tv Fire Comission SFGTV November 20, 2023 10:00pm-11:01pm PST
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new system of education, because it's better. >> thank you for your comments. >> thank you, next speaker. >> speaker: this is to expose how corrupt biden is and that china. when he's got, south africa parti taking place in china against people that are the same nationality, you treating them like slaves and raping their families in these concentration camps. joe biden and his son, is getting multi millions under the table from china.
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he's just been busted by checks that has been given to him from china to his bank account. and about gavin newsom going to china acting like he's making deal, the united states has negative cash flow trans accounting import business with china. that will other additional cabinet member in charge of finances, she is talking about she is working on a deal for 378 billion dollars with china that would be even bigger negative cash flow for the united states.
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sxl about that wuhan, responsible for people losing their lives. and then another thing, what is newsom doing there besinger and this is for you david chu, you better look at the contract to make sure he didn't sign an agreement. >> thank you for your comments. >> i have a paper. >> okay, we'll come collect that right now.
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>> speaker: how we're going to solve the algebra they're mathematics. the first page i handed gives overview of the state's privilege and how it's used and now it's into the constitution. the second page are case law that only allow for legal lawful usage. i point out black versus united states, central land company versus united states, dtm, versus at&t, because it's at&t technology with first net. look in front of you, you have a computer. first net can attach to any computer and the mayor's office can illegal influence you which she did when you voted for the 8th grade algebra. i would reconsider the vote on that topic.
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not to place a phone call but for somebody to turn on your computer, the audio to question you. through audio bot and this is being used if you have a prescription to remind you. you get a voice bot activated and now reminded to take your medicine. and i'm going to point out, car peneder versus united states which makes it illegal for this activity to happen. and the algebra equation, if plane a leaves new york at 850 miles per hour, algebra, they're trying to keep everybody uneducated because people are using it illegally. thank you. >> thank you for your comments, next speaker, please.
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>> speaker: hello i'm a street vendor. >> clerk: speak directly into the microphone. >> speaker: three weeks ago, we heard about the street vendors, we don't hear nothing from the city, from the dpw or nobody else. there is a lot lack of communications between the city and supervisor and us. there is a big difference between the vendor, they asked me to register as a small business owner. we did it. we registered as a small owner, we do a business license and we
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comply with the city. there is no communication between you and i, they will save the street, legal vendors, they don't, they don't have any between street vendors and legal vendors. and also, there is a there was suppose to be 90 days bent. from what i hear, it sounds like it's going to be permanent. when they start to do my taxes, we receive an email from the city. when start to renew any license, we receive an email from the city. how come we received no communication, nothing. zero. >> thank you.
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thank you for your comments. >> speaker: [speaking spanish] . >> clerk: if you're going to translate, can you stand at the other microphone and when he finishes, you can translate. >> speaker: [speaking spanish] my name is a caesar and i'm a vendor. >> before we begin, we set the time for two minutes and you
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>> translator: a vendor from the mission who is considering the fact of being able to come back as a street vendor after the 90-day term. another concern is also, that, these vendors are also small businesses that have been affected by things like covid, he had a business for 17 years, precould vid and then he went through the right process examine being able to sell as a vendor and not going through this. and these premise that they're paying every three months, they
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still have to pay those permits, even though they can't continue the business and they also have a lot of merchandise that they had ready for the holidays. will the city do anything to help them financial through this time because they're banning them to be able to continue their business. >> thank you. >> clerk: okay, welcome. >> speaker: i'm going to translate for my mother. >> speaker: [speaking spanish]
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my heart as well. what she is asking for you to think this is the way, not only her, but all of them, eat. you mentioned, however as i understand, the information is not being transferred clearly. so not just in translation but what everybody is asking for is you transfer information a little bit clearly. and if you're going to be have them pardon me nature, number 2, they have been saying that they are people, it needs to be more clear the way you're taking beings because not everybody is illegal selling which is clear for every one over here. my mom, has been paying for my sister in guatemala and working in her store from 2015 as well and as many of them they've been there for a long time.
