tv BOS Rules Committee SFGTV September 20, 2023 11:00am-3:01pm PDT
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to say it is time for you to move on. and you we have about a year of time to think that. you know oop00 i'm glaud brought a shorter term. lease agreement. a 5 year it is time to move forward with a long are plan. with this. were the time of lease agreements with the city departments and start planning. with this said, i think we gentleman go to public comment. why member in person line up now. and for those remote press star 3. >> good morning. if i'm not mistaken it statute
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building by un plaza. so. this building is worth nothing. today. bhuz of the situation with the homeless all around it is worth nothing the city say upon landlord, sorry the city needs this belling to create [inaudible] for the hemless. [inaudible] all the spitz is visible. the city says okay that is when we doll and help. it is the same upon price. everybody has to now pay for what he or she did in the few years. this should be the option, of course. when you say helpful, but this is division. next speaker, please. what i want to say to you
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supervisors is, that y'all talk have 35 million square feet according to the cbre. we should zero on need's assessment and the facts. so we have the time the mayor saying to convert office space into residential space. which is a joke. no contractor will tell to you go in for this. this is why we are wasting our time. when the city royals should do is do a need's assessment where we can buy this buildings. where we can buy this buildings so this we can accommodate certain city department in the buildings and save us money in the long time. society budget analyst now has a job also to help the real estate
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in doing a need's assessments and the city attorney. because now is the time for the people to work. rather than make general statements. thank you very much. >> thank you francisco decosta for your comments. >> public ment is closed and clothe this is sounds to us or to mow that we are in agreement that we sthendz to full board with no recommendation. >> negative recommendation. supervisor safai. come back. [laughter] all right >> so with this i would like to make the motion to move this to full board with negative recommendation. and with this, a roll call. >> yes. on this motion, forward this to
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the full board with a recommendation do noted pass vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> member safai. >> aye. >> chair chan. >> aye. why we have lee aye's >> the motion passes. >> thank you. >> thank you. and let's call item number 5. >> item 5 a resolution authorizing the director. property to execute a third amendment to restated commercial lose with 2, 5 year extension options withvilletory in medicine clinic by the bay. . for the city at 35 onondaga avenue reimbursement total of 2. 9 million for tenant improve am costs. members joining remote and wish to comment press star 3.
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a prompt will indicate you raised your handled expect when it kcets you have been unmute third degree is time to begin your comments. >> thank you. and i think them is item for supervisor safai would you like to have opening remark. >> sure, sure. >> i will say a few words. thank you director pennic for your hard work with us on this and thank you to the major's budget office. thank you director denning and others this is something we talk about often. ivement to set the condition text. when this was originally discussed 7 years ago. it was gross low under estimated in terms was amount of work. i think the rfp talked about now hundred thousand dollars to do core and shell w we have done everything with clinic by the bay after they won the bid. to become the tenant in thes spitzes and the part of their lose agreement. they would go out and -- raise
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money to do all the improve ams and the city participate in also doing core and shell w this is where we are. as the project proceed. more costs uncovered. some of this has to do with unforeseen items and some with just the cost of doing business over a senor time. this is going to increase the amount of funding toward the core and shell work at 3545 the old al meny hospital owned by public health it is city owned property. and managed boy clinic by the bay had will tick over this pits when the w is done and we are getting and close. will be a free clinic for the community and city and a space for local artists. the prktsd health care prolonged because of restoring power. having the confirmations in the
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city about energy up grids and so in site had to go through a major transferrer upgrade which required boy pg&e. so. oui have done this -- through w with nonprofits this are in the contractors credited a set of barriers. in the end, director pennic and his team and arts ban and clinic boy the bay done tremendous w i will handled it over to director pennic for a presentation we will amend the contract and hopeful low this is the final time, colleagues, we will have to do this to get it done. next. good morning. upon director of real estate.
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um -- as supervisor safai stated, we are before you this morning asking for your period recommendation on i resolution amending it is lose at 35 onondaga to increase the city's allowance for a core and shell work at the site. bay way of background, 3545 onondaga is city owns and has been unused for decades. we did go through an effort for a public/private per inship. clinic by the bay in 2018, won. the allowance was for you 10,000. based on a building assessment in 2016 under valued the amount
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of immediate work. the third amendment increase sea allowance 850 thousand dollars to a new total of more then and there 2. 9 million. them is sort of a brief time line as to the increases over the senor subpoena become in december of 2018 the city authorized the improve am the original 410. in july of 2019. it was increased it 1.4 million. based on the contractor investigation. and the resunrised cost for core and shell work in april of 21 the city allowance was reviseed 1.66 million based on water damage. this occurred. and november of 2022, the city allowance was resunrised gwen to 2.within million to accommodate pg&e requirement to do a trance
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form are vol, lupurto be transfer friday pg&e to puc and then now before you today to increase the allowance a final time to 2.9 million. increased construction cost over a 2 year period with no power. we are available for questions. >> thank you. >> item 5 resolution, prove the third metropolitan to the city's lease at 35 onondaga avenue with the city landlord vol torse in medicine tenant, we know on page 26 this this amendment increases the share of the city share of the improve am cost and 2.1
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million dollars to under 3 million dollars. 850 thousand dollars increase fund by a board add back and technical adjustment in the budget. and this this will be fund additional power costs. the city's share of the improvements 2-1/2 timeless the rent the steal collect over 10 years and we consider for it to be a policy merit for the board. >> thank you. supervisor safai. >> thank you. i will end with we have built 3 learning apartment buildings in the course of time it 10 it get this project almost done. i just this hen the most difficult project i had in my district in 7 years. so, we have done 130 unit building, 115 unit building and we will cut the ribbon in 2
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weekos 21 therein unit building you will in the time this this has been going through the press. it is in the anyone persony fault. having up grid the electric system this was somebodying dab in the middle of director pennics presentation, was an impedament getting this come leasted. wroi had to finds the right location and look for the right place under ground. all of that added team energy and efforts. thank you for hang nothing there and the team of director pen icky tome i think oui are almost done. it surrender construction you in. and we move this quickly thank you for getting the schedule the money will get to the be ail to be dispursed and reimburse today
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contractors. you will be inviteed the big ribbon cutting this taken so long! >> i money fringe low if not because the uic use of the space so critical. to the community. buzz it actually a healing clinic for low income residents in the your providing free care. it just but again the delay of it also creates problems to provide consistent care for the resident in this your. i look forward it complete. it actually i think this is one of the project this is irrelevant highlights the problem this is we have with pg&e. i thank you was the significant delay in cost and time them is i personal low don't think it is
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necessary other then and there this we electronic in the bureaucracy with pg&e. thank you for all your w on this and for bring thanksgiving before us today. let's go to public comment. >> commend the supervisor from that directed for ticking on this project. >> and want to bring to the attention of the city, the mayor our relationship with pg&e. we have thousands of people in san francisco suffering because
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than i have it wait for years in order to get a permit. not only that it costs a lot of money. so, we need to address this incident and tally them so when we deal with pg&e we have the facts and don't wit for the left moment totaly the incidents pg&e cost us the city and county, billions of dollars. thank you very much. >> thank you, mr. decosta. >> no further spoeshg speakers we have one listening and mr. lm unmute our caller, please? >> good morning. and thank you to supervisor safai and director pennics for this review of the project. i'm the executive director of clinic boy the became i want to
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thank this committee and the burden supervisor safai for pushing amendment forward it bring fund in thes renovation of the city building 35 and 45 onondaga and continuing it move this important project forward. we [inaudible] simultaneous funded fro medical clinic in san francisco. and reason i having the historic furthermorer alemany hospital if our now space. this will allow you to increase hours of prescription and extend service. which includes adding free dent will care. supervisor safai mentioned when he agreed it per in with the city for this project before my time. i believe the condition transact sum was under 200 thousand dollars now than i are 3 million for the core and shell of the buildings. in addition on this city funding clinic by bay is raising 5
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million dollars for our fund raising effort its put in the build out of this facility. after you will dlis we encountered and turn it back it i function will spitz we areal the end of the construction and we plan to move inform by end of october. which makes the need for the funds urgent. project is i win for clinic boy the day and the city. for us able it see more patients, prosecute void health care services to our community this have no other moneys to access thez services and for the city to historic building i neighborhood staple in the excelsior for many years.
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thank you for sharing your comments. and this condition clouds our phone queue >> public comment is now closed. and vice chair mandelman. >> thank you. thanks to supervisor safai for your work on this project. it is costing too much but nez. i would like to be added as a cosponsor. >> thank you. >> with had, yes. sends this to board with positive recommendation. why a motion? >> yes. >> with this motion roll call. >> and on that motion by member safai this be forwarded with positive recommendation vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> member safai. >> aye. >> chair chan. >> aye >> thank you this passes and
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thanks. call item 6, 7 and 8 together. why yes. items 6, sxen 8 authorizing office of condition tact administration to execute amendments to the following for purwhich is of tech untiling product and special services as needed basis effective upon approval of the resolutions no changes to the 5 year term from january first of 2019 through december 31 of 2023. 6, executes amendment 5 to contract with cct technologies to. increasing the contract not to exceed amount by 3.6 million a dote total 6. 5. item 7 executes amendment five, tw i contract with inside public
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sector increasing the condition transact 3. 6 million a total not to exceed of 43.8 million and item 8 executes amendment 4 to contract with zones llc increasing 2. 2 million for a total not to exceed twek 26.3 million. press star 3 to enter the line. jury room thank you. and we have danielle sanchez. purchaser from office of contract administration >> good morning i'm the purchaser over seeing the tome this [inaudible]. i'm accompanied by our assistant director and our director the city purwhich isser and have i
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brief presentation to give you background. to our 3 amendment requests. >> the market place has been in place in the city since the 90's. computer store. and has evolved. what it is an efficient molgsdz for city departments to purwhich is technology goodses and service and irrelevant the way it does this prosecute voids a quick are froesz procure then and there otherwise. regular transaction takes self months and in the simple cases can take one to two weeks. we have over 50 different suppliers in the market place. each with own master agreements which is as needed condition transact. monies this there is in guarantee of money.
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they it only, worried what come up at the time based on needs. in terms of structure of the market place as it stands. it is over 50 different supplyers and separate in the 3 tiers. i said these are as needed. so you know there is in guarantee at this time machine theguess in the. the not to exceed amounts today are kwaps on the contract and how much each can be awarded. and it is 3 tors, one the tier this the 3 before you today are from. is has 18 different condition transacts with the initial not to exceed of 20 million dollars. and we have 2 in there that are local business enter prizes. tier 29 in total. with the original not to xoed 3 million dollars and 3 local
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businesses prime vend ins there. and tier 3 the microlb tier and have 24 with all am not to exceed of 600 thousand dollars each. oc, we are in the the end users of the contractless we don't determine what gets purwhich issed we administer and over seat technology program and one key duties to determine when we need to mend it allow full competition in the market place. the way we do this is electric at past usage. and we come up with an average and multiply that to have competition available it city diameters purwhich is. based on this that we have done i will talk more soon. we are asking for the 3 amendments to ensure that they
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have enough capacity not to exceed amounts to compote on purchases through the end date. cc technologies asking it amend up to 66.5 million. insight asking to amend up to not to exceed fre.8 and zones up to upon 26.3 million dollars. and this shows how we came up with that. look at past expend tours. come up an average. so you see the amount this is wore asking for to you, prove today. it is base on the average past expenditures. this provides a snap should the
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we have the bigger diameters the heavy use and departments this are you know the technology department this is heavy low emphasize technology the d. technology itself. the residential for amending these contracts is this -- under the market place we require competition and when diameters come to the market place they have condition transactors visible so they compote and ensure a fair process. approving the amendments today ensure we have full competition went market place for the remaining duration of the contract and therefore would, let you departments to continue to receive competitive pricing. and terms of competition this
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screen shows you how much of each contract amount has been awarded through competitive press. you so here than i are high percentages. cct, 77% insight 88 and zones 96% of all, wards of the market place have been am result of the of competitive process. we hope we can continue to provide this comprehend tigz. it city department this is want to use for prosecute cure ams in the next 3 mont when is than i expire. this is our presentation. we are help it take questions you may have. >> thank you. item 6, 7 and 8 approve amendments to 3 agreements one with cct technologies, inside public sector and one with zones
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llc. we show page 31 of the report this the total increase in not to exceed amounts for all 3 resolution system 9. 4 million dollars. this increase based on spending and will take there is in change to the term it allows for spending it occur through the rest of the year oca gets now technology contractless in place. recommend am approval. >> thank you >> i think for me i'm not questioning the competitiveness the rfp or in the questioning the whether or not it is best have you. when i'm questioning is the need and will uses from the city departments. i appreciate the out line you show about who has when needs. and i do examine as some point well, the new contract coming
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through. but as we have on going -- just the teach of contract is to just three down with city diameters each of them. like whether this is necessary and how they are spending and -- what are their needs? to when they think than i need to when they actually need. and this is when i'm looking at today. and moving forward in the fiscal year i would urge the city department its come with you know figure this out with director doony and with city add administrator chew to assess needs. thank you for being here with us. and with this go to public comment. >> members when wish to speak on the 3 item in person line up you in and those remote, press star
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3. >> i want to know that we havearc sesz at this time technology. and i want it know why the city and the board of supervisors are not focusing on -- why it takes so many months and sometimes years to fill a full time employment when it come it nurses and all. i came from the puc commission number one in purwhich issing software and heard ware and having problems with human resource in filling fte's. are we using the technology in
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the year 2023, do we have a digital platform and have goals and time lines. or just like talking about. companies having the hardware and the soft weir and every year you will expand and get more money for this. but december in the benefit the hospitals. puc. there is a lot vacancy the human resources and the diameters cannot interact and fill positions we use the technology for the betterment of the taxpayer. and not use the taxpayer's money so this you know you don't show results.
