tv Entertainment Commission SFGTV March 9, 2024 12:00pm-3:06pm PST
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>> we're going to have to do a lot of eating so get ready. >> get ready. and you diet tomorrow. >> hello and welcome to the tuesday, march 5, 2024 meeting of the san francisco entertainment commission i'm commissioner bleiman the president we'll start with announcements. >> wield like to start with the lands acknowledgment. [ramaytush ohlone land
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and an town to comment on each discussion or action item on the agenda. each comment is limited to 3 minute it is. the commission will hear up to 20 minutes of remote comment. because of the time limit it is possible not everyone in the queue will have an opportunity to provide comment. comment from disability will not count toward the 20 minute limit. >> public commitment will be taken on each item first from in person and then remote. for those in person fill out a speaker card at the side table or podium. come up during public comment of state your name and affiliations and then comment you am have 3 minutes. then hand your card to the staff behind the podium. if using zoom select raised
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hand. if by phone, dial star 9 to be add when your item come up. when you are asked to speak unmute yourself >> call from a quiet location and turn down your television or radio. in you are viewing on sfgovtv mute before speak. while we recommend you use zoom, audio or a phone submit a writtenllow the chat function on zoom. note that commissioners and staff are not allowed to comment during comment. thank you sfgovtv for shareing meeting to the public. >> roll call. >> president bleiman. >> here. >> vice president wang. >> hee >> commissioner daves. perez, thomas, here. >> the next item is number 2. general public comment. anybody here withhold like to
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comment on anything not on the agenda tonight? upon >> i like to comment on a comment that does in the belong to any permit. where should i hand the card? >> okay. so i'm a neighbor of the fillmore. involved in recommending events. this comment is not about an event it is more the process of out reach of the way it happens for the neighbors. we had an issue where we were not getting any mail or reach out to the neighbors. one thing that happened the commission sent -- e mail and with a letter from the commission -- where she asked to distribute it is in our blgdz i
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did that in my building i could not get it distributed it does not depends on me. i know other people do it in their building but still the out reach feels very best effort at not realist affected by reach outism wanted propose our options what i have been looking for. it is fundamental the neighbors roach out to. the first is next door. it is a social network focused on neighbors and localized. someone can make a post that there is an event helping in an area and point in -- specific graphic point. that way neighbor can be reached out. and the second is -- the san francisco planning department there is construction that will happen, we receive in mail, a
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notification of a meeting that will happen. i think that is something that should -- i mean i don't see why it should be different when there is [inaudible] the neighborhood [inaudible]. i don't understand why. so i looked at the internet how planning department upon does t. and i found there is a website where nay have the map and get the stuff mail and addresses to mail a letter. and so. t seems the tools exist and i think that it is i believe it is the role of the commission to help the organizationers do on effective out reach. because -- it is not the organizer to -- distribute it. so -- yea. i wanted to stress this point and i think this in our case.
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i mean even out reach has been improved is not yet the point it should be. >> so. i wanted give a company constructive options. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. anyone else who has a comment for something not on the agenda? >> no more public comment. >> we will close comment and move on to number 3, approval of the meeting minutes from february 6, 2024. i will start tonight with to keep it consistentful see figure there is public comment on the minutes. >> no public comment. why close public comment. do we have a motion to approve. >> so moved. >> second. >> okay. president bleiman. >> aye
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>> vice president wang >> aye >> commissioner davis. >> aye >> external perez. >> aye. >> commissioner thomas. >> aye >> we'll move to 4, report from executive director. >> good evening. i'm going to take it out of order in my report this evening and give a big woman to our newest commissioner mariah davis. we are excited have you here. maria is one of the stud collective founding members and owner of st. mary's pub. and we cannot be happier to have her and just wanted to give her an opportunity to say hello if she would like. >> hi. i'm honored to serve and excited to be part of the entertainment commission. and thank you for the warm up
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welcome. >> good. >> awesome. >> we have 2 other commission vacancies one was filled the same time as mar enthusiasm that will be for children sclandzer joining us in two weekos march 19th. joining us as a board of supervisor's appointed representative for neighbor seats for the commission. and we're very much looking forward to having him joint commission. i will give more about his background when he joins us on the 19th. we have one other commission vacancy a mayoral appointment for law enforcement seats. the mayor's office identified a candidate that they will be send to rules on march 25th. and we will keep this body apprised but hoping that this new representative from law enforcement will join us at our
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second hearing in april and we will be joining us for our summit on april 29th i wanted give an additional plug for that this evening that will be occurring on monday april 29th. and that will be helping at 49 south van ness. all are welcome it is fro and open to the public tell be that afternoon and finds more about that on our website. and through our news letter mailing. >> all right. for other updates this eveningmented to provide a staffing update for folks. as you know we have been down a part time sound inspector since middle of december. we filled that vaccance and he we will have a new employee starting with us on. thursday of this week. his name is asa young clt royce and he will be attending march 19th hear to meet you. and we are looking forward to
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having him join our team and also with sadness we let you know that our other part time inspector put in her 2 week's this is cylinder. has been a great part of our team. we are sad to see her go and excited see what is in her future and look to fill that immediately. wanted to bring that to the attention of the public. we putting information out to the channels as well. and if you know anyone great that would like to join our team for this 20 hour a week role in the field on the evenings and weekends to support in terms of compliance. we would love to hear from you. >> final leap. ed give a reminder to the commissioners that your form 700anual ethic's training is due on april second. make sure to get that done if
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you have questions reach out to commission secretary young and she will assist you. that's temperature if you have questions, let me know. >> you hired a second inspector from the pool of applicants it needs to be a separate. potential low. that's the hope that could speedup the process. we do like any vaccance fethey need to be approved by mayor's budget first. all right. welcome to our new commissioner. >> and is there public comment on this agenda item? no public comment on this item. we can move on to 5. the report from senior inspector. >> good evening president bleiman. changing up i want give you an update upon before the senior
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inspector's update. i want to let you been a situation this occurred overnight weekend. a bar that holds a permit 315, street. you recorrespond the llp in december of 22. they are allowed host entertainment on friday and saturday until 10 p.m. based on violations the permit clogged sound limit and separating after 11 p.m. since the number of complaints subside we received one on february 28 stating they were open until 5 and 6 a.m. playing loud music. inspector visitod saturday, mar second and a band was setting up to perform. met with the manager xo stated the band would be done at 10.
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inspector wited take a sound measurement in the business heard the owner on the permit holder yelling for her attention he became aggressive and yelled at her and inspector reported this danielle pushed a patron out of the way to get toward her and someone heldz him back so she could get outside. she left her notebook when she went in he barged out saying f that chick at her aggress and i have walking toward her. republican to her car and felt the need to hide she felt so unsafe and danielle enter a business to get away from him. i e mailed danielle letting him then and there is unacceptable and not tolerated. and i had a conversation with the manager who is apauled by the behavior and apol jettic. he is close to closing escrow
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for him to be the new owner and in he will soon be applying for llf in his name the current management and operations are all under his purview and danielle has nothing to do it is on rarely on site. shawn is dealing with a messy business transfer. but expressed he does not condon't behavior turd the inspector. i wanted let you know we will likely deal with shawn in the future. but wanted see if there were questioned on moving forward with this? >> thank you for letting the owner know that this is unacceptable. i'm sorry that the inspector had to go through that. i know we had the substantial issues with this batch everbar over similar behavior and including yelling at our staff.
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and um -- hope that the new owners are different. combh have a different approach. >> can you reminds us how we reconditioned them? what nathe new conditions on the license are >> allowed operate friday and saturday until 10. no entertainment sunday-thursday. >> this is series enough that i think it for me it warrantied bring them back in here sale or no sale i have been in many sales they sometimes take a language time for the last escrow payment to go through. sometimes years. and so, i would like to ask the staff to reach out out and have them on the next agenda or the one after. >> okay. >> yes. >> okay.
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>> >> all right. that was the first bit. from our inspector report. we still have more. >> thank you. upon good evening. received 83311 complaints on january 6 i have 3 updates. let me know if you have question. american bites at 478 green holds llp with our office on sunday december 18, responded 311 complaint at 12. . 20 a.m. she benched an advertisement on the outside for dj performing that night and everyones she saw the dj. spoke to a manager and claims the person performing was not a dj he was playing from his laptop. base on the video submitted it is clear this person was a dj.
