tv Commission on the Environment SFGTV September 6, 2023 10:00pm-11:36pm PDT
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commission members, please respond when i call your name commission aquino present committee commissioner. drew present commission. scott is absent. chair brackett present commissioner scott is absent, but all other members of the commission are present. madam chair, we have a quorum. please note that the commission has one vacant seat. the next order of business is item two announcements. a the next regular scheduled regularly scheduled meeting is scheduled on tuesday, september 19th, 2023
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at 1 p.m. b announcement of prohibition of sound producing electronic devices during the meeting. please be advised that the ringing of and use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. please be advised that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room of any persons responsible for the ringing of or use of a cell phone, pager or other similar sound producing electronic device. see announcement of a public comment during public comment procedures. please be advised a member of the public has up to three minutes to make pertinent public comments on each agenda item. unless the commission adopts a shorter period on any item during each public comment period, members of the public attending the meeting in person will have an opportune duty to provide their comments. it is strongly recommended that members of the public who wish to address the commission fill out a speaker card and submit the completed card to the commission. secretary three members of the public who are joining remotely will be instructed to follow the following instructions. dial.
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(415)!a655-0001 when prompted. enter the access code, which. is 26606726686. press the pound sign, then the pound sign again to enter the call. when prompted press star three to submit your request to speak. when you dial star three, you will hear the following message. you have raised your hand to ask a question. please wait to speak until the host calls on you. when you hear your line has been unmuted, this is your opportunity to provide your public comment. you will have three minutes. please speak clearly and slowly and you will be placed back on mute once you are done speaking, you can stay on the line and continue to listen to the meeting. you can also choose to hang up if you are planning to provide a public comment on any item on today's agenda. it is recommended that if you are joining remotely to call the public comment line ahead of time to allow you to listen to the meeting live and to prevent you from experiencing delays caused by streaming
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today's meeting. materials are available on our website at sf os-ii .org under commission. then the public meetings tab. the next order of business is item three report on actions taken at a previous closed session meeting. if any. there are no reportable actions. the next order of business is item four matters of unfinished business. there are no matters of unfinished business. next order of business is item five matters of new business consisting of consent and regular agenda. first is the consent agenda. item five a approval of minutes regular meetings of june 20th and august 15th, 2023. madam chair. madam secretary, do we have anyone from the public who would like to make a comment on the meeting? notes at this time? if there are any members of the public who wish to provide public comment on this item, if you're joining remotely, please . call (415)!a655-0001. enter access. code 26606726686.
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followed by the pound sign, then the pound sign again to enter the call. please press star then three to be placed in the queue. an automated voice will let you know when it is your turn. if you're already listening to us by phone, please press star three. if you would like to provide public comment, we'd like to begin by inviting anyone who joined here in person. and if you'd like to provide public comment, please come up to the podium at this time. if there are any members of the public joining us on webex or by phone , please press star three on your mobile devices. madam chair does not appear we have any members of the public wishing to comment at this time. hearing no further request for public comment, we will be closing public comment and i'll be moving over to my fellow commissioners to see if we can have a motion on these consent
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items. thank you. i'd like to make a motion to approve move consent agenda items a and b, commissioner, if i could make a correction. it's just a for both minutes. thank you. yeah, you're welcome. thank you for both meetings. and i second that. thank you. we have a first and second commissioners, please announce your vote when i call your name for item five. a commissioner aquino. hi, commissioner. drew i. commissioner scott is absent. chair brackett. yes, madam chair . the vote is three eyes, one absent, madam secretary, can you call the next item, please? the next is agenda item number five b electing a vice chair under section 25 of the successor agency bylaws. discussion and action. madam chair, fellow commissioners under section 25 of the agency bylaws regarding
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vacancies, should the office of the president or vice president become vacant, the members shall elect a successor from amongst its members at the next regular meeting of the commission, and such election shall be for the unexpired term of the said office and accordance with the agency's bylaws, we will be electing a vice chair. do we have any recommendations for vice chair? i do. i nominate dr. scott for vice chair. thank you . do we have any other nominations. seeing no further nominations, we'll close nominations since dr. scott is not here today. thor, would you like to comment? thank you, madam chair. first, i think you'll take public comment and then dr. scott can accept the nomination later. and between the next commission meeting, accept it, and we will seat her
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at that next commission meeting, which is currently scheduled to be september 19th. thank you, madam secretary, can you please call for public comment if there are any members of the public who wish to provide public comment remotely, please. call (415)!a655-0001 and enter access code. 26606726686. followed by the pound sign, then the pound sign again, please press star, then three to be placed in the queue. if you are already on the phone with us and would like to provide comment on this item, please press star three on your device is an and we'd like to invite any members of the public here in person to come up to the podium at this time. if you'd like to provide a public comment . and again for members of the public who joined us on webex or on on the phone, please press star three to provide your
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public comment. madam chair, we do not have any members wishing to provide a comment at this time. thank you, madam secretary. we'll now close public comment and could you please call the roll for the office of vice chair? commission members, please announce your vote when i call your name. commissioner brackett. oh, excuse me. sorry, commissioner drew, i. commissioner aquino. i and chair brackett. i commissioner scott is absent. madam chair, the vote is three eyes and one absent. um so at this moment, we have elected the vice chair of the commission as doctor carolyn scott. can you please call the next item? next is the regular agenda item five c, all authorizing the issuance of special tax bonds for redevelopment agency of the city
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and county of san francisco. community facilities. district number six mission bay south public improvements in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $130 million and approving and directing the execution of a fiscal agent agreement. a bond purchase agreement. one or more escrow deposit and trust agreements. the engagement of professionals and approval of other related documents and actions. mission bay south redevelopment project area discussion and action resolution number 27 dash 2023. director kozlowski, thank you, madam secretary. commissioners, members of the public. this bond item is related to a refunding initiative. mission bay project area. the goal of the refunding is to achieve cost savings from better rates and a better rating on this bond due to stronger values in the mission bay project area. to present this item as john daigle oci's debt manager. john.
