tv SFPD Town Hall SFGTV September 14, 2023 4:30pm-6:01pm PDT
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officer who speaks your language and also ask for a interprerererererererere >> good afternoon an announcement for asl viewers due to the importance of showing videos we ask our asl viewers use the link in the description of the live stream. for viewers withhold like to town hall meeting translated click on the web x link in the live stream and click the icon in the bottom left corner select your language.
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>> good upon afternoon. we are here for a virtual town hall regarding an officer shooting that occurred on monday august 28, 2023. on the 300 block of jones street. before proceeding for the audience this town hall is translate in the spanish, cantonese, vietnamese and american sign language or asl for our community who speak those languages. >> without judgment on the appropriateness of the force use in the this incident the presentation will include ketails from officer shooting incident this wounded 54 year old richard everett. i like to express condolences to him and his family members. >> in the san francisco police
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department we recognize that our sworn duty as law enforcement and poses no solum and obligation on us to honor life. we also know that has police officers, we are sometimes required use force including deadly force at time in the performance of our duties. we recognize, too, that officer shootings can have a traumatic affect on members of our communities especially for individuals this families and loved onces suffer traumas and encounters with the justice system where it may be. today, any viewers experiencing trauma prosecute this incident or the information or images we'll present during this town hall, than help is visible to you. you micontact the san francisco department of crisis line 4
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felony-970-3800 for trauma services. >> here is had we hope to pleasure today. first, the san francisco police department aseration to be a national model of 21st policing. we w toern trust by commit to transparency and the tenants of procedural justice. and this process, and this town hall presentation. procedural justice depends on the police as well as our entire xhinl justice system. we work to embody the tenants of what procedural justice is all about. we will release the facts known at this time about this incident. we will codid so neutral. we will answer questions from members and the news media and we will listen to public feedback. acting commanding officer mark m will present the facts of this
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case. before that, i want to emphasize this in this dints, subject to multiple inspect and on going violation. as such, there may be information we cannot release at this time. either because the release of information is prohibited by law or because the release of certain information could comp nooiz myself abinvestigation. or facts were not established. we are not able to release unconfirmed information. next. acting commander's presentationville an anywheretive of the facts weez know them as well as audio and video content from the officer shooting incident. upon sfpd officers wearing department body cameras which were activated while they were on their way to the incident.
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consistent with our body worn policy. department general order 10.11 you will see body camera or bwc videos from those officers from multiple perspectives. at the san francisco police department our commitment to transparency guided our shooting investigations and town halls for years now. although our practices predate many police transparency luin california, we believe that our approach has remained upon consistent with the letter and spirit of reforms implemented by senate bill 1421 for police transparency and bill 150 sick for accountability. sfpd commitment to transparency will be reflect in the release of information online. videos from this town hall including audio from 911 calls and dispatchers and video footage i mentioned will be
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posted sfpd's website at san francisco police. org. it will remain available for public viewing. as a reminder, all of will sfpd policies and procedures can be found on our website. san francisco police department director mandate release the names of officers from shootings unless safety argue against it. inform this matter, we identified no safety concerns and acting command are mark m will release the names of officers part of his presentation. i would like to explain the investigative process for an officer involved shooting next. san francisco has a multiagency response to officer involved shooting. each agency investigations is independent when an upon officer involved shooting happens
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involving on duce san francisco police officer the agencies are notified. s eversfpd investigative services in unit responsible for investigating the events this is lead up to the officer involved shoot nothing this case the activity investigated a report of a man threatening people with a knife and the s leading up on the shooting the internal affairs division responsible for conducting an investigation to determine if the officer or officers are responsible for the ois in compliance with requirement of sfpd policy. alternate investigation of both sfpd units run parallel, each has an investigative purview and focus. each maintains a strict fire with you to comply with standards and requirements. the san francisco department of police account act or dpa,
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conducts an independent investigation. san francisco voters created dpa successor to the office of citizen complaints. with passage of prop b and the june 2016 legislation. investigates all incidents which officers discharge a weapon in the scope of duties and when that discharge result in individual's injury or death. the san francisco da's office independent investigation bureau is responsible for determining the legality of the officer involved shooting. based on their inspect investigation, the da of the county of san fran will make final decision as to whether the officers action complied with the laws of the state of california. all notified agencies, dispatch, investigator and personnel to
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begin their inspect investigation. finally, i like top point out that we take community feedback seriously. based on feedback from prior shooting town howls we'll take questions and answer them to the extent we are able. understanding that this incident remains an on going investigation. we will allocate an hour for public comment and questions. thank you very much for joining us and now acting common lawed are mark m. >> officer shooting discuss in the this presentation started on monday, august 28, 2023 at 10:22 p.m. the call for service was regarding a person with a knife. the call started on the sidewalk in front of an apartment building located on the 300
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block of jones street in san francisco's tenderloin neighborhood. this incident involved patrol officers of the san francisco police department and assigned tenderloin police station. in this presentation, you will hear the following terminology and radio code language used by officers. . calls for service involving incidents. emergency call this is require a rapid response buzz there may be a threat to life or a risk of major property, loss or damage. >> body worn camera. c it is crisis intervention training. code 3 is radio code for response with emergency lights and siren. >> code 3 is radio code emergency clear the radio channel. containment keep a subject inspect boundaries.
