tv Housing Authority Board SFGTV November 5, 2023 4:00pm-6:01pm PST
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>> now for 4:11 p.m. and we're going to begin the san francisco housing, do we have any great sounds like that? we're now going to begin our october 26th meeting of the full housing authority of commissioners. may we please take roll. >> yes, we can start with torres. >> present. >> lindo. >> present. >> kim. >> present.
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by affirming their so verb rights as first peoples. >> thank you, president. item number 4 is the president's report. yes, i just want to welcome everybody here today. the asia pacific cooperation summit is taking place here in san francisco from november 11 through the 18th. and there is some zones that affect both some housing authority properties as well as some of service organization that's we work with. and the city is in communication with them. right now to ensure that seniors, service providers, are aware of what those impacts will exist. in the area primarily most significantly, of note between second and fifth and market and harrison in that parameter area. if people have any questions, please reach out to the housing
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authority staff and they will reach back out to the city so we can provide more information. the best website to look at to learn more is, more specifically the housing authority property that is managed is clementntita towers which is a group of about 8 senior residents in that area that we just met with today, to further conversations about what impacts may be taking place to ensure seniors are ware what to expect and how to get to specific places, and heading up to china town as many of the residents in those units are model language chinese speaking and ensuring that we're dealing with the access issues for them. so i want to thank the providers that we met with today as well as the community
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members that came out in the yerba buena community. thank you. >> thank you, president. >> oh i also want to note that linda mason is going to be managing from a staff perspective along with our counsel diane jackson. thank you. >> thank you, president. item number 5 is general public comment. i want to note that this portion of the agenda is not intended with the commissioner staff. please state the business and matter that you want the staff to be aware. it's not to engage in a debate. if you have questions or would like to bring a question to attention, please bring your communication to email, that being said we can open for any general public comments.
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and any virtual, please raise your hand and we will let you in. i do not see any hands raised. then we can close general public comment. move to item number 6 the tenant representative report anyone in-person or online that would like to give the report out to the board? if not, we can open for public comment on item number 6. any public comment? i also don't see any public comment. we can close public comment for item 6 and go to number 7 with the chief executive officer report. and we're starting with item a and this will be presented by kenda crawford the operator. >> good evening, housing operations director.
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we are excited to talk about our wait list opening that is currently happening for our hvc program assists individuals and families by paying a portion of the rent. this is the tenant base vouchers. the wait list opened october 23, 2023 at 8:00 am and--sorry. >> can we do the slide show for this too. go ahead. thank you. >> thank you. so the wait list opened october 23, 2023 at 8:00 am and will close november 6, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. this morning, there were 32,232 names and as of about 3 p.m. there were 33,348 names on the wait list. well pull 6500 names to be
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drawn by lottery and place them on the htv place. the online application is opened 24 hours a day for this application period. so while the wait list is open, we have a application assistance available through our customer caroline and that application assistance is open 8:00 am to 12 p.m. on weekends and that staff is available to help people apply online to understand any error messages or problem that's they may have. and so, the application portal is hosted on our website at, the application is available in english, chinese, russian, spanish and vietnamese. the announcement was published
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in five newspapers languages english, chinese, russian, spanish and vietnamese. and it was also posted on various external partner sites. we also conducted a training for our partners so that they would be able to assist applicants, in their training. we had two online training, remote meetings with community partners. the first session had 353 attendants, the second session had 299 attendants. so as i said before, our goal, we will pull out 265 names to be placed on a lat relist. so when the list closes on november 6, on november 7, there will be a randomized drawing for the lottery. november 8 through the 10th, email notifications will be sent out to let the applicants know who has been chosen to be
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on that wait list based on lottery. each application receives the confirmation number when they finished the application and it was also emailed to them. and every application email was manned for'. --mandatory. on november 13th, we will do our first pool and a appointment letters will be sent out to come in for their section 8 vouchers. we've had a very good opening so far, there have been about 250 people who have come into our office for help online. but other than that, our portal has been very affective and no problems and everything has been going very smoothly. any questions on the wait list openings? >> commissioners any questions?
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>> just a few. on the numbers, is that consistent with what we've done in the past? >> yes, it is. >> the higher number than expected? >> well it's actually going how we, we knew that the first day that we were going to receive the most applications on the first day, we received about 25,000 applications that first day. and then it dwindled down. from this morning to this afternoon, we received 1,000 applications just throughout the day. so everyday, the list goes higher, we're receiving about 1,000 a day a little bit more. so it is going as we expected to go. >> and then do people get, do people get confirmation that they're application was submitted into the system? i know sometimes when people apply for things you don't know
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it was done correctly and you assume that was or wasn't? >> yes, applicants are receiving a confirmation number. but what our customer, what our line has found is that sometimes the applicant will give an email address but when they try to log into the email they have forgotten the email address. so we have been pdfing the email so. different way to see troubleshoot the applicant's question. >> dot a mrik apartments know that if they didn't get a confirmation email, they did not apply successfully? >> yes, in that case our family will help them apply. what we found is applicant was place in another application so. applicant can only apply one time so. if they were placed on another application, they cannot submit their own
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application and our system will pickup on different things like a social security number, maybe the name, address and birthday, different things to link somebody to the same application and it will deny them because we will not accept the duplicate application. >> so it sounds like if they don't feel comfortable then they will apply repeatedly just to make sure and that's where you have the measures in place. >> yes, that's correct. and our team will explain and like i said we'll also give them a copy of the application so they understand. >> thank you. thank you. >> is there an option other than email? >> so, emails are mandatory because we do want to notify the applicant by email what we have found. is that, mailing and phone numbers don't always work, so we want to have multiple way to see contact the applicant. so the, not only will reemail
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the applicant but we will also post the confirmation numbers on the website so that even if they don't receive the email if they go to our website, they can see where they are from there. >> thank you. >> and just a reminder what is the phone number that they call? >> 415-715-5200. >> i know that feeling. >> can you repeat that one more time. >> 415-715-5200. >> in terms of out reach to service providers, those who the authority have worked with, have we sent them emails as well in case they may be in contact with community members who may be thinking of adding the name to the list. >> we have been in constant contact with our service providers by email and phone to ensure. and we have our partners who
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are also ensuring that our, that our partners are aware and know how to proceed. so yes. >> great. great. >> and then, just a reminder the date in which this closes? >> november 6 at 5:00 p.m. >> not 5:01. >> no, the portal will close. just like people try to apply before 8:00 am and i receive call, i cannot apply yet. and i say you have to wait until 8:00. the portal will shut down. >> when you apply online because i did, and i pushed email for my confirmation, what is the turn around time to get from your emails. >> you should have received it pretty much immediately. >> that's what i thought. >> but we can talk off line and help you get your application. >> okay, thank you. >> could it have gone to spam? >> it may have gone to spam,
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that's possible and that's what our team is there to find it or get a copy of the application. and so once again, our customer care call center is open from 8:00 am to 7:00 p.m. week dayses and on weekends from 8:00 am to 12:00 p.m. spread that information. >> that number was so long and i just pushed email. >> and sometimes the applicant will do is just do a screen shot so. even if they don't get the email, doing a screen shot will give them the confirmation. >> is there any way that to go back. >> yes, if you call our customer care line, we can give you that information. >> well thank you. >> and the number applicants that applied again? >> so far, we have received
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33,448 applications. >> thank you. 33,000 wow. for how many slots? >> 5600. >> wow. and tenant leaders in community have they been receiving this as well? property management? >> yes, and we also have weekly meet wgz all of these developers and on every single call we're reminding them, what we also do is a do a screen share where we go on to the website and show them how easy it is. so even the property managers on the site know how to assist their clients and anyone that walks in. >> in addition to formal department, has there been out reach to the former supervisors? >> i want to say that our ceo has done so but if not, we will
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make sure. >> okay, great. i think that's good for right now. thank you very much. no more questions from me. anyone else? all right. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you, kendra. >> next item is 7b from plaza east development update from salazar. >> good afternoon, or good evening commissioners. my name is shannon cobra jackson i'm with mccar bin salazar. john steward will give the property management updates. >> good afternoon. our first slide as always is a staffing slide. we've had some improvements in the staffing situation. going through just the changes.
