tv Fire Commission SFGTV February 21, 2024 8:05am-10:01am PST
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thank sfgovtv for broadcasting. >> please make sure to silence cell phones and electronic devices not interrupt proceedings. should you are documents included as part of the file they should be submitted to myself. public comment will be taken on each item. please line up to speak on the west side of the chamber along the curtains. not necessarily to provide public comment we invite you to fill out a comment card and leave on the tray by the television chair if you wish to be recorded for the minutes. you may submit public comment in writing to budget finance committee clerk at if you submit public comment via e-mail it will be forwarded to the supervisors and included as part of the official file.
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you may send written comments u.s. postal service to city hall, 1 dr. carlton b goodlett place, room 244, san francisco california 94102. due to the president day holiday items acted upon today are expected to appear on the board of supervisor agenda of february 27. >> thank you mr. clerk. i like to remind everyone, for those items that have budget legislative analyst report, department presentation, bla report, questions and public comment. mr. clerk, please call item 1. >> item 1, ordinance de-appropriating $3,500,000 from general city responsibility (gen) and re-appropriating $500,000 to the municipal transportation agency (mta) to support free two-hour parking in the portsmouth square garages, ambassador services and transit
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fares for the lunar new year parade in february 2024, and $3,000,000 to the office of economic and workforce development (ecn) to support a relief fund for soma area business and organizations from direct apec impacts and for a small business transit impact relief fund in the fy 2023-2024. >> thank you mr. clerk. this is an item that actually continue from last week due the increase of dollar amount from previous $2.25 million to $3.5 million. >> thank you so much chair chan. i want to again thank you and everyone on the team for your work on this over the last few months. with this being the second meeting where this item is discused i don't think i have much to add that hasn't been
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said, but that never stopped me before so if you indulge me. i'm kidding there is a positive aspect not mentioned that i did feel i wanted to express and that was the preand post apec outreach strengthened the relationship between office of economic workforce development and office of small business. i gave a general thank you thin last meeting but i have heard from a lot of businesses and residents how much they appreciate the city has these officers and how helpful thaes have been, so this has been a xirz that is worthwhile and i think will pay dividends for years to come so thank you. of course, my thanks to everybody on this committee and with that i appreciate the opportunity to be here. >> thank you. supervisor engardio. >> thank you.
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we heard last week a number of taraval merchants came to public comment and described the years of disruption they face and at the mercy of sfmta to finish the muni track replacement as promised by the end of the year and some businesses reported a lot of up to 70 percent of sales so it would be a travesty if we got new train tracks and there were no businesses for people to visit so why i work would the budget chair and with our director of the office of small business to request $1 million of left over apec fund toward helping the businesses suffering on taraval. as i said last week, it is worth repeating every week and every day, we are one city, so we can help businesses who suffered last fall and those who continue to suffer today. we must come together help a major part of our city, which is taraval and spending a portion of the apec funds to
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help taraval. it is about saving businesses and tax base and it benefits the city as a whole. >> thank you and yust appreciate both for your leadership here as well as supervisor melgar who also represents part of the taraval street merchants and together i think this body has really worked together to support the merchants, but i know just begun to make sure that these support and relief are distributed timely and also equitably so a lot of work ahead of us and i also look forward to having a ongoing budget conversation with city departments how to create a fund now that we have these type oof fund going and are these type of relief program with that model for many other relief to come, so thank you and with that, let's go to public comment on this item. >> we invite memberoffs the public who wish to speak on
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item 1, now is your opportunity to line up to speak along the windows to your right and if you approach the lectern you will be given two minutes to speak. >> thank you for having us today. scott, executive director for yerba buena community district and thank you to the supervisors and leadership through this process and advocacy for community and all the support that went through that. also, i want to echo supervisor dorsey's comments about office economic worse force development and office of small business. that relationship that expanded through this process has been game-changing for our community and so kudos to [indiscernible] and katie and her team. we are proud where this can go and how we can continue to develop relationships for our community and make our small businesses and cultural oregs so strong so thank you all,
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appreciate your support. >> thank you much for your comments. next speaker, please. >> happy valentine's day supervisors. first off, my name is desy from cultivate labs doing work in soma. we really appreciate the love you are showing to the small businesses and cultural organizations in south of market, apec was a trying time for a lot of these organizations and the one thing i like to say is that, who ever chosen to administer these funds should try to charge the least amount of administration fee. sometimes when granting is done, 10 to 20 percent is set aside for administration and a pot of money like this, that could equal support for at least 20 different businesses and organizations so thank you. >> thank you much for your comments. and last call for public comment. madam chair, we completed the queue.
