tv Board of Supervisors SFGTV July 15, 2024 8:30am-10:01am PDT
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>> good afrp, and welcome to the july 9th, 2024. of the san francisco board of superintendentses. madam clerk, please call the roll. >> clerk: supervisor chan. >> present. >> clerk: supervisor dorsey. >> present. >> clerk: engardio. >> present. >> clerk: mandelman. >> present. >> clerk: supervisor melgar. >> present. >> clerk: peskin. >> present. >> clerk: supervisor preston. >> present. >> clerk: supervisor ronen. >> present. >> clerk: supervisor safai. >> present. >> clerk: supervisor stefani, not present and supervisor walton. mr. president, you have a
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quorum. >> thank you, madam clerk. >> as the indigenous steward of this lant, the ramaytush ohlone never seeded or forgotten as care takers of this place. as guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ramaytush ohlone community. please join me in the "pledge of allegiance". >> i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.
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>> madam clerk, do we have any announcement. >> clerk: we did receive a request from supervisor stefani to be excused for emergency emergency. >> colleagues, we'll take that motion without objection, and supervisor stefani is excused. >> clerk: welcome interested people to attend this meeting room 250 here in san francisco city hall, second floor, room 250, you may also watch the proceedings in channel 26 or view the live stream at www. submit public comment, you can send an email to bos, or in writing via the u.s. postal
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service 6789 to the board of supervisors, of sf california, if you need a reasonable accommodation, you may request one under the americans with disability actor if you need language assistance, you can contact the clerk's office in both instances, at least two business days in advance, by calling 255, thank you mr. president. >> thank you, madam clerk, can you please call our 2 p.m. special order. >> the special order is appearance of today's meeting by the honorable mayor, london breed, present to engage in a discussion with he willable members. >> mayor breed, welcome do you have any opening remarks you would like to share with us?
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>> yes, president peskin as well as members of the board and public. last week they announced a ruling in the grants decision through both grants passed, san francisco street homelessness response has been operating under court ruling and here locally, we had a lawsuit and injunction we've been working under as well. now with this ruling, many of the court restriction nz place will be lifted, likely by thend of the month. we've been working with the city attorney's office to understand this ability and with our ability to respond to street en campment. san francisco will continue to send out reach workers with offers of shelter and services and prioritizing our homeward bound program as we usually do.
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when we offer shelter, about 30 percent of the time people accept what we're offering but about 60 percent of the time they don't and about 10 percent of the time, there are people who are already housed. we know things are complicated for people living on the streets, there is addiction, mental illness and other reasons why people may turn down those offers but those complications, cannot be excuses for allowing people to remain on our streets. and the reality is, that far too many people are coming from elsewhere. often because of fentanyl and the ease of get iting in the streets of san francisco. we passed proposition f so set a new policy to those that are want help will get treatment, and we're continuing our enforcement of drug use and drug dealers to shut down open
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air drug markets. with grants now overturned, we're in a new phase for those who refuse service. but i want to be very clear, this does not mean that we're going to stop leading with services, that we're going to walk toup people and immediately, focus on trying to push for penalties t does not mean that we're going to stop offering help. but it does mean that we can be firming, saying that if you refuse service time and time and time again, you cannot remain where you are. penalties will be progressive because of the goal of enforcement is not to pen alize people, it's to get people to comply when we offer help. it's to be clear that coming indoors is the only option.