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so basically, the information needs to be transferred clear and all of them are paying taxes from their stores as well and they are definitely, doing this as good as they can and i guess this is obvious right, that's why they're here and trying to get a good discussion and make this happen for the good of every one. that's all i have to say. >> thank you, thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> speaker: hello i'm rod c ada, i'm actually shocked to hear what is going on, but more the reason i'm shocked is i discovered that somebody had scammed my food stamps benefits and took 7,000 of mia crude my
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accrued food stamps benefits which went missing, i found out that all of my money was gone. what hurts the most is when i walk up and down the mission street which i'm a resident, i discover a few people selling goods that i don't where they came fr. where are these getting these products. in my mind, i hate to think or believe that these being things of being done through theft of people's food stamps benefit. i would hope the county would step up their efforts and i want to be part of that to fair it out and discover who is doing the fraud on food stamps account and i hope the county will enforce penalties, on
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people not only people like me but defrauding the city of san francisco. i cannot believe that they don't have a way to protect our food stamps. i've been a hustler my whole life, and i've been a street vendor, but if they are using people's food stamps accounts to sell illegal stuff, that needs to stop. >> next speaker, please. >>ing i fully supportive on safai and peskin has introduced. being here reminds the city is a pretty small place and the
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maria green makes that arena green accessible to every one. who can, it's really important and should not be turned into a luxury yat harbor, thank you. >> thank you, for your comments. next speaker. >> i speak in the ordinance protecting the maria water front. it's been used by and enjoyed by generations of san francisco and domestic and international. it's a priceless san francisco measure. i ask that you support by voting in favor of the passage. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please.
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>> the mat ri a is truly a national treasure, so many people look out and tourist love and cherish this marina green. this huge open yard is the back yard for the public, especially for people that live in one or two bedroom apartments. they go to maria green, walking, playing soccer, basketball, biking or just sitting on a bench and met tate. and watching pelicans and see lions. so, we never should allow
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anybody to take it away from the public. we should never a law to take it away from the public and make this recreational place. that's why i support the ordinance to live--leave this magnificent place the way it is in perpetuity. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker. >> speaker: i'm here to urge you, really urge you to support the peskin regarding the marina green. that area is public access and
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every dweller has used it as their back yard or balcony certainly during covid. i waufrnt want to tell you, sitting here today, there is a disconnect between you and the board and some of your departments including rec and park. time in again, seem to believe the elderly, the disabled, the the poor, they lip service but they don't deliver and one example would be the u.n. plaza which i think was a disgrace. but this is an agrecious example and i urge you to support the ordinance. >> thank you for your comments.
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next speaker, please. good afternoon, supervisor. i just wanted to say i support the ordinance introduced by safai and peskin. people of all ages and physical ability to come enjoy that access. when i walk my dog down that way, i always see that people are congregated in that area, much more than any other part of the marina green. i think it's very important to the city. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker. >> speaker: good afternoon, i'm jake, and first i want to say
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i'm impressed how quickly the city cleaned for the apac. i want to welcome back the supervisors that visited japan, only to find out what we've been saying, education is best when not ran by racist. now since supervisor are taking trips at taxpayers expense, i want you to visit to el salvador and see the drug dealers that went to poison the population. there is something i want to address, mad that voters get demographic elections. he is mad that we don't let them run into challenge. he sends he is qualified judicial court but begging
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others to join him to interfere with the democratic. now he wants to limit all of our ability to hold any elected accountable. which includes you all, i'm here to vote not to sign on any ballot initiative or any resolution that condemns any democratic election. but if you do, we will hold you to the anti democratic position you stand on, if you support any. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> speaker: good afternoon, i'm district 11 speaking on the peskin resolution, regretfully.