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took a sound measure. exceeding limits by one bbc. american bites issued a notice of violation on january 21 for hosting entertainment outside of permitted hours. >> my second update is the third floor at 433 clay. who is in the process. applying for poe permit. on friday, february 23 at 7 p.m. received a sound complaint stating loud musicism responded at 9 p.m. and bench today playing archified sound. i spoke with a manager about the complaint and confirmed the event then showed a picture of the yellow out reach poster stating they had a perimism i explained it was a neighborhood out reach notification and the third floor applied for a poe
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permit and not issued yet. before speak with staff i walked where i had taken measurements setting the limit for the permit. there i responsed levels. i note that theed out door sounds was odd automobile across the street and once they will have their permit we want to test the sound level to ensure work width environment at the time of day the business is hosting entertainment. . made it clear that hosting entertainment was out a permit in the application process is not good practice. jot next day. saturday february 24 received another sound complaint at 9:30 p.m.ful the inspector was not able to responded until sunday february 25 at 5:15 p.m. . when she arrived no sound but spoke with the manager from friday who explains there were upon events friday and saturday
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with a dj. >>ed thunder floor issued a notice of violation hosting entertainment and operating sound without a permit. >> my next is about beer garden. located at 424 octavia llp permit with our office. i would like to address the number and type of complaint busy this business. since we issued the permit, on december 20, 2023, we received 16311 sound complaints. of the 16 we visited them 10 times of the 10 visits found bye-byes in compliance on 5 occasions and closed during the remaining 5. beer garden does not operate during posted hours they close
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early based on attendance and weather. staff spoken on numerous occasions. and while the conversations have been cordial topics evolved to unproductive comments. this could be demonstrate in the the text of 311 on february 25th list in the your track are including in tonight's file. you want to alert you what has been occurring you will see their name on tonight's report of the ec staff will respond to complaints submitted and keep i aware if there are new findings. let me know if you have guidance. thank you. >> i have a question. hello thanks for the update. regarding beer garden. were you able to astain where that complaint is coming from? you came back and no
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entertainment. what is the source of the sound? complaint? >> generally it is an active area. we think that since we believe a complainant lives behind beer garden. we know octavia is busy. possibly car stereos. it we finds it is -- interesting that there is that much noise coming from that area seeing this person lives behind themmism don't see that there is a way that it is that disturbing unless it is reverberating and other instances there are activities happening while beer garden is closed. we were not able to confirm it is stated they close early. and our inspectors can't get there until 6 or 7 p.m. on occasions >> can i add something. to that comment. the last complaint the inspector
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was on site and were playing prerecorded music. and that prerecords music was compliant with permit conditions was complaining about allowable sound levels to clarify. i echo everything but this -- yes. complaining about something they are permitted do. >> the same person. >> okay. >> the american bites were they playing music outside or is that the or indoor >> this was indoor. >> yea. >> got it. do you know where they say where they were coming from. where the people lived? >> do we know if it is the same the folks. >> not required to. i'm wondering >> we can look. i'm going to say we know they were located around in the
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patio. >> got it. >> okay. >> so i do think we should keep an eye on beer garden it sounds like they are in compliance and often not open when complaints come in. i like to wait one more session or two before we discuss deprioritizing to see if they come in. i think this is on the table going forward. does in the sound like they are the source of the sound often. so. >> anymore questions? >> all right. public comment on this agenda item? no public comment o this item >> close public comment. and then i will find out where we are. >> move on to number 6 a hearing and possible action regarding
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permits for applications for permits under the entertainment commission and starting with department director >> 5 permitos consent. two are for one time out door permits for out door entertainment and amplified sound and others llp permits. per sulys lounge there are llp requires indoor ends by 10 p.m. due to their zoning sdrivenlth they conducted out reach and no opposition from neighboring no concern for the permits. the recommendation is to approve president consent agenda with staff recommendations listed below. i move approval >> keep it consistent and see if there is public comment first. >> i'm trying to get better with consistenciful i'm all over the play. >> no public comment. >> okay >> close public comment.
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>> now. yes. >> i move approval of the consent calendar with staff conditions. >> i second that motion. >> okay. >> president bleiman >> aye >> vice president wang >> aye >> commissioner davis >> aye >> commissioner per is >> aye >> commissioner thomas. >> aye. >> anybody on the consent agenda. you have been approved follow up with our staff at your convenience for next steps. now we are moving along to the next item. >> all right. the first permit on the regular agenda is limited live permit for 395 south van ness suite 4 a membership arty co-op space we sources for artist in thes staechl seek the permit to host
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performance. they were agendized for this hearing last december but continued to w out an agreement with upstairs neighbors who are opposing. they conducted out reach on 2 occasions one in december and again in advance of the hearing tonight. they sent a letter to the natures and signatures. this hearing they collected 150 signatures of support. and also included is a long e mail thread with myself and their neighbors. they created an event policy for co-op members and share the with the neighbors for feedback and did not receive anymore they have offered to only host 8 events per calendar year and 4 of these end by 10 p.m. and the other 4 by 11 p.m. >> this is when you will see as a staff recommendation. at the request of the permit
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applicant. of course you have the ability to condition it as you see fit. the neighbors who live boost space are still oshg potion. otherwise there was no opposition for the permit and staff sent a sound limit with the police code article 29 and mission station had no added conscience i'm here to speak with you is the event's director natalie. >> good evening >> i'm natalie. she they. pleasure to be here and representing beautiful art's community that i love and have committed to the behalf 5 years.
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we artist bring people together through a love of grass-roots arts. art mission foster community to inspire and keep the spirit that is in created alive in san francisco. >> we do. >> provide space for artists in the bay area. do that at a low cost and minimal rate. we organize art shoes poetry. art markets and more. organism doors makearc sesz making events free and volunteer run and providing sources that are member fund. third space for people to connect and have a place outside of homes and work place. build a community of artists and
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no matter the discipline or experience. out reach has been, yea. met with [inaudible]. above us and done an effect policy i have been a part of. changes to our space and continue to do so talk width landlord about insaddamation and stuff. and yea. am have um limitos performances and conscience of approvals for our permit and garthed 170
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signatures from people. the out reach. petition reads, we want a community space artists meet and connect with each other. great organization this offers a safe space that supports togetherness and essential to keep spots like this. i live around the corner and like to see diverse event in thes neighborhood. yea. that's all i have. thank you. >> we do hobby hang a free event on tuesday. invite folks to a creative project for free this has been going on for two years and people come in and work on
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whatever. the club is something like that completely free and they do the library on going. >> art events art galleries and figure drawing when i specialize in. >> stands up, poetry readings. musical performances. this is the petition excerpts. thank you. we have member in the back in support of us a strong community and hope to keep it for years. >> questions? >> i have questions that i feel like we should have public comment and bring them back?
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>> um -- i like to i see a lot here in support. i did have one question before i move forward. i'm understanding you are asking for 8 times a year to have a perimism when went into this for asking for 8. we are volunteer run. we don't expect to be committed to a lot of eventses that are that large. we have done art shows that are range up to 100 people and so fourth left year but never bigger and takes time tow do that. especially for volunteer run folk who is have full time jobs. that is the residential reasoning behind that. >> if it does become more we'll assess later but that's the reasoning. >> did you have something. art show would not meanwhile
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entertainment that , is a distinction. >> yea. >> like i being over all someone who organizes events we understands that is time consuming and now as we standard we want to build a better relationship with neighbor bunkham about us and around us and make sure we understand you know and they understand us as well. this is a first step to seeing what we can accomplish. >> hello. thank you if when you dot events with entertainment, what is the capacity and the turn out for your events sns >> the capacity can vary through different workshops. i know we had about -- the building -- [inaudible]. it could not be more than 1 hundred. may be less. buzz it is simultaneous we try to mitigate the flow as well.
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and do take to events or somebody at the door people are understanding and have been to the space or so. so. >> and. everybody inside the building or do you have peep. >> we have people inside the building. >> inside? >> thank you. >> i'm curious as to what it sounds like from the comments and letters here there are residents up stairs that oppose you all hosting entertainment and complaining about sound and things i'm curious what sounds mitigation you have taken? >> we have throughout e mail you can go through my colleagues who were a part of the communications with them. have done measurements and in the building. and if what we excellent no
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insulation with the venue and the upstairs they are in talking to a lands lord a lot about that. we than is a problem. we had like a decibel meter we have them 2-3 in the space and i not that commission have tested numerous timeless. yea. we have done everything by the book and like kept it at a low rate. do you and your organization have a communication pro cal >> we opened up a private flag channel and e mails and texts messages and have been a part of as well. it has been a long year of doing back and forth >> following up sounds like you have taken measurements and talked to the land lord about adding more barriers.
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is there anything physical in oolterations you are doing. there are other measures yea from which what i know kayla is on top of that and crediting an architect she has been creating communication with the landlord about when we do. to -- is she here >> she is sick. she is here online. sheave can talk more about that. kayla. unmute yourself. this is kayla smith.
