclists to travel and keep the sand out of the puc's wastewater system. why hay have always given us funding. their ocean side sewage treatment plant is 35 huh great highway south of the zoo. and i said, they funds our sand removal torous the amount of sand eversands entering the
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catch basins and man hole cover that connect to this plant. there is a whole report on south of sloat i will save that for another day. and i hope that provides information but i'm happy top provide more on funding if you like. thank you. very interesting. question, is it not snaenl any way? surely there must be a season or 2 there is more wind and more sand blows. public works are we out there on a regular schedule or like clearing storm drains in the winter. is is seasonal in terments of resource needed. >> it does vary on the year. this past year when we have, lot of rip that helps keep it down the work was mostly after the riseny season. it is pick up now. other years the winter has been a big time we have had wind.
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temperature depends on the year and the amount of wind and rain we are getting. when it is windsy we don't go to try to remove sand. both for safety reasons and it is not makes no sense. if it is blowing back at you as you are clearing. >> are there questions on this topic for director short before she continues with her report. >> thank you. condition. >> next upipmented give you a quick update on our budget. this week the board of supervisors gave approval to the city's new 222 year budget final adoption expected next tuesday the mayor plans to sign at this time next dame cfo bruce robertson will provide you with a memo once adopted. you will receive information on changes to the department's budget that you adopt in the february. highlighting impact and initiatives. as bruce and i reported
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previously the department is pleased with the outcome. i want to thank our budget team for the budget. their work started last fall and will did a great job during a challenging budget cycle. i wanted to report on your summer internship program off to a great start. selected 53 ing attorneys out of applicant pool of 5,000. of the 53 working with us this year twoor new. and 31 returning. most are working in engineering and landscape architecture this is a handey's on program performing field inspections, preparing designs for would about and landscape and project cost estimates. of thank you very much is great opportunity for opportunity students get a break from class studies to work along our staff in the field and the our office as they are think burglar their career paths. it is a welcomed opportunity for our staff to learn from student
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who is bring new ideas to the work place. a number employees started with us as interns. and today they are mentoring the next generation. on the operation side we run a summer youth will program focused on high school aged students work on landscaping, maintenance and tree plant and like our others they get world experience they explore careers. and a number of our landscape staff started as interns through this summer program as well. >> director short. you said 5 thousand applications for internships just to the department of public works or the city as a whole for summer. >> i think it is just to public works. citywide. >> patrick is here. >> only that's great. >> yea. they are a great group. i had the privilege of meeting
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them at an intern coffee. as well as new orientation and i'm really hopeful for the future meeting the bright interns with us. why do you think do you have a feel. seems public works would be a nice summer internship if people want to be outside. right? the weather is better and not in an office. i'm pleased to see we have good interests in intern shps. i think there were a lot of opportunity of all different departments within public works for young people to look at. >> yea. there are -- many of the interns
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get to do a combination of office and field work. it is a great opportunity to get both of those experience and being, on the operation side they are in the field every day. >> i was gog ask is there concluding ceremony or graduation process in >> we typically have ceremony or like a thank you at the end of the summer. i emdon't know if we don't do a graduation, do we? >> no. >> presidentric rivera is in addition to his many other responsibilities as a division manager has been involved with the internship program. we do have like a greeting we did this year a coffee meet and greet with them and at the end of the summer just a thank you wrap up. it would be possible to invite the commission ficould i would life to come. why absolutely we would love to have you. >> okay. 2 more u.s. i want to remind you love our city beautification day events. this mont july faejth had the monthly workday in the castro,
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noe valley, glen park and diamond heights planting trees. weeding and introducing up. it was an events that drew dozens of volunteers working with urban forest, street and environmental services and community engagement teams the building that happens is inspiring and also fun. next mont we will be in the sunset and park side neighborhoodos august 26. we will kickoff at sunset elementary at 9 a.m. and love it if you joined us. chair post you asked for a brief sum row about a number of the projects on our restricted communication list. >> yes , i asked director short on that report part of the documentation. there were several things that jumped out that struck me large capitol projects will be seeing contracts for at some point. i wanted a very brief sneak peek at what some are not for
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discussion just to get an idea what is manage would be helpful. thank you. >> one of the projects is chapter 21, professional services. that one was the organizational develop and change management consulting. our estimate is 111 thousand dollars for the project and the scope is organizational, development and change management for managers, supervisors and staff using lean sigma methods and excellence framework. >> and then the rest are chapter 6 construction projects so, you asked about the goldenigate park ninth avenue gateway this is 1.16 million we received bids. the low bid was 1.29 million. the scope landscape and utility
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improve ams to improve access ability at ninth avenue gateway to goldenigate park. richmond play ground was 1.5 million the low bid was 1.78 million this involved demolition of the existing play ground and construction of a new play ground for school aged user. sands play, plaza and entrance. do you know where admit richmond it is located? if is in the critical i think i know iical not answer from memory. i will look it up >> and we have other projects that are advertising but have not received the bids those includes the folsom skate project and our i scrolled too
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far. the estimate for this is 34 million will from second to 11th. this is a complete street project consisted of paste. sewer and upon braindrainage. the fire safety system and environmental work. landscaping and street scapeful street scape, over head contact system. and traction 4 work, traffic control and all related work. and then lastly you had asked about the sfmta parking enforcement headquarters project. so this is a project. the estimate is 49.5 million to create a new headquarters for sfmta parking and traffic division at 1200, 15th street. after its rehab. the building will be seismic
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retrofit and mechanical, electric, plumbing and fire protection replaceed meet codes. solar panel system installed on the roof. the model will accommodate the new change of use the olds animal care facility to be office and park. and retain character defining features of the historic resource building with the secretary of intearior standards. the upon ground floor for lookers and training with parking and vehicle charging station and it is second floor for office, conference room, lookers and a comprehend that concludes my report. happy to take questions >> thank you for the over view of the capitol projects. pointses to the depth of work that the department does for its sister agencies throughout san francisco. . is patrick in the room you
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mentioned. >> do you upon mind coming up? good morning. patrick rivera public works. >> miosis to see you again. director short gave us an over view for members of public this might have a child or friends would like to apply for an internship of san francisco, explain that process and how the city gets interns every summer. this program that we have is specific low for college upon students. freshman-senior and folk in graduate school. application period opening statements first or second week of november and closed mid february. they apply through our smart recruiter system. and and for the entire city. public works, sfmta, puc, the
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port. dbi, rec and park the agencies do that pool of applicants and they filter for the students they wish to have work and go through the hiring process as if it remember a permanent civil service hiring process. short listed and interviewed. required to submit unofficial transcripts. résumé and cover letter. and almost like they are applying for a permanent position. it is good experience if it is their first job and the fact they will go through an interview process if their first job tell be a good experience for them. why thank you. where can they access the smart recruit system you mentioned if somebody wants to on the city's
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website off the top of your head? >> d. human resource. >> okay. >> and what i will do is inform carla when the application period opens in november to include it in her director's report. >> terrific. thank you. thank you very much. >> thank you. thinking about the mta parking enforcement how does this now aline with the mayor's directive around real estate and making sure that we are thinking there are and helping our sister agencies think through real estate opportunities. that is leasing. versus ideally creating space for affordable housing and other needs. this given them is like we are out. i assume it is not covered under
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her direct you have or is it? >> i would say it is in the covered under the directive i think the upon given the timing of it, but i think that this building is also it is a historic resource building that probably could not be used for housing under current codes. i will say we have a vested interest in the success of the project as we always do but because we host a number of ping control receives from the sfmta at our operation's yard when this project is completed we regain our real estate of the operation's yard. so, yea. that would be my quick pregnancy to this i can get more for you on if we are looking back at the projects. in light of our new directives. >> also if i may.
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the richmond play ground is 18th and lake. so. ja thank you for that quick staff work. who is responsibl any other questions before public comment? >> open this to public comment. >> members of the public had wish to make 3 minutes of comment on item twot director's report, milineup further from the door if in the chamber if you mean are call nothing dial 415-655-0001, access code: 2660 786 4322 ##.
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call the next item on the agenda. >> item 3 is general public comment. which is for topics under the commission's mandate but not related an item on today's agenda. >> members ever public when wish to make 3 minutes of general comment may lineup against the wall. if you are here. call nothing use 415-655-0001, access code: 2660 786 4322 ##.
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can goff is showing me that they don't have callers on the line. that concludes public comment. thank you. secretary full are call the next item. >> item 4 is the consent calendar of routine matters. includes the minutes from the june 16th 2023 meeting of this commission. long with 2 veers locations contract modification and 2 workforce development grant awards. both are eligible for conupon upon cent with the contract delegation policy by this commission. all contain side an action item.
