tv Recreation and Park Commission SFGTV August 14, 2023 11:00am-1:31pm PDT
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as well as their territory. we recognize honor through preservation and an zest riial land. we reserve their rights of first people and wish to pay respect to their community. good morning and welcome to the recreation examine park commission meeting of july 20, 2023. this meeting is being held in hybrid format with option to see join and provide public comment in-person and remotely. we ask that you take any secondary conversations outside in order for the meeting to proceed as efficiently as possible. we ask you to turn down the tv and other devices while on the phone.
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public comment each person will have two minutes for public comment for each item. for each item, the commission will take public comment from people in-person and then remotely. for those who would like to join the meeting remotely, using the link provide at the top of the agenda. you may provide public comment via phone by calling 415-655-0001 using today's access code, which is my apologies, everybody. today's access 26638055032 and
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webinar password is 0720 when you hear the agenda that you would to comment on, press star-3 to be placed in the queue. the system will tell you where in line you're waiting. everyone must account for the time delay and speaking discrepancies between live comment and streaming. in order to allow equal time for all, neither the commission nor staff will reply to questions. if there is an item of interest to you that is not on the agenda and under the jurisdiction of the commission, you may speak under general public comment. alternatively, by emailing rec park commission, if you submit public comment it will be included in the legislative file. to san francisco recreation and
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park commission san yo*n street san francisco 914117. if the fire alarms activate you must evacuate, please note that the elevators will return to the first floor and will not be of use. inside the men's restroom is a speaker, let security know your location and they will assist you. we are now on item 2, the president's report and as a reminder this meeting is recorded and will be available for viewing later. >> thank you, ashley. today is going to be a very full meeting. we're going to have moments of solemn and sadness as well as moments of celebration and we all tend to be very respectful and to make sure that everyone
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is remembered and everyone is honored. we have lost four rethren, we're going to have an opportunity to share about them. our fellow commissioner larry griffin, our colleague in rec and park, paul martin, a person important to rec and park, sigh on williams and another colleague sean porter. there will be people that will talk about larry griffin, phil is going to talk about paul, i'm going to share about sigh on and sean, is that all right? okay. so ashley is everyone that we were hoping might be for larry here? >> yes, nobody from his immediate family is here, so it will be us, but they're watching.
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>> i knew larry for over 40 years when he was active in the community. i was delighted when the mayor appointed him to the rec and park commission. about layer eye, i said to my wife, we're going to be saying goodbye to a wonderful man, and she was like what was he like? and i said two words, he was a sweet and a gentleman. with those skills, he had it all. >> i'm a native san franciscan and i went to roosevelt high school right down the street and i happened to swim on the pool, not on the first try but maybe on the second or third try. i welcome you to this pool, come on back.
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>> sad, yesterday i had to go by the lodge to pick something up so there was a little confusion so i was outside and just the snow the eucalyptus, the snow of the tree, it brought up old san francisco to me. i just wanted to share that, that is all. >> that is a beautiful video, thank you ryan and team for that.
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we are going to adjourn we are going to adjourn this meeting in larry griffin's honor and each of the commissioner are going to speak if they would like, and phil will speak and we also have a special candle celebration that commissioner louie has set up. i'm going to reflect later on, i have not had any republic to speak. okay, phil, go ahead. >> thank you, commissioner anderson. , pretty hard to be here and to see larry's chair empty, i'll love a quick reflection and
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then commissioner louie has asked me to share a secular prayer to resite before commissioner louie lights a candle in commission griffin's honor. i've known commissioner given for a long long long time and well before he was a commissioner, i used to be a labor negotiator and griffin used to be, in addition to being a wonderful advocate for workers and labor, and really the honor of public service, i always used to see him in the front steps of city hall. and the thing that resonates most with me about larry is his belly laugh. there was always a little quip, or a little hey how are you and
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it was immediately a chuckle turned into something that was deep in miz keskis, that laugh it's been a week or two since he's passed. i hear that laugh and so that's how i choose to remember him and then as a commissioner, as i, had the privilege of saying to to his chronicle for his obituary, it's been saying that 90% of life is showing up, and larry always showed up for everything. and i think this commission role really mattered to him. he had been in other commissions and other forms of public service but it was very apparent to me and i've been doing this a long time and met
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a lot of colleagues, a lot of commissioners have rolled through this body and this deeply matters to mattered and that talk about him growing up in san francisco in rossi pool where he learned to swim. it's often said that parks are about creating place, and the place is connecting the past to the present and then the present to the future. and you can tell whether he was telling the smell of eucalyptus or going into rossi pool to a ribbon cutting and thinking about that this job, this role was really a very deep part of him. and you know, you never know when your time is up, it's almost poetic that he was able to serve in this role. and the last part of his life because he could make those
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incredible connection buzz his childhood and growing up about wanting to make sure that his wonderful experience wrz available for the next generation of kids. all of that, you can hear it when he spoke and the words that he used. you can just see it. larry was also jewish and he and i for a while overlapped at the same synagogue. and when somebody passes in my faith, we ask that for those that are grieving his loss that his memory is a blessing for us always, we say may your, may
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larry's be a blessing for those grieving his loss. so when you think about him, or when i think about him i'm going to think about the belly laugh and him smelling the eucalyptus trees and thinking of old town san francisco. i'm trying to imagine larry floundering in rossi pool for a little bit. all of those are blessings to hold the memories dear. so commissioner louie, you're going to light the candle so i'm going to read a little prayer. as we light this candle may we honor and pay contribute to the larry griffin, rec and parks. and symbolizes the life of larry in spirit and serves as a remriender that the love and be loved larry griffin will live in our hearts and minds and work forever.
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thank you, madam vice president. >> thank you, commissioner jupiter jones. >> now is it more appropriate. there is surely so many wonderful things that is head and that we'll hear today about larry but i want to reflect on how much he loved this city. he loved this city, the time that i got to learn from him, was cut short was reflecting on what you share of his memory as a blessing and i learned so much from him in that short time about how to care deeply and passionately about everyone in this city. and he taught me to consider
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always, everyone and i i will hold that with me as i opinion to work on behalf of the city that we all love so much. so i'm really grateful for that time. and he will be missed but he will be with us. >> in deed, thank you, commissioner. >> commissioner halasse. >> i first met larry in 2021 when he was appointed to the commission. we began as colleagues but then became friends and anybody that new larry that it was very easy to be friends with him. i brought him to a u.s. f became this february, he lived
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within walking distance from the campus. he enjoyed it so much that he purchased season tickets for this coming year. we spoke often over the last six weeks after larry became ill. and he told me a few weeks ago, he told me, i'm going to have to step down from the commission. and i said larry please, don't please don't do that. we have a very soft schedule in the month of july, we're wide for august we're not going to kick it into high gear again until september, you'll beat this thing, you've got to stay with us. and i said please, do me one favor, throw, please let me know when you're about to step down because i want to talk to you and i want to talk you out
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of it. but as phil said, the commission is not just about meetings, committee meetings, full commission meetings, it's about public events. and he hated to miss anything, any event, the park, any other get together where he could represent the commission, larry was there and the only reason he decided that maybe he was going to have to step down, was because of the type of man he was, the type of character he had. the worker that he was if, he was not doing something 100 percent, he thought it best to pass it ton to somebody else. i'll leave you with one other quick story about larry. larry sat next to me here to my
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left, and from time to time, i wear loud socks. and the first time larry saw these socks, he asked me, are you hearing those so that i don't fall asleep during the meetings? and we just had a running gag with that. but this man, i would say this was a great man, that's the way i look at him and he was a great san franciscan. so thank you. thank you, commissioner hallisy. >> commissioner louie. >> larry was a man bigger than life itself.