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dispatch the d. emergency management dispatcher and radio communication system. impact weapon a less lethal force opgdz to deploy a bean bag or 40 foam baton. eriw's designed to [inaudible] an individual. an receive deploying that shall have a cover officer. disis often referred to back or dakking. the difference with discharging it and department issued firemans. >> line in the sand a training concept taught in departments critical mind set sponse course. >> it is a predetermined boundary a subject guess past force used to keep the subject
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contained. public safety statement is information obtained by supervisor from a member who utilized lethal force in a shooting. questions are intended determine the existing threats to public safety and identify evidence that must be preserved. the skoecht statement is limited to the collection of critical, floating information in the aftermath of the incidents. >> it is the department's policy to deactivate cameras before obtaining safety statements the policy instructless the supervisor to reminds the member not to discuss it further at the scene. red light intent to deploy eriw. specialist team a special unit often referred to specks. within the special prescription's bureau. kisting of patrol officers trained in responding to high
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priority crimes in progress. >> ambulance. . and 1098 is code for enroute to new location. following is a sum row of the 70s understood today and urth information learned throughout investigation. >> remains under investigationment times presented are a proximate. many of the actions below occurred simultaneously. word of caution. there is profanity and graphic image in this presentation. as of thursday. september 7 of twe we believe the facts are as follows. >> 10:22 p.m. the department of emergency manage admit dispatched officers from tenderloin station to a call for service and in a 222 person with
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a knife. 911 call are reported a person who was identified as mr. richard everett with a large knife threatening people on jones street. call are stated, i got a guy with a knife threatening people. got a big knife and somebody tried pep are spay him he is on the sidewalk and threatening people walking by. dispatcher described him a black mein 50s we'ring a red plaid shirt and holding a foot long knife. the dispatcher stated that per call are somebody riding a scooter attempted pepper spray him. they were c it traind and responding with eriw. the first spngd officer, number
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one arriveod scene 3 minutes after the 911 call dispatched. >> additional responding receives arrived and parked vehicles on both sides of him at a safe difference to contain and isolate him >> officers used vehicle spot lights to e eliminate mr. everett and better visibility of the area >> number one benched mr. everett on jones holding a knife consistent with the information provided. >> officer number 1 directed a group of people near him to lead the area. >> gave commands to mr. everett to put the knife down. at 10. . 27 p.m., 15 seconds after, arriving on scene, officer number one requested an ambulance to stage near by.
