tv Health Commission SFGTV October 25, 2023 10:00pm-1:01am PDT
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down to fisherman's wharf in 10 years. he said i'm going to come down here every weekend. i forgot >> san francisco health commission secret call the role. >> commissioner chung present. >> commissioner christian present. >> commissioner giraudo present. >> commissioner green. >> president bernal before we start the agenda i have an announcement to make our i want president bernal led this commission though 2020 has been appoint to the chancellor at ucf f we're thrilled for dan the
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most wonderful person but that position will post and as held president he resigned october 16th and we'll not be able to fill his shoes but leading the commission the elections are usually in march we thank dan and have more to say about that so i'll start with the land acknowledgement commissioner christian will commissioner christian will read it. >> thank you >> thank you are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush (rah-my-toosh) ohlone (o-lon-ee) who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. irresponsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory.
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elders, and relatives of the ramaytush ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. >> thank you very much. next item is the. >> 2. approval of the minutes of the health commission meeting of october 3, 2023. >> you have before you and upon review my amendments or corrections? >> okay. hearing no one is there a motion to approve? >> motion to approve. >> do i have a second? he what about public comment. >> yes. i see a hand anyone in the room? please that unmute the caller before you unmute and start speaking i have a scripture for the
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scripture for the scripture for the respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting. meeting. the commission from taking action or discussing any item not appearing on the posted agenda, including those items raised at public comment. individuals may no return to speak again remote dot d dog paul h as you may also watch live at special your name without taking a lot of time federal, state, and local law prohibit the - first take public comment from individuals and take public
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comment from the individuals who receive an. >> moments for disabilities. >> caller please let us know you're there. >> limited to 3 minutes per speaker mr. shaw. >> thank you. >> dr. terry palmer and repeating raised long-term plans recurrence of the miss management of laguna honda and - september 5th combhirltz commissioner guillermo asked in the contract needs to be spent when it expires at the end of august next year and quote laguna honda will likely
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(unintelligible) for monitoring and evaluation and preference for ongoing regulatory unquote and laguna honda has care for servants (unintelligible) have an spent contract. they stated (unintelligible) likely will change to orderly check ins after (unintelligible) current contract end quote expires in august of 24 the health commission is considering the contract in an additional period of time. (unintelligible) the
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vehicle for oversight of laguna honda well additional contracts annually into the foreseeable future only mechanism to insure greater oversight time to present future mismanagement. and at laguna honda. thank you. >> that's the only public comment commissioners. >> right during is there a vote to approve. >> all in favor, say "aye." >> aye. >> that passes wonderful. next item is. >> 3. resolution honoring michelle fouts, pharmd (david smith, pharmd, dph chief pharmacy officer) >> we want to read the resolution illustration. >> there is an twoogs and then
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i'll read the revolution. >> i'm the dr. michelle fouts, pharmd. my joy and sorrow are to read this resolution been with dph for 25 years and colleagues no one could have earned more respect and dedication not just their health and wellness but thank you for taking the time to honor her in the resolution. >> thank you. >> whereas, dr. michelle fouts, pharmd. has served the on and off as a exceptional leader for over that 25 years and during her tenure was a
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pharmacist and offsets and has inspired a generation of enter professional training by sergio with compassion and collaborative disciplinary teamwork and exceptional chintion and all roles and her intelligence been a model for excellence and doing so while bringing a smile to those around here and thorough dr. michelle fouts, pharmd. leading innovation technology and supporting residents wellness and other projects and whereas dr. michelle fouts, pharmd. partnered with nursing and technology and faculties and other disciplines in the information system and to
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improve the patients care. and whereas, dr. michelle fouts, pharmd. inclusive environment throughout san francisco and enthusiasm and grace and innovation optimize mentioned for all patient and the whereas, dr. michelle fouts, pharmd. been a model driven clinician and the staff has benefited for her commitment and revolve health commission honored dr. michelle fouts, pharmd. for her leadership and contributions to the health and well-being. >> entertain motion to approve the resolution. >> so moved. >> everybody is to enthusiastic so any public comment? >> let's see - i see a hand. please unmute the caller. caller
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you have three minutes. >> thank you patrick good morning dr. michelle fouts, pharmd. certainly deserves this resolution honoring her years of service. to san franciscans. when i worked with her closely at laguna honda she was wild respected by auto laguna honda staff for generally by clinicians working at rehabilitation and assisting with those medications adjustment to the free applications (unintelligible) and false related injuries and
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rehab staff certainly appreciated her skills and experience helping those patients. i also commend her for years of dedication serving laguna honda residents congratulations to her - her assumed are apparent retirement thank you, michelle. thank you. >> i'd like to note that that mr. shaw threw out positive comments and commissioner chow needs space to speak i'll remind you of that. >> i see mr. p wants to say a
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few words and then comment. >> thank you very much. commissioners. i also want to add my thanks to michelle when she started her career no out insurance and packaging was done by hand and also and led to a much higher adequacy and safety for the resolution she'll tell you improve the healthcare and one of the department leaders in the implementation of the system wide d hr and couldn't have done it without without her contributions wanted to add that. >> thank you.
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>> i apologize to. >> thank you for the opportunity also to join in thanking michelle for all her work and i've watched you and the gentleman described again, the amount of work she put in the transformation for its pharmacy and presentation and was certainly within compliance to all of the different surveys we've had and all the different surveys has always been a very positive experience so thank you, michelle and congratulations and enjoy you're next activities. >> thank you. >> other commissioners? >> commissioner commissioner guillermo. >> you want to add my thanks
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and congratulations as a member of laguna honda jc c and throughout my tenure, you know. i know we relied on you not just for the time when the agency has asked for your input and clarification on matters before us but generally knowing you were email: and in front of the scenes taking of the business of laguna honda and over has spoken about i wish you well and hope we can continue to find leaders like yourself dedicated clinicians not just laguna honda but all of san francisco.. thank you, again. >> well, i guess - may i say some things? >> yeah. >> so i'm the last member of
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jc c laguna honda to speak sea i think, you know. i do remember back in the day everything was done by hand as said. you can't imagine how the pharmacy has been changed and they get stuck with what we know with the evolution and how each step you have left hand and become an expert that is valued through this vast array of changes that are have happened and it is remarkable and seen the reports from individuals so clear every time you were involved out of respect that you earned where people look to you as leader and so apparent in a way the
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pharmacy is the hub and the culture of an institution and never mind the come complete like 5 or 10 percent of drugs and become much more xhiblthd but the plethora of mentioned is like an invisible amount of work a person has to educate and teach others and find the pitfalls involved in all of that you have been remarkable i hope you can teach the leadership and pharmacy and teach compassion we're really miss you and grateful for all you contributed so i - been a pleasure to get to know you and the colfax.
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>> michelle i want to express any gratitude to you on behalf of the department your work is very through covid and throw the laguna honda medication recertification process so too important. and um, i believe - able to (unintelligible) several times in the last in the late year or so and one of the things that so impressed me, you walked through the pharmacy doors how supported your team as residents and enthusiasm and the can do
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attitude and the quality improvements which very much part of that culture there and want to thank you. i meant - mentioned to people when this transition to other things a true mark you leave behind with the wonderful work thank you, very much for that. >> thank you. >> so dr. do you want to step up and say a few words we would like to hear from you and your plans. >> sure first thank you. you know. i came to dpw for 25 plus years and has been a great honor and privilege so many opportunities throttle ic staff
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- and it's been a great joy and pleasure and tried to enjoy the last couple of weeks as i walked through the hassle when i first started. beckett was under was under investigation and i hope at one point but i think we're well own our way so thank you for the honor and recognizes and so proud of department of public health a no the vote needs to
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>> all righty say cheese or laguna honda. >> all right. >> so the next item on the agenda is general public respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting. meeting. the commission from taking action or discussing any item not appearing on the posted agenda, including those items
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raised at public comment. and then all the information about the other agenda items pertain anyone in the room and one hand so, please caller. >> yeah. >> hi richard again. >> you limited to 3 minutes per speaker. >> thank you. >> i also want to congratulate on this new job at uscf, however, as congresswoman nancy pelosi staff seemed to have an thinking stated conflict of interest serving on this commission. so did sort of good hearing he's finally resigned. thank you. >> all right. that's the only comment on this item. >> next item it
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>> 5. director's report (grant colfax md, dph, director of health) grant colfax md, dph, director of health. >> good afternoon commissioner green and commissioners i'll highlight a few of the items and answer any questions. you have. >> first was to host a conversation with with dr. fiona where dr. provided his and spent a lot of time with the staff in answering questions and take one of two photos with people and to make sure that we had a wide range of people who worked hard on covid in the health department at present and able to live stream the event with 750 people watched this and
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honored to have dr. facuci and in other news. mid-year budget update the economic rally of san francisco is such that the mayor has determined we can't wait until next year for the budget process to begin and therefore instructed the department to have reductions of three percent of the general fund to support the courage fiscal year for identifying approximately $26 million in addition revenues or saving by october 26th so we will be following those instructions and to the mayor's office and dph will work in the next session and update the commission on this response to the budget process for this
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year. item three pleased to say a laguna honda had a certified of extension with the department of health associated infections program and services group. long title and recognition as dph laguna honda he's is successfully completing the intervention trainer workshops and over 27 hundred individuals attended the workshops and nursing home and the laguna honda was in the top 7 percent and completed all four sessions we are pleased to have that information it is very important training program and then we as part of the our environmental health branch participated in many communities event and training throughout the year and most recently san francisco
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housing development corporation sponsored work shop so this was on tuesday and people wanting to manage services for the public and the san francisco housing department corporation reached out out to partner with the health department to make sure that people understood how to be code k34r50i7b9 in the work so nice collaboration there. we continue to partner with opportunities for all faces to provide job interim for san francisco youth we know are a core part of our talent and continue to invest because interested in public health we want to encourage that and as a covid update our 7 days testing
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for post is three point plus percent and 38 people with covid adopt from just a few weeks ago we were in a bit of a solid increase and the new covid vaccination is here and we're delayed in public we have that and asking the state for more supplies because we - the demand is quite high and not enough supplies so continuing to ask for more with the community partners in that regard. he and i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >>. thank you. >> thank you. for the report. >> public comment on the director's report. >> ? >> i don't see any hands oh, we are on item 5 if you want to
