tv Arts Commission SFGTV October 15, 2023 10:00am-11:11am PDT
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the recording has started and it's 204. thank you and good afternoon and welcome to the meeting of the arts commission on monday, october 2nd. two. oh two three. i would like to begin the meeting by the call of the roll. alyssa ventry please present collins. present vice president shiota. present commissioner beltran is absent. commissioner benavidez present. commissioner brunzell here. commissioner kearney. present commissioner ferris is not here yet. commissioner hakimi is absent. commissioner liu is absent. commissioner mccoy present. commissioner mosley. present. commissioner rothschild . present. commissioner schneider here. commissioner
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shelby. present. commissioner stryker. present and commissioner tanner is absent, but we do have a quorum and for the record, also attending is director of cultural affairs ralph remington, deputy director of finance and administration. sarah hollenbeck and deputy director of programs lex leifheit are in attendance as well. thank you very much. and again, welcome all of our new members and this is your family . today is the arts commission. will arts commission meeting will be conducted in a hybrid format. this will allow everyone to participate in person and remotely through the webex platform. um, while this technology grants us better accessibility for individuals joining the meeting remotely, please be mindful that tech related difficulties may occur which could contribute to the gaps and delays as staff transition runs. the technology
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between speakers. please know that we are doing our best and that we ask for your patience. you may also find the meeting being streamed on the gov tv to comcast. 78 astound 28 and 80. at&t. u-verse 99. i want to remind us of the policies and procedures for public meetings. at this meeting we are bound to follow the structure of our agenda and adhere to the best practices set forth in the good government. guide at every public meeting there will be an opportunity for general public comment where members may comment on any item pertaining to this body. we respectfully. we ask that you keep your public comment on topic. each public comment is limited to three minutes. please understand that the committee does not contribute dialog towards public comments. each comment will be
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documented for the records during each public comment opportunity city. i will first request comments from the public attending the meeting in person and then from the public attending remotely. for those joining remotely, please mute your microphones to minimize background noise for the public and staff joining remotely when it is your time to speak, you must unmute yourself and speak directly into the microphone before expressing your comments. please briefly introduce yourself, including your name, your affiliated organization and or any additional information applicable to this meeting or and to this agency. i will turn it over now to our chief of staff, alyssa ventry, for public comment instructions. thank you. for members of the public joining in person who wish to make comment on agenda items. once you are called on, you'll be asked to voice your comment at the podium. you will see
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blank public comment cards located near the podium and your recommended but not required to fill out this card which will be included in the minutes. you you may also make public comment using comment using the webex link. when you click the webex link, you'll be then prompted to enter the following information . an first last name and email. these fields are required, however, if you wish to remain anonymous, you may type public in the first and last name, field and public at public .com in the email field. please ensure that you're in a quiet location that all devices around you are muted. so there's no echo when you speak at the appropriate time. the chair will request public comment for members of the public using the webex link. please the hand, please click the hand icon to raise your hand. this will place you in the public comment queue when it's your time to speak, you'll be unmuted by the moderator, and when your time is up, you'll be muted. for members of the public calling by phone that wish to make public comment . but when the public comment period opens, press star three to be added to the speaker line. when your microphone has been
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unmuted, you will hear us ask you to state your name and make your comment. you're encouraged but not required to state your name. for the record, i'll start your three minutes when you begin speaking using a visual timer, you'll also receive a 32nd audible warning when your time is up, i'll say call, your time is up and you'll be placed on mute and moved out of the speaker line. we will pause briefly before closing public comment to ensure that no other comments are seeking to speak on the item. participants who wish to speak on other agenda items can remain on the line and listen for the next public comment. opportunity anyone who speaks during a public comment period at today's meeting can send a summary of the comments to be included in the minutes. if it's 150 words or less to dash, the summary may be rejected if it exceeds the prescribed word limit or if it's not an accurate summary of the speaker's public comment. you may also email art dash info at gevorg for any troubleshooting questions. public comment instructions will be shared on the screen. as you just saw for each public comment period.
