tv Historic Preservation Commission SFGTV October 14, 2023 2:30am-3:01am PDT
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when you hear you are unmuted, that is your indication to begin speaking best practices are to call from a quiet location and please mute the volume on your television or computer for those persons attending in city hall, i ask that you line up on the screen side of the room and to speak clearly and slowly. and if you care to state your name for the record at this time, i will request that we all silence any mobile devices that may sound off during these proceedings and finally, i will take roll commission president matsuda here, commission vice president nagase warren yes. commissioner foley present and commissioner vergara here. we expect commissioner wright to be absent today. commissioners first on your agenda is general public comment at this time. members of the public may address the commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter. jurisdicao diction of the commission except agenda items with respect to agenda items. your opportunity to address the commission will
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be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting. if you're in the chambers, please come forward. if you're calling in remotely, you need to press star three or raise your hand via webex. seeing no request to speak commissioners general public comment is closed and we can move on to department matters. item one department announcements. good afternoon, commissioners. rich department staff. i'm just providing a quick update on your landmark designation work program. the colombo arch went forward to the full board for its second read. so it's on our way towards becoming our next city landmark . we've also received the initiation for the san francisco fire station number 44, which is in the visitacion valley neighborhood, which was initiated by supervisor walton in other news, the planning department just pull up my notes received, and i should say the commissioners also received an invitation in from the church of the fellowship of all peoples
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regarding their events on sunday, october 15th at 3 p.m. at their home at 241 larkin street. this is basically during their annual howard thurman convention convocation. so they've invited the historic preservation commissioners to attend and celebrate the landmarking of their property, which is amazing. and i also wanted to draw your attention to another event that one of our community partners is bringing forward. the san francisco african american arts and culture cultural district is opening their community business hub and having their grand opening on saturday, october 7th, from 12 to 3 at their community business hub, which is 517 two third street. so both groups would enjoy and your attendance and that is all on my end. okay. if there are no questions for mr. sucre, we can move on to commission matters for item two. consideration of adoption draft minutes for september 20th, 2023 commissioners. it's been brought
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to my attention that the minutes are the link to the minutes from the agenda was not working and so i would request that we continue this item motion to continue. i'll second that. thank you, commissioners, on that motion to continue this to the next hearing of october 18th, 2023. commissioner vergara yes. commissioner foley i commissioner warren. yes and commissioner. president matsuda yes. so move commissioners. that motion passes unanimously 4 to 0. item three commission comments and questions. i just have two comments. first, the planning department with the african american historic african american cultural district had a workshop last monday from, what was it, 4 to 7 p.m. i thought it was a great turnout. i think you had people of all generations, residents
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from both the bayview and the western addition who all came together. and for many it was like memory lane when they were able to write down, i think, very important and memorable places of business, places of worship, places of community in both districts. and i, i commend the planning department staff for really trying to be as inclusive as possible and for allowing community to tell their story. so thank you very much for doing that. the second thing is that i'd like to conclude today's historic preservation commission meeting in memory of senator dianne feinstein. if there are no other commissioner comments, we can move on to consideration of items proposed for continuance item for case number 2023 hyphen 006996 pca for permits to install business signs to historic buildings or buildings in conservation
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districts in the c three downtown area. the planning code amendment is proposed for continuance to november 1st, 2023. further commissioners under your consent calendar item five case number 2023 hyphen 002748 coa at one dr. carlton goodlett place a certificate of appropriateness had some notice posting issues and so it will need to be continued as well. and the proposed date is also november 1st, 2023. i have no other items proposed for continuance, so we should take public comment. members of the public, if you care to, you can address the commission on either of the two items proposed for continuance only on the matter of continuance. again, if you're in the chambers, please come forward. and if you're calling in remotely, you need to press star three or raise your hand via webex. see no requests to speak. commissioner was. public comment is closed and your continuance calendar is before
