tv Entertainment Commission SFGTV December 9, 2023 12:00pm-2:16pm PST
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id8683726392900 zoom. there will be an opportunity for general comment at the begins. and an opportunity to comment on each discussion or action item listed on the agenda. each comment is limited to 3 minutes for those remote the commission will hear up to 20 minutes remote upon comment total for each item. because of the time limit it is possible not everyone in the queue will have an opportunity to provide remote public comment. remote comment prosecute people received an accommendation will not count toward the 20 minute limit. public comment be taken in person and remote lie video or call in. for each item first from in person and then from remote.
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for those attending in person fill out a speaker card at the side table or podium. come up during public commentful state your nature and then your comment. you will have low minutes total. once finished hundred your speaker card to me. if using zoom to speak collect select the raised hand option if calling dial star 9 to be added to the line when your item come up. you unmute youshz by hitting star 6. call from a quiet location. speak clearly and turn down your television or radio. if you are viewing the meeting on sfgovtv mute it before speaking during comment. while we recommend you use zoom audio or phone for public comment you may submit a written
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comment through chat on zoom. the commissioners and staff are not allowed to respond. thank you to sfgovtv and media service for shareing meeting with the public. >> thank you. first up we'll do the call to order and roll call. >> okay. so this evening i want to note that we stillville 2 vacancies on our commission. we have all 5 commissioners in attention. go through. combhrn thomas. here. >> pers. >> here. >> president caminnow. >> here. >> vice president bleiman. >> here. >> next item is 2 general public comment. members may address the commission within the subject
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matter jurisdiction of the commission. with respect to the agenda, members miaddress the commission up it 3 minutes. is there public comment for items not on the agenda? come forward. please. i need to wait? thank you. thank you for having me i'm antonio. i live in the fillmore i'm a neighbor. i own a condo and live there, too. so the reason i'm here i wanted shed light to things. so, in the fillmore. and o fairel between stein and fillmore.
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there are a lot of events often. every week. i never had anybody reach out to me or ask whether we wanted have not many in the reach out. and so -- that's the first point we never i never received anything or communication and some level from the events is such get in my apartment if it is a block away and i'm on the upon 11th floor. there is that. there is a lack of retail. and so i have talked with the commission before. i know for 12 appearance you don't require neighborhood reach out. enforcement. 12 is a lot if they dot friday night market every week. which is the case it is a quarter t. is a let of time. every week music from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m.
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it it is a lot. that's the first one the second issue is is that i know the commission knows that events will happen there is in way for us to know what events are going to happen. what events we'll have in the neighborhood so organize. sfpd announce all the meetings by district. we know when things will happen in the caves our neighborhood we don't know when we will have someone with music there affecting our lives. before there is another issue that one time we had a long weekend we had 3 event in a row. friday, saturday and sunday of i wonder if you have the tools to know if you are over booking
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neighborhoods. music 6 hours a day 3 day in a row is a lot. that's all. thank you. >> thank you. is this other members of public comment. hello i'm adrian and i'm resident of the fillmore area that arn tone i don't was talking about. we have formed a group on the next door website to see how many members of our community are disturbed by the music that goes on and permitted and unpermitted through the day and night. and there have been many occurrences where the music was so loud this i'm a musician by
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trade i went out with my sxheert stood a hundred feet away if the sound source and measured 107 decibels. i'm not sure what the slim. i measured 107 decibels a hundred feet from the source. and often times i like to party as much as the next guy. often times the music is drop an f bomand playing hip hop with f and m bombs and it it is super loud and the community is reacting. now the permitted events are happening and antonio said there is no out reach that we get from anyone. one thing is when the japantown
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center has events that are going to be broadcasting loud noise. they advertise it every where. eventos fillmore we have no idea when it will happen. if there was a schedule where we could look online and if that was broadcast to the community. then that would be helpful we can plan to be away when the weekends the eventos friday, saturday and sundayful many of the events it shakes the windows. i walked there there are not many people they have huge sound systemos trucks and boom, boom, abandonment.
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there are 20 people going crazy. thank you very much and appreciate being able to garth in the room again. is there anyone else for public comment? seeing none is there online. upon public comment is closed. the next item is item 3 approval of minutes for the october 33, 23 commission meeting. so moved. >> thank you. second. >> okay. is there public comment? i don't see. public comment is closed. have a vote? commissioner thomas. >> aye >> commissioner perez. >> aye >> president camino. >> aye. >> commissioner wong.
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>> aye. >> the minutes have been approved. next is item 4 report from the executive director. thank you. i'm confused but that's okay. let me switch gears. a few updates for you all tonight. so, as you are likely aware from previous updates we have a piece of legislation that is with the board of supervisors now. this was introduced by mayor breed in the middle of the sum other end of july for police code reform. the bread and butter is making it possible for our small businesses to apply for a brick and mortar permit out of the jam program free of charge. so we are -- hoping that the passes through and sign in the
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law soon temperature did go to the full board today and passed on first reading. they did choose supervisor chan asked for the legislation to be duplicated. and held back to small pieces of it that are going back to budget and finance and this is from 1060. 3. requiring applicants to disclose criminal charge history to the entertainment commission. we were hoping to remove that from code. given the fact the police department is able to conduct that research on their own. but there were confusion about the flow of that and so we are working through some code changes to make sure that we are making our rep with the police department more clear and how we function and pass on referrals from our applications.
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that said, every other piece of the legislation moved forward. which is great. and so i will upon keep you apprised of that. we hope that gets signed into law as quickly as possible. >> the next glm my summit a quick debrief on apeck in the flow that feels like a lifetime ago which is wild. but i deputy want top thank staff for their work to help support our office's role in supporting apeck. specifically, kate and my stead when i was out of the office helped take on leadership role. senior inspeckedchspecter put together a master calendar of eventses to be shared for situational awareness. that went up on the apeck wriebs. that atendsees aware of local events happening.
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and a big thank you to dylan rice on the team who worked develop content for apeck so -- that is complete. we are doing after action with the department of emergency management shortly. exit will continue to keep you aware of large scale events. couple other updates for you. so yesterday was sadly the last day of inspector michael time with the entertainment commission. i think we are all very sad to see him go he was a big part of this staff. i would love to say this family of he was great. you know i got to see him today and say goodbye. he leaves tomorrow thank him for his work as an inspector being
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on staff for 6 years? 5. but also the work this he did during the pandemic which was huge. he was a part of our staff. he told me that the best band that he ever has been n. it was really sweet. and we -- were able to post the vacancy for the position while we had mike, which was great we will just closed that and it 51 applicants which is a bit mind blowing i have never seen that many for a job in general. looks like we will have a great pool i will keep you aprized we hope to fill it soon and finally around the holiday party. remine are happening monday. december 11 at burbon and branch. begins 5 p.m.