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president collins please proceed with the meeting when you're ready. thank you. and the chair will recognize the commissioner hakimi is present. i would like to start the meeting by reading our land acknowledgment statement. the san francisco arts commission acknowledges that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush ohlone, who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula as the indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions, the ramaytush alone have never ceded, lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place , as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory as guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders and relatives of the ramaytush community and by affirming their sovereign rights as the first peoples as a department dedicated to
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promoting a diverse and equitable arts and culture environment in san francisco, we are committed to supporting the traditional and contemporary evolution of the american indian community. we i would now like to call on agenda item number two for members of the public that wish to make public comment . please raise your hand now. now, i would like to move to approval of the minutes possible discussion and possible action. this i would like to have a motion to approve of the september 11th 2020 three minutes. when you make the motion, would you please state your name? and the same as when you second the motion. so move. commissioner shelby. second, commissioner schnur. thank you. is there any public comment on agenda item number two approval of minutes. we will be taking in person public comment first. so
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for those joining in person, please proceed to the public comment podium and fill out the public comment information card. and for those joining remotely, please raise your hand if you're listening in via webex. if you're calling by phone, press star three to be placed in the public comment queue in instructions will be on the screen moments only. we are currently on item two. as a reminder, your time will start when you begin speaking and you'll see a visual timer on the screen and receive a 32nd audible warning before your time concludes. then you'll be muted. once your time is up, you may stay on the line if you wish to speak on other items. anyone who speaks during a public comment period at today's meeting can send a summary of the comments to be included in the minutes. if it's 150 words or less. art dash info .org. i am now requesting comments from those who are in person. is there anyone who would like to make public comment on item number two? seeing no in person? public comment? i'll now check our virtual hands. i'm seeing no
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virtual hands. we have no public comment. public comment is now closed. thank you. i would now like to one acknowledge that commissioner farris present and also i'm calling for any commissioner discussion or comments on the approval of the minutes of september 11th, seeing none. we have a motion to approve the september 11th, 20, 23 minutes. may i have the ask for a final motion? all those in favor say aye. aye those opposed nay motion carries unanimously. thank you. item three. i'll now call item number three for members of the public that wish to make public comment. you may raise your hand now. so this is general public comment. i am now asking for any general public
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comment on item number three. is there any general public comment? we will take in-person public comment. first. so for those joining in person, please proceed to the public comment podium and for those joining remotely, please raise your hand if you're listening in via webex . if you're calling by phone, press star three to be placed in the public comment queue instructions will be on the screen as a reminder, your time will start when you begin speaking and you'll see a visual timer and receive a 32nd audible warning before your time concludes. then you'll be muted. once your time is up, you may stay on the line if you wish to speak on other items. anyone who speaks during a public comment period of today's meeting can send a summary of the comments to be included in the minutes of its 150 words or less to info as of gevorg, i am now requesting comments from those who are in person. is there anyone who would like to make public comment on agenda item three seeing no in-person public comment, i'm checking our virtual hands. and we have no
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virtual public comment. public comment is now closed. thank you. i am now calling on agenda item number four for members of the public that wish to make public comment, please raise your hand now. item number four is the director of cultural affairs report by the director of cultural affairs, ralph remington. thank you, president collins. good afternoon, commissioners. i hope you all had a wonderful start to your october. as a general reminder to all commissioners and staff starting today, october 2nd, to the 27th is open enrollment for your 2024 health benefits. please make sure to update your plan with any needed changes by 5 p.m. october 27th, 2023, before i begin my director's report, i'd like to begin by offering our condolences from
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the arts commission to the family, friends and colleagues of former san francisco supervisor, mayor and us senator dianne feinstein, who passed away at the age of 90 in the early morning hours of september 29th at her home in washington, dc. senator feinstein will lie in state at city hall this wednesday, october fourth, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m, where members of the public are invited to pay their respects and sign a condolence book, a funeral service will take place on thursday, october fifth at 1 p.m. at herbst theater in the war memorial building, a simulcast of the service will be shown in the northlight court for those wishing to attend, as well as streamed online. part of the civic art collection, a memorial bust of dianne feinstein can be can be found in city hall on the second floor just outside the mayor's office. it's made of bronze and marble. the bust was sculpted by artist
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lisa rynerson in 1997 and was a gift to the city and county of san francisco by richard blum, says senator feinstein's late husband, who passed away in february 2022. so keep that all of that in mind. and i would like to have a moment of silence for senator dianne feinstein. thank you. to start off this month's report, i'd like to share a few highlights from some recent events this past month. on september 14th, i attended
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i'm sorry, on september 20th, i spoke at the opening celebration of our new exhibition in city hall, a public voice voz publica. on september 21st, i attended the launch celebration for landing at leitersdorf, where we also unveiled a beautiful new mural by twin mural walls mural company honoring the life and legacy of captain william alexander leitersdorf just by way of information, point of information, i should say, thor kozlowski's relative, those of you who know thor at the city, captain leitersdorf was his distant ancestor there. so he was also at the at the event and spoke so on september 22nd i attended the sf symphony opening night gala. that's actually