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good afternoon, madam chair. commissioners executive director kozlowski. i might say first one thing about why we have a cfd and how that came to be since we have some new commissioners. so most of our financing we do with tax allocation bonds and they depend on the differential between what the assessed value is. when you start it versus what it grows to. as we construct things. well, in the beginning there is no assessed value. say in the case of, you know, mission bay south and there's really no resident. so the and as is often done you do a land based finance and so it's
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based on a special tax and sometimes there's only one owner which could be the developer or there are several there are several developers and they under the mello-roos act, are able to set up a, a community facilities district, which has a special tax which they vote to impose on themselves as landowners and which adheres to the property as it subdivides and so forth. so anyone buying into something that's later built is fully disclosed that they have this, you know, this cfd special tax lien on the property going forward. so that's why we have that. and then as as that gets the initial infrastructure set up, then we start going, you know, vertica cal and picking up some taxable value and some increment over the initial year. and then we can issue tax allocation bonds. so that's just a rough background. so john, can you just bring the mic a little
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closer to your mouth? i'm sorry. yeah, yeah. thank you. so the enabling authority for doing a refunding or any bond issuance of a community facilities district is the, is the mello-roos act and then we are also under dissolution law. we have. section 3477 5a1a and gen local government code applies to any refunding. so the purpose of the issuance of the refunding bonds is to refund the five bond issues, five separate bond issues that are currently outstanding under the under cfd six and there are two old ones, 2005 a and b, and then there was a combination refunding and new money deal done in 2013. so our
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aim would be to refund all five bonds and end up then with a single bond. the under current market conditions, the present value savings of this would be 17 million and that's present value savings. so over time that's quite a bit more. and the savings would be realized as a result of lower market rates, but also an anticipated rated credit rating increase because the assessed i'm sorry, appraised value, not assessed value in the case of cfds, but the appraised value is so much higher now than it was in 2013 that these would go from non rated to two investment grade and one step. we have primary preliminary indications that that that would be the case. so is it a quick sketch of the
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sources and uses and in this case it's fairly simple. the bond proceeds are the 124,000,000in change. there's also no the anticipate structure. these would be priced also with a premium. and that's that's something that's really dictated by the investors in other words, they'll often give us more present value if we give them a higher coupon, they pay extra for that, but we rely on our financial advisor to make sure that this is an optimal economic benefit to us. so it basically we're issuing a smaller amount in terms of net proceeds, but we're getting more money because we're selling them at a higher price. so that's what the premium is about. and then the other source is the debt service reserve funds, cash debt service reserve funds from
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the prior bonds. these are the monies that we're securing the prior bonds in case of our some inability to make payments so that money transfers over and gets thrown into this deal. so those are the sources. and then the uses are, first of all, the escrow deposit it. and one of the things you're approving is the escrow agreement for the new deal. so until the call date comes up and we anticipate the call on february 1st, this deal will close this bond issuance will close sometime before that, it could be up inside of 90 days. the money will sit in the escrow just as in any escrow account. and then there's also $12 million in reserve fund anticipated for the for the new transaction. and then there's the cost of issuance of the various costs that go into putting the deal together. and
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then the underwriter discount, which is the money that the underwriter makes, basically, it's the difference between. what they pay us and what they're able to sell the bonds for. and that's a negotiated with the help of our financial advisor. and again, the final amount will be will be final ized as we approach the date. market conditions can change the whole premium concept could go away. for instance, we could issue a higher bond amount. it just depends on what what will get us the best, most advantageous structure. so. today's pro our actions basically approve of these three fundamental documents as the fiscal agent agreement is with
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the computershare, as a computershare, any they are basically the successor or the purchaser of wells fargo trust and wells fargo is the trustee for the previous bonds or the fiscal agent, i should say, for the previous bonds. and what their role, of course, is very big. after the closing, their role is complete. we they they pay the bondholders, we pay them. and basically they handle the they handle the closing. so on the day of the closing, we give them the bonds. we actually give them physical paper bonds. they hold that on the day of closing and they receive the money to purchase the bonds and then they deliver the bonds. so that's their first thing. then they make the wire to the escrow to fully fund the escrow. and then they'll also pay as much of the cost of issuance as we have
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invoices for on that day. they'll maintain the cost of issuance account until we pay everything, because some things may come in later. so the escrow deposit, i think, is, is pretty clear. that's as i described. that's where the money goes to call the bonds and it sits there until the call date. and then there's the bond purchase agreement, which is a contract between us and the underwriter who we are selling the bonds to. we're not selling them to investors. we sell them to the underwriter. they in turn sell them to the investors. and the bond purchase agreement sort of defines all the aspects of that of that transaction.
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in this page. basically outlines the things i just outlined. an and also gives a the true interest cost of the bonds and the underwriters discount terms of percentages. so. the key relationship i would say that you're approving today is our hiring of a underwriters who are the counterparties to the bond purchase agreement. we issued an rfp to the entire city and county of san francisco underwriter panel and received six responses a little bit less than usual because of the this is a land based finance and a lot of companies don't a lot of underwriters don't specialize in
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that. so they don't bother to respond. but six responses is quite good and we selected for lead underwriter stifel nicholas and company and we have representing stifel we have tom jacobs today an ad online we have dennis maguire from um piper sandler as co-manager. we felt that piper would be at a significant at marketing whack and fill somewhat different niche. so we think it's a great team. we've worked with both quite a bit in the past. it's been a while for piper, but they've always done a great job for us. so next steps we'll go to the oversight board next week and as soon as the next day we
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would send the oversight board off to action, off to department of finance for their approval. so we expect, whether it's a 65 day turnaround or required of the off, we expect it not to take that long because this is a fairly simple thing for them. and but if but it would be no later than november 16th. in any case. and we could go to market right after that. but we expect to get it. well before then, october 17th, we hope to come back to commission to consider the offering statement, the preliminary official statement and other final actions to that are necessary for the issuance is late october. we would do the bond pricing and unless unless we get if we get really quick
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approval, we might accelerate this some. if we got a fast turnaround from doff. but assuming the october the october 17th meeting, we'd be in in the market pretty soon after that and then closing in early november, usually we close 2 to 3 weeks after pricing. so would . invite any questions or do we open it up for public comment first. thank you, john, for that excellent presentation. madam secretary, can you please call for public comment at this time? members of the public who wish to provide public comment on this item, please. call (415)!a655-0001. enter access.
