tv Homelessness Oversight Commission SFGTV April 3, 2024 2:30am-5:01am PDT
2:30 am >> wow, good morning! >> good morning. >> wonderful this meet willing come to order. welcome to our special meeting, this march 21, 2024 meeting homeless oversight commission. today, we have a pretty forward agenda as usual, we'll hear from our director, we have a consent agenda to approve three new contracts to vote upon and we look forward to hearing from the public and that is pretty much the gist. we hope to get a lot done today
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in an efficient way. as usual, we will start with the ohlone land acknowledgment. we acknowledge that we are on the unseeded ramaytush ohlone land, ramaytush ohlone have never zeeded lost or forgotten the responsibility as care takers of this place. as well as for all people who reside in their traditional territory. we recognize that we benefit from working and living in the homeland. we wish to pay our spektds by acknowledging the ancestors and relatives and by affirming their voluntary tern rights as first people. and i will turn it over to our secretary for public comment. call the roll. >> thank you, chair good morning and thank you for joining us.
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this meeting is being held both in hybrid and in-person in room 408 in city hall. and broadcasted live on sfgovtv. commenters will have up to three minutes to comment after each presentation. to comment remotely the phone number is 415-65-0001, access code 24942248896 afferenting the access code press pound twice to enter the queue.
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please wait until the host calls on you to speak. speak clearly and make sure you're in a quiet location. best practice is to turn off any other computers on. please respond with present. chair butler. >> present. >> vice chair. >> here. >> commissioner katie all bright. >> here. >> commissioner williams, walking in. is present. >> commissioner chris seen evans. >> present and, and guerrero present. and sharky laguana? >> present. >> sha raoen is present as well as city attorney. this places you on item 3 announcement of sounding dwiesz during the meeting.
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please be advised that the chair may order the removal of any person for similar sound pro dutiesing devices. this places you on item 4 announcements by the chair. >> thank you, commissioner secretary. i want to just thank the vice chair for previous meeting, thank you for a successful meeting. and that is mia nounsment other than to also thank the public for coming into a special meeting. i know this is not our normal meeting so i thank you for taking the time to come and provide public comment. now places this on item 5, the adoption of february 12, and 16, 2024 public comment. is there any questions or comments from the commission regarding our minutes from february 12 and 16?
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>> move approval. >> before we approve, we would like to open it up for our public, if no dismissingers have any questions or concerns, we would like to open up for public comment on this agenda item approval of our meeting minutes. are there any persons in the queue? >> yes, there is one caller, chair. go ahead, caller we hear you. go a heated caller, we hear you. >> speaker: hi, can you hear me? >> yes, we can hear you. >> caller: okay, good morning, members of the homeless oversight commission. my name is jessica middleton and i am a landlord formerly with whole pals institute [indiscernible]
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>> excuse me, excuse me, caller. yes, i hate to interrupt, these are public comment regarding our meeting minutes, you have have an opportunity to comment on other items later on in our agenda. is your comment related to our meeting minutes? >> caller can you hear us? okay, go ahead. >> we'll proceed, there is a motion on the table by vice chair. >> caller: can you hear me. somebody is muting me, so i have to unmute myself. i did hear you, can you hear me? >> yes, we can hear you. but this is -- ~>> caller: okay, i understand. i met the meeting agenda. i read that there is a request for modifications to the grand
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thing of additional monies for transitional housing, alchemy and dolores street. >> thank you. am i connect this is what the meeting minutes are today. >> this is specifically to our previous meeting minutes. you have an opportunity to comment on another agenda item number 11, on the agenda for this meeting. okay so we'll just allow you to comment at a later time, we'll let you know when. >> thank you, caller. >> commissioner. >> yes. >> okay, thank you. i did have one, i already emailed the secretary yesterday so there was one revision of the comment. but i think we got it, right?
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>> yeah. >> okay, that's all. >> thank you. so motion on the table, is there a second? >> second. >> it's been motion to approve the minutes from february 12 and 16 and properly second, all in favor say aye. >> aye. >> any opposed? ayes have it. this places us on item 6, this is an item for commissioners to provide any announcements that have happened between the last meeting and now. so i'm going to give the floor to any commissioners that would like to make announcements at this time. ?ment i'll briefly mention that i attend the conference that took place here in the department staff were there too, so it was really inspiring and you know, the comment from tamika moss who is now working
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for the governor, homelessness is really an issue that can be resolved and i was like as i said, you know, just kidding but i wanted to share that the conference was amazing and i'll leave it at that. >> thank you for sharing. >> any other commissioners wish to make any announcements at this time? for the public to provide public comment on this agenda item? if there are any members of the public who wish to make public comment at this time? any on the queue? thank you so much, commissioner for providing us with those announcements. this places us on item 7, my favorite part of the meetings is to acknowledge and honor hsh staff member, the hsh executive director and h o.c. will honor cricket miller from housing team. [applause]
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>> so cricket come on up, i guess, i'm not used to this room so we'll do it right here. congratulations. yeah, you can stand by, it's always easier. congratulations. >> thank you. >> very excited. so cricket miller was nominate bid our staff person hayes on and the bottom line is cricket keeps our team inspired even when things are really hard. and cricket does that, she is not just within her own team but really is one of those people that uplifts others around her. i see it and i don't get to see all the staff as often as i get to. i've seen that when i've been in the office with staff. cricket is our housing and instrumental and significantly expanding hsh scatter site programs by more than 200 percent through the expansion
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of flexible housing subsidy pool and rapid rehousing for adults. launch the subsidy pool for the bay view, transitional and families. the latter program, and built partnership with first time h and expanded our partners with bipoc organizations. managed housing voucher program with an equity approach which is now placed over 900 people in-housing. [applause] we're very very proud of that accomplishment and really proud of the design, it's been very successful in meeting our goals, our equity goals. and we expanded economic mobility, worked with partners who ensure funding was resigned. cricket is also an exceptional
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supervisor, from the smallest detail to the largest project. she is invested in the work of her team. she truly finds joy in this work spending hours building new spread sheets she will spend an afternoon deep diving analyzing provider patterns and afterwards, she will say she had a great afternoon. she looks at every detail that most of us would probably skate over and for that reason she's got an eye for the small things. cricket has a unique way to keep her eye on the details while driving towards the big picture goals. we appreciate cricket's commissioner to hsh her team and the people we serve. so cricket thank you so much to your commitment to hsh and congratulations for being our employee for the month of march. and [applause] i think you're the second person to get the
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real award and not just a piece of paper. so here you go. congratulations. [applause] >> i always think it's funny when i see my name is on a plaque because it's cricket. when i was told i was receiving the a award i was shocked not because i don't think i was deserving but because there is a lot of people that deserve this recognition. i think think almost every person that deserves this. the goals and achievements that you listed off, they're collective effort for sure, because in this work it can be very very hard as we all know and demanding, but it truly
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takes a group of dedicated staff, dedicated community base organizations, community advocates to work together to achieve every single achievement that director mcfadenlisted just now. this is a recognition award at least for me to continue the impact on our commission towards resolving homelessness and the only that we can do that is together so those goals are all of our goals and those achievements are achievements, so. thank you. [applause] >> congratulations again, cricket. and the om way that we can achieve this i love that last line that we should tag and i want to open up the floor to the commissioners if they want
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to provide any comments. >> i almost said commissioner cricket. cricket was my guide on the point and time count and i just have to say i was so impressed with her leadership and her commitment and connection to the community. and i'm also extraordinary impressed by hsh for giving her this award despite the fact that she's a huge kansas city chiefs fan, so kudos for overlooking that flaw. [laughter] >> congratulations cricket for all the work that to you and the inspiration that you show to help us continue the work forward. this places us on our item 8 director's office report.
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i want to remind every one that you have these green speaker cards so. if you wish to make public comment or any other comment on agenda please complete the speaker cards, and on the speaker cards, you'll have your name, you can check to check the comment and list the items that you wish to speak on. we will only utilize these in terms of recognizing those that wish to make a comment. so please do so as you see fit. another comment that i want to make. i want to make a recommendation commissioners for allowing after director mcfad en's report to allowing about 15 minutes for public comment. and allowing folks to have one minute for the public comment. one minute per person for the public comment as it relates to
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director's report. if in fact we have more folks that would wish to make public comment outside of that 15 minutes, we will allow publickers to comment during general public comment. and we know there is an opportunity if we go past our general public comment. i just wanted make this recommendation for efficiency sake and i want to let the commissioners know and if you agree with that, that would be appropriate, if not you will have questions, you should ask at this time. okay, thank you so much. director mcspaeeden. >> okay, i want to make sure that the power point is up on the screen before i get started, if that's okay. it's not there yet. >> one minute. >> sure.