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we have a constitutional right, it's an article 6 of our constitution, please it leave it alone. if there is one way to launder respect, the resolution criticized san franciscans for endorsing challenges at the next election. that's the exact same thing supervisor peskin did in 2008. when your colleague ran against judge tom. sxl supervisor ronen did the same thing ten times in 2018. this is on the agenda using a policy reserve for non controversial or commendatory resolutions. we have a constitutional right to vote for judges, trust the voters have a public hearing or vote down the resolution today. thank you very much.
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>> thank you for your comments. >> speaker: i'm jill and i'm speaking on my behalf and no other entity. i would like to thank the board of supervisors to the issue of keeping marina water front open. i firm lie believe giving rec and part for wreck and park to take advantage. if you give rec and park a single way, they will take a mile and we have not been made aware of this ordinance if it even addresses cleaning pollution. and to clean up and rebuild the east harbor.
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lastly in a separate but related issue, i would like to you aware that the newly placed ferris wheel, most residents do not want it through nobody asked us, i hope its lease is short lived. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> i serve as the bar association. i come to voice my support for what i hope is a unanimous vote. after all, our democracy dmends on it. unfortunately too many in the city have for goent or chosen to ignore what they learned in their class. in pact, i felt compelled to write an op-ed.
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it's easy to scapegoat judges who ethickly cannot stand up for themselves. unanimous vote from this body in support of the judiciary means something. sxwh it reminds, san franciscos, that fundamental part of our democracy here in this city. i'm a resident, i live in supervisor melgar's district in west portal, former neighborhood of mr. en guardio, i urge you all to vote for this resolution. >> speaker: sho lon to every one, many people know me as a ab litionist, i'm here today to
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just acknowledge for the secretary to give copies to the supervisor. that is coming up for the trauma care program in january. concerning the mothers and families of murdered children and also our culture identity. i want to acknowledge the korean center that is newly built, i'm so happy that they have their consulate and also the el sal va dorians on golden gate that have their consulate. we're requesting the address of 15-36 for that to be our consulate because we were kidnapped and brought here against our will and our identity was stolen. we want this home which is a historic building, for we're going to be extending an invitation to come over to the african historic building and
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view the historic the beautiful building that we want to be consulate. thank you so kindly, i saw to you, shalon in hebrew, means peace. shalom. >> thank you, you had something for us. >> yes, for every one that is doing well during these times. >> thank you. if there are any other members of the public that would like to address the board during general public comment. otherwise this will be the last speaker. >> i'm reading from the esv but they were urgent demand withing loud cries that he should be cruz fied and their voices prevailed so pilot, granted, for the murder for whom he asked but they delivered jesus over their will.
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and baraba, said he took my place, he was a insurrectionist and, and joe bigs and en ricko and the proud boys and steward roads of oath keepers. and they followed him a great multitude of the people and women who were mourn anding lamenting to them, but turning to them, jesus said, daughters of jerusalem, don't weep for me and your children. the days are come when they say blessed are the barren and the breast that never nursed. and in the hills cover us, this comes from josa chapter 10 revelation 6, jesus new that 85
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is he bat cal, the last temple would be destroyed in 70 a d and it did tip fie the judgment day when christ returns. he's not only going to punish the jews for punishing him but the gentile for rejecting him. and it was 995 years between the two events. and here we are at the end of 2085, sa bat cal cycles. >> thank you for your comments. all right, any other speakers in the chamber to address the board during general public comment. mr. president. >> public comment is now closed. madam clerk, can you please read the adoption without committee reference calendar. >> 27 and 28 were introduced
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for adoption, unanimous mus vote is required for action. on first reading today. one member may request a reso to go to committee. >> madam clerk, i would like to sever item 27, supervisor ronen. >> same. >> is there a motion to excuse supervisor ronen and stefani. walton and stefani are excused. and on item 28, we can take the same house. >> we should take a same house. >> different house, roll call please. >> on item, 28, supervisor chan. >> aye. >> chan, aye. supervisor dorsey. >> aye. >> enga* rdio. >> aye. >> mandelman. >> aye. >> melgar. >> aye. >> peskin. >> aye.