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it several corrections for clarity were made in the minutes after they were published this week. i'm happy to take further ones that commissioners have seen. >> thank you. secretary fuller i no corrections i have questions about items on consent. and hoping that carla or the staff can answer. i don't think it requires moved to the regular calendar. first i want to say in the written material in general in the contract value sum rows i like to say how helpful it is to have the funding source listed that compliance code and the site maps include. i like to thank the staff for the effort than i put in the contract sum rows they are helpful. and please continue what good
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work. i have a question on item 4b. the number 49 infrastructure improvements. my question is if our public works project manager had contacted pg and e ahead of schedule so the gas main typepipeline replace am factored in the schedule i wander if the delay could have been avoided in >> i'm not sure if lee is if with this. when i can tell you chair post, we do try to reach out in advance of our projects to pg and e. to try to ensure we have sufficient time for relocations. i believe it was done with lots of notice to avoid delays. unfortunately, we are that is the challenges we have.
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that despite our efforts to provide sufficient notice we are not always able to get utilities on the same schedule this we are on. commissioner. good morning. lee. i want to make a comment about the utility on street resurface projects the effort starts at the beginning of the project. coordinating with agency and utility company and planning and the heart of the coordination happens during the design phase of the project where we reach out to the -- the pg sxeshgs and other companies alert them of what our scope simple what the asks of the relocation is if that is but what is required for the impelectionation of our project and keep them informed
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throughout. and unfortunately sometimes chiek carla short mentioned schedules don'ts aline when it gets down to the time when the work needs to happen. communication does occur throughout the life of the project. >> thank you very much, mr. lee. >> commissioner wruby did you have a question about 4b? no. >> okay. >> e. >> as do i. thank you very much mr. lee and director short. commissioners wruby and i have a question on 4e i will kick it off. why the family foundation scored higher than the chinese newcomer center what is the foundation and has public works worked with them before? is there ghan is answer those questions. more of a request. than a question.
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like every other contract would be great to see the break down how that score came to be. >> okay let's see. so i don't have the mission of family foundation off the top of my head. and this is a new nonprofit the staff came from a nonprofit that public works previously, civic. we are pit stop providers. good morning i'm robin grant's add administrator. commissioner wool afford. society other questions about why did upon they score higher than chinese newcomers. i don't have what information off the top of my head. will i believe they scored 10
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points higher? 40 points higher. i can get those details. that would be great. what commissioner zoubi. >> in the future the break down how they got to that number. >> okay. >> and i mentioned. we should broaden to the rest of the commission it is very unique. every day i'm learning irrelevant not this impact of irrelevant how impactful public work system to so much work. one of the things that was surprising to me are workforce development work is our work.
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we part merwith bring those together is a powerful thing. i agree with commissioner zoubi great to have more detail and the things we talked about how we reach our conclusions i think broadly the work we are doing in workforce are development. i want to commends the staff for dog a peck tax lar job. anything you want to say about it?
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i can xhiem on that one. really this is it is00 autogoal is street sweeping buhmanual sweeping. having keeping litter out of the public space. and by having folks literally up along the streets. and this is we are i certain targeted areas where we needed additional support on that work and give a good opportunity for the workforce development. that is the intention a pretty basic work scope >> work with staff that mentor and teach them. paired with public work staff. why yes. >> are they with supervisored by public work staff? they are not. our workforce development nothingment ws with the nonprofit to establish the
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safety guide lines and we do provide some of that safety training when than i work in the right-of-way and making sure they are wearing vests and not stepping in the roadway and things like that. they are enterprised by the nonprofit. >> that makes sense. this evening >> we monitor the work and require reporting from the nonprofit to make sure they are completing both the intent of the w force development grant. job training and redness trenting that guess and the work scope itself. >> thank you. any further questions on -- excuse me commissioner zoubi? >> one last question. those nonprofit dos they provide is there a fast electronic or easy -- transfrigz working from the nonprofit to work for public works or -- 100% separate?
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we are working on trying to strengthen that connection. so that high performing trainees could become aprenticer preaprentice with the department. historically in of this happened but not we have not made that00 eye would not say fast track but a stronger connection and working with unions to try to strengthen that link so they it is a more direct pipeline. thank you. are there further questions or comments. on consent? if not is there a motion and second to approve all on the consent agenda? so moved. >> second >> thank you. the motion will turn to public comment.
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i'm sorry i was commissioner zoubi seconded? okay. member his wish to make 3 minutes of comment on item 4 the adoption of consent and all resolutions within it, lineup against the wall. if remote dial 415-655-0001, access code: 2660 786 4322 ##. we don't have members in person wishing to speak on this item and sfgovtv indicated we don't have caller in the queue. this concludes public comment. >> thank you is there debit on this motion?
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hearing. all in favor say, yes. >> yes. >> i believe it is unanimous. the motion pass and secretary full are will publish the minuteses and resolutions to the website. we will move on to the regular calendar call the next item. request we turn to the regular calendar of items to be heard. item 5 is the award of the ingleside police station replace am construction manager general contractor contract. and project manager 2 will present. this is an action item. >> good commissioner. i'm samiel a project manager with building dine and construction at public works.
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>> and joining me today is commander nicole jones from the sfpd. when i met commander jones he was the captain at the ingleside police station. today we are asks for your approval to approve a construction manager general condition tractor. to core construction group anticipated final contract sum of scent, 443, 820 plus 10% for a duration of 48 months includes preconstruction ask construction service phase work. and we are asking for authorize to proceed with preconstruction services an amount in the to exceed 295 thousand dollars. we come become to the commission later to request your thorgz proceed with construction services for the ingleside police station and make ready
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project. >> volume okay? the police station is located at balboa park at 1 sergeant jon b lane and the mc ready project located at 1828 egbert avenue. it is in direct 11 the service spans outer mission and excelsior. glen park and more. funded by emergency response bond approved by voter in march of 2020 and so00 autopolice station and facilities one of 5 components of the programful and about 121 million dollars authorization or about 19% of
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the total bond program! of the components include emergency firefighting water system and supporting facilities for sdaft are response and the 911 call center. once the bonds approved public works worked with the police department to assess their needs and prioritize which projects take on to deliver within the authorizationed allocation. the ingleside station designed by acting city architect the mission revival sometime it consists of central 2 story tower at the north surrounded by u shape that served as staples for it. there san identical station on the stadium on golden gate park.
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the balboa historic district where located. when we met with supervisor safai on site about the project one first asks is it retains the historic building. am the primary premise of the project is to remedy a seismically vulnerable police station. the station suffers from functional space, security deefficiencies. and the vulner ability to a seismic event compromise the ability to serve the mission in the neighborhood. the key oshjectives and goal and response of the project are you first to allow for continued operation after major either quake to expand to meet modern needs and enhance operation efficiencies.
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the historic building we want to provide a safe, secured special healthy work environment for the police officers and staff. going to build sustainable energy efficient and fasill iity for department this project will be lead gold certified. and important low to the police department, we wanted to build a welcoming place that is welcome to the community. given the limit of the project. to build a new project at the ultimate site is not an option that is feasible. would require land acquisition cost and decommission the historic building. we public works is tasked with responding to the program terse with the site which the police station is located. a fun fact the original entrance to the site from the west.
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if you picture horse are buggies in the police station that would plain orientation and size of the police station. today since 280 has been built. the only am way in and out is along of balboa park, san hose competence sergeant john lane. on the project of complex as this. the team anticipates a number of challenges and risks to highlight some of them. one the compact site poses limited development opportunities. construction escalation market. across all projects proves to be a challenge. and this one no exception. design team will have to address those along the design process. >> with the rehab of the historic building there will be kvenls we will have to anticipate for that.
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and because the project or the station will be decommissioned during construction identify a venue to house key operations during kruvenlgzil speak on this in a bit. this site diagram illustrates the key constraints about the project. the police station site boarders to the west. . brought property and the infrastructure. the in in fact the police station site next to where the trines from the tunnel from balboa park. to preserve the building we mode to expand north. and build i second build to accommodate the expand the footprint of the however, we will be able to possible low add a second egress orient row to the site from the north.
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and the police department asked we retain the same number of parking pots and we will have to move or build a sect building north to allow for that space. the facility built at 1828. tell be the future home san francisco police department property control division. there are 2 key objectives to the project. one to sufficient low accommodate the key operations from ingleside. during the time when ingleside is under construction at balboa park and two, maximize the opportunity for this installation to be repurposed by the department for the permanent future use on site. the strategy as three separate improvement projects. first being construction of pc d
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and search facility will allow for ingleside prescriptions to move. after complete, we'll relocate the operation back to balboa park and begin the decommission of search facility and construction of pc d phase 2 which will then allow police department top fully consolidate the property control division under one roof. the search facility occupy portion of the first and second floor of the 4 story building. this contract will conform to the provisions of the city code section 6.68 allows chapter 6 department to retain a builder before the design is complete. and this case we are recommending to hire a team which includes core trace of contractors plumbing, electric and low vollage.