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>> chair butler, point of question, one minute is not president that we set in the past. we certainly set a president of one minute. i just don't know if one minute is enough time. i raise that. >> thank you very much, certainly valid. >> through the chair, can the chair ask the audience--[no audio] [speaking off mic] >> perfect, i think the commissioners if you agree to that, i certainly want to make sure that we get as many members of the public to
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comment and so based upon the amount of people that wish to comment on each agenda item, i'll ask folks to raise their hand and then we can determine the time frame for each member for comment. for this item, yes. >> do you want them to raise their hands now? >> okay. all right, so if there is any persons who wish to make a public comment based upon our director's report, please raise your hand. there are 2 individuals, 3, who wish to make public comment after director's report. of course. okay, i want to get another check, how many of you by show of hands, raise your hands high if you wish to make public comment based on directer's report?
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1, 2, 3, 4. okay. thank you so much. and one person in the queue. yes, so every one will be able to provide public comment in the three-minute time frame. >> thank you for your consideration. >> absolutely. >> okay, good morning commissioners, thank you for your patience while we get the presentation up there, it seems like it's there. i want to start off by saying something about moriol land who was the ceo of tenderloin development center, actually ever there very long, i think he started after i started at hsh and he passed away suddenly
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approximately a month ago, and it was just really shocking for our homelessness response system to have that happen. just want to say as ceo, mory lead with humidity and served the people of san francisco with justice. he leveraged his leadership and his vas experience in the public private and non private sector to preserve communities and build housing opportunities for the city's most vulnerable residents. his legacy will be felt through the tenderloin and all of san francisco. the buildings he erected will be building monument to see his service. his pursuit of affordable housing is a matter of justice for individuals and families was influxed by lived experience and powered by his education.
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born into a mexican immigrant farm family he was the first to attend college thanks to opportunities programs liekt migrant education and federal trio programs. he graduated from the university of california becker reand leaveder from ha vaeder. and generational change for immigrants, low income families and families of color. we grief this tragic loss with this family and friends. and we remember him for the leader, mentor and friend that he was. his impact only the community will be forever cherished and perhaps we can take a moment of silence to reflect. >> absolutely. thank you.
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i'm going to move on to the regular updates that i give you. starting with the updates in data before i get into the body of the presentation, i did want to take a minute to clear up some inaccurate reporting in the press about our january point and time count, i'm sure commissioners have questions about that. as i think you know the point and time count is sensitiveness of people experiencing homelessness and every community that receives federal resource to see address homelessness. the count gives us important data on community trends, hsh uses point and time for data. it provides key information about people experiencing homelessness. while the point and time count is a federal requirement that results do not directly impact
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where the impact the amount of federal funding that san francisco receives, if the count goes down, our federal allocation of funds will not necessarily go down. i want to clarify that. our annual allocation is based on submitted collaboratively between hsh and our nonprofit service provider partner annually. there is been questions if they recounted some routes. and if so if they're consisted with hud's recommendations. we did visit four routes to make sure that the count was conducted properly. that said our xwernz people's movement and inability to duplication have lead to a decision to not use a data collected on the second night. by utilizing the count data our mythology is in alignment with hud guidance and point and time best practices.
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we work closely from train workers from halun headlight, tenderloin and urban alchemy to lead with community volunteers. by work withing trained out reach workers rather than relying heavily on volunteers, we're able to utilize their expertise to better differentiate people experiencing homelessness from people hanging out or using drugs in public places. i want to clarify despite what was in the paper, tenderloin was not cut off, they're very much on going partner. we have concerns that the trainer approach we used to train the staff was not sufficient and we plan to address that in our training plan for our next count. we do not think this has had a material impact on the overall results on the count. >> thank you. so i'm going to move on to out reach. our out reach efforts stay steady with 285 engagement in january. we're continue to go support
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the wet weather work, obviously we've had a lot of rain this winter which is has a really negative affect on people on the streets. so we've done a lot of work there. one success story to note the homeless out team recently placed a well-known couple to our system, they have now moved into the baldwin shelter, that's a real victory for the team. the cup has been known to the team for years but had been hard to locate with consistency and regularly declined offers of shelter for all the reasons that we know can sometimes decline. we're thrilled to see them indoors and on the path to stabilization and housing. and then moving on with out reach in january and february, hsh and laguna health start today stake grants. we focused on grants in two years.
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and then the commission, the major focus of the commission team is identifying people to move into the mission cabins when the project open in april. we're very excited that that's very near to opening. the funding includes funding workers and as well as funding for shelter to support people coming out of uncampments in these areas. there is a proposal for a third round focused on bay view and that was submitted to the state last week. moving on to coordinated entry. our coordinated entry back up to 131 assessments in january as you may recall it was down a little bit last month and we thought that was just an aberration, it's now back to where it should be. moving on with coordinated entry, our new coordinated entry access point was established at the san
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francisco pretrial diversion project focused on serving people involved in the justice system. as well as the sheriff's department. and then an update on the safe housing group, they're developing a new coordinated tool for survivors. this includes questions of disability and equity factors. next steps is to develop a guide in training and then do a soft launch in late summer of 2024. and then, i also have an update on people at-risk of homelessness served through our homelessness prevention programs. please note that our figures low different, rather than all time which is in line with our other reporting. so we're shifting away the way we do this report. between july 2023 and february
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21, 2024. during this period, 1495 households were served with access of 6904 in assistance 1.2 million. 81 percent were below income. 68 had experience homeleness, 71 percent were at-risk of displacement. 7 percent had received an eviction notice and 79% identified as people of color. and then problem solving state relatively consistent in january with 67 resolutions. so far in fiscal year 23-24 we have had 541 households assisted with over 1.7 million in financial assistance. and then as a reminder, we have
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an line dashboard inventory our housing programs. we're still at 13200 units of housing. and then housing placement were relatively consistent in january with 198 placements. just a related update, we continue to see emergency housing vouchers. we have issued 1260 vouchers with the housing authority. 147 households. we issued more than 906 vouchers since some households never use or stop using their vouchers. allowing it to be refefrd to a new household. for example, 63 household expire before they use them. 90 household left to another permanent housing situation and no longer need thed. and we will have the full dashboard, i think the full
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dashboard went up this week. yes, so the full dashboard is up and we're really really proud to have it up fine laolly. so staff works super hard to get that on to the website. and then for housing updates, 180 jones housing site opened, we have 35 studio units that are dedicated for unhoused adults in a mayor's housing of community development new construction building. hsh received the notice of funding, we have ten million for repairs and single room occupancy, permanent housing sites, master lease by nonprofit organizations. this was released on february 16th with proposal due may 16th. we have new scatter site housing agreements took affect on march 1 for the ending trans fender initiative providers are community forward sf and the
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transgender and inner sex project or tj--tg--you may have heard news that our approach for sober living site had to change while hsh remains committed to housing site. we're no longer plan to go use 935 and looking for a more appropriate site for the program. and then moving to lake merced, we have continued progress at lake merced to move people out of vehicle encampments and solutions coordinate out reach before enforcement of regulations. we moved 30 households into housing and still 24 households enrolled on the pathway to housing and six additional household awaiting referrals.
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and then for housing vacancies, vacancies remains low. we're getting closer and closer to 7 percent which we're expect today hit soon. we are getting close. this month there were 1169 vacancy available for referred. this number continues to decrease and for the first time this figure is below 2 percent. off line and referral pending units stay pretty consistent. this month we're also in the process of launching our invent tore for vacancy tracking. we want to wait until the new system is up and all data is integrated before celebrating reaching this goal. we want to ensure that there are no data errors before we celebrate this success. and as a point of refrps, san francisco has a 7.4 vacancy rate across the rental market
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and private rental market. so in addition to all the work under way, the hsh housing team will double down on high vacancy rate. our 15 properties make up 12 percent of our portfolio but 33% of all vacancies. we're hoping to continue to reduce vacancies with this new targeted approach. across the shelter system on february 27th, we had 3486 capacity in our shelter system and in 91 percent occupancy rate overall. it's great to see more beds coming online in the winter months. i mentioned earlier, our mission cabin program will open in april.
