tv Housing Authority Board SFGTV December 7, 2023 2:45pm-6:01pm PST
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may we take the roll. and wishing i hope everybody had a love low thanksgiving weekend. item 2 starting with president torres. >> present. >> commissioner lindo. >> present. >> commissioner [inaudible]. >> present. >> and commissioner [inaudible]. >> present. >> item 3 for acknowledgment of the ramaytush ohlone. [ramaytush ohlone acknowledgment] thank you.
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item 4, president's report. you want to thank all the work of the housing authority and partners in distributing turkeys to families for thanks give weekend. there is more work as we lead up to the holidays. for the upon month of december this month. and want to thank the staff and ceo lediju for presentation that were made today around our organizational structure. and ensuring we have appropriate planning for resource we need to
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implement our vision and mission here. thank you. >> thank you, president. >> 5 for general public comment. i like to note this portion is not for debate with the commission or staff. state your business or the matter you wish the commissionerings to be eric wear of. not appropriate for a debate. if you have questions send communication e mail to sfhspublic comment @sfha. org. if you are in line, raise your hand. i don't see any. we can close public comment and item 6 for representative report from cc sd or ptha that would like to report out to the board? we can ask for public comment on
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item 6. not seeing anything. close public comment and go to item 7. executive operator's report with 7 athe plaza east development update by mc cormack and salazar. and sfgovtv we have a power point for this. >> good morning, commissioners. i'm jackson with mc cormake and salazar and present on plaza east apartmentsil introduce ron buyer who will gift presentation on the of property management from john stewart. good morning, thank you.
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thank you very much. our first slide on the property management staff. and we made progress in the last month. we have a person in every seat in the office two are still in the process. being hired. and last among we hired 2 staff. an occupancy specialist on october 25 and maintenance technician on october 24. the last 2 people are in back upon ground and participate fully staffed in the next week or two. the next is work order summary. in october we had 177 work orders. and the average number of days to complete were 1.14 days.
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including in the 177 are 6 emergency work orders. and the average time to close the work orders was upon 15 hires. rink if a couple hours to a day at the most. no questions. the next slide. this is our occupancy report we show numbers from july through october. this month we in october we had one move in. did 3in are project transfers between 1 and another at plaza east and 2 held for transfers now the transfers are general low for accommendation reasons. things like that. any questions? >> for and i want to give clarity in the left month we talked about the off line units. the off line units the purpose of those were to as development
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progresses to use the off line units for on site relocation. if you see 17 that is the goal of the off line units to use them as we get close to development to be able to accommodate our seniors and our families that have multiple children that want to be placed on site that would be easy for transportation to medical needs or to schools. those other off line. >> thank you. >> what is the difference with emergency work order and emergency repair? >> than i are the same. i know you willil hold questions i know you will go over emergency repair in a few slides. >> thank you. 'morry would you say emergency repairs i believe you are referring to a process there were funds for emergency repairs to the units that took several months they were identified a couple years ago and worked
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through them. i'm not sure the criteria for that. for me an emergency work order is one this needs done right away opposed a normal work order or preventive mince that has a longer time frame. >> okay. when you get i imagine somebody else will do the presentation on emergency repairs. >> great. >> if i might ask about the i see that on the emergency repair there is is a trends over time. and i do appreciate understanding which work orders were open in the october and how long it took to close them. my question remains over the last several months is trending them. so, or is the assumption that there are never any trailing work orders? you always complete every work order in that month?
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jot answer to this is, no. we don't always complete every work order. >> and if you could, in your presentation show that. >> this month we did. or we would show a different number. but it does not happen every among we close them all in the same month. >> so, then is it so from the slide, do we assume present to assume that here to october one there were no work orders open. >> correct. >> all closed yoochlt and midnight the end of the month there were zero. >> that just always happen? >> correct. >> got it. if you could create a report that has several months in the past, then it would highlight that -- you always close work orders or you have close work orders that -- are in the month in that same month and if not
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there are some this dpril when do those get resolved. if you got one on september 30 days. 30 at 11 p.m. would that be resolved like was it or i than does in the happen often. but. >> the last couple days of the month and wit for a cabinet that takes a few day its is machine to are work orders. that straddle months. if you could show this in the report that would be helpful. >> thank you >> so we will services update. the month of october, there were a few events and workshops. and there was a mental health xfinity providing on site
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service to sign up. had trunk for hall wean events that was 20 residents the hot meals week low there were 21 attending weekly. the on site services provides coaching and anxiety are management, support, substance abuse support. and mental health 101 appointments and technical support and also under helping residentses to understand the rent ledgers and plan with john stewart plan payment plans for any back owed rent and helping and referring residents for rent will assistance. with 72 residents for the month. >> questions before we move on? here are trends line data for services referrals, october 72.
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which brought for the percentage of the occupied units up to 43%. for the month of october. then -- following the next trend line data the resident engagement including events that the residents participated in for october. we had 52 attendees and 31% of the population of the occupied units. >> out of curiosity on slide 11 you talk about what services you provide and you had look at -- engagement. and there are many, many reasons why you have a level of engagement or you don't. i wonder how do you decide which services to provide. is it possible that you provide services that may not necessary low be fully in alinement with
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the asks or noteds of the community or -- i don't money to imploy there is a direct correlation i'm curious about had that process is like which you decide which services to offer >> when fih became the on site service provider they provided. did a survaft residents things they would like to see and events and work shops and so those were what every month when they are planning with the association, they are being mindful of those surveys they did when they came on. and continue every year to do out reach and get more feedback from the residents when events and w shops they would like to see on site. emergency repair update. so to give context, when emergency repair work starred
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was 2 envelope years ago of get being the scope of work going through each unit. the contractor went through to identify what was. needed. and what was what was basically emergency repair and make sure the unit was functioning properly. with that, it was 187. . and -- it was in that i think for the off line units there are 4 emergency repair units that were a part of the that are now off line. those -- because of the work previously done in the residents moved out of units. and you know after years being down the line issues progressed and so than i are off line for stretch refer relocation on site
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that was a question left month there were 4 emergency repair unitos this list. and at the beginning of 2 envelope years ago. identified and had small repair and you in as time progressed there are now off line because of residents moved out since then. and so, as of the 27th, we are 2 units remaining. and 971 repairs completed and 35 repairs remaining. the reason why there are 2 remaining and not be completed some of the residentsmented to wait until after thanks give andmented to respect the resident and had to provide on site relocation for some of the units to be able to pack and unpack before christmas break. we wanted to give this time to
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support those residents. and their needs for the 2 repaining repairs. we are estimating to finish the beginning of december for the 2 units. i know we are very happy to hear -- that you only have 2 units remaining. because my question was -- they are titled, emergency repairs one think they are emergency and yet they took a couple of years to do. very appreciative that they are only 2 remaining for the hard work and geting done. >> thank you. appreciate it. >> here are trend line data of with respect. we were in february and now. and i identified until november that we where we are. so. and december should be zero. this graph shows -- was
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identified in what november 13. i did not get a chance to update the trend line data here. we do have 2 remaining. and the 2 are what's in the series 2 line? the 2 remaining in the first -- previous slide. and here we show 5 but that was from the november 13th when i submitted the presentation. what is the one 82 correlate to? >> what is completed. >> okay. if there are 22. or this orment line up the numbers on the previous slide says 186 completed. the following slide it says 182 units complete exclude if we remove 3 it is 185 completed
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with 2 remaining. >> correct. >> that's my error there. i will resubmit and have that data updated. sorry about this. that was my mistake. is it 185 or 186 completed. 186 completed. all right and then if we have 2 is it still 2 units remaining. 2 remaining. >> okay. in these it luxury like everything is adding up to 187 in the number it is 188 total i'm looking at october and november. jowl are correct. it was 187 units and so we had to get in one unit in order to fix the unit that was in the emergency identified as emergency repairs this needed but have to get in the unit next
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door to fix the -- contracted units and we while we were there fixed what was what was requested in the additional unit. make its 88 i will make sure and send the updated trend line data >> great. thank you. echo commissioner kim's comments. congratulations on moving this far. what is the substance of the remaining needs in the last 2 units? they are heavier. the heavier 2 unit this is requires the on site relocation. and provides and needs to have upon have services there helping to pack the resident as there are more elder low and have health issues. so, we have a wrap around service to provide when we need to do in that unit it is -- the
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2 units are a heavy lift. >> what does this mean, heavy lift >> removing the flooring. replacing flooring. tub work. the bathroom work. paint. it needs a whole fixing a lot of the water intrusions and things of this nature it is a heavy lift. >> correct. >> both. >> correct. >> and can you remind us what was the total budget to handle the units? the total budgeted i happening i believe a million to take care of the emergency repair and we have -- used 1. 5 up or 2 million to do the emergency
