tv SFPD OIS Town Hall SFGTV October 29, 2023 7:30am-8:40am PDT
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for a interprerererererererer >> good upon afternoon will announcement for asl viewers. due to the importance of showing videos we ask that our asl viewers use the web ex link provided in the description of the live stream. for viewers withhold like this town hall translated click on the web ex link in the live stream description and click the icon in the bottom left corntory select your language.
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>> good afternoon. we are here for i virtual taun town hall regarding an officer shood shooting monday october 9 gear and he laguna street. before proceeding i like to, nouns to the audience this this town hall is translateed spanish, cant niece, sign language for our member hos speak those languages. without suggests a gentlemen on the appropriate knows of the force used in this incident today will include details from officer shooting incident had ended tragically claiming the life of therein year old danielle ylang. i like to express condolences to mr. family's family for the transgender doe they experienced. >> in the san francisco police department, we recognize our sworn duty as law enforcement officers imposed no obligation on us than to honor and respect
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human life and know that as police officers we are sometimes required to use force including deadly force at time in thes performance our duties recognize, too officer involved shooting vs a traumatic asciis on our communities especially for those individuals family and loved ones who have suffered traumas and encounters with the criminal justice system where it may be. to any viewers upon experiencing traumatic from the ins den or information we present then and there help is visible to you. you micontact the san francisco department of public health crisis line 415-970-3800 for trauma services. >> first and foremost in the san francisco police department to be a national model of 21st century mreegs commit to
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transparency and to the attendance of procedural justice. this process and in this town hall presentation. procedural justice dependsos police as wellace our criminal justice system with the town halls we embody the 10 annuals of what procedural justice is all about. we will release facts gotten us about the incident. we will try to do so in a manner that is impartial and neutral. answer questions for the public as well as members of the media and listen to public de feoed badge acts command are mark m will present the fact in a few minutes before turning the floor to him, i want to emphasize this incident is subject to independent and on going investigations. as such, may be some information we cannot release at this time either because the release of information is presented by law or because the releaves
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information could compromise on going investigation or because certain facts not established with certainty. in other words, we are in the able to release unconfirmed information. next acts command are mark america's presentation include a verbal narrative of the facts as we know them and audio and video contanlt from the officer shooting incident. sfpd officers responded to the scene were wearing issued body cameras. activated on their way to the incident. consistent with our body camera policy the department 10.11 you will see camera video from those officers from mum pull perspects at the san francisco police department our commitment to transparency guide our investigations and town hall for several years now. although our practice predate
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enactment of police accountability law in california, we believe our approach remained consistent with the letter and spirit of reforms and senate bill 1421 for place transparency and bill 1706 for account act. sfpd commitment to transparency in this process will be reflect in the release of information online. video from this town hall including audio from 911 call and dispatchers and the vo footage i mentioned we posted sfpd's website at san francisco police. org. tell remain available for public viewing. as a reminder all of sfpd governing policies and procedures is be found on our website. san francisco police department director mandate we release the names of officers from shooting says unless safety occurrence
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argue against it. we identified no safety concerns and acting command are mark america will release the names of the receive part of his presentation. i would like to explain the investigative processes for an officer involved shooting next. san francisco has a multiagency response to officer shootings each agencies investigations is inspect. whenever a shooting occurs in san francisco involving a police officer, the following agencies are immediately notified. the sfpd investigative service detail is unit responsible for investigating the events this is lead up to the shooting. the sfpd internal, fair division is responsible for conduct an administrative investigation to determine if the receive or officers responsible for the ois are in compliance with requirements of sfpd policy.