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this is at 1969 mission and five keys will be the operator. we have 60 cabins serving up to 68 people and we're focusing initially and specifically on the mission. there are a lot of questions and focus last meeting on denials of service, we're still looking into doing a deeper dive on in in april and may commissioner? and along with update on how we're working with department of public health to reduce the denies of service, specifically relate today behavioral health challenges. i think we struck a new cord with the department of public health, the director of behavioral health is wonderful. but it's fairly new and i had to get her arms around, how san francisco works coming from new york and our system is different and we, we are really excited about our partnership which point and had a great
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meeting earlier this month not specifically about this issue but i see a real path forward. >> great. >> and then moving on to our reservation wait list improvements. we're seeing improvement the to the shelter reservation system. although the total number of people registered has not dropped off much. we had 397 in january in total. the average daily on the wait list has sharply dropped over winter as more placements have been made to fill beds and keep the beds updated. the number of shelter reservations grew to 124 in january. and then just moving on to some additional updates, so, and i know this is a work in progress, so i just want to start by saying that. there are going to be many
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grant a groements coming before you this spring as the fiscal year winds down, getting close. as we wanted to include and wanted to include a note on the process. for agreements with new services, we are planning to have a staff presentation to the commission for approval for each new service. for modification or extension or new agreement, we're plan to go have these on the consent agenda for approval. and we're doing that really so we can get everything this year. i think we are very open to hearing from the commission about what works best. and we want to t i very much want to be balance out what the commission needs with, our staff capacity. so you know, it will be an on going conversation especially as we move into the new year, but that's what we're hoping to get through the renewals so
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people can continue with their work and get paid. and moving on to the legislative updates. three of the grant agreement, amounts before you today, hit the 10 million threshold and therefore required to go before the board of supervisors for approval. assuming you approve these graoementz, this these will be introduced to board of supervisors in march. we have two urban alchemy, and we have flexible housing pull agreement. the ordinance to extend stream contracting pass the bull board last tuesday. we also have introduced the waiver for payments on february 13 to allow hsh for shelter programs, this is been helpful for hsh to lay the groundwork for fellowship. additional two hearings called by the board that are scheduled for march. one is the hearing on the bla
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audit, that is the budget and legislative analyst for the board and then hearing on the neighborhood impacts around permanent supporting housing sites. and just to go back, i had a question about the urban alchemy process. we had initial leon the initially we had 3 agreements coming before you. one of them all have deputy director or chief of finance and administration, talk about it when we do the consent agenda to explain why that got pulled off. and then, moving onto the state legislative update. the deadline to introduce new bills which february 16th. hsh is tracking key bills taking some to san francisco state ledge committee. this is the body through city
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agencies do formal advocacy at the state level. the bill is on the list for state legislation are the following, ab653 would increase support for people using federal vouchers. ab1657 is a 10 billion dollars bond to finance affordable rentals and home ownership program. ab1813 would fund shallow subsidy of $500 a month for older adults. sb37 would fund deeper subsidies for older adults and adults with disabilities. and we'll keep the commission up-to-date with what we're taking to the committee as we make these reports each month. and then we've got some updates from the other advisory bodies we're making progress filling vacant seats, so thank you commissioners for that. there are three open seats that the commission must consider
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appointing soon, the shelter monitoring committee has only one vacancy left so that's great. they focused on staff training, complaint response times. the shelter advisory committee has four vacancies. name from hsh will take on secretary role at that meeting. and then the equity office is hard at work administering the affirming trends to access training. the training has been extended through june 2024. we have 479 providers from 49 agencies who have signed up or already attended this training. we're working on a crosswalk we're continue to go work on a crosswalk on our home by the bay and racial equity plan. our foc sus building templates for items. and two of the staff have
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completed the 2024 cohort focused on informed lens for racial equity work. now on the sf learning online portal. and then, as always, we are hiring, we have 247fte and 46 vacancies with 51 active recruitment. this includes position that's are filled. exempt positions and recruiting for permanent role as of february 2024. and we appreciate your support directing any candidates that you know to hsh, our positions are always posted on the department of human resources website and we also send out notices from our hr division. so, we are very very eager to get our vacant positions filled. this is going to be a difficult budget year. so we don't want to have a lot
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of vacancies hanging about. so please send us our candidates if you have them. thank you. >> thank you, director for your report. and i would like to open up to the commission for any comments or questions. >> thank you very much. the state legislative committee, when is that that you go to the state? >> you know what, i'm sorry, i think we're going to have to wait for emily to come back. she had to step out for another meeting. >> so the question that i had, i know in real estate, we have a ledge day where we go and make. >> that's right. >> do you need help from the commission perhaps on some of those points to help out on? >> we often need help both at the state and local level. what i can do is ask our deputy
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director emery cohen to let you know what the opportunities for engagement are. that's a really good question. >> thank you. >> commissioner? >> thank you very much for addressing the question that i was going to pose about denial of service data, i'm looking for the deep dive in april, that sounds terrific. i know that in the news, there was also some issues related to rv residents in bernle reported in the newspaper. and i wanted to find out if we are doing out reach to those folks and what the status of that situation may be? >> yes, the homeless out team has been engaging with those folks in bernle hill, there are very few rvs and i drove up there this morning and i only saw about five. and we are, you know, we are working with them and offering
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them problem solving resources. >> terrific, and it sounded like we're making incremental progress on winston and you're talking about people being informed. >> yes, we continue to work closely with the supervisors office we're still trying to work on identifying a site and so that work continues. it's just been hard to find one. >> i look forward to hearing an announcement about safe parking, we're all hoping for that. and lastly, i put a request in to the commission secretary for an updated work shart. it's my understanding the little one that we were provided back in may of 2023, there is five or six key management positions that are not accurate currently. and so i just wondered, i don't want to create lots of work, i was wondering if there is an updated work that can be shared
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with commissioners. >> it is work shart, i have not sent it to you yet. >> wonderful, thank you very much. >> we'll make sure that we get that up to commissioners. we update that. >> so it's not additional burden to ask for. >> sorry it's not our website, it's on our internet, we will make sure that you fwet it as they're updated. >> thank you very much. >> other commissioners? >> so, you know, you know, spoke about the commission being up for getting rid of commissions and stuff. there is a lot of opportunity to talk about where is the purpose of these meetings, how are we using them for the best time and things like that. so i know you have to get through a lot of points but there is a couple of points here that there are a really good opportunity to highlight the impact that it's going to have. it may mean something to to me but it may not mean anything to
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the public. i want to say the pretrial diversion being a new, you know, access point what that could mean. my guess is that means that folks that are coming out of jail will not have to necessarily have to go to the back to the street and then call oemless out reach and then get a voice mail and have to be traced down but maybe this is an opportunity where both you can, that's a really big deal because it means that folks coming out of jail can go into shelter. i don't know if you want to comment more on the common impact would have. >> yes, this is a partnership that we've had with adele probation, with a number of nonprofits, actually with a number of other departments. and we're really excited about it, because we know that people who have justice are over represented in justice department. and often people get dropped
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off without resources. what it was like for them to go through that. it's obviously like the worse thing to, you know, just be dropped off without the things you need. to be successful. and so this is a way of making sure that we are able to have access for people right when they come out or when, you know, they're involved with the sheriff's department. when they're involved with other nonprofits that serve that population and they're known, but they may not be known to our system and they may not know right away to find our other access points and then access coordinate entry. so we're excite beside that. >> also, it's a good opportunity to translate to the public. people are thinking a lot about public safety high accuity individuals, we want to make sure that people see the
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department taking efforts to say if people are coming out of incarceration and jails that they will be receiving care and not necessarily have to encounter somebody walking down the street if these programs are established. so i think that's like a really good way for us to utilize our time with the commission to help our public understand that. same with the housing group seems like a lot of women experiencing domestic violence need more care so we don't have this issues with denial services or people leaving the shelters because say women are coming into a general public shelter and we may have data this many were occupied but if they left, maybe there is a way to avoid or reduce them going back to the street and saying here's other more naoesh kind of program that where you can receive the care that you need.
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i want to high that same with the ten million towards the elevator modernization. i know there is a big concern to the providers and residents living in the building who may not want to continue staying there. so i'm looking forward to that. and then the vacancy rate, data point, thank you for giving the comparison to the private market. i think that's another accessible way of communicating the data so we can say this is how many rentals and now you have something. i think a lot of people may hear, vacancy rate and not have something to compare it to. so just really focus on how to give these points to have meaning to people who are just listening in and yeah, my last
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point was just, the dos and explain to the public. the last meeting we had requested to work with the department to create metrics on the number of doses with a kind of a goal. so again, if we're looking at data that says this many shelters are occupied. but we don't know how many are leaving those and going back to the streets or you know, jail or somewhere else, like at least if we have a metric that says, this is what our goal is, then we can measure and kind of track that for the public to assess, like the ebbs and flows and kind of pin point where the solutions and the gaps may be, does that make sense? >> i don't know if we'll set a goal. we'll bring what we have to you and do the report and then we can have a discussion about kind of how we track it. i think, i think that will be a eliminating and then we can have that discussion from there, that's what i would suggest. >> sounds good and ultimately just to agree with you, the
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point is to find another way to provide a deeper way to giving metrics to the public. however we do it, i'm definitely open, so. >> thank you, commissioner. >> commissioner guerrero i want to thank you so much for highlighting these programs and for your comments, i couldn't agree more. you know the pretrial diversion project jumped out at me one day. i once spent a day in jail for stealing for a deodorant and came out of jail with full of furry and no place to stay. and i think it's so critical and so important that we meet people right in the moment and we have a place for them to go. so i just can't thank you enough for getting this up and
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going. and the second part of this, i think, the coordinated assessment by survivors of domestic violence, i think that that highlights and this is to your point commissioner guerrero something that the commission can help highlight. that there are so many different causes for why people become homeless, this is one symptom but it has a number of different factors that can lead to people becoming homeless. and in my conversations with friends and members of the public, i think a lot of people walk away with this assumption, oh, you know, it was just one thing, they lost their job or they got addicted to drugs and they don't see all of the contributing factors all the things that stacked up and all the different kinds of people out there and the different
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experiences that they lead them to this point. so i think with this work is just really critical for the public to understand, that we do need as you said, niche programs that meet people where they're at and addressed to address the causes and factors that lead to them to the state of becoming unhoused. so thank you. >> any other commissioners with comments? thank you commissioners for your comments, i couldn't agree more. there is certainly a lot of good that has happened and that's one of the roles of the commissioner is to highlight the goods but also note that there is always room for improvement so we're working to a tres those areas as well. i'm going to open it up to our public to provide public on this agenda item. and i believe we had about 6.