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>> public comment is now closed and colleagues, i like to move the item to full board with recommendation and a roll call, please. >> on that motion to forward the ordinance to full board with positive recommendation, mandelman, aye. melgar, aye. chan, aye. we have 3 ayes. >> thank you the motion passes. mr. clerk, please call items 2 and 3 together. >> item 2 and 3. item 2, resolution authorizing the mayor's office of housing and community development to expend soma community stabilization fund dollars in the amount of $200,000 to address various impacts of destabilization on residents and businesses in soma for a term to commence effective upon approval of this resolution through june 30, 2026. item 3,
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resolution approving and authorizing 1) the execution of a first amendment to the amended and restated loan agreement with octavia rsu associates, l.p., a california limited partnership, to increase the loan amount by up to $8,559,766 for a new total loan amount not to exceed $35,306,233 to finance additional costs related to a 100% affordable, 63-unit multifamily rental housing development affordable to low-income households, including 32 units for transitional age youth who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness, and including up to 3,200 square feet of commercial space located at 78 haight street (“project”); and 2) the mayor and the director of mayor's office of housing and community development, to execute documents, make certain modifications and take certain actions in furtherance of this resolution, as defined herein. madam chair. >> thank you mr. clerk. colleagues, both items from the mayor's office of housing community development item 3 does have the bla report, so i will turn the floor over to the mayor's office of housing community development and go ahead and start with your presentation.
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>> thank you. good morning supervisors. i'm grace lee, cultural district and soma fund manager with mayor office of housing community development here to present the expend resolution found in your board packet authorize said to give a grant of $200 thousand from the community benefit agreement to the san francisco study center fiscal sponsor of bill sorrow housing program known as bishop. increase coordination with other community partners to protect tenants in existing housing units and preserve existing housing by exploring residential acquisition and rehab options. these strategies align with priorities identified by the board approve soma pilipinas cultural district strategic plan. mohcd received $500 thousand from the benefit agreement specifically intended to support the work of the soma
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pilipinas cultural district. our department issued a initial rfp for $600 thousand of funds last year and expenditures were approved by this board july of 2023. we then issued a rfp for the remaining $200 thousand in august 2023. we received one proposal from bishop we determined to be responsive to the rfp and here to ask for approval to expend the remaining funds from the community benefit agreement to this project. happy to answer any questions you may have. >> supervisor melgar. >> thank you so much chair chan. so, i am interested in 78 haight. you are redoing the loan agreement. there is a history behind this. >> [indiscernible] director of policy. these are two separate items.
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>> but they called them together. >> yes. do we want-we can do the presentation for 78 haight. >> i'm sorry. >> we'll move on to the 78 haight presentation. >> are we taking public comment separately? >> we are going to take public comment together. >> that's what i thought. >> thank you. i have been dispensing the stable phraigz fund for quite some time. i think the last time-we appreciate that. we don't have any questions on that, so let's go to 78 haight presentation and then have the bla report and go into details of question. >> good morning chair chan and supervisors melgar and mandelman. my name is ann here to present on item 3 relate d to the
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increase permanent loan for 78 haight street. the purpose of this resolution is request approval of first amendment loan agreement to increase the city financing by up to $8.5 million for total loan not to exceed 35 million 306 thousand 233 dollars. 78 haight street is a 63 unit affordable housing development constructed on a small infill city owned site on haight and octavia streets. it is one of the last central freeway parcels to be developed as affordable housing. the parcel has been long envisioned to be supportive housing for tay 18-24 and support service will be provided by larkin street youth service. the remaining 31 units are studios for adult households. the project was intended to include separate child care
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fronting octavia street which is no longer feasible and will be repurposed for a few additional units and smaller commercial space. the project history is that tndc selected to be the developer. the project then received 9 percent tax credit allocation under special needs set aside in 2021. the project closed on construction finance april 2022 including a long-term city ground lease and $26.7 million gap loan. soon, the project was halted due to unforeseen conditions at the adjacent property, mount trinity baptist church at risk of collapse if construction proceeds. in 2023 after outreach and multiple meetings able to reach a agreement to work on a plan to stabilize the property.