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the investigation of sfpd units run parallel each has afternoon investigative purvow and focus. each maintains a strict to comply with requirements. the san francisco police department of police issue count at conducts an independent administrative investigation. san francisco voters created dpa a successor to the office of citizen complaints with passage of prop b in the june 2016 election. dp ainvestigates all sfpd incidents any of our officers discharge a weapon in the scope of their duty when is that discharge result in an individual injury or death. the san francisco da office inspect investigation bureau or iib is responsible for the determining the legality of the officer involved shooting. based on inspect investigation and review the da of county of
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san francisco make the final decision as to whether the officers involved actions comply with the laws of the state of california. san francisco office of the chief medical examiner or ocme has a responsible for conduct an on scene investigation collecting evidence and taking custody of a diseased person in a shooting result nothing fatality. and tragic case, the ocme is responsible for conducting an autopsy to determine the cause of death and to report those findings public low. this dinlts because mr. ylang died the ocme will conduct an investigation to determine the cause of death. all notified agencies dispatched investigators and appropriate personnel to the begin their inspect investigations. finally, i like to point out that we take community feedback
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seriously. based on the feedback from prior shooting town halls we will also take question and other thans them to the extent we are able. understanding that this incident rerains on going investigation. we will allocate an hour for public comment and questions. thank you very much for joining us today and now acting command are mark m. >> the officer shooting discuss in the this presentation started on monday october 9, 2023 at approximately 3:08 p.m. the initial call for service regarded a noninjury vehicle collision with a driver and gun from the 1400 block of laguna in san francisco northern police district. the involved member is uniformed sergeant of the san francisco upon police department who is assigned to northern police station. you will hear the following terminology and radio code language used by officers.
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8 property calls that involve serious incident. these are emergency calls requiring a rapid response because there may be a threat to life or a risk of major property loss or damageful bwd. body worn cam ramp blue on blew where an officer fires upon another officer. dispitcher is the department of emergency management dispatch exert radio system. 5-18 radio code for noninjury vehicle collision. we are still in the very early stages of an administrative investigation that can take months to complete and our understanding michange as additional evidence is collected. we don't draw conclusion whether the officer acted consistent with our policies and the law until all the facts are known and the investigation is complete. the following is a summary of
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the events as they are understood as of today and may evolve information learned let you investigation. the chronology of the incident remains under investigation. the types are thursday october 19, 2023 we believe the facts are as follows. on october nan 9 of 23 at 3:08 the department of emergency management dispatched sfpd officers from northern police station to a priority 5-18 call the dispatcher add sunrise i blue honda crash in the the chinese const.ute and the driver had a gun. replays that 2 guards were holding the driver and unknown where their gun was one of the callers told dispatch the collision of intentional. a sfpd sergeant arrived 4 minutes after the 911 call was
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dispatched. sergeant broadcast over his rofor dispatch to clear air for emergency radio traffic and responding officers enters from gear site as he ran in the building the sergeant moved to the subject. the subject was identified at mr. zon ylang. doing to deployment of pep are separate sergeants and others are sawing the sergeant approached mr. ylang and ordered him to get on the ground but he did in the comply he stood against the wall with the left side toward the sergeant and security guard mr. ylang covered his face and right arm oust sergeant's view. sergeant and the guard pinned mr. ylang against the paul mr. ylang rotate to the sergeant and the security guard and supposed a knife. the sergeant blocked his right elbow as mr. ylang turned toward
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them. mr. ylang made mull pull respectid down swinging motions with the knife toward the sergeant and the guard. as a first 2 uniform back up officers approached them the sergeant stepped back drew his firearm and the ois occurred the officers called for an ambulance and renldzers aid to mr. ylang. 3 minutes after the ois the fire department and medics arrived and took over medical aid. the san francisco fire department transported mr. ylang to a local hospital where he was pronounced deceased the name is zongian wang dob june 27 of 92. evidence. crime scene investigators from the police department forensic service responded and collected evidence from the scene including but not limited to the following. one folding knife with 3. 5 inch