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that's actually a picture from 2022. but but yeah, that's great . so but that was with our old commissioner there, lydia. so that was in last year. but this year i attended with my wife and so, so september 22nd i attended the sf symphony opening night gala on september 28th. i attended the 2023 latino heritage month celebration and award ceremony at city hall and this past weekend, on september 30th, i attended the second annual chinatown contemporary art festival under the same sun, along with mayor breed, executive director of edge in the square, joanne lee and many other elected officials. it was so great to see joanne there. as you can see in the on the left, she's in her element and leading the show and she's very comfortable. and even though
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she's a big critic of herself, she she shouldn't be because she was amazing. and the event was really fantastic. it's great to see that whole corner and that whole section of town just energized. and it was popping. so congratulations to joanne and all the folks at at edge on the square. so i'd also like to share with you my planned schedule over the next few weeks where i'll be traveling to various conferences and summits . this including the western museums association's annual meeting in pasadena, california . so i'll be there from october 5th to the eighth, where where i will present as a panelist to share our work on monuments and memorials. that's led by nicole meldahl, who is from western neighborhoods. and she is a fairly well known historian in the city and is active and she is also leading that effort on
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that panel. but i'm one of the presenters next to next i'm on to new york city for a race forward board meeting on october 12th through the 13th. and then onward to sao paulo, brazil, for the world cities culture summit, october 24th to the 27th. and so we'll be presenting on our efforts on monuments and memorials and on race and represents nation race forward is also going to be in attendance there as well. and there ed is speaking. so it should be a great summit that's centered in afrocentrism and ed, which a lot of the past summits have been centered in eurocentrism because there have been largely european countries. but we're trying to branch out and add some african countries as well. so there's some african
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countries that are going to be joining the cohort as well. and so they'll all all be there to so that should be good. and finally, the grantmakers in the arts annual conference is in san juan, puerto rico, november 4th to the eighth. so i will be out out of town traveling. and for the next full scheduled commission meeting or full commission meeting is scheduled on november 6th. i'll ask our deputy director of finance and administration, sarah hollenbeck , to present the director's report on my behalf and so sarah is there and ready to go. thanks, sarah. and so, um, some community investment updates i'd like to share. a reminder that we currently have three available grant opportunities for artists and arts organizations to apply for the arts impact endowment grant. opportunity is accepting applications through october
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5th. the cultural equity initiatives grant opportunity is accepting applications through november 2nd and the san francisco artist grant opportunity is accepting applications through november 16th. community investment staff are holding numerous informational and technical assistance webinars to assist applicants all month long. please please visit our grants web page on our website to learn more are some gallery updates. our latest exhibition. and sac main gallery, miami and the monumental art of juana. alicia closed on september 23rd to celebrate the conclusion and successful run of this exhibition. we presented one alicia with a certificate of honor from the arts commission. as briefly mentioned earlier, on september 20th, sfac galleries launched a new exhibition at san francisco city hall titled
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called a public voice. voz publica from the archive of mission cultural center for latino arts. this exhibition showcases the history of political and community activism and cultural events in san francisco through posters produced by mission grafica and raza graphics. the exhibition will be on view through july 12th, 2021, 2024. and so if you're here and you have some time after the meeting, you can just go down to the northlight court and, and check out our new exhibition coming next to the sfac main gallery. we are thrilled to present transcending physicality, the essence of place opening on october 13th on view through december 16th. the exhibition will feature the works of 14 artists that will explore the intricate relationship between people and spaces. please save the date and join us for the opening reception on october 13th at the sfac main gallery from 6 to 8
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p.m. in partnership with the san francisco library, we are proud to announce the world premiere of the main the main degree, a new work by emmy nominated san francisco based filmmaker james q chan, the free interactive screening takes place on october 19th from 5 to 7 p.m. at the main library, located at 100 larkin street in 2022, chan was selected as one of four inaugural artists in residence at the library through the san francisco arts commission's artist in residence program. some other announcements a reminder that i'm happy to share is that the results of the arts and economic prosperity six eap six survey will be announced on october 12th. eap six is the americans for the arts new economic impact study of the nation's nonprofit arts and culture organizations, and its audience is thank you to our senior racial equity and engagement analyst sandra panopio for spearhead ing. our
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survey collection efforts. we will share these findings with everyone once they are officially released. a reminder that the asia pacific economic cooperation summit is coming to san francisco november 11th through the 17th 2023. we are working closely with the mayor's office and partner agencies to prepare and welcome all the visiting dignitaries and guests. our recent some h.r. updates, our recent job opportunities for the commission secretary and senior monuments and memorials program manager positions have recently closed applications for these two positions, along with the community investments program officer position are being reviewed and with that, that concludes the director's report for the october 20, 23 full commission meeting. it's been busy. i'd be happy to take any questions that you may have . thank you. excuse me. first,
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we have to have public comment. correct if you have any commissioner discussion questions, commissioner questions or comments on the director's report. other than a few. other than a few. yeah yes. yeah so seeing none now, i'd like to see if there's any public comment on the director's report. we will be taking in-person public comment first for so for those joining in person, please proceed to the public comment podium and for those joining remotely, please raise your hand if you're listening via webex. if you're calling by phone, press star three to be placed in the public comment queue. instructions are on the screen. we are currently on item number four. as a reminder, your time will start when you begin speaking and you'll see a visual timer on screen and receive a 32nd audible warning before your time concludes. then we will. you'll