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thank you very much. thank you front cisco decosta. >> yes this was -- also that in learninger situation. but remember one of the reason had in mission there is only in san francisco behalf of technologies. the 40 humanity belanguages to people when understand we must stop using technology as it is used today. today it walks against humanity.
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>> aye. >> the motion passes. and with this mr. clerk call the next item. item 9 ordinance amending ordinance number within 45-23. sell row ordinance for fitsical twe-24 and 24 to 25. reflect deletion of 4 position in 23-24 and the addition of 7 publicity 69 positions in the fiscal 23-24. in the police department. members who are remote press star 3 to enter the line. when the system indicates you have been unmuted this is your significant until to comment. >> thank you, and want it acknowledge this our police chief is here with us today in the chamber. but i will hundred this over to our sponsor president supervisor
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peskin to go over the reming of the presentation. we do have a bla report. supervisor supervisor peskin i believe to see how you want to manage this. tip kelly we i have presentation and the bla report and open discussion. >> thank you. i, too, have a presentation i'm help to make at the on set and hear from the bla as well as the police department who also have a presentation and thank you for scheduleing today. i ask for it to be scheduled left week but the chief was out of town we drilled this week. in is not a new issue. when this proposal surfaced i was one of a handful of dissenting votes and reasons at that time i didn't proposeed a
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large expansion of the command staff rinks within the upon san francisco police department. i bruthis up again during the budget press and even as we voted on the am budget. but agreed to continue this. promise will in the be resolved today. i want to take the time to really go through what why i'm interested in this and what the policy implications are. and when helped the left helpful a dozen years a command staff this has combren over time from when i was elected i think it was -- 8 or 9 in number and now is sworn officers 15 or how you
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look at it will dmefl this in a minute. i are questions and policy implications there, too. >> there are 6 civil yen command staff paid with as worn staff are. i always have been a long standing champion of civilianization of positions this need not be held by sworn officers. ir remember twe years ago scratching my head as to why an officer background was not technology was the head of the technology unit and today we have a civilian who does this, makes sense. i'm enemy no way speaking about civilization where promote.
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i did labor under the negz this for some reason civilians would be less expensive. delve into my concerns then and when than i are now. and they cover i gammet of different policy and financial policy issues. which is to say, this as we went from worn assistant oh , depend when time frame you want to use i should queue up my presentation. we went from depending on when year you are in zero assistant to 2 currently. and from 3 commanders to 8 or depending, 9 commanders currently and -- so -- the issues had i am concerned about is length of tenure in the and
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positions the 15 positions had over 40 individuals this have cycled through them and retire at their highest level. and we will hear from the budget and legislative analyst as to had this looks like. it is also when i came here when somebody in the department made captain this was -- pretty much the top of the heapful i'm worried about if you will, dehave youation of the position of captain. and the increase in command staff creating a lack of longevity in the cap captain ranks.
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i can nut left 11 years central station, which is if i may the highest prosecute file premiere stations in the city. grounds zero for tourism and upon known with china town and the crock ed street had 8 captains in 11 years, 7 in the left 10 years. assistant chief longest tenure in this position of 2. 94 years. the average is significantly less for the -- i question the department's leadership priorities by the fact this for the last two months 7 and both northern and central have had acting captains. i question why prosecute motions
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med in the command staff rank before filling vacancies in the captain rank. so this is as well as the actual personnel expense, which -- is growing from 3 million in 2016 it over 7 and a half in 20 it would have. the cho indicated the greg in command staff was necessary for the under taking of a set of reform in this are sweeping the country and urban pleasing. and the 272 recommendations of the department of justice. but i want to ask i question. which is dot jobs need to be done boy commanders and department chiefs or can than i be done boy captains and
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lieutenant? the left we heard 245 of the 272 department of justice recommendations were in commroinls. when point did those positions become unnecessary. i note this in the bla report. relative to our top 5 ranks. we are 100% higher than the average of similarly situated police departments in the united states. of america. our command staff is twice as learning as that average. with this, if madam clerk i'm sorry mr. clerk you could t up my -- presentation i wanted go through some graph this is e lighthouseidate the things this i just touched on. which, are visualization of the
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policy occurrence this i set forth and hear more about with the budget and analyst as to the report than i prepared. next slide. there is had i just spoke about. this growth from 3 envelope million in 2016. to the budgets this we approved that tick us it 7 and a half million in 2025. the light blue courteous department chief's 5 positions other orange color and the commanders 8 of them are the
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dark blue. next. this is anecdotal as far as it is one of 10 district stations but this shows you from 2012 so a 10 year snapshot the -- 7 captains that have served there. i cannot tell you how important i think all of you as district supervisors know this continuity in the positions is profound low meaningful to the community, meaningful to the rank and in the stations and that has in the been prosecute nounsed with average length of tenure of less then and there 2 years.
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and this shows you average length of 10 our in the left helpful a dozen years since we expanded the staff. in those 8 commander positions 22 individuals served. which gives you an average tenure of 3 and i quarter years the deputy chief positions 5, 17 served for average 10 our of 2. 94 years and in the acestant chief, 6 served for average of 3 years. and this then tells thank you next story which is when the increase in pension liability is.
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next each retiring by position. and this shows the budget and legislate itch analyst yesterday prosecute voided i break down of this and i have provided each of you, colleagues with the result of the bla's work and he will get into this you see what the pension differences are between a sergeant and the graph gets larger at the bottom assistant chief, from 487,000 it 4 million. i will let mr. the bla office explain this. let mow give you the bottom line or top line which circumstance the proposal before you is a
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compromise proposal i'm not suggesting this we return this to the staffing command staffing levels of 7 years ago. this was a compromise. we grew the and suspicion of commander from 3 to 8. i'm suggest we reduce it from 8 to 5. by removing 3 commander positions. and returning the assistant chief from 2 to 1. special using those funds to gunld police officers at q4 rank. instead these numbers are q4 rink higher paid and suspicion and funds these 4 positions fund 7. sick 9 positions and when this shows you is the difference
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in pension liability, a savings to the city of helpful a million dollars. even though have you more personnel. i believe this is my last slide. i'm -- i'm here for as long as we want i look forward it having a good policy honest and discussion with the chief. and turn it over to the budget and legislative analyst office. the one thing i'm unclear on an issue of fact is i believe in the budget this we approved. there are 8 commander positions the departmenty chart shows 9 i'm not understanding this. so men you can star with this. i will turn through the chair
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the flower to the bl aoffice. >> good morning. to your question about the 9 commanders. you will notice on the chart on our revised report sent monday evening on page 42. a of the report you see the chart of the police department. commanders other dark upon green double out line. so going from the left it starts with commander with administration. count those commanders and the box there are 9 the budget provides 8. because the commander this was in the community engagement and
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position moved mid city in field operations a new geographic diing vision this took mission and tenderloin and put them in the new mid city division with the drug market initiative. it focus attention on those yours of the city. so my understanding if this community engagement position is filled bii captain and acting commander irrelevant. >> but paid. i don't were the aso said 8. how can you be funding another one unless than i did a temporary exchange? >> this is i technical hr
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question we need to get an hr civil service rowel expert it opine on. i than as a practical merit there are 9 people academying. >> nub a mid year tx through the chair? than i ned to borrowo from another authorized position. may be a t extinguishing i have to understand had happened >> i also add for my colleagues and hear from the department but you know in 2022, we also authorized a large number of pol analysts who help with reform ajs. we authorized 6, 1823's and
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1824's. i have pte local 21. we'll hear if the department on this. go ahead the rest of your report. >> thank you. so, item 9 an ordinance amends the salary ordinance of 23-24. dloets one assistant chief and deletes 3 commander positions and adds fte to popular position in the general fund and the police department so there is a lot to consider here. one is this filled and are all filled would flult demotion for the person obpoig the position
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this could have i cascading set of demotions occur than i filled the proceeding filled roles. and move around people within the department of to lower sworn ranked positions. we note that -- am there are 2, cystant chiefs. one is the assistant of prescriptions over sees 2600 positions. and all the field prescriptions and investigations the airport and special operations. and there is assistant chief of staff over sees a smaller group of people by our count 389 within the budget. there does, peer to imbalance in the oversight responsible among the 2 assistant chiefs. fiscal impact there are not
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immediate this is changing the authorized and suspicions in the police department. any change in and suspicion and authority without a budget ordinance funded out of the budget you have, proved for the general fund. it is changing the management structure and this irrelevant is know prescriptional and policy question more then and there anything. but there is -- there is a long-term fiscal impact. and this is not in the report that went out monday. i was crunching the numbers. essential low because of the way -- the safety retirement plan functions. the people when are eligible for retirement now are on a plan this general low provides for their pension allowance. when they are eligible for in retirement to be up to 90% of
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the final compensation of the final 12 months of their career. when this mean system this as you elevate people in highway are paid positions. you are providing more pension liability. and it is in the per authorized position it is per person occupying each position. if you look at and -- president supervisor peskin had the numbers. in the report i will in his presentationim restate that if you assume someone retires at 65. live for another 30 years the average life span of americans. eligible over this period 10. 9
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million dollars in toll pension payment. pension payments are function will the employee incredible contributing. it is 55%. and that is why this felony 9 million dollars becomes 7 million dollars. and this is i very simplified example. everyone -- has different each personville i different retirement. anyway. then you comper se this to a police officer. ordinances deleting to assistant chiefs and one assistant and 3 commanders. and replace with police officers, this police officer if someone retired as a top paid
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police officer eligible for for you opinion 7 million dollars in pension payments over the 30 year life in retirement. this city share 3 million dollars. a 4 million dollars difference. between assistant chief in retirement and police officer in retirement. we have a lot of information in the bankrupt the -- history of the and suspicions. page 88 the positions targets were created in 2017.
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this time the department not have assistant chiefs. there were 2 asiftant cho and 3 commanders. this were created outside the budget process during the year. so filld and board approved the positions. the positions and use now are consistent, i believe, with the departments description of the and suspicions at the time, which wases to have one assistant over see operations and one to over see administrative matters to help move reform and commanders provide oversight. i will let the police department speak to operational impacts. >> and you spoke in this report as subpoena of krell and the difference of span of control
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would you like to highlight that? >> yes. look at page 35 you will see it is different position counts over seen by each assistant chief. one the operation side of the department about 2600 position and one is about 3 noinlt. will. there it is a civilian director this reports at this time chief of police. that being over see the functions. over seen by chief of staff am
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prior the 5 deputy chiefs reported to the chief. why correct the bureau chiefs reported to the chief. nought chief of police has 4 director reports in the past he or she had 5. i don't know if you have questions i did want to just put my finger on one thing, which is in the same way there is something i think is important for members. budget and finance committee and members of appropriation's to remember. a tale that is worthy repeating twice. one, the original expansion of command staff did in the happen in the budget press it happened
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outside of the budget press. expect when the next budget came the board approved it. the reason which is a risk for the department. because you go and credit the positions and you prosecute mote people in and then when the budget come the board says, no. and before 2 months later there were prosecute motions in vac an captain positions. i don't want to hear the argument that oh .