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we in the commission, we're fortunate, he left us with a message, anybody that you work with, anybody in the department, ginsburg, any of you make sure that you take the time to say thank you, thank you for your service. you know, it's not like this is an appointment. and why it's so difficult, over 100 commissions in san francisco. the rec and park department gets to to beautify projects and we might meet once a month, we may meet on our committee, but we meet sometimes 10 or 15 times at a park at open space where we get to pay tribute and
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respect to the department and to beautify san francisco or the community. i know we have a lot of things to cover on our agenda today, but the point of the loss of larry griffin on this commission is what phil says, may his memory be a blessing. i particularly had a, we were appointed by the mayor on the same day. we went through rules on the same day. we were sworn in on the same day. we had a party in harbor in embarcadero on the same night. we became quick brother and sister. larry never saw color, he treated everybody fair and the same. he always had equity in mind and the residents of san francisco in mind, the voters
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of san francisco and how he saw things for all of us. so it's a great loss, we will continue to lose people that we care about even in our own family but there is some people that you have in one hand that will stay a memory and larry griffin is one of them. >> thank you, commissioner louie. and we also have a tribute from commissioner mazzola. ashley. >> commissioner mazzola asked me to read this. i have always known larry to help anybody he could. he dedicated his life to help people and workers. larry had a heart of gold and i was excited about being around him. we joked about being the only commission that had two larries. he was support pif of all
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things labor and all things san francisco. he loved the city and its parks. i will miss him but always remember him as a class act and a great man. and i know, the vice president wants to say something but if it's okay, i would like to share a little bit about my relationship with commissioner griffin previously. when the mayor appoints a new commissioner, it affects my job very much because i interact with you every day. so the first thing i do is i google them. and i didn't know commissioner lucy or commissioner griffin but when i googled him, i said i know that guy because i had worked in city hall for so long and like phil said, he had a belly laugh. so i remember him all around city hall talking to people that big laugh and i was like, i know that guy.
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when we finally met, he knew me too, because he loved cats. which when a grown man loves cats, it touches me. we had an event called 12 kittens, and his cat passed away earlier this year and he talked about max. and he called me every day, so when he stopped calling me, i knew something was wrong. he called me every day and one of the things that he said he asked about things that he thought. he asked my opinion and that meant a lot to me. the other thing i want today say on his behalf, is that he really loved being part black man affinity group. he started going on his own.
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he saw the meetings in our staff letter and he went every month and he just loved going and he felt so honored to be part of that group of men. and he was so proud that our department was so far away. and he talked about it to me all the time and i want everybody in that group to know how much that meant to him on a very deep level. and i'll leave you with this, which is hawk landed on his balcony and he took a picture and he sent it to me and he was so bulled over by this and he noticed those little things. and i think that's a special part of his character, he noticed the little things like the smell of eucalyptus and hawk on his balcony. >> that was lovely, ashley.
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i want to say a few things. i cannot remember a time when i did not know larry. i was also a union member and leader at the pacific, which is a union for journalist and also very involved in democratic party politics, so i would go to the martin luther king labor breakfast. and you can hear larry before you even walked into the room, his laughter was boisterous and loud and containous. --contagious and i would often go near him to suck up that energy that he put out there. he was somebody that we would count on to do the right thing.
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he taught me to the secret to happy was being open and willing to be taught at any time. for example, when the last activities i did with larry was when we were invited to the lawn bowling center and the lawn bowling taught us how to. and because larry had to use his cane, we said we have a special piece of equipment for you and it was a stick with a sling and they were teaching and he mastered that right away. and i thought this is great, and then i turned away and i looked back and there is larry, back on the ground feet up in the air now he had fallen and i thought it was a really good fall, he didn't hurt himself but he just got right back up and went back to it and beat all the guys that taught him to
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you to lawn bowl, he has such verb. this is the way we should be. he was ageless and that has a lot to do with it, i think. i also had a lot of respect for larry because he had no problem speaking his mind, he's a very direct person as am i, and sometimes we would get snip it with each other, never lasted very long. one time he said something, i don't know what it was but i think he could tell i was perturb so he called later and he asked questions to understand where i was coming from and i was able to talk to him about where he was coming from and we agreed to disagree. i tell you, i have so much respect for that. and i want to say, in this day and age and cancel culture and
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that stuff, i want to commend everybody and get to you think about that. if you disagree with everybody, don't fight with them in the open forum go and have a conversation and see if there is common ground. there usually is common ground and you can at least learn something. you should not pretend you know everything, because you don't. and larry was real good at sort of demonstrating that important life lesson and following up with folks and making sure nothing festered. and i so respected him for that, i cannot tell you. the other thing about larry,
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his base line was to get along. his base line was to get to know his base line was to love. again, something i really really respect. it takes a lot of courage to swim up stream and larry had to do, he was the voice of the disabled in the senior commission. he really really wrestled with the decision of around jfk promenade it was agonizing, and in the end he did what he felt was right. i just want to thank you, larry for everything that you showed us. >> the next person that we
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would like to pay contribute is our colleague paul. >> thank you, commissioner there are people in this room that knew paul a lot better than i did. but the way i would start it talk about paul, is with a quick story, there was a fire and gathered around with some folks, and somebody asked me where i wnt to school and i told the group where i went to college. and after that, it was greg sir who was in the police chief pulled me aside and paul said, nobody cares where you went to college the question is, important thing was where you
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went to high school. at that point i realized i was not a native san franciscan. paul did. there are some people that worked with him and worked with the rec and park for 20 years, he loved this job, he went to o connell that's where paul went to school. and he was beloved, what has been and what will be and sometimes there are those tensions complete but the generational families that glue up here, they will never here is what makes this city very special and paul one of those people. he was beloved in our department.
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he took pride in his work and it was sweet to learn for about him in the awards that we just held last week, to watch commissioner mazzola and courtney, all get up and say, not only that i work with paul but you should see what we did in middle school. paul was a deep part of the fabric in the city. i hope we all agree despite our differences about our parks that our parks are, our parks are doing really well in our city because of hard working people like paul.
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and those who knew him, went to middle school, those who worked closely with him, his family members, his deer friends in the sunset and o connell, you all are grieving in a way that i, you know, can't tap into, so i want to express my deepest sympathy with you. thank you. >> thank you, phil. the next person that we would like to honor is a community advocate named zion. and i believe his family may be here. i'm going to call a couple of people's.
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zion was a 20-year-old skateboarder passed away on june 19th and even though was blinded after being shot in 2021, he continued to pursue the career of skating. he was regularly seen park which is part of the community that pushed for improvements along the department. i would love to call up, i have betty and liz jackson and if you would like to come up together and we would love to hear with you. >> i'm zion's grandmother. >> and very close friend to ms. betty and remember when zion was born.
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we're also again, born and raised in the ash berry and i knew larry very well, so shocked and glad to be here today. thank you for honoring everybody today. as you said, zion was not only a master skateboarder but master drummer as well and often he played in the community. and everything that he endeavored to do, he mastered beyond human understanding. and we would like, thank you, ashley, we were really shocked to know and get the quick response that we did, and the apple does not fall far from the straoe, we worked closely with the juvenile and juvenile detension and we've been colleagues for over 30 years.
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i want to turn my time over to ms. betty and whatever we can do to dedicate that skate park he worked so hard for, count me in. >> thank you. >> first giving honor to god who is the head of my life. and i want to honor his parents. the subject i'm here to is to request this rename this skate park to maybe zion skate park. dear honorable of city hall, i hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. i'm writing as a community member in san francisco. i would like to bring your attention to the remarkable of life of a ultimate passing of zion gains a beloved citizen of our city and of importance as
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in renaming to zion a cherished citizen of san francisco and example of san francisco tragically lost his site in 2021, due to a senseless act of violence. despite this, he displayed perseverance in pursuing his career in skateboarders. spend time,zion dedication to skateboard extended beyond his achievements, he served in the san francisco recreation and parks committee and advocated for resent improvement to the walden street state parks to inclusive space for skateboarders of all ages and
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skill levels, zion's commitment was recognized during the ribbon committee. it's the deep sadness, that i inform you of his passing on june 19th, 2023. his departure has left a void in the hearts of many. and we believe renaming the park to zion park would be a fitting way to remember his unwaiving spirit and valuable contributions and lasting impacts in the skateboarding and san francisco communities by renaming walderstreet skate park, we may only pay tribute to zion but establish a hope and perseverance. this dedication would serve as a lasting reminder of gun violence and importance of promoting peaceful communities. more ever dedicated the specific portion of the park would ensure that his memory
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lives on and continues to inspire future generations. >> generators of skateboarders as well as individuals with disability. it would be a celebration of zion's determination and statement to the power of the human spirit. i understand that renaming the public space is a significant decision, and the process involves careful consideration and community engagement. along with others and the skateboard community, we have a lot of people here, the san francisco community family and friends will be more than willing to actively participate in any discussions or meeting regarding this proposal, we are eager to contribute to the process and ensure that zion's legacy is appropriately honored. i request your support and
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guidance in pursuing this initiative. i believe that renaming the skate park would not be fitting but embody the spirit of unity and exclusivity that san francisco. i look forward to working creating a lasting legacy within our city. >> and i also have a binder for you that his mother made. >> thank you. we would love to see that. thank you so much. with really appreciate. we also want to honor and remember sean porter who was a is aift ant who passed away on july 16th. juan worked in the culture arts since 2016.
