tv BOS Rules Committee SFGTV April 15, 2024 6:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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meeting. >> public comment will be taken on each item. when public comment is called up to speak. you may submit public comment in writing e-mail to myself, the rules committee clerk at if you submit public comment via e-mail it will be for warded and included in the file. you may send to u.s. mail at 1 dr. carlton b goodlett place. room 244, san francisco california 94102. please silence cell phones and electronic devices. documents should be included should be submitted to the clerk. items are expected to appear on board of supervisor agenda of april 23, unless otherwise stated. >> thank you, please call item 1. >> item 1, ordinance amending
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the public works code to streamline the enforcement of vending requirements and restrictions, clarify vending permit application and compliance requirements, require certain vending permittees to register with the tax collector and pay related fees, prohibit stationary sidewalk vendors from vending in residential districts as defined in the planning code, limit permissible vending times, and streamline approval of vending regulations; and affirming the planning department's determination under the california environmental quality act. >> thank you. colleagues, the mayor and i introduced amendments to the public works code to strengthen the permitting and enforcement of our sidewalk vending program. street vending has been a rich part of the culture of san francisco and especially neighborhoods like the mission. our permitted vendors sold small goods, flowers jewelry celebrating latino it culture and bringing vibrancy to the streets. for the past two years however,
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street vendors have under attack from illegal operations that commit theft and sell stolen goods. these made life unattenable for vendors. threatened and assaulted the public works enforcement team officers leading them to wear bullet proof vest. large group of people with stolen goods block access to sidewalks making unsafe for residents to get by. transit users to feel safe getting to bart and muni and small businesses to attract customers. in order to deal with the street conditions, we are a number of measures including implementing a temporary street vending moratorium on mission street and working with our state partners to improve the enforcement of laws banning the sale of stolen goods. the local legislation before us today is one component of this broader health and safety
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strategy. it prevents the sale of transfer of vendor permit adding their photograph to the permit. it also includes the vendor permitted hours of operation. second, strengthens public works enforcement of the vend ing law removing written warnings prior issuing a notice of violation and required unpermitted vendors to clear out the merchandise. the public works enforcement found multiple written warnings are ineffective at deterring fencers from selling stolen goods. also, when a public works office determines a person selling goods needs to vacate because of safety hazard or emergency or lack ofveneder permit, fencers take advant js of the undefined period for clearing out to move at a snails pace. one person can take up to a big chunk of enforcement officer time, valuable time that could be used insuring the street
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vending program is running properly. this legislation defines the time period for clearing out as 10 minutes. it allows public works staff to make adjustment to the operating regulations as conditions change on the ground without having to go to the department commission. the commission sets policy directives, evaluates department performance established contract and approve the budget plan establishing operating regulations has been the responsibility of the department. finally, it reiterates key measures the san francisco public works already requires administratively. it requires vendors to have receipts and aused and new items they sell. reminds sidewalk vendors they can not operate in purely residential zones. and vendors are required to by law register with the san francisco tax collector. following conversations with
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the mission street vendor association i like to make a non substantive amendment that restores the portion of the sentence stricken from there code. on page 14, lines 13-14, we will add back into the legislation the line, and shall urge the vendors to make every effort to remove the items, or cause the removal. i want to thank a number of people who have been working extremely hard on this issue and numerous ways. i want to start by thanking the vendors who have come out today. i want to especially recognize rod rigo lopez the president of the vendors association. it has taken non-stop work to organize the vendor population, to reach consensus what vendors
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want and then to negotiate with our office and the city and the mayor's office to come to agreement. this is not easy work, and rodrigo and vendors have participated in good faith fighting for themselves, but also understanding how difficult this is for the city. knroe knroe i know we are not always on the same page, but say with hundred percent respect how much i appreciate your leadership and appreciate working with you, even when we disagree. it is okay to disagree, but it's a pleasure to have someone that is honest, that truly represents the voice of the vendor community to be able to work with, so i just rodrigo especially to you want to thank you so much for your leadership and all the vendors. i want to thank you so much for working with us and our office and latino cultural district
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and the mayor's office, it really is a honor to be able to work with you all. thank you. i also want to thank--and william. i want to thank latino cultural district. i want to thank bobby lopez, particularly from the mayor's office and andres powers and a massive thanks to my former legislative aid, santiago now at department of emergency management and special thankss thooshealy chung higen who spent countless hours on this issue and done so with such care and compassion in a very working on a very difficult problem to fix, so just want to thank the whole team who has been working on this. last but not least, i want to
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thank dpw, michael lennon and the whole team who not only are working on the permitting side of this issue, but also on the enforcement side, and again, this has been not easy, so this has really been a huge team effort. all parties are not always in agreement, but all parties have been very respectful of one another and i appreciate that. i want to turn it over to michael lennon from dpw to give a overview of the legislation. >> good morning. thank you first of all. as you mentioned it is a difficult matter to navigate and so thank you for your ongoing engagement and leadership on this-there are many stakeholder interests to consider. there is state level legislation that doesn't always align or allow us to go in the direction that we see the need to go in, and then we are also
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exploring a new frontier of interagency coordination, like dealing with traditional jurisdictional boundaries and enforcement that used to be with another shop, so it is ongoing evolving matter. i think these amendments are intended to improve the safe use enjoyment of the public right of way. i don't think there is a madgeer wand where there is a overnights fixes and conditions on the street of all hours are going to be perfect, but these are common sense regulations that will help us both from the permitting side and then help us be more efficient in our use of resource s and ability to cover more ground when we are doing the enforcement in the field. so, i think you touched on most of the legislation, the changes. the photo requirements will help us better associate the
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permit, make sure what is being sold out there is sold during the hours by the people who are supposed to be out there. the plot sizes. keeping it down to a smaller footprints is essential not only for having somewhat expedient interaction to move to the next issues and also to keep the sidewalks clear and accessible and open for the safe use and enjoyment of the public. i think that's the high and low. it will les us hopefully be a little more efficient in use of time and limited resources, but i'm available for questions if there are any. >> yes. so, i think we worked on this a few years ago, supervisor ronan when this was first coming out and sorry i missed your
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original presentation, but what i think is one of the most important things other then-really important to create space for the vendors. i talked to a lot of them couple weeks ago in the mission. those that have been there for years doing work were not the ones we were intending to displace or punish or be punitive in any way. created a parking lot they are able to work out of, but that still caused quite a bit of hardship they have been doing and supervisor ronan's office has been working hard to mitigate that in every way possible so appreciate that. unfortunately they had to bear some othf brunt of the illegal activity. what i'm concerned on the illegal vending side, besides creating spaces where it shouldn't happen at all and someone in the mission very often at 16th and 24th i have seen a significant drop in the
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vending. what we talked about when we first wrote this legislation was proof of ownership or proof of purchase or proof of some type of way to say that these goods they had were not stolen. i don't know if you touched on that supervisor ronan, proof of ownership or proof of purchase or proof of receipt. >> that is already in the law, yes. >> right, but what was not effective is, if people dont have is the actual receipt of proof of owner ership and given a warning and opportunity to pack up and move on, so i just wanted to touch on that particular point. have you thought about that and i know we talked about that in the past. is there any changes in the legislation that deals with that? >> you want to answer michael? >> yeah. so, i believe the requirement to provide a warning still remains, so the initial
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interaction isn't a public works employee isn't to snatch somebody's items. there is the warning requirement, but the legislation has done away with trying to paper them as well, because a lot of the interactions, the people will disclaim the goods and walk away and won't stand around to have a administrative citation issued to them. >> of course. >> so, it does streamline the process and engagement, but there is that threshold interaction with we have the initial discussion over are you aware a permit is required? you cant be here to vend and then we give them the opportunity to vacate. >> i know that is something we had discussion with the city attorney and i'm of the belief that that actual initial contact and i know the city attorney had some difference of opinion, but i think if we want to capture all the illegal vending that then that initial
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conversation is a warning and if they are not able to produce that proof of purchase or proof of ownership, we should be able to -the people illegal vendors there, they have been doing this for years. this would not impact them in any way, but the ones on the ground that are constantly selling stolen items, you give a warning and they pack up and move on, so at some pount -point they will tired having the warning issued to them, but i don't know if that is really--i like to just talk about that for a minute because i think that is something that in the future should be considered as tightening up or something we can amend, because as far i'm concerned if you are out there and have stolen items and can't produce it on the spot that is a warning. >> i wouldn't say i disagree with you on that. if somebody has gotten a
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warning every day a year, the 366 day isn't going to be the awakening for them, and we can enforce it in different ways, but i would say at the-for a lot of enforcement evolved to the point even though we do the known bad actors, it evolved to where they are just fleeing from the site of the neon vest, so some of the bad actors we see out there every day, we are not necessarily having those initial interactions with them anymore, it seems to be a cat and mouse game with they avoid police and us, so those interactions have been minimal, but what you pointed out is definitely accurate. >> can i ask a question to the city attorney? >> sure. >> just wanted to have the city attorney weigh in. we had conversation with the city attorney office about the initial warning in the past and think there's some room for
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interpretation on that initial contact and whether that initial contact is the warning itself. particularly, if you have a repeat individual out there doing the same-- >> ann pierson. i haven't been a part of the conversations so don't know what advice has been given on that topic. i would be happy to take that question back and get back to you. >> that would be helpful. that to me i think is the crux of in a lot of ways helping accelerate enforcement itself. someone is given a warning they pack up and move on, but if it is the same entity and same stolen tools out there and they pack up and put in the box and i think there is a way we can tighten this up a bit and i appreciate all the hard work. >> but michael, can you explain how it happens now? so, you approach someone who is
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selling, you ask if they have-right now on mission street nobody can vend, so they have to leave, but let's say before or after the moratorium, you approach someone vending and ask for oo permit, and they don't have a permit, you say then you cannot vend and you have to leave. they pack up and leave. later that day you see them again on the street with the stuff and say we have already gaveen given a warning or gave a warning and remove the items is that correct? >> if we are out there and someone has been ammonished-they have been warned and the interaction is like, i told you, you have been issued a warning, i'm now impounding your goods and if you want to have a opportunity to claim them, here is a notice
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of violation and impound law that gives you the opportunity to contest the enforcement action and reclaim the goods if they have the receipts. >> what if you give someone a warning today and then tomorrow you see them again? >> i believe the guidance is, if it is in the same day, we give them the warning, so it is a day to day type situation. we have in terms of a lasting stay away order or lasting directive. we haven't had any timeline placed on it for longevity. >> who is giving you the guidance? which city attorney? >> i believe chris tom has been our advice council for public works, but i know there's other representatives involved now from department of public health, port, there is a lot of different people involve d. >> but, but, so, what supervisor safai is saying you
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are saying isn't how it works on the street? what is happening is people see you and they run? >> the game evolved from where we were two years ago when the legislation first implemented. there is a lot more stationary vendors and lot more things laid out and set up on plots. because of our continuous presence and enforcement action, everybody that we see out there, they are now traveling with suitcases. they have bags or blankets and thinks like that where they evolved as enforcement evolved, and as we are approaching they are kick to -quick to close up and on the move before a lot of engagement happens, so we are trying to circle back on people when we give the warning and trying to mitigate that aspect of it, but it is more or less a daily battle. >> can i ask another question? sorry. i know supervisor walton you are on there, is it okay to
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keep going on this point? i know he's been waiting. you are good? what about it a area that is already identified as a area that you can't vend at any time? are you required to still give a warning? >> we are still giving them the warning and order to vacate. if you are in united nation plaza within the footprint of mission street corridor, we are still informing of the need to vacate and permit requirements receipts and all that stuff before going to enforcement. >> okay. i won't belabor the point, i just think it would be really helpful through the chair to city attorney, if we can get-this is something we engaged with supervisor ronan's office with on last year as we have been going through this and i think the warning itself is probably the area that i like to get the best set of guidance on. i know a lot of times we have best intentions and i understand people see they are moving and now longer allowed on plaza and gone over to like
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14th and 15th on the side streets and set up all around that area, so--right? they are constantly moving and so i think if there is a way that we can tighten up that it would be really helpful. did i hear you say you are documenting? doing more documentation as they show up and taking photos or did i just mishear that? as a way to see who the repeat items are and-- >> repeat people more so items, the items move, so you see the same people out there routinely, it isn't the same items. >> knroe i know a lot of inspectors came up and this is difficult work, a lot are threatened and mental health is involved in that. i know it is a entire
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collaborative effort, so i appreciate the hard work your office has done and your office in particular supervisor ronan. obviously we have been involved in this together from the beginning and we can zero in on that point i think it will make a big difference. thank you. >> thank you. supervisor walton. >> thank you chair ronan, thank you for noting the changes. just a question, when we are talking about the area enforcement, it states dish pose of items that may cause public health safety or infestation issues. are those items defined or is it clear to people anywhere? i don't see it necessarily in the ordinance so wondering how people know what we are talking about. >> we dispose of perishable goods so any perishable goods, soiled contaminated items, so
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it is usually items we are able to donate to sate partners and non profits we retain and store that donate. >> definitely seems reasonable and clear to me, but just wondering if that is vague? >> i dont know if it is defined in legislation. i know we have a internal policy that explains to inspection staff and personnel how to handle impounds and what to retain and dispose of. i don't believe that is reflected in the legislation though. >> i think it may be helpful for enforcement to be able to describe actually what we are talking about. thank you. >> thank you. thank you so much michael. we'll open this up for public comment. >> yes, members of the public who wish to speak should line up to speak by the windows. for each speaker, you will be allowed two minutes.
