tv Arts Commission SFGTV December 2, 2023 12:00am-2:01am PST
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i need to go add a practice session moments. billy and then we'll get started. so. hello. hello there we go. we're going out of practice session now, and recording has started. and it's 204. thank you. oh good afternoon and welcome to the meeting of the arts commission on monday, november the sixth, 2023. i'm calling this meeting to order by asking a call of the roll from chief of staff gentry. president collins, present vice president shiota is absent. commissioner beltran present commissioner benavidez present. commissioner brunzell here. commissioner carney is absent. commissioner ferris here. commissioner hakimi here.
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commissioner liu present. commissioner mccoy present commissioner mosley. present. commissioner rothstein. present. commissioner schneider here. commissioner shelby is absent. commissioner stryker present and commissioner tanner is absent. but we do have a quorum. and also for the record director of cultural affairs, ralph remington, deputy director of finance and administration. sarah hollenbeck, deputy director of programs, are also in attendance. and now for some public meeting instructions. today, the arts commission is meeting meeting will be conducted in a hybrid format. this format will allow everyone to participate in person and remotely through the webex platform. while this technology grants us better accessibility for individuals joining the meeting remotely, please be mindful that tech related difficulties may occur which
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could contribute to the gaps and delays as staff transitions in technology between the speakers. please note that we are doing our best and we ask for your patience as you may also find the meeting being streamed on sfgate gov tv to comcast 78 s sound 2088 and at&t. u-verse 99. i want to remind us of the policies and procedures for public meetings at this meeting we are bound to follow the structure of our agenda and adhere to the best practices set. set out in the good government guide. at every public meeting, there will be an opportunity for general public comment where members may comment on any item pertaining to this body. respect fully. we ask that you keep your public comment on the topic. each public comment is limited to three minutes. please understand and that the committee does not contribute dialog towards public comments on each comment will be
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daca cemented for public records during each public comment opportunity. i will first request comments from the public attending the meeting in person and then from the public attending remotely. for those joining remotely, please please mute your microphones to minimize background noise for the public and the staff joining remotely. when it is your time to speak, you must unmute yourselves and speak directly into the microphone before expressing your comments. please briefly introduce yourself, including your name, your affiliated organization and any other information portion that is in additional that additional that is applicable to this meeting or to the agency. please note that the san francisco arts commission is discontinuing remote public comments for all public meetings starting december 20th, 23. i'm going to
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repeat that. please note that the san francisco art commission is disconnect renewing remote public comment for all meetings beginning. in december 2023. at that time, public comment must be taken in person with remote access, provided those who require an ada accommodation request for accommodations must be made at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. pursue went to government code section 9,007.7. late requests will be honored if possible. please reach out to art dash info at or by. calling 41525222255 with any questions or to make a future accommodation request. i think that's a very important thing to note for the public to know that. now, does that mean that
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in the december meeting that we may have remote vote or is it active in the december meeting? we will not have it this is the last meeting where remote public comment. so as of december, we will no longer be in this hybrid framework. i'll now turn it over to chief of staff alisa ventry for public comment instructions. thank you. and just a clarification, we will have still be streaming live on tv and live through webex, just remote public comment if you need if there's ada accessibility accommodation. so okay. for members of the public joining in person who wish to make public comment on agenda items, once you're called on, you'll be asked to voice your comment at the podium. you will see blank public comment cards located near the podium. your recommended but not required to fill out your card,
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which will be included in the minutes. you may also make public comment using the webex link. when you click the webex link, you'll then be prompted to enter the following information an first last name and email. these emails are these fields are required. however, if you wish to remain anonymous, you may type public in the first and last name fields and public at and the email field. please ensure you're in a quiet location that all devices around you are muted. so there is no echo when you speak at the appropriate time. the chair will request public comment from members of the public using the webex link. click the hand icon to raise your hand. this will place you in the public comment queue when it's your time to speak, you'll be unmuted by the moderator and when your time is up, you'll be muted. for members of the public calling by phone that wish to make public comment when the public comment period opens, press star three to be added to the speaker line when your microphone has been unmuted, you will hear us ask you to state your name and comment. you're encouraged but not required to state your name. for the record, i'll start your three minutes when you begin speaking using a visual timer, and you'll also receive a 32nd
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audible warning when your time is up, i'll say call your time is up and you'll be placed back on mute and moved out of the speaker's line. we will pause briefly before closing public comment to ensure no other commenters are seeking to speak on that item. participants who wish to speak on other agenda items can remain on the line and listen to the next public comment opportunity. anyone who speaks during a public comment period on today's meeting can send a summary of the comments to be included in the minutes of its 150 words or less. doordash the summary may be redacted if it exceeds the prescribed word limit or if it's not an accurate summary of the speaker's public comment. you may also email art info .org for any troubleshooting questions. public comment instructions will also be shared on the screen during each public comment period and just to note that commissioner shelby has joined us and president collins, please proceed with the meeting when you're ready. thank you. i would like to start the meeting by reading our land acknowledgment statement. the san francisco arts commission acknowledges that we are on the unceded
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ancestral homeland of the ramaytush shoshone, who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco area as the indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions, the ramaytush alone have never ceded, nor lost, nor forgotten their responsible duties as caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory as guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homelands. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders and relatives of the ramaytush community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples as a department dedicated to promoting a diverse and equitable arts and culture environment in san francisco, we are committed to supporting the traditional and contemporary evolution of the american indian community. i would now like to
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call on item number two. i'm calling for members of the public that wish to make public comment. you may raise your hand now. number two, approval of the minutes and possible discussion and motion. this is a motion to approve the october second, 2022, 2020 three minutes. i would like to remind commissioners to say their name after they respond to a motion. now i'm asking for a motion to approve the october 2nd, 20, 23 minutes. and i'll also ask for a second. commissioner beltran motion moved to approve the minutes. commissioner schneider second. thank you. i'm now calling for any public comment. is there any public comment on item number two approval of the minutes we will be taking in-person public comments. first, for those joining in person, please proceed to the public comment podium and fill
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out the public comment information card. and for those joining remotely, please raise your hand if you're listening via webex. if you're calling by phone, press star three to place in the public comment queue instructions will shortly be on the screen. we are currently on item number two. as a reminder, your time will start when you begin speaking and you'll see a visual timer on screen and screen and receive a 32nd audible warning before your time concludes. then you'll be muted. once your time is up, you may stay on the line if you wish to speak on other items. anyone who speaks during a public comment period at today's meeting can send a summary of the comments to be included in the minutes of a 150 words or less. doordash info at sveaborg. i'm now requesting comments from those in person. is there anyone who would like to make public comment on the current agenda items? seeing no in-person public comment, i am now requesting comments from those joining remotely. is there anyone who would like to make public comment? and i am checking the queue. seeing no
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remote public comment, a public comment is closed. thank you. i'm now calling for any commissioner discussion or comments as none. we have a motion to may we have a motion to approve the minutes. i'm calling now for the final motion . all those in favor say aye. aye. opposed say nay. motion passes unanimously. i'm now calling agenda item number three for members of the public. that wish to make public comment. you may raise your hand now. number three is general public comment discussion. this item allows members of the public to comment generally on matters within the committee's purview, as well as to suggest new agenda items for the committee's consideration. i'm now calling for any public, general public comment. item number three we will be taking
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in person public comment first for those joining in person, please proceed to the public comment podium and for those joining remotely, please raise your hand if you're listening in via webex. if you're calling by phone, press star three to be placed in the public comment queue instructions are now on the screen as a reminder, your time will start when you begin speaking and you'll see a visual timer and receive a 32nd audible warning. then you'll be muted. once your time is up, you may stay on the line if you wish to speak on other items. any one who speaks during a public comment period of today's meeting can send a summary of the comments to be included in the minutes of its 150 words or less to doordash info gevorg. i'm now requesting comments from those who are in person. is there anyone who would like to make public comment on the current agenda items? seeing no in-person public comment, i am now requesting comments from those joining remotely. is there anyone who would like to make public comment on the current agenda items.