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repairs and used 1. 5 of it for the emergency repairs. there will be cost savings 50 k remaining for the 2 units. >> and my understand willing is a conversation upon around additional source of funding. that will support other capitol improve ams for plaza east. and that's in cordination with housing authority? >> correct. >> what is the status of that scope and work now? i don't have that right at this moment. but i know that the john stewart is working with the housing authority to get this scope of work identifyd and i believe there is an identified work that needs to be done to basically keep to make sure that the -- property is upkeeped until we
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get to the development. redevelopment. >> and have those dollars, when is the dollar amount. i don't have that off top. >> the authority have that? >> thank you for the questions, commissioner. so, the housing authority has committed through hud 5 million dollars. in capitol improvement dollars. currently in earlier meetings we had to take that information and make that request to hud and that was due to hud in november and all of that has been set. we are currently will working internalally to have estimates of the property made. to determine the types of work that needs begin and determining how to best use the 5 million dollars that we are allocating
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toward that property. we are work not only with john stewart but with the mayor's office of housing and community development. which additional 2 million dollars will be provide. there will be a total of 7 million dollars provided in capitol funds. for plaza east am and we will be going out short low for an rfp. and ask for proposal. to have this work done. . >> and -- got it. so, who is performing the scoping work for those -- capitol funds? good morning. we currently tried contract the scombrrnl contractor they are doing the scoping and the sample of unit on figure out when can do in the budget. and the scoping work is being
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done on existing contract. no. these are, yes. 2 contractor reviews for other work this will give us an idea. why gone through an rfp process. >> these are just to get a scope for the work we doll rfp. this is for budget purpose. we wanted to see what to do with the money and have to -- so we need to be [inaudible] to finalize this before we wanted to get a list cost estimate. how much to replace some of those. >> and can you share a bit since we are talking about the and to reconfirm the source of funding for upon emergency repairs of 180 units and change, the total amount of funding provided was what? 2 million. >> 2.6 million dollars. >> i confirm that.
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>> great to coback with that and i assume there is an agreement in terms of the source of funding and source was from where? >> oacd in the form of a loan agreement? or -- >> loan, yes. grit for the next session when we talk about plaza east to start since there is nice order beginning to take shape and structure taking shape and
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accomplishments good to know as we move forward the extent of the resources this are bruto bear. the collaborative approaches taken across mccormick and john stufrment ocd, office of workforce development where appropriate. san francisco housing authority. so we have i better understanding of where the source. fundings are coming from. how the scoping is taking place. key processes. and also how those dollars will be delivered on site and what purpose. yes. by the beginning of december. >> and those emergency repairs took how long to complete?
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2-1/2 years. >> and were now we have an additional 7 million on line. for us and around the date and time when the dollars will be made available you have the sense of rink of time they may come on line. there are -- no existing contract with the contractors that come to give estimates and the second part is we are look at early 2024 we met with partners to identify the scopes of services should include. we believe some may have afill i didn'ts that may apply we are cautious to make sure there are no conflicts.
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based on conversations with partners that are involved we believe early 2024 would like low be realistic and -- we have an rfp out. >> and i have talked to my team about the time line. housing third degree has the bulk of the dollars and my desire that -- we need to ghet started we can always attach. we are working through it and i'm going to work with eric shaw director so we can move this
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project forward. >> and just i will in the go in the details now more of those will come next month i assume the next meeting we'll get a sense how the piece fit from n bs and john star and ocd. so there is a substantial investment. . plaza east and i'm assume nothing the next meeting in january if not in december. scheduling can cust during that month. we will have a clear mondaying of the scope of services based on the needs. we will be ready to provide that information. in our january meeting. >> again is great work and
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tightening up happening i don't want us to lose the structure that we fought heard to make happen i know in moments like these for projects like these. partnerships on the public and private side unless we are specific who is opinion for what and paying for what. and for what out coming. we can become loss, untangled and i dent want to see that happen. we are doing good w on site. i want to commend you for take us this far. and i know we are excited seat rate we'll make the progress happen increase as well. thank you. we will next slide. talk about development committee from urban strategies. before this a quick thing i know
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you thought of this you don't need me to point out the obvious i will just say on the 2 units that are remaining i know that it upon sounds like there is a lot of work and i great interruption for the individuals in the unit is not an ask a thought if there is any other w this needs to be done in that unit i know you are doing the emergency repairs but it sounds like there is work this needs to be done to the unit. to avoid disruption down the line again. if there is any -- connection -- with others need to be involved. i put this as a thought. >> yes, when we initial low look at contract the unit there are always add-ons whens you go become in after 2 years of not looking and you electric in and you are okay add this.
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upon there has been change orders to be able to make sure that everything gets fixed the first time. if well is a plan to do upgrades down the line, to say would then and there the time or need to wait. >> good morning, good afternoon. commissioners. you know we started the dac to give members i learning are role in redevelopment process. since june hosted 5 meetings. we want to give you the number of questions that was asked you seat level engagement than i
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had. the number guess up. for number the meeting notes have not been transcribed. the left meeting was on number first. covered economic develop export job tuntsz. city build give a presentation on all the trending they provide and advantage group talked to the residents condition transacting opportunity and employment opportunity related the construction process. likely we may look what does it electric like to be 100% affordable we asked them to present on this and that is when
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we hope to have it. has a date been set >> not yet >> a range of time for that next meeting? we hope before the year is out. >> okay. >> and -- given the holiday schedules are residents aware of providing dates best when the next meeting will take place. the members the determine best date >> they guide that process >> and together on what the ability is of the other partner and mayor's office. and others, correct. >> true. >> all right. >> i thought in the last meeting that took place there was going to be a city present agdz around out lining what desires and
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questions drentzs had in relationship to the new development? some were in relationship to -- what happens to the viability of the project. when there is redistribution. market rate units across the development plan. on we talked about that here as well. is this not something brought back to the residents? we upon spent the first 3 minutes on this topic and allow residents to ask and answer questions on that topic. last meeting we spent this meeting asking questions. residents did have questions about the placement. in relationship i know the hundred % affordable housing conversation is connected to
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those questions. but i believe than i are district if i understand. i love when i z. and want to be told why as a resident yet other options when you put them on per se can or cannot be made possible. on what was going to be presented next. i want to say i'm very happy i -- know this the meetings can be difficult upon the workforce
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meeting did take place as commitd that level of commitment when is said in the room system philidelphia up on. we are working on answering those questions wing with the architects to figure out how we intertwine more market rate throughout. the prom posed project the discussion will happen as we work with and how we can really -- identify the movement to present that to the residents. the reason we are raising that here the development plan when it is designed has to come before this body. and the question the body what was commit instead conversations
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and when manner were they questions answered and represents back so they are i part of this process and not talked to but with. andmenting to see based on numbers why we make the choice we are. why they are presented this we can respond to which i'm not quite hearing the adjustments made in a structured manner i appreciate you being high level upon may be i'm in deep but it is buzz i want to understand what the process looks like on the ground and how it is replayed here. >> understood. we each tracked every question asked and answers begin we have that in our meeting notes. during the second to last
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meeting wanted to know about the placement of the market rate. we were able to answer that we had them there to answer. we could not answer we had to get the information weave come back and start the meeting. do make sure we get an answer for every question. and try to explain this. we want the change and now from resident comments made. those who have been on the dak for a longer period of time of the sooner they are relayed back the sooner dill upon jens is done. we than those answering will be built on the later that you had sent to the board of supervisors in the feasibility work taken
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theresa. with the transition and -- realignment of the positions on property and the training of a more executive role. this is. the slide for property highlights the first is security. we are working with our local vendor watch tower to credit a weekly action plan of when we are to monitor the repairs ask all the cameras are working and -- our -- cleaned. this is a sample report and that's why this is small you can't see it it is our internal
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coding. and for the san francisco police department we are working with them and the southeast patrol being the staff transition made connections with new -- patrol officer and we are building our relationships with them. the next slide, it is reporting on the collaboration. >> could you just so -- um00 eye understand the point of the snapshot we can't read it. could you talk through what is -- on the report. i don't understand i didn't understand there are codes and don't want this out there can you tuck about the significance of the report. when you green light it. why how many cam ares on site. how many are working. which one need resxars which are needing to be cleaned.
