tv Fire Commission SFGTV June 29, 2024 10:00am-11:31am PDT
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>> good evening. this is the fire commission regular meeting june 26, 2024 and the time is 502. this meeting is held in person. members of the public may attend the meeting to observe and provide public comment at the physical meeting location or by calling 415-655-0001 and using meeting id, 26618763620 and the webinar password is 1234. members of the public may participating remotely may access the meeting and participate by following the
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instructions below. members of the public may address the commission up to three minutes per item. please insure you are in a quite location, speak clearly and turn off background sounds. wait for the item you like to be address to be called. press star 3. the system will notify when you are in line. callers hear silence waiting for your turn to speak. opraert may unmite. you may watch live at morgan, present. fraser, present. nakajo, present. feinstein, present. collins, present. chief of department jeanine nicholson, present. president morgan will now recite the land acknowledgment. >> i sure will.
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the ramaytush oholone land acknowledge. san francisco fire department we acknowledge that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush ohlone who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as the indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions, the ramaytush ohlone have never ceded, lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. as guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors and relatives of the ramaytush community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. >> thank you. item 2, general pub wlck comment. members of the public may address the commission up to three minutes.
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speaker shall address remarks to members as a whole. commissioners are not to enter into debate or discussion. the lack of response by commissioners or department personnel does not constitute agreement with or support of statements made during public comment. >> madam secretary, is there any public comment at this time? >> there is nobody approaching the podium. and anybody on the public comment line, please press star 3 if you wish to make public comment. and nobody is raising their hand. public comment is closed. >> affirmative. >> item 3, approval of the minutes. discussion and possible action to approve the special meeting minutes from june 7, 2024.
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>> is there a motion fellow commissioners to approve the minutes for the special meeting on the 7th? >> i move we approve the minutes from the special meeting june 7. >> i second. >> i was excused. >> commissioner nakajo, aye. collins, aye. okay, the motion is 3 for a and 2 excused. it passes. and then we have the meeting minutes from the regular meeting on june 12, 2024. >> is there a motion to approve the minutes for june 12? >> yes, i move we approve the minutes for june 12. >> i second. >> nakajo, aye.
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feinstein, [indiscernible] collins, [indiscernible] the motion passes 3, 2 excused. is there any public comment on the minutes? i see nobody approaching the podium and nobody has their hand raised on the public comment line. item 4, chief of department report. report from chief of department jeanine nicholson on issues activities and events in the department since the fire commission meeting june 12, 2024, including budget, academy, special events communication and outreach to other government agencies and the public. and report from administration, deputy chief shayne kaialoa report on
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administrative division fleet and facility status update. finance support service and homeland security. >> good evening. i am your san francisco fire chief jeanine nicholson and this is my report since the last commission meeting june 12. we had many attended a city emt graduation. as you know, city emt is one of the pipelines for employment into the san francisco fire department. to date, not at this particular graduation, but to date, they graduated 100 people from their classes and we have hired 25 of them. we are hiring 1 in 4 people from city emt. granted, not all of them have gone all
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the way through the academy, but it has been a good pipeline and it's really working out i think for both sides, so more to follow on that. they finally had a hundred graduates total. also attended a h3 level 1 graduation friday, 12 new emt ready to go on the ambulance and sthat good thing, because we started the 134th h2 academy where we took 11 people from station 49 and put them in the firefighter academy, so basically a wash, but the 134th academy started past wednesday with 54 people and myself and chief luttropp and chief kaialoa addressed the academy that day.
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as you may know i went to the swearing in of our commissioners for their new terms. commissioner collins and commissioner nakajo and commissioner morgan was there as well. you're a busy busy man. yes, you are president. president morgan. congratulations on your new terms. after that, it is pride month so happy pride month everyone. there was a photo with mayor london breed for department heads and for commissioners and commissioner fraser and i both attended. we had our monthly labor management meeting last week. went well. as they have been going of late, which is good. and then we had our budget presentation. first on the 21, was the first day of our presentation. i presented for 5 minutes and
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it is tough to get everything in in 5 minutes, but we did what we could and were asked some questions about our fleet specifically, and between the 21 and 28 we were working with the budget legislative analyst. they always want to cut. they always want to cut things from budgets and so we were able to hold our own and come to an agreement. they are getting about $400 thousand back out of a $525 million budget, so we'll take that. but, we still have the big risks we have that we spoke about with our rigs and with our stations and that is still of major concern, so i will continue conversations with mayor's office and supervisor next week to you know, we got to figure something out.
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it can't continue like this, we got to figure something out. speaking of our stations, civil grand jury report came out called ed builder san francisco designing constructing and maintaining city infrastructure, june 20, 2024 and i did read through it and i will be sure to for ward that to all the commissioners if you need a little light reading or want your blood pressure to go one way or the other, but it was--yeah, it said some things. i would-i don't know how much there is in the way of teeth bit eel polk let you be the judges. very interesting about the money we pay and where it goes. i thought it only went to public works, but it turns outs it goes
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elsewhere as well. to a portion of the city central service costs. i need to do some more digging on that to find out more information and then we can all sit and have a chat about it. [laughter] interesting report. yesterday we had a really large scale drill with pg&e out on treasure island, and it was to--we had smaller drills with pg&e. we do a large drill, we have done a large drill every year for the past i don't know, 4 years maybe, maybe more, not sure, but we had a large pg&e drill with them yesterday on treasure island and basically to simialate what happens after a earthquake. they said it was a 6.1.
