tv Board of Supervisors SFGTV July 4, 2024 2:00pm-3:30pm PDT
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>> good afternoon and welcome to the july 2, 2024 regular meeting of the san francisco board of supervisors. madam clerk, could you please call the roll? >> thank you mr. president. supervisor chan, present. supervisor dorsey, present. supervisor engardio, present. supervisor mandelman, present. supervisor melgar, present. supervisor peskin, present. supervisor preston, present. supervisor ronan, present. supervisor safai, not present. supervisor stefani, not present. supervisor walton, present. mr. president, you have quorum.
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>> thank you madam clerk. the san francisco board of supervisors we acknowledge that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush ohlone who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as the indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions, the ramaytush ohlone have never ceded, lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. as guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors and relatives of the ramaytush community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. colleagues, please join me in the pledge of allegiance. >> i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> madam clerk, do we have any
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communications? >> yes, mr. president. the san francisco board of supervisors welcomes persons to attend the meeting in the legislative chamber. welcome, all. we are here in city hall, second floor, room 250 or watch on sfgovtv 26 or view the live stream at submit public comment in writing. you can send e-mail to or use the postal service. 1 dr. carlton b goodlett place, city hall, room 244 san francisco california 94102. to make a reasonable accommodation request, under americans with disability act or request language assistance contact the clerk office two business days in advance, or
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calling 415-554-5184 and mr. president we received a memo from the office of supervisor stefani asking she will be absent from today's meeting and asking if she could be excused from the meeting. >> motion to excuse supervisor stefani? can we take without objection? supervisor stefani is excused. madam clerk please read the consent agendaa. >> 1-15 are on consent and these items are routine. if a member objects a item may be removed and considered separately. >> seeing no names on the roster, madam clerk, a roll call, please. >> on item 1-15. supervisor mandelman, aye. supervisor melgar, aye. supervisor peskin, aye. supervisor preston, aye. supervisor ronan, aye.
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supervisor safai, absent. supervisor walton, aye. supervisor chan, aye. supervisor dorsey, aye. supervisor engardio, aye. there are 9 ayes. >> those resolutions are adopted and ordinances passed first reading and finally passed. next item. >> item 16 is ordinance to amend the public works code to streamline forcement of vending requirements and restrictions to clar ifoovending permit application and complins requirements to require certainveneding permitees to register with the tax collector and pay related fees to prohibit stationary sidewalk vendors from vending in residential districts defined in the planning code and to limit permissible vending times and streamline approval of vending regulations and affirm the ceqa deermation. >> no names on the roster, take item same house same call, the
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ordinance is finally passed. next item, please. p >> item 17, resolution to aauthorize and approve 387 square feet of space at the library at 100 larkin street with friends and foundation of the san francisco public library for initial 5 year term of annual base rent of approximately $15 thousand with cpi increases to base rent. >> same house same call, the ordinance is finally passed. sorry, the resolution is adopted. next item, please. >> item 18, resolution to ret row a actively approve and authorize to execute a leess for 1246 square feet by the community leadership foundation doing business at cafe and revocable license for 1360 square feet
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for adjacent space for patron seating on ground level of city hall for initial 5 year lease term commencing march 1, 2024 :24 at 10 percent gross sales beginning july 1, 2024. >> i commend the restaurant in our basement to all of identify. i had lunch there today and seeing no names on the roster, same this same house same call. the gumbo is amazing and the resolution is adopted. next item. >> 19, resolution to aprov and authorize the director of property on behalf of the san francisco human rights commission to execute a lease of portion of real property located at 141 industrial street, unit 1 with greater cavalry hill missionary baptist church for initial term of three years at initial base rent of approximately $350 thousand. >> seeing no names on the roster, we'll take this item same house, same
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call, the resolution is adopted. next item, please. >> item 20, resolution to affirm the planning director's approval of assignment and assumption agreement between california barrel company and the regents of the university of california, pursuant to which ucsf assume a portion of the developer right title and interest in and to the development agreement between the city and developer for the potrero power station project with respect to block 2 and approve waver of liability by the city. >> same house same call, the resolution adopted. can you read item 21 and 22 together? >> 21 and 22 are two resolutions that approve two grant agreements between the city and the japanese community youth council. 21 approves a grant agreement to fund the council programs to youth lead rb mayor youth employment and education program and sf stem academy
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program term july 1, 2024-june 30, 2029 for not to exceed amount of $40.38 million with board of supervisor approval. for item 22, authorize retroactive grant agreement for the opportunity for all youth works program for total contract amount not to exceed $43.2 million with initial 5 year term commencing june 10, 2024 through june 30, 2029 with no option to further extend. >> seeing no names on the roster, we'll take these items same house same call, the resolutions are adopted. >> item 23, resolution to authorize the san francisco public utility commission to accept and expend federal funds from the american rescue plan act of 2021 and administered by the state water resources control board for approximate amount of $23.4 million to assist
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eligible residential and commercial customers who aaccrued water and wastewater arrears from june 16, 2021 through december 31, 2022. >> same house same call, the ordinance is passed--sorry, the resolution is adopted. my apologies. next item, please. >> item 24 is ordinance to amend the business and tax regulation code to increase the daily transient occupancy tax exemption from . the increase the tax exemption amount from less then 130 to less $149 and to require review in the september 2027 through september 2029 timeframe by the controller of the exemption amounts for the purpose of considering adjustment in the amounts.
