tv Mayors Press Availability SFGTV December 22, 2023 3:30pm-4:01pm PST
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the thing is to get more experience i like modern elders. >> one of the things i think i like about being a senior now is that i so we have worrisome a life of experiences and i thought about what those experiences mean not just experienced it took a lot about what any life is and find myself writing my memory jars but given all that i realize i have a lot to learn and to have an attitude of continually learn and not just sort of sitting back and saying i can get but for must new but having go curiosity to learn and the challenging assumes that you know, that i've
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you know, thought i knew that maybe i don't know but continuing to learn. >> significant thing. >> i was going to ask linda i'm curious were you always out going or talk to strangers before or is that something at an age i don't care what people think of me anymore (laughter). >> what's the benefits of getting older he grew up she i wouldn't talk to strangers and strangers or whatever but at some point i slipped by certainly i got in any 40s and now, whatever that i want to talk to last night - and you know, you know what that is why
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i guess part of the essence of life as you get older you're titled to that; right? and people like tony morrison and people you know, just who they are; right? and maybe that came with their age and being elder so i should mention people that are story tellers their life and connect with them and you know, i had those models. >> (multiple voices.) >> and when we approach as elders they sort of see us as harmless. >> right. right (laughter). >> that's true someone is sitting there and- >> (multiple voices). >> coming up to take. >> you're much more open to. >> my mother was like i said passed at 1 hundred and 4 but a curious person with her life and
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always said she may with living in north beach the first chinese person an open authoritative but because she was curious this was a really modeling for myself and i feel like elders we just have a we're able to approach 0 anyone and hey how are you? and they're open to take with us. >> i think for me my challenge and career forced me to be a more public person and away from work i became more quiet and
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less engaged. so this pierson of being in the room and doing what i needed to do and saying what i needed to do and after a speech people will come up and start talking to me and forced me to engagement and that work into my life i became more and more willing to talk to folks because they didn't know me. and when i was doing my that public health work and - but i a group of people sometimes large and maul groups of people i needed to engage with them. >> which i found myself doing from the pull petty had things to say to people and i learned
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how to be you know, a public person with whatever congregation i was working with but sometimes would hold back in the morning that kind of thing and it takes a lot of energy to be up front you know, and so but then once i would get through it reluctance to be engaged always wonderful conversations that people seem to joy. seems even any grandchildren bus that's pretty rare they enjoy my conversation (laughter). >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> okay. so i want to kind of do in rapid fire questions with short answers or kind of short comments shot out questions to
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you guarantees. okay. so one question is you guys regret not taking more photos or videos not having great memories documented. >> i have to sort of them out. >> i yep. >> i wish i had taken more of those days you know, and digitally preserved with film cameras. >> yeah. about you guys sleep less and do like what you try to use more time to do stuff. >> it takes more time. >> i sleep more. >> i take a nap every afternoon (laughter). >> yeah. >> huh? >> that's great. do you see the term seniors or he recalls
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negative or norm? >> i'm not crazy about the terms but, yeah yeah. >> i agree with that and i'm a modern early which the thing i'm embraced the term he recalls. >> and part of what i am. >> with that do you like to use your senior discount or ask for a senior discount. >> no way (laughter). >> absolutely and what age and what- >> (multiple voices). >> you know. >> (laughter.) >> that's right take my 10 percent. >> do you guys expect people to kind of give i more respect now you're older like how to listen but there's a seat there and they should get up or open the door for you things like
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that more respect. >> no, no. >> this is california. >> (laughter) that's a regional thing. >> i'm on the bus someone gets off their seat i'm offended. >> (laughter.) >> you know, i say no i don't need it (laughter). >> i'll take the seat- >> (multiple voices). >> thank them but. >> younger people but don't want them to offer it to me. >> i offer it to older people. >> and birthdays accompany do you have celebrations for each birthdays. >> i'm having two parties 0 would think in southern california and one here. >> (laughter.) >> 75 a landmark for me. >> (laughter.) >> i have a party every year sometimes in new york or mexico
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last year. >> i do every 35 years now they don't mean that much laughter. >> that's a party. >> i mean do you think that acknowledging this is good or bad hindrance or - >> i think a hybrid is good people connect through the pandemic and items if we if have you know, zoom and face time and things of that nature we feel isolated but i can call or face times someone across the world and say hello. >> you know, and it is not a big deal i can do it earlier i agree with three it's good i mean, i guess i get confused my
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13-year-old granddaughter no, but that's a good tool. >> my mom had church at one hundred and 4 without leaving the house so attend church on sundays that is really good for her. >> silicon valley and apple and google? addicting it is a downside but putting that it brings us together but is distracts for the notifications but a i see scary i'm trying to stay ahead of that. >> the last one do you think about like your health everyday like the meals you eat? i don't know the way you move about you know, your day is that like every single kind of step you think about it or month when