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blade. 240 caliber casings and one loaded cross bow with arrows. video footage and photographs. officers on scene were department issued bwc's. they were activated respond to the incident. anymoring video footageor photographs provided to the san francisco da independent investigation bureau using the phone number 628-652-4420. eyewitnesss and victims. eyewitness and victims of incident were interviewed by the police department investigative service detail and the sage fran da inspect investigation bureau. any other witness or victims to this are encouraged to contact the san francisco da inspect investigation bonjour over at 628, 652, 4420. involved member. sfpd sergeant who discharged his
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firearm is sergeant try corof courseo number 1599 assigned northern police station. today's presentation is provide in the a multimedia format for a transparent perspective the sfpd provide audio from the 911 call body camera footage. crime scene photos, map s and related aids. our present agdz today consisted of known video and audio at this time temperature is not intended provide all photos, videos or temperaturial information related this investigation. i will provide a presentation of the incident using the multimedia source. select points to increase clarity videos enpanels 've hansed for a better understanding of the incident. note that this presently egg, the enhanced videos will be
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available on the sfpd website immediately following town hall. sfpd policy can be located on the sfpd website. prior to the beginning of each segment i will provide a brief description to the time, place and location of the content about to be shown. you are about to see video footage and learn about other evidence related the case. you can have an understanding what occurred based upon when we know now. a word of caution, the image and information you are about to see and hear may be disturbing. when a police officer uses force to arrest a suspect or defend the imageers graphic and may be difficult to watch. in addition, there may be strong language used by those in the video. view are discretion is advised for young children special sensitive viewers. we encourage those in need of support contract san francisco
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between 3. . 08 and 9 p.m. 3 called 911 reporting a vehicle driven in a belling on the 14 huh human block of laguna street you are about to hear the 911 call by san francisco department of emergency management. some personnel information provide by the caller has been redacted protect their privacy. 15 seconds. >> san francisco 911 the location of your emergency. hello the china embassy on laguna street. what's that. hello! come here. >> hello? come here look the door.
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do you have an emergency? [background noise] so -- hello? a carbrun in the china embassy and the guy have a gun. and soon as possible. okay. stay on the line. they crashed in the building? the car drive through the lobby and the driver have a gun. and [inaudible] okay. what car is it? its a sedan i don't see the plates i'm outside. what color is the sedan. you see the color.
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bluic. a blue honda civic. >> stay on the line. where is the driver is he there? >> the driver is the 2 security guards. security has the driver? the security has the driver. there are 2 security guy and we don't know where there are more cars or -- okay. stay on the line is he in cuffs? or they -- is he in cuffs. they are holding him i don't see. okay. stay on the line. what race is the driver white, black or asian. i run out. i didn't get the video. that is your name? i'm [inaudible]. what is your phone number. is anyone injured.
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i don't know but when the car have around 30 people may be, i don't know. >> okay. stay on the line we have officeros their way. what is the driver doing now? i cannot see it i'm get out from the lobby now. you are inside. i was inside when the car driving to the lobby. but i got outside from the lobby after the security guard get out. okay. kuwait for officers they are on their way. >> i'm not hangingum with the call. okay. theyor their way. call us back if anything changes. say again. the officers are on their way call us back if anything changes. should i hangup new yes they are on their way. >> thank you.
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>> san francisco 911 what is exact location and the emergency? hi this is reporting someone driveway a car in chinese embassy. is anybody injured. nobody injured but the car just drive in the office. >> drove in the building. drove into the building break all the doors. what is the address there. address is i don't know have the number it is on the laguna street. and geary? >> [inaudible]. we have someone on the way stay on the phone what type of car is it? a sedan. i don't know. blue car blue color. it does in the matter he is in the building i'm not able to see the car >> we will tell me you don't know if you don't know the
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answer is the driver in the vehicle. he is out. where and the security is with him. okay. yea. do you finish this is on purpose or an accident temperature is on purpose. was he trying to get in the consulate. i don't know. we have help on the way stay on the phone with me. sure. hello? 911 we got a call from your phone do you have emergency. yea. my husband is all right reportingly it is the chinese consulate office. >> what happened. there is a guy drive the car into inside. office. is he still there? yea he is still here.
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why at the chinese consulate. >> is he injured. >> he is bleeding and how old is he? i think probably -- like around 30. he drove it into the building. yes drove into the building and the blowing from where? i saw from his head. is he still. right now -- i got outside of the office. is anybody else in the building injured? no. i think the body guard. is he hurt. security guard. >> yea he is still year. is he injured? um i'm not sure.