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we have hired and occupancy specialists, they started two days ago on the 24th. we have somebody in place that we have identified for the property position they're in the hiring process. last time, i was here we were short two maintenance people. we have hired one of them and we have another one that has worked for a couple of weeks that we hope to have an offer for very soon. so we're either fully staffed or we have tempted in position that we plan on boarding very soon. so a lot of positive movement on that front. there we go. the next slide is the work order summary. so i did a little work on this based on the comments that i got at the last meeting and it is, works a little bit better. so, in september, we opened 55
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work orders and we closed 55 work orders. this includes emergencies. the average number of days to complete those work orders was 4. of the 55 three of the work orders were emergency. two of them took one day and one of them took zero days which comes to two-thirds of a day per emergency work order average. not on this but some information that i was able to get later. we had six plumbing work orders 27 carpentry work orders, 8 appliance work orders and 5 that were other. we continue to work on our reporting at this site and hopefully show improvement on each site. is there any questions on those numbers? >> commissioners any questions on the numbers at this time? >> no, i just want to thank you
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for bringing this item to us again. were there any questions, commissioner with regard to the framing and the context that you wanted to see here today? >> there is but i'm, i'm holding because i think there is the next slide that might have a little bit more context. >> excellent. so the next slide has the information from last month. so, before i did this last month, we pulled the information going back four months using last month's format. so going forward, we're using the form mat that was on slide 2 which i think is to your liking. so as each month goes by, we will now be counting them differently and putting them into a graph so that you can see them month over month totals. does that make sense? >> it does, thank you. it is helpful to see how many
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get done within the month and how many carry over. this is really helpful to see this overtime and as you continue to refine, it would be interesting to see and i know you're tracking this as well. which ones tend to be the ones that carry over and does mean that it may carry or are there some issues that you may have some people wait for months and months at a time. so just to be helpful, this is great and i really appreciate being responsive on this as you continue to look at this data and this information in your future iterations it could be helpful to see that. >> absolutely notsinger it's a work in progress and i'm making notes. thank you so much. >> you bet. >> next slide. so this is a new slide.
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this is occupancy slide. i have july, august and accept, i'm reporting on the occupied units and the vacant units. also the off line units and then how many move in and how many move outs and how many transfers we do each month. beyond just showing at the metrics here. >> sure. well i would say this, i know that in october, we did four transfers which is a very positive thing. we're either right sizing people to the appropriate size unit or we're moving them out of units and putting them in more appropriate units whether it's a safety issue, a reasonable accommodation for a first unit and things like that. one thing i'm not prepared to
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speak on today and i reported on, which is a no-no is why we have ten occupant sees and where we are in filling those units. but that will be, addressed next month as i get a handle on that. we have turned over the entire staff of the office in the last few months, that's not a secret to anybody. so we, improved every month on how we serve the residents and this is, this is a report really on that. >> it's really nice to see you taking the feedback that has been provided here and seeing how you've been able to progress overtime, albeit at a rate that is we wish was faster but we look forward to seeing it move today. so thank you very much for that. and just in terms of the vacancies and the referral that's you're seeking, how is that going in terms of filling vacancies? >> i don't have an entire
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answer, but what i can tell you, my supervisor jennifer woods and the housing authority partnered together to have biweekly meetings and that process has been going fantastic. i'm a newcomer to working in san francisco, but i take it that it's better than it was before. and i've already heard that the housing authority is just doing a great job following up very well. as far as plaza east specifically, i just staurted tracking that. i'm on that meeting every two weeks but i'll be taking up a closer look on this. the great thing on reporting things is that you have to pay attention to them. so this has been helpful for me to learn my way around plaza east and its unique structure. i will have a more complete answer next week on that. >> just if i can ask housing authority staff just to make sure that this is an item that this is expected to be reported on. i really appreciate it, thank
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you very much. >> okay. just because i think it's important to frame well as you are right now and as you dive in just the process of filling those vacancies at the site and why that is and maybe is not happening so every one is clear. thank you. >> all right, so a brief update on the residents services. not much happened in september, but they had a lot of they provided a lot of support and referrals 70 residents for the month of september and hot meals weekly, they provided 17 residents attended weekly as well as rental assistance, reviewing measures and providing financial coaching, anger management, substance abuse and crisis services, out reach, the monthly newsletter to the residents with the
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events. they are planning with the tenant association for the halloween event that is coming up this month. and this graph kind of shows the referrals for the month as well as the attendees for the week, the hot meals in september. >> it's just, just for future presentation for this slide because some of the graphics are laying in a funky way. >> i'm sorry about that. >> not in a great funky way but in a function' way. >> i'll make sure that is cleaned up there next month. >> thank you. >> my pleasure. emergency repairs. >> wait wait wait, can you, it was not so funky that we wanted you to pass it. we want to spend some time with it. >> yes, commissioner? >> yeah, so, mine was continued ask about, context so, is this
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slide, which is a little difficult to read how of how many? >> so out of, there is a approximately 366 residents population, there is 193 units but about, what 68 that are occupied? so about households were provided with hot meals and about 70 residents were provided support with either support with rental assistance or support with understanding the rent ledgers, what property management are outside service that's were not provided onsite. >> so go through those numbers again, how many total? how many occupied? >> so occupied, i believe that
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will is the other slide, occupied was 165 actually. >> and total units? >> and total units is 193. >> thank you. >> my pleasure. >> are the hot meals delivered to the site? >> they are, they are delivered to the site and then some residents come into the community, i've been there to pick them up or they've been delivered to their homes by the services team. >> are they preordered? because it sounds like you have a low number of people and a high. >> right so the amount what the services have provided is that they come they give out amen ooh and they are, they whatever specific day that is that's what the meal is. they are premade and are hot when they arrive. >> thank you. >> you're welcome.
