tv Hammond Hall Awards SFGTV June 22, 2024 10:45pm-12:01am PDT
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>> welcome every one to this 60th annual william hall awards. i'm so excited, i love this one it's my favorite. i'm kat anderson. i'm your host, all of us are your host. we're so excite today be holding this event at the >> t. mcosker: claren lodge, and this is where we used to meet. that would be so cool, but it's nice to walk into city hall. they have really nice marble there. i would like to thank you for gathering today and it's because of your hard work that we celebrate you, all of you. give your sefmz a big round of
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applause. [applause] i with like to acknowledge my fellow commissioners, i have vice president, joe halasse. larry mazola junior. veneta louie. one of our newer in the ranks, kerri wintlop. any jones. and brianna could not make it today. and vince courtney junior. [applause] who is a commissioner in a little town called yantville, is that right? he's also a park commissioner. also joining us is one of our former commissioners, tom harrison, where are you?
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right there! tom and i are neighbors, and you will not find a more dapper dresser than mr. tom harrison, thank you. but this guy over here is going to give you a run for your money. okay. tom, you are rec and park gardner and like one of our honoree robert, you were an integral part that went into the japanese tea gardens, one of the pearls and crowns of the rec and park. and also one of the reasons we have a gardner's apprenticeship program and you now serve on the streets commission. thank you. our labor partners, i mentioned some of them already, i would like to make a special shout out to them who were partner with us in this event and they also donate to make this event a success, thank you for your generosity. thank you very much. again, vince courtney, larry
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mazola junior and vince courtney is from our local 261. there is a gentleman here, i'm sorry, can you help me out, hi david, nice to see you. oh supervisor canapis, oh that was kind of dumb, and phil. thank you phil. and we have two mcs, the beautiful administrator carmen chu and our mayor chief of staff, the handsome braun. neither one of them paid me for that. and i know the honorable mayor will be joining us a little bit later in the program. so when i think about the william hall awards, i think about the individuals who
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dedicate their daily lives to the health and safety of our parks. and we learn from the pandemic and many of us already knew this that parks are necessities for life, mental well being, bodily well being, soulful well being, right? and san francisco does parks better than any other place. in fact, urbanist and activist, jane jacobs wrote that our parks more than 60 years ago are something still relevant, and she said, a tiny triangular intersection left over which in most cities would be flattened or have a hedge a few binges and maybe a non entity in san francisco, is a since miniature world of its own, a deep water and exotic forist populated by the birds that have been attracted.
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you don't need to go in yourself, you do not need to because you're eyes go in and take you farther than any of these world and this remains true when the world seems too much and when you have a hard day, when you want to share a special moment, when you want to think about something challenging, most of us turn to a walk, a breath of fresh air and a park. so we're excite today celebrate one of the few folks who make this possible. now to warm us up, we have commissioner louie, who has a knack for making us all smile and getting out of our comfort zone, she is going to share a song along with our partner, and she has conscripted us to not ruin the song she is going to perform for us. [applause]
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without any further delay, car men chu. as our city administrator, carmen oversees over 10 departments, animal care and control and department of technology and previously served as our city assessor, and i talked to her one day, she widled down a two-year backlog. oh sorry, decades backlog. that's awesome. she was supervisor of district 4 in the board of supervisor sxz as well as having several years of experience in the mayor's office and policy and finance. joining her is our friend sean
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who serves as a mayor's chief of staff, and served for our dearly beloved and diane feinstein. now would i like you to introduce yourself and emcee this party, and carmen will be first. sorry, i didn't get that note. >> it's okay, sorry, ashley we threw a bit of a wild card at ashley. thank you so much for coming together for this great event. it's been a while since i've been to one of these and i'm reminded seeing everybody's face sxz excitement and hearing the beautiful voices. what a great event this really is, to see, you guys are the heart and soul of the city, of our department, hands down, everybody knows that rec and park department is the most popular department of all of our departments including yours, carmen.