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>> thank you. >> jordan davis and oafle middleton. >> three minutes. >> speaker: all right, so hi name is jordan my pronoun is she and they, thank you for acknowledging the passing of maur li o leon. i'm glad to see diversion emphasized. that's an issue, i often worry how this really interacts and everything. would be worried about them losing their housing, that's another major thing that comes up for me. i'm glad to say the safe housing group. i'm glad to also see the modernization project.
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that is like something that that i was literally knee-deep on before the pandemic. that is something that i was would goering with sda on and it's just criminal that like you know, it takes a long to fix these elevators. but another thing i'm thinking about is, this is why it's not really that great an idea to house people and say older sites where like the elevators are not as reliable, and i just think that we need to be thinking about that and what does happens when people become disabled. i'm abled body but what if there is a day that i'm not abled and i have to walk up the steps to get to my unit. so i'm glad to see more scatter site housing and but, you know, that is something that needs to be expanded. i'm glad to see merced and we
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should get more data on the properties with the highest vaik apartment see rate by provider because who knows what is going on there and i think that might be instructive as well. shelter, i'm glad there is going to be some cabin but we need to keep the howing first. and then of course, of course i'm concerned about the neighborhood and community impact around supportive housing sites. no stakeholder was contacted on that, i've asked around like after dorsey introduced it and nobody was contacted so this is going to be like, i don't know what he's aiming for but i don't have a feel good feeling about it. i feel like reducing barriers and using vouchers that may be, the federal government has all of these rules and stuff and wondering how the state can help with that. sol that's just it for me.
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and i ain't joining any board so. [laughter] >> and monty regan and hope camer. >> speaker: good morning, commissioner co-chair of hespa. i just want to express our gratitude to commission and also the hsh and mention that really great news that the contractor ordinance has been extended. so it's something to look forward to getting the oca funds sitting there. finally getting the funds moving, there are two approved plans that literally will house more team, they are very well thought of, very well strategized plans so really looking forward to getting that money so we can house people so
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the mayor can't steal them or attempt to steal them again. i also wanted to uplift and thank the commission for the resolution that was passed at the last commission meeting. that basically reiterated in order to move forward and make progress on its incredibly well thought out goals for san francisco, the mayor has got to, the frozen funds, the general funds need to be unfrozen and moved forward and hsh budget needs to be fully funded or else no progress, and we will fight backwards, thank you. >> thank you. >> next. >> speaker: hi good morning, commissioners, hope camer and i'm also the chair of hespa.
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i want to start with the team of hsh multiple times this week, y'all have come to campus and listen to some of the parents and our program speak about the family system and taken a lot of time to hear their feedback and i know you're profoundly busy so thank you all. so that end, hespa and hope were really enthusiastic about the excitement that we're seeing in the system come to a little bit more of a public consciousness last week. the mayor released a press release with supervisor melgar and ronen concurrently, supervisor sfai introduced a resolution over the over saturated especially as it's related to new families. i emailed chair butler about getting the agenda this evening. ipds these agendas are packed but secretary and the chair suggested i bring it up
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following the director's report so this is me bringing that up. and wonder if at this time there is any updated information from the department about the family shelter system and what we can be hoping for and thinking for. and i'm happy to stay late but just wanted to flag that, thank you. >> thank you. >> sorry, i did not raise my hand earlier. i was devastated about two deaths at my site. i appreciated director talking about an improved relationship in collaboration. but i'm hoping that this body can look at lives that are being lost. also just folks that have a
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high rate of need and being discharged without adequate support. ipg it's a huge equity issue, we see this a lot with our residents. i wonder if it's possible to look at data around housing. not to criticize the model but to think about what are the additional supports and what collaboration we need to make. i think the providers are holding a lot of pain of this, not to mention the tenant communities, last night one of my desk clerks was trying to save a life of a resident that was released from the hospital four hours before. it is not acceptable and it's really challenging to our team who are trying to lift folks living in the supportive housing. we talk about risk of violence or concerns about neighborhood safety but we need to look
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deeply at what services people need and how we respect people's desire. we need to be able to support those folks. so thanks for allowing me to speak today. >> thank you, and i would like to take a moment of silence and honoring and remembering those who lost their lives and then also to reflect on what our responsibility is so that will never happen again. thank you. >> we'll move to remotel public comment. we have a total of time of about 10 minutes. >> go ahead caller, we hear you.
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>> okay. >> caller: hi. >> go ahead, we hear you. >> caller:hi, i'm jessica, and i'm a landlord formerly with hope and now--to who is fiscal sponsor who took over in 2023. hsh has defunded and hope and redirected 10 million to take over. hope program at the end of february 2024 that failed to relocate residents of two of my units. in the bay view district. hsh are ignoring my calls and emails and not being communitive and transparent or taking responsibility of what
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is status or process they are taking in relocating the residents. i want, i went to hsh in-person three days ago and none of the representatives with me face-to-face. rather they communicated by the public service aid who sat at the front desk who they were communicating with via computer chat. hsh has referred to me felt on institute to address my concerns but they field the landlord were non vacated units on tuesday march 19 about thing but to use the security deposit but no resolution to relocating their residents. hope has ten million funding in, redirected to and they are lying, there is no funding. what they must do is submit to hsh. i'm concerned about the
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homeless [staticy audio] to hamilton families, urban alchemy for the community services when hsh can't even close the loop on former landlords with hope. hsh has to research it. they have 636 million dollars budget for this fiscal year and some of that money can be used to partner with the city attorney examine relocating residents just like they did at the shelter and place site and travel on march 18th. why can't she help the landlord in our property so we can ready our units for unhoused residents because hsh -- ~>> you have three seconds caller.
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i'm asking members to hold hsh accountable and give them a clear directive to return, so landlord can restore their units and continue serving the people of san francisco. hsh must -- ~>> thank you, caller. >> thank you, caller. >> caller: last i want to piggy back. >> thank you, caller, your time has expired. >> that's it. >> thank you, so much for members of the public who made comment on this item. we will now move to item number 9. which is old business. thank you so much. thank you commissioners for
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reminding me. >> yes, sir. >> i guess with the dos you're implying unsuccessful exits. so, let's see, can we get that statistics regarding people who are just having a bad time at the shelter and then decide to leave? i think that's something that needs to be flushed out because, i don't know it's, it's shelters are not the best housing model. also in the director's report there is nothing about unsuccessful housing exits. so how many people were evicted. how many people just decided to leave, numerous stories? can we get tracking regarding
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the elevator building repairs and you know, like how many things have been repaired and how many money has been going into the housing. and also, we need, i think we need more of like the tenant input into their housing. it's like, just habit ability issues like quiet enjoyment. i think it could be mitigated with certain repairs. also there is talk with the homeward bound program can we get a report as to what the status is and what is happening with it?
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i guess it's part of the homele resolution. and i guess i'm interested in this encamp resolution. and i feel like we need an old team where it would help people along the way instead of like, kind of like dumping them somewhere. the people that you put them on the street, may be the only people you trust. i'm having a similar problem. how do we help somebody from
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inside a tent to successful housing. the other situation i'm concerned about is how do we, what is being done to make between more of the connections between hsh and housing. how do we get these people to really work together so we can get to the best solutions. >> thank you, sir. thank you this places us on item 9, new business and we don't have any new business, so this places us on item 10 which is discussion item only, the homeless housing assistance round 5 application, our chief and finance chief of finance and administration will provide us with a presentation. >> speaker: good morning, gigi i use she her pronouns.