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be muted once your time is up, but you may stay on the line if you wish to speak on the items. anyone who speaks during a public comment period at today's meeting can send a summary of the comments to be included in the minutes of its 150 words or less. dash info gevorg. i am now requesting comments from those who are in person. is there anyone who would like to make public comment on the current agenda item? i see no in-person public comment. i'm now checking our virtual hands. and seeing no virtual hands. public comment is now closed. thank you. i'm now calling for agenda item number five. this is the committee reports. committee matters for discussion, i'm going to first call agenda item five sub item one, which is the civic design review committee for members of the public that wish to make public comment. you may raise your hands now. i am now
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introducing committee chair kimberly streicher to present the civic design review committee report. commissioner streicher, thank you. the civic design review committee met in september and we looked at four projects. it's one was phase one of the san francisco mta potrero yard project, which plans to incorporate a muni maintenance yard with housing above. we looked at a conceptual design of a much needed new child care center at the zuckerberg general hospital, and that will come to us for a formal review in the future. we also looked at something as simple as fence designs that surround three groundwater pumping stations in south san francisco and colma that are controlled by the puc. and of course, that was passed. but last is the buchanan street mall, which is five blocks in
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the fillmore district. and i have shown you elements of this at one previous meeting, but this has been coming to us in segments, and i think we're finally seeing the whole totality of this project. so i'd like to talk about it for a moment because i think it has lots to offer. we've shown this project as i mentioned, and it's a revamp of an existing but deterioro park mall in the fillmore district. our september review may be our last. we hope. we saw a series of vertical structures and art placed on them along a walk called the memory walk that is another layer of this project act and the artworks describe the history of the area. once known as harlem of the west, mounted on colorful structures in locations throughout the mall. although you've seen this project at an earlier phase, i'm taking this opportunity to show how important collaboration and layering is to create meaningful and useful projects in our
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neighborhoods. as designers met often with community groups and interpreted their values and goals into a new open space design that incorporates play spaces, opportunities to exercise barbecue for people of all ages to meet, to enjoy music and performance together, and to experience a revitalized green space. we see layering of ideas given form intended to bring together the people in the neighborhood. and in this last phase, which we expect will be the last, i'm assuming the memory walk adds to that intent by giving a tangible voice to history while creating a gathering place for this neighborhood's rich history to continue into the future. so with that, i'll ask if there's anything my colleagues would like to contribute to my report . uh, commissioner shunnarah, i just want to also agree that
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this is an amazing project and in its different stages in evolution, and they have taken such care to hear from all the different constituent ants and really understand their needs and wants and to bring together this wonderful through these five, six blocks, just this walk that it just goes from like one type of activity to the next to the next. so there's a little something for everybody there. and so well thought out and unified together. so just hats off as a really wonderful project. just you know, i think it's a great example of how best to go through these processes and come up with a really excellent design that works so well for the community. thank you. any other comments from one question? would you help us to understand who has the permanent responsibility for the maintenance of the mall? it's my understanding and if someone else wants to share that, it's
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rec and park. yeah yeah. and to, to kind of pile on that the community engagement process and also they engage park and rec on you know paint color was done by the community by by their choice and then materials and maintenance considerations were were put in with a lot of park input. so that's great too right ? yeah. and i would just like to comment that the partnership that we have with rec and park in particular, our directors, phil ginsburg and ralph remington is really a game changer and thinking about the amount of investment that's going on in india basin park, the equitable development plan that is built into that. one can really see a lot of these principles now being something in the culture of rec park. i have so much unfortunate memory about promises that were made by redeveloped it and so it gives me a lot of hope that the
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permanence of this is really underscored by the commitment that our inter-departmental existing resources rec park again is doing very similar work in india basin and i think that it all ties together for these two communities that have a very important history in san francisco. so i want to thank, i want to thank this committee for really seeing this through and also for the intergovernmental work that that goes into a vision that that can only happen by cooperation. excellent thank you. is there any public comment on the report? i am requesting comments from those who are in person. first of all, i'll read the instructions. we'll be taking in-person public comment first. so for those joining in person, please proceed to the public comment podium and for those joining remotely, please raise your hand if you're
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listening in via webex and if you're calling by phone, press star three to be placed in the public comment queue. instructions are on the screen. we are currently on item number five sub item one. as a reminder , your time will start when you begin speaking and you'll see a visual timer on screen and receive a 32nd audible warning before your time concludes. then you'll be muted. once your time is up, you may stay on the line if you wish to speak on other items. anyone who speaks during a public comment period at today's meeting can send a summary of the comments to be included in the minutes. if it's 150 words or less, the info gevorg. i am now requesting comments from those who are in person is there anyone who would like to make public comment on the current agenda item? seeing no in person public comment. do we have any comments from those joining remotely? i will check our virtual hands. let's see. no remote public comment. public comment is now closed for this