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in january 2024 the city affordable housing loan committee approved the request for increase loan to support the restart of the housing project. this slide shows the increase in project cost which is substantial due to the cost of stabilize the neighboring property, construction cost escalation over the last 2 years remobilization costs, current high interest rates for the construction loan and increase in associated soft cost. in addition projected operating cost have gain up. the $10.5 million additional cost is proposed to be funded by increase loan of up to $8.5 million and tndc contributing. tndc is applying for funding and subsidies to reduce the
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city gap loan. the project is urgent it restart in march so it can meet the tax credit deadline where it needs to be completed by the end of 2025. this slide depicts the permanent financing, so includes the loan amendment increase of $8.5 million. with approval from the board of supervisors for this increase loan the project would remobilize construction in march and be complete september 2025. mohcd fully supports this request and happy to answer any questions. we also have representatives from tndc and mount trinity baptist church. thank you. >> thank you. >> good morning. nick monard from budget legislative analyst office. item 3 is resolution that approves a change to the loan agreement between the mayor office of housing and octavia
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associates which is tndc. the loan is increasing by 8 and a half million dollars, which is funded by a combination of housing trust fund money and general obligation bonds proceeds. we detail the use of the loan on page 8 of the report where you see the project cost increased by 10 and a half million dollars due to construction on the neighboring church to make it resilient and bring up to building code standard to redesign the project in light of the child care center no longer feasible, and other escalations and cost due to the delay in getting construction started. the total 10 and a half million dollar is funded by combination of this loan that is before you today as well as $1.1 million developer equity that is taken out of the fee to tndc for this project. i think that is a appropriate
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sharing of risk given some of the delays in getting this construction started and the associated cost increases for this project are the developer responsibility, so i do think that makes sense. as noted, this loan requires tndc to apply for other funding to help offset this increase in city funding for this project. if they-the loan specifies certain federal sources they need to apply for including continuum of care funding which cannot be used to offset to restore the developer fee but also have to apply for project based vouchers and veteran vouchers which could potentially be used to restore all or portion of the developer fee that is up to the department to decide. again, we do recommend approval of item 3. >> thank you. supervisor melgar. >> thank you chair chan.
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thank you mr. monard. so, this project and the population it serves is very much needed. it is a very under-served population, but really very little about the loan amendment makes me feel good. the fact that it is so expensive that we are putting in more money for damages to the next door structure, but what particularly bothers me the most is that we are now saying the childcare, which was such a integral part of this project is no longer feasible, so i like to understand why it isn't feasible when we have millions of dollars rolled over from baby prop c for this use and i know that for transitional age youth parents the rates of child abuse and neglect are higher then anyone else's so child care and services for this population is
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like really really important for their success. i want to know what options were explored, why it is no longer feasible and who made that decision? >> thank you. good question. sheila director mohcd. child care spaces by state licensing are required to have a certain amount of outdoor space available generally on site. a few years ago the city was able to negotiate with the state so licenseic grant the ability to provide outdoor space off-site but it has within walking distance of the primary facility and meet safety and visibility requirements. with this particular site location, we had originally thought would make that state licensing requirement and they would be able to walk the kids to a nearby park. >> which park? >> [indiscernible]
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>> huh? >> [indiscernible] >> coshland park, so not patricia green but up the hill a few blocks and further discussion with state licensing it was too far to meet the requirements. >> what about the mini park? did that- >> the patricia? >> no, the mini-park between on laguna. that is one question. the second is what about the roof? >> they would have to design separate egress for kids if they were to use any nob [indiscernible] which reduce the amount of space in the building because you have to have two stairwells. a separate stairwell specifically for kids to use. >> was that considered or just
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we designing with it was too expensive? it rights off different money, money specifically for childcare, right? >> [indiscernible] my understanding is that we were going to work with [indiscernible] child care services for the child care center. they were going to provide the child care services there. i can assure you we looked at all the different parks in the neighborhood to see if any of them would be able to meet the environments of the state licensing requirements. the issue was i think there were two issues and speaking off the top of my head. one issue was they did not want to cross a major street with kids, because this is supposed to be for younger kids. the child care center. so, the park which was within distance was actually like across like a heavy traffic street so that was one issue, and the other issue, the park
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close by, i think the park you mentioned does not have the play structures the state licensing requirements require for the park to meet the licensing requirements, so i think because of that neither of the parks which were within the radius we needed would qualify to meet the state licensing requirement. >> that explanation makes me feel worse because if one provider didn't want to be crossing the street i wonder if a different provider who specializing in this population would be willing to do that in order to serve them? what about the roof i ask again, because i think if it were any other affordable housing i would say okay, that's--it makes it more expensive or whatever, but this particular population needs this service. like more then anyone else. and we have millions of dollars
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of baby prop c rolled over. i don't see anyone here from the department of early childhood. were they consulted? do you work with them? what happened there? >> hi, there. [indiscernible] mohcd. the street issue is a licensing requirement. regardless how traffic flow is, no licensed provider is able to cross the street. >> patricia green to far? >> it is too far and the other doesn't have the structures. in regards to the consideration about the roof, the project is designed to have one stairwell to change and put two stairwells would be significant redesign and cost more money. the alternative is look at fcc, family child care center on site like one unit that have licensing up to 8 children that can help provide support for this.