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there is a soft chime when you have 30 seconds left and a louder chime when time expired. anyone who would like to comment on this matter at this time? you can line up by the window. you can proceed. >> hi. my name is gym sweeney incharge of the sales at momo, second and king street across from oracle park and been in business since 1998. last april, a number of unlicensed vendors without permits began setting up on second street right around the corner from momo's. thaif were selling unlicensed san francisco giant merchandise before it the home games. since then our business consisting of licensed
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merchandise is down 40 percent. when we found dpw was in charge of enforcing illegal vending, we contacted them last august. they came out to second street last september and issued warnings. dpw came out shortly and attempted to confon skate the merchandise. oneveneder threatened dpw workers, enough so they feared for their safety. dpw contact the san francisco police department and both came out the next day and followed through on confiscateing the merchandise and issued citation. the same vendors was once again very threatening and mentioned he was going to pget the guy at momo's as thought we were responsible for the enforcement. as i came to work in the follow days, i spent more time worrying how i would escape if they came after us.
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there have been 7 games so far this year and merchandise vendors all without permits have been lining second street for all the games. dpw has been down there twice and since none of the vendors have permits all were already shut down for the day, but sure enough they all return. these illegal unlicensed vendors with no permits who are probably not paying any business taxes are destroying our legal license business. it is one year since they have been in operation and they are bringing down our business. we plead with you to continue enforcement of these illegal unlicensed vendors. thank you. >> good morning. my name is rodrigo lopez, street vendor association.
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we are here to say we want to city to continue partnering with us and the community against working for the change. we believe that the only together we'll be find the right balance to solve problems we are facing. because honesty, we are--we are experts on our community and vending. we partner to bring the best outcomes. as a president of mission street vendor association, i want to uplift the pain our members are feeling. our members are now month behind on rent. some lost homes. some have lost--many lost their savings. the economic devastation caused by the city ban is hurting as vendors and family loved one we
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support. the only thing that can help is continuing negotiation for immediately return to mission street as vendors. we want to try to save the future. we change, we work together, we help to be the best i can for the best all partners involved. thank you. >> [speaking spanish] >> good morning supervisors. my name is lopez, one of the effected vendors. >> [speaking spanish. waiting for translation]
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>> hello supervisors, my name is--i have been selling in the mission district for the past 21 years. i never had any can problems with the law, never gone to jail, about now we have this real big challenge of not being able to sell on thstreet despite having a permit. i leave it in your hands that hopefully in the near future you will allow us to return back on to the corridor. >> [speaking spanish. waiting for translation] >> good morning supervisors, my
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name is manuel, like colleagues have shared, it has been challenging for me not to have permission to is elon the street again. we do need to make the changes in order to make san francisco more secure. thank you. >> [waiting for translation] >> and i also want to thank the supervisors and the mayor for their support and their help with all of this. thank you. >> good morning supervisors. my name is alma, the director of clecha and i want to start by saying thank you to the sfr supervisor allowed the vendors to come here and express their selves. thank you supervisor ronan, thank you sheila. thank you to raffa and
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[indiscernible] oewd office who have been immense support. bobby lopez from the mayor office, so dpw as well for supporting. clecha is here in support of the street vendors. we have allocated the space, which community is aware on 18 and mission. if is coming to close as of 24 of april. in support of them, we are here to ask that any changes that are made are just made in the positive for the legitimized permit holder vendors. i also want to clarify on the narrative, i want people to understand that the mission street vendors are permitted street vendors, so we understand that everybody is doing what they have to do and they aware changes need to be made and we are all with the changes and understand it is for the safety of the community
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and we just want to make sure that they are the forefront of everything is everybody is keeping in mind that we are with the change, we just want them to be positive changes for them. thank you very much and we appreciate all your hard work and dedication to the community. thank you. >> any other parties who would like to comment on this matter? no additional speakers at this time. >> public comment is now closed. again, i just want to reflect for a moment about how difficult this situation has been, because on the one hand, we have legitimate street vendors who are permitted who have been selling their goods in the mission for decades, and who have lost the ability to
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sell on mission street where they were able to earn the most money, because of the chaos the fencers brought in, and so, we have been trying to get rid of the fencers, while keeping the legitimate vendors afloat and it has not been easy, and we have not-it is not perfect, it isn't a perfect situation, but we are in the process right now of trying to figure out a way to bring the legitimate vendors back on the street of the mission or on mission street, while we are able to maintain and hold the street from the fencers, and because we have limited dpw staff to enforce the law and we heard from the owner of momo's that the mission is not the only area in the city that is being impacted by this problem, and so, we
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have limited dpw enforcers, and a whole city to enforce in, so my office has been advocating with the mayor that we increase the amount of enforcement officers in dpw so we are able to do both things, stop the vending on the street and allowing the legitimate vendors make a living from items they make or purchase legally. this is the hard task we have in front of us. we will-this legislation will make it a little easier for enforcers to use the time wisely and enforce all around the city, while at the same time, we are working with the state to amend legislation, so that police officers can also
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enforce the law. right now under the state law, police officers are prohibited enforcing the law which is why dpw work ers must do it, so we are working on many levels to address both sides of this complicated issue, and we will continue to do so. again, thank you so much to the permit vendors who came out today who suffered a lot during this time and who have been really respected honest partners in trying to figure this out and do right by everyone. so, with that colleagues, i ask for your support. i do want to make a motion to make the one amendment that i spoke about earlier and then would ask that we send this item to full board with positive recommendation. >> yes are, on the motion to amend and recommend as amended- >> sorry, can i just pause right there? sorry i didn't see your name,
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supervisor safai. >> i want to add one point. i appreciate the gentleman from momo's coming out. we'll convey that information to public works and police department, because the season is beginning and we need to respond to that as well. very different conversation from what we are talking about here today, but enforcement officer is there for that department and we will also circle back, thank you. thank you supervisor ronan. >> on the motion to amend and recommend as amended, vice chair walton, aye. supervisor safai, aye. chair ronan, aye. the motion passes without objection. >> thank you the motion passes unanimously. please read item 2? >> item 2, ordinance amending
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the administrative code to provide that the general obligation bond passthrough from landlords to tenants shall be calculated based on the amount the property tax rate has increased due to general obligation bonds since the tenant's move-in date or 2005, whichever is later; and to allow tenants to seek relief from general obligation bond passthroughs based on financial hardship. >> thank you so much and i want to welcome president peskin to the committee. president peskin. >> thank you chair ronan, and thank you for your cosponsorship, together with supervisor safai, preston, melgar and chan. as the clerk just read, this ordinance would modify how the controller calculates the pass-through rates to tenants for general obigation bonds, and by way of a little bit of history, and what i am trying to solve for, is a mutual interest between property
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owners and tenants in the passage of general obligation bonds we put on the ballot time to time for capital improvements from the city ranging from the rehab of fire station to is street repaving to our general hospital bond, to our recently passed affordable housing bond, our sea wall bond of 2018, and there is decades of history around this and my-since i was first elected a quarter century ago i witnessed some of it in the old days hundred percent was pass-through and then there was a period of time when we moved to 50/50 pass-throughs sh seems fair and solmonic.