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after. award of contract issues a notice to proceed for preconstruction services. and separate notices to proceed for construction on the other scopes of work. it it is a value based selection process that considers costs and qualitative factors when selecting the contractor. general contractors experienced and qualified but motive not prevail under a cost competition. it brings the builder to the table, during the design process leads to enhance constructability. improved the bid documents and alignment with the construction market and there by possibly reducing change or costs in the future.
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on the past project where we allowed for the procurement helped shorten the schedule. all that to say in a nut shell this model is appropriate for complex project like the ingleside police station. this contract included a 2 step process public works invited all if he weres to present i written proposal. invited them to an interview and submit the cost proposals. for this contract the cost weighted 40% and the nun cost at 60%.
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the topics we asked to describe and the approach to the work. safety record and experienced on past projects with scale and complexity. how they are planning organize the teams and work prop and the fidelity with preconstruction and construction services phases of work. we asked for questions about the work and to better understand the prop to manage risk, time, schedule and teams. and comprehension on project requirements. of the 3 proposers core construction the highest ranked bidder.
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electric, and industries serving and design assist capacities. core construction completed construction for the city including the office of the chief me now facility and animal care and xroel brack warehouse and the traffic company and forensic service division. april of 25. i'm happy to answer questions you might have. thank you very much. mr. try. i have questions. >> and thank you command are jones for attending we love to
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have her chime in about the police department's needs full filled at balbowasm one question i had, is -- will there be enough parking spaces for the police vehicles required by the station. i gus did answer the question about ingress and e egress adequate or not. i realize the design is not in the can yet.
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i wonder if a new station on a different site was considered for this project. if you can walk us through the process. and the expand current station versus constructing a new station elsewhere. >> so. for this project. we -- are having to design 2 budget. and likewise from many of the bond projects. that project sounds amazing what i have speak would require a lot
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of planning and some early design work before the city as a whole commits to the budget. which is not the case here. so i think in this case we did thought about things like i said. land acquisition and costs to decommission the historic building. process thankfuling planning with a project after 2020. why make sure i understand. you are saying that to finds a new property to relocate the bell boa station you would have had to have a dine more complete say this is when we want and what will look like roughly. and upon finds property that would suit that design? is this when you said.
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in the budget from the bond there are so many dollars allocated. in order to build a newization they would not have i design to build they first secure the land the purchase of the land the time to do that and design it the time to get it approved. and the costs for that you will great low exceed the financing visible and when the police need the facility. so because of the nature of the process of the city it is just more appropriate in this situation to renovate the existing station the police have the facility in a fraction of the time to under take a new process. can i big back. a part we are calling a replace am not a replace am >> that could help clarify. second thing is important and i point we are making we want the police to have new stations and state art we are still san
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francisco the global leader. this is not what the bond issue were for. i think we are conflating the limited budget the budget was about earthquake and safety. not raiding money to replace a station. this is a lot of money considering. that you could almost get halfway through. that is where we got to recognize the role of the voters and when they expected with the bond. we appreciate this reflect this is does in the make the question is which is the best use of dollars and i take you to the points that you said this should -- this we want to achieve which is expand facility. >> yes. >> modernization. there is a coast we are there andment to be there. we look toward future work on how we get there and important
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low getting the money to build i station. i toured central and others and more important low i think reflection of when we are as a city. >> i appreciate that. thank you very much. >> commissioner. i think we are -- my frustration is once the bonds are sold and paid and the station is redone this will cost taxicabs 1-120 million dollars. and this is a lot of money for a police station this in my opinion is in the ideal low located in the back of a p next to an interstate freeway. and so i heelize that train left a long time ago. i appreciate about added costs and time for the facility. it is a shame. this it is not ideal location it
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was when the police were on horses but and so i understand. i understand commissioner turn and your and appreciate them and the commanders and mr. choi to me i will be unhappy the stations locate thered is not it is perfect for a community center and park. police station not much i understand the condition train strains. the budget is not 1 know 20 million. >> no the construction costs. the bond cost and the interest payments we pay from property tax for taxpayers. it is interest bonds and et cetera not just the construction. i miclarify. correct. our bond financing costs were spent prebond and post on assessing helping the police department assess needs and
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priorities. and as well under taking an improve am project at the mission police station a small project we passed dbi inspection yesterday. it is in the just for the ingleside and facility. the dollar amount is which we will award. >> do you have estimate behalf that will be? >> of the final. contact dollars. . i'm laughing that was the estimate. may be a type to check with these projects when we award the contract we don't know the departments don't know when theeen the original contract amount will be that is why we have been call together final contract sum when we issue the rfp we tell everyone what the
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stay direct cost work and ask them to provide bid proposals on the fees the insurance, premiums and other related costs and they are the cost component evaluated based on that we get a fair comparison the design is in the complete and by the way i mention that upon this design is completed by the bureau of architecture at public works. i should have mentioned that earlier. thank you it is great i notice that one we have i have on myi pad is different. i want to thank public works staff on also daid and yes for taking us on a tour for you know the police stations and i'm not sure about -- the choice of the
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that was my question when we will do with only one street going in and out and thank you for adding that. central station when is that going to be addressed? well. i don't think we know anyone in the room will not know. i knowledge if you were to surhave a police department has 10 stations in the state. and if we were to survey the needs it is far exceeds the available funding or funding we imagine mag asking for. i want to make a pitch for the department i worked for them and helped them with the police headquarters build out and all
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the police officers up and down the rank are passionate about had they do and where they work. i respect that they work with what they have. and the resources they are given. i think it is department we are working with them on prioritizing needs and when and how and with whom to ask. >> we have a variety of issues. i mean all stations improve ams you know with may be the exception of headquarters which is brand-new will reconsider. the decision made to go with the
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eighty-one most unsafe at this moment. or close to it with ingleside. but you know to your point central station i money so much work needs to be done there, there is just no funding. so. commissioner turner. quickly. first i also want to really echo the point i strug welthis project the tour was great from historical standpoint, i'm not that old but -- i used to go to balboa park as a kid. it has this communities sense and purpose and i say i never knew there was i police station back there. i noticed that theed plan is tried to address e egress and secondary point for the police department. but relating to the project and community integration and how they continue is there, and begin we are dealing with the design is there i way than i can
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create a type of pap sayo or communal connection from the street? i know multijurisdictional landscape make its difficult. unless you go down this private drive you don't know this station is there from a commune engage am stand point have you achieved that goal? i think when we think of some of the modifications that make that community facility work. is there any space for that as you addressed the emergency egress point? that's great comment we take that in advisement. when i can tell you now the splan to build the municipality meeting pace, which every station has one of. the front most location of the police station site. you are right, we don't have jurisdiction to build on rec/p
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site. i think through the use signage and other improvements we can try to make the police station and community room know. >> i think if this community room go in play the way designed now tell be a change. you would never know the space currently ingleside station community room is for napurpose. with the layout and design. the windows we'll make a huge difference tell draught community in for more. the people will know if they need us they know where to finds us. they were able to get to the station. but to your point it is because it is tucked so far back you would not be able to see it from the street. i thanking if we invite the community in other ways. that message will get out in the community that ingleside station is redon and have this community room temperature is also
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connected to other community spaces like the parks. so -- >> another quick director short. the project under the set aside for public art. and is this eligible going back to the communities know its is welcome when you pull and up it is a generic security gate t is it one we partner station 49 and tackle our created a gateway. is this eligible >> required. >> okay yoochlt thank you. >> may be i can chime inform you know i was participating with chief scott and general manager to talk about the site and the land -- swapping that will need to happen for the station. one point they both made was they thank you there is a great opportunity to improve community engagement through this project.
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and the and proximity to the park this is a goal they both share. and i think that you know design ideas are beautiful upon i think than i will be able to achieve that goal. >> from what i then and there station is loved by the community and the neighborhood. >> they know where we are. is the community room separate from the trushth. in the build something >> that was one thing we combloered but was too expensive. now the think suggest it will be part of the new building built north that the intent is to make sure it stands out. for 2 reasons one so it appears more about the community. and two, there are security issues that we want to address being this is a police station.