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we can certainly look at that. we haven't been able to because there is no actual outdoor space and to your point, we can't use the roof because of egress requirements, so it is very much limited but we can look at that. we have been in discussion with [indiscernible] is also agrees this wasn't a perfect site. we were trying to fit a square in a circle and make it work for the population, but it is very very difficult based on the licensing requirements. >> yes. it seems like we should have known that before we started designing the building. if this is the population that we were going to serve. again, it-nothing about this makes me feel good or have confidence that this is going to be a successful project given the cost over-runs and damages, the fact we designed and promised something to the community that turns out isn't feasible and we should have known that from the get-go. thank you for the explanation. >> what is the state requirement for walking
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distance? for child care facility. >> i don't know off the top of my head. >> that's a problem. >> we can find it too. i- >> you should know though, right? >> hear me out, the reason why i said that is because patricia green is 0.2 miles away, it is 5 minute walk. i understand that there is the crossing of the issue. patricia green i think meets the requirement and let me tell you why. because, in chinatown where there is [indiscernible] to meet the child care facility requirement as well. those are the questions i have. trying to understand. to understand the requirement. the walking distance is fairly
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similar and in fact i work on that specifically making sure that when there was a vendor moving into [indiscernible] was going to cause children service in chinatown losing their license as well because of the state requirement, so i do understand that. it is a very critical element to it, but i think it seems like--let's hear about why isn't patricia green a option specifically? both in distance and other requirements. >> patricia green doesn't meet safety requirements because it is open to the street so the street wants to see for this young age a fenced in space. >> i believe all child playground are fenced in in the city of san francisco. >> patricia green has that open- >> sure. but the child playground is fenced in. >> the playground has the large climbing structure which isn't
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age appropriate for the young kids. i can follow up with lif and office of early care and education and outline some of the specific state requirements around this. >> sounds good. thank you. i don't see other questions on the roster or name on it roster so go to public comment. >> members of the public who joined who wish to speak on items 2 or 3, now is your opportunity to address the committee. step up to the lectern, i'll start your time. >> good morning. chris comings director of housing development for tenderloin neighborhood development here to speak in support of mohcd for funding to help the 78 haight project and fund permanent repairs to the neighboring mount trinity baptist church which is a important community asset to the neighborhood. the project was delayed given structural conditions at the neighboring mount trinity
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baptist church and we worked tirelessly and took a very long time to collaborate with the church members to come up with a optimal solution that worked for the city, for tndc and mount trinity baptist congregation. the funding will help support the circumstances of the delay caused by the structural challenge and also of course fund permanent repairs at the church. tndc does understand the city has limited funding for projects like this and we are working hard to identify other non public resources to help capitalize this project. as a example we are talking to the wineburg foundation about bringing potentially upwards of $2 million it to help offset the capital cost and the permanent structure repair tuesday the baptist church. we really are committed to delivering this project. we will look back at the child care requirement and the requirement around potentially operating a family child care center, which tndc does do at
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other properties and we urge you to support the funding request for 78 haight and mount trinity baptist church. thank you. >> thank you. any other members of the public who wish to address the committee? madam chair, that completes the queue. >> thank you. seeing no more public comment, public comment is now closed. before i call on you supervisor melgar, i think from the public comment reminded we i have a questions about the church. i am interested to understand, when we are providing and supporting the church for necessary repairs and share cost, which how long is that going to take for us to complete the repair? >> we expect the construction repairs on the church will be completed june of this year so
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about 6 months. >> wonderful. is there a possibility given the fact there is the ab 2011 and some other legislation coming from the state that really allows the city and really allowing the city and churches to work together to identify sites that could be feasible for housing development? could there be a conversation or can there be a conversation to really understand the conditions of the site and whether that could be a possibility for the church as well? because we are spending money to repair and investing just curious. >> good morning. certainly we thought about that initially. we thought about potentially asking if there could have been a merge with the two propertiess. at this time we are not able to
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merge the church with our property but in the future should the church want to engage with mohcd and the city potentially using their site to build affordable housing we would happily have that conversation with them. >> that is wonderful. it is good we are supporting the church and continue going as a church, but love to see the-exploring that possibility. thank you. supervisor melgar. >> thank you. one last question and that is, folks talked about the possibility of having a family child care provider on site. i wonder if there are any units in the design that would accommodate that? >> i can answer that. one thing we are trying to do is with the redesign of the commercial space on the ground floor, we are trying to add residential units on the ground floor and make the commercial space smaller, so we can explore trying to have a family child care center on the ground floor, try to reconfigure some
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of the enclosed space into a partially open space and see if that meets the requirements so that is something on the design side we can explore. >> you can explore it, but it is not a requirement of the loan? >> not currently. >> we can request that as a condition of the loan. >> okay, thank you. >> so, colleagues, i am in support of moving these two items forward, but i see the nodding from supervisor melgar and vice chair mandelman. i think we do have questions. love to get the answers of those questions. we will not-once this voting out today, it will not be coming back to full board for the vote until tuesday february 27, so would love to have those