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seeing no virtual hands, public comment is closed for this item. thank you. i'm now calling for agenda item number four for members of the public that wish to make public comment. you may raise your hand now for item number four. is the director's report. i'm introducing the director of cultural affairs, ralph remington. good afternoon, commissioners. i hope you had a wonderful start to your november year. before i begin my director's report, i'd like to take a moment to recognize that november is native american heritage month. this past wednesday, november first, mayor london breed hosted a celebration in partnership with the american indian cultural center in city hall, where four bay area native american community leaders were honored. so there is that. and then to start off this month's report,
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i'd like to share a few highlights from this past month. so from october 5th through october eighth, i attended the western museums association conference in pasadena, california, where i presented on a panel on monumental reckoning and shared insights about our work with our monuments and memorials, advisory committee and plans for our upcoming work with pulse check from october 12th to the 13th. i was in new york city, where i attended a race forward board meeting on october 12th. americans for the arts released their findings from the arts and economic prosperity six survey agency staff are reviewing the results and we hope to be able to share an overview and summary of our local findings with you soon on october 13th, we held an opening reception for our latest exhibition at the spac main gallery, transcending physicality, the essence of place. on october 19th, in
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partnership with the san francisco public library, we celebrated the opening of 2022 public library. an artist in residence, james chan and his new project, the main degree, a 360 degree virtual reality experience inside the san francisco public library. excuse me, the main degree is the culmination of chan's residency residency experience and explores the library's role as a community hub and cultural center through the perspective of library staff and patrons. october 24th to the 27th, i attended the world cities culture forum summit in sao paulo, brazil, as a as a representative of the san francisco delegation, which also included sfac director of communications, a representative from sf travel and guest glenn harris, president of race forward. i actually ran into commissioner shelby on the way
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down. you were on your way up to portland, i believe, at the time. san francisco has been. that's a photo of me and a couple of that. it's a session that i moderated on race and representation of our cities as glenn harris and toriel milani from amsterdam. she's the deputy mayor. and aaron hartney from chicago. she's my role in the city of chicago. so it was a very spirited conversation. it could have gone on forever. the one on the right is a panel of representation in in the public realm. and so where we largely talked about monuments and memorials and what we're doing, our work here and coma was in that session. that was a great assist as well. san francisco has been part of the world cities culture forum since 2015. we were able to host the summit in 2018 and arts and cultural leaders from around the world
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representing 40 member cities met at the summit, which focused on the themes of culture, courage and leadership for a new world. during the summit, i led moderated panels and challenged sessions that delved into race and representation in, along with arts and cultural leaders from the city of amsterdam, chicago, sao paulo and race forward. during these panels, we discussed how local governance can do more to catch up to reflect our modern, diverse cities and discuss what representation in the public realm can and should look like. it was an empowering and engaging summit that allowed us to connect with colleagues from around the world to share ideas and best practices from our representative, our respective agencies at and director of communications committee moderated a panel on artificial intelligence and its impact on the creative industries where cultural policy officer from the greater london authority shared an overview of the dynamic and emerging field of ai and its
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current and potential future impacts on arts and culture sector. we look forward to exploring ways we can help local artists and arts organizations to embrace ai as a powerful tool and resource. this right here on the right is the closing session on of world cities culture forum, and that's me on the right and justine simons, who is the deputy who the mayor of london and she also was the founder of world cities culture forum and is basically its titular kind of head like elijah is. the is the head itself. so that's that's what that is. she works directly with the mayor. and so my role is more akin to hers. but there is someone that works under her that is almost like lex would be so, so it's kind of a my role is kind of a combination of, of those roles. so that's that very good summit.
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and it was blackity black for real because as you know, as you may or may not know, brazil had the most had the greatest import of african slaves or enslaved africans, as in the americas. 4.8 million in slaves compared, comparatively speaking, to the united states, which only enslaved 300 and something thousand africans. so that tells you the extent how many more africans were enslaved in brazil than in in the united states. so but in the united states, bred slaves. they bred enslaved africans when they were here in breeding farms. so they stopped the slave trade itself, but still continued the practice of slavery by breeding people. so that's what the united states of america did. so just to put a fine point on it, on the final day of the summit, i was honored
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to be part of the official launch of the sao paulo manifesto, a world cities culture forum initiative that will call for the un to name culture for as a new sustainable development goal in 2030. with the support of mayor london breed, san francisco was one of 20 global cities that have signed on in support of this initiative, and the world cities culture forum will work with unesco and other city networks to campaign for and achieve a goal for culture over the next few years. and lastly, i'd like to highlight that on november fourth, that's the that's the group of people that signed on to the manifesto in that photo right here. so lastly, i'd like to highlight light that on november 4th, in partnership with the san francisco symphony, the san francisco arts commission presented the annual delos muertos concert at davies symphony hall, a celebration of latin american music and culture in including lobbies installations by local artists, some community investment
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updates, the application deadlines for the arts impact endowment that i and the cultural equity initiative see the grant opportunities have been recently closed on october 5th and november 2nd, respectively. we still have a few available all grant opportunities open for artists and arts organizations to apply for the artists. the artistic legacy, grant opportunity and it's accepting applications through november 7th and the san francisco artist grant opportunity is accepting applications through november 16th. the community investments team is currently seeking bay area individuals with expertise in the arts and culture field to participate in our spring 2024 peer review grant panels. applications must be received by december 31st, 2023. those interested can learn more and apply on our website. i'd also like to share that we are
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hosting a few art vendor market pop ups at the war memorial building and at city hall over the next few weeks. the first will be this wednesday, november eighth, from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the war memorial lobby. across the street. then on tuesday, december 12th, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at city hall in the northlight court. and on thursday, december 14th, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the war memorial lobby. so please come out and support our local art vendors as as briefly mentioned earlier, some gallery updates. on october 13th, our sfac galleries team held a opening reception for our new exhibition in the main gallery. transcending physicality, the essence of place on view through december 16th and features the work of 14 artists that explores the intricate relationship between people and spaces. thank you to our gallery staff for putting on a great event and to
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deputy director of programs lex leifheit for speaking at the event to welcome guests and open the exhibition. reminder that downstairs in the northlight court, right downstairs in city hall, on the ground floor, is a public voice on a publica from the archive of mission cultural center for latino arts is on view through july 12th, 2024, and showcases the history of political and community activism and cultural events in san francisco through posters produced by mission grafica and la raza graphics. i'd like to note that in observance of veterans day, the sfac main gallery will be open on friday, november 10th, but will be closed saturday, november 11th. in partnership with the san francisco library. we are excited to announce that starting november 9th through january 7th, 2024, public library artists and residents gazelle jose sammies will
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present the ink of identity rereading afghanis in a multimedia presentation installation at the main branch of the san francisco history center on the sixth floor. the exhibition will explore the complexities of afghan identity and the impact of western authored literature on the understanding of afghan history and culture with a particular focus on afghan american perspective. please, please save the date for an artist reception planned for thursday, november 30th, 2023. from 5 to 7 at the main library, some public art updates appear 27 cruise terminal request for feedback. public art staff are are seeking public feedback on artwork proposals for the pier 27 cruise terminal public art project proposal easels may be viewed on our website and public comments are due by november 14th, 2023
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by 5 p.m. potrero yard modernization mission public art project rfq. on october 23rd, art public art staff issued a request for qualifications for three significant public art opportunities for the potrero yard modernization project. rfc are being acted through. december 11th, 2023. some other announcements a reminder that next week, november 11th, to the 17th, san francisco will welcome and host delegates from around the world. for the asia pacific economic cooperation summit. this is we are working closely with the mayor's office and partner agencies to prepare and welcome all the visiting dignitaries and guests. we understand that hosting such a high profile and large scale
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city wide event comes with many challenges. the city anticipates significant impacts for local residents, which will include street closures, trash impacts and in-person city government services during that week. so city staff have been working closely with partner agencies and community organizations to ensure that impacts to arts and cultural venues and art vendors in impacted areas are minimized and that delegates have a latest . have the latest information about community and cultural events happening that week. our civic art collection team is working to ensure that all publicly accessible works in our civic art collection near moscone center is in prime condition to welcome and inspire our visitors. and with that, this concludes the director's report for the november 20, 23 full commission meeting. i'd be happy to take any questions that