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>> supervisor preston. >> aye. >> supervisor ronen. >> aye. >> and supervisor safai. >> aye. >> 9 ayes. >> the motion is approved. madam clerk, can you please read item 27. >> 27 reaffirmation for judiciary. before i call on supervisor ronen, this is a good thing to have extensive public conversation about. i think this would benefit from a discussion in committee. i will send it to committee. i understand these are alexes that can be challenged and in deed, i think i have personally learned the hard way and my
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thinking about this has evolved over the last 20 years and i think i learned from my experiences in 2008, commissioner transvinia and that informed my behavior. and we have to thread very very carefully when it comes to judicial elections and independence. i think the statements in supporting an independent impartially and qualified judiciary but this is a teachable moment examine would benefit from a robust committee hearing and to that end, i will send it to committee. but before i do so, supervisor ronen. >> thank you, supervisor peskin, i'm glad this is going to committee because, while there is a lot of agree with on this resolution, there is some things that i don't quite agree
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with. fick remove my name as a cosponsor, i think there was a miscommunication in my office arpd that, which does not mean i will not support it but i want more time to clarify things. i don't necessarily think, think whether or not judges should be running for a office ever is a fair question. and perhaps that should not be that we should have just a appointed judges to life lime payment or particular term. but, that is not the way the rules were work. so i very proudly and loudly supported the public defenders that ran last couple of sounds and i did that, because i think it's great to have diversity on the bench flt there is very few, public defenders that make
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it to the bench appointments that is often prosecutors often people from private practice and i think that, it's, it's good to have different people from different communities run. so when, three public defenders of color ran for seats, held by at the time it was one republican sitting on the seat, and it was a couple of, of former prosecutors and private practice, i thought that was a good thing. and i don't think that there is any particular rule, as long as the rules exist that exist now that, that people shouldn't run against sitting judges. my problem with what is happening right now is something else. it's the fact that there is a very well funded billionaire
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funded, campaign to attack certain judges that are perceived as too lenient in specific cases. and in effort to incarcerate as many people as possible in new mass incarceration effort. and the two judges that have been targeted, a, preside over either preliminary hearings or special courts that ultimate aim is not to incarcerate people but to deal with underlying or substance use conditions. and that this attack on them is a part of a bigger attack on our city to go back on the failed, we're war on poor
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people and war on drugs policies that have gotten us here in the first place. that's what these attacks on judges are. if, if we want to diversify the bench, that's great. if there is some people running against each other. if, if they're, if there is a particular judge that has committed malfeasance, there are reasons for their but to pin point how they felt this case is absolutely the wrong way. as the excellence op-ed today in the chronicle that i agree wholeheartedly explained the laws are nuance. that the you know, applying law to fact, it's impossible unless
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you're part of the entire process to make a judgment call on whether or not a judge did the right or wrong thing there. and then there is an appeal process. if you know, if, if a plaintiff or a, or a defendant or a prosecutor think the jury got it wrong. and that's the process for questioning outcome in a particular case. what is happening today in san francisco, the attack on these judges is not that. it's a political attack. it's part of a broader movement to incarcerate the poor. to recommit to war on drugs and is, a cynical attempt by billionaires to continue to rule and have power and make
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the type of profits that they've always been able to make. and that's why i am so against what is happening in these cases. and i'll be, you know, participating in the democratic party in defense on the judges that currently sit on the bench. i just want to say i'm looking forward to having a public discussion. i think these are critical and important issues that we should be discussing. and i look forward in particular able to support this resolution even though as currently written, i see it slightly differently. >> supervisor preston. >> thank you, president peskin and colleagues, i just want to recognize and thank a number of you who share our alarm at just the current level of attacks