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you all are invited and it is open to the public. and we are encouraging all of our permit holders to attends tell be a cash bar exactly be informal it is a glat opportunity to dress up a bit if you and want mingle with others in the entertainment industry and folk in city government of >> upon my goodnessed. thank you. and we are celebrating 20th anniversary as an office. we are going to have a couple of the people who helped start the commission in attendance. we are looking forward to it. thank you. fellow commissioner dos have you questions for the director? okay. i want to congratulate you in
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your team for the work during the last 3-6 months. it felt like a decade. [laughter]. and also you are there is so much truth that we are a family. and so, commissioner mike you will be missed. wherever you are and -- you know good luck going to 51 applications. >> thank you. that luck guess out to the deputy direct. >> right o. okay is well opinion comment from the executive director's report? thank you. public comment is closed. the next is item 5 report from the senior inspector. >> thank you. good evening.
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commissioners. we have received 194, 311 complaints i have updates let me know if you have questions. >> my first on northern ducks at 1355 market. northern ducks held a poe that is inactive. in october the landlord said they wereeck victing them and said the business cannot host entertainment. the landlord advertised a halloween party and requested we visit. on friday october 27 upon rifle befshd a dj in the business. spoke with the owner and stated they don't have an active permit. the owned confirming they were having an event with entertainment until 2 a.m. northern ducks issued a citation
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for no perimism the director also shared it can the landlord and city attorney's office. >> next update on the bricks ton on 2140 union llp with our office. on sunday october 8. we received a 311 sound complaint about loud music. at 12:07 a.m. the inspector responded at 12. . 40 and observed the out door speakers in operation. inspector asked if the manager knew what the sound limit and was who was monitoring the sound and where was the meter. however the manager was unable to answer the questions. the inspector took a sound measurement showed 3d ba and 7dbc above the sound limit.
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and worked with the dj to bring it down to compliance. issued 100 citation on october upon 11 for having out door speakers on outside of approved hours. staff not knowing the sound limit and operate nothing excess of approved sound limit. on friday october 27, we received another 311 complaint about upon sound. upon the inspector responded. upon rifle took a sound measurement showed to be operated at 106.8bbc10 above the condition sound limit of 89dba and 97dbc. ever attempts he was able to bring volume in commrens, october 28, inspector responded
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another 311 sound complaint. upon arrive took a sound measurement showed volume to be 8dbc above sound limits. inspector worked with the manager to bring the sounds level in compliance. issued a 300 citation for operate nothing excess of sewned limit that weekends. next summit the silver stone cafe at 3278, 24th street. llp with our office. on saturday october 28, received 311 about loud music from the back patio. inspector responded on sunday. october 29 at 3 p.m. upon rifle spoke with the staff member there was a birthday party on saturday october 28. and said a dj played music from 3 to 7 p.m. am the llp permit does not cover
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outside door entertainment the owner insisted otherwise inform april of 2023 deputy director e mailed silver stone owners and management explaining the llp permit is only for indoor entertainment and provided education on the steps to take to amend the permit to include out door if we observed future remember violations there may be action. we have heard from the ownership and they understand the program terse of the permit. beer garden at 424 octavia. currently does not hold active permits. since the violations they aplied for one and at the next hearing.
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received 311 complaints, on the weekend. october 20. inspector responded to complaintos october 21 and observed the dj performing volumes heard blocks away when asked employees explained the music would be off at 8 p.m. of the inspector returned at 7:55 and another complaint came in that evening. the business was closed and employees playing music loudly as they cleaned. the deputy director contacted the team to educate about permit requirements and responded they apply for llp right away. however on sunday october 29 the inspector responded 2 sound complaints beer garden. and again observed unpermitted dj's perform nothing a shipping container.
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the notice issued notice of violation for operating without a per nit. management begun in the llp application process and we are working to come in compliance. next is hotel via at 144 king street. holds llp permit. on saturday november 18 received a 311 sound complaint. loud music from a roof top party at the hotel. inspector able to respond in real time. took a sound measurement showing it 7dba above approved limit of 85bba and 97dbc. found the sound engine ear with the i pad did not appear to be monitoring the volume. working with the inspector the team was able to bring level in compliance. received comupon upon
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implementos sunday but could not substantiate we did not have an inspector this day. hotel issued a violation. imperial palace they hold a p on e. earlier this i don't remember the palace hosting entertainment events after 2 a.m. without an extend hours perimism after 2 citations and working with the city attorney's office the accident ceased the plate night operation. at 2 a.m. on sunday november 12 and inspector visited the approximatelyace after learn burglar a party occurring at the premesis. after he order the music from outside the palace. as he enter he was stop bide a security gashed and asked for
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the manager. the manager came down and aloud the inspector inside. explained he was there to see if the event was ending at 2 a.m. and the manager said it was. it was 2 a.m. and no indication the event ending. the inspect our saw the front lights turbed off but no patrons leaving and reentered at 2. . 10 and many in the consuing alcohol. after 10 minutes the considering saw and told the dj to stop it was then the patrons left. because this behavior continued after conversations with ec staff and march of 23.
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upon the palace notified the commission may have grounds to suspend them for not adhering stating operations cannot occur past of the 2 a.m. the deputy director notified the city attorney's office and abc and alu about after hours alcohol assumption on the premesis. palace issued a citation but to date we have not heard back from the owner nor the citation paid. staff are work to navigate the situation and keep you aware. >> next is piazza pellegrini at 659 columbus avenue. on saturday november 18 we received 2 sound complaints that the inspector responded to that evening at 8:40 p.m. there was a band personaling
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took measurements and found the sound levels to are in violation of limit. the front bar was 10ba and above the limit back bar was 9 and 7 above their limit. these are significant and the inspector noted the side doors were open becausing count eversounds to escape. then went up and lefshed loud music with the main pat row open. the owners aarrived there was no manager on site in charge or aware of the permit conscience. owner came on site and the inspector worked rekt fight violations. trinity issued 500 citation for violating the sound limits.