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weep upon can't do this because the and sigsz have been fill third degree proposal predates filling of positions you did this at your own risk. you had notice this this could help. i know most of them and like most and all of them i think than i are you will qualify exclude work hard. but -- those -- should know this when the board as an ordinance it is gone at risk. you can't make this decision you in we filled the positions this ordinance predated your filling of them. i want that to be/khrer for the record. i am now turn it back over to you.
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one left comment, we have challenges. we are all aware of those. i'm very pleased that the department is focusing on the difficult situation this this city is fits nothing mid market area. and putting resources to this. but. you can't maintain the argument that these positions are necessary for police reform measure and then -- say need and shifted other prescriptional matters. awful those i submit can be done by low are ranks at less cost i think well impact on normal.
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weave had a police force north of for sworn officer in 2,000 range. and now a staff of combined with civilian and boost rank of captain, 15 sworn and 6 civil yens that creates morale issue this is i hear from the rink and file i wanted to -- 3 with that and turn it over to you. thank you and chief i just wanted again acknowledge. thank you for being here. if okay with you i see supervisor safai would like to make brief comments i think we should if okay i will have him
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say a now and the flower will be yours for you it respond about this president supervisor peskin comments. and make your present anticipation. thank you. i have been office for 6 and a half years and 5 captains. what this does for the ability to police in my district is under mines community confidence. choef pihad the conversations.
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chief floor is yours. thank you. good morning. chair channel and supervisor safai, mandelman and supervisor peskin. as well as mr. -- first let me say thank you we have 7 minutes i will say thank you to president supervisor peskin for. working with us on moveing hearing to today. i want to star i think some of my presentation will answer in of the questions or issues
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raised. i will start with -- start with an over view of structure of the san francisco police department. the structure provides for the division of labor and supportization this we believe and i believe as the chief of police enhance the members of the department and enable the department to prit more effectively. our department is in the unlike others cross the in addition it is i hierarchical department in nature. the police department pera military this is common. well is in department i know this does in the have hierarchical structure. we are department on this hierarchiesal rank and chain of command for efficiencies. clear chin of common lawed communications and clear lines of succession for contnewt of operations as the senior members
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of the department are developed is the right thing to do at any time upon complete there is a lot said about the turn over in captain ranks. part of having an hierarchy >> alison: succession is developing the next set of leaders, this has to help. i want it dress this while i'm at this point where we near policing. there is a large group of officers across this count wee real came to policing in the 9's the retirement age now. this is happening in learning departments krsz the country. i want to 9 out. the one of the things that we try to do is prepare.
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the hierarchies we put in place put now leaders in and when than i separate. now, the first slide is in the all inclusive of the responsibilities butt command staff infrastructure has been constructed it support efficient operations susstintability of reform this president supervisor peskin mention exclude sympathy and sustain the oversight of the department to drive account act and work load and proper pan and control. >> here is the structure of the organization one thing i want to note and want to correct or offer this as a correction. when i was appoint in the 2017 there were 5 commander. airport, mta, golden gate
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commander, metro commander and the commander investigations. so there was in the 3 there were five and there were if i have for i number of years before me and i was appointed. the structure hen pointed out includes tw, cystant chiefs the 2 assistant chiefs operations and chief of staff maintain the functions of the department of the under this structure, for the assistant cho of operations
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part is it focus on -- the chief of police provide over all leadership of the departmenty vision and focus on external reps, collaboration with other agencies, departments including federal, state and local i am talk about the chief of staff, denise the chief of staff w load and responsibles is project base and press driven. and this will requires extensive hundred's on reading of a number of projects and case and it is like. the functions over seen by chief of staff rescue management.
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including internal, faris. criminal investigation, legality, training, facility, float, personnel. policy develop and want human resource both roles and responsibilities are symbiotic or interrelate exclude cord nited ensure departmental efficiency. 5 deputy chiefs report and a command are reports to the deputy cho and, cyst this is deputy cho in management of their commands. the deputy chief of fields prescription vs 3 commanders when report to him or her in this case him. this hierarchical structure was recommended andvilleidated best practice by police research forum in their 2008 assessment. you all may say that is a 15 year old report i will say that alegality of the recommendation in this report took overa decade it implement can still relevant
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and very much best practice. and speaks how this department is you in organized. in our city and our city the external and xhounl engage am demands of the chief of police and the chief of operations are command and time consuming this was in the report san francisco has demands with the commune engagement and lected officials and in the to say than i don't help in other cities. but san francisco is unique in this respect. thez demands are very high. chief of prescriptions over sees all field prescriptions. 4 report it him. and as the chief of operations and because of the nature of operation the assistant chief of operations subject to response, cristical incidents.
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consistent off hour phone calls and phone calls and, and emergencies. as well as the community engage am responsibilities. it is a let to say the least. leaving to one assistant chief in my opinion will urn motorbike diminish the hierarchical infrastructure and the billions of w load this is currently shared by 2 assistant chiefs. the work load demand based on current demands are too much for one assistant chief to handle this gets us in other issues including employee wellness. furthermore, the current team of the [inaudible]. this report to me as cho of police the 2a cestant chiefs. executive director and director which is the nun swon position for constitutional policing.
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accessible to members and the public this is a part of doing business the communications add to the demands of being in i command staff on the san francisco police department. the meeting schedule. is brutal. after covid the virtual meeting are common place and although we love to have this technology it meches us more efficient we seen our meeting schedule explode. nogz this, things like come are implementtation is good for the department and transparency and grit to build trust in the community because well is accountability that goes with that and transparency but the body worn come are press had to be manage exclude reruexclude, let of this pushes out to the skwutive levels of the department. and kausz additional w we did in the have 7 years ago. >> collaborative reform requirement.
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oversight administrate and operational and this requires people to do the work. and i know that a lot said about cost and pension and you will this and i understand this and get this this is the cost doing business we have in the talked about the w this thrust upon this department we gladly do but need the people to do temperature use of force is another. we revised use of force policies. 3 times in the left 7 years. this has great low increases the prescriptional and add stritive demands to manage this and put stricken this organization in terms our ability to do when we need to do to manage this issue watch policy revisions are good. policy revision getting us where we need to go in reform. again they are mandate this is go with this in terms of
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administration and command staff responsibility. we have completed more department general order revision in this past year then and there in the last 5 years combined. takes a lot of coordination a lot of meetings, a lot of administrative command staff time to make this happen. we are just scratching the surface on this process. per of our reform this city agreed to say this is everyone of our general orders within i 5 year subpoena revisited and revised on a 5 year base this department never to being this on before it takes people to do this. we are all going to the call and we nothing on the policy decisions. and it ticks time and people to do this. last low.
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i will woindz this down implementations of collaborative efforts the way we are approaching the drug market and this area. the way we are approaching dealing with the unhusbanded population. the reform recommendations was this this department and the city better collaborating. there is an amount of time it ticks to do that the meeting schedule. sitting in meetings full time staff to helpful will lift this and do thiss well as we can. again ticks time and people and members offer command staff the and suspicions theory up for deletion are in the middle of in work. this infrastructure has afforded our police department to command with better control. stability and, dapability and flexibility and gives us an
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tounlt to develop future senior staff personnel and future leaders of this department. i know there hen a lot of turn over we had to biff live with this front and center. i do believe this if we did not have the infrastructure this we have this press would be more painful. worn of00 autothings i seen this is my second police department and last police department was in the different then and there this. turn over cross the country is coming at the higher ranks. you got people at retirement age. if we are in the appropriate exclude don't have infrastructure, shamous. and the answer is not to dloet the positions i understand the cost associated with the staff and common lawed staff. but i don't think this is the solution. of the current commanders, 2 from one from airport and mta are funded by those receiveip
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agencies. of the remaining 6 for you in operations. and than i provide oversight management and support to the 10 stations and investigations. this common lawed are in community engagement division loaned to address discurrentlying open air drug sale and use in the city in this area the tenderloin and soma communities. and over see and support how we address the illegal vending and street conditions in the mission district. these infrastructure features i want to speak to president supervisor peskin this when you see on this organizational chart. a lot added was added for the purposes to implementing refurthermore but reform in
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policing are in the exclusive to one another they go together the purpose of reform is to get to good policing. we handle the challenge in a way the public accepts and i way does in the bring the department down in scandal and there is accountability, electrons paraphernalias and the administrative oversight to dot job demanded of us. they go together and i don't know another way to put this. those position this is drive reform bloweds to operation than i have to or else why do we do this this is about how we police the city. joy don't to interrupt but two questions yea but what do you do about continuity and the highest profile station having very
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short 10 urs. or the same for supervisor safai's district. and why can't these. you med captain this was top of your career. handful of people who promotive opportunity in higher ranks why can't some of the job done boy a captain? in 2017 as we just starting on how would adjust one thing this failure was trying to really bring operations captains and lieutenants in the reform implementation not for i lack of people wanting to dot job. when is amounted to was it was very heard to take i captain orllow lute lieutenant out of
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prescriptions and turn thome this requiring a lot of time. that's why we unplugged commanders end of 2020 for 6 months to focus on driving the implementations and saw a tremendous amount of growth. so to answer your question, when you are sitting in an prescriptional position i have done and have experience i can say this with credibility. it is hard to take on that type of project. you can do it with help. men. but it is hard and that continuity in terms of when we need to get to even to where we are now we felt this we had to have specialization with these executive sponsors to drive reform. now dot captains weigh in and lieutenants, yes than i are sometimes call said as exerts.
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same with policy making assign a lieutenant a subject merit expert there are interpretations it is unpredictable. and often times that slows progress we had to find a better way. continuity, turn over this morning i spoke to po serb retirees. the group was everwas half the size the city taken step its slow down the out flow.
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and that's slowing down not guilty city. i was combeth residence nigzs weekly on my check is not existent you in. i think this measures are taken to stitial otherwise this and i think the city -- thanks to you all and the mir and others are ticking the right measure its slow it down. in the meantime, we have to deal with what in front of us time to go we gotta make sure the next person is prepared. i have upon just 2 more comment and wrap it up. go back to the 2008 report and,llow the recommendations it tris into the structure of the department and also was a lot of in terms of command staff wasvilleidated and 2019 when --
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nothing is written in stone. there i'm sure a time we have to reevaluate and men this is now. but the ask is -- to do it with the same research and thought this police executive research forum did when they locked at our staffing analysis. and like i said none of this was made up by me or the department this is the research out well and a lot of itteen though the report was 15 years ago is very relevant to needs today. matrix was 4 year ago and useing methodology to determine our staffing levels. the upon command staff infrastructure again, is
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irrelevant important. next slide. i want top talk about impact. part of i believe will be the on going conversation what are impacts if positions are deleted? this is about the work. i have in the heard proposals to mandate the work dloetd that work will have to be done boy somebody with few are people of the deletion of command staff have both immediate and long lasting negative impacts to the police department and ability to successly navigate. this clsd jep diegz the completion of the reform initiative our goal is to be
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through our final review boy the california department of justice in april with remaining 27. i said tw of those position common lawed are positions are funded by other agencies. this leaves 6 and positions for 3 deletions for you in prescriptions one risk management that handles internal, for and shootings and disciplinary review the other is administration. recruitment, training. float. facilities and all these things. some of this will go, way the w will not. it will be pushed dun or up or pushed last irrelevant this will cause issues in i have been a
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disconnection... when i appeal to you consider the w president impact tell have on this department you in come in the future. buzz this impact will be negative. i will stop you there and that's it for mow. >> if i being you know, i cho scott i irrelevant want it acknowledge your contribution to the police department. you came in i time am at the san francisco police department i considers a difficult time for the department. this was under the investigation of -- the upon department of justice. and because of -- you know the misconduct of some of the police
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officers who came in and trying to reform. and i want to thank you for your leadership and commitment it reform the police department. we were tasked with over 270 measures boy the department of justice. and asking us it do those things we had i slow star you were become here on a routine basis to report back reforms you supposed to implement and we were crows we are very cloesz and i thank you the last couple years picked up momentums and appreciate form board president yee his effort block the voters with conversation with you and many of the including predecessor and i think my clothes on the burden you in this we went to the voter and say the staffing level of the police department require independent study cannot just from becoming like you said.
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this we have to make some we have to make decisions. based on when we have learned from the doj audit and here we are and when we have identified and throughout that process. while it diagonal in the directly address you think command staff structure it did talk about the full time police officers we need. part of the effort is it make sure this the and positions civilianized and help us to see more frankly full principle and foot boat on the strept is had we want to see.