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and so by doing so we would be able to address both of those goals. thank you very much for your comments i'm heartened to hear that you are both looking forward to the community room. i think this commission strategy low feels this it is critical in san francisco to integrate our police stations in the neighborhoods which they serve and make them welcoming public space for all members of the city. and with maintaining safety and security that are appropriate. but anything wee we can do in this opportunity now in the big redesign and renovation to make it invite the public and integrate and you your colleagues more to what is going on in the p and activity and it is community. upon given the funk y location of the setbacks from the street. anything you can doll be welcomed we look forward to hearing more about this as things go along and i know you
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will be leading the department to you know your successor i request a year from now we get an update on progress by then the church come construction should have started. so. twoch things one all projects we be meeting with the community upon presenting to the commission. and we will be coming before construction start on church and ingel sud will be able to seat design. before it is complete. for my replacement, the department will be hiring advertising to hire for a gm to over see all the police projects. and the interim my colleague scott mur an the manager for the fire has stepped up and will be supporting city architect ron. and the bureau of anotherure to
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advance the design of the project. what is your next chapter? i will transfer to sfo. i'm with the city family. >> i heard a lot about the police stations at the airport. i love to come to and i would, too. i think we will be a force relating to the investment and the time it takes at the port. and i look forward to getting a tour and seeing new digs when the time come. >> thank you. are well further questions? is well a motion to approve the award of the contract in so moved. >> second? >> i will second.
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>> secretary if you meaner open the motion to public comment. >> members of public when wish to make 3 minutes of comment on item 5 the ingleside station replace am construction manager contractor contract award lineup if you are call nothing 415-655-0001, access code: 2660 786 4322 ##. inspect chamber no one forward to speak on this item and sfgovtv is indicating to me there are no callers on this. item, either that concludes public comment.
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thank you. further oops. thank you, urth everfurther comments or questions? >> hearing no further all in favor of approing the award to construction, say, yes? >> yes. >> i believe it is unanimous and the motion passes. secretary fuller will pub labor adopted residence you lugz to the commission's website. thank you we look forward for a report a year from now. mr. fuller call the next item. >> item 6 the various locations renovation number. project manager lee will present this project and this is an action item.
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and edmonlee a public work project manager and the acting curb r. program manager i will present on the various locations pave am renovation 60 and sewer replacement. today recommends the commission to award san francisco public works contract various locations pave am reason vision 60 and sewer replace am in the amount of 11 million dollars. the construction duration of 163 days to precision engineering. one of many street resurface for
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the over all average condition of streets maintained by public works. >> san francisco public works maintains 12, 9 huh street segments one of several contracts the public works resurface goal maintaining and san francisco public works main strep in san francisco. public works program considering everconsiders pavement condition, use of street and coordination with other agencies. inquiries and visible funding when planning and issuing contracts. on the far left a map. indicating the general areas of san francisco about the project. is going to take place.
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the 2 maps in the middle introo them on the areas. illustrating the locations of work this is highlighted in blue and the lists of locations on the right hand side. the project scope of work consists of resurfacing on 49 block and 21 intersections 81 curb r.s 9 blocks of sewer replacement and rapid flashing beacon. >> here we have the protected over all project schedule. on the left side we recommend them to verse phases of the project. long with the highlighting activities that occur in each phase and the time line broken down by quarters and years cross the topful this project begant first quarter of 2018 through
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the end of 2020 for 3 years. this is where we -- create the project and we enter it in 5 year plan i have at city's coordination tool maps and this is where all city agencies and private utility companies who occupy space in right-of-way use program and able to input their projects and schedules. and so we have that there for a good few years to give that opportunity to all other agency and utility companies to see our projects and see how they lineup with their projects. and create the opportunity for any planning coordination that can happen. then began our design in 2021. which lefted about 2 years to the end of 2022. and typically in the beginning of the design phase an noi
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notice of intent i have at dot map system this is the official notice to all companies that starting to design the project. these other limits. our project schedule. legality us know if there is conflicts with your projects we ask for under ground utility maps from the agencies which -- help inform our designs. and skoal as mentioned, this is where the start of the heart of coordination for projects. we have our -- design mile stones 35 pvrms 65, 95. these are just checkpoints in the design press to help inform us of where we are and how we are progressing. challenges and ultimately you know end goal is to come up with the 1 huh human % design plan specifications and estimate package. >> we move on to advertisement advertise the contract.
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this project we advertise back in march. and -- we received bid in april. where we received the bids and we -- take a look at the evaluate the bidders and the amount of bid and money and things like that. and move on to the award phase where had is where we verify the contract of qualifications. double check and make sure they are technical meet the requirements. this is where we execute the contract agreements with the city and contractor. and hopeful low with the mission's recommendation today to award we continue this award process and hopeful low complete that this quarter and move on to construction. which is we are anticipating to start in the this year. and the duration is approximately under 2 years. part of construction, in
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beginning we issued the notice to proceed and that is the official date that it is construction duration begins the clock is teching after that the duration of the contract. we continue cordination i think there was a couple questions cordination earlier and the effort really continuous throughout all the phases of our project. you know and have beening low in construction could be with the community if necessary or impacted businesses we continue that cordination. with other u tit ill companies we already coordinated and previous face we continue this now in implementation phase. right? also on the other side sometimes well suspect unforeseen work that happens that we would predict or foresee and so -- that requires cordination, also. during the construction phase can lead to delay in contracts.
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we have completion where that is when the majorities of the work scope of work and contract completed. usable. minus some minor, minor corrections that need to be made. they are through punch list items once they are corrected or modified we move to final completion. and during the close out, once the contractors perform all the work the city reviewed the scope and confirms that it was performed per our planned specifications we sept condition tract and move toward financial close out we will balance the contract and make sure the payments check out and -- all the everybody who is -- wroshged on the project is paid and charged correct and close out the project. again this project was advertised in match and received 5 bids april 12 of 23.
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the average bid was 11 million, 452, 784. engineer estimate 11, 156, 250. the percentage of the average bid of all 5 was 103%. the percentage of the lowest bid compared to the mate was 99%. mitch elf engineering submitted the lowest bid, they did not receive local business discounts. precision engineering bid received the bid discounts of 2%
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of lbe and the lowest bidder. it is contract monitor division reviewed and confirmed made the determination that precision engineering with 2% discount was the lowest bidder. heir we have a break down of the participating agencies and the amounts they contribute to the project. the total contract amount. public works am use road maintenance and rehab funds to fund the majority of the project [inaudible]. and our sister agency san francisco puc commission will be using sewer rehad been repair funds 2, 587, 413. and our other agencies san
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francisco transportation agency will use transportation funds to funds 27, 550. just to recap of today's ask for the commission to recommend, ward of the san francisco public works contract various location faithfulment reason vision 60 and sewer replacement. i can take question fist there are, now. >> thank you very much. mr. lee i appreciate the walk through on the schedule i have a request for mr. lee. this one time so we are all clear on the many steps and the year its takes to complete projects. to that end i would like to hear in a year on progress the november of 25 completion. i thank you for the monopolies they are excellent and helpful
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and perhaps when you update us in i year the schedule might be updating the bok with a different color if things get delayed i want to compare with schedule to where we are a year from now. what point did public works reach out to pg and e and at&t all the state enforced partners and those property and on the streets and has there been like reply or communication on this project? >> and sort of -- couple of
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different points of cordination. to answer your question whf we first notified pg and e this would be in the start of the design phase. we issue the noi the notice of intent. pg xeshgs and other company it is at&t and sister agencies and noticing them of the project and again request maps the under ground facility in the location of the scope. and we used those to help us inform our describe we need to need to dig down we are aware of where they are located. . and a lot of times there are not. not to say that potential
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conflict does in the come up the project dynamic anything can happen any time. we are performing w on the public right-of-way. and there is the facilities owned by different agencies and utility companies above. on the right of wachl under and there are potentials for conflicts. but that is with we initially narcotic the coordination. through the design process, if our designs requires relocation
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of the utilities that's when we also reach out to the company. if we have some -- like a curb ramp design and it is conflicting with the -- puc facility water line or valve. contact them for relocation for this as well. the plan streets to be paved where would you say what percentage we have to wait for third party utility companies and which are red to go? for this project? >> there is no -- major coordination with the utility companies. those are various locations projects. so you know we have segments though areas of san francisco and not targeted and say one main corridor. like a mission street or a geary boulevard it it is a long stretch. it it is -- i could not give an exact percentage. >> can i piggyback. i have the same question and i think i'm from the same
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accomplice. i appreciate the upon difference in scope of work. i think about several meetings back we were all around talking the harrison improvement and contract extension and simple coordination issue. with pg sxeshgs we public works found a solution. but in this discussion the costs which is time, material and the public when we are asking is this is in the the folsom street that is major and will be hair there. but with the small are projects should we anticipate pg xeshgs -- for lack of a word causing us to come become to the contract extension and costs. every dollar we put there a dollar we did not creating another part of the city that statute concern.
