tv SFUSD Board Of Education SFGTV August 12, 2023 6:00am-7:01am PDT
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public comment for agenda items and non agenda items. a speaker card must be turned into staff in order to speak before public comment. just again to remind folks that we are no longer allowing public comment after items, but actually at the beginning of the board meeting for this meeting. thank you for that. and at this time, we'll go to item v, we will before the board goes into closed session, i will call for speakers on the closed session items listed in the agenda. there will be a total of five minutes for speaker. are there any speakers for public comment at this time? there are none in person. all right. seeing no speakers. i now recess this meeting. we want to check virtually no virtual
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public speakers. thank you for that, commissioner. so now. at 502, i recess this the matter of student j h v versus sf usd h. number (202)!a305-0715. the board by a vote of six yeses and one absent commissioner lam gives the authority of the district to pay up to the stipulated amount. in the matter of student a m versus sf usd a rh number. (202)!a304-0569. the board by a vote of five yeses one absent commissioner lam. one recusal commissioner fischer. the board gives authority of the district
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to pay up to the stipulated amount and the matter of student e versus sf usd. oh h. number (202)!a305-1017. the board by a vote of six yeses one absence. commissioner lam gives the authority of the district to pay up to the stipulated amount in the matter of student t versus sf usd. oh rh. number (202)!a306-0597. the board by a vote of six yeses one absence commissioner lam gives the authority of the district to pay up to the stipulated amount in the matter of norway versus sf usd. san francisco superior court case number. cg 22599199. san francisco superior case
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number. read that the board by a vote of six yeses one absent commissioner lam gives the authority of the district to pay up to the stipulated amount. just give me one moment. all right. so i want additional on a vote of six yeses. one absent commissioner lam. the board authorizes legal counsel to accept mediators proposal and the recommended amount. and with that, that will end the readout from closed session. good evening. this is kirk. one of your sign language interpreters. please make me and elissa the
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other asl interpreter, co host for the meeting. thank you. have we had translator do the readout and things yet? okay. why don't we go to that next before we move forward. as a view as the operating interpretation services in spanish and cantonese. if you need interpretation, please download the following phone number after dialing, please introduce a pin number. this message will be repeated in spanish and cantonese wednesday . the city's clarification. the san francisco press services interpretation and espanol si necesita interpreters. si necesita interpreters for the google meet por favor el siguiente numero telefonica
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seguido de la access uno tres nueve torres ocho dos number 686 por favor introduce color club. say, say cinco nueve and oversees numbers 86 seguido de la tecla numeral or gato. gracias cantonese interpreter, please. thank you. so i don't have. how can we. come on on kong john mancini from get recording. i'll show you a while getting the google meet my yeah say say button. say some some. but my lingo go back out and go thank you. or or thank you. as you as a usd will provide will provide closed captioning and
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american sign language asl interpreter services throughout today's board meeting. live transcription can be found here . https colon backslash backslash w w w dot stream text net backslash player question mark even equal sign usd dash board attendees who wish to provide public comment to the board and would like interpreters and interpreter can use the q&a box in the zoom app to type their name or handle and list the and name the item or items on the agenda they would like to comment on. the attendee will need to have a functioning camera in order to communicate with the interpreter and board when it's the attendees opportunity to provide comment, the zoom host will promote the attendee to panelist and enable the attendees video. that
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concludes our service interpretation services. thank you so much for that. and next we will go to item d r land acknowledgment and i will read that. now we see the san francisco board of education acknowledge that we are on the unseated ancestral homeland of the roma ohlone, who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula as the indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions, the roma colony have never ceded loss nor forgotten their responsibility as the caretakers of this place. as well as for all people who reside in their traditional territory. as guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to
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pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors elders and relatives of the roma community and by affirming and by a affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. and with that, we will transition to the approval of board minutes for the regular meeting of june 20th, 2023. president bogus. i do have one small correction to the board minutes when it's appropriate. thank you. let us get our motion our second, then we'll take corrections. may i have a motion and a second? so moved. second. thank you. and then we'll go to vice president wise and ward with corrections. thank you. page nine of the minutes on the committee reports for commissioners. it indicates that i appointed an amber is her
