tv BOS Special Rules Committee SFGTV July 13, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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replacing today, supervisor shamann walton and sound like we will be joined by supervisor ahsha safai in about 15 minutes. our clerk is victor young and i would like to thank sfgovtv for broadcasting this meeting. mr. clerk, do you have any announcements? >> yes. public comment will be taken on each item on today's agend a. when your item comes up and public comment is called line up to speak. you may submit in writing e-mail them to myself the rules committee clerk, at victor.young@sfgov dot org. .org. may also send written comment via u.s. mail to our office at city hall 1 dr. carlton b goodlett place, room 244 san francisco california 94102. please silence cell phones and electronic devices.
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documents to be included in the file should be submitted to the clerk. items are expected to appear on the board of supervisors agenda july 23, 2024 unless other wise stated. >> thank you. i like to make a excuse vice chair supervisor shamann walton from the meeting. >> yes, on the motion to excuse vice chair walton, supervisor melgar, aye. supervisor safai, absent. chair ronan, aye. the motion passes with supervisor safai being absent. >> motion passes. please read item number 1. >> item 1 is charter amendment first draft to amend the city and county of to acquire the or children our families council to use an outcome framework to evaluate the budget and responding of each city department with expenditures that are eligible including in
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the children youth fund baseline or the public education enrichment fund. require the mayor and board of supervisors to consider the council findings during the consideration of city--including the board of supervisor holding public hearing and adopting fiendings about the evaluation--excuse me, about the expenditure by resolution. require the san francisco unified school district to submit proposals once every 5 years and annual report describing how they will spend the city general fund and contribution to the peef with outcome framework. prohibit the city from providing peef fundish to the school district until the board and mayor approved the proposal. prohibit providing discretionary funds to school dist rth unless entered into a data sharing agreement with the city. our city our family initiative to coordinate city department and
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school districts and establish the size and membership of the council and election held november 5, 2024. >> thank you. can you also read item 2? we'll read them together? >> item 2, charter amendment (first draft) to amend the charter of the city and county of san francisco to provide that money set aside for the san francisco unified school district in the student success fund cannot replace, supplant, count as, or substitute for other city funding for the school district or children and youth required under the children and youth fund, the public education enrichment fund, or other provisions in the charter; at an election to be held on november 5, 2024. >> thank you. i'm going to turn this over to supervisor melgar to speak first, but before i do that, i just want to thank you supervisor melgar from the bottom of my heart for being one of the most
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brilliant and fierce and long-time advocates on behalf of children in the city. being able to partner with you on these issues--i'm getting teary even, being able to partner with you on these issues has just been really a joy of the past two years serving with you, and you know, being termed out in 6 months, this is obviously one issues most near and dear to me and i'm just calm because i know you will be here to continue this work. you and your incredible legislative aid, jennifer lowe are just not only a pleasure to work with, but just such knowledgeable fierce advocates on behalf of children so i just wanted to thank you. >> supervisor ronan, i feel exactly the same way about you. you are such a joy and i never never go into anything having to do with kids and families without knowing that you
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will have my back, you will put in the hard work, so i'm super grateful for it. so, thank you for your work on this and everything else we have done together and particularly to jennifer in your office who is always so thoughtful, so hard working and so available. anything we need. of course, jen lowe in my office who is a rock star. i also wanted to thank greg wagoner for his thought potnership and you know, late night phone calls about this and [indiscernible] at dcyf for all her hard work. and ben rosenfield as well. i feel like this charter amendment is a culmination of many years of discussions that we have been having how to best support the outcomes for our city youth. one of the most glaring issues is disjointed system we have in place how funds are expended and the
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silos we created as opposed unified strategic way. this charter amendment works off what the voters pass #d 10 years ago but adds teeth, budget accountability tools. now we are going into couple near years, maybe more of tough budget, it is really important we have accountability mechanisms to insure we are not double dipping and not double counting and children funding that has been appropriated by the voters actually reaches children to make their lives better. this amendment-this charter amendment elevates existing our city our family initiative coled by the mayor and super intenedant of school. the initiative is responsible for bringing together the san francisco unified school district and