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code 26606726686. press the pound sign and then the pound sign again to enter the call. then press star three to be placed in the queue. if you're already listening to us by phone , please press star three. if you would like to provide public comment if you are here joining us in the room and you'd like to provide public comment, please come up to the podium at this time. and again for members who have joined us remotely, please press star three on your mobile devices. if you'd like to provide comments. madam chair does not appear we have any members of the public wishing to comment on this item at this time. hearing no further requests from the public to comment on this item, we will close public comment and i'll move it over to my fellow commissioners. if you have any questions or comments, go ahead . uh, first of all, thank you, mr. daigle, for the
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presentation. really appreciate you and staff looking for ways to save money for the public in this case. the reissuance. i was hoping the memo briefly touches on a change of direction regarding approval of the oversight board and itself. i was hoping you could expand on why that approval is required for a community facilities district debt issuance. mr. daigle through the chair. commissioner drew, if i could have general counsel morales address that. thank you. that'd be great. thank you. members of the commission. i'm sorry. sorry. hello? okay. um, we have had a review in the past at our cfd funding matters, but at the last time was in 2014. and at
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that time they indicated that the agency, in approving the cfd bonds, was acting under the mello-roos act with separate authority. and indicated that they did not have jurisdiction under the dissolution law. and so we've assumed that was the state of affairs since that time and we have treated our cfd expenditures on an annual basis, which relate to debt service and other matters. as for which we have cfd funds, we have used those separately and not reported them to doff. they don't appear on our wraps and so this refunding in doing some due diligence by a bond counsel, we got a contrary opinion from counsel for the department of finance that in fact oversight board and doff should review and approve this. so we in the
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interest of moving the refunding forward, but at the same time trying to preserve our arguments if there's a forum for us to do so, have framed the issues in the resolution and with the oversight board, which will consider this matter next week in a way that it talks about how cfd is an independent action of the successor agency. but at the same time acquiesce, if you will, to review. and we're hopeful that that will expedite matters and that will get some clarification. um, but the final point is in reviewing these bonds and refunding the cfd, we're not acting under dissolution law, we're acting under the mello-roos act, which is a separate authority. and the commission, although the commission is the governing body for the cfd, it acts in a
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different capacity when it approves or reviews cfd matters . thank you. i appreciate kind of preserving the option to explore more whether or not the doff and oversight board oversight is required of these actions because it does seem outside of the scope of dissolution law. so thank you for charting a path forward that also preserves that ability to go back and reexamine that determination in. i do. thank you. good afternoon. thank you. mr. daigle, for that presentation. i just would like a riff fresher or better understanding if you can explain a bit what the fiscal agreement act does does with this project . was the first thing the first
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thing it does, the first thing the fiscal agent does is basically clear the trans action. so on the day of closing , we have a pre closing. we line up all the documents that end up in a transcript at about this thick. it gets all lined up. all the signatures are accounted for and so forth. that includes the actual bonds or actually paper bonds that are that are signed at. and they're prepared by our bond counsel and people go off with the boxes. you know, the different they're multiple copies of everything because it will be multiple transcripts. and then so at that point, the fiscal agent basically takes the bonds back to their facility and then the next morning, the closing takes place. and it has there's a fairly narrow window. so and there's a conference call and at that time, the underwriter is on the call and so is the fiscal agent and so is
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a dtc, which is the maintains basically records of all registered bonds and us. and they the they'll acknowledge the receipt of the funds and then the. i'm sorry the funds will get released when the trustee acknowledge charges that they've received the bonds and then the bonds will get delivered to the and so forth. that so that's the clear of the transaction. and then they fund the various send the money where it belongs and keep the money that they're supposed to keep, which is the cost of issuance that remains any balance for like typically six months in case you have late, late invoices come in and then also they will hold the cash debt service reserve in an account. after that, they will we will send our debt service
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payments to the trustee. they will hold them until the payment date and then they will pay the bondholders typically through dtc. again, they're the nominal holder and they clear all that stuff. so you know, basically it and they're there until the end of the until the last maturity. is there. they have a bunch of responsibilities, as you know, if, for instance if we are if we don't send our debt service on time, that's it's up to them then to either declare and to declare an event of default, perhaps, and draw from the debt service reserve and there are a bunch of things that click in in terms of their responsibilities at that point, all sorts of contingencies are covered. um, but does that. yes so and all of this takes place within six months. is that what you're
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saying? no, no, no. they will be they will be around until the last bond is paid off. until the when? i'm sorry. until the last bond is paid. okay because they're handling every single debt service payment. we're making debt service payments. we're making interest payments in february, and we're making principal and interest payments in august. and that will go on and until the bonds are paid off , okay, like 2043 or something. so in the meantime, we will be paying the fiscal agent for their services. usually it's in the order of 15 to 2000 odd a year. now now that answers thank you. that helps a lot. i appreciate that. sure commissioner, if i may, through the chair and mr. daigle, also, there's a flurry of activity, as you demonstrated in your schedule at the actual refunding cycle where the bond fund, the new bonds are sold and the old bonds are retired, and then the debt service processes you just described happens essentially on
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a semiannual basis for the term of the bond, some of them being out 30 years. so the fiscal agent agreement is in place for the term of each one of those bonds, is that correct? yeah, exactly. exactly. and the fiscal agent in this case is the same as the fiscal agent for the old bonds. remember, it was wells fargo, but computershare acquired their trustee business . and that that's the way it's almost always done because it's just so much cleaner. they'll have the escrow and they have the old bonds and they take care of everything in house. we also have if there we're not locked in technically we can always replace a fiscal agent for any reason. essentially down the road. so it's not like they own the business just that it's just a much more efficient way to handle all the complex flows involved in this kind of a transaction. so thank you again . um, i just have one quick question. i'm seeing that the us economy is probably going to have another difficult fourth
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quarter at and there's talks about the feds potentially raising interest rates again, how how may this impact this refunding cycle or bond issuance ? et cetera. et cetera. well. we basically we have a sort of a rule of thumb on the refunding that we have to realize, and this is a rule of thumb, it's not, but it's in our you know, in our debt policy, our rule of thumb is 3. if we have 3% of present value savings, we can, you know, proceed and we could proceed with less than that if there was, you know, another reason to do so. so from my point of view, from decision making, that that's sort of the you know, that's sort of a not a hard line, but that's definitely a line if it approaches that and if. if it's at 5, we're not going to hold out for 6. for instance, because it's really not our business as a public.