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item. thank you. i'm now calling agenda item number five sub item two to the visual arts committee report for those members of the public that wish to make public comment. you may raise your hand now. and in introducing committee chair susie farris for this report, this may be one of the most momentous us approvals that i've experienced on the committee and on the commission, and i want to hand this over to the committee chair susie farris , please. thank you so much. president collins. i appreciate that acknowledgment. and as with all the things that we vote on and we see come across our desk , we are blessed to be able to approve. so many amazing public art projects in our city. this one is very important, as with many other projects that take years, sometimes over a decade,
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to actually come to fruition. luckily, this one has not taken that long, but we are very, very happy to see it on its way to completion. so i would like to give the visual arts committee report for wednesday, september 20th, 2023. the committee reviewed the final design and material samples for a couple of projects. first and foremost, as president collins mentioned, we have the dr. maya angelou sculpture project that has been in the works for several years, which will be at the main branch of the san francisco public library. it's currently scheduled to install in 2024 at the larkin street entrance by grove street and will measure approximately nine feet tall overall, this will be the first monument to an african american woman in the city. the bronze sculpture is in the shape of a book with a portrait of dr. maya angelou, circa 1973, on the front cover, and maya angelou's name on the spine. and a quote
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from angelou emphasizing the importance of libraries is on the back cover. the sculpture will sit on a basalt stone, rectangular base with the text still, i rise from a 1978 angelou poem engraved in the front of the base, so please feel free to take a look. i do recommend for those who have not read the quote that will be on the back. it is one of those goose pimple situations and it's definitely inspiring. and i know this piece with the portrait, the piece as a whole, as well as that quote, will inspire generations to come going into that library, especially young women and women of color growing up in the city. so we are all happy to see that on its way to completion and artist lava thomas did join us to give a few words. we were able to see an example of that sculpture and the substrate that the portrait
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and that the quote will be on. next, we have craig calderwood's mural, the only blue is the sky. we'll cover approximately 2373ft!s of the three story atrium around the escalator shaft in the harvey milk terminal one at san francisco international airport. this is another piece that has been in the works for a couple of years . we were fortunate to have the artist join us and see examples of both the work and the nova paints that the artist will be using. the artwork is currently scheduled to be installed in the spring of 2024, with the terminal opening to the public in summer 2024. the mural design depicts the symbols and patterns of fruits, flowers and stripes which historically have been used to represent deviance, queerness and otherness. calderwood calderwood's design creates figures and environments made of these symbols living peaceful lives and focusing on
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harvey milk's legacy of making life for people in otherness comfortable. this piece is a joy. it definitely she is extremely colorful. the use of the nova paints in terms of how that brings out the vibrant, the vibrant ness of the mural is noticeable and definitely was appreciated by the panel. so i'd like to call for any commissioner discussions or comments, especially those who are on the back. commissioner mccoy here, i'm going to actually just make a couple of comments regarding artist slava thomas and this incredibly historic vote that we have here. just want to double down on what you're saying here. this is the first monument of an african american woman in san francisco . and there materials the process, the evolution of the artwork have been incredibly thoughtful. the work of the
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staff of the arts commission. i know this was a big lift, so we do thank you for this. but this is an incredible piece and i think i'm going to speak for myself and many people in the community that we all look forward to the unveiling of this project and hopefully 2024, i like to see something the work of love of thomas actually, that piece you don't appreciate the size of it from the pictures that we have here, but it is anybody that's driving by that street, not even just walking. she's directly looking at you. you know, so there's a lot of connection. so it makes it even more impactful, aside from just being able to walk by. so it's really high. it looks amazing. and the other piece of work at the airport, i thought that was a really amazing work. we saw a sample of the colors and so
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there's some really good work coming up and we look forward to it. thank you. i'd like to say that this is a really beautiful piece of work that i just saw this the picture of lava thomas's work and, you know, we all know what she went through to get to this point. and you know, it's hard for me to make all of the events. this is one event i'm going to make you know, to show solidarity and support and love to this artist. it's been several years and the delivery that we see coming is incredible. it's beautiful. it's i can't wait to see it from the street. i didn't know how big it really was. nine feet. nine feet. so you know, it would be encouraging if as many of us could show up to support the unveiling, the opening of this this historic work. commissioner
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shaner, i just want to say as well that with everything we've gone through with this project from the very beginning, that lava has just risen to the occasion, been all the way through and even she said when she saw the sample with the detail and the eye, that she felt that there was even more like that she wanted to do and wanted to make happen, and that by working with the production team that was doing it, she worked really closely with them and was able to change up a bit of what she was seeing in the portrait and how she wanted to express it. so it's really exciting to hear her talk about that aspect and just how much she has grown with this project all the way through. it's really it's just absolutely inspiring. and it was so wonderful to
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finally see samples in person again. i can't even tell you. and to be able to see this one in particular was just it's just it is an absolutely monumental piece. can't be more excited about it. is there a date yet for the opening? no no, no, not yet. yeah, they have to. first they have to. we had to get before she could get slated for the actual production of the piece. we had to approve it, which we just did. now she gets to go on the docket and whenever they do it, we don't know. she'll let us know. let us know. and our wonderful project managers will let us know as well. commissioner hakimi here. i just i'm going to reiterate what many said. this is a big deal for many of us, including me personally, and i want to ask a personal request to please invite us, because what happens is, is i'm finding that i'm getting after fact information