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i know this if you recall this is actually before pandemic, you were our chief. to being 4 hours for i bakery on per trolla after the burglar and it was i fizzical con41casion 4 hours for the popular its, ratify to report. and this moment we identify and understand this perhaps staffing shortage was an issue already then. and of course. will that's to say the. progress we have made long the way to date. you in this i think and learn from our assistant chief saying congratulations instead 6 receive grut the met rent we have 25 and we have 25 more hire
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in the let ral hiring if i understand this correct low this . is a progress this we have been making. you have been making and team has been making i want to acknowledge this and i'm not in any way it question the progress we have made. though, i think that if also i misay i have been in a city staff for i long time and started off at the community organizer for public safety and beg your pardon learned from former chief fong our police captain were minimum to ask each station for 3 year and go through rotation. at this time all right to the community you know then the community all around the city. i again this is not i personnel to you.
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already that time the community expressed frustration with then chief fong this we want a captain to stay long are than 3 years. her argument was like 3 years got to aretate all should know each neighborhood and each community this is how you build leadership and how you build the bench. for successors to go in a commander level of understanding how the city not one pocket of the neighborhood but the entire city how it worked. so, i again i wanted to i know this it feels personal but i'm reflecting the history how far san francisco has come. how much we love our captain. when we have a good one we like them to stay and how much it means for the moupt to get to
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know our captain and have our captain get to know us and their station and stay. i'm articulating as a district supervisor this minot be shared among my colleagues how we feel and moves to the next level of when we have our captains and having them movingum to the commander when you make that decision when is the qualifications and trainings this make you decide that it time now for i captain instead of stillings captain? men this can be in different division. i,000 sometimes you need different divisions for investigation purpose and inspect investigations internal investigation purposes. you miwant a fire kwaul wall for a team over another. had makes you make sdoigz say instead of having the captains
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of a different division to dot work you want them to jump to the next level to be command staff? >> the process we have for command starch appointments you in we impelement third degree in the left 3 years. those are appointed and positions the first we have an interview press and we put out a notice to the captains command staff and positions we have a vacancy if you are interested in interviewing. let that be known. and there is a set of interviews we express. this is mow and the 2 assistant upon chos and human resource manager and the questions in the
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interview we evaluate those and the importance and qualifications this process is only about 3 years in the making. before it was just the chief selection. we felt we needed i felt we needed a better press. for people. express when was interested. somewhere in the some are happy in their rink and don't want to be on the command staff. most do. this is our press we evaluate the candidate and make a decision. i will tell you it is difficult. we have, lot of good people and it is always difficult when you captain is replaced own for prosecute motion.
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you have a good captain they don't want to see them go >> this is always a challenge. jot question specifically like you know you have mentioned in this could be a plan and when if one day. well, you are out of town or notable it return. on a notice or something is helping in the city and you know i see that you have i structure here. you have your assist an chief of prescription. am and chief of staff. we this is consideration everconversation should in the be i surprise this this is in the just for the appropriate. all cross the board i have this with budget and legislative analyst conversation during the budget process. i think this at this moment city department wide not just the
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police department. departments are more manager and more of the workys this need to see on the streets. street cleaners or beat officers. we like more of those on the streets. is this a moment that we should question. for the city government structure is this i moment ask ourselves cross the burden for all city departments is it time we reevaluate so manies we're heavy on the pop and light at the bottom where we need people. visibility for the police departments and visibility and w to be done by our department of public works, street cleaners across the board. you have my feedback during the budget we had this confirmation i'm reiterate where i have been.
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again. you know a question this not just to you but across. is this leadership structure good enough for us? and moving forward and we performing the a level this meet the demand and perhaps time it reconsider structure of city departments in the just police departments. with this president supervisor peskin. >> as always i appreciate our candor and your ability to stick up for your upon department and the decisions you have med. and you come with i wealth of experience from the southern per of our state and i city that has a police force that is about 5 times as large as ours.
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which i, soup is going through the threes of this which for electric of a better term call reform. >> this is correct. than i have and continue to sustain what -- they put in place through a consent decree. always better to have it in the help through consent decree if we did i remember the days. then our sister, brother police department in the learningest city in the bay your. i got news for you here we are in the san jose bay wrir sudden jose is larger a force half our size i, soumg they are doing it, too. >> i don't know. >> in the they don't have
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formal. i do know many member in this department. than i are in the in any agreements or like we are or oak land or the other cities. they strive to make themselves better. >> the reason i pick them out one is helpful our sides and one 5 times our size than i have one thing in common or close which is this their demand staff to rink and file ratio is in the case of l.a. about half of ours and in the case of san jose a quarter of ours. upon >> i can speak to l.a. i saw the bl, report, there are in some of the departments comper seed shows top 5 ranks some shows 3 ranks. >> and the case of l.a. got the top 5 and san jose than i don't have district police stations.
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>> yes. >> so take l.a. you said they are 4.3 times the size of this department. than i have a command staff of 108 or 9. because they are command staff includes captain. each station is 2 captains. and than i have bisquel a similar structures us but more than i are a bigger sdpept professional staff. i mean -- am the math is the math i don't know we are twice the size of l.a.'s command staff i have in the been there for -- memory is good they have 115 total command staff for over a total sworn force of 9, 23 with a ratio of top 5 command staff
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1. 2% come paired to san francisco which our top 5 takes in captains. this brings us it 47 with a total sworn 2, 298. at 2%. >> another personal thing to note on that. supervisor. we have 10 district stations so our stations are -- with exception of the west side stations we have 10 district stations to 49 square files 525 miles 21 district stations i locked at the chart i also went deeper to look at how many either divisions or district stations because most of the time this is run boy a captain. and call it commander it is i
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captain rank. this is, this city this is good. people love their police stations. we have very small areas and we have stations with less then and there 100 people. when i ever a captain i had 400 in a station. reason i bring this up we can electric at those to compare. you have to build the department based on the needs of the city. getting become to the points.
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we have it take into consideration the needs of our city i know the statistic are good for comparing purposes. but basically cross the bay oakland don't have half the police stations we have and a bigger area we have more captains than the cities our size we have them running the stations. relevant to the needs of the city i know l.a. well and this city. i got to learn the bay area we are all different and based on needs this city has challenge and i very condenialsed city. it is a different set of needs i ask you take into consideration as well. you have more on your agenda and i will make one comment and i suggestion i know you have to get public comment.
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i think you will hear a universal theme from the 11 of us who get directly lected by the however many are register today vote. continuity and longevity at the rank of captain in district stations is wanting. and one of the thing this is we see with a large are command staff is there goes dj got an opportunity to promote.
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this was the way it was when i got here which was -- captain was about 3 year until upon extraordinary circumstance. and i know this. central which is near mow and you and the mayor and everybody who visits here is high profile station. it is as important and equal as other 9 stations. but this it is the upon experience i had, has been wanting. and per of where member like me points the finger is the i learning are command staff. right? this we will have to solve for this one way or the other. i thank you is critical and so we are doing this great stuff with risk management and i don't care the mta is paying for one if than i ever pibeing for
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cheaper one i get more bus service airport than i print their own money good there. i think we have to solve for this. and i net this i never see a project come to an sxend we say, hi we met all of the reform and yes now we need a lower level of effort to maintain those things per of dgo and culture i never so we like less commanders. in the in your department or any department is goes that direction. this is under know imperative the next few years it dress this. example one of my disappointments no offense to the committee or the chair or mir is this we did in the make strict enough cuts when we good next year will be i disaster.
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i don't understand i get the notion you need to have arm's length and review from what inspector produce and internal affairs report this is this thick or this thick. and -- somebodying update chain reviews it i don't know this person has to be a commander. if my if the and suspicion description says, your job is -- figure out implement the last 27 recommendations this is my job.
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can in positions be done as captains. all of the people's highest level service rank was captain. and may be i know the fear about bumping this is you e lim nit commander and bump dun it captain the captain positions are full. we being temp grow the ranks and captain androus commander. and grow this rank. a thought i will take off line with you. >> okay. question? >> thank you.
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chair chan and thank you chief and i was hearing you present i was struck i struck on previous occasions. boy how lucky we are to have you and when know extraordinary job you do of managing your 19 bosses. and -- between dmans of supervisor preston aaron supervisor peskin supervisor mandelman and all coming the you with different understandings of your job and where you had go a police commission this halls you folk in on the regular basis to demand answers in all different directions about all different things. to the mayor. and i -- i thank you we have managed have and use someone when somehow managed to make
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sense out of this direction over the left 6-7 years and attempt to steer a direction this satisfies enough of the verse interests it keep the police department going. i want to appreciate some of the points this the board president raised i shirr some occurrence. there is no disagreement that losing our captains at this rate is frustrating for supervisors and hard on neighborhoods. i have i think the concern about pension liable is real but i problem that goes far beyond the command staff of the police department it is as a city and and you know the growing concern about the efficiency of the department is one this i share.
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i think it is worthy know important to the asking whether all of the process this we put in place and the changes in state and law and board of supervisory legislation. and police commission. policy. if thethigate of this is getting you to i place we cannot get the policing this san franciscans deserve this is a real conversation worth having and important to have. and i don't think it is is just the size of the command staff. although we have the staff i think we need for the consensus and position you have been able it steer. may be collectively we want to move in i different direction. this is the right thing to do may be and as a professional you can help us. i'm extreme low lori of reaching over the table, grabbing the pencil out of your command redesigning your charter for
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you. isolated exercise without consideration all of the other things this frank low i mean i never managed i mrept or pursued reform and worried about telling you huto do your j.w. fithink you are doing a good job, as i do >> thank you. >> thank you and supervisor safai. >> thank you i will end, i appreciate the w you put in chief to responded to all of the justice departments requests for reform and, lot driven boy that. i go back to the basic. and the basic is the city has had a major property crime issue. it motive not be reflected in the numbers.
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i ask go down the list. homes, cars, accidents i think about policing at its best and how do to this in i best way. what frustrates mow the most is the turn over in captains. so during the week there was a turn over. and i was on the phone with your team a horrific incident in my district could in the get the captain and called the lieutenant. for me my desire out of this conversation is there will be cannot nought in the captain level in stations and i think this will provide for bettery policing over you will than i can dive in.
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the pharmacist called can you have your cars there at 3 o'clock than i hit meevery time the 3 a.m. and ghen is in the to get in the minutiae. the end of the day when all of us have stories like this is goes back to staffing. i do think that we are conflitting the conversation about rank and staffing. i think the end of the day commanders. y culled our deputy cho for so long. if is confusing with us the rink is permit are it is i prosecute motion and sense of pride and it is military organization.
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i,000 and respect it. when i want it come out of the final resolution and i think supervisor president supervisor peskin will ask for continuance for i week to continue this conversation. when i want is resolution of commitment for more continuity at the neighborhood level. this is who is foaling at this time most. >> thank you and with this go it public comment. >> first and foremost i think the document mentioned today i couple of times the first document is important.
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and i doubt any of you have read this. so we participated in many meetings. i think the first document this i mention in the my blog again and again, is an important document to read so this we can base many of the things we spoke to. stoims like to throw in 272 recommendation and like to mention the department of justice. this come out of pops community oriented policing service. who than i can three out 272 recommendations. if you through 272 recommendations through a corporation this would be a joke. could have thrown out 40 and
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done i good job. point here is the moral of the police. this is the most important. when are we doing to help our police etch so that than i dot work without being exhausted. if you are exhausted, and if you have i headache you can't do your work. the other thing is we need a force. if you say we need 2,000. but we have 800 we will not go anywhere. that's talking about captain you can tuck all you want to. this come with team work. >> the morale of our police officers today is at all time low, thank you very much. >> thank you for your comments.
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next speaker, please. >> an example of board of supervisors over super vising you want to cut become on support of getting rid of petty crime and major crimes and you want to cut back on the command and you are already short 100 police officers you got rid of populars unnecessity buzz than i refused to get the vaccine. so you are already short handed. another is drug addiction. the addicts committing the pet crime and stoling from stores this you are have complaints about and come mrining you ken have i police officer there present. and you are in the doing nothing to the people who are steeling.