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personally en doxing of judges and threats to judicial independence. i do want to address this, the merits of this a little bit and look forward and thank you president peskin for sending it to committee where i think there could be a more robust discussion. before it heads there, i want to say, as an attorney and a member of the california bar and his somebody who has been read more than my share of cases and am very familiar with the history of judicial decision making of this country and the many instances where the judiciary gets things wrong. like absolutely wrong from the dread scotts case and citizens united, there is a long list. so, i have no problem with sharp criticism of judicial decisions and judiciary. i also shared some of the
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concerns that are articulated in this resolution about potential potential conflict of interest to have judges run to keep their seats. as supervisor ronen indicated, i would prefer a system without judicial elections for that reason. but that said, that's not the current system when it comes to state courts. and i think that people absolutely have the right to run against judges and there is nothing inherently wrong with something exercise that right. and i would hope to make that clear on any resolution. here's what i want to be clear about and really invite all colleagues and the public to think about. this is a huge difference between critiques regarding legal interpretation and personal attacks on the
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judiciary and on individual judges for upholding the constitution and applying the law in good faith whether you agree with them or disagree with them. since donald trump took office, there is been an increase of demonizing the office and clerk and others who stand up to pleasure from right wing interest who would prefer that courts disregard the constitutional preassumption of license. --of innocence. unfortunately, this is not just lapping in other parts of the country. san francisco is not immune at all for this type of
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demonization. this past cowing, the some supervisors railed against chief magistrate appointed by president barack obama for issuing a ruling against the city in regards to conducting sweeps against homeless people and their possessions. they whipped up anger, our mayor rally the crawed blasting rue, saying rue does not even live here as if the judge's personal resident, in the northern district of california were relevant to anything other than a en sighting anger anger and focus on her resident. attack tick regularly used by
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the right wing to harass and intimidate judges. not to be out down, govern newsom criticized the ruling as a joe corura, the new site summed it up, quote, while this is trumpy, displeased with encamp sweeps, a testy gavin newsom he wanted to post in the quote's govern's words a big sign with the judge's number, saying call the judge. colleagues, this is not how legal advocacy works. and it is beyond the pale for our govern to be part of this demonization campaign and in particular doxing judges and encouraging people to harass
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and intimidate them. so this type of actions is intended for one thing as i mentioned for harassment of judges who are make ing decisions on the case. and let's be clear advocacy outside of city hall are running with these tactics. they're clearly inspired by the trumpy activities that are occurring across this nation and in san francisco in targeting the judges. that can be seen in many instances including with posters going out in the district attempting to paint judges as accessively lenient when they do things like follow the law and release a woman that was four months pregnant so she would not give birth in custody.
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funded by billionaires, i don't expect these groups to respect. they have no interest or intention of doing that. i do expect and i think we should all insist on members of this body, our mayor, our govern should all reframe from encouraging or joining trumpian tactics to intimidate judges and going further, and account i havely condemn them in every way possible. the core of this resolution, i believe is that judicial independence is not only an asset but also a necessity in our legal system. i agree with that, completely and i hope that we can make some reminements to focus on this rather than sending a message around the i am pro priority of runing for judges.