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name is actually narissa and e r. i ssa. so just wanted to make sure that was corrected. noted. thank you so much. okay seeing no other notes, calls for corrections. we will call for a roll call vote on this item. mr. steel. thank you. student delegate simpson. here thank you. student delegate tobar yes or no? on the minutes today or abstain if you haven't. abstain. thank you. student delegate. so here we're doing a yes or no vote on the minutes or you can abstain if you don't feel comfortable at the moment. abstain. thank you. commissioner alexander yes. commissioner fisher yes. commissioner lamb. commissioner matamata yes. commissioner sanchez. yes. vice president wiseman board yes. president. bogus yes. success. thank you. thank you. and with
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that, we will transition on into our next item, which is the superintendent's report. but before we do that, i will just make a note about public comment, which is coming a little bit later in the meeting this evening. public comment on all agenda items will be heard under section f public comment. this includes public comment for agenda items as well as non agenda items. so if you would like to speak, please give a speaker card to staff before we get to that item. once again reminding folks that we will not be having public comment after the agenda items. it will all be happening at the beginning of the meeting under item f, so if you would like to give public comment today, you should do that during item f or else you will have to give public comment a different day. commissioner
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fisher do you want to ask question or bring something up? yes i just again, as i've stated in the past, want to object to including all comments with public comments. i believe as do many members of the public, that the most informative feedback from our educational partners comes after they have listened to the presentations and information provided with each agenda item and that's when we get some of our best feedback and lumping all public comment in the beginning of the agenda means the public will be commenting on items without the full context of what staff members and others say during the presentation. our questions are feedback. public comment will be less informed and potentially longer and maybe not as relevant and until we've provided alternative methods for our partners to fully engage as we've promised to do over this past year, but not actually done, it seems like this is a mechanism to further limit community engagement. so i would
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respectfully request for future meetings that we move back to having comment with each information and action item. thank you for that, commissioner fisher. and if the public has thoughts about public comment, if they want to share, they definitely can direct those to me or to the board office. and we definitely want to work to improve our practices. so i think all feedback is helpful and we can definitely take that into consideration. commissioner fisher, as we move forward and with that, we will go to our superintendents report. thank you, president fergus. good evening, everyone. welcome to the 2324 school year. i'm very excited to start the year. i'm beginning my second year as superintendent and this is my first board meeting and really it's been was a great first year, but i'm very excited about how we're starting this coming school year. we if you go to the
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next slide, i spent a lot of time last year and at the very first meeting i shared my plan to do listening and learning and went out and went to schools, had town halls and got to know the district. but this year i'm starting and we with a laser like focus on our goals for student learning. and that's what was so wonderful about last year is we went through a very thoughtful process to establish our focus as a district, and it's on our vision, values, goals and guardrails. and for me as an educator, wanting to make sure that we're supporting our students, learning and that they're reaching the goals we set for them. and so you see here that our five year goals and i have interim goals that we're working on this year and this is the focus of what we're doing as a district now as well as working towards our guardrails, which is how we operationalize our values, how we're making sure we're living our values as we work towards these goals. so again, excited to start this year in this place where we're very clear on what
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our charges and what we need to do as a district. and so then next week we get to figure out next slide we get to oh yeah, my clicker here we have we get to welcome back our students and our families to school wednesdays. the first day of school. we know we're starting in the middle of the week. our teachers come back on monday for professional development and tuesday to set up the classrooms. and then we'll welcome back our students and looking forward to having the kids back in school and seeing their smiling faces and eager and ready to learn. as we start this school year. when i shared, i listened and learned last year, one of the things i learned is that it can feel very hard to navigate the district and not clear how to get the support that families or community members need to be able to just understand how we're operating or if they have a particular question. and so we're starting the year with a
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real intentional effort to become a more accessible and welcoming district. so what you see here is a picture of our the front of the district office. we now have a receptionist there who will welcome you and more importantly, who will pick up the phone if you call. so if you call our district line and press zero that she's there, tasha's there to answer the call. but we know sometimes you're looking for specific information. and so we've updated our website to have a clear department directory and we're working to put in place the expectation that every phone number has somebody who answers it, or if they don't answer it because they might be on another call that the voicemail is being checked and that the community member or family member is getting a response right away and if you want to understand how we're operating as a district and we do have a new leadership team under our leadership team, you'll see the cabinet. so when the cabinet is