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so we are investing and we will continue. we are really proud that san francisco has invested heavily in shelter increation our shelter capacity by over 60 percent since 2018. we have more housing for homeless than any other county in the bay area by far. we will continue to lead with relocation from those who come from other communities but we will not just continue to let people remain, we will be compassionate and offer services but we will be clear and we will be firm. >> thank you, mayor breed. madam clerk, can you call first topic. >> yes, submitted by the member representing district 1, supervisor preston is rent control. >> supervisor preston, you are welcomed to ask your opening question. >> thank you, president peskin and good afternoon, mayor breed thank you for being here for
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question time and it was good to see you earlier today in district 5 and thank you for answering in the new members of the haze valley residents council. my question is about rent control and currently under the state costa hawkins rental act, as you know, units built after 1979, condominiums and other house are exempt from rent control in the city. costa hawkins also leaves the city powerless to control rents after a unit turns over on original tenant vacates. my question, is do you support revealing costa hopkins. >> okay, can i have clarification from the city attorney's office, because i was of the undering that the fact that you're hearing this item as a resolution in today's board meeting, that i cannot answer a question of that
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nature. so i juflt need some clarification. >> deputy city attorney, anne pearson, the administrative code regulates this process and the question that the addressed to the mayor may not address a matter already addressed in the meet anding on the board's agenda for that day. and whether the question falls within the parameeteders. n.and madam clerk, and i have discussed this and given that the item na is on our calendar later today, specifically deals with taking a position only the justice for renters act, i believe the question
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more housing opportunities for people. we need to be doing more to allow new housing to be built rather than creating more restrictions and we also need to ensure that our tenants are protected and we can do this through our program such as emergency rental assistance. i'm open to reviewing new proposal for addressing our housing short a j i and i look forward to working with you and any member of the board how we can work to finance the efforts to drive the development of more housing for all income levels. >> thank you, mayor breed. supervisor preston, you may ask a follow-up question related to your opening question. >> thank you, and thank you mayor breed and you've covered a lot of ground. what i did not hear is support for repealing costa hopkins. i will note as you sat in these
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chairs, as board president, you supported repeal of costa hopkins and i'm disappointed that you would not do the same today. i do want to ask you as a follow-up. >> to be clear, i did not say that i would not do the same, so please don't put words in my mouth. >> well i will not use my follow-up because i assume you will not answer again. let me ask my follow-up, costa hopkins will give the us the power to expand and strengthen
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rent control and one change that could be made with costa hopkins gone is to impose vacancy control in san francisco. so right now, land lond even one that is building can fully paid off can change anything after a long term tenant vacates, the renter can charge $300,000 300 percent. if costa hopkins it can limit, taking away the intent i have to evict long term tenants. the real estate dead set against na but it's the biggest thing that we can do to immediately bring down rents in san francisco. so my follow-up question, if costa hopkins is repealed and you're still mayor, will you support vacancy support legislation to eliminate the initial rent. >> mayor breed, you may respond? >> i'll just say, supervisor, you know, this item is actually on the ballots and some of the things that you're speaking to are part of the ballot measures but other things within the ballot that may create problems for housing production. so i have not had an opportunity to dig deep and understand the various issues that it consist of. i'm not prepared to say definitively, yay or nay here,
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because the ballot measure and what you're asking are in some ways two different things, and i don't want to be on the record until i'm prepared to make a decision about the ballot measure. >> okay, with no further questions, mayor breed, you may ask a question to supervisor preston, pertaining to the same topic. >> no questions, at this time. >> thank you, we look forward to seeing you next month and this skon cluesed the --concludes the topic discussion. >> thank you *. >> thank you, >> can we approve the june 4, 2024, board meeting minutes? moved and second, a roll call please. >> clerk: on the minutes, supervisor melgar. melgar--. >> aye.
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>> peskin. >> my apologies. >> peskin, aye. aoups preston. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor ronen. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor safai. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor walton. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor chan. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor dorsey. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor engardio? >> aye. >> clerk: and supervisor mandelman. >> aye. >> clerk: there are ten ayes. the motion is approved, madam clerk, could you please call the consent calendar. >> 2 through 6 are connecticut sent, these items are considered to be routine f a member objects, to be removed or considered separately. >> would anything like an item severed? i don't see none, same call same house, matter passes. >> clerk: increase the occupancy ex acception from
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less than 52 to less than 60 to increase the transient occupancy from less than 130,000 to less than 149 and to require review in the september 2027 through 2029, by the controller of the exemptions amount for purposes of considering adjustments in the. >> same house, same call, the ordinance is passds. next item. >> item 8, the business to increase the daily transient-- -- ~>> from less than 52, to less than 52, to less than 60, to increase the weekly occupancy ex acception amount to less
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than 149, and to require review in the september 2027 through september 29 time frame by the controller of the exemption amounts. >> same house, same call, the ordinance is finelely passed. next item. >> item 9, ordinance to amend the police code to create a two-year pilot program during which tobacco establishment of the tenderloin district are prohibited from being open to the public from 1:00 am to 5:00 amor 2:00 am to 5:00 am by the department of alcoholic beverage control. >> same house, same call, the ordinance is finally passed. madam clerk, can you please read items 10 through 33 together. >> items 10 through 33 pertain to the city's budget pursue ept to charter section, 9.100 sub b, the board, are, cannot adopt