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not fair at this time criminal or the police department. you are putting addicts dog this steeling supporting their habit by going to the stores and as a result the multiquadruple organizations have their business in the city of san francisco are peculiaring up and levelling. you always want people who don't have nothing to do with the problem when others pifor your problem. this prospect position 47 backfired. and mention this on minimum of 63.3 billion dollars in tax revenue all the big companies leaving san francisco. when you get a salary increase none of you supervisors complain
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body this. you call yourself helping the most vulner believe this monies helping with disabilities and the most you want to do is to do a safe injection site. thank you for sharing your comments. >> the only word none of you pronounce is [inaudible]. you can't have competence if you don't have i goal this is a vision. that's it. there is in way around after you put money does in the merit. the money system is in the going to clapgz it is going it inclusion. there is in way around it we have to limit the damage with
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competence a vision to save san francisco. the police department. you need to define once and for all. it is so obvious. you can put as men people you want if than i are in the mote i haved by where you are goal it fails. thank you for sharing your comments. next speaker, please. patrick i did in the want it interrupt the conversation i wanted to do this in public comment i wanted give my opinion of -- if we are hiring.
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>> you are in the limit today public comment you can speak you are like you are a represent of the department. >> if beare hiring somebody i want everwant to have the most qualified person in the billed how long than i will be here. there are i coupled, things swn on the pension liability and we did not have an opportunity to look through the numbers but when i will say is this if you look at the average life span of patrol officer. than i live 12 years less then and there average citizen. and this this makes the numbers different. the other thing i wanted denote is the survey for the comp parrison of cities a short time
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frip it review when we locked through the data, it was difficult buzz a lot of other cities and counties than i are in the as than i don't go grant lawyer in the information it, louve us to see how many fte for every specific rink. i know there are problems in the table presented. oakland, philadelphia 9 sworn if you electric at our 5. irrelevant you want to apples comparison it would be though 9 verses our five there are differences with cities and we don't always do things the same way. but i just wanted to make those
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points. good afternoon. municipal executive association executive director. i represent the command staff for san francisco. a couple things i heard i have been hearing for 20 years the top arguments and top heavy. i the this metropolitan represent probably the met highest paid people in san francisco. so when i hear comments about pension reform i tell you it has know impactow employees see their emplayer in 2012 in sudden jose than i in pension reform i number. police officers trin exclude graduated than i wed but went somewhere else. i was involved in bargaining with police command staff. there were issues raised having to do with wellness, life
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expectancey. the conscience of w people are in and the people are human i know than i are police officer when is is heard because i represented city employee fist such i long time i feel there is an other then and theres is policed on the heads of thefect this is are in the departments. and so i was bargain we told the city that as a result of the things we were in the going to accomplish and bargaining we would lose command staff this happened. people left. the other thing i was bargaining when people getting job offers from other jurisdictionings. a problem i tell you our populars are very well trained. but in the healthier. than i dents have to still here and when keeps them here is the love of their work and the respect of the employer. i ask this you reconsider this. and look at the folks the way that i do.
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as city employees who have been here for i very long time. >> thank you. and seeing no further speaker here. we have 2 members of public this are listening with 2 in the queue. unmute our first caller, please. >> good afternoon i'm chris, talking with [inaudible]. i'm he were not to delve in the specifics of the ordinance but above my pay grade i want to step the issue impacts of community the turn over of captains. i aline with president supervisor peskin, chair chan and other members when under lined challenges we face through the captain turn over than i are
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not staffing changes interruptions to trust we are trying to build in neighborhoods with the police departmentful leadership and long-term staffing provides other things and understanding a grasp of rots are the and stories and relationship building. beyond the face it is bonds, and effective collaborations. thank you for these concerns.
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i want to say i did in the put mr. fill machine it up makeing call. but this he represents i community benefit district this sits on the border of northern and central this did nohave okaying captain and indisability since the 30th day of june i appreciate you were comments. >> yes. thank you for dressing this committee and mr. lm next speaker, please. >> great. david pill pelf i support supervisor supervisor peskin here. i motive slois it different low. i think this chief one assistant cho and only 2 uniformed deputy chos for field prescription and field support which i would include investigations and
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planning and all other nun fold operations staff. plus i civil yen deputy direct of finance and'd strigz and cho of staff if uniformed no higher then and there a commander so 5 essential director reports at this time of cho. plus an appropriate number of captain ain't and commanders i did dmt dole this level i thank you is present for the police department. management. accounting for cost, opinion and work load. i look forward to more conversation. this remines me of ways of the
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fire department and the batellion chief and chauffeurs or aid says i remember a conversation with manager rate over 30 yersing on on this topic there is nothing new and men i different department and different chief dog i fine job. those ideas are in the now. and commitment to retaining stipulation captains for 3 years. would go a language way to the discussion. >> public ment is closed i want to respond to public comment. this for the rink and foil
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police officers when this board supported this budget committee is is this we have agreed to mou. this allows retention bonus for 5, 7 anditth year. we had this conversation. you know in order for us to retain our rank and file this is when we had to do. we increase wing by 10%. we included bonus. federal is about a conversation for those who from civil service and hudo thetick the lead in commence at will. and positions.
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men a higher saul row. sounds like that's the questions we have and posing. whether this gap is -- between the captainen and the command staff. it is being -- meaningful to the way we need in terms of district police. with this what is your will president supervisor peskin? >> in dam chair and clothe fist you would entertain a continuance for tw weeks give mow and the chief and senior command staff. come up with a proposal acceptable to both the board and the department. >> mr. clerk could you tell us 2 week continuance when would be the date? >> october the fourth. >> october the fourth, in dam
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chair. >> is this when the indigenous people's day the following monday. >> yes. would you like to continue for october fifth? please. understood. so -- colleagues is this the do we have questions about the continuance. and seeing no names on the roster. i would like to move this to continue for the next 2 weeks until wednesday october 5. with this a roll call. >> of on this motion to forward this to the october fourth meeting of the committee. vice chair mandelman. >> air. >> member safai. >> aye >> chair chan. >> aye >> 3 aye a >> motion passes. thank you and call the next item. 10 i resolution, proving rec and park general manager declaration
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of emergency urn the code for the repair and replacement of elvoters parking garage with estimated amount not to exceed 2.2 million. i property indicate you raised your hundred when you have been un muted begin why you were comments. in dam chair? >> thank you and this item we have stacy brad low from rec and park. >> thank you. we are before you for an item on the emergency declaration for the garage elevators than i were originally anticipateed be per of the port smith square project. back in 2070 elevator remove
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from the scope and anticipated putting it in the square park project. to stroll line the project and have efficiencies of delivery. however, on august 8 of this year, all 3 of the elevators significant operational issues and nonfunctional. condition tractors brought one become in service the same day and another short low after. in addition. . sfmta conducted i visit. to evaluate all 3 elevators and prosecute void recommendations for keeping them in service until the elevator modern wragz project to be completed. sfmta contracted with a company combauz this elevator maintenance company specialized in maintaining older elevator equipment. the as quo continue move on with the project. we are moving the project as
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fast as possible the modernization is complicated than i need to be fabricate today fit the dimensions of the existing structure. in the garage. we're eager to enter in condition transact quick low which this emergency declare iing, lus you to do. we believe there some a public health and life safety issue we want to move as fast as possible. the unique conditions in the industry include limited number of elevator condition transactors in san francisco with a limed number of manufactures in the westerlied. high demand for those project and prosecute curement time can be approximately 40 weeks which is 10 months. we agree with the bl, recommendation to remove the phrase, estimated from the
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legislation language around the project xhat which is 2.2 million dollars. we are here for questions and joined by robbery with sfmta who can answer am questions with rec and park am staff. you sill you are in agreement with the bl, stroking out cost mitt. kwl thank you. >> 10 -- approve the rec and park emergency declaration >> cording to the resolution. the project cost on page fret of our report. which show this is the project will cost about 1.5 million dollars and there is several
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contingances in the to pose to mission figure in the resolution. so this would allow rec and p department to use an emergency contracting process. which dispenced chapter 6 and 47b. to dress the broken elevators. we have i recommendation this the resolution as written you in has a slippery language this says. disconnection... >> the scope of the emergency spending by in amount in this resolution. and also think president trump
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is policy merit for the board >> why thank you and want to be specific about the reason why this the bl, is recommending the as a policy merit to the board. is in the just about the cost estimate. language. correct? or something -- >> it, peers this was supposed to be done years ago and i think will now that is tail problem because the department has visible it it. i standard contracting press. this it can use per of i capitol plan it address elevator repairses or sort of routine maintenance. and so to defer had and declare an emergency this suspends prosecute curement rowel system not a great practice this is setting i precedent for future action that thes department or
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others could take. >> mrs. brad low being you step inspect and help us like -- i am in agreement and i think i have heard this directly from the square board of directorss well than i have expressed frustration in the meetings we facilitated this they thank you this w should have been done long ago and i want to clarify this wean this emergency declaration we know appropriate and because the elevators in terms of pers and productions and repairs is still does in the money. this will havea time in 2025 for the repairs to be come complete third degree is in the press den setting it is an
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unusual situation the elevators delivered part of the improve am project. when this did in the help we identified funning from the garage revenues. we needed wait until we had funding to deliver the elevators and anticipated i noted putingly it in the square park project to once >> typical project. and >> in august we wanted accelerate that quickly. 3 elevators were all experiencing problems the the same time. it shifted our you know made it to be an shift today it know emergency situation instead of manage delivered along side the p renovation.
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and said red tagged by the state. when the is square reason vision going to break ground. wing on the with the city attorney when those get with respected up we will have a firm date. >> and bridge removal >> thank you and with this i don't see names let's go to public comments on this item. why member when is wish to poke and gin nothing person line up now. and for those remote press star 3 to enter the line. upon nope in person speakers here. and we are in spoeshgs in the queue >> no public comment it is now closed. supervisor supervisor peskin do you have questions or00 eye don't. >> and -- supervisor safai like
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to be added and with this like to make the motion to amend according to the report instructor:out with rec and p to remove the estimated title and the legislation. with had i roll call. >> on the motion to amend vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> member safai. >> aye. >> chair chan. why aye. >> the motion pass and lect to move this to full board with recommendation. roll call. on this motion to forward with positive recommendation vice chair mandelman. >> i >> safai. >> i >> chan. >> aye >> item 11? >> a resolution rateo active low approving the second metropolitan to the grant agreement with san francisco
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marin food bank for the administration of the grocery access program increase by 6.ticks million not to compete 70. 8 million from july 23 to through june 30 of 24. member when is wish to comment press star 3. >> thank you. mr. clerk and we have the presentation here by suzie smith for boles and planning. i'm one item after this keeping you from lunch. deputy director for public, faris of san francisco human service agency. and i'm here requesting
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recommendification for approval for resolution to increase our grants with the san francisco marin food bank 6.6 million dollars in the to exceed 17. 8. extend by a year from july one of 23 through john 30 of 2024. and through the grant the food bank will provide free supplement will greshs through furthermore upper market style. row. the to toed insecure member. the toed bank prosecute void 24,000 grocery units per month. this reflects for you % decrease in grocery units from left fitsical due to declint in
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funding the twe-25 budget for this and other toed programmings. >> help it answer questions. excited support this safety net in our community. >> thank you. >> a resolution approving mem to agreement with the san francisco marin toed banks. extend its to july first, 2023 it john 30 of 2024. we show the budget on page pr of our report. which shows this the budget is decrease from 10.2 to sick million dollars this year. as a result of the budget for the program and the budget, prove in the july. we net this there is in fund
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nothing this budget. approved for 24-25 this this vender is -- complying with the terms and recommend approval. >> thank you it is a difficult conversation am you know about food security in the city and i thank you we had the conversation during the budget i can only imagine mag tell get more difficult. i thank you these other moments where justs we had tucked about the police department's budget and city you know all the departments budget and star figureing out. of moving forward and i said it earlier to understanding that -- not just our technology contickets but grants how do we move forward.
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understanding toed costs increases. upon people will serve will increase in dollariment this isible to prosecute void and capacity so it is a great concern and i think my clothes as well i look forward to having the conversations about when the next fiscal year and beyond look like. we can bridge this gentleman or in the event we cannot. when are our options? how do we rent dun of i think this this was in the unique to the contract. it it is all across the board. and -- which is side it say at the mobile home the rewillity we must face. sooner rather than later we tuck body this in john i'm afraid that -- it is that conversation will pushup if not 6 months earlier you know.