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[applause] and it's because of the great joy you bring to so many san franciscans and that joy is because of your hard work so. it's great to be here part of this ceremony, thank you for what all do you, carmen. >> hello everybody, for the life of me, i cannot understand item committee of information technology is not the most popular department, but i'm so glad to be with all of you. i'm carmen chu and i'm so proud to be a coemcee here with sean. he and i go back because when this board was just a made up, i was just appointed to the board of supervisor sxz i remember coming back to my first meet anding not only that but coming to this ceremony. and i just want to tell you what a joy it is to see all the fruition of your work come to be in your community. my daughter is five years old, she and i, and her dad go to
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parks all the time, and we know how important those parks are for many of our san franciscans, residents people are living sometimes sros or apartments and they're living room is those parks. so i want to thank you for making those parks as they are and thank you for making our rec center, just green and safe and it does not happen without all of your great help. i'm proud to be here on this 16th annual anniversary of this ceremony and with that i want to introduce the speakers that are introducing the first awards. i want to introduce the labor representatives who are our essential partners this this annual awards. since introducing this award in 2007 when the rec park first passed the ares losing, they worked to not only gardners but also many other traits who are part of rec park. soy want to invite convince courtney and larry masola and i
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want to invite vince and larry to come up to present some awards. thank you very much. [applause] >> all right, i've got to do something. is just made that up. it's not always to be a commissioner, we have to make hard decision that's don't always please every one. especially when it comes to me. but this is one of the favorite part of the job. we get to congratulate the workers for a job well done.
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i believe we speak that the award what you receive today are emblematic that everybody feels for the incredible work that you do. today the honorees will receive not all of our applause but also a bottle of wine hand selected by vince courtney himself, chardonnay? $100 gift card to original joes, awards from the commission, certificate of honor from your city representatives, and every winner will receive two 2-one-day pass to see outside land 2024. >> oh my god, that's huge! [applause] >> although you'll have to brush up on your con temporary music because def leopard will not be playing this year, it says journey but i said def leopard.
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it says, hand mic to larry. >> thank you, david. i'm going go a little off script, if you didn't notice the new banner, it shows that we did start this, something small. and things were not always that good. i'm so honored and privileged. some people that i still know some people in the field which says something. i'm going to ask if you're a labor union, you're not entitled overtime you're at-will employee, i'm looking at you, diego, arturo, teresa, josh, please join me up front baz we do have a labor award. if you're a union representative, join me up front.
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join me up in the podium, please. i see some union representatives. in fact this, was started under mayor newsom's administration. if you didn't get a chance to see the resolution, i know that ashley is working on a brand new plaque and trophy. be i believe it was november 15th, 2007 that the first event being in 2008 but the award was established in 2007. i have the honor and privilege if you all gotten up here, i have the honor to present an award a few years ago. the labor and workforce award. this was kind of union thing, clearly things are not as hostile as they were, because phil, pretty much gives us everything, right? so we, yeah, we celebrate your accomplishments, and the accomplishment of those before you if you have not looked at the slide show. we recognize every one who has
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received this award, for those that receive the award in the past and ra r in the room, please give them a hand of applause. [applause] it was the building trade council that took ax with president mazola even seeing that. somebody that got start inside city hall, somebody who has become a great friend to us all. somebody right across city limits and city council member in da ly city and now a county supervisor, many don't realize the connection between us and this recipient, at the san francisco airport, public utilities, larry san ma teyo county, man mateo county, this is a person who i don't like calling a politician, that's
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not always the nicest to thing to call people, right carmen, but he's a leader. he's got courage, he's got conviction, and he's somebody that is we know is going to be helpful to the entire bay area in the metropolitan transportation. give a round of applause to our winner, david. [applause] >> we have a nice paper weight, being etched right now. but i'm going take the liberty of pinning supervisor canapa with one of these very nice limited edition pins and then he's going say a few words. >> great.
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>> thank you so much. let me say, i'm delighted to be here for many reasons. i want to thank my friends in labor. you've been with me, you've been with san mateo county, i see the mayor breed is here. it's amazing what we're able to accomplish, david de la torre, when i look at the award, i look at what you've all been done. a lot of work has inspired the communities that we live in, day in, day out. i know it's my job. some days are better than other days. >> i do want to recognize, where is phil? one of the best directors of parks in the state of california! [applause] and i think, what are the
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workers have done here in concert with management, it's a model for the state of california. none of this work gets done unless you have a commission that functions at a high level. this commission functions at a high level and what you've done, is again, sort of corner stone of what our works and cities and counties can be throughouted the state. so i really want to thank you. i want to recognize sean elsebern. i see sean, many years. and then carmen, it's funny, you think about san francisco politics as mentioned. i remember when london breed, you were on redevelopment, is that right? but to really see these people grow in the positions of leadership of where they started, it's really amazing.