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make public comment star three no public comment. >> please turn on our microphone. >> any questions or comments from the commissioners? >> i see the commissioner chow. >> thank you. >> and i really appreciate the opportunity to participants virtually and want to thank dr. colfax for sending the presentation really outstanding and had the opportunity to view it and found him very inspiring we were very fortunate during that time to have outstanding leaders thank you, dr. colfax for resigning a wonderful seminar. if note those comments
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or questions we can move pickens, director and ceo, sf health network & executive sponsor lhh recertification incident command)) >> good afternoon, again expirations thank you for the opportunity to provide you an update on the status of laguna honda as it relates to the cms recertification. >> can i ask you about the power point? >> director and ceo, sf health network & executive sponsor lhh recertification incident
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command. >> okay. again, thank you for the opportunity we'll start like to share an update on some of the key components leadership hires on board the two new directors of nursing and have stacey and mr. michael collins and each will be the director for nursing for one of the two respective towers you recall the dual director of nurses structure as part of early recommendations from improving all the nursing status of operations and made the permanent structure with the improvement of those two individuals and both of them come with tremendous amount of experience and skill in nursing and proud worked her way up to a nurse to registered nurse and
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certified wound care that is important at laguna honda for the prevalence of nursing facilities and also served previously as a surveyor for the department of health so speaks in the regulatory nursing operation and michael collins a long term care nurse motorist in the career with the united states army and been in skilled nursing leadership. so they and continue they're learning what we call hit the floor next week to immerse he themselves and
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tony the officer will transition to a support role similar to myself over the next few months to be there to help with a hand off for the two nursing leaders. i'd like to update you on the status of laguna honda chief medical officer that has been underway for almost a year now. we have gone through a competitive process with the final stages of offering a position and hope to be able to solidify that in the next several days want to give you an update of this this status of this position and. next slide, please. in terms of our recertification journey as you recall we
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received the recertification back at the end of july. and accordingly do to that pros we were directed to submit a change of application that allows us to pursue your medicare recertification and that office on the 23. we received clarifying direction from the c s f for a brand new application that is done on september 15th. and we are now in the window awaiting the survey to ensue therefore we're expecting news from c m f and department of health for medicare. procedure certification survey. and when
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we do receive that notice we'll make sure the commission is aware of their presence. next slide, please. we reported to the laguna honda jc c we in preparation for the medicare survey took a thirty day pause for the superstition of our relation to the surveys in december of last year. and so that staff will be freed up to focus on the medicare survey recertification with priorities. and since that survey did not come yet we should have resolved this survey again on the milestone as we are required to dot milestones as part of the our work and also one hundred
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and 19 milestones that remain from progress that have between today and the last one final date of november 3rd those are expected to be completed by november 3rd and upon doing that people have completed over nine hundred and 60 milestones since january of this year. all related from the initial analysis and the medicaid surveys a lot of work over the last 18 months but, but since the last seven months. next slide, please. we previously report as you recall in march of this year directed by cms and the
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department of health services to move forward with discharging resident no longer have skilled level of skilled nursing as laguna honda we started that process in april ease individuals when they first came to laguna honda had nursing level needs but by virtue of the care they have improved no longer need the department to reimburse their care and since april 15th residents no longer have that care and the majority of residents have transitioned to the nursing care homes or supportive housing and a few have gone back home currently 10 residents no longer have skilled needs on the priority meaning
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close to a potential discharge in the next month so we'll keep you updated on the process and many of the additional as those come through in the process. >> and as i said i'll close by saying we have surveyors to walk you through we have taken a number of steps to ensure our readiness and survey we'll continue that process so i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> and i'm joined remotely by simon our motorist and ceo with the leadership staff and hoping 80 can address any questions or comments you have. thank you. >> thank you for the report and we're delighted you have a
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great team any public comment. >> i see two hands please unmute caller two and three caller are you there? >> i am. that is patrick again. >> limited to 3 minutes per speaker mr. shaw. >> thank you it was concurring about residents no longer need skilled nursing and the level of care and didn't indicate how many residents still remain as laguna honda and roland pickens, director and ceo, sf health network & executive sponsor lhh recertification incident command. said they discharged 16 that is on adding up to 26 and initially identified something like 38 resident and (unintelligible) then i identified several more so the
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numbers add up and all of the people identified as no longer needed skilled care and been counted. >> 8 months ago it is appointing but quote have to (unintelligible) certification end quote can't chart the timeline so in the group chart readiness since july 11th executive team reported and jc c. on july 11th this chart
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import anticipated by mid september haven't had the initial recertification for - seems reasonable that that 90 for monitoring be conducted and more concerning laguna honda has to be able stopped producing the reports when additional fees are identified during cd ph complaint and (unintelligible) stopped providing the mom reports due by "each month did that mean the entire laguna honda formally ended if it has
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need to be honest with the public and let us know we're still under the threat of that each time or whenever it is completely revolved. thank you. >> hi this is dr. palmer i may be repeating previous questions but 45 people waiting for placement outside of laguna honda no longer than needing care but many are discharged so what happens to the other 20? and all why aren't there enough services to safely place them in
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san francisco? my other question is, has dph caught up with the complaints were investigated or important to that they were not sustainable and not current? i'd like to this gray area where dph never showed up it is disturbing. and the third thing is that i would like to hear more about how the admonition criteria and the chief medical officer and staff will be supported not identifying appropriate people in san francisco general. to either jeopardizeism at laguna honda.
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and there will be huge economic (background noise) >> someone needs to mute there's a lot of background noise (background noise) please hold my time someone needs to mute. okay. it seems like will be a huge amount of economic and political pressure (background noise) to take in people from to general who can't really handle safely at the laguna honda. because they should not be put on the street or places like medical resolution piece with inadequate health services this needs to be fixed in the city not laguna honda. thank you very much. >> that's the last comment. >> thank you for your comments and any questions or comments
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from the commissioners? >> commissioner giraudo. >> yeah. >> one question on the discharge finding it challenging? >> sure has the radius that your able to send those folks to? within state the bay area? >> that's a great question. so it varies we the san franciscans resident will keep them within san francisco and for example, one of the individuals will be relocating to another state and waiting arrangements at the home for medical - ability to be at home but the rest of san
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francisco we are doing everything we can to keep them in san francisco and have been successful thus far to my knowledge wanted to stay in 0 san francisco had to go oversimplifiers somewhere else but it is challenging one has disappeared in the san francisco landscape but continue to have success because we're competing with every other town. and we are fortunate to have the charter we have and given the unique care of individuals at laguna honda they may not have 34 have needs just don't rise to
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the level it cms requires. be reinsured we make sure we do safe discharges and no one is discharged in an appropriate manner. so that's why it takes a while and not as easy and all the individual have to be gone next week because the doctor throws people out. and (clearing throat) i applaud you for your continued effort. thank you very much. >> and i guess i have one question. >> help me clarify the number kind of more individuals. >> 15 have been discharged thus far and 10 on the priority and
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in total 75 so continuing minus 10 the reason we are making this a priority i can't imagine it is impossible to focus on all 75 that has been done previously so the chart flow the complications in california public health it is made focus on the protecting and identify 10 or so everybody including them they're trying to find places for individuals so there are a total of 75. who are priority currently that meets the nursing level of care and it can change for example, in an intervention and transferred
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from the care and no longer - so is this a fluid have some numbers they often change weekly but right now as of october 16th the last report total 75. thank you.. thank you very much. that clarification is really helpful and can you comment about the collaboration between the dph and laguna honda places i went when we were forced to discharge individuals and that certainly was a stressful period. and more collaborative effort and understanding the barriers because certainly was not necessarily an understanding of the availability in that situation a year ago. >> absolutely that is a much more collaborative process this time around than in that friendly time of last summer with several discharges and the
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collaboration biosimilar in san francisco we work working closely from my own dph behavorial health and you recall we had a transition network (unintelligible) and we've called on one of the increasing leaders that actually maintain many of the beds that dph pays for for the care homes and that transfers to the redistricting of the network and for the behavorial health services, however, this is a stressful situation at laguna honda and we have city departments and homelessness and supportive housing paid for by the department with the human
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services and the department of aging and working collaboratively by community-based organization opts and partner with dph and public health care services for individuals for homes we can't find places in san francisco we rely on them to help identify places outside so this area. >> thank you so much. it is clearly complex i think we appreciate the staff at laguna honda is doing a governing board so we're going to expect positive results in the next survey that is (unintelligible) thank you, thank you commissioners for the presentation. >> you're welcome and the next item on the agenda is. >> 7. joint conference committee and other committee reports (commissioner tessie guillermo lhh jcc chair) >>
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thank you commissioner green and october 10th hogs team meeting reviewed the update and that update similar to what you just witnessed. the city discussed the presentation from sdtd behavorial health from the laguna honda behavorial health improvement project. all this given with the laguna honda for the behavorial health issues. something we've been hearing about over the last two years and includes the housing to adjust to situations and identifying staff training needs and working with the molds with the units for residents with complex behavorial health feeds. laguna honda will determine the next steps. the hospital is increasing the button projects
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for residents with dementia and remind the laguna honda admissions policy include of behavorial health are not appropriate for unskilled nursing levels of care and resources and regulatory affairs report and recommended the policies which will come before this commission in the consent agenda in a closed session approve the committee report. >> thank you for that. report. any public comment. >> yes. i see a hand. >> please unmute the caller. >> thank you are you there. >> yes. limited to 3 minutes per speaker mr. shaw. >> thank you see that
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commissioner giraudo didn't mention on the third, i testified the commission to laguna honda is being delayed because of a therapist and laguna honda patients is two hundred and 26 fewer patients than in december of 2022 before laguna honda decertified so reports by the f pe so laguna honda has fewer working (unintelligible) because the clarification codes no october of this year and in december of 2021 have fewer vacancies now.