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>> officer number one said, sir, we are not here to hurt you, okay we gotta figure out what is going on. we can't dom this until you put the knife downful put it down. mr. everett responded almighty god gave me this knife, no. >> officer number one continued to community with mr. everett asking why he would not put knife down. 10:28 p.m. sergeant number one arrived took control of the scene. sergeant number one establishes rows for officers including a main communicator. eriw officers, lethal cover officers and arrest team. sergeant number one requested specialist officers to respond and directed them on clear the block for the public's safety. >> responding officers blocked the sidewalks to prevent
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pedestrian access to the area and asked she saids assist with containing mr. everett. >> officer number 2 attempted community saying, what is wrong, sir, why do you have a knife, why don't you put it down and you can talk you to. >> mr. errate policed the knife in his waste band confrom view. officer 2 said, if you your handses up now. put your hands up see your freehands, free handses. put it on your head. >> mr. everett shook his head from side to sides and took the knife and thelled by his side. officer one said, don't do this . don't do this. >> simultaneously officer 2 pointed his eriw at mr. everett. at 10:30 p.m. officer 3
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attempted develop a dialogue with mr. everett saying, hay, man, what is your name? mr. everett replied, i don't have a name. >> officer 3 philidelphia up by asking, how can we help you? >> mr. everett said, i don't want your help. >> officer 3 told mr. everett. you are freaking people out you are walking around with a knife >> don't fuck with me. >> officer 3 told mr. efet. okay, people are scared. you are scaring people. >> mr. everett responded, i mean if they are scared they are supposed to be if they are fucking with me. >> officer 3 said to mr. everett, nobody is fucking with you. >> mr. everett responded, i am letting them finish that fuck
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with me i will take it out. i didn't do nothing to nobody. i didn't do nothing to you. i didn't do nothing. >> sergeant 1 asked assistance from a person claiming he knew mr. everett this . aquaintance referred to mr. everett as jer-ne well la. the a quaintance said jerry, louisiana what is going on? mr. everett acknowledged and replied, i'm letting them know if than i fuck with me i will pull it out. >> aquaintance stated. gnaw they ain't going to fuck you you gotta put the knife down. the aquaintance said, yea he stayos the street he is loose, loosey goosey. sergeant 1 communicated with mr. everett saying, louisiana, we are hear to help you, man.
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all the people are here for you that's it we want to get you help you can take your knife with you we want to take you to the hospital but now we want to help you, that's it. >> at 10. . 39 p.m. officer 4 attempted community with mr. everett. officer 4 asked him, can we have you put the knife down and i can talk with you. >> mr. everett said, i'm not going to put my knife on the ground almighty god gave me this knife >> mr. everett was holing the comboif and in his waste bands area. at 10:40 p.m. 15 minutes after officers arriveod scene. mr. everett picked up i bag and meal crate. he began walking northeast on jones from the west side toward the middle of the street. with this right hand he pulled a
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knife from his waste band. mr. everett moved toward the officers. with his left handled he held the milk krit and duffle become in front his face. with the right hand mr. everett raised the knife and swung it continuing to move toward the officers. multiple officers yelled, red light. dak, dak him. >> 4 officers used 4s in this order. officer number 5 deployed eriw. officer 2 deployed an eriw. officer 3 discharged his firearm. officer 4 discharged his department issued fireman. multiple officers yelled. shots fired. and quote, dromotropic knife. as mr. everett fell to the ground. officers formed an arrest team
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and app hendzed mr. everett lying on his stomach. mr. everett's knife was on the ground next to his right hand. officers observed the knife was tieed his wrist with a belt. one stated t. is tieed his hand. officers were able to remove the knife from him. officers cuffed him and rendzers aid. san francisco fire department med makes staged near enter the scene at 10:flo, 2 minutes after they took over medical care. medics took him to a local hospital. mr. everett is in police custody. the suspect. the suspect's name is richard everett. date of birth june 9, 1969. evidence. crime scene investigators from the stan san francisco forensic service responded and collected
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physical evidence from the scene. including but not limit to the following. . one fixed blade knife 8.5 inch. 7 cart randling casings, 6eiw shells. and 6eiw bean bags. video footage and photographs. receives on scene were wearing department issued cameras which were activate in the route to the incident and recorded the events as they unfolded. other video footage or photographs can be provided to the san francisco da's inspect investigation bureau or iib using the following number. 628-652-4420. witnesses and victims. eyewitness were interviewed by the police department's investigative service detail. and the san francisco da inspect
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investigation bureau. any other witnesses are encouraged to contact the san francisco da inspect investigation bureau at 628-652-4420. involved members. the of sfpd officers discharged weapons are, officer gabriel ortega 2741. and officer russell lushia. 2490. bottle are patrol officers assigned to tenderloin station. training. the officers discharged department firearms completed crisis intervention training in 2020 known as the threat assessment upon de~esque ligz strategy. officers received the threat assessment strategy training have completed a 10 our california peace officer
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standards and training or post course prepares them to respond to person in crisis and as a team formulated plan am repore and tactics including tactical repositioning. containment and time and distance when possible to resolve person in crisis incidents. can jury room today's presentation is provide immediate a multimedia formachlt after effort to have a transparent perspect you have of this incident the sfpd provide audio from the 911 call. body worn video footage. crime seen investigation photos, map s and related visual aids. our presentation today consists of known video and audio at this time. but not intended provide all photos and, videos or testimony information related this investigation. i will april vied i presentation
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of the incident using the multimedia source. select pins to increase clarity, certain videos have been enhance to allow a better understanding of the incident. note, this present agdz the videos and unedited vos on the sfpd website follow thanksgiving how often hall. pottses can be located on the sfpd website. prior to the beginning firefighter each segment i will provide a description to or yenlt the vowtory time, place and location of the content about to be shown. you are about to see video footage and learn about other evidence related this case so you have an understanding of what occurred based upon what we know now. we are in the early stages of an investigation.