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you motion to continue both to november 1st. second, thank you commissioners on that motion to continue items as proposed. commissioner vergara. can you use your microphone? turn your microphone on. thank you. i wanted to make one comment and i spoke with miss taylor from the staff. the other day. it would be great if we could have some kind of artist renditions when we do take this up on november first, what it would look like. it's really tough for me to tell what it's going to be just from the plans. i'm really concerned about the pedestal holding up the bust of mayor ralph, that it isn't obscured too much. on the matter of continuance. yes thank you, commissioner foley. i commissioner warren. yes. and commission president matsuda? yes. so move commissioners, that motion passes unanimously. for
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two zero. okay. commissioners that will place us under your regular calendar for item six, seven and eight case numbers 2023 hyphen 003984 mls 2023 hyphen 003779 mls and 2023 hyphen 003555 mls for the properties at 988 market street 2020 209 webster street and 148 through 152 fillmore street respective. these are for your consideration to adopt resolutions recommending to the board of supervisors approval of mills act applications. good afternoon, commissioner shannon ferguson, planning department staff. if i could have the overhead please. the items before you today are three mills act historical property contracts. the mills act legislation authorizes local government to enter into contracts with private owners of qualified historic properties. this agreement provides property tax reduction to the owners, who
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can then allocate the savings towards appropriate rehabilitation restoration and maintenance plans. and the department currently holds 46 active mills that contract ice. the department received all three of today's mills act applications by the may 1st filing date. department staff reviewed each application for completeness and then conduct pre approval inspections and also worked with the applicants to revise the rehabilitation restoration and maintenance plans as necessary. all three property owners will enter into the mill sack contract with the city. the agreements are ten year revolving contracts that are renewed annually. your commission packets contain a valuation for each property, outlining the potential property tax savings for the first year. these figures were compiled by the assessor recorders office. each property owner has outlined with the assistance of department staff rehabilitation and restoration and maintenance plans that ensure that work will be completed and conformance
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with the secretary of the interior. standards for rehabilitation. the first mills contract is at 148 152 fillmore street. it's located on the east side of fillmore street between waller and germania streets. it's a contributing building to the hayes valley residential historic district, which is listed in the california register of historical resources . one 4852 fillmore street is a queen anne style romeo flat building. it's two and a half stories over a basement garage. wood frame, four units, residential building constructed circa 1900, and features a gable roof and central staircase with balconies. the proposed rehabilitation plan proposes to bolt the foundation to the sill , repair and paint the siding, repair front stairs and railings, repair and replace windows. soft story upgrade. replace roof and repair doors. the estimated cost of the proposed rehabilitation work is $225,000. the maintenance plan
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proposes to inspect and make any necessary repairs to windows, doors, siding and stairs on an annual basis and the roof every five years. the estimated cost of maintenance work is $20,000 annually. the subject property meets three of the five priority considerations necessity, investment and distinctiveness. as the proposed rehabilitation will require significant associated costs to ensure the preservation of the subject property and the property owner will invest additional money towards rehabilitate nation. other than that, for routine maintenance, including structural upgrades. finally, the proposed rehabilitation project will preserve and enhance the integrity of the building. the assessor determined that the property owner will receive an estimated $14,184 in property tax savings in the first year. this is a 59.4% reduction from the factored base year value. next is 988 market street, which is located on the north side of
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market street between taylor and mason streets and is listed as a category one significant building under article 11 of the planning code and is also a contributor to the market street theater and loss historic district, which is listed in the national register of historic places. it's an eight story plus basement steel frame office building designed by local architect of merit g. albert landsberg and the renaissance revival style and constructed in 1922. the building is currently valued by the assessor's office at over $5 million as a historic structure report was submitted to demonstrate that granting exemption to the valuation limit would assist in the preservation of a particularly significant resource. although the property is not in danger of demolition or substantial alteration, iron staff supports an eligibility exemption because of the applicant's commitment to rehabilitating and maintaining the facade and public interior spaces of the building. the rehabilitation plan proposes to rehabilitate the historic terracotta facades, wood frame,