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>> so just, just so i understand the numbers, 1165 for occupied ten are vacant, 18 are off line which is about 10 percent of the units. somebody should them --should check my math but i think that's. could this be used for security strategy office are they units or apartments? are they apartmentses that are being used? or just based located on the campus. >> so i can have ron, i know some of them are services office, security, and but i'm not sure some may be off line could be the emergency repair work that is need to be done in some of those units. that is the reason probably for being off line or it could be
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that, the property management maintenance team could be using one of the units to store, whether equipment that would not fit in the smaller office that they have. >> yeah, it would be nice to know if we're using a unit that could be occupied for storage. >> i have at least, a partial answer. so of the 18 units, three of the units are being used for what is called authority uses. one is the services office. one is office for onsite security and one is used by urban strategies. that leaves 15 units. my understand ising these 15 units are off line until we g*et either get a loan from hud or something else happens. they have significant damages to the extent that they cannot be turned inhabitated. some of them have water table issue where there is some kind
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of leaks that would take significant work. like thenz of thousands of dollars to if that to make them inhabitable. i'm not sure the exact plan but that's why they're called off line. they're not going to be used to house residents at this time. >> and your means with the housing authority you're having the conversations around our mute cal conversation with hud to ensure that we have the resources that we need? my understanding is that there are conversations with that going on. >> i know that there is a loan that has been granted to do some work until the, until the, the rebuild is done. >> so what i would like to do, i want to make sure that we're not dubing into that we're not concern about. i want certainty, i want certainty what next steps are more units. i think what is helpful is just
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me talking out loud, what is helpful is when you come to these meetings, bring us certainty about what you know. if there are questions that are still worked through, it will would be helpful to know what you do not know and what is being discussed and what is being resolved. and i know there is a lot to manage but that's our job. and i want to make sure that when we have these conversations around funding source that's i'm aware of that the people onsite, are also aware of that and ensuring that your teams are working with you and keeping you informed about how we're addressing these issues. if there are 15 units that are off line because of issues in terms of fund thating is not available due to the extent of work that is necessary for them, just start there and say that. that's helpful for us. and do not shia way from that, those are the facts and that's what we're working on.
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so please make sure that your teams are supporting you with that information so you're not guessing when you come before us. it's not a good use of your time it's not a good use of our time. please make sure that you're communicating with those. so you give the presentation that you want to. and i'll be happy to reiterate that to your team but you tell us if you want to take those steps first but i'm happy to reenforce that because you're only as strong as the information you're given. and that's important to make sure that those framing points are provided to you so they can be given to this commission which is trying to juggle a variety of issues from housing choice waiting list to finances to hcv to our indicators that have an impact in our
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performance. so what helps us here, especially since we're talking about a less than 400 individuals who are there and a small sub set that we're focused on that you can come to us and share that information succinctly. >> back in august, we discussed, we a partners with the housing authority to fill out a hud application for capitol needs for plaza. we're waiting, john steward provided the scope of work of the items that are needing to be repaired. so those units are lifted on that and that need attention and whether we have not found out whether we were granted that grantor that funding source yet. >> thank you. >> you're welcome.
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>> all right, emergency repairs. thank you. so, emergency repairs, we have a total of, we had 187 last month total number of units. but as they begin to do the work in one of the units, they had some water intrusion, they had to go into the unit in order to fix one of the units. so that increased the number to 188, we have 173 units completed, 14 remain anding after this week, we should have 7, this was reported on october 17th of when i provided it. we had over 881 repair items completed and 225 remaining. we are projecting, based on the 17th, we were projected to be done with the work in october.
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there are a few units after inspection once when we are initially, inspected those units, about two years ago. there, you know, more work that needs to be done so we're anticipating the first week of november that we will be able to be completed with the remaining 7. and i also have a graph here and if you go to the next slide, so we, so the housing authority provided and the commissioners approved of the revolving loan to provide towards emergency repairs. as you can see before the revolving loan twoen march and august, that's when it start today slow down. we were on the average of 2 units per month and then after two months of the, after the revolving loan, we've completed so far 7 units in september
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and, 14, no how many? and 7 units in october as of 17th. so in total, we have completed 21 units so far. >> so -- ~>> with the 7 this week, sorry i didn't add that one. so 14 that we completed thus far in october and then the 7 from september, so it's 21 units. >> does the number of units occupied correlate with the emergency repairs? there are 165 occupied units and ten vacant and the off line we talked about, but 188 total numbers of units. so does this work that the work is being done on all of the units. >> so some of the units that are off line, are included in the emergency repair work. >> so some of the off line, are
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able to be repaired. >> correct. >> without additional funding. how do you decide which ones are, -- ~>> so about -- ~>> what is the definition of off line. >> two years ago when the general contractor at that time that we were using, did a walk through of all the units and define the scope of what units needed the work. and so what was considered an emergency repair. and so, those units were in the contract so we continue to even though those units are not, occupied, we want to, we were they were already on the list to be repaired. >> so, when they are being repaired, is it that the goal is to make them vacant to be able to occupied? or can an emergency repair be
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just also water from continuing to flood a unit but it's still going to remain off line? >> the goal is to make sure that we can get the unit occupied. >> and then, sorry just so occupied includes employee units? what is the employee units. >> oh the management unit. so we have one manager unit. >> oh i see. >> okay. >> so it could be helpful in the next editation of the report to break online. >> okay. and then i provided some photos, next slide. and i have marcus here if he can talk about being able to go at a faster pace with the revolving loan. >> good afternoon.
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so, since we got the resolving loan, they have definitely sped up a lot more than before. but the only issue that we've noticed is since we've been going in units, we have a small list that we were suppose to do. and what has been happening is there is a lot more work so we've got to go back and get that approved that's what has been taking longer than expected. just like with this unit, there was probably about 4 or 5 items on that list and then they turned into about 15. and that's just stuff we couldn't prepare for. >> you know what is great though, is that the issue is around the substance of repairs and not any back office in terms of financing. so this is the conversation that is great to have, go in, having more and having the resources to fix. just a quick point here. for the total scope of work for
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emergency repairs, what are we seeking or when do we believe completion will be occurring for that scope of work with the budget that we had appropriated for those emergency repairs? >> the scope of work should be done in november. >> in november. >> in november, great. >> yeah. >> and just again, i'm so glad that you're able to do this level of work and i want to thank you for making it possible to move forward in this way. it's great to get these updates. >> and then there is more pictures. >> we'll see them. yeah. if you need any night time. >> i love the pictures. i love the scare case. it's great to averaging two and then going to 7 and then, which is a huge increase. how many more to go? and are they more, are they more complex or more routine? >> so this week, we should be
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ending with 7 units completed and then the remaining 7 are, need a lot more work so that's why, i know we originally said the end of october, but as marcus said as he went back and inspected the unit, there is more work that has arised. >> so there is 7 remaining? >> correct. >> i see and those are the ones that are most complex. >> yes flt >> has there been an assessment of what is needed or does that assessment need to be done? >> you have the assessment, the units already. >> so given that you've done so many of them, what are you thinking of in terms of how long it's going to take? >> i believe at least 3 weeks but not later than november first, for sure. >> november 1? at least november 1.