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>> okay, thank you. i would like to come on up mayor london breed. i'm going to steal phil's line. my friend, your friend, the best mayor ever and park champion in chief. mayor: thank you, to all who keep this tradition going, and to recognize the most important people here, david, the actual workers of rec and park! [applause]
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i like to take a moment to pause bring everybody together and pause and reflect and take a moment to recognize the work of individual members of the rec and park team because people talk a lot of mess about san francisco. and when they talk about san francisco, the one thing that they do say good about san francisco, is how amazing the parks are. how beautiful they are. how clean they are. how green they are. [applause] how the toilets work. how you can wash your hands. how there is toilet paper, some of the most simple things but the reason why this works so
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the fact that we recognize extraordinary people in the rec and park it's my honor to say thank you in-person and i love to hear the stories you get to hear why they're nominated. they're nominated by people who they work with every single day for this award and that's a testament for the work that they do. but the spirit of how important they are in the fabric of the entire organization. phil beginsberg is an incredible leader, very sensitive at times, which is why we love him so much, because his heart and soul is committed to these parks. and more importantly when we meet, he's always talking about specific things, example, people, the extra mile that so many of you go to make these
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parks what they are today. they were nothing now to what we're experiencing now. and i was playing at margaret hayward and to see what margaret hayward now is, it's stwra. --extraordinary. so it's my honor to say to all you honoree, thank you for your work, thank you for your commitment to san francisco, thank you for that too, thank you for making san francisco shine. and thank you for choosing san francisco. thank you for not abandoning san francisco and choosing to go and work for other rec and park departments in the area. thank you for sticking with the best and make iting even better. congratulations all of you. [applause]
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>> thank you. >> mayor. >> i want to say that the mayor talks about, let's give another round of applause to our mayor. all right, so she may not know but one of the skills that i have is also gathering people for group photos so. mayor if i can please ask you to stand here there is a photographer in the building and i'm going to ask folks to turn around because the photographer is going to take a photo from up above, turn around and mayor and commissionrs you're going to follow ashley up to the front. all right, commissioners.
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>> all right, thank you so much. thank you. i'm going to invite sean back up here to introduce phil and commissioner anderson to introduce the next award. >> okay, thank you, mayor always as always for being here. this award, phil and commissioners are you talking about this award too? i'll let them do the big introduction on it, but i do want to take a little moment. this award is denny, we lost
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denny last fall. denny was the backbone of this department, he was the in the mayor's office and years later when i was in the supervisor, he knew everything. there was nothing that denny did not know and there was no challenge that denny never ever turned away from. i could throw them the biggest fatest curve ball and he was ready with a answer. he was a true embodiment of public servant. he was something that i really really respected and saw as a model to my career, wanting to emulate his commitment to employees and most importantly to the people of san francisco so. whom ever the winner is, you're receiving an award after a great man and congratulation to see that winner. [applause] >> thank you so much for that. yeah, introducing the first
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denny kern award, in mon or of denny and i want to speak out for his wife, kate, who is at camp mather. one way you can tell how much of a family this department is is how we respond to a crisis, time after time, during covid, we turned our rec centers for childcare and learning facilities for frontline workers. when you continue to work in-person day after day to make our parks available for people's mental health is so important. and that type of resilient is when we lost denny kern who was our operation director for 18 years. last year after experiencing difficult surgeries and treatments, denny showed up at the howard awards.
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he was absolutely beaming and thrilled to be there among us. his positivity was contagious and he was wearing one of his beautiful signature sweaters, orange i do believe. i remember how happy he was just to be back and how truly happy he was with all of us. nobody knows that more than phil so i'm going to turn it back to him. >> thank you to our mayor and sean and carmen to all of our commissioners, distinguished guests, david congratulations on your awards and biggest thanks to our awardees today for making our park system in america. i've been asked to talk about denny and present the very first denny kern leadership award. as everybody noted, it's been a few months that we lost him but
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we still feel his impact everywhere. sean noted about denny being the backbone, he overall about 90 percent of the department and managed me which is no small task, some of you can attest to that. he managed workers across ten different division nz our complex organization, maintenance, park rangers, urban forestry et cetera. his leadership and institutional knowledge were just simply, integral part of our success and the past that we can continue to succeed is a testament to how much, how important professional development was to him. he had a lot of accomplishment we all know a lost them. so on the interest of time, i want to focus on one thing.