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city departments to develop a city wide plan. outcome framework based on city wide community needs assessment to identify the gaps for children youth and family and to keep track of the dat a. this charter amendment envision a city wide initiative that insure a department and sfusd align their existing 5 year planning cycle we have for it apartment department of children youth and family. it means stronger coordination, alignment, centralized way measuring out comes. once we have a city wide plan and outcome framework in place, on a annual basis the initiative staff will evaluate the budget and provide recommendation to the mayor and board of supervisor on whether the funding is moving the needle on outcomes for our children and youth. this aims to get more information during the budget process, but also forces discipline in the decisions. the board will have to hold
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dedicated hearing during the budget process and pass resolution attesting the dollars attributed to the children and youth fund and public education enrichment fund baseline are infact aligned with city wide plan and outcome framework and also give a venue for parents and school community and folks who use rec park department programs, everything we fund to come and tell us how we are doing on children programming. through this budget review process, we are also going to add more transparency measures, so not only for ourselves within the city, but for the limited dollars we contributed to the san francisco unified school district through the public enrichment education fund. otherwise known as the peef which dedicate 1/3 to sports library and art music and another third for additional support. in the past we [indiscernible] never got oback the accounting for
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how the responding went and how we can best partner with sfucd to insure making the best impact on student. sfusd will also help shape the cycle and the plan and outcome framework how the peef dollars will be measured and in addition to existing internal goals for student outcomes, so we are hoping this will align everything. i think this charter amendment is timely given our budgetary constraints. it is not a revenue measure. we have to work with what we have. i have to say that thish year has been one of the hardest given the level of cuts to children and youth services. we know sfucd is facing a tough time too, but now more then ever have to work together to maximize impact for limited funding we have. my hope is through the budgetary exercises we are also able to
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identify more funds for children and families that we have overlooked for year. honesty, i think this is long overdue. the timing is right. our kids and families cannot wait and when we were flush with resources the level of scrutiny and transparency was not as urgent as it is today, but now we are dinded with lay-off, service cuts and young people afalling further behind in educational outcomes and suffering through the social emotional effects of surviving a global pandemic, it is our responsibility to make sure that their formative years are well spent. grateful for the city attorney team as well. thank you ann pierson, deputy city attorney and [indiscernible] i also want to thank director maria sue from department children youth and families for leadership and input on
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this and all the advocates that work with us to shape this. since this interdeckz we have been in dishz with sfusd staff and partners and we do have amendments before you today. the most significant one is that given the discussions underway, regarding the various roles of city bodies, boards and commissions, we really wanted to focus on the initiative and the accountability not on the body itself. we are going to take out references to our children our families council all together, because the heart of this initiative lies in the assessment and the process, not the council itself. so, this will bring the decision makers
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together directly and center the needs of youth and families, and i will go over the specific language after i turn it over to you, chair ronan and thank you so much for considering this. >> absolutely. thank you. colleagues, as you know, the student success fund with san francisco voters passed overwhelmingly in 2022 was intended to provide a vital set aside for sfusd students above and beyond any other city funding for children and youth. the fund goal is to give public schools stable long-term grants to implement innovative strategies that truly move the needle on academic achievement and social emotional wellness for the kids who need it most. it was always understood the purpose was separate from any other programming for children and youth and never meant to supplement funding eligibility to be counted in the children baseline. however, the student success
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fund has been counted against the children baseline in last year and this year's budget. this charter amendment is needed to provide clarity and direction to the controller on the author and voters intent for the student success fund set aside. today i intend to make a motion to merge my measure with supervisor mel dpar charter amendment, accountability for funding children and youth service. it makes sense to put them together, because they are basically intended to do the same thij. thing. have a organize coordinated set of interventions and activities for kids that move the needle. that move the needle on overall wellbeing, their safety, their wellness, their academic achievement. the student success fund charter amendment compliments supervisor melgar-i just said that. sorry. this is what happens when i go
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off script. i have three additional mainer changes to make to the original student success fund. two address broadening the language around invasion to better meet the goals of supporting programs that lead to significant improvement and academic achievement and social emotional. the third give recipient school sites a little more time to insure the school site council are truly functional as long as that happens within the firs first year of the grant award. again, i want to thank supervisor melgar and her legislative aid, jen lowe working in partnership with me and my legislative aid to find a path forward and long-term fix. i want to thank [indiscernible] and maria sue-getting old-from dcyf who have been incredible partners the whole way through and one of the
