tv Mayors Press Availability SFGTV October 30, 2023 8:15pm-9:01pm PDT
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>> thank you, everyone. is this working? >> okay. >> okay. >> thank you, everyone for being here i'm san francisco mayor london breed and joined by the police chief bill scott and robert oh, sullivan to talk about the incredible work by that sfgh of san francisco police department i know oftentimes when a crime occurs
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and videos circulated they're a perspective that that says was happening and nothing is being done well, in fact, synagogue o something is being done and the new outlets are reported but not highlighting the significant way like what we see happen in those crimes when they occur we've seen in recent months, is a change a change in deployment and change in addition resources we've received and the altitude around what really do in san francisco and suddenly aggressive changes in the police policies in the policy commission has made has it difficult but not stooping us sunnybrook e doing everything we can to hold people accountable with crimes in san francisco a police department is working hard to deal with crime not only
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in the downtown area but all neighborhoods and the chief will talk about that in a moment but we also have a city attorney that is willing to prosecutor in a long time prosecutor people for drugs and deals on the streets that are killing citizens of this city i want to give you an oath of the things you'll hear specifically we plan to talk about some of the more recent organized retail theft we have received a stated grant for 517 has allowed us to step up our effort to support additional officials to deal with those issues but additional prosecutors in the city attorney's office and hold people accountable. and snatch and grapz grabs have led to
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incredible arrests we are seeing increasing car breaks, no. and the number of dealers and users being arrested on the street to be held accountable the support from the following have been valuable in the work the vehicle theft armed suspect and commercial burgers and killing of store clerk in the richmond district all the things have outdoor in every single incident in the large cases arrests are being made and doing everything we can to have a full author investigation and photocopy on the cases to have a rock solid case for trails what have you and ultimately seen a number of recent events have gotten more attention just yesterday the issue that happened downtown in
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the union square area and the fast and complete work that the police led to getting the suspect we appreciate they're other issues that are curbing i want to chief to get into details to talk about where officers with doing the investigations and following up and making big rear yard variance arrests to make sure that people are held acknowledge let's talk about just the other side of that. this city has been a big supporter of crime figures of reform to our police department we have not abandoned the things we care about we'll continue to doing everything we can to provide treatment and to work with people because ultimately the we have to make
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ass arrests we want to make sure that people continue to don't feel that is okay to continue time and time again committing the crimes in san francisco but provide the layer of balance and support but make sure that albeit is part of this as well. so this is what we're here to talk about and the chief about talk about the specifics in the cases augural levels from the highly issues has won the lowest crime rates in the big cities and we are working hard to make sure we are protecting and serving the public to people feel safe we are proud of amazing work we or doing and step up our efforts on all levels aggressively we are seeing crimes and car break no one's and burgers and
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ambassadors and other things at the end of the day, we know we will not let that and we will send a strong message for people coming to san francisco or here in san francisco committing those crimes and disrupting our lives and making san franciscans feel unsafe we'll not allow it to continue and now we're finally able to implement this in a whole another way to incredible results a number of or so and prosecution have occurred with the district attorney's office and we will continue to do this work every single day in the middle of night to broad daytime to get to a place san franciscans and tourist and others that walk down the center in san francisco feel safe i want to introduce
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our police chief bill scott to talk about the crimes and arrests where they have been made. thank you, london breed and thank you. i'm bill scott police chief in the san francisco police departments i want to start by first of all, emphasizing with mayor breed said this is about concoct and sending a strong and clear message people will be held accountable in those types of crime in our city whether that is a single person or a group of people will be held accountable doing everything we can to bring every resources because the issue is not about the city of san francisco but people committing crime just to be clear, when people come here er live here do bad things this police department and this city
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and mayor are dedicated to making sure that we hold people accountable i want to talk about a couple of incidents i'd like to talk about starting off. we had yesterday in the york store 650 in the morning ambassadors listed and the suspects stole and drove a car into the store and tried to get away with thousands of thousands dollars of merchandise thanks to the police department we are able to arrest the suspect and recover over one hundred and fifty thousands of manufacturers we know for a fact that one store was not the only one they were tending to sheriff's deputy lift
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to - that's what it takes that's what we'll do we have been running lift organizations and the fraternity grant from of the st. patrick we have resources to meet the challenges and those resulted in great news arrests around the state talking about retailers and communities around san francisco. and here's one example. walgreens 8 people ran in the ski masks with a wagon and grabbed everything they could and the officers were there and with respectable arrest and 6 and the other two you better be looking over our shoulders. that's was it takes in order to turn this around.