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he has said something that has stuck with me everyday that i repeat and other forms, bh i'm asked to speak at about what is the success of this department. he said, culture, eats strategy for lunch. what does mean? we've all got strategy, we have workforce strategy, we've got great park maintenance tragedies, not so good tragedies at budget resources [laughter] but, i'm just, i'm just kidding around. but what he felt was, you can have all the strategy but if we were not align and responsive to one another, that strategy does not really matter and that's what he invested his time in. just like today's event, he was always here, he loved attending and supporting it. he was a mentor. there was no nobody who spent
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more time nominating for the excellence awards and frankly there is nobody to spend more time working, he worked up until the very end of his life, i really wish he would have had more time tone the end of hi life, he just loved it here so much he just didn't want to leave. that's why we wanted honor him with an award in his name. i want to tell you the criteria for this award. this is going to be for ever more to individuals who engage in collaborative decision make whening working across divisions in the department and within the city with the end goal being to enhance the quality of our parks.
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staying committed and this person has to consistently have to go above and beyond and empowering to respond challenging situations. so one denny's accomplishment that i didn't mention is that he was one of the founders of our apprenticeship program. and those not familiar, this is the one state certified horticulture program in all of california. and after doing a little bit of work with national organizations, we are the only stock that does this. we are the only one which is remarkable, that's why i'm more
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than on or to present to our gardner, brenda amtach. come on up, kendra. [applause] so not only do you get that award for those who wanted to be in denny's office or had to be in denny's office, you knew that he had a little button in his desk that he never used, it was called the easy button, because very few things around here are easy.
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but kendra, yes, when you finish a big project or solve a big challenging program, all you have to do is hit this button, and i wish that you get to press it a lot. you won't but let me tell everybody why you were nominated for this award. it's because you're teaching the next generation of gardners. you are teaching the next john mcclairen. and it's about getting to enjoy the same system that we are enjoy right now. you go above and beyond to make sure that you're team is learning. i get to come to the orientations, you're an incredible mentor, you are tough as you should be.
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you also recognize that the people that work for you are human beings, they have lives and families and you get them off to a great great start and thank you on behalf of the city and that's why you're getting this award. thank you. >> speaker: thank you all so much. i was thinking about the denny and what this award means. the button is adorable, because i had very few interactions, he was just always so easy going, so relaxed. and a couple of times i had to go into his office and get him to sign a piece of paper and he would hit the button! i'm so excited to hit the button.
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[applause] his name is not sade like the singer, i just sang a song, his name is shade, not sade. okay, shade come next to me. so you are, is it a prerequisite that you gardeners have a beard? all the nice gardeners have a beard. your passionate, cordial, passionate and you're dedicate today deliver to our park users, takes the initiative like when he designed and
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installed the new landscape beds at the mcclairen lodge. [applause] he's the captain of gate 1 golden park, and congratulations to all our patron sxz groups and always sharing his passion for the parks while making rpd look great. okay, so we want to thank you and we want to quote from one of your nominators, shade is a shining example of what this department represents. congratulations. >> thank you. [applause] can i go now.
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>> all right, another round of applause. our next person is paco givara. after bidding into some would consider a difficult park to work with a large population of dogs and other challenging behaviors, it was like the park changed overtime as 'em bass or for our department, confronts in a respectful and compassionate matter. commended paco's work. he brings a wealth and ideas and commitment to improving and transforming spark spaces. he shows a love for our park and demonstrates love needed to keep them safe and accessible to us all. paco shows us passion for the job that is rarely scene.