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operating with the doors open and playing music upstairs with doors open and not an on sight manager during operations. following issuance the owners called the deputy director to discuss recourse options. having the doors open to the patio create an out door environment and music escapeed home it is this is not a lot you. when they suggested a speaker in the office. they could play in the office with the doors closed but the sound odd okay to go to still be oddable to the up stared guests. this employs a nonviable work
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around. ine sf mix at 4086, 18th. poe withoir office. the route 22 staff worked with management to mitigate sound issues. through weekly 311 complaints. of the 57 we visited the business 25 times of these complaints mix found in compliance with permit conscience each time staff are asking for guidance and prioritizing response at the venue based on ability to comply with continue conscience that is all.
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>> thank you. that was a lot. >> thank you. commissioners do you have questions or comments. you have been busy that's a lot. >> thank you. >> i know my favorite hotel via is on there again. as always >> there were if first in terms of the question around the sf mix it makes total sfens they are continuing to be found in compliance every time impressive there are few places that are as in compliance when they get visited. i think it mix sense to be prioritized unless there is something going on. yea. makes sense.
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there was a place we funder or manage i did not -- its a private work space the specific is in the mission. received calms was there a visit i was unable to make contact they were having a private event. there other than no ticket saleis could see through the windows. there was a small not professional band playing. there were 10 or 12 people there and we have inspectors, that's
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correct >> i spoken to -- hi. everyone manager there was an event that should have been permitted unaware that was required a lot is happy hours. a door this leads to a courtyard if you have your speakers outside you need a permit for that. they understood and said they will bring it in and close the doors. sounds like they are in contact with the one neighbor who is complaining. thank you. thank you i have feedback residents in the audience encourage to you call 311 when you have a complaint.
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log it is 311. i wanted speak to the brickston. if you were doneful shore disregard for permit continue conditions is that one we can call back. >> yes. >> we are seeing them over and over and called both in here. the point of calling people who are continuing to violate their permits in here is to try to -- offer this rather than the
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punitive side. and some case we see abc and other things. so my personal feeling about them is we try exclude it does not work and now the mercy of the process as it is laid out. that's how i feel i hope there are other discussions and don't think the mix should be continued to take staff time considering again the message has not gotten through our job of solveing are a lot soft and more diplomatic are working. put them the of our serious of
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citations and the city machine. >> okay. i want to note i counted 194. calls. and it is amazing that the ones that only rose to the attention are the same actors that is a good thing we are doing our job and the people that continue to violate. it is frustrate to seat people disreport guide lines of permits i agree we tried the diplomatic approach what does that electric like this harder approach? one citation away from having permit suspend again that occur in the august. and so if they received one more
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within this 90 day period we would suspend and continue to issue citations at the 500 value or increase. trinity repeat offender they are 2 away from the suspension. they did hit the 500 french hold they had them issued before the permit was issued they are not in the having permits suspend yet. is there something stopping from referrals all right? no? it is of violations of continues and nothing outside. we are not seeing after hours or chicago sales. >> only appropriate once it has
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does staff need guidance or action from us. i vote to deprioritize the sf mix complaints >> second >> commissioner thomas. >> aye yoochl commissioner perez. >> aye. >> public comment? >> sure. go for it. >> thank you. public comment on this? i'm adrian i live on webster. and i continuing is a great report that you have with the things it sounds like it
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occurrence mostly permit holders and so myself and neighbors here we have an issue in the safe way parking lot on webster the same group of people who repeatedly play loud music at night. all the time from the giant white van and made 311 complaints and called the police nonemergency hot lines met with keen preston about this stuff and i'm trying to figure out how the prioritization works to get an inspector to and unpermitted sound violation.
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there is a next door group of the people who are you know -- actively like we are all hearing the same thing. calling 311 and nonemergency not shrine and figure out thou that could be something that -- its 6 hours at a time we are trying to figure out how to deal with this. and so any guidance the commissioner can give us in -- an online discussion. aside from when we are doing we would appreciate it as a community of the fillmore district. thank you. >> thank you. any other public comment.
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come up. hello. antonio. [inaudible]. i'm in the fillmore. so i was thinking when all of this was being reported i asked myself. will this is i thought an experiment. if we have a business say what operates went hours of the permit. but they don't respect the sound level and they decide to operate outside of it. and to ampate fines. my question is, what would be the among low cost of rung an prescription like that and how long will it take to shut it down for the commission? we are not required to respond but what i will say is you to direct the questions to the
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commission staff. they are available to provide you guidelines around how to -- responded. is there any other public upon comment. public comment is closed. commissioner thomas. >> aye >> perez. >> aye >> president camino. >> aye >> bleiman. >> aye >> wong. >> aye. >> item 6 updates on night life business assistance.
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thank you and good evening, commissioners. workforce development. it has been awhile i know you have a full agenda i will truck through things and happy to answer questions. and the have been resolved for the year. we were pleased that sb76 was sign in the law. enables san francisco limit in the committee to san francisco for entertainment zones for shared alcohol consumption. restaurants and bars to out door areas with special events. as a remind are there will that
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press designating a zone requires the local ordinance of the board. there are elements of the state luthat we are working in real time with abc to better understand how to puzzle out and there will be work with local stake holders in the areas where constituents and advocates seek to pursue. i think this is the beginning of the journey there. reform to provide guide lines how music venues host christ events and allowing venues to serve drink fist they have a room facility. talking with the california chapter on doing another webinar type 90 music left lanes the beginning of the year. there are 20 businesses state
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wide. with the reforms there is a lot of potential opportunity for type 90's. ab1217 the temporary pandemic out door permitting system until july one of twek what that mean system that -- businesses are getting in the compliance with share space they need to if they want to serve alcohol in other out door space part of the license per nits now they have to go through the process of getting them licenseod the premesis by juvenile 26.