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so. thank you for being here i appreciate all your work on this and thank you for also san francisco food bank for partnership. go to public comment. no one person here and we have then in the queue. soing no public comment it is you in closed. i would like to excuse supervisor safai. can i do this without objection? po excuse. >> iel. >> sure. >> without objections supervisor safai is xouzed motion to move
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11 forward with recommendation full board where wouldation and with this a roll call. >> on this motion to forward the residence lugsz to the burden with positive recommendation vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> chair chan. >> aye. >> >> thank you the motion passes. >> item 12. >> item 12 a resolution approving authorizationing director of property major's office of community development enter in i commercial ground lose for property owned by city at 683 florida street. for i lose term of 75 years and within, twr year option to extend and base rent of i dollar to develop tw ground floor spaces for community serving uses authorizationing the
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director of property and ocd nernt i first amendment to residential ground lose remove commercial property from the lose under the ground lose with the city and 681 florida. with the general plan and planning code determining tht less then and there market rate urn the ground lose public purpose by prosecute voiding commercial spaces for community serving space with thes administrative code and the directors it execute the commercial ground lose and first amendment. and make modifications. and actions. members when joining remote press star 3 to enter i prompt am indicate you raised your hand. tell be your signal to begin comments we have oshg mar multifamily lending project
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manager. thank you. chair machine man project manager ocd yoined by experiences of neighborhood development center and jose garcia of mission development agency the request is resolution in punishment of i commercial ground lease with the city and the sponsors for 2, jayceant percentels grounds flower of consista 681 florida. 130 unit affordable housing community. the building completed left year and all are occupied. today action builds on a prior approval by the same committee assessment of 2020 a ground lose by city to the same sponsors allow the development of the community. the project hen subdivide today 3 parcels.
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grounds there were space serve a new home for carbonville a xhounl serving artist make are spitz. commercial pearlses under ownership of the city 75ier lose to i specific limited liable company set up by sponsors. the lose term i dollar a year. captain sponsors executed i prit tenant lease for carnival in the process to build out the pace and will remain in conformance with the distribution and repairs pdr for the ground flower commercial percentels. today action in the require a new grant or loan to the project experience for the over all site development will be bifurcate this lone to residential and separate commercial loan we thank you for your time and
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happy to answer questions you may have. >> approves ground leave community development and -- florida commercial llc which is joint venture they were awarded a gap loan approved by the board in 2020 to develop a mixed use residential development fordable housing at 681 florida. this loan included 4 million dollars to develop a commercial space on a portion of the property i persian of this loern will be assigned to this grount lease and the commercial entity.
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this is the tenant for the ground lose. the space will be used by an artist cona sf. this ground lose is consistent with the plan this of the presented the board in 2020 and the approvals the this time weep recommend approval. i don't see a name go to public comment. >> members of the public when wish to spoke in person line up now. for those remote press star 3. and for those in the queue continue it wait until you have been un muted. there are no speakers. public comment is closed. commune serving spaces for this all 75 year no additional
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condition it would be consistent low community serving spitzes for all 75 year lose? >> correct. come ploy with this and the zoning. >> understood. >> great. >> we appreciate the work on this. with this i like to move this item to full board with recommendation. >> and roll call >> and on this motion to forward to the full board with positive recommendation vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> chair chan. >> aye >> we have two aye avenue. >> thank you and the motion passes do we have other business today >> this concludes your business. >> the meeting is, journaled. adjourned. for force
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true, golden gate international exposition on manmade treasure island. >> the 402 acre artificial island was build by engineers from 1936 to 1937 on the neighboring buena island. 300,000 tons of rock was used to build a seawall around an existing sand ball then followed by filling the interior with dredge material from the bay which was consistent of modern sand. the federal government paid for construction ask three permanent buildings which would serve as a potential future airport. treasure island was constructed at the same time as the bay bridge and it was a project of works progress administration to construct this island, which was initially used to host the golden gate international exposition.
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>> carnival gone big. it was busy. >> it was going to become an airport after the exposition but it was turned over to the navy and turned over to a military base for the next 50 years. >> 1941, the united states army moved to treasure island as america prepared for world war ii. the island was a major training and education center with 4.5 million personnel shipped overseas from triangle. after the war ended in 1945, treasure island was slalthed to be an airport -- slated to be an airport but aviation changed and the clipper were no longer in regular service, and the island was never developed as an airport. the navy continued their presence on treasure island. during the cold war years, the island was a myth training center and for military efforts throughout the pacific and asia. personnel trained on
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and shipped from treasure island and supported military activities in korea, vietnam and the persian gulf. >> the base was listed for closure by the navy in 1993 and the city began a process in 1994 under the redevelopment agency, forming a citizens reuse committee to look at potentially plans for the island, island's future. after the base closed in 1997, the treasure island development authority was created to develop and implement a reuse plan. >> the navy has completed their environmental cleanup in that area and last week, the california department of public health issued a radiology unrestricted recommendation for that portion of side 12. it's a big milestone for the project. >> the treasure island development facility was setup to implement the master plan that was adopted by the board of
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supervisors in 2011. >> given the importance of housing in the city, both the affordable component and the market rate housing, we felt that it was important to review what the housing plan is at treasure island. >> the development facility and (indiscernible) that oversees the implementation of the master plan to make sure that the master plan, which was adopted by the board of supervisors and adopted by the city and after meeting, that's plan that the city approved. the members of the board was appointed by the mayor and the board of supervisors. [multiple voices] >> the (indiscernible) is very detailed plan. looking at the ecological aspects of the island, looking at the geotechnical aspects of the
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island, but also making sure that there is an ongoing of development that's in keeping with what the original plan was, which is that we have up to 8,000 rooms of housing and there's retail and hotels. but also that there is open space that's created so it's an overall plan that guides the whole development of treasure island and the buena island. >> materials used during the construction of treasure island severely compromises the integrity to build structures. in today's geotechnical engineers standing, treasure island soil is being readdressed for soil stabilization for future development. a mechanical stabilization process is being used to consolidate the liquid fashion of the mud and sandy soil. >> because treasure island is a manmade island, we have to do a significant amount of soil improvement before we can build
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new infrastructure and new buildings on the island. in the foreground, you see here, it's a process called surcharging we we import additional topsoil to simulate the dead weight of the future buildings to be constructed at that site. so this is causing bay mud that underlies island to consolidate over time and we can monitor that and as that consolidation primarily consolidation is complete, then this soil will be removed to the intended finished floor elevation of the new structures. ♪ [ music ] ♪ ♪ >> in the 1989 loma earthquake, the ground level of this island dropped by four inches. pretty much uniform across the island. loose sand material used to build the island, whether it gets hit by a seismic forces, the sand moves and consolidated.
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>> one of the processes to further stabilize the loose granular ground, a dynamic rate is used to densify the soil by high frequency mechanical vibrations. >> the rig in the background has four h-piles that goes down through the upper 50 feet of sandy material and as they vibrate, they vibrate causing that san material to consolidate and settle so as we do that process, we observe about 18 inches in settlement so the ground level around that equipment will drop by 18 inches, so this causes that same type of event to happen through mechanical means rather than through a seismic event. >> the dynamic vibrant compaction rate vibrates the soil every four square meters and moved along to the next section. to further assure stability, tamping is followed around the site, compassion
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takes approximately three to four months to complete 12 acres. once the compassion and tapping is done, it's settled ask using laser alignments to assure a level service to build on. >> i think that every city when they have the opportunity to do something that is as large as treasure island because treasure island is five hundred acres and it depends on their needs at that time and in 2011 to now, the most important are thing for the city is housing. there's two aspects to that master plan. one, was the new district for san francisco. 8,000 units of housing, which is all levels of stability. the other (indiscernible) is 300 acres of open space and parks. and
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actually, it's the largest addition to the park system in san francisco since (indiscernible) 300 acres and this is a tremendous gift to the public, both the housing, which we desperately need in san francisco as well as an open space and park system which really is going to be worm class and it will attract people in san francisco but attract people locally as well as internationally. >> cmg architecture was brought to the project once they award the agreement between the city of san francisco and the united states navy. cmg has earned national recognition and numerous awards for merits and design, social impact and environmental stewardship. >> we were a part of the project
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in the beginning when the developer initially was awarded the exclusive negotiation agreement or the ena with the city and they partnered with the planning and architecture group and we joined that team to work with the developer around the city and community to come up with a plan for treasure island. >> so there's quite a lot of open space in the master plan and there's a couple of reasons for that that's pragmatic. one is that the amount of area that could be converted for private use on treasure island was very limited, actually it wasn't allowed at all because treasure island was previously public open waters and protected by the tidal and trust act to be redevelop for public use. but there was a land swap that was allowed and approved by the governor of california, governor schwarzenegger to be put on a public trust for a one to one swap to be taken out of the trust to be developed for private use such as residential
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and that amount of land was 89 acres which leaves a bunch more space that can't have housing on it and the question was, what to do with all of that space? there could be other public uses that allowed such as conference centers or museums or universities or things of that nature but what made the most sense for this location was to have more parks in a really robust parks and open space plan and that's what led us to the plan we have now. >> planting strategies for treasure island and buena island are to maximize habitat value in the park areas wherever appropriate and where we can to create comfortable at the pedestrian scale. there are these diagonal lines that go across the plan that you'll see. those are wind row trees like you see in agricultural landscapes where they are tall tree that's buffer the winds to create a more calm areas down at the pedestrian scale. so of course, we do have some areas
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where we have play fields and surfaces where kids need to run around on and those will be either lawns or like you see in norm at sports field. >> related to where the housing is on the island and its convenience to the walk to the transit hub, i mentioned we're trying to create high-quality pedestrian -- and the innovations of treasure island is called the shared public way and it's a road that runs down the middle of the neighborhoods. it's a curbless street, cars are allowed to drive on it but pedestrian can walk down the middle of the street and the cars are to yield the right-of-way for pedestrian and it's intended for streets where there's a low traffic volumes and the traffic speeds are low so while car was allowed, there's not a lot of reasons for cars to go on that street but it's to create a social street that's much more pedestrian-friendly and prioritizes pedestrians and bikes. one of the interesting
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things is working with all architects that have been designing buildings in the first phase to encourage them, to create architecture that welcomes people to sit on it. it's wlm like sticking its toe out and asking someone to sit on its toe so buildings integrate public seating and places for people to hang out at their base, which is really, the opposite of what you see often times in this city where there's defensive architecture that's trying to keep people off it. this is architecture that's trying to invite people to come and inhabit it at its base. >> incorporated in the landscape architect of treasure island are wetlands, which are designed to factor in coastal erosion control from incoming sea level rise and natural animal habitation and stormwater runoff treatment. >> there's different kinds ever wetlands planned for treasure island and they have different purposes. they are stormwater wetlands that's treating the runoff from the island and filtering that water before it's
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released to the bay to improve the water quality in the bay and the ocean and the first phase of the large wetland infrastructure is built on buena island to treat the storm water from buena island. we might see that when we go out there. there are tidal wetlands plan for the northern side of the island where the sea level rise adaptation and flood protect for future sea level rise is held back away from the edge of the island to allow sea level rise to come onto the island to create future tidal wetland which is helpful for the bay in the future as we see sea level wise flood out existing wetlands and there are some natural vernal pool in the wetland that's captured rainwater and capturing certain habitat so there's three purposes of the wetland primarily around water filtration and habitat creation. >> consumable sustainability was
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incorporated in the redesigning of treasure island. innovative urban farming is included in the plans to foster economic viability, conservation of water, and to promote ecological sustainability. >> the urban farm is 20 island. and it's a commercial farm to produce food. it's not community where the volunteers and neighbors grow their own, it's commercially run to maximize the food production and that food will be distributed on the island. and interestingly, the urban farm is tied into the on island wastewater treatment plan which creates recycle use for water on the island so water used to grow the island will be a sustainable force and we're trying to close the loop of water, food, and create a new model for sustainability. >> part of the design for sustainable landscape was incorporate natural form water garden filtering systems, the first of three natural
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stormwater gardens is here on buena island. and a total of ten will be on treasure island. water from storms, street runoffs from neighborhoods has the possibility to collect toxic materials as it makes its way back into the surrounding bay. this garden has been a model for future, natural filtering systems through out the bay area. >> whenever a storm comes through, all of the water, you know, it lands on the streets, it lands on the top of the buildings, and at times it often collects a lot of heavy metals and greases and it needs to be cleaned and before sent back into the back. it goes into the pipes and stormwater drainage and put into our stormwater basin and then all of the plants and soil you're seeing in there, they are acting as a filter for all those oils and heavy metals and greases and all things
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that's coming off the roadways, coming off the development and so it's treated here in the storm water basin and then it's sent out into the bay as a clearer product and cleaner water which increases our water quality here and throughout the bay area. so the structure in the center of each basin is what we call the for bay. that's the point at which the stormwater exits out of the storm drainage system and into the stormwater basin itself. so the for bay is shaped as almost a gate to kind of push all water out through the pipes, all of those rocks help to disburse it before it's sent into the stormwater basin itself. the storm water basin was designed to fill up to the height of the berm of the side you're seeing here. so this is juncus and these are well-known fresh water grasses found in any place around the bay area that you find standing water or in a drainage channel, you're going
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to find a lot of these junket species. this is a leave a lifter in the bio treatment. it soaks up a lot of water, to soak up the contaminants and heavy metals, so it's kind of our backbone species. this one is called douglas siana and the common name is mug war. it's a beautiful plant but doing the heavy lift and pulling, those contaminants out of the storm water and pulling oil to help treat the water before its sent back into the system and back into the bay. this plant is known as salvia or hummingbird sage. it has a lot of habitat value in that it's a strong pollinator plant. obviously, you can see the pink and purple flowers which come up in the springtime and attracts a lot of hummingbirds, a lot of bees which help to pollinate the other species within the garden and throughout the rest of the island and all of those native