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there was multiple incidents going on in our training area from wires down, to a gas leak with fire, to people entrapped, to all sorts of different things that our folks had to deal with in real time at the same time and so, really important for us to do that. so we can learn from hiccups we have and we practice like we play and it was really good. i was there for several hours watching and i just appreciate all the efforts that all our members put in from our training division to assistant chief michael thompson our liaison with pg&e and others that worked really hard to set this up. i will also say we did select a
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new assist want deputy chief of ems. he is not here tonight, nor is outgoing chief [indiscernible] he is at a conference representing us. chief tony muloy will be in the house at the next commission meeting and you can all meet him, if you have not already. he is a long time member of our department and very very involved with the department and with ems in particular, so on committees and the like. and then, last but not least, sister maureen, i know you are retiring, even though you are going to be back here and there, but congratulations on your retirement and welcome to cathy, who will be your replacement. and that is my report for tonight. >> thank you for your great
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report chief, as always. i will ask the organization commissioners, any questions from the commission? commissioner fraser. >> one. thank you chief for your report. just for my own education, the civil grand jury report is released publicly, correct? >> yes. >> is it specifically sent to somebody who is supposed to receive it? besides just anyone in the public, like any officials or the board of supervisors, the mayor office? >> good question. i don't know exactly everyone that it goes to, but yes it goes to officials at city hall. it also was sent to me and i'm sure it was sent to other department heads certainly that have capital projects and then it is also yes, a public document, but i will e-mail all
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of you with it. >> so, the response to it--is there a response? >> yes, there is a response that is detailed in here in terms of timeframe that public works has to respond to it, and it will be in writing. i can't remember 60 days or 90 days, but it is all in here of what exactly they need to respond to. >> is there a public comment or citizen comment opportunity on the report? >> that i don't know. but i'm sure we could find out for you. >> issuing the report is great, but hopefully there are formal responses from people that are either requested the report, or have some way-some responsibility for some of the things revealed in the report, and then the whole pub lic gets it,
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including us, since we are members of the public. how we are able to comment on it. i love to know that. >> [unable to hear speaker] dpw, they must respond. the fire department could respond and comment if it so chose to do, but has no obligation if my memory serves my correctly to do so. members of the public it is whether they can make their way through the report and may choose to
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respond or not, but this all kind of comes under the superior court that oversees the grand jury process, and i know there's no requirement that anybody respond or not or other then the department in question. >> so, on this particular report, it is public works, it is also the board of supervisors and it is also the mayor that they are requesting response from about particular sections of the report. >> it would also be good to know what prompted this report in the first place. is it part of a scheduled review by the grand jury? was there a issue the grand jury was asked to investigate more closely?
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i think that would help us as we decide what our response should be. >> i love to say we had everything to do with prompting isthe report, but i don't know for a fact, but we can inquiry for you. >> usually the grand jury decides what it is going to investigate, what department or entity that falls within its purview. they make the decisions, usually. >> based on what? >> that i can't answer. that's what- >> that's the question. >> zero in on. do they have a list of possibilities and say we'll pick this one now and someone says we are especially concerned about this, would you investigate? it is just good for us to know.
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>> thank you very much president morgan. colleagues, to chime in with the discussion, with the question commissioner fraser, vice president fraser, commissioner collins recollection. if i am correct hopefully or at least accurate, the grand jury is a voluntary citizen body. >> yep. >> and in terms of the experience over the duration of the years, at one point on one of my stays of being a president, the grand jury focus in terms of where the focus comes from, your question, had a critique in terms of the fire department. i remember the water auxiliary became part of the issue. the cooperation nature of what they are looking at, but i found over
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the years it is always with i think their position is, i'm interpreting, but the critical eye. so, when it comes down--there is strong criticism one way or another and i had a look at it in terms of objective matter subjective matter of what is your job and what do you want to say with jurisdiction. in one report the fire commission had to respond. i think the it apartment at one point had to respond. it became a lot of work, i put it that way, but that was the spirit of it. nothing went one way or the other in terms of what it is. it was more like a keen eye, but that is just my observation and contribution. to respond is always good. in that body and that ability. thank you mr. president.