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about events that i really would like to go to support communities that i serve. so i want to ask a special request. when a day goes on, please put it on our calendar so we can all show up at least once. we want to. so because this is really important and thank you. any other commissioner comments? i just want to jump back in and i think both of these projects that came across the desk are an amazing example of the work that we're doing. the important work that the arts commission is doing in terms of representation in the arts and visibly for our communities. as i think about growing up here, there were no statues or public art pieces dedicated to women, women of color for me to see as an example. and i think of, of how this will affect kids growing up here and kids visiting san francisco. so we have the
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opportunity to make such a difference. the work that we're doing with the harvey milk terminal and really making a statement to folks that are coming here in and out of our airport, what san francisco values are and what we stand for. and the same with representation of more women and women of color in our public arts, both behind the table and in the work that we're doing. so, you know, i couldn't be more proud of the work that we do. and, you know, taking this opportunity to really look at the these two examples as being great examples of all the work that we're we're, we're doing here. so, so thank you, commissioners. thank you to the artists. and thank you to the staff. and thank you again to lava. thomas and all the artists that are going through the process. because as we know, the process isn't necessarily easy, but it is worth it for our community. thank you. are there any more commissioner comments or discussion? seeing none. may
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i ask for any public comment on agenda item number five subitem. number two, we will be taking in-person public comment. first. so for those joining in person, please proceed to the public comment podium and for those joining remotely, please raise your hand if you're listening in via webex. if you're calling by phone, press star three to be placed in the public comment queue instructions are on screen. we are currently on item five sub item two. as a reminder, your time will start when you begin speaking and you'll see a visual timer on screen and receive a 32nd audible warning before for your time concludes. then you'll be muted. once your time is up, you may stay on the line if you wish to speak on other items. anyone who speaks during a public comment period of today's meeting can send a summary of the comments to be included in the minutes of its 150 words or less to info self-governance. org. i'm now seeking in-person commenters. is there anyone who would like to make public comment on the current agenda item? seeing no in-person public comment, i'll check our virtual
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hands. i'm seeing no virtual hands. public comment is closed for this item. thank you. i'm going to ask for consent calendar discussion, motion and action. are there any commissioners that need to withdraw or recuse themselves at this time from the consent calendar? now i'm going to ask for a discussion and possible motion on the consent calendar. so move. commissioner schnur, second shiota. thank you. i'm now asking for any commissioner comments. i'd like to remind commissioners. to provide any comment. please seeing none, may i ask for any public comment? we'll be taking in-person public comment first. for those joining
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in person, please proceed to the public comment podium. for those joining remotely, please raise your hand if you're listening in via webex. and if you're calling by phone, press star three to place in the public comment queue. instructions are on the screen. we are currently on item number six as a reminder time. we'll start when you begin speaking and you'll see a visual timer on the screen and receive a 32nd audible warning before your time concludes. then you'll be muted. once your time is up, you may stay on the line if you wish to speak on other items. anyone who speaks during a public comment period at today's meeting can send a summary of the comments to be included in the minutes of its 150 words or less to our doordash info. org. i am now requesting comments from those who are in person. is there anyone who would like to make public comment on the current agenda item? seeing no in-person public comment, i will check our virtual hands. seeing no virtual public comment. public comment
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is now closed for this item. thank you. i'm now calling for agenda item number seven. can we please. oh, i'm sorry. thanks president collins. sorry. yes. may i have. i'm going to call the final motion on agenda item number six, the consent calendar. all those in favor? aye, aye. opposed uh, motion carries. thank you very much. i i'm now calling for agenda item number seven for members of the public who wish to comment. make public comment. you may raise your hand now. agenda item number seven is new business and announcements. any current administrative, budgetary, legislative and programing developments and announcements please. well, go ahead, please. this is announcements. okay
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well, i want to announce and y'all know, i try to keep i don't try to bombard you all with my gigs but october 10th will be performing at sfjazz. we're doing a thelonious monk birthday performance piece with two incredible piano players. one is benny green and the other one is gerald clayton with my orchestra. so that's october 10th. and also october 5th. i know that we are familiar with little quake, right? little quake. i'll be performing with my quintet at the university club. that's this thursday. so i just wanted to announce that and i'll be going to that one on the 10th. sf jazz ct monk get lit up in the spot. so ralph said, everything all right? i think there's like four ralph's. you go there you go. there you go. there commissioner mccoy here. i have a few things to talk about
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or to announce. first of all, i just want to say that it's really an incredible time in san francisco for arts. there's so many incredible things going on . our calendars are very, very, very busy. just a couple reminders. those of you in support of theater act still has the hippest trip. so i think that closes on one more week. i think it closes on october eighth. so sold out, though. i think they just opened standing room only tickets. they're doing this standing room, are they? yes. yeah. so and then what happens is you stand in the back and then when people don't show up, then you get into this only so many people and as they can. absolutely. absolutely. so let's continue to support our act here in san francisco. so i also do want to announce two things from the museum of the african diaspora. so we have four new exhibitions that they just opened with a curator, really, really incredible work there. please go out and see this. this is very important work and they
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also are moving towards their afro afropolitan ball, which is sometime towards the end of this month. so please support the mode for san francisco. and then one on a more personal note, in bayview, hunters point, we have just opened a small new arts space called the bayview people's garden. we had our premiere performance with kev choice and the best intentions yesterday this is at the at address of 4101 third street between hudson and innis avenues . and so these are great community events. we have two more coming up in this program. ing martin luther mccoy is performing next sunday with his friends and he's going to perform a mix tape of different songs and different genres from jazz to funk to hip hop and then we're going to close out this
