tv Planning Commission SFGTV November 7, 2023 6:00am-10:01am PST
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>> good afternoon. welcome to the san francisco planning commission regular-sorry, folks if you need continued conversations you can take them outside, please. welcome to the san francisco planning commission hearing for thursday november 2, 2023. to enable public participation sfgovtv is broadcasting and streaming live and we will receive public comment for
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discussion and action on today's agenda. each speaker will be allowed up to three minutes and 30 seconds you will hear a chime. i will announce your time is up and take the next person queued to speak. we'll take public comment in city hall first and open the remote access lines. for those calling in to submit testimony, you need to call 415-655-0001. enter access code, 2663587394 and pound twice. the comment you must enter star 3 to raise your hand and once you raised your hand you will hear a prompt stating you raised your hand to ask a question. please wait to speak until the host calls on you. when you hear unmuted ayou can begin speaking. those on webex--best practice
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is call from a quite location, please mute the volume on your television or computer. for those persons attending in city hall, we ask that you line up on the screen side of the room or to your right. speak clearly and slowly and state your name for the record. finally, i'll ask we silence any mobile devices that may sound off during the proceedings. i like to take roll. tanner, here. moore, here. braun, here. diamond, here. imperial, here. koppel, here. ruiz, here. thank you commissions. first is consider of items for continuance. 1, 2023-006996pca permit to install business signs or historic buildings. planning code amendment proposed to continuance to december 7, 2023.
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two, 2023-005549pca. eliminating public art requirement for 100 percent affordable housing project. item 3, 2261 fillmore street conditional use authorization proposed for indefinite continuance. 4, 2021-003953cua. 2340 vallejo street. conditional use authorization proposed for indefinite continuance. 5, 202-006620, drp, 961-967, deharo street. discretionary review withdrawn. under your regular calendar due to a illness the historic preservation commission lost its quorum again for this
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matter, and postponed this matter until next wednesday for a special hearing. they don't normally meet the second wednesday, but they will to consider item 16 for case 2023-o00825 ocs for the non profit arts education special use district planning code and zoning map amendment and so today we are requesting that you continue this again for one week to november 9, 2023. commissioners, if we could take up all the matters separately from item 2, commissioner ruiz is requesting recusal from item 2 or we could take up item 2 first to get that out of the way. >> is there perhaps a motion on item 2, noting commissioner ruiz is recused. >> we should take public comment. >> good idea. >> members of the public this is your opportunity to address
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the commission on any of these items proposed for continuance only on the matter of continuance. again, if in the chambers come forward, remotely press star 3. seeing no request to speak, public comment is closed and continuance calendar is before you. >> commissioner koppel. >> move to recuse commissioner ruiz. >> second. >> thank you commissioners. on the motion to recuse commissioner ruiz from item 2 [roll call] motion passes 7-0. do we have a motion for item 2? >> move to continueitep item 2. >> thank you commissioners. motion to continue item 2- [roll call] >> motion passesue unanimously
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6-0. >> is there a motion on the remainder of the continuance calendar? commissioner imperial. >> move to continue remaining items in the continuance calendar as proposed. >> second. >> including item- >> including number 16. >> second that as well. >> on the motion to continue the remaining items as proposed - [roll call] motion passes 7-0 and are place under consent calendar. all matters listed are considered to be ruteen by the planning commission and may be acted upon by single roll call vote. there is no separate discussion unless a member of the commission, public or staff request in which event the matter shall be removed from
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consent and considered separate item. item 6, twin 99 california street unit 503. conditional use authorization. 7, case 2022-006347cua. 3420 18th street unit 204, 402, 403. >> 8, 750 van ness avenue. unit 1103. conditional use authorization. 9, 750 van ness avenue, unit 1303. conditional use authorization. item 10, 750 van ness avenue, unit 201, conditional use authorization. members of the public this is your opportunity to request any of these items be removed from
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the consent calendar. if in the chambers, come forward. remotely, press star 3 or raise your hand via webex. no request to speak, public comment is closed and the consent calendar is now before you. >> move to approve item 6-10. >> second. >> thank you commissioners. on the motion to approve your items under consent calendar-- [roll call] so moved commissioners. motion passes unanimously 7-0. placing under commission matters, item 11, the land acknowledgment. >> thank you.
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the commission acknowledges that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush ohlone, who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as the indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions, the ramaytush ohlone have never ceded, lost, nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. as guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders, and relatives of the ramaytush ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples.thank you. >> item 12, consideration of adoption draft minutes for september 14, 2023 and minutes for october 19, 2023. members of the public, this is your opportunity to address the commission on the minutes. in the chambers, come forward. remotely raise your hand. seeing no request to speak, public comment is closed and your minutes are before you commissioners. >> motion on the minutes? >> move to adopt the minutes?
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>> second. >> thank you. on the motion to adopt the minutes-- [roll call] >> this is both sets of minutes, correct? >> yes. [roll call continued] so moved commissioners. the motion passes 7-0. item 13, commission comment and questions. >> commissioner imperial. >> i just want to-i believe we received a letter from the committee equity council regarding the equity-i guess they named it equity vision of downtown, which i would like to applaud them and sending us that vision for equity as thinking or going through the process of downtown recovry and want to highlight because two weeks ago i went to [indiscernible] and that was the time that the first exhibition was the filipino
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[indiscernible] that was my first time actually going to sf moma exexhibiting a filipino artist and it was a day free to the community and it was a elevating moment for me. i don't usually go to fs moma because i can't relate to the art exhibition but i think the letter the equity council also elevates as to what experience or the vision they would also like to express or what the downtown should look like in terms of theaters, the auditoriums that making also the communities that have been there to be part of their exhibits or you know, and to highlight the cultural aspects of our city. i would like to applaud that and also like to applaud sf
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moma having community day and free tiblth for everyone and that is the first time i would hear the filipino music, the traditional filipino music ringing throughout the theater and thought it was beautiful they did that. some of the exhibit is still open, and also-i would just like to encourage other theaters around the city to also to be open to other cultural aspects that makes our san francisco thriving. thank you. >> awesome. that is great. i got to do on a free day as well, so good time to go and glad to hear about the exhibit. have to check it out. commissioner moore. >> i'm leaving and experiencing that major california insurance companies are leaving the state of california. that is usaa, farmers, all state and the list is quite lengthy. this is starting to have an
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effect on rental buildings and all other living units in the city. i would like to the department to become aware of what they hear, because the consequences are quite dire. one cannot own or buy a residents, one cannot live in a residents without having insurance and the different types of insurances. i am wondering where that is moving california. the state is very mum in terms of responding and helping, and at this moment, out of state, non california license insurers are offering insurances at about 3 and 3 and half times the price of what insurance cost in the past. i see that to be a major impact on everybody, owners, renters, et cetera because it will make
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it unattainable to occupy a residential unit or a home. i like the department to track that and let the public know what you hear. the information is still very spotty and nobody really can give you a answer what to do if your insurance is being canceled. thank you. >> i second that and our policy was not renewed by our insurance company. >> i'm in the same position. >> it is very real challenge. any other comments or questions from commissioners? great. >> seeing none, department matters item 14, director announcements. item 15, review of past events of bord supervisors, board of appeals and historic preservation commission. >> this week consider the proposed sud at 45 and wawona for irish cultural center. heard by the planning
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commission july 27 of this year and you recommended approval. after planning commission approval however it came to light this change needed to be brought to the coastal commission. as a result the item has been stalled at the board for a few weeks. this week the sponsor of the ordinance joe engardio proposed amendment tuesday the ordinance indicating the ordinance was required to besent to the coastal commission. those amendments were made and accepted. several public commenters mostly in objection and sharp criticism of the planning commission and failure to send to the coastal commission. the item was continued to november 27 because the amendments were substantive. next the committee considered the mayor ord nrns titedled city wide expansion of allowable commercial restaurant and retail uses. the goal of this ordinance is build on prop h and the small business recovery acts. the ordinance reduces barriers to small business when opening or expanded to a new space. the ordinance allows more business types to be permitted
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on it ground floor and commercial areas. planning commission heard the item september 7 and recommended approval with modifications. the first three modifications have been incorporated to the ordinance. one, combining the priority processing and cb3b program since they are largely overlapping and create confusion. two, eliminating the commission street formula retail. three, mirroring the lccu size limitation. the last recommended modification was to continue the regulate retail professional service and non retail professional service separately and maintain two separate definitions because the different impacts they have on the neighborhood. the ordinance retains the status quo of keep ing the two definitions. however, it now allows for non retail professional services on the ground floor with conditional use authorization. in most neighborhoods.
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osb director tang provided a summary of had amendment incorporating planning commission recommendation as noted as well as other recommendations in response to supervisor concern and discussion with community members. supervisor peskin, ronan and melgar expressed concerns about it difficulty for small business owners getting through the permitting process beyond planning code regulations and cited examples applicant were provided wrong information by permitting agencies. supervisor ronan urged department to provides restitution to applicant to help respond to wasting time and money when applicants are misinformed. there were 7 public comments half in support and lejs slaigz to make it easier for open. some agreed there need to be better coordination between the two agencies to respond and guide applicants. chair melgar made the motion to
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adopt the recommendations as described by director tang and the item was continued to november 27. lastly, the mayor constraints reduction ordinance considered by the committee. supervisor melgar gave opening remarks how working with the mayor office on amendments to resolve outstanding issues. also addressed the standards and practice lettersent by hcd. she indicated the amendments were not yet signed to form and that the item would be continued. supervisor mandelman was there as well and introduced amendments that remove the conditional use requirement in the corona heights sud and the central neighborhood large sud large home sud to replace with a cap on unit size. the ordinance duplicated and mandelman amendments added to the duplicated file. the duplicated file will be coming back to you for your review and recommendation because the amendments were not considered by you before. there were public commenters, most in opposition to the
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ordinance, but fewer then other hearings. the item was continued to november 27. finally, full board this week, the night time entertain neighborhood commercial can district amendments past second read. that concludes my report. >> thank you. commissioner moore, you have a comment? thank you mr. star. >> if no questions for mr. star, the board of appeals did meet last night and took action on one case of interest to the commission, the building permit for addition to a home 1334 12 avenue was heard as discretion ary review by the planning commission september last year. the commission voted unanimously to not take dr and approve with modifications made prior to the hearing. the dr requesting appealed to board of appeals and last night discussion focused primarily on the accuracy of project plans revised post-dr to address inaccuracies relate today the
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adjacent building. the board was satisfied with the accuracy of the plan, especially with dbi assurance of a pre-construction inspection. the board determined the project was consistent with the residential design and voted unanimously to deny the appeal. the historic preservation commission did meet yesterday as well and there are two matters i think of interest to the planning commission. the first being a state density bonus projbect at the property at 2395 sacramento street. certificate of appropriateness for a landmark building. landmark 115 that proposed seven story over basement addition at the east elevation and 6 story addition at the south elevation. there were quite a large number of community folks come out in opposition to the increase in height and impact to their
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district, however, the historic preservation commission ended up approving with amendments to include a condition that staff review final materials for compatibility and streement of the sand stone to meet the secretary of interior standards include finding recommendings the interior art murals be preserved once removed. the second item that may be of interest to the planning commission was, the adoption of a recommendation for approval to landmark the alexandria theater at 5400 geary boulevard. with that, we can move on to general public comment. members of the public may address the commission on items of interest to the public within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission accept agenda items. with respect to agenda items, each member may address the commission up to 3 minutes.
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when the number speakers exceed the 15 minute limit general public comment may be moved to the end of the agenda. >> three minutes. please. thank you. good afternoon georgia. if you look on the e overhead, isent photos on saturday and the key photo was from--it says, please do not disturb tenants. the pair of flats that sold in the end of 2020 for $1.4 million. they remodeled and got permanents within a month. several different permits. they got them fast. it just sold in july. they started work in-took about a year to do the work but got permits fast. they just sold it for under $5 million. the problem was that they only advertised one kitchen and only showed one kitchen and here is
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the original kitchen. the lower flat was unoccupied. the upper was occupied. there is the kitchen and sink off to the side. remodeled. my point is, the residential flat policy needs to be codified so the original configuration, the allocation of rooms which include a hallway with rooms, kitchen in one end, [indiscernible] need to be preserved because that is the only way to preserve the flats and that is what you want to do when you passes resolution 20024. typology of housing thatsetsify middle income housing for families. so, in the mean time i learn there was a enforcement because someone also like me looked at the ad but they thought they were connected in the stair
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way. what puzzled me is where is the second kitchen. overhead again, please. enforcement staff went there and this is the kitchen that replaced the kitchen i just showed you. it is basically a little room like a closet, and to me i know you approved that group housing last week, this kitchen is not much better or not much larger i should say. so, you went from kitchen to that kitchen. that's why i think the interior layout original configuration of flats need to be preserved if you want to preserve-if the commission wants to preserve, the city policy is to preserve this type of housing because i think the findings you made are pretty clear and i sent them before and i think the main thing is given that market rate housing is frequently not accessible to moderate income families, making between 80-120 percent ami, that was in your
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findings, that still prevails today and that's why it would be good when you codify the policy to make objective standards for about how the interior is laid out. thank you very much. >> thank you. i want to invite those in front of the door to find a seat. >> last call for general public comment. we have remote callers. remote callers. come on up. >> good afternoon. thank you for the opportunity to speak. my name is angela adams a field representative of northern california carpenter unions in san francisco. i represent approximately 37
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thousand carpenters. 4 thousand are members of local 22 here in the city of san francisco. i built me career as a carpenter doing metal framing and drywall in the field for 16 years. now, i am beginning my journey as a organizer for the carpenter union. i'm truly honored to have been given the opportunity for such a great position. this is my chance to give back to an organization that changed the construction industry for the better and to help the next diverse generation of skilled professionals succeed in this industry. i'm here to introduce myself to the commission and are to talk about the carpenter union core values. we believe that the construction workers deserve their fair share as they build san francisco and beyond. we believe in-air yeah standards, wage and benefits as
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required for labor standards for carpenters. we believe that developer should be held accountable when the proposed development in our city. sorry if i'm messing up. i ask today-our ask today is that the planning commission help san francisco achieve these core values for construction workers in the city. a lot has been done here, but there is a long way to go. thank you for your time and your service. thank you. >> seeing no other members of the public in the chambers coming forward, let's go to remote callers. >> eileen boken with speak. hopefully [indiscernible] able to display the pdf. on october 30, the board land use transportation committee met with agenda item 1 being
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the wawona street and 45 avenue cultural avenue special use district. [indiscernible] at 101 p.m., 29 minutes before the committee start time, the department sent a document to the committee. that document is 509 pages long. this document is now posted on the board's website under file number 230505. speak confirmed with the committee clerk that this is the only document sent by the department on october 30 for this item. in this document, starting at page 387 are multiple references to the adjacent property at 2700 slope. on page 455 on display is a schematic. on the right side in purple is marked proposed project. this is 2700 45th avenue. on the left side in orange is
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marked cumulative project 2700 slote boulevard. this suggests that thend game is a lot merger. similar to 2800 slote, which is also known as the westerly. the westerly merged roberts motel and doggy diner lots with the city [indiscernible] during the meeting itself, the past planning commission president and current committee chair stated the document was only three pages long, and went to suggest the committee could read three pages during the meeting and vote on it at the end of the committee meeting. that being said, the action was to continue the item. thank you. >> last call for general public comment. in the chambers, come forwered. remotely, press star 3 or raise your hand via webex. go to remote caller.