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>> got it. >> relocate friday buildings taken off line. with the demolition, et cetera . this is a weekly report this gives more details -- time line of what the expectation is and the action plan is. and where we are with each and every cam are. >> this is a camera report? >> got temperature thank you. the next is partnership with the stake holders. our staff are attending daily, among low meetings and with some partners we have -- our the -- potrero and sunnydale team. operations of the unit
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occupations we are at 50% with potrero and 72 at sunnydale units vacant are for purposes of demolition or to rebotsdz to transition into the units for their units to be demoed. we completed a hundred percent of audits for the sunnydale and potrero. the next i include the september report. closed the year with 2600 work orders. the next october reporting shows we are at over 800 work orders. last year commissioners brought
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up the attention the word exceeding standards when that meant. this is showing that the work orders that are decision and not meeting our standards. maximum completion dates. over sunnydale is over 24 days with an average of 3 days of completion. reason yet days are -- prolonged for the work orders to be completed because of supplies ordered and they are short. work orderings standard we're 10 percent. and zero quality control. 800 number for work orders for
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october due to the inspections and wing on getting those repaired in a timely manner. what does this mean, time loam manner >> went 7 day period or next reinspection is questioned. hi. cone. when we say or before the next inspection is this is huge gapful if it is either a standard to get done in 7 days or depending there are time lines the question is are we meet being those time lines for the work and for the etification of our commission we do meet regularly around the h2s challengers the property hen having there has been failure
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not only with ebmc and with cbr who is doing inspections. can you tuck about that more so this there is an understanding of what time low means and that this work is important and there is a legality of eyeos this work. to touch to dive in it more. with our h2 inspections once it failed we are going in there immediately to get repairs doneful what has been or road black are residents not allowing us in the unit or are dogs or 3 there are minor kids without an adult. those are holding us become from preparing to get it passed. or inspectors in on time.
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the scheduling of the time we get them completed and scheduling has been a bit there is a timely issue on that. what else. over unable to get a vend in to repair it during the 7 day period. we have discussed it with the household if we need prolong it they are aware we go back with a vendor or supplies. what other percentages of time they each occur. how upon often they occur?
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it has will failed 14 days. and units and sunnydale there are 8. >> i ment we talked about obstacles why you minot complete it one might be minor or not let nothing or dogs. what is the percentage of times they occur? you in -- next month it would be sometimes manage occurs and we over index on that. and -- not look at, well, when are other ways to occur? i will give you know example.
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know inspector went the household was home the kids african-americans 've answered the door the mom was sloping they would not let us in at all. and then when the parent week up they were hostile it cancelled the inspections all together. you in we are down to the left 51 unit this is need to be completed. i can't give you percentage which has dogs or minors or hostility, period. but we are working through that. they need to comply or they will lose their subsidy i. >> right. i encourage -- you to i know that we all have anecdotal stories that occur and we share them. and we make decisions based on them rather looking at data and saying that is how offer does
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that occur? then create processes around an anecdote t. is important it collect the data and understand howune dot things occur and therefore how do we solve them. i don't think anyonements to lose housing. already everin order to say what are different ways. i have been in situations somebody says it sounds easier than it is. of course. and there are other things i would add this piece.
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there are a difference in the type of inspections for the residents where the housing authority usual low the manager and maintenance. coming in for the inspections and now our section 8 inspection department so, reminding that there are still change this is residents are being introduce the to. we are working with how we -- talk to residents when we when the housing authority had these things wield include our service providers to get access to understand when is the problem and how can we get communication. we would send a notice this this is when your lease says we tried
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to access your per minute and these are consequence. those are things we are want to -- soft communication sometimes the residents are used to seeing me or a manager to get them in the new procedure. >> thank you. can i ask a question. >> how often and may be kendra is answer do you send the soft requests? you know. we are coming to your house december first. december first you got the contractor or everybody is there.
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they don't answer the door but you hear a pit bull inside you will not open that because you do have to give 24 hour notice before you -- go in to somebody's unit if you hear a dog in there i doubt you go in this unit do you give them another soft request and you come back again no one is answering the door they men in there. nobody is answering and you hear the dog. how many times do you give the requests before you say, okay. you violated your lease. 10 times, 3 times whatever now have you to leave. >> to remind you, once an apartment fails in the inspection 3 times the unit go in a buyment. that is when we don't want the baitment means the subsity stop we have to educate the resident a part of the soft communication
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is what are the consequences for you not allowing this inspection to happen that is a part of what is important for residents to understand. is if you don't comply with the program either in inspections or recertification. when are consequences and the consequence are loss of subsidy theis i per of our communication and important to include the service provider and property management and housing authority so residents understand why we are push hard and why this is important. if than i ignore it then they lose the subsidy. why in the end, yes. by this time there will be before than i lose the subsidy there will be the housing authority knocking on their door. the mayor's office of housing knocking on their door all of us are work to ensure that each remains stable.
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we don't want to have subsidy loss. for any of our residents it is in the a good situation and does in the for me as a ceo does not feel good. my goal is to ensure our residents remain housed and goal to ensure we can house as many individuals and families as possible. we work hard and we are dill yenlt about how we work with -- our residents. thank you for this question. >> thank you.
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so you be i will bring this up until it changes. i'm asking for trending i appreciate you put september on one page and october on another i think you will hear for the previous presentation it is helpful to understand context. hopeful low the next meeting tell be trended. why if you remember in the left meeting when we had said was the left report in september and did the last fiscal year. starting with october over november you will come to november report you will have the trending for the fiscal period. why? it is the way we assign today. it is that's how we formulated it. >> when you have a work order emergency work order life it is in the help in fiscal years.
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report i can insert that. using an extreme example to ill strit i pin if you did know emergency order at 11:58 on september 30. i imagine it would in the always be complete in the 2 minutes there will be a trail? correct. commissioners. we'll work with the team and bring forward. the housing authority has to carry both over even when they have been off you can seat trend how will we move forward whether
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5 and carried over but we see how well we are moving work orders for a period of time. we will do that. >> thank you. >> if anyone has the data trended or collected we say see whether there is a difference by vend and like. i upon see from reading this under quality control. why is there a difference as to weather. not a percentage may be it is helpful to is there i difference. performance standards by site. no how many out reach attempts were made and contact individuals there may be upon variance. got it, thank you.
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completed odd and i started sending out a courtesy notice to resident in november. and another soft notice letting them know they owed so much money and i payment plan needs to be put in place for us to continue getting subsidy for them. so every month for november we have been sending out notices to residents every week. on monday we have been sending out notices. the end we are working with our attorneys to now send harder notice. than i have so men days to get into a payment plan with us. that will be on the next month's report of numbers we have to send out notices to. residents are coming in slowly. and we have amounted plans for
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both properties. for i number of residents already it is looking good and i don't have the exact numbers but to guess we have about 50 thousand dollars of past rent collected. those are in the exact. don't quote me. customer service we are participating with issuing relocation surveys for the per contrary location for housing off site. we have a list available and have passed out00 autolist this has been provide to us from the housing authority. we have renewed or pest control contract we are increasing services. every friday we have intgrated pest management service this is are conducted throughout the buildings. and on mondays we have 40 units that are being pest control exclude on fridays 50 units at
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sunnydale. and as a reupon minder. while -- continue its work to ensure they are -- helping our residents remain in compliance. and so forth and on. we do work with the service providers as we work with the notices and different challenges sometimes that we might have with all the changes that are going on. so, it is also always done in a manner that is in service to residents. thank you. keep reachute to kendra and ask for assistance we are in communication with kenned are and the service providers for both properties i thifrng them for having their door taupe help us help our residents.