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this can take months to complete and our understanding of the ins upon dent may change as evidence is collected and reviewed. we don't draw conclusion whether the rate of speed acted consistent with our policies and the luuntil all the facts are known and the investigation is complete. word of caution. the images and information you are about to see and hear may be disturbing. when a police officer uses force to arrest a person or defend the imageers graphic and may be difficult to which watch. in addition, there may be strong language used boy those in the video. view are discretion advised for young children and sensitive viewers. encourage those in need of support to contact the san francisco department of public health crisis line 415-970-3800. the inspect investigation's
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at 10. . twoop p.m. a 911 call are report i man with a knife. stating he is on the sidewalk threatening people walking biechl the call are stated the man was on the 300 block of jones street. you are about to hear the 911 call by san francisco's department of emergency management. personal information by the caller has been redacted to protect privacy. we will play the 911 call. >> emergency. >> hello? >> san francisco 911. >> i got a guy with a knife threatening people a big knife and somebody pepper strait spray
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him he is on the sidewalk. >> hello. >> had is the location of the emergency? >> okay. what is the [inaudible]. big knife and. [inaudible]. yea. what is cross street half a block up from the police station ellis and 80 wrchlt had is the number you are calling from. what, black and a black and red played shirt. yelling at people with a big knife. how old does high look to you. 50 years old. >> okay. and how big is the knife when type of knife is it? almost a foot long. >> okay. >> 22, 23 and pen seconds.
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>> over a foot long >> yea somebody tried to spray pepper spray at him. with is the person with the pep are spray. they were going by on a scooter. he is threatening everybody. >> okay. >> he get pepper sprayed. than i spray today from the street. >> we have officers driving out there, okay. >> all right. i want you to stay safely away from him we have multiple officers coming. >> okay. >> do you whon this person is have you seen him before. >> no he is outside my window i got a street level window. >> put this knife away. >> try to keep people away we have officers coming.
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>> all right. >> stay on the phone tell you seat officers, okay. >> yea. >> he does in the live in the building? >> has anningelder low person attacked last year and the person is still on the street this is ridiculous. coming out there as fast as they comprehend when knife is the hand in? in his right hand. does it electric like a kitchen knife or machete. >> like a hunting knife. >> don't want anyone approaching him. they are here. >> they have the right person did than i see him. >> yes. >> than i are telling him to put the knife down. okay i will hangup with you,
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okay. >> he is not putting the knife down. they are here now. >> thank you. >> you are welcome. >> thank you. >> all right. >> dispatch responding officers. the audio provided by san francisco department of emergency management. personnel information redacted protect the victims. >> 4a222. jones off of ed and he ellis. >> this is outside there is a male with i learning knife threatening people. unit back. [inaudible]. responding with c it.
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tenderloin. >> copy that we got afternoon erw going. >> [inaudible]. we are [inaudible]. down responding. 22250's wearing a black/mraid red shirt. >> 1510/4 someone went by on a scoot and teamed to pep are sprinkle unsure the pepper spray made contact. the 222 heard in the background. black and red shirt. tenderloin unit 222 has the knife in his right hand.
