tv Police Commission SFGTV November 9, 2023 7:00am-9:31am PST
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and to the republic for which it stands. one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. vice president carter, i'd like to take roll. commissioner walker here. commissioner benedicto here. mr. yanez here. commissioner byrne here. commissioner yee here. vice president cordova stone. you have a quorum also with us tonight, we have assistant chief denise flaherty for the san francisco police department. and acting executive director sarah hawkins for the department of police accountability. line item one general public comment at this time, the public is now welcome to address the commission for up to two minutes on items that do not appear on tonight's agenda, but are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the police commission under police commission. rules of order during public comment. neither police nor epa personnel or commissioners are required to respond to questions by the
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public. but may provide a brief response. alternatively you may submit public comment in either of the following ways. email the secretary of the police commission at sfpd commission at or written comments may be sent via us postal service to the public safety building located at 1245 third street, san francisco, california. 94158. if you would like to make public comment, please approach the podium. just some points from last meeting. this commission is misusing or misunderstanding the studies about policing and drug overdoses is not to oversimplify, but the gist of the studies is that arrest causes a pause in the users use. and that pause may affect the tolerance of the user, such that when the user is back out on the streets, their tolerance is now an unknown. and so for a variety of reasons, overdose could happen. for the record, interruption of use could also lead to a path of recovery. and it often does regardless, either one overdose or recovery are consequences for which the user bears full responsibility. this is not a policing issue. the
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studies themselves are careful to warn readers not to confuse causation and correlation with the fundamentals of this complex problem. um. i urge you all to review the concept of proximate cause because some members of this commission erroneously believe that the sfpd is the proximate cause for every single ill that befalls drug users, dealers and criminals. this commission's reliance on and treatment of non definitive studies highlights a fundamental issue this commission has an almost fanatical effort to shoehorn every issue through an anti law enforcement lens. everything that is discussed by this commission is trapped under the bias. myopic anti law enforcement perspective. and there are some on this commission who want to keep that point of view dominant and unchallenged, regardless of how inappropriate or unsubstantiated. the data challenge you led. commissioner carter oberstein to state that there is a dangerous and unfortunate effort to use state public meeting laws to silence dissenting views on the commission. i urge this commission to educate itself on the first amendment and for whom it affords protection. by definition, the public cannot silence you. the government.
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however, i will get silenced by this commission. after two minutes, you have even taken steps to silence all potential remote commenters. all we're doing is exercising our right and responsibility to hold you accountable and based on the way you misuse data and manipulate answers to your questions, i'm really glad we do. good evening, commissioners. i am nash daniels . i'm a representative of seiu 1021 and i represent the 911 dispatchers. i'm here to shed some light on what is a very what is very unsettling for me and my members. the department of police accountability has been sending complaints from their office to the department of emergency management with the intent for possible discipline of dispatchers. the issue we have with this as it now stands, is the process does not afford my members or the union due process. as you are aware, the dispatchers are civilian staff and not privy to a 3303 hearing. it also seems like an exhaustion
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of city resources, as we are hoping that you could look into this and provide all parties with clarity and a fair process for the civil servant employees this is affecting. thank you, chair. can i ask i just want to thank the 911 dispatchers. i know how much stress you guys are on and all the calls that you get on a daily base. so so thank to our or i guess 911 dispatchers and members. so thank you for all the hard work. relay the message. thank you. good evening members of the police commission. i'm a born and raised resident of san francisco, growing up in the richmond district and residing in glen park since 1989, i'm aware of policing in other countries, particularly in brazil, where i lived for five years, as well as in mexico, where i've traveled extensive and for extended lengths of time policing in other countries is
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often very corrupt and violent, with little oversight, mainly due to poor pay and bad training . and private security is used by the wealthy here in san francisco. fortunately the situation is different. very different, at least for now. we have a good police force, if not woefully understaffed and underfunded. they're well trained, conscientious and strive to be better than ever. nevertheless, there is a high level of anti-police bias. in san francisco, we watched it come to a fever pitch with the hysteria and mob violence in the summer of 2020, with acab and abolish the police graffitied all over the city center and beyond and frenzied people making deranged demands. the city's elected leaders joined this mob mania by impulsively defunding the police to the tune of 120 million, a ruinous decision. i know you all know, but the anti-police bias continues today. it's unabated on this commission, i witnessed thinly veiled hostility. some yes, anti-police bias among
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certain members during the meetings. and it was evident last week during the agenda item number nine, when the use of force report was discussed, the why of the disparity between black and white encounters was pressed. yes. why? a good question. but is it solely the fault of the san francisco police department that was insinuated in the tone of some vocal members? so i stand here with due respect to, say, humble yourselves, contemplate that the why may very possibly lie outside the purview of the san francisco police and within the realm of the civilized nation that's unfurling before us. there's a lot of bad education going on out there. commissioner walker suggestion to review body cam footage is a good start. it may reveal a lot. also. yes a bad education, that's for sure. it's going to look like a slight digress, but i need to
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finish what i told the board of supervisors yesterday because it concerns you too. it is not allowed to mess with the skies any more. it's not allowed. so we don't want to see any ugliness in the skies, the skies don't need artificial whatever. if you keep doing that, you're going to finish your life unhappy, ugly and your descendants are going to pay for you. except offensively. this concerns every one of us here. nobody wants to address this because this is very complicated to address, but we must face what's going on. the police. okay. i guess i'll just use the
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overhead again, as usual. good evening. i come here every wednesday concerning my son, aubrey abacus, who was murdered august 14th, 2006, to this day is case is unsolved. i bring these names of the perpetrators that was there that had a hand in murdering my child. hannibal thomas, paris moffat. andrew purdue. jason thomas. anthony hunter and marcus carter. one of which is deceased. i'm not sure whether it's the first or the second one. i come here not just for my son, but for all unsolved homicides that are not solved today. and seeing the faces of all these men, young men and
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babies that were murdered, still cases aren't solved and the mothers are still suffering. again, as a mother, i wouldn't have to want to stand over my son's or any of my children that i have left because of homicide or murder or gun violence or domestic violence or child abuse. anything. would no one want to have to do this? i've been coming here for years and still no justice. this is what the perpetrators left me with a lifeless body of my child decaying. and this is what i have to remember for the rest of my life. and i keep saying grief never ends because my love for my son will never die. so i'm asking for justice. that maybe some kind of way that we can as family, that we can get some
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justice for our children, some kind of closure. and with that, i thank you for hearing me. anyone has any information regarding the murder of aubrey abacus, you can call the anonymous 24/7 tip line. at (415)!a575-4444. good evening, commissioners. allen braddell. i want. to express my sympathies for this prior speakers comment. it's here and to express my support for the first speaker who showed up here tonight and i stand with that speaker and all the points that she made. thank you. commissioners. that is the end of public comment at line item two consent calendar receive and file action sfpd's third quarter 2023 audit of
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electronic communication devices for bias sfpd's firearm discharge review board and in custody death review board quarter three 2023 2023 department award certification in sfpd's, sfpd and dpa's sb 1421 and sb 16 monthly report motion to receive and file. second, any member of the public like to make public comment regarding line item two please approach the podium. and there is no public comment on the motion. commissioner walker, how do you vote? yes, commissioner walker is yes. commissioner benedicto yes. commissioner benedicto is yes. commissioner yanez is excused. commissioner byrne yes. commissioner byrne is yes. commissioner yee yes. commissioner yee is yes. and vice president carter overstone yes. vice president wilson is. yes. you have five yeses. line item three chief's report discussion weekly crime trends and public safety concerns. providing an overview of offenses, incidents or events
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occurring in san francisco. having an impact on public safety, including a brief overview of a staffing and resources for the upcoming apec leaders meeting. 1211. 11. 12 through 1117 2023. commission discussion on unplanned events and activities. the chief describes will be limited to determining whether to calendar for a future meeting. chief scott, thank you, sergeant youngblood. good evening. vice president carter overstone commission and acting executive director hawkins and the public get a little closer. i'll start the report off with just an overall quick overview of crime trends. we are down in total part one crime 7, which is about 3200 fewer crimes than this time last year. violent crimes are up 3% and property crimes are down 8. the 3% increase in violent crimes is a total of 128 more crimes than this time last year. and the majority of that reduction or the reduction in property crimes for the year as
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to violent crime, there are 49 homicides year to date that is a 9% increase over the 45. we had this time last year. our overall homicide clearance rate. is 72. however that will go up because we just made two arrests in the last few days. over the weekend of two separate homicides that occurred in october of this year. so the homicide rate, once those are counted, will be 76. there was one homicide for this week, and i'll talk about that in a second. as far as shootings, the overall reduction is 6% for the year compared to 2022. that's 175 victims. and 148 incidents of gun violence. so that is lower by 6% than this time last year. as i mentioned, there was a homicide during this past week and that one occurred on 1030, 23 at 7:18 p.m. and a 300 block of leavenworth in the
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tenderloin. the victim was transported to the hospital for a gunshot wound. the witness said that the victim was walking on the sidewalk when he heard a loud sound that he thought to be a firework. the witness said that the victim screamed in pain, fell to the ground and succumbed to their injuries at the hospital. no arrest has been made at this time. that investigation is ongoing. there was another shooting on 1030, 123. that was halloween night at 9:10 p.m. at 15th. and shotwell subject and the victim were involved in a road rage incident where the subject used the vehicle to strike the victim in the victim's vehicle. the physical altercation then happened from there and the subject shot the victim in the lower extremities. no rest at this time. and that case is also still under investigation. another significant incident of note, there was a home invasion with that resulted in a possible traumatic brain injury to the victim. this happened on the 200
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block of santos in the ingleside district on november second at 3:03 a.m. three unknown subjects announced themselves as police officers then kicked in the door of the home. the front door hearing the commotion, residents locked their bedroom door and hid inside the subjects, then kicked down the bedroom door and demanded gold chains. the subjects pistol whipped, kicked and punched the victim. the victim lost consciousness and suffered an 11 inch laceration to their head. the subject also stole gold jewelry, cash and two vehicles from the residence, driving the stolen vehicles. the unknown subjects fled and have not been captured at this time. so that case is still under investigation. last thing of note, there was a stunt driving event that occurred at california and divisadero over the weekend. there were about 50 vehicles in a caravan and officers arrived and dispersed the group and they dispersed in different directions. officers were able to monitor a small
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group of about five cars, which traveled westbound on california , and the group eventually dispersed towards downtown and south of market. no arrests have been made at this time, but i would like to remind the public that we continue those investigations, even though some people believe they got away with it. if we can identify the car and have the probable cause to see that, seize that car, that's exactly what we will do. and we have done that on numerous occasions. as as for the apec conference, just to give an update that will be starting this coming weekend. and i know the commission was interested in the staffing and deployment for apec. so just an overview. we have seven several, several hundred law enforcement officers from outside agencies, actually more than that responding to san francisco, cisco to assist us with security. the chp will send the largest group of officers. the california highway patrol will