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my a pol gees for not being in person. i am at home sick. happy to answer some of the questions regarding the sound mitigation efforts we put in the spachls to address the -- first question of -- what we have done in the space um -- so that testing meeting that kevin had with the neighbors that was -- us um testing out our speaker system. um, and america the sounds upon upstairs um and trying out um the settings put on our speakers and where we should locate speakers so that we can minimize the vibration along the walls
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um, we added more soft surfaces over time so there is more carp and he soft furniture, curtains and panels that have ins ligz behind them to cammure sound. um -- and i know nat low is bringing up the insulation that was one thing we discovered um, during repairs due to the rains that while we have been doing mitigation in our space, um -- we discovered there is insulation between our unit and um -- so that is now our next priority as we get um -- [inaudible] done and ensure [inaudible]. um. code required bobble fire um -- fire separation between the
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units and the that would apply add more acutic spagzs. the next goal we are work to implement and put into a space. do you recall have a time line with the landlord when tell be completed. insulationy can't be put in until the like repairs are done. they can't be done until the rainy season is over so they have a chance to dry out. that's my understanding. and what the lands lord explained to us. so we are looking at um -- mid spring the earliest. anymore questions?
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>> you can have a seat and the way i like to do this is i can see there are a lot in the back in support i wonder if we can start for public comment with anybody here in opposition. if you are here to voice concerns on zoom or in the room let's start with them. no. i open up the public comment freshman people here. i will say that we do see you. and we note that you are here and you are welcome to speak it is your right and you are if you feel the spirit of lord go for temperature if you think that we acknowledge you and we see and you you don't need to that is fine. for us. let's open up to comment for
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anyone else. we will hold applause. you are until hall. >> hello. it is a new experience. i'm nick. i run a photographer print shop and educational space. and we partner with to hold events in thes mission. pornography work to help share resources. whether like cameras, printers and scanners and skills. and myself i have been doing photographer for 20 years now and sharing my personal -- skill set and also -- connecting
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people and the photographer community. san francisco has a really strong thriving photographer community of all ages and jen ripgzs. we have been luck tow hold workshops where we have been able to interact with the youth. we found that youth were eager for this. and because they were not get nothing schools. and were not able to go to college and got hands on a camera to their phone. it is like important space -- it isarc seszable t. is close to bart and the bus lines and a nice area. i hope to continue to have the space where we bring community from across the city and the bay. and and the cites like it is growing up in the bay your. seen a lot of things leave and
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go and a lot of times with the rent and trying to stay afloat. it is important to have this space. and especially for youth look for and craving space and community. the last 4 years we have been hard on our youth. and creating the space has been important for me to really help foster their kreesh. bhauz there is opportunity in the start of the woshld it is hard to get in if you don't have the money and also to just have a space they know they will be safe and don't have to worry about the troubles of outside or home or just the world we live in. yea. really honored to be here. and to continue to build the space.
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>> i'm kyle brown. like to say i move to san francisco in about august 2022. within 6 months i had been introduceed nel throughout subgroups. explores electronic music. it is is a great spachls i upon came in knowing nothing and found a community transfer information become and fourth and perform this music and the visuals that people make. and so television it is really affirming space to do that and get over the legitimators and also you know take people who night not have touched an
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instrument before. and might not have ever made visuals bfrment and show them that, hey there is a community. manage this we made. that -- there is a place to show it off, too. >> and i think that is spaces like that that are an important part of the city and creating a thriving artist culture here. >> thank you. >> i'm anthony, i do a lot of part of the musician community. um, yea i wanted speaks about so
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we offer like song writing workshops and play music and a lot of it is not public a lot is private friends working on music together with a way to meet new musicians when you are reaching out to the community. i wanted -- add that in all of this, we have done things like for our private music practice. you know we will reach out to the neighbors and make sure to be done long before 10 p.m. and -- we vo done things like adjusting speakers and you know we -- do an an event in partnership with san francisco public library. we listen to vinyl once a month and share about that. and for that, we have done things like coordinated and the
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speaker position is acceptable and don't play anything like that. yea. so. i wanted add that to give clarity for i know there has been a lot of discourse around this permit. mented like we are -- we -- applying so we can be in good faith and standing of managing this relationship with our community. and in a health and he productive way. yea. its awesome to be here thank you for considering us. i'm art timer part of a music collective we do live visual art
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and live music that we make with computer programming and irene who was up here. we have been around for 3 years and meeting twice i month for the last 2 year. we get together and talk about how to improve our creative coding skills. learn techniques from each other. using technology for good to create art that is expressive for live performance. and i think this it is a special place. one of the only places in the mission where well is so much and cultivation of different cultures cultural ways to enjoy art through things like the sketch board and the jams and ev club. we want this emvenuey want to
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keep going and continue to bring people together. enter in the art form my prends and i love providing and we had a lot of support. it has been wonderful time doing live events. and -- i'm grateful that the neighbor tolerate when we have done and i don't think when we are asking for is extreme or excessive and makes the city an entering place bringing together full time artists and people who work and tech and work in biotech and also full time artists. thank you for considering us. >> thank you. there is in more public comment. there is. >> go for it.
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>> i'm sam. and i'm an attorney by trade but participated in a lot of different events overnight years. i moved san francisco in 2020. and it took me a long time to find friends because of covid. it was the first spaces that was open and welcome to me. . i'm a model the sketch board and hang out with friends 2 do live coding and participating in the club and gone to pop ups and participate in those as well. it is has been a good tune for me to share my passions request other people and for others who don't know about things to learn. am and the fact that they bring all the different artist groups and gives exposure taoism them through use differently. speaks to the importance and the value it brought to the
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community in the many years it has been here. >> and thinking about when makes a city a home. i think that the presence of having third space is important not a place you go to home or school or work. but like a third community centered place you can hang out and explore outside of work and i think they have been an opportunity for me i hope it is for others in years to come. i have been to many live music events and i will say that someone who attends a lot of very intense loud music events in warehouses where you need or go deaf next day i never needed ear plug and they end early by 10 or 11 p.m. and reminded the neighbors and occurrence of complaints after the upon event ends to keep the noise down to make sure we are respectful to
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those in the community. i would love to see it continue. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> is there anybody online? >> no more public comment. i will close public comment. we can have discussion here. thoughts. dreams. >> you have been navigating back and fourth and i then and there was paused to try to improve communication with the maces and come up with stuff. do you feel like the proposal as it is now in front of us reflects the negotiations between thes business and the
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neighbors? >> thread include is long. [inaudible]. what was recent. what the facts are is that they did come up with a policy that was shared out with the neighbor to review and provide feedback and no feedback was provide. i then pulled out the actual proposed continues that they came up with and shared those and the feedback was we oppose third degree permit. >> so. there was not and the e mail exchange has been going on for a long time. >> since the left hearing, right. and nothing was able to be agreed upon. >> so does that answer your question. joy think so. that does answer my request.