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>> [unable to hear speaker] i am not sure what report you guys are referring to? can you elaborate on that? >> yes, so it is report done by the civil grand jury. i think made up of 19 or 20 individuals from san francisco and it is called, building san francisco, designing constructing and maintaining city infrastructure. i know they-what they do is they investigate and i know they spoke to some of our members that are involved in our capital projects. they spoke to all sorts of people. they toured different stations, different buildings and they came out with this report and with
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recommendations. i don't know if they are recommendations or mandated what public works has to do in the future. a lot has to do reporting and transparency and then they ask for a response from public works and the mayor and the board of supervisors about it. so, but i will text you all the- >> mainly public works correct? >> yes. >> okay. and the fire department was some of the interest as well? >> yes, and we are in this report. yeah. >> were they concerned with the budget or what was their main interest? >> i think that they really scrutinize how the-civil grand jury looks how the city does business and is it efficient and effective, are they wasting
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money and also looked at the quality of the work, so--yeah. >> that's good. >> this is something maybe we can put on the agenda for further discussion. we are going little off topic because it isn't agendized. >> i mentioned it in my report so-- -yeah. i mentioned it. >> there was a san francisco chronicle article, so i mean-- >> good idea. okay. >> one more quick question. is the report is posted somewhere now? >> yes, i'll send you the website. >> great. >> i guess maureen didn't get that report? >> i don't know. i don't know how it was e-mailed, and e-mailed to. if it was--it was e-mailed to me, but yeah. >> not to go to be far in the weeds. i just want to-i appreciate
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your report. i just want to thank you for coming to our swearing in and i'm sorry i missed the cake cutting today and like i say, congratulations to cathy and congratulations to maureen on her retirement. i'm allowed to say that, right? [laughter] and another thing, i want to congratulate the chief on 12 new emt's and also want to thank you and chief kaialoa for expressing the need to update the fleet, to educate us on that, because we need to know that stuff too, you know? and i also want to shout out to commend the president of local 798 for writing that letter to the board of
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supervisors of giving some very detailed reasoning why we need to update the fleet and why it is so important for the fire department. i just wanted to put that out and are thank you guys for your great reports. we'll do-i'll do whatever i can to help and you know that and other then that, i'm pretty updated. our occasional check in times so i don't have further questions. at this time, i ask madam secretary, is there any public comment? >> there is nobody approaching the podium and [indiscernible] caller, would you like to comment? >> yes. eileen boken rks coalition for san francisco naerbds.
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neighborhoodss. the zoom link did not open until 512 and pass general public comment but i like to speak on general public comment at this point. i'm speaking on my own behalf. it is regarding dedicated awas. the following projects have dedicated on site awaus piping. mission rock with 12 housing units, potrero power station with 2600 housing units, pier 70 with 2150 housing units. [indiscernible] 700 housing units. balboa reservoir with 1100 housing units, however, larger then any of these other projects is stonestown with 3500 housing units. last year both planning and dpw confirmed that stonestown would have on-site dedicated awaus piping to make it consistent with other
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brookefield projects. on january 22 of this year, at the board of supervisors land use and transportation committee, the puc confirmed there will be a hookup to stonestown. may 9 regarding the stonestown project there was no mention by staff or the project sponsor about awas during presentations. however, at the may 28 meeting of the puc commission, it was stated that stonestown would not have on-site awas piping and pay for hose tenders at the june 24 meeting of capital planning committee on stonestown infrastructure financing district, oewd stated this is because there is no puc hook up nearby, however there is a hook up 7
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blocks away, 19th avenue and another 14 blocks away at ocean avenue and victoria. the fire department prove this fee out in the largest of the housing projects is incomphensible especially with balboa project only a few blocks away. thank you. >> anymore public comment? >> there is no more public comment. >> okay, i guess we are ready for chief kaialoa's report. you ready, chief? >> good evening. president morgan, fraiser i, commissioner feinstein collin, nakajo, maureen.
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shayne kaialoa deputy chief and report for may 2024. we will begin with home land security under chief brown. also highlight chief josh smith who works for chief brown in the office and what those two individuals managing many many events throughout san francisco. some in may were the beta breakers event planning meeting. the fleet week exercise and planning meeting fleet week overall planning meeting. that exercise is a joint exercise between the navy, marine corps, cost guard, dem, sfsd and participating agencies. to respond to local disasters such as earthquakes and wilds fires. fleet week discuss the various coordination of local state and federal agencies and partner surrounding the event of fleet week, a very large event
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throughout that week, takes a ton of coordination and planning and chief brown and josh or section chief josh smith are continually busy with those meetings. i say meeting as one meeting that they are going to. there are multiple meetings throughout that planning process and all the planning processes throughout those events in the city. also looking forward in situational awareness, chief brown and josh smith looking for major events coming up with the nba all star game, super bowl 2025, world cup in 2025. and also the fire department coordination meeting. on top of all that work which is nothing compared to what is in the report and all the things home land security is doing, chief brown continues her coordination of our san francisco presence at the fema
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california task force 3. also, some things we dont discus in the meeting for security purposes are the high level dignitary visits to san francisco being coordinated through home land security along with local state federal partners through operations to assist with those visits. also the emergency action plan development for all of these events. every single one of the events that come to the city have an event action plan for the san francisco fire department. it is developed with the leadership of chief brown, section chief josh smith and folks from the field, including chief pablo[indiscernible] and many others coming to assist putting those plans together for fire department. when the event is happening, there is a very clear plan of the date,
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times of the event. communication plan, medical plan, many others in that plan. it take a ton of coordination and time. also on the left there you see coordination meeting with oakland fire department, san francisco with chief buford, [indiscernible] to discuss opportunities to support one another. we are right across the bay from each other so discused how to support each other training, best practice and what we are doing to help our fire departments to move forward and opportunities they have been using through the naval academy and merit college and specialized training. moving on under department equity inclusion under shawn buford, this
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office with assistant deputy chief buford and anderson is very very busy through recruitment through the eefforts of the office and initiatives and the coordination of the [indiscernible] 134 academy heavily on that unit in terms of helping developing that list. posting interviews. sending that list to chief nicholson for the selection process to the final academy, and also supporting those candidates to insure they have the right documentation, the right certification they need to be successful in the process. they are now look ing to 135 academy to look at the list, develop that list, working with dhr to administer
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the first round of interviews, selection to the chief interviews and then final selection that academy with chief nicholson. working with ems as we hire our folks from the ambulance into suppression. that team in the office working with section chief--to smooth that process out in terms of what our folks need to do in ems to move to suppression so it is a cleaner transition and they understand the process better. also in the month of may, they presented at department of rehabilitation youth fair about career opportunities with the san francisco fire department. the program for youth are ages 16-24 and allows employers educators labor unions and workforce professionals to address these young youth and deliver opportunities to them and one
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of those being specifically to the san francisco fire department, whether ems or suppression. continuing the work with the san francisco consurivation corp. in the past i briefed for cohort 1 lead by battalion chief and training those folks and wild land firefighter along with his cohort and that discussion continues interest cohorts 2, 3 and 4 between the month of august and january. also, working through the process of hbcu internship. happy to announce we have three interns at the san francisco fire department that started this month and will brief you further in the next month. beyond that, they also presented at the may day may day regarding the same efforts to recruit our young
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folks into the fire services and educate on what the san francisco fire department does. moving to recruitment and outreach with officer anderson. very busy. i just highlight a few working through that fire candidate testing center list. coordinating fire candidate training center prep class. this class better educates the individuals and on the process that test and how to be successful in the test and give resources to assist in being successful and that is one reason why we went to the fire candidate testing center. and like i mentioned earlier, working with chief on the ems2 suppression move. lieutenant anderson gave remarks on behalf of chief nicholson at the ccsf academy graduation in the month of may.