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he was most recently as assistant as sharon arts studio. seaned loved music and part of the music scene and beyond. he was also a recreation leader who shared his recreation with children. was excite today teach new synthesizer, he worked at our community hubs assisting with distance learning. he was always willing to lend a helping hand, troubleshooting our audio needs setting up for events or face painting for halloween. his kindness and generosity, will be missed.
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and if that's okay with everybody, we're fwg to move on. i don't have anything else to add in the president's report. >> seeing that the president's report is complete, we did already hear from the two folks who filled out a blue card, is there anybody else that has public comment on the president's report? okay, is there anyone on our web ex with their hand raised? >> there is somebody in the back. >> if you have a comment, just come forward, and we have nobody from the web ex. >> thank you, we would love to hear from you. >> >> speaker: i'm char maoen,
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zion's mom, it was hard for me to come today, but after hearing about larry, my condolences, as we're here discussing the matter about zion, there were a few things that you said about larry that brought up stuff for me about zion, even though they never met, two different spectrum of people, how you mentioned about larry loving san francisco. and zion, he always loved san francisco, he was born in san francisco but spent half of his life in new york, but he would come and visit his mom and dad. and there was something always about san francisco, i don't know what it was, and i grew up in the 80s in san francisco so i was ready to get out of here. but it's like phil said, it's a place, you cannot stay away from no matter what.
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i came back with family, but when we came back zion was so happy, his heart, there is something about a san francisco heart and something that he always drew him. he knew everything about the city. his friends are here today and his aunt and dad, what he could be google map for san francisco's because he had an opportunity to be everybody and go everybody. but then i had to realize our journey, was to be here. i know he was young and the way he passed, he left a mark, you know, and still this is my first time, but we have email exchange about all the time zion and it was park and rec
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that wanted to be hired. he was going to be assistant with the young skateboarders. sew had all of these things that he was involved. but i want to you know how important waler was. he woke up every day, his first lesson when he was going to lighthouse, blind school, his first mission, he asked the teach tore show him how to get bus route to waller. so whatever waler was, there was a peace for him. to me just being his mom and seeing him. and we walked with a distance, you know, there is nothing to encourage him but i really want
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to tell you guys how important waller was for him. it will be days that he would just sit there. he would take a joke, i don't have a job now, i'll be waiting at waller. until he was offered a job, it's not just waller, it's also rec and park. you gave him a second wind to keep going in his blindness. and he was real resilient that's how he has been. like you said about larry, he spoke his mind very diverse but he also had to communicate. if you have a difference, you can still talk it out. and then socks, zion, he loved color socks.
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so me being here was to sit and let my mom and auntie take the lead. and i was drawn to it, if it was not for park and rec and ffs not for waller, i don't think he would not made it as far as being positive. anytime he's talking to me, i've been shot but i made it through and look at me. just it's just his character already and now i understand the journey of his life. it makes sense, just because it was short lived but at the time, and it brought so many people together all ages. and all denominations and zion was like that. to live in new york, you have a lot of minority, he didn't see color.
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to me, i was like that's a real san francisco person, i had to get up and let you know, that listening, and all of larry, don't even know larry and it brought up all of this stuff on me. i wanted to let you guys know, and i have to stay here now, this is where he's always going to be. if he had a choice to be anywhere, it would be here. thank you, guys i just wanted to let you know that. sorry i didn't fill out a blue card, i was not going to talk. >> all right. is it okay if one of his friends speaks. >> and as a mother, you're so courageous and thank you for being here, i don't know if i
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would be able to speak if i lost my son. >> and one little magical postscript and larry and zion did meet, at the waller skate park opening. >> oh, they did, they hanging out right now. i just want you to know that. >> and he loved to drum and he didn't even like, he just self-taught. he loves old school music.
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>> i think you said it, there is a lot of mothers in this room, thank you for speaking not just about zion but just about his life and for, giving us the hope and inspiration and what zion meant to you and your family. it takes a lot. but we're all moms too. you know, it's not an easy job. >> my only boy. >> for what happened to him in 2021 and you said mom did i this and i did that, that inspires all of us. >> yes. >> we want to thank you. >> thank you guys. >> if anybody is going to speak, i'll be starting the
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timer, only because our agenda is so long. you have two minutes but the chair is says different. >> i just want to say may light shine upon them. >> any other public speakers. i'm going to move on. there is another portion of public comment in the agenda. thank you all for coming this morning. >> come on up. >> if there is others that want to come on up. >> line up against the wall here. you're all sitting in the spot that is out of my view so when you start to stand, i can't see you. >> welcome. >> thank you. my name is matthew madden, i met zion through skateboarding. he was a very close friend of mine. you know, although younger than me, somebody i truly looked up to.
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i know all of us in the back, you know, us skaters are not very good at this talk and stuff but he was very inspirational and we often said that he was the glue that kept us skaters together. and i truly want you to be the best version of yourself. he knows zion, he is a frequently tell the rest of our friends, he is skateboarding, and we've always said it's more than a board, you know, although it's a piece of wood that brings us altogether, the friendships and memories and experience that's we made together through all of our adventures our little querk' inside jokes. i don't think you meet too many
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people like zion in a lifetime and we're honored to be part of not only his skateboard journey but everything he has done with his grip tape company, wanting to make sure that we're all taken care of. he's just a very sweet sweet man. and we're all trying to honor him through skateboarding and staying together and wanting to you know, keep his memory alive. we all love him and miss him dearly. >> hey, matthew, anytime you speak from the heart, it's a winner. well done. >> you're blowing us away. >> thank you, thank you, guys.
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>> anybody else hiding back there that wants to come up. >> and when we're done hearing from our guests, commissioner would like to speak. >> thank you. i feel like something that touched my heart, growing up in san francisco and around skateboarders, i want to acknowledge that a lot of times, skateboarders and skateboarding is still something that is seen as a criminal activity, and i want us to remember this moment and what you said matthew that zion is skateboarding and this positive and this light just to remember that. because skate parks are part of our skate system, right, or part of our park system, skateboarding is a recreation activity, this is all within our responsibility to make sure
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that we're protecting advocating for and we're still seeing instances where our young skateboarders are, you know, criminalized or met, not with welcoming arms. and i just really want to remember that when these things come before our commission. we remember zion and we remember how we felt today when wore making these decisions. >> well sometimes no, i have always felt that when we lose somebody the world should stop and grief with us. it does not seem fair that birds with overhead i feel like the world should stop and grief with us. so i'm going to take a moment to collect myself but we do have to continue with the business of the commission.