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plants. all of these plants are designed to be able to take a heavily inundation of water over a several day per like standing water for a long time. all of the plants can withstand that and honestly, thrive in that condition. so all of these were selected based on the ecological and habitat value but also their treatment and functional value for stormwater. >> this is super tiny. >> it's very much a big part of our design and master plan for the development of the island. it was a navy base and a lot of navy housing on this island specifically for around 80 years and during that time, a lot of innovative species were introduced on the island, eucalyptus, a lot of different european and algerians plants were on the island. we wanted to bring in the native eye college
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here on the island before the navy started to redevelop it and introduce some of those invasive species so the species you're seeing in this stormwater garden in the basin and the upland area was a part of those types of ecology s that's trying to be returned to this side of the island but different other spaces through out the islands development. so whenever we started this process, we identified a number of species of native plants that seem applicable to the ecology that we're trying to grow. there's 45 species, so a -- there's 15 species so they are hard to find in the nursery trade so we needed to grow it ourselves to achieve the biodiversity that's in the design here. as a part that have process, we brought on a nonprofit group called ledge,
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l-e-g- which is literacy for environmental justice. they grew those plants and put together the plant palates you see. >> most of landscape was inundated with invasive plant species eradicating species and having the plan on buena island and treasure island. literacy for environmental justice, a community volunteer educational program involved with restoring local habitats and preserving san francisco's unique bio tie varsity, teamed up with the redevelopment group to grow the 50,000 native plants to -- to repopulate treasure island. >> the city of san francisco set up meetings between leg and they came in with high expertise and urban design, and architecture,
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and green infrastructure, but they really hadn't worked with flytive plants -- worked with native plants at scale and they were also kind of scratching their heads, like how are we going to grow 50,000 native plants from remnant native plant populations. it was a unique partnership of figuring out what plants can grow, what plants will function in stormwater gardens. not all native plants are ascetically pleasing to landscape architect, so we kind of worked around what plants are going to be pleasant for people, what plants are going to provide habitat, what plants are going to actually be able to sequester carbon, deal with erosion, preserve the island biodiversity as well as be able to manage all of these stormwater treatment on the island. >> there's about 33 naturally occurring native plant species
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that survived the last one hundred years on yorba buena island. we were able to go in and get the seed and salvage plants in some cases, some of the development work that occurred was actually going to destroy native plant habitat and we went in before the bulldozers and before the roads were build and the new water tanks were installed and dig them up, divide them, hold them, of the 50,000 plants we grew 40,000 of them in-house and the other ten, we had to rely on our partners to do it. with the 50,000 plants we did, we did 100 species and 95 of them are from the county of san francisco. about the other five are from the state of california. but the other 95
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species really are the native plants that have been here for thousands of years. we used collection sites such as angel island, the presidio had genetics for the projects in san francisco. we used remnant plant habitats at hunters point and we used a lot of genetics from san bruno mountain. just to collect and process all of the genetics was a two-year process. and then it was about a two or three year process to grow all the species. >> this is the infamous -- it's a low, growing sprawling native herb and it's in the mint family and i'm rubbing my hands on this and it's extremely aromatic. it feels like a flush of peppermint just came across my face. it's
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edible. you can make tea out of it. it's a great digestive plant for settling your stomach. it has been cool to introduce yerba buena to yerba buena. this plant is called dutchman's pipe. when in bloom, the flower looks like a dutchman's pipe. and another thing that's unique about this plant is, it's the whole specific plant for the pipeline swallow tail butterfly. so some butterflies are able to adapt to other species and can use larva and food from different species. in the county of san francisco, there's only about three or four healthy populations of this plant. these particular plants were going to be destroyed
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because of the green infrastructure project needed to put pipes in and needed to demolish all water tanks and build new water tanks for the island, so we were able to go in, dig them up, cultivate them, extrapolate dozens of plants into hund hundreds of plants and restore it through the restoration process. one day one of my nursery managers was down here and she found the pipeline butterfly have flown over from yerba buena island and came to our nursery on treasure island and was breeding on this plant. and successfully did its life cycle inside of our nursery. so, it? how that butterfly knows it's out there and find it, this is one of those unique things that we can't explain why butterflies can find this species but if we grow it and put it in the right location,
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they will return. so the plants we're looking at here is faranosa known as just dedlia or live forever. the construction is it work happen nothing that area, it's likely to be destroyed. a unique thing about this plant and the unique succulents we have in california and the live forever plant can live to be 150 years old. recently, the state of california just did special legislation to protect this plant. i think in its intact population on the island, there's less than 50 of them, so to be able to grow several hundred of them and have them be a part of the plant palate of the stormwater gardens that was installed recently is an increase of biodiversity and a step forward towards protecting the natural legacy of the
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island. >> i moved to treasure island in 1999. i believe i was one of the first residents on the island. i have seen how the island has been destroyed and reconstruct since its beginning to restore the island to its native form is extremely important to me because that will help all the animals come back to the island and make this place even a better place to live. >> i want to be here because these are people i know, so that was my first thing is just, like, i wanted to come here to help out and be with (indiscernible) and to actually put my hands in dirt. i feel like we as people don't work in army -- we don't see the benefits of plants, like, but i just learned about a plant that
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if you rub it enough, it turns into soap. that's cool. and we need those things. we need to know about those things. >> one really unique thing about this project is the scale. to use 50,000 native plants over 7 acres is a scale we have never seen. it really is trailblazing when we think about the 350 or 400 acres of open space that is planned for treasure island, it sets the stage for what is possible. there's a way to use nature-based solutions at scale to meet the needs of climate change, sea level rise, the crisis of local extinction and create natural environment. the first phase of the project sets a stage for what is possible and i just feel really blessed to
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have been a part of it. >> one of the main focus on triangle is keeping vehicle traffic to a minimum. for residents and visitors, public transportation is highly encouraged and will be the center point of keeping the island pedestrian-friendly, retaining an open space sent and providing an eco system that reducing carbon emission >> we need the transit to be successful because if we had 8,000 homes here and everybody was trying to use their car to access the bay bridge every month, it will overwhelm the system. new on and off-ramp are being constructed but all over the focus of the development is to be very transit oriented. triangle itself is very flat and very bikeable and walkable as a result and so there's a focus on using both bus and ferry service to get from the island to san
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francisco in the east bay. there will be a number of transit demand management tools that will be employed of the two new ramps to and from the -- to the island and allowing a limited number of cars to access the bridge and there will be a management toll to encourage the use of transit. >> all the market rate housing on the island, the price for residential unit whether that's a rental apartment or a for sale condo, the price of the unit is decoupled from the price of the parking spot. so people can buy a condominium without paying for a parking spot. they choose to have a parking spot, they would pay an additional price. market rate residents are required to purchase take transit pass each month through their hoa fees or through their rent so the residents will begin the decision of driving or taking transit with a transit pass in
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hand each month. that transit pass will function as a muni fast pass allowing people to take muni and transfer within the muni network and function as an ac transit allowing people to take ac transit to the east bay and transfer within the ac transit system and it will also provide unlimited access to the treasure island ferry. >> treasure island is going to take decades to be fully build out. it's going to take some time for it to reach the envelope that was passed by the board of supervisors and maybe there will be changes to it as well. we don't know what is going to happen in 50 years but i'm confident by the fact that the plan that was adopted was fully, fully thinking even for its time and the building the
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island to a way it's sustainable, it addresses sea level rise, but also gives the public the open space and parts that are so necessary to fill treasure island. there's economic, certainly, challenges and whether we're going to be able to build out all of what was desired in the master plan, it will -- time will tell, but i think that the last ten years, we've been coming to this point. we are seeing incredible progress and the infrastructure is being finished by the island. market rate housing is being finished. affordable housing is being finished. and so, we feel within the next five years, substantial part of what we had envisioned is going to come to fruition.
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>> when o'shaughnessy dam opened 1923, there was a grand celebration that was an achievement of ensuring san francisco's new water supply but it was the beginning of a unique collaboration between the city of san francisco and yosemite national park. >> lands around the dam are critically important. we, along with the park service have a very common goal thereof protection of that watershed, both for national park values and water supply values in yosemite is the cub tree's premiere national park visited by millions of visitors but the
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protection of our watershed and the city provides significant outside funding for the national park, over $8 million a year is for trail maintenance and wilderness education and park operations and security keeping the water safe and the park a haven. >> one hundred years ago when the dam was first built, there was a different view of the environment back then, than there is today. and the dam was part of changing that view across the nation. that brings an importance to our work here at o'shaughnessy dam, how we manage this dam and manage our releases and the environment downstream, it's very important to san francisco that we need that challenge. >> for 100 years, o'shaughnessy dam and the park service ensured the bay area has clean water, along with ongoing stewardship much our precious natural resources.
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>> this o'shaughnessy >> the stewardship program is a (indiscernible) based program. we work with student kind r garten through 12 grade and work with scrks fusd and (indiscernible) focus on 5 themes. sense of place, plant adapation and animal adaptation, water soil or (indiscernible) depending on the grade level and accommodations the class may need the educators work to adapt the programming to be whatever works best for the class, so they can gain activities (indiscernible) some don't, we try to meet students where they are at and get comfortable connecting in the space and feeling a sense of ownership and safety within
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their (indiscernible) >> the first component of a youth stewardship program trip will be a in clasds visit where we go to the school, we give a presentation on the natural history of san francisco, we talk about the concept of a habitat, so what does a habitat contain, understood, water, shelter, space. >> children at this age, they learn best through using their senses, having the real life experience and (indiscernible) students also learn about responsibility and it is a great message for student to learn, if you take care of environment, the environment will take care of you. >> so, when we finally get the kids outside, we have
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two main components to the field trips. one is going to be the restoration component where we are working on the habitat and parks by pulling out (indiscernible) or maybe watering, and then the other side of our trip is going to be the educational component, which can range from a nature walk with a sensory theme where we are talking about what we smell and hear, to a focus on plant adaptation and animal adaptations. >> (indiscernible) >> just a great opportunity for students to learn more, connect with nature, and hopefully what they learn from the youth stewardship program they can take with them for the rest of their lives, and they will appreciate their environment more. hopefully, when they appreciate it, they take care of it more every day. >>
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(indiscernible) >> so every year we open the application up in the fall. interested teachers can apply for a classroom visit and up to two field trips to the city park of their choice. field trips are 2 and a half hours long and like i said, they can happen in any city park (indiscernible) >> the city of san francisco is invest nothing resources to care for people experiencing a mental health or substance use crisis on the streets. is this includes new programs and the expansion of successful pilots >> worried about you lying on the street here. >> we can take them to other
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facilities like mental health facilities or shelters or offer resources and connect them to social workers and follow up. we try to provide safety for the public and for them to let them know than i are not in trouble and we are here to offer them many resources and service they may want and takes buildinged the relationships with the public president people we contact with. takes time and trust. the city street team include mental health clinicians, community paramedics, emt's, social workers and councillors train in traumatic care u most vagzal interviews. cultural competence and he deescalation. >> san francisco 911 when is the emergency? >> san francisco trained 9 leondis patchers operate inspectly from the police department. through investments and alternatives to law enforcement,
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the city ruled the police sponses to people experiencing mental health emergencies. >> now that we have a team that is geared toward mental health that helped dispatchers able to assist the public when call nothing for common they don't think needs an ambulance or fire or police they think they need help. i wanted to be that social worker what wents the extra mile and figured out how to navigate the system. joy feel great when i help someone that's why i got in the work if you are experiencing an emergency or worry body safety on the street call 911. for nonemergencies use 311. you can learn more about the street response program attelev
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>> we're going to show you how to pay for parking with the smart phone app the quickest way to pay for parking you'll download did app in the apple and google play store and on the app and enter our name and phone number and make sure to verify your account to use the app and net check the overhead signs and type that zone number in the location and then choose how long you want to park for and for the duration and finally confirming this and make the payment that is a combination many parking control officers need and if you need to extend
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our parking time on the app and select the option and select the time and make the payment. >> for for whatever reason the connection call 866 to pay by phone and enter our number or press one to register. emergency our pin the last four digits of our credit card number and number of the minutes you want to park. alter the end of call will confirm everything if you're a new users call (856) 490-7275 and the walk you through will walk through it you'll enter the zone number and
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see parking time. and finally there are for refunds. that's it the information will only be saved for the direct your attention of our parking time and it is by the pay by phone is simple check our other parking zone number and thanks for 5 o'clock. >> (music). >> co-founder. we started in 2008 and with the intent of making the ice cream with grown
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up flavors and with like and with tons of accessible freshens and so we this is - many people will like it and other people will like you my name is alice my husband we're the owners of you won't see ice cream in san francisco and really makes fishing that we are always going together and we - we provide the job opportunity for high school students and i hired them every year and . >> fun community hubble in san francisco is my district i hope we can keep that going for many years. >> and i'm alexander the owner of ice cream and in san francisco and in the outer sunset in since 1955 we have a
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vast of flavors liar choke o'clock but the flavors more than three hundred flavors available and i am the owner of the ice cream. and my aunt used to take us out to eat ice cream all the time and what can i do why not bring this ice cream shop and (unintelligible) joy a banana split or a great environment for people to come and enjoy. >> we're the ordinances of the hometown and our new locations in pink valley when i finished law school we should open up a store and, and, and made
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>> this is an exhibition across departments highlighting different artworks from our collection. gender is an important part of the dialogue. in many ways, this exhibition is contemporary. all of this artwork is from the 9th century and spans all the way to the 21st century. the exhibition is organized into seven different groupings or themes such as activities, symbolism, transformation and others. it's not by culture or time period, but different affinities between the artwork. activities, for example, looks at the role of gender and how certain activities are placed as feminine or masculine.