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under health and safety, battalion chief alba, not many changes here, just the studies discussed before. still moving forward with the [indiscernible] study which includes--sulfur rich chemical from vegetables known to repair and nurture our gut, as well as supporting natural detox and address inflammation. the pfas study continues through august and the testing of the turnouts and are pfas through the real life fire fighting. sleep disorder studies continues as well as [indiscernible] looking forward to the fall, chief alba, is looking for cancer screenings and the skin checks. behavioral health under captain
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heather burin the month of may, the bhu had 75 contacts with issues surrounding general stress, critical incident response, bereavement for family members and other issues but those are what i will highlight the month of may. along with captain burin's irk with, we are in the final stage of the lactation policy. we received the policy back from the city attorney. the edits are being made to the policy and what those edits and will be sent to the chief in the next week. leveraging on how our folks receive content. the bhu sent a video to the field regarding health and wellness resources. we need to meet folks where they are at and the age of our department and how they are actually absorbing the content, so they sent out video form to
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the field. as you know, we moved away from the cortico application to lighthouse. this application is very intuitive and provides quick accesses to resources, therapist, bhu resources, resource library and station finder when i when i was new in the department i needed the station finder. now it was in a map and now on the app with one touch of a finger. healthy recipes and more. we are also offered a chance to participate in a pilot study evaluating a 4 day treatment workshop to address symptoms. this goes back to the lack of sleep in a 24 hour period when you are working those type of shifts. even ems, if you work 12 or more and the stressors and how it effects your
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sleep and your overall health. we have a few people in that study and i'll brief you when it is done. the office of employee health, dr. chang and nurse practitioner stephanie phelps, performed screenings at 45 and also the new hires screenings of the 134th h2 academy. also, through the month of may, continue the visit and did take a pause as dr. c took vacation. it has been very beneficial and knew it would be and you heard me speak about developing the culturally competent doctor to understand what we do in the san francisco fire department to better develop relationship with the field and gain that trust of our own
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physician. more importantly, to listen, to listen and dr. c is doing a great job. very insightful for him hearing the concerns of the members what has gone in the past and over had history and how we can improve and concerns on their minds of their health and wellness and what they like to see from the office. been a very valuable. also met with the union to discuss annual wellness check we have not for some time and we are there. we have approval from the union. that will be integrated into 30 in 30 out initiative and when that is complete we will share that with you. also met with the community paramedicine division to discuss injury and the challenges that
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community paramedicine is seeing in their side and how the department physician could help develop initiatives for that type of injury. also, ongoing discussions with our electric health records. run a couple things in parallel and moving forward will brief you. dr. c published the first office of employee health news letter. chief nicholson is the highlight. dr. c vision is to member spotlight every single addition, so interesting things to learn there about chief nicholson. i can't see it now, chief. you have to read it. we'll send it to you. the news letter what the member spotlight highlights mental health t. is short and sweet, about three pages. it has employee assistant program
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resources in this first version. he gave a breathing relaxation exercise and healthy recipe. under the isb, captain well. 98 members participated. background investigations for the 134 were complete in may or on may 24 of 2024. this is the first class that has gone through the electronic background packet and it has been so much better. still work to do, but so much better. creating efficiency, the candidates are able to fill out the packets and upload the resources before they come into see captain well for the intake interview. all breathalizers at division 2 and 3 and airport have past accuracy testing and 3 more breathalizers from
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the field will be tested in the next month. support services, deputy chief mike mullen, this in no way shape or form as stated in the past the things i highlight here and many projects you see in your packet are in various stages whether hvac, generators, roofing, multitude of work happening and support services. beyond that work, being done all around the city at all of our stations, supporting the clothing depot, outfitting the folks and academy with the resources they need. managing the bureau of equipment and all of the work on the apparatus and purchasing tools kwr insuring the field has what needs to be successful. but we had 143 service
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requests, 145 service orders completed, 2 vans put into service and on the right station 9 received their hvac units. thank gosh. it wasn't without a hiccup, but chief mullen made it happen and we are happy that it is complete. same with assistant deputy chief miller. the absolute enormous work happening there under the esr programs. to include the ex fws, the emergency generators, projects in various stages. enormous work. all important. all important this one probably the most important at this time for the fire department is the new fire training facility.