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>> and in the collaborative meetings i want to share the collaborative meetings we talk about those resident this is have a deeper burden or rent level is. for other out reach opportunity of having -- paper subsidies in the city they are eligible for i among low on going collaborate rigz and conversation. so that we can best assist the residents. unhum. and want to acknowledge who the service providers are in sunny del they are mercy housing and a wellness center and byes and girl's club who are all very instrumental in helping with this and potrero chancy and -- we have a wellness center and bis and girls club and
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organizations there. and the care. please. not forget about the care program. and her team of thank you. who have all working with you gos close low residents going we find the residents the all right tells them to go to the u gene burger we find they exactly to me or the service providers and so we all get together and work with them society residence denltd what is is said and also i wanted say that the letters are telling residents how much their rent amount is. what the balance is. and when their last payment was and includes i ledge and half letter not just a letter saying you owe this aim but a package for them to help them understand why than i owe this amount. this package is also begin to the when the resident meets with the service providers that's what they are coming with so we
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all have that conversation with the families. thank you. the on sight teams started to builted the relationships in the trust within the community because we also have those residents looking out for others and if member is away or in the hospital, et cetera and the conversation is you know just so you know you will not get i hold of them buzz x, y and z. than i are feeling comfortable it open up to our staff and share what the needs of the neighbors are to better, cyst us in our out roach and connectivity.
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thank you >> thank you very much. >> go ahead. president torres and commissioners. >> i think i can anticipate when you are about to say i know we will have trouble with quorum we can move on the action item cal defer first. >> we may have an ecpel indicted time line move to the action items >> thank you. the sake of time for presenters i know we can start with this item 9 aon your agenda presented together with b. and they will be taking separate votes we can read the items and have presenters virtually. 9a approving the officer to enter in construction license agreement with the tennis courts.
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attached license agreement in the agenda back and 9b approving an receive to enter in a 5 year license agreement with youth tennis lesson and courts located 195 prioritizing at hunter's point community. we have seth here and video that will be setting up. force force clear clear sorry i could not be here in person i'm at the airport about to catch a flight. i'm seth i'm the volunteer director of a nonprofit san francisco for sports and recreation. we have criminalitied the past several years to rescue rigzal facilities primarily working with ssrpd.
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108 tennis court in san francisco. and there are 4 of them which are actually in the san francisco housing authority control. i wanted share with you that we consider these historic. and prepared a brief 3 minute video this speaks to why than i are historic and hope you can play this now at this time >> thank you and sfgovtv this is on the pc for the video.
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advantage. in the then years since this vo thousands of kids come through the program at hunter's point and many gone on to attend 4 year colleges. the tennis courts were resurfaced in 1987. in 2023, we at san francisco sports recreation are excited honor arthur's legacy restoring the tennis courts in hunter's point and the w with the next generation of kids. thank you. become to the zoom feed. staff is there anything else? >> thank you for playing the video i could not see it but hopeful you could. mike skinner from yta can speak
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further. thank you. >> thank you. upon good afternoon i'm mike skin are execute you have director of yuth tennis and cofound are i was in this video. and -- so i started my portion 49 years ago. and we are very excite body this project. it is going on right now. the courts are getting resurfaced as -- started weeks ago and we expect because of seth's leadership the courts got started and will be finish third degree year. our -- program that we intend
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to. run is -- like all of our programs. we operate in 6 locations in the bay area. 2 in san francisco, oak land uc berkley and richmond. and the huntery point program is important to me personal low. and us. it is -- a perfect fit for yta. our tradition that makes us unique among most programs are kids stay with us for i language time. we just graduated 2 of our graduates left year.
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we are initial low ranked. in tennis. they both went it great schools a hull mark and one of the thing this is we want to have a defining aspect about this program at hunter's point to get those kids in college and properly college red to go to college. seems odd a tennis program does this. and it worked and arthur is a perfect example. his comments are perfect example of why it is powerful. tennis can be so powerful. we thome have i hope that we am build a program we do free
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programs. i expect we do a monday through friday program. the idea it is year around. after school. summer programs will be longer. and will hopeful leave weekend programs will be longer, too. i think when you see is this is historic site. 37 years ago we start today. we model the program after that program. and we are going well.
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we upon run programs with over 400 kids and expect the 4 and 500 area next year. we are excited work with your staff you do difficult work and it is we are excited work with you. are there questions? no. thank you for working with the housing authority to help us get to this place and the courts repaved. you were awe some and getting us all connected. thank you. will not have happened without you. >> thank you. i want to highlight the construction agreement was effective november second it it
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is in your staff report this is retractive there were concerns the rainy season would come early and this could begin quicker and the faster we get it done the sooner kids head anybodying at this time courts this is why this is coming a couple days after november second. i wanted highlight that the second resolution with youth tennis court advantage. we are negotiating the license agreements that is in your packets and there is prosecute vision in there for transparency allows the executive director to continue negotiating this with nonmaterial changes. with this said we look forward to react have aing location and as a reminder next door is the boys and girl's club and the other side is the childcare center temperature is noise to see this space together
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activated for our kids in the community. across the street from hunter's point. thank you. can we move to public comment. >> one follow occupy that. and i think seth did not mention this is know expensive project. it is 250 thousand dollars. and seattle group has contributed over 200,000. we are workoth rest of the amount from various sources and from the united states tennis association foundation. thank you.
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i want to echo about your personal involve am commissioner torres, thank you. >> due to the work of you and staff that make it help. it was my pleasure to make the connection. 2 votes we start with public ment on 9a is there public comment? public comment is closed. a vote? >> a meg for approval? >> i move to approve. >> and second. >> second. >> roll call. president torres. >> aye >> commissioner lindo >> commissioner kim. >> aye >> commissioner pikes. >> 9b, public comment on 9b? we can close public comment and motion for 9 b. so moved. >> second. >> second. >> thank you. roll call president torres. >> aye >> lindo. >> aye >> kim. >> aye
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>> pikes. >> aye >> thank you. we can go to next 9c. this is the resolution of the board of commissioners of housing authority of san francisco approving the chief executive officer to enter in agreement infrastructure phase 1a3llc and the city of san francisco approving encroachment in the right-of-way related to the installation of poles and a portion of phase one and 1b/1 zshg sunnydale hope sf project. >> may of 2023 this commission approved a construction license agreement 183llc. out lining removal of the utility pole regarding phases that was in the staff report. the developer intend its construct right-of-way improve ams as in that certain agreement for the hope sf project.
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to ensure the residents have utility services the developer intend its construct over head distribution lines and power poleos portions of the authorityy property in the license greenwich. the temporary improvements encrepe on the city's right-of-way the city create to permit it with the mla the city, developers and the authority before you today. >> the proposed implements the license agreement and ground lease of may 22 the authority and developer which the developer required construct infrastructure improvements for phase one of the project. the moa will provide encroachment to the right-of-way so electric service will be visible. the developer willarctivities under taken pursuant. moa will expire are in 5 years.
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staff recommended approval to move forward without objections to residents. open and close public comment. so moved. >> second. >> thank you roll call. president torres. >> aye >> commissioner lindo >> aye >> commissioner kim. >> aye >> commissioner pikes. >> aye. >> thank you. next item 9d. the resolution authorizing the housing authority of know front to modify the not to exceed amount contract adding 600 thousand dollars for amended year one not to exceed of 7 million dollars. and 2 approve the option to
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renew extending the term. for additional year and 3 approve not to exceed amount of 8 million dollars for year 2 of the condition transact the administration and prescription of all rental assistants and project vouch and work related to the public husbanding units with the wait list inning spection and customer care not to exceed 16 million. and this will be presented by our attorney. >> hello. commissioners. okay. so -- today i'm amendment to the contract for cbr associates contractors over seeing the pbv program. so far -- under contract 22.
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we are asking for 3 things. number one. the contract for for year one was approved. the contract ends the end december and will be running out of funds short low for this we are asking for an amendment to add upon 600,000 to complete and cover fees through the final month. december. in addition to that since we don't seem like we will have a
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quorum for next month. one contract ends the end of the month we need to we are like to exercise our first option to renew the contract a lued for 4 options for a toll of 5 year contract. we would like to exercise this first option for year two and we would like to set the not to exceed amount at year 2 at 8 opinion 6 million dollars. which would cover for all years of contract total of 16.4 million dollars. for the program.