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>> like the first week of october, so like the second, the first week of october. november, november. >> okay. so you think the 7 that are most complex that are left will be done that soon? >> he's an expert. >> you've been sipping through these. i appreciate that. thank you. >> what kind of issues do those 7 units have? >> it's a lot of water damage. just a lot of wear and tear. it's, i know we don't like the use the word mold but yeah. water intrusion for sure. >> thank you. >> all right. and so there is more pictures,
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i think that's it. and then, the development of advisory committee, i think alex's on joining virtually. is he there? >> a plex from? >> alex from urban strategies. >> i don't see alex on the call. >> i can give the report. the plaza east development committee at aim super vieed a participatory experience for residents to shape the future of the committee development san francisco the plaza east development committee allows participants to help guide the activities the neighborhood the committee has hosted a few and continuously. meeting with the predevelopment with the development team. and so, some of the things that are coming up on the next
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slide, the development of advisory committee, and the plaza east development met as a part of regularly scheduled deck predevelopment meeting and also welcomed four new members that were recommended and nominated from the hrc to the deck and we also had an orientation that went over, just how you know, what was the guidelines of the dag being a member, what are some of the requirement and rules and responsibilities and also we didn't, we wasn't, we had to reschedule our previous dak meeting that was scheduled last month. we will have one in november first. we collected from the previous meetings and we will be able to present with some possibilities and challenges and trade off to the plaza east community that has been very vocal and provided great questions and we
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welcome those questions and we want to be able to come back to each dak meet thating we have with some results or some feedback and some trade offs and to keep that communication and that transparency going back and forth with the community as well as with the development team. and so our next, topic for november first would be economic development, how can residents job opportunities and also contracting. we will have city build and present be able to talk about how to get residents prepared for whether it's construction whether it's opportunities and how to get into the field what is necessary, what are some of the requirements, how can we how can the residents be well
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prepared to be able to work onsite if they choose to and then we will have michael bane talk about how to, you know, the contracting with with the general contractor and how to be a subcontracter and how to gain some of those opportunities. and then the graph here is it just shows our last meeting that we've had was in august is kind of shows the number of participants and as well as how many the number of questions or comments. ubl i wish alex from urban strategies was here. i know you had some questions before and i believe he is traveling or trying to log in. i would love to have those and make sure i have those for you next time, commissioner kim. any questions?
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>> commissioners, any questions on this section? all right, i just want to share that this is a substancetive improvement and i want to thank you and urban strategies and salazar and members of the existing original deck configuration, members of dak who are contributing their time so that we can best hear the diversity of questions, concerns desires from resident. to understand how and what improvement looks like on this site. i know it has not been easy conversation. i know it has not been easy process. but it's been a necessary one and i appreciate how much movement has been made to work through all the various
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constituentcies. i want to thank you on the side conversation with constituents. so when we can't do something that we're honest about that in terms of what we're considering so that residents can feel that they're working with people that they can trust. i'm very very grateful for that. the positive movement is something to be commended even though it's been difficult and i'm grateful that you've taken the time to move through that. thank you very much for leaving your way through that and to deliberate conversations. yes. >> thank you. >> commissioner torres, i just
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want to say that we do have a meeting every week and that we align around the questions that are on vacant units and which ones are off line and vacant. so we'll make sure to bring a full report to you next month. thank you. >> thank you so much. to you and your entire team. >> i appreciate that, thank you so much. >> sorry, i do have one more subject area. based on conversations that i've had with tenant association there were issues around recertification in relation ship to your conversation with john steward company and managing that. make sure that as those processes are on going, and that as those questions come up, that are significant onsite and that you're paying attention to those issues as well.
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i want to make sure that you and property management are work withing those company and speaking as one voice onsite. and we're looking to you, to ensure that those conversation right side happening and like i said before, education is in place so that people have the information that they need that is not confusing and that the, the basics of the rules must be followed are made very clear whether it's nbs directly there wl* it's john steward and that's where the information should be grounded or other community partners that are speak thating we have a firm hand on clear direction, clear guidance around issues such as recertification onsite. thank you for working with all the partners to make that happen. >> absolutely. my pleasure, thank you. >> next report out is item
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number 7c for a update and this will be from eugene management corporation. >> good afternoon, commissioners, teresa aoun even management corporation and connie m management corporation. for our presentation and report this month. we wanted give you an update where we are with budgets. authority has received both the budget commission for each site. we've been going back and forth answering questions and answering information and we're just working on the finalization of those now. we also wanted take you through
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the work orders and qualifying standards. so what we wanted to do is go through, the work order process and how that is done. i've listed for you on the first page of the presentation, the type of work orders. but how do we monitor that? on the next slide, it's just a quick snap shot of what we have prepared. we have created >> i'm curious could this be any smaller for us. >> it's just a snap shot. so what we've done is taken right out of our data days, to monitor are they being done on
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the, with the dbis? with the with the high priorities medium and low priority. how can we make sure that those are being done timely? so we've created a work book that will grade every one of the work orders and this snap shot is just potrero where i take the work orders of the month and drop them into this spreadsheet and it will score them, based on the priority, the the work itself and the completion date and this is how we know that we're meeting the standards so that you can see what we looked through on a de tailed stand point every month. and this is just potrero, but on the next slide, we can go back through and it talks about in more detail the operations,
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those work orders et cetera. but i just wanted to give you the behind the scene look at what we do as well. the first section is talking about our collaboration with the stakeholders, this is just a quick update, there were 13 meetings that were attended to with the collaboration of the different agencies whether it's the cbos, whether it's the bridge partners, the safety partners. that 13 were attended to by our group in september. with our operations, we do have the total number of vacant units, and i just want to remind the group that as we know, the billing heads is a priority in the city. and it's just a reminder that those units are only held vacant because they're being off line for redevelopment and renovation.
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we do have some individuals that have given notice. and we have the total occupied doors for you which gives you a snap shot where we are on a monthly basis with occupancy. abmc has finished all the initial, audits reconciliations, the, verifications of the leases themselves, the applications for that first initial phase to our first annual recertification. so 100 of that work is completed for both sites. we have, also our moving into the next phase of our action plan and that is, now that we can guarantee what every ledger should be charged, what concession should be charged, we are now are developing a
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process and have, auto mating a process where residents now receive a first courtesy notice, a second courtesy notice and an opportunity to enter into repayment so we can start the dialogue and let every household know where they stood with the conversion and with that, it goes to our next page 5 where it talks about the rent collections and the rents bills. so those rents billed have all been verified and awe then indicated and year to date authenticated. we are going to start as i said entering into repayment agreement wtz households. so that, there is a fixed firm executed agreement with each one of those that have
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outstanding balances. so as we enter this process, in the month of october, you're going to see numbers being filled and the attempts to reach those households because september is when we finish 100% october is when we do the out reach. so as a result there is been no legal action in september but those numbers, you will start to see some numbers filling in those just, intrinsic ally. we had should be work with us because they had to work
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because the conditions. what we had done previously, part of our e b.c. team, sandra has graciously accepted the position to be on the site liason to ensure, that 100% is not on any e b.c. matters but now a designated employee for the sites as well. so, the concentrated daily effort of a senior individual is, has been enhancing in the operations. because we want to make sure that there is a scene i don't know individual to have the conversations when the residents come in and have questions on how that conversion worked and why does my ledger shows this examine how am i going to have every repayment of this and that. and if we're working with them with outside agencies and cbos and other outside funding and
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resources how we can get them into payment plans that will make them successful and retain their housing. so we want you to have a more senior season individual that could have those critical conversations with the residents. our next slide, we talk about the work orders that we have going on. and, there is the statistics are there for you as well. that there were 65 total of 131 emergency work orders ween between the two reports and of the work orders, we have met 100% of the standards. as you know, i painstakingly go through that every month both my son and connie anne through that process. the maximum days of completion, this month, inched up slightly but the only reason that we had
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the maximum days of completion for sunny dale is there was a snafu with the blind order had to be rejected and reordered. and we did have a unit requiring some coordination with the residents for some touch up paint, so we were respectful for the residents getting the home ready for us, which required the maximum of 12 days. request the quality control that is being done inside the units, as they did all meet the standards of completion, we also wanted to make sure that there is quality control inside. how does that happen? that happens with our senior members going back through. they're walking the units with the housing quality standards as well. they have our preinspection checklist with them. they have a list of the most resent work orders with them so they're, they're double
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checking to ensure that if a smoke detector was replaced, it's in there. if an element on the shelf was in place, they are able to authentic ate all of that work. that's why you see, even though the, the requirement is 10 percent. and inspectors. there have been quite awe few in september, housing inspection that's over 90 that were conducted. and we've also provided the pass fail and with those, fails. those have been tom peger with smoke detectors. we've gone back through. we put a work order in and ensure that that work is done so the safety is restored back into the home.