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fencing operations the retail theft is not just people stealing but selling this and we know that visitors and people that make a living off of profiting from stolen manufacturers in and around san francisco and the bay the emergency investigations within this past week operating on mission street we know the challenges we have on mission street with selling stolen manufacturers with the one street marking with no license and stealing manufacturers more than anything else to sell our versed recovery on the 17 thousands of stolen prompt property from city of victorville secret had the tags
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on them. and message is this you will be held accountable. car break-ins has been a pervasive issue in the city and authority it has been declining over the last number of years paralleling the last 4 years we know it is an issue. we have been running big operations we announce that a month ago and we've seen more decrease with car break-ins and arrested numerous individuals because of officers are out there. and when those thieves try to break in we are there those operations have led to long term investigations and able to recover stolen property and the arresting of many more suspects that is an overwhelming strategy we'll continue to use for the people coming into our
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city or living in the city that are breaking into cars the next one you break in rule be caught. here that clearly we have to put an end to this. people that get their scars broken into authority that sounds like a low level crime we have people spending they're hard earned money and people in the live have their laptops and other tablets and things people break into their cars and steel their property it turns their lives up and down will be accountability and continue to do exactly that. now those things will not taller than the overnight but those
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efforts will stop the theft in the city that is the theft of john hands in the richmond monday district and mr. wallie is showing up for work and like we all do. and the didn't come home that evening this because someone walked in the store brazenly thinking they can just take the property without paying for that and confronted by the gentleman and our homicide versed did a very, very thorough job and arrested the individual. who was not from san francisco. and owe will be held accountable and prosecuted here's the message theft is not a small thing especially with when the brazen suspects carrying out. we
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have to take it seriously and we are talking to seriously and hold you to get and mr. wallie and his family we are deeply, deeply sorry for your loss but we'll have closures for the person counted and will be held accountable an overall this year again decline in brings and reduction in oes crimes but not testing but making sure that people know their held accountable and people that come to the city and live in the city and work in the city will be protected and making all understand that san francisco is not the place to come if you want to criminal those crimes we will come after. >> and you'll be came out. and
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lastly, i like to close by saying that police department is understaffed at that time 2009 going to defer us, we will creativity and the ledge of the properties with our federal fbi and oats together we will get it done and no better example than what we're doing in the market. we have arrested over 11 hundred people in may. and the majority of those have been drug sellers drug dealers we know the problem we know this has greatly laterally contributed to overdose issues and there is a strong, strong unindividually commitment to turn that around.