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the senior leadership team that that when you have questions or concerns about where we're going as a district, you can be in touch with us and then you can also click on our organization charts. and we have for every division and department the organization chart. so you understand what falls under what area. and we'll be continuing to add information to this. so right now, we have the organization charts and so you can see who does what. but what exactly, you know, are the services that are in the different departments that are being provided and then also with our reception area, again, making it so that it's welcoming when you come in and you know where to go. so you can continue to look for these efforts to make us an accessible and welcoming district. and so while our students, many of our students were on summer break this summer, we did have students who participated in many of our summer learning programs and want to highlight two programs. i got a chance to
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visit this summer. we had a black star rising program. this is for rising eighth graders going into a rising ninth grader. so african american eighth grade students are going into ninth grade and it's a math science focused program where students are learning math and learning how to apply what the math in their science project. this year, it was to develop a glider and they had a competition at the end to see how far the gliders would would go. and it was really neat to hear. i visited a classroom and hear the kids incorporating the math into their into their project understanding like what's the angle the wings need to be at to create the greatest amount of lift. and then they went down to ucsf where they where they launched their their gliders. i know commissioner thomas's son got to participate in the commissioner fisher yeah. both have. both have rising, rising ninth graders. but i don't know, you know, anyways, commissioner, commissioner fisher, uh, commissioner fisher
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was, was in the program and again and really, really appreciate the rigor that we, we offer during this program. and it was neat to talk to the families who shared what they saw their students learning this summer. and when mom spoke to me about how much more confidence her daughter is going into high school with now that she had this extra opportunity to learn some more math and science. so that was neat. and then we also over the summer, serve many of our newcomers, students in our summer academy for integrated language learners. and here we have students who have been in the country for less than two years, not only just learning english, but also learning content, getting additional high school credits. and i got to be in a in a classroom where our students were practicing how to strengthen each other's arguments and really talking to each other about what makes a good argument. so i just need to see the what's the programs that we offer in the summer? because we know for many of our students, the learning needs to
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continue year round. and then lastly, just want to end as we get to the beginning of the school year, there's a big appreciation for our staff who work so incredibly hard and i know are going to make it a very welcoming day for our our students. on august 16th. so thank you staff for all that you do for our students. and just and that concludes my report. thank you very much, superintendent. and with that, i will pass it back to you to introduce the student delegates for the student delegate report. all right. this year, i'm proud to welcome two new student delegates to the board of education and our student delegates contribute a lot to the discussions. and your voice is really matter to the work that we do because we're doing this work for you all. so i'd like to welcome them and they're going to introduce themselves and share a brief update. thank you, dr. wayne. hi, everyone. my name is megan and i'm the district elected student
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delegate. hello everyone. my name is lynn ani and i am the sac student delegate and we're very excited to serve all of the students in our school district. and we just want to let everyone know that the student advisory council applications are open. you can access them and find the link to apply at the sacs. instagram which is at isd, sac on instagram. thank you. thank you and appreciate your representing the represent all the students in the district, but also if you want to share what high schools you attend and what grades you're in, i'm currently a rising senior at george washington high school. i am a rising senior at iowa school of the arts. great. thank you. welcome. welcome. student delegates. we're so lucky to serve with you and excited to
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endeavor with you over this next year as we do a lot of hopefully good things to make the school district better. and with that, we will transition to item e, and i will call on dr. wayne to provide a payroll state of emergency update. okay. so last year i had to declare a state of emergency to address our payroll issues. and while we've made a lot of progress, we still have many issues to address. and so i made a commitment to continue to report our progress at each regularly scheduled board meeting. and so i want to make sure that i'm following through on that commitment. and we had and i shared many times last year that what does it look like to have a fully fixed empower system, our payroll system and these are the indicators that we're looking for that there are fewer than 25 payroll errors. we're resolving the issues. we're fully staffed and we can take care of the challenges that