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>> charged do pirmity cannabis businesses to cover the cost of inspections of those businesses by the department of public health. item 15, ordinance to set patient rates and other healthcare services d provide by the department of health. item number 16, this is ordinance to modifies and to affirm the ceqa determination. item 17, this is an ordinance to amend the bar code to impose
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a 5-dollar charge. item 18, requirement for early care and education programs and enable the city's to use the interest earned from the early care and education commercial rent tax for those base line programs. item 19, this ordinance authorizes the department of public department. two years, through march 31, 2027 and require the department to provide an annual report to the board on the security personnel selected by planned parent see and any security incidents experiences. item 20, this is an ordinance to repeal, and through 195
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tax regulation code. section 28.1 1, item 22 this adopts the clean up tax and designated the ceiling for tax year 2024. item 23, resolution approves the fiscal year 2024 through 25 of the office of community investment and infrastructure, to the san francisco redevelopment agency. item 24, this resolution concurs with the controller certification that department services prepared approved can be approved by private contractor for a lower cost by city and county employees. item 25, this resolution concurs, for a lower cost business city employee. item 26, this resolution authorizes the recreation and park department to accept and extend a grant from the bay area air quality to install level two electric vehicle chargers at 6 park sites to include the crocker amazon maintenance, the louis sutter maintenance yard, civic center garage, balboa park stadium,
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the margaret maintenance garage and the mcclairen cottage affective upon approval. item 26 authorizing the recreation and park department to extend a grant funds in the amount of 200,000 each for the green stewardship program for a total of amount of 400,000 for habitat conservation fund through june 30th, 2028. this authorizing the recreation to accept and expands a two million dollars from u.s. da forest service to develop a forest program and implement projects in at least 10 parks in the southeast quadrant of san francisco. item 29, this resolution authorizes the expenditure
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recuring state grant funds by san francisco department of public health. item 30, concur wz the controllers of consumer price index for 2024 and to adjustment access line item by the same rate. item 31, approves the fiscal year, 2024 through 25 expenditure for homelessness? in supportive housing fund. item 32 ordinance to appropriate $400,000 of fee revenue from hearing finds and finding of fact fees collected in fiscal year 2023 through 24 to support the assessment appeals board cost of operation. and item 33, is a motion to enact a 4 percent cost of living adjustment for the contract for legislative analysts. >> thank you, madam clerk, that
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was a mouthful. supervisor chan for item number 10. >> yes, in deed for item number 10, i ask that we accept some corrections to clerical errors for the budget committee addition to this budget that is included in this file and name bos spending plan 062624, these revisions colleagues, should also be in front of you now, so you actually have them, they are just tables that indicating really, specific city department and numbers and dollars that will go to these city departments. they're not substantiative, they don't have a significant impact to what we already voted out from the budget committee. these revisions have no impact and no change to john general fund values.
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they've been sent to your offices and i've already provided hard copies, they should be on your desk now. page 1, reflect the department and department totals resulting from the human resources department accepting the analyst recommended changed to their fellow program. and then you see the page 2 are items 3 and 4, op setting value, at justments to the supervisor budget. there is no change to item description and budget amount. item 6, changing the implementing, the department to department of children, youth and their families, and item 22, removal of a dm which stands for administrator, since the implementing department is the arts commission and so, a dm city administrator was added inaccurately. with that, a i'm, i make the motion to accept these
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corrections, second by--oh sorry. >> motion made by, supervisor chan, we are not in budget committee more toto, seconded by supervisor ronen. the amendment is approved to item number 10. supervisor ronen as to item 21. >> colleagues, i would like to make a couple of small amount to see item number 21 which is the item that reallocated the earned interest from our home funds, allowing the city to increase the number of years that people who are eligible for short-term subsidies can live in their home from two years to up to five years. increasing the time frame is, an important strategy to help
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those that need to stay housed and ultimately come self sufficient. i wanted to add a simple amendment to this legislation that require to fully inform all eligible program participants of the option to extend their subsidies. while it may seem obvious, it's important to insert this language given that any recipients have never been aware of this option and therefore have moved out of their homes after the two-years back into homelessness and we want to make sure that that never happens again. thank you to hsh in order to better address the needs of homeless families and with that, i would like to make motion to, the amendment are as follows. page 11, line 7 add the sentence directing the city to
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provide additional notice providing eligibility for rental subside he's. page 3 line 11, add the sentence with a requirement that the city provide recipient additional notice that they may see a renewal of subsidies up to the city limit and city should notify that they may be eligible to receive subsidies for up to a total of 5 years. thank you. >> motion made by supervisor ronen to amend item 21, seconded by supervisor chan, seeing no names on the roster, we will take the amendments, same house, same call and now colleagues can we have a motion to continue 10 through 33 with items and 10 and 21 as amended one week to our meeting of next week, motion made by supervisor walton second by supervisor chan. we will take that without objection and those items are continued and continued as