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answer before the first vote at full board to give us some time. with that, i like to move these two items out to full board with recommendation and roll call, please. >> on that motion to forward both resolutions to full board with positive recommendation, mandelman, aye. melgar, aye. chan, aye. three ayes. >> thank you the motion passes. with that, mr. clerk please call item number 4. >> item 4, resolution approving and authorizing the execution, delivery, and performance of amended and restated lease no. 17134 for building 49, located at 701 illinois street within crane cove park between the port of san francisco and the young men's christian association of san francisco (ymca sf) that would among other things, reduce the seismic improvements described in the existing lease, eliminate all rent credits for any seismic work performed by the ymca sf, require the ymca sf to open the public restrooms no later than july 1, 2024, delay the rent commencement date to no later than october 1, 2024, as defined in the amended
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and restated lease; affirming prior findings under the california environmental quality act; and authorizing the executive director of the port to enter into any additions, amendments or other modifications to the amended and restated lease that do not materially increase the obligations or liabilities of the city or port and are necessary or advisable to complete the transactions which this resolution contemplates and effectuate the purpose and intent of this resolution. madam chair. >> thank you mr. clerk. today we have james hurley, port development project manager from san francisco port. >> thank you and qu good morning. jamie hurley from real estate and development division with the port here with forest [indiscernible] the port's legislative affairs manager and just have a couple brief slides
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to run through on this item. so, just to give you the background as you may recall, this was a lease that was brought before this body and then ultimately the full board last june i believe, and ultimately executed with a commencement date of august 1 of 2023. the master tenant under the lease is ymca of san francisco and they have two subtenants both local organizations. one dogpatch paddle an aquatic center and the other daily driver is small food and beverage. the reason we are here is seeking recommendation for approval of an amendment to the lease. the reason we need to amend the lease has to do with the need to make a change to the seismic retrofit strategy for the
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building, and this change in the seismic scope is really required to bring the project back into financial feasibility and insure successful project delivery. we worked very closely with the ymca design team, the structural engineering team and port engineering to insure that the new seismic scope will meet the code requirements, building code requirements and will provide and are still provide for building that is enhanced seismic resiliency as compared to the existing condition. so, with that, there are just a very few changes, amendments to the lease. one is that with this change to the seismic scope, we will be eliminating the need for the
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port to provide up to $500 thousand in rent credits to share the cost for that seismic work. and then due to the delay associated with this need to rethink the seismic scope and redesign the project to accommodate that change, we are pushing back the rent commencement date from july 1 of this year to october 1 of this year, so three months more to complete the project and get the building open before rent begins. and then the last thing that i wanted to highlight is that, there are public restrooms in this building that are very important. everyone is eager for those to be open and available to park visitors. right now there are porta potties out there, so this
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amendment will access rail the requirement for the ymca to open and operate those public restrooms no later then july 1 of this year, so we want to make sure that they are open and available to the public in the height of the summer months. so, we are here today at budget finance committee with your recommendation we anticipate being at the full board on february 27 and as i mentioned, the restrooms would be open july 1. we expect the full building to be open in early fall, so it is about 6 to 8 month construction period. port is poised to issue a building permit to the ymca so they can begin construction pretty much immediately upon approval by the full board of this new lease or lease amendment. so, that concludes my
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presentation. happy to answer questions after the bla report. thank you. >> thank you. >> item 4 is a resolution that approves amended restated lease between the port and ymca related to building 49 in crane cove park and pier 70. this is a change to a very recently approved lease the board approved june 2023 and which changes which described by the department include pushing back the rent commencement date from july to october of this year, requiring the ymca to open restrooms to the public on july of this year as well and then reducing their obigation to complete seismic improvements. in the original lease the seismic improvements met certain standards recommended by the american civil society of engineers and including steel reinforcement of the building wall and roof.
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that work will no longer be done, so it is a loss to the city of approximately $1.4 million and instead, the ymca is going to reinforce the building with plywood and bolts which the port staff told us meet the port's building standards. this does result in additional half million dollars in rent to the port over the initial 10 year term of the lease, but again, that is less then the value of the work of the seismic work that was part of the original lease. given how recently the lease was approved by the board it raises concerning questions about the port's process to vet ymca proposal over the summer and their ult ability to carry out the work they promised to do on the site and now this building will not have the benefit of that seismic improvement work. i'm not sure-we recommend approval because this was one
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of two proposals. putting it back out to bid didn't seem a feasible option and they are continuing to commit to do tenant improvement work part of the original lease including bringing the ing port up to building standards but we will be reviewing the port assessment of their tenants with a closer eye in the future. >> thank you. i think the realty is the port is diversifying your portfolio of tenants. sounds to me you are diversifying the portfolio of tenants portfolio. you do have diverse cruise terminal and ferry building and fisherman's wharf and also a very now crane cove park which is a new addition to your portfolio.