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ash just give us a couple of seconds and do your thing. >> i think we did just that today. we stopped and griefed together. --grieved today. >> all four people that were lost today honored loved parks and they would definitely definitely, want us celebrating the good things that are happening in our parks, the exciting things that are happening in our parks. and i'm going to start with skateboarding, i'm going to go off script a little bit. so for this crowd, because we've got a moment, i want to share with you the department's intentions to create a what we
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think could seriously be one of the best new urban skate plaza's at u.n. plaza. and our intention and we are going hoping to start construction soon, working with the locks and trasher and all of you and all the skateboard leaders is to take the elements and make them legal and put them in u.n. plaza improving the skate service so you can skate there with city hall in the background. [applause] and you can help do something that is important for our city. you know the story, right? we have what we i refer to negative place make withing some unhealthy activity and we want to take something, san
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francisco is known around the world as being the best city for urban skating almost anywhere, it's almost a destination. and rather than keeping that underground, we want to celebrate san francisco's skate history. we want to tell the stories and we want to do it at u.n. plaza where we're asking all of you to steward that place, so faoem want to come and watch and create the community that matthew, you talked about so eloquently people can grab a bite to eat and if you're not a skateboarder, maybe play ping-pong or te k ball i'll tell you what that is later. but we want to create a community that is more to come, we have our project manager over there, our hero dan mar,
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but this is a big deal and i'm inviting all of you to help steward that space and do something special for san francisco. okay, next item. the william hall awards. last week, we had a 15th william hall ceremony at harding park, recognizing 12 rec and park employees who shared vision and dedication and commitment to the city's park. the employees were nominated by their peers for their hard work. the winners were congratulated by commissioner jones, you were on, very important things in your own right. but vice share anderson and commissioner hallisy were there and we also had our mayor and it was just, it was such an inspirational moment. so also you young folks in the
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room, come work for us. zion was about to. come work for us. layuna, local plumbers team, and san francisco building trades and hardy hardy congratulations to our winners and you can see our names and winners. that i know you sign up and get week'. all right, yesterday, we had our annual and mlk pool. when i was there, i didn't get a chance to see oh great, thank you commissioner hallisy, it was off the hook. and all of our staff is doing
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activity, you can do ar che re, you can sing, dance, rap, you got free food. and historically we've done this for all the kids in our summer camps. we had, that we partnered with the day view and girls club, mlq was open and they were doing stand up paddle board and it was fantastic, so a big big hardy congratulations to our team lead by superintendent williams and donnelly, our other, senior leaders and rec, jimmy chan, battle, linda banard and of course we had great help from our operations team, including denny concern, our superintendent eric
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anderson, daniel choy and a site supervisor, a lot of volunteers, our partnership division was out there flipping burgers. our newest member of the team was, at the ar che re stand and it was all lovely and what parks can be. okay, i'm going to put the park and rec soccer scarf, women's sock cer here. the whole country, they're playing at home and they were fired up. both the teams won the opening matches and tomorrow, our united states women play against vietnam, so come join us. maybe you get a scarf, join us along with street soccer u.s.a., the san francisco parks alliance and our newest sports
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team, bay fc at the crossing, that's at east cup, downtown, the first cot, east and bail to watch our first match as the u.s. women take vietnam. and next wednesday, the bricks for you skaters. and then another match back at the crossing. these are free, this is become an amazing tradition in san francisco, we've been doing it since 2010. so come on up, thanks to the parks alliance and the benefit district for schedule of the watch parties, you can visit world cup sf, it's the most beautiful game in the entire
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planet, come enjoy it. as you can tell i'm a soccer fan. okay, later today we'll be celebrating along with the port of san francisco our joint management of more than 24 acres of new public parks in the mission bay neighborhood. come on out at 5 p.m. to the mission pavillion where we'll be joined with my colleague and director forbeses and the office of community investment and infrastructure. earlier this month at this commission, rec and park, on july affective july first and rec and park, begin managing these 24 acres. it was under the correction of community and infrastructure, which was originally the redevelopment agency. so these spaces have come back for to us manage, these are unique cool water front space sxz rich and habitat, so we are
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excited to welcome these spaces into, our park jurisdiction so it will be a good time. so come on out for refreshments and entertainment. it would not be a commission, madam vice chair, if we were not talking about pickle ball. it couldn't be. you cannot get through. >> i'm a new fan. >> it's at the fine arts of commission louie, the demand for pickle ball presented for us, is a piblg. we're working hard to create new courts. so i want to thank our partnership that helps us manage the inside space and dink sf, we've got new pickle ball courts where players can reserve between 9:30 and 11:00 am thursday through sunday on our website and you can also
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sign up and reserve court times and lessons and all kinds of activities throughout the day. this is part of our effort to keep up with the tsunami of demand of this part. it's the most pop bar but skateboarding is even more popular. we now have 67 individual courts where you can play pickle ball in your system. and then at larson playground will be adding 8 more courts and more to come. so we are doing our best to keep up. i'm going to change my costume, once again, i'm going to put on my baseball cap and i'm going to put on my medal, look at this, see this. this is a medal of champions. that's what this is. so celebrations to our san francisco bay socks girls baseball team for their
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outstanding [applause] performance at the baseball for all national tournament in kentucky. the 14 and underwent undefeated with a 6-1 team we've got best baseball girls team in the country and our 12 and under team finished third. so special thanks when we talk about friends and family, we're talking about friends and family. and our own commissioner who is the biggest champion for girls baseball, for leading one of the top baseball programs in the country.
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coach and lead in the space, the bay socks program is the largest girls baseball program currently operating in the united states of america providing a unique opportunity for girls 6 to 18 to play on teams and train with our clinics. this one is near and dear to my heart. my own youngest daughter who a soccer player, did a brief stint, for the team. wish they were around for my oldest daughter who was the baseball player. >> thank you, i would be remiss that with so incaed bibl this win we are a no cut no try out, anyone that wants to play program and a correction, we're
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the largest public girls baseball, there are some other great program out there. but these girls that brought this championship medal had only won one game at any national tournament. we've been going since 2015 so it's a testament of how much they've worked and a testament how when they're supported by a department by the city, how much they can believe in themselves. these girls learned how to pitch, throw and run and hit by our city staff. so it just makes it that much more beautiful and thank you so much. we could not do it without you. >> all right. it is summer and zion was a drummer and larry griffin talks about grove, let's talk about music. grove is in full swing and it's been amazing so far.
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he's in every sunday, tickets are free. the season wraps up with a picnic. you can reserve your spots and all the others coming up. we've got the san francisco symphony and lettuce, it's been a fantastic season. we also have due sogt with sa non and the clans and james, we're free concerts go through october, you can reserve your stop for that now. we've got music at union square through the bloom summer concert. next concert july 22, featuring soul glitch, they have a floral swift and made possible through sf live, the line up is diverse. a great way to spend the afternoon and if you would rather be in golden gate park
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through illuminate, the lift every band has free music on wednesday singer and songwriter, sunday, soul and jazz, saturday community performances from different neighborhood. sunday, reggae and on the weekend, you can hear other musicians along jfk, we don't drive on jfk promenade. so come out there and of course outside lands, ken dar lamar on friday night. it's just weeks away, the three-day concert goes through the 13th. each year, 220,000 people show up for the park for the weekend event. we're very fortunate to have another planning entertainment and all the benefits that come from this concert to the local community and community. and that madam vice president,
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concludes the general manager's report. >> thank you for keeping it brief, and phil. >> and cheerful. do we have any public comment on the general's report in room 16? seeing none, do we have anybody with their hand raised on web ex ? one hand. >> i had my land raised like 30 minutes ago to speak on behalf of zion. i don't know if that's okay. >> that should be fine. >> just one of the commissioner said about how skating is viewed and how people, see skating as illegal activity sometimes. i went to minnesota and we had a skate park at my school and zion would come and make sure
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that everybody cleaned up after themselves and everybody was respectful to each other. and it kind of, like, he spread a lot of light on it and changed a lot of people point of view like a lot of my friends point of view on skating. and showed everybody that it was a community and it didn't matter how old you were, what color you were who you were he accepted everybody. made everyone, sorry. >> you're all right, go ahead. you have another minute. >> we understand this is a terrible loss. >> caller: sorry.
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i wanted to, make sure that everyone knew that he really changed that view for a lot of people. and showed that it was a positive outlook, no matter what everybody was going through. at home or their situation that everybody was equal, everyone was the same. yeah. >> thank you, thank you so much we appreciate you sharing. >> is there anyone else with their hand raised? thank you, seeing no further comment, public comment is closed. >> so ashley, i just wanted say there may be people here that probably might not want to stay for the rest of the meeting, if
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you would like to get up now, now would be a good time. this is going to on for hours. we won't consider you rude. thank you for coming out and your patience. >> but we're now on item 4, for general comment. so if anybody is here to comment on an item on on the agenda, now would be the time? okay, seeing none, do we have any hands raised on our web raised? seeing no public comment, public comment is closed. we're now on item 5, consent calendar, if you don't want to remove anything, you can go ahead and approve it? >> do we have any items to take off? everything stays on the consent calendar. >> move to approve. >> second. >> second.