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particular music series with jesus diaz, and he is an afro-cuban band, and he's going to bring his dancers not only going to dance, perform, dance, but also teach dance in the community. d but this is also so in honor and in view of the latino heritage month and just recognizing the african diaspora in the latinx community. so that's it. yeah, definitely. go see the show at mode. i saw it last week too. it's amazing. commissioner um, speaking of kev choice, i just wanted to give a shout out to the san francisco symphony and the programing for the opening concert, which was pretty amazing. i was also got to be at that concert and it was a really wonderful event last friday. and then also speaking of the san francisco symphony, many of you know that i sing with the symphony chorus and we're about to start our season in october, and we're starting with our brand new symphony
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chorus director jenny wong, who was named chorus director of the san francisco symphony chorus last monday. i think a week ago or so. and it'll be the first time she's working with us as under her new title. and i think she is the fourth concert conductor of the symphony chorus. and this is our 50th season for the san francisco symphony chorus. we are performing later in october, and i just commend these concerts to you because it's beethoven nine. they do likely sell out when they do. and it's michael tilson thomas conducting who is the conductor laureate or music director emeritus is something like this. but always a great night to see mta conduct it. so anyhow, wanted to let you all know about it. what date is that? seth i just had it. i will give it to you in two seconds. i joy do? oh, yeah. joy do what it is. the thursday, friday, the
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18th, 19th and or 20th, 21st, 22nd, something like that. yeah. that weekend. thank you. any other comments, commissioner hakimi and then commissioner benavides, please. thank you. first of all, it's been amazing to watch what's happening in san francisco these days. i am so inspired. a year ago i kept telling people, but they wouldn't believe when i said, just be patient. and i am so proud of what the artists and the city and the staff and this this commission and everybody else who is doing a part. i mean, like every everywhere you turn, there's something exciting going on. what is night markets, whether cultural events, whether it's exhibits, whether it's in museums, whether it's a it's just i can't even keep up with anybody anymore. hence, please keep me on the list. i have one. and i'm sorry. so i wanted to i a good friend of mine who is on
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a world tour is coming to san francisco. so they do. it's called the sorry. let me get the name for you. it's song of the north. it's going to be at the fort mason from october 2022. and this is a cinematic like a large scale shadow theater combining. it's incredible. he was here five, six years ago for the first tour. this is a new story and it's he is just this amazing artist who's done some crazy stuff that i've never seen before for i love him and his work, but it's the story of the epic stories of the story book of the kings with the persian ancient poetry book. he has now converted to just visual experiences. he's done, you know, pop up books and, you know, animation books. but this is actually something extra because he's combined so many arts and it's like a cinema and a theater and a performance and
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a concert all in one. so it gets sold out. and i don't mean, you know, he was in colombia, he sold out like four nights for 4000 people. so and that was in colombia. so i encourage you, if you like this, it's child friendly, too. so if you want to take the kids or grandchildren or friends, please, please go see it. it's a it's an incredible, unique experience. i highly recommend that. and in keeping with your admonition, would you give that information to secretary chief of staff ventry so that we can all get that on our calendar? absolutely. thank you. i will be happy. thank you, commissioner benavides, i just want to say, if you haven't gone out, i love what you just said about the city, but if you haven't gone out to the asian art museum, you need to go. yes, murakami is changing that neighborhood. there was a queue this weekend on, i think it was saturday that a queue to get in which has not happened in a while. so it's really if you haven't seen it promote it, it's you go inside the museum, there's so much life, so they really need it in
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that area for a long time. so i just want to get everybody out there. yeah. thursday nights they have a dj up top and it's yeah, they opened the garden, actually. yes the garden. that's right. are there any other comments? do you want to say something about kusama? yes oh sure. yeah so at one more thing at sfmoma. yeah kusama opening is happening today and that will be the exhibit will be going on for a while and it's going to be tricky because it's one of her infinite. one of the pieces is one of her infinity projects and this is a newer one and i believe one of the older ones is going to be there as well. so you do need to make a reservation or tickets for that as well. but absolutely everybody, because this is going to be just astounding. so yeah, one more incredible thing going on in our city, in the arts at the moment. i have two
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observations. my wife was downtown, the other day and an and on saturday and she was right at mint square and the city was really alive. and so she felt really good about walking up market street to the what do you call the mall up there called westfield. westfield yeah, right. westfield mall. she said that it was alive . the notion that westfield mall is a dead empty space is debunked, i think by fact, she said there were two floors of a lot of activity. she felt safe. you know, she walked the street at and it gave her a sense of optimism because her office is right on market street and she has been aware of all those things. so i just want to say, you know, to those that act that are holding on to the strand and all the other ways in which people are really doing it, you know, to commissioner hakimi's admonition that it's a slow
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coming back, but we're going to get there or we're going to get there, i mean, i'd like to add a comment. you know, ralph has been encouraging me to kind of take the shot every now and then. so i'm going to be giving a panel at frieze in london next on the 49th. and it's the art ecosyst museum talk, the role of african and diaspora art institutions playing in the development, promotion and preservation of our art and culture. how do african and diasporic institutions become the dominant and prominent arbiters of african and diasporic art? the panel will feature prof. eminent museum directors, curators, patrons within the art the african diasporic space. and i believe that monita white is going to be there. as far as also, cheryl finley, who has a joint appointment with spelman and the high and then to colleagues from the tate. so this is you know,