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original architects of this measure, leslie from uesf from fr being where us every step of the way. together we are protecting both the student success fund and funding for vital service in#2e7bded to be included in the base line. i'll read the amendments and let supervisor melgar read the amendments she will make, then open up to public comment on both measures and then we'll merge them, if that sounds good. so, i will make a motion to amend the language in the student success fund section to say, on page 23, line 19:strike community and strike the s on schools and add site initiatives for academic achievement and social emotional wellness of students. uses of the fund to support school site initiatives for academic achievement and social emotional wellness
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of students. page 24, line 12, add before the award of the grant or within the first year of the grant. page 25 line 7 strike community school and add innovative student support. add s on model and strategy. if the eligible school advance innovative student support model and strategies. and i'll leave that motion for a moment and now turn it over to supervisor melgar to introduce a motion on her amendments. >> they thank you so much chair ronan. there is a few people i for got to thank. the president of the school board, laney and jenny lam who was really influential in thin through everything we did. as well as the master mind for a lot of our children initiatives, margaret--who
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helped with her kind input, shape a lot of what we are doing, so i'm also grateful to meredith doddson at the parent coalition for her input. with that, there will be changes to short and long title to reflect clarifying uses of the student success fund. throughout the charter amendment we'll remove any changes to the existing our children our families council body and instead, assigning new responsibilities to the over-arching our children our families initiative. under section 16.123-2, public education enrichment fund, subsection d, school district spending proposal refers to the new 5 year spending proposal we will be requiring as the sfusd for student enhancement
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portion of the piece which aligns to the 5 year planning cycle of the initiative. we added the language to clarify the deadwline for the first submission of spending proposal which is by april 2028. and every 5th year thereafter. included our children our family initiative staff and controller as the recipient of the responding proposal. add additional language language the responding proposal align with the city wide needs assessment but also sfusd on board of education guidelines. regarding student education initiative. sorry, outknhs. outcomes the first year board and mayor take action on the spending proposal would be 2029 for the 29-30 budget cycle so giving a long on ramp here. in section 4, in the emeant mayor and board find the spending from
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pry r prior fiscal year is not aligned with plans and goals in place, the city put the second year of its biannual budget on reserve until the issues are resolved. since budgets go into effect july 1 and school year begins thereafter, this insures there are no funding cuts detrimental to the start of the school year and gives sfusd a year. section 16.123-6 expenditure plan refers to the annual expenditure plan or proposed budget for upcoming fiscal year. our children our family initiative would review the expenditure plan and provide recommendation to the board of supervisors. includes the plan could indicate estimated carry over funds from the fiscal year and adds reporting
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on this board library arts music portion not priveiously required. that is otherwise known at the [indiscernible] portion. clarify that in addition to the expenditure plan for the upcoming fiscal year, provide additional report on budget versus actuals of the prior fiscal year expenditure to date i also indicate carry over funds and where funds were allocated. so in total, sfusd would be asked to submit two reports annually, within beginning of the year providing a look-back at the previous fiscal year and expenditures to date and providing projection proposal for upcoming fiscal year which they have been providing given the existing charter language. section 16.127-1, the our family our children initiative council, we removed change to the roles or make-up
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of our children our families council. we clarified there is a city wide community needs assessment for children youth and families can which already exist s at dcyf but now inclusive of all departments and would ask sfusd align the 5 year planning cycle. the needs assessment inform the city plan. including language the initiative will also work on policy and operational recommenditions to insure all city departments streamline the processes reduce duplicative data collection, simplify accessing services to children and youth and families as every parent knows now you have to go to a million websites to sign up for summer programs and everything so this makes it easier for parents and children to access services.
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we added provision allowing the board by ordinance to designated which city departments would be responsible for supporting the initiative so this provides flexibility in the future if operationally we need to make any changes and adapt. we made explicit the staffing initiative should not apply to the baseline calculation of children and youth fund. in section 16, 17-9, we added the section to specify that the initiative would be responsible for supporting this city wide community needs assessment of the children and families plan and outcomes framework. section 16.127.10, includes in the budget review process for the initiative that also review current and prior year expenditures of departments that expenditures eligibility for baseline calculation for the children and youth fund and the peef.