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so i'm looking forward to the discussion and on going engagement and thank you president peskin for bringing this forward. >> seeing no other names on the roster, the item is here by sent to commit key. madam clerk, would you please read the memorial a. >> yes. today meeting will be adjourned in memory of the following beloved individuals on behalf of supervisor dorsey for the late bran do, mccapes on behalf of the supervisor preston for the late ms. felicia smith. on behalf of supervisor ronen for the late ms. maria reyez garcia and stefani, for the late fred chan. >> we are adjourned. you're wat
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and reimaging and our guests the executive director of the homeland security and today to talk about the city and solutions and welcome to the show. >> thank you an honor to be here. >> let's a start by talking about people traeld don't consider that much the business programs what does the city need to have that. >> most people think of homeless they think of people they see on the street in the tenderloin and many people experiencing homeless have not visible to the average person and a lot of those people are children or older adults and families that is what we see at the department of homeless on top of homeless among the black community we don't realize
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there. 40 percent of our homeless populationist with the african-americans and only 5 percent of the population today the with the african-american and the same thing about the communities that over represent and we we try to make sure there is equity in the system and reaching the goals not seeing by the public as much we know that housing is essentially what everyone needs to thrive in the community. >> quite correct some of the solutions often vulnerable or smaller scale how do we expand those solutions as we go about. >> a attended in the homeless he roman numerals seeing none, three interventions need presentation for the people
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experiencing homes in the first place and pouting are ways for people to get to permanent housing on their own and need shelter so really need all three of the intefrjz for people to assess one the things we often don't understand meet people where they are and sometimes did have the documents or other things to move into housing. they maybe waiting on disability income or themes so we have to be prepared to have things ready to use the sheltered are reality important. we know that ultimately preservation ask one of the most important toltz we can put into our systems if people don't have that mri better off for many reasons but way cheaper to have someone out
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of homeless in the first place and the permanent housing is a wonderful tool for many people can't get housing on their own and needed case management or other services to be able to assess the other part of their life employment and things. >> so the home by the bay plan can you explain the basics and how to address the needs? >> sure the home by the bay the strategic plan the 5-year plan to prevent homelessness i want to do what at mayors said homeless is not just owned by the department of 40e789s but the responded didn't has to include a number of stakeholders what that requires is really a collaborative approach we're really continuing to work very close with the 0 department of
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public health and law enforcement or the department of - aye. >> by linking to the voices of people exercising homelessness need to create programs without listening to the people experiencing and finding what is like for them to go through the system we're not going to make that better and ultimately will not be successful. your first goal really to produce inexacerbated in our system remarkably equity and also want to reduce the number of people experiencing unsheltered homelessness in 5 years and over all address homelessness by 15 percent your offer arching goals for us and some people said that didn't seem like enough or didn't seem bold enough to given where we are not just a a city
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but country wiring proud of that goal and look forward to implementing the work that it takes to get there and hoping will be can he have in 5 years. >> we are here the property interrupt trip to the lovely agreement can you talk about that and then maybe talk about how public housing will be a solution? >> one of the very exciting things about that building it accommodates names families in a neighborhood with grocery stores and transportation a little bit out of the tenderloin when we think of families with children finding places in the area that are enacted by homeless. so very again community space and actually have a partnership with the housing authority the
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housing authority has different kinds of vouches they have available and in case with the vouches we use those vouchers with the unit and help to cut the cost we have homekey dollars that provide money to the counties our acquisitions and able to leverage that. >> can you you, you talk about the voucher programs how they help public housing and help landowners into the whole thing. >> sure we have a few voucher emergency vouchers from the federal government during covid and dispersing those with the housing authority and the programs one they can help prevent people from 0 becoming homeless and people are in danger of becoming homeless with a necessity they can stay in the
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place they have and people are experienced homeless and in a shelter and kwobtd with the system the best way for them to find it themselves with the help of a case manager or a housing locate our that makes sense in san francisco we will have a number of buildings in certain neighborhoods in san francisco and a number of places in san francisco we find people experiencing homeless across the decide but don't have an easy option with a number of neighborhoods so emergency housing voucher program we partnered in bay view and been successful in making sure that people from that neighborhood and that neighborhood kind of a proximity for people who have
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experienced homelessness with born and raised in bay view and, you know. instead of putting them in a place across town a unit available able to work with them to find their units in the neighborhood eventually and we hope when lvrndz will see the value got a number of landowners buildings with a lot of vacancies we think that it is really um, helpful for them and hopeful for us we can work together and see the number of units in partnerships we can get people housed with a steady income from the rent. >> thank you i appreciate you coming into here today. you know. this is great. >> thank you chris appreciate that. >> that's it for in episode and
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for sfgovtv i'm chris thanks for >> good morning, every one. and we're so happy to see all of you. so alan and i will be coemcees today, come over here, alan. alan has been providing self-help all of our pro-bono attorney services for all of our rear. --real estate. sometimes we have more difficult document that's we need a lawyer to look over. of course our co-chair is also an attorney but alan is wonderful. he was our honoree and recipient for the elderly award as well as assemblyman,
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