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and men you speak to really, do we have the same occurrence coordination as we saw with the large are projects. your answer is, no. if we do encounter them, what are we going to do? i don't believe that anyone at this will table wants to continue using our dollars to pay for delays. for learning are projectos busy corridors harrison and the mission. there are a lot more -- agencies that join the projects. because the nature of this corridor. it is a high volume. a lot of use and businesses. so -- mostly everybody wants to come together and impact that community one time. and -- that big one the other
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yours that miles an hour in the residential, in might be along commercial corridors throughout the city temperature it is smaller but one thing to point out pg and e is every wrchl whether a residential street or down mission or geary they are dollar. and you know we try our best you know -- preconstruction and plan and design to cord nay our project. we don't have control of work that are another utility company may very much stoims they pop up during construction. whether or not the notification process was followod this end is -- sometimes yes or no. but you know it is again that's the complexity of -- cord nay with utility companies. >> if i can chime add to that.
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so, you know we we had pain points with pg and e. . when it come to holding up some of our projects. also on the building, design and construction side. we have been meeting had regular meeting with pg and e on cordination of projects. but we increased the meetings at deputy director level. albert and ron are meeting at and i join a monthly meeting with pg and e to try to get ahead of these projects. and avoid delays. i do feel like we had good progress very recently. upon prior to that, i think we i would not have that would. so i'm hopeful if we keep these meetings and have engage am at the high levels we had from pg
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and e we can may be improve. i don't think we'll ever be in a place we never have a delay but improve their ability to meet our schedules. say an area where public works gave the street 5 years then pg sxeshgs says i need to do something there? what is their authority in that? in that situation? you would tell them, sorry we wait 5 years or -- let's [inaudible]. >> so. there is an emergency provision in that moratorium language it if an emergency obviously we
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can't prevent them from doing. emergency work and new service. so if somebody new let's say adds an adu to their building. and they need new service gas and electric. you know they can cut in a street for that. we also we meet regularly with pg and e about moratorium cuts. they are the biggest offenderer on cutting in our new paved streets they committed to push anything not an emergency or new service out so that if than i have to break the moratorium they break it towardet end of the 5 year rather than early on that is manage we track and bring to their attention. most i will say most of the moratorium cuts are labeled emergencies or new service.
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i upon didn't be this. the issue from the sesurface program we program our proposed and future planned projects in the city monopolies and we do have regular meetings, toot sister agencies to go over some of our proposed projects. do they line up with the other agency projects. that's the planning coordination effort this happens during that phase. and sometimes if our project -- schedules are misash lined by a year or sick months we have that discussion. can we create a joints project and you know either they the agency join our project and joint agency project. we go through that exercise. . and that cordination effort through all the phases.
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and >> thank you music toor ears what you said about hopeful with a new cordmation getting people at a higher level working with our public works. you are hopeful few are delays that is great news. thank you. further questions or comments before >> is there a motion to approve the resolution. >> moved >> second. >> thank you. we will open public meant. for members of public here lineup if you are call nothing call 415-655-0001, access code: 2660 786 4322 ##.
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example, van ness it is a highway. san bruno avenue. and i'm giving you some examples. the san francisco puc has in place sewer lines and clean water lines and they have money for it. bond measure. there is no coordination with the department of public works. because the d. public works does the job. as to pg and e, we don't have good relationships. we can meet the highest level but it is not about meeting on the highest level tell is understanding need's assessment.
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you cannot understand need's assessment if you are not in the construction business. and we cannot talk about doing this and that if we deponent have quality control. so we again and again and again, we do the pavement of the roads and again and again the roads are dmroen they are fixed. not fixed purpose low there is no quality control. we also have to pay attention to our crosswalked. i brought to your attention many times on san bruno they have a crosswalk that has not been painted the last three years. this is blatant disrespect.
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you it is 11. . 14 we can break or go on to the last item. when would my colleagues like to do? >> we will00 eye will not share the comments of commission we will prosecute seed to the next item. secretary fuller? >> item 7 the operation's division of urban forest over view. superintendent nic list crawford will present this over vow this is know informational item.
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good morning. good morning i'm nikolas crawford i'm the acting superintendents for the bureau of u ban forestry. and i'm here to share an update on how we are doing this is a presentation i gave in november. to the sas commission and you may have had i chance to see the slides or video i will not give
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an exhaustive repeat of that. of i will focus on things that have changed. still give i quick over view of -- who we are. so. we are housed under the operation's group under deputy director durreden and we are both under the sa circumstance commission in terms of oversight for daily accysts and come to you for contract approvals. which you seen me before. for our budget over view. we are a 24/7 operation. we do an on call arborist this responds to tree emergencies we are creating a night time crew for the first time. tell give us full coverage, 24/7 and number of aspects of our work.
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our budget is 51.2 million dollars. source of funding we rely on and on paper we have 205ft e positions and in practice we have 130 staff. coming to work every day. >> so, as far as when we do the core of our bonjour over is maintenance. we are caring for street trees, open space, everything this is not in a park or other jurisdiction. and we care for sidewalks with our cement shop. i big chunk of our work is protecting that urban forest through our inspection program with permits enforcing our -- ordinances and also maintaining control of pest problems. we would love to do more of is the growing side of thingment to plant more and enhandles the greening we have throughout the
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city. we do tree plants and water to establish the tree and green jobs with the w force development programs and i will tell you about our street tree nurse row coming. >> so. give a quick sense of activities we are engage in the hundred's on group of people our work is kennetic we are oust there getting work done by climbing tree and clearing things off the sidewalks. fixing things with hand its it is i big part whf we do. our trees are distributed citywide. you see well is a density in the center. city where we inherited the maintenance of existing trees but a number of areas that we want to fill in those gaps. and those have been our planting priority areas.
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lands scape crew focussed on median and open spaces we do a ton of maintenance from mowing to planting and mall enhancements to large are projects you see these folks driving around. our cement shop is project based. client work. repair tre related sidewalk damage. and have crews that do curb r. replacements. and then a number of other client work for folks like mta and other agencies. our team is responding evaluating manage is an urgent need or done requires a fine or some enforcement action. follow through to post for
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removal and things like this this is a small team we have 2 folks dm manage it grow this team. and they are responsible for dealing with -- for coming up with solutions to -- disease problem and the real issue is rodents. if we can fix them without chemicals or other means we do. the work did not end with our team we have a network of partners contractors and nonprofits.
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we value that they are from the urban forest we do pleasanting projects with xus we have a number of other folks that we rely on. meat and potatoes today is -- sorry this tofu and potatoes today. talking about these are those items from -- that meeting. not just normal storm activity. we -- have -- that everyone. the bond cyclone with record
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winds. we had -- soil at that timeeration that lead to trees collapse being. so -- we mated 100 tree failures citywide. burr ed under men limbs and will even photocopy it is a single report it could require multiple visited. could not clear someone can get to work and keep move and come back later and get the debris. thousands of labor hours and the teach contractors and -- i believe we were able to leverage the good working relationships we have with them. we can pick up the ponent and
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say i need a crew i need 10 people. crane here and i need you to send the crew there. and realist grateful. our team was just reddide and spent. >> i want to say i'm proud of our response i think most are likey crazy storm the tree came down and the next day they were driving on the road things were normal. the -- other good news for us as much as damage and enforcement things and the storms are crew is working safely we had no injuries on the team and i'm proud and grateful they were working safely. in terms. planning this is had weigh want to do more of.
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started the year with our event in soma in march. and. saw some of you thank you. and pleasanted 115 tree in d6 one of our prior neighborhoods for planting. the same time we applyd and, warded 480 thousand dollars from the nra that grant is going to go in soma and tenderloin neighborhoods. we did arbor day plantings outside of that area where we used the funds. and i'm grateful for the partners going in the application this helped us get, ward of the money we had an action plan with under ground support of the our city budget is light on tree planting money this month.