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you know, entity to be speculating, you know, on the direction of interest rates as far as what is likely to happen with with general interest rates. i mean. it's hard to say. you know, it's a volatile time. and it's not only it's not only where the treasury rates are because you've made a reference to the fed and they certainly influenced general rates. but then there's also the spread between that and the municipal market, which is which is can vary quite a bit. and then that just depends on investor cash flows and i guess that's where i leave it. i can certainly call on our financial adviser to get into any more depth. if you need more. madam chair, if i may, is it correct, mr. daigle, that these bonds are not variable interest rates? pardon me that the interest rates on the bonds, are they variable? no, they're
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fixed. no, they're always fixed. yeah we had one variable rate bond. the cfd for bond, and we call all those, which is a good thing in my opinion, because we'd be paying a lot of interest . now. i know they've our bonds have performed really well in the past and stuff like that and the types of return. i think at the last presentation you said it was something like 7% or something like, yeah, yeah. so it's pretty high return. yeah i'm seeing no further questions . do i have a motion from one of my fellow commissioners. you go ahead. i'd like to make a motion to approve item five b on the calendar. oh, no. see, i've got my numbers all wrong. i shouldn't be making motions. sorry thanks. okay. what happens . do you want me to do it? i
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think i did it. yes. oh i. i second that. madam secretary, can you please call roll? commissioners please announce your vote for item five c when i call your name. commissioner aquino. hi, commissioner. drew high commissioner scott is absent. commissioner brackett. madam chair, the vote is three eyes. one absent the motion carries. madam secretary, can you please call the next item? next is agenda item number five d conditionally authorizing the conversion of 75 off street residential parking spaces in an adding five new parking spaces to an existing building. containing 313 parking spaces. at 185 channel street, rms block two to provide 30 short term commercial spaces, 30 commercial valet parking spaces and 20 off site below market rate residential parking spaces, and
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approving a second amendment to the basic concept schematic design for mission based south block two mission based south redevelop project area discussion and action resolution number 28 dash 2023. director kozlowski. thank you, madam secretary. commissioners members of the public. this is an item for mission bay. it's the conversion proposal is conversion of a portion of their on site residential parking in a parking garage on block two. this item was last heard by this commission on june 20th, prompted a lot of discussion and questions that we've been working with the owner there who is proposing this. udr two adjust that proposal and we hope we've addressed all the commission's questions and concerns. and to present this is gretchen heckman, development specialist. thank you, gretchen . thank you. director kozlowski . good afternoon, chair brackett
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commissioners drew and aquino executive director kozlowski and general counsel morales as director kozlowski mentioned, i'm gretchen heckman. i'm a development specialist on the mission bay team at oci. so as you initially heard at our june 20th meeting, the item before you is regarding a partial conversion of residential parking uses within an existing garage at mission bay, south block 2 or 185 channel street. the property is outlined in red on this map and as you can see, it's located on fourth street between channel and longbridge streets. the site includes 315 for rent residential units, ground floor retail and slightly less than a one for one parking ratio for the 315 apartment units on site. the action before you today is to amend the original design approvals. the basic concept schematic design for the project in order to conditionally authorize the conversion of 75 residential parking spaces to short term
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commercial metered spaces, valet parking and offsite below market rate residential parking plus the addition of five valet spaces in a drive aisle. this would represent a total of 80 spaces as director kozlowski mentioned, the owner of this property has a revised proposal based on feedback from commissioners as short term commercial. metered parking has been reduced from 30 spaces to 30 spaces from 34 spaces. so a slight reduction in the number of spaces for short term commercial metered parking, 30 spaces to be leased to luma hotel for valet services remains unchanged from june, and the bmr spaces to be leased to two residents of affordable housing buildings and mission based south have increased from 10 to 20 and inaccessible space has been added to this parking category. so this again represents a total of 80 converted or added spaces here is a diagram of the first floor
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of the garage where the conversion will take place. the doors of the garage will be open for public access from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. and the second floor of the garage, which is not shown here, will be dedicated to on site residential parking. here is the building owner's revised rate sheet proposal for the 30 short term commercial spaces. as with this approval, may charge up to the current maximum hourly rate at sfmta moscone center garage, which is located on third street. in between folsom and howard streets in soma, pricing for shorter durations will be set in increments of 15 minutes, which, for example, should allow a patron, a patron , to add some time to their meter if they are running later than expected. without having to pay for a full additional hour. the pricing for longer durations is based off the hourly rate and is in line with the planning codes. pricing tiers for parking would like to allow for 30
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minutes of free parking. so as to deter patrons from parking in the gus's spaces while running short errands. oci expects these short term metered spaces to benefit businesses on fourth street by providing parking for visitors and clientele. so this part of the proposal, along with the spaces, has remained unchanged from the last time the item was brought before you. so i'll move through the next two slides fairly quickly. members of the public will use the pay by phone smartphone app to book and purchase time for the short term metered commercial spaces and the garage will have various controls listed on the slide to prevent the spaces from being used for parking for special events. again, this part of the proposal remains the same. from june, the valet spaces are 30 in total and will initially be leased to luma hotel. the 20
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below market rate spaces in proposal represent a third of the 60 nonresidential spaces proposed for the parking garage. these will be available to residents of oci sponsored affordable housing buildings and mission based south. the parking for these spaces in accordance with the mayor's office of housing and community development policy, will vary by household income and are shown in the table on this slide based on staff's analysis. the majority of residents in mission based south fall into the 55% area. median income bracket and would thus pay $100 a month for parking logistics for the below market rate. parking will be agreed upon by oci. the building owner, its parking operator, and the affordable housing building staff, and will include the creation of an interested parties list. the allocation of spaces through a public lottery process, thus the creation of a waitlist from the interested parties list and any other policies that are needed to sink the standard parking license agreements in terms of with those of the affordable properties as. staff is
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recommending that this items approval with conditions related to policies that prevent the use of metered spaces for special events, parking controls around pricing of the short term commercial metered spaces and annual compliance statement policies regarding below market rate spaces and the approval of signage for the garage, which if the commission approves this item, next steps by staff will include the creation of a signage plan for the space and continue discussions between the building owner, udr, the building owner, udr, oci staff and affordable housing owner representative to solidify logistics for the below market rate spaces with an end of october target deadline for the use of those spaces dependent on permitting timelines. so this concludes the presentation for this item and i can answer any questions the commission may have. also in attendance today for questions are megan jennings
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land use council representing udr. derek bird, district manager at udr. amy matabuena the project manager for luma hotel. jose campos, manager of design review and planning for oci, and pam sims, senior development specialist in the housing group at oci. thank you, megan, for that presentation. jamie, can you please call for public comment at this time? members of the public who wish to provide public comment on this item, please call (415)!a655-0001 and two access. code 26606726686, followed by the pound sign and the pound sign again, to enter the call, please press star then three to be placed in the queue. if you are already listening to us by phone, please press star three to be placed in the queue and we'd like to invite everyone who are participating in person. if you'd like to provide public comment, please come up to the podium at this time to provide