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something happens you'll figure it out. >> i pile there if i don't continue moving i won't you know, i'll stop moving. i think that to me heavily into ti which he and i feel it is need to do that and keep on moving otherwise i'll stop. >> i have two hip replacements one on each side and as soon as as i get back to running that is important but friends in my age group we do 5 minutes and after that (laughter). >> we have to do something else. >> i'm aware i'm moving more slowly. i don't have as much flexibility as i used to have so i'm trying to - i'm aware of
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that and trying to move more deliberately. and then also around eating my wildlife's are deliberate how we eat and thinking much more carefully about the nutrition and we pay attention to that. >> the one thing about the. >> well, do nuts (laughter). >> and i'm kind of everything hurts but- >> (multiple voices). >> i community-based what that didn't hurt yesterday why is it hurting today? as we're dancing or whatever it didn't hurt but once you stop yeah. >> so another topic i want to talk about for me and my culture i know you'll take care of my mom and i am right now but wondering for you who have kids
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when you were i guess getting up to the retirement or now are you hoping to expect you're kids will take care of you when our older or a hindrance for them to take care of you and trying to figure out a way they won't have that not a problem but a task in our lives how do you feel about that and i don't want my son to take care of me i expect to provide for my niece i don't want to sadly him with that and want to be able to dance at his we can do better or we're adjourned and if he gets a academy awards he'll help. >> i work with kids in my life and my wife and i have talked
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about we know we want them in our lives but set up our lives financially we hope we don't need them we'll be able to take care of ourselves and live on our own and t though, come and visit us sour grandkids. >> i feel the same way but 76 years with my enemy which was an incredible experience. and again, i said at one hundred she was still. >> at one hundred and three (unintelligible). >> (laughter.) >> but she taught up us to be independent but i knew culturally was a gift to take care of her and i want to have my daughter have the independence and trying to set it up we don't have to be.
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>> you never know you can't plan for that. >> i have 4 kids that live in various parts of the country we talk about buying an r v and spending time at each kids highway in the driveway and they say dad that joke is getting really tired laughter we don't want to move where our kids are to be close to them they can come and see us, we spend our times with friends and have our kids and grandkids in our lives but not relying on that in that sense. >> so uk i guess i want to ask this as well as far as a topic of like come to your mind like
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revisit you because of friends or oat family are passed away is that on your mind kind of often or not oven at all? >> every funeral at everyone i learned so much from that legacy i love to hear the stories and talking about the person and celebrated so that's how i processed that i don't think about my own debate but celebrate people what though attributed to the world and i get good are death. >> i think about my own death celebration my mom we celebrated her life and have several friends on the verge of transitioning but they have
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taught me that in life i live life until you transition you're not dying i have a celebration you know, we have drag shows and have parties and have like celebrations drumming and i think that is you know, celebrating our lives and before we transition. >> i have to say had i contemplated the idea of retiring one little calculations how many years to do those other things. and retirement will food me so i have been thinking more about when will i die? but yo-yo want to spend the rest of my life getting ready to die but being engaged in the living and
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new experiences and will not jump out of open airport or par shutting but i want to living is the significant thing and not just the design. >> i like it reflection my work in hiv and aids spent a lot of time talking about the little things as as opposed to dying i'm ready and continue to be living apartment the quality but not dying but living. >> and we're really, really principles at it table we have a financial resources in education and language and the situation but we can do what we want to do. so many he recalls and seniors you know, that don't have that. and that's where we focus a lot of our attention
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others can make the choices we make because they're not in our situation. and people's lives maybe be fairly stable the medical thing hits and it's devastating my friend will have to spend his life in a facility and- >> (multiple voices). >> but its costing them thousands of dollars a month and it is financial butcher is serious. so our healthcare system can an fixed up a little bit better (laughter) and i agree. >> (laughter.) >> i want to quickly mention a tv show about this man that studied whether that is a high concentration of people living around the older so found 5 places and i only got through
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two episodes and italy and loma linda and what are the rituals and how are they doing that caused that and coming up with i highly recommend watching it is spirlg i learned about things i can shift with my mind set things. >> we saw last night too. i don't know what podium it is on but result is facilitating and oc no was over one hundred. >> music was incredibly important part of her life and continues to play and think and keeps you going.