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schematic design. focus on floor plans and of individual structures and adjacency and how those floor plans work together. design modifications made to include the driver cone courses within the boundaries of the site. all of our folks that go through suppression are trained on the engine, ambuljs. ambulance. it is challenging to do at treasure island or has become challenging because of the construction there. we have not done it there for some time. looking for a site. we were utilizing the alamany but continues to dwindle. having this on site is very important and integral to the project we keep folks on site. chief is doing a fantastic job with the team to insure adjacencys are
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corrected and the site can be used in ems and suppression and trainjug specialized training. there is a lot of thought that going into this plan of how the site is used. we continue the community outreach. met with the bayview hunter point citizen advisory committee. a few more in june. incredible. to go out to the community and present on the fire training facility and what we expect there and intend to do there, but more importantly, to listen to what the community is saying and what their concerns are in that community and for us to address where we can. it is very important and so those have been very beneficial and we'll continue that throughout this process. we also went to the san francisco art commission regarding the art
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instillation that will be installed at this facility. it was a very good meeting and we look forward to going back when we have further plans of what will be developed there. something that we have discussed is not just one art instillation, but taking those funds and spreading the art instillation throughout the campus so it is seen in multiple different areas. highlights. >> community outreach and education team at carnaval. as always, delivering those materials to the public. supporting the escape from alcatraz triathlon with over 1600 folks in the water with our water assets. fire station 35 present would a
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oil painting by artist frank walsh. the jim gallagher competition may 11, 2024. we have the winner right there, chief luttropp center. 6 minute mile. number one. still got it, buddy. look good. also retired chief--sorry, retired lieutenant [indiscernible] division of training. you were there for unveiling of the artist at headquarters. it was nice to see you all. may 29, this is 133 academy and there are 7 and a half mile run to headquarters where they are greeted by headquarter staff, able to receive comments from chief nicholson and others in the command staff. it is a great end to the academy.
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the next day they graduate. right there. that is the end of my report. happy to take any questions. >> thank you for your report chief kaialoa. fellow commissioners--public comment. >> there is nobody approaching the podium and somebody does have their hand raised. would you like to make public comment on chief kaialoa's report? caller? there is no more public comment. >> [indiscernible] >> you need to approach the
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podium if you-- >> [indiscernible] >> they keep pushing the meeting, 615 now we have to wait. three times. anyway, i didn't hear the report, so it will be unappropriate for me to comment. simply, there is no fire. that is bazaar. that's it. >> that's it for public comment. >> i just wanted to commend you for the work you are doing with the community in advance. i know that it sounds like you enjoyed the interaction. i know that will bear fruit as
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the project continues. i also wanted to congratulate you on your presentation to the arts commission. i understand it was very well received, especially since it was not presented as something cast in stone, but sort of a in process presentation, which is my understanding the right way to do it. thank you for a very positive report. >> thank you. >> [indiscernible] >> chief fraser. i like that. i like the sound that. okay. thank you chief kaialoa. great report. really really interesting and i also appreciate hearing more about the training facility and ongoing work with the commission as well as the community. that training facility is in
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district 10 of san francisco, correct? that's what i thought. okay. very good. that's where i live. i think that's great. the only other comment i had and there was a lot of-so much good stuff in your report, or more a question really. goes back to the beginning about home land security where we have super bowl, nba all star and world cup soccer among others are in 2025, which is next year, correct? wow. seems like a lot of stuff. >> [indiscernible] >> super bowl and soccer in 2026. little break there. >> okay. super bowl and soccer are 2026. next year is just the nba all star. great. >> that's all. >> very good. i was really, wow.
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congrats on the 134 academy getting started soon, sooner rather then later, and just terrific report all around. thank you, chief. >> thank you very much president morgan. thank you very much chief for your comprehensive report. i got comment, maybe there is a question in there somewhere about 5 items. just so folks know, i want to cover chief brown in terms of security with a question. refer to chief buford's report. question on the physician office and question on support services. i appreciate the detail you give in your reports. particularly when it comes to the various areas, home land security. my question beyond what was asked is, this weekend is the parade and
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i heard numbers floating around. i get lost after a million, but i just kind of need to hear little bit, because back in my mind somewhere is we don't have the casualty bus anymore. i think, not sure. i just want to hear something about it integrated by this report from chief brown and-- >> sure. i will have chief brown come up. >> good evening. thank you for your question regarding our preparation for this weekend. we coordinate and work very well with other departments across the city, specific to our role, the fesivities for the weekend start early friday and so we are coordinating through
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the operation center that the department of emergency management monitors and dispatch center to provide operations not only to the parade, but city wide for the friday and saturday events. on sunday the parade is added to the civic center celebration. any event within san francisco that will have a impact by bringing people in must provide a level of response on their own that they bring privately to the event and this event will be divided into the civic center celebration where there is a lot of private assets dedicated to the event, as well as the parade which is free speech liability falling to the city, so in order to address that we have a gap in not having the bus, you are correct, but we will have a med station set up along the parade route that where one of our doctors that works for dr. locoke will be stationed
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and that allows or ems to be responding along the parade route for any people that are participating, or observing the parade, but it also allows our ems units to bring a patient to that location and the doctor can rule in or out whether transport is needed. because the paramedics have a responsibility they must transport to higher level of care, we can also provide that higher level of care and do what we call drying up calls that lessen the burden on the hospital system as well. we'll be doing that. >> thank you very much. particularly thank you very much for coming up here and sharing. again, as a san franciscan, when you have all these events, i don't want to say you get used it, but it is sunday. a million people. just like the triangle