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(unintelligible) in december of 2021 and now only (unintelligible) for the working vacancies. so 2.5 fewer. laguna honda is now only 6 more vacancies in activities therapist and 25887 and 86 and in december 2, '00 and 26 fewer residents. and from 2021 vacancies only 17 now. with 200 and 26 fewer patients and
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however that laguna honda new medical director will be hired in on board soon and it has been paving delayed to over due. thank you. >> and another caller with a hand and give the caller a chance to raise their hand again. >> thank you. >> commissioner questions or comments on the report. >> hearing examiner go to the next item. >> 8. consent calendar. and commissioner guillermo said we received three 4 applications and recommend all policies to be approved by the commissioner at large any public comment on this consent calendar. >> we're on item 8 for consent calendar if you want to make a
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comment stair three no hands. >> a motion to approve the items for the consent agenda. >> second. >> i guess i asked for public comment i'd like to thank the members of the staff at laguna honda for answering a lot of the detailed questions and our role to review everything as commissioners and we try to do our share review them and approve. so been i think very thoughtfully looked at an excellent policy with that nickel and dimed. >> all in favor, say "aye." >> aye. >>. thank you. >> the next item on the agenda is the creekside at cabin branch welcome noticing and i
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want to let you know that in addition to the work i've been doing i've been doing a lot of work with laguna honda helping with the recertification effort doing that and any questions on the reporter i'm not able to answer i'll be sure to answer. >> please pull up the power point for this item. >> (microphone distorted). >> . thank you.
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>> hey this is manual report informing fiscal year fy2022-23 from july one 2020 to june 30th, 2023. so those are the areas of responsibility for oc pa in compliance data sharing and investigation. next slide, please. and this is just a sort of summon of some of the highlights that um, were conducted in the fiscal year. and. next slide, please. and this is the organizational chart to give you an idea of the work for wagner in operations indeed and this is an
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organization cp a organization idea of departments. next slide, please. and oracle so, now on to the compliance program and the compliance program that dph concludes themselves and all the operations and activities to highlight the level of integrity and we do a tremendous amount of auditing to make sure that we are billing correctly so in when we noticed an olney noticed and billing that was incorrect we'll have an allowance for feedback we're to - (microphone distorted) so allowing that fiscal year fy2022-23 dph returned
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$1.2 million in as a result of external audit that was from the department of health services the public program that um, we assume the covid public health department emergency and all in that fiscal year. they did da c h suspend their audit and not $1.2 million in one year but a catch up and those were for non-qualifying stages so not meeting the program insufficient documentation we have this dislowering this we work closely to make sure that it is correct
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so don't have further disallowances. and we really take this seriously but do, you know. very audit to make sure that whatever we're billing the government is correct. um, on a good note dph has no penalties from the regulators in that fiscal year. next slide, please. and so is this just a year to year comparison. so and emigrates define of a fiscal year if you look at 19 and 20 and 21 were for the doing my audits we've been doing it remotely but no audits and (microphone distorted) 21 and 22 it is tapering off
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we'll continue and on to the inducting hoping we'll see that goal move down. next slide, please. each year and a year assessment from the laguna honda and mostly for the laguna honda a population a new program we actually have started that as a compliance and privacy program so we'll have a risk assessment for the year we're no so laguna honda those are the areas we really looked at and (unintelligible) review it was just quoting that was medicare cms rather were really being
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focusing on the (inaudible) with the cat rack surgery so two midnights for the observation so we were paying attention that's another thing we spotted and then drug and cod define to laguna honda had a notice of non-coverage and making sure this is all in place and having that own the next report. and. next slide, please. and so for behavorial health behavorial health we um, this is for the mental health plan the behavorial health is a compliance program with mental
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health and documentation and integrity provided by our contracts providers. and we audit kwubt if we have over a 5 percent audit rate the procedure to do a corrective action plan and monitoring we also witness that because they - documents and they need to make sure the documents is correct and everything is all set. and that as a motion as you can see we need the a total of 27 clinics, 27 of our clinics had over 5 percent and like i said a monitoring plan and just note that in odor for no audits
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completed for two reasons. one, needed to insure we revise our audits to the new remits and also had retirement and promotional activities actually several audits at one time indeed and this is just a comparison um, of your - we're slowly getting it down we're going to continue to work on that and okay. next slide, please. and some of our complains mitigation we do a privacy matter every other month and take a topic one topic that is - we really want to make sure a reminder for staff like november we'll have that an - a big
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topic for the holidays and send out the responsibility under this is one of our education things we eye for staff. okay.. next slide, please. the private school program i'm pleased to say that fy2022-23 no privacy related fines for breaches and okay. next slide, please. . okay. so on this slide we have our privacy incidents and um, our total incidents and we have um, our non-reportable incidents. a responsible breach is an incident it criteria - will be something as somebody posted a video on social media.
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that is the one control of that d h if someone lose paperwork with information on that and not reterrified that is a reportable breach a non-reportable breach and very quickly able to have that double deleted and not gone out anywhere. and so our incident we have d s p has 74 with 11 reportable breaches and laguna honda has 75 and behavorial health had three 1 with 6 reportable and the clinics a lot of the clinics had
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17, 7 reportable and cb o have - and when we have those especially with the reportables we do a lot of onsite training with the staff and make sure they understand how they can handle d h i. okay. next slide, please. and this is just a comparison for the fiscal years as you can see the reportable the number of breaches really has not changed pretty constant one thing we need to work on and. next slide, please. and this is our privacy policy one of our that is a privacy we um, issued this ever two months and this started in 2012 with san francisco general and
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issuing it ever since then a really popular and so we take this topic and look at what are some of the breaches and incidents for that time period and highlight a reminder for staff. and okay. next slide, please. and so data sharing we manage and oversee the data sharing with dph as heart of privacy program and we make sure we have data sharing agreements in place any data that is shared correctly and things in place as working closely with it and the city attorney's office and other comboibts to make sure the contract and have everything in place a data sharing agreement in place and so that we got our contractors or anyone that is
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making sure they know their responsibilities and whether the dph data. next slide, please. and this is our privacy and compliance we do annual training. this is a mandatory training two parts was a modular and have the training slides and part two is we do an electronic in which the code of conduct and our confidentiality stated with part one and two with a privacy and compliance training completed. one thing we need the last year, we - when a privacy compliance incident and we surveyor comes in and provide information with dph and or
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office of civil right they ask about the training and compliance how has this person been trained and our compliance was not very good so what we need the, you know. if if staff wanted to have access to a system needs training and need to look at the code of conduct and sign the code of conduct and looking look at that that and sign the confidentiality statement and sign they read that confidentiality statement so we are going to cut you off the system and sustain your access if you don't. next slide, please. it worked we had a - 99 - the 98 or 99. >> 98. >> 98 percent compliance and that worked. it was, you know.
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and we're doing it again this year and with the training because it is not hard training in piece 0 that worked and we're confident it staff at the system - . next slide, please. our whistle blowers program we working closely with the comptroller's office they get complaints and the majority are investigated we do a theory investigation. we will investigate and then we'll write a report that we submit to the kr0er78dz either substantiated in the allegations are substantiated we'll take action but unsubstantiated we across the case and had 72 cases from
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july 22nd and dph has the highest number of cases but we work with the reporting when we see something wrong and, you know. really work with staff and if you see something, say something and error on the side of caution we'll investigate and we file with oc pa have a hotline and to let you know this is the information we or allowed to share the comptroller's office is very, very tight with the information that can be shared on the whistle blower program without a quarterly report and the information that is on this slide as on the quarterly report and that is the
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result. >> okay.. next slide, please. and our hot like that we maintain a hotline for various reasons people can call and a lot of proclamation people are calling is that confidential, etc. we have people calling to be reported and perceive wrongdoing and many calls many of them are had to do with the training from the other fiscal years. a lot of people were, you know. (unintelligible) getting our access, you know. suspended the hotline was very useful. next slide, please. and so is the end of my report and if you have any questions
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i'm available for any questions that you may have. >> thank you for that report and complicated and critical function of our department and thank you and our staff for you're fine work. any public comment on this item. >> i don't see a hand if you're watching we're on item 9 if you want to make a comment star three. >> what about commissioners questions or comments. >> thank you i was wondering as you were going though the areas for compliance whether there was a need to then also have audits on the primary care or the billing processes or did not have a problem. >> we did that part of compliance program for auditing on we currently dot climate and
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started on a positive recommendation health and ambulatory care programs that is in place right now that is new. we need the hire a privacy compliance officer that started to do audits so we'll have a next available report on the status of those audits. that is adding. >> so it was not reported here in this chart that's why i was wondering. >> yes. >> and thank you, it is good to add that on. >> that will be added to the program. >> okay. great. thanks. >> commissioner christian. >> with the slide on behavorial health services and the trend and it talks about fiscal year
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fy2022-23 and for the clinic audits and 27 of the clinics had an error rate of over 5 percent talk about the surge the documentation is not for the billing so it was documentation. >> we have some work working closely with them on documentation. >> (unintelligible). >> that documentation did not support and not a question but any relationship any relationship between the fair coding and over billing or anything else like that. >> we catch it before the billing and auditing when we find of error or so we don't
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want to miss bill we find an error and if we bill and do on audit and find that was um, that is disallowed so they need - have to pay the staff. we get the pay back from the contract our. >> so looking at the numbers with the offer 5 percent error rate from our experience is that high or low? >> there are slightly going down they're still high and need to be lower but they are slightly going down and we find those errors we work with the providers and they have to do a collective action plan and monitor and when they have
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errors they go to the monitoring we recommend that. >> thank you. >> (clearing throat) looking at the last slide and report thank you, regarding the hotline and oh, yes. >> do you need to be an employee to call. >> anybody. >> anybody we have sometimes, people will call and report some maybe wrongs they want to look for i saw and the looked at it extensively and, yes calls from the public that, you know. say - this happened to me or, you know. whatever. a variety of things people from all over call not just employees. >> thank you for answering the questions. >> commissioners. >> thank you and thank you for your report and the auditing and
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compliance a thankless job we barely understand how important that is with the functioning and ongoing integrity of services we provide into our ability to bring revenue - to the department and to other cities so. thank you very much for all the be work how is that not related to the survey. survey report that or the survey that happened in the different facilities by the event if a privacy issue unanimously came from the state is that something- >> (multiple voices). >> it will be captured a
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privacy issue that something contact for example, similar we have this amend privacy at laguna honda so the city the privacy program has a privacy officer at laguna honda and the hospital for the clinic would have been (unintelligible) would be captured. and then if it was substantiated than that is reportable not substantiated then an incident. and have you noticed in the efforts at particularly at laguna honda with the network around much more diligent. >> i think all the way around i think that we do a tremendous
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amount of round competitive staff for example, i, you know. ask questions if i see a computer monitor has a chart open and no one is around i'll focus on all the executive staff. why is that? we also have noticed that staff is more diligent i think when i started rounding i used to (unintelligible) see paper with information that kind of is sitting though location now has a cover on it staff are much more aware and we also do - well the general laguna honda but in addition to our modular we do training and the food service staff. and environmental
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health staff that (unintelligible) where english is not first language we have training and for privacy and compliance. >> good to hear. >> and the last thing i want to thank you for all the work you've done at the laguna honda both in our current position and in the past interim role we're lucky i guess to have had you in those roles thank you, again, for your work and. thank you very much. and the compliance training and percent is remarkable we really thank you for that. and other than that we'll go back to the chief integrity officers to talk about
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the training. >> you would be doing this first but will be very quick. i think if you saw in my annual report the context is all sown in so. next slide, please. and this is i'm going to very briefly touch on those topics. next slide, please. um, you know. our commission of our compliance with the dignity for the twenty-four hours operation and the finding of the compliance and for regulars. next slide, please. we operate in kwoerns our program follows the 7 elements of compliance program. next slide, please. and those are the elements we
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have followed and incorporated into our compliance program. next slide, please. and just um, this is one thing for combinations really paying attention to fell and monitor for fraud and tax pair dollars and services we not only dph but and and i and make sure they bill correctly and follow on all regulations next slide, please. >> just san francisco policies involving the government we had a robust audit and fraud enforcement and that increased
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fuven for the federal agencies - . next slide, please. and deficit to provide detailed information and written policies - we do very robust policies on compliance. next slide, please. and so the dph we have a vaurnl dph constrict around 20 pages but as much pages this is standard and really our commitment to this compliance of all the regulations. and it addresses side behaviors we like our staff to follow. next slide, please.