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our next slide. is that this is the phone inquiry section and as things get escalated up to the residents, if we have any hearings or any, reasonable accommodations that are needed for the residents there have not been anything of that nature during this period so that still remains static. >> just before you move on. thank you for this. in relation ship to the thoroughness of ensuring that items repaired are verified. what are smoke detectors in areas which we know have been hotspots for us literally how with recommunicate at that level with residents. >> the first time we see any
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type of pampering or issues of that nature, there is a conversation that we want to, we want to solicit and encourage them in cooperation. so we have a verbal discussion with them, we let them know it is a lease violation, we document in our memo section of our internal software, we document when that conversation is said with them so the next time, if i can see if there is a repeated pattern, the next time i'm going to go with a lease violation, or repeated violations, you're creating a hazardous condition for you and others. you're choosing to jeopardize your house anding that will start with litigation so. there is an entire process that goes before it gets to that point that shows the repeated efforts, sometimes it's a simple conversation, sometimes it's documentation, if it's
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repeat offenders, so do we take it very seriously. >> thank you. >> are those hard wired fire alarms? >> 50 years ago been, no sir, they're smoke detectors with batteries, unfortunately, yes. for our highlights, for the month of september on our next slide on page 8, we have that, in the month of september, ebm staff had participated in backpack giveaway that was collaboration of our community base organization. potrero reports that over 100 residents participated. a bmc also contributed in high in back packs that were raffled off to individuals that were in
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attendance and for the san francisco housing authority, they had their backpack giveaway where we participated where over 200 more residents were in attendance at the eggbert office. and then at sunnidale in collaboration with the boys and girls club, mercy housing, the san francisco department of health, and why cd, 150 residents at sunnidale were touched with that backpack giveaway. and of those ones that could not attend due to, timing, work schedules, school schedules, et cetera. ebmc, also brought backpack packs and give them to households that were in need for those school supplies out of our leasing office as well.
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the next page, we went and talked about property operations and highlights. getting ready for winter, we've done a tremendous amount of work of trees in the arbor work. there have been between the two properties over 50 trees, need addressed, or removed if they were dead can that work is now been completed for the two properties. also, overall, the san francisco housing authority had, has regular visits with our sustainability and facility director site and with that, there is regular visits that is made to the properties and these photos are from his report. so we wanted to give you what the sampling is as they come out. so this is the san francisco's report, we wanted to give the third independent view for you.
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and in conclusion, we have definitely seen a turn around with the collaboration between the housing authority, between the commissioners office, between finance and their willingness to approve certain expenses. it has absolutely been a change with housings are being addressed. hotspot and graffiti and illegal dumping are being identified and addressed immediately. there is been allowance for staff to be onsite and live onsite. that has contributed to ininstantaneous having staff to be able to address the hot issue after-hours. that have not been afforded to us previously. by the use of the trucks, the dumping and the illegal trash
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dumping, is being able to, almost instainously, we get a report, our teams are able to go out right away and get that taken care of at the minute that it's observed and reported into the offices. and there is been a close coordination with existing residents in vacant buildings. so we're looking at, where we can relocate individuals, especially sunnidale we're taking off line for development. there is a close close collaboration with the authorities office so where can we move individuals here so this building is not just operating one or two households. so that we can work with the households themselves because where they live is very much a personal choice that the residents do taking what their desires and needs into consideration for that process. so there is been quite a bit of
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collaboration with that as well. and, we have seen a tremendous drop if you noticed, on the one-page it talked about trespassers. with the authorities gift, of the emergency vouchers that were, that were able to be provided to us and individuals that individuals that were going into units, we, tried a very proactive approach by sitting down with them, talking with them about, you have to cure this if you need an emergency voucher, have you to work within the compliance with of the program, have the ability to apply for a voucher and that voucher will become your voucher. we have seen a tremendous, cooperation, with off lease individuals, with that emergency voucher process. so for the month of september,
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we have had almost very very few negative intersections that had to bring a police department or something of that nature because they want the opportunity for the voucher and the housing. so we want, it helped, it's changed. so we wanted to absolutely take the opportunity to thank you for allowing that and providing that avenue. >> great, thank you for the presentation. but, thank you for the thanks. watch tower video cameras. >> thank you. is did have a watch tower report that just came in so i was not able to be in the report prior to submission. but we have, we have had a meeting with watch tower talking about some of the am raz and concerns. at sunnidale, there are a total
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of 59 cameras 86 them are down. we are work withing watch tower and taking them off the buildings that are slated for demolition so we can relocate them and not lose the number of cameras but reposition them through. and that repositioning at sunnidale is scheduled for next week. and. >> just a quick question there. are those repositions conversations in dialogue with the san francisco police department? so there is really is a true understanding of a public safety overview? >> let me ask connie, in the dialogue and in the meeting with watch tower. >> yes, we are working our senior manager is working with sfpd. they have given recommendation of where certain cameras should be laid out and if cameras should be lifted higher to
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avoid any vandalism what not. so we've taken the recommendations into consideration and discussed it with watch tower. >> and i would offer, can you ask the officer that you're working with or the senior officers to ensure that the officers that are assigned are housing properties? and homes of people are also aware of what is strategic guidance their department has given to the authority around the placement of those cameras? the reason i ask is because anything that we can do around fostering communication even though it's not injure job. anything that there is to please advise around policy choice that's are made around public safety are communicated to their line staff and their beat officers who are going to be responsible if somebody happens if they look at the watch tower. one degree lower is making sure that based on some of the
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construction issues, dirt depending on what side we're talking about is also being considered because the visibility can have an impact when something occurs near by. i'm making sure that we're staying on top of that. i know that the beat officers, they just go on tien lao*in to the website and say, the image sucks. that's not what we want in terms. >> and we are working for getting proposal for new equipment upgrade the materials and software sxz what not. we are doing that. >> thank you very much. >> and for potrero there is 56 cameras designated between annex and 14 are currently but 8 of those are in a specific hub that have been vandalized. so the wires running so we're
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work for watch tower so we're moving it into the attic area. so we're hoping to do the best we can to eliminate that type of vandalism, because taking 8 maz at a given time is exponential. so we're trying to think of strategic way to see out smart the vandals. >> thank you very much. >> okay. >> that's okay. are there any questions that we can answer for you? >> commissioners? >> i do i tried to be consistent so i don't know if you can anticipate the questions that i'm going to ask. >> so i, i do, appreciate information and data. i did try to, try to make it bigger so i can understand which fields you're collecting
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so it's helpful to know that. because, what i mean that you're collecting it, i would like really luke to see a lot of analysis that you get from the data that you get from the data that you're collecting so we see what is available to you and how you're track iting and trending it. i think that, you know, we had conversationed about, impact, intent and impact. so clearly there is work that is being done. it's difficult to tell from your presentation what is the impact that is having. i think that these are just snip its of time but it's hard to i understand when is the impact you're having over a period of time. you talk about the work order in here, the work order performed but, what is that in context with the overall picture how much you received.