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ceremony, 600. so, for me the report talks about your jurisdiction and it talks about operation and ems as well and so, again, as a commissioner, i appreciate that and just want to be able to make sure, because seems leak one after another and again, while you are up here, i know there is a lot of approval for mid-week concerts, et cetera. stimulate the economy, but i assume it falls within our jurisdictional. one question, how many personnel do we harness for something like the parade? >> we are dedicating for this 5 als units, the doctor and their team, but it also requires that coordination, so it is a battalion chief embedded as a lee liaison in the police
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department, staffing in the emergency operation center as well and our hazmat team on standpoint and have support for hazmat, so there are a lot of elements. to your point, i like to say that we do get in the habit of planning for the same event over and over, but we are really reminded not to be complacent and the news stories we see coming out of for instance, the attack initially considered could have been a terrorism attack. that reminds us things like this can happen so we are constantly monitoring with partners events throughout the country where we can model preparation. >> thank you very much. to the commission and also the san francisco, deeper appreciation chief in
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terms how much we mobilize. thank you for that question. chief, if i can move on. thank you chief brown. in terms of chief bufp ford and diversity, chief, i didn't have a chance when you did your report chief nicholson, congratulations. i know vice president fraser talked about the emt graduation and the fact of hundred graduates in terms that. for myself, with the report that comes out, those numbers are successful because of the program and recruitment that we started within the community, so i just think that's a really powerful number. also, the mechanism, because when you give your report as we move folks from 49 over to suppression, we need folks fill the roles in emt, so to me it is like, looking for a source of resources, but the diversity
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aspeth aspect is good. i want to congratulate on the successf the program. the other thing about the doctor and physician at some point, i know the commission will be able to meet him, but through just my community, it seems covid has come strongly recently. is that any effect particularly within our department at this particular time or any precautions or shots or readiness, chief? >> [indiscernible] i have seen that in the news. dr. c just returning and we have a meeting tomorrow, and this subject will more then likely come up, but nothing as of yet. >> okay. thank you. last thing in terms of chief mullen support services, chief, i know you are there, but in terms of [indiscernible] when we get a report, i think i have seen this before, but what i like page 3, i don't know if you have it chief, kaialoa, let me know if you are
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there support service? >> page 33, yes, sir. >> there is listing by station, the current state of the house on all levels. i knew we used to get it periodically, but to have it extensively all the way down with a description greatly helps. i had 14 different stations chief nicholson, but the details are there in terms of reading if you will in terms of the commissioners and being educated. the other thing is, i appreciate you spending time as a commissioner talking in detail about the importance of the training facility. but also spending the time to talk about the community. i think that's real important for all the years and experiences we had. bayview hunter point, they heard it all. but to have people pay attention from the get-go, i think you really found something.
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the arts, campus [indiscernible] it is really impressive. anyway, thank you very much chief. thank you very much mr. president. thank you. >> thank you commissioner nakajo. thank you for your report chief kaialoa. i don't really have any questions. i was just looking at kind of reiterate what vice president fraser was saying, 2025 will be a real busy year as far as big events and everything, and i'm sure you will be prepared with all the great drills that you guys do and collaborate with other agencies and all the stuff we read about in the reports. i'm sure it will go well and sure you goes are well prepared. thank you for your great report and that's all i got. i won't hold you guys up too late. >> thank you.
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people together. brought this department together like never before. i am so excited to be swearing in the next chief of the san francisco fire department, ladies and gentlemen, let's welcome, jeanine nicholson. (applause). >> i grew up total tomboy, athlete. i loved a good crisis, a good challenge. i grew up across the street from the fire station. my dad used to take me there to vote. i never saw any female firefighters because there weren't any in the 1970s. i didn't know i could be a fire fighter. when i moved to san francisco in
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1990, some things opened up. i saw women doing things they hadn't been doing when i was growing up. one thing was firefighting. a woman recruited me at the gay-pride parade in 1991. it was a perfect fit. i liked using my brain, body, working as a team, figuring things out, troubleshooting and coming up with different ways to solve a problem. in terms of coming in after another female chief, i don't think anybody says that about men. you are coming in after another man, chief, what is that like. i understand why it is asked. it is unusual to have a woman in this position. i think san francisco is a trailblazer in that way in terms of showing the world what can happen and what other people who may not look like what you think
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the fire chief should look like how they can be successful. be asked me about being the first lbgq i have an understands because there are little queer kids that see me. i worked my way up. i came in january of 1994. i built relationships over the years, and i spent 24 years in the field, as we call it. working out of firehouses. the fire department is a family. we live together, eat together, sleep in the same dorm together, go to crazy calls together, dangerous calls and we have to look out for one another. when i was burned in a fire years ago and i felt responsible, i felt awful. i didn't want to talk to any of my civilian friends. they couldn't understand what i was going through.
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the firefighters knew, they understood. they had been there. it is a different relationship. we have to rely on one another. in terms of me being the chief of the department, i am really trying to maintain an open relationship with all of our members in the field so myself and my deputy chiefs, one of the priorities i had was for each of us to go around to different fire stations to make sure we hit all within the first three or four months to start a conversation. that hasn't been there for a while. part of the reason that i am getting along well with the field now is because i was there. i worked there. people know me and because i know what we need. i know what they need to be successful. >> i have known jeanine nicholson since we worked together at station 15.