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congratulations paco! [applause] >> okay, i'm happy to call up gi yermo guerrero. he is a problem solver, he takes time to figure out some of the most unusual issues for example how to jerry rig a dragged attachment. or how to sooth a temperament al guest edger, what is that? so, it is, he is well-known for
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a fix-it attitude. engineer. and if he does not how to fix it, he will invent something that will fix it and at the end of the day, it's fixed. like when there was no irrigation map for moscony rec sfr a very large complex center. he drew professional irrigation map so his team could more efficiently and more effectively do their job, he's amazing captain. because he is passionate about developing the talent and knowledge of the crew around him. it is because he is consistently shows others how to be grateful for his job even on the hard days. with his ability to face
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challenges, his tremendous support for marina crew, guillermo enables his team to better serve our parks and city. bravo. [applause] okay, come on up to the stage, lino orlando. all right for over six years, lina planted and nurture the plants, she grew up in the big island of hawaii and nurtured in an environment that stewards the land surrounded by nature's beauty. her passion is reflected on
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herbs bachelor other horticulture, alina is able to show her pride and passion. she has taken the initiative to understand the mission bay community fostering between the parks and its resident and utilizes her diverse experience and strengths to support her team, driving forward our shared vision and mission. thirst for knowledge and commitment to family and friends in the community are inspiring. congratulations lena. [applause] >> okay, the mayor is telling me i need to be more en that
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--en thusiastic. i cannot sing. i'm bringing up two commissioners. first i would like to bring commissioner annie jones and then joe ha laci, founders of san francisco bay sox national champions. and i would not expect many of you to know this, commissioner was my little league coach way back when and that's the request i have for all of you, i don't know which one is the gardner and many of you are the garner as massconi, this saturday is the city employee softball tournament. if everybody is the gardner
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would slide the base so i can throw to first place. so present the next awards. i'm so excited to present this to marquez jones. come on up here. by making his co-workers available to him. joining the department over 14 years ago as a 9916, he has a dependent steward of our parks, as a captain at harding park golf course. works long hours providing support. despite his long community, he shows up consistently and goes
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above and beyond making him a shining example. as a city kid himself, i see you, where did you go to high school? burton, i went to mac mactier. he knows the value of open space sxz opportunities that we provide for all of our resident. this can be seen in the caring and thoughtful way he maintains a beautiful worse and a very sourceful work crew ensuring that they continue to be a example of a public golf course n.addition, he has also stepped up to train the apprentice gardners sharing his patience and understanding required. thank you, marquez, for all of your contributions to this amazing city. we appreciate you.
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all right, i'm honored to bring up our next awardee, jessica cornlease. jessica a native plant specialist with a knack for locating hard to find species, have you heard of fairy mist? even if you had, you would not find it. well jessica did, at honda and identified a patch of giant trilium, am i saying that right at the interior green belt species thought to be extra pated, by in san francisco, called baby goat by her teammates, she is unafraid and
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laden with a heavy pack and tools to get us that land stand of invasive weeds. get them out of here. jessica, natural division is tasked with stewarding over 1100 acres of open spaces in public trails ensuring the city's native plant communities and vaio habitats are preserved for the all plants and animals for generation to see come, impressive. she is knowledgeable in all fa sets of restoration including pest management approach and best management practices and sound science. jessica also fostered a dedicated volunteer group that clears invasive blackberries and habitats for many birds especially during nesting season. she never misses an opportunity to help anybody showing up with energy and passion everyday.
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congratulations, jessica, thank you so much for everything you do for our city. [applause] bit a bittersweet moment before i introduce our next honorees. a man passed away about 8 weeks ago by the name of lloyd pool. lloyd pool was a member of local 38 for 65 years. lloyd also worked for the recreation and park department as the plumbing supervisor for 25 years.
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i never worked with lloyd but i worked with his son-in-law and i asked him to give me one line about his father in law. and he said lloyd was fluid in sarcasm and in his o bituary written by a member of the family, and you can check it out online, it's still up there, it said, we are going to miss apologizing for lloyd's poor behavior. and i never met this man, i wish i did, he sounds like quite a character and i know he would have enjoyed a party like this. so lloyd rest in peace. now let's move on to our next honoree, you can say that he always sees the silver lining, his colleagues think of him as
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somebody who stays positive and keeps calm even in challenging situations. because of his can-do attitude, you moved from being a gardner at northbeach to a captain at the bo tanical gardens . in his time at northbeach, he transformed the back of fay park where there were all fines and bushes into a beautiful new garden where couples even exchanged marriage vows. he created a pollinater garden the michael anglo playground and worked with friends of jodee demaggio to add 100 new plants and decorative boulders to their park. and often carrying more than his own weight in support of
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maintenance, and he is always up for the challenge. the work he takes on can be cult and even dangerous--difficult, and even dangerous dealing with tall trees and heavy branches and heavy equipment and he completes his work efficiently and above all, safely. he's a true leader, even with a minimum crew, he arranges for a staggering amount of work to be completed. everybody please join me in congratulating robert salas! [applause]
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willing to help members of the general public which truly builds trust within our resident and our city. his work shows excellence on a consistently basis. when his colleagues encounter issues, he's the first one to offer assistance. he completes prects in a timely manner, working with him, day in and day out. people like ryan who make it easy to come to work and know that you will have somebody to rely on. thank you ryan for being such an asset to rec and park and the city. ryan, everybody! [cheers and applause] this award is going to be accepted by ryan harris.