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have a presence at both bridges and at various venues or apec venues throughout the city. they will have a role in site security, dignitary, escorts as well as they will be available to assist. if needed for any type of civil disobedience that may occur. that's beyond the capabilities of the san francisco police department at several other bay area law enforcement agencies will also assist in our escort of the dignitaries around the city during apec. those agencies include san mateo county sheriffs, brisbane police department, belmont police department, daly city police department. foster city police department. menlo park police department. san mateo police department. and south san francisco. all of these are small departments, but they did send what they could, small numbers of officers, but their help is very, very much appreciated. san jose state police department is also sending officers to help with some of our fixed posts in the site venues as well as the
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fairfield police department. so in total that's around 50 additional officers and as far as the san francisco police department, every able bodied officer will be working as the department will mobilize during this next week. and what that means for apec, approximately just under 600 officers over the week will be assigned to apec in various capacities. the rest of the officers will be basically working in the field, working patrol our stations will be staffed. so we don't expect any interruption in service in terms of responding to emergency calls for service as a matter of fact, because we're mobilized, each district station will have probably more deployment than they have on a typical night because we do have to plan for contingencies as to contingencies in the event that unexpected things happen or the events go beyond what the
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scheduled deployment can handle. we have contacted the california department of emergency. office of emergency services in the event that we need mutual aid, we will we will request mutual aid. and alameda county is the regional for this region anyway, mutual aid coordinator. so we have been in contact with them just drawing up contingency plans. the plan is for the san francisco police department to handle any protests that happened as if they happen as a result of apec. if it goes if it goes beyond our capabilities, then we have the california highway patrol and if we have to trigger mutual aid, we will do so. and that is really the high level snapshot of apec for next week. we expect that people, all the dignitaries and their and their staffs to start some of them, i think are already starting to fly into town. but this weekend will probably be when most people fly into town or come to town and they will be
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here for approximately a week. and that concludes this week's report. thank you, chief, for the report. commissioner walker. thank you so much for the report . i know that there's going to be disruption to traffic and public transit and all of that. and i just i wanted to let people know if they have if they need information about about what's going to be happening over the course of the next week, they can go to sf gov backslash apec, apec dash. 2023 and you can get information. but i think it's really important if anybody has information or needs anything, they can either go there to find out information about what the disruptions might be or who to contact, and if there's issues on the street 301. or in an emergency 911. so
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thank you, commissioner, for that. and that's a great point. so any also any updates that will happen will be on those websites as well. so for the public, in terms of the there are security zones, for instance , around mosconi, basically from market st down to harrison from second street to fifth street, that is a secured area. but people who live inside that area can go about their their business. there will be vehicle, vehicle traffic restrictions there. there will be checkpoints . it's even for people who live in the area. and then the mosconi zone will be a hard closure. if you look at the maps, you'll see where the hard closures are and only credentialed people can go in that zone. and there are checkpoints as far as security checks or inspections for those zones as well. and all the venues basically will operate like that. they will be open for local traffic, but they will be minimal. businesses as far as
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what we know, that will be impacted. as far as you know, not operating, but in these zones, the businesses and restaurants will be open for business. so if you live in that area, you can you can frequent those establishments. you can shop for your groceries and whatever else you need. great, great. thank you. thank you. commissioner yee. hey, thank you very much there. vice president carter ulverstone. thank you. commissioner walker's for that information on where to get an update on the apex. i want to thank the chief and the members and all the i guess the public first responders and contingencies that has been set in place. i hope wish you success in this event. i know it's a they're they're probably have additional some somewhere from 20 to 40,000 people here in
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in the state in the city. so i hope we do well and wish you the best. thank you. thank you, commissioner. uh, chief, last week when we discussed apec, you mentioned that there were a number of local law enforcement agencies that would be assisting us with the event, and i think today you listed roughly half a dozen. and you mentioned that you that the department entered memory of understanding with each of those local departments. is that do i have that right? yes okay. and is it your understanding that any of those memoranda of understanding impacts a geo that's currently on the books, if you're talking about the geo 3.01, those memoranda of understanding basically are all operating, all memorandums, and they lay out whether or not the city will
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reimburse which we're not. and they're very simple mou. so basically these these departments that have offered to help us, we had to lay out what the parameters were, where the whether or not there would be reimbursement on those type of things. so it's a very fluid situation in. but other than the operational components of them coming in to help, i don't believe those rise to that level . so then they don't cover operational issues. it's mostly about reimbursement. they cover what these departments will be. some of them cover what these departments for instance, the motorcycle officers, they're going to participate in dignitary, dignitary, dignitary, escorts, and they we are not reimbursing them for their services. they're doing that out of the goodness of their heart. so mainly those that's the purpose of the mou. but again, these are very fluid documents
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in terms of some of these organizations just recently committed this week in terms of these mou. so we needed to get the work done and get the commitments and so we can set our deployment. i remember i was speaking with an officer, maybe as close to a year ago, and i can't remember his name, but he mentioned that there were some times issues with doing these types of dignitary escorts with other agencies that had different policies and used different tactics. do you do you see that as as an issue or an area of concern? no i don't. one of the things that that we have done for many years, particularly with the highway patrol, the way we deploy for when, let's say, the president and vice president both agencies take a take a piece of that. and so that is been the practice for
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as long as anybody can remember. so it's not uncommon. usually, usually at least in the city of san francisco. that's how the dignitary protections go. this is a little different because we have so many dignitaries at one time. so these officers, once they did once their departments indicated that they would be or may be joining us, they have trained and debriefed and all that stuff. but we don't think that that's going to be an issue. and because, as you said at the outset, each of these outside agencies have sent us a relatively small number of officers each these convoys, cars or escorts will comprise both both sfpd and outside law enforcement in in the same escort. is that right? some of them will some of them. right. and so in those instance, is does the outside agency we
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follow sfpd policy and tactics just because i imagine every agency does these things a little bit differently. yeah. no, they follow their own tactics as far as policies, if like, for instance, use of force or those type of things, the agencies follow their own tactics, policies as their training in terms of the escorts themselves, i mean, there's some things are just basic in terms of escorts that are universal. however it is important that there is communications. there is some training in terms of what roles each person on that on that motorcade escort has. and so that's where the communication and the training comes in place. but they will follow their own policies, their own tactics, and that's pretty standard when you're working with outside agencies, as it would be when we go to any place where mutual aid is requested, we have to follow our own policies and is are any of these roles response abilities or tactics set forth in the mou
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that we have with these outside agencies? no, no specific tactics. i don't know if there's language in there off the top of my head with. the what i just said as far as officers follow their own policies. but that is standard pretty much. you don't expect officers to come to another town and then all of a sudden learn different policies, different tactics and they they follow their own because their agency still has a responsibility to hold them accountable for following their policies. great. and just last question for me. you've referenced mutual aid tonight and also last week. would you just mind explaining for members of the public what that is and also how it might figure into our apec plan? yes. thank you for that. so mutual aid there is regional mutual aid across the state of california, and there's different zones. so the zone that we're in, the northern
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california zone basically are the nine county bay areas. northern california counties. i think it goes actually up to humboldt. i believe. and when in the event that anybody in this in this mutual aid zone requests mutual aid, the alameda county sheriffs are the regional mutual aid coordinators. so the process is that request is made through alameda county sheriffs and then they marshal the resources of whatever is requested and they coordinate that mutual aid request. a good example of when this typically happens, like the north bay fires, they those cities needed officers, they needed firefighters. but speaking for police, we participated in mutual aid several times since i've been here in assisting those cities in 2020, when the civil unrest really swept the nation after the george floyd murder, san francisco requested mutual aid. i think it was late may and we
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did receive, i think, about 200 officers or so from across the state. so it's fair rare for us to request being the we're the biggest city in the in the biggest police department in the area. but it's not totally uncommon. and the trigger for mutual aid, if it's beyond the resources that a city can handle, extraordinary incidents, civil unrest, wildfires that go beyond the resources, those types of things. typically, you do not request or get mutual aid for pre-planned events. but there are some nuances depending on what information you have. if you can predict that it's going to go beyond the norm, it's a wise idea to start having that conversation. and so we are at least setting up for contingencies based on some of what's out there in open source about first amendment activity. we don't know what's going to happen, but we need to prepare
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for it as if everything that we see is going to happen. great. thanks chief. that's everything for me, commissioner burn. thank you, vice president carter over stone. chief. when the outside departments come, unlike the chp coming into the. into the tenderloin, is there like a coordination? will there be like a particular captain or something of sfpd to coordinate? or do these people just answer to their own? the way the chp is doing now in the tenderloin? there are not coordinating per se with san francisco police, where as with this apec thing, it would seem to me that there needs to be some coordination with the sfpd as to deployment and as to how it's all going to operate there. there there is a coordination. i mean, this is this is a really, really large scale event. so that is really important coordination in i
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didn't say this, but let me back up a second. because of the security designation, the national special security designation for this event, the us secret service actually is the lead agency on security. so there is coordination at the federal level. but in terms of what we're talking about, the sfpd will be the coordinator of anything local protest, first amendment and anything that that spins from that is our department. we coordinating that piece of it. so there is coordination, a lot of logistical coordination to make sure that everybody is communicating and talking. so that's a big part of our hopefully what will be a good outcome. so will there be patrols of out of city police cars in different areas of san francisco? no all the all of the officer cars that are coming are working. the apec venues and mainly the like. the motorcycle officers for escort dignitary, escorts, but other other than
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those escorts will, i assume from what you described, there will be other officers in san francisco? yeah. the officers will be working venues. so all the venues the for venues, all have fixed post assignments because they're secured. and like the moscone venue is a pretty large perimeter. so there are going to be fixed post assignments with uniformed officers at the checkpoints throughout the venue. so that's what these officers most of these officers, if not all, will be doing. and so the normal patrols will be as it was before apec. yes. as far as sfpd outside of apec, right. and then the chp will still be roaming south of market in the tenderloin, correct? okay. thank you. thank you. sergeant, could we go to public comment, please? members of the public, they would like to make public comment regarding line item three, the chief's report. please approach the podium.