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thank you for helping me with the slides. i'll be talking to you about the homeless assistant with the grant that the city is applying for at the end of march. so what i'll be walking through through, how hs a have applied in proef what investments we've been maintaining with this grant. and any of your feedback. this is one of several public present a that's we've been doing on the grant funding. so next slide, h happen was passed by the state in 2019, that bill was part of a larger package of ways the state and
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to streamline homeless response mostly through land use and but also providing what was to be a block grant. to support their regional planning and coordination, as well as to expand and develop local capacity. for their homelessness challenges. the state coordinating and council administers to grant. and we are in close collaboration with the state on these applications. so there have been four rounds to date. these are the state wide, 650 million in hhap1. the next round was 300 million and then each subsequent round has been about a billion dollars per round.
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and this is in an visitation of san francisco application which is two on march 27th. so the slide before you shows the previous hr grants received by the city as well as the amount that we're applying for now. hsh has implemented a grant tone sure that they're sustained consisting prior investments. so we have been talking to the state about the challenges to continue programming or grateful that we have the funding available through 2028 as you'll recall from last month's presentation, but
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these, we have not heard that there have been a round 6, so it is concerning that these are still just one time investments in our system. there are strict obligation deadlines. and then the way the allocation has been meted out over the state has been shifted. and your proportion of that, now shifted to basically how you compare with other jurisdictions in terms of your count. our jurisdiction as all of you know, we're both a city and a county and other jurisdiction take alameda county, their proposal and other cities within the county. so we applied for both the city
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allocation, and county allocation and c o.c. allocation, so if you're seeing before you, how does this compare to regional partners, all of this goes to our region. so a little history on how the city has chosen to program these investments. each hhap was one a big push by mayor breed to expand emergency shelter capacity. and we were able to use these one-time funds to instruct a lot of new project. so the bay view safe navigation center was constructed with hhap funds. in part with a lease with h hap
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funds. also jelani health which is a site that provides parenting and family support to new parents at a 17 unit site was also supported with h hap funding. they provided strategic dollars which are very hard to secure. so we used that in partnership to community to develop the home bit bay plan and other initiatives like launching our community stakeholder group with people with lived experience. for h.hap two, this was in the middle of pandemic response we shifted the funding to support the shelter in place hotels. funding the operations, support services case management
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sefshsz that our department and all of the other city stakeholders were providing us at the sites that were not eligible for federal emergency disaster reimbursement or fema reimbursement. we started a new supporting site at the art more hotel with h.hap 2 funds. and in h-p3. how do we maintain more shelter capacity. so we used the site which is an adult shelter as well as what we call safe navigation center. we also proposed using the
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grant to operate a 24-7 operating center. as well as to operate the site as well as manage the instruction of the ground floor build out. next slide. the purpose is to organize and deploy a full away of homeleness programs. sustain local investment. what would have tried whether that's a our knee home fund which is capped the percentage that can go to shelter or other
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federal state and funds. a lot of our solutions have been funded through that. so we've used a grant for more of the emergency response. and hmis is our local it system that collects data as known as the one system. just quickly on eligible uses, you can see there is a away of shelter houses and services that are eligible as well as funding to support the response.
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and so, you know before you with our spending plan for the grant period the first two lines go to support operations around planning and our lived experience working group. there is about another 200,000 or so over two years to support needed changes. but this allows to better collect and report the data that you get on a monthly basis. the majority are maintaining the shelter that the city has already opened.
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so 7.2 million in fiscal year 26-27 will go to the 7-eleven post project. about 5.6 million in the second, and baldwin safe navigation center. there is money in the out year, again you're not seeing where these were funded on the earlier grants but there is a continuation for these projects. and then 8.5 million over two years to support three of the non congregate shelters that we opened during the zip hotels and have operated as shelter since then. we're endeavoring to keep those open for the next two years with this grant. and then final leon the project
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basis, you know, i mentioned h hap 3 and h hap 4 has a little money for this drop in center. that will continue but we're planning to continue operation and that's at the third floor of the site and serves about 75 guests. finally, you know we're always in need of administrative dollars in hsh our one system staff is heavily supported by grant funds and would continue to stay on this grant as well as we would use the administrative set a aside for grants. and quarterly reports. a lot of data and coordination as well as our data privacy officer. so with that, i'm read for your
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questions and eager to hear the public comment. >> questions? any feedback. questions? comments? >> thank you so much for the presentation, i had been looking closely at the 7-eleven documents that is on the consent agenda and i thought that the hhap. we call it the h hap funds ended in the 2023 fiscal year. is that right? >> i'm sorry, i don't have what you're looking at in front of me. >> basic leet h hap funds have been paying for the 7-eleven since the 2023? since it opened, i believe.
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>> okay, seems like there may be a slight disconnect there. so the three non congregate. >> through the chair, now i'm remembering, when the site was transitioning from a safe sleep to the 7-eleven, we moved things to the grant. >> thank you. so the three non congregate sites that are currently proposed to be funded are which sites? >> they currently operate the a dante, the cova and the monarch. i will note that the department has released a rfi to have all comers, that rfi is close but
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to try to locate replacement sites or try to operate at the sites because there was not a procurement process done. in order to extend the lease either at the sites but we're looking at other sites that may be an appropriate deal for the department. >> uh-huh and as rirl that was one of the opportunities, is that correct? >> that's correct. >> thank you. >> thank you, commissioners evans. any other commissioners? okay, we'll open up to to the public, which i'm sure you're eager to hear from the public. do we have any? just one, okay. >> speaker: i think one of any concerns is your one system, how do we get that to coordinate in and interact with
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other cities and states? so the people that i'm working in illinois, they don't call it the one system, they call it something else. if you wanted to like go into their system and see stuff like, you know, did they go to another shelter in illinois? what happened? i'm wondering how do we connect that one system between other areas? another thipg too, i'm wondering how and where do we get copies of what the city sent in and the state legislation. i can google some of it but i'm wondering where i can get other copies of that? >> thank you for your comments. >> any remote callers? >> go ahead, caller, we hear you.
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i guess for me, part of my concern that is missing from this package is monies for prevention. and we're facing this year a pretty serious situation. and as noted in the last housing count, five new people were becoming homeless for every one person that you house. right now we're nowhere near meeting the needs. and we're going to end up with hundreds of people losing their housing and becoming homeless. that's been identified by the eviction defense providers. and we're facing massive cuts
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in prevention this year that a lot of folks in the community are trying to fight to restore. and it's a kind of a gamble whether that money will be restored, we're talking about 5 million dollars. that's really nerve racking. so that should be something to put into consideration here and to kind of diversify the package a little bit for the grant. and yeah, that would be my suggestion, thank you for your consideration. >> thank you for your comment. >> thank you, so much and i hope that this is approved once submitted. gep thanks for your presentation. i would like to move us to our next agenda item, which is agenda item 11.
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1 through 5 which is consent calendar and for the members of the public. the consent calendar is considered a routine matter by hoc and we'll be active upon a single vote by the commission unless one of the commissioners requested discussion at the time the matter will be removed from the consent calendar and considered separate item and we'll call for a separate vote. when public comment is announced, please refer what items you're referring to. i hope the commissioners were able to review the items and we'll open up for any comments or questions from the commissioner regarding the consent calendar. >> i would like to remove 4 and 5 from the consent. >> okay action commissioner evans wishes to move 4 and 5 from the consent calendar.
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right after we approve the other items for the consent calendar. so any discussion on items 1, 2 and 3 from the commissioners. >> can i make a motion to move items 1, 2 and 3. >> there is a motion on the table. >> second. >> before we go into the vote, we would like to open up for the public who wishes to make public comment on items 1, 2 and 3 on the consent calendar. are there members of the public who wish to make comment? >> there is no remote. >> okay. it's been properly motioned and seconded to approve on the consent calendar items.