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>> and people were walking up steps; right? >> (multiple voices) (laughter). >> walking up and down north beach everyday, everyday. >> wow. >> and linda was talking about the legacy leaving it and other milestones that your trying to community church or i feel like for me when i say and talk to my friends and imperative or enemy whatever any milestones you're trying to achieve in the next 10 years. >> a bunch of criticize i want to go to and the big thing to do my memoirs and got to get my memoirs and my friend says to write my memoirs. >> there's a lot of places we want to visit and have friends
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in various places of worlds and saw them once 20 year ago and want to see them again but the thing i found the writing was important part of legacy thing i start writing down my life. my working title my life but also realized used to have is experiences need to get back to the history of things going on and in chicago in 1968 and what things were happening and recommending it and - but part of it say, i want to pass it on leave a legacy for my grand children and great grandchildren that is the life i lived and don't want to leave it but that's what happened (laughter). >> for me, i have a bucket list of travel and absolutely
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want to go to africa i want to go to africa and go to ghana through the don't ever no return it is important for spiral kind of way to know that my ancestors went through that door and literally turned i wanted to go through the door of no return. and who made it and we survive. >> i guess mine is simpler i want to see the northern light and want a grandchild that is far away i'm already seven 7 my daughter has no interest at all that but i'm interested in my grandkids i was 50 before had we
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adopted our daughter from an older parent and we have friends with grandchildren and great grandchildren at the end of the day, if if i go to bed happy and consent and have a connection with friends and family and joy know i've done the best i could that's my milestone. >> jimmy you mentioned wanting to go to guatemalan in a - i came back in 2020 and 6 weeks later we were in lock down and thank god i went to guatemalan in a and discovered so many
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things the feeling of seeing people that look like me and have been to beautify music and clothing and just the sense of purpose and close to your here's and americans are a exodus livestock their best lives beating cancer and, you know, having a baby and up and running 7-year-old you know, that's the baby but anyway, that i couldn't do but (laughter) i'm saying reconnecting was amazing i hope to make that trip to georgia in a soon. >> and lastly for someone i'm in any 40s and is there anything you share to me as advise for my next how many years what i
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should? any advise for me, i'm sure i can apply it to people younger than me. >> be curious be curious about new things and being willing to embrace new ideas. i find that is really is invigorating and keep drumming. >> (laughter.) >> yeah. >> (laughter.) >> i agree with that stay curious and like keep on swimming swimming in neuro month. >> thank you. >> if you think that is possible go for that go for that and whenever you go and whatever
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you achieve will be yours. >> continue don't be afraid to make a major change in our life i decided to become a presbyterian minister at the age of 50 and wonderful 20 plus years and best things i ever did and put aside what i did before that but i think willing to do thing embrace new things at whatever age is a good thing. >> and the last thing to know who you are and who you are all the time and people from a young age trying to figure out who am i and the sense you are and that; right? and if you want
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everyone around you to be you. that's where all the joys is. >> engagement is critical energy and family whatever be games spiritual and even with grujz we think we'll get over them (laughter.) >> sometimes you have to let things go a family member in work anymore let it go and say. okay. >> that's the way what it is. >> thank you so much for coming today and i feel like learning and hearing your stories your life stories is encouraging and people say that it has more meaning what they've done it themselves and what they've done
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