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okay, great. okay. where i think way beyond or above these technicalities. technicalities say right. you keep the perspective. actually like if you were a bird. so you see, remember, it's going to be a good occasion to own yourself and pass the word, by the way, on yourself. you know, pass the word big time. the perspective from above is to not forget that this gathering for apec, all these guys promote war, all of them. so basically they promote in one way or another. but nobody talks about peace. peace is what the people want. all of us with a few exception. so it's good to remember this, at least i think. okay, sorry. i'm again, the guy who is talking. look, okay, keep the perspective. look, because it's so. wow. it's amazing. it takes a little bit
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to move back and say, yeah, that's exactly it. what can we do? okay, wait. step by step by. thank you. um i wanted to talk about the last time i was here. i was talking about the. the digital posters at all the district stations, and i went by a couple of them, and they were up. but then when i went back, the next day, they were down. so why are we having this if they can't consistently be up there? it's supposed to be on 24 over seven. how are we going to get our cases solved if these if these digital televisions and the district stations don't stay on 24/7? i know in a couple of
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them they were on 24 over seven. i know that you're trying to do some operation because of the getting them fixed, but i would like to when i go to these stations that to see that they're up, you know, again, there's taxpayers money that has been spent for these things to be put up and help spearhead getting them up too, because i'm tired of climbing up on poles and pasting pictures up of the homicide of my child. you know, i'm getting too old for that, you know, so if we have a venue and the only venue is at the district stations right now, how come they can't consistently keep these televisions on so that maybe someone might walk in there and solve our children's cases, especially mine? i take my pictures in there and ask them, can they put it up on their bulletin board or something, or via the television . but these digital things need
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to stay on consistently. why do we have them? why do i have to wait for somebody to go in there and get the remote control and snap it on while i wait? because then i don't want to leave? and i say, can i wait until you cut it on? you know, we need to keep these things up. there consistently. thank you. hi, commissioners. alan braddell and chief, i just wanted to respond to the discussion of potential upcoming disturbed cases. there there will be disturbances. as i've been reading about them. i will read right now from a posting that i saw in a newsletter from the dsa. that's the democratic socialists of america. they are holding a online course to educate folks and the topics include the
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following this night school will provide an overview of what it is, who it is, and what it does to widen economic inequality and push the planet closer to climate catastrophe. every day. and what the no to apec coalition is planning to do in response? yes, you are invited to learn about this event and join in the acts of resistance and this is happening on sunday. and again, this is the democratic socialists of america. we have several sitting commissioners in san francisco and a sitting supervisor. that's kristin evans, jackie fielder, dean preston, you may see them down there. it's on sunday and it's to shut down the apec mass mobilization is what it's called . join the dsa contingent at embargo center at noon. look for details and a link to the signal
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chat at and the who in the channel on their slack. so it's a well organized effort to disturb this important event. and unfortunately, you're going to have to deal with that, it looks like. thanks to some of our sitting commissioners and supervisors who might participate. thank you. commissioners. that is the end of public comment. just for members of the public line. item six has been pulled from tonight's agenda line item for directors report discussion report on recent activities and announcements. commission discussion will be limited to determining whether to calendar any of the issues raised for future commission meeting. director hawkins. good evening. commissioners chief scott. members of the public. i will start with a couple of stats that i really want to focus on at this time. last year we had
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opened 201 cases and at this time this year we have 689 cases opened. that's quite a big increase and it represents at least two full time investigators. we are having the same staffing and budget issues that other departments are having and it is starting to kind of take a toll on our staff. so i just want to highlight that on the bright side, even with that increased caseload at this time last year, we had 23 cases past the 270 day mark, and this year we only have 22, of which 18 are told. so we continue to meet our deadlines and work diligently. we currently have 317 cases pending at and at this time last year we had 245 cases pending. so an increase in all of our opened and pending cases. so i'm sure we will kind of keep talking about that as we go through our next budget phase. we currently have eight cases pending with the commission, 88 cases pending with the chief. in the past week we received 19 new cases. the
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again, as a reminder, these are just new cases with allegations. but the breakdown of the allegations is 17% conduct unbecoming an officer which represent complaints for officers behaving or speaking inappropriately or displaying threatening or intimidating behavior. 12% for neglect of duty, which includes failure to investigate or take required action, and 12% use of force. we don't have any thing to report on this week with regard to audit, but we do look forward to providing the full misconduct audit out in a future commission meeting, hopefully in early january and i just learned recently that our youtube channel has been relaunched. i don't have the direct information right now, but i will make sure that that is available at the next commission report. present today is senior investigator chris chisnell, who is available for any questions that the public or commissioners
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might have. thank you. thank you for that report. seeing no names in the queue. sergeant, could you take us to public comment, please, for members of the public that would like to make public comment regarding line item for the directors report, please approach the podium. i actually just have a question and i know that generally when you tend to ask questions, they don't get answered, which is i know you don't have to answer the questions, but is there a way for the public to find out how many of the reports that have been initiated were initiated by the dpa itself? are you even allowed to do that? i can answer process questions. i feel comfortable doing that. if i can ask the city attorney if that's okay. okay. i'm just wondering how we can figure out how many were actually in are from the actual public and how many are from coming within the dpa itself. i'll ask the city attorney if it's okay for me to answer the process question.
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it's best if you can talk to her one on one. and also report back when we put it on the agenda. that sounds good and i'm happy to. you can actually also speak to senior investigator chris chisnell and if he's unable to answer your questions, i'll be available after the meeting. but there's nothing on the website. like you can't just go on the website. you can look at our annual reports. okay um, i wanted last time i was here, we talked about trying to get more investigator to solve the unsolved homicides, and then it was brought up that we can get da director henderson on to get some of their investigators to solve these unsolved homicides, to get some witnesses to come in, to come through, you know, to pay the witnesses, find other ways for others that other cities for other cities to find out how they're doing to solve these unsolved homicides. so i'm still waiting for the agenda the
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next time that it's going to be put on the agenda about ways to solve these unsolved homicides and get new investigators to come in and solve these. and if it's going to come from the dpa directors to get them involved because we have nothing. i have nothing. i've been coming here and asking ways to get these unsolved homicides solved. so if we can get other help from the d dpa directors on you guys, investigators to come over and help solve these homicides, that would be a good thing. so i'm hoping next time i come here something is being said about that. are finding other ways, the way other cities have done it. also so that we can pay witnesses to solve these, you
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know, just a little bit of money . money talks. you know, this needs to happen. i get this from you. you bring this up to me. so i'm just bringing it back to you. what i've been told, i don't want to be pacified and saying, okay, miss brown, we're going to do this, miss brown, we're going to do that. and it doesn't happen. and we all have to be accountable. you pledge to protect us. you pledge to. i'm just asking. thank you. and that is the end of public comment. line item five commission reports, discussion and possible action commission reports will be limited to a brief description of activities and announcements. commission discussion will be limited to determining whether to calendar any of the issues raised for a future commission meeting. commission presidents report commissioners reports and commission announcements and scheduling of items identified
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for consideration at a future commission meeting. just one announce moment for the public, which is that we will not be having our normally scheduled meeting next week on november 15th. it appears that there is not a quorum of commissioner who can attend the meeting and it does fall in the middle of apec. so just wanted to let folks know about that. commissioner yanez thank you. vice president carter oberstein chief chief, quick report. i just i stepped out to go to the juvenile probation and commission hearing as they've asked me to provide an update about our work towards a pre booking diversion program. i did that. they are introducing a resolution endorsing and supporting thing, encouraging the city to create an establish a pre booking diversion program
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with the san francisco police department. it seems like the resolution is going to pass. they will go on into a vote, which i was not there for, but it seems like they are overwhelmingly in support of this direction that we're taking. and in addition to that, the department of police accountability, we submitted their community, their feedback into the community policing manual. i expect to receive some of that information soon so that then i could look at the updated draft and provide some of my feedback. since that is one of the goals that has been assigned to me, i believe that there will be a presentation in january on the updated community policing plans, which i believe were posted on the district websites or the district station websites on november 2nd. correct? chief i believe so, but i will verify that. got it. and then my last update is regarding, 07.01. we received some clarification
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about. it is posted on our website and it is open for people to give input and feedback. 07.01 is our juvenile policy for interfacing with young people. it will be open through the 13th of december for public comment. so please log on to the website and provide your input into that ego. thank you. that's my report. commissioner benedicto thank you, mr. vice president. i'll start with the same issue that commissioner yanez just mentioned. so just reiterating that 7.01, which governs the department's policy with respect to juveniles, is currently in the public comment phase. so you can go go to the san francisco police department website to review the draft and submit a comment and all comments will get a response from the sfpd and dpa. i do really want to thank the various community stakeholders who put
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well over a dozen hours of time earlier this spring and this summer to work on this dgo it's a significant modernization and update to the dgo we already have and is and some of the changes in it will hopefully lay the groundwork and be the first step in the process to a pre-arrest diversion program for juveniles. so i do encourage people to make that public comment and we hope to have that before the commission sometime early next year. and then second, yesterday, along with commissioner walker, attended the what was dubbed the solutions conference, which was organized by the san francisco chronicle. the chronicle trying their hand at a think tank, a convened ten working groups with various subject matter experts who worked for the last six months on ten pilot program proposals for san francisco. all top picks, including affordable housing, homelessness and public safety, and presented those ten
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pilot programs at that conference and the ten pilot programs will also be published by the chronicle later this week. there were a lot of interesting ideas. it was a great cross-section of ideas and a good exchange, including a very interesting idea on public safety, reached out to the authors of that pilot program, which included community stakeholders, as well as a retired sfpd commander. as that program looks a little bit more finalized to have them present a version of it to the commission early next year as well. thank you, commissioner byrne. thank you. i just wanted to make sure the public was aware that the meeting on december 6th is the award ceremony that commissioner yee and, and chief scott and myself worked on. so as so that the public is aware we're going to be not convening here but convening at the ceremony is that. i think that's that's
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accurate. i guess i would just add that the commission staff also worked on it. so shout out to the commission staff for their and for their hard work. retired sergeant kilshaw, who is not here, but sergeants reynolds and sergeant youngblood. and i'm sure christine over there had her hand in it too, although anyway, thank you for that. vice president. so that way the public knows that not to yonder fourth year on the 6th of december as we will be somewhere else. yes thank thank you for that, commissioner brennan. that will be up on our website. thank you, commissioner walker. thank you. um yeah, i just want to mention a little reiterating what commissioner benedicto was talking about, the conference that was held yesterday. it was really very interesting to hear
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from the public and hear some ideas for solutions. so it really tied into what we're all discussing about alternatives on the front line of how to how to support the officers out there in fighting crime by finding other ways to avoid crime and i really look forward to presenting those. it really is a lot in line with what we've all been discussing. so i really appreciate that. i've also had the opportunity there was a couple of carjacking events that ended up right in my neighborhood and i think one and a break in right across out my window and we all participate in in watching the training of officers and to see it in real life. if you haven't watched a like a town hall, it's really informative to watch how how we fight crime in the city. i mean,
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it's a it's a dangerous situation and it's really i just applaud the officers who respond. so thank you, chief scott. thank you. vice president stone. i just wanted to address commissioner young diaz's question about digital 7.01. it was posted on october 27th. so the public has until december 13th, which is the closing date. thank you, sergeant. could we go to public comment, please, for members of the public that would like to make public comment regarding line item five, the commission reports, please approach the podium. there is no public comment line item seven public comment on all matters pertaining to item nine below closed session, including public comment and item eight vote whether to hold item nine in closed session. if you would like to make public comment
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regarding closed session, please approach the podium. and there is no public comment. line item eight vote on whether to hold item nine in closed session. san francisco administrative code section 67.10 action a motion to go into closed session for item nine. a second on the motion. commissioner walker, how do you vote? yes, mr. walker is yes. commissioner benedict. yes. commissioner benedicto is yes. commissioner yanez. yes. commissioner janez is. yes commissioner byrne. yes. commissioner byrne is yes. commissioner yee yes. commissioner yee is yes. vice president carter overstone yes. vice president carter overstone is yes. yo action motion to not disclose item nine. second for members of the public that would like to make public comment regarding line item ten, please approach the podium. seeing none, commissioner walker, how do you vote on the motion? yes
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commissioner walker is yes. commissioner benedicto. yes. commissioner benedicto was. yes. commissioner yanez. yes. commissioner janez is yes. commissioner byrne. yes. commissioner byrne is yes. commissioner yee yes. commissioner yee is yes. and vice president carter was still. yes, vice president carter was. stone is. yes. you have six yeses. line item 11 adjournment.