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your public comment. and again, for members who have joined us remotely, if you'd like to provide your public comment, please press star three on your mobile device. as. madam chair does not appear we have any members of the public wishing to comment at this time, seeing there are no other request for public comment. i'm going to close public comment and open it up to my fellow commissioners for questions or comments. i have no. yeah, i'd really like to i'd like to commend staff for and the property owner for considering the comments from this commission last time. i really appreciate the increase in spaces that will be dedicated to bmr owners. a significant
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increase from from 10 to 20. so thank you for going back and looking at that. i also appreciate a reference to sfmta's rates as how the commission is proposing or how the agency is proposing to go about looking at what reasonable market rates are. i don't think it's appropriate purview of this commission to be determining hourly parking rates. so i think deferring to our other city agencies that have expertise in that area makes makes a lot of sense. so thank you for taking our comments into account and coming back with a new proposal . i'd like to also know kind of support that sentiment. and just really, though, kudos out there to the whole team for working together. i know it's been kind of a lengthy process to go through this this is a new item for the commission and a new kind of subject to be taking up by this commission. so i really appreciate your patience as well
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as gus and all of our other partners as mo hcd, as well as all of the work you've been doing, gretchen, to bring this proposal forward and make sure that all of our commissioners understand what role we're taking in this. and, you know, also adding in the protection for the community. we really appreciate that. and just want to say you guys did an outstanding job and this is a testament to what oci can do as we partner with developers and community to make sure that we have a solution that works for everyone, especially our small businesses who right now need that type of support. and so also want to give a big shout out to udr for really looking out for the hotel as well as gus and some of the other restaurants that are looking for parking because that area is really is not a lot of parking for people. so just want to say thank you for that. and also executive director kozlowski for , you know, spending time and jim morales as well, trying to figure out the logistics and legality behind these changes. so without saying anything
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further, do i have a motion from one of my fellow commissioners on this item? i'll motion in to approve, oh, actually, before you do the motion, i did have one question. i'm sorry. it's a question for pam. so in this proposal, i know that it's going to be like kind of like a new application process, but i was just wondering, is there any way that because i know that the list that we have have some people have been waiting for a really long time on those lists. is there any way that that hcd might be able to send set some kind of tiered preference in the application so that we're honoring some of the people who've been waiting the longest for parking? well, what we'll thank you, president brackett. what we're going to do is we're
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going to if people are interested and in these spaces, as we're talking to each of the property managers and those individuals that are on the current wait lists, they'll be added automatically to the lottery. so so and there might be other people who are also interested that aren't on the list. so we are going to include them and make sure they have an opportunity for these bmr spaces . thank you so much for that. that was all i had. thank you. and i. motion to approve five d condition authorizing the conversion of 75 off street residential parking spaces in and adding five new parking spaces to an existing building containing three one and three parking spaces at 185 channel street. i don't know if i need
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to read the whole thing, but i approve that. i second. madam secretary, can you please call the votes? commission members, please announce your vote for item five d when i call your name commissioner aquino, i commissioner drew i commission scott is absent. chair brackett i madam chair, the vote is three eyes, one absent. madam secretary, can you please call the next item? the next order of business is item six public comment on non agenda items. madam chair. madam secretary, do we have anyone from the public who would like to comment on right at this moment, at this time, if there are any members of the public who wishes to provide public comment on non agenda items, please. call (415)!a655-0001. enter access. code 26606726686. press the pound sign, then the pound sign
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again to enter the call, then press star, then three to be placed in the queue. if you are already listening to us by phone, please press star three. if you'd like to, if you'd like to join the queue. and for any members who are attending in person and here in person and would like to provide public comment, please come up to the podium at this time and provide your public comment. and again, for members who have joined us remotely, please press star three on your mobile devices. if you'd like to provide public comment on non agenda items. madam chair, we do not have any members of the public wishing to comment on this item at this time. hearing no further requests to speak on this item, i'll close public comment. madam secretary, please call the next item. the next order of business is item seven report of the
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chair. madam chair. i don't have a report at this time. please call the next item. the next order of business is item eight report of the executive director for item eight a is notice of intent to issue a request for proposals for landscape maintenance and related services at community facilities. district number one rincon point, south beach redevelopment project area discussion director kozlowski, thank you, madam secretary. members of the commission, members of the public. you had just heard an item about a community facilities, district bonds. and this is related to maintenance in a community facilities district area. it's in the former recon point south beach redevelopment project area. and this item is to inform the commission about an offering of an opportunity to do business with oci. the business opportunity is to work on the maintenance of streets, sidewalks and small open space
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areas in cfd one, as i mentioned , it's in the former recon point south beach redevelopment project area, which are geographically somewhat separate . but in the areas between the bay bridge and the giants ballpark, the areas of the work, the public areas around the housing along the embarcadero between second street and beale street, the redevelopment project area expired in 2021, but as the cfd one administrator, we're still responsible for maintenance of these features and so last time in 2017, oci issued an rfp for this contract and selected forrester and kroger, who's a minority owned small business enterprise, or sba. the contract had an initial term of three years with a three year option to extend, and that current contract expires october 31st. that's why we're releasing this request for proposals and we'll be seeking similar services on a similar term with a three year initial term and a three year option to extend. and i'll pause here for comment and feedback.
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madam secretary, do we have anyone from the public who wishes to provide a public comment at this time? if there are any members of the public who wishes to provide public comment on item eight a, please call. (415)!a655-0001 and two access. code 2266067266864 followed by the pound sign. then the pound sign again to enter the call. please press star then three to be placed in the queue. if you're already listening to us by phone, please press star three to submit your public comment request. if you are joining us in person and would like to provide public comment, please come up to the podium at this time. and as a reminder to members of the public who joined us remotely, please press star three if you would like to provide comments on item eight a madam chair, it does not appear
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we have any members of the public who wishes to provide public comment. hearing no further requests to speak on this item, i'll close public comment. and director koslowski, would you like to continue a report? absolutely. and commissioners, i just want to recognize, was there a i did have a question on the rfp issuance, given the redevelopment project area expired in 2021, what are plans to transfer ongoing obligations to the city as we've done in other project areas? or are there plans for. thank you, commissioner drew. currently there aren't any plans. we want to study that as we reset this new maintenance contract. they will have a few years to work on the transition of that. the cfds in general as a transition are a strategy that we need to develop a little bit further. we'd love to update you by the time of our next budget presentation on cfds . i can add to that. thank you. go ahead, commissioner.