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>> oh yes yes, i second. all right so it's been properly moved and seconded requesting for consent items 1, 2 and 3, forgot to call the vote. >> commissioners please respond with aye or nay. >> chair butler. >> aye. >> vice chair. >> aye. >> commissioner albright. >> yes. >> commissioner efbs. >> yes. >> commissioner williams. >> yes. >> commissioner guerrero. >> yes. >> commissioner laguana? >> yes. >> motion passes. >> i guess i should do this from time to time. so we'll move to grant agreement with urban alchemy for 7-eleven post for the period of march 21, 2022 to june 30-2026 in amount for 12
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percent contingency for the revised amount of roughly 30. so i would like to open it up for commissioners to provide comment on this item. commissioner evans. >> thank you, the 7-eleven post was a youth hostile that was converted into shelter, i believe it was operated as a shelter in place hotel and then around 2022 it became not a shelter in place hotel but part of the shelter system. and this is been a really incredible addition to the portfolio. there are 250 beds that have in semi congregate typesetting, there is a few singles, doubles and triples and it's really been a positive in a sense that
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it created a new resource for the system that is not strictly congregate setting. it was i believe, initially prop c did help support and start up this program. and i had taken when it was reviewed at the board of supervisors that about a little less than third, about 28 percent of the contract is actually is through the lease a amount, a rental amount that was paid for the landlord because this is a lease building. so my questions were primarily around, what is the nature of the lease for what is in the building. in the pact we're provided
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information about the urban alchemy and it makes a reference to the fact that they need to put up a lease in place. i was trying to see how much negotiation or is in urban alchemy and specific terms, is there an predictable increase in the rent schedule. is there a maintenance agreement option, those types of things. >> good morning, every one, gigi whitney, i'll try my best on a fly. hsh project manager, we work closely with our city attorney's office we review our lease. we do that with all of our third party leases, we're not a party to the lease i want to be
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clear but we do review that, if there is implicit obligations as part of the draft, we need to make sure that those are clear or that we've agreed to that. we also work closely or project manager is in the audience, with urban alchemy and the landlord on several ada upgrades, making sure that both the landlord or the landlords contractor or urban alchemy completed the work both on units and accessibility issue. that is pretty typically how we work examine this was not particularly unique in that regard. in terms of lease escalations, we calculate for all of our nonprofits that have third party leases, we review those annually as part of the project process and we sort of hold the provider harmless for those escalation if we reviewed the lease and agree to the lease
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and budget those within the department. so it's all the information that i have responding to your question on the fly but if you have further questions i'm happy to respond tlut commission secretary. >> so is this typical arrangement that you have for shelters? is it any different in that it's, like year to year type of renewal lease or something like that? >> well i don't have the lease in front of me and i don't i don't know what urban alchemy's terms. we have a variety of models in our shelter system. so most of our shelters are either city owned or city lease but we do have models where providers holds the lease and this happens to be one of those. and we try to align the operating agreement with the lease term although, i would not say we're consistent throughout our system. >> okay, and do you know, are
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there option to buy if the landlord was considering selling, for example? >> again, those are negotiated on a case by case basis. i would need to review it to quote the terms. >> great, and you don't know about the maintenance schedule, who is responsible for blemish and things a longt line. >> those would be detailed in the lease but it's usually, the tenant, the master leasee which is the nonprofit provider is responsible for any of the issues. any larger or building issues tend to be generally speaking the responsibility of the landlord. >> uh-huh, thank you. >> but again i have not reviewed the lease in a couple of years. >> and i think when this agreement went into place, it was reported in the press who is the owner of the building
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and i believe the city attorney may have filed a lawsuit but not for this building but for three other properties that the city contracts with. that we are looking out for the city's interest in ensuring that there is appropriate maintenance. that we're a dressing those. i would like to request that in the future whether just a little bit more detail around the real estate nature the nature of the real estate relationship in some of these shelter buildings especially ones that we don't own but
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lease. thank you. >> thank you ms. evans. any other commissioners want to make comment? i want to open up to the public to make a comment on this item. any members of the public who wish to make a comment. >> no callers on the queue, chair. >> we have one member. >> speaker: i guess this is just my concern, what is the quality of service that people receive at this location? and i guess, i just feel like the shelter committee is not going out to do inspections for this place.
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so i'm wondering has there been any complaints? lease counts? unsaferable i'm concerned because it seems like that we have unmonitored service providers. it's like, i can show you the video but we've got navigation centers with backed up toilets and missing shower curtains and it's like we have blighted shelter systems. who is monitoring these places? it's just very concerning. >> thank you.
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>> any other members who wish to make comment? yes so let me make this quick reminder for various reasons we want it make sure that every one has an opportunity to comment but so we can take notes properly and effectively provide your name with the comment in our minutes, we ask that you complete this speaker card here. thank you so much for your cooperation. >> speaker: good afternoon, i'm daniel and i'm a codirector at 7-eleven post. and i started when the building opened in july 22. and i went over to the care coordinating side to work directly with the people and most recently promoted to the codirector. the building itself is a beautiful place for our
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unhoused people to be. i know that we have housed 90 people there. permanent housing, we have 250 beds available that we can fill. we have issues with the oldness of the building, we had a most recently at the last storm that we had, we had a leak that we had to take some rooms and repair. and when that happens, it happens around the buildings. as far as the quality of care, i know that i have residents that have complaints and address them personally. it's a good place to be, that's what i wanted to say. >> thank you very much. >> no callers. >> is there a motion to approve this item. >> so moved. >> seconded.
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>> it's been motion and properly seconded call the vote. >> chair butler. >> aye. >> vice chair. >> yes. >> commissioner albright. >> yes. >> commissioner evans. >> yes. >> commissioner williams. >> yes. >> commissioner guerrero, how do you vote? >> yes. >> commissioner laguana how do you vote. >> yes. >> okay, put this to use. so next item 5 of the consent 5 and commissioner evans if you would like to provide comments. >> so 33 gos was opened as a safe sleeping site with tents that people had brought in and were provided. and then there was a transition to tiny homes, tiny cabin and everybody there is about 70 cabins. so if you look at the math, it
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comes out to about 54,000, about 55,000 per tiny home which in line with what the department has put out as the cost for these shelters that have different higher costs from our congregate shelter but provide the digity and independent space. i did take note that the contract is suppose to end march 2020--let's see, 2025. and that was not with the fiscal year period and i wonder if that was indicative of the planned closure? >> so i would like our chief of finance to answer that but also answer the question why we pulled the other item off the calendar so we can make that public as well. >> speaker: i'm sorry, i didn't hear the last part of the question.
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>> not a worry. i noticed that the agreement term is through march 31, 2025 and it's not a full year period, through the end of fiscal year and that indicative of a plan to wrap the services up? >> got it. it corresponds with the ending of the lease, in this case, the city holds the lease and our extension and at the time, the owner, developer has plans to redevelop the site. they had plans previously to redevelop the site and we were able to get an extension because the construction plans were not ready to move forward. so we're in close conversation with the vision of real estate and owner if they're able to extend the site, we would be interested as well but it's
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really time to the owner schedule and it was always intended to be a short-term use. >> thank you. >> speaker: oh and through the chair, your other question. we were teamed up the candle stick agreement because it was about to reach the threshold to be heard by the board of supervisors. we have a little more work to do on the agreement. we just finalized very recently the sublease with the state and some of those provisions need to be incorporated. we'll be bringing it back to you at a future date before it goes to the board but not this month. >> thank you. >> thank you colleagues, any additional questions about the 33 golf lease? seeing none, we'll go now to public comment and see if any individuals wish to speak on item 5. >> there is no callers on the queue. >> can we entertain a motion to
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approve item? >> so moved. >> seconded by commissioner aslanaina williams. >> chair butler. >> aye. >> vice chair. >> aye. >> commissioner albright. >> aye. >> commissioner evans. >> aye. >> commissioner williams. >> aye. >> commissioner guerrero. >> aye. >> commissioner laguana. >> aye. >> motion pass. >> thank you, commissioners approved. >> all right this puts us on 12 a through c this are items that require the commission to vote to enter a new contract agreement with dolores street services for mission inn site rehabilitation from april 1, 2024 to march 312026 in the amount of 9227,792 which
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includes about 1.7 contingent. >> good morning, gigi she/her, i'll be report to go two of the items. just want to start by thanking the real estate team at hsh and their work. so speaking of the first project of 5630 emission which is referred to as the mission inn, and then the second item which is 26206116th street or casa esperanza. this is when the city and our department coming out of the covid decided to use sort of
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once in a lifetime opportunity of federal and state funds to acquire as many permanent supportive housing and buildings and units as we could. we leavely leveraged the state competitive funds as well our local city funds. the purchase of the both of sites total 22.6 million. and the state and the feds paid for 19.4 million of it. so so, the proposal before you is to continue on the needed renovations for the two sites to convert them to permanent housing and comply with the terms of the grant. so 5630 is 50 studio aoupts it serves transitional age youth. the property manager is dolores
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street community services, sa ca spe--casa esperanza is a--is the property manager and also on this site park street services provides the support services. dolores street was selected through a streamline executive process under the emergency ordinance but we did do a process to compare bids and proposals of and selected dolores as well as to serve as project manager on the needed construction. the scope of the rehab is really to convert what si zoned as a tourist hotel into residential use. it will cover the rehabilitation and expansion of
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a community room, kitchen and some central management functions of the building. it will create accessible units and add fire sprinklers to the units and limited retrofiting as well as electric trofication and the contract budget is will the 7.5 million. there is a contingency and that gets you to, the total budget of 9,7,000 -- ~>> the next project is also to convert the use to a tourist hotel to residential use. there will be some work to convert the ground floor space for offenses to the staff including a community room, kitchen and lobby. >> we're going to do one at a time.