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windows, roofing and marble stairs, floor plates, attic and parapet walls. the estimated costs of the proposed rehabilitation work is $576,259. the maintenance plan proposes to inspect and make any necessary repairs to the historic terracotta facades the wood frame windows as well as the roofing and the parapet walls, and an annual basis. the estimated cost of maintenance work is $20,000 annually. the subject property meets three of the five priority consideration zones necessity investment and distinctiveness. the proposed rehabilitation will require significant associated costs to ensure the preservation of the property and the property owner will invest additional money towards the rehabilitation. other than for routine maintenance. finally the proposed rehabilitation project will preserve and enhance the integrity of the building. the assessor determined the property owner will receive an estimated . $176,681 in property tax
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savings in the first year. this is a 69.19% reduction from factored base year value. and our last property today is 2209. webster street. it's located on the west side of webster street between washington and clay streets. it's a contributing building to the webster street historic district listed under article ten of the planning code 2209. webster street is a two story plus basement wood frame, single family dwelling designed in the italianate style by henry hinkle and built circa 1900. the rehabilitation plan proposes to replace the roof repair doors and windows and repair and paint the siding. the estimated cost of the rehabilitation work. is $238,000. the maintenance plan proposes to inspect and make any necessary repairs to windows, doors, siding the porch and a roof on an annual basis. since
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the estimated cost of maintenance work is $3,800 annually, the property meets three of the five priority considerations necessity, investment and distinctive ness. the proposed rehabilitation will require significant associated costs to ensure the preservation of the property. the property owner will invest additional money towards the rehabilitate option other than for routine maintenance. and finally, the proposed rehabilitation project will preserve a distinctive example of a grouping of italianate homes constructed circa 1900. the assessor determined the property owner will receive an estimated $17,000 in property tax savings, the first year. this is a 70% reduction from factor base year value staff recommends. the historic preservation commission recommend approval of all three mills. act applications to the board of supervisors for the following reasons. the properties are all qualified historic resources for the rehabilitation and maintenance
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plans are found to be appropriate and all proposed work is intended to meet the secretary of the interior standards. this concludes my presentation. i'm happy to answer any questions and the property owners are in attendance today and would like to address the commission. we'll start with the owners of the fillmore street property, followed by market street and then webster street. thank you. do the chair. you'll each have three minutes. excuse me. you'll have three minutes, sir. thank you. yes. i'm mark stempel, one of the owners of 148 to 152 fillmore street. and we purchased the building about a year and a half ago. and it is in need of some substantial work . it's a beautiful building. it's really in a in a great neighborhood. and we're just
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asking for some assistance through the mills act in order to do the maintenance and repairs that i think would really bring the building back to its former beauty and believed that it would help to enhance the neighborhood and. we're also we're not just using the money from the mills act. we're also contributing our own resources as well. so we're just here to request assistance us to do that. so thank you.
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hello, commissioners. my name is mark shkolnikov and on behalf of the owners for 908 market, i just want to thank you for your consideration of our mills act application and the mills act will have a really significant impact in offsetting our our rehabilitation costs. and we're also simultaneously we currently in the process of applying for an office to residential conversion in the building. so thank you. okay. hi, i'm michael foley. my wife may is here and we also have two children who are six and eight. we immediately fell in love when we saw this house last year. it was a fixer upper in need of expensive repairs, but we had no idea we'd be able to live in such a magnificent house. mae is a trained architect and an artist, and we're both
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passionate about preserving the beauty of the city. the house has a historic significance. as the first house ever built by the renowned architect henry hinkle in 1878, who went on to build many of the famed pacific heights victorians. when we bought it last year, it was an abandoned office and had fallen into disrepair. our neighbor says that he'd never seen anyone enter the building in 30 years. we aim to restore the house to its original purpose as a single family. victorian home and raise our children there. we are committed to the true historic preservation of this house inside and out, not just routine maintenance. we're not knocking down walls to make an open floor plan when we fix broken windows, it's with restoration glass where the original crown molding has broken. we restore it the proper way. we even pulled up the office carpet and some old linoleum and restored. they're restored. the original douglas fir floors. we're bringing it back to its original glory in a mills act contract is essential to helping us preserve its