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i have always held her in the highest regard. since she is the chief she has infused the department with optimism. she is easy to approach and is concerned with the firefighters and paramedics. i appreciate that she is concerned with the issues relevant to the fire department today. >> there is a retired captain who started the cancer prevention foundation 10 years ago because he had cancer and he noticed fellow firefighters were getting cancer. he started looking into it. in 2012 i was diagnosed with breast canner, and some of my fellow firefighters noticed there are a lot of women in the san francisco fire department, premenopausal in their 40s getting breast cancer. it was a higher rate than the
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general population. we were working with workers comp to make it flow more easily for our members so they didn't have to worry about the paper work when they go through chemo. the turnout gear was covered with suit. it was a badge to have that all over your coat and face and helmet. the dirtier you were the harder you worked. that is a cancer causeser. it -- casser. it is not -- cancer causer. there islassic everywhere. we had to reduce our exposure. we washed our gear more often, we didn't take gear where we were eating or sleeping. we started decontaminating ourselves at the fire scene
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after the fire was out. going back to the fire station and then taking a shower. i have taught, worked on the decontamination policy to be sure that gets through. it is not if or when. it is who is the next person. it is like a cancer sniper out there. who is going to get it next. one of the things i love about the fire department. it is always a team effort. you are my family. i love the city and department and i love being of service. i vow to work hard -- to work hard to carry out the vision of the san francisco fire department and to move us forward in a positive way. if i were to give a little
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advice to women and queer kids, find people to support you. keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep trying. you never know what door is going to open next. you really don't. [cheers andbook. thank you.ers andbook. thank >> (music). >> my name is orlando i'm the owner and operator of sf pizza. >> pizza is my expansion growing up i loved pizza and loved to cook and been in corporate banking jobs my that whole life wanted to own a pizza or and moved to san francisco 45 years ago and couldn't find pizza i like so one day of
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saving and trying to figure out what i would like to do to fulfill my dream and to literally must be that i went out on my own toes an interesting things skills i again have to working on the slight changes to find the right product and came up with something i enjoy and continue it. so the positive important thing in years and years and years of trying to get it where i like it is for the sauce i use a unique sauce to bring out the flavors have to mats and capital improvement plan any and using use a high quality of cheese the products work together more important to me have a high quality of pizza and made with
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love and what i try to keep it to be a comfortable foods or food and that's what i try to over and offers so having a really bus illegal day in the community and rile appeal to me and that's what i was trying to accomplish i have thought when i got into pizza the main thing if i can, make a great cheese pizza he can do anything like growing up that's what i brought to to and now called san francisco
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[music] >> opening this space with my sister, and being able to continue the very deep literary lineage that exist in the mission is part of the fabric of the neighborhood. this is neighborhood of poets and litary readings. you see the writers from the neighborhood, their books are here. paul flores books are here. --that is what we are doing, keeping the litary lineage alive and going, you know?
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[music] >> san francisco is actually the only place that i can do this. in its quite way, something i can actually do that is a benefit. sure, i like to open up a really cool well curateed spot. it would be beneficial but not the same beneficial it is here. when i say young folks that remind me of us, when we were that young, and they come in here, they can relax. nobody is following them around like they are going to steal anything. that means they can be a little more free and little more of themselves and i can do some small thing that helps them do that and that is part of what lets me know i'm doing exactly
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what i want and need to do. [music] >> we have events here that focus on the deep neighborhood history here on the artists and writers. if you look now there is antany, his exhibit and focus is on neighborhood people. artists muralist, the space was basically a gift given to us in a really weird way. we had to work our asses off for, but it was that opportunity for me that chance to be that link in the long literary chain of the neighborhood. it is a blessing to be here.
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[music] >> everyone loves a good sunset, but in san francisco we take to a new level. i'm city supervisor engardio and i represent an entire part of the city called the sunset. it stretches 30 glorious avenues. welcome to district 4! the sunset is a collide scope of people culture and experiences for residents of all ages. we are a beach town, we are a chinatown, and not a town at all. the sunset is home to 80 thousand people and we love our dogs. we live in neat row houses, homes with
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yards, story book homes and every quirk in between. the sunset used to be sand dunes all the way to the ocean. when the city needed to grow, san francisco's future ran through the sunset. we built rows and rows of housing for a great irish population and welcomed a great chinese population. today home to a gowing number of families from all backgrounds and the future starts here. >> we chose sunset knauz we love san francisco but during the pandemic we needed more space and more family focused, so that is where we found the sunset. how walkable it is. we live along iving street along where diana's school is our son's day care is. >> our kids and all the kids we knee in the neighborhood are really the future here and we are really excited to live in the neighborhood. we love it so much.
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>> nina and alex are expecting their first baby and it first leaders of the newly formed sunset community band which bring together musicians of all ages at special events. >> we are about to have our first kid and met so many younger people and so many moving into the neighborhood. exciting to raising our family here because this community is awesome. >> bringing the community together and making it stronger i think a band can help with that. it is a matter of civic pride and coming together and doing something as a community that really makes like us from a collection of people into a neighborhood. >> sundays in the sunset are for worship, farmer's market and live music at the ocean.