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>> same house call, the ordinance passed first reading. next item, please. >> that takes to committee reports mr. president. >> yes. >> 25-27 were considered by the land use and transportation committee at regular meeting on monday july 1, 2024. these items forwarded as committee reports. item 25 is ordinance to amend the building and planning codes to make permanent the streamline permitting provisions unpermitted awnings and extend the waver of applicable fees for one fiscal year until july 1, 2025 and affirm the ceqa determination and to make the appropriate findings. >> same house same call the ordinance passed first reading. >> item 26 was recommended as amended with the same title as a committee report. item 26 is ordinance that amends the police code to create a 2 year pilot program during which retail food and
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tobacco establishments in a high crime area of the tenderloin police district prohibited to be open from 12 a.m. to 5 a.m. or 2 a.m. to 5 a.m. if subject to regulation by the california department of alcoholic beverage control and to authorize the department of public health to impose administrative fines for violation of the hours restriction to declare establishment operation and violation of the hours restriction to be a public nuisance and to authorize enforcement action by the city attorney and create a private right of action for persons harmed by the hours restriction. >> same house same call, the ordinance passed first reading. >> item 27 is resolution to declare the intention of the board of supervisors to rename oakdale avenue between third street to newhall street. >> same house same call, the resolution is adopted.
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madam clerk, let's go to roll call for introductions. >> supervisor mandelman, you are first up. submit. thank you. supervisor melgar. >> thank you madam clerk. i just wanted to lets you all know colleagues that i am requesting the city attorney to work with my office to draft legislation to address an issue we have been dealing with on the west site e side in district 7 and district 4 as well and that has to do with the right of way and or what is considered by city to be improved sidewalk. because you know, as we have all over the west side, front yard setbacks, there is a lack of clarity and a whole lot of bureaucracy that happens when people want to put up small picket fences or pergolas or things that are routine, but that then staff has to spend an eordinant amount of
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staff time and energy dealing with, because it is unclear whether something is public right of way or unimproved sidewalk, so i will be working with the city attorney and hopefully clarify both the rules and the process to make it a little easier for folks to do what they need to do. and the rest i submit. thank you. >> thank you supervisor melgar. supervisor peskin. >> it is with great sadness that we had to announce the passing of one of our most esteemed colleagues from it department of technology and union leader, kim thompson chrome who unfortunately passed away on her bithday june 4 after a sudden battle can cancer. born in 1956 in perth new jersey to elsey and tom thompson. after graduating in 1978 with degree in computer science, moved to san francisco with her lifelong
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girl friends and received degree in broadcast media communication at san francisco state. she later met her husband david attending a who concert. the friendship grew in a lifelong love. kim respected and dedicated employee of the department of technology for 38 year as a principal engineer and mentored women at the work place. she was also a active leader in her union and i see many of the members here today, international federation of professional technical engineers local 21. started off as a delegate and rose through the rankss a chapter president and vice president for san francisco. in the last labor negotiation cycle, kim collected the most strike pledges, which thankfully didn't happen. kim colleagues describe as someone full of joy and love and life who
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adors festivals, traveling, food and music. she was someone who often committed entire morning of labor rallies and precinct walks and jumped into a friends car to attend music festivals in napa or across the bay. kims passing left a deep abiding absence but love of life is inspiration for all of us. survived by husband david and children kyle and heather. the board will vote on resolution later today, item 31 proclaiming june 29, 2024 as kim marie thompson day in city and county of san francisco. colleagues, i don't know if david chrome is here, but if not, when he comes later, we'll sever that item 31. the rest i submit. >> thank you mr. president. supervisor preston. submit. thank you. supervisor ronan, submit.
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thank you. supervisor safai is not present. supervisor walton. >> thank you madam clerk. colleagues today i have an in memoriam for a dear friend and big brother, robert ortega. known in community as little rob. rob was born and raised in san francisco and dedicated father who life revolved around his children he spoke highly of and considered his best friends. growing up faced challenges that lead to maturity at a early age. after experiencing incarceration during adolescent and early adulthood and learning many lessens, rejoined his community in 2009 committed and are determined to use his experiences to insure that future generations took
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advantage of the opportunities available to them. and to be a strong rolemodel for his children. rob achieved a aa in automoatbive engineering with honors and entered the construction industry. starting as a laborer and continuing on to become an operator engineer. rob spentb several years working in construction with local 261 and local 3. motivated by his love for the community, he founded the non profit organization along with dr. irving, lifting nation offering construction expertise and safety trainings and his very own neighborhood of west point known as hunter view. along with safety certification, stipend and job search. engaged in charitable activities hosting annual holiday events,
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coaching in the midnight basketball league and mentoring youth in juvenile hall. acknowledged the bayview hunter point support group for guided when needed. he deeply loved his community and wanted to be a part of the change he wished to see among the youth in bayview hunter point. his smile and stylist clothe captured everyone's attention when he walked into a room. he loved classic cars and was a die hard 49ers and warrior fan. most importantly, he was a loyal and dedicated friend and father. we urge everyone to put down the guns, value human life, and if you are about destruction, stay away from peace and community events. as a community we lost someone that was truly loved and admired for being genuine and authentic.
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i personally learned so much from him and extremely proud of his work in the community. he pushed all of us in city government to provide on-site trainings in neighborhoods with accessibility to many educational opportunities is scarce. featured with two of his children in the 2024 san francisco black man professionals calendar for the month of december and in the district 10 office that is where my calendar will remain all year. this is a giant loss for san francisco and we will never let you be forgotten. the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor walton. mr. president, before we go to supervisor chan, i received a notice from supervisor safai who would like to be rereferred. supervisor chan. submit. thank you. supervisor dorsey, submit. supervisor engardio, submit.