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and so those are the topics that are relate to the compliance. better in the code of conduct like i said with the privacy training complete code of conduct is given to the employees and they need to sign they read it and understand it a signature. next slide, please. um, this is important an for policy to be aware of conflict of interest involves any circumstances where has a personal financial interest and properly influence. and the city (unintelligible) and arises from different scenarios like using your position at work for benefits and accepting a gift in november that notice of gifts
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and authorized outside of employment for the depth and oc pa will make sure no conflict of interest. and. next slide, please. um, our statement of credibility is compatible the s i a citywide and all city departments - and this, you know. listed the activity compatible with the city officer or employee. dph goes one step further only attributed to train open that we have a training modular that is very short and sign they received the cable activities. next slide, please. and so kind of what are your
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responsibility with the provision of care and services, you know. that monitor fiduciaries duty and with the oversight of dph i look at what the duties of this commissioners are falling into all of this, you know. your responsibilities and the different committees we have and understanding of dph operations. next slide, please. and um, you know. this is recognizing in compliance concerns with the employees and officials to comply with the laws and regulations and the code of conduct making sure that their licenses they're working within their scope of a conflict of interest and if so and
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actively participating in the training and other compliance activities. next slide, please. and duties to report all employees need to report from they see something they need to report it and anyone what call the hotline if they notice something we tell people and the staff error own the side of caution if you do something that is not right report that and we'll look at it. and consequences of violations. you know. all potential violations will be investigated by oc pa and once the investigation is completed we'll resolve that and then close the case and if
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needed we work with h.r. and labor for progressive or correctness of this and. next slide, please. so this is the the report in in a in a nut shell. >> sorry for going fast. >> thank you for covering that information in a sufficient way and thank you. >> any public comment on this item. >> i don't see any hands and remind the public we're on item 10 and star three to provide comment going once, going twice. >> what about commissioners questions or comments. >> thank you for the presentation and the training was very effective and also very interesting. >> thank you we're all saying the same thing and not recycled.
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thank you very much. >> thank you maggie for your service and routine so team members she has and on the entire presentation a large number of vacancies and also in34e7b8 she humbly mentioned in the laguna honda recertification where compliance will continue to do so that is important and one thing burglary compliance working when you don't hear about it so that's the job that we make sure that leadership is highlighted and analyzed so incredibly important for the department in protecting the health and health of all san franciscans. >> thank you very much for that pointing that out much appreciated and next item is.
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>> 11. community and public health committee update. >> two interesting presentations this afternoon the first was the public health and looter first presentation to our committee we want more. it was approved in 195 three and the total is adequate example timely and low cost prevention and it is part of national lab network and will influence the federal and state outreach within what they do they're what they do the
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diagnostic testing and monitoring for emergency erroneous for research and workforce development training. in 2022 had one hundred and 63 thousand plus that they monitored. they have been recognized as a center of excellence and we are all most fascinated by they're new testing equipment and they will be moving to building 5. with the brand new lab and promise we'll all be invited to see the new lab and to hear more about the facilitating machine so we thought that was an excellent
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presentation. the section presentation was learning innovation in population health and again, it was very informative and we had i been a good exchange with the commission as well learning innovation is both as the internal workforce development and external assistance. what the workforce priority for 2022, 27 are the wind programs which is the equity and when i really appreciated the session part of what they their priorities as well as coordination with h.r. and one of our concerns have 27
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percent vacancy rate for employees. and they have had a substantial hiring issue with burn out and retention and torn is 7.2 percent that is all down a little bit their goals with the capacity and strength and promote equity and we had more substantial and i ran for the summer research program with the population program that is relatively new for a 10 month training program. the cd c with the hiv testing they have been
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disseminated what i was leaning the sf program have put together one hundred and 21 learning courses for both internal and some to external and they have their part in the year 5 hundred plus attendees. and they've done a remarkable job with the workforce this is down it was very interesting and had very good information exchange as well. so my fellow commissioners want to add to either um. >> i like to - one point.
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there were like one related i don't think they presented it it included the first one about the department and, you know. used for. >> no, no the first one the first thing was invasion of body snatchers. >> the second one with the um, they had a film that accepted to the apa festival and called the heart of access and we were trying to ask if we could get a sneak preview of the film.
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>> i also want to add my voice to the what a great presentation what great presentations and first, the labs the public health looter i'm struck at the quality of people and the expertise and potentially reference to the film from the lab people with the body sfachers no idea the drift if space and replicating the residence one body at that time the four floor the population of
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health so they - something i'll be watching. so also thinking i wish i would have thought of that when they were here. >> last year with the testing for covid and i noticed that from the beginning testing was available and toward the end getting the test results was not able and from the presentation from the folks that are responsible for so many things like that was interesting. so really much appreciation to them in that distinction. >> that was a wonderful report and a testament to their quality we have a dph and discuss the presentations sounds like you
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heard any public comment. >> no one own the line but note the 234ri78 with steve mcqueen was filmed in the 70s that was filmed on dph property. >> i don't know if we have a film. >> no public comment. >> all right. make that public meeting then then we have - and any other commissioners questions or comments all right. groundwater next motion to go into closed session. is there. >> (multiple voices). >> i forgot at the bottom of page any other business? >> hearing no one any public comment on this. >> hearing no one. >> no public comment. >> now go to the emergency closed session. >> so moved. >> and second. >> a new public comment on this. >> no one on line and take a vote shall we go into closed session. >> all in favor, say "aye." >> aye.
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>> great if i can note anyone watching not seen or heard in closed session but the commission will be back (in closed session). >> consider a there is a motion and a second to disclose are not disclose. >> not to disclose. >> all in favor, say "aye." >> aye. >> and xhorpg thank you, now consideration for jouchlt. >> move to adjourn the meeting. >> second. >> and commissioner chow, aye. >> thank you, thank you everyone have a lovely. >> thank you board member strong. >> okay. thank you. >> [meeting adjourned]
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country across industries in terms of what you can do and we have a learn approach. that is what allows us to be successful. >> what's wonderful is you have so many people who come here and they are what i call policy innovators and whether it's banning plastic bags, recycling, composting, all the different things that we can do to improve the environment. we really champion. we are at recycle central, a large recycle fail on san francisco pier 96. every day the neighborhood trucks that pick up recycling from the blue bins bring 50 # o tons of bottles, cans and paper here to this facility and unload it. and inside recology, san
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francisco's recycling company, they sort that into aluminum cans, glass cans, and different type of plastic. san francisco is making efforts to send less materials to the landfill and give more materials for recycling. other cities are observing this and are envious of san francisco's robust recycling program. it is good for the environment. but there is a lot of low quality plastics and junk plastics and candy wrappers and is difficult to recycle that. it is low quality material. in most cities that goes to landfill. >> looking at the plastics industry, the oil industry is the main producer of blastics. and as we have been trying to phase out fossil fuels and the transfer stream, this is the fossil fuels and that plastic isn't recycled and goes into the
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waste stream and the landfill and unfortunately in the ocean. with the stairry step there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. >> we can recycle again and again and again. but plastic, maybe you can recycle it once, maybe. and that, even that process it downgrades into a lower quality material. >> it is cheaper for the oil industry to create new plastics and so they have been producing more and more plastics so with our ab793, we have a bill that really has a goal of getting our beverage bottles to be made of more recycled content so by the time 2030 rolls around t recycle content in a coke bottle, pepsi bottle, water bottle, will be up to 50% which is higher thatten the percentage in the european union and the highest percentage in the world. and that way you can actually feel confident that what you're
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drinking will actually become recycled. now, our recommendation is don't use to plastic bottle to begin w but if you do, they are committing to 50% recycled content. >> the test thing we can do is vote with our consumer dollars when we're shopping. if you can die something with no packaging and find loose fruits and vegetables, that is the best. find in packaging and glass, metal and pap rer all easily recycled. we don't want plastic. we want less plastic. awe what you we do locally is we have the program to think disposable and work one on one to provide technical assistance to swap out the disposable food service to reusables and we have funding available to support businesses to do that so that is
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a way to get them off there. and i believe now is the time we will see a lot of the solutions come on the market and come on the scene. >> and is really logistics company and what we offer to restaurants is reasonable containers that they can order just like they would so we came from about a pain point that a lot of customers feel which wills a lot of waste with takeout and deliver, even transitioning from styrofoam to plastic, it is still wasteful. and to dream about reusing this one to be re-implemented and cost delivery and food takeout. we didn't have throwaway culture always. most people used to get delivered to people's homes and then the empty milk containers were put back out when fresh milk came. customers are so excited that we have this available in our
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restaurant and came back and asked and were so excited about it and rolled it out as customers gain awareness understanding what it is and how it works and how they can integrate it into their life. >> and they have always done it and usually that is a way of being sustainable and long-term change to what makes good financial sense especially as there are shipping issues and material issues and we see that will potentially be a way that we can save money as well. and so i think making that case to other restaurateurs will really help people adopt this.