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and -- the -- my notes we had 2.4 million dollars in budget money last year example looks like 400,000. quite a steep drop in that funding and off set this we look for federal, state and whatever we get. with the 38 million dollars election for the ira funding part of the administration's 1.5 billion dollars to combat enflation. if we get a sliver to plant 10,000 trees that would make a massive difference. in terms of staffing in november we were going to hire and hired a slew of guard ins 10 is massive for a small landscape team of had i big difference in
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issue ability to respond and outstanding commitmented to neighbors on sunset boulevard we were not able to meet and now we dedicate support not yours this we needed to be present at. hired a tree inspector. getting one person is helping them and 3 cement maceons. each made a big difference. pending. am than i are in the pipeline and here very soon. we have 2 tree inspector coming, to ip m specialists. adding 2 will be fantastic. then our volunteer out reach coordinator going to the street tree industry. thank you. and we mead that position need
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snb to be our point person on the ground there. next up in 2023 have our chief nursery specialist this . is moving to the next level we can get that moving in the preemployment pending phase. then we have 10 more guard ins coming it is, mazing that was on pause the [inaudible] up to this mont we are sending out notices to encourage folks to join us. and hiring 8 arborists and supervisor. so all of this is not just like -- gross like top line growth. always folks retiring and transferring. if you are novelty hiring your team will shrink. this was a positive for us good year for 2023.
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street tree nursery this is where i get excited. our target for completion october first. and that means most things will be there it will be functional. and by november first final completion throw a big party. invite everybody and hope you make it. so -- we don't have i date for an events around the first. we will have two city staff position stationed there. and our workforce develop will per in the intent to award stage we have member there with the staff. for our construction budget, one reason the is in the opening the summer we planned was this this project kept grow nothing terms of scope and fungdz. which is fantastic problem to have because i think this idea
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sparked interest. we had gotten a seed funding from the mayor's office of 250,000. we thought if we get a free trailer our office we can do this. we can get water going. i think we can make this work. as we talked about it am we had an upon design plan. the govern printd that out. said, look what we will build here and we looked at each other and said i guess we are building it. he encouraged, fund sources to look at us. the cal trans clean california grant program kicked in and our source funding group knife million dollars. so that meant we can do more things. every time you get more money there are expectations and we want to meet them and impress with [inaudible] street tree
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nursery that is inspired by other communities. san jose has i fantastic one. this is a great show case item to me of and hour we work together. our landscape ushth architecture did the design with us. construction management in house public works. great things. ir hesitate to say synergieses it is bland. i'm proud. union project manager going way back for yearos this next to the construction of the container happening now. in oak land and one of our early design inspiation images there. and because i think it happens upon often there are capitol funding and maintenance. what happens in purple tour. we have 500 thousand dollars in
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annual funding support to pay for these positions and supplies and materials we need to keep it going. thank you very much will that is great news i want to clarify nasignificant budget cut mention side not affecting the nursery what is it of course effecting? >> the city does not have dedicated funds for planting. we have gotten upon as you understanding through the sales tax boy county transportation authority. and men years that was our only planting funding.
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work on growing the urban forest and used the sales tax funding to basic avenue try to keep up am but that has hovered around a mission annually temperature does not fwroe they have a 30 year allocation. not going anywhere. but we were able to secure funds as part of the climate resilience and heat mitigation. a couple years ago we ended up with 2.4. so that was we never got this level investment bfrment i hope we'll get back if the budget recovers with the budget deficit projected many, many, many capitol projects took a hit.
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in many ways we were luck tow get when we got. i will piggyback. why yes. >> one more on this do we ever ask private property ordinance to fund tree planting in the public right of way? since given the budget cuts. what other financing creative -- way consist we get more trees plants begin budget cuts. >> i can't resist. but of course i will allow mr. crawl forward to continue to provide insight the things we do partner with the largeef costs to planting a tree is the watering. because we don't get consistent rains and buzzure rains when they do come are seasonal we water trees for most if in the all of the year. so it is about 3 quarters of the
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cost planting a tree is the watering. so we can make our small dollars go further if someone takes on the watering. said that, it does require kinlts watering every week for 3 years and one challenges we had is people yea, the tree. sure i will water this and forget they are going on vacation and forget what may come up. and we do try to work with folks to say thshg is, we are counting you you are counting on us and we on you. what is your plan to really water every week? because what happens is our watering crews but they have limited capacity and so if someone fails to water we will pick up that tree if we are not watering we can't add a tree that is a houj we pay a person and truck to drive and water they need to be efficient.
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we partner with property owners and partnered with community group and have successful per inship with mission verdi in the mission removing trees on 24th street and we were plan to replace them and water them. and the communities said. if we dot watering -- can we pleasant more. we were able to triple trees planted they watered. i was very, very concerned and weary they would not live up to the commitment. partnership was they gave us a detailed plan. have will a team assigned every tree. and they look great. i went through yesterday and the trees are thriving this is a great moss.
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they are asking communities what your maintenance plan. this is river to have funding secured for maintenance. so -- we will keep our fingers crossed we are constant 3 applying for grants to supplement when we get from the city. portrir to mission. . the -- additional trees pleasanted we were replacing the trees on the customer dover and added fros i think a net gain of 11 on this corridor. the additional trees 82
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additional trees on the near by streets. we went if 50 to 150. commissioner. may be you can help mow with this. going become to tree replace am after severe storms that is now our -- it is really here today. when these things happen. does femalear we eligible for guarantees to replace trees and address the issues. i also from do we cord nay with others when there are claims and how do we address this. we will lose more trees that way. >> all unfortunate. it is unanswered question from
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the chair so answer the same time. one of the mechanisms we have for tree planting is the code enforcement when folks trig are that requirement we require them to plant a reand they are on the hook for that. if they fail to water it, within a couple years we can say you need to repleasant that you are on the hook for that. that is an component in effortses. we are not dog it but give thanksgiving and i'm proud of this requirement in there because it -- has teeth in a way often we don't have this level of follow up and enforcement. but if there were a way to i think when we lose tree in storms this folks are attached that and value the shade loved investigate tree there and now
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baking in the sun light this they used to have some -- shade from. so we hear from those and saying when am i getting a tree planted here. we areune in the position we have a plan to plant in soma and tenderloin and a lot of the trees are fail nothing other parts of the city where there are large mature tree this is are impacted by the winds and storms. so -- kinds of like director short said for us to divert there and pleasant a tree and then add that to a watering route. we are trying to do that in a systematic way focusing priority areas. but i don't want to lose that, that -- excitement that someone has because sometimes they might get used not having a tree and go back everyone needs a tree.
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i think you have a good point how we capture that -- momentum and get a tree planted. but -- with like limited planting funding that has not been something we have been able to mobilize on. >> can i tell you the insurance stuff. in the insurance it is fema and natural disaster declaration. well is a ton of resource my question is about the neighborhoods they got replaced i would think this should be fema it was i storm and natural disaster if than i provide the replace am do they provide the service the wushth. this is my question. this will be something we live with i think we lost 10 on my street. i'm trying to figure out what the does this electric like in tree replace am.
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i will answer and added what you said about other ways to pleasant. so -- we did get able to submit reimbursement for to fema for our storm response. we are less hopeful but we are also try to submit for the actual loss and the damage and we are our costs do include the costs of watering. but had i robbery told is we may not ghate from fema. i continuing is something this i don't know if we who gets to talk to fema. in the future. about hey. you finish i natural disaster you gotta help us without the at
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this time damages to not just the response time. buts a city we are submitting for try to get the costs reimbursed by femaleasm we also do pursue, for example if a car accident wipes out tree on a modian and we have information woeful go after the insurance in those case and do include all of the necessary costs to reestablish the tree. so including watering costs. the other thing the code enforcement. you mior minot be, wear when certain triggers for projects. new building and one triggers installation of a garage and amount square footage all of those trigger's tree planting requirement and required
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pleasant a tree for every 20 feast frontage. so had is i way we get new trees planted if than i are unable to pleasant they have requirement for 5 dprees only plant 4 they play in lieu fee we use those funds for tree planting that's a way we are able to fund the tree planting program. >> couple of last things you mentioned you have 206fte and have 130. you are hiring 30 is this correct. 160ish. so does this put the department at the accomplice and space you can respond and you guys are catching back up? or are you under staffed at that number? >> great question. i think in terms of maintenance,
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growing. but as we lost people and have had have not had the hr support for hiring until recently this made it doyle fill this year hen a turning point. >> commissioner zoubi. >> thank you. always good to see you. i was there at arbor day. where thank you. so -- i was going to leave that question for the last one. commissioner turner mentioned that so -- currently you are at 36% of total fte can you tell us about how is it different or better or worse the fact that public works had its own hr and hiring department.