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you might have. thank. yes. question what is that? question in. that was great. right on cue. yeah, i have a i have a question. yes yes. i'm i'm curious, what were your your highlight from the san paolo trip like, whether it's personal or just as a representative of what was your highlight from that trip? well that's a good question and it's a complex question, probably a complex answer. but to keep it as short as possible. so i've never felt more at home in a place that i felt in brazil, even in in africa. i didn't, you know, and i think probably because their history is so similar to ours as african americans, we're all
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african americans from the americas have derived from africa. and so we all have the same bloodlines. their colonizers were portuguese and ours were british and scottish and irish. so therefore we speak british, you know, english and they speak portuguese because of our colonizers. but has nothing to do with our bloodlines because our bloodlines are the same pretty much indigenous black and european. so i think i felt most at home there that people were loving and they, they, they looked at me as the same, you know, as they were right. and, and that i felt, was really fast dating sao paulo. i don't i don't need to see sao paulo again actually. but but i was glad to see it because it was you look out and you just see buildings as far as the eye can see, skyscrapers as far as the eye can see. i've never seen
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a place like that where there's just mountains and mountains of buildings as one after another, like seeing mountain ranges. it was a skyscraper ranges and rio was a fun ride. and it was a personal i'll travel to rio. i took personal travel to salvador bahia, which was where brazil started because that's where the transatlantic slave trade, where they first started bringing them in and the capital, original capital was salvador. and then it moved to rio and then later on to sao paulo. and so i think that was fascinating just to see all of that and to feel that history. and that was the blackest city in brazil and the blackest city outside of any place in africa. so that's so those are my immediate takeaways and the art was amazing. of course. and the cultural expressions were fantastic. um, and just soulful and spoke to
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our experiences being colonized by europeans. and i think that that's, that lives with them every day as it lives with all africans here in north america, you know. so i think that those were the immediate takeaways. that's amazing. thank you. thank you. thank you. and sorry. sorry. i couldn't be at your your wonderful opening because i was there. but no, no. but i've heard great things and i want to see if i can get there. so thank you. yes. my question because i'm just trying to tackle this as an artist and understand it a little bit better. was there a discussion on about what's happening in the middle east and how artists should respond and or, you know, or anything of that nature? because it's hard to keep quiet, right? yeah yeah. i think there was definitely be discussion of the middle east as well as ukraine and ukraine and
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the middle east were foremost on everybody's mind. there was a woman that was in charge of culture in the ukraine, in kiev that was that spoke. and so she spoke about those issues and that they're dealing with issues of war and peace. um, yeah, a lot of people had opinions. there's not any official, uh, position on that. now. next year the summit is scheduled to be in dubai. i don't that was already way planned, way in advance. i don't know if that's going to happen because the area is so hot right now and i don't imagine it getting any cooler by that point in time. so but it brings to mind, i mean, there's a larger discussion that has to be had. i haven't since i've been out of the country. i haven't had these discussions about the city's official position because i don't think
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they have one. and i may be wrong about that, but i have not heard the city's official position on the middle east conflict as of as of now. so but it is definitely foremost on everybody's mind. can i can i make a comment regarding to that ? so i myself is a middle eastern. i'm palestinian, an and i don't think we need to think about a message for humanity that doesn't need to be there's no sides needed. there's no anything needed for any message to support humanity and to seize the war. stop the war. that's the message that we all i think everybody agrees on. doesn't matter where you're from. um, and to me, it's more of more about humanity itself and what's how important it is to take care of each other and take care of
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the children and take care of the families. so no reason to. i think the question, if i understand it, official site and official this so do i feel about this and how do i feel about that? i struggle with this all the time, but i always come back to what's important, which is our humanity and humanity of others. and what's important. so that's something i would keep in the that's my thoughts on it. thank you. are there any further comments on the director's report? seeing none from the commission. is there any public comment? we will take in-person public comment first. for those joining in person, please proceed to the public comment podium and for those joining remotely, please raise your hand if you're listening via webex. if you're calling by phone, press star three to be placed in the public comment queue. we are currently on item number four, the director's report. as a reminder, your time will start when you begin speaking and you'll see a visual timer on screen and receive a 32nd audible warning before your time
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concludes. then you'll be muted once your time is up, you may stay on the line if you wish to speak on other items. anyone who speaks during a public comment period of today's meeting can send a summary of the comments to be included in the minutes of its 150 words or less to inform us of gevorg and requesting comments for those who are in person. is there anyone who would like to make public comment on the current agenda item? seeing no in-person public comment, i'm now checking our virtual hands. seeing no virtual public comment. public comment is closed on this agenda item. thank you. i'm now calling agenda item number five. agenda item number five is the arts commission gallery's winter 2024 exhibition discussion. i'm calling agenda item a presentation will ensue for members of the public that wish to make public comment. you may
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raise your hands now. and now i am introducing sfac galleries. associate curator jackie m to present. hello. good afternoon, commissioner. i'm really excited to present our winter 2024 exhibition in the main gallery to you all this afternoon. i think we can go to the first slide. we are excited to announce our exhibition in the main gallery conversation eight harry dodge and alicia mccarthy, curated by nancy lim. some of you may recognize this exhibition as it was scheduled to open in april 2020. we actually had works on the way when the shelter in place orders were called. so we are thrilled to be able to finally be able to present this exhibition after a three year delay conversation seven is an exhibition series that was started in 2015 or sorry, in 2005. that feature is
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a local artist alongside an artist based outside of the bay area. so so about the artist. harry dodge is an artist and writer based in los angeles. his visual practice uses materiality and the surreal to explore thresholds, multiplicity and the social strains and paradoxes of having a physical body. his book , my meteorite or without the random there can be no new thing was released in 2020 and was a new york times book review editor's choice. dodge has exhibited widely, including at the new museum in new york, the hammer museum in los angeles and the whitney museum in new york. harry dodge is also originally from san francisco. and what is one of the founding members of the community based performance space. the bearded lady. a touchstone in the queer, diy, literary and arts scene. okay, next slide. alicia mccarthy is an oakland based artist whose work engages with the immediate world around her and uses a
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decidedly focused color palette on mixed media panels and also on murals. as you can see, using repetitive mark making mccarthy's motifs are deeply personal and the works often included indication of physical presence, such as a ring left by a coffee cup, a print from a boot, or a note written by the artist. mccarthy has exhibited at the wexner center for the arts in columbus, ohio, the berkeley art museum, yerba buena center for the arts, and was the recipient of the sfmoma seca art award in 2017. next slide about the curator. nancy lim is the associate curator in painting and sculpture at the san francisco museum of modern art, where she focuses on postwar and contemporary california art. she previously served as asian art curator for the asian art curatorial fellow at the guggenheim museum, and as curatorial assistant in the department of painting and sculpture at the museum of modern art in new york. recent projects include the joan brown
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retrospective at sfmoma, the vija celmins retrospective at sfmoma mythos psyche, eros, jess and california at sfmoma and the 2019 seca art award exhibition. so i'll take any questions. commissioner brenzel i just have a quick question. is that mural somewhere in san francisco? yes. did you just say where that was? yeah, it's on market and seventh on the proper hotel building. thank you. thank you for your report. i'm now calling for any other commissioner discussion or comments on item number five, the winter exhibition schedule commission. beltran. commissioner beltran speaking for fantastic work. we are so thrilled. i have, uh, alicia mccarthy is a dear friend, colleague and teacher co-teacher of mine at the art institute, former art institute. and i
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couldn't be more thrilled to see her work at this exposure as well as her collaborator. we just had a really great meeting with the curator and the artist last week, and i'm so excited about what they're planning to bring to the gallery. are there any commissioner? yeah this is commissioner schnur. i just wanted to say i am also incredibly excited about this one. we've been, as you as you well know, we've been waiting for a while. but i also feel that the stature of the artist has have grown incredibly during this period of time, too. so i would love to see as much pr and you know, outreach as we can get because i think this is going to be a really spectacular. yeah, yeah, i agree. thank you. are there any other commissioner comments or discussion? i'm now calling for any public comment. we'll be taking in person public comment. first, for those joining in person, please proceed to the public comment
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podium and for those joining remotely, please raise your hand if you're listening via webex. if you're calling by phone, press star three to be placed in the queue. we're currently on item number five. as a reminder, your time will start when you begin speaking and you'll see a visual timer on screen and we'll save a 32nd audible warning before your time concludes. then you'll be muted once your time is up, you may stay on the line if you wish to speak on other items. anyone who speaks during public comment period of today's meeting can send a summary of the comments to be included in the minutes of its 150 words or less to art info at i'm now requesting comments from those who are in person. is there anyone who would like to make public comment on the current agenda items? seeing no in-person public comment, i'm now requesting comments from those joining remotely. let me check. seeing no virtual public comment, public comment is closed for this item. thank you.