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thank you. mr. president. >> let's go to general public comment. >> at this time the board of supervisors welcomes you to line up on your right hand side of the chamber near the curtains. you may speak to 30-33 item up for adoption without reference to committee. you may also speak to general matters that are not on today's agenda. all other items will have been forwarded to the board via appropriate committee. we are setting the timer for two minutes. let's hear from the first speaker. we'll collect that from you. welcome. >> good afternoon. for the record, my name is chrisfer cline. i sent out documents everyone should have, plus what i just handed out.
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one is for martin luther king, jr. and the other is a draft resolution prepared for city and county of san francisco via the board of supervisors and city attorney's office. several in the city and county of san francisco created a tiriany and dictatorship. this isn't new as the speech on april 4, 1967, staeted the same issues in 2024 and what also lead to major issues in san francisco in 1978, 79, jim jones political assassinations the riants that followed. martin luther king words, we must shift from a [indiscernible] to a person oriented society. when machines and computers profit motive and property rights are considered more important then people. the [indiscernible] racism, extreme
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materialism [indiscernible] we all need to stand up and denounce any and all persons weaponizing public health and safety as it is killing our citizens, people, friends and families. finally, the [indiscernible] attempting to cover up the deaths at 250 kearney street. [indiscernible] attempting to transfer forced regination on staff and deny fair housing, evict and restrict benefits to these residents. i requested this board make a priority as these are former houseless and in supportive housing. the other issue is, the city and county does not have disaster council meeting ing since august 2023 and that is violation of city charter and using that equipment the c5, and that is the issue in san francisco. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please.
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>> i have documents i will be putting up here. what i put on there i refer to at the end. good afternoon, asupervisors and fellow san franciscans. my name is piercey and stand before you as a university of san francisco master in public administration newly accepted and are admitted students and stand before you with a vision for our city future. we face a unhoused crisis on our streets, but together we can forge a path forward that is both effective and compassionate. what i propose is a plan to reduce homelessinous in san francisco
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by 90 percent by november 1, 2024. this starts with dedicated outreach teams like urban alchemy connecting with individuals providing immediate shelter and offering essential services from there we move to innovative container communities- >> i'm pausing your time for a moment. do you want sfgovtv to show what is on the projecting? >> not yet. i'll get to that. thank you. from there we move to innovative container communities that offer temporary but secure housing with daily support subss designed to stabilize and uplit. given the pressing need to address the home lsdsness crisis in san francisco and current budget constraints i present a streamlined practical plan to transition the unhoused population into stable housing which utilizes existing resources to insure
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rapidimplementation. provide pathways to permanent housing and employment opportunities. we'll collaborate with partners for union trades to tech jobs. this plan is a testament to what can be achieved with both being united efforts about creating a city where every person has a chance to thrive, reflecting compassion and justice that define the community that come together to make reality [indiscernible] i will leave a copy of the plan at your offices. thank you very much. >> thank you for your comments. sir, thank you for your comments. yes. we'll collect that. >> thank you very much. >> welcome. >> jordan. i am taking a subadical. i had to come today--because there is
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just too much dark-coming up to talk about. the civic center resident-the security perimeter at pride. tired of living in occupation [indiscernible] if you need a scrurt perimeter to feel safe you dont belong at pride. [indiscernible] many black and brown transpeople that benefit from the program will get [indiscernible] because honey mahogany will do anything to get ahead. you will all sell us out. [indiscernible] progressive electeds enable the [indiscernible] you know who else hate homeless people? that is right, history greatest monster, hitler. when you ride with homeless haters and [indiscernible] you ride with hitler and london breed, david chui,
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mandelman and others [indiscernible] sick and tired of mandelman weaponizing mommy isto [indiscernible] failed by the system dies before em. he is just another interim. [indiscernible] there is bad coming this world because of the rise of fascism and i value all human life. the innocent and not so incent. but, i don't care if oppressive people who have a lot of power who put their boots on our neck [indiscernible] i yield my time. --you. >> let's hear from the next speaker, please. welcome. >> welcome, hi. i'm mrs. brown, i like to use the overhead. here concerning my son aubrey murdered 2006 and today his case isn't
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solved. i go to the police commission every wednesday to bring up awareness about unsolved homicides. this month august 14 will be the i believe 19th anniversary of my son's murder. i don't just fight for my son rfx there are other homicide victims mothers and i come together to bring awareness to unsolved homicides. and to say too that, zero dollars is paid out in a decade for these awards. there is no reward paid out. i come with all of these pictures of unsolved homicides. and i say that, i wouldn't want to see another mother-this is me standing in front of my son in the casket waiting for the funeral to happen. this is what the perpetrators left me as a mother to -think about
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every month, every year, every day of my 17 year old boy murered shot 30 times with a semiautomatic gun. i have to climb on poles and put the reward pictures. still no one [indiscernible] versus this face and this vase. they took that beautiful smile away from me, so i don't want-my son existed. he was my son and i'm looking for a permanent street sign or something for my son, because i'm fighting so hard, along with other mothers and are fathers. the anniversary, i will have a press conference on his anniversary- >> thank you mrs. brown.