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>> in august 2019 construction began on the new facility at 1995 evans avenue in bayview. it will house motorcycle police and department of forensic services division. both sfpd groups are in two buildings that need to be vacated. they will join the new $183 million facility in late 2021. >> elements of the cfi and the traffic company are housed at the hall of justice, which has
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been determined to be seismically unfit. it is slated for demolition. in addition to that the forensic services crime lab is also slated for demolition. it was time and made sense to put these elements currently spread in different parts of the city together into a new facility. >> the project is located in the bayview area, in the area near estes creek. when san francisco was first formed and the streetcars were built back it was part of the bay. we had to move the building as close to the edge as possible on bedrock and solid elements piles down to make sure it was secure. >> it will be approximately 100,000 square feet, that includes 8,000 square feet for traffic company parking garage. >> the reason we needed too new building, this is inadequate for the current staffing needs and
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also our motor department. the officers need more room, secured parking. so the csi unit location is at the hall of justice, and the crime laboratory is located at building 60 sixty old hunters point shipyard. >> not co-located doesn't allow for easy exchange of information to occur. >> traffic division was started in 1909. they were motor officers. they used sidecars. officers who road by themselves without the sidecar were called solo. that is a common term for the motorcycle officers. we have 45 officers assigned to the motorcycles. all parking at the new facility will be in one location. the current locker room with shared with other officers.
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it is not assigned to just traffic companies. there are two showers downstairs and up. both are gym and shop weres are old. it needs constant maintenance. >> forensic services provides five major types of testing. we develop fingerprints on substances and comparisons. there are firearms identification to deal with projectiles, bullets or cartridge casings from shootings. dna is looking at a whole an rare of evidence from -- array of evidence from dna to sexual assault to homicide. we are also in the business of doing breath allyzer analysis for dui cases. we are resurrecting the gunshot
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residue testing to look for the presence of gunshot residue. lifespan is 50 years. >> it has been raised up high enough that if the bay starts to rise that building will operate. the facility is versus sustainable. if the lead gold highest. the lighting is led. gives them good lights and reduces energy use way down. water throughout the project we have low water use facilities. gardens outside, same thing, low water use for that. other things we have are green roofs on the project. we have studies to make sure we have maximum daylight to bring it into the building. >> the new facility will not be open to the public. there will be a lobby. there will be a deconstruction
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motorcycle and have parts around. >> the dna labs will have a vestibule before you go to the space you are making sure the air is clean, people are coming in and you are not contaminating anything in the labs. >> test firing in the building you are generating lead and chemicals. we want to quickly remove that from the individuals who are working in that environment and ensure what we put in the air is not toxic. there are scrubbers in the air to ensure any air coming out is also at the cleanest standards. >> you will see that kind of at the site. it has three buildings on the site. one is for the motorcycle parking, main building and back behind is a smaller building for evidence vehicles. there is a crime, crime scene. they are put into the secure
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facility that locks the cars down while they are examined. >> they could be vehicles involved in the shooting. there might be projectiles lodged in the vehicle, cartridge casings inside the vehicle, it could be a vehicle where a aggravated sexual occurred and there might be biological evidence, fingerprints, recovered merchandise from a potential robbery or other things. >> the greatest challenge on the project is meeting the scope requirements of the project given the superheated construction market we have been facing. i am proud to say we are delivering a project where we are on budget. >> the front plaza on the corner will be inviting to the public. something that gives back to the public. the building sits off the edge. it helps it be protected.
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>> what we are looking for is an updated building, with facilities to meet our unit's needs. >> working with the san francisco police department is an honor and privilege. i am looking forward to seeing their faces as the police officers move to the new facility. >> it is a welcome change, a new surrounding that is free from all of the challenges that we face with being remote, and then the ability to offer new expanded services to the city and police department investigations unit. i can't wait until fall of 2021 when the building is finally ready to go and be occupied and the people can get into the facility to serve them and serve the community.
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worth of meals for monday through friday. the program came about when the shelter in place order came about for san francisco. we have a lot of students that depend on school lunches to meet their daily nutritional requirement. we have families that can't take a hit like that because they have to make three meals instead of one meal. >> for the lunch, we have turkey sandwiches. right now, we have spaghetti and meat balls, we have chicken enchiladas, and then, we have cereals and fruits and
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crackers, and then we have the milk. >> we heard about the school districts, that they didn't know if they were going to be able to provide it, so we've been successful in going to the stores and providing some things. they've been helpful, pointing out making sure everybody is wearing masks, making sure they're staying distant, and everybody is doing their jobs, so that's a great thing when you're working with many kid does. >> the feedback has been really good. everybody seems really appreciative. they do request a little bit more variety, which has been hard, trying to find different types of food, but for the most part, everyone seems appreciative.
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growing up, i depended on them, as well, so it reminds me of myself growing up. >> i have kids at home. i have six kids. i'm a mother first, so i'm just so glad to be here. it's so great to be able to help them in such a way because some families have lost their job, some families don't have access to this food, and we're just really glad to be
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>> welcome everyone. thank you so much for joining me today. the round table discussion. i actually have background in youth work. worked in china town before so having you four from youth commission join today is very interesting to hear your thoughts and concerns and what you are talking about from the youth commission and your generation your thoughts. let's get into it. start with introductions. your name. grade rkts school.