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fighting with him the guy is fighting with security. yea. okay. okay. all right. well get to safety are you able to stay in a safe place does he have weapons. i'm safe what does the guy look like. black, white, asian or latino the driver? can you describe him. it is important in case he runs away. is he white, black, asian or latino. he is like he is a black hair. okay. 30's. the skin is quite -- okay. all right. all right.
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the police man yea, they are coming. the police are on the way i need to you get to a safe place in case they fight and anyone involved okay. >> are than i there now the police there now. the officer. no they passed the -- yea, the police are right here. >> all right. he is pulling up. okay. thank you. >> okay. the driver has a gun? the police. go ahead and hangup with me. >> you are about to hear a condensed recording of call for service broadcast to responding officers. this audio by emergency management. some personnel information redacted protect the privacy of
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the victims. 221518 vehicle at the chinese consulate the vehicle crash in the the bell and armed with a gun. giving further a blue honda unknown plate. [inaudible]. [inaudible]. 221 vehicle in 518. 456. 156 and 13 dave you'd a honda unknown plate blue honda sedan. got a call regarding incident. no further waiting on description. >> 2 security guards have the driver they are holding him. this was intentional. waiting on further. the driver is bleeding from the head we are getting 408 for him.
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the chinese consulate the subject is fight with security. >> laguna and pacific. 1 huh human unit we have a david code from laguna and pacifics the 221 vehicle and to a chinese consulate. no description on the subject. 456. 797. 056. 456. geary 5 please. 056 code 33. [inaudible]. 66. before it guess green. gunshot wound.
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copy code 3 and gunshot wound. 156. we have 408. [inaudible]. 408. we need more units. how many injured. starting cpr. david how many involved. worn for gfw. copy. this is who i ask. we will provide a map of the 14 huh human block of laguna and enhanced graphics to display the area of the incident. map will show a google perspective and a google street view, location on
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the geary boulevard side of the building. good footage i will introduce each video prior to. body footage was capture friday issue body cameras worn by the members at the time of the event. portions of the videos pluraled do you to graphic content and protect the privacy of third parties. we are going to play a body
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we are going to share evidence taken by san francisco police department forensic service division the knife in mr. ylang's possession. this photo shoes the vehicle following the collision into the building. this photo shows angle of the vehicle following the collision into the building. this photo shows a cross bow located in the back seat of the vehicle driven into the building. this photo shoes the krsz bow after siege friday the back seat of the vehicle. this photo shoes the department issued firearm used by the sergeant. this concludes my presentation i will introduce the commanding officer northern station captain jason sawyer.
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>> good afternoon. i'm captain jason sawyer the commanding officer of northern police station i offer my simple athtow anyone affected by this incident. a consulate is safety and refuge. this was a high low unusual event that could have involved men more kaushths and i'm grateful for the actions of our officers and the private security guards risked their safety to protect the lives of the public. since the day of this incident i have been in contact with community member and faith based leaders. and with members of the chinese consulate. it is important this people understand the process and more important low the transparency of the process so this there is faith in the integrity of the investigations and to ensure that the trust with the police
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and community remains in tact. i have been w with the consulate to ensure the public feel safe the consulate opens to the public. a clear line ensures cooperation and understanding this their occurrence have been addressed. the captain of northern station i take events such as this seriously and welcome an open dialogue of respectable conversation. the safety of the public as well as the officers in my command are of the most importance and i'm always open to feedback if there are concerns about how this event or any other event was handled let me know our officers are committed to keeping everyone safe and dog so in an honest, compassionate and respectful manner. thank you.