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ab1013. bars to have drink spiking test kits available for sale. starts in july of next year it is something i flagged but did not get discussion. a conversation with the department of status of women and -- practitioners in our sister city in ireland around drink spiking and issue around night life health and safety this . law will require bars to do something. broader opportunity for the night life community around health and safety and drink spike thering is an opportunity to do more educational work and
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more work around patron health and safety and protect each other. so i think the work nawe did around nar can education was -- today. and i'm hoping we think about the drink spike the educational projects next year. ab3 seventy-four was vetoes allowing cannabis dispensaries to sell packaged food and drink and ticketed entertainment events. that is a disappointing outcome. couple tlieds. the police code entertainment reform package passed earlier a
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couple hours ago. we'll start are issuing the entertainment commission will issue fee waivers with funding. for the conversion or transition to brick and mortar early next year. also adopted on first read by the board the planning code of small business reformed with great increasing access to 90 day we view for night life businesses one of the categories there are a few excluded. and -- that is change nothing
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this package. cannabis events at the board. and just to t up on going work that we are doing there is a pilot that enables sales at a specific set of events that meet a set of requirements. legislation that pilotted was set to spire end of the year. supervisor mandelman extend today to december 31, 2026 out of recommendations from the task force. with the understanding and we talked about this a couple
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months ago that the part of goal is to -- do research and more thinking about what expanding the pilot would look like. how should we approach think burglar additional events. on the one hand we are work to identify locations that could meet the state and local requirements and state reporters are challenging and i think are weighted toward large scale event and have restrictions around public visibility and security requirements that make it challenging for small are events to participate and second low, we are exploring stake
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funding and the permitting and there will be a budget prosecute voided to the venues to work to curate talent. keep are talking poe permits an electronic of offering year round programming and funding in the venue fund. musicians of color the interests of san francisco communities and add to the diversity of music across san francisco. we want a variety of music. we want a vire of venues.
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on we are working on really cool branding that will be a sampleed this we are not ready it lunch but thank you to the president for many hours of participation in the process. not ready to launch? >> not today. my next is thank you and if you have questions. s sfshgs live you mentioned the venue valid to apply and can event produceers apply
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>> now it is a limited universe of funding and it was irrelevant focused came out of pandemic fund and focus on show case. that does in the money in the future the program could not expander adopt this is a we are prototypeingly real time of thank you. a clarifying question . i spoke with a couple bar and restaurant owners interested in investing downtown and what could be like create a cluttory work on the entertainment introen it is tieed special events only. could you provide more color there? great question. so. for most of the process it was not tieed special events. toward the the last committee
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hearing of the process, that language around special events was inserted in the bill at the same time it was limited to san francisco only. that -- certainly you know part of the logic there to be fair the logic was the exhibit want restaurants and bars to participate in fairs and festival this is is per missable under the bill i think there is we therein is a universal opportunity. at the same time i knowledge that you know abc had good conversations with them about special event not a defined term in the luor the code. so, i don't think it is quite so narrow but >> the enduring event. joy think the idea of the conversation. jot conversation. >> yea. >> okay. >> not special. >> i would say that i happening the idea of making them success
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and will given the work put in them. making them recuring is like it is -- nobody is thinking this is a once a year thing. beyond that we are still figuring out the implementation pieces. but in term it is of look to the future. that special events piece is something that stake holders identify thered is more conversations at the state scomplefl for the cities not san francisco were informed late in the process they are not able to participate, either. >> disappointing. you want to say a big dole to get night life in the 90 day process for the layperson this is i don't think you can over state how frust is when you are trying to open a restaurant or bar or wine bar often or venue. and you find your planning hear
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suggest in the for 8 or 9 months from the time you start. you are paying rent and hemorrhaging money and you need to be sxoep can't because it is in the your fault. is there public comment on the report. ? okay. public comment is closed. the next is item 7 hearing and possible action applications for permits under the jurisdiction of the n entertainment commission. here to present deputy director. >> thanks. good evening. we have 5 permitos consent 3
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applications for [inaudible] permit transitions and new llp. one of the jam to bam is the end upholds a poe permit. they are here for an amendment on add out door amplified sound. planning recommended approval of this and the applicant is required file a building permit to legalize t. it is granted approval we will not issue the per mitt until the amendment until they completed the permit process i will do my best to assist them with that process. the other 2 jam to bams are for s pass. the 2 new applications are for indoor entertainment. off the applicants conduct the neighborhood out reach and no opsigsz. southern and central station permit officers included standard conditions for the permits in districts. the recommendation for the
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commission to approve consent with the staff recommendations listed below. >> i move approval of the consent. calendar. >> why don't we do public comment first. >> is there public comment on this? no. public comment is closed. okay. commissioner laura go ahead. >> [laughter]. bring us that motion. move the consent with staff recommendations. >> second. >> okay. director. >> commissioner thomas. >> aye >> xhrp perez. >> aye >> president camino. >> aye >> bleiman. >> aye >> wong. >> aye >> your applications are granted follow up with the deputy director for next steps. i'm become to director deputy
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director for regular agenda. the first permit is a play-offs entertainment out door sound for taco rouge at 1500 broadway. known as kruj special held a per fit for 20 years the new team merged rouge and the restaurant nics for taco rouge host compleat deal nights and live entertainment and seek ability to host sound at the front of the business daily to drive in foot traffic the business conduct out reach and all neighbor sending 100 letter in total. one was in opposition by a hotel owner.
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with entertainment comedy nights and live music. it has been renovated. and we did open it may 5 cinco de mayo and oui are here today requesting our permit a continuation of the existing entertainment permit. i'm here to answer questions we are excited about the dpunt bring life to the north polk street area of san francisco. commissioners? comments, questions? no concerns here. >> okay. >> upon go ahead and have a seat. is there public commentom this item? >> public comment is closed. do i have a motion in motion to approve. second. >> okay.
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executive direct. okay. a vote. >> commissioner thomas. >> aye >> commissioner perez. >> aye. >> president camino. >> aye >> vice president bleiman. >> aye >> commissioner wong. >> aye >> okay. your application is granted follow up with deputy director. the next steps. [laughter] i'm sorry. kate. we will have a training how to say my last name. thank you. the next permit on the regular agenda place of entertainment out door entertainment and sound on the private terrace. located at 100 stockton. . a new restaurant and union square japanese/korean fusion and large roof top. they are seeking a permit to host indoor entertainment until 2 a.m. out door 9-10 not exceed 8
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showers outside sound. when the business is open. programming indoor dj. during din and are out door sound for the terrace. and like to host out door for brunches or special events no residential neighbors they alettered commercial neighbors and receive the one letter of support from the union square alliance. no opposition and sfpd added their condition. here to peek toow zoom is an owner and sdreshth of operations, jamie. >> hello. >> upon yep. youmented quickly say hello and i'm am the owner and i'm sorry i cannot be with you in person today i was there for the initial hearing but postpone exclude i'm in miami restaurant
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celebrating a number of activations every night. i wanted to be here and let you know i'm here and fully excited be in san francisco and roof top and jamie will give you background. and hopeful low we can meet everyone's approval. >> thank you. thank you all and apologies i cannot be about. i'm in london. we are a restaurant and have taken our home in san francisco on the roof top partly revitalization project. we serve [inaudible] a start in peru and it is a japanese --im guarantees [inaudible] a develop third degree using preen ingredients with yapnies cooking
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techniques. we have live cooking and dj's. we are globally recognized and hope to play a part in the part of the city that is union skwafrm you see a couple of reviews that we have around the world. show case our 80s and how we perform. and we look forward to doing the same with your supportful thank you.