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and i appreciate how many met standards and how many exceed standards which is a great. do you have a metric of not meeting standards? so that is information is not captured and maybe nothing does not meet standards but it would be helpful to know. >> if they it didn't meet standards, it would be reported. >> where would it be reported. there is nothing that talks about not meeting standards. >> because there was nothing to report. they did all meet the standards. let me take you back. >> do you have exceeding standards so you reported that nothing exceeded standards but but you don't have anything that meets standards if you can add that. >> i can revise that label intends, i can revise the label that if it did not meet the standards, i can. >> so the word exceeding should
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be changed to not meeting standards. >> you have a category for exceeding standards? >> yeah. on that, on that report that i performed and that analysis that i do, if there is anything that did not meet the matrix and the matrix is there on the first page, of the presentation. the 24 hours, 7 days if anything does not meet, it instantly is flagged in my calculations and it's red. >> right. so the categories are does not meet, meet, exceeds. is that right? >> the categories, the categories of mia nal sis? are the number each, i'm looking at every work order to see what was done how it was done, the length of time that was taken, the materials used. >> got it. >> and i'm looking if it does not meet that standards, and it
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exceeds, if it's a 7-day for a high priority. >> i see. it exceeds does not mean it was performed at a quality manner, faster than better than. exceeds standards means it did not meet standards. >> correct. >> got it, so we might. >> i can change the label if it's simpler for you. it was a nicer way to say it. >> maybe a nicer way of saying but it's important that the information that we have and collect is accurately what we intend to say. i, i think it could be worded differently to accurately. >> and i'm happy to do that. not a problem. >> and in terms of standards who sets that standards? >> those standards were established right in the original rfp. >> got it, great. >> and then i think that, yeah, i do look forward to so, the
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analysis that you have in trending it. so on total units, they get occupied and then you have the percentage. >> uh-huh. >> do you have information how long the units are off line? and what is the metric by which they come back online? >> the intention is to keep them off line so they can be delivered for development. >> got it. >> so there is no, there is no immediate guideline. >> got it. >> with the exception that the housing authority has certain units because of another location, that they need to bring them here. or moving them out of the building to deliver it to the developer, then, we bring, we do a renovation and bring it online but it's for the redevelopment of the project >> got it, and these are the numbers of staff. do you have how many are vacant and how many are full?
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do you have a vacancy rate? >> we replenish the staff. >> you never have a vacancy for this project? >> we augment with temps if there is a vacancy. >> okay. >> yes. >> so we can expect that, this project will have 100 percent staffing at all times. >> oh, not in this scope of words. >> that's why it would be helpful to understand on here how much staff are need asked how many staff are actually onsite. >> we'll do. >> it is challenging to maintain a 100% in any situation so thank you. >> yes, of course. >> thanks a lot. >> you bet. >> that's all i have thank you. >> thank you, thank you commissioners. any other questions? all right. commissioner? we're good. >> thank you very much. >> thank you.
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>> because clu is not in attendance, we'll forward 7d to our next meeting. and that conclude item number 7. so we can open for public comment on item number 7. is there any public comment? come on up. >> while we're waiting to take up public comment. can we do committee reports. >> absolutely. please. >> sure this is item number 8 for the committee report for our committee meeting last week on wednesday october 14th. >> thank you.
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>> got to be precise. anyway, the two-person committee met on tuesday october 18th and a number of things were discussed. specifically, there was an extension of term with the management company that is handling the voucher program and, a bunch of other things related to space voucher. in addition, we discussed the new utilities allowances for the voucher program which becomes affective in january of 2024. those items were sent to be voted on by this board. and that's pretty much the end of my report. >> thank you commissioner lindo. we can ask for public comment. this is for item number 8, the
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committee report. is there any public comment specifically for item number 8? >> speaker: tracy i stand corrected, they are hard wired and smoke detector with battery. >> thank you. any other comments for item number 8. >> that will was in relation ship to smoke detectors. >> yes. >> and the clarification is that they are hard wired and also battery. >> so there is a back up power source in case the hard wire failure occurs. okay. anything else from a legal perspective? >> i believe those were changed a couple of years ago and they are changed when updates are done or there is a wire issue or tenants also take them down
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and replace them as well. >> i'm looking at staff, i'll make sure, we have full. thank you. thank you. i don't see any additional public comment for item 8. do you want to go back to item 7, i think there was public interest for item number 7? >> good afternoon, housing authority board. my name is mr. dennis williams, i'm a sub chair of the filmore merchants collaborative. i'm a real estate developer and a community leader. excuse me, plaza east where i'm also a resident, envious after assessing plaza east repairs, i stated in public records, asked the board of supervisors for a whopping 42 million dollars to
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complete the repairs of plaza east as they seem fit. the board of businesses only awarded nbs2.7 million dollars so. when you're up here congratulating i'm a resident of plaza east. that we had to wait two years to go through. there is floors that are buckling or sometimes have holes in them. there is no major construction being done at plaza east. so california law states if public housing has fallen into disrepair due to the developers neglect, the developers must pay out of their own money and developers if you didn't know. even if that means tearing down and redeveloping said properties.
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99 violations and bns has not received any notice using their own money. this hurts san francisco taxpayers. secondly, hud section 3 as we talk about the redevelopment states businesses resident of the said project are to receive preference and priority from sunny dale back to my building plaza east, we're not able to be hired or work. secondly, section 8 or public residents are next to priority or preference but for some reason, nbs is going all the way there to number there to number there and other groups that do not fit the criteria or for their compliance as a developer, i am being for better or bought out or looked over because i have not had a
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meeting with anybody from services groups that are to aid the resident of the said project. soy ask you guys to look forward, look into section 3 in the hiring not just on the levels of a presenterships right. but we have a real estate developers, we have architects. how many cohorts here that you see, how many awards. do we have to receive before we get contracts for our communities. >> thank you very much, i want to thank you for your participation in the meetings as well. it will be helpful if you can share those written comments with us. once again, and ms. mason what is the best he where those can be sent?
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>> he can send them to either myself or ms. linga who ufb been speaking with. >> do you have a card? >> i actually don't have a card they've been ordered today. i can write it down. >> as a real estate development, let me add, i'm approved supplier and registered bidder in the city so i'm able and ready to do work and i've been working on this project working with nbs. i'm a current member of the deck. >> thank you, i appreciate it. >> thank you. >> president torres, if i may just for any public here. the next stack meeting is going to focus on job opportunities and that's scheduled for november first, next week. >> great, thank you. >> any additional public comment? for item number 7?
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>> speaker: good evening, i'm errande sterling, owner of sterling framers doing business as sterling business. i'm a local contractor out of san francisco and i'm here to actually just support my colleague dennis williams as a developer, he has contractor which is me that will back up the production for plaza east if they need it, i'm framing contractor. so you know, if it is a struggle and i feel his pain as far as trying to get contracts out in our city. so you know, he has the capacity, i have the capacity to complete the jobs and complete the task and plaza east.