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>> i like this is strong opposition in the letters. for detailed reasons and it sounds like this is one of those san francisco buildings that is you know -- not built -- for accommodateing thing. so -- okay >> >> i think this is important to note there was one excerpt from a neighbor that did state of the latest one time permits they have been pulling one time permits the latest 5 events they had no issues. with sound. so it was a concern for what it could be and what it could escalate to. but we have not had any complaints since the first event back in 2023. >> okay and that is buzz they did not know they needed a
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permit. you want to note in terms of permit options for them as you know a one time indoor entertainment limited as staff to issuing 12 per year. that is the have been utilizing -- so what they are proposing is 8 events. per calendar year falls under that threshold does not meet the accessory use defy nigsz of llp. i want to flag that however if they limited by a number of entertainment events per year they would have the right to apply for 12 up to 12 additional one time events. that will be included in terms of the band is practicing does like that is the things the
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neighbors identified being practices during the week. that is not entertainment, may be creating sound what i'm not sure. >> that's out of our purview that's not the definition of entertainment follow they are not doing it for an audience and not an event. they may have an impact on the neighbors >> right. understood. we would handle that similarly in terms of enforcement with other venues we regulate a sound limit activating prerecorded music. that they are receiving sound complaints we would go out and check the limit and see if they are going above when we issued for entertainment. >> great. >> thank you. >> i'm curious what role the lands lord played, have they getting indication on if they are how involved they are in mediation or clarifying lease
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policies. >> the landlord told mow they approved obtaining an ll p permit. the applicant did put forth a set of neighbor agreements which are translated in the permit conscience the niche never agreed to the neighbor agreements. there was a bit of a disconnect that they put forth neighbor agreements. to the neighbors. lands lord approved them the neighbors did not. >> and i had a phone call with the land lord and e mail i was brief and said if this is legal in the zoning i approve it. >> okay. >> we live in a city and have zoning laws our job is to both
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regulate and promote night life if there is a space zoned and allowed for an llp. and that -- they have not been active and gets active, then, you know that is unfortunate for the people who live upstairs if they if the building is older or has issues and within the law and within upon allowed and -- what i saw from this group was and it seems from the conversations than i had is they are doing a lot to try to address the, with the neighbors they have and sounds like they are either uninterested or -- frustrated to the point they don't want to compromise and need the question i'm having should they be limited to 8. knowing that going back and
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getting the permit system a pain in the butt and if they are have committed to [inaudible]. and they are act nothing good faith then you know my feeling is would be up that limit more and let them decide if they need it or not rather than coming back every time. so, i feel strong low but i love to hear when you all think. >> what is permitted as far as sound levels. outside the space. we have a level that cannot exceed and enforce that. right? >> they have a limit set with the police code. it is i can tell it 80dba88dbc this is low sound limit and all
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and just not responding or not. again there is a reference to slack and communication that does not work for everyone. don't know the neighbors i encourage them to make sure that whatever the communication methods they are using with the neighbors to be responsive and make sure it is something that is working for them. they have to follow that. if than i are permitted and provide a phone number to a live person. and insulation are not always within your control if it is like and water and you wait >> uh-huh. >> that is all understandable. but prioritizing the insulation as a way to mitigate the
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conflict. >> yea. >> it seems very reasonable. if this is only 8 times a year. yea. >> agreed. seems they are coming in good faith offers compromise here. with 8 evens and ending by 10 and other half by 11. they are in the zone. they are suffering the consequences of an old building that lacks insulation which is not their fault. everything you can to to mitigate that sound add more panels and sound absorption and anything can you do serves your best interests and conditioning that with neighbors. but i feel ready to approve. 12 a year i feel if they are
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doing 8. they can do 8 but that will give option to not ask for a one time permit >> given it is such already a situation with the neighbor i think that is show may be the applicant show this they are going by the rules and get the trust of the neighbors and then come back. okay. i'm okay with that. >> i tried. they violate opportunity to add 12. one time. >> understood. >> understood. >> thank you. >> do we have a motion. i think you said you are ready. >> i will move to approve. a second? >> i will second it.
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>> okay. president bleiman >> aye >> vice president wang >> aye >> commissioner davis >> aye >> commissioner perez. >> aye >> commissioner thomas. >> aye >> it hen approved. congratulation and follow up with our staff. for your next steps. >> now we will might have long to the next permit application. >> the next permit is the stud located at 1123, 211 foalson occupied by trade mark who held an llp. the stud is applying for place of entertainment permit for indoor entertainment. their application does not include out door entertainment or amified sounds and only for indoor. like to host drag shows, dj and performances. the stud is the olds lbgtq+ bar opened in 1966 and they are
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excited found their new home. the applicant conducted out reach noticing neighbors of the permit application through out reach and a community meeting 30 attended and includes are 13 letters of support and 2 of opposition and response the neighbor agreed to be put in touch with the applicant wrn neighbor no long are oppose as long as entertainment was indoor and the other maintained opposition after education and talking with the applicant. here to speak is rachel ryan >> buffer beginment to speak in the record for commissioner [inaudible]. secretary lowon's notes that
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commissioner davis recused because of affiliation with the stud collective. >> good evening. i'm rachel rian and i manage a bar and night club, the stud. the stud is san francisco's oldest lbgtq+ venue. open nothing 1966 stage hosted different erace of music from disco. new wave andeta james and punk to lady gaga it is a place to come together. why after shut down in 2020 the stud left the location. we are thrilled for identification a new spot with great night life history. >> dating back to 1973 the stables. i must admit bringing the stud to the stable feels like a sweet
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moment to happen in the leather district. stud 56um program whering we left off. with events around dj, drag shows and performing arts. before being a good neighbor is important you to. mailing and hand delivering notices. we also hosted an event by the neighbor which is an opportunity to connect with people. and talk through people's concerns. we worked hard to resurrect the stud this means so much i hope you will approve our permit. thank you. >> oh . and i have -- pictures of events from over the years.
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>> i think it was interesting when the set of commissioners applicants were up in front of the rules committee and people were asked when their favorite place of entertainment was the stud was by part number one answer to that question. obviously, you know the stud has importance? our queer night life history and happy that people were able to keep it alive through pretty dark days. so. and also i --ment to say that the stud was the first night life venues that was -- very engaged around making sure you were stock narcan behind the bar and all staff were train in the how to recognize an over doze and how to use it.
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y support this. >> i don't think you will hear criticism up here. we can't under score the cultural and historical importance of the stud and clezing the doors 4 years ago. left a hole in our night life land scape i'm glad it will be filld and we are excited welcome you back. >> how will the new stud be different than the old stud. >> we have more space. nice are bathrooms. >> [laughter]. it is the heart that will be the same >> got it. >> you have i large group on the stud collective? >> we do. what purpose does [inaudible] serve and is it good he should
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be a part of group? [laughter]. i refer to him the wizard of oz. he is the move and shaker. >> fair. >> will you ever. i have no additional questions. can you have a seat we will open to public comment. on the stud. >> love this blazer. >> we have one person on zoom. >> i'm bob. i'm executive director of the leth and lbgtq+ district in
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soma. i justment to express our support for the poe permit for the stud. the stud has been an i conand pillar of our community since 1966. we are absolutely delighted see them come back. and we strong low support the permit. thank you. >> thank you. >> okay. >> no more public comment. >> all right. we will close comment. do we want to entertain motions. i move approval of the permit with staff conditions. >> seconded. >> president bleiman. >> aye. >> vice president wong >> aye >> commissioner perez >> aye >> commissioner thomas. >> aye. >> congratulations. one more step to reopening of
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the stud. of many. do follow up. next is different then and there we do things. >> right >> we are not there yet. >> the next is the same way we do things. the fifth permit application tonight. iot next permit is for 2224 mission. a restaurant in the mission and during the pandemic able to utilize a vacant parking lot adjacent to the restaurant for out door dining. they are going through a cu with the planning department. out door space is a legal activity area and able to apply for llp per programming. they are seek ability to host indoor entertainment daily and he like the ability to host out
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door sounds daily 9 a.m. and 10 p.m. will not exceed 4 hours of out door a day and 8 hours of amplified sound. like the ability to host 6 special events per year to host out door up to 8 hours they conducted out reach. and notified all residential and xhshl neighbors of the application. you will see they sent the letter and 35 of support and 5 of opposition. in response to opposition i replied to sxefrn asking if they like to put in touch with the ordinance. as of today of the 5, 2 respondsd and 2 more followed up there is more communication that occurred as of today include in your file. after i let the theirs know the
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applicant know there was niche obtigz sigz the pleasant wrote an all right to the neighbor letting them know than i want to be a good neighbor and how to cop tact them that was february 23 and i heard become from the niches two of them, today. continuing to oppose this is all included. gi want to mention in 2023 received 2 sound complaints. one on a sunday in november doo urg i cultural event in the out door space was not able to responded until the following weekend. they hosted outside of approved jam hours the second in role time no violations were benched. since applying we received numerous 311 sound complaints from the same person. memo out dated they were over this weekend as well. but we did receive 2 more this
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past weekend and inspector was able to responded no violations benched they are operating under extend duration out door one time event permit they are operating and we have not benched violations to date. >> set a limit and recommending recongress out door and sound the same way the jam was. not to exceed sounds levels 50 feet from the property. sfpd mission station had no added conditions and the owners are here to speak. are there questions for me regarding the neighborhood opposition i know that off the rails with my memo there was new information.
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we are thankful for your time. we i'm shawn and my partner is here and our architect--ing us navigate the city plan and permits we have no exertise in. we are operate negligent mission since upon 2014 this year will be the 10th year anniversary. moved to our current location months before covid and forced to move outside. to continue our business. . and thankfully the city was generous enough to give the jam
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permit we were grateful and tried to stay in compliance. we are applying for our llp permit to have music in patio and indoor space and limited live performances via outlook guitar monday and tuesday closed and sunday evening closed. and but typically youville music from 12-3. we shut down and give a break and come become at 5. to 10 and then indoors a hard stop at 11. out door hard stop at 10 and have live performances by tomorrow cruise who plays
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traditional and modern music from our upbringing. he plays from sick-10. i hard stop at 10 and once a month do r & b night and the that is following the same hours from 4, 6 to 10. we will also are hoping to host several you know cultural significant celebrations. specifically in july. september and september. we -- are so allowed we would like it increase that but those other 3 that are most important to us. and -- we have -- tried to be as compliant as possible and you know i am grateful for the help of deputy director, we got a lot
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of guidance from andrew and -- it it is you know -- tricky situation with neighbors and -- but you know every -- we are what i like to say is we are the business trying to operate and stay alive. doing the most we can. up operating in the spirit of san francisco that -- has been so accepting of our culture and historically been sort of a cultural hub in california we can share our are culture with the city and elsewhere.