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thank you. upon i have -- it is a pleasure. thank you. >> i have no concerned i'm ready to move once we have public comment. >> okay. is there public comment on the permit application? online? seeing none. public comment is closed. a motion? motion to approve. >> a vote. >> commissioner thomas. >> aye >> commissioner perez. >> aye >> president camino >> aye >> vice president bleiman >> aye >> commissioner wong. >> aye. >> follow up with the department
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director for next steps. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> deputy director. azevedo. i'm sorry. i a pol yoiz for all the mispronunciations. the next permit is llp for academy at 395 south van ness avenue. the business incomplete neighborhood out reach that are being worked out. this time i like to recommend the commission vote to condition this to a future date so i can help move the neighborhood mediation along. >> so moved. >> second. >> okay. . do we have public ment. public comment is closed. can we have we do.
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i'm kalea smith in the artist community. and i'm a member of the -- we air multidevelopary co-op that is volunteer run. we -- try to encourage a third space for creative in the san francisco community and build places where people who are starting out in their creative journey can00ue know try out their ideas and drive. i wanted give a bit of why that
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i'm a member of the group and i want to speak to why this is important to me. i'm a musician i play with another one of the members of our community here as well. we had the space for a year and use it for -- things like private come and allowing musicians to workshop and reach out to the community by we provide we have a lot of people who join who are looking for how to connect with musician in the community. we want to host music events and play public low we have poetry
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readings we want to host events where we could have musicians between. we also partners with the san francisco public library. so i wanted put a face and say, you know with -- this is a -- community effort we are not a club. we are not a business we do this because we this is a commune run outlet. knob line?
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public comment is now closed. okay. we have a vote? or a motion. >> we had a motion. need to vote >> and clarify this it is about post owning this. thomas. >> aye yoochl perez >> aye >> camino. >> aye >> bleiman >> aye >> wong. >> aye. >> thank you. all right. the next is llp permit out door sound for the check in at 201 ocean avenue. their application includes out door and this is in the a jam top bam. the check in i neighborhood wine bar out door walk seating. activated out door space before with the excells lover action group we are seeking llp permit
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for indoor special out door sound for customers and encourage foot traffic they like to host small bands. you will see in the staff recommendations the indoor combament 12 and 11 the owner don't plan to open it earlier than noon. the sound used to play prerecorded music 4-10 and there was out roach and no opposition. sfpd station did not have ness and here to peek with you is the owners jeffrey stot.
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exist. ordinance myself. richard is from venezuela. and lived in mission terrace since 2012. a psychologist and worked for year in counciling work in san francisco nonprofits i'm from stril why i called san francisco home and lived in mission terrace neighborhood and a career inn meg we areim grant and lbgtq+. we have created feels welcomeed all. >> about our spot. we open in the 2021. started with i beer and wine balance this year we moved a
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neighborhood liquor license. offer mall bites. we have a neighborhood group and socialize and make friends great to throw in live performances now and then. why? we enjoyed hosting the out door event out doors. with the action group and new mission improve am association. with jerry notice in the check in. listened customers and neighboring about ideas for performing and doing small live performances. like to offer a mix of options.
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sent note ifshgzs in the your. long with letters to deli machine and in front and the balboa church behind. our neighborhood association new mission terrace improve am association sent a letter of support of our application. and i want to leave you with a few pictures from our events. this is the neighborhood i was
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so -- the list of residents did you speak with the neighbors? no we sent letters. yea >> in case there are a noise complaints how would people be able to reach and you how what is your floo know address the potential noise complaints. you think you know we have a very open door. and00 eye think we created very much a -- atmosphere of community.
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and i think we tried to promote that throughout upon events on the streets. we feel like there has been a very positive reaction people see it as an act vagz of the community. we are aware of the. policies and guideline, is well a phone number on the website or a facebook page? >> there is a phone number for our business. on our website. and my e mail is on the website,
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challenge sometimes and they brought a lot to the community the first thing i'd say temperature is trough there is a group and a chess group example they meet on wednesdays if you are entered. the other thing i like to say is that it is per of the effort that they initiated supported by the action group with mirabel rimersxez one of the efforts in mission street and the greater outer mission. to support local businesses. if you have one pot people can't gravitate to another if you have 2 or 3 our 4. you have a dynamic situation and that is what than i have given
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us. so i say please, approve the llp and -- what other others say about a poetry reading may be do this, too. thank you very much and -- please, support. >> thank you. is there any other public comment? there is no more >> thank you. public comment is closed. do we have a motion. i know rich through work. and am happy to support this. upon >> i'm happy to make a motion to approve with recommendations. >> seconded. >> excellent. a vote. commissioner thomas. >> aye. >> commissioner perez. >> aye. >> president camino. >> aye >> vice president bleiman. >> aye. >> commissioner wong.
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>> aye. >> okay employing congratulations your permit has been approved. follow up with deputy director i did it. okay. for next steps. thank you. all right. what's next. everything is fine. okay. >> the next permit on the regular agenda llp for american bikes 478 green street. a bar and restaurant seek ability to host indoor entertainment during dinner service. i like to share we have experienced enforce. issues overnight last 4 years hosting unpermitted events now they are applying for the llp permit. to ensure their operations are
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the planning department granted approval pat row use and not within our purview to regulate the patio if they are not hosting outside entertainment or sound. the neighbor drafted an mou for the business includes agreements that are outside of our purview to regulate or enforce we leave this agreement with the parties and legal council. upon at the time the business had not agreed to the mou language. it was not executed. neighbors proposed permit condition the owner greed to and are included below. except remains a difference of opinion on the number of events per month that is end at 10 p.m. virs 8 perform. 10 p.m. is the cut off under llp in the zoning district. both agreed to the business hosting 10 events per month.