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>> good afternoon supervisors. i am a tentant ichb d5 speakic in support of resolution supporting the justice for renters act. repeal [indiscernible] tenants face ongoing threats every da hawkins not allowed our city to expand rent control law and protect tenants from displacement. drive up housing cost for everyone in the city mandating rents can be reset when tenants move out. the law reflects the interest of the apartment association and real estate. apartments that they can own to make big profits of market rate rents. our homes should not be someone else profit margin and investment scheme. is it a surprise of the california apartment association and real estate allies including [indiscernible] joined forces to oppose the justice for renters act? is it any surprise after
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benefiting from a $329 thousand independent expenditure from big real estate for campaign for higher office in the state assembly, supervisor stefani took a strong stance opposing the resolution, because of her ties to real estate would she be willing to recuse her self-from voting on the resolution. we need the board of supervisors to take a stand for tenants trying to survive in san francisco. rent control keeps people housed and the justice for renters act puts the power back in our local hands. thank you so much. >> thank you for your comments. let's hear from the next speaker, please. welcome. >> it's been a minute. jesus christ. my name is olga, miranda, the president of local 87 and represent the janitors. i come in front of all of you and i want to thank the board of
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supervisors for shedding light and really behaving like u.s. senators and congress members during a time we are all vulnerable during the pandemic. you made decisions that were difficult but took care and kept a lot of us alive and i want to recognize that, including our mayor, but i also want to shed light there were ordinances proposed during the pandemic thanks to leadership of this body that was called a healthy building ordinance. our union lost 36 janitors during the pandemic and we find out we were fighting about clean air back then three, four years ago and still fighting. we are at the bargaining table again. what we are asking this body is for us to have clean air. we are proud in the financial district they have plaques that said, leed certified, green buildings. what it doesn't say it they are environmentally clean buildings
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up until six pm. i can have all the members stand? [speaking spanish] all our members after 6 o'clock, they clean the buildings and there is no clean air. there is no there is no proper ventilation and today we are asking you to please help make these changes with building owners. they were able to get millions tax dollar breaks dut nothing including the janitors, we are asking for proper ventilation and the how much square footage, 30 thousand square feet is what our janitors should be cleaning in one shift, but the work everybody is doing-- >> thank you. [applause] next speaker,
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please. mr. bretwar. >> good froob. the qr code leads to harm reduction plan i prepared in advance of the dolores [indiscernible] last night the sfpd and supervisor mandelman convened meeting with the public to discuss the plans for the weekend, however, no plans were discussed. the mta was not invited to the meeting, the parks department was not invited to the meeting, the youth commission was not invited to the meeting. historically, the city paid average of quarter million dollar to pay for
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police overtime, settlements for breaking people ankles and class action lawsuits underway with regard to last year event 81 miners held without their rights being med [indiscernible] i have urging the city to engage in harm reduction efforts for this. i'm not a organizer of the events. this isn't a permanent event, it is put on my children. none the less, city money will be spent on this because there has not engagement by the mta as with say 420, fouth of july, halloween to do so. before the meeting i dropped a copy off at every one of your offices, contact information is on there. there isn't much that can be done between now and this saturday. this isn't event organizing, this is crisis management. children will show up and we need to put services in place such they can be
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met and welcomed asif is a as possible. last year the police were ready before children showed up with riot gear. people have a legal right to assemble. it is legal to ride oo skateboard in public. i ask the city [indiscernible] have a cross departmental meeting tomorrow to come up with a strategy that includes departments including the mta and puts essential things in place in the plan not just the police. thank you. >> thank you. mr. president. >> any other members for general public comment? seeing none, public comment is closto our 2:30 special commendations and colleagues, i read kim thompson's in memoriam, but would like to usher members of local 21 who are outside of these chambers. if people could make room for them and to ask david crom, her husband
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and president of local 21, to speak about kim. david are you here? our condolences. as i mentioned earlier, i don't know if you are here. later on today's agenda, we will not only be adjourning in kim's memory, but also recognizing june 29 as her day in the city and county of san francisco. >> thank you. honored. good afternoon city council members and staff. my name is david crom. husband of kim thompson. i have my son and daughter heather over here. i want to thank you for
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honoring my late wife and your principle is engineer by this proclamation. kim loved san francisco. loved her work, loved her fellow employees. underscored by her 38 years at the city, including beyond her retirement. we her family are honored for this recognition and our loss cannot be lessened, this does give solace and i thank you for that. i also like to say that you should be proud of your extensive staff members that knew kim. as they have been extremely helpful, thoughtful, professional, considerate and going above and beyond to help her family get over this time. today's environment it is
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comfortable to know we can pull together to honor a valuable member of the community. again, thank you for this honor of declaring june 29, 2024 as kim marie thompson chrome day. thank you. >> our condolences. >> sorry? >> our condolences. >> thank you very much. >> good afternoon. my name is bionca, the president of ispc local 21. also a city worker and resident of district 1 here in san francisco. you can see how much kim thompson meant to all of us to the families. this is very much a loss that we are all still dealing with and the opportunity that you all have provided to us as a board to heal with
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each other, with kim's family, to honor all of the work she did for san francisco, we can't sufficiently express our gratitude. we are deeply grateful we have this opportunity to heal together. i first became of kim here in this room in these chambers. i was a innocent rank and file member at the time and kim was here providing public comment to a committee hearing about the misuse of temporary workers. kim always made sure that other people were being taken care of just as she had been provided for. she spent so much of her career and her union activism making sure that people could have a fulfilling career with the city and county that enabled them to provide for their families. she stood up forever, strong
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and undaunted against contracting out work that should be done by us, by public servants that serve the public and provide excellent public services. she knew if somebody could land a full time permanent civil service job with the city, the likelihood that person not only being able to have a career with the city, but also served the public good and stand up against fraud, against corruption, against waste. the likelihood all increases because we have the institutional knowledge and we are dedicated to the people of san francisco. kim was somebody who had a lot in her life, and just extended out to everybody. you can see here that she was a person who would not never be satisfied. she wanted to bring everybody else up beside her and on the same level as