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there was that supervisor amiano which first elected in 2002 actually did the 50/50 pass-through for general obigation bonds. thing s change in 2005 and we are catching up in many ways when the city at the urgeance of my then colleague, now chief of staff to the mayor, shawn elseburn got us to create a capital plan and that capital plan was underpinned on the notion that we would not--when we went to the voters asking for 2/3 super majority approve by the electorate, we would not raise our marginal property tax rates because we would retire as much old debt as we issued new debt, and in deed, for the last all most 20 years every
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general obligation bond the voters voted on we have subsequentially sold have not raised our marginal property tax rates because we had adhered now since 2005 to that capital plan. so, this ordinance in many ways really catches us up, and let me say not by way of full disclosure because everybody knows it is on my form 700, i am a small landlord in san francisco, and i fundamentally understand and believe that my initial-they are all rent controlled unit-my initial rental price is designed to capture and pay for the expenses that i incur as a landlord. maintenance expenses, insurance expenses, property tax expenses, and those property
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tax expenses, the rates have not changed, and so the notion that i would then pass-through additional money, obviously every year the rent board tells a landlord how much is the allowable rent increase based on cpi and their formula, but the notion that i could then pass-through additional dollars even though my property tax rate isn't going doesn't seem fair, so this is legislation to address that, and rather then using the standard pass-through rate for all tenants based on the cost of bonds under repayment, landlords identify a specific pass-through rate for each tenants. each pass-through rate is how much the portion of the property tax rate that pays for general obligation bonds issue bide the city and school
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district and college board, those interest the three bonds issuing entities increase between the current year the year the tenant moved into the unit or 2005, whichever is later. this goes back by the way--i was saying this actually has nothing to do with the politics of our november election, this actually goes back to 2018 when the mayor and i combined forces to put the $425 million sea wall bond on the ballot, and at that time, a number of tenant organizations brought this issue of increasing pass-throughs to me, and i to be honest didn't understand it and i said, if our property tax rates haven't gone up i can't see how the pass-throughs have
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gone up because there is nothing to pass-through. i took that to the controller ben rosenfield who agreed with the concept but pas-throughs had gone up even though property tax hasn't gone up and that put a hardship provision in the 2018 sea wall bond. when we came along with the affordable housing bond thankfully the voters passed by super majority of 70 percent just last month, this issue came up again and i wanted to solve the problem once and for all. it was my intention to do that before the march election, but it took a while to draft it and get a modicum of consensus, which frankly we don't have total consensus here, but-and hence, that is why this is before us today. it was my original intent to get it done before the march 5 election. we have here today the rent
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board, mrs. varner who has a presentation as well as jamie whittaker from the controller's office that would be tasked with actually doing the pass-through calculation. so, i don't know if there is questions from colleagues, if not should we start with mrs. varner? >> let's do that. good morning mrs. varner. >> good morning. are you able to see the presentation? >> yes. >> i'm here to present about rent board tenant financial hardship today in relation to what supervisor peskin has just framed. so, tenants may seek deferral from specific type of pass-throughs and increases, so
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capital improvement pass-through, operating and maintenance expense increases, water revenue bond pass-throughs, utility pass-throughs and as we discuss today, general obligation bond pass-throughs. they may seem deferral of these pass-throughs on three different grounds. so, the first ground is that the tenant is receiving means tested public assistance, which includes ssi, cal fresh or food stamps, ga, cal works, and pays. this conversely does not include social security retirement, ssdi or medi-cal. secondly, tenants may seek deferral based on income, so there are three prongs to this. firstly, that the monthly rent they are paying is greater then 33 percent of their monthly household income. that the assets do not exceed
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$60 thousand and and income is less then the limit, so $6700 for 1 individual and $9600 for a family of four. the third ground less frequently used is based on exceptional circumstances, so for example, a tenant has exceptional circumstances such as excessive medsical bills that makes payment of the increase a hardship. here is information about relief from general obligation bond pass-through and what we have seen at the rent board since this went into effect. we have 107 applications filed and of the 107, 56 of them have been granted, so that is a rate of 98 percent. of the 56 the vast majority are based on the tenant receiving
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means tested public assistance. there were 39 of those applications with 18 based on income and there were none for exceptional circumstances. just one of the applications was denied, and so just a 1 percent or so denial rate. 17 applications were withdrawn or dismissed before decision issued, and we currently have 32 pending, but 30 percent have been filed. the pass-through amounts i think is what one of the items that supervisor peskin brought forth, which is average general obligation bond pas-through charged by the landlords is approximately $20.66 per month and that would be over the period of 12 months.
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the average amount of general obligation bond pass-through differed is $2.12 currently. currently, only the portion of general obligation bonds attributable to bonds approved by voters after 11-5-19 are eligible for deferral. there is no deferral before november 2020. it is a little bit of the universe there, if that is helpful for you. please let me know if you have any questions. thank you. >> thank you. mr. whittaker. >> good morning. i'm just going to try to explain the math as it exists today and what the proposed ordinance would change it to. my name is jamie whittaker, i work in the budget analysis
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division managing the property tax unit. we work between the assessor office and tax collector treasurer office determining what the tax rate is, in this case the tenant pass-through rate. levying the tax so determining how much tax is to be collected by the tax collector and then after the tax collector collects payments as they did last wednesday in volume, allocate those monies to the tax entities and other direct charge entities like community benefit districts or other items that appear on our tax bills. september is when the board usually sees the tax rate resolution and are also included in that resolution is the tenant pass-through related information. we basically use general obligation bond dbt service
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that appears in the annual appropriation ordinance, the budget, and also assessed value the assessor has determined is secured as of july 1 for that new fiscal year. as supervisor peskin mentioned earlier, the tenant pass-through is applicable to select bonds between november 1, 1996 and november 30, 1998 authorize the bonds-the bonds may not get issued until later in different traunchs. hundred percent pass-through for those and 50 percent pass-through for bonds authorized by the voters at other election dates. i'll focus on the bottom half. the top half is just a very basic, here's how you tax rate is determined, at least for the city, the school district and the college district general
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obligation bonds. bart [indiscernible] contra costa and san francisco. the bottom represents what happens today, so for 2023-24, there is about 237-00-0000 of the debt service that fits into the criteria in the administrative codes as it is written today and dividing by the secured value of property as of july 1, 2023 is what came up with the 7.26 cents per hundred dollars of assessed value that may be passed through to tenants by landlords and applicable across the board. the proposed ordinance first takes into account the move-in
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date and tax rate for those three entities that was applicable at move-in, and the current year, so when september comes around, does the tax rate increase from what the comparable rate was when the tenant commenced their tenancy. if there is a increase, the secondary consideration is a ratio of the eligible general obligation bonds, the hundred percent between certain dates, 50 percent for other dates. the ratio is multiplied by that difference and i just provided some examples. it is important again to restate the reason for the 2005 as serving a catch-all for tenants who began their tenancy
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in 2005 or earlier is that is when the capital plan began the policy of keeping the city go bond property tax rate not exceeding the .12 something percent that existed in 2005-06. and the final slide, if the proposed language were applicable this fiscal year, these are the rates y. have fiscal years just to keep it short for indicating the dates, but those are the dates the tenant moved in initially, so if they moved in let's say july 1, 2010, then it is the .0015 percent, fiscal year 2010-11. that is my presentation. if you have any questions, i would be happy to address them. >> i do not mr. whittaker, but
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i want to thank you for your help and expertise along the way and acknowledge deputy city attorney [indiscernible] for his help drafting this legislation. >> thank you so much. any questions or comments colleagues? i just want to thank you supervisor peskin for bringing this forward. this makes so much sense and didn't think about it before you brought this legislation forward, so i want to appreciate that. >> i also want to say one of the criteria i always look at in pieces of legislation like this that many people will work with, be small landlords or large landlords is that impmentable and in talking i
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dont think this is extremely bond complicated. there is a bond pass hch through worksheet filed with the rent board and my understanding it is not burdensome and easily accessible to every day people. >> thank you. supervisor chan, thanks for joining us. >> thank you and just again want to thank president peskin for this legislation. i have a brief question. i am trying to understand the difference between--and just i think for a little bit more i would i'm a lay person trying to understand still a fairly complicated issue and about the pass-through, meaning the landlord can pass through the property tax increase on to the tenants and in this case, we are just trying to make adjustments to it. could we just dive a little deeper between the difference between the city and county of
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san francisco issuance versus the city college and unified school district issuance? >> i would say the main difference i'm aware of is that there is a policy for the city county of san francisco capital planning that keeps the rate capped. it is voluntary policy but has been observed since when it was implemented about 20years ago. for the college district and for the school district, to my knowledge there is no such cap, however i think it is probably a good practice among financial professionals in public finance to try to keep a relatively consistent tax rate year to year. >> so in the legislation starting on page 5, line 24 we are starting to indicate about
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first defined eligible bonds. through the chair, that we also indicated the issuance entities and which the issuance entities as continue to go to page 6, that it is really the issuance entities aside of course we have a self-imposed regulation, rules that we are not going to pass beyond the 2010 property tax rate, while city college and unified school districts do not, however they could in the legislation when they issue their bonds specifically about to address the issue around pass-through. >> yes, i believe it would have that option. >> within this legislation? >> oh, i believe for each independent entities- >> they could already? >> within their governing group
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take on such policy decisions, but we can't-i don't believe we can dictate to the school district or college district they have to observe a similar policy. >> thank you. thank you chair. >> through the chair to supervisor chan, interestingly enough, the school board has been as they are contemplating a general obigation bond for this november are been gravitating to the city 2005 policy and it would appear that-i don't want to put words in another government mouth, but they are going to also create a self-imposed constraint like we have. >> through the chair, i am pleased to hear. given the fact we do not have jurisdiction over the unified school district.
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city of college of san francisco went for $850 million bond in i believe 2018 and it was actually increase to the city property tax, but again, it was not within the city's jurisdiction to restrict that increase. even though it was very very small of increase, but just given the fact that now we are continuing to have these regional-these conversation about regional bond issuance or potential in 2026 seeing more regional tax measure, i just wanted to put it out there about just to-differentiate between what city and county of san francisco have control over and we are doing self-imposed maintaining the tax rate, but we do not have control over other jurisdiction. thank you.