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>> good afternoon the public comment portion of the town hall will now given will the length of time for public comment will be an hour. to call in the meeting call 1-415-655-0001. >> please enter meeting code 26610323901 followed by pound pound. each public comment callerville up to 2 minutes to speak and limited to 1 call. if you wish to join the queue,
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listen careful low to the following instructions. interpretation in spanish and cantonese if you are watching on web ex click the interpretation button and select your preferred language. if you are call nothing the meeting again, please call, 1-415-655-0001. enter code 26610323901 followed by pound, pound. you may press star three to raise your hand to get in the queue. you will be prompted when you have been unmute period it your turn to speak. once again, each caller will have up to 2 minutes to provide public comment for this town
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hull and limited to one call. your 2 minutes begins once you have been prompted you have been unmuted and you begin speaking. reminded mute the broadcast you are watching for your public comment to be heard clear. again, if you are watching the broadcast online, mou the broadcast or turn down rolfe um to prevent audio feedback so your comment can be heard clearly. moderators i ask you invite first caller into speak. you mipress star 3 to raise where you are hundred to get in the queue to speak.
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enter mote code 26610323901 pound, pound. you may press star 3 to raise your hands to get in the queue to speak. yes. i'm daved lewis a member of the crisis earnvention team mental health working group. and i would like to i would like to know more about any possibility for having deployed deescalation tech enabling time, distance and repyre, seemed like there was not distance with the officers and the victim of the shooting. based on body worn camera
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coverage. looks like the officers closed distance quickly i wonder if this was seen consistent with policy and procedure and department general orders. versus stantlying back creating a perimeter, trying to talk the person out of his knife. that is my question about why distance was closed opposed holding back and deescalate the situation. and men this can be investigated more or spoken to. david eliot lewis, thank you for year service and your this town hall. this is all. >> thank you. thank you, call and mr.llowis. i will answer your question the best i can. without making a judgment on this incident. one of our modes of trin suggest active, taxer training. and i'm going to go through points about our active attack
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are training. because this is how our officers are trained if they believe that an active attack are event is occurring. an individual had it is when an active attacker from our department training. an active individual is actively engaged in a kimming or attempting to kill people in confined and populated area and aggressively doing so and has unrestricted access to potential additional victims. the term active attacker described in mass casual events persons are attack in i variety of ways. some example include but in the limited to stabbing, shooting and provides explosive devices orri ed or vehicle recommending. active attackers may use a combination of these modalities.
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main priority for patrol is to stop the threat. and here is how we define stopping the threat in our training. stopping the threat come in a variety of ways swift priefls of law enforcement and engage am of the attackers is key to saving lives. data shown that attackers sfop behavior by verndzing barricading themselves or ending their life to prevent apprehension or confranation with officers. now i'm not going to make a judgment to this case i will say this, a lot of the factors i read out were present in this event. and our officers are trained understanding this we are trained with deescalation and time and distance but if an receive believes this event has the makings of an active
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attacker what we train them is to stop the threat immediately this is our training. it depends on the circumstances. am again i'm not going to make a judgment on this case but i wanted answer your question the best i can to describe how our officers are trained with active attack and another question i'm glad caller you asked this question because i do want to as i understand a clear message to the public that if we believe that we have an active attacker event we will do everything possible to stop this threat immediately so we don't have loss of life. >> next caller. go ahead. so. i was wondering if -- it sounded like in the body cam footage that the officer who fired the shot thought the knife was a
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gun. he confused whether the knife was a gun based off the words you are hearing from him asking. i think we should have told mow that was a knife was that not a knife. it seemed like he thought the knife was i gun is that correct. >> i can't answer what the officer was thinking i can answer what is apparent in the body camera and had the investigation -- what we release at this time. original callers one of them said the person who drove the car in this building had a gun. another caller said it was intentional the officers when the call was dispatched than i were responding to the car driving in the building and they also were responding to what the dispatcher said that this person had i gun. so this is when we see in the
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video. after the incident, the officer can be heard saying you should have told me he had a knife. i can't answer your question was who in the officer's mind but what i can answer is what the callers originally reported and the dispatcher to the officer and had the officer said i hope this answer your question. that is as far as i can tick tidon't want to speculate that will come out in the investigation but i can tell you when was reported and what the officers were dispatched to handle when they arrived at that location or that scene. thank you, caller for your question.