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voucher numbers this we have so it is -- what is this 8, 921 vouchers this cv r maintains and provides administration throughout the program. i just appropriated this -- chart. to show just for transparency's sake what we are asking for. so as you seat initial contract year worn the 7.2 million and want to modify that with the 600,000. give the second yearing on forit.sick and the total that would credit a now contract term of it starred january of 2022. and tell now end december therein of 2024 if you approve this amendment and with a complete cumulative not to
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exceed of season. 4 million. gi believe that should be the end. do have you questions. quickly. again, thank the commission for sppth the w this was brought today. and um -- thank you for the w this you have done to break down and show us the need. and i think one of the most exciting parts of this work needed for the contract and
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development this is exist with this we have to pay our ventztory do this additional work. that's why we have been able to do good work. helping us with this work and we like to continue the relationship, thank you. the commission authorizes to continue negotiating the final agreement. on nonmaterial areas. there are still questions going become and forth with the contractor we want to make sure we don't come back. and we are making it to the item here. correct >> great. thank you.
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>> number 3 will be number 4. uh-huh. no additional comments we can open for public comment for 9d. >> thank you so moved. we can go to item 9e. this is approving and authorizing the officer to select in a housing payment contract agreement to enter in helpful condition transact for the develop one [inaudible]. 2060 folsom. and 1180, 4th street. 455 fell. 95 well guna, 55 well gowna.
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. larkin senior housing. thank you. good afternoon, commissioners. kendra crawford the housing authority the u.s. d. house and urbeen development housing choice voucher project based vouch are program in san francisco. in order to improve equalization of vouch are funding and increase the number of affordable housing in the city and county of san francisco. >> director may i stop you. we can read the become ground section.
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we would like 255 vouchers. and 11 buildings in san francisco. this would increase the vouchers and san francisco and the housing authority and like to enter in 20 year half contracts. can you thank you for this why we are focusing on the buildings? provide context as commissioner in relationship how they support city goals. >> these siteds we want to ensure that we have available voucher for seniors. some of the site vs seniors some have families. some are rent burdened we want to ensure they have a subsidy tow afford to live in san francisco. we want to ensure that house holds have opportunity in these
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areas in san francisco. and than i have opportunity in these areas of the city. >> i might add. when you look at these developments. currently, the families and individuals seniors live here. and many of them are rent burden. and as a result of had, the project based voucher are important. as kenned are mentioned for families to remain here and not pay more then and there 30% of income toward housing. do we have a sense when they are paying percentage of among low income? >> so, they being be up to
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60-70% of their monthly income. we will not know how much until we once we get in the half contracts we can do the applications and find out more about the families. and so we have to get in the contract so we can proceed. >> great. there is -- of the 255 vouchers applied to the cites all of them are going to stabilize existing residents. >> correct. >> right. the goal of the vouchers with the values associated with them is to minimize the financial burden of the residents are experiencing at the 255 locations across the 11 cites. >> correct. >> thank you very much.
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for the full if you have this -- if not it can wait not guilty future. but how when was the criteria that lead to the selection of the 11 cites >> these are on a [inaudible]. they have to have i word from the city or state or federal within the left 3 years they have to have this. dp then we one i made sure located in higher area [inaudible] the selection
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sxroesz the resource in thes city and the housing authority doing to help through allocation of the 255 vouchers. we spent a lot of time and really discussed the criteria should be and worked with mohcd and keeping in mind the vision and goal of the mayor. a stability. one of in all transparency the concerns we have been faced with is how we are helping our fell who is live in sro's and we do have mystery cites do have single resident occupancy buff
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with this said we have many seniors had live in the sro's. who are rent burden and have been there for more then and there 10 year this is is like low where that i will reside. and -- this presents know opportunity to provide additional subcity to mitigate in making sure individuals remain housed and not unhoused buzz of the lack their ability not to be able to afford whatever the housing cost is. in our journey as we are well as an organization and able to have -- reserved to do this work. we want to have a balance this how when i look at housing and
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alleviate the burden to the city. mitigating the burden to those who are houses is important with the funds we very much we do it in per inship. thank you. out of the 263 project upon vouchers does this cover all the cites. if not how do you prioritize? >> there is a correction 255. and -- so all of these buildings are yard loses up and the -- the -- mayor's office and developers have identified the families who need this additional assistance. they will let us know which
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in the only it stabilizes the project we think about development in short term and stabilizes the project from i language term perspective in the ability to ensure the buildings remain stable and cared for this is part of the process. do we have public comment or take a motion. public comment, first. close public comment and i motion to approve with the language of 255 project based voucher >> motion. >> second. >> roll call. president torres. >> aye. >> commissioner lindo. >> aye >> commissioner kim.
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aye >> commissioner pikes. >> aye. item 9f. this is and also presented by kenned are crawford or housing pragdz's direct. >> thank you. if i mimake this short and sum rise. thank you. so the housing authority of the city of san francisco would like to set now payment standards for new move, new [inaudible]. there is an attached schedule we are asking for the new standards to be effective january one of
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aye. 9g the resolution approving adopting the housing authority of san francisco saul row schedule december first of 23 for fiscal 24. approving 2-1/2% increase. and 2-1/2% increase april first of 25 will be prevented by our general council. >> we like to give the presentation for g & f together, please. g and h. and i can 9h that is approving public available pay schedule.
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slide show. >> today's presentation after review of the needs it transitioned from public housing agency it a contract administrator. reflected challenges and opportunity. we,000 to dot work moving forward we need to ensurety structure is in place for the agency and this we set all staff up to succeed. next slide. >> the housing authority contracted out key functions. emergency housing vouch and management of housing units. the authority remain the over site body for learning contracts over 16,000 households 39,000 individuals and 36,000 applicants, waiting stable housing. remains a partner with san francisco the completed
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replacement units and the phases of all 4 hope sf developments. the plaza east of development remains a top priority awaits response to the collaboration everapplication. reconsill yigz and more to ensure subsit and he services for the benefits. beginning with the vouch are program you see on the left this program begin by management and a letment of vouchers is 906. the wait list administration
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over 300 applicants unique members the 300 may be on many different wait lists it is 36,000. this slide focus system the umbrella program and project based special programs include mainstream vouchers in supportive housing and the unification program. they account for 1, 271 subsidy units released. the vouch are program begin by paul edwards management and has 5, 641 vouchers. the project based voucher reasonal a cestance program by cv r and associates.
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the agency structure. on a macro level want to present when the departments are today. you have the mayor who appoints the commissioners then chief executive officer and office of general council. have you information technology department, housing operations and program excellence department and finance teach a commission let the record reflect the hub of the in communication of agency. we were asked when we discussed how to present this to go in depth to determine the needs are for each department and how they serve the residents. begins with the executive office.
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visionary and head contracting for the authority and top executive. the executive assistant service to the ceo and commission clerk to the board of commissioners. ceo is in the now to the authority. they have- but never filled. the communication officer is needed assist with communication. this would over see all social media outlets. assistance with opinion records. press releases and similar tuts. the positions this have aftrics money they are vacant.
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vacant and budgeted or minot be budgeted. vacant and i will >> vacant and most budgeted because in the budget press approval for therein and position and we have 22. over all this new is showing there are there are 3 more. added position. the goal with -- linda pointed out there are several and positions have been here. and not refilled we need to make sure our salary roster is complete and will figure out funding as we go along the
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process. this is the macro level and people of operations. currently our office handles legal issues from various advice to lawsuits, contract and policy. works with the generaling council and over see 9 contracts and use outside gowns for services we don't have in house and they really have been in the movement of the agency. on a daily base there are people in the offices asking about even tenant down sour simple as someone needs a form in the
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policy. redevelopment work with our own in house council. and learningly from hawkins as well. with drawl linocaine become a primary focus in months with the with drawl viability due to the housing authority and work on the how they'll be pid and the strategy. we are the contact for the board if there are hearings and other bodies who will ask present anticipations. subpoenas are standard. if we receive complaints we work with insurance and responded on the complaint. public record requests are worked on through our office
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with our executive assistant and archiving is worked on with finance teach the legal team is stretchd and busy we have to consider the fact that the movement on plaza there are a lot of movement relating to the different prescriptions with plaza. woeful have a deep. for this site and there are many legal components to that site that we have to be involved in. to protect plaza itself. resident in this development and as well as our position as the housing authority this takes time and yes , sir we have cop
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transactors and pem who are dog a good job we have reasonable accommendation that come up through the work they are doing that the history that the housing authority hold system importantful ghaen work sustinned the housing authority and keeps us in tact it is important the w this linda and her team does and cannot under mate when she does in answering the types of thing this is come through as relates to our other insurance activities relate to
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workman comp she is working on the personnel side. or working with our various legal teams. so -- there is -- w that goes on under her leadership this helps me continue to stabilize our organization and irrelevant mitigate our risk from a doctor perspective. each day. how much requires a bar license versus a jd and good to have but not necessary as you look at the work. of course, you like to have a
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licensed attorney answer every question this has a component of the law. that is not financial low or realistic in terms of that what is the portion of the work? >> i think that has shifted when we moved out of property management. previously you need i licensed attorney they were appear nothing court for actions. that has shifted in house because we don't manage properties where we need to e vict and don't need that presence. as far as the work we do daily we rely on council in areas that are redevelopment we are working hard to bring that in house. we are working on the archives.