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commissioners as we've explored this in the past because we have several cfd obligations, several cfds in effect, there is no authorization under the mello-roos act to transfer the administration of a cfd to another governmental body. and so our conclusion was that in order to do that, let's say to the city, we would have to go back to the electors, the owners, the residents of the cfd and get a two thirds vote to change the cfd administration, which is not really feasible. and so absent state legislation that might authorize a transfer under these circumstances where essentially stuck with the cfd responsibilities, if you will, and we'll continue to pursue those obligations. and perform
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as best we can. okay got it. and just for my own understanding, so the rec park, o&m obligation or not obligations, but rec park recently took on some maintenance use of mission bay parks that were funding effectively rec park to do that and maintaining our obligations as cfd administrator. yes. here we're choosing to issue an rfp and directly contract for those services with a third, third party. well that's a good question. yeah, we haven't considered use using, although it's not precluded the city from performing the services. this is a much smaller area and it's not parks per se, it's more plazas and landscape in the area. whereas mission bay of course was a rather significant and is a significant open space network of parks and other aspects. so
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yes, in mission bay, we retain our cfd authority to fund our obligation to fund and have chosen the city here for nothing precludes the city but at this point, we believe it's more appropriate probably to have a private contractor perform those functions. but it's still an open question. and commissioner, if i could add one more detail. the rec park department as a general policy doesn't maintain non park plazas. streets but these feel more like plazas and streets and small open spaces don't feel like parks, so they generally don't do that. and we've had a lot of discussions in mission bay about that and mission bay, they don't do that. those streets are maintained by the department of public works. so a potential option is to have the department of public works maintain these areas, but they are very small department of public works costs are higher than the private contracting
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that we've been using. so at this point, we've been proceeding the way that we're doing, as jim said, kind of making the best out of the circumstances. but we continue to explore that question. that's definitely our wind down mandate to, you know, push off these responsibilities to others. thank you. and i wanted to just acknowledge the work of maury munson, a senior development specialist with the agency, and aaron foxworthy, deputy general counsel who worked on the cfd. one item here in the audience. so i just wanted to acknowledge the work pico from contra compliance, who's here as well in the audience. so that was that was the other the first item, the second item i wanted to update you on was replacement housing. i briefed the commission on this many times, but i wanted to continue to keep you updated with information for the listening public. senator wiener introduced sb 593, which authorized the replacement of housing demolished in the urban renewal days, approximately 6000
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units left since 2012. he introduced that in 2023. in february. in the past, the senate committees and the full senate, we also passed through the assembly committees structure. and we're waiting for a full assembly vote. we need to have that by mid september. senator wiener has continued to promote this, an awareness of this in the media with different interviews with the san francisco chronicle, kron four tv, kqed and bloomberg right now there are legislative modifications being considered that have been proposed by the department of finance as they have an oversight board excuse me, oversight role for successor agencies throughout california. the legislation must be finalized by this thursday. that's the last day for amendments for a full vote in the assembly. in a confirmation vote in the senate again, by september 14th, we think we're on track for that. we're crossing our fingers. but if that does happen, which is still still yet to happen, the next
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step would be the governor's desk for signature and then he would have up to 30 days to sign the legislation or veto it. and that would be october 14th. so that's the status of the legislation. and every time i provide this update to the commission, i just want to acknowledge everybody who worked on this mighty scott from freedom west homes. dr. veronica hunnicutt from the hunters point shipyard. cac our team here at oci, jim morales, elizabeth columella, rosa torres, john daigle and mina, you. i also want to especially thank the mayor, mayor london breed who initiated this with her legislative support. she was willing to take on the political challenge in furtherance of the goal of expediting production and bringing critical, affordable housing resources to san francisco. and senator wiener, of course, who took that call and had been relentlessly pushing this through the legislation, through this process and pursuit of housing justice as we are. so we want to thank them and that closes my report. thank you. madam chair.
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can you call the next item, please? the next order of business is item nine. commissioners questions and matters. madam chair. commissioners, do you have any questions or matters? i do have one announcement to make on all august 17th. both myself. if commissioner scott, as well as director kozlowski attend the capstone ceremony training program for oci, that maria peacock currently has been overseeing, along with her team and george. and it was just a pleasant day to see a lot of the trainees who not only was this their first year seeing some who came back for a second year and seeing their growth professionally as well as some of their aspirations, and it was
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just very touching to hear from some of the graduates how this exposure made them want to go into architecture and engineer and planning and so forth. so it's really amazing event. very well attended. it was a packed house and also a lot of great feedback as well from some of our developer partners and our construction partners who are willing to double down and potentially have more participants next year. so just wanted to really give a big shout out to that team for creating a pipeline of future potential oci employees as we do. and then also we have commissioner keno would like to make. yes, i just want to share that last wednesday, director thor kozlowski, an and commissioner honor scott. dr. scott, we attended the hunters
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point walking tour. it's exciting to hear the development that will be taking place there and the work that still is yet happening and that continues to improve. the hunters point area as it's a beautiful place and i'm just excited to hear that things are moving forward in that community. thank you. if i may, through the chair. yes. commissioner kino, thank you for coming in. commissioner drew and chair brackett, you guys have come to other tours. dr. scott came. i want to thank leila hussein, the senior project manager who put together that tour. she's amazing and knows that project very well. and as you can see, it's not only is it stunning, but the potential is incredible. and so. absolutely. yeah. thank you. yes, agreed. okay. seeing no further comments from my fellow commissioner.
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madam secretary, can you call the next item, please? sure. the next order of business is item ten closed session. there are no closed session items next order of business is item 11 adjournment. madam chair, fellow commissioners, we need a motion and a second to either adjourn or stay here longer. i'll let you move. i think i can successfully make a motion to adjourn and i second that the meeting has been adjourned at 2:06 p.m.
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>> you are watching san francisco rising with chris manner. today's special guest is carla short. >> hi, i'm chris manner and you are watching san francisco rising the show about restarting rebuilding and reimagining the city. our guest is carla short the intric director of public works and here to talk about the storms we had and much more. welcome to the show. >> thank you for having me. >> great to have you. let's start by talking about the storms that started beginning of the year. there fsh a lot of clean up recovery
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and remediation. can you talk about what your team did? >> sure. the 17 inches of rain we got starting on new year's eve through the first 2 and a half weeks of january made it one of the wettest periods in recorded history for san francisco, so as you imagine we had a lot of work to do. we gave out more then 31 thousand sand bags, we were operating all most non stop from new year's eve to san francisco residents and businesses out of our operation yard and frequently working thin rain so it was a beautiful dance to watch. we had a corio graphed where people drive in the stop and load with san dags and get on it way so thats was the most visible thij weez had to do. responded to all most a thousand calls for localized flooding for the corner of the street with catch basin. our team trying to address
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that. we clear and pick up anything to block and it hopefully get the flooding to go down. if we are able to respond we call in the san francisco pub utility system and are responsible for the sewer system under so they bring ing vack trucks that vacuum out debris inside the catch basin. we also dealt with lots and lots of calls about trees and tree limbs down. i think we actually faired better then some other places in terms of loss of full trees. we did have whole tree failures and that is not that uncumin with super satch waited soil conditions. we had over 950 calls about trees or tree limbs down. a lot of calls were about loss of a limb and we could save the tree. we are still assessing the data to figure how many were full tree failures versus limb failure. >> also had land movement too. the great highway comes to mind. what is your approach to