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that come up. and we've been we know it's going to take a while to reach that fully fixed state. so we've been identifying some 90 day kpis and monitoring our progress on that. and like i said, i'm committed to sharing our progress no matter how we do. and in this last 90 days, we did not do as well as we needed to. and our key performance indicators. and so it's going to speak through where we are and what what happened. and so and so for the actually these it's actually the other way around for the new tickets are resolved within ten days. we were close to that target and then the overall ticket backlog getting less than 1000. we did not approach that target. and so what happened? so here what you see is the 90 days that that we're covering and we started that time at about 3000 tickets and so, again, these are tickets
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that employees submit for questions, concerns or they need help for an issue and then what the zero line shows, if you see the zero line, what that saying is each day, are we getting in more tickets than we then? are we closing more tickets than we get in? if we close more tickets than we get in the lines going to go down? if we close fewer tickets than we get in the lines going to go up. so we were on target to meet our kpi as we are working through may. but then you can see we had a spike that went towards the end of may into june that now we've we've been able to bring it back down and so we hit some roadblocks during these 90 days for a few reasons. so one is as we got to the end of the year, there are a lot of issues with kind of closing out the end of the year that our employees wanted to make sure that we addressed. this is also the time that is very challenging for our operations at the end of the year, our very, very busy time. so whereas certificated staff members, you know, we go on summer break for
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business services and human resources, this is when they're closing the books and when they're when we're working on our hiring for the next school year. and what we're seeing is secondly, we're dealing with a lot of now complex cases that require for more than just a case management team to resolve, because these are issues that need some of our subject matter experts in human resources and in payroll to address them. and again, as i said, this is a busy time for them. and, you know, when thinking about these complex cases, you know, we had a lot of improvement in the first from november to may, we went from 12,000 down to 3000 tickets. and so i'm when i was younger, i was a swimmer in high school and i swam 50 yards and an and i remember when i was improving, i went from 30s for 50 yards to 26 seconds, and that was actually easier than going from 26 seconds to 25 seconds
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because that last push was really difficult. and i feel like that's where we're in now. we cleared out a lot of the easier issues, but we're in this push that now we're dealing with more complex cases. and we're seeing in this period is going to take more expertise to resolve them. and then lastly, there are some other issues that came up during this time that we frankly, we made the decision to have our functional teams prioritize. for example, we recently settled with several of our bargaining partners, our labor partners, common crafts and usf and we wanted to implement those. and so that took the team's focus on that, which was a priority, but it meant we weren't able to resolve the tickets as much. and again, you can see we got close to the ten day goal of we're down to 13 days is the average time a ticket stays open. we did make progress in hiring and want to appreciate the work of our human resources department on getting our positions filled. so we did meet that kpi. we still have vacancies, but we were able to
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meet our target of filling vacancies in that area. and then last lastly, we had the kpi of lastly, we had the kpi of having a clear date for stabilization. and as we were working on the we had identified our issues and work packages. we recognize we needed to i adjust how we're addressing the issues so we can make sure that we're solving some of the systemic issues, you know, alongside some of the key pain points. so all that's to say what you're not seeing for me today is what's the next 90 day kpis? because i think through this process we realized we need to make sure that if we're sending a kpi, we are clear on what's going to be needed to meet it and we put the resources in place to get that accomplished. so you'll hear in my next update where we're going for the next 90 days. so in spite of not having made the progress we wanted to see, i just did want to step back for a
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second and just say we are in a very different place than we were a year ago. i remember when i started in san francisco, i came in aware that there were payroll challenges and so knew that this was going to be something we needed to focus on, but wasn't prepared. and at confront what we were facing at that time. how many people weren't getting paid correctly and how our systems were just not set up to support our staff . and so i came something that surprised me greatly was that teachers needed another certificated staff needed to fill out time cards on a daily basis. my previous district and practically every district, it's usually what's called exception based pay. and so where you only have to put in when you're absent, not when you're present. and we want our teachers and other certificated staff focusing on their lesson planning, not on putting in time like that. and we want our principals focus on instructional leaders, leadership, not having to support that. and i will say i