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we know what level is appropriate. we have nothing but amazing love for the mission. it is built us. and -- and we want to -- you know stick around and being able to share our culture and share our food and the volleyballs of the i lands. with the mission district. it is you know, it is city has lost a lot of what the mission used to be and i think music and entertainment is a part of why people came to the mission.
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sounds like our inspectors have been a few times, i don't have concerns. >> i want to say thank you. i'm happy to discover you are around. thank you. all right. we will open up for public comment. is there public comment on this item? >> go oafing president bleiman and commissioners i'm joel becker i live at 2208 mission street. multiunit building next door to
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the space. i oppose the granting of a limited live performance permit for out door they shown to be bad neighbor under the jam permit hosting live performances and refused to make adjustment for neighbors approached them under the good neighbor policy i lived in the building for 15 years and familiar with the sounds of an urban environment this is not normal city noise. on the other side of the building. windows are closed and our walls shake.
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all are entitleed a peaceful and get environment without noise which may be hazardous to the health and welfare. the music noise that rattles my walls are in violation. my neighbor and is want to see them succeed. we think the out door space is a place for people to g. we could not sign up to live up to a live concert venue and don't. be to driven out of homes by their lack of consideration. previous complaints have not curtaild that bad behavior.
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the imspection at the start of the day's meeting illustrates that businesses operating will retain their permit. we are concern that they will take this license to repeat the violations. what recourse do we as homeowners have to retain the peace and well being of our hopes with no enforcement and no avenue to get this curtailed? if is an application llp must be rejected. thank you. >> thank you. is there further public comment. >> i'm a registered lobbyist i'm not part of this team i'm actually thrill body i spoke at
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the cu hearing and at that point the city determined and people determined it was necessary and desirable. you see the mission going through a crisis and fwt a pandemic hang over. space is like this. music, not to mention they have great food. we need more businesses like it in the mission. have the mission come back. you know to the point where i mean people go for -- music and food. that's what they are known for and culture and diversity. i don't know. possible low we could get the inspectors to come to the gentlemen who spoke earlier's place and do a testing inside. perhaps may be a double pane window might help? i have dhan in my clients and it worked.
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you want to be considerate. today we had approve this permit. has a hard stop at 10 o'clock and frankly anybody who wants to throw a party in their apartment will be answering to the noise ordinance at 10 o'clock anyway. i'm hope to see this approved tonight. and i hope that the communication line with the neighbor and them continue. and is continue to work toward better -- please approve this tonight. >> thank you. one person on zoom. amy if you can hear unmute yourself. >> hi. thank you. i also live in 2208 mission.
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building next door. and like the gentlemen who spoke earlier, i am interested in seeing this restaurant exist in this space. however, my objection is to the decibel levels of music and the fact that it it is all out door amplified music. it has been so loud that on several occasions it was like living next to a theater. living next to a giant concert venue out door concert venue. you said our walls shook in the building. double pain windows are not the issue. we have wonderful modern, very sound proof window in this
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building. you know, when i moved here in 2009 i lived here for 15 years the case of many of us in the building. you have been we -- we had a new building and -- we have also since updated some windows. we have insulation. and we have very good sounds proofing. but -- there is just so much that sound proofing can do when the noise coming at our building from the parking lot next to our building, that's what the out door patio space is used to be a parking lot. during covid. they turn today to an out door venue and stopped having anyone indoor. and every time i pass the restaurant now, pretty much the entire restaurant operates outside with the exception of the cook portion. i never see anyone sitting in
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the dining room indoors. all the action is out doors the other issue i like to bring up is that in september they heldz a community out reach. the gentlemen described the architect was the one this over saw that. . he -- seemed open to keeping communication open, took our contact information sxhch never contacted us back. so. them saying they tried to reach out to the neighbor system not actually the case. i have received zero e mails from them. they have my address. no phone calls. no mail. so. they are not telling the truth here. when they say they gone archel neighbor out reach. time is up >> okay. >> thank you.
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>> thank you very much. no more public comment. we will close comment. and discuss. ir hshd the complaints what they are dog is in compliance with the law if there are additional concerns 3 slen there for you as an option. one thing i noticed i double checked now it it is a very dense commercial corridor. so with a lot of activity a lot of foot traffic. a lot of places of entertainment. so am to me, i'm ready to move to approve this with staff
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conditions. >> i do hope that -- the business does comply with the standards and regulations we would have in their license and i want to say to the neighbors that obtaining an entertainment permit does not gift businesses carte blanche to into a club they are entering a covenant in the city and under our gaze. from my experience in san francisco, in the industry for many years, obtaining a license and getting in compliance actually helps the situation. >> i have a question is the plan to have entertainment out doors or having it inside as well? >> we wanted to keep it open.
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despite the remarks from the woman proposal we see a good portion of our guests inside now we don't have room for it. we have done it before and a small dj and play acutic indoors the majority on the 2 days per week and the 3 special events in the out door space. >> but -- you know we don't plan to turn indoor to a music venue. moving it out door a few feet in. the restaurant is occupied. we wentllow it with planning.
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>> i just i want to echo commissioner davis comments and say. you know i heard comments from the first neighbor that wants this permitted. there is no recourse this is not this is the opsit. people operating jam permits i would push back and say they were clear. there was more activity out doors we needed. things are back to normal now.
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an llp allows you to go until 10 p.m. reason time. if in fact the neighbors feel i think that they are operating outside of sounds scompliment we had not inspected them the permit holdser may -- push become on that. but i will say that once somebody come under an llp and 3 within 1 complaints we try to get to everyone in role time. not always the case. over time we do come a bit. i think you saw in the last period of time weep went to the beer garden 10 times. that is a good metaphor. but i think that you do get a
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lot of scrutiny from the entertainment commission. police don't have sound inspectors and don't respond to sound. they are busy doing other thing we have staff who inspects sounds. over time if somebody is oust compliance, i say 99 out of 100 times here, we work with them to get in compliance quickly. generally things work out. so i want to reiterate that i'm proud of the work. cities all overnight worlds look at us as a moss.
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do we want to upon entertain motions? >> on this approval with staff recommendations. >> second. >> president bleiman. >> aye >> vice president wong >> aye >> commissioner davis. why aye >> commissioner perez. >> aye >> commissioner thomas. >> aye. >> all right. moving along. >> the next permit on our regular agenda is extend hours premise premesis permit. union area at 219 oshg fairel. a restaurant that has location
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in thes city and seek this forlet night foodservice for union square location does not include entertainment. the business is seek ability to serve food and nonchicagoic drinks conducted out reach letting neighbors know they applied and no opposition. you will see in the staff recommendation central station recommending that i have security guard on site with a guard card during the late night from 2-4 a.m. the business is look to security options and considering hiring outside security company or their own employees serve as the security person work the door 2-4 a.m. here to speak are restaurant managers mike and sue. >> hello. good evening. >> commissioners. thank you for having us. i'm mike and just --.
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sorry. >> i'm mike and this isue. our general manager. we are applying for the hours to serve food. and nonalcoholic beverages. until 4 a.m. on -- it will be friday mornings, saturday morning and sunday morning. it is thursday night, going to friday. friday night to saturday and saturday going to sunday. why correct >> i misunderstood. thank you. looking at 219 oshg fairel it was occupied by a japanese restaurant. they have good food. open for 30 years i think before retiring from covid. we took over.
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and we serve ramen a japanese noodle soup for san francisco and tourists that come in and neap participate on the huge events at mosconi search and when not. all those people they join us thankfully. >> we are -- staying open until 4 a.m. we will stay open until 4. star bucks opens at 5 the neighborhood we should be able to bobble businesses should be able to keep track newscast neighborhood and make is safer for everybody. and that's all i have. i have a meeting at 3 a.m. at raman. >> [laughter]. >> i have no questions. food searchs only wrchl we need
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late night. >> i will not dance outside or screaming or yelling. >> your first amendment right. >> >> can you have a seat and we will open up to public comment. no public comment. why we close public comment. i move to approve with staff recommendation. >> may i make a friend low amendment mike is correct it should read friday, saturday and sunday. technically it is 2 a.m. tochlt correct it is foodservice allows 2-4 a.m. friday, saturday and sunday. i move to approve. >> second. >> okay. president bleiman. >> aye >> vice president wong. >> aye >> commissioner davis >> aye >> commissioner perez.