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with the drug market and agency center we set that up and this may we have had a steady flow of resources including the san francisco police department and including the highway patrol and is drug administration and others. that will not stop. our too and these attorney are project manager those cases on a state and federal level and we expect to make sure those people are counted and the cause of theft and destruction in the city we will denmark doing everything we can to holds people abdominal accountable that are selling drugs the message everyone i hope that is loud and clear this city is a
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great city our city and doing everything we can to protect it. so with that, open up to (unintelligible). >> thank you, chief scott i want to add a few things yesterday we talked about a plan to pay our officers who are part of our reserve to increase the number of foot people on the street to help us address this problem the difference between the reserves and the ambassadors we have police officers the reserves will wear their uniform and armed and able to make arrests like police officers i'm how much this program will be a much need and in addition to diego's to get bodes open the street to hold people accountable and see some
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increases in the number of applications that we're getting from the police department and large academy classes we're grateful for that but at the same time chief scott mentioned that the we're seeing challenges with the numbers, you know. we have become creating creative in working around the limitation and challenges including the staffing issues with additional ours from the state and the feds have been incidentally valuable and the momentum is on our side i'm christ jesus practice is happening and continue to happen we'll not let up this is the most for thing three we are dealing with in san francisco. and we want to make sure whoever you are people who live and work here and people visit here need to feel safe doing everything we can to insure that is is case. i also like to take this opportunity to just recognize
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that the conflict in the israel and cda as led to great news protests and other challenges that exist in the city we have seen peaceful protests in doesn't he our millions of dollars is helped to allow the public to cherries their freeman and do so safely your proolts have been stepped up in the institutions around san francisco and for peaceful protests no heightened issues or things that are of concern but remain vigilant and making sure that people have safe in san francisco as they exercise their freeman freedom of speech so workplace thank you for being here. and open up for a few questions. >> can you talk about more
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about the grants (unintelligible). >> the 17. that is one just to be clear, one component of the additional resources and in addition to the support from the california housed patrol and the national guard from the state but the 17 is only direct to pay for overtime for police officers for revisions and for the additional. >> 17. scheduling of meetings, other events. in the district attorney's office to help prosecutor those individuals once the arrests are made. >> the foot patrols are completely different not funded by the state will be from san francisco our current budget with the police department and the goal so make adjustment and right now the reserve officers will be hired and come into the reserve have thirty of them and active and out in the community and helping with public safety
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we hope by offering payment for the services will see that number increase and have more of our reserve officers on the streets walking the beat have to go through a process from the board of supervisors to allow this to occur i hope with the members of the board can ask us for the foot patrols and other support from the department of will support this wheeler wholeheartedly. >> what happened at the chinese (unintelligible) can you tell us. >> i'll let the chief talk about that. and um, there is - for those the question was about the chinese as of monday individual drove their car into the chinese consulate office
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from that our officers responded quickly and we will be having a town hall meeting about this incident and at that point no future information at the town hall we plan to next thursday a week from now any additional information on the investigation we can share we'll share at that time but our process is about transparent and we've been doing 20u8 for i think we have one of the best models for the information i don't think anyone else does that like us but we'll be putting out information without drawing construction and letting the public know about the investigations where they stand next thursday coming thursday and i'll put information out at that time but no future information at this
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point. >> consul case yesterday (unintelligible) the house so the police searched his house going to search and how they're searching will play a really for the investigations. >> yes. searches are part of investigation and yeah. i don't know you know what the reporter did but i will say that searches and search warrants are part of this. >> the reporter searching the results as your investigation um - >> i don't know had the reporter i can imagine the scenario that the reporters is searching. we will follow the law and the constitution. >> going into anyone else house for a search in an investigation we'll have a search warrant and
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when it is appropriate we'll talk about that when it is appropriate. >> achieve a early morning warning people are walking around looking in cars, riding bilks and motor scooters and attempt to before he can wreak in cars california you do in our community. >> that's a great question. and an important question first of all, i'll say we do realize that and have officers out you'll never know our officers and that is how we made a number of our arrests and horrific car bureaus for the public if you see something suspicious call it in good put yourselves in harm's way be careful but please do that. so it helps when we have vehicle description of a suspect