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>> this is sue ester. i was disappointed the planning director didn't hear the report on the letter command from the state that came down right before your meeting last week. it wasn't reported last week and wasn't reported on today. planning commission, please ask for written report on that at the next meeting. a report should be issued tomorrow when the calendar comes out. i can't figure out what is going on right now, because there is a lot of mandates from the state about building projects and they are in fact, taking approvals away from the planning commission and changing it to administrative approval by staff. that is something that is
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really big change in how the planning department has worked for 40, 50 years. planning department, give the report to the planning commission and the public. i'm asking for the report to be posted online in a easily accessible place and it to be explained. i sent a letter to the commission and to the planning department staff and to the board of appeals last friday asking questions. one of the questions is very dear to me. when people put on the ballot standard to use or processes to be used for approving projects and i gave you prop m, which was voted on by the people in 1986 setting a limit on office
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development, that was put on the ballot adopting [indiscernible] for approving projects 101.1 of the planning code, and when supervisor maher put on the ballot proposition k [indiscernible] it was amended into the planning code by the people in the city. please have it reported at the next meeting in writing. thank you. >> final last call for general public comment. >> want to note we did hear verbal report from the director last week noting letter, we all received a copy and had a chance to review it and stated we would discuss it next week, so you may have missed that part of the meeting, mrs.
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hester. commissioner diamond. >> in reading report i had some of the same questions mrs. hester did,b which is some of the edix in the hcd report seem to be in direct conflict with ballot adopted language, and i think it would be useful to have the city attorney weigh in on how that plays out. >> same questions as well. director hillis. >> our plan is have on december 7. we are coming to you already with a summary of all state laws because there are a lot that passed this past session, so that as well as the hcd report. >> i think you meant the 9th because the 7th is tuesday. >> sorry. >> thank you. >> very good commissioners. we can move to the regular callan d16. continued to november 9. placing on 17.
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68 nantucket avenue. a zoning map amendment. >> good afternoon president tanner, commissioners. department staff. the item is request for zoning map amendment to zn11 to rezone two parcels block 31, 44b lots 27a and 36a also known as 68 nantucket from public to residential house 1 family rh1. initiated by the commission september 28. the subject parcel are two irregular shaped lots located along bart exterior rail line between glen park station and balboa park station and at the
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northwest section of nantucket avenue. 2017 the subject parcel approximately 1900 square feet in combined size owned by bart. purchased by the current owner at 62 nantucket and under developed. the subject located within the outer mission neighborhood and residential neighborhood. the neighborhood include 2 to 3 story residential developments and zoning is rh1. as today department has received one inquiry regarding the proposed ordinance. no proposed correspondence in opposition or support. staff recommends the commission approve the proposed ordinance and adopt the associated rez solution for the following reasons. supports the goals to expand housing opportunities for residents and families while
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strengthening neighborhood viability and enhance the housing element. ordinance expand small and mid-rise family housing production within area that connects to jobs and public transportation. this concludes staff presentation and available for any questions and the project sponsor does have a presentation for you all. >> project sponsor, you have 5 minutes. >> darren, the home owner for the property in question. i did have a presentation but a lot is redundant with what was just said. essentially, there is two properties in question. or one in question. i own both 68 nantucket the one we are talking about and the adjacent house, 62 nantucket and what i'm asking for is essentially to rezone the 68
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nantucket property owned by bart, but sold to a previous owner which when i bought the house came with the property. the reason i'm looking to do that is i want the flexibility to develop something in the future if there is no concrete plans. the ask is just to rezone. in a nutshell, that's the proposal. thank you. >> if that concludes the presentation, we should open public comment. members of the public, this is your opportunity to address the commission on this item. in the chambers, come forward. remotely, press star 3 or raise your hand via webex. no request to speak, public comment is closed and the item is before you commissioners. >> seems like a reasonable request. entertain a motion to prove. commissioner moore. >> move to approve. >> second. >> thank you commissioners. on the motion to approve the zoning map amendment--
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[roll call] so moved. motion passes unanimously 7-0. place on item 18. case 2022-12254cua. 20001 37th avenue conditional use authorization. >> good afternoon commissioners. jeff horn, planning department staff. president tanner. the item is request for conditional use authorization to amend an existing planned unit development to allow expansion of existing private secondary school with rear yard modification. within the rh1 zoning and removal of the existing dwelling units. the project site located within the sunset neighborhood.
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[indiscernible] and sunset community garden. ortega branch library, sunset playground and field and sunset elementary locate d to the [indiscernible] to the west, sunset park consisting of 3 is ix avenue sunset boulevard and 37 avenue and landscape median located to the east. the use in the area are [indiscernible] mostly single family residential homes. including directly to the west of the site. school operated in the location at 2001 37 avenue since 1969. originally all boy school, became coed in 1998 and made improvements as part of planned unit development. subsequent further modifications occurred. most recently in 2018 a 100 student middle school was added
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to the campus. school campus occupies 495 thousand square feet. 11.4 acres. developed with project 300 thousand square feet of secondary school facilities. project proposes expansion of the private school and the demolition of 5 buildings grouped together on the north side and construction of new addition to the existing main academic building. the building demolished total 60 thousand square feet and ranging in 1 to 3 stories in height. include a chapel, dining hall with kitchen, administrative garage and dorm tore. the [indiscernible] 8 members of the community live in the rooms. three of whom work at the school with the project three members would move to a house within san francisco owned by
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the projbect sponsor and five members would move to other residential within the greater san francisco bay area. no increase enrollment or staffing proposed. the square footage of the campus is approximately 444 thousand. 40 feet tall with three stories over a basement and approximately 182 thousand square feet. the addition match the height of the existing main building. the addition provide new flexible educational spaces aa chapel, dining area and kitchen. the addition is setback approximately 36 feet from the north property line towards the sunset community garden. the project would also construct a retaining wall along the north property line. the project including all demolition and construction would be limited to the 1.9 acre portion northern portion of the site along 37 avenue.
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the project is requesting rear yard modification. the site is zoned rh run and required a 25 percent or 30 percent rear yard under code. the project seeks 30 percent rear yard of the location of the development is equal to approximately a 72 foot rear yard. seek rear yard modification to provide a setback of approximately 25 feet and 6 inches to note in this place there is currently existing school facilities and buildings located within the required year regard or legal non complying from the 1966 approval and those structures are set back at the closest 21 feet 8 inches from the rear property line. just in regards to dormtor y
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removal. these have never been rented to the public and any residents never paid any nominal fee to stay in the rooms and under the city admin code that rental units that are in association with a school use are not subject to the rent and stabilization act and arbitration ordinance. the project is because of the nature of the non profit being a school and mechanisms to receive funding, they are asking for additional time to implement the project. conditions of approval that the commission sees in standard form 1, 2 and 3 validity expiration renewal and [indiscernible] template language has a three year time period to issue a building permit to vest the conditional use authorization and all three cases extended to 5 year within the draft motion. i also in a motion sent to the
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commission early this morning in the condition number 2, the expiration and renewal, in the case reference a 10 to 15 year timeframe the construction of the west wing of this project, the case report included exhibit c showing the majority of phase 1 of this project sponsor is pursuing relative [indiscernible] of the structure before you today. the remainder is hopefully to be constructed in the future when additional financing can be received or attained. the condition of approval or modification puts a strict 20 year time limit on any work or permits under this authorization. if they are unable to get work started on that remaining portion within that 20 year time period they need to come back to modify or seek a new
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conditional use authorization. in total the department received approximately 35 letters in opposition and the commission packet included petition from roughly 55 members from the sunset community garden. in opposition to the project in regards to potential impact of light and air and new shadows on to the garden located to the north of the project site and hundred letters in support received for the project. overall, department finds the project is consistent with objectives of the general plan. maintains expand educational use, which is in support of families and children in san francisco. the project will not result in the removal of any residential units or rent controlled units and that concludes staff presentation and available for
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any questions. >> thank you. before we go to project sponsor presentation, commissioner diamond needs to make a disclosure. commissioner diamond. >> the architect for this project is mark [indiscernible] and associates. i work with them on another project relatesed to the implementation of temple imanual. that project is unrelated to this project, so i believe i could be impartial and neutral in assessing this project. >> thank you. >> thank you. project sponsor, through the chair you have 8 minutes and then organized opposition will follow up to 10 minutes. each individual speaker will be provided 2 minutes. >> we have a presentation we like to load on the computer.
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>> good afternoon. michelle, the principle of saint ignaceous. i worked at si 25 years. a proud native and attended mercy high school, san francisco state university and university of san francisco. been educating the youth of san francisco since 1855. in the city for 168 years and force for good and want to continue serving the community.
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si educates 1500 students to be leaders who work for justice loving intellectual spiritual. we are diverse school with over 60 percent of the student body identifying as people of color. in ahinement with the mission we added the [indiscernible] campus 7 years ago. a full scholarship middle school. all the academy student qualify for nutrition assistance program and these student live in san francisco or neighboring areas:student remain on full scholarship throughout high school. we take pride in san francisco history and commitment to offering the highest quality education to students regardless of economic status. we award over 6.5 million dollar ever year to families in need. service is a part of si education. student are challenged to be leaders within the local community helping to address important social needs through action. last year si students logged
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over 50 thousand community service hours. we partner with over 100 non profit organizations and students engage in social justice and community service work daily. the current scoom 55 years old does not have the space to teach in the methods demanded. teaching and learning changed over the last 20 years and student attention spans declined as social media increased. the modern brain craves high level of engagement that includes project based lunch learning and ability to collaborate. we made the best out of every square inch of our existing building. carving learning space, partitioning and make shifting. our teachers adachted introducing new material through various methods. data shows students learn best through when able to design
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mold and sculp, build and test machines. we need space to accommodate the student. the need to provide office and meelting space has become apparent. currently every classroom is in use for every period of the day for instruction. the buildings at the north end need to be replaced that meet seismic code and give students and teachers the needed space to collaborate and connect. space issues require student in group moderators to meet on zoom, which i think we all agree is nolt ideal and arrive early in the morning or stay late evening because there is no meeting room available during school hours. we plan to work with the building trades and contract with 100 percent union workers to insure quality craftman ship to support local hires and provide pathways for apprenticeship programs. we care about our city and want to contribute and excel and
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developing young people well prepared for college, work and people who step out to the community and have a positive impact for generations to come. we want to do this work on site and if in san francisco. thank you for your time and your service. >> good afternoon commissioners. my name is felicia [indiscernible] architects. saint ignatius is planned for norkt end of campus and are propose to replace seismically deficient buildings to provide the space just talked about. hosted three community meetings to inform neighbors about the project including a special meeting with the adjacent community garden members and follow-up visit to their garden. the addition is needed to
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create larger more flexible learning spaces that support the project based learning and collaboration that in a way the 1969 building just was never designed to do. the new footprint is approximately the same as the building demolished to reduce impact the building is setback from the school district property by more then 35 feet. it is 35 foot 10 inches. even though no setback is required in the zoning. this translates to approximately 26 thousand square feet of education space electing not to build. the new threer story addition aligns with the roof of the academic building and conform to the height limit. the parapet and mechanical equipment are stepped back. the addition will provide with modern learning environments to complement the existing traditional classrooms.
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it is designed to harmonize with existing buildings through scale and massing and matching the setback on 37 avenue. the main entrance is relocated slightly to the north where new and old are joined as a way to honor the past while moving forward to the future. thank you very much for your time. >> if that concludes project sponsor presentation, we should hear from the organized opposition. are lance and nancy and alex lee here? okay, come up. you each have two minutes. if you have 5 persons with you, you can get the full 10 minutes, but--each of you have 2 minutes. >> right here? >> yes. >> my name is lance melon the coordinator of the sunset
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community garden. i'm here to talk about our garden. it is a small piece of paradise in san francisco. si wants to put up a large building that will shade us out 4th months of the year. the project does not meet the required cup because it is developmental to the garden and community. the garden [indiscernible] to survive. we requested a shadow study one year ago and just got the study two weeks ago. for this reason, we are asking for a continuance or postponement or denial of this addition. si proposed addition causes significant shading as i mentioned. they want to be a good neighbor and we met with them and they are really good people, okay, but they said they want to be a good neighbor and compromise
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with us. we ask the commission to deny or continue this project to another date so si can work with us as a good neighbor to modify the design which they indicated is a possibility. we also discussed stepping down the norkt side of their addition. other alternatives include allowing the garden to take over a trail to the north of our garden, which is owned by sfusd, the school district, and relocate some of our plots that would be shaded by their design in that location. we need time to explore these options, for that reason we are asking for a postponement or continuance. just so you know who we are, we are the oldest community garden in san francisco. we won many awards including
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the most beautiful garden in san francisco in 1975 and received a grant. we- >> thank you, that is your time. we have to go to the next speaker in your organized opposition group. >> thank you very much. >> am i able to plug in? >> sure. >> so, here is a picture of our community garden in context. the red is the boundary of our community garden. the existing building doest
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nocast shadows on the current garden. if you look at section 303 conditional usage plan or code here, we feel that it doesn't fulfill these particular requirements highlighted in yellow. specifically here in 1a, if you can note it as the compatibility with neighborhood and community, we have been a neighbor over 50 years. this impact will go from no impact to impact 4 months of the year. design considerations have not been made. 1c design compatibility with the district design does not adhere to the look and feel of the neighborhood. 2a, health i safety and general welfare is quat i bucket that as. impact in general welfare during winter months. everybody 54 families use this public space a year round
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growing all times of the year. impact of dust and debris from construction on food and plants people eat as well as people hanging out in the area. 2b, accessibility of traffic patterns removal of off-street parking. and then if you take a look here at the shadow study, there is 4 here, but i will focus on winter -happens 4 months november through february but this largest impact where you see most of the garden shadowed, all most all day. this is something to note this is four month of the year completely [indiscernible] >> thank you. that is your time.
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>> good afternoon. my name is nancy murphy and i have been a home owner just around the corner- >> could you pull the mic down? thank you. >> can you hear me? nancy murphy, and i have been a home owner just around the corner from saint ignatius 29 years and a member of sunset community garden 4 and a half years. we are fortunate in san francisco to have mild climate year round and this enables us to garden year-round, including the winter months of november through february. shadowing of the garden during the winter months will hamper the growth of vegetables, flowers, fruit trees and berry vines. the garden needs sunlight. here is a photo of my garden
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plot that i took in march of this year. i started planting in november of last year, 2022 and what you see is mustered greens, swiss chard, parsley, spinish, onions, sweet peas and marigolds. planting in the winter months takes a lot of patience, but sunlight is essential. we have other concerns, but shadow is upmost concern. we request that you either deny the current design plans or vote for continuance so si may redesign the building plans to limit the shadowing of the garden. we have a 50 years as community garden and there are so few gardens in san francisco that it would be a shame for our garden to be sacrificed. please help save our community garden.