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>> aye >> commissioner thomas. >> to the fifth permit application tonight. >> thank you. >> thank you. all right. the next permit on the regular agenda is drift wood 1225 folsom an llp from our office due to the zoning legislation they are eligible to apply. under the poe. will extend until 2 a.m. rather than 11 a.m. there is a sound limit in the staff recommendation below. owner conducted out reach noticing neighbors of the application and collecting 50 signatures of support and this is in your file there was no
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opsxigz we approve with standard condition. here to speak is chris. >> hello. thank you for taking the time to hear me. i have been the owner and manager of drift wood for over 10 years. on folsom street. at eighth street. excited for this opportunity to acquire the place of entertainment permit. i think tell be i beneficial to the business. and first off thank kate she has been a great resource. i utilized her many times. and thank the entertainment commission for waiving the application fee. you notice pritteding a small business has challenges. every bit helps. so thank youism understand for the first group to benefit from this. >> i guess running a small business is difficult and we are looking for ways to bring custody ins and retain them.
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i think having the poe will open up different avenues for us and help us increase business and support local artists. also bring much. need vibrancy since we had 3 embarrass close in the last month. it is not although we the get the stud it it is good. may be and anyway i happening that will help. but -- let's see. i did out reach to the neighborhood. and other business owners and they all stood behind us we do work as a team to and discuss and meet and up talk how we can keep the neighborhood alive notch only i have a business there and live right notoriety stud. so. i'm close and vest in the the
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neighborhood. we had this llp since we started. we have -- it is giving me experience with events and experience with the large are events like folsom and pride. i think it has given me good experience and feel we are red to grut to the poe. throughout this time, we have -- stayed with the good neighbor policy. i got -- letter from our i did not give you. from the tenant's rights saying they are in support of our us attaining the poe. that's good. i have a letter from the zoo car the restaurant on the corner. so -- they also echo what i was saying about it would be good for the neighborhood and giving life to us.
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and -- i hope that there is no other things that can raise a red energy for this. and i hope that you approve my permit. i have one commencemented the one thing that is holding us wang a bit i understands it is out of your hands the permitting from the building inspectors giving us i big hiccup i think it will be a challenge for us to get through the permitting press. i hope we can. >> have you roached out to office of small business. >> i did reach out to our supervisor. thank you. and he is working with together to try to come up >> and i would -- recommend reaching out to office of small business they have people on staff who's job it is to help
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you get inspector in there and sometimes they ask you to do things that are not feasible. >> okay >> they are paid to do it. >> technically we are paying them to do it. >> right. >> yea. is there public comment on drift wood? >> no public comment. >> we will close comment. do we have motions? >> move approval of the poe application for drift wood. >> second. >> and hello, neighbor. >> okay. president bleiman.
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>> aye >> vice president wong >> aye >> commissioner davis >> aye >> commissioner perez. >> aye >> commissioner thomas. >> aye. >> oh now i get on do it. >> yes. you do. yoop this is fun. >> we will take the 6 and 7th together. and the way this am work we will ask for commissioners to scomplin vote on them individually. we will have the farmer's market. and then the soulful sunday after each item we will do public comment and then have the next one come up. then we will have discussion and motions as a whole and vote individually on each one.
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the come implement history for events the commissioners directed staff to bring them to the next meeting to review and discuss each upon event n. learning are context and give each organizer opportunity to be heard. since the left meeting staff held a meet width organizers to discuss sound and reach a consensus on the frequency of entertainment for friday, saturday and sunday but was unable to. i wanted energy for the commission this we spoke with the applicant for the friday night market at this location and than i decided to reas i understand their application. you will see that they are no long are agendaize third degree evening. the friday night market will not host combament and decided to work with soulful to give them an opportunity to sell.
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this evening you will being hearing from the saturday fillmore farmer's market and soulful sunday. before we go over the first i want to note out reach was done differently for the two. to minimize confusion. both events included in 1 out reach letter sdrnlted by the organizers. staff helped distribute it by to the management office of the fillmore center. and shared with active neighbor going to post it to next door if they could. >> in addition i willmented let you know we received a letter from supervisor preston's office at 4. . 40 this evening. regarding the agendized one time permit for fillmore and o fairel. i added the full letter to the fold and director has a couple of copies we look at. the take away from supervisor preston around frequency of events is than i are supportive
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of the fillmore market continuing the different evercurrent frequency of every week and 4 soulful sunday if agreed to a compromise the office is supportive. and to host the live bands each month. if there is not one the supervisor's office support the weekly frequency for soulful know sunday. we will go with the fillmore market first. >> sorry. don't worry i will read the formal summary. i appreciate it. >> all right. thank you. may, so much will good evening. the first of the two one time
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permit applications is for the fillmore market host weekly entertainment every saturday. from 9 a.m. to one in the dates of street closure march 9 through december 28. the marmer's market in operation over 20 years at this location. permit the market asked to continue hosting live music for maskpate republicans to enjoy. entertainment from a guitar testify jazz ensemble. once they receive approval to renew the street closure permit after december of 24. hay will come become and ask to amend it include more dates through march of 2025. >> you will see tonight the application the neighborhood oust reach and map that lowon referenced. the letter of support from
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preston's office and a copy of the complaint data. sfpd northern station responded they have no occurrence. and i want to point out this we have not received neighbor complaints. however. the market was included in 3 general complaints that voiced concerns the activations on the street weekly. because the two event organizers not able to reach consensus on the schedule. we have two staff recommendations. for the commissioners to consider pertaining to frequency for on going entertainment and sound activity at this market. option one, hosted weekly on saturdays from march 9 through upon december 28. from 9 a.m. to one p.m. or option 2, first and third saturdays for entertainment. from march 16th through december
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21st of this year 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. staff are recommending prove with one of the options along with the good neighbor policy come standard continues in the memo. here to peek with you is michael from the farmer's market association. >> sorry about that i ed public speak. >> you summarized it well. ive want to capitolize on our job is to provide a farmer's market and an even for music. like to provide music but -- the farmer's market is the thing. so i printed out a rules that i believe got distributed to you guys. that all the musicians and entertainers that go through
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have to agree to. and some of those rules include sound levels and basically -- at the moment won't don't have decibel meter readers we figure t if someone can't hear their customers from cross the aisle at a market you are too loud. you we tell the musicians to turn music down. special then -- like -- we look at each one monthly if one of the musicians we book has complaintses from the staff that they are loud, they get reprimanded and if they continue we don't book them anymore. i want to hopeful low that we can get this.
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any questions? public comment? >> yea. first questions for the applicant. yea. why thank you. stay on top of me. am i'm apt to stray. you can have a seat. >> can i say one more thing the person said manage about the notification. we apologize we usually send out letters. it was different this time. >> thank you. now public comment common this public comment is limited to just the fillmore farmer's mark and you have know opportunity to comment again if you would like to on the soulful sunday. we are trying to make sure the
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comment stays specific to the permit. thank you. okay. so. i upon present myself i forgot to. i'm antonio. i live in the fillmore heritage center. we are a block away. so, i gotta say the farmer's markets i never had problem with temperature i like to have this market there. we go buy groceries and things and the times that i have been there the issues are usually volume is moderate. from my i cannot spoke for the fillmore center. from my perspective i never had a problem and think it is measure in the that sense. >> now that yea.
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i think it is a [inaudible]. to have. regarding the out reach, i never received this letter from them. in the best. the active neighbor next. this -- talking about -- [inaudible] and this case. yea, so. i was going to [inaudible] and i did distribute them next door. i said that it was not my role it do this. and i only going to private groups.
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>> our standard protocol for requirements for out reach to 50 feet perimeter radius from the event premesis. door to door every resident and every business. thank you. >> all right. more public comment? >> please. >> hi. >> thanks for hearing us i'm mia simmons the farmer avenue market manager for almost 7 years. i used to be a vendor there 13 years ago and also a musician for all of the markets. so,ip inherited that market from the old manager when made a big effort and big program to
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>> thank you. >> we have 3 hands on zoom. >> first person is e sir anna. >> good evening. thank you very much. can you hear me >> 3 minutes thank you very much >> thank you very much. >> i appreciate the opportunity to speak. i have been a drentz of the fillmore for this your for 10 years. i lived for 5 years in the fillmore heritage and now the fill nor center next to the music venue is. weave buy groceries almost every
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weekend at the market. we love it. however we have been enduring the high levels of noise from the music from the friday night and evering events for the last year. we [inaudible] filed complaintd and letters and so on. >> on many occasions i have a decibel meter. on the 19th floor and i am the basically the sounds are 100 des bowls.