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we will he a camera footage i the introduce each video prior to playing. the footage capture friday body cameras worn by members at the time of the event. portions of the vos have been blurred due to content and protect the privacy of third parties. the first 30 seconds of footage does not contain audio. the cam upon rahas a buffering system this captures 30 seconds of footage prior to the officer's activation. when activated, the camera records audio and video. we are going to play body camera footage from patrol officer 1 the first officer to arrive on scene inform this video officer 1 located mr. everett on the west sidewalk on jones street. officer game commands for mr. eftree put knife down.
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receive 1 told everyone to leave the your. officer 1 ask requests an balance. mr. everett seen holding the knife with his arrive hand. this will be played in real time. >> put the knife down! put the knife down. gentlemen, get out of here. put the knife down. hey. get out of here. put knife down! why not? why not? put it down. you want to red light, ed? red light, red light! sir, we are not here to hurt you
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we gotta figure out what is going on we can't until you put knife down. please, put it down. >> why not? can you why with don't we start with your name. sir, when is your name? we are going to play enhanced video the body footage we viewed of initial contact between officer 1 and mr. everett. the enhancement highlights the location of the knife. red light red light! sir being we are not here to hurt you we gotta figure out what is going on we can't until you put the knife down.
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please, put it down. why not? camera footage from patrol sergeant 1. first supervisor on scene. the body footage begin with sergeant one arriveos scene requesting can additional resources, managing and coordinating the incident. >> eddie you talking? >> [inaudible] we got a [inaudible] and utilize [inaudible]. you want to triangulate. >> yes. you want to be a team? all right.
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>> hey. am ob up there, right? eddie come on here? triangulate here? why don't we utilize -- a car here. use this car here. yea. block it off. block it off off that side. if you away >> man. puff where you are knife away. we will talk to you without the knife. put your hands up, man. >> take care of these people. phil. put arlington call in. >> yea.
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can get anybody from the station to give us a couple cars up here. all right. cool. yea. pass the line. that's -- all right. few more cars. criminal on, see your hands. >> what's your name signal why don't we start with your name? don't move. don't walk like that. exactly on over here. i hear you stay here. arrest him, right? you know what is his name? you want to talk to him. jerry. the knife in his hand. >> what is his name >> jerry, louisiana, what is
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going on, brother? no one will you gotta put the knife down. >> name is louisiana? that's what i call him. >> cool you know anything else. he stays on the street a little loose. i don't want him to get shot. we are trying to help him. juan, try to get as much as you can from this guy. got 115. why don't you get him out of here. jerry. will you get had guy out and keep him on the side everybody else clear block of pedestrians, get all of them out of here.
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louisiana! louisiana! we are here to help you, man. all the people are here for you that's it. we want you to get help of the you can take your knife we want to get you to the hospital. for now. we want to help you that's it, man. you are scaring everybody. please, help us out. >> can you help us, please? what can we do to help you? huh? ob accident you issue john k. russell. >> what can we do to help you out? >> jerry? what is going on, man?
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you are in the in trouble we want to figure out when is happening. >> 112, 115. please. 115. make sure we get the pedestrians off the street and clear the block? hey. so. do we are like 919? >> right now, you have. yea. and he is like raise it up. and hold it up like this. yea. we are here to help you out.
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>> we can't help you until you put this comboif down, machine. >> no one here will [inaudible]. upon >> you got him isolated on each side. now we are trying to talk to him. all of the upon stuff dhoun way you want all those people yoochl clear the whole block. chris, try to clear the whole block get everybody out of here. mike, try to clear the whole block, get everybody out of here. i want to be able to talk to you
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you can keep your knife but keep your hands off so we can make sure everything is okay with you. that's your knife. brother. that's going to stay with you we gotta make sure everything is cool. can you take your hand away. and keep them up we can talk. nobody here. -- man. go ahead. i appreciate it.
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to jones that is the safe approach. so, no. russ is lethal. ob, hand's on and here we have. >> right. they need to hold down if we're going in to make the detention. understand this we got the perimeter. >> the guys 2 hand's on. and 232 and they will go. >> okay. >> should we have all the 4 guys and those 2 from there all here, you think? would that be better? let's see. i want it make sure it is in the hundred's on. no 2eiw. if john is lethal. russ is lethal.
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>> that might be a good plan to have. why tommy get fields here. >> yea. >> shields. >> no. i agree with that. we can't leave until we talk to you. yea. now what? go ahead. already established to which you gotta issue ready. >> i can't understand what is going. >> i get it. >> we waited out for now, russ. >> all right. >> basically, use the walk like a knife. taking it out.