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naively, i think said at a board meeting, well, this is something we need to fix right away and i expect it to happen. you know, tomorrow. and then i learned the challenges we are facing. and as we brought on new staff for a new school year, their first time being onboarded and empower , it just led to needing to declare the state of emergency. but this year, we are at least able to start with our certificated staff being back on exception base pay and no and again, having a much clearer idea of what we need to do to make to try to do right by our employees and make this work for us. so again, a lot of work to go. we still have a lot of work to do, but there are there has been progress and no, you have my continued commitment to make this work for us as a district because we need to focus, as i said, on our goals, which is what we're really here for. so that concludes my report. thank you. okay. thank you so much,
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superintendent, for the update. and with that, we will go to item f, which is public comment . i believe we will start with public comment from students and then we will transition into the public comment on non-agenda items and public comment on agenda items. and so let's see if we have cards from students in person or virtually, oh, thank you, president. i do not have any speaker cards for students in person if there are any here you can bring them up now. it doesn't appear so. you can check on zoom, please, please raise your hand if you're a student and you'd like to share your public comment at this time. seeing no hands raised. okay. thank you for that . and so with that, we will transition into public comment for non agenda items for folks
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in person. thank you, president. we do have three for non-agenda items. rex ridgeway, supriya ray and selena chiu. you can step to the dice and a lot of time for public comment for one minute. okay. one minute each. i am ready. rex ridgeway, the rising star thing. i'm glad you mentioned that. superintendent wayne because there was an article in the san francisco chronicle that was great. it highlighted that alley created a rising star right. rising black, black, rising star. and i was happy to see that and even know it existed. but that's a great program that motivated me to come here for my public comment. the elevator, the sparkplug, the keychain, the air conditioning unit, the gas mask, the peanut butter lunch pail, pencil sharpener, folding bed, folding
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chair, tricycle lantern doorknob, doorstop mailbox. eye protector. guitar the ironing board. fire extinguisher. the mop. the hand stamp. the fountain pen. the baby buggy and the egg beater were all inventions by african americans. our kids in this district can do algebra one. they can do math. we have to focus on that. and i just want to bring that to the attention that we can do it. let's do it. thank you. thank you. hey, my name is selena chu and nice to see everyone again. i hope you had a great summer. so i'm back here again. hopefully tonight's meeting will be a little bit more boring. so i just want to advocate for someone with the parents who actually share information with me and wanted me to give a voice here for a zoom option to continue. many of them
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appreciate, you know, the zoom option because they do have a busy schedule. some are home caring for you know, their their parents, their own parents and also caring for kids. so they're not able to come out and join in person. so if you can continue to discuss and consider keeping the zoom options in the future, that will be much appreciated. thank you. thank you. hi everyone. supriya i just wanted to say congratulations first to the student delegates. it's great to see you here. and thanks to superintendent wayne and the staff for working on improving communications, it's just so helpful and important to all of us as parents and families and students. and i wanted to comment on a couple of things. first, on the public comment, i'd like to second selina's comment about keeping zoom. and there are a lot of people who can't make it. it's
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hard to make it to these meetings, and i would also strongly, strongly advocate for keeping an early public comment time. i appreciate commissioner fischer's concerns. i think that most regular parents find it almost impossible to come and comment here. and if there isn't a solid, consistent time for commenting, you're not going to get them. i've seen people leaving this room who couldn't comment because of these kinds of issues. the other thing i wanted to comment on is the facilities announcement about hiring a communications head to promote an upcoming planned bond . i'm really troubled by this. i'd like to know whether bond money is going to be used for it and why this isn't being done by the regular communications department at usd. we have a whole department for this. thank you, president. president bogus . could you clarify whether what's happening? are we losing our zoom option or is that as of right now, there is no expectation for us to end zooms. i do know a lot of other school
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districts have started to move away from the practice. the further we get from the covid lockdown. and so i think that's something to just keep in mind for us. but definitely any kind of thoughts or suggestions around public comment, please feel free to give public comment about them or directed to me or board staff. we would love to see what's going to work best and try to find the best fit. and so with that, i think we will transition on to our virtual part participants who might have hands raised for public comment on non-agenda items. so we will go to our virtual parties. seeing one hand raised, we'll be taking public comment. perpetual participants at this time. each speaker will have one minute to speak. can we please have that repeated in spanish and chinese? but unnoticed by the participants for my virtual minuto. but the comentario publico de cosas no agendas in la junta. gracias so