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>> all those in favor, say aye. >> any opposition. none, the agenda is approved. >> next, we have the zoo report with tonya and anne. >> thank you. tanya peterson, i'm humbled and inspired to be here, the stories and legacies of the individuals, we minds us why we do what we do especially here in san francisco zoo and gardens. so perhaps with their legacies in mind, i'm happy to announce that your zoo just won number 1 in the survey of kids about out and about. [applause] thank you for your support. i'm sure larry had something to do with this. this organizations put their names into the survey. but we were voted number 1.
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we were found to be kid friendly and educational facility. i thank you for your support and come out and see our zoo. one of the reasons that i think we won is i think our visitors are realizing the important work we do. the international union for conservation and nature, collect data so we better understand what are the piece --specieses that would not make it. we just added ox and dalot, this is beautiful larva as are birds but you'll recognize. and the black rhino just celebrated its birthday so come
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and visit them. but we're also a family friendly place, and as phil said, there is music even at the zoo on fridays. we have an after-hours music event, free to our members. and we place the band in front of the mother's building in hopes that it will attract a healthy owner but it's a place that has protection from the fog. and we have some animals that are up past 5:00. we have some animals that don't want to work after 5. we're using this in our advertising campaign because it's hot everybody else and it does seem to be working although we're not at the numbers we used to be prior to the pandemic and to the closures of the great highway. i guess what is old is new,
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again and windy is cool again. and then we've got some new faces here, majestic lioness just came yesterday but focus on the gray fox, he came to us from sacramento zoo and may be the sweetest animal we have, he may be a fox but he let's us hand feed him. and he would be named larry, we have a certificate with his family if you will do that. and we've had the honor to work with commissioner griffin on the joint zoo committee which is the hybrid. larry checked in with us monthly to see how the zoo was doing the storms.
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stunned by the news of the illness and passing, he was offering to work in august to make sure that the price increase gets through and what are you going to do with the commission not being here in august. and checking in constantly his joy and other parks, remains an inspiration and his loss will be felt. so come visit larry at the zoo, our sweet est animal. >> is there any comment on the san francisco zoo report? okay, none, is there any on our public line? commission irz did you want to say anything about the zoo before i move on? okay. public comment is closed. we're now on item 7, is anyone is here to speak on this item
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it's not required but it would be lovely if you filled out a blue card and bring it to me over here. and those on the line, you can press star-3 and we can call on you. >> thank you, can i get the power point. >> there you go. >> good morning, commissioners i'm chris towns i'm with the recreation and town department capitol and planning division. my presentation will provide a
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belt easement. and to conserve and strengthen natural resources. so situated at the base of the towers, interior green belt is a collection of natural lands that connect to one another. it includes a network of trails that connect to the network and comprised approximately 72 acres of open space. a 1957 deed conveying a portion of the green belt of the city, carved out an easement to the sub divider to ensure access across the city parcel to assess a parcel number, 2742002 as depicted on the map.
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the parcel was not developed. maintains a easement that would cross the property to ensure their access to the street. there is no specific development at this time. however the board of supervisors approved the map for a two-lot subdivision with the following conditions. first, provide proof of approval by the rec park commission of the location and easement, secondly demonstrate the location to any utilities easement. third show how the lots would be serviced. fourth demonstrate new subdivision would have to public roadways.
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so here is a detailed plan view of the proposed easement footprint, hatched in the center there. in relation to the grand fees lot, the rec park property and the street. as you can see, the easement footprint connects to palo alto avenue, through the rec park properties and measures 50 feet in width by 50 feet in depth. their quest before the commission is whether to a approve the existing easement to provide easement to the grant east property. originally lava did not exist and easement ex tenlded through the north all the way to claireton avenue, therefore by
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fixing this easement, we're releaving red park property while maintaining the footprint and as previously established in the 1957 easement. on to the next slide. for the easement agreement, robust document, the grantee is subject to requirement of the green belt plan and rec parks and project and design guidelines. also subject to open space two ardist which contracts the future land owners to numerous maintenance and preservation responsibilities within the adjacent area of the easement area. rec parks, natural resource division had a concern before and during construction. however, the grantee agreed to
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conditions resolving these concerns including report within 150 feet, and removing dangerous and invasive trees, replacing freeze with rec parka proved species and maintaining the throws for three years. also established restricted uses, lastly the grantee assumes responsibility for notices pertaining to plan and dangerous conditions facility removal and extension of easement area. so in conclusion staff recommends approval of improvement and--in terms of this easement as outlined in the presentation. staff supports the agreement in
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light of its terms, to severalle open space covenance. while preserving the connectivity of the green belt. that concludes my presentation and staff is available for questions. >> thank you, so much. >> we currently have two blue cards for folks in 416 if anybody would like to speak, please fill out a blue card. i'm going to start with jim keith and then move on to steven. you'll have two minutes. >> commissioners it was a quite a meeting, i was prepared to speak about the meeting and neighbors and supervisor melgar and thank everybody who helped, you know, perfect this location
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of this easement and reduce the burden on the rest of the rec and park space. but i was moved on the lifelong san francisco too, born and raised too and i didn't know larry griffin but it sounds like, the commission and the city has lost a real great person and, i did unfortunately just learn about paulle knoton who i grew up around the block from i just heard that today. you just don't know when it's going to happen. again, i'm here today supporting the staff, i thought they did a great job. i've been hard with the neighborhood, this was continued from operations commission because just to give extended time to, that's all i have to say about it.
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>> we have a letter on the record and it's well written, thank you so much. do we have any comments? >> steven. >> steven. >> and if there is anybody else, go ahead and stand up here so i know. thank you. go ahead, steven. >> speaker: yes, steven, i want to talk about the open space. because because this is a space where go through. earlier stated by larry, if you walk through the space you can smell the eucalyptus trees. they're cutting the space and the space is ruined. before you approve this thing, walk by what i mean, the special feeling you have when you walk through the space, so yeah, again, i just like to quote the missions of rec
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park and provide enriched activity, maintain beautiful parks and preserve the environment for everyone in our community. and you longer can walk through and fill the spirit and the magical of the smell of the eucalyptus tree, that's what i'm saying. thank you. >> thank you. >> okay, seeing no further comment in room 416, i would like to see if there is anybody with their hand raised in web ex? no hands raised. so seeing no further comment, public comment is closed. missioners? >> itioner hallisy? >> jim, i was here at the operations committee and that's way back on may the 4th and i
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thought you were gracious at the time to work with supervisor melgar's office, she in affect requested that continuance just because she wanted to ensure that there was more public participation from neighbors. so i think you have done your due diligence, you have done very patient. this was a two and a half battle for you and i will be supporting your cause, here today. >> thank you, commissioner hallisy. no other request to speak. >> all right, i need a motion and a second if you look at the language at item 7, to recommend that the board of supervisor approve the fixing and perfection of the location in terms of access and utility
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easement that is currently reserved by the recreation and park department near the green belt natural area located at la a vanzles street. >> so moved. >> i need a second. >> i'll second that. >> all those in favor say aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> no opposition, motion carries. congratulations, mr. keith. and thank you for working with rec and park. >> okay, we are now in item 8, 2700 shadow in the san francisco zoo with chris again.
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>> if i can get the power point, please. >> commissioners i have the next item as well. capitol planning combination and i'm joined by the san francisco planning department staff who will be copresenting a portion of the presentation, specific to the project description, public out reach and the public benefits aspect of the projects where as my focus is this. our presentation will provide you with the mix use development at 2700, avenue. known as the unified center and affects on the san francisco zoo which is under the jurisdiction of the rec and park department.
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the view supports objectivity 1.2 of the strategic plan to quote the strategy of the existing parks and facilities. for shared context, prop k aimed at protecting properties of the shadow impacts was approved by voters in 1984. which prohibits the city from building permits 45 feet in height that was cast a shadow, unless the planning commission after consultation with the park commission finds that the shadow would not have anything adverse impact on the use of the property. as part of the pool,
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qualitative cry i can't for significance of shadows, time of day, time of year, shadow location, shadow size, daouration and public goods served by the project. at this time, i would like to pass it to na talia from the planning department who will provide an overview and out reach and public benefit aspects. na talia are you there? >> yes, confirming you can hear me. >> we can hear you. >> good morning, na talia presenting on behalf of gabriella, i'll go over the project and community out reach. will demolish two-storey community facility that construct 6-story basement
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building, measuring approximately 130,000 square feet to be operated by the culture. proposed building contains private community xas ilts a restaurant, bar, office, night time entertainment and instructional land uses. and 42 basic spaces. the project will maintain and expand a center in the western portion of the city within a quarter mile of mini lines including 2023. the proposed mix use building will contain space for recreational, education and civic activity for the irish population and larger community.