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i'm lb certified contractor, dir signaturetory, i work with mary weather and williams, i have the manpower and everything. yeah, we just want the opportunity to be part of our own community and provide, you know, opportunities to the community job opportunities and employment to the youth and you know, give back to our community the right way. that's really all i have to say and appreciate the opportunity for being up here. >> thank you very much. appreciate you coming. >> thank you any additional public comment? okay, i don't see any additional public comment. we can close public comment for item 7. we did number 8. so we can go to item 9 for the
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regular business consent items and i'll read them together and commissioner will decide what we need to do. 9 a, this is approval of commission meetings of august 24, 2024. --2023. item number b, commission special meet ing of september 29, 2023. 9c this is resolution approving authorizing eyesing the chief executive officer of the housing authority of the city and county san francisco to execute an amendment to contract 22-002-2 of the housing program including but not limited the tenant voucher program, special programs waiting list and inspection and customer service for total contract amount not to exceed 4 million dollars. and this is 9d, this approving the voucher program for the housing authority for the
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county of san francisco affective january 11, 2024. would any of these items like to be removed from the consent agenda for additional comment? by commissioners. let's move ahead. >> sounds great. then we can ask for any public comment on the consent agenda. this includes 8 a, b, c and d. i do not see any. we can close public comment and we can get a motion to approve consent agenda. >> so moved. >> and a second. >> roll call vote, president torres. >> aye. >> commissioner lindo. >> aye. >> commissioner kimer. >> aye >> commissioner pikes. >> aye. >> so moved. we have two action items starting with 10 a, authorizing
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the chief executive officer to execute contracts with housing authority in the amount of not to exceed 468,620 and this will be presented by our general counsel. >> i asked that this agenda be placed in the action. we wanted to make sure the commission know that the cost is 468,620 and add details this covers only our administrative building all of our mega phase as you know, shifted to section 8 last year. so that means that our policy significantly decreased. we paid last yae, 745,152 and this year the cost is 468,620.
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some of the cost shifted to corporation and we're preparing that as a separate matter because the new premiums have not come in yet for the corporation. i also wanted to make sure that you're aware that this is a $25,000 deductible and thank our analyst who worked really hard and diligently for the last couple of years around our policy. we had some big numbers last week but we're proud of the shall housing authority, we had six claims reported four of which have been closed. we had 40 total claims reported on this policy, 20 of which the claimant abandoned. most resent loss of october 2023, we have three remaining open claims dating back to 2019 which should be closed out by
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the end of the year. low loss achievement award for achieving a 50% or less loss ratio. we're very proud of the work that we've been doing around the department getting on top of claims and putting residents first in everything that we do and i think it's showing in our claims. thank you. >> thank you very much. commissioners any questions? all right, no thank you very much. >> we can ask for public comment on 10 a, is there any public comment? if not, we can close up the comment and ask for a motion for approval. >> so moved. >> and a second. >> second. >> roll call vote. >> aye. >> commissioner lindo. >> aye. >> commissioner kim. >> aye. >> commissioner pikes. >> aye. >> our final item for tonight is 10b and this is the resolution approving the new utilities allowances for the low income program for the
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housing authority of city of and county san francisco and we have kendrank our housing operations director. >> good evening, again commissioners. this item is coming to you again, this had previously come to the committee and we brought it to the full commission because when we brought it to committee, the summary, that you can see how each building was affected was not on that, was not there so i wanted to make sure that you can see the summary. so this item, a study was conducted by utility allowance for 2024 and this is for the low income public housing unit. so compared to january 2023, this year he electric allowances increased by 9% to 11%.
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the overall dollar changes, dollar changes from 7 dollars to 17 dollars a month depending on the bedroom size. so the objective of this resolution is to update the utility allowances for the remaining units with provider rates and chargers for electricity and natural gas. the authority now has 331 dwelling units at two developments where residents pay one or both of these utilities those are plaza east and northbeach. the updated schedules include and points. at the developments resident pay either electricity or natural gas or only electricity. additionally the developments have one or more equipment,
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windows insulation and/or 100% fluorescent lighting fm these are based on consumption from a previous engineering method conservative family of modest circumstances and these provide for the essential need for living in environment that is safe sanitary and helpful. and what i wanted to, show you all, is that the changes, i just wanted to give an example. so for plaza last year, the utility allowance was for two bedroom was 130 and it will increase to 120, so that's rent because they will get more utility reduction. for 3 bedroom in 2023, the amount was 171 and no*u it's 185. so just to show that the
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changes will be good for the residents and it will help them to pay their utility bills as they come. >> so in that case, in that example there is an increase per month about 14 dollars in that example. >> this is important because as we all know, we are paying for pg&e the loss, we received that, those emails all of us who pay pg&e know that our bills are going up. this is important that the residents are getting more of a credit so they can afford those increases. >> yeah, and again example 14 dollars a month about 168 dollars a year in terms of additional support subsidy. >> yes. >> i'm saying that because as you're communicating to residents on that, just making sure that they have a hard sense of what those numbers are beyond the increase. i love the example, thank you
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so much. >> i try to prepare for your questions. >> that was great. >> so in conclusion, the authority staff recommends the board of commissioners authorize the approval of the new low income public housing utilities allowances affective january 1, 2024. >> thank you, commissioners any questions? >> no. >> no, all right. thank you, we just have to ask for public comment. any public comments? i don't see any. we can go to public comment and ask for a motion for approval. >> motion, ladies first. >> so moved. >> and a second. >> i second. >> roll call vote. >> president torres. >> aye. >> commissioner lindo. >> aye. >> commissioner kim. >> aye. >> and commissioner pikes. >> aye. >> so moved, thank you. that will be item 11 for any commissioners comments report? >> i ask that we go back to
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some of the reports that were provided we can do them in committee but having more updates with the metrics will be good to go back to. >> commissioner kim and one thing that is noted, very responsive to the commissions direction. so i expect that they would invite further direction if the commission would like that. >> yes, and it's been very nice to see that. i'm happy to see changes to presentations, amendments, again at a rate that we wish to see increased but it's great to see them. it's great to see them, thank you. >> thank you. >> all right, any further comments? considerations or quaeries, poems? >> not this week. >> thank you for coming. move to adjourn. >> time is 5:53 p.m., thank you.