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her, so ain, we can't express enough our gratitude that we are able to be here in the chambers that kim loved so much. she moved to san francisco--she is fond of telling some the story. she moved to san francisco the week george mos cone and harvey milk were murdered in the building. she was part of the fabric of the city, and loved the building and loved coming to meetings in city hall and loved being in the chambers and participating in governance and we are proud what kim did for us, what she has done for her family and all san francisco and again, we are so grateful for this board for giving us the opportunity. thank you. >> thank you for your words. and our condolences not only to kim's family, but to local 21 and the entire city. colleagues if there is no
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objection we will make the in memoriam from the full board without objection. our condolences. our next special order commendation will be from supervisor dorsey. >> thank you president peskin. colleagues, it is my honor today to recognize a remarkable public servant who's tireless dedication responsiveness to at least one difficult district supervisor and boundless compassion helped to improve the lives of countless san franciscans through some of the most challenging vulnerability. david of it department of emergency management is demonstrating professional quaument that eareflect san francisco civic values throughout his career. as supervisor of downtown district that faces a great many challenges, related to public drug use and related
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harms, i have come to appreciate the sensitivity, humanity and diligence he brings to the vitally important public service role he fulfills for our city every day. david journey in the bay area begain in 1986 when he moved to pursue his passion for social work and public health. in 1991, he earned master degree from uc berkeley and social welfare public health and health education. set the stage for extraordinary public service career. early work as a visiting nurse to patients in hospice care showcase deep compassion and commitment to those in need and it was a experience that appears to have been formative in learning how to serve our city with empathy, dedication and unwavering drive to make a difference. in 1995, david joined the public health. his expertise quickly lead to promotion as the program director for the
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direct access housing program in 1999. in that role oversaw care for the most severe and high service users in the behavioral health system, demonstrating ability to manage and support those with greatest needs. he directed transitional youth service. versatility and commitment to serving diverse populations. in 2004 then mayor newsom appointed david the first director of the san francisco homeless outreach team in that pioneering role david visionary leadership instrumental shaping the city approach to addressing homelessness. his work as dph director of special projects further highlighted versatility in which he tackled issues from hurricane katrina displacement response to sro fires to the h1, n1 outbreak and more. in 2012, returned to direct service working with the direct access
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to housing program as the director of support services. expertise and street outreach lead to the hethy streets operation center in 2021 where he served as clinical supervisor for encampment resolution team. under his leadership, the team placed thousands of individuals from the city largest and most complicated encampments offering shelter, medical assistance and access to drug and alcohol treatment for those in need. these efforts have been transformative in a relatively short amount of time securing 1945 placements in engagement with just over 5200 individuals. in november 2022, david promoted to director of healthy street operation center, since then lead the team through 890 operations placing more then 2900 people into housing shelter drug treatment and recovery and residential care from encampments critical support for those who need it most. david expertise and influence
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also extended beyond his assigned roles. he was instrumental in the launch of such project homeless connect, ems6 and working with individuals facing substance use disorders mental health chalshs and street homeilousness. nearly 30 years of dedication to san francisco are marked not solely by relentless commitment helping crinets and improving our systems to do so city wide. expressing gratitude to david, we would be remiss not to add thanks to his wife of 34 years mary and daughter grace who shared his time and attention with us. in a career that offers very little in the way of free time, david managed to find enough time to [indiscernible] discipline he practiced 33 years and he is a practitioner of the japanese martial art since 2017.
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from the many appreciative district 6 residents who values your work david, and on bemalf of a grateful city, thank you for your service and dedication. congratulations on the certificate of honor we are going to give you today, but i first want to invite sam dodge director of street response coordination to express a few words and congratulations to david. [applause] >> thank you board and as you can hear by the history that the supervisor just laid out, david is very unique individual and this is what it takes. in september 2021, many people were rightfully working from home, very concerned about health conditions and others. david wanted to come back to the street to the front line. he heard the call of duty from city and county of san francisco and he
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answered the call, just like he did when people were going through the aids crisis, just like he did when we were starting supportive housing in san francisco. just like he did with starting ems6 and others. it has been a real honor to work with david and to have him on the team and you know, he brings his experience and his calm demeanor to all of us in working in very high pressure situations, but also helping the support staff, helping the outreach workers really achieve a higher goal and bringing together a big role from all the different roles to call out favors and to get advice so we can really approach some of the most difficult situations the city faces at the healthy streets operation center. i will say, it has been a honor. david and i traded places and
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worked together over 20 years in different roles whether sro fires or in supportive housing or at hsh and this is the first time we really have been able to work closely together and it has been such a honor and i really thank the board for recognizing what a jewel and public service we have with david. without further ado, i will bring david up here for his honor. [applause] >> for some that know me, i hate things like this but i want to acknowledge supervisor dorsey for recognizing my contribution. in this case, to healthy street operation center, but also i like to thank a dedicated civil servant for city coupty of san francisco coming up on 30 year.
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i had to chuckle when you mentioned a comment a supervisor giving me a hard time and i say believe that goes for the entire board. which i don't see as a bad thing. i see that as collaboration. the thing i wanted to highlight is i feel like this is a recognition of my work, maybe a culmination of all most 30 years working for city and county, i have to say it is not a individual endeavor. this is extreme collaboration that ultimately benefits the businesses, the residents, the visitors and first and foremost folks on the street in encampments, tents and vehicles and rv's. for our ability to get them off the street and into housing shelter and services. it is without support of including all the supervisors, the mayor, multiple departments, i think mary ellen
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carol is the head of department of emergency management, my boss sam dodge, i think the whole street conditions team that includes wealth of talent and service as well, including lauren, bekka carlton, santiago, [indiscernible] i can't do this work without them. can't do it without the support of all the different departments. we have individuals from department of public works, from mta, san francisco fire, community paramedicine division san francisco pd, rec and park, human service agency, department of homelessness supportive housing, department of public health, heluna health, heart, the list goes on. this really i don't see as something that i have been able to do myself through my entire career.