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thank you. >> thank you. does that conclude organized opposition? yes? very good. members of- >> are you part of the group? this group? >> is he part of your group? okay, go ahead. you have two minutes. >> mike, been a member for 20 years in the garden, and the oldest garden community garden in the city. it is actually the number two spot for birds of the community gardens, so there is no sun. there is going to be no birds showing up for flower because there won't be flowers. a lot of the members live in apartment buildings and don't have backyards so this is their only chance to get dirt under their figure and we have a lot of seniors or disabled that
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have walkers and come to the garden and hang out, get sunlight and water the garden. it is therapeutic for them. that is all i have to say. thank you. >> thank you. with that, we'll open up public comment for the remainder of folks interested in speaking. again, if in the chambers line up on the screen side of the room. if calling in remotely, press star 3 or raise your hand via webex. >> you don't have to line up at once. folks can wait until folks have finished speaking and take their seats and you can join the line. it will be quite lengthy. thank you. >> go ahead. you can start. >> good afternoon. my name is sophia. i am a 8 grader at the father academy and here to represent my school. we are all excited to see the new space and building being considered.
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we believe it will provide more opportunities for students to grow as a community and making friends by using the new modern area the building will create. as students we are also feel the new classrooms and common areas that will be built will help us grow academically and socially. seeing the beautiful photos of our future school makes us proud. we feel like we belong to a community that cares about sustainability. we want to promote the potential to fully enjoy the pretty views and ocean that surrounds our school. >> some thoughts we have in common is this project will not only benefit but also the new generation of students yet to come. the new building will have spaces for small and large crowds and make room for
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students to study. the roof top spaces also will be a great space for gathering and making friends. >> academic success at si depends on many things. when we are comfortable and safe we can focus on learning and being successful. student who have space to interact with one another build community and confidence. being able to use the resources available to us also makes the school more appealing to future students. we love si now and we cannot wait for this new building. thank you for your time. >> i'm alex mitchell. i'm part of student council, campus ministry and varsity track team. throughout 4 years i have grown to love and deeply appreciate the aspect. i'm grateful for the education i received. never the less, si has become
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very crowd. it is difficult to move class to class because of the narrow hallways. both of my parents work from home so my house has become very noisy. i spend a lot of time studying in the library . it is challenging to find a place to do work. at lunch there is no where to do work quikely, even in the library, cat center or student center. i astonished by the open and welcoming environment. these plans allow to thrive to fullest ability by creating new opportunities to study and further develop their education. thank you so much for your time and commitment to betterment of san francisco. i respectfully ask you to approve these plans. >> good afternoon commissioners. my name is [indiscernible] i lived in san francisco my whole life and attended school through the san francisco unified school district for 9 years prior to attending si
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where now a senior. at si involved in a range of activities like student council, mock trial, leadership and active role in the south asian student club and asian student coalition. however, my experience at si stretches far beyond activities i participate in. over the past 4 years i reached a essential of personal fulfillment within the relationships with friends, teachers, class mates and idea of myself. the people i met allowed me to grow firm in vision of the type of person i want to be. i also have a younger sister in the 8 grade applying to high school. beginning of september when she toured si she told me she loved or tour guide but the inside of sth school looked like a dungeon. the first thing i thought is the modern open and inviting feel were the quality i knew my sister would love. i don't want my sister image to
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be dark and unwelcoming because it is a place where i have been able to find myself by a strong community. i imagine my sister experience coming to school here would be even further elevated then my own if the school allowed to implement the wonderful changes. i appreciate your time and serving to san francisco and ask you please approve this project. thank you. >> good afternoon commissioners. my name is hannah, a senior. i'm involved in student life such as student cunsal, [indiscernible] campus ministry. i may not benefit from the new building, i'm excited for my young siblings and when i come back for my reunion. this provides a amazing learning environment, welcome and opening. the glass windows throughout the building as well as the
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space will be comfort and excite ment to every student. after seeing the new plans, i was completely blown away. the spaces felt modern and catered to student which is big factor for perspective student as parents such for a school to embrace their child with open arms. the open spaces and use of natural light can provide for increase of engagement in all classes. it supports importance of mental health, having sunshine beam in your classroom instead of a light over the ceiling. the space in the new building-current building is outdated. there is a feeling of darkness as you walk through the hallways. they are very crowded and needs to be more space for everyone to move efficiently and comfortably from class to class. in places like the library and student center, it is difficult to find quite places to study and every area feels loud and distracting. with the amount of room and space in the new building, there will be ample opportunity
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for student to go a quite room to study. i urge you to approve this project so future generations can ajoy a great education in san francisco. thank you so much for your time. >> good afternoon commissioners. danny flores. i am a proud san franciscans and-our student government and our spirit team. why do i say most importantly? because the primary focus och the two groups is create enjoyable student experience at si. high school is supposed to be fun and giving students something to be excited about when they wake up thin morning create better learners and more engaged community. p improving the mental health of students is what we aim to achieve in the groups. to do this, we need to celebrate the gift jz talent of all students. with addition of a new building, we can create better student life, utilizing the community building spaces that
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we need in si. we consistently battle space brainstorming events for the school. especially with so many different talented groups. we hope the future generations will not be limited by a crammed outdated environment. the openness and naturally lit spaces cultivate a more engaged learning experience for our students. for example, my english class is one classroom with big open windows that face the ocean. differently, my other classes are in the old building where it feels you are sitting in a gloomy box. with no to little natural light while trying to learn. i see first hand the effect our current space has on students. there is consistently more participation in my english class and myself as well as class mates feel more alert and ready to learn in a more suitable space like the new building. i appreciate your time and service to san francisco and urge you to approve this project so our future generations can have a great education in our beautiful city.
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thank you for your time. >> hi. my name is olivia, a senior. at si involved in rowing, student council, ministry readership, community service and few other clubs. i love the time at is rks i because of the ability to find belonging in activities i acceland fully dedicate to. the two main things i take serious are my studies i rowing team. i spend majority of days in class and practice. because of this busy schedule, i practice in morning and after school, it has become very important to manage my time. i try to get ahead of work in the weekday and use free periods to finish assignment. my free periods are valuable to me, but i can sometimes struggle to make productive because the distractions. last year i had one of the busiest periods in the school. i struggled to find areas to
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work. i would rush [indiscernible] the lack of open space isn't fully the cause to complete my assignments on time, because jamming school with rigious classes and other activities makes my time hard to manage, but the thing is, that's what si students do. when i saw the new plan for the school i was amazed and all i could think is how murch easier to be productive-me and other student could accelin activities. thank you for your time and urge you approve this. >> good afternoon commissioners. my name is [indiscernible] a junior. throughout the past years at si been in student council and planned various different events as well as help run all the social medias. i am part of multiple different clubs ranging from service to social groups.
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i'm part of the asian student coalition. when i first saw the proposal of the new learning complex i was so excited because i saw how the new building would resolve the only two problems i see at si. the first being the issue of congestion. on a typical school day you find many student sitting on the ground studying or eating lunch in the academic hallway because the library is loud and full and the cafeteria never has enough space for everyone. the second issue is around social interaction. i truly believe that si current layout negatively impacts the social engagement within its student body. p the current buildings which are over 50 years old are dark and gloomy. this environment feels unwelcoming and are the disjointed layout cause students to disconnect and isolate themselves to their own groups and comfort zones. the new learning complex on the other hand creates a atmosphere
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warm and welcoming and plenty space. this is because of the massive windows providing that natural light, open floor plan and thoughtful academic design. while the new learning complex won't benefit me personally, i know that it will provide the best opportunities for future generations. for the last 168 years saint polk ignatius is part of the san francisco education religion and culture and believe the new learning complex will be a definitive part of the future of san francisco. thank you for your time. >> hello commissioners. my name is jack sandler a senior. the head of market for student spirit body and helping with marketing for student council and head of the surf club and
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founded the si surf team. for me choosing a high school wasn't hard. i knew i wanted to go to si since 5th grade not only because of the proximity to the ocean but the amazing sports and academics. as a freshman i made varsity on the water polo team and last year won the state championship and our league championship not to brag, i was the leading scorer. [laughter] when i first heard about the building plans i was sad because i never get to experience these amazing opportunities and benefits to these kids, but at the same time, i will get to visit at my 5 year reunion. the new plans excite me. i feel proud where i went to high school. the current high school is cramped. walking through the hall is a mess and like going through sfo during the holidays. this new building is open and allows plenty room for passing
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time and also i make all the highlight reals for indugram. i spend hours editing footage and on the current campus it is pretty much impossible to find a quite space unless i go to my friends teacher offices. if i'm incoming student i would be super excited just for room to have time for myself to study and get work done. ultimately this campus is around 55 years old and needs to be remodeled in the next few years. it will get more and more expensive as we push the project. getting done sooner rather then later speeds up learning and excitement for the new campus. i truly appreciate your valuable time spent with us today and hope the project is approved. >> hi, there.
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jordan nash, senior and been on varsity swim since a freshman and part of student council, block club and other clubs. the new building fosters community. when i first saw the new school plans my immediate thought is collaboration. the comments of the place used for meetings, dances, fun activities and meals. i spent most of time at si in the commons. there is only two places to hang out, the student center and are commons. both crowded throughout the day and segregates the school. the two areas are connected by a tight hallway. some teachers don't mark if i'm late because they know how hard to get through the school. we are lively and spirited school but it is really loud. the current campus does not make easy to complete independent work studying or just find a place to relax. i find having to do homework in car before school and after school instead of in the library. si education is fueled by collaborative learning. this space where students correlate how successful they
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are. i successively found myself to maximize the campus by using my own car instead of able to be there. the new building allows futureignations to create access great resources. the future is bright for student and invite them to use what is given to them. si set me up for my future by giving the opportunity to competitive swim and go to college by going to universesty of california berkeley. ment students anywhere should be able to be comfortable and reside in school accessible campus to succeed. i found si community is where you find this, but this campus hasn't correlated yet. thank you. >> good afternoon commissioners. my name is matt blake, a forth generation san franciscans and senior at si. i'm involved in campus ministry, student council with focus on social media and retreat leadership. i work hard to make sure every
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area of campus i'm involved in is able to grow and thrive not only short-term and also for years to come. in every single one of the programs i found a home in, i identified a common issue, space. there is no much going on at si and not enough room to do all the work we need to do. i worked for 2 years as a editor of the 30 person literary magazine in a dark cramped classroom that does not nurture learning and collaboration in the way it should. we have so much potential and talent within our editorural board but the space given is not working. the new building would not only solve the quill problem and space problem the rest of hundred plus clubs are facing every day. si is growing and changing just like the rest of our city, but we run out of space. growth can't happen in a dark cramped room. this new building more then anything else will let the
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light into our environment. i fully believe in this project and i know it will create more effective leaders and learners. i stand before you today humbly asking you approve it. thank you. >> good afternoon commissioners. my name is cera cassidy and proud it to say my family lived in the sunset of san francisco for 5 year generations. i play tennis and president of cancer awareness club and like fellow clas mates a part of student council. as a sophomore i won't personally benefit from the new learning commons, but knowing the future generations including freshman, [indiscernible] and even my own cousins is reason enough for me to be here today. not only that, but able to come back in 10, 15 or 20 years adds to excitement. when i see the plans for the new learning commons i see a welcoming opening space to grow and bond as a community. our current building can feel
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crowded and disconnected between classes, but in the new space we have more opportunity to collaborate, meet with friends and be together as a school. an xism of this i know my friends agree with is lunch. often at laurch our class is around 6 or 7 different areas depending what is open that day. this new open floor plan will give the chance to be together as one. when i think of saint ignaceous i think community and this learning commons will play a role in helping grow together. thank you for your time and for your service to san francisco. >> good afternoon commissioners. my name is emerson williams, i live in san francisco and in my sophomore year at si. i play volleyball, [indiscernible] student council. i want to say how grateful to attend an amazing school like si. i'm fortunate to have a place i look forward going to every day.
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when i advocate for the approval of this project, i am advocating for the future of jesuit education especially for my younger brother applies for the school. when i saw the new building i was in complete awe. i admired the design and open flexible space. this expansion supports our mission statement the phrase for care for the whole person. there is space for every person in every need. there is space for quite independent studying as well as gathering in bigger groups. the many open areas in the design allow for community building and comfort. right now if i need to focus on my work, there isn't many quite unoccupied spacesment in the main building the packed environment makes it stressful at all time s, especially trying to navigate to class. the environment makes it immense impact on learning. it is more then what we learn, it is where we learn and how we
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learn. the best classrooms are the ones with lots of natural light and windows and that's what the new building will provide. learning environments moved beyond simple rows of chalk boards and si student will benefit from modernizing the classroom experience. evolved over history of 6 campuses and 168 years. this is a expansion is a necessary step as we move forward and support the future of jesuit education in the city for many years to come. thank you for your time and ask you approve this project. >> thank you commissioners. my name is john courseo, a member and representative of ua local 38, the plumber and steam fitters union in the city. how do we tell the student no? the fact saint ignatius reached
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oout out to the building trade and guaranteed a hundred percent union project, that is exactly what we need. a job like this, a project like this creates jobs before during and after the construction. i think it is exactly what we need and we hope you vote and feel the same way we that this project is great. thank you. >> good afternoon commissioners. vince with northern california labors [indiscernible] i grew up thin sunset district and wanted to come in here because i came in here for napa county today and i knew i would see friends from long long ago in the room. i am here to tell you, i know personal knowledge that si is good neighbor. they don't always get recognized for some of the things they do, but i give you a example. we represent in addition to industry folks, we represent the city gardening staff at rec
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and park department. tends to reserve west sunset with frequency and they have been resourcing and supporting our staff and our city department for years and years and year, without fanfare. that is something you wouldn't know unless you were a incider. additionally we worked with alumni coordinator. this idea of workforce development isn't new. it is something we have done with folks at si. that is to create opportunities for folks from underserved and underrepresented communities because there is another part to the education piece and that is, there is the school, there is the students you heard from, but when you do a union project you have a trade, you have preapprenticeship and apprenticeship. the door swing wide open. you bring folks from other communities to the sunset district and they learn a trade. they develop respect for each other, professionalism and then put food on the table. they can have healthcare for entire families. they can actually have pride in
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their work, so we want to open up si for those folks because we think the city impact is something we don't want you to overlook, so please authorize today. thank you. >> good afternoon madam president madam vice president and members of the commission. chris burrinate, a member of local 718, san francisco glazer and glass workers union, and i like to express full support of this project as a former construction worker on saint ignatius campus working on renovation of the windows you heard face the ocean and glass in the library and as a san francisco resident it supported me and the local economy, so again, i like to express my full support as a out of work
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glazer currently, and i also think it is important that the student are here today. i think they should get a a in civics. thank you very much for your time. >> good afternoon commissioners. dan torres, business agent with sprinkler fitters. i represent the men and women that install, test and maintain safety sprinkler systems here to ask you to push forward the project. 100 percent union commitment. that alone should be like check, let's move on and get this forward and get people to work. i'm here in support of it and like the gentleman before me said, chris, lets give the student a a plus in civics because to come up here and stand before you and speak so passionately about something they care about, that speaks volume ares. thank you for your time. we appreciate your support.