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managing rock mud and land slides? >> that is a great question. we had 28 different slides over the course of that period. it is kind of a interesting process, so the first step is we have our geotechnical or structural engineers take a look to see is the hillside safe, do we need to stabilize it in some way or just need to do some cleanup? once they made their assessment they will recommend the next steps. often times to protect public safety we will place k rails the giant concrete rails at the base omthe slide area to make sure that any debris doesn't get on the edroway and bring ing the heavy equipment to scoop up on the ground and move off the roadway and try to open the roadway. some cases, we will actually inject some rocks or other stabilizing forces either into the slide area or sometimes below the roadway. right now there is
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nothing that's unstable out there but be are keeping a close eye on the areas including the gray highway area. >> right, right. well, so talking about the storms in the city response, brings us to southeast community scepter when there is rain remediation projects going on. can you talk about the inconstruction project kblrks that is a favorite project. a beautiful new community facility. we were involved in pretty much every aspect of developing that project for the public utility commission. they were a client. we design project management and construction management and the landscape design for that project. and one thing that we included was storm water management throughout the entire project site. so, that project encapturealize the rain water that lands on the roof and flows into the
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landscape where we have rain gardens so intent is slow the water down to and give areas to collect to percolate into the ground rather then the sewer system. when we have sewers that are overloaded, because our rain water mixes with the sewer treatment storm sewer system, we actually can end up dist charging into the bay which we dont want to do. anything we can do to just prevent those combined sewers from overpm loaded is a good thing and in this case allows the water to collect onsite and percolate to the ground which is the best way to manage the storm water and it is beautiful and provides habitat. i encourage everybody to see it. it is special place. >> that's great. there was recently news about how city (indiscernible) powered by steam, which is super unusual i think. i understand public works ablgtually does the maintenance
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on the system. can you just talk about that a bit? >> sure. that is a unusual situation. that steam loop was actually built when the city was recovering from the 1906 earthquake. it only provides to steam about 4 buildings in civic center but that is how we keep buildings like city hall warm. the steam goes into the radiators and provides the heat. it is a old system and if you see steam billowing out of the man holes or other spaces, that is indication of a leak actually. we spend a lot of time trying to fix the leaks because it's a old system. it is managed by the real estate department and at one point they were looking trying to replace the whole thing but think that is a massive undertaking so now they focus on making as needed repair said. we did a big
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repair on growth street where we spent a month and a half working on the known leaks s in the area. it is a very tight spot and have to use blow torches to seal up the leak so a intense operation and seeing more leaks on polk street so we will be out there once it warms up to fix the leaks. >> excellent. let's discuss what is the reunifiquation of public works. there fsh a proposal or plan to split off the division, called the street and sanitation. now that has been shelved and public works is going to just retain being a single entity. can you talk through the process? >> sure. yeah. the original proposal was a ballot measure voted on to split the department into 2. it basically create the department of sanitation and streets that was really going to incompass all our operation divisions so it was a street
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cleaning department but encompass everything we refer to as operations. when we worked preparing for that split with the city administrator office, we found there were actually 91 what we call touch points between the operations work and our engineering and architecture side, so we really felt like it could be very difficult to split into two departments. we have so many areas of overlap. there was a new ballot measure last november to reunit the department. technically we split october one and did split in some ways. we did put on hold some of the behind the scenes things like rebranding all the vehicle jz giving everyone a new e-mail address in the sanitation and streets department, but on january 1 of 2023 we came back together so we are reunited i want sing the peaches and purb song
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and think it is a good thing for the 91 areas of overlap. we making #2c3w50d use of the research. preparing for the split. looking at all the touch points and trying to strengthen the department so we are more streamlined and efficient. one of the most important component from the original ballot measure is commission oversight. we retained two commissions, the public works commission which oversee the over-all department and approve the budget and contracts. and sanitation and street commission and their mandate focus on policy and deliverable for street cleaning and basically the operation division. reporting to them regularly how we are doing, we think will help make sure we are as efficient and effective as we can be as a department. >> that sounds great. thank you so much for coming and talking to me today and appreciate the time you have given.
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>> thank you so much for having me. it was a pleasure. >> that is it for this episode. you are watching san francisco rising. [music] my name is husheem anderson a lieutenant with the san francisco fire department born and raised in san francisco, grew up in western addition. both my parents worked for the city. my dad was a custodian with san francisco school district and mom a muni driver. when i grew up in san francisco i never thought of the fire service as a career. not because i didn't want to be a firefighter, i just didn't know anything about it and it was literally the experience of trying to figure what i was going to do with the next part of my life where i decided to go to city college and take a
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couple classes. that is when i discovered there was actually a fire science program program emt program and paramedic program. if it wasn't for that opportunity to get the education training and meet several mentors that are some of my grood friends today, i don't think i ever would are have pursued this career. i was interested in becoming a paramedic so i did work experience at the ems division when it was actually in the presidio, completed that program, did my paramedic internship at the same time i volunteered with san francisco fire reserve and able to learn a lot of hands on skills associated with becoming a firefighter. san francisco went through a period of 7 years without hiring, so we hired about a 130 people off of the 2001 test which is the first fire test that and ever sat for, so i took
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that test, did pretty well on it test, interviewed, didn't do as well as i liked so they hired 130 people off that list and didn't hire again for another 7 years, so here i was training to do a job where i was really excited, but there were no jobs after 911 so things slowed down and once the fire department started hiring again i was in the second class hired full time in 2012. because of the experience i had here at city college, it was always really important for me to be able to give back. so, when i got to the fire department, i didn't have a college degree, and in order to teach at a community college you need a college degree, so quhile i while working as a firefighter i got my degree from saint mary college so i got a bachelor degree. i teach firefighter 1
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and 2 curriculum for the program at the college. after i promoted to lieutenant, then i applied to be a instructor down at the training academy because i always loved to teach. my past experience is really helpful in terms of how i'm able to break down information and pass it alodge to brand new firefighters. so, for myself, i didn't know very many people of color who worked in the san francisco fire department. as african american working in this department i always felt a obligation to be that example, to provide a roadmap for folks who look like me, who come from communities that i came from to make sure they have the same opportunities. now as a san francisco firefighter i can tell you if you work hard, you get along with people, you will be welcomed into this department but we can also do a better job of representation. to me as a company
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officer when i'm on the fire engine or truck it is so helpful to have a rig where members can relate to the public we respond to. to me that cultural diversity of the members on our fire engines, on the ladder trucks is important because if we can do a better job of representing the community that we are serving, i think we do a better job of relating to the community that we are serving, and to me that is something that is really important. - >> tenderloin is unique neighborhood where geographically place in downtown san francisco and on every street corner have liquor store
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in the corner it stores pretty much every single block has a liquor store but there are impoverishes grocery stores i'm the co-coordinated of the healthy corner store collaboration close to 35 hundred residents 4 thousand are children the medium is about $23,000 a year so a low income neighborhood many new immigrants and many people on fixed incomes residents have it travel outside of their neighborhood to assess fruits and vegetables it can be come senator for seniors and hard to travel get on a bus to get an apple or a pear or like