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i'm now calling agenda item number six, which your committee report and committee matters for discussion. i'm first calling a agenda item six sub item one on the civic design review committee for members of the public that wish to make public comment, you may raise your hand now. i'm now introducing committee chair kimberly streicher to present the civic design review committee report. thank you. um, this is my report for october 20th, 23. we saw two design projects, one at the beginning of its review phase and one at its end. we reviewed the phase three airside design of the sfo, terminal three, modernized project. the projects an ongoing effort to expand the safety boarding functions and interior areas of terminal three and to make the structure more energy efficient. the project
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was passed unanimously and we will see the landside of this project in the future. so here's some images here for our second project was the sf mta rail yard modernization project at phase one. and normally i don't bring phase one projects to you, but this one is worthy of a look. it's an extremely complex project that combines the unique proposal to use city property such as the potrero yard bus maintenance yard being rebuilt for contemporary maintenance function to also accommodate affordable housing for city employees, seniors and low income families above the facility. this is a completely unique proposal and one that i my hat is off to our government for putting it out there. the funding for housing is not yet been allocated, dated and will likely be several years before
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it secured. but the bus yard component is fully funded and at the phase one design stage. so this made the overall project challenging to review in that our committee concerns were focused primarily on integration of the two different components. the design team decided to separate the bus yard from the housing so it could move forward on schedule, and the committee agreed and passed the project at phase one, the pdr is unanimous in applauding the city's innovative thinking about using ways to provide much needed, needed affordable housing. in san francisco. so that concludes my report for the october meeting. and are there any comments from my colleagues or from our commissioners? this is it. the one near the kqed? it's across the street. okay i wish there was funding right away for
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the housing that would have been . is there any public comment we'll be taking in person public comment first for those joining in person, please proceed to the public comment podium. if you're joining remotely, please raise your hand if you're listening via webex. if you're calling by phone, press star three to be placed in the public comment queue. we're currently on item number six sub item one. as a reminder time, we'll start when you begin speaking and you'll see a visual timer on screen and receive a 32nd audible warning before your time concludes. then you'll be muted. once your time is up, you may stay on the line if you wish to speak on other items. anyone who speaks during a public comment period at today's meeting can send a summary of the comments to be included in the minutes of its 150 words or less. doordash info gov. org i'm now requesting comments from those who are in person. is there anyone who would like to make public comment? seeing none, i'll ask. i am now requesting comments from those joining remotely. is there anyone who would like to make public comment on the
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current agenda items. seeing no virtual public, no virtual hands. public comments closed public comment is closed. i would now like to introduce for the sub item number. item six sub item 2.1. the visual arts committee report from members of the public that wish to make public comment. you may raise your hand now. so now i'm going to introduce this committee chair person, commissioner susie ferris for the committee report. thank you, president collins. i would like to give the visual arts committee report. we have several items that we went over. always amazing projects that sfac is working on. first, a very monumentous project that
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the gift of ed lee bust and removal of the james phelan bust . the proposal is to remove the bust of james d phelan from its current location at the eastern entrance to city hall and to replace it by installing the bust of mayor ed lee. in its place, the arts commission has coordinated with art care. the family of mayor ed lee, the mayor's office, and the city administrator regarding this proposed replacing art and the placement of the bust and the bust of phelan will be moved to storage. just a little history on this. part of the reason we are for removing the bust of former mayor phelan is because of his history with racism and with the chinese exclusion act in san francisco while he was mayor. so it is very befitting that our first chinese american
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mayor, ed lee, will be put in his place. it's a testament to how far the city has come. next, we have the project plan for potrero yard modernization project art project, same project that commissioner striker was just talking about. this is a very exciting project. as commissioner striker was just mentioning for a lot of reasons, including the amazing art possibilities that are there in the project plan is, is the potrero yard modernization, modernization project will replace the century year old bus yard with a modern three story efficient bus maintenance and storage facility equipped to serve mbta's growing fleet of electric busses. there are three significant artwork opportunities for this project. an architecturally integrated glass artwork on the bus ramp,
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an architecturally up sorry, an architecturally integrated glass artwork on a multi story stairwell and a large scale tile artwork. the rfq was issued on monday, october 23rd, and the deadline to apply is monday, december 11th. and you can see the pictures here. sorry. let's go back one. you can see the pictures here. just how large these opportunities are. they really will be a presence on that corner and in that neighborhood. and so next, we also have the final design by a fantasy, the artist for the southeast treatment plant, construction fence. this is for the this is for the fourth and final installment of this ongoing ongoing series for her project modalities and motifs. fantasy has created a series of motifs highlighting her community's experience, history
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and cultural identity. motifs appear in repeating patterns and aim to honor fantasies and her community's unique lineage and history in this country, particularly in san francisco. deep appreciation and respect for their ancestors, elders and our architects of freedom. continued fight for human rights in the united states. this black american culture, the beauty created under extreme duress and the understanding that everything in the past, present and future is connected are. just a couple of comments about this. we were fortunate enough to have the artist there to talk with us about the artwork she is planning to reuse these panels. i know that has come up as well in talking about how will these panels be reused and she already is forethought in creating them, how she will be reusing them after is textiles, which is really exciting to see what she's going to do with that.
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also, just wanted to mention this is something that she brought up that i thought was very poignant, an opportunity to talk about black history in san francisco and the integration of black people here as part of. oh, i'm forgetting the great migration. so i think it's a great opportunity to really highlight that part of san francisco's history, that part of african-american history. next, we have many fans, 12 final designs for the 2023 art on market street poster series fonds series no history, no self showcases asian american trailblazers in art and culture. who's who's life was tied to the city of san francisco. so the goal of this project is to amplify asian american artists who came before and help future artists recognize their place in
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a long interwoven cultural history of san francisco. so six posters will have artists portrayed portrait and briefly highlight their legacy in additional six posters. feature two anthropomorphic rabbits named momo and george, who are two young artists students living in the city discussing the life of each artist featured artists include ruth asawa, bernice bing, lonnie ding, james liang, martin wong and kousuke wong. this is the final series of 2023 and the last in two years of comic posters. just to call out this comic poster series has been such a delight, i think, for the arts commission for us to see them come to fruition. and i think for the city as well, they really do invite people to interact and read the art. and one of the things i love about this poster series is it really again,
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talking about san francisco history and the cultural diversity of san francisco's history and highlights that in a way that is interesting and fun and helps educate people, you know, in a way that they may not otherwise have access to. and just to call out to craig and props with with that as well. so last and definitely not least, we have the treasure island photography documentation project. five photographers were selected to document changes taking place on treasure island, a curated selection of the photographers worked are exhibited in 40 jc duco advertising kiosks located at various locations around the city's downtown core, including along market street fisherman's wharf and the embarcadero. for a period of two months, the photographers include janet delaney, john sikura oh, sorry,
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sierra kira thank you, david allen boyd. cody anderson and lee. and as you can see on here, the variety is remarkable the way that the different lenses, literally the different lenses and perspectives of these photographers captured what was going on and what is going on at treasure island. both the beauty and the change. so please take a look if you guys have a chance at this collection, that's great . i would like to ask if there's any commissioner discussion or comments. i have one. please commissioner striker here. commissioner schnur and i were whispering to each other during your report because we were enjoying so much design and art at the southeast treatment plant, and that area has had already a significant amount of really great art. and on the fence, and that's going to be probably one of the best fences
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in the world i can easily say that because of the dynamic work there and a fence can be the most horrific thing to see in some cases. and so the creative attitude about it is really remarkable. so i just wanted to note that, commissioner, another thing about it too, is that each one of the artists that did their pieces for this fence got the community involved in what they were doing. and so i love that aspect of it that they've all done that as well. and just come up with some amazing, fabulous art there. and i just i love it because this is such a long construction project there that's going on. and to see all this wonderful art that has involved the community all the way through, i just that's about it. there we go. commissioner beltran. thank you. president collins. i just wanted to also highlight a comment that was
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some information at the meeting, and that is that that extremely successful and gorgeous series of treasure island photos that are going to be in the kiosks with was such a success that duco actually has requested to replicate those photos on additional kiosks and pay for the costs themselves because they were so thrilled with the results i wanted. i know that if you weren't at the visual arts committee meeting, you wouldn't have heard that. so commissioner benavides yeah, go ahead. i just want to say that mayor lee, i think it's perfect and it's a perfect time for that. and i just really honored that you guys are doing that. just just i don't think we get it all, but i think it's about time. so i just want to say that, you know, a coda to that, commissioner benavidez, is that there was a resident, ansel hall at usf that was renamed aimed to burl toler. and so this is a living history.