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and what lead you to become into the youth commission? could start with emily. >> so, my name is emily, she her pronouns. (inaudible) in san francisco. and i joined the youth commission because growing up i relied on public transportation and a lot of community organizations such as (inaudible) and through these organizations they introduced me to a lot of community organizing movements happening and that is when i learned of the youth commission because my friend was also on it at the time and i was interested because i saw a benefited from a lot of public service in san francisco and wanted to insure all youth in san francisco could have opportunities to benefit from these services as well and these services would be available to everyone. that's when i applied to the youth commission and i joined and that's where i got to learn so much about like how local government works and how i could contribute my voice to make better
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opportunities for all youth in san francisco. >> nice. how long have you been on the youth commission? >> i joined in 20 21 and this is my second term. >> normally the youth commission, what's the age range? >> youth ages 12-23. >> wow! you can be out of high school and on the commission? >> yeah. we have college students and we used to have middle school students on the youth commission too but now they are a freshman in high school. >> nice. awesome. >> (inaudible) >> ewen a senior at san francisco high school. i joined the youth commission. i had beener interested in san francisco politics freshman in high school and volunteered on local political campaign and district attorney election and got into that process, and from there did more campaigning and got into youth advocacy and activism in the city. and from there i sort have
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(inaudible) city hall on certain issues and wanted to be on the flip side and see what i could do in city hall for young people and a voice for young people and are the youth commission was the perfect opportunity for that so why i decided to apply. thankfully i was appointed. >> great. how many years have you been on? >> second term as well so beginning september 2021. >> every turm is one year? >> yeah, because people age out so quickly and people go away for college so we try to make it like a school year roughly. >> okay. nice. thank you. >> hi. i'm hayden. i'm a junior this year at (inaudible) my first term on the commission but what drew me to it is like emily i have always been super fascinated by public transportation. since i was
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two years old i had a baby sitter and she couldn't get a driver license so would take the bus everywhere and it was fascinating to see all the people and places i could go around the city and just as i got older i would explore more and more but realized that you know, like, it is not as simple as buses driving around and i can be involved in getting more buses out there, having more places to go to and like i think especially when the pandemic happened and all government meetings moved on line it was a lot more accessible for me so i was able to pgo and make public comment and see had all the presentations, see all the people on commissions and stuff and also had several friends who had been on the youth commission in the past so i just saw it as a great opportunity for me to advocate for young people, because i feel we have a lot of needs and sometimes it isn't
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always represented. >> thank you. >> hi, i'm yoselin. a senior at urban school of san francisco. this is my first term in the youth commission. similar to everyone else said, i have been interested in politics and public policy and how legislation is made. i are worked for someone who worked with supervisor ronan, he really-i was fascinated with what he gets to do in his job and the issues he gets to work on and people he gets to speak. this is a great opportunity to test what you are interested in and so i applied and got in and very happy. >> how many total in the youth commission? one per district? >> yes, one per district and 5 from the mayor. >> there is 11 supervisor ones and 6 from mayor
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office, 5 of it which are specifically for minority community representation and one is appointee so 17 total. >> 17. great. >> (inaudible) one of the bigger commissions in the city, but because youth is everyone at some point in life, every community has youth, it is important to have enough seats to have a voice for communities and their different needs on the youth commission. >> for sure. let's get into the nitty-gritty of it. i really interested to hear some of the concerns that either the youth commission is talking about now or even you yourselves personally what concerns are you trying to like advocate for and stuff like that? who would like to start? >> i guess i can start. before joining the youth commission i'm involved in housing and mass incarceration crimial justice system. i knew these were topics i wanted
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to discuss and bring up so i'm also on individual committees so two main topics is youth incarceration and substance abuse and gun violence and-yeah. those are the main issues we are talking about. >> for youth incarceration, what are some of the topics? is it more about the resources putting or not putting into it or is it- >> yeah. one main thing now is talking about juvenile justice center. forget the street. and, i think woodside and por tolla. >> it was supposed to be closed last year and has not because there is a lot of uncertainty about what is supposed to happen. i recently spoke to chief miller the probation officer at the center, so discussing ways we can support them to get that closed and have more equitable resources for the youth who are currently inside still and relying on community members and families and friends instead of
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like abusive and harmful police officers and the justice system. >> is sthr racial disparities in the youth incarceration? >> yeah. what i heard from the meeting there is currently like 14 youth inside. they range in age but it is all like people of color and people from low income families who are usually the ones more involved in the crimial justice system. >> i read somewhere that like perhaps there could be more money put into the communities to help low income or kids being not targeted but don't have as much opportunities and end up in those places. >> yeah. >> versus putting money in- >> i think it is better to fund organizations and programs. i
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think emily you mentioned you are in break through, i'm in the smart program help afford education and help get to college and teach them and offer activities so they have more resources and opportunities for their future. just like putting more money into programs activities and things that like shift youth experiences to a more positive one. >> any other concern? >> i can add on. i think you all said investing in youth early is really important rather then focus on punishment. i think that goes unsaid. break through helped so much in the education. if not for breakthrough and summer program jz tutorer and mentorship they offered which my parents couldn't
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offer me i don't know where i would be. i think community organizations like break through and after school programs funded by the city are so important supporting youth early and insure they dont go down the wrong pact. coming from under resourced neighborhoods and first generation it was very hard to carve my own path so finding mentorship in organizations like this is important and crucial to my personal development. >> i say the science behind it too backs up the testimony. violence-i do a lot of work in gun violence prevention and programs are often more successful then police are in preventing gun violence in our city. obviously both are a part of the equation, but i think that we have seen a lot of investment. we have seen them be quise successful and i know i am and think
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everyone on the commission is interested in looking how to support those programs and have them work specifically with youth as well and get young people into the program early before they have a opportunity to be put into these situations that cause violence to occur. >> yeah. >> i just say also like the education system plays a big part because it is great we have a lot of community organizations, but sometimes it can't always be the most accessible so one thing we are working on is expanding outreach and access so people know about these problems and also within our education system i was looking at data in regards to suspensions and expelgz and similar to juvenile justice center it is overwhelmingly student of color and lower income students effected by that as well as students who are often miss school and there is a
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lot of reasons for that. some relate to transportation and such. it is just been exacerbated by have distance learning. not everybody had the same access to technology and such to stay connected and engaged in their education during that time. >> i'll add on, i feel when people think about issues like youth not attending school or not doing homework or committing these petty crimes, there is often a moralization and everyone is like they are just bad people. they have the wrong intentions, they are messing up the city, but i think it is just generally very important to investigate the root causes. a lot of these kids come from under resourced naerbd s and have-for a lot of people it is means of survival so so important to look beyond the surface and no there is no need to moralize these situations. these kids don't have other solutions so it is important to look at the root cause and see how to
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address prevention rather then punishment and suspension and removal from school. >> it is funny talking about resources and schools. i'm often surprised how many good community organizations are like i don't know how to reach young people and i'm like have you been going to schools, the place where young people all have to pgo during the day? i think i also feel schools dont realize that they have the opportunity to provide resources to young people. they are allowed to connect with outside resources and bring them in and use them as well. that is something i'm hoping to encourage on the youth commission as well. >> right. usually it is outside -i dont want to say non profit but the-schools themselves are [multiple speakers] >> teachers have become social workers for young people. >> which is why prop g is such a great proposition.
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i think it is $60 million. increases over time but $60 million goes to public schools for activities, classes, nurses, therapist to support students, which is great. which is what we need. >> yeah. just add on to that or the question, because i know high schools have counselors and probably i don't know if mental health specialists, but do middle schools and elementary schools in the city have that? >> i think it depends on the institution. i am very fortunate to go to private middle school and high school. i did go to public elementary school and there is a huge gap in education and resources available in public and private. i can't speak to that now. >> it has been a huge burden. recently both our school nurse and our school wellness coordinator left and
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there was an iligez to the fact it was connected to the pay roll issues occurring with sfusd and not just that but they are already paid much less then other public school districts private school districts, like for nurses if they were to work somewhere else so it is really hard to attract people to work in these schools and we don't budget enough positions in the first place. now we have 7 school counselors for like a body of 3,000 kids and you can think of the kids that have questions about college and classes to take to graduate. it is just not enough resources in the schools. i went to sfusd middle school and we had one counselor for each grade level, but it just really isn't enough and a lot of schools-it kind of-there is pto or
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lowel-able to fund a second librarian or nurse the full week opposed to 2 and a half days so if you get injured monday, you got a nurse, but tuesday you are out of luck. that's something happening in the schools and i just feel that is crazy because they don't have a affluent enough pta to fund the nurse. that should be basic. we shouldn't have to ask for donations to fund a school nurse. >> that ties into the mental health issues people are facing. covid was detrimental to everyone but especially young people who spnt hours a day online and away from mental health support in a really difficult time and i think people are beginning to realize now how important those services are. i think there is work to do but advocase hads been relatively successful in san francisco getting
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more support for mental health but there is a huge gap we are now catching up with. it was never priority before the pandemic and beginning to become one now but there are so many young people struggling and waiting for support and frankly often falling through the cracks of the system that is supposed to help them. >> yeah. speaking from an older person, no mental helt what so ever in anything growing up so to talk in the progress is like huge, but of course it isn't enough still. >> there is also stigma depending on your race and religion whether mental health is a real thing. >> and also what your mental health condition is too. >> right. >> i think mental health issues always existed but the pandemic brought to light all the really bad things
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happening. not exacerbated i feel no one was talking about mental health before the pandemic and i think often times like you said, a lot of the services are not offered in school so i think in general there is a wide disconnect from students and services, whether that is service in schools or community organizations. all these services exist but students don't know how to access them so there needs to be a better way to connect students to everything that can support them. >> another concern possibly-you brought up gun violence, is that another concern you all have? >> just i think just yesterday the new york times posted a story about how it is officially over-taken any other cause for deaths for young people in the united states . >> 19 percent. >> it used to be car deaths and now number one is gun violence. >> gun violence. also the racial disparities there are
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incredible too. and concerning. i do a lot of work on gun violence prevention. of course there is need for federal action. we are not go toog solve the gun violence crisis until we see senate and house pass safety legislation that prevents gun getting in the hands of dangerous people but there are actions on the local and state level. eve enin california even in liberal san francisco that can help save lives, particularly around things like safe storage of guns. i wrote a resolution on the commission urging all san francisco schools to send home safe storage information and just recently a stay law passed that require schools to send home safe storage information for firearms. violence intervention programs are incredibly important to help end this crisis: building the community relations. and also mental health is a
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big part. access to a gun increases-i dont know what the statistic is off the top of my head, but gun (inaudible) in killing the person then any other form of suicide and it is so irreversible. that access to guns can exacerbate the issues too and someone who might be struggling today and tomorrow but in two years from now would be in a much better place with support and medication they need there is a irreversebal thing they can do with a gun then they can in other ways of hurting themselves. >> is it the norm to have drills at school? >> yeah. it is scary having to like go through that process. >> the data actually-it is unclear but also pretty clear that having these drills doesn't actually save lives. we now in the united states
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have enough data points of school shootings in schools that have lock down drills and that don't have lock down drills that frankly doesn't make much a difference. there are other policies and things we could work on that are less traumatizing to kids as well that would be better use of time and resources then lock down trills. not advocating against them, but i think that isn't where our focus should necessarily be. >> haven't done it this year. it is interesting because i just think our school campus we have so many kids and people wander on and off. i are try not to think about it, but it is a thought in my head, anybody can wander on to here. >> i think it is crazy. ever since sandy hook i literally started doing lock down drills in third grade before
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i even started sex ed. i think growing up and having to do that every year was really traumatizing. this could happen to me any day so it is scary and seeing gun violence get worse as i grow up not even an adult it is terrifying. >> too many times i walked out of school and checked my phone and see a story of kids like me in a classroom like me all day being shot and killed in the classroom. it is astonish to walk of the last class of the day and check the news and see that whether it is in michigan and texas and here in california, relatively random it was that school. it very much could have been your school. that is something we can't-there is a feeling of helplessness around that too i think. >> there was the story about the kid campaigning for (inaudible) he got shot. >> 13 year old i
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believe. >> campaigning for warnack. i have been the kid in freshman year volunteering on a local political campaign and lots of people dont like campaigns. that is reasonable, i get it. having a gun in the situation made that 10 times worse. >> right. yeah. >> i was like not knocking on doors just like walking up and hanging door fliers this election and in the back of my head, i thought about what if somebody like thinks i'm stealing a package or break into their house? >> (inaudible) >> especially i feel in some more afffluent neighborhoods i see next door, they are like this teenager is walking up to my door and must be up to no good. it was a thought in my head. i was like dang, maybe it isn't a gun, maybe it is a dog or they have
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something on me. >> this is not-i think people think we are in san francisco, we don't have the issue as much. especially in poor communities and communities of color, this is a consistent issue that we are still facing and a lot has to do with the fact san francisco policies don't cover parts of the state and country as well. san francisco lead the way with the ghost gun ban. ghost guns are guns you can buy online and put together yourself that don't require a serial number which gets rid of any system of keeping track of guns we have in the country, and we were the first city to actually make that illegal and in california fallowed through with that as well. selling of that was illegal. it is things like that, all these ways gun manufacturers and gun industry is going around the policies that we put in place that is continuing the issue.