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building up this knowledge. you don't have to have a 31s have this thank you is by a project add administrator. and those other yours where we are trying to fill this knowledge from a legal perspective and also we are trying to fwhld from project add administrator perspective i'm in calls at this point than i calmed dun we had closings butt sunnydale calls from the 3a closings, they were week low calls and everybody on those calls was an administrator and had diane on the call because she has been the kin person for the left 20 years. >> i want to -- also in terms of redevelopment in projects. commissioner kim we are not less then and there 7 or 8 legal firms. and tell be malpractice if there is in the a licensed attorney
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our contract and lawyers for vendors or are they per contract. required to retain their own council. they have to pay for the cost >> protect. >> i know we can have, lot of conversations i then and there is in the about -- the usage of legal council. i will stop asking question in this strain is an interesting conversation. why commissioner kim if you like later we can have this discussion.
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there are positions this we being enhancing that are not licensed. and a lot has to do with getting the knowledge of the developments the last 20 years and eweizing special council for legal neateds which i think we have been using them because that is who has all the knowledge on these cases and developments. people operations. referred to human recourse eversource handles benefits. training, insurance. propertiful auto. with drawl liability and 22
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employees the major are temporary employees we are estimateed grow to 34 if they upon approval of that. because of the work on the general liability side we are down to 3 games a decent number for the agency we have. and we have been working diligent low to close out a number of dated worker comp claims. this takes time a lot of the work around train and development and benefits in recruitment is being establishes for the not the first time but the changing transition it is required more work and more time tom establish the agency moving forward.
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the team is divideed 2 area maintenance operation and housing operations. and we can start with maintenance. this is a significant can be the theme there is oversight public housing operations that is the new contractor. hc very close operations the cv r and ehp which is p.m. the leads on to numerous meetings week low and daily meetings with the city and city departments. nonprofits. developers. there has been assistance to barriers to applicants.
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often times the issue are escalateed try to find ways to adhere to the policy and final member an town to be houses. the meetings and liaisons and contractors and direction, advice and recommendation daily tow contractors and the key areas of the housing authority is relocation. that will continue moving forward. maintenance operations the -- housing operation team is responsible for the management of egbert ref and sunnydale building. egbert, lone is 140 individual this is work at the location.
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we have staff member take pictures and send them out to see the status of the sights this is for the d. building inspection and utility submission, if there are complaint and don't know who to send the report to they are sent to housing prescription's team this team is instrumental in give back events. the turkey give, way the hub was a director than i court nayed with other partners making sure weave had space for the deliberation and the materials together in bags. the lights go out at sunnydale more yena with us for 30 years
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and, cyst with our subcontractors to get the lights back on. and to daylight this. as we are work to get rfp out on plaza this group will be managing this daily work at plaza working with contractors ensure the work we are paying for with all of our stake holers that work is getting done. the team mall but mighty has a heavy lift over the next couple combreers is the w they do as you know i have been in a hearing with the board of supervisors over around sunnydale.
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next is the finance teamoir cfo. this department is split in two of the financial planning division and the issue counting operations. standard whering finance divisions. the finance is responsible for the operating budget and plans. budget to recommending. the capitol operating plans i machining low review of 32 million dollars in housing assistance payments to 3,000 landlords the system also requires monthly reporting this team develop the losing plan and performance team and management this has been needed and we have
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now with the team the 30 practicals and billion dollars in notes receivable. there has been a savings of 2, 552 since 2019 hiring and developing staff to work in house in lieu of outside resources that used in the past. accounting responsible for the general ledge are. the financial report and data schedule. well is invoice amounting 400,000 monthly. responsible for catch management and will another 300 thousand dollar among low. pension contribution respecting. text return filing. contract and prosecute cure am services and come mroins monitor and reporting for seck 3 adherence.
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i want to highlight the newest team to the agency in the last 5 years. the program excellence team is lead by listena you'll and made up of analysts and it goes to the housing authority's focus and dedication to data. making data informed decisions. the office of program excellence focusos performance scorecards. created by the perform team and they are responsible for pooling reports to proroadway report cards. to our vendors. mock low invoicing report and provide recrew all of end of
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participations 50 machining low on an among low basis. before machine is term nit they'd review the troen make sure the person should be term nitted. they check the fanatic and make sure this having should be terminated for reasons this are the person passed away and want to make sure the records are ratify okay. reduce relines on conelectronicor service for hud reporting.
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this department -- and there are a number of upon responsibilities. go to the next slide it provides support it all 1 for you plus individuals reporting to egbert daily this means all vendors use the it system when well is a new monitor a glij in the program a license access needed. data management and core
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management services. lastly the disaster recovery and plans technology department. and the commission etification this staff person is on part time throne us. from the controller's office. monitoring by departments has various contract and bringing more with the strategic plan it early 2024, we wanted highlight the larger contracts by departmentful people office we over see the contacts for our
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legal specialized council. ooh t is responsible for i system of referred for the housing authority and support for building as we mentiond and includes contractors in the building and twhon is not mentioned here is part of operation agreement provide it services to them. >> director of prapgdzs you have hcd contractors and management. the ehc edworried and public housing conelectronicor. the chief finance officer is over seeing the consultant. system consult act and management.
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reporting makingure we hold contractors, counselable. >> not only contractors accountable but we have reports this must be provided to hud. and so forth if you locked at the program excellence department than i irrelevant are that -- monitoring team they are internal auditor. we are unsure to move to the right trajectory.
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>> thank you. move to the staff organizational chart conclude with again a macro level of different departments under the ceo. it is important you know that you have i break down of the employee talitien and thifrngful the city has invested resources to the housing authority. than i are provided in the attached pay scale everything you seeing is provided in your packet that includes current positions and and terrible future positions as recommend. the attached schedule, lines with the city has 8 steps. budgetary impact and details are provided in your staff report and accordance with cal purse requirement it also with approval will adhere to the 8
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requirements one the pay scale approved and adopted by goning body. identify position for every employee position. indicate an effective date and date of revisions. 7 retained the employer and visible for public inspection not less them 5 years and not reference another document inllow of disclosing the piraise. we provided the organizational chart the next fiscal year alines with the pay scale we are
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requesting approval and adoption for today. and in addition to this as you will see you may have seen in the staff report the housing authority asking next year 2, 2-1/2% increases the first effective october first 2024. and the second would be april first of 2025 and the goal continue to retain and attract talent. we are in a market where it has been hard to recruit. aloment of agencies pay more and this including others in the bay area. with this said there are 3 total actions one again is approval of the pay scale. the approval of the 2-1/2% increases on october first, 2024 and april first of 25. and the third an operate action is the adoption of the pay scale for purposes of submission to
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cal purs. next for your time and wore open for questions. can you talk about the press of how we locked at our sell row schedule what work did we do? >> i think it is important to note this from hr there has been challenges because the structure we have has changed over the left 2-3 years. often time when is i ask where does this position come from there are under lying derivatives we are trying to credit a pay scale true.