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and i think that the monuments and memorials work is informing a lot. i mean, a fantasy the artist was on the monuments and memorials task force and they took their practice and found new ways of expressing their art. you know, a person who is doing fashion and textile design is now applying their work in different ways. and so it's wonderful to see this growth. i also wanted to call particular attention to bernice bing, who who was an extremely significant artist. and in this conversation about representation in, you know, a young chinese woman in her time did not have a place in the art world. but for fortunately, history is resurrecting the importance of her voice. we always just wish that they could have been more effective in their own time so that they didn't have to sit on their talent and not really have a place. but the other one is i
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don't know how many people knew isaac wong did you ever hear of obiko? it's probably the most one of the most important locally grown fashion houses in san francisco's history. and isaac wong was a was a child of chinatown. he was an absolute genius. and he was called by yves saint laurent to paris to begin to design when he was in his early 20s. unfortunate he died as a product of our pandemics. but isaac was a singular genius in the area of fashion and any time you can try to find his work, it was significant in in a global sense. he reimagined what imagery could be using all of these in inclusive frameworks, in fashion and design. so i really applaud that, that
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whoever it was is finding these histories and bringing them forward. it's so very important that, um, any other commissioner comments on this wonderful report from commissioner ferris, seeing. oh, sorry. please regarding burl toler, i was there for that when they renamed the building. and i know the family really well. they wanted his son was is my partner. but there were three generations there of barrows family and it's just an amazing to see how much burl toler did to the city and to be recognized. and i think we need more of those recognitions because they're a part of the building blocks of san francisco . so and the united states, as a whole. thank you. thank you, susan. i just wanted to contribute to the talk of the fence and how that is the last in the series. i was fortunate enough to be the commissioner on the panel and fortunate enough to be on a panel where we got to
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choose four amazing artists because sometimes we only get to choose one. and so that was kind of a blessing and it is such a testament to the work that sfac does finding these opportunities to blanket our city literally with these fence tapestries, blanket our city with art, even if it is temporary. the effect that that has on kids growing up here on the communities that it is in is huge. so that is a very, very long fence. i had the opportunity to drive past it a few times with with the different artists that were up there and the amount of art that that space creates did for that community. just to have that art, even though temporary, is huge. and i would like to give props to sfac to our ongoing collab operation with sfpuc and just encourage wherever we can find, even if it's just beautifying the fence while they are doing construction projects like the one that we are hoping
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is going to come to fruition with the affordable housing over on mariposa street to how can we take every opportunity that we can to blanket our city with art . please we will now be taking in-person public comment first. and for those joining in person, please proceed to the public comment podium. for those remotely, please raise your hand if you're listening via webex. if you're calling by phone, press star three to be placed in the public comment queue. we are currently on item six sub item 2.1. as a reminder, time will start when you begin speaking and you'll see a visual timer on screen and receive a 32nd audible warning before your time concludes. then you'll be muted. once your time is up, you may stay on the line if you wish to speak on other items. anyone who speaks during a public comment period at today's meeting can send a summary of the comments to be included in the minutes of it's 150 words or less. art info as of gevorg, i'm now seeking in-person public comment. is there anyone who would like to
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make in person public comment on this item? seeing none, i'm now seeking comments from those joining remotely. is there anyone who would like to make public comment on the current agenda item. seeing no virtual hands, public comment is closed for this item. thank you. may i now call item number six? point two. point two, which is the art on market street poster series contract item for members of the public that wish to make public comment. you may raise your hand now. i'll hand it back over to commissioner ferris. thank you, president collins. we do have a discussion and possible action on this is a follow up to an item on the october 18th, 2023 agenda. and on the consent calendar for this meeting, uh, the artist kurdi byzantine and calixto robles, jesse hernandez, were approved for the 2024 art on market street poster series.
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we now we are now seeking approval to enter into contract with them. i'd like to call for any commissioner discussion or comments. seeing none, i will turn it back over to president collins. thank you. i'm a little bit confused. if we're i think we're going to call for public comment. yeah, we're calling first. we'll ask for a motion. yes. that's what i was first the motion. i'm going to now call for a motion to authorize the director of cultural affairs to enter into contracts with the those named for amounts not to exceed $12,000 a piece for the 2024 art on market street, a poster series. may i have a motion and a second, please? so moved, commissioner schnur. second. commissioner beltran. thank you. i'm now asking for
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any public comment on item number six. point two. point two. we'll now take in-person public comment first. for those joining in person, please proceed to the public comment podium and for those joining remotely, please raise your hand if you're listening via webex. if you're calling by phone, press star three replacing the public comment queue. we're currently on item 6.2.2. as a reminder, time will start when you begin speaking and you'll see a visual timer on screen. you receive a 32nd audible warning before your time concludes and then you'll be muted once your time is up, you may stay on the line. if you wish to speak on other items. anyone who speaks during a public comment period at today's meeting can send a summary of the comments to be included in the minutes of its 150 words or less. doordash info i'm now requesting comments from those who are in person. is there anyone who would like to make public comment? seeing no in person in public comment, i'm now requesting comments from those joining remotely and checking our list. seeing no
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virtual hands. public comment is closed. thank you. we have a motion to authorize the director of cultural affairs to enter contracts with 30 bassendyne and calcio robles and jesse hernandez for an amount not to exceed $12,000 each for the 2024 art on market street poster series. i'm now asking for the final motion. all those in favor say aye. aye aye. those opposed. nay motion passes unanimously. thank you. i now calling agenda item 6.3.1 for members of the public that wish to make public comment. you may raise your hand now. 6.3.1 is the dream keepers initiative funding recommendations is discussion and possible action. i am going to ask for the recommendations that are coming to the full commission because of the panel
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schedule and i'd like to introduce program director coco duhon kelly to give a present station on the dream keepers initiative funding recommendations. thank you. thank you, president collins. good afternoon, commissioners. san francisco arts commission staff and members of the public. this is coco duhon. kelly speaking. i am pleased to present to you the recommendations for the fy 24 san francisco arts commission dream keeper initiative grantees. the dreamkeeper initiative grant program overview. this initiative is part of mayor london and breed's roadmap to reinvest into san francisco. black and african-american community to reform public safety and address the structural inequities here in the city. the purpose of the san francisco arts commission dream keeper initiative funding to increase the number of cultural spaces designed and
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curated by black people to increase the number of black artists and producers contribute . sitting to the art culture in san francisco to invest in the stabilization and growth of black artists, producers and creatives serving the black communities in san francisco. this funding is for distinct and different artist and organization projects for the san francisco arts commission. dreamkeeper initiative recommended artists a four person review panel convened on tuesday, october 10th and wednesday, october 11th. our artist applications ranked according to the stated review criteria and the published fy 23 2024 dreamkeeper initiative guidelines. as panelists brought a range of expertise in dance music, mc performing and visual arts, stage management, education and nonprofit arts leadership and administration. they also demonstrated a broad
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knowledge of the san francisco arts and culture ecosystem. all panelists identified as black or african-american a 100% of individual. all san francisco artists that you see named identify as black or african-american in the san francisco arts commission, dreamkeeper initiative funding for artists will support eight first time san francisco arts commission grantees. 16 artists total are requesting up to 50,000 for projects that span a range of artistic disciplines, including comedy, creative writing, fashion, film, healing arts, music and portraiture. for the san francisco arts commission. dreamkeeper initiative recommended new and current organizations a five person review panel convened on thursday, october 19th and friday, october 20th to review potentially new san francisco
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arts commission dreamkeeper initiative art organizations and current san francisco arts commission. dream keeper initiative grantee organizations . as panelists brought a range of expertise in dance writing, education, nonprofit arts administration and leadership and community based programing. they also demonstrated a broad knowledge of the san francisco arts and culture ecosystem and all panelists also identified as black or african-american arts organizations. 13 new san francisco arts commission dreamkeeper initiative arts organizations are requesting up to 100,000 for projects supporting workshops, classes, performances, special events, general community engagement. many established emerging and youth serving organizations will benefit from this round of funding for our current organized actions. the four organized actions currently
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receiving san francisco arts commission dreamkeeper initiative funding requested up to 250,000 for the next phase of their current dreamkeeper initiative projects. this funding focused on projects that prioritize support for black led san francisco based theater companies and arts organizations . as most of the organization grants are supporting black led organizations whose work has historically centered black san franciscans. thank you for your consideration to recommend these proposed artists and organizations that you see before you. are there any commissioner comments or discussion on this report? i want to give people time to absorb what we've just heard. yes. may i? please. may i? i think i just during this very emotional time in the world that we live in, i think these are
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the kind of projects that we should pride ourselves in. this is how you uplift the community. but as a city, i ask that as we uplift one or other, we do not forget the rest because we as a community have the obligation. i want to thank the mayor for doing this, because this is the way we change the world. and i'm very happy to be sitting up here reading that we're giving this amazing amount, these amazing artists and opportunity that most of the time this this city has not been able to give. so thank you for all the work that you've done. thank you for asking and i look forward to seeing seeing the work in real life. thank you. are there any other comments from the commission, commissioner schneider? yes, thank you. i think i also wanted to comment. yes, this is extraordinary. and really momentous in terms of the amount and what that's going to do and mean to these artists and these cultural institutions. but i also want to comment on the fact that that we don't always