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>> back it up! come here. >> hold it there. >> got it. >> shots fired. >> we are going it play body footage from patrol receive number 3. officer 3 discharges the department firearm when mr. everett runs toward an receive waiving a knife at chest level. hey. well la. upon listen, man. hey. we are all here and can't go away. right. you can sit down or talk to us. red light.
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right? you can sit down or talk to us. >> you can't leave. [shots fired] drop the knife! we are going to play the body camera footage from patrol sergeant 2. this shows a different view. this vool be play in the real time. sit down or you can talk you to. red lit! hold on. hold on. >> [shots fired].
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tommy. . sit downful or talk to us. red light. >> hold on. hold on. >> [shots fired]. stop. >> got it. >> drop the knife! drop the knife! all right. drop the knife right here. >> we'll play enhanced voft witness video and body footage of patrol sergeant number 2. the enhandlesment highlights the knife. [shots fired].
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2 and number 3. this concludes my presentation. i will now introduce the commanding officer of tenderloin police station captain chin. of chief scott. members of public and community. good afternoon. i'm captain chin commanding officer of tenderloin station. i'm here to address an incident that deeply affected the community and officer volved shooting. we understand the occurrence, questions and emotions that has arisen as a result of this incidentful and we are to assure that you we take this matter very serious low. first, our thoughts with the individual and families who were directly impacted by this
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incidentful we recognize the pain and trauma that they are experiencing and we offer our support. we are committed to transparency, accountability and through the this investigation process. our department, and other agencies are working to garth all necessary information and evidence to provide a thorough and impartial review of the situation. we will ensure that this investigation conducted with the utmost intel rit and he in accordance with the lu. in addition, to the investigation, we are active low reviewing our policies and procedures to identify areas for improvement. we have engaged an open dialogue with our community to garth
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input, perspectives and recommendations on how we can enhance trust and safety within our community. we understands that the need for change and reform. and we are committed to taking meaningful steps. toward building a more just, equal and sieh community for all residents. we'll keep you updated on the progress we make in this regard. during this challenging times, we endourj our community members to come together, support one another and enengage in constructive conversation about how we can move forward as a u nightd and resilient community. we are committed to protect and serve the community with dignity and respect. we value your input and feedback
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and we are mere to listen. together we can heel, justice and positive change. i welcome questions or concerns from our neighborhood. we hold a monthly community meeting on the last tuesday of every month. tenderloin station at 6 p.m. thank you. thank you. and now we will take questions from the public. the public comment portion of the town hall will begin the
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length will be an hour. to call in the meeting call 1-415-655-0001. again the number to call is 415-655-0001. enter code 26638165234 followed by pound twice. each will have 2 minute and limited to one call. if you wish it join for public comment listen to the following instructions. interpretation is available in both spash spanish and cant nose if you are washing on web ex click the interpretation button and select your language. if you are calling in the
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meeting again, please call 415-655-0001. you may press star 3 to raise your hand to get in the queue to speak. you will be propertied when you have been unmuted and it will be your turn to speak. once again, each caller have up to 2 minutes for public comment for this town hall meeting and limited to 1 phone call. your 2 minutes will begin once you have been prompted you have been unmuted and you begin speaking. upon you must mou the broadcast you are watching in order for your public comment to be heard
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upon again the number to call is 415-655-0001. enter meeting code 26638165234 followed by pound, pound. each comment caller will have up to 2 minutes to peek and limited to 1 call. if you wish to join for public comment listen to the following instructions if you are watching on web exyou miclick the interpretation button and select your language. if you are culling in the meeting again, call 415-655-0001.
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enter code 26638165234 followed by pound, pound. press star 3 to speak. you am be promptd and you have been unmuted and your turn to speak. once again, each caller have up to 2 minutes to provide comment for the town hall meeting limited to one phone call. 2 minutes begin once propertied you have been unmuted and you begin speaking.