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>> one restaurant we converted 2,000 packages and the impact and impact they have in the community with one switch. and we have been really encouraged to see more and more restaurants cooperate this. we are big fans of what re-ecology does in terms of adopting new systems and understanding why the current system is broken. when people come to the facility, they are shocked by how much waste they see and the volume of the operations and how much technology we have dedicated to sort correctly and we led 25 tours and for students
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to reach about 1100 students. and they wanted to make change and this is sorting in the waste stream they do every single day and they can take ownership of and make a difference with. >> an i feel very, very fortunate that i get to represent san francisco in the legislature and allows me to push the envelope and it is because of the people the city attracts and is because of the eco system of policy thinking that goes on in san francisco that we are constantly seeing san francisco leading the way. >> kids know there's a lot of environmental issues that they are facing. and that they will be impacted by the impact of climate change. they will have the opportunity to be in charge and make change and make the decisions in the future.
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>> (speaking foreign language.) >> i wanted to wish you a best wishes and congratulations the community has shifted a lot of when i was growing up in the 60s and 50's a good portion of chicano-american chinese-american lived in north beach a nob hill community. >> as part the immigrant family is some of the recreation centers are making people have the ability to get together and meet 0 other people if communities in the 60s a 70s and 80s and 90s
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saw a move to the richmond the sunset district and more recently out to the excelsior the avenue community as well as the ensuring u bayview so chinese family living all over the city and when he grape it was in this area. >> we're united. >> and growing up in the area that was a big part of the my leave you know playing basketball and mycy took band lessons and grew up.
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>> (speaking foreign language.) >> allergies welcome to the community fair it kicks off three weeks of celebrations for the year and let's keep everybody safe and celebrate the biggest parade outside of china on february 11th go best wishes and congratulations and 3, 2, 1 happy enough is enough. >> i grew up volley ball education and in media professional contrary as an educator he work with all skids whether or not caucasian hispanic and i african-american cumber a lot of arrest binge kids my philosophy to work with all kids but being
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here and griping in the chinese community being a chinese-american is important going to american school during the day but went to chinese school that is community is important working with all the kids and having them exposed to all culture it is important to me. >> it is a mask evening. >> i'd like to thank you a you all to celebrate an installation of the days here in the asian art museum. >> one time has become so many things in the past two centuries because of the different did i licks the immigration officer didn't understand it became no standard chinese marine or cantonese sproupgs it became so
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many different sounds this is convenient for the immigration officer this okay your family name so this tells the generations of immigrants where they come from and also many stories behind it too. >> and what a better way to celebrate the enough is enough nuru with the light nothing is more important at an the hope the energy we. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> relative to the current administration it is, it is touching very worrisome for our immigrant frames you know and
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some of the stability in the country and i know how this new president is doing you know immigration as well as immigrants (fireworks) later than you think new year the largest holiday no asia and china those of us when my grandparents came over in the 19 hundreds and celebrated in the united states chinese nuru is traditional with a lot of meaning. >> good afternoon my name is carmen chu assessor-recorder i want to wish everything a happy new year thank you for joining us i want to say.
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>> (speaking foreign language.) >> (speaking foreign language.) >> i'm proud to be a native san franciscan i grew up in the chinatown, north beach community port commission important to come back and work with those that live in the community that i grew up in and that that very, very important to give back to continue to work with the community and hope e help those who may not be as capable in under serving come back and give
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october 17th, 2023. regular meeting of the municipal transportation agency board of directors and parking authority commission. good afternoon directors. staff and members of the public. we thank you for joining us. this meeting is being held in hybrid format, occurring in person at city hall room 400 broadcast live on sf tv and by phone. the phone number to use is (415)!a655-0001. acces code 26628586819. when the item is called dial star three to enter the queue, commenters will have up to two minutes to provide comment unless otherwise noted by the chair. please speak clearly and sure you're in a quiet location and turn off any tvs or computers around you. please note that a time limit of ten minutes of remote public comment on each action or discussion item has been set in notice for this meeting. we thank you for your cooperation.
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places you on item number two. roll call director hemminger here hemminger present director henderson in henderson. present director hinsey. present hinsey present. director. so here. so present. director uchitelle here you present director. kahina here. kahina present chair. chehregan here. eken present. for the record, i note that director hinsey is attending the meeting remotely. director hinsey is reminded that she must appear on camera throughout the meeting, and in order to speak or vote on any items places you on. item number three, the ringing and use of cell phones and similar sound producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. the chair may order the removal from the meeting room of any person responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone or other similar sound producing electronic device. this places you on item four approval of minutes for the october 3rd regular meeting. thank you directors with any changes to the october 3rd meeting minutes hearing none open public comment for those in the room on item 4th october third meeting minutes and seeing none, please
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go to remote at this time we'll move to remote public comment not to exceed a time of ten minutes. members of the public wishing to comment should dial star three to enter the queue. each speaker will have two minutes. no speakers. okay. close public comment. is there a motion motion to approve the minutes? second. second please call the roll on the motion to approve the minutes. director hemminger a hemminger. director henderson. henderson and director. hinsey hi director. so i. so director uchitel uchitel i director kahina. i. i kahina chehregan. i ekin. i thank you. the minutes are approved. places you are on item number five communications. i have none. moving on to item number six introduction of new or unfinished business by board members. okay colleagues, are there items of new and unfinished business? i see you, director uchitel. i'd like to open with one new and unfinished item, which is i had asked previously our new directors
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director so and director henderson to share a few reflections on their priorities coming into the meeting, into the board and i know you had a chance to share priorities with the staff at a town hall, and i wondered if we could just turn the mic to you all to share a couple reflections on your priorities for your service. thank you. chair. good afternoon, everyone. good afternoon. welcome back. many and i my priorities are pretty consistent. i think everyone had already hear it many, many times. and but i am really appreciative of putting it on this form. um, because it's become an agenda item and then we are going to set some of these items interactions in our next year. so my first foremost priority is public safety, but that's a really broad item. so i wanted to distill down to a few
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things that i think it could be in immediately actionable. so, so it's a safe ridership on public transportation is what i really want to focus. and precisely it touches along vision zero. that is something that we all really wanted to get better at and we are working to get better at this and i wanted to see that we have this thing. imagine every parents feel confident and safe to let their own children to ride muni to schools and after school programs just as simple as that. i understand that this is not something that in our own agency we can single handedly to achieve that because there is so much it takes to how to get these kids to be on the street and get to the stop and safely wait for our muni and then get
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on and get off. so i would like to continue to work and foster more, relate with our police department and some other community. his group to help us to achieve this priorities that i want to have because that's a very important thing. everyone has kids and everyone's friends has kids. not everyone, but we all understand. we all are kids once. so that is my priority number one. and my second priority is reaching out to more culturally appropriate community outreach, focusing on people look like me and people look like like they are a minority in this city. so racial equity and belonging is something that i hold really dear to and i carry it on from my previous experience in the arts commission and then in the
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planning department in this commission called historic preservation commission. and so i would love to continue you to see we i think our agency had a really robust program. so i would love to continue to elevate us to continue to adapt and be very, very culturally, appropriately reaching out to our different communities and especially in our community stations. so the third one is my priority is focusing on how can we find more money, more funding and i because this is this is really important, you know, at the end of the day, we need that gas. we need that juice to run. and precisely i see this as not just a local issue, as a regional issue. so we have to really think really outside of
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the box. and i would love to have a lot of creative thinking of people here and also whoever else is listening to. i'm like really tapping into my friend us who have done amazing things themselves and just to see what can we do locally and also regional in the state level and federal level, because i think that this will really help us and to solve one piece of the puzzle or to better position our agency to be competitively to hire staff with a purposeful skill sets that are ready to face our current and future challenges. that's it. that's all i have to say. thank you so much, director. so it's really helpful to hear your priorities. director henderson good afternoon, everyone, and thank you, chair, for allowing me the opportunity to share with you all a little bit about the priorities that i see. i pretty much am in alignment with with what director soul offered. i
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think that safety is really important. safety on our systems, but also safe neighborhoods. i am a hauser by profession and so part of my every day job is to make sure that i'm creating communities that people want to live in, feel safe in. and part of that, i think, is our ability through this agency to really connect neighborhoods, make certain parts of san francisco so that oftentimes are under the radar or or a little bit on the edges of the map. make them accessible. you know, the hills don't make the city super easy to traverse. so i think that we really do have an opportunity to ensure that folks, whether they live in the center of the city or on the periphery, are able to access shops, health care, to have stable housing and stable
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neighborhoods and really are able to enjoy their neighborhood and parts of the city that they may not necessarily be visit often, but it doesn't take forever to get there. and i hope that i hope that we are able to focus while i'm here on on really creating neighbor hoods that families, that individuals that people can enjoy and feel safe in, safe walking down the streets, wide sidewalks. i think it's so, so important to create a sense of place and so i look forward to learning more, but also contributing to creating that throughout the city and especially in areas where where they historically have have not had those types of amenities. i also really prioritize equity and want to make sure that those neighborhoods that i've mentioned across the city are adequate represented, have that seat at the table, have the
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voice at and are open for business. just like just like other areas. i really want to make sure that the mta can continue to make the city excel and surpass all of the expectations that we have to be the great place to live that i've grown up in and that that i hope to, you know, be in forever really. and then finally and i think that, you know, it's funny that find the money but also ensuring that we are caretakers of this resource that we ensure that the fiscal and financial viability of this agency is top tier and top notch, that we're able to have a successful the next 100, 150 years of our transit systems building and