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added the controller and the board budget legislative analyst will be jointly responsible for reviewing the determinations of the initiative for budget review. previously it was a council that had that duty. we also added if the council ceases to existing which may given the ort things on the ballot, the initiative itself shall assume the roles and responsibilities that are not already dictated in the charter amendment. finally, section 16.133, this section was added already part of the introduction. we are requiring that the data sharing agreement be in place so we can insure we can measure the outcomes for children. we have added clarifying language of the sfusd would work with dcyf and department of early childhood as a main entity for data sharing agreement, which they had on and off
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already. this prevents confusion having multiple departments or entities need to enter into data agreement with sfucs. sfusd. it is only those that directly deal with children. not violate any state or federal provision on privacy. so, those are the amendments today chair ronan. thank you so much. >> wonderful. we'll open up for public comment. >> members who wish to speak on this item should line up to speak at this time. each speaker is allowed two minutes. there is a soft time with 30 second said left and louder chime. >> dpood morning my name is leslie who, united educators of san francisco. i want to thank margaret and supervisor ronan and melgar and office for
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your incredible work you are doing:[indiscernible] we want to be specific in staunch support of the language clarifying that the student success fund and children fund are separate. now more then ever young people and families need resources and care to support basic needs and ort vital programs. i can also safely say voters would have absolutely not been supportive of short changing our students and families and children of san francisco with what happened the last 2 years with the budget and hopefully this amendment will clear up any confusion that might have happened. thank you. >> >> good morning. eme polk with the latino task force education and family service community chair. here to support the language and provisions proposed to amend the city charter to insure children
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baseline remains whole and no funding going to the student success fund count towards the children baseline. i welcome accountability placed on the school district to insure funding investments are in alignment and clear and transparent outcome measures. the council ypt to make sure it will not have any authority over funding decisions, but more advisory role. lastly, i want to insure families remain central to insure adequate investment continues to be made to insure success across all lifespans. thank you. >> good morning everybody. my name is patricia, i am a volunteer with latina task force and also director and have many nieces and nephews and product of sfusd and proud to say my mom was able to send us to preschool when we were three
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years old. i are want to also understand that when we make these decisions, by the time they trickle down if the language isn't extremely specific, then things like happen, so thank you for being very specific on the needs of the student success fund of where the children's fund needs to be and also to make sure that there is accountability across the board. i think in my experience i have seen that happen many times where people just-they look at the language and they are like, we can save here and save there, whatever and then able to come back and your leadership able to look at things specifically i think will be really helpful so thank you very much insuring that. i also want to make sure that families are at the center of everything we are doing. the student success fund is tied to the schools, we do know every child is tied to a family, so making sure families are at the center of everything we do.
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thank you. >> good morning. my name is john, district 11 home owner and proud product of our public schools. i remember fighting for city funding for our schools back when i was in high school graduating at lowell in 1976 so this is a long time coming and i appreciate the work supervisor melgar and all the staff and supervisors worked to make this possible. this is critically important, but particularly what i want to support are the amendments that supervisor melgar just described. as i was reading the material that is posted online for the rules committee there is material from controllers office that says will cost up to half million a year and want to make sure as much money spent is going to the schools. this is recognition by people in this building we cannot have a successful city without successful school.
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i think you are respectful of the decisions made a couple blocks away, 555 franklin, but you come across with support from the city. it is critically important. the controller's office--i hope with the amendments you can get clarity from the controller's office, because the controller's says the amendment adds several additional layers of reporting and oversight around budgeting and spending for children and youth service and the extent tremeline that and make more palatable that is important to have on the record. the 4 other commissions that exist and as you have taken out the council there is less duplication, so really want to support the amendments and look forward seeing this on the ballot in november. thank you. >> any additional speakers who would like to comment on this matter? no additional speakers at this
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time. >> thank you so much. did you want to say something? supervisor safai. m >> thank you for all the hard work. i think it is super important we put accountability on the money we transfer over. i know there is a real partnership between the board of supervisors, our government and sfusd and all the stakeholders that work at sfusd, some i have spoken but think this is the right move at the right time to insure there is really accountability and data and real metric on what we are providing. thank you. happy to be a cosponsor and thank you for all your hard work. >> thank you. so, let's do this--i will first make a motion to amend item 1 to add the language from the student success fund to accountability for funding children and youth services for city
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departments and the school district. let me say it in another way. move to amend supervisor melgar's measure to add the language from my measure beginning page 20, 16 .131, student success fund. if we can do that first. >> yes, on the motion to amend to add student success fund language into file number 240545, on the motion, supervisor melgar, aye. supervisor safai, aye. chair ronan, aye. that motion passes without objection. >> motion passes unanimously. now i want to amend the language of the student success fund section as i stated earlier to make those three small changes. can we take a vote on that motion? >> yes, on the motion to
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further amend, supervisor melgar, aye. supervisor safai, aye. chair ronan, aye. that motion passes without objection. >> motion passes unanimously. now i will invite - >> i like to make a motion to adopt the amendments as i have previously read into the record. >> yes, on the motion to further amend, supervisor melgar, aye. supervisor safai, aye. chair ronan, aye. that motion passes without objection. >> motion passes unanimously. now i would like to make a motion to continue item 1 as amended to monday july 15 rule committee meeting. >> motion to continue the matter as amended to july 15, on that motion, supervisor melgar, aye.