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i would be incline the their startad sdpen only a couple of weekends a month and do it every background from now until september. its too early at 9 o'clock. when there is loved music and we are there we don't upon frequent the stores close to the music it it is too loud. and you know -- when we were living at the fillmore heritage sometimes the music got loud and like our neighbors said i was -- over away now we still heard the music has been too loud. we are okay. love the musicians and the music and ambience. every weekend and saturday from 9 is too early and too much.
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thank you very much for the opportunity and i appreciate the time. >> thank you. >> if you could be quiet in the audience this is in the a give and take. these are public comments. i'm sorry. two more. isabellea. if you can hear. >> yes. you have 3 minutes j. okay. i want top -- i want to thank antonio for being there. on behalf of the residents at the fillmore center and me personal low. i live at the fillmore center and facing the furthermorer's market. i don't have i problem with the market besides music. i work 9-5 job.
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i pay an extreme amount to live here. it because i love my view. i love my apartment. but you know -- i am not at home i don't have the luxury of wing from home when i do want to sleep in on a saturday it is not fun waking up to music at 9 a.m. it is not necessary. i believe. they want today have the music the live music at 11 a.m. may be that would be more doable. but like i don't think it is necessary to as well live music at the farmer's market and -- yea. i'm directly above. the market and sorry i'm nervous. but that is when i will say
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today. thank you. for this merit. thanks. >> next public comment. emily? next person is markis. >> can you hear me. >> yes. >> i want it say i life the farmer's market and music. goes with the culture of the jazz district. i want to put emphasis on jazz district. that's when people that move here sign up for. what i mean is the legacy of the fillmore. that means on the weekendsless you will have i bit of music. you know -- despite the jen re,
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that is what this district is all about. you know you don't move to a district to change what is the culture of the district. if the city is a big city. if you don't like the ambience of the area have you the right to move. and -- the last time jumbo music that tellsut mind frame of the person temperature is not jungle music it is music. if you don't like it you have a right to but jungle music that is racist. so that is disrespectful. you know and that is racism we deal with in the fillmore. i love the farmer avenue market and the music and just because people don't agree with the events there, at the that location, so what? that's what the jazz district is all b. it is about show casing the talent that is there the if
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fillmore. and that it is what it is about. you will comment to the your to change temperature i think that was a racist statement to call it jungle music. thank you. >> thank you. emlow is back. . thank you of i lived in the fillmore center the belling with the star buck in it and lived here with my wife for 10 years. we live in the back of the building we are facing north. so we are not right up on the market. we don't upon general low hear that. so -- we have no objection to it but i can appreciate isbell's comment fist she is over that
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and on an early saturday morning that may be a bit too early to hear. any type of a gwen re. we have appreciated the ambience and the music brought to the market. it make its a lot of fun. the concern they have is emergency access to the building. and that was going to be my primary complaint. for the fridayent this is are now no longer happening the upon saturday were events and it is sunday events if fwheeded if we have a fire or an emergency in the blgdz it would be difficult for the fire department to access nots only it get into the building but access that fire hydrant that is there at the corner of fillmore and o fairel.
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last year there was port-a-potty there that was used primarily to house the barricade for friday and sunday markets. the farmer avenue market has barricade says from what i benched. and so that was my concern was the. emergency services should we mead it. we do have older people in the building that -- sometimes do need that type of care. it is other concern that i have and again that is with the upon sunday crowd, toochlt the port-a-poe was not maintained in a very clone fashion. and never accessible. oir neighbors would show their displeasure by not a second time using the facility not using it.
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i want to fire off a few things about the market. like neil said earlier this market has must have positions playing. they are always solo musicians except for the first saturday of each month we have one jazz band. and as another commenter mentioned earlier. something we considering important to the fillmore and manage we are proud to provide. i have heard about the noise level issue. i understand. i wanted to reiterate that -- that00 autonoise levels from the musicians have to be loud for venders to have transactions.
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kweel close public comment for the first of the 2. now we will hear from the soulful sunday. >> okay. >> and public comment on this and we'll discuss them and vote. the nigz granted 2 sundays of entertainment and sound until this hearing with direction to discuss it and consider recongress the frequency of the entertainment activity for this permit. granted we newell of street closure from the stay stay for each sunday. from february 4 to october 20,
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we is 2 staff recommendations. weekly on mondays. 11 time5 p.m. ors the first and third sunday march 17 through october 20 from 11 to 5 p.m. >> there were no issue and here to speak with you is aris from brothers for change. >> good evening. thank you and want to thank staff for hosting the meeting with us and getting a compromise 3 of us producers and after the left hearing we were good
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neighbor and went out the door together and talked as neighbors. i understand the frequency and the entertainment on the block and all that stuff. i don't stay on the block but i'm a resident of 49 years. i understand the music industry on used to be on in that fillmore center again was our festival land. i think growing up we played in the streets. and sew soulful sunday was not just entertainment it was bring back the culture of playing in the streets.
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before we do public comment? >> nope. >> let's open up public comment for soulful sundays. >> yes. >> please. >> hemo~ i'm elizabeth president of kitchbalpark condo association and our building is closed off for farmer's market and soulful sundays. as president i gotten complaints with the last year because last year every weekend we had huge speakers. and from one of the entertainment venues on soulful sunday. those were the only things that people complain the truck with the speakers the volume was loud. people's walls were shaking. et cetera . >> 91 of the home ordinance complained.
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you know the kid playing with the on the street. we love that. we have no problem. the main problem is loud noise. when we call 311 the police never came. we have no objection. the only other thing i would recommend living thering and there are thousands living on this street, it is residential there is one little restaurant. . and we love the fillmore jazz center but also understand that oshg farrel is not the entire fillmore why should every event be on our street. i have worked with aris i went to the sunday event left time
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and the music was really quiet. and peaceful and great. and i just said it was grit. we have no problem with that. that's my comment. thank you. >> hello. so again i will remine i live in the fillmore heritage a block away. first i don't remember having heritage. >> you are making public comment. sorry. not a conversation. >> so, i don't remember i remember that the permit was approved and there was a month of doing it but don't remember heard it in the last sunday. i cannot speak to. the thing i can say on the out
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reach i never received a letter from them. and so it is the same situation. the letter i received from the commission but not the organizer. and so, yea. that's it. i have not received combchlg so. and i remember i live in the 11th floor. and i could hear. i could hear the sound the music from the soulful nlsd is. >> i think that having this every sunday is not great. sunday is a day you. to quiet low enjoy your life. music from 11-5 it is a whole day. the day ends after 5 on sunday you wake up later. i think every sunday it is too much.
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thank you. >> we have 4 in zoom. madeline, you are up. unmute yourself you have three minutes >> hi. >> i just want to say that as far as the fillmore farmer's mark music. i think it is a great part of farmer's market instead neighborhood it is great. i hope this conditions and can it never seemed loud to me when i go to the farmer's market and i hope it can continueen if it
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is softer but. i'm in favor of it. as far as the soulful sunday i hope tell not be more than twice a mont. i prefer once a month. the idea is good. having families come together and the children. and all the activities. butt music is so were horrificly loud to which have it all day long, is really too much. may be they could -- figure a way to have it for a couple of hours. of really rocking music. and softer music the rest of the day. >> thank you. >> thank you madeline.
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gi like to say i enjoy soulful sunday show case talent. 95% of the people that perform remember are there from the community. i appreciate that. . show case the talent in the community as well. once again, you know people that don't like the fracture of it keep in minds when they came to dot reading i was there twice. when she came out in coming pliance with the noise. so it was not the event itself was not in conflict with that. now i don't know where the [inaudible] come from? the truck and the van and, stay focus with the upon event.
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once again when the reader was 10 it was in compliance. upon keep that in upon might beed. and if you don't like the jen rethat is your preference. should be rowelled ford have it every sunday. permit is 11-5. and you know i said, cause not in compliance but it has. >> no approval provings that have been violates this is fill forejackets 26. we should benning back that is what it is about. and bring it back the left fillmore swept out since covid.