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historic character because we are deeply committed to rehabilitate and maintain it the right way. but it's expensive work and we're sacrificing a lot to preserve the house the way it deserves. we appreciate that pastors buys pastors buy are always taking photos of our house because it's a prime example of the italianate style. our vision is that due to our stewardship, san franciscans a hundred years from now will continue to walk down our block and be able to admire this architectural gift. the mills. that contract will help us contribute to the beauty of this historic street. thanks for your consideration. thank you. okay. any other public comment on either of these applications? are any of these applications seeing no members of the public coming forward and no raised hands? public comment is closed and these applications are now before you commissioners. thank you. commissioner foley. hi. i just i read all the reports and
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i want to say to staff, thank you very much for the work that you did. i know it's a it's a lot of work to actually do the mills act for the for the three applicants. i really appreciate what you're doing. it's a real pain to renovate old buildings and to care for old buildings and for market street, big commercial buildings, as you see there, going back to banks all the time. and i'm really happy that you're going to invest in that building and try to bring back mid market. so thank you very much. thank you, commissioner vergara, i'd just like to echo commissioner foley's comments. thank you for caring so much about those buildings and putting the time and effort and expense into it. thank you, commissioner. nuggets warren, i of course, i appreciate all of what everybody is doing for these buildings cause i do want to just have a reminder of a referencing the secretary of the interior standards and the guidelines just to look at the specifics of
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how the rehabilitation works and what specific things are appropriate for historic buildings. and certainly the planners will help you do that. and one thing that i always think about is replacement of the old growth wood windows and how, you know, those are the most stable all in their existing state because of their denseness. and of course, now nowadays we're looking at energy, all of that. so any way that you can make those work would be greatly appreciated just to retain the integrity of these buildings and how they were originally be used and displayed to the public, they it all means something. and sometimes when i go by buildings and i see they've got vinyl windows or something like that, it it directly does take a take
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a take away from the building. so i appreciate that. all of you are considerate of what you're doing and look at the guidelines . look at the california historical building code, see what ways that you can use those . to continue to rehab, rehabilitate these buildings in an appropriate way. thank you. thank you. and i also want to thank you for undertaking this pretty challenging task. but to be good stewards about very important resources in the city and county of san francisco. and i'm sure you don't need to be told again, but the mills act took a lot to become, um, a very important program to the state of california. and we are hoping that you will serve as models for other property owners in the future who do own historic buildings of historic significance so that we can continue to promote historic
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preservation throughout the city . so thanks for your work, commissioner warren. just one other comment. you know, related to mechanical, electrical, plumbing, you know, as much as you can put into the building and not expose it to the exterior. so that also preserves the character of these buildings. so work with the planners and see what can be done. so appreciate that. thank you. motion to approve all three. second thank you, commissioners, on that motion to adopt recommendations for approval on all three mills. act applications. commissioner vergara. yes. commissioner foley i. commissioner warren. yes. and commission president matsuda yes. so move commissioners. and i think that concludes today's. it does. and we're adjourning in the honor of the in the honor of senator dianne feinstein. thank you, everyone.
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49ers. the last event held was a concert in late 2014. it was demolished in 2015. mlb team the san francisco giants played at candlestick from 1960-1999. fans came to see players such a willie mays and barry bonds, over 38 seasons in the open ballpark. an upper deck expansion was added in the 1970s. there are two world series played at the stick in 1962 and in 198 9. during the 1989 world series against the oakland as they were shook by an earthquake. candlestick's enclosure had minor damages from the quake but its design saved thousands of lives. nfl team the san francisco 49ers played at candlestick from feign 71-2013. it was home to five-time super
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bowl champion teams and hall of fame players by joe montana, jerry rice and steve jones. in 1982, the game-winning touchdown pass from joe montana to dwight clark was known as "the catch." leading the niners to their first super bowl. the 49ers hosted eight n.f.c. championship games including the 2001 season that ended with a loss to the new york giants. in 201, the last event held at candlestick park was a concert by paul mccartney who played with the beatles in 1966, the stadium's first concert. demolition of the stick began in late 2014 and it was completed in september 2015. the giants had moved to pacific rail park in 2000 while the 49ers moved to santa clara in 2014. with structural claims and numerous name changes, many have passed through and will remember
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