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a license plate this helps us do we we need to do call it in and report it. if you have photos or videos we need it too unfortunately, we're in a time where oftentimes people like to put things online before they give it to the police department and somehow we have to change that. we've seen crimes before we get a call that is online we we're reacting to public outrage i ask the people of the community put 2 own online if you want to but please give it to us. social media will not solve a crime the police department will we need the information and right thing to do to give the information to us
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that's my ask. >> the culture (unintelligible) security given the conflict for violence we're aware of that (unintelligible) are other schools (unintelligible). >> yes. we are doing psa calls around the city. this police department is committed to protecting and serving eric so those goals as the mayor pointed out the conflict sparked a lot of interest and prophets and our job to make sure that all of that is done peacefully within the law and make sure that people see we're out they're doing these proolts so the short answer is yes. >> talk about the numbers that showed up over what period
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(unintelligible) two months. >> bureaus have been up and down a negative all the year but in terms of car break no one's we started those strategies with 10 percent overall larceny and car break-ins have down. probably over 11 thousand less victims than last year. >> let me add i've within encouraging people to report the crimes not everybody reporting crimes you heard me say that before it hopes you report when our victimized i know where to focus our effort and have a chance to get the property back and helps please record our serial numbers own the phone have tracking energy to to track because we do recover property
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and oftentimes, you know. the fencing operation that i mentioned 70 thousand dollars a lot of that is retail tagged we can get the property back to the rightful owner. sometimes we recover laptops and phones and have recovered property but not the owners because the serial numbers are not own there. any time you report a crime the seriously number will assist us to if you recover your property we can get it back to you i have to do our jobs but the public can help report the serial numbers so if we recover if we can get it back to you. >> when did that happen. >> two days ago. >> so this is just a name we have coined to describe those
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operations that means we're going to bring the resources to the problem and not football but the quarterback is trying to tackle that and i mentioned this you several other active steps by the people that fit those crimes try to overwhelm is security guard and we have had that strategy if we very officers there we have enough officers to arrest people. that's what that is. >> will more people (unintelligible). >> yes. >> you, we know at least 4 arrested yesterday and have some good investigating leads and the message is this you might have gotten away with that but those two we didn't catch yesterday you'll not get away with that
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forever we'll find you. >> i wanted to just add some appreciative because on the various illegal vending going on in san francisco. a lot in the mission district and many times in the plaza and other places in the city it is ladder thing but i think it is for that people especially public understand what we're asking this is stolen why is the police not doing anything this is a couple of years ago a state law passed that made that impossible to endorse laws using the police force have to be do the right thing administratively it puts you in a situation to create now legislation but provide a different vehicle img people in the any discussion to actually go out and really make sure that people are permits and the aide
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provides for fee we need to insure that you are a vendors and understand where our stand-off came from and have receipts and other things we also want to make sure we're doing everything we can as a city to try and endorse our laws it is difficult for many any discussion staff and many of our public health investigators afternoon food and will not go out without police officers we have an obligation to protect our city workforce this is complicated and it is law that definitely needs to change but meantime have a number of the new policies we're to try to implement in san francisco to eliminate a place to do vending in san francisco we're working on that we know there is a lot of work to be done but complicated and frustrating because it is failed policy and
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it is not working in san francisco and other major cities throughout the state and it creating this market that we know there are some vendor and legitimate vendors wanted to sell their item come in and get their permit to provide services for the city but basically a number of people public school taking advantage because they you see those market having flooded in san francisco parties we've not seen we are creative in working around that and figuring out ways we can make sure that we are investigating when those crimes occur that is leading to arrests. but there's definitely more work that needs to be done in particular. >> what's the law. >> we can get you the information for
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>> it is one of the first steps families and step to secure their future and provide a sense of stability for them and their loved ones. your home, it is something that could be passed down to your children and grandchildren. a asset that offers a pathway to build wealth from one generation to the next. and you need to complete estate plan to protect the asisets. your home, small business, air looms and more. you and so many
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communities, black, indigenous, latino and asian worked so hard to make yours but estate plans could be costly and conversations complex proud to partner to bring free and low cost estate plans to san franciscans. by providing estate plans we are able to keep the assets whole for our families, prevent displacement, address disparities and home ownership and strengthen the cultural integrity of the city. working with local non profit organizations and neighborhood groups bringing the serveess to you and community, to workshops focused on estate planning and why it's important. >> i'm 86 years old and you do need a trustee. you need a will and put who ever you want in charge of it. >> that's why i wanted to be here today. that is why one of the first steps i took