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also a part of multidisciplinary teams but i appreciate the work of everyone in this room and appreciate recognized for the service i have gladly done for the city and county, which i truly love. thank you very much. >> thank you for your work. [applause] supervisor mandelman. >> thank you mr. president. mike, are you here? come on up. want to bring your cast of
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thousands to stand behind you? come on up. alright. colleagues, today i am presenting a special commendation to leadership san francisco. for nearly 40 years,x leadership san francisco turned out a unique product. city resident committed to improving san francisco civic life. the program graduated 2,000 people from government, businesses large and small, the non profit world and even sports teams. the goal is to produce community leaders from a wide range of viewpoints and backgrounds and willinginous to engage with city issues. the process and results are remarkable. each year group comes up with a list of topics to study and debate over a 10 month period. outside experts and public figures invited to share views, program members emerge with broader perspective of san francisco, challenges and
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possible solutions. graduates are everywhere. elected officials like david chui and phil ting went through the program and former fire chief white and larry bear. foundation heads, real estate executives city workers and union members also take part. the purpose is glimps how san francisco operate and where the gears are grinding according to executive director [indiscernible] who's name i'm-the city landscape means the topics shift aech year. this year's class was the first to dig into artificial intelligence. another new topical subject revitalizing the city economy. last week this year cohort many here spent a day at city hall meeting with elected officials and learned
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about the innerworkings of government. lsf cohorts are made up of folks who love san francisco and committed to working on complex city issues. found #d in 1985 a program of the san francisco chamber of commerce, lsf matches similar programs in other cities looking to train future leaders. long history of educated and cultivating future leaders recollect leadership san francisco deserves this commendation, vital evolving city needs committed people to take on the hard issues the program offers a training ground for new generation of leaders ready to meet the task. thank you leadership san francisco and mike, the floor is yours. >> thank you so much supervisor mandelman, and i wanted to thank all of the supervisors, because you have all over the years been so generous with your time. any time we tapped into for your expertise and visit one of our cohorts. this next year does mark our 40 year anniversary, and we have over 2,000
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alumni, the alumni are all over the city, and our mission as supervisor mandelman said, our mission is to identify and develop community leaders. we are looking for people who work and live in san francisco who love san francisco and really want to go out and be involved and be part of the change. the change for the positive. as he said, our current class, the class of 2024 just finished up last month right here at city hall. theywere studying civic engagement and we kick off our 40 class this coming september. i just wanted to mention that myself, i'm the executive director and fairly new to the role. been doing it just about a year now, ■ but before me, a woman ran the program for 35 years and she is here today so i wanted to just honor diane easten who ran leadership san francisco.
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diane. [applause] thank you for being here. diane is truly responsible for ll so many of our alumni doing amazing things now. i just wanted behind me are all people who have taken the program or friends of the program, so thank you all for being here. [applause] and just wanted to finish by saying, when i look around the city and i see all of our amazing alumni and doing amazing things and helping the city, it warms my heart and makes me really proud to be part of leadership, so thank you so much for this honor and thank you all for coming. [applause] >> thank you mike. thanks diane.
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thank you supervisor mandelman. [applause] good to see you bert. and our final special order commendation is from district 9 supervisor, hillary ronan. >> thank you so much president peskin and it is my great pleasure to honor recognize the achievement of the brilliant and joyful gene robertson. if you could come to the podium. [applause] i want to stand right there as i gloat about all your amazing
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achievements. gene robertson spent the last 30 years at the san francisco unified school district. she ed sfusd and children of san francisco in many capacities, but most recently, as assistant super intendant for special education. grew graduating from rhode island college with degree in special education. [indiscernible] were called west and sought fortune in san francisco. gene approach to education is summed by her e-mail signature. committed in the relentless pursuit of whatever works in the life of a child. love that so much. this philosophy underlies every role assumed in her career in education. gene started teaching at discovery
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center school. a small private school in the excelsior. a very effective teercher in the general ed classroom, her heart gravitated serving children with special needs in public education. describing this move she once said, anybody that presented slightly ought of what you consider a typically developingil i want to be part of their journey. jean hired as a resource specialist and worked with her colleagues and supported her students inclusion and success in general ed classes and out in the community. after earning master in administration from san francisco state university in 1999, jeanbecame dean of students at luther burbank middle school and principal of gratin elementary. served 15 years advocating for special education program focused on recruiting
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and retaining teachers and put in place first policy that stretch beyond the classroom and recognized by the school at large. in 2016, she was named the mayor principal of the year by mayor ed lee. in 2017 jean appointed assistant soup oup--her work during covid responded to the impact that locked down had on students particularly kids with special needs. she made sure every child had access to remote learning a caring teacher and go-to person who can offer empathy and support. seeing the covid recovery in the time of opportunity created a network of recovery service, including literacy camp, saturday school, and learning pods a life line for so many kids and families. jean we wish you the best of luck as you and your family start a new