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>> it is one of the first steps families and step to secure their future and provide a sense of stability for them and their loved ones. your home, it is something that could be passed down to your children and grandchildren. a asset that offers a pathway to build wealth from one generation to the next. and you need to complete estate plan to protect the asisets. your home, small business, air looms and more. you and so many communities, black, indigenous, latino and asian worked so hard to make yours but estate plans could be costly and conversations complex proud to partner to bring free and low cost estate plans to san franciscans. by providing estate plans we are able to keep the assets whole for our families, prevent displacement, address disparities and home ownership and strengthen the cultural
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integrity of the city. working with local non profit organizations and neighborhood groups bringing the serveess to you and community, to workshops focused on estate planning and why it's important. >> i'm 86 years old and you do need a trustee. you need a will and put who ever you want in charge of it. >> that's why i wanted to be here today. that is why one of the first steps i took when become assessor recorder is make sure we have a partnership to get foundational funding to provide these resources to community. but even more important is our connection to you and your homes and making sure we know how to help you and how to protect them. >> if you don't have a living trust you have to go through probate and that cost money and depending on the cost of the home is associated the cost you have to pay. that could be $40 thousand for a home at that level. i don't know about you, but i don't $40
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thousand to give up. >> (indiscernible) important workshop to the community so we can stop the loss of generational wealth and equity and maintain a (indiscernible) >> why are estate plans important? we were just talking before we started the program, 70 percent of black americans do not scr a will in place. >> as mentioning being in community we had a conversation with a woman who paid $2700, $2700 just for revocable trust. what we are talking about today are free or low cost estate plans that are value between 3,000 to $3500. free or low cost meaning free, or $400 if you make above $104 thousand a year, and capped larger then that amount. because we want to focus on black and brown households, because that's whether the need is, not only in san
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francisco, not only the bay area but the region as well. and, >> i was excitesed to see the turn out from the western addition and bayview and want to make sure we cover all the different steps from buying a home to making sure homes stay within the family. >> work with staff attorneys to receive these free and low cost complete estate plans that include a living trust, will, financial power of attorney, and health directive. >> that's why it is so important to make these resources and this information accessible. so we can make sure we are serving you and your families and your generations and your dreams. >> we insure the financial stability of san francisco, not just for government, but for our communities. >> on behalf of the office of assessor recorder, i'm thankful for all the support and legal assistance they have given that makes the estate planning program a realty for you in san francisco and are thank all the community partners like san francisco housing
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development corporation, booker t washington center and neighborhood leaders and organizations that help families and individuals realize their dreams of building wealth in san francisco from one generation to the next. to learn more about this program e-mail inquiries at har [music] digital literacy is something severely lacking in our world today and it takes a lot to understand that. food water and shelter have basic necessities so long we forget about wifi and connection to the interenet and when you go into communities and realize peep ople are not able to load homework and talk to teachers and out of touch with the world. by providing the network and system we are able to allow them to keep up in the modern age.
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>> folks still were not served by internet throughout the city and tended to be low income people, people in affordable housing. people of color and limited english and seniors, all those are high concentrations in affordable housing, so we thought given that we had a fiber network that stretched throughout the city reaching deep into neighborhoods that would be a perfect opportunity to address it in san francisco. >> the infrastructure the city and star help us run are dejtle programs. it played a critical role from the time we opened during covid till now so we were able to collaborate with online services that offer tutoring and school support. it also helped us be able to log the kids on for online school during covid, in addition to like, now that everybody has switched most of
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their curriculum online we can log kids on to the online homework, check grades in addition to helping parent learn how to use the school system portm >> the office of digital equity our goal fiber to housing is insure we have all three legs of the 3 legged stool. the first leg is high quality internet connection. we liken the high quality internet connection to the highway. the second leg is high quality devices. this is the car. you want to make sure the specks on the car is up to speed and lastly, it is important to get kind of that driver's education to learn how to navigate the road, to know the signs to watch out for in terms of making sure you are school while you are surfing the internet it is private so that is the digital
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literacy piece. >> my daily life i need the internet just to do pretty much everything. the internet has taken so much control over people's daily lives including myself that i just need it to get certain jobs done, i need it for my life. i need it. >> the program really seeks to where ever possible provide a service that's equivalent or higher speed and quality as the best commercial service . >> we serve all of san francisco, but we definitely have to be equitable in our distribution of services. that means everybody gets what they need to be successful. >> actually one of the most gratifying part of my work here at department of technology, it is really bringing city resources to address problems faced with our communities with the highest need. >> i think it is important because i grew up in a low income community without internet access and it
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you're watching san francisco rising. today's special guest is monique gray. >> hi. i'm chris mannis and you're watching san francisco rising. the our guest today is marquise gray. he runs out of the office of the mayor in the city and county of san francisco. and he's with us today to talk about the recent progress of the sunnidale hope sf housing project. welcome to the show. >> good morning. thank you for having me today. >> let's start by talking about the existing residents of sunnydale and their history. >> so sunnydale was built in the 1940s for a workers. it's the largest public housing
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community west of the mississippi. it's about 50 acres. pretty huge. about 760 single story units one to four bedrooms. >> i understand it's an ambitious rethinking of the residences. can you briefly describe the scope of the program and hope sf's involvement? >> yeah. the work of hope sf is this idea of more than housing. that acknowledging that our public housing community, the levels of violence and poverty that are in these communities are not by accident. you know, it's our opportunity to address a system issue, you know, that people need more than housing. they need health services. resources. economic investment opportunities, jobs and things of that nature. and so hope sf strives to work with our city systems to better
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serve our public housing communities. >> so recently, mayor breed and speaker pelosi toured the site to both put focus on a national housing initiative and also to highlight the completion of the first new building. how many units does it contain and when will people start moving in? >> yeah. it was an amazing event. honored to have the secretary here with us as well in our community. it's 167 units. it's about 75% going back to the original families that currently live on site. so the replacement. so i did forget to mention i want to say real quick, the beauty of hope sf is housing development, new development without displacements or anti-displacement initiatives. so, for example, the building is 167 units. 75% of those units going to families that have lived there in the community for generationings and the other 25% are tax credit units adding
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to the affordable housing stock here in san francisco and those units are up and running now. they're leasing them as we speak. people are picking their units each week until they're filled up. >> so was this particular building put on a new plot of land or did people have to move out so it could be constructed? >> that's a good question. our first building was vacant which you may have saw across the street from this building and then this plot of land is the way we kind of do it, we do it in phases. once one goes in, we're able to move families into the new unit and where they previously were occupying, able to demolish old buildings to build the new. so this area had some older units that were demolished. >> it's impressive that construction has been able to continue during the covid-19 pandemic. can you talk about some of the challenges that needed to be overcome and how the community has managed during the crisis? >> that's a great question.
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you know, in san francisco, if i understand it correctly, i could be wrong, i believe housing was an essential service. the mayor made a strong commitment early on in the pandemic that we would continue to build housing as housing has been a critical issue in our city. so the housing part hasn't impacted us too much. 67 units have been going on its current time line. the bigger challenge for us was showing the families in our communities, low income families had the resources we need to survive the pandemic. many of our families didn't have the luxury of working from home, working in the zone and things of that nature. making sure they had access to covid testing and things of that nature. so i want to give a big shout out to our resident leaders, our service providers across
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all four sites. for those that don't know, hope sf is four sites. sunnydale is one of the four sites. and so across those four sites, the most critical thing was making sure folks in these neighborhoods which have historically have been disconnected from resources have the things that they need to remain healthy, to, you know, survive the pandemic as we all had to survive the pandemic and we did pretty well. we were able to bring back scenes and covid testing on site. food distribution was happening all throughout the week. wellness services and things of that nature were all happening on site thanks to our resident leaders and our service providers across the sites. >> so, finally, when could we expect the next set of residents to be ready? despite -- i guess we just said covid doesn't have an impact on the schedule. when will the next residences
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be ready? >> yeah. things are rolling. we have block a3 and block b3 to the building we were referring to earlier. and things are on pace. things are going really well. so we're looking at starting construction spring of 2022 and that will be 170 units and the goal is to have that lease up around 2024. >> well, thank you so much. i really appreciate you coming on the show, mr. gray. thank you for giving us the time today. >> thank you, chris, and i really appreciate your time as well. >> and that's it with this episode. you've been watching san francisco rising for sfgov tv i'm chris manners. thanks so much for watching.
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