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public will contribute to street frontage and support the existing commercial corridor. the project will not displace any existing housing or reduce the number of units within the city. and the project will provide street improvements to the immediate neighborhood including bull doings. since 2018, the sponsors have conducted public meeting with response to the development. was attended by mayor london breed. in addition, the sponsors have maintained a monthly news leter that provides updates to the progress. over 200 community members have expressed support for the proposed development including
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cub scouts, and michael and san francisco could not and athletic club and board of supervisor. today the department has not received any correspondence in opposition of the project. this concludes my part of the presentation, i'll now hand it over to chris who will now be available for your questions. >> thank you, natalia, so the map on the left shows the project site in relation to the zoo. and about 4 clocks inland from the highway. street views are also provided to show the project site looking northwest and southwest as well as some of the surrounding neighborhood context. the san francisco zoo itself is
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a 100 acres property bounded by slow boulevard to the north, great highway to the west and east. the zoo is managed by a nonprofit society organization, but under the jurisdiction of the rec and park department. the zoos visitor parking lot and main entrances is off the western edge. and the zoo itself contains over 250 animal species and dozens of enclosures connected to pathways organized in the zones based on geography and animal category. the zoo's hours of operation from 10:00 am to 5:00 p.m. daily. this slide provides the shadow fan which is helpful in visualizing and understanding the shadow footprint around the surrounding neighborhood throughout the year.
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project shadow depicketed in blue are around the footprint and anticipate becoming more frequent as it goes away. as you can see. the shadow falls on northwest corner of the zoo. the photos on the right shows you where that shadow falls on its northern outer edge as well as the zoo interior program atic space. quantitatively, there is shadow load on the zoo. shadow load on the park. the image on the right depicts the project maximum net new shadow which again is on the northwest corner and that
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happens on june 21 at 6:46 am. qualitatively in terms of time of year and day, project shadow occur in the morning, from spring to summer 83 days out of the year but only during the early morning hours before 8:00 am. the average daily daouration of shadow is 13.4 minutes with an average shadow coverage area of 6500 square feet. and then largely, northeast corner within what is, staff only access road and maintenance area. so in closing, i would like to highlight the memo which predict that for parks of this size, this is 100 acre site,
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experiencing shadow load, this one is at 11.45 percent, guidance is up to 1 percent increase and again the project is proposing a fraction 00 percent increase. that concludes my presentation can we're available for questions. thank you. >> thank you. is there anybody here that is ready to comment on item 8? come on forward. i'll take your blue card. >> good morning, i'm the president of the united center, volunteer of the center, been a member of the center since i arrived. so for the past 26 years i've been involved at the center. most especially when i stepped up on the board as a volunteer where one of the feel good stories that have come out of the pandemic, during that time
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but as a cultural institution of the, not only the irish community but the charted 501c3, we're a community center provoiding space for irish music where you can learn music for free and irish dancing and space, we have a branch a of a local search that occupy the center on a weekly basis. again, just to lend my support to the program, again a feel good story coming out of the pandemic, really exciting time and we're a small micro causeum if you get a group of people to provide new space, one of the biggest challenge is we don't have enough space for all the people that want to rent the space on a friday or saturday.
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and with so many to have meetings and events on the west side of the city. so again, give it your 100% going forward. thank you. >> thank you. >> good evening, commissioners. good evening, commissioners and president and phil. very emotional day, i want to offer the four families our condolences. and also a quick note, i'm also a soccer fan, i was up at 3:00 am and i saw ireland lose, but we're shooting for the u.s. and fantastic job to rec and park. there is a lot of negativity in san francisco and there is going to bring a lot of positive stuff. >> go hoot'.
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>> to the art center, diane and joel, opened the center. you know, they had a vision back then. things have changed and changes will happen. and you know, we have a lot of support from the state of california from gavin newsom to local mayors and we just appreciate it. >> only in san francisco do we have feinstein and aeoto opening the irish center. love it. >> next speaker. >> speaker: good morning, commissioners. first of all i want to offer my condolences to the commission and to the families of the those you spoke about today. it was lovely hear such
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beautiful words and you feel as you know them and everybody should listen to the recording of what happened here this morning for the first hour. >> is that how you're going to get me started, can i get some kleenex. >> at the irish center, we're talking about honoring our past examine rebuilding for the future. we were very lucky when i came here in 84 there was a place for all immigrants to get together out there where we went to see football matches from ireland at 7:00 o'clock and met people, and met people, you know, it gave us a sense of home at the time. they can text a home and talking to the people in ireland inside 30 seconds, we had to write letters back in the 80s so that's how we got good at writing letters.
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i pick up on what phil said. we want to change it to an arts and culture center for the future. am i in >> you've got 30 seconds. >> i will not keep you too long, and that's really to celebrate the diversity of now where we live. you know, this is san francisco. we have great connections with the mexican-american, asian american, you know, back in the 1800, the irish immigrants went down to mexico and fought on the mexican side in the, in the mexican-american civil war. so we hope you support this and it's going to be beacon for the future that we have. thank you. >> thank you.
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>> next speaker. >> you admitted. i cannot anywhere near as inspiring as the previous speaker. let me speak to a couple of technical points. replace with a new enhanced center. the building will provide newer greater capacity for the saint patrick's event room and everybody has attended an event at some point as well as other community spaces library and a new restaurant and bar. as shown in the projects, caps will be extremely limited. it will increase the shadow on the zoo by point 0000.7 percent, as you know, point
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00004 before is diminus. in finally the area shaded is already shaded by the large trees along slow boulevard those are not included in the shadow study but as a reminder we have those trees that are already casting the shadow. so in short, the new shadow will be inpercetable. it's out weighed by the project, 50-year institution that will continue to serve the city. they're a very nice contribution to come this far to the west side of the city. we appreciate your support and we're here if you have any questions. thank you. >> thank you.
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>> seeing no other comments on the room, any comments on the queue. seeing none, no further public comments. >> commissioner hallisy. >> i have announced civic parade and i was your corner until you said the irish fought on the mexican side against the united states. i'm thrilled to hear this, it's been 49 years coming. we hear the quantitative numbers, we hear the percentages that chris gives us, he always gives great reports. the activities impacted by a shadow and we would be thinking about a children's play area or
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animals. here we're talking about a staff access road and a maintenance area. so 0000.7 percent and only in the early morning, i think you have a very good case here. and i hope to see this project go forward. thank you to the speakers, i thank you for coming here in person. >> thank you, commissioner. commissioner louie. >> i know you're here to speak about the shadowing but more over we want to thank you for presenting. i think all of us have gone to the irish center hundreds of times for different events and we want to thank you for opening the hall to all the diversity groups of san francisco, for leth the all the asians do their ballroom dancing there, we know how much they love to dance.
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o the project is just stuning. it's a beautiful project. it's a, it's a win-win. >> and i just want to say that all of my ancestor would haunt me if i didn't approve this project. i'm for it too. we're ready for a vote. do i have a motion and second. >> so moved. >> second. >> all in favor. >> aye. >> aye. >> any opposition? motion carries. thank you gentleman. >> okay, we're moving on to item 9 and item 10 i think we have jad here to present. >> do we want them to come up
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together? we'll call the vote at the same time but we'll call them separately. >> okay. >> just want to introduce myself, my name is christopher with san francisco rec and park and honored to be here. it really was pretty emotional hearing the stories earlier. with that, i want to launch into what these two programs are about. and in short, here to speak about the ranger program with regards to the habitat conservation fund and in short, i believe both of these programs will be enhanced but will reach more youth, we will have more staff and it will benefit not only san francisco but the department as well. yeah, i'm here for any questions, either of those with regard to the habitat conservation fund.