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>> good afternoon. [indiscernible] northern california labors, here as well to reiterate some of the impacts in terms of job creation from this project. i also want to speak as mission district parent. my wife and i are raising two kids in the mission district who bpt from saint ignatius of because of openness to take the swim classes, to go and use the facilities. it is some of the sponsors said, a truly community serving institution that i think deserves more recognition beyond the excellence with respect to high school and students, awarning civic lessens here on display from the student. back to the impact on the workforce. it really does mean something when the project sponsor commit to 100 percent union workforce. the loss of downtown tenant
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improvement work we have some of the most skilled crafts women and men in the industry who lost work because that work dried up. particularly within the plumbers, electricians and when you have project sponsors say go above and with beyond to make hundred percent equipment please take that into account. the projects in the pipeline now make a difference for workforce now and in the future so please approve the project. >> thank you. i want to invite the folks in front of the door to please not block the door. thank you. >> good afternoon commissioners. sabrina hernandez, lifelong resident of san francisco living on the west side. graduate of lowelhigh school. impressed by the students here today. i want to parallel a point they made. they made it clear they would love to have an improved environment in order to be good
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students and citizens and good adults moving into the future. the other group that needs a great environment for learning is apprentices and that was offered to me a electrician in local 6 in the mid-80's. this contract this project offers a opportunity for men and women of the skilled trades i mean skilled and trained under state approved apprenticeship training programs and teachers. the journeyman and journey women who teach them on the project. that is invaluable and meant everything to me and all the success i earned in the trade and opportunity to stay in the city, purchase a house and look forward to retiring here. please please please approve this project and help it move forered forward. thank you for your consideration. >> good morning. usually i feel pity on most of
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your commission. you have to deal with your staff a lot of intense reports and eir and draft eir. today i envy you. you have a chance to be part of incredible history in san francisco i'm proud to be a part of even though i went to rearden. a lot in the trade movement got our social justice bug and passion to become a union organizer from the teaching and social justice of the catholic faith so refreshing and consistent with the jesuits reached out to the council to want to bring the dignity to workforce in their own development plan. i think you heard enough overwhelming support from the students and lips of babes. they spelled it out. i will say the project itself is responsible. we certainly hear the opposition comments. nothing in their comments would preclude further dialogue between the school and the community and in fact, knowing
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saint ignatius, i had to listen to the football team. nothing there we can do about the noise. there is something we can do about the shade but we can only grow jade trees thin backyard because it was the conditions of the sunset and park side more then anythingential. the dialogue can continue but doesn't give cause to delay this process. we can move forward with the development plans and predevelopment sw preconstruction and those dialogues i believe will continue. we are proud to support the project. the project will bring economic opportunity not only for the skilled trades in the union building trades, but provides with every hour of work opening for local hires who have access to the middle class and we still believe strongly there are too few opportunities to get in middle class careers. this is a great opportunity to keep that pathway flowing from a workforce development standopponent and proud to be in partnership with principal
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lavin and father reese. please approve the project. thank you. >> good afternoon commissioners. my name is sarah, director of the therapeutic writing program, saint based non profit located in the san francisco zoo. we use horses to reach and connect and teach children between the age of 4-18 and have a myriad of special needs as well as children impacted by the foster care system. we are volunteer staffed. 90 percent of volunteers are young people from local high schools and 80 percent of those are from saint ignatiu rks s. raisk from grooming and caring for the horses to sidewalking along the horse, to leading the horse and scoop ing manure, a
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peer educator and leader. i had the privilege to meet train work alongside so many incredible young people at this fine school educated and inspired in compassionate leadership accountability to their community and what it means to be inclusive. they know what it is to love their neighbor. this school loves its community. it loves its student body. please allow them to build the facilities needed to further educate and inspire future doctors, therapist, leaders, mewition somewheres, artests, athletes and peace makers. san francisco will be the beneficiary, i know because my program already is. thank you so much for your time. >> good afternoon.
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michelle hues and resident of san francisco. my husband and i have twin boys who are sophomores at si. we have a younger son who hope to follow in bruckters footsteps. we are strong supportersf the school provide tuition assistance. si has educated san francisco since 1865 and had a positive impact. when you meet people born and raised in san francisco not where to you live [indiscernible] when the answer is saint ignatius [indiscernible] long been a community leader in district 4 and done a thoughtful honest job of working with all the residents of the district and the neighbors immediately surrounding the school as well as the community garden
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adjacent to the property line to address any concerns. i strongly urge you to approve the expansion of the 2ndary school to update and modernize the facilities. the new space will be designed to take advantage of current design concept to promote community building opportunities to combat the isolation that effect all adults. the current school does not have room left with over 1700 people on campus any given time nor set up to teach in the ways demanded. the building as it stands is 55 years old and needs to be meet seismic safety standards and ada. a very direct benefit to district 4 will be the construction dollars spnt in the district along with additional jobs brought to the area but such a large job. the surrounding small business get to enjoy the works for breakest fa, lunch, dinner and needs in the area. it is win, win for district 4. please approve the project.
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thank you. >> good afternoon members of the commission. my name is george, i live at 2775 40 avenue. i am a neighbor of the property reviewed today as well as being parent of a student. i was born and raised in san francisco. i am alumni and graduate of the si class of 1988. accounted cal paulo poly and san francisco state. i want to give a snapshot si had on my. started decades before when my parents immigrated from peru to the u.s. the dream was to send their kids to college where they became registered nurse and machinist in san francisco respectively at the mission neighborhood health center and shipyard. college education for them was not possible.
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their goal was to give their kids the best chance to succeed in a world they were all too familiar could be cold if not cruel. s oorks played a huge role in my journey. academic excellence and spiritual support. since i attended si has grown and expanded theition mission. they have diversity equity--the changes will allow to repurpose additional learning space created by improvements for better learning students. i like to point a important aspect of the building community si. 75 hours of community service is still needed and the new space would allow in person meeting. in closing, it is vitally
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important si mission continue but be allowed to thrive and expand. i strongly urge you to make all necessary approvals as soon as possible. thank you for your time and consideration. >> good afternoon commissioners. my name is diane and my family 4th generation san franciscans. i am a single mom who put three children through saint ignatius and have 16 other family members that attended. i believe this new addition to the si campus is long over due. the existing facility does not provide the space for the existing student body or the ability to learn in this modern age of education. si provides a great education and provides our city kids with the opportunity to accelin
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life throughout the city. my father was si class of 1947. he is 93 years old and graduated from the old stanyan street location. thankfully, the commissioners years ago approved a request for the current si location for the growing school and for the continued education of our youth. by expanding the old building, this provides new jobs in san francisco, which is definitely needed. it will provide our children with the building tools they will use for the rest of their lives. this project will also allow the student to stay on campus while the beautiful new addition is added. finally, i like to thank all of you for your dedication to san francisco and i respectfully request the commissioners approve this project put forward by si. thank you. >> good afternoon commissioners.
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my name is [indiscernible] si class of 2006 where i was fortunate to attend on a scholarship. i currently serve as our vice president of the alumni board, and core part of the si education is about teaching students what it means to live a life of service to, with and for others. student on average provide 55 thousand hours of community service to non profits in our community. those core values shaped my life as a executive and under the volunteer. people who live lives of service yourself, i believe you deeply understand just how needed these values are in the world. what we are proposing isn't just a building, but a love letter to the future. at a time where the world is desperate for connection and community, this is a learning center that cultivate the kind of values we hope will shape the world for the better. thank you for your service to
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san francisco. please approve this project and support continued quality education for san franciscans. >> good afternoon. art howard, sunset native at 47 and [indiscernible] 10 blocks of si high school. alum class of 83. i work in public safety in san francisco. i'm here to support the expansion project for the school. i definitely received a quality of education from si and more importantly received a moral compass and set of principle that guided me through my life. core to values are community and service and many alumni that practice the values to service in our community in san francisco and variety of ways. for me, just listening to everything we heard today reinforces that and another reason i support this project is i visited the campus recently and i was just blown
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away how crowded it was. when i went there in 1983 there were 1200 students , i thought that was crowded. this is bulging at the seams. i do a lot of training all over the bay area and modern best practice in training and classroom is open collaborative spaces and that isn't what this school was designed around. i urge you to support this project and thank you for your service. >> good afternoon commissioners. my name is cur wn allen, a proud aluminous of si college prep. class of 1978. my daughter was in 150 graduating class, 2009 and now proudly serves on the alumni board. such is the quality and allure of the si college prep
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education. the jesuit ideal. from 2004 to 2010 i proudly served on the board of regents buildings and grounds department which in 2010 put forth a master plan, which proudly bears my name and served as the genesis of the project today so immensely proud what is placed here before you. i would like to respectfully request that you approve the project. si has educated youth for nearly 170 years and wants to do so for another 170 years and be able to do that it has to have modern facilities that allows them to teach the students of the new millenia so i proudly request that you approve this project. thank you very much for your time. >> good afternoon commissioners. my name is marisa brandon, a 35 year resident of san francisco
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practice architect for 30 years and parent of two daughters who attended si high school one of which is a senior. during my time as a parent at si i volunteered on design and development of the father [indiscernible] academy theition have of the president father eddie reese. in order to prepare young middle school students to be successful in the learning environment of higher education. you are fortunate to hear from many speaking so eloquently today. the father academy provides student to allow them to succeed as they move to become high schoolers. particularly proud the first academy class of 6 graders are seniors and ready to move to the exciting challenges of college and beyond. the school development of the father [indiscernible] academy jesuit principals si was founded. 168 years ago. si student are engaged in the community and take on the opportunities and challenges of our time. open to growth and respond to
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call of leadership and service. the current sunset district campus of si was constructed 55 years ago. the facility had miner up grades during that time and do not meet the modern classroom environment of other high schools in san francisco. the learning commons including adaptive clasroom, collaborative teaching and study places, atrium hub, learning loft and new chapel. all the space provide a modern light filled environment with sense of open to exterior. si is one of the oldest schools in the city. new modern classrooms and spaces allow the school to retain the current faculty and attract new student rchlt si student are leaders in the community. we are building this project for the next generation of si students. we hope you will approve the project and provide your support. thank you so much.
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>> if no other members of the public in the chambers wishes to submit testimony-no one coming forward. let's go to remote callers. >> eileen boken with speak in opposition to the project as proposed. there are a number of concerns which have yet to be addressed. the proposed design is not contextual as the scale and massing is inconsistent with the surrounding neighborhood. the large scale windows and skylights cause light spill. this will create light pollution which will have negative impacts on surrounding neighborhoods and wildlife. the large scale building proposed on the north side of the campus will shadow the community garden four months of the year. the project is a opportunity to increase on-site parking which could relieve the pressure of
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parking in the adjacent neighborhood. instead the proposed project eliminate 13 on-site parking spaces. the si messaging for this project seems very similar to the strategy used for the stadium lighting project. thank you. >> mr. brace. >> hello. thanks for hearing me. my name is randy brace. i am a retired resident of san francisco home owner of a nearby house adjacent to the property in the community gardener. listening to all the-right off the bat, i'm opposed to this project as planned.
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one of the-listening to all the fantastic kids talk about what they need and what they want, it is the same thing we need and want. we want light. we want open space. we want the ability to grow. we want our community to thrive, and i understand that si needs much of this, but they are doing it at the expense of us. we are a small group of people. families, lot of retired folks and we have a small voice and here is this big community. san francisco community institution, a private institution that is bringing its school might to help stamp out a small voice when we want the same thing. i urge the commission to put a
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condition on the conditional use authorization and look into a setback on the northern end of that building. thank you very much. >> mrs. catherine mitchell. >> thank you to the planning commission allowing me to speak. catherine mitchell. born and raised in san francisco. went to san francisco schools attended uc berkeley, raised my children in san francisco and [indiscernible] who have learning differences including dyslexia and adhd. on the board of san francisco education fund that focus on under served public schools and school children and over 25
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years i are [indiscernible] leader in education practice. we are at a pivotal time in education. what was once the right educational approach needs to be readdressed. we are educated for a future none can anticipate. we need to focus on teaching core skills [indiscernible] our studies show comes from learning which in a basic form we need collaboration, group learning, one on one education and all that means different type of space compared to how si was built over 50 years ago. there is a need interest traditional classrooms and need for additional physical learning spaces and need to acknowledge different learners like my son and many others si welcomes to the community have unique learning needs that often translate to one on one teaching instructions and tutoring in [indiscernible]
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additional space. the middle school student are on full scholarship through high school and become first in the family to attend college. there has been a more important time to invest in this community of learners. finally, as someone brought up in the catholic faith in san francisco and went to [indiscernible] i attest to influence si teaching has on children. diversity of student and care for whole person, si prepares the children to be good people and good citizens of san francisco. we need this more then ever [indiscernible] thank you for your support. >> i am a san francisco san mateo gardener and also a member of the sunset community garden since 2010.
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[indiscernible] and support beneficial insects, pollinators, birds and people. what do plant needs? they need sunlight, they need water, and they need nutrients. what happens if plant don't get sunlight, they cannot plus chlorophyll, lose the color and die. reduce sunlight for 4 months of the year will cause less healthy plants that can't fight disease and pests. now vegetables grow in shade without a minimum of three hours direct sunlight. photosynthesis is what plants do. they take light, carbon dioxide and water, and they make glucose, which is their food and they make oxygen for us. i'm not asking si not to build,
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i'm asking them to be a good neighbor and asking them to build without shading our garden. i fear that if you approve the plans as it stands now, we will be not considered anymore. so far, it has been difficult to any consideration for the fact that they will be shading our garden, and i hope that you'll put further conditions on the project so we may be considered as a community garden as well. >> thank you sir, that is your time. >> good afternoon.