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on an almost daily basis, on all size of values rec and park thrives for, respect, relationship, responsiveness and results. herb exemplifies the vision and values upheld by rec and park emphasizing, sustainability, collaborative diversity and inclusion and responsible steward ship for public resources. these principals ensure the enriching and recreation al activities for all individuals. he also takes time to educate and train sub board nat personnel. 'em bodying the results and relationship and respect by proactively identifying a looming issue telissa douglas
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park. in the mope server room, he took swift action, herbert not only prevented disruption to crucial services but foster stronger relationship within the department and the community. through his efforts, he ensured uninterpreted service delivery earning the respect and appreciation of colleagues and public alike, congratulations herb. >> all right, this is awesome. i get to announce my own plumber.
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personal plumber, i do my own plumbing so, and it still leaks. you're right, i don't. i can shay a toy let seat though. anyhow, let's give it up for steve chu, plumber! 737, local 38. right on buddy. steven is a dependable plumber who embodies resilience and accountable in every task, his en waiving commitment ensures timing plumbing issue which can be pretty big emergency depending on the situation. one of the core value at rec and park, he earns trust through his concern for his park and co-workers and the needs of our park patrons.
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his consistent results in a relationship he fofters, makes steven shine, thank you steven and congratulations. [applause] >> okay, next up we're honoring, jose denous. all right, jo jo, forget it, sorry. joseph, loves the parks and takes immense pride in his work and department. he's always available for those
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graffiti request, personally, thank you. he'll even come in before his shift when there is a special guest visiting our parks. he will stay late after work to clean up after a protest or come the next day to clean up to graffiti because it may be offensive. thank you and congratulations, jojo. >> is would like to congratulation our next. shoun are you coming back up now? >> all right, we are down to
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our last award. i wonder why i was asked to give the last a wa,d stumpy award, i'll not to take that personally, i'm can differing to eric who is going to present the stumpy award. >> all right, give it up for the stumpy, because we've all been waiting for this award no offense to all of you, but what a pool of talent. so the stumpy since the beginning of these awards, and i think i remember when it happened, but it remains a bit of a mystery, and but it is a peer-to-peer award it's been gardner to gardner over the years handed down in an unbroken chain of mutual respect and admiration, there it is, what is going on over here? so the stump in question is a
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horticulture miracle that was discovered it's a lepo spur and it grew around this irrigation head and symbolized the importance of the partnership between plumbers and gardeners, or the mirk al of nature as it over comes obstacles and does cool weird things and plants are cool that's why i think horticulture people love this kind of thing. >> i major things, first it was
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somebody that had a lot of pride and second they had to keep the acceptance speech short so. if you've ever been in sunset park you've been the parks, they're amaze anding for that i have decide today give this to kevin burke. [cheers and applause] would you like to give us a speech? right on. all right, so we're going, are we going to do a group photo and then closing? let's do the close withing ms.
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carmen chu one more time. >> all right, let's give a big round of applause to all our awardees. we heard a little bit about all of their work. but i want to say on behalf of the commissioners of rec and park, phil, the mayor, all of us as a city, family, we say thank you, we love our parks. thank you for everything you do to make it excellent and in closing, we cannot wait for next year's awardees to make sure that we continue to uplift your great work. there is a huge party and lots of food in phil's office, foods from rolling out and i don't know who else, but go and check it out. thank you for coming. all right, thanks for coming.
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volunteering is really important because we can't do this. it's important to understand and a concept of learning how to take care of this park. we have almost a 160 acres in the district 10 area. >> it's fun to come out here. >> we have a park. it's better to take some of the stuff off the fences so people can look at the park. >> the street, every time, our friends. >> i think everybody should give back. we are very fortunate. we are successful with the company and it's time
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to give back. it's a great place for us. the weather is nice. no rain. beautiful san francisco. >> it's a great way to be able to have fun and give back and walk away with a great feeling. for more opportunities we have volunteering every single day of the week. get in touch with the parks and recreation center so come
12:00 am
>> good morning. welcome to the june 14, 2024 regular meeting of san francisco ethics commission. today's meeting is live on sfgovtv and online at members may attend in person or participate by phone or webex platform as explained in the agenda document. mr. clerk, please explain how remote public comment will be handled? >> public comment will be available on each item on the agend a. each member of the public will be allowed three minutes to speak. for those in person, opportunities to speak during the public comment
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