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supervisor safai, aye. chair ronan, aye. that motion passes without objection. >> motion passes unanimously. and before i make my final motion, i wanted to thank jennifer so much from my office who actually began working on the student success fund her first day working in my office, and miraculously and so quickly came up to speed on the entire charter amendment process and all of the players in city government and quickly gained the credibility and respect of the city departments, of the community, of the unions, of the teachers. jennifer you are just extraordinary and i want to thank you for yet again figuring out a way to make sure
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the original intent of this measure is--you are incredible. thank you. with that, i like to make a motion-- >> can i say something real quick? >> sure. >> i was only speaking about supervisor melgar. i want to say a couple things about student success fund real quick. >> sure. >> i think it is unfochinate we are here and have to actually clarify. i think that it should have been through the leadership of the mayor's office to not have this conflict, even if there were, because we are literally pitting funding programs for children and families against one another and particularly now that the first round of student success fund dollars have gone and see the schools chosen. i know you heard me say this over and over again when we were campaigning for the center.
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a school like guadalupe that barely has any money to finish 24 mosaic tile, now has [indiscernible] if i don't do anything else as an elected official the student success fund is my proudest thing to have been involved in with you guys and i really appreciate the work you did. i played a small role at the end, but you all and the unions and the community and school, everything thank you to uesf. this is going to be transformative for san francisco families i years to come so thank you. i think we got it right the first time. i think the voters-what was the outcomes 7 owhat percent? we'll do it again. the voters will vote for 2 again. it will be a slam dunk and thank you and so i'm really proud to be a part of this and i know this is going to impact families for years to come so thank you.
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>> thank you supervisor safai and i just confirm i don't know we have gotten the student success fund on the ballot without you and cant agree i'm frustrated as we i can be to do this again but we do it and will win. i like to make a motion to table item 2. >> on the motion to table item 2, supervisor melgar, aye. supervisor safai, aye. chair ronan, aye. that motion passes without objection. >> motion passes unanimously. yea, we did it! okay, mr. clerk, can you read item 3? >> item 3, hearing to consider
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the proposed initiative ordinance submitted by the mayor to the voters for the november 5, 2024, election, entitled "ordinance amending the administrative code to 1) declare it official city policy to safeguard comprehensive reproductive freedoms; 2) establish a fund to receive monies to support reproductive rights and health services; 3) require the city to provide public information through website and signage about where abortions and emergency contraception may be available, including signage in front of limited services pregnancy centers that do not provide those services; 4) direct the city to identify and allocate funding that supports access to abortions and emergency contraception services in san francisco; 5) prohibit city-funded providers from requiring providers to obtain additional medical qualifications not required by state or federal law; 6) restrict city officers and employees from cooperating with state or federal prosecutions as to reproductive health care that is provided or obtained lawfully in california; and 7) direct city departments to monitor changes in state and federal law that prevent discrimination on the basis of a person's reproductive health decision making; and amending the planning code to establish that reproductive health care centers that provide services for abortions and emergency contraception are principally permitted in non-residential zoning districts."