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i'm interested to see a more comprehensive approach or just want to learn what is your comprehensive approach to such a diverse tenant portfolio in lease agreement and capital improvements? there are clearly very vastly different kinds of capital improvement and while you are also have the concerns of sea wall, and it is very complicated and i just like to learn more. i think this is a one good snapshot of here's the brand new property, you adopted-not brand new, but you know what i trying to say. it isn't traditionally what port is trying to do and new in terms of newly renovated and new agreement with many different players coming into the space, so interested to see
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if this is approach to port property moving forward, then is there a way that you know how you can be consistent with that? i don't have any questions at the moment. anymore questions, but i see supervisor melgar is on the roster. >> thank you chair chan. thank you mr. monard and port staff, thank you. so, i read the bla report and also had concerns about that and i will say that on the other hand, i'm thrilled the ymca has gotten the lease for this building. i have a personal connection to this building and that is that my dear dear friend paul nixon who was one of the founders of the community center, which i worked at for many years used to take low income at risk youth to this building to teach
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them how to kayak, which is not something that a lot of poor kids in the city get to do. in fact, there is such a huge inequity about who uses our bay and who gets to learn how to sail, how to kayak, how to do all these water sports and paul was a teacher, a long-term teacher at macatear high school and devoted his life to poor kids so i'm so glad the ymca is taking this over because that is their mission. i would love at some point to see if we can name something there after paul, because he definitely-that was his spot and generations of black and brown kids from the mission, bayview learn how to kayak and do water sports because of him and this building, so i will support this. i will work with supervisor
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walton and the ymca to see if we can do something about that, but the history of that place offsets the concerns for me at least about the ymca being the lesser. >> paul nixon was a very dear friend of the port and beloved, so something we can look at and again in addition to ymca there this is aquatic components that carries forward his legacy of icmaing available lessens and bringing in camps, students through dogpatch paddle one of the subtenants. >> he was a constituents of supervisor mandelman and his widow pat still lives in his district. >> thank you. before we go to public comment,
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i believe we have clerical edit to the legislation. the clerical edit with the changes and page 1 lines 10-13 and it is to add language with no change to initial term of 10 years ret ret roactive to august 1, 2023 to extend for total term up to 34 years 11 month with base rent of $92.809.80. is that correct? i see nodding. no one saying anything out loud but nodding is good. >> yes, thank you. >> thank you. with that, let's go to public comment. >> thank you madam chair. we invite members who joined today who wish to speak on this item number 4 now is the opportunity to address the committee. >> good morning.
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i apologize not knowing what the issue is. i just came in. if there is no declaration of conflict of interest, i do believe it isn't valid. [indiscernible] you need to declare your conflict of interest for everything now, otherwise--you know. i said that before. >> thank you much terry. seeing no other speakers, we completed our queue. >> thank you. seeing no more public comment, public comment is closed and colleagues i like to move the item to first make the amendment that we-i have read before public comment and move the amended item with the clerical edit to the full board with recommendation and can we do that in one motion please and roll call? >> yes, on that motion to amend
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this resolution to accept the clerical edit and forward the resolution to full board with positive recommendation as amended, mandelman aye. melgar, aye. chan, aye. we have three ayes. >> thank you. the motion passes. mr. clerk, please call item number 5. >> item 5 is a resolution authorizing the tax collector to sell at public auction certain parcels of tax-defaulted real property, as defined herein. madam chair. >> thank you. thank you we have amanda from chief and policy office of treasurer tax collector office. >> good morning. amanda freed. item 5 resolution authorizing the tax collector to sell tax-faulted property at public auction. the auction is governed by state law. property becomes eligible for auction when a owner fails to
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pay taxes for 5 years and we are required to offer properties for auction that remained delinquent 9 years. the 159 parcels listed for auction today are a tiny percentage of the 210 thousand total parcels in the city and county of san francisco. more then 99 percent of owners pay property tax bills on time and in full. of the 159 parcels, there are 7 with structures or lots that could accommodate a structure, 18 time shares and remainder are unbuildable parcels such as very small sliver lots and underwater lots. we scrutinized each parcel today and provided you with a memo outleaning our processing the process and parcel of interest in your district. we research the characteristics and ownership history, sent mailings to the property and any other related addresses on record for the entirety of the
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time the taxes were delinquent. parcels with no non concontact information we take additional steps that exceed state requirements, including mailing notification to all contiguous parcels to make aware of the upcoming auction. we also taken additional steps to bring all available resources to bear for any occupied property where there could be a individual at risk of losing their home. sheriff deputies visited each occupied property to provide in-person notification. we worked closely with adult protective service recollect mayor office of housing community development, home ownership sf and hera to provide social services, financial counseling and legal assistance. once approved by the board of supervisors the list of parcel subject to auction will be published in the newspaper of record and available on our website and the auction will take place online beginning april 22. happy to take any questions.
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>> thank you. i want to first thank you and your office working with some of our constituents over the last few years as soon as they land on the list. i think there is one senior located in sea cliff area that was actually having a difficult time and it was-your team and along with our office, i'm grateful for all the work you guys did and i do know that you went out, again and again, especially with those property that was occupy and also really grateful. last year we remove, have requested to take the san francisco korean good news church off the list in this location and you have been working with them for the year as well and i just want to say thank you. thank you so much for all the effort.