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>> forgive me. so so any questions on mission inn and you can take public comment. >> looking at the pictures of the 3061 mission, it's a low level site with a huge market. and you're converting that right now to something that would be useable as is, are there any plans since the city owns these at some point to maximize the capacity and actually building on it? >> great question. there is the, you know, the development opportunity long term. i think where we are on these particular project is some urgency but to convert the units and start the permanent housing, but that is the long term benefit of owning the
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asset that any redevelopment potential, there are other properties that the cities acquired and, you know, probably later this year, i'll be before you talking about the longer term redevelopment plan for those. but seller of the properties that we a rider including this one, have the longer term ability to expand onsite. we're just trying to balance that with the housing cries us and making sure that we comply with the grant. >> thank you. >> commissioner evans. >> i just wanted to confirm, 50 units is expect today serve a population of 50 or more? >> 50. >> thank you. >> thank you, anymore comments? questions commissioners? i want to open up on agenda 12-a. no callers, okay is there a motion to approve this item.
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>> so moved. >> second. >> it's been moved and properly second. let's call the roll. >> chair butler. >> aye. >> vice chair. >> yes. >> commissioner albright. >> aye. >> commissioner evans. >> aye. >> commissioner aslanaina williams. >> aye. >> commissioner guerrero. >> aye. >> commissioner laguana. >> aye. >> motion passes. >> we move to 12-b this is the casa esperanza. >> would the secretary like to call the item or do i start. >> i know you presented on it briefly on it, just to kind of. >> do you want me to read it? >> requesting reviewing and approve at to enter into a new contract agreement with dolores
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street community services for casa esperanza for 2,590,170, includes 54 3000 contingency. >> gigi whitly, sorry for jumping ahead. they would be responsible for project managing the rehabilitation work. and the scope is to convert this from a tourist hotel ruse to a residential hotel. and like i mentioned to concert
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the ground space for offenses as well with the community room and a kitchen and a nicer lobby. dolores street has partnered with mission housing development corporation as a part of a subcontracter to manage the construction and associated project management. and the contract budget itself is 2,047,058 with some contingency. tenants are already guests are already in the site. so this like the other site we're attempting to do the rehab with folks onsite but making sure it's preserved for permanent supportive housing. >> thank you so much. commissioners any questions or comments? like to open up to the public any comments? yes.
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>> speaker: hi folks, it's weird not doing this on zoom anymore. yesenia dolores, i'm also a member of the district where casa esperanza. i want to emphasis the importance of this, coming from a latino household, this did not exist when i was a youth when i was in the mission. we've seen the success rate with the youth. so kind of elevate projects like this. especially when folks are exploring real estate also being conscious of the real estate because it does fall back on us on a nonprofit when we acquire these and there is a little hiccups here and there but as we resilient as we are, we make through it. we have not had programs especially in the 6th district.
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when we had the youth credit union in there. so thank you to hsh, thank you for larkinfor being like rad. and the also dolores staff seeing the youth in my neighborhood and people that i can identify with and seeing the resilience and the success rates of kids coming out of here. so i i just want to elevate that, thank you. >> thank you. >> is there a motion on the table. >> so moved. >> second. >> it's been moved and properly seconded. let's call the roll. roll. >> chair butler. >> aye. >> vice chair. >> aye. >> commissioner. >> aye. >> aye. >> commissioner guerrero. >> aye. >> commissioner laguana. >> aye. >> motion pass. >> thank you, this places us on
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12-c, commissioner secretary do you mind reading the item. >> requesting review and approval to enter into a new grant agreement with ado be services for fiscal south prevention for the period of april, jas lin in place of nikon will present on this item. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, fellow commissioners and executive director mcfaden. i'm jackie and my pronouns are she and her. the action item before you is a request to enter into a new grant agreement for prevention fiscal agency services. selected under the emergency ordinance 61 19 based on the expert and expertise. the current term is two years, beginning april 1, 2024 to june
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30th, 2026. the grant is funded via city our home and has a budget with 8.3 million. the purpose of this grant agreement is for a both services to serve as a fiscal for financial assistance issued through the san francisco assistance program also known as sfe wrap. they will issue payments for hsh working with the population of clients who are at-risk of experiencing homelessness including adults, families and transitional age use. the objective is to issue financial assistance within 48 hours of approved request to maintain the client's housing. these service right side modeled after similar services for our problem solving problem which has proven to centralize and streamline the payment process, reduce the burden on
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service providers, expedite payment delivery where they can have significant impact for a household. these services also allow for increase oversight of the financial assistance verification and issuance process. as a demand for homelessness grows, this level of efficiency and capacity is critical for our apartment. the agreement will serve a minimum of 200 household at-risk of homelessness. i respectful low request the commission approval for this new grant agreement and i'm happy to answer any questions the commission may have. thank you. >> thank you. any questions or comments from the commissioners? okay, let us move to public comment, any members of the public who wish to make comments on this agenda item? no remote callers. >> i have a quick question, might be a silly question.
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what is a fiscal agent prevention, what does that mean? >> speaker: so they are a payment processing service, so they cut checks for any prevention assistance funds that are needed to be issued to a landlord to help a household maintain their unit. >> thank you. >> speaker: you're welcome. >> thank you for that clarification. is there a motion on the table? >> so moved. >> second. >> chair butler how do you vote? >> aye. >> vice chair. >> aye. >> commissionr albright. >> yes. >> commissioner williams. >> aye. >> commissioner laguana. >> aye. >> motion pass. >> thank you. well this places us on item 13, at this time members of the public may address the homeless oversight commission formaters
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within the jurisdiction and not on today's calendar. >> also middleton first. >> chair butler. >> can i speak about the last item, just to confirm one thing that we did have public comment, because if we didn't, then we did, because the presenter was up at the podium. >> i asked for public comment, and remote public comment and no one came to the podium, so if there is anyone that wish to make public comment on the last agenda item, 12-c, please raise your hand so i can recognize you. okay. >> thank you for the clarification, i just wanted to make sure that that happened. >> yes. >> make sure the contract. >> i know we rushed through that a little bit, so i appreciate that. members of the public who wish to make comment on a item that
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is not on our agenda? >> speaker: good afternoon, good afternoon, it's jordan again and i mean with the glad that cricket was acknowledged earlier but i would like to talk about something that dove tails into this, and i think there is a need for future agenda item just to deep dive on the housing here in san francisco. we have right now is a focus on placing individuals and sr orks in often troubled neighborhood but we have a program and getting the scatter site is norm and not the exception in our peer cities. into this who is eligible for this versus the site program where the scatter sites tend to be located? has the program built relationship? how do they come up with tenants? scatter site versus and hotels
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that have high capitol needs. what is the accuity are there ways and criteria between scatter site both ways. what would it take for just transition for more troubled sites, there is a lot of questions and so many direction that's can be taken. and i just think that maybe a deep dive presentation on this board could help educate the public about this matter and why we're not like focusing on it more and how this could also really improve our lives. so thank you very much, that's all i wanted to say. >> thank you. >> there is one caller in the queue, chair. >> just want to make sure that there are any other members in the public who wish to make comment who are in-person? okay. one caller on remote. >> caller we hear you, go ahead.
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>> hi there, can you hear me? >> yes we can hear you. >> caller: hello, thank you. my name is jack, again and last time i didn't get my full three minutes because i timed my speech and i got cut off. i want to [background static] with homeless commission granted 90 million for modification for the family transition and dolores service when hsh cannot old close the loop of former landlords. hsh has the researchers, they have 36 million dollars budget for the fiscal year and some of the money can be used to partner with the city attorney and police to assist relocating the residents just like they did the resident at the shelter
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why can't they help the resident for qualified unhoused resident because, hsh you cannot get into. i'm asking the members of the homele oversight commission to hold hsh institute accountable and give them a clear directive to return unoccupied to landlord so we can restore the unit in the bay view community and continue serving the people of san francisco. they must stop ignoring the calls and emails of former landlords and address these issues, immediately. lastly, i want to piggy back on um peerial of the crooked being dedicated partners in solving homelessness. however, we can't do it when we are in a--[indiscernible] thank you very much for your time. >> thank you callr. >> thank you for your comments.
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are there any remote callers. >> no other caller on the queue, chair. >> this places us in the nomination committee will meet on march the 28th and the chair will report back on april the 4th and our april the 4th meeting. this places on item 15. data officer report. >> move to continue to the next meeting. >> okay, we will move along to the next meeting, certainly want to offer to the public to make comment on this item. any member of the public who wish to make comment on the data officer report that will be moved to next meeting but i still have to open up for the public. all right, thank you for the clarification. okay, this has been a great meeting. [laughter] >> we still have a little more, we do.