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remember to give to give what's needed and necessary to the performing arts that have struggled so much during the pandemic and stuff. and i am thrilled, absolutely thrilled to see that as well. so i just wanted to call that out. yeah any other commissioner comments? i would certainly like to offer one, and that is this we have yet to vote on on everything, but this represents s a huge amount of work. a question for you how long has this dreamkeepers process been in development that we went from the beginning of it now to making these funding recommendations? the first round took place in well, the first round of panels took place in 2020 for our fiscal year 2021. and then when they received amendments for additional funding, the for current
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organizers actions. and then this is the second round of funding through the san francisco arts commission. well, consistent with the comments that the commissioners made, this represents an immense amount of work around areas of great importance. s i hope that we keep track of this and at some point in the future have the opportunity to revisit, you know, what happened and to measure our effectiveness against our greatest desires. but to see, you know, what, what really came up. but i want to i think this commission wants to thank our staff for the enormity of work that has gone into this this initiative. thank you. thank you. thank you. so is there any public comment on i'm sorry, one just one. commissioner comment. i do want to make a disclosure. i have worked with artist christopher burch, but no longer have any financial entanglement. can we
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go ahead and take the first motion? yes yes. so i just want to make sure. okay the first motion is now. to would you like me to read the first motion asking for a motion to approve the funding recommendation of the dreamkeepers initiative of dcci panel to award 17 grants totaling $850,000 to the individual fees that are listed on the agenda and into and to enter into grant agreements with each artist for their fiscal sponsor for amounts not to exceed the following year at this time. and i'm going to ask for a motion and a second to that motion. commissioner shelby so moved. commissioner beltran second. and is there any commissioner discussion or comments on this motion? is there any public comment on
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public item. number and we'll be taking in-person public comment first. so for those joining person, please proceed to the public comment podium. and i do have one public comment card. and for those joining remotely, please raise your hand if you're listening in via webex. if you're calling by phone, press star three to be placed on the queue. we are currently on item 6.3.1. point one. as a reminder, your time will start when you begin speaking and you'll see a visual timer on screen and receive a 32nd audible warning before your time concludes. i'd then you'll be muted once your time is up, you may stay on the line. if you wish to speak on other items. anyone who speaks during a public comment period at today's meeting can send a summary of the comments to be included in the minutes of its 150 words or less. art info we'll start with requesting comments from those who are in person and i have one public comment card from david mack, so i'm just going to put the and while
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you're doing that, i would like to remind the commission that we receive public comment. we do not comment on public comment. thank you. we should see your three minutes and i'll start your three minutes when you begin speaking. all right. thanks so much. hello, commissioners. i'm david mack. pronouns. he him. i'm executive director of artist magnet justice alliance, a professional development and advocacy and networking organization for emerging artists and arts administrators in the sf bay area and throughout california. and i'm here representing one of the artists that was recommended for funding through the dream keeper initiative, jonathan bingham, and just want to express so much gratitude for recommending jonathan as an artist through this program. jonathan and i and other collaborators are working on a new project to create an opera based on marvel's black panther to premiere in 2028 at the sf
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ferry building. this will be based on ta-nehisi coates graphic novel edition of the black panther film that many of you may have seen. the funds, specifically from dreamkeeper initiative, will go towards jonathan composing the music for the opera and also to a work in process showing at the sf conservatory of music's osha recital hall. and so this is going to be a really great opportunity to provide job for a lot of black artists and all different types of artists in san francisco area. it's much needed for the opera field to become more relevant to the black community. and so again, we want to thank you so much for supporting jonathan by recommending him for funding and we will keep you posted on the project. thanks again for the time. seeing no other in-person public comment will ask for virtual public comment. and seeing no virtual hands. public
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comment is closed for this item. so we can go ahead and call for a final motion. i'm now calling for the final motion. all those in favor say aye. all aye. all opposed say nay motion unanimous . eisley is approved. i'm now calling on agenda item six sub item 3.1. point two for members of the public that wish to make public comment, you may raise your hand now. we will now take a second motion. commissioners and please remember to say your name after you respond to the motion. i am now asking for a motion to approve the funding recommendations of the dream keeper initiative panel to award 13 grants totaling $1,250,000 to the organizers actions listed in the agenda and into and to enter into grant agreements with each organization on or their fiscal
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sponsor for amounts not to exceed the following. at this time, i'm asking for a motion and a second, please. so move. commissioner beltran. second commissioner striker. thank you. is there any commissioner or are there any commissioner comments or discussion lines on this agenda? item. 63.2.1. point two. commissioner hakimi i just again, i went down this list and i just want to be recognized and i appreciate the work. everyone has done on this to the diversity of the organs that have been chosen over here. so thank you for your work in making sure it's equitable. i will now ask for public comment. we'll be taking in-person public comment. first, for those joining in person, please proceed to the public comment podium for those joining remotely, please raise your hand if you're listening via webex. if you're calling by phone,
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press star three to place in the public comment queue. we are currently on item 6.3.1. point two. as a reminder, your time will start when you begin speaking and you'll see a visual timer on screen and receive a 32nd audible warning before your time concludes. then you'll be muted once your time is up, you may stay on the line. if you wish to speak on other items. anyone who speaks during a public comment period at today's meeting can send a summary of the comments to be included in the minutes of the 150 words or less to art dash info as of gevorg and now requesting comments from those who are in person on seeing no in-person public comment. i'm now requesting those comments from those joining remotely. and seeing no virtual hands. public comment is closed for this item. so i'm going to ask for a final motion on. item 6.3.1. point two. i'm asking all those in favor say aye. aye aye. opposed, nay. the motion carries
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unanimous. thank now we are going to take a third motion. commissioners please remember to say your name after you respond to the motion. i am now asking for a motion to approve the funding recommendations of the dream keeper initiative panel to award four grants totaling $1 million to the current dream keeper grantee organizations listed in the agenda and to enter into grant agreements with each of the organizations for amounts not to exceed that. that is stated in the agenda. i'm asking for a motion and a second so moved. commissioner beltran. second commissioner striker. thank you. is there any public, any commissioner comment on this item? six subitem 3.1. point three seeing none may i ask for
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any public comment? we'll be taking in person public comment first for those joining in person, please proceed to the public comment podium and for those joining remotely, please raise your hand if you're listening via webex and press star three. if you're calling by phone. we're currently on item 6.3.1. point three. as a reminder, time will start when you begin speaking and you'll see a visual timer on screen and receive a 32nd audible warning before your time concludes. then you'll be muted. once your time is up, you may stay on the line if you wish to speak on other items. anyone who speaks during public comment period at today's meeting can send a summary of the comments be included in the minutes of its 150 words or less to our info. gevorg i'm now requesting comments from those who are in person. i see no in-person public comment and i'm now requesting comments from those joining remotely. seeing no virtual hands. public comment is closed for this item. thank you. may i now call the final motion on this item? 6.3.1.
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point three. all those in favor say aye. aye. opposed nay. motion is approved unanimously. thank you. i'm now calling item six subitem 3.2 for members of the public that wish to make public comment, you may raise your hand now. the next two motions before the commission are related to the dream keeper initiative amendments. these amendments will add additional funds and extend the grant term for a year. senior program director debbie eng and program officer coco duhon. kelly are available to answer any questions. okay, we will now take the first motion. commissioner i'm asking you to say your name and after you respond to a motion, i'm asking for a motion to amend the dream keeper initiative artists and
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creatives collaborate of grant authorized by resolution numbers 0607 20 1-1 27 and zero 912 dash 22 149 to the african american art and culture complex to extend the grant term to january 31st, 2025, and to authorize the director of cultural affairs to enter into a grant agreement not to exceed $2 million at this time. um may i have a motion and a second, please? so move. commissioner beltran. seconds. commissioner schnier, is there any commissioner discussion on this item. seeing none. is there any public comment on item number six? .3.20.1 we'll be taking in-person public comment first for those in person, please proceed to the public comment podium. for those joining remotely, please raise your hand if you're listening in via webex and press star three. if you're calling by phone.
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we're currently on item as a reminder, your time will start. when you begin speaking, you'll see a visual timer on screen and receive a 32nd audible warning before your time concludes. then you'll be muted once your time is up, you may stay on the line. if you wish to speak on other items. anyone who speaks during a public comment period at today's meeting can send a summary of the comments to be included in the minutes of the 150 words or less to art dash info gevorg. i'm now requesting comments from those who are in person and i see no in-person public comment. i'm now requesting comments from those joining remotely. seeing no virtual hands. public comment is closed on this item i'm now asking for a final motion on the all those in favor say aye. aye opposed. nay. motion carries unanimously. we're now going to take a second motion, commissioners. so please remember to say your name after you respond to the motion. i am
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now asking for a motion to amend the dream keeper initiative. mini grants to artists and to arts organization grants authorized by resolution number. 0607 21 126. and 0912-22-150 to the african american art and cultural complex to extend the grant term to january 31st, 2025, and to authorize the director of cultural affairs to enter into grant grant agreement, not to. exceed $1,500,000. at this time, i'm asking for a motion and a second. so move. commissioner beltran. second, commissioner. schnur, is there any commissioner discussion or comments on this agenda? item number. seeing none.