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tomatoes to fit into their meals my my name is ryan the co-coordinate for the tenderloin healthy store he coalition we work in the neighborhood trying to support small businesses and improving access to healthy produce in the tenderloin that is one of the most neighborhoods that didn't have access to a full service grocery store and we california together out of the meeting held in 2012 through the major development center the survey with the corners stores many stores do have access and some are bad quality and an overwhelming support from community members wanting to utilities the service spas we decided to work with the small businesses as their role within
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the community and bringing more fresh produce produce cerebrothe neighborhood their compassionate about creating a healthy environment when we get into the work they rise up to leadership. >> the different stores and assessment and trying to get them to understand the value of having healthy foods at a reasonable price you can offer people fruits and vegetables and healthy produce they can't afford it not going to be able to allow it so that's why i want to get involved and we just make sure that there are alternatives to people can come into a store and not just see cookies and candies and potting chips and that kind of thing hi, i'm cindy the director of
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the a preif you believe program it is so important about healthy retail in the low income community is how it brings that health and hope to the communities i worked in the tenderloin for 20 years the difference you walk out the door and there is a bright new list of fresh fruits and vegetables some place you know is safe and welcoming it makes. >> huge difference to the whole environment of the community what so important about retail environments in those neighborhoods it that sense of dignity and community safe way. >> this is why it is important for the neighborhood we have families that needs healthy have a lot of families that live up
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here most of them fruits and vegetables so that's good as far been doing good. >> now that i had this this is really great for me, i, go and get fresh fruits and vegetables it is healthy being a diabetic you're not supposed to get carbons but getting extra food a all carbons not eating a lot of vegetables was bringing up my whether or not pressure once i got on the program everybody o everything i lost weight and my blood pressure came down helped in so many different ways
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the most important piece to me when we start seeing the business owners engagement and their participation in the program but how proud to speak that is the most moving piece of this program yes economic and social benefits and so forth but the personal pride business owners talk about in the program is interesting and regarding starting to understand how they're part of the larger fabric of the community and this is just not the corner store they have influence over their community. >> it is an owner of this in the department of interior i see the great impact usually that is like people having especially
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with a small family think liquor store sells alcohol traditional alcohol but when they see this their vision is changed it is a small grocery store for them so they more options not just beer and wine but healthy options good for the business and good for the community i wish to have more >> conduct a field shelter exercise where we open up a number of tents that animal control has they have supplies and equipment and staff and volunteers. we simulate the need for cape
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ability after a disaster or earthquake. >> animal care and control is your city's animal shelter. we care for approximately 10,000 animals a year. we are opinion for san francisco's animal in thes upon effect of an emergency. we got our tents and practicing how to deal with that. >> this is the shelter is overwhelmed with animals after a disaster this shelter is full regularly. if we torch have an event that would cause a number of animals to escape or injured or stray or separate friday their people that's where we would respond. >> pets are part of the family and need to make sure they are taken care of like people with the supplies and equip we are able to provide shelter for pets in addition to the existing
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shelter. >> we have formulated a plan so this in the event of a disaster we are hear ready to help and support the city. >> we are able to use the muni bus to transport the people. animals and other equip if the shelter. >> encourage people there is an evacuation order to take your pet with you. >> very first thing everyone should do is microchip the pet. and pack a bag >> shelter cert not a place where you want your animal to end up unless the last resort and like to keep most out of the shelter when we can. >> take care of your people and your friend and family. pets need to be taken
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>> hello everyone. thank you so much for being here today. welcome to the 2022-2023 san francisco youth celebration. give yourselves a round of applause. my name is emily nguyen the chair district chair on the san francisco youth commission. i feel grateful to be here today to celebrate this incredible group of youth commissioners. there is no way that i can incapsulate everything we accomplished together in a 5 minute speech, but i'll try do my best. when i first stepped into city hall for the first youth commission meeting, i knew nothing about government but now it is one of my greatest passions. little did i know how much we would accomplish as a team and how much the youth commission would mean to me. seriously though, it has got ten to the
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point where family and friends are concerned how much time i spend in isthe building. coming back from the pandemic a main goal is bring back the youth commissionism we interacted with youth from all over the city through office hours, our budget town halls and our community events. from passing out candy to youth at the great-to teaching third graders about local government and district lines to tabling sunday streetss, we have been able to center youth input and engagement in our work. another main goal was to have all our work and all our legislation be rooted in empathy and personal experiences. growing up next to freways my whole life, i'm so grateful to have gotten there opportunity to explore the central freeway on the youth commission and to speak on a panel with senator scott wiener about the freeway harmful impacts on youth and
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are marginalized communities. we priortaz issues thatd mat to us. we advocated for more transit stops and frnd lestreets. mew free muni for all funding and embarking to make bart more youth frndly and youth accessb. additionally, we are working to advance 16 to the 2024 ballot to champion youth civic engagement. lastly, we are exploring how to make juvenile hall more rejuvinated. we held a hearing meeting with several departments and district offices and hearing from constituents to advance the issue. all this work and much more culminated in a 75 page budget policy report with 16 recommendations to the board of supervisors. making this report in under three months was probably one of the hardest things we ever had to do together, but we did it and we did it together. this
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youth commission achieved so much this year, but most importantly, we made life-long memories and lifelong friendships. commissioners dedicated them sevl jz gave their all to the youth commission. i can't count all the hours we spnt in city hall arguing about legislation until ten p.m. on a school night or working on youth commission legislation instead of homework. grateful to say i made lifelong friends and lifelong partners through the youth commission. i firstly want to appreciate vice chair barker plumber for all the support this term. thank you for all the 10 p.m. phone calls to plan town hall meetings and presentations and thank you for being the best partner i could ever have on the youth commission. can we give commissioner plumber a round of applause? [applause] i also want to appreciate our staff for all their hard work and endless dedication
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to this youth commission. we cannot have done everything we did this year without their hard work and their expertise on organizing and government. can we please give them all a round of applause? [applause] all and are all i'm so proud of everyone and everything we accomplished this term and grateful for all the memories. you all make the youth commission what it is. can we please give every commissioner here today a round of applause? [applause] thank you everyone so much and now i'll be passing it off to commissioner barker plumber for his speech. [applause] >> thank you chair nguyen and thank you all for joining us today as we celebrate the work and accomplishments of the 2022-2023 san francisco youth commission. it has been a busy year to say the least. it is kind of surprising to think it was les then a year ago we were on this very balcony
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with our mayor getting sworn in to serve and during that time we focused on service the young people of san franciscoism i want to say one statistic that i was really surprised by at the end. one of our staff members added up all the hours youth commissioners have put into public meetings here in san francisco, whether that's the commission or our subcommittees, and a totaled to over 138 hours of work youth commissioners did here in city hall representing young people in the city and county of san francisco and that is really important work we all partake in and something i'm really proud i was able to do alongside all you, so thank you for that opportunity. i want to say one thing of what i'm most proud of us doing this yoor, which is really the yurk we did investing our time, our energy and connecting with our communities. covid has been a difficult time and people got disconnecte
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