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especially with the gun violence we see on the e streets every day. there are school shootings acrauz the country and many more kids shot walking home because they live in a community of color that had this consistent issue. it is an astonishing thing and it uniquely american issue as well. >> i guess as the youth commission, what actually do you feel you could bring up or advice-because obviously there are many topics that have a lot of issues, but the gun violence just hits home i everyone, especially for me and everything. as a youth commission, how do you go about that? >> well, i don't know much about the ghost gun ban but our job is advice the mayor and board of supervisors on issues related to youth. we
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can't solve the issue of gun violence in a night, two nights but i think what we can do is urge local policy makers to take action and i think by the local government taking action we can inspire the state government, inspire the federal government and that is how change works so i think everything we can do to inspire our local elected officials to take action on things like the ghost gun ban can inspire more counties and states and just the world in general. >> we can bring up any topic. any issue to the board of superrisers and the mayor and whether they take our recommendation or not, we can still push them and urge them to do something about it, so they can't ignore us, they have to realize this is what the youth are writing about and what they like us to do, we have to do something. >> it is fun because the youth commission in san francisco and relatively unique to san francisco as well. it is part of our city charter so
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they legally can't ignore us. they don't have to take our recommendations [multiple speakers] they have to read the resolutions and talk about the issues and think most people in san francisco are open to work wg the youth commission. there is power behind that and that is where a lot of advocacy work we do gets its power. >> also, there is many board of supervisors care about us and care about the work that we are bringing up, so it isn't like they are just not reading our-or caring. they actually do care about the issues and read them and consider them. >> it is really unique, because a lot of supervisors just like reach out to us and are like hey, what do you feel about bike parking and they care about what you say. >> they offer resources or do you want to speak to this person or let me introduce you to this organization. they really do want to help us continue our work and
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really expand what we know. >> the mayor recognizes me places now. that is how you know you are making a im pact, that is that kid. her office is very open to work wg the youth commission as well and i appreciate-i don't think i can think of a supervisor or mayor office that isn't open to us and listening to our concerns. >> it isn't like they just want to take our feedback for their benefit, they want to help you grow as a person. multiple offices offered me internships and different opportunities to be in this ad or help write this legislation or be in the video and that is unique because they want to see you grow as a person and follow all your dreams. literally the senator was asking what college i wanted to go to and if they could help in any way so very sweet.
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>> sometimes i look at the youth commission and like, these people are going to be on the board of supervisors in 20 years. this is good we are learning now and doing this now, because we are the next generation of leaders of the city. i really do believe that. of the country. >> any other concerns? >> i think big issue we are also thinking about is young people and it is kind of upon us in some ways but climate change. there is talk recently about the great highway and we will have to close a portion of it in 2025 because it is literally crumbleing into the ocean. this is real and here now. there is a lot of the city is very ambitious when it comes to setting vision and policies. we have vision zero that in two years i think at this point we want to eliminate all traffic fatalities of people walking across the street, get hit by a
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car and essentially made no progress since it started. we want 20percent of trips in the city people making them by bicycle and we are just not making any progress on all these goals we set out in terms of climate change so it can be frustrating but that motivates me. we set what our values are and how we make sure our policies and decisions we make day to day, make sure those align with what we are actually saying that we value. >> and that's replicated across so many issues of san francisco. we love to be this progressive icon but sometimes when you get down to the nitty-gritty we are not making the progress on issues we need. we are not setting the transformative policies that need to be done. transit is a great example with vision zero. >> i agree. i think the city can be very performative and
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also like-it is like they say they want one thing but they completely do something else and that just gets by-pass and don't think that is okay. also, i think specifically with climate change and transportation, there are so many neighborhood disparities people dont talk about like under resourced communities experience the climate change a lot worse then other communities and growing up in the bayview and excelsior and living near freeways and experiencing pollution and not able to bike in my neighborhood in fear of a car crash because of the narrow streets t is really horrible. we can't fix the issue in the weltier communities how do we help the under served communities that experience the brunt of it? i also think people are so resistant to change. especially with the slow streets program which we have been looking into as a committee on the youth commission. the housing recreation and transit committee. we (inaudible) benefited youth in the
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city specifically overall, but still the mayor and other elected officials are resistant to it and afraid of change because we are such a car dominated city and think it is important to be optimistic about the future and be realistic but also like slow streets are helpful. this can actually get to where we want to go in terms of the climate goals and people need to consider that. >> it is kind of like in a sense feel a chicken and egg problem because before i used to be somebody that is mad like i don't understand why are people stuck in their cars but i feel a lot of issue, that is the system. we set up a system that if it will take me a hour to take the bus across town or i will be all most hit by a car biking down a 40 mile per hour road, the obvious choice is to drive. that is the system we set up so it is hard to convince people that we know this is system and understand why you drive. we are
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not saying you are a bad person because you drive because there i think there are people out there who are like you are a horrible person because you drive a car and you are killing all the turtles and the children. that's the system we have, so we need to show people that there is a better way and we can get there and it will take a lot of time and there will be inconvenience but in the long run, if we sit and never change it isn't going to work. there has to be a little bit of inconvenience change, people will feel uncomfortable but if we stay stagnant it isn't going to work. >> i think that's something that the youth commission has been pretty big on making people uncomfortable. elected officials [multiple speakers] i think specifically with free muni for all youth which the youth commission helped create. of course the sfmta was super uncomfortable and like
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how will we pay for transit for all youth. youth cant afford fares or drive how do you spect them to pay to get to school and their job and since we proposed it we have seen so many positive im pacts. youth and hop and ride for free. they have access to so many opportunities and i think that is so important. making people uncomfurtable and showing change is good and being resisant to change is unhethy. it makes us go in the wrong direction so making people uncomfortable and doing our job to hold them accountable creates positive im pact for the youth in the city. >> i think we make each other uncomfortable too. >> you mean ear each other? >> i remember-we do a retreat before we begin every year to see where people's priorities are and meet each other and we had intentional uncomfortable conversations recognizing the
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privilege people hold, recognizing the backgrounds people have and how that impact s how they view the world as well. and think that is important and often missing from the conversations we have in the city. i often see two different groups about housing is the ultimate issue. people on one side saying we have issues of not approving and building more housing and people on the other side saying i'm concerned my neighborhood will get gent riifyed and lack of dialogue and be uncomfortable stops the progress. we have so many unnecessary divides in the city especially in politics are the reason the issues are not being addressed. people in san francisco agree on the solution. we want to see less homelessness, less crime on the street, we want to see more
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people getting the services they need and more people getting stable housing, but because we are not willing to sit down with each other and made the strong divisions and so resistant to changing and changing our opinion as well i think that is a reason we are seeing so many san franciscans especially within the last couple elections have expressed this we keep voting on the issues. every politician promises to solve the problem in their own way but it is never getting solved. >> we also see people moving out of san francisco because we can't fix the problems. and those cities are being also like having more housing problems as well. >> to add on, i think from not even two years i have been involved in san francisco politics i see so many patterns. the same prop every year and named a different prop. there is no change. that is why it is important to sit together and have
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conversation like this and i think that is why being involved in politics as youth has been such an enlighting experience. i it is uncomfortable but i think discomfort brings positive changeism i find arguing with other youth commissionsers. i realize blind sfauts and where i can im prove by listening to other people and think why youth involvement in politics is important because you are exposed to different perspective and your own perspective and it-you are like why do i think like that and have this opinion? that is a way i have grown on the youth commission, being involved in the really intense discourse in san francisco and try to find myo perspective and being introspective with myself and other people. >> people are often ask me why are more young people not involved in san francisco politics ? there are
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a lot of people doing activism and organizing, young people in san francisco, but because when we have these conversations we try to put people into these groups like moderate and progressive and that isn't how issues work and that is such a toxic environment particularly fl young person who is also still trying to learn as well. i think i felt that on the youth commission. not between ourselves but outside the youth committee being put into a box and i am like i dont know where i lie. a big part of the youth commission is learning about the issues. i don't come on the youth commission with a opinion on every issue. i had to do research and talk to people and hear different opinions in order to determine how i felt about something. we often don't give people the space to do that. >> i think in san francisco
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politics there is a need to put labels on people and especially i see with the whole board of ed stuff with the low admission policy, i remember i was in a internship and they reallyb expected me to have opinions right away about how i felt about issues. i'm a ayouth and learning how to have my own perspect and engage. i think with the low admission there is a thing like if you believe we should do lottery emission then you are progressive but if not you are moderate. i think the labeling is bad because confining people in a box makes you question-that's not healthy discourse. you are labeling them. that is toxic. >> and there are only two options. we can do- >> politics isn't multiple choice. >> i think the low admission system is problematic but doesn't mean i want to get rid
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of it entirely. there is middle ground and im provements that could be made and we dont allow for that. >> do you guys feel as youth especially with climate change i guess, but is a lot of pressure as youth to-not that you solve it but it is your problem? do you feel more pressure? >> of course. i feel there is a problem with putting all the pressure on people instead of company who are the most responsible for toxic air emissions and things like that. telling us to stop using plastic straws but the big companies use plastic bags and plastic containers. there is a definitely pressure on youth to fix the problem because the older people are like we will not by in the world much longer, so why do we have to fix anything? >> crazy how connected every issue is. i was in richmond the ort day which is
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very under served community and they center the big chevron refinely and smoke in the air and with the free way is by. i think everything is so connected and we need to do so much. when we talk earlier about people getting to school, transportation is a big part and free muni. everything is interconnected. it is crazy. it is like hard sometimes to-i know this is a issue we need to do something about it but it is hard to really-you do need to figure out the root cause of everything and-but i think what yoselin said is true. it is hard to like when there is a drought and they tell me shave a minute off my shower, i'm like okay, but there are all these people growing live stock and agriculture using