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there was research around the position market studies. similar in voucher sides or in the bay area. based on this we came up with a pay scale you see here and before unlike our historical piscale we had 5 steps now the 8 steps this alines with the city as well. >> so, is there housing authority developed a compensation philosophy we doll a study of like organizations other housing authorities or other, other -- similar organizations and we be within extinguishing percent of this group. at the to which. the middle.
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quarters when is the total comp. sell row is one thing and then there are other benefits and things. has there been this w in electric at the philosophy as a whole? in the work if you are asking like a comp plan in writing we don't have that but we have done this work. >> meaning we'll be at what percentage? >> yes. >> so this is when the is work is about. we worked without council who specializes in the time work. and we did this work carefully and listened recommendations and based on the saul row scale and adding additional steps. this is our goal and our desire and flot fee to be within 5-10% of what other housing
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authorities like housing authorities are today. we are work our way third degree and the desire of the 2-1/2% increases. we are behind. and there are lots of reasons on our commission why we are dmiend and as we are progressing and moving toward a healthy organization in order to do this, we do need to work toward the more competitive. so we hire the type of skill sets needed for us to be able to move forward in a data driven manner. i think it is traditional to electric at housing authority when you electric at compensation. we talk more and more about high functioning and expectations of
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meeting our mission and when residents deserve. it does take a certain compensation. >> yes. to want to trespass individuals and retain them. it would be did your comp take into account the region and the -- competencies you need in order to lead our housing authority to high functioning. yes. we can't match their comprehendization peculiarage in this metropolitan in time. you stated looking like housing authorities we are looking the desired skill sets needed to be
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a high functioning organization. as we move forward we will revisit it with you as our commission. >> closer toward those goal in a reasonable fashion, right. >> and as just when -- in terms of the mission and high functioning which team will be looking at data and and -- the -- metrics across the housing authority that tie in employee and vendor performance. that's opposite. in as you can see in the charter than i are dotted line across
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every organization within every division in the organization and although if you will. h r holds certain information there is certain information that those teams will access relating it how does it fall into when our organizational goals are in how performed on the contractor side and performed on the staff side. and where do we have gaps? what else did we need tedom as we are hire and continue to move forward. the goal is in each part of the division is looking are we hiring the right individuals. do we have the right skill set on the team. is well a gap in the teams. is there a gap within our organization to dot w we need to do and where doles we need to
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hire or hire for? this group will work on providing reports and scorecards to this to us for us to understand at the committee level. how are the vendors and the different component this is go in this being a high funging organization. worns we in january. talk about the strategy plan we will begin to -- connect the dots. to linda's credit. tried to meet hud's dead line exit push today become i want it ensure the strategic plan is
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the housing authority has not had analysts. we can agree this is why we have an official crisis in the organization. and today, we have analysts and we are unlike many of my colleagues in the housing realm where i talk with them about the need to have analysts and the upon difference this makes this we are just not processing but we understand with we are processing. to be a high functioning organization. and one that understands when the policy is. how to apply that policy. when that data looks like. and -- how do to use this in decision making and how it
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supports the decision when is we work with our different partners in the community. no if we do it in these ways here other results we will have. and we have done that on different occasions and this work has been done by analysts and that work has played out in a positive way. we know that data analystics are important in the way we do our business >> yes, you have a story or a spagz that occurred. can you restate the approvalure
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seek from us? yes, we will start with 9g approving adopting >> not in terms of reading of it what is the intent of the approval yoochl intent is to approve and adopt the pay scale you see before you. this is as of 2023, it would again provide what the job titles are. a pay scale to the title. scaled be from one to 8 in the of one-5 and then second on this would be to increases this would be 2024 and april 2025 for 2-1/2% and the third of the adoption by cal purs.
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static place on that scale or shift this is occur once this approval >> lawyer shifts rinking from 5 to 10% and the budget impact is 260 thousand dollars. i do want to say that was included in the budget approval that occurred earlier this year. this is what was mateed be the impact. immediate impact 5 to 10% and then 2.5 and 2.5. >> that's correct. 260,000 over how many positions? 22. that is less then and there when per person.
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40,000. is this there discretion to go executive director dregz to go more that depending on recruitment scale. range to go back to the commissioners if over 100,000 if you say do you have the one versus. that can be determined. >> okay. the how doing authority last increase was 2018. when was that amount. 3%. the total value that is in the here >> at that point we had -- how many staff? 2018 had about 200 and 245 depending on the projects. >> but it stays that that was
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administrative staff only. last wage increase for some was 2018. >> yes. a long time >> i submit to the board as the po. organization it is really important to me that our staff have this opportunity. they have worked hard. it has taken a lot of w to get where we are. and it is only fair that they have this opportunity to be paid at a commensurate rate of their own clothes within this build. i take this request extremely serious. and without them each and everyone of them this work could not be done. it is my heart beat that my
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staff and team have this opportunity so i submit this to you and i'm asking to you approve this request. am just going back to thank you very much for your [inaudible]. going back on the the 22 positions and the budget approval. can you peek to this? the budget approval in rep to what? to classifications as an executive or the place holder money put in place in anticipation of a change in compensation? >> latter and i can let our cfo speak >> the letter. during the budget process we budgeted for 31 positions. and -- at that time we assume 15% increase across.
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so really approved knowledge was 1.5 million tell be within that budget line. we know tell take time to hire new staff. impact will be this year expense will be within the budget of i'm taking time because of the environment we near and making sure we are aware of making choices. no one has a disagreement everyone deserves to be compensated and no one is arguing well are impacts.
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we also are and i significant can place in the organization and continue to restructure and we need to retain and hire staff this can do what is needed to realize our goal not only as a department but from a city perspect itch. we are integrated in the city and a viable part of helping our mayor solve housing the responsible individual i cannot do it without staff with competenceys. we make this request to continue to move forward to help solve the housing crisis that we are in as a city. and a nation. this work is important and
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impactful. i'm not in our peculiarets. but is there a digital version. all right. any final comments. questions. a motion. >> public comment. do we do public comment for 9g first. take them both together or do we have to which has to be 2 operate votes. >> i don't see public comment and a motion to approve >> second? yea. i wanted say based on cfo and comment about the 300 thousand dollars page 164. have a legal obligation this the
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budget impact not exceed 150 thousand dollars should be added that per 2. 5% increase. can you repeat that, please. financial impact for fiscal 2025 the section on ping 184. and the last sentence the budget impact not exceed 150 thousand dollars. end with the budget impact not exceed 150 thousand dollar per 2. 5% increase. i don't understand when that means. commissioner pikes. aye and public compon 9h.
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close opinion comment. why so moved. >> and a second. >> i second. >> roll call president torres. where aye >> commissioner lindo. >> aye >> commissioner kim and pikes. aye, aye. we have limited quorum we may lose in the next 10-felony minutes. >> 7 minutes. >> 30 minutes. >> 7 minutes. >> yes. >> let's go. get through the last 9h. the resolution approving the end of the vaccination policy in contract. vaccination property. effective december first of 23 and presented by our h r
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analyst. good afternoon. commissioners i'm tad prisony senior analyst for human resource i'm here on behalf to request approval for this resolution to move forward with ending the covid-19 vaccination policy. the authority has 2 vaccination policies. one for authority staff and the other for contractors. the authority vaccination policy implemented on september 23 of 21 and pregnancy to the governor executive order number 09-21. the authority's pol required all staff to submit vaccination status and vaccinated november one of 21. sthins dead line the staff have been vaccinated with no loss of employment due to vaccination
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statuses. short low after this policy was implemented -- and upon the on boarding the authority implemented the contractor vaccination policy on january 27 of 22. and response to the major's issuance. 38th supplement. required contractors to be vaccinated. over the next year and 2023 vaccines were more visible and effective improved boosters and medications lowered hospital rates. this result in the cdc ending the public health emergency mi11 of 2023. san francisco of the city's leading front with the most successful covid problem in the nation 90% fully vehicle nay exclude the lowest covid
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i would say it is grit on see compliance and the vaccine has done a tremendous amount in saving lives and things i hope that even though it minot be in affect as a pol that there is encouragement and education provided about the benefits of the vaccine. >> yes. >> thank you. >> and speak of this has staff made aware of the opportunity or the encouragement of booster shots? >> yes. we have a nows letter each month. we include those. thank you. >> additional commissioner comments in thank you. ask for a public comment. item 9i. we can close public comment and motion for approval >> motion.