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mark here. speaking on behalf of [indiscernible] northern california and locals. we are here to ask for and support the approval of this project. we are very exsileted excited the building construction trades of which we are a member has been able to get the guarantee to full union labor commitment on this project. the teamsters deliver concrete supply and building supply and looking forward to the employment that this project will provide to our members. again, we ask for apruchbl approval and thank you for your time. >> good afternoon commissioners. my name is anthony. i am the business representative of the carpet [indiscernible] local union 12
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here in san francisco california. i represent over 1200 men and women floor layers , many live and work in san francisco. i'm here to support item 18. the proposed project at saint ignatius project prep. the projethwill create hundred of good paying jobs from on-site craft work like floor covering to material and supplier jobs it will support. this project is much needed boost to the local economy. importantly, it will also support good careers in san francisco. the path to middle class runs through apprenticeship training programs and union hiring halls. si committed to use 100 percent union contractors who put to work the most productive and best trained craft works in the industry. my union, local union 12 is
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proud to add our name to the growing list of support for this development. please approve this project and let's get to work. thank you. >> hello. my name is paul. i worked at si for 35 years and graduated from the school in 1975. i had the pleasure of writing the history of our school back in 2005 when we celebrated our--i have volunteered at the tenderloin. [indiscernible] continuation of my work at si. i'm still trying to make our city a great place to live by helping those who make this place their home. since 1855, si is home to thousands upon thousands of students. built 6 campuses in the time
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moving west each time. there is no place else to move to. the school needs to build 7 campus right on top of the existing one. as aside of si chose to build a new school elsewhere it needs 40 acres to create the campus students need. not 11.4 it occupies in the sunset district. why the need for more space? gone are the days of 30 or 40 student in rows in the classrooms. student needs spaces and [indiscernible] also a fan of jesuit education to teach the whole person. well-rounded individuals with leaders with passion to serve. i look back on graduates as this idea. people like former governor jerry brown and george maus coney and [indiscernible] if you say yes to the project you
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say yes to nurturing more people like these, the women and men the backbone of our city. the ones who do the hard work helping those who need help the most. if you say yes to the project you are saying yes to the promise and potential of the students who learn in this new learning commons. thank you for allowing me to speak. i appreciate your time and patience listening to a old english teacher and urge you to approve. >> mr. nguyen. let's go to the next caller, please. >> hello commissioners. my name is maureen mc faden a
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parent of 3si students and been a part of the community more then 10 years. my children will have graduated by the time the project begins, i fully support the expansion of si high school. the new space will be designed to take advantage of current design concepts to promote community building opportunities and combat the isolation that fl flicts all young adults due to changes in social media. this building the current building is 55 years old and new one meets current seismic safety standards. the building was build in 1969 and teaching evolved to meet the needs of young adults said. the design increase student and staff safety and incorporates current ada accessibility modes. project also includes 150 new bike parking spaces to support san francisco's transit first initiative. the new building also has solar
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panels. student at si give back. they give community service, non profits in our community. this open and collaborative minded approach connected us deeply to the city we live in. i urge you to approve this project and i thank you for your time. >> mr. nguyen, we unmuted you again. do you wish to submit testimony? let's go to the next caller, please. >> good afternoon commissioners. martin murphy, third generation san franciscans. currently live in san francisco. alum of si, class of 84.
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i have two daughters that attendeded si. one a junior at the school. been very active as a parent leader at the scal and the vice president of si fathers club, a large responsibility for both community fellowship and fundraising for students scholarships. i have a unique perspective why the project is so important to students and families of si for generations to come. requesting the commissioners approve our project for the following reasons. first, simply need more space. 1500 students and 200 faculty, we are currently at capacity in the building. as i walk around the campus, as part of duties for the club, i notice classrooms and halls are packed, student have to go to the hall and sit on the floor for collaborative break-out sessions and the faculty doesn't have any extra meeting rooms. the project help promote modern
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teaching development. studies show kids need collaborative working opportunities working in small groups and break-out sessions the new building will accommodate and promote. this promotes social emotional growth integral to the philosophy of teaching the whole person. teachers will be able to introduce teaching methods using technology required and using flexibility space to pr moat better communication, collaboration and sharing different viewpoints. this new space will be designed to take advantage of current design concepts to promote community building opportunities to combat the isolation that inflicts all young adults due to change in social media. the project will help make the student community more robust. students on average provide 55 thousand hours of community service to non profits in our community. this requirement for graduation. this open and collaborative
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minded approach connected us very deeply with the city we live in. the architecttural design promote modern common area with abundance of natural light to encourage student to congregate and connect with each other. the space allow student led groups and clubs to meet in person versus the current model meeting over zoom which isn't ideal. we appreciate your time and considering our request for approval. i urge you to approve the expansion project as submitted by si. thank you. >> hello. can you hear me? >> we can. >> fabulous. thank you for the opportunity to talk. my name is tom. a union [indiscernible] at blue
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and gold fleet a service provider for san francisco bay ferries, and attended si and i have two daughters there as well, and so when you--to the members of the board, thank you for your service. when you say yes to the project you participate building a better san francisco. the young adults who graduate from here all go to college, graduate school, [indiscernible] these kids are taught to serve as men and women for others. it is a place that produces a extraordinary product of humans who love to make life greater and more compassionate and caring thoughtful way. this project is a responsible growth project that pay dividends in such a way you
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can't imagine. there a miracle unfolding before our lives and if you look of the legacy of the graduates and approach the school takes to address the problems of the world, this project insures the school will continue to produce people who make the world better. thank you so much. >> my name is randal. born and raised in san francisco. grew up in san francisco chinatown to spend middle and grammar school years. i went to si, learned the values the teachers taught me and graduate from uc berkeley the 4th member of family to graduate college. my children have gone to graduate from si and they too learned the value of service. my daughter holds a key position in the san francisco administrator office and my son
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is a urban planner, for the san francisco metropolitan transportation authority. when he went back to si as a volunteer in the homeless camp one year he was amazed how little had been updated. he said how could this be, 10 years after graduating nothing changed. the values i learned enabled me after main stream media to leave my job to run a non profit [indiscernible] focus on asian american news that serve 5 million readers last year. i did it largely without compensation since i left my full time job april 1 but have been able to raise lots of money due to the knowledge i gained from si and values i learned and knew putting myself into [indiscernible] betterment of the community. it is important si open to everybody.
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the buildings are not up to ada standards under the new plan and [indiscernible] sustainable with bike parking, and solar panels throughout, so i urge you support this plan. thank you. >> hello. my name is nancy, and i am the director and founder of sunset mercantile. we started the outer sunset market down 37 avenue and first of all, i like to say, i like to cu-mind all the young speakers today. they did such a lovery job. really well done. we fully support the creation of a healthier more spacious learning environment that supports the education of [indiscernible] i think that's
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[indiscernible] they do need more space. i think it is how it is done that is really important. it is my hope si will consider the potential impact that these particular plans may have on surrounding community, including on the numbers of the community garden. we are also concerned about potential construction impacts on the farmers market. there are clearly many benefits to the expansion, however it is really important to consider the rest of community surrounding the school as well while creating these plans, and i just ask for good communication with those for the farmers market and other community partner, community gardens and just hope si will be very mindful moving forward. very excited for the students and the faculty for the idea of
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a more improved school and improved learning environment. thank you for listening. >> hello, can you hear me? >> we can. >> okay. good afternoon commissioners. my name is peter lang. i represent the united union of [indiscernible] in san francisco. here to express strong support for the project here at si. a lot like our fellow tradesman and tradeswomen said before, this is more then just construction, it is about creating jobs. good job opportunities for local apprentices, and for union trade people. for people on the work site, materials, local supplies, so
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it is much needed boost to the economy. big step towards providing good careers in san francisco. the apprenticeship programs, union halls have been known for good path to the middle class. being at si committed to uses 100 percent union contractors, not only insure more of these opportunities, but also insure the best trained craft workers will be on the job. we proudly support this development and join in growing the list of supporters and urge you to approve the project to get jobs and make a positive impact for our community. thank you. >> hello. joe [indiscernible] local 913 and san francisco resident.
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represent over 500 painters and tapers and here today in support of the proposed project at si. create hundreds of good paying jobs not only for my local, but across the building trades throughout the city. si committed to hundred percent union contractors who do most productive work with the best trained crafts people in the industry using labor as a path to middle class. the [indiscernible] proud to add our name to the list of support for this project. thank you. >> hi. i want planning calling in but i have been a neighbor for a few years and listening out of curiosity. i heard members of the community garden and confused
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why they are so opposed. it sounded like the school offered compromise and it garden hasn't accept it and seems they won't accept anything, so asking for more time seems somewhat like a false promise. i feel like the garden can more easily adjust. that is my two cents and think we should do everything we can to make education in the city better as soon as possible and feel si has been a excellent institution and great neighbor. thank you. >> hi. there. my name is jay [indiscernible] architect in san francisco, sunset residents. i worked on a lot of buildings that are in higher ed so understand the idea for needed for more space. i like to [indiscernible] si didn't produce any studies until two weeks before this meeting, so the sunset
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community garden really was given no choice but to ask for continuance. we are asking for a modest modification at the northern edge of the building so it could be maybe stepped back 10, 15 feet which would reduce the mount of sun that would be blocked during the winter months. it is about 4 months of the year. we do grow things winter crops so it is important to us. we heard the vast army of students and trade people talk about the new building. we are not opposing the new building, we just like to have a sort of compromise to make sure we get some of the light. the big windows are going to fill your building with light, but we like some of it light too. we coexisted on this space for about 55 years and like to see you thrive but we like to see ourselves thrive to. the old hawaii saying, i care about you and you care about me. we are just asking for si to be
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reasonable and good neighbor and share some of the sunlight. san francisco named for saint francis, [indiscernible] the brother sun. must be thinking saint francis must think it a sin to shade a garden. he must talk to saint ignatius saying please move your building a little bit so it garden can get sun. thank you very much and appreciate your time and also appreciate the young people talking. good for you and remember the small voices against the army. thank you. >> travis smith, member of sunset community garden and lived in san francisco 15 years and like many other gardeners, an apartment dweller and rely
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on the garden as resource to grow food and make connections with neighbors. it is a beautiful place for many friends and it would be really really big loss if this garden were to be shaded for a quarter of the year. i also ask for a continuation of this project, not to deprive students and staff of a new building and the space in the [indiscernible] but also to consideration for just for consideration of a plan that doesn't take away a valuable community resource for your neighbors. just if you dont want to reside in dark and gloomy halls, we don't want a dark and gloomy garden where we with not able to grow the food and the flowers that have been a part of the community for 50 years. thank you.
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>> go ahead, caller. move to our next caller, please. >> hello, can you hear me? >> yes, go ahead. >> hi. my name is [indiscernible] i am a si alumni class of 2000 and was in the inaugural class of the si program designed for under served youth to attend college and here to support this project for the future generations of si. as a caller said, it is important, about the children and about education and i support this project and hope you all will too. thank you. last call for public comment?
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in the chambers come forward, calling remotely, press star 3 or raise your hand via webex. seeing no additional request to speak commissioners, public comment is closed and this matter is now before you. >> thank you staff. thank you to the project sponsor and to the students. especially thank you for being here. hopefully you are learning a few things but we are happy to have you here and those who called as well. i'll start with the project itself. think it is thoughtfully well designed. seems very well suit ed to needs expressed by the scal and certainly exciting to be able to not just serve the high school and middle student of the new opened middle school so great benefit for the students. i am very supportive of the project and hope to soon have a motion to prove it. of course with the modification staff submitted which were miner today to us in and also
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we have hard copy. for the folks with the garden, my mom lives in senior apartment and has a community garden plot in her town and incredibly important to her so don't want to minimize the needs of the garden, necessity of the garden and benefits it provides, which are beyond just a nice to have, if it were my mom it is need to have for health and wellness and passionate about and can't have outside of community garden. that said, i think when we look at this project, the shade is fortunately only during one part of the year during the winter months and isn't it isn't a impact but the impact doesn't seem severe enough and trade off to significantly reduce the size of the proposed building would hamper the building meeting the goals the campus and project sponsor are trying to achieve. i do hope there could be more conversation with the garden
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and don't know enough gardener. hopefully there is accommodation what type of plants or vegetables grow well in the shade or away to somehow get more sun, which i know is probably already premium given the sunset is not the sunniest part of the city generally speaking so reducing the sunlight more can be certainly a challenge. those are my comments. i don't have any questions myself for the project sponsor, but am supportive of the project. commissioner koppel. >> before i get into comments i want to ask the project sponsor a question regarding scheduling. this is a school and so typically we hear schools every now and then and there is typically some type of scheduling that needs to be done because schools are in session or not in session certain times of year. do you mind just maybe touching on what the schedules like is for this project and how urgent we are looking to get started?
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>> thank you commissioner koppel. yes, you are right the scheduling is very important because the demolition work needs to be done between school semesters, so happens in a december timeframe or summer timeframe and there is no middle ground there. the project is planning to start the demolition and planning to take a longer winter break in december of 2024 to do that demolition work, so that's when they like to start the project and already will be a race for us to get through the permitting process and all that to be able to do that. >> thank you very much. hats off to the student here today. who ever is teaching public speeching as si needs a raise there. well done everybody. interesting just got an evite
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for my 30 high school reunion at lowell high school. look at the kids sitting next to you today and realize what you are a part of today. these might be the best friends for the best of your life and may not realize now, but once you come back and check out the school if approved it will be a big deal and you can share that. i grew up in park mushed and merced and live in the sunset and familiar with the school. impressed there will be no staff or student increase. we have seen that in a couple prior projects we heard and just blown away by the father academy. it is definitely a high population of irish and italian students and great to see diversity, inclusivity and monetary tuition assistance has become a big priority to put you guys in the middle of the
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community. wanted to address one caller concern regarding light pollution and this ties into the stadium lighting item we heard where a lot of neighbors complained about bright lights intruding in the houses and me being a electrician i know normally newer technology are always improvement on older technology so before you had lights that sprayed light in wide areas and did cause light pollution, i know newer technology are more focused with less light pollution and more efficiency, so i really think this project looks amazing, i think it is a huge improvement for the neighborhood and thoroughly impressed to hear a lot of people call in support. when we lift off the tile layers rkss plumbers, glazer, [indiscernible] teamster,b
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painter and roofers and that isn't all. there are 32 trades in the building trades so sometimes we see projects where this won. this will use 32 trades. like the principal said, it will be built on site and here in san francisco, so noriega and taravel, those coffee shops and restaurants kwr bars will be busy a couple years and ideally, this is what i always stood for . me being on the commission, local contractor using locling supply houses, using local apprentices and local workers and when jobs are built here in san francisco and the construction workers are working here in san francisco that money is spent in san francisco. can't stress that enough and that is just a huge deal that i caught you saying mrs. principal so thank you for that. i do know this project does have a crunch timeline and do not want to just blow by the
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opposition. i'm going to be make a motion shortly and want to include in the motion that staff continues to work throughout the process with the community garden to make sure they get as much as they can get working with the project sponsor in good faith. that's pretty much what i got. just excited to see the project. thanks for bringing the kids. it lightens things up for. this can be serious business up here so a good treat to hear other people. i want to make a motion to approve with the staff recommendations while also continuing to work with the community garden. >> second. >> thank you commissioner koppel. commissioner diamond. >> ditto to all the above. i wanted to mention a few points that haven't been discussed already just so they are on the record. i want to applaud the school. i i know it takes a incredible amount to raise the money to
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invest in the future, and as a city i want to express at least our appreciation for the work that it takes in order to have the facilities to continue to serve future generations, so really great work and really thrilled or i'm thrilled you are taking that on. second, it was a delight to hear about your mission and all of the work that is done by the kids in the community. grateful model for all our schools so thank you for your work in that regard. third, i will add even though it is repetitive to add congratulations to the kids for taking time off and showing up to the hearing and seeing how we do business and also engaging in the civic part of this process and speaking up about why the school means so much to them and why this project will specifically benefit future kids. i was surprised you didn't ask for enrollment increase. i'm familiar with how these
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schools operate and i know that the primary way to fund teacher salaries, which is the biggest expense is through tuition. had you proposed a enrollment increase and traffic mitigation measures that would have been something that would have been iftrust to me because i want to make sure that your facilities are available for many more kids, so as you ponder your future i'll just put that out there. we recently got a enrollment increase for university high school and i thought they made a really cogent argument why that was necessary. the design is beautiful. i think it fits in in a very very lovely manner with the existing building and i look forward seeing it built. as for the garden, community gardens are really important and i want to second the notion
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you should keep working. the school should keep working with the garden. intrigued by the relocation of some boxes to the northern part of the site to have more sunlight. i hope that is part of the discussion. i believe that the school and architects already have over 35 foot buffer between the buildings and the boxes, and i don't feel given it is a code compliant project i want to ask for more and have them have to take town stories of important classroom space. and then lastly, i have a couple small questions for staff on the conditions. i think there are additional corrections that may be typos. looking at the red line versions you handed out today. at the end performance condition 1, validity you talk 5 years which i agree with in the first part of the sentence but in the last part you refer to this 3 year period.