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really appreciate it. colleagues , supervisor ronan has make a request to amend the removal of 3548 to 3550 20th street which belong to murphy ralph for one more year. this is the same property they requested removal from last year. i believe there is concrete effort to trying to pay the remaining or to try to actually pay the bill, so to speak, and i would like to really support that efforts. i think there is concrete effort to try to do that so i will be supporting the removal of that property from today's list. supervisor melgar. >> thank you chair chan. just a question. thank you so much. ditto to everything chair chan said. thank you so much for all your work. my question is about the process.
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i know a lot of it is dictated by state law, but is there a effort to work with non profit housing developers to alert them to this or advantage them in any way in purchasing some of the sites? >> yes, there is a lot of action on that state-wide and here in san francisco. last year or the year before supervisor safai passed some additional legislation around the auction so we now provide our list when parcels are three years deling delinquent to mayor office of housing community development. they have been phenomenal partners. we sent the list, they reviewed, had a number of meetings going through the parcels. the realty in san francisco is the parcels oen the list are largely unbuildable. they are sliver slots, underwater lots, time shares. there are not parcels of value that for construction, but i
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know partners at mohcd have been working closely to make sure we dont miss anything and we act as early as possible and there are additional ways that non profits and the city can acquire delinquent before auction. >> thank you. >> thank you. with that, let's go to public comment on this item. >> members of the public who joined today who wish to speak number 5 now is your opportunity. madam chair, we have no speakers. >> thank you. public comment is now closed. with that, i like to first remove the-i like to-doesn't sound there is any other items intend to remove from the list, so i am going to make that in one swoop. the motion to remove 3548 to 3550 20th street from the list and to move the amended list to
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full board with recommendation and with that, a roll call, please. >> on that motion to remove 3548 to 3550 20th street from the parcel list and forward to full board with positive recommendation, mandelman, aye. melgar, aye. chan, aye. we have three ayes. >> thank you. the motion passes. please call the next item. >> item 6, ordinance amending the administrative code to extend by five years, from may 5, 2024, through may 5, 2029, the sunset date of the provisions authorizing the department of homelessness and supportive housing (“hsh”) to enter into and amend contracts without requiring competitive bidding for services relating to sites and programs for people experiencing homelessness (“projects addressing homelessness”), and the department of public works to enter into and amend contracts without adhering to the environment code or to provisions relating to competitive bidding, equal benefits, local business enterprise utilization, and other requirements, for construction work and services relating to projects addressing
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homelessness; and affirming the planning department's determination under the california environmental quality act. madam chair. >> thank you. i don't have anymore questions about this item. i think the proposed amendment was very clear to instead of the blanket waver of 5 years for hsh to then come in compliance of the procurement requirement at the end of the 5 years blanket waver, i propose the 2 years of facing in the procurement process for different kind of contract. different existing contract that went through the procurement, those were sole sourced as well as the new contract, the amendments was on the record that i put it on the record last wednesday. i am just going to-i don't have anymore questions. i think that supervisor mandelman was very clear since
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december of where he's been. no questions about that, which i appreciate. i am still where i'm at since last wednesday about the amendments that i would like to see moving forward without it i will-i need to really reconsider my thinking around this legislation, which i will not be able to colleagues to say this could go out of this committee with recommendation today. i think no matter how it goes i like this for it to go out without recommendation just allow us some conversation at the full board to make sure that colleagues are aware what we are voting on. supervisor melgar you begin a swing vote on this issue which sure putting you in a tough spot but i appreciate your continuance you request for one week from last week and just allow you some time since you are new member of the committee. >> thank you so much chair chan
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and i appreciate that. i'm a new member of the committee and wrapping my head around all the issues and have to do more dual diligence because i'm coming up to speed and i chair always have appreciated and admired your thoughtfulness and demand for accountability for departments and results oriented approach to things which is why i wanted to be on this committee. i think that since we heard this last week, i did request some further information from the department, which i did receive and also had the opportunity to have conversation with other colleagues who are not on this committee and folks in the community, so i am ready to support the legislation and that also means that since we are staying on this committee
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and have a very tough budget year coming up, i will also closely scrutinize what goes on, particularly as it pertains to our district on the west side chair chan, because i'm eager to have this department be successful in getting folks out of homelessness and into permanent supportive or other housing, so that we can get our city back to a path of housing first of making sure that people are not suffering on the streets when they cannot pay the rent , so i am also grateful for my colleagues and their speens in all this. thank you. >> thank you. vice chair mandelman. >> i just like to be added as cosponsor. >> thank you.
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lets-sounds like we are good. we know where we are at. let's go to public comment on this item. >> members who wish to speak on this item number 6, now is your opportunity to address this committee. >> you can't stop homelessness if you keep being afraid of daring to say what you really feel. you need to say what you feel. stop being afraid. because it is a endless situation. that is how it goes, guys. so, you are responsible. you have to be responsible. say what you feel. you dont like to be ordered to do something, so why are you doing it? it's not good for you.