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second. upon >> president tories. >> aye >> commissioner lindo. >> aye >> commissioner kim. >> aye >> pikes. aye >> thank you. and if we can get the consent agenda had is item 8a the encroachment did we touch this item. the minutes of the meeting on october 26 of 23. commissioner comments on the minutes? >> public comment? on the content agenda. >> none. >> a motion for approval for the consent agenda i second. >> second. >> roll cal. president torres. >> who is take the second. i have lindo. and roll call president torres. why i >> listeno >> aye >> kim. >> air >> pikes. >> aye. >> [laughter]. commissioner torres we have 3
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minutes i do. >> i have one minute. >> commissioner it important you know we did have i plan to give you a losing plan year end property have an rfp out for competitive additional [inaudible] we have not been able to get a quorum for december. we will have to bring this to you in january and the reason i bring this up because they are poseed be enter in the contract the end of the calendar year to maintain the subsidy we want to make sure the commission is okay with us bringing this in january and rateo active low approved to the date of the contract approvals for the the individual subsidy >> we were not able to find time to do a special meeting. yea our clerk has been working with you and it has been challenging all 4 have to be here. won't only have 4 commissioners now. >> it is a competitive bid.
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for the ppv's and we want to meet our losing time lines and has know impact on reserves i appreciate. this opportunity. thank you. >> all right i will there are no more okay items the meeting is going until 3 p.m. and may i ask the vice chair to take over the remainder of the meeting. >> absolutely. happy hell days >> likewise. did we ash journal. >> no. >> left us. we are going become to item 7 the chief executive officer
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reports the next is 7 c the 23 waiting list opening report. presented by kendra housing prescription's director >> good afternoon. we wanted give update on the wait list opening that occurred so the wait list opening period was october 23-november sick. received 52,000 applications. for 6500 slots on the h cv wait list. sorry. e mailings were sent to the 6500 lottery winners starting on november 18. there is a link on our website where -- if them e mail was not received or applicants want to know i can click on a lot row checker link and put confirmation number and
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information and get information this way. and e mails sent to alls 52,000 applicants letting them know if than i made it on that wait list or not. >> we also wanted remind you all next slide. remind what we did for the wait list opening we had a portal in 5 languages. also publish in the 5 newspapers. and posted various per in websites. we had an application assistance at our egbert office and our customer care phone line. we also had 45 community partners who were train exclude ready to assist applicant in applying. 2 sessions for those community partners to learn to dot application portal.
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first session was attended by 353 partners and the second was attended by 299 per ins. so at this time we have our wait list for our applicants and we will start reaching out to them next year. any questions. . november 7 a lot row and invioleted to you attend. so you account see it. we had a lot row on november 7 and then from there the nameos
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our wait list. and how is the lottery. i'm sorry. the lottery was a computer generated lottery. from our e lite partner they have a program that will dot lottery random low yoochl thank you. other comments? i have a comment i applyd and won. so. i want a house! that's the reason i did it. i did not think i would get chosen and i did and i'm excited. congratulations. >> any other questions? thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> item 7 d our financial report.
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presented by our senior budget analyst >> thank you. everyone. good afternoon i'm [inaudible]. today i will present the financials for the fiscalening september 30 of 23. for the housing authority. so i will start with the housing choice voucher program and rather through the normal [inaudible] i thought i would take a different approach. we received 23 million dollars in admin subsidy de feo are hud for 23. the question is how do we spend this money. if we look at the expense line items allocated 25% of the 23 million to management and book keeping that money is used to spend the back office operations of the office call center of
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next is ehp. so on the ehp side received 2 forms of revenues the add increase subsidy sick 77,000 and also received a service fee 1.2 million. this is compensation expense and 10% for p.m. had runs the ehp program the bulk of the revenue -- was expense incur in the housing and if you tick a look at this chart. next chart. if you look at this chart what you are seeing is we were able
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to grow the number of resident in fitsical twe by 86%. ended like 6 something. and so that isseen though we were off to a slow start we ended strong. as of last friday this number increases. goal to house the vouchers we have. under the program. i do really appreciate. it was one i appreciate that in our conversations only made that comment once i appreciate that. the other per i irrelevant appreciate tie and connecting the official pos to when is the
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purpose and the mission. of the housing authority, right. which is to house individuals i appreciate having the director connection between the w this each group does at this time over all mission. can you tell me the -- what is the impact on where is the impact on rent collection relating to the finances where would this show up anywhere? is this under the vendors and were would in the show up on financials. would not show up the reason collection is public housing that will be the ebnc. we do as we review they are financials on an among low base andanual we look at the concessions and the percentage of the revenue collected and you know obviously the expenses with this and adjust it. if all are at a certain level.
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we have to give them the subsidy tow make them whole. do we to it between reason collected and full rent. >> between they collect ref now >> yes >> and we electric at the expenses and, prove those the plug is a subsidy we give them and hold them accountable for a level of satisfaction. in the intf timil follow up and we can. >> i might be talking apples we can follow with you. >> thank you. >> next program is central office cost center.
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11 million in revenues 26% above the proofed budget. the biggest portion the north beach ground lose payments and the dividend for insurance claims. low are medical retiree expenses and low are and consulting expenses. okay. next, sorry. i will keep going until i hear a question. on the hope 6 this is the -- operation for plaza east.
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running at a deficit. jot next is public housing. on the public housing side -- the 3.1 million is when we have drawn down. we have a total of 6.1 million for public housing the majority of it will issue ouzed play for the liabilities. this is the pension for the public housing employees. this is the senator holing the sro building. i don't have this information on this one. and then the left slide is just the -- combination of the
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programs to be run. this 10 million in this income the mirjt in the public housing we talked about it where we are not having the expense its pay off the liable that thes why we have a surplus with the revenue we have from hud and expenses we paid. as we incure and work with the liable to pay off the expenses this willrous that net income. it does help us allow you to negotiate and pay off the liables that otherwise would really tank the housing authority. we have time this slide tied to
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the plan update. how we -- i have one admissibility. should we postpone. yea. >> okay. so we are spending a million i among for the -- and the budget approved by hud 419 million for 2023. we do have a reserve of 47. 7 million. the numbers is higher than the number we shared with the commission in may. and we are now -- the is part of the plan to -- plan we have in place to use the reserve and [inaudible].
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to our mission. >> yes. why how tell be spent. >> commissioner, directly spent in -- question of the competitive bid, luto come become in january for a final approval. we will issue them. that's about 200 and then -- moving the losing plan forward they have been working on helped us. draw down this reserve. so it is all in housing. housing more people or -- bringing down their reason burden. as it relates to how much they pay for reason. where do you think well is sufficient supply for all the demand this is out there?
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we will adjourn would you like to take the honors. move to adjourn. time is 2. . 49 p.m. thank you. happy holidays. clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear
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>> san francisco is a positive impact on my chinese business. >> i'm the founder of joe-joe. i'm a san francisco based chinese artist. i grew up in the bayview district. i am from china i started at an early age i started at age of 10 my grandfather my biggest inspiration. and i have followed with my traditional art teacher in china:i host educational workshops at the museum and local library. and i also provide chinese writing in public middle school and that way i hold more people fall in love with the beautiful
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of our chinese calligraphy. it is a part of our heritage. and so we need to keep this culture alive. hand writing is necessary field that needs to be preserved generation toieneration. this art form is fading away. but since covid i have been very dedicated to this art and i hope that my passions and serving this art form. there are many stores and shopping centers and companies that are interested in chinese cal iing ravi. i feel motivated to my passion for chinese calligraphy in today's world. so people can always enjoy the
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beauty of chinese calligraphy, from time to time i have a choice to traditional chinese calligraphy to make it more interesting. we do calligraphy on paper. i can do calligraphy different low. >> my inspiration is from nature and provide calligraphy that was popular style of persons time. i will invite to you check out my website or instagram. and there is some events and updated upcoming events that you can participate.
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>> december 7, 2023 regular meeting of government audit oversight committee. i'm supervisor dean preston, chair, here with vice chair stefani and supervisor chan. the clerk today is victor young and thanks to sf gov tv forstaffing the meeting. >> public comment will be taken on each item. please line up on your right. you may submit public comment in writing e-mail to [indiscernible] if you
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