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>> would you like me to move to public comment before you ask my questions? do we have any public comment in 9 or 10 in room 416? seeing none, are there any hands raised in our public line? no callers in the queue. commissioners do you have any questions for chad? >> love that this is happening, yay, can we vote, i need a motion and a second on item 9. >> do we have to do two motions. >> yeah, we'll do them separately. so moved to approve the program. >> i second. >> all those in favor state aye. >> aye. >> any opposition, none. it is approved. >> thank you. >> item 10, the youth stewardship program, a motion and a second, please. >> so moved. >> second.
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>> all those in favor state aye. >> aye. >> any opposition, also approved. thank you for your time. >> thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> okay, we're now on 11, soccer field renovation amendment with omar davis. >> welcome omar. >> good afternoon. >> official, 1 minute in. >> good afternoon, commissioners and chair, i'm omar the item before you is discussion and possible action to amend the construction contract with maneva for soccer proj toekt increase the
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contract amount to 6,229,800.1213. and a contract extension of 45 days increasing the number of days to reach substantial completion to 289 days from the original duration of 244 days. this project is in line with the strategy one inspired public space, strategy two, inspire play and strategy three inspire investment. crocker amazon is one of several rec park facility with synthetic turf athletic field, located along district 11, the department renovated the field with synthetic turf in 2008, the facility is very popular for soccer and recreational play. but because of heavy use and age, the field needs to be renovated by replacing the synthetic material and making
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improvements to the field amenities such as turn tour access. on december 15th, 2022, the commission awarded a construction contract for the crocker amazon, soccer field project to manerva construction in the amount of to cover the base bid and bid alt natures. the soccer field project site work improvements commence on march 28 of this year. additional scope was added to the project which included ada requirements and acceleration costs for surf to ensure that the project reaches completion in time to open all soccer fields to the public by november first, 2023. since the start of construction, the department has received positive feedback and i would like to share one quick comment, hurray, the new fields look fabulous, my
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teenage soccer said, omg, it looks like beach shalay. the proposed change are outlined below, some directly relate today base contract while others are new scope editions that are adjacent to the park space. the capitol team had been working on two separate projects that are adjacent to the soccer field, these includes mine adjacent to the soccer field and inclusion of new landscaping and improvement at the entrance to the geneva parking lot. in an effort to streamline advertising bidding and award processes for two separate projects, staff worked to integrate these enhancements into the existing contract to save money and disruption to the community. the work items include removal and recycling of old turf with
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documented chain of custody documents, new can revised regulatory signage within the soccer field complex. acceleration costs for turf installation to have permitted soccer play in the fall. additional survey and renovation of soccer field to meet ada compliance, irrigation work which includes the modification adjacent to and underneath the existing soccer fields and inclusion of drainage improvement lead by the operation which involves a rain garden. this project is fully funded and this is not a request for additional fund. a contract value increase of 946,813 is requested to pay for the a for mention change orders. sources for these additional funds, come from the capitol
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fund, operations general fund and sfpuc green infrastructure fund. the contract daouration was 244 days to reach completion and 30 days to reach final completion. the proposed extension of 45 additional days would bring the days to 289 days. this is to allow more time to complete the work. this does not affect the central thrust of the project all athletic fields will be renovated and open for the public on or before november 1, 2023. in summary staff recommends that this commission, approve the amendment of the construction contract for the crocker amazon soccer field renovation project to increase the amount to 6,229,813 reflecting an increase of. since last approved by the
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commission and contract extension of 45 days. thank you for your consideration, i'm happy to answer any questions. >> do we have any public comment on item in room 416. sf gov. tv do we have any hands raised? i don't see any. so public comment is closed. commissioners? >> i do have a couple of questions, omar. i'm trying to find the language, i cannot find it. you said it just a minute ago, that you know, we're being asked to increase the contract amount however, it doesn't blah blah blah. >> the project is fully funded
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and it's not a request for additional funding. >> can you explain for the benefit of the project, when you say the project is funded et cetera, what does that mean when we're being asked to increase the contract amount? >> certainly, our capitol division are bringing scopes of work together. and the operations has funding to perform this work. they also have funding from the green infrastructure fund and we're essentially combining the scope of contract under one existing contract to increase the efficiency and to decrease any construction at the soccer field. >> so it's about efficiencies, you're adding something for example, the rain garden work. >> that's right. >> our operation division would
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be doing this work anyway, and so while the site is closed down, we want to combine our efforts. >> i'm all for efficiency and i think we should highlight that. that's a good thing to say. now on the acceleration costs, we're paying for overtime and yet we need another 45 days. seems a little incongress to me. >> yeah, commissioner dan mewer, the nuance on that is that, you know, lion share of the project is put ining new synthetic turf and as we were moving through the project, we got started out of the gate a little bit late. and so working with the field turf is the turf company. this is the busiest time of year and while school is out so
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they're stretched to the limits. so when the contractor put the contract together, it was pushing our construction contract after the beginning of, november. and so, our permits and reservation dwitionz opens the field for high school play so there was a strong push to get the fields done before november first started. so we had to accelerate some of the work so we can meet that schedule. on the back end of this though, the field, this additional work that we're asking for improvements on and the efficiencies that we're gaining is going to be done in the extended time window. and ir fwaition will happen in the extra window. >> so users can access the field even though the landscape may not be done. >> yes. >> thank you.
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commissioner hallisy. >> actually, omar or dan, this is a curiosity question on my part. and it has to do with synthetic turf. i know 2008 was the first time we did it, and 13 years later, and you would know, has synthetic turf improved? can we expect getting more than 15 years out of this patch of synthetic turf? >> so that's a good question. our first fields were put in in 2002 at franklin square and mission rec. >> and young blood coman. >> and young bloodcoleman, thank you. sometimes they do ten if you
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ask for an extended warranty. what we're seeing is a 12 years. smaller fields like garfield square that receives a lot more foot traffic so the replacement time frame on that is going to be quicker than crocker. so right now, we're gauging between 12 and 14 years as is our projection as we look at field replacement. synthetic turf is advancing, we moved from some. and now wore using natural products in our turf. turf fiber is also getting in the green material is advancing in technology as well. we're looking and forecasting buying the best product out there as we move forward. and another component that is in your report is the recycling
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component which i really want to stress. san francisco has one of the most rigorous in the nation and part of that is recycling components. so we're asking for a little bit of recycling to recycle turf out of this site. the reason we're asking for more money is because it's a new industry and the company that was a subcontracter to to withdrawal their bid because they were not meeting our requirement. we had a firm that caused a little. so we're in the process of recycling all of that turf. we're hoping to show that process and work with the environment on that effort and make this a full circle loop system as we move forward in the future. >> let me add a little bit of color to that in a technical way. so the answer is yes, the
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technology has evolved to the good considerably in fields are very different. the type of grabsinger if you remember veteran stadium back in the 70s which was more like a carpet. now the type of turf or sort of individual grass glades, it's gotten better. they were talking about an 8-10 year cycle, the truth of the matter is, we do out live that and that's a resource issue. something to keep in mind, even though that we have to redo these fields. it's not like a grass field does not require maintenance. each year, it becomes pretty efficient and mostly allows us to triple our hours of use.
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>> both of you, excellent and that was the point of my question, we have saved money because we went beyond what the expected life of this turf was. so that was, that was all i wanted to hear. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> kudos, to phil. >> i'm going to close conversation on this because we need to go going. sorry, staff recommends that the commission amend the construction contract with manerva for the crocker amazon field.
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reflecting increase of 946,813 since last approved bit commission and extension of 45 days increasing the number of days to reach completion to 289 days from the original daouration of 244 days. do i have a motion and a second. >> so moved. >> second. >> all those in favor say aye. >> eewh. >> any opposed? --aye. >> aye. >> any opposed? motion carries. thank you. >> okay, we are now on the golden gate, park 9th avenue and lincoln way gateway contract award.
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>> good afternoon, i'm excited to come back to discuss the 9th avenue gateway. this is construction contract for the golden gate park gateway to construction incorporated in the amount of 1,293,263. we received two bids and we're excite today have received this low bid from bowman which puts the project in each and with your approval we can move forward.