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>> thank you. if no more comments from colleagues, we can open up for public comment. >> members of the public who wish to speak should line up to speak at this time. each speaker is allowed 2 minutes. there is a soft chime with 30 seconds left and louder chime when your time expired. if you like to make comment on this matter, please approach the podium and line up. you can approach the podium. >> i heard about this hearing last week and i called every number on the supervisors list at their office and no one picked up the phone. specifically supervisor melgar, whatever her name is, they are on vacation, so there was no way for anyone to pose this
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general obligation bonds pass-through. directly to your offices, there is never a avenue to talk to you. you just push through the legislation and don't care about what we say in a hearing or not. okay? of course you would have a hearing on monday, tax day, april 15 in the morning no less. the people paying property tax here, they are the ones at work right now. why are you continually attacking our right to provide housing on a constitutional basis? have you nothing better to do. you statement aaron peskin saying property taxes have not gone up and general bond has gone up? are you serious? our properties taxis increase,
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2 percent and all the parcel tax that is added. that is a completely false statement. you missed a fundamental issue here assuming people are paying rent normally. your colleague disallowed payment of rent throughout the pandemic and landlord can't get that money back. so, you are the reason why people are no longer making their properties available for housing anymore. i demand you vote no on this legislation. thank you. >> thank you. >> good morning supervisors. my name is ingrid-- >> you mind pulling the microphone down? >> can you hear me? >> yes. >> good morning supervisors. my name is ingrid and i am a tenant in san francisco. i urge you to support this
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legislation. for years huge real estate companies are been exploiting these pass-through with property tax increases because the bonds have not been going up. the city has had a policy to limit property tax increase, but me, neighbors and thousand other tenants and veritas-big landlords have gotten pass-through raises our rent. the rent increase is often more then annual rent increase under rent control. this is a loop hole exploited by big corporate landlords. please close it. thank you. >> good morning supervisors. my name is arm mondo rodriguez a tenant in san francisco. i urge you to support this legislation. here's the deal, for years tenants like myself have been
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paying these pass-throughs for the cost of the landlord that never incurred. this is a scandal. this reasonable legislation doesn't order landlords like veritas to refund the money, it simply brings the rent ordinance into compliance with the city existing policy on bonds. but let's be clear, this is a scandal. veritas and other corporate landlords have been passing on rent increases to tenants claiming property tax increases due to bonds that never happened. i urge you to support this legislation. thank you. >> hello. my name is--from the san francisco tenants union, also a constituent in san francisco district 10, so there is a bit of confusion i hear from property owners. they are saying my taxes have gone up. specifically referring here to
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tax increases tied to general obligation bonds. that has not happened in all most 20years. this pas-through is tied to that. this is not-they want to keep a mechanism incurrings coming from other places and it is just really inappropriate. a lot of bonds we passed have increased property values for property owners without asking them to pay more property tax and yet, more rent is going to the tenants. i understand wanting to have as many mechanisms as possible to increase profit, but this is non sensical, oversight, not legitimate so we should really fix this problem. thank you. >> thank you. i quickly want to recognize and say hi to saint vincent de paul school who came to visit us in city hall. thanks for visiting us.
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i hope you learn a lot about local government today. thank you. >> my name is--small property owner and property manager in the city. i find the legislation troubling. it seeks to cause division and no accountability between tenants and landslord. the way it is set up now split 50/50. while we hear increased dollar amounts, please understand 50 percent is paid by the landlord and 50 percent by the tenant so $20 per month per unit, the landlords payed $20 month. it is split cost and helps share the burden between both partsies and keeps united and helps as a community hold each other accountable so when we vote on things, or vote of on bonds we are not putting all
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the price and cost on one group of people, we are not trying to isolate and cause division between people and that is what i feel the legislation does, because now the system is split 50/50ism there financial hardships. m tenants can't apply for a physical hardship. we have a great system as set up now. if it ain't broke don't fix it. those are things we got to think of when we pass legislation. how does it effect the whole community split 50/50 holds all accountable. this is just a slippery slope. that is one thing i wanted to bring up when we pass legislation like this it is a slippery slope and god forbid, sorry to use the g word, but you know, what if we stop passing bonds because people are opposed to it because it
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will effect some sort of tax base and we have a crumbling city? that is the point of not having these things. we have mechanism in place with the rent board. thank you. >> good morning supervisors. community housing organization here to express support for this legislation. bond financing is the most significant consistent source of revenue to finance or city core infrastructure needs. the voters of san francisco passed proposition a, which is a critical step towards building the long-term investment in affordable housing san franciscans need. we want to make sure when we pass new bonds, landlords and tenants are fairly shaping the burden of property tax increases that result from go bond debt. since 2006, the city hasn't raised property tax and new braunds only issued as old retired. landlords are eligible to get a
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pass-through for property tax increase that hasn't happened for 18 years. this legislation updates to match the policy of no property tax increase for go bonds and urge you to support the legislation to insure that landlords and tenants are fairly sharing additional cost in a manner that are consistent are our city debt management policies. thank you. >> good morning. my name is kyle here with housing rights committee of san francisco. i want to start saying the way the language is written is broken. for years we have seen corporate landlords like veritas and mauser use the loop hole to pass cost to tenants they are not incurring. the tenants have to pay for the costs the landlords don't incur. it is growing increasingly
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difficult for working class people to live in the city. a cook at the largest union hotel that has to commute from san francisco from stockton every day because he can no longer afford rent in the itisy. san francisco is a city of working class people, not corporate landlord that come and go. i urge you to support the piece of legislation because working class people in san francisco should be able to afford to live in the city they worked so hard to build. thank you. >> good morning. i'm deepa varma at tenant together and from the san francisco tenants union. when i was asked they struggled to support a bond pass-through measure even with good causes like sea wall or paying for schools because we saw rents go up with bonds pass-through every year, especially from big
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players like veritas. we kept told by folks at city hall those bonds were not going up and rents shouldn't go up but we see it happen anyway. we realize something lfs broke within the system and talked to you about supervisor peskin and i'm glad to this is finally fixed. so, we are now-this was going to support both tenants who are struggling just to stay here, but also going to help community groups come together and pass-come to agreement about how to tax and spend for the city to build a city we want to have and support infrastructure and give people they need. thank you so much for finally coming through and doing this for us. >> good morning supervisors.
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i'm with community action network. we work with tenants, workers and families in san francisco. the city approves go bonds to fund critical infrastructure. it is used to raise property taxes to pay for those bonds, so a pass-through was created for landlord to share the cost of some of those increases with tenants, but since 2006, the city hasn't raised property taxes for bonds. new bonds are only issued as old ones are retired. yet landlord are still getting a pass-through for property tax increase that hasn't happened for 18 years. this legislation will update the rent law to match the city policy of no property tax increase for go bonds. it is time for tenants to stop paying for property tax increase that no longer exists. please stop adding hardship to low income working families that are holding on to stay in
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san francisco and urge you all to support the legislation. thank you for your time. >> good morning supervisors. my name is--d5 resident and also work at song can. i ask you to support the legislation and prevent landlords passing through cost to tenants for fictitious property tax increases. as board president peskin already explained since fiscal year 2005, 6 the city adhered to no tax increase policy in the capital plan issuing new bonds, meaning old debt is retired before new issued. that means go bonds in particular have not increased property taxes since 2006 and yet some landlords exploited a loop hole in the rent law to pass through property tax increases they have not incurred from go bonds. we ask that you support the legislation so that unscupural landlords stop exploiting tenants for extra rent.
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thank you. >> hello supervisor. my name is theresa with south of market community action network and resident of district 6. i am here to actually as a tenant seek your support and request please that to update and reform the rent laws provision for pass-through property tax increases due to passage of the go bonds. since 2005, the city adhered to no tax increase policy. articulated in the city capital plan issuing bonds. simply put, the city does not raise property taxes for go bonds, and it is hard for us tenants. i have friends who left the city working class residents left the city because they couldn't afford to actually stay here.
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tenants have been paying for increases in property taxes to the issuance of city and county go bonds since 2005, 2006 there is no such increases. please help us. i am blessed i live in a san francisco community land trust building, but what about the other tenants who do not know their rights and do you believe $18.07 is enough to actually live here in san francisco? we are blessed as tenants because our landlord has been transparent to us, but what about the other tenants? please, i urge you to support this legislation and thank you so much for all your hard work. >> thank you for those words. amazing. good afternoon everybody. my name is--i will take my mask
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off. i am a tenant in a veritas building in district 3 and organizer at housing rights committee. i support this legislation fully. i have been impacted in pass-throughs. rents raising to get arounds rent controlled building. i have seen veritas and large corporate landlords use this business. this is stealing. convincing going through covid we are still struggling to get through. i do urge to support this legislation. thank you. >> good morning. my name is--i am a-sorry, i get nervous public speaking. multigenerational d10 renter, and also a housing rights community advocate at asian law
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caucus and provide direct service to families and seniors in san francisco, many non english speakers. support the update and reform of the rent law provision for pass-through of go bond property tax increases. this law eliminating a double charge on tenants for a cost of the lands lord has never incurred. if a bond does not result in a property tax increase as it has long been a city policy, landlords should not increase rent under the guise of pass-through and city should not permit it. a pass-through should only be used to recover actual cost incurred after a tenant moves in. these pass-throughs serious impact low income and extremely rent burden tenant ability to pay for housing utilities food and necessities in san francisco where the average rent is 2 and a halftimes the national average. reforming the provision is a step we can and should take to
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make tenant lives easier. the burden should not be on tenants to seek relief from a unfair pass -through. please keep our tenants housed and pass this. thank you. >> hello supervise ers. my name is ramon. i wrote a lot but not going to repeat what everyone mentioned. i am going to skim through my-what i was going to say today. good morning. my name is ramon, a d6 resident and worker and here in support of the legislation. so, yeah, this legislation will update the rent law to match the city policy for no property tax increase for go bonds. it is time for tenants to stop paying for property tax increase that no longer exist
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at this points. pass-through is to recover increase in cost that has occurred since tenants first move in [indiscernible] first rented to the toneant. many tenants are facing double charges for cost landlord never incurred. this is completely unfair and unjust. we have to update adequate provisions for 1996 to reflect the realty of the last 18 years. the city does not raise property tax. go bond does not create a property tax increase to pass-through and tenants should stop paying for fictional increase. i urge the board of supervisors to please pass this legislation and put a end to this bad practice by some landlords and thank you for listening to me.