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>> my name is holly doudiet. h2 firefighter with the san franciscowired. what inspired me to be a firefighter was in 2008 i graduated college . the recession had happened so there weren't any jobs. i was having troublefinding a job. and i was kind of looking around . my dad was a firefighter and i thought what a great career he had. so i asked my dad, never thinking about it at first before. i said dad, what you think
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about me being afirefighter and he goes yeah, thatwould be a good idea . i took some classes, i ended up loving it . i grew up and actually and i think it was a good fit for me because it's a physical job and it's enjoyable. you never know whatyou're going to get and it's a team effort . i first realized i was part of the lgbt+ community in sixth grade. i looked on the other side of the classroom and i sawthis girl i thought was really attractive and i thought i want to be her boyfriend . though my experiences in the city growing up in the city and countyof san francisco were always verypositive . i came out in high school . i actually ended up being prom king my senior year in high school and a lot of peoplewere very supportive . myparents were very supportive . they just let me do my thing and my dad knew of a lot of lesbian women in the fire departmentthe time because he
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was a san francisco firefighter . for me it's very important to be part of a community and organization and an agency that supports my lgbtq status because if you're not yourself, how can you perform to the best of your abilities? you're always holding back in some way whether it's your personality or your abilities or your overall skills and with agency that supports me being a lesbian i can truly be myself. i can be happy. i can be social with other people. it makes me want to work as a team and we all work better together when we are happier and we can be ourselves. >>. [music]
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>> [music] >> san francisco is known as yerba buena, good herb after a mint that used to grow here. at this time there were 3 settlements one was mission delores. one the presidio and one was yerba buena which was urban center. there were 800 people in 1848 it was small. a lot of historic buildings were here including pony express headquarters. wells fargo. hudson bay trading company and
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famous early settlers one of whom william leaderdorph who lived blocks from here a successful business person. african-american decent and the first million airin california. >> wilwoman was the founders of san francisco. here during the gold rush came in the early 1840s. he spent time stake himself as a merchant seaman and a business person. his father and brother in new orleans. we know him for san francisco's history. establishing himself here arnold 18 twoochl he did one of many things the first to do in yerba buena. was not california yet and was not fully san francisco yet. >> because he was an american citizen but spoke spanish he was able to during the time when
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america was taking over california from mexico, there was annexations that happened and conflict emerging and war, of course. he was part of the peek deliberations and am bas doorship to create the state of california a vice council to mexico. mexico granted him citizenship. he loaned the government of san francisco money. to funds some of the war efforts to establish the city itself and the state, of course. he established the first hotel here the person people turned to often to receive dignitaries or hold large gatherings established the first public school here and helped start the public school system. he piloted the first steam ship on the bay. a big event for san francisco and depict instead state seal
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the ship was the sitk a. there is a small 4 block long length of street, owned much of that runs essentially where the transamerica building is to it ends at california. i walk today before am a cute side street. at this point t is the center what was all his property. he was the person entrusted to be the city's first treasurer. that is i big deal of itself to have that legacy part of an african-american the city's first banker. he was not only a forefather of the establishment of san francisco and california as a state but a leader in industry. he had a direct hahn in so many things that we look at in san francisco. part of our dna. you know you don't hear his anymore in the context of those. representation matters.
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>> conduct a field shelter exercise where we open up a number of tents that animal control has they have supplies and equipment and staff and volunteers. we simulate the need for cape ability after a disaster or earthquake. >> animal care and control is your city's animal shelter. we care for approximately 10,000 animals a year. we are opinion for san francisco's animal in thes upon effect of an emergency. we got our tents and practicing how to deal with that. >> this is the shelter is overwhelmed with animals after a disaster this shelter is full
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regularly. if we torch have an event that would cause a number of animals to escape or injured or stray or separate friday their people that's where we would respond. >> pets are part of the family and need to make sure they are taken care of like people with the supplies and equip we are able to provide shelter for pets in addition to the existing shelter. >> we have formulated a plan so this in the event of a disaster we are hear ready to help and support the city. >> we are able to use the muni bus to transport the people. animals and other equip if the shelter. >> encourage people there is an evacuation order to take your pet with you. >> very first thing everyone
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should do is microchip the pet. and pack a bag >> shelter cert not a place where you want your animal to end up unless the last resort and like to keep most out of the shelter when we can. >> take care of your people and your friend and family. pets need to be taken [gavel] >> the meeting will come to order, welcome to the september 14, 2023, regular meeting of the public safety and neighborhood committee.
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