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pretty sure you mean 5 year period. >> correct. that did not get updated. >> alright. i will pass by 2 and go to 3. you indicated diligent pursuit is changed to 5 years, but the version today it is still 3 years. i'm confused by the language in condition 2. my understanding correct me if i got it wrong, they need construction of the first phase within 5 years. >> correct. >> they need to commence construction at the second phase within 20 years of today. >> correct, after 20 years from today any commencement of construction would have to occur under a new approval or
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modification. conditional use authorization. >> it is a confusing the way it is written because it doesn't refer to phase 1 or phase 2 and the first sentence reads very similarly to the sentence you just added and i think what you are saying is the first sentence applies to phase 1, but the last applies to phase 2. is that correct? >> yes, it is two--[indiscernible] expiring different things. one has a sunset when permits have to be in and the other is permits can no longer come in under the application. >> could we clarify then that the first sentence is applying to phase 1, but the last sentence applies to phase 2? >> absolutely. we can find a way to directly link those. >> my last clarification is
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off-street loading on condition 12. it says pursuant to planning code 152, the project will provide two off-street loading spaces. project is defined as a new addition, but if i understand correctly,b the cumulative total of what is going to continue to exist plus the project- >> the project two will be provided when the project finished. that is a the requirement for the site. technical level, this project additional square footage triggers one, but they remove one within the process so they will be replacing the one required to have. no net new difference but two will be provided based on the cumulative area. >> could you revise that to make it clearer, because at the moment it sounds like- >> two new ones will be provided? absolutely. >> okay. those are-if you wouldn't mind modifying your motion to
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include those revisions, that would be great. >> i'm okay with that. >> thank you. commissioner ruiz. >> thank you. echo all the comments made bay the commissioners. i have a long way to go for my daughter to go to high school, but i hope she has a opportunity to go to such a well rounded school such as si and was so impressed by the all the students and what they had to say and that is such a testament of the education you offer, so i am very excited about this project. i also want to encourage continued conversation with community garden and want to highlight one comment i heard about the farmers market. i wonder is there going to be any potential impact to the sunset mercantile? they have events outside the farmer market sunday. i went to an event last night for day of the dead. do you anticipate any impact to that because i know it is right
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along si? >> do you mean construction? >> yeah, correction impacts. i think that was the concern from the public commenter. >> we have talked about this and the contractor does not plan on closing the parking stalls immediately in front of the school where the market sets up. accept for where the sidewalk is being replaced. there maybe isolated times when they need to mount a crane or something like that, but in general, the plan is not do weekend work. every project runs to a crunch time during the project where there is weekend work going on but they are not planning to use the street and they plan to work on weekdays typically. does that help address your question? >> i think so yeah. i don't know if is possible to maybe communicate that with sunset mercantile as
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construction continues if there is any impact or maybe obinstruction of the area in which they host events. i think that would be great. >> they work on a schedule so advance notice should be possible. >> great. thank you. >> commissioner moore. >> i second every comment my fellow commissioners made from the technical ones mr. koppel were very appropriate [indiscernible] i are like to echo the admiration for the student body. how they spoke, how they spoke with individual compassion and passion about their future, but also looking beyond their own time at the school. i do hope that your school mission and your students
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eloquence allows you to carry the inclusiveness and connections they are speaking about into ongoing conversation with community garden. for us sitting here, those missions of the school as well as open space and community in it garden are equally important and while we always talk about building and impact on living in a urban setting, to find a common ground to move the planters or asking the adjoining property to the north to share additional space all of that is important. i think it is ongoing dialogue to demolition to building and lengthy process of realizing the school where this connection i think can build and ultimately your student [indiscernible] see using the garden and see the duality of [indiscernible] that is my wish for you and in full support of the project.
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>> thank you. i don't see commissioner comments. we have a motion. made by commissioner koppel and seconded by commissioner moore and diamond. >> and continue for staff to work with the community garden. >> as well commissioner diamond amendments to the motion. >> very good. there is a motion seconded to approve the project with conditions including staff to continue working with the community garden organization as well as the corrections read into the record by commissioner diamond. commissioner braun, aye. ruiz, aye. diamond, aye, imperial, aye. moore, aye. koppel, aye. tanner, aye. motion passes 7-0. >> we'll take a short 10 minute
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within rh3 zoning and 40x height and bulk within the mission neighborhood. the project remove unauthorized dwelling unit from storage area of existing residential building and the project includes removal of the kitchen, retention of bathroom and use of space for storage. the building are tain the two existing legal dwelling units. the project was filed in response to planning enforcement case number 2022-005088enf. the unauthorized unit is located on the first floor of the residential structure and unoccupied. the unauthorized unit is approximately 360 square feet. has a full kitchen and a total lack of visual spatial connection to the other units
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on the property. it is independently accessible through a side entrance. the unit is well documented and the it department of building inspection complaint history. the unauthorized unit has a ceiling height which varies but not exceed 7 feet 5 inches and does not meet building code requirement. removal of the floor, shoring, excavation and new foundation would be required to legalize the unit per the department of building inspection. sense publication of your commission packets, the department has received one letter of support for the removal of the unit. the project sponsor has been very response onsive to department comments and requirements and never exceeded the base fines for enforcement violation. staff recommends approval with conditions of the project. ism the department finds the project is on balance consistent with objectsives and policies of the general plan.
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the project results in a loss of dwelling unit conversion of the unauthorized unit back to storage, it is necessary to eliminate design, functional haptable disficiencies that cannot be corrected without significant construction costs as detailed in your commission packet. department also finds the project to be necessary desirable and compatible with the surrounding neighborhood and not to be -this concludes the presentation and available to answer questions. i'll hand it over to the property owner. >> project sponsor, you have five minutes. >> thank you. good afternoon president tanner, commissioners. my name is rosey cho, a co oner
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of the property. my other coowner and partner josh pollack was unable to be here today but believe he is attending virtually and could be available to answer questions you may have that i'm unable to answer. since mrs. taylor has been so clear and succinct in explaining the issues, i am go ing to keep my comments brief, especially after the stellar performance of the last group. i feel i can't top that. i do not have a fan club behind me unfortunately. so, my partner and i are decades long residents of san francisco. we love san francisco. there have been times when the love waned, but we want to continue to live here for as long as possible. we were very relieved when we learned that the department was
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going to recommend approval based on the financial infeasible standard. but beyond the standard i want to tell the commission my partner and i cannot afford the cost of bringing this unit to code. we purchased the building knowing unpermitted work had been done, but we did not know fully the entire ramifications of what that meant. any potential increased value in getting the unit legalized even if it was potentially far greater, it is only realized if we actually sold the building, which we have no desire to do.
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the potential value is just that. it is potential. it is not going to help pay for the construction cost up front. we very much support the city effort to increase the housing stock and wish we could be a part of that and contribute to that, but we just cannot at this point. i want to end with by saying this issue has been very nerve-wracking for me as well as my partner, having it grapple with the possibility we might have to give up the property or even give up on san francisco because of this. for these reasons, i ask the commission to please approve the application. thank you. >> that concludes project
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sponsor application we'll open public comment. >> good afternoon commissioners. my name sandy lavene, an architect and lived in noe valley 35 years and worked in the city over 40. i am also giveic back to the city. we support our neighbors. our members to help them navigate dr process, the whole process through the city. i just met rosey cho who a member of our organization, and she told me that they bought the building in 2016 and inherited the problem. they didn't build the unit and
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found through the pandemic living at home with home office they have need for extra storage. rather then--it is tough to take a unit off the market, i know that has been very difficult and challenged and impossible, but appreciate your concern and following the staff recommendation to allow them to not have to go through the huge expense of lowering the floor, changing the foundation, it will be hundreds of thousands of dollars that is beyond their means. thank you and appreciate your help. >> last call for public comment. seeing none, public comment is closed. this matter is now before you commissioners. >> thank you. just want to thank staff for a very thorough report. very easy to understand the facts of this case and understand what is happening. i certainly am supportive of
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the staff recommendation and i entertain a motion to approve. commissioner moore. >> i'm in support of staff recommendation. again, i would echo president tanner observation, very thorough report answering all the critical questions that we all asked. much appreciated. i make a motion we approve with conditions. >> i second. >> commissioner braun, did you want to add anything? >> no, i'm very much in favor of this. >> great. thank you. >> nuther further, there is a motion seconded to approve with conditions. on the motion, commissioner braun aye. ruiz, aye. imperial, aye. -motion passes unanimously 7-0. place us on 20 case number 2023-003074cua. 600 ortega street. a conditional use
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authorization. >> good afternoon commissioners. planning department staff. the project before you request conditional youth to demolish 2217 square foot single family home and construct new 3 story, 4465 single family home. the project is located in the golden gate heights neighborhood between 11th and 14th avenue and rh1 zoning and 40x height and bulk district. the existing single family home proposed for demolition is 2 story 3 bed dwelling. the project also includes one
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off-street parking space, one bike parking space and three rear decks. to date the department received one correspondence related to drifting sand, height of the unit and potential impact from shadows. the project results in the demolition of existing dwelling unit, the project provides one replacement dwelling unit and will not result in a loss of dwelling units. the project will create one dwelling unit to maximize density per the rh1 zoning. the proposed structure code compliant and compatible with context in terms of massing scale and material and within permitted height limit of 30 feet for the subject lot. the department finds the project consist want with the objective and policies of the general plan and finds the project to be necessary desirable and compatible with the surrounding neighborhood and not gallaudetrimental to persons or adjacent properties in the vicinity. the department recommends approval with conditions. this concludes my presentation
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and i'm available to questions and turn it over to the project sponsor for brief presentation. thank you. >> project sponsor, you have five minutes. >> good afternoon. my name is summer. me and my husband are the owners. [indiscernible] he can't come in for this meeting. so, we are both dentists and we own a small family based dental practice in the sunset neighborhood, and so we have been there over 10 years now in the sunset, and we have two younger kids and both of our parents are living with us right now, so we are in need of bigger space. appreciate all of your
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consideration. thank you. >> hi, commissioners. my name is cilean yen, the architect one of the architects for 600 ortega street. the owners helped to eare build their family single family home so it stays safe for many generations to come. we are requesting a cua for the project for the main reasons listed below. the [indiscernible] is run during the current home unsafe as seen in the geotechnical report. the subsoil is mostly filled tossed over the side of the hill from the time the road was cut into. there is lose sand to 30 feet before bed rock is reached resulting in land slide potential. this makes retrofitting the shawly foundation for renovation not feasible. the current building foundation for experiencing settlement related to cracking and needs
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for upgading for size mm and soil issue. the recommended foundation type is pier design with tie backs to stabilize the home and it is impossible to operate this machinery required to install under the existing home, therefore full demolition is the only viable option. the adjacent neighbors at 610 ortega have serious settlement issues a few years orphthe renovation project and owners to reinforce the foundation after the project completed. trying to save cost and avoid demolition initially, they created unsafe condition for on their property and danger to adjacent properties. due to this similar condition that our property we hope to fully up grade the foundation from the outset and avoid the situation that happened next door. at the beginning we spent time considering the inclusion of the a adu however the owner needs and goals suggested a
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different solution. as designed the living area is located on the ground floor for ease of use, garage access, entry access and with grandparents intend to live on the top floor. it was important to the owner the plat direct access to the main living area be provided so there isn't enough space to fit a adu on the ground floor. placing a adu on upper level doesn't make sense with redundant circulation space. due to the soil condition, excollation and rear expansion for a adu is extremely difficult and cost prohibitive. both adjacent neighbors attending the meeting held february 21. the privacy concerns for both neighbors 590 and 610 were brought up at the meeting and address the comments we revised the proposed rear deck to include property line planters and off-set acceptable to both neighbors. as part of the plan check, the
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first floor deck on the east side was pulled in three feet from side property line. we respectfully request the design solution we worked out with the adjacent neighbors be approved as design. thank you. >> okay, we should take public comment. this is your opportunity to address the commission on this matter. in the chamber, come forward. seeing no request , public comment is closed and the matter is before you. >> thank you. thank staff for the presentation and thank you to the arct tech for answering questions such as consideration of adu but understanding the location isn't the rear yard wouldn't be suitable for adu so thank you for exploring that possibility. supportive of the project. also, makes sense to do a full demolition and thank you for providing additional information about the soil.
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just understanding the thought process and approach to designing the proposed home. commissioner diamond. >> i'm going to move to approve. i think the design solution makes sense and that i'm glad you considered the addition of a adu and your explanation makes a great deal of sense to me and our goad doesn't require a adu but appreciative of the fact to see if you could include one so move to approve. >> second. >> commissioner moore. >> i had privacy concerns but the architect thoroughly describing there was a agreement with the neighbors. support the projeth.project. >> if nuther further there is motion seconded. [roll call] so moved, motion passes
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unanimously 7-0. place on item 21. case 2022-008829cua. 2277 33 avenue. please note september 28, 20 twoe 3 after hearing closing public comment you continued this matter to today's date by a vote of 6-1 with commissioner diamond voting against. >> good afternoon members of the planning commission. sharon young, planning department staff. the project before you is a request for conditional use authorization for change of use from vacant residential care facility back to original use as single family home. measuring, 3300 square feet. located at 2277 33 avenue with rh1 zoning and 4x height and bulk. the proposal includes interior remodel and exterior alteration to the two story building. no expansion proposed. this project was heard by this
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commission on september 28 and after hearing and closing public comment continued to today. public testimony was heard from representative of self-help for the elderly, a licensed care facility operator and supervisor chan office. shelf help expressed interest in the property but lacks funding at this time. supervisor chan's office requested continuance for the project and additional information on trends of residential care facilities in san francisco. the department finds the project is on balance consistent with intent of rh1 zoning and objectives and policies of the general plan and meets all applicable planning code requirements. the project will convert a vacant residential care facility that can no longer operate due to a lack of funding back to the original use as single family home in the mostly residential neighborhood of park side. the department also finds the project to be necessary
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desirable and compatible with the surrounding neighborhood and not to be significantly-the department recommends approval with conditions of the project. i turn the presentation over to my supervisor for additional information. i'm available for any questions. thank you. >> good afternoon commissioners. nutalia, planning department staff. we heard your careful deliberation on this topic. i like to call your attention to material in the case report under exhibit h and i. h is response to supervisor chan's letter of inquiry on residential care facility trends in the city from the planning department and department of disability and aging services. exhibit i is report published by the city long-term care coordinating council on affordable living care in san francisco. based on research, small
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facilities such as this property are disappearing at a fast rate due to lack of funding, shifting family dynamics and broader economic trends such as increase in operating costs. cost is and continues to be the most significant barrier. simply put, small facilities are not a financially sustainable model anymore and unlikely to return without additional funding or city subsidy. since planning does not have direct operational authority over these facility they are usually vacant by the time application is filed and project is in front of you. we understand this is a difficult issue as there is a large need for affordable assisted living in san francisco. i hope this information is helpful. i'm available for questions and the project sponsor is present and prepared a short presentation. thank you.