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>> good morning supervisors. my name is brad, housing right committee of san francisco and joined colleagues before me urging support for this legislation. it helps address pass-throughs which have been documented over the last several years as a parnicious business practice of large real estate investment firms to maximize income, not for cost recovery which was the intent. i have a notice here from issued by veritas to long-term tenants rent increase dated march 25, 2024. the largest charge on the notice is for the general bond pass-through. the total rent increase including the annual rent increase, which is only 1.7
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percent actually comes out to 7 percent for this tenant because of the addition of general bond pass-through and another water pass-through, but the general bond pass-through is the largest charge. while the conversation has been how to bargain with a company about these charges or get them to wave them, the conversation also now becomes this is just fictitious and double dipping by large investors and investment firms who are exploiting and frankly making a mockery of the regulations, so i urge you to pass this and thank you again. >> good morning. molly, the director of san francisco an tis displacement coalition and we are here in support of this legislation. as you heard so many colleagues speak so effectively to
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already as well as president peskin in your experience as a small landlord, i think this is a pretty simple and straight forward fix. what we heard from the rent board today that there is a average $20 little more then $20 a month pass-through to tenants for the go bond, amounts to nearly $250 a year tenants are paying for cost landlords didn't incur. when you scale that up across the city, particularly in the portfolios of these large corporate landlords we look at massive amount of money coming out of pockets of working class people in san francisco to benefit large scale corporate landlords and investors. it shouldn't be a surprise vast majority of people making public comment are speaking of the action of corporate
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landlords. this is utilized by corporate lands lords who have been trying to make a business practice out of seeking out loop holes in our tenant protections and rent ordinances to extract as much profit as possible from our community so thank you for your support of the ordinance and working with us to make these simple solutions possible. >> hello. my name is craig. i'm with the management and ownership at 640 mason street is in san francisco. the family has been managing the property there for decades and it is eye opening. thank you for having the hearing and allowing everyone to voice their positions. i think one position i'm hearing from rez sidentss is concern about mega corporate
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owners who maybe don't have long time roots in the city and trying to exploit opportunities and a second issue is i want to discuss is administerability. on the mega landlords issue, it seems to me like the kinds of folks appearing here at the hearing aren't mega landlord corporations, so perhaps if there could be a carve-out for the family ownership folks who have been rooted in san francisco for decades and maybe who have fewer then hundreds of units under ownership. and then, that would be a way of kind of answering everyone's concerns on both sides at the hearing today. moving to administerability, so, when i'm filling out the go pass-through form, i just use
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the form provided and me it is much more administerable and easy to have a across the board form and are not to have tenant by tenant changes. each month when i fill out the forms it makes it a lot easier, so with that carve-out for long time management team s, i think would be a lot more administerable to have across the board approach while mega landlords could have a more nuanced pass-through . thank you. >> good morning. mitchell with affordable housing alliance and i so appreciate your attention to this issue, which is interestingly both complicated and also not complicated at all. i think there are two things you need to know. the landlord sets the rent when
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the tenant moves in to cover their cost. so all the cost including property tax and the portion of property taxes that go for bonds. we have pass-throughs when landlordss need to increase cost because they had capital improvement, increase for inflation. there is a number. one is if the property taxes went up because of go bonds. back in the 1990 property taxes were going up because of go bonds and that is why we have a pass-through for the go bonds of 96 and 98 and 2002 added go bonds going forward starting in 2003 i believe. but then the second thing is something new happened. in the city adopted a capital plan for 2005 and 6 and has followed and not raised property taxes for its go bonds. so, we have-we are catching up the rent ordinance because we
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had pass-throughs for phantom increases. what this ordinance will do is to the extent which property taxes do go up because of go bonds, there is still a pass-through. we don't know what city college and school board are doing, but it will also reflect the pass-through is much smaller because it reflects the fact city and county is no longer raising property tax to handle the bonds so that is what the legislation actually does and as you see, it is not that complicated. thank you very much for your support on this. >> good morning. charley gauss with san francisco apartment association. f i come before you today to urge a no vote on this legislation, which fundamentally changes the way in which city residents pay for general obligation bonds which
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pay for public investment and infrastructure improvements all city residents benefit from. this represent a departture from the rules in place more then 20 years and represent somewhat a solmonic compromise. the late 90 go bonds measures were defeated by sfaa and other organizations. in november of 2000 the voters approved prop h. sfaa sued against prop h and won. a settlement agreement--tom amiano agreement and ordinance existing law has been mischaracterized or misunderstood today. the ordinance provides when voter s approve go bonds which create a change in the property tax rate there is 50 percent
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pass-through to tenants. got a visual here. there is a lot of talk how the property tax overall does not go up and you can see that's true. it doesn't exceed.12 percent on the chart, but what you can also see is each band here is a change in the property tax that is related to the general obligation bond that is captured by the settlement agreement is and existing law. the existing law says that change should be shared by owners and tenants. we ran the numbers on this proposal, it reduces the pass-through on the sample buildings by 90 percent and eliminates for many residents the controller staff ran the pass-through and found reduces by 80 percent. we urge you to vote now today. >> any other speakers on this matter? i believe that that completes
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the list of public commenters. >> public comment is closed. supervisor walton. >> thank you chair ronan. i are want to be added as a cosponsor. >> colleagues, any other comments? president peskin. >> let me start by going back to the lawsuit i think filed in 2002 and i think settled in 2003 legislation that i voted for at the time. first of all, proposition h and the litigation dealt with-i think it is important we understand that there are a number of different pass-throughs. general obligation bond pass-through is what this legislation addresses but they are capital improvement, electric, water pass-throughs. this is a segment that.
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much that had to do with capital improvement pas-throughs, but the world profoundly changed in 20 o5 when the city of san francisco created the capital plan and imposed a constraint that our .12 rate would not go up. matter of fact, it is actually over the intervening 20 years gone down by a tiny bit. this is really only dealing with that slice, and again let me--in talking to the association we had a good conversation last week, we see the world very very differently, which is that i see the world as i said at the beginning of this discussion as a landlord charges a rental rate in the beginning that presumably recoups all that landlord's costs and presumably has profit on top that, and in
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rent control, every year there is a allowable actual rent increase. this year 1.7 percent and that deals with things like the fact that as somebody indicated, or acsomebody mischaracterized, the property tax rate has not gone up, but the value of your property under prop 13 has gone up so the amount of property tax you pay does get higher, even though the rate has not changed because the valuation changed, but that is covered in that allowable increase that the rent board allows every landlord of rent controlled property to impose on a annual basis. i think we see this very very differently. i think this is fundamentally a issue about fairness in a world that changed 19 years ago and i think it is long past due and i
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don't think-our hands are not tied by what is called the quig settlement of a generation ago and with that, colleagues i have one very miner approved as to form non substantive amendment that i respectfully request the committee make on page 4, line 16 in section 37.2, definitions subsection q to add the words, pursuant to this chapter 37. >> wonderful. thank you president peskin. supervisor safai. >> i want to ask the controller office to come back up. there is a lot of discussion today about double dipping and landlords imposing pass-throughs that did not actually impact them. can you talk about that? >> i don't know that i can.
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>> okay. >> the assessed value, if there is a new owner of a building, prop 13 allows reassessment and perhaps that's at play, but otherwise i don't believe i have a knowledge of what is happening there. >> okay. thank you. >> okay. thank you. with that, i like to make a motion to amend the ordinance as stated by prez sident peskin and send to full board with positive recommendition a. >> on the motion to amends and recommend as amended, vice chair walton aye. supervisor safai, aye. chair ronan, aye. the motion passes without objection. >> motion passes unanimously. thanks so much. can you please read item number 3? >> yes.
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ordinance amending the administrative code to require departments seeking board of supervisor approval to enter into contract for emergency repairs to provide a estimated cost of the proposed emergency work and upon completion of the repairs and summary of the actual cost. >> i introduced the ordinance in response to concern. we see emergency repairs contract coming before the budget committee. the administrative code allows department to proceed where emergency repairs when the cost is below $250 thousand. when above $250 thousand the department must receive approval from mayor or commission that has oversight and the board of supervisors. this ordinance simply requires the departments to estimate cost for repairs when they come before the board for approval. this way we have some ideas what the repair looks like, but
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also particularly for the budget committee to have some ideas as we track our budget. of course, we must perform these repairs, but i think it is important to best manage our budget. we include language should final cost exceed estimate the department provide a report back to the board documenting that for inclusion in the emergency declaration file. this final report is standard operating procedure for department at completion of project and ask the department to file the final report to close out board file on item. happy to answer any questions you may have on this item. i just ask for your support for today. thank you. >> thank you so much. colleagues, any questions, comments? seeing none, we'll open for public comment.
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>> any members of the mub public who like to comment you can approach the podium at this time. there does not appear to be speakers on the matter. >> public comment is closed. motion to sends to full board with positive recommendation. >> yes. on the motion to recommend, vice chair walton, aye. supervisor safai, aye. chair ronan, aye. the motion passes without objection. >> passes unanimously. thank you. can you please item number 4? >> yes. item 4, ordinance amending the campaign and governmental conduct code to update and clarify the conflict of interest code's form 700 (statement of economic interests) filing requirements for “proposition q filers” (departmental purchaser initiators and approvers); add the children and families first commission and the enhanced infrastructure
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financing district public financing authority no. 1 to the list of filers who file with the ethics commission; and make non-substantive corrections to the conflict of interest code sections for the department of public works and the public utilities commission. >> supervisor chan as the author back to you. >> colleagues grateful you are willing to schedule both items today. the second legislation i'm here for is miner amendments to the campaign government conduct code for form 700 filers required by annual update that i'm sponsoring on behalf of the ethics commission. these amendments propose to first, add as required filers members of the children and family first commission and the newly created enhanced infrastructure public financing authority number one. and second amendment is to streamline and simplify the process of proposition q filers which are people destinated by their department as they delegated departmental purchase initiator or approver. then the third amendment is to make non substantive corrections for the sf public utility commission and public works on require filers. i ask for your support today and recommendation to full board.