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>> thank you. i believe we will hear a presentation--sorry, we are going to hear from eileen from the mayor's office. good morning. >> good morning. good morning chair ronan and members of the rules committee. my name is eileen, i am manage state and federal affairs for mayor breed. i am joined here by dr. bava the director of health from the department of public health and thank you for giving us this opportunity to talk about san francisco's commitment to reproductive rights. so, for nearly 50 years since 1973, the
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landmark roe v wade protected women rights across the country. a right we know should never be taken away restricted or denied. but, two years ago when a conservative supreme court with three justices nominated by form er president trump overturned this long established precedent and in one decision the supreme court dramatically reduced abortion access in the country and sent the country backwards decades. since the dobbs decision 14 states across the country banned abortion and seven more restricted abortion. some have gone so far as to criminalize the procedure. we fear that we might not conservative might stop there and people
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might lose access to contraception, might lose access to invitro fertilization and women could be subjected to pregnancy monitoring, cycle tracking, all these things have been talked about, all of these things could happen. which is why we need to fight to have our voices heard all across the country. people are standing up to fight back against this repeal of reproductive freedoms and in san francisco we are focusing on three areas, so one is safety, the second is access and third is collaboration. when it comes to safety, we are working to insure that abortion clinics have security so patients can safely access the procedure and also so providers can safely go to work. we are promoting access through
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the department of public health. we have 6 clinics that provide abortion and reproductive health services and then also promoting collaboration. two years ago we worked to establish the san francisco bay area abortion rights coalition, which is the first of its kind in the nation and is a collective that works to insure that all counties across the bay area are coming together to make sure that women maintain access to reproductive health services. but, there is more that we can do and we have to do, especially with the very high stakes presidential election in the fall. mayor breed along with all the women supervisors who gave their support in the press release, thank you, have given voters the opportunity to have their voices heard in november. so, i will pass it off now to my colleague dr. bava who will talk a little bit about what the
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measure entails. >> thank you eileen. good morning supervisor ronan, melgar. it is my pleasure to be here. i'm here to provide details oen the san francisco reproductive freedom act. i wanted to first talk about what it will do and talk about the purpose. so, the ordinance declares the city policy is to safeguard comprehensive reproductive freedom. establish a fund that the city can use to support reproductive healthcare. and require that the health department provides information on where and how to access reproductive health services. it will insure funding goes to support health clinic that provide comprehensive care and allow for signage at crisis pregnancy centers so people know where they can find comp rehensive reproductive
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healthcare they deserve. restrict city personnel from cooperating with out of state or federal agencies attempting to prosecute or prevent abortions lawfully obtained in california. and will clarify reproductive health clinics are permitted use where non residential uses are allowed. so, i just want to go back to the purpose. as mentioned, most importantly this ballot measure will allow voters the opportunity to declare the official policy of the city and county of san francisco to safeguard protect and insure reproductive freedom. this act is about san francisco leveraging its strength and assets to codify reproductive freedom. people in san francisco should always be able to access reproductive healthcare services free from coercion, threat violence or fear. san francisco will remain a safe and secure place for women to
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access comprehensive reproductive healthcare, including accurate medical information, inveetiofertileization, contraception and aborz. the isis a paraless moment for wem in the country and critical for city leaders to allow voters the opportunity to protect basic healthcare rights for women. i want to thank mayor breed for working to find gaps in the current laws and protect reproductive rights and freedom. i want to thank the members of the board of supervisors who supported this measure and i want to thank a number advocates for provided expertise helping to craft the measure from planned parenthood to access reproductive justice. thank you for your time. >> thank you so much. is there any other speakers official speakers? okay, great. why don't i open for public comment and then make comments from the board. >> members of the public should line up to speak at this time.
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each speaker is allowed two minutes. >> good morning members rules committee. ruth [indiscernible] senior planner for planned parenthood down the street. for those unaware planned parenthood has 17 centers across california. the san francisco health center is one of the busiest locations and see average of 10 thousand patients yearly. our patients are seeking critical abortion and reproductive healthcare services. sadly, we continue to attack reproductive freedom across the country going beyond abortion restrictions we are wincing assault.
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we are witness assault on access to--these are aimed to under mine the atotomy of wem omen in particular and all patients are greatly impacted and access of reproductive healthcare services. the state of california has taken significant steps to protect access to abortion reproductive health. the reproductive freedom act takes one step further insuring san francisco can access these critical services here in our own community. on behalf of planned parenthood northern california, staff and patients we serve, we aplaid the mayor, board of supervisors the initiative before san francisco voters for reproductive freedom. thank you very much. >> thank you so much.