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and i'm going to put those up on the screen now, can we take a look at that? so for a bit of background. the gateway lacked presence and needed a quote, treatment to reflect its status as a park entry. continues to be one of the most used into the park. it will improve views and visibility of the san francisco botanical garden and provide a plaza which would allow people to linger at the gateway and
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provide a sense of arrival into the park. and here are a view images from concept. of course planting and irrigation. public works advise thed the project and received two bid proposals on may 23 of this year. reviewed and they have met all of their qualifications and subcontracting goals. and with that, staff recommends that the commission approve the award of construction contract for the golden gate park gateway to bowman construction in the amount of again, 1,292,263 and thank you for
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your time and i'm happy to answer any questions. >> thank you. >> are there any public comment. seeing no further public comment, public comment is closed. commissioners? >> no hands raised here either. do i have a motion and a second to approve this? >> so moved. >> second. >> all those in favor. >> aye. >> aye. >> all those opposed? none, contract is approved. thank you. and you're up next, alex. >> i'm up next. >> still with us. >> item 13, richmond renovation contract award.
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construction in the amount of 1738 and this is for work. we received two responsive bids on this advertisement and again, we're excited to have received this low bid from 3-d. again, a couple of attachments for review and images from concept phase. one of the last playgrounds. and in san francisco most in need of renovation. as a tier 2 site and at the time, the commission approved unanimously to en o vaiting all of the playgrounds. due to the high density of
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youth. they have the ability to make an impact on families and children who live near by. the project will provide play for tots and school age school completely renovating the restroom and upgrades at both playground entrances and 18th and 19th avenue. out growth and follows a theme of nature with climbing rock can a 16-foot tall grisly bear structure, it's going to be great. they received 3 bid proposal.
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the low bidder submitted a time to withdrawal their bid due to an accounting error examine the next was within a treaty, proposal was reviewed for conformance with the contract requirement and has met all the qualifications and contracting goals. note that because of the projects, it's been determined that this project is subject to the city wide pla and we'll be going through that process shortly with your approval. and with that, staff recommends that the commission approve the contract for the richmond playground renovation to 3-d construction. thank you again for your time. happy to answer any questions. >> thank you. >> do we have any public comment on item 13, come on up. >> come on up.
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>> speaker: good amonger, i'm dia young and i'm assistant project manager at sfpa san francisco parks. with me, some intern >> nice to meet you all. >> we're here to support the construction of the richmond playground and just a quick, i'm really sorry about your loss, this is like my first time attending commission meetings and thank you so much for making it so beautiful, with tears and laughter, i will remember this day. >> thank you. >> our organization, we have partnering with rvt for let's play for last couple of years.
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and your benefiting this initiative will benefit like 20,000 children living in san francisco. especially in their homes. it has been needed and definitely needing upgrades sorry. >> 30 seconds. >> accessibility of improvements. and i have lived in richmond for like over 3 years and as a landscape designer myself, i wishing this playground got improvements and more care and more love. i think with the proposed and upgraded restrooms and all
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furnishings will make this very beautiful. >> thank you, we appreciate your time. >> okay, is there any other public comment? in room 416. seeing none, public comment is closed. >> nobody wants to speak here, so do i have a first and a second on the staff recommendation to approve this award of the construction contractor on the richmond playground renovation. >> so moved. >> second. >> all those in favor, say aye. >> aye. >> any opposition? motion carries, this is unanimous. >> thank you. i want to express my condolence about your loss, i want makes me really proud to be a member of the rec and park family. >> thank you, alex.
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great job on both leading both projects, they're both and important. lincoln one is long time coming and it's going to make a significance difference. >> beautiful designs. >> so we can move quickly through the next several items. item 14 is general public comment for items not on today's agenda. is anybody here? none. and no public on the line. public comment is closed. we're now on item 15, commissioners matters, do you have any matters? >> i see none. >> and seeing no public comment on none of these matters, public comment is closed and we're at a 16 new business agenda setting. do you have any business? >> i see none. >> okay and seeing no public comment, public comment is closed. item 17, any public comment on item 17? seeing no public comment,
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public comment is closed. >> no public comment here. >> okay, item 18 adjournments. >> yes, about? >> after tonight with the port and the hand over the park i'm going to represent us at the randall museum because the executive director chris's retirement is tonight. so i've elected to go to that. thank you for representing, have a blast. >> great, i will see you there. i will be there at the back end after the mission creek event. thank you for attending, chris, that's wonderful. >> thank you for being everywhere, bonita. again. we're going to adjourn in the memory of larry, paul, and zion and paul. and i want to emphasize how we
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discussed people beginning their lives and people ending their lives and how much compassion there was. let us never forget these wonderful people. do i have a motion and second to adjourn. >> so moved. >> second. >> all those in favor, say aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> we are adjourned at 12:29 p.m. [adjourned]
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>> the stewardship program is a (indiscernible) based program. we work with student kind r garten through 12 grade and work with scrks fusd and (indiscernible) focus on 5 themes. sense of place, plant adapation and animal adaptation, water soil or (indiscernible) depending on the grade level and accommodations the class may need the educators work to adapt the programming to be whatever works best for the class, so they can gain activities (indiscernible) some don't, we try to meet students where they are at and get comfortable connecting in the space and feeling a sense of ownership and safety within their (indiscernible)
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>> the first component of a youth stewardship program trip will be a in clasds visit where we go to the school, we give a presentation on the natural history of san francisco, we talk about the concept of a habitat, so what does a habitat contain, understood, water, shelter, space. >> children at this age, they learn best through using their senses, having the real life experience and (indiscernible) students also learn about responsibility and it is a great message for student to learn, if you take care of environment, the environment will take care of you. >> so, when we finally get the kids outside, we have two main components to the field trips. one is going to be the
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restoration component where we are working on the habitat and parks by pulling out (indiscernible) or maybe watering, and then the other side of our trip is going to be the educational component, which can range from a nature walk with a sensory theme where we are talking about what we smell and hear, to a focus on plant adaptation and animal adaptations. >> (indiscernible) >> just a great opportunity for students to learn more, connect with nature, and hopefully what they learn from the youth stewardship program they can take with them for the rest of their lives, and they will appreciate their environment more. hopefully, when they appreciate it, they take care of it more every day. >> (indiscernible) >> so every year we
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open the application up in the fall. interested teachers can apply for a classroom visit and up to two field trips to the city park of their choice. field trips are 2 and a half hours long and like i said, they can happen in any city park (indiscernible) [♪♪♪] >> i just wanted to say a few words. one is to the parents and to all of the kids. thank you for supporting this program and for trusting us to create a soccer program in the bayview. >> soccer is the world's game,
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and everybody plays, but in the united states, this is a sport that struggles with access for certain communities. >> i coached basketball in a coached football for years, it is the same thing. it is about motivating kids and keeping them together, and giving them new opportunities. >> when the kids came out, they had no idea really what the game was. only one or two of them had played soccer before. we gave the kids very simple lessons every day and made sure that they had fun while they were doing it, and you really could see them evolve into a team over the course of the season. >> i think this is a great opportunity to be part of the community and be part of programs like this. >> i get to run around with my other teammates and pass the ball. >> this is new to me. i've always played basketball or football. i am adjusting to be a soccer mom. >> the bayview is like my favorite team. even though we lose it is still fine. >> right on. >> i have lots of favorite memories, but i think one of
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them is just watching the kids enjoy themselves. >> my favorite memory was just having fun and playing. >> bayview united will be in soccer camp all summer long. they are going to be at civic centre for two different weeklong sessions with america scores, then they will will have their own soccer camp later in the summer right here, and then they will be back on the pitch next fall. >> now we know a little bit more about soccer, we are learning more, and the kids are really enjoying the program. >> we want to be united in the bayview. that is why this was appropriate >> this guy is the limit. the kids are already athletic, you know, they just need to learn the game. we have some potential college-bound kids, definitely. >> today was the last practice of the season, and the sweetest moment was coming out here while , you know, we were setting up the barbecue and folding their uniforms, and looking out onto the field, and seven or eight of the kids were playing.
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>> this year we have first and second grade. we are going to expand to third, forth, and fifth grade next year bring them out and if you have middle school kids, we are starting a team for middle school. >> you know why? >> why? because we are? >> bayview united. >> that's right. >> good upon afternoon, everyone this meeting will come to order. welcome to the july 24 regular meeting of land use committee of the f
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