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we have kyle kennedy manager in the engagement and compliance division of ethics commission here if the committee has any additional questions. >> thank you. colleagues, any questions? comments? none. thanks for being here though. mr. clerk, can we open the item for public comment? >> yes, anyone in the room who would like to comment you approach at the time. there are no additional part ies in the room. >> public comment is closed. i like to make a motion to send to full board with positive recommendation. >> vice chair walton, aye. supervisor safai, aye. chair ronan, aye. the motion passes without objection. >> the motion passes unanimously. mr. clerk, do we have any other items on the ajenna today? >> that completes the agenda
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i'm anthony i'm owner of scoop ice cream in the bayview. >> the environment sit down environment to enjoy a bananasplit. root beer floot. shake, et cetera . just creating that environment for people to come and enjoy. they can experience this is cultural driven. we pretty much replicate what our culture means in the
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bayview. >> a back story me and my siplings my aunt took us out for ice cream all the time. spend hours eating ice cream and talking and catching up with friends and family of came with an idea. why don't you bring the ice cream shop back has not been one here in a time since the 90's. i thought it would be good to bring something back to a community where i grew up and something with me in business community. my fate is the apple pie flavor made from french cashew milk it is vegan. homemade cashew milk and cocoa nut milk. apples upon cinnamon and nutmeg
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and create a great desert. my great grand mother made it from scratch. made ice cream for kids in the neighborhood and made different flavors. sugar free and dairy free. got passion to do it being here in the community and from my family. >> i'm a firefighter here at station three 1 i grew up in texas and kind of boundaries around to bunch of different cities before i came to san francisco lived in new york and was going to school there i had never been here before the
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moment i knew san francisco i knew i was in the right police station like the place and was proposed to be. >> i was with change and cyclist transportation throughout the city and actually end up getting in a car accident not a big deal but i was in the back of ambulance he decided a good idea to tell me about the job and how amazing i thought about that at home and i said you know what see this sounds something might be great aligns with me and my values i started to pursue to see what it was like i did and the moment that
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was pretty interesting how doors kind of opened i put at effort and get any emt licenses and interviewed to be in the refreshed what is of the in the academy engineering that and so on and so forth had that moment of like this is what i'm spoke up to be doing this is this is the it this is me. and it of the great and therefore, be it resolved that worked out and after the lgbtqia+ this is my work with one was (unintelligible) (sirens) what i thought way back when that being a firefighter that was not something i thought i could do. and i think that a lot to do would not seeing my in the
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representation of what a normal firefighter will be so i really like to make an effort when i'm at work to have other girls little girdles and boys seeing me though orientation or race or any other orientation we want to be able to be that person and know they can do the job if they want to. >> as a mom i feel like a different person actually. that pretty interesting to have a stark difference in from the person i became a mom in the fire serve and the person after the fire services being a mom is a learning exercise and the same going back to the fire service you're heart is a little bit
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>> hi. i'm will b. mixture weltake a walk with me. >> i just love taking strolls in san francisco. they are so many cool and exciting things to see. like -- what is that there? what is that for? hi. buddy. how are you. >> what is that for. >> i'm firefighter with the san francisco fire department havings a great day, thank you for asking. this is a dry sand pipe. dry sand pipes are multilevel building in san francisco and the world. they are a piping system to facilitate the fire engineaire ability to pump water in a buildings that is on fire. >> a fire truck shows up and does what? >> the fire engine will pull up to the upon front of the building do, spotting the building. you get an engine in the area
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that is safe. firefighters then take the hose lyoning line it a hydrant and that give us an endsless supply of water. >> wow, cool. i don't see water, where does it come from and where does it go? >> the firefighters take a hose from the fire engine to the dry sand pipe and plug it in this inlet. they are able to adjust the pressure of water going in the inlet. to facilitate the pressure needed for any one of the floors on this building. firefighters take the hose bunked and he will take that homes upon bundle to the floor the fire is on. plug it into similar to this an outlet and they have water to put the fire out. it is a cool system that we see in a lot of buildings. i personal low use federal on
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>> candlestick park known also as the stick was an outdoor stadium for sports and entertainment. built between 1958 to 1960, it was located in the bayview hunters point where it was home to the san francisco giants and 49ers. the last event held was a concert in late 2014. it was demolished in 2015. mlb team the san francisco giants played at candlestick
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from 1960-1999. fans came to see players such a willie mays and barry bonds, over 38 seasons in the open ballpark. an upper deck expansion was added in the 1970s. there are two world series played at the stick in 1962 and in 198 9. during the 1989 world series against the oakland as they were shook by an earthquake. candlestick's enclosure had minor damages from the quake but its design saved thousands of lives. nfl team the san francisco 49ers played at candlestick from feign 71-2013. it was home to five-time super bowl champion teams and hall of fame players by joe montana, jerry rice and steve jones. in 1982, the game-winning touchdown pass from joe montana to dwight clark was known as "the catch."
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leading the niners to their first super bowl. the 49ers hosted eight n.f.c. championship games including the 2001 season that ended with a loss to the new york giants. in 201, the last event held at candlestick park was a concert by paul mccartney who played with the beatles in 1966, the stadium's first concert. demolition of the stick began in late 2014 and it was completed in september 2015. the giants had moved to pacific rail park in 2000 while the 49ers moved to santa clara in 2014. with structural claims and numerous name changes, many have passed through and will remember candlestick park as home to the legendary athletes and entertainment. these memorable moments will live on in a place called the stick.
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(♪♪♪) earth upon month in san francisco. today. will goodness there are a lot of folks here temperature xoit to be excited about the environment. right? i'm san francisco mayor london breed and honored to be here with all of you. to celebrate earth month in san francisco but really push for climate week in the city an opportunity for so many people to participate in being stewards
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of this planet that we don't own but inherited and as a result we have the. to do everything we can to protect it. through policy, investment, significant change and i'm so excited and glad that san francisco has been an environmental leader. dp pushing for transformtive change in climate policies, in fact. when i served on the board of sprierdzs when we first finally got clean power sf through the board the single most important thing we could do to impact climate change. where almost 4 huh human,000 customers and started our advocacy using equity in climate action plan in the bayview community saw 90 percent. folks stay in the program.
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manning sty row foam, that was a challenge we did it it is making a difference now. work that we did to ban straws and to find reusability options. i have been you are not happy about those reusable options but the fact is san francisco was generating a million straws a day that were impacting our waste. one other things we are work hard on is to get rid of single use items you order food and put the forks and i bunch of ketchup you don't use in your bag xu put them in a pile and you still never use them? we gotta change that. we gotta deal with the challenges around upon waste. we are -- so grateful to be here with a number of our leaders including our city attorney david chew. our puc director and formy city attorney dennis herrera the head
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of the d. environment. and the department of public healing doctor grant colfax i see a lot of council generals here today. thank you so much because it is not just about san francisco it is about the entire world and how we combat the climate. we appreciate your partnership and taking our climate actions plan to your countries and and bringing us the information on the things you are doing to impact the climate. we have many of our commissioners from the d. environment. some of our i don'tee elected leaders yet. they will come rolling in sooner or later. i want to thank the san francisco bicycle coalition for being here. the san francisco council of district merchants. hotel council, avenue green light. the san francisco chamber of commerce. thank you, friends of the urban
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forest and the association of the ramaytush ohlone. thank you all so much for being partners on the efforts to really impact the environment in a positive way. i want to also recognize, i think aaron from clean tech is here. somewhere. he is where. upon hey, aaron! now believe it or not. aaron created new technology to repurpose water to make beer. and i think you will try it today. is it good? is it clean, for real? okay. we will try it today. i'm -- it is when? okay. i'm a wine person myself. when in rome. and we want to recognize buy right they have been a san francisco clean business since 2009. we are glad and we have
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divisidero in my neighborhood i'm a fan of the work that they do. to talk about san francisco a bit i touched upon temperature muni is one of the greenest floats in north america. 25 years ago we implemented the first state's largest combustible program and it really stinks but it it is good for the environment. today we have 900 businesses including oracle park and chase centerful marriott and the st. regis that are cert for identification under the san francisco green business program. and our airport is the cleanest, greenest in the country. and as i said we launched clean power and we are continuing to do all we can to really support and protect the environment. and as a the result of all of you being here today, we then and there is manage this you care about.
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in addition to the incredible women we are honoring today and no, we are not honoring women during march, during women's history month we are choose to be intentional about uplifting so many incredible women who have done amazing things around environmental sustainability. with that i want to introduce to talk a bit about what you can expect for climate action week. how you can make a difference and how can you make so many of the things a per of your life. i want to introduce just and i know morgan of climate base. who will talk a bit about all of the things we have scheduled this week and more for climate action week in san francisco. thank you all for being here today. [applause]. thank you. sxefrn another round for mayor breed. that was amazing thank you for being a leader in the state.
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so, i'm justin harden i'm a bay area native and with climate base. founded on the premise that our brightest minds looking for work can be difficult to find the roles that have the most impact. our platform from a lack of job opportunity for people eatingtory tackle tasks for the climate. our mission is to mobilize tality tonight accelerate climate solutions. through efforts connections with individual negligence mission driven opportunitiful cultivated a community and launched the fellowship to support the transition in the climate space and this spring close to 1800 graduates. we see san francisco as a hub. technology and leadership. city's enthusiasm inspired us to organize sf climate week events show casing solutions spearhead by our director i will hand the
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mooishg over to morgan campbell. [applause] >> thanks, justin. last year we set tout to plant the seed for the first san francisco climate week. we announced intention 6 weeks before earth day and were over everoverwhelmed by the response. our first year over 350 organizations came together to run over 100 events engaging 7,000 in discussions about climate solutions tapped in the passion of the climate community and the building sprint culture of san francisco and the result was the learningest climate garthings it was built by the community for the community. this year we are excited scale our impact with the support of the city of san francisco and partners at most financial. sales force and the initiative. we are anticipating 15,000 atendsees across 200 events show case how san franciscans
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forefront of climate development of technologies to funding models that accelerate development the forging of partnerships. we are shining a spotlight on businesses making businesses sustainable. and doing this throughout food. hospitality per ins supporting events throughout the week. so, come out and join us on april 21-27 to celebrate work in our community. and learn about the new path ways we are forging for our future. [applause] all right. thank you both just and i know morgan. i want to also at this time recognize the rec and park director phil ginsburg. [applause] for those of you who grew up in san francisco you
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remember what the parks used to be. i'm sure. well, the parks are extraordinary. and every person lives within a 10 minute walk from a park and open space this they can enjoy in san francisco. and it is nothing better than a beautiful day like today. sitting out on delores park or golden gate park or any park amazon any park in san francisco is extraordinary. we appreciate you being here phil ginsburg. [applause] now the next personim ask to speak was not necessary low on the program but i do think he should speak and many should know him. he has been working with the department of environment for many years and now he is the leader of the department. helping to implement our equity focus climate action plan in san francisco. welcome tyrone jew.
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[applause] mayor breed, throwing a curve ball in the agenda putting me on the spot. truly, i am up here as one you see my fellow department heads here the leadership of the mayor. my commission and the leadership of all of you. and that's what earth month dpa sf climate week is truly all about. about all of us working together. on our united mission. make this city more equal, just city and this planet equal, just plan and he get there if we are working together. and so thanks to the leadership of the mayor when we put forward our 21 climate action plan. mayor breed likes to say, 5 years ahead of the state of california. we will be net zero by 2040.
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[applause] we get there by working together with all of the hard work of representatives here and the mayor and all of us. there are so many strategies we have to employ and innovation and new ideas we have to generate if we will reach our goal and the planet's goal of peculiar sustainable. that's why sf climate week is an important mile stone for this city we are scaling and up bringing community. bring up the best in brightest minds our city has to offer this is the ai capitol of the world and also the sustainability climate technology capitol of the world as well. this is how we get there. to reach our city genome our planet goals and community goal. again, mayor said when we put forward the action plan did in
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the say we will set this goal of net zero by 2040 it is how we get there. and if we don't get there with community, together walking hand in hand how this works; to support and grow and empower the communities it is not sustainable transition. i'm excited to be here as the director of the environment department. joined by an amation team a hand to my environment department staff. because we'll get there we will get there as a city. i know we will get there has a nation, thanks to the leadership of president biden. pel lose and he the reduction act all of this energy and attention as it should have been for a long time is paid attention to as far as where we need to go on this crisis.
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i'm optimistic thifrngs to mayor breed and awful us here today and thank you so much. thank you. tyrone and thank you and your entire team for the work do you to continue to push the envelope. and make sure this we are leaders in climate action. because the affects of the decisions we make have an impact on the rest of the count row often times i am being contacted by other mayors throughout the united states who want to look at our dliement action plan and want to understand how we were able to infuse equity net equation and also i should mention the work we have doornld housing and how we talk about housing as a climate issue. making sure that housing is a longer transit corridors and create an environment in the
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just for people who are within a 10 minute walk of a park but how about those who are able to hop on muni or walk to work in san francisco. it is what we need to do to continue to make sure that we are building more housing, providing opportunity and really meeting our climate goals using every option that we have available. we are grateful that each you as leaders in your communities and throughout san francisco are joining us here today. now to the good stuff. we get to honor extraordinary women who are just dog when they dom this is when we do we do what we do. doing what they do. and as a result of what they have done and continue to do, they are making real impacts on helping to support and uplift the environment in their various ways. first i will start with ms.