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>> any additional speakers on this matter? i do not see additional speakers at this time. >> public comment is now closed. supervisor melgar. >> thank you so much chair ronan. thank you so much--thank you for coming to speak about this. i want to thank the mayor for having the foresight to put this on the ballot and i especially want to thank our director of the department of the status of women, kimberley ellis who day one after the dodds decision was on it and started organizing and laying the groundwork for this, so i have to say, you know, there is no more fundamental human right then to have control over one's body. it doesn't matter what the supreme court says, we all know this to be true. i also think that we should
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make no mistake about it, this is also a economic right and i think that because economic rights and political rights go hand in hand, this is why they are coming after us, but if you look at countries all around the world, there is direct relationship betwreen the rights of women and families to control their reproduction and economic output and development. i know that in california, the face of poverty is a woman. it is a single mom, usually latina, and you know, we must if we want a economically just society, a certify that respects the civil rights of everyone, we must protect the rights of women, the rights of families to have control over their reproductive freedom and i'm so proud san francisco and all my female colleagues oen the board of supervisor stepped up right away to put
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on the ballot and make it known to the world that just like we defended the rights of gay people to get married, to be at the forefront of the aids crisis to make sure we were addressing it, all of the things this city stood for, our values from where we are, we are shining the light and being proud that we are standing up for women and families and reproductive freedom. thank you chair ronan. >> thank you. supervisor safai. >> thank you and thank you for everyone that was involved in this effort. i want to appreciate kimberley ellis who had a lot of conversation over the last year. it is important for san francisco to stapd up and show the country we are not going to back down in the face of this violent tide against women and reproductive rights and people that are involved in these conversations and so, very very proud our city is doing this at this moment so thank you for everyone involved and stepping
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forward with such a important initiative. >> thank you. i just want to add my thanks to the mayor to director ellis to dr. bava and eileen--. this is really important at a really important time. i am still in the shock phase. i can't get past the shock phase, because it's just unbelievable that we are in a place where a woman can't get healthcare even if her life is threatened because the doctor is afraid of prosecution if the doctor does what is a doctor's duties, which is provide care to save lives. it is just what world are we living in? it doesn't make any sense, and so, often times i just feel really helpless, because it is so
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shocking and it is such a huge move not backwards--just i don't have the words for it. it is just are so backwards and so i think you know, that this ordinance does some really important things. one of my most important is putting really accurate signage outside pregnancy crisis centers, saying you are not going to get the full reproductive healthcare you deserve at this place. i think that is deeply important. but more so, it is symbolism at this time is important because as voters, we get to do something in the midst of our feelings of shock and helplessness and we get to vote. we get to vote and we get to make it official policy of our city that we
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will stands up for reproductive rights with everything we have. so, i am usually not one for symbolism, but this is a time where even-not saying this is just a symbolic ordinance, but saying this symbolic parts of this ordinance are actually extremely important in this moment and uniquely so. i don't often feel that way about symbolism, but right now the very values at the heart of our nation are under attack and so confirming those values officially on the ballot with our vote is more important then ever. i really want to thank again, everyone involved in this effort and so proud to be a very small part of it, and with that, i make a motion to file this hearing. >> yes, on the motion to file the matter, supervisor melgar, aye.
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[music] >> sarah duncan the honeer chef here. alexa and i own this location today. we are wem omen in business. we started this location in san francisco about 5 years ago, and previous--had a kitchen in the back on geneva avenue. we moved over here about two years into that venture and opened this one november of 2019. i grew up in east texas and
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[indiscernible] bbq venture and wanted to do something different here which is our new orlean style. gentilly is a district in new orlens that remeans we of the excelsior. [indiscernible] i lived out here for 17 years. alexa also lived in the neighborhood and we wanted to stay in excelsior. we think people enjoy. there isn't a lot ofication food left in the city. there used to be before covid so we wanted to do something the city wasn't already flooded with. gumbo is your traditional style new orleans style stew. we have a nice dark rich broth. pulled chicken, shrimp [indiscernible] the other popular items are fried chicken, a grilled mac and cheese.
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cajun green beans. number two seller. san francisco is a special city. it got a very big food driven industry. it is very hospitality friendly. i feel like especially in the restaurant industry, me being a chef it is a pretty male dominant world out there, and i think it is really special the two of us have been able to come together as women and open this restaurant four months to the day before shutdown and keep the doors open still. we put a lot of love into this place. we try to make it feel you are walking into someone's living room where you are comfortable. we are at 482 mission street. welcome to check our lovely environment and have a cocktail president y
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brandon here, vice president gail gilman, president. commissioner. willie adams here. commissioner ed harrington here, and commissioner stephen lee here. the san francisco port commission acknowledges that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush ohlone , who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as the indigenous stewards of this land, and in accordance with their traditions, the ramaytush ohlone have never ceded, lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders and relatives of the ramaytush ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples.
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