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chapter on the east coast. we are sorry to see you go, but we are immensely grateful for the years you devoted to the care nourishment education and wellbeing of students families and teachers of san francisco. thank you for spreading the joy of learning to all children. [applause] and jean, before you give your remarks, supervisor walton wanted to say words as well. >> thank you supervisor ronan and it seems this is the year of losing a lot of great administrators in the district, but i want you to know that you are one of a kind. from being a strong principal to your work and taking over the leadership in special ed, to work together in negotiating the reopening of schools. you always kept families and student first in your work so i want
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you to know how much i appreciate that. i think you really get it and not a lot of people do, and so i want you to know that i see you as a member of the board of education have a opportunity to work closely and closer with you during those years is something that i definitely got some joy out of as well, so i want to say i'm sad to see you go. we honored another great administrator in here a week ago and i know how much work you all have done for our young people, so thank you so much. i hope you enjoy your retirement, but i wish we could keep administrators like you a little bit longer. >> thank you. supervisor peskin. >> thank you supervisor ronan. thank you for doing this commendation. i really wanted to thank you mrs. robertson for your incredible service to the city over the years and thank you at a more personal level as
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a parent at gratin for many many years after your time as principal there, my kids had the pleasure not just of being in an amazing school that you helped do so much for, but also legacy of education running in your family, your daughter was my kids teacher at gratin. and i also want to recognize in the room we have the current principal of gratin here today, kate walter and her kids. [applause] thank you really on behalf of the board and personally for all your incredible work for families and students and public schools in san francisco. we appreciate it. >> now it is your turn. >> okay. i won't say too much, but i want to say thank you supervisor ronan and all of you for this really meaningful
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honor taking time to recognize me means a awful lot. i just have been reflecting and thinking who knew baic in the day. i was the chatty kid. i was the bossy sister. to think those gifts would bring me to leadership in schools is fascinating to me. it was not a typical student, so always gravitating to the a typical students because i know they are geniuses. my immediate family couldn't be here today. they are on 4 corners of the map, but i did bring my san francisco family, my besties. i also in the room-chosen family. also in the room today is my child's preschool teacher, which is a surprise. there is actually a student here and parents from my very first year teaching 36 years ago, so that is just meaningful. it reminds of the importance of the partnerships that are necessary in the work of raising children in the schools.
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so, i'm so grateful they are here. they embody the spirit of my leadership. with my rhode island work ethics showing up every day somehow was able to inspire a shared vision and enable others to act. remain committed to listening. i think listening is super important and we need to do more that. and all the work partners over the years, we kept a focus on services and instruction for our students first. i just want to close really to all of you with sort of a challenge. you know how i am. not homework, but it is a challenge. so, you do know that sfusd is in a funky spot now. we are feeling it. falling on hard times. as you remain elected officials in public office i trust you will continue to find the bright spots in the schools and system to build upon. there are many great people and
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teams doing things in the schools and offices every single day and now more then ever our schools need your support and advocacy and above all, they need champions, so it is time to shift the narrative. putting it on you to help with that and wrap around our public schools. i will say this, july is disability awareness month, so let's get the word out and focus advocacy efforts and at the state and national levels, please continue to advocate for full funding of the individuals with disabilities act and it has been a absolute pleasure to work alongside all of you. supervisor walton, we really do go way back. we picked the super intendant together. i never forget the conversations while identify were in a leadership role. it is so important you all continue to listen. it has been a pleasure to serve alongside you and i thank god i
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>> madam clerk, can we go to our adoption without committee reference calendar? >> 31-33 introduced for adoption without reference to committee. a unanimous vote is required for resolution on first reading. a member may require resolution on first reading to go to committee. >> why don't we wait until the chambers clear out. colleagues supervisor chan has written a memo asking to be excused from these last four items. is there a motion to that effect? made by supervisor ronan, seconded by supervisor mandelman. take that without objection. and, on the adoption without committee reference calendar, are there any items that members would like severed?
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supervisor dorsey. >> sever item 30. >> item 30. supervisor walton. >> item 32. if you can also sever item 33. on the balance of the calendar, item 31, a roll call, please. >> item 31, supervisor mandelman, aye. supervisor melgar, aye. supervisor peskin, aye. supervisor preston, aye. supervisor ronan, aye. supervisor safai, absent. supervisor walton, aye. supervisor dorsey, aye. supervisor engardio, aye. there are 8 ayes. >> the resolution is adauptded. adopted. could you please read item 30? >> resolution to support the justice for renter act, california
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state proposition on the november 5, 2024 ballot and reaffirm the support for repeal of the casta hawkins rental housing act. >> even though supervisor dorsey request it be severed in so far as supervisor preston is the author, i will start with supervisor preston. >> thank you president peskin. it seems with quorum issues that the hope of simply moving through without committee reference was not going to be possible at the 8 votes we need here, so i would like to send this item to the rules committee with thanks to the rule chair for hearing this next week. >> alright. item will be referred- >> second? >> second to refer-second by supervisor melgar. colleagues can we send this to committee without objection ?