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may i have any public comment? i'm sorry. item we'll be taking in-person public comment first for those joining in person, please proceed to the public comment podium. if you're joining remotely, please raise your hand if you're listening in via webex and press star three. if you're calling by phone, we're on item 6.3. .2.2. as a reminder, your time will start when you begin speaking and you'll see a visual timer on screen and receive a 32nd audible warning before your time concludes. then you'll be muted once your time is up, you may stay on the line if you wish to speak on other items. anyone who speaks during a public comment period at today's meeting can send a summary of the comments to be included in the minutes of the 150 words or less to our info as of gevorg. i'm now requesting comments from those who are in person. is there anyone who would like to make public comment on the current agenda item? seeing no in-person public comment, i am now asking for those who are joining remotely and i do see one hand
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is up, so i'm just going to get our timer up. okay, i'll go ahead and unmute our caller caller can you hear us? yes, i can hear you. thank you. all go ahead and start your three minutes when you begin speaking. okay thank you. can you all hear me? yes, i can hear you. okay great. thank you all. first of all, my name is melanie
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green, one of the co-executive directors of the african american art and culture complex . i would like to extend the deepest thank you to the director of cultural affairs, our commissioner hours, and the team at the san francisco arts commission for ensuring that this moves forward. this truly allows us the opportunity to continue our work and to expand our ability to reach more and more artists with this extension. so thank you all so much from ourselves, leadership and our team. thank you. thank you. okay. seeing no other hands , public comment is closed on this item. thank you. i'm now asking for a final motion. all those in favor say aye. this is six point. three point. 2.2. ay ay ay ay. opposed motion carries unanimously. thank you. i'm now calling agenda item number seven
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for members of the public that wish to make public comment. you may raise your hand now. agenda item number seven is the consent calendar for discussion and possible action. the first thing that i would like to do is to ask any commissioners for any withdrawals or recusals at this time. commissioner beltran has a need to recuse herself from item number three, 38 and 39. commissioner beltran actually, president collins, it's i believe it's action number 739, the potrero gateway and 740 the potrero yard on the advice of deputy city attorney lauren curry under the fppc, which is the fair political practices commission regulation 18 702.22. any government official is should not be voting on any item in which they have a material
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interest in a property that is within 500ft mandatorily or between if it's between 500 and $1000. and i have a property that is just on the border of the potrero gateway, as well as the potrero yard, there are two separate properties. and so to be safe, i will be recusing myself from both of these votes. thank you. are there any further recusals. commissioner baldwin, do you want to stay here for a second? we'll take the consent calendar with the exception of 39 and 41st. so this motion is to approve the consent calendar with the exceptions. as noted, 38 and 30. is it 39 and 40 and 39 and 40. 39 and 40. thank you. um, is there any public comment on the consent calendar, please?
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would you like to take a motion first? oh, yes. let's have the motion to approve the consent calendar with the exceptions of item 39 and 40. commissioner brenzel so moved second. so second. commissioner schnur. thank you. now, may i ask for any commissioner discussion on this motion? is there any public comment? we'll be taking in-person public comment first, for those in person, please proceed to the public comment podium. if you're joining remotely, please raise your hand if you're listening via webex. and if you're calling by phone, press star three d placed in the public comment queue. we're currently on item number seven, the consent calendar with the exception of item 39 and 40. as a reminder, time will start. when you begin speaking, you'll see a visual timer on screen and receive a 32nd audible warning before your time concludes. then you'll be muted once your time is up, you may stay on the line. if you wish to speak on other items. anyone who speaks during public comment period at today's meeting can send a summary of
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the comments to be included in the minutes. if it's 150 words or less. doordash i'm now requesting comments from those who are in person in. is there anyone who would like to make public comment? seeing no in-person public comment, i'm now requesting comments from those joining remotely. i see one hand, but i believe it's from the previous item. so we have no public comment on this item. public comment is now closed. thank you. so i'm now asking for a final motion to approve the consent calendar items with the exception of items 39 and 43. for all those in favor, please say aye. aye all opposed say nay motion is approved unanimously. and now we'll excuse commissioner beltran before proceeding. 39
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and 40. thank you. we'll now take all the consent item. calendar items. number 39 and 40. is there any commissioner discussion on this? this item. there is none. may i have a motion, please, to approve the consent calendar agenda items 39 and 40. so move. commissioner schneider, second striker. thank you. is there any public comment on this on these items from the consent calendar? 39 and 40, we'll be taking in-person public comment. first, for those joining person, please proceed to the public comment podium for those joining remotely, please raise your hand if you're listening via webex and press star three to be placed in the public comment queue if you're
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calling the phone. we're currently on item seven, the consent calendar items 39 and 40. as a reminder, time will start. when you begin speaking, you'll see a visual timer on screen and receive a 32nd audible warning before your time concludes. then you'll be muted once your time is up, you may stay on the line if you wish to speak on other items. anyone who speaks during a public comment period at today's meeting can send a summary of the comments to be included in the minutes of its 150 words or less. start info gevorg. i'm now requesting comments from those who are in person. is there anyone who would like to make public comment on the current agenda items? seeing no public comment, i'll now ask for those joining remotely. and i see no virtual public hands. so public comment is closed for this item. thank you. and now, may i have a final motion to approve the consent calendar items? 39 and 40. all in favor? aye, aye. opposed. nay. motion carries unanimously. thank you. and we can ask
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commissioner beltran to come back. oh, there she is. thank you. i'm now calling agenda item eight for those of the public that would like to make a comment, please raise your hand. now on agenda item number eight. this is a closed session to discuss an employee appoint payment or hiring the executive secretary of the commission. this closed session is being called to consider the appointment of an executive secretary to the commission. the san francisco administrative code and the brown act allow for this discussion to be held in closed session if the arts commission votes to convene in closed session, all members of the public will be excused from the commission meeting room
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during this agenda item, the following staff members will be present during the closed session session. ralph remington alissa ventry and deputy city attorney lauren curry. those three will be present right? so prior to the public session, the commission will take public comment on the matter to be discussed in the closed session and will consider the motion on whether or not to enter into a closed session regarding the matter listed before the vote is taken. the arts commission by the arts commission to convene in closed session in public comment will be taken on all matters pertaining to the closed session on. is there any public comment that we'll be taking in person? public comment first, for those joining person, please
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proceed to the public comment podium and for those joining remotely, please raise your hand if you're listening via webex and press star three. if you're calling by phone. we're currently on agenda item eight a as a reminder, time will start. when you begin speaking, you'll see a visual timer on screen and receive a 32nd audible warning before your time concludes and then you'll be muted once your time is up, you may stay on the line. if you wish to speak on other items. anyone who speaks during a public comment period at today's meeting can send a summary of the comments to be included in the minutes. if it's 150 words or less. doordash info as of and now requesting comments for those who are joining in person is there anyone who would like to make public comment? seeing no in-person public comment, i'm now requesting comments from those joining remotely. is there anyone who would like to make public comment on the current agenda item. seeing no virtual hands, public comment is closed on this item. so now we're going to vote on whether to hold a
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closed session, a closed session to consider candidates for the executive secretary of the commission position and possibly appoint an executive secretary of the commission under san francisco administrative code. 67.10 b. as there is no further public comment, i will now entertain a motion for the commission to adjourn to closed session to consider the appointment of the executive secretary of the commission for this closed session. will be held pursuant to our statutory authority under california government code. section 54957b and san francisco administer narrative code section 67.10 b. i'm now going to remind the commissioners to say their name when they respond to a motion. is there a motion to hold a
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closed session to consider the candidates for the appointment of the secretary, executive secretary of the commission position and is there a second? so moved. commissioner beltran. second, commissioner schnur, thank you. is there any commissioner discussion or comment on this matter? if there is no further discussion, the vote will be called to hold the closed session. all those in favor, please say aye. aye. opposed, nay. the motion passes unanimously. we are now going to convene in closed session and the commission will now move into a closed session. is that. is that where we are? yep. no, we have to. we voted, right? we just voted now. and now we go into closed session. yeah. so we'll ask members of the public to be excused and i'll go into practice session. thanks for
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6712 a the action, we are now going to decide whether to disclose any or all of the discussions held in closed session except. to the extent that discussion in closed session is confidential. under federal and state law or the charter or non-waivable privilege, the standard of disclosure is whether the majority deems disclosure to be in the public interest. so i am now asking for a motion not to disclose any of the discussions that were held in closed session . is there a motion and a second on the motion? commissioner striker. second, commissioner beltran, is there any public comment. we'll be taking in
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person public comment first, for those in person, please proceed to the public comment podium for those joining remotely, please raise your hand. if you're listening via webex, we are currently on item eight c point two. as a reminder, time will start. when you begin speaking, you'll see a visual timer on screen and receive a 32nd audible warning before your time concludes. then you'll be muted once your time is up. anyone who speaks during a public comment period at today's meeting can send a summary of the comments to be included in the minutes of its 150 words or less. doordash gevorg. i'm now seeking in-person public comment. we have no members of the public present and i'm now asking. for comments from those joining remotely. seeing no virtual hands, public comment is closed for this item and now we're going to agenda item number
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nine. we actually have to take a final motion, final vote. the this is the final motion on the non disclosure. correct. okay. may i now call the motion on the non disclosure for all those in favor for a opposed motion passes unanimously. we are now moving to agenda item number nine. this is new business and announcements. this allows us to have any current administrative budgetary, legislative and programing development and announcements. i'm first going to ask for any commissioner comments or discussions. new business or announcements. well, don't let me be the first person to talk about nabeel show at shack 15 because i went over there before it was finalized. it's a tour de force. it's if
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anybody has any idea about where he's been for the last several months, just go look at those walls and see how phenomenal he's represented, what's coming out in his practice. s according to commissioner musallam, it's where he's been for the last nine years. but really the best, i would say the last october to this october is when i went on head first going to the microphone. i'm sorry, i'm just not clear what we're talking what it was okay. yeah, sorry. just commissioner musil has a tour de force. okay. yeah at shack 15. okay occupying a huge amount of space and. and so it's up right now, and i just wanted to bear witness to it. thank you. i just like to say a comment. it's been overwhelming.