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the objects like 5 to end we 10 p.m. and the other 58 p.m. the neighbors asked for you by 10 and 6 by 8. the commission can decide the number of events. and the applicant can request to come become and have time placed in manner modified in a future date. no added ness and here to peek with you is mike, let me know if you have dwhes is aloch information. doing work in north beach for 35 years i'm with mike today and he will be available for questions can you have pertaining to
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prescriptions. i would like to re#a bit about what kate mentioned. when we applied for this we applied for indoor/out door permit. there was a push back from our immediate neighbors. and so i met with the principles and said. look, and you like to use the patio with music. let's take that off the table. that was a sacrifice on our part. okay. in addition, we felt, okay you know may be there might be concerns and this it is that how do we remedy this. there are mitigating things we have taken in place double pain windows a limit on the speakers. we had a sound test. the good news with this building the building does contain the sound well the way it is a weird
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warehouse. the out door patio is permitted for people to eat outside. or outside for fresh air and everything. and today you may hear from the niches this they like that restricted or you know taken off table but we would like to keep that in play. we want to use the patio. we feel what we can monitor it in a way that tell not cause impacts on neighbors. i think we have up in safe guards to do that. we may differ on opinions and this and that but the same time. i think we are at a, pretty close and may need your assistance for a condition or 2. i'm not interested in a private
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agreement. i think we have seen tonight we seen this enforcement that this commission has. is that they are serious about regulating sunld and monitoring complaints and everything. i don't think it it is necessary. when you have a marking or enforce am arm in place. the interests of pers to have it permitted because we want to permit to have music. and the same time you think the neighbor want it permitted they have access to enforce familiarity they have complaints and people to follow up on complaints. i think that we are close. and we be available for questions and hope lovely mediate in a bit. okay >> questions?
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questions? yea. are you presenting. no. i money that was here to see if you had questions. i have spoken to the neighbors to be attentive and we want to be good neighbors we don't want to a night club it is a restaurant and have the ability to have weddings and graduations when people want a dj or mall live performance. commissioners, questions or comments here? sir. could you stay. so you can respond. thank you. >> commissioner perez. >> thank you. a quick question who will be responsible for answering
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neighbor and terrible neighbor complaints. >> that will be me. my personal number e mail, address. on the out reach letter. i would like to hear public dmoent hear concerns and ask for other clarifying questions after. >> sounds good. >> go ahead and have a seat and we will call you back. is there public comment on this item?
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can tell by the figure that you got. you can tell tht site of american bites is unique an island surrounded by the dense packed house nothing north beach will live nothing 80 units. the restaurant occupied by american bites a restaurant for more than 70 years the attentive has a history of noise and complaints. this behavior the neighbor fear will continue. should the commission approve this we recommend this you consider adding conditions to protect the neighbors long the lines what you see in the first
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page. we urge you to add a continue restaurant space only with the exterior doors including to the out door patio closed. we ask number 2 that entertainment should be a limited to 10 times per month at 5 p.m. and ending at 10 p.m. and the other half by 8 p.m. restaurant venue comply with the commission good neighbor policy. with the policy, the restaurant and entertainment venue fully soupd proofed.
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and including a clear staff point [inaudible] and phone number to the neighbors. permit reviewed after 3 months and extended 6 if you find that appropriate. to verify compliance with the conscience and the noise levels are don't a minimum. i hope you will add these to the permit in the hopes that formality of the permit will provide certainty. thank you. is there another commenter?
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i'm ian i live in north beach under the property for 20 years. i want to thank you for your time and the commission and the deputy commissioners for their time they worked with us on this. and i participated and contributed to the steps. but i got serious occurrence here. the building is in the sound. i can hear it. and the cascading noise on the deck.
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and well is occurrence here. the impact of approveing you will disturb the enjoy am north of 200 people. in f this property was different and facing the street i would support it it is facing a deck. many neighbor are elderly immigrants that don't speak english sending letters of notification i'm sure they have not read it. they are not here and don't have a voice. so, i want us to realize when we look at this music permit we are not talking about one person. we are talking north of 200 people on the deck. this has been a restaurant. white table cloth. a good function. it has been this a good use of the property. they want to use this as a night
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cluck not a restaurant. if you bring 200 people and say we are not responsible for the deck, 50 people come out and make noise if t easy to say it did not cause this noise there are 200 people on the property. >> if than i have to approve than i like to revisit this in 30 days. i have deep concerns this this is the wrong use for the property. >> there you go.
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going on and what was in their purview and not. i thought as a result that you know it was clear what would be under the proposal and the neighbor agreement there is a good neighbor policy and -- you know we were meeting with -- mike on a zoom meeting week and he was speaking to wanting things to be different than the way they were before and -- you know i think all of us want to presume good and will resolve issues and move forward. my concern here is specific low they are speak to the fact this they have the right to use this patio that is the issue for planning d. i think the neighbors are between a rock and hard place. because if than i are fully alued by the planning department
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it use the -- patio space until 10 p.m. with toed and drink and they get a music permit. what happens is this restaurant is in the using in i way it has been a restaurant for 70 years and talked about the landmark issues the former spaghetti factory. this you know nobody moves to san francisco to live like a quiet live their november country we expect to hear noise in north beach and well is a charm to it and have it at your feet. this location has been a restaurant and i went this week to visit and have a drink and check out the space to see and it is a nice space. patio is life low i see yu want to sit out and have a beer and food. when you use a pace like this, to have the learning are
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everyones where like people are celebrating like a party. or a wedding. and they have a dj and dancing i think it is hard to control the sound this come from know event like this even though they are staying with the conditions. that they would be inside. they want to be able to use the patio and go out and when is opens and people are trying to speak over. it it is loud. and loud. it is in the how the space has been uses. live music and sound. that's my concern. >> thank you >> thank you. >> okay. >> another public commenter? okay. thank you. public ment is now closed. resume our discussion.
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and questions for the applicant? you can return to the podium, pleas. the set of permit conscience recommended by dwellers. all of them are already a part of our permit conscience. such as the good neighbor policy this is a standard condition the holders need to live up to which it is no need to also put it in something. additional i guess my question was of the permit continues recommend by the telegraph hill dwellers. aside from the issue about how many events go until 10 versus 8. are there any here that you have
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challenges with or difficult. for to you meet. >> the only point of this agreement is -- you want to be able to use the patio if there is music. agreed to keep the doors closed and curtains down and have the limits on the sound. and additional low i gave my guarantees mow and my team will police the patio if somebody is rowd and he people are loud you have signage stating that we have neighbors and police mindsful and respect and will keep it quiet. these are things we want to do and will do. only thing is -- for example fihave the wedding there. and member wants to get fresh air we cannot go outside. cannot be inside in the wedding that ties our hands as far as operating the.