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if the sunset had a town square, it would be this magical area that appears every sunday on 37 avenue. the sunset farmer market isn't just a place to get good food and produce, it is where community gathers live music from local musicians and cultural celebrations and [indiscernible] share ideas to shape our city. it really is the place the community comes together to celebrate the best of the sunset. >> something about it had sunset chinese cultural district is there a lot of opportunities to uplift the chinese voice and chinese people. when you look at the sunset, a lot of think of trees and single family homets and the schools, but there isn't a lot of very iconic locations that people can look at and know they are in the sunset. one thing we are working on is to unveil a new mural in the park by community and as we do more
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work in the sunset and uplift the unique qualities of the community, we want to do more mural s and spaces that are iconic so the sunset gets a piece of being unique and identifiable. >> a supermarket for everything you need for chinese home cooking and [indiscernible] the rice noodles are so good they are featured in catherine moss latest novel, [indiscernible] takes place in the sunset. there is a old school menu at the ond mandarin islamic restaurant and a item so spicy they have to warn customers. maybe bobo can neutralize the spice. the sunset has plenty options. try the bars at the beach. we also have the sunset reservoir brewing company and o'briens irish pub. cuisine in the sunset spans the
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world. [indiscernible] >> travel and work in [indiscernible] we have our own restaurant. and then, it was my turn to follow her to her country, so that's why we opened in her neighborhood. >> we are looking for more a local gentleman gem. we traveled around the world and what we highly value, a place for the community to gather. a local hang-out spot. that is why this isn't a restaurant, it is cafe, you can order a coffee, you can have a fuel full meal but it is place to connect. whether parents kids friends is why we decide to go qulose close to the beach, a neighborhood i am familiar with. i run into people all the time. i live in a big city but why i chose
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district 4 outer sunset. it has a small town feel. i love our neighbors. >> the sunset has everything from footwear to hardware. here is great wall hardware, 3500 square feet of retail space. we carry about 22 thousand items and counting. it never stops because i have a thing. when a customer says don't you have this and i don't have it, it bothers me. i want to have it,s so it is just of those things about owner a hardware store, people expect you to have everything and you to fulfill that need. i like to serve my neighborhood. most businesses you want to buy this or that or eat this or buy the widget. a hardware store is different. people come in and have a problem and need a solution and they are looking for you to navigate them through that problem and offer them products that help them get to where they need to go.
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people are great. i love this neighborhood. there is different ethnicities here, different cultures here. we all intermingle and mix together and we get along fine and i always like that about this neighborhood. it is just a nice place to be. it is near the beach, it is beautiful and near the zoo and near golden gate park, stern grove. great schools, great parks. whats there not to like? we also love pizza from hole in the wall to [indiscernible] hottest restaurants in the sunset tunching vietnamese food [indiscernible] ice cream [indiscernible] this is great highway park. a great place to burn calories on the weekend. i'm here every sunday doing a long run and start with 5 miles and with this ocean view, if it motivates me i try for 10.
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the new york times named great highway park one of 52 places to change the world. it is that amazing and the gem of the sunset and people are finding new ways to activate the space. in halloween it turns into the great haunt way. >> we imagine a future from the part time road close toor to a park to welcome people all ages and activities to our coast. >> since we had [indiscernible] always looking for ways to sort of improve what is already good around us. the neighborhood is great. it will be even better with a park here. >> sunset turn to put a new sign up on our coast. open for all. >> this is the treasure of san francisco and this hasn't been discovered yet. homes are still relatively affordable, there is decent schools and a
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place for kids to have a feeling they can run and play and take part in things. what i'm happy the great highway has become a park for the weekend. i'm glad we share what we have with the rest of the city and people come from outside the city. i'm sure people come from the east bay, and i just feel like, seeing the people out here enjoying this represents the hope for the future. >> imagine the potential of an emerald necklace in the sunset for safe biking and recreation along the green belt of sunset boulevard which connects lake merced with golden gate park and great highway park. quality of life matters and we know how to take care of each other. sunset youth service helps teenagers find purpose and self-help for the elderly let's seniors shine. local artists capture the sunset experience and work is on display in
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cafes like java beach and black bird books. the art of conversation happens at this new barber shop called the avenue. the owner calls it a barber lounge because he wants to create a space for the community to gather beyond hair cuts. this corner is a hent of the future. you see new housing built for new generations and it is over a community space that everyone loves. the sunset is a place full of potential. >> the possibility is here, more then anything. you can start something here and people will get behind and the community finds there is a need for it and people support it. >> i always look around the corner, the next thing we can do to crank it up more and make it safer, make it more enjoyable. bring in new business, support them. >> i really hope we bring just joy, because ultimately music helps bring joy to the community. >> this is where people are at. this is where people want to be, so it gives me a lot of positive
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energy. >> my office created the first sunset night market on iring street where i'm standing. more then 10 thousand people showed up. nobody has seen that many on--[indiscernible] here it celebrate all the fun things in life, food music and art. our beautiful sunset always amazed. the sunset experience is pure joy. the sunset is where we will create our best san francisco. join us.
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>> hello everyone i'm san francisco mayor alondon breed and excited to be here with members of the board of supervisor and different commune taiz to talk about the healthy, safe and vibrant san francisco bond! [applause] now, just to give you some perspective, these bonds, the way that our sit ahas been very responsible with the capital plan, we go through a process to insure that our credit rating remains in tact, so as we put out bonds, we retire old debt and are able to take on new
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