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>> daniel turner with projbect sponsors and owner. as you heard the projecktd sponsors are cecal conditional use to convert the property from residential care facility back to single family home. the matter was before you september 28 and continued to reengage in discussion with self-help for the elder non profit operator for potential acquisition of it property. project sponsors made effort to facilitate the operation. the first after the previous hearing with verbal discussion between project sponsors, the supervisor office and self-help. [indiscernible] take over the property in a reasonable timeline agreed to. project sponsor self-help told the supervisor representative the issue was securing funding and helpful if the supervisor office can [indiscernible]
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project sponsor team sent e-mail restating the conversation the following day and also sent follow up e-mails every 10 days or so. one response was received from supervisor office explaining the office could not help with the property but happy to discuss the broader policy issue. no response was received from self-help. i also want to echo the contextual fundings the report made as nutalia discussed. one is that-sorry, the report found the likelihood of new care facility in the city was unlikely and question long-term viability. [indiscernible] finding a new care operator and economic other factors are making small care facilities more infeasible. made several efforts to keep residential care facility at
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the property but they proved fuel futile. in light of this, we respectfully request you grant the conditional use authorization and project sponsors are here if you have any questions. >> with that, we should open public comment. member ozf the public isthe is your opportunity to address the commission on this matter. in the chambers, you need to just simply come forward, calling remotely, press star 3 or raise your hand via webex. no request to speak, public comment is closed and this matter is before you. >> thank you. >> thank you and thank you for the project sponsor in meeting with self-help for the elder and also supervisor chan's office. so, in this case, i guess it really confirms that there is no funding for it and self-help for the elderly cannot fully
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acquire this purchase, so i'll move to approve this project. >> second. >> if nuther further commissioners there is a motion seconded to approve with conditions. [roll call] so moved. motion passes unanimously 7-0. commissioners, that will place under discretionary review calendar for items 22a and b case 2019-015792 derks rp and var for 355 lombard street. you consider the discretionary review hearing and zoning administrator or acting zoning administrator will be considering the variance. >> is that you today? >> we are going to take a quick minute to find the staff
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assigned to this project. >> is there a acting zoning administrator in the building? >> there we go. >> i will say the sound isn't working on the tv so may not have heard us. >> good afternoon commissioners. david winslow, staff arct tech. the item before you is a public initiated request for discretionary review of building permit application number 2019-0816.9021. to construct a 3 story over a 1 story garage to add two dwelling units to property with 2 existing dwellings in a legal non complying building in the rear portion of the site. the building is category a
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built in 1913. the site is 22 feet wide and 107 feet deep on a upsloping lot. the first requester to the east is concerned that the proposed project does not conform to residential design guidelines related to light noise and privacy and building scale and form does not respect front setback. the second robert shaddock and [indiscernible] chambers of 361 lombard, the adjacent property to the west is concerned that the project does not mitigate impact to light. it will significantly reduce light and-sorry, will also have noise and privacy impacts due to the decks adjacent to the livingroom and bedroom of the
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property. the proposed alternatives are to remove the roof deck and balconies that impact privacy and light and noise. privacy and noise for 361 and 359 lombard. increase setback on the western side oof the proposed to allow more light to existing buildings eastern side of 361 and 359 lombard. step back the front so it matches the styles of the adjacent properties. and reduce the height of the proposed development to reduce the echo chamber effect that would be created by the building creating a courtyard which would improve light for existing properties on 355 lombard. to date the department received no letters of support or letters in opposition. the proposal is building-code compliant and below the height limit, but creates the need for exposure variance to the
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existing building. the department supports the creation of two new units. the massing is appropriately-moderates appropriately the massing of the two adjacent neighbor buildings. 5 foot side setback to the east adequately maintains light and air to the east. on the west front was determined not to be necessary because of the distance between the front facade. the building maintains scale and poportions of the block face. however, the location of the front roof deck does praent potential to enable users to infringe upon privacy of nairfbs and alaunsh with that, noise therefore staff recommend the commission take discretionary review and require to set the roof deck back 9 feet from the front
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building wall. this concludes my presentation. thank you. >> dr requester, you have 5 minutes. >> thank you devon. can we use this? >> sure can. >> thank you very much. two asks, as you can see this gives context for the 300 block of lombard street. as you can see, it is a little of unique block characterized by a front setbacks and top floor setbacks. you can also appreciate why the owner would want to build there. you can see a very large opportunity. they are not using most of the land today. if i owned the lot i would probably want to build as well. regarding the front setback, clearly we have varied front setbacks in this case. they employ the average method and makes a lot of sense.
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we argue it works well for floors one and two set forth here. however, on 4, 3 it pretrudes from adjacent properties over 9 feets and breaks the transation from a to b as it pertrudes forward from both properties. attached is visual from the east and west. the dwelling protruding forward. again with the varied front setback and residential design. the goal is transition from a to b not protruding from both properties but try to provide the elegant transition. as david mentioned rkts , there is a concern with daylight. the shadow study show there is
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impact to daylight to myself and my neighbor who voted in support of this. it is difficult to fully remove the daylight impact, however the top floor setback does mitigate dilight for 349 lombard and 347 lombard. i would note, it is north facing windows. this isn't a year round challenge, but does get a addressed, 2, 3, 4 months a year as a material daylight impact. to claify, the ask is top floor setback more unified and better adhere to residential design guidelines. you see the design on the left. i would also add this was the original proposal. goal to transition between the adjacent properties. we recognize and appreciate square footage is a major concern for the project owner. the net impact based on
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discussion is 70 square feet. we compromised and willing to fill in property line windows where the net impact difference we are talking 25, 30 square feet net impact difference. any questions there? am i allowed to ask that? >> they'll ask questions if they have any. >> fair enough. really quick, on the roof deck. the roof deck, just the proximity. given the nature wedged between two exterior walls to the east and the west. there is a existing 800 square foot roof deck on the lot in the back. that is above both units. we have had noise issues with that. there are roof tops that happen. mostly concerned on the proximity of this. given it is wedged between the
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2 exterior walls. there is a lot we can do with privacy and putting privacy gates. acoustic is a concern as it creates a strong echo chamber. now we already have lot of noise issues. the proposal would with the roof deck existing back roof deck and balcony and terrace is 1500 square feet. it is significantly more then any property on the block. those are two asks, leverage the existing 800 roof deck, balcony and terrace and courtyard and set back that the r the front, create more unified street landscape and mitigate daylight concerns. thank you very much. >> if that concludes the dr requesters presentation, we should hear from the project sponsor. >> we have- >> sorry. i apologize. second dr requester. >> good afternoon. thank you for your time.
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my name is robert shaddock, 361 lombard street. i should say, this is-this proposal is extension of 2019 application. since then it added a second unit and also increased in height. if we were talking about the 2019 proposal without a roof deck none of us would be here today. our concerns primarily around privacy from the roof deck and noise that might be created and try to illustrate that here. the roof deck on this addition will sit between and lower between two properties creating acoustic issues as well as as david winslow the planning department privacy issues as it would create a direct view into the master bedroom on our property. the proposed setback that david has talked about on the roof
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deck would go some way to mitigate this. however, we feel the proposal is enhanced if the top story of this building was stepped back as shown in the illustration on the right. that would resolve any privacy issues rather then a setback on a large expanded roof area as well as addressing daylight issues for the other adjacent properties. in addition to that, we are concerned about the echo chamber effect that result from this building having four sided courtyard. i tried to illustrate that here. we have a dungeon like courtyard going on with the addition of this structure at the front of the lot. that will create an echo chamber as well as reducing the total light flux on all the
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surrounding properties, including the project sponsor's property. would like therefore this proposal is returned to 2019 single unit dwelling and without a roof deck. regarding the addition from one unit to two unit i like to hand over to laura to talk about the density exception. thank you. >> good afternoon commissioners. laura, attorney for the dr requesters. i wanted to take a few minutes to highlight in the brief related to project reliance on density exception. as you are aware, this is a brand new law, so not very many projects have come forward. in this case, this project cannot qualify for the density exception because it has a very specific rear yard requirement.
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>> can we go to the overhead? and in the text of the law if you are having 4 dwelling units which the project proposals you have to have a rear lot of 30 percent or 15 feet which ever is greater. the rear yard is 25 percent so can't benefit from the density bonus. happy to answer any questions about that. in that case, it can only have one unit in the front and if it had one unit in the front the setback would be much more nominal as my client mentioned. thank you. >> if that concludes the dr requester presentation we should take the project sponsor. you have 10 minutes for your dr and variance. if you need it. >> i'm ben. good afternoon commissioners. i'm glad i got to go second because i didn't know what was
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coming. we had quite a few conversations with the neighbors going back to 2019 and there was a laundry list of concerns. most of them have been repeated here. this is the first time i am seeing the density issue one. luckily we had the zoning administrator in the room can settle with him. i can't comment on that because i don't know the regulations in the area have been fluid quite some time and not sure where we landed and just doing what planning staff told me was allowable. you are correct in 2019 it was submitted as single family residents. one units. same size of height, bulk projection and setback. so the envelope of the building did not change when we were told that the adu would be allowable as part of the initial permit application. this was an e-mail i got back in i want to say 2020, maybe
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early 2020. i went with it and said that is our end goal so instead of two permits do on one permit so we went from a single family proposal to two unit proposal. because of that, but at the same time, we did increase the height by a foot per floor, so three floors over the existing garage increased 3 feet i think. we fundamentally agree with staff recommendation on how to aaddress this dr in terms of mitigation measure and shorten the roof deck 9 feet i think david said. it does mitigate some privacy issues laterally and the roof decks will not line up across the lots. i don't know what to say about the noise. noise is a factor of use and i can design for use, but don't control use going forward. i think that is different people in charge of regulating
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that. can i borrow your visual aid for a second? the one that showed the roof deck for the projection of the front. sp some of the visual are not accurately representing the property. i was going to point it out but cant find the one we were talking about. short of that, like i said, we fundamentally are with staff recommendation on the mitigation measures for meeting the dr requester long list of concerns on this one. i don't have anything further prepared for you. i think the packet i submitted in terms of the brief for this
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project was comprehensive in terms of our point of view on it. >> okay, great. thank you. we should open public comment. memberoffs members of the public this is your opportunity to address the commission. seeing no request to speak, public comment is closed. dr requester you have 2 minute rebuttal if you need it. >> super quick. for clarification, you mentioned adu i don't think it is adu it is density code exception. regarding the floor plans, glad to figure that out. we asked for files and everything and all been denied so had our own architect build these out and so we tried to re-create these as factual as possible.
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>> second dr requesting? >> nothing to add. >> very good. project sponsor, two minute rebuttal if you want it. great. with that, before you commissioners. >> great. thank you for being so concise. we appreciate that. i wondering if you can please address the issue with the 4 plex. it is new and know there is a very thorough explanation in the packet, but if you can illuminate. >> sure. happy to. 4 plex fairly new. this is one if not the first project to propose it, and it is a context isn't typical in the sense there is a existing building in the rear. the 4 plux allow 4 units on the lot. it requires the project have a 30 percent rear yard. the reason we determined this was eligible is two reasons. one, the building itself-in the front is within the buildable
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area and not requesting a rear yard variance to go to the rear 30 percent and there a longstanding zoning administrator interpretation for these type of situations where there is historically existing home at the rear of the lot because this happens a lot across the city and you want to develop in the front, even though in the buildingable area there is a require a minimum area is maintained between the two buildings and if you don't maintain that area, then you basically trigger a rear yard variance. that couldn't happen under 4 plex, but because the project is not projecting to the rear 30 percent and also not triggering rear yard variance meeting the preexisting za interpretation on this lot context, we determined that it was eligible for 4 plex. >> thank you for explaining that. i will simply say that i thank you for careful analysis and
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bringing forward suggestions. it seems pretty contemporary to the other building. seems very similar to what neighbors have in terms of roof decks. we have prided helping to provide open space for folks so i think the roof decks are providing open space for [indiscernible] it seems appropriate to have the outdoor space available. i want to call on commissioner moore. >> i one quick question for the project architect. have you drawn what architect witness winslow is asking you to do? >> it is red line across the existing roof deck. >> do you have that available? >> no. i think we did it in a zoom meeting. >> i think it would be very helpful to see what that look like. when i find the number reasonable, i just like to see how it falls relative to dr requesters concerns. >> i don't have anything to
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hand to illustrate that. >> can you use a plan if you know where it could you show to the commission with a pencil? >> sure. there is a 5 foot notch on the east side of the front that sep rates off the-more or less lines up to that. >> it is lit up. okay. thank you for explaining that. i think it is very important for us to understand that. appreciate it. >> commissioner diamond. >> the recommendation of staff is to take dr and require the 9 foot setback, is that right?
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okay. i move to take dr with 9 foot setback. >> second. >> very good commissioners. if nothing further there is motion seconded to take dr and approve with staff modifications. on that motion- [roll call] so moved. the motion passes 7-0. commissioners, that- >> for the variance. >> thank you. >> sure. i want to note the lot is only 22 feet wide and that combined with topography the overall development context without going into all details i think sufficient to meet the 5 findings for the variance. >> thank you.
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commissioners, that place us on final item-i take that back. yes, 23. number 23. case 2022-000280drp for property at 552 jersey street. discretionary review. >> good afternoon. david winslow. the item before you have public initiated request for discretionary review of building permit application 2022.0922.2093 to construct a horizontal side addition at the rear with a deck to existing two story single family house. the site is approximately 25 foot wide by 114 deep. slightly lateral sloping lot. existing two story building is category a built in 1900.
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the dr requester are the neighbors to the west. concerned the proposed project will effect their privacy. the alternative is to use frosted or translucent glazing in the windows facing their side property. to date the department received no letters in support, nor letters of opposition. staff supports the project. maintains the scale at the rear and separation from the adjacent neighbor with side setback. the proposed windows serving the dining room a large existing smaller window and three feet from the common property line. face the neighbor deck and rear window separated by the side yard. no obvious view angles to the windows from the corner windows. in any case, common solutions to windows in a tight nit
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environment would include window cover so privacy concerns are used and desired when relevant. the config eurasian and location of the windows seems to present no unusual or extraordinary circumstance, therefore staff recommends not taking discretionary review. thank you. >> dr requester, you have 5 minutes. >> thank you. thank you david. thank you commissioners. hello, good afternoon. thank you for your continued service and efforts and being here and building a beautiful city that i love. lane kennedy a local san francisco resident and love the city and i am a home owner of 560 jersey, and you know, perhaps i brought up attention to number of issues with the drawings, and discrepancies.