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and anything change is it quicker? is there others there. sure. so -- for us it is faster. well is in question we have been able to accelerate that. i think this it hen more intensive for the bowero and the hiring manager. and it has taken a ton of our attention. and i don't think this there is any question that's what i have to do. but it is required our bonjour over to be involved in introduce like we did not do interviews in the past. and i guess given the option. if you can do this you can hire faster. we do it! over time hr building out their program and i from believe we
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will get to a point where new processes settle out and a state everybody knows the systems and go through that more quickly when we do anything it takes long are than the 100th time i know what to do and who to contact and look for. i hope that we can slow down the process changes it has been a lot to absorb and implement but i think the results are worth temperatureen if it has been a lot of effort. one year, right? the new hr department since july. not since july. it was i want to say october that they we got them. but -- or got the authority for them but then took time so
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really -- it,iel. it has been more like 8 or 9 months. >> got it. so. how would i community organization who would they contact. if they want -- to get on the watering. program. we have a list that we have been slow in making progress through this. this list but if you have an interest in watering a tree we will put you on that list and then when we plant you can water. and that has been one way to capture that and the way is to contact our urban forest inspectors we have urban forestry sfdpw. org or call the number on our public works/trees section of the website.
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so they are like -- interfaced with the public and are take down any interests in this. if somebodiments it pleasant the tree they should still check with our inspector we can go over species. set you up with manage that will do well and also make sure the site you want to pleasant is valand i had issue you the -- planting permit, which is fro. i waiting list? >> so if you want us it plant and you water we have a waiting list it is -- we have been making slow progress on. we need tok cellerate that it was on hold all last year. question whether we can plant if you water that is resolved i don't resumed that but well is a backlog. you may know the city passed a
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behested payment lawsuit ethics commission passed this. the language in the law was very, very broad. and basically -- asking i property owner to water a tree in exchange for more quickly could be considered category for i behested payment. we had to pause that until we were able to get clarity and a revision to the law. if the benefit is the city's. then it is not a behested payment thats the ethical question there is no other this was not unique to public ws that is what mr. crawford was referring to. >> you mentioned that you -- urban forest would love to reach out to have community
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organizations. be a part of this. so how quick is this list. how long is that list and how slow is the -- that advance am of it? >> if i can say just to distinguish. we have i list of property owners who are eatingtory have i replace am tree and willing to water. i think the example i'm use with mission verdef when you know we have either a project to plant tree in a neighborhoods and we did this with haze valley neighborhood association. projects to plant and than i are willing to take on the water and allowses to plant more. reaching out to urban forestry e mail. those the way it came about we had i project there and than i stepped up to maximize.
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we have agitation for a project that is when the broader community engage am where not just an individual homeowner we would welcome it. again. we need a strong -- commitment with redundancy to ensure. sadly we -- and i thursday to haze valley neighborhood. we don't trust you, either. we have been burned men times people don't understand how -- you know if you have a hot weekend like we are about to have. i could lose this tree even a brief vacation could be a problem. be sure it is a strong plan if we have that. we would look at opportunity to create a project around that. i could give 2 other community
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examples the du bows tray angle association came you to and said if we pleasant they would water can we help them with that. i made a promise we would plant 30 trees by july. got those in. couple weeks ago. there is a work. but we are happy to do this and we shared with them watering carts we constructed from mission verdi. modified them to give a tool box the water drains bert with this modification that we were helped with. team effort. but -- that is one of those opportunity the cars are inexpensive to share water and another example is telegraph hill.
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a huge commitment but same thing if than i find a way to wart or owners who can go out and dpet a couple of trees in front of their house. we want to partner with them and seat value there. >> thank you. >> last. i promise. >> so what when -- the maintenance responsibility of trees passed from landlords to public works did this in with a budget from the voters and is could that be utilizeed complant maintain trees? i'm going to address that one. >> worked hard for that. >> yes.
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that program came with an an annual set, side of 19 million dollars from the general fund this does escalate with cost of living over time. a lesson from oak lan who passed a landscape assessment did not have costs built in. 20 years later the value diminished. we are grateful to the voters for giving us that. however that program is specific low for maintenance of established trees. and -- i could spend time talkingil do this. originally, the plan was to ask for a parcel tax for property owners to pay for the costs to maintain trees. the logic was most property ordinance were bearing that cost if we did a parcel tax. >> can you uniquely conceived
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we did it based on linear frontage rather than square footage. they would save thousands of dollars on a linear frontage basis. if they were willing to pay 100 dollars annually for the parcel tax. weave have density vertically. condos paying 14 dollars or 11 dollars annually. most owner were willing to chip in we got a bulk of the costs. when we were asking property owners to chip in we decided to focus on maintenance because that's the hardest money to get. there are grants available for planting. the logic was no ribbon kulth it is upon maintenance nobodiments their photo taken next to a new cut limb.
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it is easier to get other funds for pleasantsing then and there maintenance. we chose to focus maintenance. over that course the left minute there were other tax measures on the ballot and the board of supervisors did discussions and negotiations and the last minutes turned a yes or no fund set, side. it was still about maintenance had we weigh in the and said. if you will give a general fund give us 6 million and we will plant, too and set for the program. they were basing it on maintenance focused percentel tax that's where the funding came from which we need to ensure this money is used for the maintenance which intended. otherwise, everyone will want that money to go to planting a tree. and rather than maintaining a tree and will be in the same pickle we have been in where we
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are money for planting and not maintenance. the legislation says it can't beized for new plantings. were upon all right established tree. >> definition? it is 3-5 years of water. when it does not ours is no longer needs supplemental water is considered established. commissioner woolford iny? where the street tree nursery. >> it is on fifth, between bryant and harrison. you can consider the start or end of i80 and i thank you is i fantastic metaphor for how that is going set down next to our
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nursery. can i picky become on this location. men a request, carla for director short, occur everfourth down the road. this is a good thing. i was at delores park and looking down. and it is, mazing that you condition miss this site t. it is the end of the freeway. so it is easy to pick up on. is it possible to put a flag pole. i think about the public and really it is a landmark. without question from the street and even from that far back how i know the eagle has a flag that 10th. and it is not 30 feet tall and can you imagine again trying to ancientor the upon community will defend temperature i'm trying to think if the team can take a visit go on the hill. look again at the marketing and power of when we are trying to do in this very unique location.
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again i want [inaudible] the cars but manage about come makes the city great are land mornings and the points of the great city. look into this? >> we had a winds mill and and out of the budget. we can find a way. that would be the visual striking come ponent. the site will be solar powered which is, mazing. puts the whole pg and e time line out of the equation go fully solar. the -- the one limitation that we were getting from cal trans it can't distract drivers.
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if it is visible but not a distraction. we might be able to. there are accomplice making leaderships like the found you got an audience of people where are to a miles per hour hours a day on the on and off ramps an opportunity to community the value of when we are doing there. >> i would second this. what a great idea for i flag pole with noticing an american energy and san francisco energy this is a message. this is a public space. otherwise, why would anyone think it was a patriot nursery you would. some easy inexpensive way to say this is a public facility and yours. people. i hope you will consider this i think it is know excellent idea. i didn't will say me and my
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husband thought about a big redwood tree. i would say the point is it needs to be say what it is. it needs to these other thing this is make the city great and as school kids are driving and dreaming about when they can be an arborist and have manage of why it is important i hope we do. i believed visibility and traffic. and lastly you know we huup a language time we have an interest this this like asking about my children. i can talk about all the things. [laughter] my last question is we had heard good news what are the challenges you think this
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than i will face in the year of 23/24. covered some of that with the level of effort this requires for hiring. it has been just you got limited time and resources. and we had to focus on this out of necessity. i think this will pay offment i think one of our challenges has been -- around bring nothing both office shelves and customized training can take a language time to bring that -- to our staff. and has a high value. both things required training can be tough to just navigate all the processes. but also the things that are like developmental. career opportunity. the university has a number of great offerings already. and it it is a resource for us
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of tree asset to send the staff. but to do more things that are like pacific to our trade and i think would be valuable -- that there is a free opportunity that is fantastic. we sends folks to that and this is contracting for trin and it does get harder. perhaps if the university had the resources to help us with this i think it is -- -- i think it help with this training would be valuable. i think -- the other thing is our bureau has shared our leadership a lot with our director. not having that like institutional knowledge daily. always a phone call away and deputy director and has more to do now but down the hall. i think this has had an impact on us and we need to fill leader
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>> thank you and thank you for the fronts everpresentation we will hear from the public w departments every year. 18 months? what? annually we will get a report from every bowero. we not always go through what they do we will look for an update to the prior report we look forward to seeing you and director short and your deputies next year. before you go this it is what happens when deputy director attendses i gotta call her up i have i question. it it is a short question. good afternoon. deputy director for operations. >> good afternoon will thank you. i noticed in mr. crawford's presentation you have vaccance
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in central prescriptions for manager. how are you manage and do you have an eta when you will get this position filled? >> we are working on that now and we had staff step up and acting roles to fill the void and i all step in the dp had central prescriptions report to me. so basically. we are working on the hiring now i'm hoping in the next threap months. we should be able to fulfill had need. >> good. i know it it is a tough position. >> absolutely. it is. >> thank you. >> you are welcome. >> further questions or comments before public comment this is informational. we will open to public comment. now. members who wish it make 3
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minutes of ment on item 7, the operation division urban forest over view line up further from the door. and if in the chamber if you are calling in dial 415-655-0001, access code: 2660 786 4322 ##. we mayor 2 commenters. unmute this first caller. >> commissioners, let mow start by talking about the city street
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canopy. san francisco is 20.7. los angeles, 21%. chicago, 17%. new york city, 24%. so, we with ramble about planting trees but we need good leadership. you may not then and there let mow tell you, the urban forest first starred i established them in the presidio and gave them when they needed. and as mark for identification you commissioners pointed out, about nurseries. so i dedicated i large warehouse
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building 243 for our nursery. that is how we accommodate christie field. people were talking about crissy field. but they did not have the leadership and the skill and knowledge to have a nursery which i established. . now. you commissioners this is the further time the commissioners link to the dpw and the first time we linked to sanitary and streets. we have to be educateod issues so we can come up with a model. and we are reliing on the city and county of san francisco which let me tell you. we are going to the hogs. not to the dogs but the hogs. our mayor every time she gets an
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opportunity she box out the wrong tree and apointses all you commissioners some of y'all are have your heart in the right accomplice. some of y'all on a what are you doing? what are you doing? when are you doing? no! do you have a plan for member to do something so that you can have quality control? thank you very much. >> thank you, caller. sfgovtv i believe indicate we have a second caller. unmute this second caller and caller you are low minutes and i will provide with a 30 second notice. >> can you hear me now. david pilpel. i have not forgot but i have been juggling things this morning and so i am still here.