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julia collins. julia believes if you want to change the world you need to start with our food system. she is a trail blaze in tech and climate sectors and called the queen bee of climate. i like that. like beyonce. but a climate. made history the first black woman to cofound a unicorn company and leads planet forward. and ai powered decarbonization platform that helps companies reduce their green house gas e missions. with that, ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to recognize ms. julia collins. that may be the first and last time i'm beyonce are mentioned in the same sentence. i'm holding that to my heart.
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>> thank you so much. mayor breed. thank you so much to the city of san francisco and to everyone who is garthed here to recognize the contributions that many of us are making in service to a healthy planet. i have been working for the last 16 years of food and technology and i have been trying to solve the same problem reimagine mag food systems so they work better for everyone on the planet. the ceo of planet forward i'm proud we are using ai to decarbonize global supply chains. i'm the coceo of my household. family of 4. as the coceo i hold a belief to be true which is every person has the right to be a part of the solution to climate change. and it starts with something simpleace changing what and how we each whether shifting to plant forward men use or growing
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food at home or in our communities or reducing that waste this is per of the way we live. the most radical things we can do is shift our food choices. and you one person can't do it alone. one solution alone will not be the silver beaut bullet if we combine 8 billion on the planet many in san francisco we do have a shot at this. and i will close by saying we are live nothing a narrow winnow of time when it is still possible to stave the worse of what will happen as our planet begins to rise. the begins to continue to warm. i wake up every day often sick with the belief that we can and will get the job done. let's get the job done together. thank you. [applause].
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all right. queen bee. and also jewel why's dad is one of our art's commissioners the president of the art's commission here in san francisco. thank you so much chuck collins for your service at this time city of san frap i know you are proud papa now. our next honoree is francis yee. thanks to francis leadership, bb boutique this is year the first ever san francisco certified green business in china town. not just that but francis worked to achieve the program highest level of cert ifkdz for going above to implement water conversation, energy and waste operations at the boutique to
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minimize their carbon affordability. make sure you check it out and make sure it is role and purchase something and prosecute motes bike to work days the staff appreciated. she is justice done i number of things to make sure it is incorporate in the the work she does and also making sure this she makes san francisco more beautiful with her amazing fashions and what she is able to sell. again. take a trip to china town to visit. dd boutiques. ladies and gentlemen, francis lee. [applause] i'm going to invite my husband to say a few remarks. >> thank you. >> yea. we run a business, dd boutiques. it was started by francis mother over 35 years ago in san francisco. and since taking over the
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operations francisments to offer the business in environmentally friendly and responsible manner to do what little we can do not add to the pollution already there. in the process of being certified green business, not only it reflects her value of being environmentally friendly and that adds to negative consequences for businesses it teaches us of how to make those things sxhap how to minimize waste. so thank you. and thank you the city of san francisco. >> [applause] all right. our next honoree is claire.
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claire joined us last week in front of the steps of city hall to commemorate the 10 years of vision zero and how important it is that the city do more. since our time on the youth commission claire a voice for safe streets, access to public transit and sustainable transportation. born and raised in the tenderloin claire leads advocacy at the san francisco bicycle coalition. there, she is hyper focused bridge the gap with the historically under served communities special transportation equity. ladies and gentlemen, welcome claire. [laughter] wow. thank you so much mayor breed for your leadership and the award and to all of the folk who is nominated me for temperature
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i grew up in the densest neighborhood in the city where i walkd and took muni every day. i lived the transit first policy before i knew it existed. because i walked, biked and took the bus i developed a deep connection to my neighborhood, neighbors and city at large. a transportation continues to a mix 20% of green house gases it is important we dot w to encourage people to use modes of transportation like walking, biking and taking muni. not only are the modes better for the environment but for our neighborhoods. local economy and personal health. that is why as director of advocacy for the bicycle coalition i'm so excite body the city's biking and rolling plan. we envision a city interconnected net w of occur free and people prioritized corridors will allow everyone in any part of the city to leave
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their home. get on a bike and within minutes be on the net w that connected them to another neighborhoods. now is the time to be bold and visionary about how we as a city combat climate crisis and change. and to do that work with equity at the forefront. i have a lot of thank yous, bear with me. thank you mayor breed, thank you to the city staff that worked with me and my team every tail to redesign streets that prioritize people power modes of transportation. thank you to the incredible staff of the san francisco bicycle coalition who believe in our mission to promote the bicycle for every day transportation. thank you to my family who showed up. very heavily today! my partner and friends for being an amazing support system and most important low thank you to my parents for giving me everything and for showing mote joy of biking at a young age on
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san francisco's most treacherous streets. [applause] >> thank you. and claire had it bike to workday? may 16th. i want to see all of you on bike to workday in san francisco! who knows may be i will be debuting my new electric bike. because my current bike does not get up the hills well. anyway. last but not least, vanessa carter is our final honoree. i'm inspired by her ability to empower her fellow educators and youth year after year and equip them with tools to worn day
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become climate heros of their own. areut author of, is it yellow let it mellow? that's not you? that's. okay. that's what my teach are taught mow in fourth grade a member of the school district vanessa over seen environmental programs for students. to build their environmental literacy. she launch said san francisco's first climate action fellowship for high school students across the district. giving youth an opportunity to engage with our city departments. gaining college and career exposure and the change makers of our time. so with this i like to recognize and honor vanessa carter. [applause] hi. everyone. it is good to be here and i will wrap it up, it is lovely to be
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in the presence of other amazing women doing incredible work i look forward to following up with you and wanted thank everyone for doing all of the work you do every day. i know you are all like me you get up every day and wonder, am i doing enough. and in my case, will i be able to look in my son's eye in 10 years and say, i did everything i could? to design a just transition? and unfortunately most days i don't feel i have can. and i don't feel i'm doing enough. part of that was the birth of this climate action fellowship you will meet on april 25 the youth summit the incredible high school students who will be the leaders in the business world and city government soon. i know there are a lot graduates here that is whale woor doing is continuing the tradition of supporting our under any circumstances stereos to be the change makers we need.
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thank you all. [applause]. >> well, you guys look like you are hung row for more excitement or are you hungry for our environmental beer? um -- i want to take this opportunity since we have our city attorney here, who has been an environmental champion. before he was city attorney on the state assembly as well as a member of the board of supervisors. i want to before we close to give him an opportunity to say a few words. >> listen i will say this, i have the honor every day to manage an office our attorneys
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are advising dennis herrera, tie robe with department of departmentful phil with rec and park. grant ajainicloe fax or mayor and commissioners the policy this is we need so that san francisco leads. because as was said, we don't know how much time we have. i think about the fact that when i take my kid to school every morning at that key remembers the orange sky. that he knows the urgency of this time his generation of second graders worry. about whether they will have a planet to live in when they are our age. we have an obligation at this moment and this is why our san francisco city attorney's office we have sued polluters and sued folk who is have been spewing industrial dust in the bayview
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and have been illegally dump nothing treasure island our office has been in litigation and they say this against pg and e because what they have don block our ability to finally have clean power in san francisco. i want to give predecessor credit we have been litigating for 6 years. against the 5 largest companies in the world oil company this is have been responsible for sea level rise costing san franciscans billions when it come to our infrastructure. like our amazing teach and awardees everyone in this room singling what can we do every day to make sure that by the time i think your sister or who? i'm pointing to this indreadiblely cute student. how old are you?
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you are 8. my son's age. by the time you are an adult we have to make sure san francisco put ourselves in the map. of continuing to have the cleanest and greenest city in the world and ensuring we have a 100% renewable city. thank you for being here thank you for your leadership. >> not bad for put on the spot. that's what i'm talking about, san francisco! we making it happen and another note, the drug take back legislation this we passed when we were on the board of supervisors we kept 140 poundses of expired and unused medication out of the bay and landfill. we just -- doing it, doing it. so thank all of you for being stewards and thank all of you for the w that you continue to do. as we have said, there is always more work to do.
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niversary of adoption of vision zero. that is event at city hall mayor spoke and director tumlin spoke and community and elected leaders spoke and i was very pleased we marked that milestone. >> good morning everyone. let's all give a happy birtday for golden gate park! [applause] a brief love note to kick off
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the festivities. so, in a city like san francisco, parks are really powerful places, and they rep mind us that place is powerful. and golden gate park just might be san francisco's most important place to understand golden gate park is to understand san francisco. from the post gold rush years to the 1906 earthquake and fire, from the panama pacific international expigz and summer of love. aids epidemic and explosion of business and jobs it is a oasis through the joy, misery, growth, invasion. within the parks majestic canopy are stories. stories about class, about race, about nationality and religion. stories about conflict and peace. stories about gentrification and equity.