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my primary goal has always been to have a compromise and to always-to work with my neighbor. i actually want this building to be remodeled. the current state is dilapidated and rat infested and taints our neighborhood honesty, so in favor of it completely. my ask has been obscureing the side floor to ceiling and bathroom window on the east side of the building with transluceants glass. it seems pretty simple to me. just then i get to have my privacy and they get to their privacy. i like to share a experience in remodeled 560 jersey. my plans approved march 5 of 2015. we broke ground in august and we had several conversations with our neighbors to the east. all about privacy and concern
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and about windows and like to show images i have. there is a projector. how do i get that to work? there we go. so, perfect. so, this is one of the windows i had to--this is my neighbor house here. this is the window. this is another. this is another. so, i show these to you because i out of neighborly respect and can going to live next to these people, i i did this to my house. dwr didn't know what i didn't know because i didn't live there before and so i went with a friendly spirit and changed my wendoes and really grateful
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i did because i have a harmmonious relationship between me and my neighbors. i wanted to show you light that actually is in my house as a result of using this translucent windowism i think it is relevant to this case. i took this picture this morning at 750 in the morning. this is the mid-floor. this is into the dining room from the first window i showed you. this is on the bottom floor right next to the fung's house, translucent window and it gets ton of light. this is my favorite room in the house. we have floor to ceiling window and are translucent light so they don't see us and we don't see to them. we do sleep in this room.
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there is something about people living close to each other and voyeurism and i don't want my 14 year old watching somebody go to the bathroom or sleeping or changing and so doing this now in hindsight i'm grateful that we did this. i also want to present the plans here. thish this is where we are at currently on top. this is a very small window here. we do look into the window. it is about three feet. three square feet. the proposal is going to be 39.4 square feet, which is 12x what we currently look at and what can be seen in our house. now, that room right now is a little tiny entry and exit room.
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it says in the plans it is a sun room. i'll wrap up. but it is going to be a dining area where we will see what is happening and they see what is happening with us, so i just always come back to this is never about not having this project done. i'm all for it but request ing my family and who ever moves there their privacy in the future. i want to thank each of you for listening and appreciate you all. thank you. >> very good. the project sponsor has 5 minutes. >> thank you. brad. i really appreciate your time especially since we are the last item on the agenda. can you hear me? great. okay.
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opening up drawings. this is the existing site plan and you can see right here is the existing sort of prior rear addition. this was the prior permitted addition and stairs. this shows the expansion of that addition to the east and removal of the stairs and the deck so you can see that the addition or modifications we are doing to the building don't extend further into the backyard then the existing
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building. this shows comparison to the existing ground floor here and then the proposed ground floor here. you can see there is the existing laundry with a window facing the neighboring property and then proposing bathroom are high windows in the same location. this is the second floor existing sun room so you can see there is a window currently facing the neighboring property here and there are windows proposed in the dining room here in the addition. it is true that the windows especially-actually the window on the lower level are reducing. the window on upper level increasing the size and a lot of this is related to trying to
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capture the only direct light that this building really gets at this point after the neighbor to the west prior addition and so, you can see the neighbor to the west building is--they did pretty substantial rear additions and we feel the modifications we are proposing are much more in context with the other more historical neighboring properties. a lot of the neighbors buildings are all most identical to this one and additions are all most identical to what we are proposing. this is probably the best way to see. the red box here represents the work after the addition is performed, so you can see we already have a shed roof here and this two story piece and
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basically what we are proposing is modify the roof and add more windows to this space. this is the neighboring property so you can see the neighboring property is much higher up then our client's property. then here you can see the existing views that our client has of the neighboring property. these are out her window looking to the deck of the neighboring property, and i think there is also views from the neighboring property into helen's house here, so you can see how that works. what is probably most important to opponent out is that you can see that really this-the window here is the only window that is in this entire house that is
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ever going to get any direct light from the sun and so, that was a big impetus trying to get the wondo at the corner of the dining space and not limiting it by putting-having it frosted or treatment on it. thank you. >> okay. if that concludes project sponsor presentation we should take public comment. this is your opportunity to address the commission. you have two minutes. >> good afternoon commissioners. andy lavine architects representing the noe neighborhood land use committee. i met lane kennedy and went to her house and looked at the drawings. david, there are a lot of inconsistencies in the drawing
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and you mentioned something that not sure exact wording you used but to say that the new project would not have much impact on the owner. it isn't drawn on here. the windows on the neighbor side elevation are missing. the deck is missing, so from the model that the project sponsor architect showed, there's-from the-there is a small window that faces to side both at lane dining room and bedroom but there is a huge deck and looking down to the side there is a two foot by three foot window in the toilet room they are proposing and you are looking straight down three feet away into somebody's sitting on the toilet and then there next to that is a shower and it seems inappropriate to
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have clear glass at-three feet away from the property line that the proposing to do this and have windows. upstairs the dining room, the window is 2 and a half feet wide-my hand is 7 feet, but 9 foot high window they are having-whether fully translucent or up to eye level it seems much more appropriate. thank you and appreciate your concern and try to make something reasonable that respects the privacy. >> last call for public comment? seeing none, dr requesting you have two minute rebuttal if you need it. >> i just want to-thank you again. i want to bring up the light situation and show one more-- because i live there and lived there for the past 6 years or
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whatever, i know about the light that is there, and her window area is way bigger then my light. >> can we set the time mr. secretary. please continue. >> okay. and so, when they talk about the natural light into the house, i'm all for the light hundred percent because i need that to survive and be happy and right here you see how much light is actually going to be going into this unit, and if we go back to this picture, you see how much light is going into--that is the lowest level of my house. there is a lot of light that gets into these windows. i'm not here to say no to the project, just asking for privacy on that wall that i'm living on and i don't think it is that much to ask considering
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i want to be neighborly and respectful and kind and ypt i want to live there in harmony and don't want issues so that is what i have to share today. thank you again for your time. >> project sponsor, you have two minute rebuttal if you need it. >> thank you. yes. in this environment where a house is in a narrow lot basically sandwiched between adjacent buildings, certainly putting as much north facing glass as possible to get some defused light is important, but i think it is also important to use the one opportunity that exists to actually get direct sunlight into the space into the entire house and that's
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this corner. it is facing an exterior deck of a neighboring property. the dining room is-if there is a privacy concerns on either side, either side can obviously provide window treatment or put up window treatment shades, et cetera and the bathroom on the lower floor the window is decreased in size instead of having a lower window ceil, it is now a clear story wendo and there is always opportunity for window treatment, so i think this is-in a urban environment allowing someone the ability to have natural light and direct light in the one location where that is possible, knowing that yes, it will look at the neighbor's deck in the same way the existing window looks at the neighbor deck. that is what our applicant our client is requesting.
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thank you. >> okay. with that commissioners, the dr is before you. >> thank you. want to say to the dr requester mrs. kennedy, understand you request, to live in harmony with neighbors and understand the actions you took with your own renovation. that being said, i don't think that requires your neighbor to do the same thing if they don't want to do that. they can deal with privacy in the way they see fit and you have to deal with challenges you see fit so do not support taking dr and approve staff recommendation to not dr and approve the project. commissioner moore. >> i like to verify the dimension is only 3 feet? asking the project architect. the dr is requesting the window is 3 feet away, is that
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correct? >> three feet from the property line, not from the neighbor. >> what is the distance between the windows? window surface to window surface? >> i think it depends on which window you are talking about. >> talking about the bathroom window. >> the bathroom window is 3 feet from the lowest floor of the neighbor property. here you can see down here this is the existing bathroom window. so, it is not facing--sorry. it is not facing the deck, it faces the side of their house. their concern is more looking down into our client's bathroom. >> i would agree with the dr applicant. i happen to unfortunately live in a similar situation and find
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it untainable from my living room window and have to draw shades all the time, north facing window to look into somebody's bathroom and see 8 or 10 bottles of shampoo on the window ledge which when i have guests in the home who like to look in the rear of the home it is not possible. that distance is too close and would say that at least for the bathroom i would expect that it is an obscure [indiscernible] that is my own experience and strongly echoing the dr requester concerns about that particular window. >> i could clarify that window just facing a blank wall, another window. >> are i thought there was-if the dr can step up. [indiscernible] dr request please explain what your concern about that window that better understand it. >> we literally look down into
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that bathroom. so, we are up here and look into the proposed bath and toilet. >> from the deck? >> from the deck and my bedroom. >> i believe that is enough of a need having privacy and i would suggest that that particular window has the privacy glass varying degree how that can be done, but one does not lose light, just losing clear transparency so my request would be to have that being granted to the dr requesterism with the other windows i'm not as concerned with the distance and you [indiscernible] the bathroom since i experience that it is unattainable. >> is that a motion? >> yes, please. modify for the bathroom to be--frosted glass.
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>> okay. >> second. >> thank you. commissioner diamond. >> i'm still having trouble understanding how far apart the windows are. one floor looking up looking into the bathroom below or looking straight across? >> looking right into their dining room and looking down into their proposed i believe the shower and toilet. >> it is looking down a floor not looking directly across? >> correct. >> if was directly across, i would be sympathetic but it is down a floor and feel shades take care of that problem so would not support dr. >> commissioner koppel. >> i would be supporting commissioner moore motion. i put these windows in my house between my two units for
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privacy between myself and my other tenant. >> thank you. commissioner braun. >> i think i'm confused about one issue with the windows on the first floor. so, it looks to me in the plans like the location-there is one window and the existing first floor plan that looks into a bathroom and with the revised plans there is a full bath and two full baths from the looks of it, on the same side on the first floor and there is going to be now two windows in different locations kind of on either side where the existing one is. am i reading this right or can you clarify, please? >> sure. >> maybe it looks like they are moving. >> they are shifting slightly.
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this over here is the existing ground floor so you can see the window right here, and then here is the proposed ground floor, so there is a window here and here. these new windows are proposed to be high clear story windows where this existing window is more a standard window with lower ceil. >> there is also a full bath towards the bottom of the page and that appears to have a window? >> yeah. right now the existing bathroom has a window and that window shifts further down. >> that also clear story? >> what's that? >> a high window? >> is that clear story? >> yes. >> thank you. i guess i want to bring that up because commissioner moore, curious if the motion is for
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frosted glass on all the bathroom windows or just the rear one? >> just the one where the adjoining neighbor has to look from her upper floor down to it. the rest is blank wall. >> the window on that side? >> correct. >> do you have further comments commissioner braun? >> no. i think the situation the second floor is pretty-our standard is exceptional and extraordinary and it is fairly shallow view and don't have concerns about the upper level issue raised. >> great. thank you. we do have a motion. >> a motion that has been seconded to take dr and approve the project as proposed with the bath window on the ground floor fitted with frosted or obscure glass.
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[music] san francisco developing programs specific low to increase the amount of affordable housing throughout the city. >> the affordable housing bonus program provides developers to include more housing for i have low, low, moderate and middle income households. this program does not rely on public subsidies but private developers who include it part of their project. under california density bonus law. housing prejudices that include affordable on site may be request a density bonus. it is an increase in the number of housing units allowed under zoning laws and based on affordable units being provided. >> however, the state law does
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not address all of san francisco needs does not incentivize middle income housing. associating the city is proposing an affordable housing bonus program for higher levels of development including middle income u firsts providing a stream lined application review and approval process. >> how does the program work in it applies to mixed use corridors in san francisco. and offers incentives to developers who provide 30% of affordable in projects. to reach 30%, 12% of the units must be affordable to low income household and 18% per minute nap to middle income households. >> in exchange developers will will build more and up to additional 2 stories beyond current zoning regulations. >> 1 huh human % affordable will
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be offered up to 3 additional stories beyond current regulations. each building will be required conform to guidelines ensuring meets with the character of the area and commercial corridors. this program is an opportunity to double the amount of affordable housing and directly address the goals established by twenty 14 hosing element and prospect k paddled by voters last year. pacificly, prop circumstance established a goal that 33% of all new housing permanent to low and moderate incomes this program will be the first to prosecute void permanent affordable projects that include middle income households. to learn more about the program visit is. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> hi friends i'm co-sponsor radio here and exploratorium in
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san francisco with my friends emily changing we have a brand new show that is fantastic to interview but a lot of them you covered here in san francisco. >> yes. called the circuit and, you know. i hosted a daily show for 13 years and it was so fun, i learned a lot but the point of this show to i say we are having an buff like sam and inside and others the founder of airbnb and we have the behind the scenes at the barbie movie and like a fresh chapter i think of our job everyday education and feel i'm learning everyday.
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>> surely. >> right now the exploratorium one of the favorite places in san francisco. >> sorry it is one of my favorite places right down the street in my office another hot spot like a public learning laboratory so beautify inside and so many artists and science experiments and nature and i got here it is great place for grownups if you get our hands wet arrest dirty. and it is so hard to peel myself away and go to the other room. >> the experiments inside and business and honestly i'm so impressed with the history so, yeah definitely a hot spot. >> you heard it here first. when you're next no time visit.
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. >> i love that i was in four plus years a a rent control tenant, and it might be normal because the tenant will -- for the longest, i was applying for b.m.r. rental, but i would be in the lottery and never be like 307 or 310. i pretty much had kind of given up on that, and had to leave san francisco. i found out about the san francisco mayor's office of housing about two or three years ago, and i originally did home counseling with someone, but then, my certificate expired, and one of my friends jamie, she was actually interested in purchasing a unit. i told her about the housing program, the mayor's office,
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and i told her hey, you've got to do the six hour counseling and the 12 hour training. she said no, i want you to go with me. and then, the very next day that i went to the session, i notice this unit at 616 harrison became available, b.m.i. i was like wow, this could potentially work. housing purchases through the b.m.r. program with the sf mayor's office of housing, they are all lotteries, and for this one, i did win the lottery. there were three people that applied, and they pulled my number first. i won, despite the luck i'd had with the program in the last couple years. things are finally breaking my way. when i first saw the unit, even though i knew it was less than ideal conditions, and it was very junky, i could see what this place could be. it's slowly beginning to feel like home. i can definitely -- you know,
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once i got it painted and slowly getting my custom furniture to fit this unit because it's a specialized unit, and all the units are microinterms of being very small. this unit in terms of adaptive, in terms of having a murphy bed, using the walls and ceiling, getting as much space as i can. it's slowly becoming home for me. it is great that san francisco has this program to address, let's say, the housing crisis that exists here in the bay area. it will slowly become home, and i am appreciative that it is a bright spot in an otherwise
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>> welcome. i'm carlo the director of mission for st. anthony foundation i want to thank everyone.for joining us in this special celebration. blessing and dedication of this facility which moving forward known as the caplisten family oasis shelter. [applause] >> i want to extend a warm welcome to our mayor, thank you for being here. supervisor preston who i saw, thank you. and executive director of homelessness and supportive housing. thank you for being here today. thank you for everyone for coming. you know we are here to honor the people all of the people involved in transforming motel to a shelter. to support the
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