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millions tons more water. in some ways i understand there is a personal aspect to it, but we need more big policy changes. i can't solve this alone and think that is something the commission shows is really like-i didn't come into this work as a part of any big groups or organizations, i was just kind of like doing my own thing and then like kind of like when the pandemic happened there was kind of like this like coalition of people came together to like save muni service and that is when i thought we were getting results and i'm like, this has to be something we all like come together and work on. i think young people actually like realize that and that's one of the great things is we see this is like a horrible thing, but in some ways unifys us. we all have to deal with this problem so we need to work with each other and move past
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any labeling of i don't like this person because they are a moderate and i'm a progressive. it is kind of uniting in a weird way. >> to add to hayden's point, that is why individualism is a big problem in the capital ist society because everyone is like you can do this by yourself and be successful and solve the world problem but since i joined the youth commission i have been introduced to people power. we are so much more power when we are collective and work together and think about the system rather then our own self-and the youth system taught me to think beyond myself and the world in general. that is something so unique i never found in any other institution. that is why people should teach kids in school. they should teach them to graduate, make as much money as possible, do whatever you want, buy the biggest house, a mansion, make a family. they should teach kids to feel responsible for the
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world and im pact they make on the world and that is what the youth commission taught me and it has been the most meaningful life lessen i learned. >> it is funny how often an adult will come up to me or in the youth commission in general and say i'm so glad you are the future. you will solve our problems. you will be part of the solution. these people work in city government too. your job is to solve the issues. i'm part of the solution too, but you can't just give that to our generation. that is expectation we feel the im pact of climate change so therefore we need to solve it. we can't solve gun violence until young people demand it from the state legislators. you need to be part of the solution too. we need to bridge the gap between youth and adults as well. a big thing i believe in is coalition building
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across divides. there are things that yoselin and i don't don't agree on and with vote against each other. at the same time we need to work hand in hand to solve the issues we do. and like hayden was saying, there is a thing i dont want to work with this person because we disagree on this issue. >> you need that. >> you can disagree on the issue and also agree on this issue and need to work together to get it done. >> i think that is another thing with teaching youth these things in schools. these are really important life skills. leadership is important life skill. collaboration across divides is important life skill and taught me so much as a person being able to debate with all these different people. me and you argue a lot, but- >> we are great friends by the way. >> we are really great friends but have been able to do meaningful things together and that is something we should include in the education system challenging youth to think beyond their own perspective and work with people they
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disagree with and i think leadership opportunities like that should be provided all across the city so we can cultivate the next generation of leaders that will change the world. >> there is this term that being used a lot by the younger generation. it is funny for sure, and but i want to ask what does okay boomer, that term, what does that mean? what is the meaning? obviously i don't know if you can explain where it came from, but what does it mean and really mean i guess, if there is a real meaning to it. anybody want to explain what okay boomer is? >> kind of a millennial thing i think. >> i don't know. i'm somebody who is on twitter and see it a lot there. it is like- >> any social media platform you see it. >> it is something that we'll say in response to-sometimes there is a lot of we do face
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people or adults who they might straight up disagree with us, but they might be people who they say they agree and say i really want to help you and do the opposite. they don't really put their money where their mouth is so to speak, so it is like calling them out like okay--i think it is kind of like seeing sometimes people say look at you, you guys are all entitled or the lazy generation or whatever and they see us as being rude to them by saying okay boomer, but the realty is, it is kind-they dont value us. i don't get respect from you so why am i going to go and support whatever you want or agree with whatever you say? i feel like-there is this weird twisted power structure. they always tell you respect your elders but you don't
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respect me, so-- >> there is a huge gap between adults and youth now a days. they like don't like care about our ideas or think you are still too young. we had more life experiences. we have been in school longer and seen more so you don't understand and can't speak about this. that might be maybe true but also our opinions matter and we have been through things and seen things and you should like care about our opinions as well. okay, boomer. >> interesting, it is a funny neme but speaks to the issue of how much space our different generations taking up in the conversation and gen z is willing to demand space then others and political movements. >> gen-z is-late 90 to early 2010? >> yeah are. i think everyone on the youth
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commission now is gen z. >> gen z has stereo type of, never experienced no internet. >> addicted to technology. very loud. >> yeah. they also say a social justice warrior. >> yeah. [laughter] >> some of the stereo types. >> the best thing gen z when needed we come together and unit and fight for what we need and want. >> just fed up. i think there is a push within our generation to be like guys, this is so dumb. adults arguing over the issues, 40, 50 years and so over it and need to move on and solve the issues instead of talk about them and think that is true on the local state and national level and globally.
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>> i was just going to say, i feel like the term okay boomer is a justification for the massive divides that exist between our generations and we have seen that because there are so many technology advancements happening so it is created wide divides between us and the generation before us but i don't think using the term is a okay to justify that. we don't have to work with these people. we do have to work with these people to achieve meaningful change. these people make the decisions that effect our every day lives and if they don't have perspective how we are im pacted no change will get made and i think that is quhie why the youth commission is so important because the mayor district supervisors, they make decisions on everything that effect our lives so why it is important to have a voice in city hall because they need to work for us to create better outcomes for all youth in san francisco. >> i think it is important to recognize there is a lot we have to learn as well. i think part of okay boomer
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can be dismissive of generational knowledge that we need to get as well. i think it is possible to both demand change from a generation and learn lessens from them at the same time. >> right. >> has anyone said it? >> i never used it. >> we use it as a joke. >> we use it against each other. i don't think i have been told a person okay boomer. >> i thought it in my head. i feel a lot of times there is a like thing where like it is like a form of like gas lighting. we have a personal experience and like that's my experience and i'll share that with people and the first thing they tell me is stats dont support that. my experience doesn't support that. that shouldn't have happened and try to dismiss me. my personal experience can't possibly be valid because they have done research that may or may not be valid. maybe their research didn't include youth so there is no way the research
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included my perspective. they will invalidate me. i don't say to them. i don't want to be super rude but i'm like uh-huh, uh-huh. sure. that is what you think. >> i think also for like career expectations one thing i love about the youth and younger people is that we dont let companies--how do i say this (inaudible) we have more salary expectations. that is sometimes companies give you the low ball and people are like, no, we want transparns and want to get paid what we need to get paid because minimum wage living and you can't afford to live in a city with hundred thousand dollars you need to live well, so i think that for careers it is also which career will give us the most money to survive in this world. which is
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tech comes in and stem. >> interesting too, there is-very tabu to share your salary but becoming encouraged. i would feel very comfortable-i don't make a salary but post college i think it is important especially as a white male to share the information with others to be aware of disparities and rectify them as well. that might be a generational thing too. i feel it was taboo to talk about your economic situation. we complain a lot about it. we also grow up in a time of incredible inflation. literally everything is so expensive and my parents are like how does it cost $5 for a cup of coffee? i'm like let me tell you about books in college. >> everything is expensive. >> it is weird, i work for the city in a job outside
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of this and like, i don't know, i just like think it is like cool because it just list the salary when you apply i looked at other jobs and like wait that isn't the standard they don't tell you how much you get paid? somebody was telling me about buying a car and the weirdest thing in our society we are like go to the car dealership and it isn't the price, it is quhoo is the best negotiator. it is a weird thing. i just want simple. i want to walk in and know how much i pay. >> i think i feel aware of the value of my work. especially doing this work as well which is demanding and hard and unpaid because of just how the city is set up. i love it. knowing the value of the skills you have and being willing to say that's not a high enough salary for me. i need to live off--especially if you have a
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degree. that's just not what i'm worth and think people in gen z are willing to be aware how the system is taking advantage of people and like low balling them basically and much more willing to stand up to that and because i think there is also this personal dynamic where it is like if i was talking to a employer i would be much more willing to say i know you are not low balling me intentionally. like what you said. [laughter] but the system is. >> to add on r i love the youth commission. i love the work we do and it is a really fulfilling job and i would love to find a job like this some time after i graduate college. >> i see myself being a staff member. >> it is also a privilege to be able to know what you want to do and to be able to pursue that because if i wanted to do writing or something
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because i reading and writing, i probably would want be able to do that because i'm first generation, parents are immigrants and don't make that much money and don't have the line of generational wealth t. is a privilege to do your job and what you love and public service is pretty well pay-it is privilege and think being able to consider that and having privilege to do something like this and having the time right now i'm really grateful for that but not everyone can do that because they don't have time and have to consider salary more then we do. now we are just checking on-is this going to make me enough so i can go shopping but these are really important jobs people rely on their lives for. >> we talked about-is there a stigma about youth in politics and- >> for sure. >> do you feel it or do you feel it at all? >> i feel there is little like-i dont know if micro aggression is the
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right term. i got a permit to use the bike room from city hall and i filled out the form and the lady was looking at me and was like, you work here? i'm like yeah, i don't have a city e-mail address but can i write my employee id number. she is like, you have those, that is cute. she wouldn't talk to an adult like that. she wouldn't say you have employee id that is cute. i was like wow, in that moment. i don't want to tell too many stories. >> sometimes they don't take you seriously because you are a young person. >> i remember walking into supervisors office, we were inviting-legislative aids and a couple times they are like, hello. they are like, why are you here? i'm like this is a public office so everyone can walk into and second of all, we are commissioners. that is the reason we are here. >> i have been called cute so many timeatize is
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unbelievable. i'm like man, i'm just trying to do my job. i remember there was a interesting debate i had with this guy. we were doing a trash cleanup and it was me and this other dude talking about this book we read about youth involvement in politics. i said i don't think youth should be involved in government because they will be sad and disallusioned how much the government can't do. i'm like-i tried my best to argue with him very respectfully but that is such a bad take because i think youth should be taught to be optimistic rather then pessimistic where we can go in the future but a lot of adults think otherwise. a lot of adults believe the same things he believes. they think youth should just do their little thing, go to school, have fun- >> if you are not creating change why are you there? for the money? >> there is also issue
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the youth commissioners felt of tokenization and being like a politician with-photo op- [multiple speakers] look at the youth leader i'm promoting and are they leave and there is no mentorship. there is big difference between mentorship and tokenization. i think we do a relatively good job in city hall. i think most people care about us and (inaudible) but there are times too where i'm like from people who i think of as people who are mentors who are like you just want me here to stand next to you for a photo opand don't think i'm will ing to do that without having a conversation with you about this issue. >> you can tell when meeting someone or being at an event when they are just like using you versus if they actually care what you have to say.