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understand sometimes people are loud we want to start that. right in front of the patio there is commercial space empty so my thought was nobody at around the sound was up through and so found out later and trying to address it. why got it. why sewned eversoupds like it looks like deputy director would like to we in on it. but my understanding is our ability to influence things and at the doors and that as with all of our permitted venues and requirements keeping doors and windows closed. this would in the be different from what we require general low. >> this is -- the telegraph hill
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dweller asked condition state this is the patio would be closed for all use. which we cannot impose. that is different. and i typeset clarify that the continue 2 the telegraph hill dwellers three in manage in the discussed the sgrament begin at 5 >> thank you. >> a restriction. >> thank you. >> thank you. the door to the patio is this near like where the dj is where you have music. >> dj is inside. patio is the further away from the dj. it is in the heart of the restaurant.
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is a as staff underscored, some of the things being asked for here outside of our purview. so i think you've in my opinion, you've more than come a long half way on on these compromises. and i'm ready to move move on this on this permit, if public comment has complete covid yeah, that's great. why don't you guys have a seat? thank you. it sounds like we're ready to entertain a motion on. would you like to start? sure, i would like to move to approve this permit with
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staff recommendations and the applicant requested indoor entertainment at parameters ten times per month, with five ending by 8 p.m. and five ending by 10 p.m. second. okay can we have a vote, please? commissioner thomas. hi, commissioner peres. hi, president camino vice president bliman. hi, commissioner wong. i okay. thank you. your permit has been conditionally granted. please follow up with deputy director azevedo. thank you. okay and then we have two more to go. so, deputy director. go ahead. great. the next application is for an pass permit for 165. a cafe style restaurant located at 165 o'farrell street. the business is seeking the ability to host outdoor amplified sound daily from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. tuesday
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through saturday, and 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. sundays and mondays for their patrons and to drive in foot traffic. 165 does not have any residential neighbors, but they did conduct outreach by sharing a letter with their commercial neighbors. there was no opposition for this permit in central station, did not have any added conditions here to speak with you, virtually on zoom tonight is manager jr tyler . tyler, i'm promoting you to a panelist. if you'd please share your screen. okay. just confirming. you can see the screen we can see it. and awesome. perfect thank you. yeah, no worries. all right. hi my name is tyler erps. i'm the it manager for alexander steakhouse. and i'm going to quickly just introduce you to one of our businesses one 6165,
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which is on 165 o'farrell street . it's a six story restaurant containing four different dining concepts, as you can see here. and i'll just show you some photos. this is our first floor. we have the patisserie and boutique and we sell coffee, tea and a lot of treats as you can see here. and then our third floor, we have a bistro and we sell a lot of really good food. elevated bistro food. it's just a great experience. and then on our fourth floor, we have the elements, bar and lounge. as you can see, some of our drinks here . and then on our fifth floor, we have our our fine dining concept, which actually has a
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michelin star currently headed by our amazing chef, claude liturgique. and here's some of the food just to show you. all right. so moving on from that, how will we use the permit? we plan on using this outside the first floor, primarily for business use our patisserie just to drive in traffic. but anyways , uh, it's going to be prerecorded french style music. we're going to install two ceiling speakers above the front door. and the purpose for it is to provide an ambiance for guests using outdoor seating and to also drive foot traffic into the business. and you can see here the outside of the business and where we want to install the speakers. and then lastly, regarding outreach, i had the
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director of operations for that business hand out letters individually to each business, just explaining what it's for. and if the owner wasn't there to hand that over to them. you can see here, luckily our business is kind of surrounded by business as there's no residential and yeah, that's about it. okay thank you. yep thank you. okay do we have any questions for our permit applicant. okay. no, it looks like we're good. okay, let's open this up to public comment at okay. there's none in the room. there's no public comment. there's none online. okay. public comment is closed. do we
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have a motion motion to approve? seconded awesome. can we have a vote, please? commissioner thomas. hi commissioner perez. i president camino i commissioner bliman. i commissioner wong. hi okay. congratulations your permit has been granted. please follow up with deputy director azavedo because she will help you and that's it. so we have one more permit applicant. right that's right. the final permit on our regular agenda tonight is for a jam to band transition to an f pass permit for los resort located at 2736 20th street. last resort has held a jam permit for outdoor amplified sound from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. on their private patio since february 2021. under this pass permit application, they'd like to continue hosting amplified sound monday through friday 4 to 10 and increase the hours on saturday and sunday from 12 p.m.