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i got drunk or they got to have you got in second. so you can. there you go. yes hey. thank you , charles. go ahead, please. yes, thank you. i would like to discuss a non agenda item tonight. the money for teacher raises and staff raises. there is money in the district and would like to direct the public, the board of education and the superintendent to some resources. the first is paul gardner's sf set up. it's a substack that offers critical discussion of school capacity and class size. the analysis is key if we are to rightsize the district for declining enrollment and the second resource is the audit of central office expenditures by sf usd compared to its peers called by hillary ronen and conducted by the board budget and legislative
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analysis office from january 10th of this year. just one example an instructional and supervision administration sf, sd spent over $100 million compared to less than $12 million for peers. what percentage raise could teachers and other staff be offered with just this 70 million recurring funds by the narrative that there are not enough funds for teacher wages in the raises and the budget, it needs to be restructured to put classrooms first? thank you. want to welcome everyone back and hope everyone has a wonderful start to the school year. thank you. thank you, charles. that concludes our public comment. for virtual participants. okay. and with that, why don't we go to comments on agenda items and maybe we'll start with our virtual participants and see if we have hands there. then we'll close out with people in person . okay. for our virtual
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participants, please raise your hand if you would like to give your public comment on agenda items. each speaker will have one minute to speak and then use participants de forma virtual mano para ser comentarios sobre cosas estan en la un minuto gracias. thank you. go on, you. you go. yeah, go. thank you. uh, thank you for allowing me to comment again. this is a comment about the site plans as a member of a site council, i am very proud of how much our plan at balboa aligns with the priorities. but there is an elephant in the room with site funding. according to paul gardner of sf. add up high
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schools are being shortchanged. $1,200 per students of this funding. this is from sf is starving its high schools in april of 2022. balboa's high school just went through the credit crisis and lost and wants to develop a 7 or 8 service. but that would cost an additional $1.2 million in funding, which would already be there if the funding supposedly serves. instead it goes to horribly under enrolled elementary schools. please, we need to live up to the priorities outlined by the districts in the site. plans close the small schools and give the money to high schools and funding programs that live up to what was written in the cap. thank you. thank you. that concludes virtual public comment for agenda items. thank you. and now we'll see if we have any cards turned in for in-person public comment on agenda item.
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there are none. okay and with that, then we will close out public comment and we will transition into our consent calendar. and i will actually call on the superintendent to introduce the item. uh. i will this we need to move it first. move it. in the meantime, i'll move it. i'll i'll second. thank you. okay. i just shared something so normally consent. the board president moves the board members move consent, and then we just vote on on the
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consent. but as we started a new school year, i did want to talk for a moment about consent and actually walked the public through what we've done because there's again, going to that back to that notion of wanting to be welcoming, accessible and have information, be transparent and clear. we're working based on feedback we've received from commissioners and the public on how to make the business that the board is doing clear to the public. and so one of those areas that we worked on this summer was on how we organize our consent agenda and so i just wanted to speak to that a little. so people are aware moving forward what it's like. so consent agenda is for routine items that don't require a discussion at. and some of them you see every month and others are and they might be something you see once in a while. and in the past we had numerous different consent agendas, a consent items. and really the idea is to have one consent calendar that the board can take action on and so what we did is
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we organize the consent calendar to have one to be one calendar with all the items in it. but we recognize there's a lot of items in consent and sometimes it was hard to figure out where an item was and i'd even hear like it seemed like it was intentional, that something was buried in the middle of the consent calendar. and really that was not the intent. and the our board docs has limited some limited capacity to organize things. so what we did is, is first we'll always have first as consent calendar organization. so then you could see there's like a table of contents of what's going to be in the consent calendar. and then we separate out the different sections. so here, like you see number three is general consent items. that's not that then will list the ones that aren't the personnel consent items, right? so you can start to see and more easily find those items and then another one, which was always
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challenging, is we do have a lot of contracts for different service providers and that's something will be reviewing this year. and but we wanted to be clear about, well, who are the service providers we have and sometimes even commissioners would ask, where is this fitting in with everything else we've approved? so what you will see under the consent, under the contract item is you'll see we're going to have a running report of the professional services that we provide and then so that have been approved each year. so you could see that and then as we do these, we'll continue to improve based on feedback we got. so for example , we list the, the, the service provider, the amount as well as like the fund and the resource base and a few other numbers which maybe not everybody knows what those numbers mean. so we need to have a little key to understand what is the resource that's saying, whether it's general fund, unrestricted general fund, our different funding source and like the