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>> hello. go ahead. yes. i had a question. since the bruin decision was brought up, many san francisco are applying for c cw permit. gavin newsome signed sb2 to practice and many of violence incidents involving shooting system not in the policy. it is the san francisco police going to enforce this? on january firster take ape stance with other sheriffs and police departments about this
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ruling? well, sorry any law enacted if the lubecomes law on january first we will follow the law. you know -- your question about whether or not we will join other sheriffs i can't answer that question. when i can answer is if this luwhen this law becomes effective which as you stated january first we follow the law in the books until such time the laws are repealed or amended.
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knife a couple times but could not see where he was waving that knife. going forward is there anything this you could do so it could be a nonlethal situation. looked like he had no clue where he was waiving that knife? thank you for your question. we evaluate every case from a tactical perspective to see when we learn from this to evolve and get better if we had this again. this will be no exception. had i will say in fairness we don't know what this person could see or not and the call was that the person had i gun. and in fairness to the situation, we don't when he being or could not see i have been pepper sprayed before and sometimes you can weather through that.
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and -- it does depends on where you are resilience. so we cannot, soup had he could or could not see. we know is the caller said he had i gun. and the knife came out during the incident. we will electric at this everything about this from a tactical perspective we have a unit that looks at our cases and office involved shootings and basically they look from top to bottom as to what can we do better? and this will happen on this case as well. i don't want to make a premature -- judgment of what the person could see or not see we don't know. you know and officers only have when than i have at the time the other thing if a person whether he or she can see they pull out a fwun and fire, this can be devastating.
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so we have to deal with when we have in front of us and again it it is a fair question but i want to be fir to the totality of the ss. we don't know had we don't know and when we don't when he can or can't see or what else might be on that person in terms of a weapon. they can use against the public and the officers.
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caller, go ahead >> chief this is jr stone at abc steffen one more follow up question i appreciate the answer. >> person. this is matthew from the san francisco standard the sfpd did in the search mr. yawn's per minute for you first 3 days do you know what his motive was and what gave you the confidence he
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was not acting alone after you searched. >> we don't have this informing we can release we have searched his resident and search warranties served and the items and evidence seized is being examinind and locked at this is as much as i can rekosovo we don't have an answer we can release now. we talked with witnesseses about when he said when he got to the
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consulate is there an idea why he showed up there when he was doing there? >> this is under investigation and there is nothing this we have at this point that i can release. we are still investigating the case and -- i said we served multiple search warrants well is asa lot to uncover and as appropriate when we can release information we will but this point i don't have anything fourth to release as far as motive or what may have driven mr. ylang to do this. this is reminder each call has one opportunity to call in. we ask callers not to call in multiple times it takes away time from other callers trying to ask questions.
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this will condition clude or town hall we have no other callers thank our viewing audience for joining you to share in this information and please be safe, stay safe and again thank you for tuning in. >> hi. i'm prihere at the gorgeous san francisco precylinderiel tunnel p. i'm here with ceo and president of chamber of commerce rodney fong. tell us about the chamber and when make its and in san francisco.
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i great diversity of san francisco businesses from cars to mall businesses and hospitality and instructs. so the chamber of commerce hen here for 173 years and represents them as 1 ecosystem. tell us about the tunnel top this is is i beautiful new space create in the the left year >> it is beautiful and this was an army base convert today a park. but i chose this location for you because to mow it is a coninfluence of nature readaptation and men a ship will in to port with goods and trades. and important it remember this san finish sitos the edge of the west coast a great per city and important piece to the economic vitality of the pacific rim. we have an initiative here, too, to green our city as much as possible. it is an exciting time. come out and check out san francisco and the presidio tunnel top when you are in our
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per of the world. rodney thank you for being here and thank you for showing us. >> thank you. >> san francisco board of surprisers meeting for today october 24, 2023. madam clerk, please call the roll. >> yes, mr. president. supervisor chan, present. supervisor dorsey, present. supervisor engardio, present. supervisor mandelman, present. supervisor melgar, present. supervisor peskin, present. supervisor preston, present. supervisor ronan,
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