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i've been working with ralph to figure out, you know, how to do something like this. and so i'm just going to take a page from his playbook and see if i can if i can really score a touchdown. yeah, right. if anybody else is in frieze in london, we're going to be well, anyway, it's going to be a party, right? when is that? there is a whole african diasporic piece that really is embedded in frieze now. so they do it both in london and they do it in lagos. is it in london this next week? yes, it's there next week. well, then basically i'm leaving tomorrow morning. okay. well my panel is on the 14th, but the i'll share with you the entire calendar. it's really essentially from the 10th to the 14th. so we'll we'll hang out. is that does that have to be reported in terms of any even offshore? right. we're clear. we
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just have opinion of council. are there any other comments, susie? yes, please. susie farris thank you, president. just want to announce we have one more saturday art walk. it's the last one that will be falling on saturday, actually, in commissioner brownsville's neighborhood of glen park. the family of band spacex, which i think some of you may know about, will be playing. it's actually their neighborhood. some of them live and work in that neighborhood. so they're lead singers, band and their dj will be playing there as well as i think it's the hillbillies and the cro-magnon tones. so amongst other 45 to 60 artists and about 30 participating businesses, we will be having one more following this year. but this is the last saturday one, the last one for the year will be november 16th, which will be a thursday evening as part of apec. we'll be doing a night market on clement street. so please come out, celebrate our
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small businesses, our neighborhoods and our artists and yeah, it should be fun. chief of staff entry. we have these forms in front of us. you're asking us to complete them and hand them to you? yes, please. now so after the meetings, fine. okay do them now and hand them in after any other comments, any other new business matters before the commission, president collins, i believe you have a nominating committee update for the commissioners. as i complete my duties as annually, we have have to appoint a president of the commission at a regular meeting unless otherwise. and so this is the october meeting of the commission at and by charter, i'm required to name the committee. so i've asked commissioner schneier to chair the committee. i've asked commissioner shelby to be on the
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committee. and i'm asking commissioner brunzell also to be on the committee. what's important about this is one that you arrive at a decision, right? that's important for governance . but i think that it's a wonderful way for each of you to participate. and the idea is to rotate this so that commissioner brunzell being a fairly new commissioner, will have an opportunity to talk to everyone. so everyone of the members on the nominating committee talks to everybody else and so it is a part of the process. but i think it's a good deep way of figuring out where we are. conversations are kept in the committee only the results are really shared. and then also so there may be some patterns that the chair or members of the committee would like to share, but please be candid, frank and open and honest about how we should be leading our commission into the next year. and so i get to do that without a motion on. is that correct? all right. by the
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authority vested in me, i still i name share shelby and brunzell as the committee. any other discussion, anything else? may i just i think, commissioner, don't you have an exhibit coming up this 25th of october? i just wanted to make sure that. thank you. i've seen his work. it's actually very good. yeah, it's on the 25th of october. i haven't sent the thing out, but i am going to send it through the office. everybody's invited. of course. i would love you to show up. 6 to 9 at shack, 15in the ferry building. thank you. the day of the week is that it's wednesday and i do want to just comment on san francisco last saturday, there was a giant thing in golden gate park, giant thing in potrero. yeah, there was. there a street had live
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music all over the place everywhere i turned, it was it was like, i can't you know, you know, there was just so much going on and the video, the korean thanksgiving and presidio , i mean, i was there too. oh, yeah, yeah. i mean, the city. the city is on steroids, you know, it's like. and you know, there are little things here and there, but, you know, the city is resilient. and i do believe that within due time, you know, the rest of the world will find out, you know, and but it's looking really good. it's amazing. it's like you can't i can't believe i can walk around. i can't believe i'm here. there's some truth to that. i'm hearing musicians complain about too many gigs. oh i do, yeah. my gig. wow. yeah there's their cats complain about. man, i had three gigs today. okay? at three gigs yesterday. i mean, there is
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a lot of there is a lot of work going on with new clubs and alternative venues, places i didn't even know about. so that's a good sign that things are moving in a positive direction. and art will save us all. yes, it will. so seeing no further comments and discussion , i would now like to have any public comment on the commissioner's discussion and comments. item number seven on new business and announcement, we will be taking in-person public comment. first, those joining in person, please proceed to the public comment podium and for those joining remotely, please raise your hand if you're listening in via webex and you're calling by phone, press star three to be placed in the queue and are on screen. we are currently on item number seven. as a reminder, time will start when you begin speaking and you'll see a visual timer on screen and receive a 32nd audible warning before your time concludes. then you'll be muted once your time is up. anyone who
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speaks during a public comment period at today's meeting can send a summary of the comments to be included in the minutes of its 150 words or less. doordash info gov. org i am now seeking in-person commenters. is there anyone who would like to make public comment on the current agenda item? i see no in-person public comment. i will now check our virtual hands. and seeing no virtual public comment public comment is now closed and this is agenda item number eight adjourn. nice.
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well, good morning, everybody, and welcome to sunny portsmouth square. chinatown's living room. my. little lang all day. get fauci. oh, they get hacked. hang on. oh, they get foreign. god today we're here to announce an incredible milestone in the pathway to eliminating sro family homelessness, a milestone that could only be achieved by leadership and by collaboration. and i think that that's the thing that's going to make this city work, right? come on. and they finally got haengjeong. all they got. seng gung ho, seng gung seng, the whole dog. hi, fellow. go july, get jesse fuller to
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