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organization is where actually is located. so we'll continue to refine this. but felt like this is important to share and for those we heard some comments about our finance and budget. we do have a workshop on august 29th where we're going to talk about our resources and how we can organize them to best support our work towards our goals and guardrails and provide the opportunities our students need and deserve. anyways. then the last thing is so like i said, there used to be different consent calendars and then like so school plans are a routine process that districts, the schools are required to go through. they're required to be presented to the board, but boards not only are not expected to like read through every one and provide feedback on everyone, but as long as school site councils are compliant with the with the requirements, then their plan is supposed to move forward because they it's set up to give the school some autonomy
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on managing their funds, particularly their title one funds. they get the to say that again as long as it's within in compliance. and so we have that as a consent item. again, it's routine, but do you want to highlight some shifts we made with the school plan? so if you did see them as pleased to hear our parents speak about the pride they have in how aligned it was to where we're going as a district, that was very intentional. so last year after the board approved its goals and guardrails, we presented those at our annual school site summit and also updated the template so that schools were writing actions to their goals. and then this year we started the year with every school getting a goals and guardrails targets report that lays out the goal and then where their school needs to make some improvement. and so again, i've talked about this a lot, but the board had a very healthy debate about do we adopt universal goals? are targeted goals because we really if we are about educational
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equity, which we are in this district, you know, we need to highlight where we have to make growth. but we also one of our values is being united. so i know the board adopted universal goals, but we're taking a targeted approach. so you could see here in the school that like there's the targets that the that the school needs to meet. so even if they're above the district average, we're still expecting our schools to meet those targets and to work with the students in their schools who still need to show improvement. and so and then this year, we're going to not wait till march to have our first interaction with schools like council, but to connect with them in the fall and to share more about our district's efforts district wide around our strategies to meet the goals and guardrails, and then be able to establish some ways to have two way communication where we're sharing our plans. we're also hearing from our school sites about their efforts and what we can learn from that. so i just wanted to highlight. so again, while spaces are routine felt in
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explaining how the consent agenda work, these would be a few areas that would be important to highlight, like the csr or the contract report. so thank you. now on we'll just do our consent agenda as usual, but just wanted to share that. okay, thank you. if folks have additional questions about changes to our agenda and how we're doing the consent calendar feel free to reach out to the board office or the superintendent and we can give more clarity. just trying to make the meetings more, trying to make the meeting shorter, more efficient and a better use of everyone's time and really hoping that these changes kind of reflect that. and if not, please let us know. and so with that, i think we will move on to see if there's any items withdrawn or corrected by the super intendent. no. all right, then i will call for a roll call on the consent calendar. just to make a comment. yeah, yeah. i just wanted to express my
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appreciation for you pointing out the says an and what's different this year because that has been something that this board has consistently asked for would change. and i'm especially happy to hear that our school sites councils will be engaged with at the start of the academic year so that and they'll be regular opportunities for two way communication with the district around progress and gathering of feedback and communicate that to the board. so that is a real shift and i want to say thank you for that and for people who are interested in that. a lot of what you were sharing, the superintendent was just sharing is in item number five of the consent calendar. so i just wanted to express appreciation. okay and. i also think that organization of the consent
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calendar makes the meetings much more accessible for students, especially just because the point of the school board is to serve all the staff and students of the school. and i think this definitely, at least for me personally, i'm already having an easier time understanding the general processes of this meeting. i appreciate that. and i want to just then acknowledge how you come prepared because i know when we met, you shared you have looked at previous board meetings and we're watching those. so she knows of what she speaks because she was she's a prepared student board member. right. thank you for that comment. and so before we have our roll call vote, i would just like to note that i'm going to be recuse myself from item 75 on the consent calendar as we vote. and so now we'll go to our roll call vote. thank you, president. so on the consent calendar, student delegate simpson. yes yes. thank you. student delegate to yes. mr. alexander yes.