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stories about constancy and change. stories about stewardship and stories about destruction. stories about technology and nature, about celebration and suffering, about all arts, music and food. about love gartherings and solitary strolls. stories about communities neighborhoods and families. stories about all of us. on a personal note, this park is my post important place. no other place knows me better. this park watched me fall in love, raise my two daughters, make friends, build my career. golden gate park helped me work through struggles and challenges and helped me find joy, health and inspiration. the trail network and tree canopy offered me privacy and shelter to find myself. during my time as our parks director i had the hum bllg opportunity to influence the park landscape, form and
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rhythm through both preservation and through change. through the ghost of william hamenhall and john malaren watching closely. over the last 15 years we restored the fountains and band shell and music concourse. rebuild the mercy windgil and mark station. renovated the soccer fields and club house. ceezer stadium, cezer triangle. we added--behind me, the first piece of permanent art added to the park in generations in conserve tore valley. we added a restroom at the 45th avenue playground. renovating the bloleing greens. improve all the park entrances and signs. we now call speedway meadow hellman hollow and middle drive east, nancy pelosi drive and sharon meadow robin william meadow. we added a musical evening light show
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to the conservancy of flowers, piano to botanical barden. tea house. outside land music festival to polo fields and a portion of this beautiful space that used to be call jfk is now a car free prom naund for hundreds of thousands walk, run, roll, ride, sun-bathe and enjoy art music and food. while visitors once traversed the park on horse and buggy, and now travel on scooters, segues, bicycles. the park became a safe refuge during the covid pandemic. we celebrated a bunch of anversity. the redwood grove, spreckels lake. holiday tree lighting. the 50th anniversary of summer of live and in 2020 celebrated in the
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rain the parks own 150th anniversary. we got a little shorted because of the pandemic, so 154 is the new 150, which is why we are making such a to do out of today. [applause] golden gate park is resilient and bigger then any one event, policy, decision or person. but that doesn't mean our kunt stewardship of the space isn't critical. ernest hemmingway, today is one day in all the days that will ever be but what will happen in all the other days that come can depend on what you do today. perhaps only this park itself knows what the future holds. it is the keeper of all of this city stories and secrets. no doubt it will always be the guardian of san francisco's treasureed public memory, so happy birthday golden gate park. you will always be san
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francisco's very important place. [applause] not bad for 154 year old. i'm not that old. alright. so, we all love the space. and if is really really nice to be here. i'm going to introduce a bunch of special guests that are here. we have a lot of honored guests here. we have let's give up for the amazing rec and park staff for generations and generations. [applause] but, i now have the great pleasure of introducing our city's official park champion in chief here to celebrate the parks beautiful birthday, our mayor, london breed. [applause] >> i mean, who doesn't love a birthday party? ! it is so great to be here to
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celebrate 154/i guess 150 years of golden gate park and what it is meant to the people of san francisco. how many of you were alive in 1870? nobody? nobody? okay. well, the thing about this park and the establishment, it made it possible for people all over san francisco to enjoy. it has so many stories phil talked about and it has a great story i want to tell about the children's park, which was the first public playground for children in the city and county of san francisco, and how many of you have spent time going up and down that slide with a piece of cardboard? memories all over the place. and this place has so many more stories. the conserve tory of flowers
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behind me was the first building erected in golden gate park in 1879 and as time went on this place hosted over 2 million people for the world fair in 1894. when i think about the summer of love, because you think golden gate park and summer of love, this place has been a beacon of hope excitement love and laughter and we continue the tradition with so many amazing public performances with music, including outside lands and comedy day and other events that really bring joy and lift our spirits. and we have the academy of sciences. we have the d young museum. we have so many other-we have the lisa and doug goldman tennis center and we have so many options for people to play and have fun and to enjoy. during the pandemic, i just to back up
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a bit, growing up as a kid in this city, we would catch the bus and walk to golden gate park and put on our roller skates and we roller skate and we would hope that somebody had a boom box because you know how it was with the batteries that wouldn't last very long, so people have their boom boxes, roller skating, dancing and everything else and david miles has taken it to a whole another level down the street with an amazing place for people to skate and have fun. when i think about golden gate park, i think about so many things. this can be whatever you want it to be on any given day depending on your mood. but what it did for the people of san francisco during a global pandemic was extraordinary. in fact, a spent a lot of times during the pandemic with my hoodie on walking to golden gate park, walking through and around and honesty getting
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lost sometimes in golden gate park and this was a place where i saw people and i saw people outside safely social distancing with their mask on, but never the less, getting fresh air and coming together and bringing their kids and family members out here in wheelchairs and baby strolers and bikes and you name it, they were all out here enjoying this beautiful park. how fortunate are we that this park is now being considered to be one of the best parks in the entire united states by usa today? [applause] and it isn't too late to vote so go online to usatoday to make it official. and by the way, we are 200 acre bigger in golden gate park then now york so they can continue to eat their heart out.
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[laughter] there are so many things we can say about the beauty and the transformation and i know everybody here probably has a personal story, maybe it was your first kiss, like phil talked about falling in love with his wife emily. maybe it was when you met someone and became friends over your dogs sharing a bond or your kids, who knows, but that is what makes this park so special, because of those stories and are those experiences and i guarantee that all most every single story that you will hear about this park is one of joy. is one of happiness. is also one of pride for this park and for the city of san francisco, so as we celebrate today, i want to take this opportunity to of course recognize its history and its value to the people of san francisco and the visitors from throughout the bay area and the world and i want to take this
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opportunity to really thank those people who are really in the background, doing all the work. you'll see a tree, maybe have fallen one day and the next day it is not there. there are people who take a lot of pride in protecting, supporting and keeping golden gate park looking like one of the most incredible beautiful parks anywhere in the world and that is so many of our public-our rec and park workers, our gardeners, all of you, please raise your hand if you are one of the people responsible for this beautiful oasis. [applause] thank you for all you do for not just go golden gate park, but 220 parks around the entire city. it is so great to be here with each and every one of you and to just celebrate this incredible milestone and of course, where there is cake it
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is always a party. so, thank you and at this time-am i introducing somebody phil? last but not least and as i said, as someone who grew up in san francisco, our parks overall have always looked good, but not this good. they have gotten so much better and i'll tell you, it is a is couple reasons. number one, it is the park bonds the voters continue to vote on to support parks, which provide the resources for the investments made. number two, it is the park alliance and folks like ben davis who raise private dollars in order to invest in the parks, and number three, it is the people who do the work. i can't get my hair wet. number three, it is the people who do the work. thank you. thank you kat. rec and park, okay.
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[laughter] that's my bay sox jacket. these are hard to get. number three, again it is the people who do the work every single day and take pride in that work. i want to express my appreciation to each and every one of you for making today special and even the rain can't stop us from enjoying a good old fashion birthday party celebrating golden gate park. happy 154th birthday! thank you. [applause] >> one thing better then cake and hat is rained on cake. we were here 2020 for the 150 and it was also raining and i just are want to make a moment to reflect on the four years since. who knew in february 2020 what we were headed to. this mayor steered us through one of the hardest times in the city history
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and did it with toughness and resilience, but importance with hope and grace and now we get to just celebrate joy here today so let's give it up for our mayor. [applause] the real reason we are hp celebrating golden gate park birthday, but this is get out of the vote ralee. we are in the middle of election, and i can legally from this microphone plug the election and tell you to vote not just once or twice but every day between now and april 8. golden gate park is up for the title of the nation's best city park in usa today reader choice poll. anyone can vote, once per day. i do it every day, until polls close monday april 8 at 9 a.m. california time. the top 10 winning parks will be announced wednesday april 17.
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i'll let you in a secret, we are currently number one! but we dont want to let up, so what's everybody going to do today? what are you going to tomorrow? >> vote! >> what are you doing the day after? >> vote! >> there we go. alright. our next speaker, scott beck is the head of sf travel and scott comes to san francisco with so much joy and so much excitement, and he and i had the chance to chat and totally understands how important this park is to getting people to come to san francisco, spend money in san francisco and enjoy san francisco. we do not have a bigger champion then sf travel, stow so it is my great pleasure to welcome you to the microphone sir to say a few words. [applause] >> wow. thank you for the warm welcome.
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as a new san franciscans i feel this is special opportunity. my association with the park began as a visitor. i used to chase my wife through the park on a bike when she ran several marathons. my daughters would visit the institutions. it was always on the-i'm excited to have it be part what i call home now. the park is also living example of san francisco creativity, ingenuity and ongoing evolution as phil noted. it took imagination, invasion to transform sands into greenery, to turn the land into oasis for all to enjoy. and as the mayor noted, it takes dedication and ongoing work to keep the park shining and more accessible then 154 years ago. what other city contains a [indiscernible] arts and cultural institutions, wind mills, lakes gardens music concourse and so much more? this remains a must see for
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visitors who come to enjoy the beauty and magic of course alongside all of us san franciscans. as phil noted we are rooting for the outcome of usa today best park. i will ask you to vote. whatever the outcome though, this park is the best city park and magnet for the visitors that we bring to this community every day. attractions and places like golden gate park make san francisco a incredible destination and draw millions visitors each year to this community. and we at san francisco travel will continue to share the park heritage and stories for years to come. we look forward celebrating many more golden gate park milestones and birthdays. congratulations and happy birthday. [applause] >> alright. we are getting down to the big happy birthday. very special acknowledgments. speaking of birthday, scott
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sampson and lee can you stand up for a second? it isn't just golden gate park birthday today it is academy science. it is true it celebrating the 171? it is older then this park and been in this park for 99 years i believe, is that correct? scott and lee, thank you for this park is great, because of your institution and we like to thank your institution is great because of this park. happy birthday academy. [applause] and also want to recognize our amazing rec and park commission, our president kat anderson is here. our vice president joe. commissioner louie is here. we are also joined by a handful of really wonderful partners that make it work, rodney fong, head of chamber of commerce is here. stephanie linder, the head of
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the garden at golden gate park, we are in your front yard stephanie, thank you very much. you heard them back here hooting and hallering when the mayor talked about roller skating, david. skate and place. and then from illuminate who works tirelessly to light this place up and create joy and place-making, my friend ben davis. and i know i'm forgetting somebody and i'm losing my notes, but i most importantly-oh our friend from another planet. there is special bit of news. we have outside land coming first week of august. already eager beaver tickets are sold out? that is because the show is hot hot hot. and thank you very much for assigning two very important members of your organization to join us for our birthday today. give it up for ranger dave and
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ranger roof. [applause] and as the mayor alluded, the most important round of thanks are for the hardworking men and women who take care of the part for 150 years with sweat, love and skill, this park is amazing because of them, to the rec and park staff. [applause] alright. so, now is the time for happy birthday and to grace us with a ocpelo version of happy birthday, from very own young people teen musical theater company, jet. jet where are you? are you ready for this? alright. let her rip. >> just going to adjust the microphone really quick.
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>> 7 and a half million renovation is part of the clean and safe neighbor's park fund which was on the ballot four years ago and look at how that public investment has transformed our neighborhood. >> the playground is unique in that it serves a number of age groups, unlike many of the other properties, it serves small children with the children's play grounds and clubhouses that has basketball courts, it has an outdoor soccer field and so there were a lot of people that came to the table that had their wish list and we did our best to make sure that we kind of divided up spaces and made sure that we kept the old features of the playground but we were able to enhance all of those features.
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>> the playground and the soccer field and the tennis fields and it is such a key part of this neighborhood. >> we want kids to be here. we want families to be here and we want people to have athletic opportunities. >> we are given a real responsibility to insure that the public's money is used appropriately and that something really special comes of these projects. we generally have about an opportunity every 50 years to redo these spaces. and it is really, really rewarding to see children and families benefit, you know, from the change of culture, at
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each one of these properties >> and as a result of, what you see behind us, more kids are playing on our soccer fields than ever before. we have more girls playing sports than we have ever had before. [ applause ] fp >> and we are sending a strong message that san francisco families are welcome and we want you to stay. >> this park is open. ♪♪
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>> okay, good afternoon, every one. this meeting will come to order, welcome to the april 15th, 2024, regular meeting of the land use and transportation committee of the san francisco board of supervisors. i'm supervisor melgar chair of the board of board, aaron peskin and dean preston. the clerk is john caroll i would like to thank sf
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