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when become assessor recorder is make sure we have a partnership to get foundational funding to provide these resources to community. but even more important is our connection to you and your homes and making sure we know how to help you and how to protect them. >> if you don't have a living trust you have to go through probate and that cost money and depending on the cost of the home is associated the cost you have to pay. that could be $40 thousand for a home at that level. i don't know about you, but i don't $40 thousand to give up. >> (indiscernible) important workshop to the community so we can stop the loss of generational wealth and equity and maintain a (indiscernible) >> why are estate plans important? we were just talking before we started the program, 70 percent of black americans do not scr a will in place. >> as mentioning being in community we had a conversation with a woman who paid
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$2700, $2700 just for revocable trust. what we are talking about today are free or low cost estate plans that are value between 3,000 to $3500. free or low cost meaning free, or $400 if you make above $104 thousand a year, and capped larger then that amount. because we want to focus on black and brown households, because that's whether the need is, not only in san francisco, not only the bay area but the region as well. and, >> i was excitesed to see the turn out from the western addition and bayview and want to make sure we cover all the different steps from buying a home to making sure homes stay within the family. >> work with staff attorneys to receive these free and low cost complete estate plans that include a living trust, will, financial power of attorney, and health directive. >> that's why it is so important to make
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these resources and this information accessible. so we can make sure we are serving you and your families and your generations and your dreams. >> we insure the financial stability of san francisco, not just for government, but for our communities. >> on behalf of the office of assessor recorder, i'm thankful for all the support and legal assistance they have given that makes the estate planning program a realty for you in san francisco and are thank all the community partners like san francisco housing development corporation, booker t washington center and neighborhood leaders and organizations that help families and individuals realize their dreams of building wealth in san francisco from one generation to the next. to learn more about this program e-mail inquiries at har [music] so, can you tell us what
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it was like for you during your first encounter with the san francisco fire department? >> yep. it was super cool! i got to learn about the dry standing pipe correction. it is actually called, dry sand piper just stand pipe. tomato. you know. yea. >> so, what is coming up next for what is that for? >> oh , firefighter backsterinvited mow to a fire station to see the cool stuff firefighters use to put out fires. you have seen the had doors open like a space ship from out of nowhere. i close my eye its is like i'm there right now! wow! whoa. watch out, man.
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what is that for? >> what is this? these are fire engines they might look alike they are both red. white top and red lights on top. this is a new 2021 fire engine and this is an older 2014 fire engine. if you can't tell, this one is shorter and narrower than our older fire engines. they have cool things like recessed lights. roll up doors. 360 degree cam ares and more that is important as the city is moving toward slower and safer streets adding parklets and bulb outs and bike lanes we need to decrease our footprint to keep us and the community safer on emergency scenes. >> what's back there? >> when is not guilty fire
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engine. great question. i want to see, sure. >> let's go back and look at the equipment and the fire pump on the fire engine. >> this is a fire pump. it is cool all the colors and all that. this fire pump and this engine holds 500 gallons of water that is a lot. >> a lot of water. >> it is push out 1500 gallons a minute of water. we can lose our 500 gammons quickly. why we use hoses like this to connect to a fire hydrant and that gives us unlimited amount of water to help put a fire out temperature is important we have enough fire engine in san francisco to put fires out. so we can reduce the injuries and minimize loss of life and minimize property damage. [music]
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>> mr. will. mr. will. will! >> oh. daydreaming. thanks, everybody for watching! bye! [music] >> san francisco is a positive impact on my chinese business. >> i'm the founder of joe-joe. i'm a san francisco based chinese artist. i grew up in the bayview district. i am from china i started at an early age i started at age of 10
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my grandfather my biggest inspiration. and i have followed with my traditional art teacher in china:i host educational workshops at the museum and local library. and i also provide chinese writing in public middle school and that way i hold more people fall in love with the beautiful of our chinese calligraphy. it is a part of our heritage. and so we need to keep this culture alive. hand writing is necessary field that needs to be preserved generation toieneration. this art form is fading away. but since covid i have been very dedicated to this art and i hope that my passions and serving
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this art form. there are many stores and shopping centers and companies that are interested in chinese cal iing ravi. i feel motivated to my passion for chinese calligraphy in today's world. so people can always enjoy the beauty of chinese calligraphy, from time to time i have a choice to traditional chinese calligraphy to make it more interesting. we do calligraphy on paper. i can do calligraphy different low. >> my inspiration is from nature and provide calligraphy that was
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>> okay. good afternoon everyone. this meeting will come to order. welcome to the october 30, 2023 regular meeting of the land use and transportation committee of the san francisco board of supervisors. i am supervisor melgar, chair of committee. joined by board president aaron peskin, and supervisor hillary ronan who is substituting for vice chair dean preston who is out sick today. the committee clerk today is mr. carroll and i also like to acknowledge janette at sfgovtv for staffing this meet
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