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we have a print by uharo that looks at different activities that derisionly performed by men. it's looking at the theme of music. we have three women playing traditional japanese instruments that would otherwise be played by men at that time. we have pairings so that is looking within the context of gender in relationships. also with how people are questioning the whole idea of pairing in the first place. we have three from three different cultures, tibet, china and japan. this is sell vanity stot relevar has been fluid in different time periods in cultures. sometimes being female in china but often male and evoking features associated with gender
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binaries and sometimes in between. it's a lovely way of tying all the themes together in this collection. gender and sexuality, speaking from my culture specifically, is something at that hasn't been recently widely discussed. this exhibition shows that it's gender and sexuality are actually have been considered and complicated by dialogue through the work of artists and thinking specifically, a sculpture we have of the hindu deities because it's half pee male and half male. it turns into a different theme in a way and is a beautiful representation of how gender hasn't been seen as one thing or a binary. we see that it isn't a modest
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concept. in a way, i feel we have a lot of historical references and touch points throughout all the ages and in asian cultures. i believe san francisco has close to 40% asian. it's a huge representation here in the bay area. it's important that we awk abouk about this and open up the discussion around gender. what we've learned from organizing this exhibition at the museum is that gender has been something that has come up in all of these cultures through all the time periods as something that is important and relevant. especially here in the san francisco bay area we feel that it's relevant to the conversations that people are having today. we hope that people can carry that outside of the museum into their daily lives.
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>> bring up person that [laughter]. for me it was we had neighbors growing up that were fold my dad he is raising me wrong for having me pursue the things that are not traditionally female roles. and i think the biggest barrier to anyone in general is when you have cultural norms that make you feel like you can't do something that make you doubt yourself and make you feel you should not be there i don't belong. those other big efbarriers i think that is the thing to focus
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on the most is belong everyone should belong here. [music] >> wishing we trained women grow in production. and recording arts and so we have everything from girls night classes for middle and high school girls. we have certification academy program. that would be women and gender [inaudible] adid you tell us. progress in the internship frm program where they are working in the studios. they are helping to mentor the youth in the youth programs and the job place am component. most of the time we hire interns
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instructors in our programs and engineer in our studios here. we have conferences we do all overnight country and we have concerts that we feature bay area women and gender artists. [music] [music] >> an education forward organization. and so advocacy organization. dedicated to closing the gender gap and the audio and production industries. >> started out of the lead answer, why is there a critical gender gap in this industry that
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class i was ashamed i did not have the answer being a feminist. why have i never thought of this i have been in the industry for decades and why have i accept today of all people. it was out of that and unraffling it. actually started the infernship last fall and just fell in love with all the things about women's oshg mission because we are diverse and so many aspects of audio i did not know and i feel like eyes opened up and i gained a lot of confidence in myself and other fells and queer people in the industry i felt there was more connection and community. ironically my time in the industry is all pretty good. i think what happened is i was raised by a father who is an engineer. i was comfortable being strounlded by men all the time in his lab i was used to technology. when i got in industry my mentors were men and i saw i had a unique importance that got mow in the place i could be fluent and navigate something difficult and it was the norm for me. what if it was not woman was createed provide it for everybody. have this environment you are surrounded by technology and people that are going to support you and get you in this industry in a good way. i have been interested in audio i was never trained in music took piano when i was a kid. i never pursued it because not a lot of women doing that. and my family is not musically inclined. when i want to davis the first
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time i took a music class there were few females in the class. like a rodey for my dayed was load you will the mixers and monitors and the giant speakers and gigs and help run out the cables and take things down and set up mics i did all of that growing up and never occurred to mow that that was a field they could at all. and then one i could pursue i didn't nobody else was doing temperature my dad and then i go with him to studios and see -- the men in the studio. dj for 5 years now and comments you get like wow you are a girl dj that is crazy. that is wild. and i have great moments where it does not happen.
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and they treat me like easy. telling mow what to do they correct mow in ways that make me feel less i sprjs the opposite and i notice hand's on like you don't know what you are doing rather than asking me. not consistent times it happens. it is like when i talk to other females they are like say the same things it is like funny i know that nice men don't experience tht main thing triggers me when i experience different treatment and that happens a lot in the audio world. industry is changing slowly. there is still that issue making the places that are places belonging for everybody. i don't think so. having a studio where it is not all run by white men like most
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studios. the studios are only in the word built and run by women. it has been super normalize thered are opportunity for girls and nonbinary people. you go in school and middle and high schoolers know that this is a field. this is a thing there are many jobs you can have in this field. some producing pod casts to setting up live shows. there are so many things you can do >> wee go in and teach the audio skills and give them equipment. i pads and then teach them how to make music and they get to come in here and will getting the tools to people who don't have t. that is really important to me. that's why i was like wow. i want to be there for other fell and queer people who don't have the opportunity and also to be a mentor for them to really push them to experiment and not
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going to break it. does not matter if it sounds bad that is the point to try it. i think it is the goal to see confidence what they are doing and passionate and asking for hymn and excite body learning and excited about making music and it changed my life to realize i'm callented in the field i can make music without being trained to it it is amazing to be able to be part of that process and -- ushering women to the field. we can entirely transform how -- the technology part of what you hear every day. we can put xhg something in women's points of view in this every time. it affects the store and he messaging. think our best example is how we
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transformed an entire city. place that major artists on tour one of the men looks likeip don't get it there are woman every where i go and the person was like you are in san francisco. you like oh , you are right it is here. most venues have graduates we are grateful to the city for that reason because than i supported us at the beginning. following your curiosity and interest and don't let anybody get in the way what is presented to you, go for t. no matter what! we are here for a reason. find what it is. don't let somebody else tell you what it is. you are the oldsmobile one that have been can know when you are supposed to do. go do it.
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>> you're watching san francisco rising with chris manners. today's special guest is katy tang. [♪♪♪] >> hi. i'm chris manners, and you're watching san francisco rising, the show that's focused on rebuilding, reimagining, and revitalizing our city. with us today is katy tang, and she's talk to -- talking to us about assistance and services provided to local businesses. can we talk about the role of the office of small business? many small businesses are struggling to help. how can you help?
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>> director tang: we are here as the city's central point of information for all things small businesses, so we can help people start, stay, and grow in the city. if you want to start a small business, we can pair you up with small business advisors, who can talk you through your business plan, help you develop it, whether it's regulatory requirements, business permits, and just help you understand the journey that was up ahead. and if you'd like to stay in san francisco and perhaps your business is facing challenges, we can also pair you with a business advisor who can assess your business needs and figure out whatside that would best help you. so for example, perhaps you need more marketing assistance or you need to be connected to a loan, a low interest loan or a grant program, if that's available. those are services we can provide to you, whether you're
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starting out or trying to stay in san francisco. and of course, if you want to expand and grow into a new space, we can help assist you with that and help prepare you for the journey ahead. we have a team dedicated to assist you you with all the small business needs, all the requirements needed to help you establish your small business in san francisco. >> do you have an e.s.l. program for people who want to start small businesses? >> director tang: we have staff that can speak spanish and mandarin and cantonese, and we understand if english is not your first language, it can be difficult, so we want to be as helpful as possible. >> excellent. i know that s.f. shines was created to help with restoring
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and improvement. can you tell us more about that? >> yes. it's run out of a sister development and it's much needed in the small business community. if you are trying to improve your storefront, whether it's outside, perhaps you want to make some interior improvements, a lot of times, that involves a lot of cost and resources to be able to do so. for example, you may need to hire an architect to submit drawings so you can get your work done. currently, s.f. shines is offer a pairing of business sign services. you can be paired up with an architect to get your drawings done to help you start to do the actual work.
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we hope that people will stay tuned, and you can find out more information on our website. that's >> let's talk about the shared spaces program. it's been a huge success, and outdoor dining spaces are very popular. >> the shared spaces program, especially during the pandemic, really helped spaces survive. to have an outdoor space where people could safely gather was critical, and the office of small business has been working with these shared spaces during the pandemic. some may or may not have been up to the city's code regulations, so department of public works and other departments have been trying to
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figure out what violations are and help businesses come into compliance. the planning department and the city have decided that they'll give businesses until 2023 to come into compliance. also in the meantime, for businesses that want to start new shared spaces, new parklets, that is still an on going program, a new program, so people can always submit their applications for shared spaces regardless whether they started one during the pandemic or not. >> do you anticipate there being other shared spaces programs in the future and how do small businesses go about finding out about them? >> small businesses can find out about it by visiting our website, sfgov/osb or you can
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call 415-554-6134, and we can connect you with the planning department and other agencies that would be connected with the shared spaces programs. >> over the pandemic, businesses have been victimized by vandals and other crimes. how can you help them? >> the city offers a program called the vandalism relief fund, and this would allow businesses suffering from graffiti or broken windows to apply with the city through our neighborhood services division, and you could get up to 1,000 or 2,000 if you submit certain documentation, such as a photograph of the damage or a
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copy of the receipt or document showing the amount you paid for to correct the incident. we are so excited that the city now has a centralized permit center, where people can come and get their business done, hopefully, in the same day where there are several different agencies, ranging from department of building inspection, planning department, public health, fire department, all here to help people, whether you're building a new business or even new construction, to be able to, again, fit all of your appointments in one day and get things done quickly. so starting in may, our office of small business has actually started working out of 49 south van ness at the permit center, and we have a team of two staff who are dedicated to helping small businesses through their permitting journey. so we do encourage people, you can come to the permit center
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or you can e-mail us at, and you can communicate with our staff dedicated to helping you with your permitting needs. we hope that people will consider consulting with us before you even sign a lease so that we can help you on the path to success and understanding the journey of setting up a small business in san francisco. >> well, thank you so much. i really appreciate you coming on the show, miss tang. thank you for the time you've given us today. >> director tang: thanks for having me. >> and that's it for this show. we'll be back shortly. you've been watching san francisco rising. for sfgovtv, i'm chris manners. thanks for watching.
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>> >> good afternoon, everyone. >> thank you. you are right. this is a quiet group. i'm going to need these voices to be raised in all of these issues that we have in san francisco. we need you to be a lot louder and a lot more enthusiastic than that. good afternoon. >> good afternoon. >> yes, there we are. this is a really really big deal. and you know that because when i did my youth commission swearing in, we got sworn in. mayor, you know how to do a swearing in. >> and i would
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