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it sounds like you had a long discussion about [inaudible] great. i wanted to appreciate the staff and the bowero. i interacted with a small number recently i was involve immediate i case that is dragged on for months involving violation one of the there was a hearing one of the conscience we needed attends a tree class. which i did a few weeks back and learned more about of the tree canom competence pruning standards i want to appreciate nick's work and criss and susan and -- who you know is the glue. i will be following up with them and possible low christopher about the website. and other things i think some of
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your discussion today could be better explained on the website. there is a lot of static content that has not been updated and i think there is a better story to tell. about the tree canopy and the work of the department and religion to street tree maintenance. and i don't think i saw in the presentation on the inspection side that they also do issue fines. and well simple a process around this. props next year we can hear about this. but there is a lot of time between now and next year and director short will deal with trees again i know she looks ford and we do as limp i will leave it and i will follow up with verse folks as i have indicated and as people may share with you have i great weekend and thank you for your
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service. thank you. >> thank you. that'sor left caller for this item and concludes public comment. >> thank you no other question or discussions thank you mr. crawford for the presentation. call the next item. >> item 8 is new business by commissioners example this is an town for commissioners to suggest business for a future agenda. this is an informational item. >> thank you. i believe we had one earlier and perhaps commissioner turner presentation on workforce development the department under takes we got bits and piece i think that will be good for the public and the commission. >> and i'd like to add one myself on how the city cites capitol projects stemming from my questions about the site of the ingleside police station that may not be a public works
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presentation we can host it but work on general low since we will be approving contracts for projects i like to better understand how capitol projects are cited when large renovations are planned. to make sure we are picking the best siteds we can so the city gets their money's worth. so this will be i think 2 new business items for the month ahead. commissioner zoubi? i like to add invite mrs. karen thoil get a report of how our hr is doing so far how many vacancies we filld and so forth. >> secretary fuller do you know when he is next scheduled? i think yell or the fall in i
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believe for i -- i don't have that off the top of my head. okay. seem top have recollection interim director. i don't. i do know she is scheduled and this well is an she will do an annual presentation to you all. but i think we have her for but don't remember when that. we will let you know. i think for sure semi annual on that. i bet september, i think. 6 weeks. i imagine. and we will double check. >> commissioner woolford? yes. you know i think that the general line of inkwoir tote questions about the ingleside police station warrant a deeper dive. i was going to ask if the architect mr. almeida could come
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back and unfact the situation. will we know 67 million dollars for the bond issue but there are other cost in this . minisoft, administrative, capitol costs not included in that funds. i don't know what degree all of the attributed bond it would be helpful for the commission and the public to understand why renovation project in existing building costs that much. and i have w with the city for years i have an understanding but i think helpful for the football have this. the process the city guess through to renovate or builted the time that guess this and without exact dollars the budgets this entail the agencies that have to be involved. the time spans. everyone has the same understanding the 87 million dollars is only what we are
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approving the reality is there are other cost consist and, things that factor in. that's my request. whom ever the department thinks is best and second low i will be missing the next hearing. i want to ask to be excused i the peek at the interinitial society of college and university planners. i will be absent. >> in august. >> august 4. i think. >> thank you. and i will second your suggestion for a big are look for citing parking lot of what you described. thank you very much. that would be very informative for the public and the commission. why commissioner turner. joy will piggyback on this. make a trifecta. it is carla of the left component of this is i of course the major's directive around royals or sister agencies and
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others and how they think about the plan and when it means when our department come and asks i think this new context of the real estate market we finds ourselves in. so i believe it it is a 30-day directive to guest a report on what am. i think clear should be involved but that begin the projects in fronts of us this is coming up again. getting work session and getting clarity will be in everyone's best interests. >> thank you. all right. open public comment on this item. number of public comment on item 8 new business and by commissioners line up against the wall. if calling in call 415-655-0001, access code: 2660 786 4322 ##.
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we do have one call are unmalt that caller and caller youville 3 minutes to speak and i will provide you with a 30 second warning. david pilpel according to the calendar with item one today looks like the regular meeting of august fourth is to be cancelled. that would be great to confirm. also looks like the racial equity action plan is back on september 18th. the second meeting in september
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i assume that's when hr director hill will be present perhaps you can do the workforce development discussion at that same meeting. and more broadly about the calendar i communicated this to secretary fuller it would be great if you are skipping i meeting if the calendar this you maintain and publish and make public could be more like the puc commission which actually has those items this are annual, quarterly, the left time the next time who is responsible and a page with questions posed by commissioners or question for future items and who that staffed out to and what the studies is of the open items.
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may be 5 page would be a world of good. city attorneys. everybody. that was my congratulation. suggestion. thank you for listening. >> thank you. caller. that is our left caller for this item and concludes public comment. >> thank you. i believe we can dispense of item 9. >> that's correct. >> great. >> this. so is there remaining business? there is no further business on the agenda. as mr. pill bell pointed out august fourth is cancelled we next meet on friday august 18th at 9:30 in this room and today we are adjourned it is 12.
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the first place? >> trees are widely planted in san francisco. with good reason. they are workhorses when it comes to urban forestry. we have begun to see our ficustrees are too big and dangerous in san francisco. we have a lot of tree failures with this species in particular. this is a perfect example of the challenges with the structure of the ficustrees. you can see four very large stems that are all coming from the same main truck. you can see the two branches attached to one another at a really sharp angle. in between you can't it is a lot of strong wood. they are attached so sharply together. this is a much weaker union of a branch than if you had a wide angel. this is what it looks like after
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the fi c.u. resolution s limb l. >> we see decline. you can see the patches where there aren't any leaves at all. that is a sign the tree is in decline. the other big challenge is the root system of the tree are aggressive and can impact nearby utilities, and we can fix the sidewalk around the tree in many cases. we don't want to cuts the roots too severely because we can destabilize the tree. >> in a city like san francisco our walks are not that wide. we have had to clear the branches away from the properties. most of the canopy is on the street side and that is heavyweight on those branches
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out over the street. that can be a factor in tree limb failures. a lot of people wonder since these trees have a lot of issues. why did we plant them in the first place? they provided the city with benefits for decades. they are big and provide storage for carbon which is important to fight climate change and they provide shade and really i think many people think they are a beautiful asset. >> when we identify trees like this for removal and people protest our decision, we really understand where they are coming from. i got into this job because i love trees. it just breaks my heart to cut down trees, particularly if they are healthy and the issue is a structural flaw. i have also seen first hand what happens when we have failures. we have had a couple of injuries
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>> hello everyone. thank you so much for being here today. welcome to the 2022-2023 san francisco youth celebration. give yourselves a round of applause. my name is emily nguyen the chair district chair on the san francisco youth commission. i feel grateful to be here today to celebrate this incredible group of youth commissioners. there is no way that i can incapsulate everything we accomplished together in a 5 minute speech, but i'll try do my best. when i first stepped into city hall for the first youth
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