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commissioner fisher yes. commissioner lamb. commissioner montgomery. yes commissioner sanchez. yes vice president wiseman board. yes. thank you. and president bogus with the recusal from number 75? yes thank you. thank you. excessive. thank you. and with that, we will go to item h.r. action items. and i will call on the superintendent to report on item h one. yeah so this is an agreement we have with the tele therapy provider and again, appreciate our new process where there's questions that come in ahead of time. we provided some initial information but i know commissioner fisher, commissioner alexander wanted some additional information and you know, our concern, wanting to make sure that we're providing services in a way that are accessible to the students and that meet their needs. so if you had any additional comments on this item, um, well, first of
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all, thank you, superintendent. i appreciate your responsiveness . i would also like to appreciate our head of special education, jeanne robertson, and her responsiveness. um, the reason that i had asked and i think that commissioner alexander had agreed with me to pull this was this is a contract for tele therapy services. and and we have a dire staffing crisis and we are not providing to all of the students in our district. we recognize that. and i really do appreciate the creativity of our special education department and staff for thinking outside of the box. i just wanted clarification on and the way it has been explained to me, but i'm hoping that we can clarify and take any ambiguity out of it. is this contract is about providing potential telethon to students
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who are not in our schools. we do have a lot of students experiencing school refusals. we have a lot of students who are in limbo as we wait for space to open up at the nonpublic schools that they've been assigned to, things like that. so we do have students who aren't in school to be observed as part of their assessment. for example. right. or for some reason aren't willing to come to school sites to be assessed. so i think that this kind of contract would be appropriate in those situations . but i would like clarify that these services will not be provided via virtual hybrid content to anyone who was in one of our physical schools or that these assessment services will not be used to assess students who are in our schools because that just from our obligation to meet the ed code is problematic. all students who are assessed a part of the part of the assessment process per ed code
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is an observation as part of it can't really serve from a computer, right? making sure and many of the assessments that are amazing assessors use are not normed be done via tele therapy. so i'm just i want to make sure that we're being creative and we're following ed code. so that's the clarification. i'm hoping for here. yes, i can confirm that. and as you shared, it's the program is hhi home hospital instruction. so we do actually have some students who are in the hospital and others who are home, as you said. but and so and i believe this we also not we, because these are special education services. we note who then the provider has provided those services, too. so it's something we can be able to track in case because you're right, we do you know, we're
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struggling with staffing. so there's we want to be creative, but we don't want to go outside the bounds. so we'll be able to follow up to see that there's serving the students who we said it would serve when in this agreement. all right. so then as long as that is indeed the case, i'm willing to move forward and vote yes on this. if there's any ambiguity at that, i would request that we table it until that can be clarified. no ambiguity. okay. one other thing to what you're also approving right now is the master service agreement. and then we do do individual service agreements. so that's where the there's the other level of oversight and accountability, because that's actually then what lays out what i was saying of who gets who to whom these services are provided . thank you. could i get a motion a second on this particular action? i so moved. second, thank you. do we have any additions, final comments or
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questions from commissioners at this point in time. seeing none this is a point of the meeting in the past where we would ask for public comment. we don't do that anymore. just want to remind people about that, even though i know it's a little controversial, seeing no comments, finishing with the presentation from staff, it looks like we are at a place where we can have a roll call vote. mr. steele, thank you, president. bogus on the tele therapy item. student delegate simpson yes. great. thank you. student elgato yes, thank you, commissioner alexander yes. mr. fisher. yes. commissioner lamp excuse me. commissioner montgomery. yes. commissioner sanchez. yes. vice president ward. yes president bogus. yes. six eyes. thank you very much. and with that, we will transition to item i board member report thoughts as well
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as appointments to advisory commissions. commissioner sanchez. yes. i'm appointing sarah brandt. brandt to the. thank you, commissioner ratermann. this meeting's just moving so fast it's hard for me to keep up. so thank you. i'm also appointing to people to the i. my first appointee is emily garvey, and my second is carol kosovar. i'm sorry. you can send me the names. i get the spelling names right now so you don't have to spell. thank you, commissioner fisher. i'm also appointing rory abernathy to the . thank you so much for that, commissioner alexander. and i'm reappointing latoya pitcher to the beautiful. and we'll also ask for all commissioners with appointments to make sure they
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are submitted to board staff so that we can make sure their names are correct in the minutes as we move forward. all right. thank you for that. seeing no more other appointments or reports from commissioners, we will go to item j, which is an informational item on the quarterly report on williams complaints and all the complaints that were filed on the district. but there is no presentation or discussion on that item. and with that we will move to item k, which is adjournment, and this meeting is adjourned. at 7:31 p.m.
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