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building neighborhoods and commuter city. i think it's one thing to create place, but really to create that sense of community. and i think ensuring that the financial stability of this agency long term will make sure that we can create that community, that that that is so important. and so i look forward to all the work that we'll do here together. and i'd that's it . thank you so much. yes. really really grateful to both of you for sharing some some thoughts and just as a reminder for everyone, this was a question i asked all the members of the board at our february workshop at the beginning of this year, and we're closer now to the january workshop next year than we are to that one. so we'll have another opportunity to revisit priorities. but it's helpful for me as chair to know your priorities and i also think for staff and ensuring that we make sufficient air time at these meetings and staff resources are allocated to those priorities. so really appreciate that other members of the board,
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director yakusho. thank you so much. chair eken and i'm so excited to see both of my new colleagues get all that shit done. and i believe that you can. i also see the fire marshals in the room, so i just want to acknowledge him. thank you for being here. fire marshal coughlin and. i. i have some new business a lot of you may have heard. maybe you didn't hear that i spent the last week and a half in israel, pretty much in and out of bomb shelters and decided to throw myself into the volunteer effort that had been going on there to collect donated items and deliver it to families who are suffering and being there was deeply inspired bring. i saw thousands of people come together, old and young
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people from all walks of life. and i actually was able to see in front of me what it looks like when a whole community can come together to get things done, to put their differences aside and work as a unit. and it reminded me of why i am in this work. it reminded me of why i consider myself an organizer and an activist and why i came to san francisco. it inspired me and frankly, when i came back a few days ago, it made me really reconsider everything about about what i'm doing and how i spend my time and what motivates me and what lights me on fire. and so because of that, i decided that this is going to be my last meeting as an sfmta director and that i'm going to be leaving the board. i have so much respect for this agency and i know it's tough because we just got our full board. i have respect for the agency. i have respect for you all, and i have even more respect for the
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thousands and thousands of workers who allow us to do what we do. so i'm really, really proud of what we've been able to accomplish on this board. navigating our aging agency through a once in a century dark time and a pandemic, and being in the trenches with all of you on fucking microsoft teams building the jfk promenade and building dozens of miles of transit only lanes, creating a new slow streets network, pushing this agency to create a connected network of bike lanes, helping institute a first in the nation. text before tow program re negotiating our contract with clear channel to clean our bus shelters and get them looking like we want them to look like and helping. working alongside jeff, tom and julie to get our internal house in order. i'm so proud of where this agency is now and all that we've been able to accomplish together over the last three years that i've been on this board. i have absolute confidence in the sf mta i have
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confidence in all of you and i'm so excited to cheer you guys on from the sidelines working with directors ly and board and brinkman eken kahena hemminger. so henderson and hinsey has been one of the great honors of my life. this is a varsity team and i'm so proud of what we've been able to do together. so thank you for making me feel so welcome. thank you for giving me this opportunity and for believing in me. i've only just gotten started. and that is my new business is. who i know. is there a motion to approve or disapprove? i make a motion to reject the premise of director leaving colleagues. i know this is probably shocking news, so i want to make some space. not necessarily today, but at a
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future meeting. for some remarks and reflections and gratitude for director yekutiel. once you can gather your thoughts, obviously, if anyone would like to add anything now, please feel free. but he has committed to me to come to at least one more meeting to be recognized for his service so we could do that. the next meeting perhaps. okay are there any other items of new or unfinished. director? so. i'll take this moment to say a few words because this is my new favorite neighbor for a few times in the past few months. and you or two. but is like to soon you are a legend. i always i met many many years ago in a
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lot of community benefiting event and he's always so enthusiastic about everything that is for the community and i live in the mission so many cafe is always the corner where i will hang out with my girlfriends, you know, and seeing the place had looking really spiffy. and jesse now for me, it was before and i'm going to miss you a lot. i will take some moment to process what i also need to say more glorified version of what i feel about you. but i just feel a little missing you, you know, like you're just going to be an empty seat, you know? and but i think that the work that you do throw yourself out there in this past ten days where everyone was fleeting and trying to find a place to leave, you actually jump into the fire to help really, really, really. really hit really hit me. you know, it's like that selfless of
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courage to go out and do your part. and that's i had you have my highest respect for you for to do that i'm just really grateful that you come home and safely and also use your ability to continue to do what you feel is the best use of your talent and your influence and advocating for the cause that you care for your. yes. and this is really heavy and it trumped over what i actually wanted to also share. and that is something that i thought that's also really important and it's a different topic, but many i just really, really appreciate you and we're going to continue to be working on a lot of other issues in other capacities, right? so i'm going to share another thing i wanted to share for last week. i attended well, this month is the filipino american filipino heritage month. so last week i got some
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time to actually i got invited to our cable car museum and actually did that celebration with our filipino american asian friends and colleagues and staff and even our fellow i believe he's in entertainment commission . al perez was there. he also is the vice chair of the a asian heritage aapi, asian pacific islander heritage month organizer. so and our favorite secretary, christine, was there, too. and it was a really great moment where our equity, racial equity and belonging group find their time and actually some of the manager went across town to their favorite filipino stores to buy the best lumpia to share with everyone. and it was a very
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warm getting together moment in also in a very unsettled time of our current world. and i think it's always good to take a moment and really reach out to our neighbors and friends and people that you you know or you don't know and you just get get together and celebrate each other's press alliance. and this is very important. i actually was saying that we every year we're going to go bigger. right, christine? every year we're going to go bigger and do more celebration because i am aware of that. we have a lot of filipino american in our agency, see, and i love all of them. they all have their talent and they spend overnight to decked out the cable car with the history of all the significant filipino americans that had contributed not only to san francisco, but the history of
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transportation in our city. so that was very important. and i want to share it to everyone. and please ride the cable car with me next year. okay. if there's nothing further from my colleagues, i will open this item for public comment for anyone attending the meeting in person. board members. luke bornheimer. i missed manny's share director eukaryal share. so i don't know exactly what was said, but i gather that director director is stepping down or stepping away from the board. i'm saddened to hear that and i really appreciate the service that you've given our city, what you've done here, what you've done for our city. beyond this board. and yeah, i'm sad to hear that, but hopeful for your
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future and whatever that brings. thank you. next speaker, please. hi, stacy randecker. i first just wanted to say i was so thrilled to hear your priorities. director so and director henderson kids, kids, kids, kids, kids, kids. the only thing i would say is can we also get them to bike to school, to the bus? is top notch. yes. we want muni. my kids are muni kids, but i wish they could have been bike kids to you and making places. oh my god. are we could have so many places if we just prioritized people instead of motor vehicle throughput in our city. and we really need to look for those spaces where we can bring people together, you know, and our merchant corridors, we have so many spots and on the east side of the city is doesn't have enough. i live in potrero and it's like i have to go on vacation to the west side to get all the good stuff. and i'd
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really like it in in our side of town to do and director curio i reject that. i mean i want what is best for you. you've been i know people weren't really they were skeptical about you joining the board. but i hope all of those naysayers have been won over. i really appreciate so much what you've done and i guess maybe now you'll join valencia for people. i don't know. but all the best to you. we'll miss you. thank you. not seeing anyone else in the room. rise to speak, please open remote comment at this time. we'll move to remote public comment not to exceed a total time of ten minutes. members of the public wishing to comment should dial star three to enter the queue. each speaker will have two minutes. moderator for speaker. great. can you hear me now? yes, go ahead. excellent. david pilpel good afternoon. i caught the end of director jacobi's comments. i appreciate
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his thoughts and it's great that he's back safely and i'm sure that he won't be too far away or for very long. as with many, we have not always agreed, which is fine, but i think that we respect each other deeply, and i'm sure that we will communicate at some point soon. and i wish him the best and i think the board will be worse with his departure. anyway, thanks for listening on this item. thank you. no additional speakers. okay close close public comment and please call the next item place is you on item number seven, the director's report. thank you. directors and thank you directors. so and henderson for clarifying your priorities. a
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year nearly a year ago, back in february, we had a board budget workshop that we're preparing for again and one of the most important aspects of that workshop is hearing from board members about your priorities, and particularly clarity about your values. that is how we make the hard decisions about allocating our increasingly limited financial and staffing resources. so the clearer you all can be, the easier it is for our team to make the hard choices that we have to make every day. and thank you, of course, to director curiel for your long service and partnership on this board. as we think about much of our work, a lot of our work is trying to align, not only with your values, but also the mayor's priorities, which include delivering on our housing responsibilities, safety and security on our streets, and also small business success and economic recovery. and one of the things, manny, that i really appreciate about you is you understand the nature of san francisco's boom bust economy
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that the san francisco of 2018 will never come back again. but what we excel at in san francisco is figuring out what is next and our small business leaders like lead the world at figuring out what is next of upholding san francisco values and hopefulness and ingenuity at all levels and scales and bringing people together to figure out what kind of a city do we want to be. so even though you'll no longer be playing that role for us on the board, i know that you will be continuing to play that role as a small business owner and as one of the most important conveners in san francisco in these challenging times. now i'd like to go to my director's report. speaking of small businesses, we have recently launched our tiny little marketing team led by gene brophy here at the sfmta, launched a go local small business campaign in partnership ship with neighborhood
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associations and business associations across san francisco and really being led from our own sfmta small business working group. so jean and her team partnered with local artist dan bransfield to do a set of psa campaigns highlighting our city's amazingly vibrant and diverse and creative small business district, all of which are there because of muni and muni is there because of them. as you know, san francisco has this unique geographic quality where we have long, skinny neighborhood commercial districts that follow the historic streetcar lines that muni was born from. and so small business recovery and muni's recovery go hand in hand. and as we'll talk about later, our our local business communities are now our main drivers of muni's ridership growth. so we're very happy to be promoting this this