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>> i think as a youth commissioner, it is so important to find the balance between being used for tokenization but also using that clout. you should take advantage of it. >> you are standing next to the elected official. >> it gives the youth commission more prominence and if it helps us do our job mine as well. it is important to find balance and make sure you are not taken advantage of. >> something else that is interesting is-i feel like i mentioned earlier but i feel like i didn't have any training. i have my own experience. >> before you continue, just saying you do not need experience to come into the youth commission position which i feel sometimes is the- >>b i have no experience in politics. >> push people not to want to apply for the job because i don't know anything about local government and won't know how do this or that but you don't need it. >> you don't get
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thrown on a commission. there are people to support and educate you. >> i do feel in some ways i'm expected to know a concern thing or behave the way like the political machine kind of wants me to and you know, be professional and smile when the presenter is obviously like lying to me and stuff and thank them for coming and like, that's just not me. don't feel you will disrespect me and lie to me and then expect me to be nice because i am supposed to be nice to you. i feel people feel they can get away and that i'm not go toog call them out or not supposed to call them out as a young person. i'm supposed to thank you so much for your time. thanks for valuing my poor youth commission. no, i don't know-i just feel you wouldn't lie to the board of supervisors like that or if you did you would get called out so i'll
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call you out. there is this expectation we are supposed to behave like-not saying we shouldn't be professional, we should be professional but i expect the same professionalism back. i don't want to be, yes. >> there have been times people come to the youth commission and are think they forget we are ultimately here to hold the city government accountable. >> an employee of the city. >> that and also it is like, the job of the youths commission is to be a voice for youth. we are going to call you out when you don't know if lie is the words to use, fudge the number, whatever happens. there have been times where i'm like, you forgot this isn't just a group of young people who are interested in this, but a commission who job is to hold people accountable. >> i think the image of youth in the city is also just really interesting because some people will be like, you dont do any knowledge, they hang out and
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get (inaudible) they just sit and play video games. a lot of people come into youth commission presentations thinking we don't know anything. we will surprise them when we know these procedures and ask the specific questions related to policies on whatever they are presenting on. it is funny. >> so, is it i guess not youth commission but in general as youth is it a challenge to get more youth interested in politics and anything the youth commission is try toog do to help that? >> i think just bringing more awareness of what the youth commission is and the resources available for people to sign up and join. that is something that our community outreach members are trying to do. >> yeah. last year i was (inaudible) and we did this thing where we made instagram posts about the initiatives we worked on. we detailed the
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initiatives and free (inaudible) able to put the work on social media and legislation on social media is important because it teaches youth that you can have a voice in all these city policies that are effecting your lives and a voice in the big movements and think making the youth commission as accessible to avenue everyone as possible is important. >> (inaudible) >> vote 16 is an initiative by the civic engagement committee of the youth commission and works to lower the voting age to 16 age in all city elections- >> san francisco specifically. >> san francisco city elections. it is actually received a lot of support from the board of supervisors, but lost my nearly 3 percent in the first election in 2016- >>.5 >>.5 in the next election. we are working to get it on the 2024 ballot again with more voter education, more outreach because we believe it is important youth get involved in voting early because
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it instills a habit that voting is important. >> i think-i touched on this before, but a lot of young people are interested in politics but also scared to get involved because of how toxic it can be. i feel like i also heard from so many young people their first interaction with politics was negative so they were steered away from it. i had plenty situations happen to me with political activism but i think the environment we have on the youth commission and trying to create more generally within youth advocacy and activism in san francisco is positive and supportive. all of us have different opinions, have different views on issues, and voted different ways but i also know i can go to any of the people around the table and on the youth commission to say this was a bad experience that i felt x, y, z about
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or i am in the situation, can we talk about it, because we all are in the same boat of sometimes things don't go our way and because we are young people we have certain experiences we want to share with each other as well. >> i think what is interesting about the youth commission is you don't need to know much about politics to be on the youth commission. my perception of it was that i need to know all of these u.s. amendments and need (inaudible) i think that is what a lot of people think the youth commission is. that you need abundance of political knowledge to be on the youth commission but i realized it was less political. a lot of community coalitions and just speaking from your own perspective and where you come from as a youth for better outcomes for everyone in san francisco and i think that is important because it is like, i think the discussions in the youth commission encourage people to talk about where they come from and what they truly believe rather then
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affiliation to a political party. that is not what the youth commission is at all. >> i remember when i was applying to the youth commission, i reached out to (inaudible) i don't know anything about politics and scared. what will happen during the first meeting and you were like no, you will be fine and learn along the way and that is for any youth who want to get involved you dont need to go anything. you will be trained and taught along the way so take initiative, join it, don't be scared. >> also people get turned down from the youth commission. the supervisor jz mayor decides. there are other opportunities to get involved. reach out to youth commission staff. the youth commission seats people on other bodies and outside the youth commission as a whole another area of politics and policy work as well. i also say anyone watching this being i don't know if i want to be on the youth commission or i want applied but didn't get on, there is still so many ways to get involved. we have a website you can find our information on. i really encourage that because
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you don't get started until you get started and once you get started you keep going and end up in a seat like this. >> i think it is so funny because involvement in politics is a little ball rolling. there is a million little balls rolling and opportunities. it is just crazy actually because the first thing i did is internship where i cleaned the streets in san francisco and now i'm like on the youth commission. >> (inaudible) if you are not sherbet the youth commission or not accepted to first time volunteer for the district supervisors, try to form a relationship with them or who ever is in the office and apply again to the youth commission. >> i think the other thing too is like, as much as there are people involved, there are a lot of people who aren't and it is a great opportunity because i feel the biggest thing-you don't have to know anything
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special. you don't need to have learned anything. just show up and live your experience. you don't need to be on the city commission. we have our meetings are open to the public. you can show up to the board of supervisors and make public comment and speak your truth. just know your own experience and it will get you pretty far honesty. people will recognize you. i was just some little kid who would go to the mta board of directors and are- >> now they know you. >> i was at a random event and they came up to me and hugged me and are like my gosh, you are hayden miller from the meeting. i felt somebody. i'm like wow, these people know me and they don't always vote the way i want them to vote, but they listen and they hear you and that's what government is there for. just remember at the end of the day, it might not always go the your way, the way government works, but for you that is the whole purpose of government is to
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serve you, so- >> the youth commission has public comment on every item and every motion we ever make. every city commission does. our meetings are open to the public. we want to make space for you. we want to hear from you. please come, share your opinion and you can also even if you can't make a meeting you can write public comment in too. i say especially at the-it is hyper-local the youth commission. we only represent young people in one specific area and one specific state so that is where your public comment will have the most im pact. a couple times people reached out and said this is a issue i didn't know needed to be addressed but it was because i reached out that this is something relatively easy we could address and change too. it isn't a big deal for city government but it is big deal for this person. >> adding to hayden's point, i think city hall is pretty youth friendly because ewen was talking about running
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into city hall at 5 p.m. i have multiple occasions where i run down trying to get to the bathroom in city hall and an elected official would pass by or i'm holding a big bag of snacks. i think professionalism is important but like hayden was saying it is important to speak your truth and be yourself because coming into city hall, i didn't know anything about city politics. all i knew is i cared about these organizations, i cared about all these issues and i wanted to make a difference and people here really believed in me regardless how prfessional or elquent i was. they mentored me and come a long way. it is important a place like this is accessible for youth because people have offered me professional clothe to go to this event and they offered me opportunities to like speak on panels and have speeches in front of crowds of 200 people and i'm shocked people believe
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in my. that is what san francisco city government is and it is beautiful. >> everyone in the building is still like a person. i remember the first time i met with an elected official and was like i'm nervous and what if i say something wrong and they came in and was like i'm tired from the last meeting. give me a second while i get a cup of coffee. there are moments where i'm like, it really like-we ultimately are still just students who spend most of our day in high school. elected officials are still people who make mistakes and who are doing their best and who have been entrusted with this position by voters, but also are still people who you can relate and talk to. >> i think before i would see city government as like blocks. they were machines but it is people operating these machines. people are making decisions and writing these documents and i think realizing that was so important
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understanding how i make a voice. i think a lot of the role on the commission isn't research, it isn't writing, it is just connecting with people. understanding that city government is all just people and making realizing how important the connections are. it really helps you in your work. >> really realwy appreciate you all coming today. i learned a lot from you all. please please always keep saying your truth, your voice and also encouraging other youth to share their voice as well and i think-we always think we are in good hands but we got to keep fighting the good fight so matter what so thank you for joining us today. >> (inaudible) follow sfyouth-calm. >> we have facebook too. >> we meelt every other monday 5 to 7.
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the people that inhabitable them we're in north beach about supervisor peskin will give us a tour and introduce is to what think of i i his favorite district 5 e 3 is in the northwest surrounded by the san francisco bay the district is the boosting chinatown oar embarcadero financial district fisherman's wharf exhibit no. north beach telegraph hill and part of union square. >> all of san francisco districts are remarkable i'm honored and delighted to represent really whereas with an the most intact district got chinatown, north beach fisherman's wharf russian hill and knob hill and the northwest waterfront some of
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the most wealthier and inning e impoverished people in san francisco obgyn siding it is ethically exists a bunch of tight-knit neighborhoods people know he each other by name a wonderful placed physically and socially to be all of the neighborhoods north beach and chinatown the i try to be out in the community as much as and i think, being a the cafe eating at the neighborhood lunch place people come up and talk to you, you never have time alone but really it is fun hi, i'm one the owners and is ceo of cafe trespassing in north beach many people refer to cafe trees as a the living room of north beach most of the clients are local and living up the hill
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come and meet with each other just the way the united states been since 1956 opposed by the grandfather a big people person people had people coming since the day we opened. >> it is of is first place on the west that that exposito 6 years ago but anyone was doing that starbuck's exists and it created a really welcoming pot. it is truly a legacy business but more importantly it really at the take care of their community my father from it was formally italy a fisherman and that town very rich in culture and music was a big part of it guitars and sank and combart in the evening that tradition they brought this to the cafe so many characters
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around here everything has incredible stories by famous folks last week the cafe that paul carr tennessee take care from the jefferson starship hung out the cafe are the famous poet lawrence william getty and jack herb man go hung out. >> they work worked at a play with the god fathers and photos he had his typewriter i wish i were here back there it there's a lot of moving parts the meeting spot rich in culture and artists and musicians epic people would talk with you and you'd
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welcome everyone. come on in. this is a very exciting day. i just want to introduce myself. my name is beth stokes. i'm the executive director of episcopal community services, and i want to thank everyone for joining us today for yet another incredible achievement. and i really want to focus on that achievement in the expansion of permanent supportive housing for people who are experiencing homelessness. as many of you know, the diva residence was the second san francisco project to be awarded homekey funding in round one. homekey has played a pivotal role in our ability to swiftly and effectively create holistic solutions to address homelessness at its root causes, and is honored to have been a leader in the implementation of this program since its inception. i would like to sincerely, since clearly thank mayor breed and supervisor peskin for their unwavering leadership throughout this entire pro w
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