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it will be sent to rules committee. item 32, please. >> item 32, resolution to urge san francisco unified school district superintendant matt wayne and board of education to include clear equity criteria that include the cultural and community significance of school sites in specific neighborhoods asuch as chinatown and tenderloin and neighborhood density walkability in language service and staffing and on-site direct support servicess for low income immigrant and bipoc communities otherwise undercounted for variety of reasons as part of the decision process. >> thank you madam clerk. colleagues i circulated amendments and believe there are verbal amendments to further expand the addition of bayview hunter point, vis valley to include western addition and mission and there
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may be more. with that, supervisor walton. >> thank you so much president peskin and thank you for introducing this important resolution. i just want to make sure that this is on record. i do understand that the school district has some tough decisions they have to make, particularly at a time where the district is facing a deficit and declining enrollment. i also understand that there are schools that have never been provided with the appropriate amount of resources and programs that would assist in achieving success rates that all our children deserve. so as a district works to decide how to address the deficit, and decline in enrollment, it is imperative that sfusd does everything in its power to insure the decision to close merj and remove any school from the community is done with a equity lens and considered the fact that there are so many factors that go into repairing the harm
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when there is a loss of school site in community. just as the district continues to seek the vote and support of isolated disenfranchise residents when they want to pass a bond, they need to strongly consider the needs of isolated and disenfranchised communities when they make resource and school closure decisions. this resolution urges the district to take all this and to consideration into account as they make these tough decisions and again, i appreciate supervisor peskin for you bringing this up and letting the district know that we want to make sure that they do this in the most equitable way possible and i know i talked to you and your team about being a cosponsor, but i just want to make sure i note for the record that i like to be a cosponsor of this resolution. thank you. >> it shall be included. survr ronan. >> yes. i am wondering if we could add the
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mission to the list of neighborhoods that should be considered very specifically. if i could just add the mission to the title- >> page 2, line 9. >> that's right. much appreciated. >> we will add to the long title at line 6 and to the whereas at line 9 and i guess as well as at page 2, line 18. >> thank you. >> and i think in the same breath, all these places we will add western addition. supervisor preston. >> i was on the roster to simply request that you do what you adjust offered to do. i do want to thank you president peskin for your work on this and also
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for incorporating the feedback from colleagues on that, and also want to appreciate some of the additions around public housing and sro residents added also. i would like to be added as a cosponsor to this item. >> you will be added as a cosponsor. thank you. so, a motion made by-can we say supervisor ronan, seconded by supervisor preston to add the aformmentioned neighborhoods and without objection and same house, same call, the resolution is adopted as amended. madam clerk, could you please read the next item? >> item 33, this is motion to state the board of supervisors intention to appropriate approximately $48 million of cost sabeings to restore critical programs serving children, youth seniors families and most
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vulnerable. >> colleagues, supervisor chan has circulated some amendments to this motion changing the short title and long title to change $48 million to $58 million, and to otherwise make changes in the recitals on page 2 and page 3 and page 4 that have been circulated. i don't believe any of these are substantive and can be voted on today. is there a motion to that effect? motion by supervisor melgar, seconded by supervisor preston. colleagues, we'll take amendments without objection and pass the motion as amended. same house same call. the motion is approved and with that, madam clerk, are there any in
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memoria? >> mr. president, supervisor safai asked to be rereferred. certainly. today's meeting will be adjourned in memory of the following beloved individuals:on behalf of supervisor walton, for the late robert higs ortega. on behalf of supeisor peskin, and on his motion that this be on behalf of the entire board of supervisors, for the late kim marie thompson cromb. >> supervisor safai. >> i'm ready. just give me 5 seconds. i'm sorry. >> 4. >> 3. >> 2. >> okay. i'll say quick colleagues, thank you. today it was brought to our
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attention-i will be introduced a drafting request to city attorney that pertains to the air quality and conditions under which service sector employees are working in. what we found out is a lot of air quality-the air systems are turned off around 6 o'clock when most of the professional workers are working. we want them to investigate following the air quality standards practiced in california and extending into the evening so service sector employees are covered and also concerned about the square footage workers are asked to work so we'll have that updated. sorry the delay and thank you for rereferring me and the rest i submit. >> we are adjourned. [meeting adjourned]
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>> (music). >> my name is - my business name is himself mexican america. >> i started my business a year ago the process was a year ago by business by■ waving (background noise.) about $1,000 and also guided me there the whole process. (background noise.) that was helpful i was already paying the construction and
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other fees for the restaurant the city we put together to honor my city and comes with (unintelligible) on the (background noise.) and. >> (multiple voices.) >> and some go with ebbs and eggs (unintelligible) and a side of roadways and beans. and be able - have my restaurant here in the district of the mission is such an amazing i grew up around the mission area and respect to school around here and so i was able to come in as establish any restaurant here (background noise.) really a feels like .
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>> (music). >> my name is package scott i'm a general manager and vice president of the yerba buena ice skating and bowling center. >> we opened in 98, we are celebrating our 25 anniversary. the last ice relation at 48 avenue with the redevelopment agency started to reconstruct a yerba buena the city had suggested how about around ice skating we have a podium we run from the tiny to the we have a whiff adult community of
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beginners and entering meats and so many people that only to san francisco and california for the east coast who grew up circulating and when they finding a pair they fall in love with that. >> my favorite ring it is a beautiful skyline and yeah. it is really nice (background noise.) our bowling center is adorable perfect for conference party and birthday party or have a good time and children's activity and wonderful playground and a great area to relax and enjoy the view it is 35 part of the city and a lot of great places to go around and have lunch. skating is fun for the whole family we have an
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amazing program a huge adult population sea sorry about that in his skating and is or have a ton of programs it is walkable in their yerba buena community. we have everything you need. if i forgot our socks we have those and we charge a.d. mythics, inc., if you have no skates the general public typically e traditionally have public skating and open on the weekends and multiple sessions for everyone to
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good morning. the meeting will come to order. this is the july 1st, 2024 rules committee meeting. i'm supervisor hillary ronen, chair of the committee. i'm joined by vice chair, supervisor sherman walton. we should be joined shortly by supervisor ahsha safaí and our colleague myrna melgar is joining us this morning. mr. our clerk is victor young and i'd like to thank eugene levadia at sfgovtv for broadcasting this meeting. mr. clerk, do you have any announcements? yes. public comment will be taken on each item on the agenda. when your item of interest comes up and public comment is called, please line up to speak on on your right. alternatively, you may submit public comment in writing either the following ways. email them to myself. the rules comm
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