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campaign. next up, speaking of small businesses, we're also happy to announce that governor newsom announced last week that we and our partners at the department of public works would receive a clean california grant to the tune of $3.3 million. this is focused on allowing us to take our existing efforts at cleaning and upgrading all of our facilities and supercharge them so we're quite happy about that. we'll be focused on cleaning of shelters and stations, removing graffiti, improving lighting, doing much of the work that the team has been busy doing recently on the t third line, where we've been upgrading, for example, all every single one of the lighting fixtures, which are from 19 whatever technology in order to be more easily maintained, more energy efficient, more less vulnerable to vandalism and brighter for our riders. so
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we're going to be able to continue doing more of this effort focused on downtown and south of market chinatown and the muni metro system. and thanks to existing contracts that we have in place, we'll be able to begin doing this work starting at the end of this month. the big news for this director's report, of course, is our legislative update. late last saturday, october 14th, was the deadline for governor newsom to either sign or veto bills. and there was a big long list of bills that we have been tracking. indeed, a long list of bills, some of which we have had as our number one legislative priority for over a decade. and i am very pleased to announce that the governor signed laura friedman's bill, ab 645, our top legislator priority, which authorizes finally speed safety cameras on a limited basis in california. california now joins
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us. most of the rest of the world and at least 18 us states, including states like mississippi and virginia and tennessee, in legalizing ing this basic life saving technology that can cut traffic fatalities by as much as half. we were fortunate to have attended a celebration event hosted by walk sf last night that included a based basically the entire spectrum of policy makers here in san francisco, members of our board, many members of our staff, families for safe streets and advocates from all over san francisco, all of whom came together under a quite big tent in order to continually expand the coalition of people who could support this this measure by listening to them carefully and by incremental adjustments to the legislation to the point where it finally got signed. so thank you to all of you, and particularly jerry ekin, for your support. there's a couple
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of other bills that also got signed. ab 361 now allows local agencies like us to install forward facing cameras on city owned vehicles to enforce double parking in the bike lanes, something that we have long wanted to be able to expedite. this technology will dramatically increase the efficiency of our parking control officers and allow us to make a bigger effort there. the governor also signed ab 434, which seeks to reduce harassment of women and other vulnerable groups on public transit by collecting better data related to these incidents. this builds basically it's modeled after the work that we have already been doing here at the sfmta, but it requires us, other agencies like ours to do similar work, that together we will be able to do better by having consistent data across the state and therefore the goal being to attract additional resources since the
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safety of women and girls and children are high priorities for this agency. ab 413 was also signed into law. again taking work that we'd already been doing around daylighting here at the sfmta and making that state law. it prohibits drivers from parking or stopping within 20ft of a crosswalk with a bunch of very specific exceptions. other news we are collaborating with the police department, the district attorney's office and other agencies, ces, in order to support their efforts around reducing vehicle break ins. we have found ways to take advantage of our new parking meter technology to include messages on our parking meter screens, directing people to not leave their valuables in the car. those messages will be available in english and spanish and in chinese within a couple of weeks. we're also adding messages to the pay by phone app screen. and then finally, i
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wanted to report on our ongoing efforts to address state of good repair and our deferred maintenance backlog throughout the system. one of the things that i have directed staff to do throughout the agency is to be very clear about the condition. one of our most important infrastructure. and so they have been dutifully investigating the reality of all of the vulnerable cities that we face throughout the system. and so the team, um, completed the most extensive inspection of our over 100 and over 100 year old twin peaks tunnel, the most detailed inspection that we had done in almost 50 years, including not only looking at all of the structure, but actually getting behind the structure into the plenum space between the tunnel structure and the raw rock. and in some cases old growth redwood beams that exist between the tunnel structure and the rock. this is an old tunnel. they were
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also able to obtain all of the records of all of the previous repairs have been done over the last 100 years and we're actually so grateful to our predecessors for keeping such extreme, ordinarily good records on the state of the infrastructure. it reminds us of the responsibilities that we have to our successors. the team completed very, very microscopically detailed lidar surveys and created a full 3d model of the tunnel. they found. let me cut to the chase about the findings. so there are no immediate safety issues, which is a huge relief to me. but the tunnel is really old and it is starting to distort. this was something that was noticed 50 years ago and that distortion has continued a little bit. it will require some adjustments. and so what we're having the time now to do in a non-emergency way is actually figure out exactly what adjustments are needed, what strengthening. we're also, because of the lidar testing, can keep very, very close track
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so that we know if the urgency level increases and therefore we need to speed up repairs or if it's been 50 years, it can go another 50 years without us needing to do much. so we are now working on the next phase of the project, which is to investigate what are the appropriate corrective actions and when those might happen, and then to incorporate that into our capital planning and that is the end of my report. thank you. director tumlin directors, do you have questions or comments on the director's report? director you could tell i don't know if you mentioned this in your report, but maybe you can. there were some. well, it has to do with governor newsom. there was some money that was allocated to us to clean the bus shelters. that's right. did you talk about that just now? i did. that was the clean california. was i just spacing out? okay no, no, no. that was the clean california grant. $3.3 million. yes i saw that. but how are we
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planning on using it? so we are working together with the department of public works. so part of the money will go to supplies and equipment and so on for our own staff. a part of it will go to some existing contractors that we have that we already had on contract to help facilitate it. catching up with some deferred cleaning. but like how how do you think the san francisco public will know? will they notice it? how could they notice a difference with this additional money? well, what we hope is that folks will start noticing a difference like we're folks are starting to notice a difference on the t third line. so the upgrade the steady upgrading just our crews were out there. they removed all the rust from the railings that had been there since the 90s. we repainted everything. we changed it all the light fixtures. we removed all of the graffiti for the ad panels and maps. we were able to replace, like the clear covers that kind of gotten sun
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damage over time. so the goal is a thousand small improvements rather than 1 or 2 really big improvements. the goal is to bring everything up to a state of cleanliness that that we would expect in a city like san francisco. okay. and then my second question and forgive me if you've also already said this , but when do you think the city can expect to start to see the implementation of the speed safety cameras, the speed safety cameras? the law doesn't go into effect until next year, and it requires us a series of part of the compromise of getting the bill passed was the requirements for a series of equity studies and community engagement and a lot of discussion around placement. so right now, the team has already gotten started. i been under the assumption that the governor was going to sign the bill. the team had gotten started and developing a detailed timeline as well as
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getting ready to make asks of other organized actions for ways of being able to help us shorten that timeline. the team is committed to san francisco being the first to having cameras in place. great. thank you very much. thank you. director hemminger, please. thank you, madam chair. and maybe i'll begin where my colleague ended on the speed cameras and i do want to congratulate you, jeff, and your team, for getting the bill through a fairly, at times hostile environment in sacramento and i'm. i was a skeptic. i think, to begin with, that we would get there and we've gotten there. so i do want to thank you thank our mutual employee, kate breen, who made her this her life's work in the last five years. and i'm glad we are where we are. one thing that would be helpful to me to try to assess this is a pilot project
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right? it's time limited. so we've got to go out there and do the best we can and then we'll go back and go through the mother may game again, given the fact that it is a pilot. what i wanted to know is, is we're we're limited to 33 of these devices is what what would the number be if we were just skipping a pilot and just implementing this as a citywide? i'd project how many how many cameras would we be looking at? 100, 234. i mean, what's how big is this pilot? that's what i'm asking. i mean, the authorized pilot is indeed small and one of the things that we are focused on is making sure that the pilot is successful in order to create the case that we can go back to the legislature and either continue it or expand the program. and that means not only
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demonstrating success in reducing speeding and reducing traffic violence, but also addressing many of the fears that opponents had put forward around privacy and equity. and that's those are two key. consider asians in the bill language itself that we are ready to focus on demonstrating that we can protect the privacy of individuals and make sure that this technology is not being used to create more harm for people who had been targeted in in in in traffic stops in the past. so it is a pilot, but can you characteri size it for me at all? we believe. 10% or 10. i mean, how big how big is this relative to what we would need as a citywide program? this is a very small pilot, right? so
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we're limited to 33 cameras. we have a lot more intersections in our high injury network than 33. so one of the things that we are hoping to be able to test with this pilot is efficacy as well as trust. and if we are successful, feel like this should be one of our primary tools for addressing the worst cause of traffic violence, which is excessive speed by people driving cars. but i mean, you're just indicating that we've we've got a fairly long road to hoe. correct. to get to that kind of answer, get it back to sacramento and then scale it up right? that's right. and that's why we appreciate the extreme patience and inexhaustibility of people like kate breen, who just kept coming back again and again until we got this passed and so the sooner we can demonstrate
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success, the easier it is to go back to the legislature. well and look, i know i've been a bit of a broken record about this, but i think it's also the case that this pilot is not going to scale soon enough and big enough to dent the numbers that we keep seeing every week and month, which to me means we've got to keep banging on the police department to help us enforce this. the law that's right. the speed cameras have a lot of benefit from them for a lot of reasons, but they're we're five years away. it sounds like to me, before we've got something that we can really make a dent with. that's right. so this is we have achieved one major win in our legislative program. we have a long list of other desired legislative changes that we could also make. and i think following from the lessons of
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particularly the european union, one which has not faced that the dramatically escalating rates of traffic violence that we have in the united states, but is instead actually address the problem they address the problem through a long list of legislative changes that we are eager to see. also here in the united states and in california. thank you. and just a quick question on another subject, which is the twin peaks tunnel. the i didn't hear you say the word seismic was was that part of the assessment that we made of that tunnel and its stability? yes. so we investigate it. all of the conditions, both the seismic condition. there's a lot of water. there's a whole river in the tunnel that we need to understand and manage around. there is there's the concrete itself. there's the structure between the concrete and the rock wall. there's also the very old anchors for the overhead wire. and of course, everything
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related to the track bed and the switches, although that was work that we had addressed previously. so the focus was the structure itself. okay. thank you, madam chair. thank you. director kahina, please. thank you. chair ekin. question about ab 4346 is the bill against the harassment of women? so just wanted to get more context on how how the passing of this bill will expand our efforts to make transit safer for both operators and for riders. that's right. and the focus of the bill is collecting data. so the best way for us to be able to help ourselves allocate our limited resources, but also so be transparent to the public about how we're how what our need is and how we're addressing that need is, is by collecting data and then being transparent about that data. so some of the work that our security chief,