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to 10 p.m. the reason they are on the regular agenda tonight is because after the applicant conducted their neighborhood outreach, we received six letters of support along with nine letters of opposition. the main reason for the neighbors concern about this permit application is patron noise they feel is associated to the amplified music, which they claim gets turned up throughout the night. however, the owners confirm that the volume of their music stays the same from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. the owners have been in direct contact with the neighbors opposing their permit and as a solution to their concerns, staff have scheduled a sound test to quantify a sound limit for their volume of the speakers. i've clarified to both parties that since we do not regulate patron noise, senior inspectors of reno will set a dba dbc sound limit and then translate that to the volume control on los resorts. sound system, meaning we won't be taking a sound reading using our sound meter when the bar is in operation because the patron noise will skew the reading instead. when conducting a compliance check, we look to the volume knob on the sound system
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and ensure it's not exceeding the designate maximum volume mission station did not have any added conditions for this permit. and here to speak with you tonight are owners brad and nate. good evening, commissioners. good evening. commission staff. my name is nate valentine, my business partner, brad. we are the owners of los resort at 2736 20th street. we are here to discuss our outdoor patio as described, we have an indoor space. we have an outdoor space. we have ambient music. it's not a music that is like turned up for a nightclub or a bar. like loud bar environment. it's an an aspect of our business. we have a full service restaurant, you can see our menu online if you'd like. we're proud of what we serve from a food perspective. it's what got us through a pandemic by having food. and that's what it's kind of what we open during the pandemic so
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establishes as a restaurant. and we've kind of stayed that way within the neighborhood we're in , we are looking to we understand that there is neighborhood concern. and this is something we've we've spoken with neighbors about in the past , but we initially had an open outdoor patio. we have since added a covered portion of the patio, which we leave on your year round to help mitigate any noise, leaving the patio. we've also added we have an open gate fence, we've added a plexiglass to that fence. there's also a section of the above the garage that's there that we've added plexiglass there to help kind of keep sound inside the patio. our goal is to be good neighbors. our goal is to continue to work with the neighborhood. deputy director acevedo put us in touch with some of the individuals that wrote letters us, and that's how we came to with the idea of putting noise limiter on our speakers outside. we've actually i've said to them in an email that if it doesn't work
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and it's still concerns, we'll continue to work with them to figure out things we can do. we're not going to necessarily be in a position where we can be perfect in terms of what they might want to hear in a neighborhood with voices and things at night. we will always do our best. brad, myself, and the team we do immediately shut down the patio not only from a noise perspective, but we actually close the patio on our own accord. 10 p.m. weekdays and 11:00 friday and saturday and bring everybody inside. we always shut the music down at 10 p.m. and we are very, very, very cognizant of it because it's something that we've had conversations with our neighbors about in the past. we've always been very respectful to make sure we keep the meds. got a set level and don't turn it up. so for us to add that to as a condition, it's not a concern because we already do it. and we'd be happy to continue to do it. we'll happy to answer any questions or have additional comments. if anyone else had something that they want to talk about. thank you. thank you. um, commissioners, any questions for our guests? yeah, i'll just say i live not too far and i've been
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there a number of times and i really like the patio and i appreciate having a place in the neighborhood to go and have drinks outside. so um, i support this, but i like the stuffed french toast and the french menu. thank you. i want it now. thank you. dory, you need to eat dinner before these meetings. that's one thing we've learned. i know. i know. go ahead. commissioner perez. hello. thanks for coming in and. and what's your policy in addressing potential noise complaints for your neighbors? our policy is that we handle one by one. and if there is a concern, we immediately look to see if there's any noise. that's occurring and turn anything down. and the last two weeks i've walked the neighborhood like listening without the staff knowing that i was there to, like, determine if we are in a position where we're adding like music at a level that's uncomfortable or too loud. and every single time i didn't do your job, but like, i didn't have a sound reader, but i couldn't hear the music outside.
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i sit across the street where there is residences there. i didn't hear any music, so we are active already. but if people have a noise plates, we've given everyone our email address. we have a phone number on our website. if people call or do anything, we will immediately address it. okay, excellent. thank you. thank you. thank you. all right. any other comments? questions okay, you can have a seat. thank you. is there any public comment for this item? okay. public comment is closed. do we have a motion motion to approve? seconded can we have a vote, please? okay, commissioner thomas. hi, commissioner perez. hi, president camino. a vice president. lemon high commissioner wong. hi. okay. congratulations on your permit has been granted. please follow up with deputy director azevedo, who. okay all right. okay. the
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last item on our agenda is item number eight commissioner. comments, questions new business request for future agenda items. i would like to put a request in for future agenda item. can we or it doesn't have to be agendized. but i'd like to request that we create a working group or something to look at fees for smaller lps and lps just to see if there's anything we can do for like the smallest businesses, especially for outdoor amplified sound like a sliding scale? it is right now. all right. well, no, you like you want us to explore a sliding scale? yeah. or just look to see if there's something we could do. because. can you remind me how much an f pass is if you're not $792 to apply? yeah, and so i know there's some real small. although we did cut that in half for sure. yeah yeah. i would just like to look into it and see because there's some tiny places that only have a 30
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something capacity and they'd like to have a speaker in their parklet and you know, so it's not something we need to solve right now. but i just want to put it on our on our radar. it's kind of crazy that we charge them the same thing as yeah. chase center for having a speaker. we probably don't need a working group. we could just do a meeting. i don't care what kind of situation it's in. in fact, the fewer meetings and the more less working groups, the better for me. we'll bring it to our next exec call. perfect. perfect thanks. thank you, ben. um, that's very thoughtful and insightful, commissioner perez. yes? say, happy 20th anniversary to us. hopefully we'll be able to invite a lot of other former commissioners to join us. and i'm happy to help me. yes. please help. yeah. invite i don't know if i know all of them, but all my facebook friends. so i definitely invited our two founding members, terrence allen and audrey joseph. and i know terrence is coming. maybe audrey, which
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would be awesome. and then i heard steve and lee can't come. sadly so. yes. please help me invite folks. yeah tell all your friends. yeah, i'll be fine. uh, yeah. i'm not going to be able to be there. unfortunately, i have to go back east. and what my mom. i know, i know. so it's going to be like that. it's going to be like a shabbat dinner where we leave like a table or a chair for you. you should all have a cocktail for me sitting there. yes. have an old fashioned for me. yeah, we'll do okay. we will miss you. but we understand. okay, well, thank you to everybody who's been helping us with the promotion of this event. as a reminder, it is on monday, december 11th, at bourbon and branch, which is located on jones street. sounds about right . yeah. yeah. something. yeah it is. on jones starting at five five ish. 5:00. okay. all right. and it goes till officially 730.
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jot train that this dispatchers receive for street crisis team and our new program is to triage calls for mental health as a medical call. we don't tree it as a police matter more a medical matter enthusiasm clint iings, paramedics emt's and councilors are dispatched through 911. we dispatch teams trined identify the crisis. they sends an emt and medic. if you are upon experiencing an emergencior worry body machine's safety on the street call 911 >> nonemergencies use 311. you can learn more about the streetcomment unless otherwise d
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by the chair. a time limit of ten minutes of remote public comment on each action or discussion item has been set and notice for this meeting. please speak clearly and sure. you're in a quiet location and turn off any tvs or computers around you. we thank you for your cooperation. places you on item two. roll call. director hemminger here. mr. present director henderson here henderson. present director hinsey. present hinsey. present. director. so here. so present. director. kahina here. kahina present chair. ekin here. ekin present. for the record, i note that director hinsey is attending this meeting remotely. director hinsey is reminded that she must appear on camera throughout the meeting and in order to speak or vote on any items places you on item number three the ringing use of cell phones and similar sound producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. the chair may order the removal from the meeting room of any person responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone or other similar sound producing electronic device places you on item number four approval of minutes for the november
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