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consider having it every sunday. thank you. >> thank you >> hello. so again i'm isabella. when i spoke last i antonio said the fillmore center was begin notice. i'm passionate about this, i knew i had to be theatre. luckily had had no other plans. but there should have been more notice about this. >> so. the music on fridays was
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unbearable and sunday. you know i remember visiting when i was in my apartment and i was like i can't be here. i drove to feel my friend's house in the sunset. it doesn't matter what music it is. it does in the need to be that loud. i want people tong about this as if they lived where i lived. i love the neighborhood and living here part of why i moved here is the neighborhood. it is lively and fun. i go to the live music that is my passions i go to concerts all
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>> that's. thank you. >> thank you. >> next up ann. unmute yourself and you have three minutes >> thank you. i wanted say is that i think that when is a little. will the issue is theville um. and that's it. it seems like there are other things drag in the who got the right it live there. who was there longest the neighborhood before. i don't see how far that is necessarily relevant to be the idea that it sounds like everyone including myself is in
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support of the community is in support of having events for the community. the volume is the problem and the music is the problem the volume of the music. i will goes it feels there are other trrnlt arias we are following reasons. and i think the organizer has said that the idea is to bring people together. one of the idea says. and -- so. to then say worky can't do this without the music does not make sense to me. i guess i feel like search supportive other than the vol uchlt music. if the volume it is kept at an i don't know what normal means. a decent scomplefl not all day and not every week. i think it seems it is a nice thing to have.
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>> that is it! i will close public comment. for this item. and i have questions for you, sir. do you mind coming up. i'm confused. so. -- it sounds like the music you are putting on has been in compliance. is that what you said, right? >> yea. i have in the been to soulful sunday i imagine there are other people that are playing music. have you wented that? i feel like may be puare getting the live entertainment you had cop flated with others who are not you know you may be getting
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blamed for that. is that something you have seen. there was a nan. >> of course you sundays is quieter. if wherever you go. the know ownership no entertainment is going on in the neighborhood. >> i'm wondering if the complaint about it being loud on sunday does snot sound like it is coming from your music. i don't is coming from sunday. >> i am having trouble
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i agree with president bleiman. i think your for whatever reason attracting complaints that are not related to what will you are in front of us for, which is the permit for the entertainment. so. >> you have more questions for him. gi want to say i'm trying to put myself in the shows of the neighbor temperature is confusing a lot going to that weekend. a friday, saturday and sunday.
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it is hard to keep track. i don't know if i have a worksheet to figure out the week. >> sanctionedarctivities. >> too >> it is kind of combination of all the force in that one neighborhood. and i feel the frustration of the neighbors. i'm until that am street and all this happening every weekend. 9 in the morning?
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my desire to focus on our lane. that's all we have our jurisdiction is not just beyond the band playing and live music and the decibel levels. you know to me. the all 3 are happening. . i have not been there on a friday night i wonder having an entertainment permit or not will change the sound one bit on friday nights.
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you know you think there will be people am playing music and sound but not our being judges. this make its so we can't help. i get temperature i imagine that is a lot. other thing, too. somebody mentioned not about who they dot longest i push back the history of the fillmore of the neighborhood is so much trauma there. and that was a vibrant not alive at the time that was a vibrant community from my understanding music was almost 24/7 it was ever present in the fillmore jazz district. that was a long time ago. the people who live thered were house says were bulldozed. like forced out of where they lived. and then others moved in and there is a sdpier of many people
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to bring this heritage back. i don't think that is nothing. we started this hearing with a land acknowledgment. for people whop got forced out of here syncs ago and so. i think that matters. i agree i think we have a duty to honestor history and heritage of the district. i did hear the frustration of neighbors i heard frustration weeken up at 9 a.m. that's not this event this . event is 11 time5 p.m. has a modest >> 9 a.m. is farmer's market. >> soulful sunday is 11-5. it has a modest sound limit. aprufring would put them in our purview if you neil is violated
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you can follow up about and get annspecter out there. it seems like the team has been doing a great job. and staying in compliance i see no reason why not to grant this weekly. gi think that it seems like it might be helpful if the throw parties that have or the 3 events happening may be have a bit more collaboration so they can have clear -- may be there is collaboration. to have clear information when the events are happening and out roach to the community the neighbors understands if they don't it means they are not paying attention.
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infractions. if somebody had a van that is literally shaking like blocks, which from all accounts is happening in the area with frequency. the police come and help them with this fortunate move along. we had difficulty here the police same by -- make for a good tiktok. facility issues that are not our purview -- if our new commissioner were able to help you to reach out and talk and coming up with strategies for the sake of the permit holdsers troog to do thing in their rights and the law. they -- we might be able to get
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>> i have a question about the farmer's market. you mentioned this it is not the main focus. does it have to start at 9 a.m.? the music? >> i'm curious. nine a.m. is early to me. >> so, it doesn't. since musicians play for tips only. we like to give them some opportunity. there are a group that show upright at the market opens. and they are there to beat the crowds and sometimes it gets crowd. we want to get musicians the opportunity. >> is it possible to program it the 9 a.m. is not the loudest. like ramp up to the bay? so can you accommodate more.
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i feel like we should give the permit >> start we have to do them one at a time the farmer's market if we are ready to move. the question for mow is the farmer's market has less for us to do on it. jol and we will take a look at the fracture of the permit of soulful sunday after. do we have a motion? on the farmer's market? >> i would move approval of the one time out door permit for fillmore farmer's market weekly
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as dliniated with staff recommendation. >> seconded. >> can i ask for clarification. commissioner perez mentioned a quieter remember level from 9-10. simple that contemplated or are we moving. >> i'm reluctant to put that in the commotion like to leave that up to the market. >> i'm not going to add that would be a nice gesture. >> we have a motion to approve farmer's market with staff recommendation. genetics permit and seconded. >> >> you can still discuss the farmer's market before. >> i'm leaning toward the first and third option.
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so that -- i think for -- for this and other reasons. just so that to give the neighbors reloov not early in the morning. i'm leaning toward option two. that is not my motion >> i'm expressing that. for me it is farmer's market did not sounds like it was acmoneyius. there were people that said 9 a.m. is early.
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i see accumulation of events andarctivities every weekend. that's where i'm my head is. >> yea. >> other thoughts. >> so it sounds like the motion is standing and the second is standing. and we can vote. >> okay. >> president bleiman. >> aye >> vice president wong. >> aye >> commissioner davis. >> aye >> commissioner perez. >> no. >> commissioner thomas. >> aye. >> okay the farmer's market settled. the question now is really for
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soulful sunday how do we want to -- approach the frequency is what -- the question is here. i continuing is unfair to punish soulful sunday for an aggregate discomfortable at a lot of events and outside afters as well when they had a record of being in compliance. i'm apt to support a weekly kayedance. a motion >> yes. i will move to support the weekly permit with staff recommendation. >> second. >> president bleiman. >> i want to say. commissioner perez.
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more conversation. >> i'm kind of -- hoping that we can go to opgdz 2 on both. have. >> first and third sunday. i move entertainment a.m. i'm thinking about myself. doing this every weekends. is a lot. >> to point out the frequencies of the event and it is fact that they have to go through gotta get per notification shut down the street. like they don't need us to do that. right. that is a different entity that is setting the frequency like the weekly of the farmer's market. all we are talking about here is the entertainment and sound. gi understand there are a lot going on in the community we
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i'm comfortable with weekly. >> motion remains. >> okay. >> president bleiman. >> aye >> environment wong >> aye >> commissioner davis. >> aye >> commissioner perez. >> no. >> and commissioner thomas. >> aye. >> all right. both of the applicants have been approved and move on to the next item. which is -- number 7. >> dmrns comments and questions. yes. >> made it. i have something.
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i want to invite everybody here and in the audience to things next week the first the st. patrick's party on front street. taking place outside of my business. my new business herringtons and royal exchange and scloeders. friday, 12-8. alegality of people hopefully in suits bringing guinness. >> march 15th. >> 15th. where did i say that? we will be opening that will be our first opening and invite everybody to the other thing i'm doing, which is the lafayette elementary school musical of the lion king with 169 elementary school students k-5 directing the play and all happening the
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same day my bar is opening! skwoo your commitment to entertainment is remarkable. >> going to as you a brain arnrism. you will see that as an added bonus. >> this is the craziest week i'm going to have in my life. the lafayette performance 6 o'clock on wednesday, thursday and friday if you can't make it 9 a.m. on wednesday and friday morning. 5, hour and a half long musical performances, please, come. il save you seats. it is all free. >> i'll be there. >> i'm also selling girl scout cookies. >> i bought 10 box already. >> [laughter]. other comments?
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commissioners? you don't have a fun thing going on to promote. >> first time ever. >> that will be the first time in history >> and don't forget to vote. >> too late now. >> my stick are. >> any public comment on comments and questions? public comment is closed. we adjourn at 8:34 p.m. >> long one. by.
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