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and it's. it's been i don't have words to describe the interaction and the conversations that it's sparked. the show itself is really about very poignant in our times. and always will be. it's regarding our thoughts and how we're affected by thoughts and the name of the show is it's not what you think and i really do get into it and i also expose myself and in the process of doing that, i you know, we all have the same issue and matters. so i feel like it's an important it's an important place to gather and to look and to exchange thoughts and exchange ideas and realize that we are not the thoughts that just come in from all different directions. and you know, different medias. and i think it's really important for us to remember that because we make huge decisions in our lives based on what we think. so
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that's it. and i appreciate the kind words. thank you. commissioner mccoy here just a question for you. how does somebody see the show if they're not a member of chak 15? chak 15 has been an amazing partner. they opened it to the public for the first time. it's a huge space. and anybody there's a schedule every day and i'm there every single day. but we are closing on the ninth, which is the last full day is thursday, and everybody's welcome to come between the 11 between the hours of 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. and all they have to do is just show up and say, we're here for the show. perfect thank you. i just want to hear here to president collins giving you props for your show. it was impressive. i knew from looking at the space before you hung it that it was a big space. but how you filled it
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was impressive. your work is impressive and it was cathartic to get to read all the messages that you had in your work. i think it will move a lot of people. it definitely moved me and you know, i also want to give a shout out that the mayor came to your art show. you know, so congratulations on an amazing show. thank you. i have a very brief announcement, and that is that the minnesota minnesota street projects is launching the minnesota street projects foundation, which is a nonprofit in a huge space that's right down the street from the minnesota street projects. and they've already curated two shows. the second show just opened. it's adrian burrell, and it's called venus blues. he is not represented, but a young black artist from oakland. and it's a brilliant show. and he you will see when you go into the space that i recently was
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appointed to the advisory board for curatorial that it's a it's the only space of its kind in the bay area because it's like a huge airplane hangar. and so we are really excited about the possibilities in terms of future exhibitions and we're deciding on a curatorial strategies as we speak. but please don't miss adrian's show because it's pretty remarkable. where is it? the minnesota minnesota street project foundation, an ad, it's right down the street. it's on minnesota street. it's on the corner, used to be a popcorn factory. so it's this huge warehouse. and it's kind of like the armory in new york. it's gigantic. and so, yeah, it's daunting. but i think we're going to dream up some amazing art and installations that are going to go in there any second that sorry, commissioner shelby yeah, it's a busy week. if anyone downtown on wednesday, i'm playing at the black cat.
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hey, friday at the sound room in oakland. but or saturday in san luis obispo where i went to college. what day is black hat? wednesday, wednesday and friday. wednesdays. black cat friday is sound room, but i also i really wanted to mention that i had the great opportunity of working with the choreographer, deborah slater. deborah slater, dance company. and she has an opening this weekend at the dance mission theater friday, saturday and sunday. i did the music for this performance, this this piece. and i want to invite people to come out. that's friday, saturday, sunday at dance mission theater, corner of 24th and mission. any other commissioner public. i had a request if i may i in your report you mentioned there's open markets at the at the
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gallery and then you also mentioned there's opening november 30 for the main library reception. would it be possible to get an email on that information on on the time because it was several of them. so i couldn't keep track. if we can get a list of all that's happening, i'll send it. thank you so much. thank you. may i have any public comment on new business and announcements please? i am seeking in person in public comment first, which we have no public in the room. so we will take remote public comment. if you're listening via webex, please raise your hand. if you're calling by phone, press star three to be placed in the public comment queue. we're currently on item nine new business and announcements. as a reminder, your time will start when you begin speaking, you'll see a visual timer on screen and receive a 32nd audible warning. before your time concludes. then you'll be muted once your time is up. anyone who speaks during a public comment period at today's meeting can send a
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summary of the comments to be included in the minutes of its 150 words or less. doordash info gevorg. since there's no in-person public comment, do we have any remote public comment. seeing no hands, we have no public comment on this item. public comment is now closed. i am now calling agenda item number ten. this meeting is adjourned. to meet you. got through it. 30.
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steb in the 1977. as part of the graphic's department. >> mission graphica created block print. cut, screen printing, t-shirts to support social causes. and also the studio inhabited emerging and established artists from all over the world. [music] so the name of this exhibit this is installed at the hall is public voice. and the exhibition is in partnership with mission cultural center and archives. [music] this installation is 5 decades of the work that they have been doing since the upon upon 70s. it is a chronicle of san francisco's history. >> mission graphica part of latino image makers, educators.
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activists and memory keepers through the art this body is important it preserves the people's history. >> these are our new historical arsigh files >> every artist donated a piece of art work and so that collection is over 8,000 piece of latino created art work. >> it was exciting to see their incredible archives and what has been great to see for us is how they work in community. in the ways this community has been in partnership with other communities throughout the last 6-7 dkdzs and longer in the bay area and the nation. political, we grapple with today has been part of our history and part of the print making history of mission graphica.
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this was the place everybody would come and get their prints med for free or at low cost. >> it will be successful for the area:may be work >> mission graphica is still the most accessible, low cost studios for emerging and established artists. people can come here to clean screens, expose them, learn the art form at a low cost. we offer studio rental space as well as classes, low cost classes and free workshops and collectives. >> this is like history and contemporary coming together for us. and thinking about how the things that have changed and the things we still need to work on and support. >> i hope the people will
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recognize the transformtive power of art. and the impact that posters have in a community. posters are accessible they other people's art. anyone can do it. it is a strong tool of communication and social change. the posters have not only mobilized community they have also raised money for communities. and they have raised social consciousness. which is something this goes well beyond any art exhibit. [latino music] ♪♪♪♪
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>> my name is marta i'm the management here with public works. it is found in the upon 1997. it is the only public access glass studio in san francisco. we give access to everybody. you don't have to be an experienced artist to take classes we offer beginning level programming. events. fund raisers, it is about giving everyone who is interested in the opportunity to try glass to work with glass and experience mediums. >> i'm linda i'm part owner and manager of the paper tree in japantownful i'm hope to create a destination. not only do we have our huge selection of origami paper and book but a museum everybody can
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enjoy that and see what can be done by folding paper >> good to see amazing origami. a selection of paper. got wonderful gifts from japan and great customer service. >> i'm holly and i am the owner of [inaudible] in san francisco. >> we offer classes. and open studio access. workshops lead by local artists that you can see here we have a [inaudible]. and people should expect to join the community and just learn about local bay area artists in the process.
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meeting of the san francisco health commission. secretary will you call the roll. >> yes, i'll start with commissioner chow. >> present. >> commissioner how. >> present. >> prept. >> present. >> and commissioner christian. >> wonderful, and commissioner chow will be reading the land acknowledgment. >> thank you. it's my pleasure to read the land ak novemberment, acknowledges that we're on the unseeded homeland of the ramaytush ohlone who are the origin hab tants. stewards with this
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