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kimberly burris, just did this week is creating a new set of dashboards around operator and parking control officer assaults because that is a core part of our effort at addressing safety is both the street users and transit riders, but also our employees. and so we have been working to get way ahead of this bill to make sure that we've got solid data around the passenger experience and our employee experience. you can find our muni passenger safety data online. already we have published that broadly. it is at , i believe it's. at data, but you can certainly search for muni safety data and we publish our safety incidents per 100,000 miles by category and they're in two different categories. they're in the top. there's a pull down menu and you could look at the
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historic data tracking a long, long time back. plus the new, more recent data where we expanded our definition of assault. so one of the things that was very clear that was important to our security chief is we need to include assault, not just, you know, exterior facing violence that's going to require a trip to the hospital, but also experiencing harassment on muni because that it's that whole array of experiences that folks face on muni that determines whether they feel safe and comfortable and therefore are willing to ride. so we expanded our definition in order to make sure that we are fully encompassing all of those factors. so with the passing of this particular bill, the signing of this bill, this effort is now expanded statewide . that's right. so does that mean that we can now share data
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across agencies and work with different law enforcement jurisdictions? or how does how does that connection get created? yeah, i don't know the details of how that connection gets created, but what the bill sets is standard ised data collection efforts which we will be complying with. and then ideally that helps us create a stronger case and stronger coalition at the state level to get both funding as well as legislative changes to address the core problems. and that's great because we have a few different transit systems that operate within san francisco. and so it's great to see that. now we have a statewide effort to make all transit safer for riders. thank you. thank you. director henderson, please. thank you, chair. i just had a question about ab 361. the or whichever number it is about the front facing cameras is there or do you have an idea of what the financial impact would be to
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implement that? i thought that that existed already. so is there a capital expenditure that is going to have to that you anticipate now that this is authorized? yeah. so we have forward facing cameras on our muni busses that allow us to enforce double parking in the transit lane. this effective takes that same authorization in and gives us the ability to put cameras in our other vehicles to enforce double parking in the bike lane. and so we would use the basically the same techniques where we have pico parking control officers who review video at extreme fast forward and then stop and then manually issue a citation. there is a pretty significant cost to adding vehicle, adding cameras to our vehicles. but as we know from the cameras that are on our transit vehicles, there's also significant benefit. well beyond being able to enforce illegal
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parking. the. 11 or 12 cameras on our transit vehicles are a critical component of our efforts to address both safety as well as crime. and that data, when it's reported to the police department in time we can save our video data and use that for evidence in any kind of investigation. okay. thank you. thank you, director. so. i'll make it really short, but i wanted to ask something else that you mentioned about how we can help with with car thieves in the city. and i'd like to see if i read an article recently last week about how this lady were able to find her stolen car through looking at the her citations on her car wreck record. so director tumblin, i
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wonder what can we do to help people get their stolen car back and then how are we how can we alleviate these financial burdens of those tickets that these poor car owners end up having to live with? but they weren't the one that actually make the decision to park in an illegal spot. so how can we help them and also maybe work together with sfpd and it just leave it all to you? an open ended question. yes. no, that's a very timely question. so the mayor issued a directive last week following that san francisco chronicle story ordering us to collaborate with the san francisco police department to make sure that we that our databases could talk to each other and that we could not only identify stolen vehicles, but also like not not cite the
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owner of the rightful owner of that vehicle for a violation. this has caused us to do an investigate mission into why we are no longer able to do that. so we used to be able to automatically do that and i was mistaken in the underlying reasons why. so one of the things that i had understood was that the city's privacy ordinance was an obstacle that is not correct from our current understanding that there is an administrative process that we may need to go through in order to allow databases to talk to each other. but the burden for solving this problem is on the sfmta. so we had legacy software that we had been using that software is no longer being maintained. and so what we need to do is just defined the api or updated software in order to allow the databases to talk to each other. again and that work
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is the responsibility of the sfmta and we are working hard on it. and in the meantime, um, we do try to make it very easy. so sometimes as our parking control officers make mistakes or sometimes a motorist was doing something in good faith and inadvertently gets a parking citation, we try to make it very easy to protest citations and many citations can be dismissed administratively. so so there's a form online that's easy to find just sfmta dismissed parking citation or protest citation and so long as somebody has evidence, it's like a police report that my car was stolen. it is very easy for us to dismiss those citations that were that were written despite the good faith of the individual motorist. we don't. we don't ever want to be in the position of compounding harm that our residents face. uh, yeah. i trust that we don't want to do
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that. and i just wanted to see if anything that you need. the board's help to continue to expedite that effort. i think that will we're all open here to help you. yes both thank you for that. the board of supervisors includes president peskin has expressed as well the desire that if there's any legislative fix that's necessary, that we will fix it. i believe all of the problem rest on my shoulders and with with our staff team. so we will get moving on making that happen. thank you. thank you, director. so, um, i just wanted to comment also on the just pause on the ab 645 victory as well. colleagues, i attended the celebration event that walkoff put on last night and i'm sort of still pinching myself that this is the world that we're living in now, which
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is a world where something we thought for so long was not possible is in fact not come to pass. it's really quite remarkable. and i do want to just shout out continued to staff kate breen, though she's on vacation. katie angotti, though she just had a baby when no ricardo julia for their work shaping the bill and of course just you jeff for having the sharp focus and reminding people again and again this is such a barrier to our efforts. and also just for putting in the work yourself and making trips to sacramento and getting this across the finish line. i also want to just acknowledge the mayor and her staff for coming out early in support on this bill and that encouraged so many other cities to get on board. and then just thank you to the staff, the advocates and community and anybody else who did anything else to get this bill across the finish line. it's really a remarkable victory , and i hope we can all just really pause and celebrate this moment. that's all i had. if there are no other director
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comments, i'm going to open it up for public comment on the director report. sorry, that's going to be item nine is not is so we're on seven now, then eight, then nine. yep. hi. board members. luke bornheimer first, i want to thank director tomlin staff and the board, especially chair ekin and walk san francisco and the san francisco bicycle coalition for their work and advocacy on ab 645 and speed enforcement cameras. speed enforcement cameras will make the 33 streets that they're installed on likely in 2025 safer. that said, there's no good reason to wait until 2025 to install these cameras or more red light cameras, which the agency hasn't used its full authority to install more of or install faster. and we need the
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agency to choose locations for speed enforcement cameras and install them as soon as possible. ideally in the first half of 2024 since director hemminger mentioned arm traffic enforcement by sfpd, i think it's important to highlight what we know will make our streets safer and directly address our roadway safety crisis, as well as our climate crisis. our public health crisis and car traffic and noise and air pollution in our city. the single best thing we can do to address this all of these things is create a connected network of protected bike lanes throughout our city, starting construction immediately be a connected network of protected bike lanes will make more people feel safe using bikes, scooters and other forms of active transportation to get around our city. and we can start creating that connected network of protected bike lanes. now for example, by agendizing and approving the 17th street quick build project, which has been purposefully delayed through private discussions within the city. we do not need to wait for the active communities plan to be finalized and approved. we can and should start immediately. i urge you to direct director tumlin and staff to start installing a connected network
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of protected bike lanes immediately. we need you to lead for our city in the planet. thank you. thank you. next speaker, please. hi, stacy randecker and ditto all of that that luke just said. and director tomlin, i think you forgot to mention the sponsorship of the san francisco city football club. it's a brilliant placement for muni. i'm glad to see it. i'm a potrero mom of a footballer who practices at beach chalet. if we could get travel times to and from all of our soccer pitches to 45 minutes or less, it would be truly golden. and about our small business owners, can we turn those merchant corridors into pedestrian ized places? if busses are not easily rerouted, making it transit only is possible. cities all over the world do this, including the very exotic san jose who has transit on a pedestrian ized plaza. if we really want to do right by our by our merchants, we would look to the throngs of
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people that are out for every sunday streets saturdays on valencia, weekends on hayes and that glorious night market that was out in the sunset. we can get goods to merchants. we can ensure accessibility for those who need it. we need these spaces for the vibrancy of san francisco and to meet our safety and climate goals. could we please stop wringing our hands on this and get moving to work for everyone? and yay for speed cameras? but and we will always need something like this. but streets with concrete protected bike lanes, concrete diverters at the ends every few blocks and chicanes with manny's redwood groves are impossible to speed upon. thank you. thank you. any other speakers in the room on the director's report? otherwise let's open, please. remote at this time we'll move to remote public comment not to exceed a total time of ten minutes. members of the public wishing to comment should dial star three to enter the queue. each speaker will have two minutes. moderator
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for speaker. thank you. i hope you can hear me. chair amanda, you can o. olivia dew point for the record, she and her i talk about the director's report. very good report. i'm excited about the lighting improvements. i'm very cognizant of that when i'm in the stations and tunnels and just want to get the best technology that we can. i have actually have entire led lighting in my home. so it works and the tunnel work is very, very important to me. you know, hear people talk much about that. but i'm very passionate about the tunnel and it's not easy getting across the city. if there's issues with that tunnel. my resume with the twin peaks tunnel is not very long. going
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back to about 2009. but i do have 43 years of experience using the north river tunnels, which are under the hudson river between new york and new jersey. and they were opened in november of 1910. and they are really getting old and sometimes it's scary riding through those. i rode through those a couple of weeks ago. and so we don't want to let our tunnel get to that point. and yes, there were some other issues with in new york city with the superstorm, but still, we have to keep after the tunnel. and i appreciate the explanation about how this tunnel works because i thought it was just concrete all the way through making this 30s. so that's very important legislation. we're doing. all right. i'm generally in alignment that i'm not really an expert on that. and i did
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