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>> we do. >> we're getting ready. >> we are on item 16, which is public comment continued which we don't need because we did not exceed our time during public comment. so this places us on item 17, commission matters. yes, vice chair. >> thank you, i do have a couple of inquiries. based on what lauren hall was sharing and madam director, you pointing out the strengthening the relationship with dph and hsh i'm wondering, i'm not even saying that this is the right format but maybe the convening with hsh and providers and maybe a sub set of us could, you know, be observers there. you know. >> i made a note of that and i'll talk to my team about the best approach.
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it may make sense about what we're doing. but it might be a couple of months out, but i think bringing it here makes a lot of sense because this is a public forum. >> okay. just to first of all social myself with that--associate myself with that request and possible alternative for consideration which is you can have a joint meeting of the commissions dph and hsh if you wanted take that path, scratch that. >> do you know how much commissioners are disliked. >> i think it might be easier to have it here and invite relevant members of the dph come here. i've beening in those meetings there are about thes joint commission and it's really hard to organize, yeah. and that way we can focus specifically on homelessness issues, i think.
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>> totally, thank you. so if i can continue. i did want to ask if we can have an item based on the request that were made. >> yes, i also made a note of that and want, you know that's a whole presentation, so i think that maybe do that next month, does that make sense? >> yeah. >> maybe that's the special item that we have for next month. >> and next month meaning in a couple of weeks. i just want to mention. >> yeah, okay. >> commissioner dufty can i jump in? >> yes. >> i want agree with that. it would be agencies that provoid human resources to families to be part of the conversation to the extent that they're supporting homeless communities. >> great suggestion, thank you.
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and then, jennifer freedombosch brought thup, i wanted to ask is that something that we should bring back? or is that? >> director whitly to answer that question. >> i'm happy to, there are no proposed cuts in our budget. i reached to cfo, they're not aware, so we would need to get more information. >> right. thank you very much, jaoe jaoe. gigi, and my last question is about homeward bound, that was hsh, is it still hsh. >> we have three programs that offer relocation assistance, one is embedded within our problem solving which is the largest and the legacy homeward bound, we don't call it that anymore but that is the largest
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program of the three programs that we now have that offer relocation assistance. the second one is homeward bound itself, because hsa kind of, started their own program using that name. they just started their own program last year and it's very very small focused on cap clients, people coming in to apply for cap, and the third is journey home which is a program that is bicycle used as part of the drug market agency coordination center. so that's, you know, that's for people particularly in the high impacted drug areas. and again that's a joint one. so that's where, police and navigaters can drop people off at one of our hotels and we can help them with the relocation
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assistance the following day. and that's at least one model of it. so we have three programs, we're work to go get one dashboard. so because of three programs obviously is very confusing to the public and i think, the dashboard is going to be imminently, within the next few weeks. and we can include that as a slide on my report if you would like. >> great, obviously these programs, the public likes them because they seem to make sense that if folks are struggling and they have family resources why not make the connection. so i think it would be good in this venue at the appropriate time to let people know about that. >> sure. >> great. >> thank you so much. >> thank you, vice chair. >> any other commissioners that wish to make suggestions for the agenda? >> suggestions for the agenda? >> okay, come back to me then. >> i was going to make a proposal that we consider forming a budget committee. there is a lot of detail in
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this department's budget and ipg it would be really helpful to have some people kind of looking line by line program by program kind of looking at programs that are expected to sunset and how that freeze up certain monies and help us understand better the budget. and so, my vision for the budget committee was can certainly be any number of members of this body that may want to participate. because it is such a like integral part of the decision making process that are oversight provides. and i, i think it would just allow us to speed the regular hsh agenda as well. >> thank you, thank you for that. >> okay, so for the agenda, so i just wanted to make sure i
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didn't overlook to but lauren's request for data around deaths, i want to make sure that that's accounted for in there. and -- ~>> data? >> number of deaths. >> in support. >> i made a report on that as well. i think we can report out, i think we can do a specific presentation related to that in the work that we're doing with dph, i don't know that we're going to have that data every month, i don't know if that's appropriate for to us share. i think we need to dig more into that and it's definitely a issue that we want to tackle. so i would like to have us think about it and come back with some ideas would you. i also want to say, i understand commissioner, your desire to have a budget committee. i want to caution that we did not receive any new resources with the exception of secretary
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and staff, we're spenlding time on commission staff. it's added many many hours a month to our workload and i want to protect our budget and finance teams from too much extra work given that there are putting a ton of time into this commission. i so hope you can consider that as we think how we best share about the information on the budget with you. >> yeah, i certainly understand the constraints of time and i did also want to mention that i think the nomination committee which has been very consistently monthly will not be to be meeting as consistently in the future given that we'll be filling vacancies. it may be that we get some
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point to full bodies on those and the nomination can move to a quarterly or semi annual meeting schedule. to free up that resource. and i do think that the budget committee does not need to meet on a monthly basis throughout the year, it could be conceived of specifically for during the budget process. >> and i'll just note here, these are suggestions that the director and i will have conversation and certainly we'll go deeper in terms of the best approach for the next month's agenda and if there is anything that we need to share with the commission, we will. >> and i did have a couple more suggestions, sorry. one was, i'll just say one more and the other one i'll leave out. but so we had talked about this a while ago and i don't know if there is a way to do it but we had talked about and just again to lauren and other people's comments like, it just seems
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important to figure out how to shift our ability to connect more with what is going on in the provider side of the deal. and provide support there or at least you know, request for the department to do some innovating but my question was about is there a possible way to collect data on staff retention of the providers? and to kind of see some sort of assessment why that may be. i think that may reveal a lot of information around, you know, burn out and safety and things like that so. that was my second point. >> thank you. commissioner albright? >> i want to echo that and i want to know if there is a way for provider association maybe for them to, yeah, to self report what their experience is, i think that would be a
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useful input for the commission. >> thank you. yes, commissioner. >> i just wanted follow-up on commissioner ge rera recommendation regarding data around deaths, a model that could be followed by the department is the child death review teams that are done in concert with medal examiner as well as general hospital and the police department and child welfare. it's a confidential model that allows also for there to be a public health approach on the work. so as we're thinking about how to understand deaths and in homeless communities, that is a model within the state law for teams to think about approaches to go forward. >> thank you, commissioner. one more. >> thank you. i, appreciate the updated work charts i saw that they were sent to us during the meeting.
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i did have a conversation with director mcsadden about vacancies because we're concerned that the staff are experiencing burn out that we have capacity that we have risk of call back if they're not filled, and i wanted to ask her to give a very brief explanation, not right this minute but a future meeting about the process of filling positions. understand that best case scenario takes about six months to fill and more typically it takes a year to fill. we had a conversation that there is things that they do to try to fill the gaps in while that search is taking place. so i would like her to give us a little bit peace of mind so
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we sleep better about the large number of vacancies and key positions like real estate and problem solving, so yeah. >> we'll be happy to do that and there is, there is a process for figuring out how to do some interim solutions to some of these and i'll talk to you through that process as part of my report next month in two weeks. >> thank you. >> thank you commissioners. i would like to open up the floor for public comment on this agenda item? members of the public who wish to make a comment on this agenda item,? >> speaker: i guess i have always had concerned about the quality of sros and i'm just wondering about having ability issues and just how it
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functions because, you know, the depths in the building that's concerning and it's some of it is natural but i think some of those places are just toxic. i don't know what to say, i guess i'm just freighted how blighted some of these sros get. i'm also wondering about the sro task force like it's dis banded or something is going on. and i can't figure it out. i guess a heard a story about a
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manager at sro and he lost like 8 people in a month. and it's just like how does a person even function when somebody is dying around them? so it's between old age and drug usage and just other reasons. the service providers are having some of these problems. it will be interesting to hear how they how the system deals with somebody who is dealing with access amount of deaths and trauma. >> thank you for your comments. >> i just want to appreciate the commission for thinking and entering about our director,
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thinking thoughtfully about how we talk about the issue around loss of life and supportive housing. i appreciate talking about it, but talking about it at the commission level, we do have strategic committee which director has committed to reviving, i think when there are staffing shortages at the leadership level, some of the opportunities for providers to have our voices heard. you see from me a lot, shareen hears from me a lot but there is a lot staff retention. i think my staff are holding a lot of pain right now and this has been going on for months and months and months as we're lifting residents and mourning residents and being the ones who observe a lost that pain in the communities, so i just want
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to elaborate that in a collaborate way and not a two-minute conversation. i want to thank you for being thoughtful, it's raw today in my teams but it's everyday that these things are happening. we really need to look at those areas where we need to shore up. i'm here on behalf of dish but shsp is also happy to collaboration. i know hsh staff are really strapped as well. we're happy to do that. >> thank you. any remote callers? >> no callers on the queue, sir. >> whew, is there a motion to adjourn. >> so moved. [gavel] meeting adjourned.2024.)
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