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>> thank you for addressing the committee. with that madam chair, that completes the queue. >> thank you. with that, seeing no public comment, public comment is closed. thank you. i just wanted to say before we move this item if i may colleagues. i will move the item to full board without recommendation and hope to have your support on that and want to articulate the reason why. i think a few things happening. i don'ts know if you all see the 7/11-we received public comment specifically about 711 post street and that there is also the most recent concerns with the 935 kearney in chinatown as a location, and for me is, not just about a public process with some of
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these projects that department of homelessness and supportive housing put forward. it is both reflection on having the waver on top of the covid emergency declaration waver for all procurement and seeing how we need to have accountability and oversight. it is complex and diverse in terms of both solutions and problems that we tackle that i think it is good to facing-to put in a faces to get this to the departments to get to where everybody needs to be, which is a procurement process for the city and if we have issues with the procurement process itself, let's tackle it separately. that's really has been my intent and i think there is a lot of issues with this department and we can definitely problem solve it in many different ways. this is not a end all be all legislation. with that, i like to move this item to full board without
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recommendation and roll call please. >> on that motion that the ordinance refer without recommendation to the full board, mandelman, aye. melgar, aye. chan, aye. we have three ayes. >> thank you. the motion passes. with that, do we have any other business before us today? >> madam chair, that concludes our business. >> thank you, the meet is adjourned. [meeting adjourned]
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>> for us, we wish we had our queue and we created spaces that are active. >> food and drinks. there is a lot for a lot of folks and community. for us, it started back in 1966 and it was a diner and where our ancestors gathered to connect. i think coffee and food is the very fabric of our community as well as we take care of each other. to have a pop-up in the
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tenderloin gives it so much meaning. >> we are always creating impactful meaning of the lives of the people, and once we create a space and focus on the most marginalized, you really include a space for everyone. coffee is so cultural for many communities and we have coffee of maria inspired by my grandmother from mexico. i have many many memories of sharing coffee with her late at night. so we carry that into everything we do. currently we are on a journey that is going to open up the first brick and mortar in san francisco specifically in the
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tenderloin. we want to stay true to our ancestors in the tenderloin. so we are getting ready for that and getting ready for celebrating our anniversary. >> it has been well supported and well talked about in our community. that's why we are pushing it so much because that's how we started. very active community members. they give back to the community. support trends and give back and give a safe space for all. >> we also want to let folks know that if they want to be in a safe space, we have a pay it forward program that allows 20% to get some funds for someone in need can come and get a cup of coffee, pastry and feel welcomed in our community. to be among our community, you are always
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up flavors and with like and with tons of accessible freshens and so we this is - many people will like it and other people will like you my name is alice my husband we're the owners of you won't see ice cream in san francisco and really makes fishing that we are always going together and we - we provide the job opportunity for high school students and i hired them every year and . >> fun community hubble in san francisco is my district i hope we can keep that going for many years. >> and i'm alexander the owner of ice cream and in san francisco and in the outer sunset in since 1955 we have a
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vast of flavors liar choke o'clock but the flavors more than three hundred flavors available and i am the owner of the ice cream. and my aunt used to take us out to eat ice cream all the time and what can i do why not bring this ice cream shop and (unintelligible) joy a banana split or a great environment for people to come and enjoy. >> we're the ordinances of the hometown and our new locations in pink valley when i finished law school we should open up a store and, and, and made everybody from scrap the first
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used to make ice cream in the navy and decided to open up an ice cream shop it it takes time for the parent to put money down and diane one of the managers at zen citizen in arena hills open and serve old-fashioned ice cream. >> over 20 years. >> yeah. >> had my own business i was a firefighter and came in- in 1969 her dad had ice cream and left here still the owner but shortly after um, in here became the inc. maker the manager and lead and branded the store from day to day and in the late 90s-
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was obvious choice he sold it to him and he called us up one night and said i'm going to sell the ice cream store what you you talking about diane came and looked at the store and something we want to do and had a history of her dad here and growing up here at the ice cream store we decided to take that business on. >> and have it in the family i didn't want to sell it. >> to keep it here in san francisco. >> and (unintelligible). >> share worked there and worked with all the people and a lot of customers come in. >> a round hill in the
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adjoining areas loved neither ice cream shop in this area and support russia hills and have clean up day and give them free ice cream because that is those are the people that keep us the opportunity to stick around here four so many years next generations have been coming her 20 er thirty or 40 years and we have the ingredients something it sold and, you know, her dad said to treat the customers right and people will keep on coming back and 75 or 74 years, you know, that is quite an accomplishment i think of it as our first 75 years and like to see that, you know, going into the future um, that ice cream
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