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amended. will you please read two 30 special come daysing. >> yes, it's time to provide comedation to the members of the city. >> supervisor chan, and we know what this was about because there was a lovely article in the chronicle this morning, the floor is yours. >> thank you, president peskin. we are excited as a office, the moment this was brought to our attention by our con at --constituents, miz team start today play all the music that we love, our team that we love and really blasting it. today we're honoring an icon who also happens to be a district 1 residents, that is my fortunate, that she is our resident. linda ronstant, the queen of rock is world renowned for the
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songs that "you're no good" and when will you be loved. she has won too many awards, too much to list today. 30 platinum records being elected to the rock-n-roll fame and being honored by president obama at the kennedy awards. her amazing musical works over four decades have shaped a generation and then should, expanding her music to incorporate, country, jazz, blue grass and the great american song book and releasing a series of mariachi albums to honor her heritage. she created a platform to speak out against injustice as a mexican american native of arizona, she was active including standing against a now illegal law targeting
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immigrants in her home state. also spoke outs about war and the rise of trumpian politics and hate in your country. this story was told by nancy and now if you read the chronicle article, that you would now now, during her kennedy center award ceremony, she challenged former secretary of state, mike pompeo, who quoted her song title, when will i be loved and she stood up and said, when you stop honoring trump. july 14, 2024 as linda ronstant day and to rish her a very very happy 78th, birthday, i want to thank my friend and fellow richman resident, nancy for sphere heading this. aoep though ms. ronstant could
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not join us in-person to receive this accommodation, on her behalf is joel sullivan, music critic and writing, please join us at the podium to receive this accommodation on her behalf and say a few words, thank you. >> mr. sullivan, hello, welcome. >> speaker: thank you, this is some place i didn't expect to be back in my lifetime. i enjoy this. i'll be very brief for you. ladies and gentlemen, of the board of supervisors, my name is joel sullivan and i'm here to accept accept this proclamation on behalf of my good friend, linda ronstant who is enable to be here with us today, but she asked me to express her deepest appreciation and for naming her
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birthday as linda ronstant day in san francisco. and i would like to add, you're not only honoring a beloved artist, a long time san francisco resident and loving mother of two fine grown children, but a truly wonderful human being who is it deeply loved by all who know her. by recognizing such a person, you bring honor to your selves. linda thanks you, i thank you, in deed, san francisco thanks you. >> thank you, mr. sullivan, honored to have you here.
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>> madam clerk, can you please go to supervisor ronen. >> thank you, president peskin. marchia contreras, are you here? there she is, come on up to the front. colleagues it's my great pleasure to recognize marchcia contreras in celebration of her 15 years with the organization. as many of you know, mar c*i a is a remarkable and beloved leader of the mission district and together with executive director has ushered in a new is successful era.
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described by her colleagues as discipline, decisive and kindhearted, she is one of a kind leader. her personal history has undoubtedly shaped who she is today. born in nicaragua, she emigrated to the san francisco shortly. marcia understand the lived experience of so many families because she herself have faced and overcome many of the same challenges. when marcia joined the housing, the organization was in deep turmoil and on the brink of closure. undeterred and deeply rooted in the community and committed to the mission of affordable housing, she worked to build
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housing to where it is today. this was a herculean task. but not for marcia. she strengthened previously, sorry. over years of hard work, marcia restored the community's trust in mission housing. centers a mission approach which is 3300 plus get holistic care in their quest to secure housing and independence. marcia has leaden gaugement almost across a dozen that require intricate relocations of hundreds of tenants. as a deposit director has accepted to oversee new
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construction at projects like la phoenix, advanca, and capuso at the upper yard. this is more than 360 new units with approximately 700 more in the pipeline at the balboa 250 laguna honda. internally, march see --marcia from 12 team members to 40 plus and financial sovernefor over 4 years. she has seen the execution and efforts to raise 4 about the 1 million dollars through the fund development. money ma is funneled directly back into residents programming. i'll close with remarks from executive sam moss who said this about her, maaser i can't
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is the--marcia is the heart and ole of housing. in the 15 years in 15 years, marcia has built an amazing legacy and i cannot wait to see what is to come in the next 15. thank you so much for all of your service and brilliance love for mission housing in the commission community. we are so proud of you and so proud of your leadership at district 9 and throughout san francisco. congratulations. [applause] >> supervisor safai. >> and before you add your remarks. on top all the other things, she has sent me hundreds of text messages calls and
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otherwise, ensuring that our dufpt gets its fair share and i really really want to say. i was work withing mission housing, back when she started, and i don't know if i've ever shared this with you, but you follow in a wonderful line of foot steps of my mother-in-law who is also from nicaragua, you carry on a wonderful legacy, and you have been the force, you have been the reason mission housing has been so successful and you rebuilt reputation, and trust in the community because you have that shared experience, people have that cultural connection with you and the work that you've done has been tremendous. and without you mission housing, would not be where it is today. so thank you, and thank you for letting me say a few words, supervisor ronen.
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>> i'm not going say much but i do want to recognize your words supervisor hillary and obviously, supervisor safai, i do hold him accountable, i'm blasting his phone the whole time. but i only do it because of the love of our community and we have to carry that from work. not only from professional but also individual, i'm trying to teach my kids, who is here, and would i like to thank my mother who is here, who brought me here from nicaragua, i know it was a shelter for many of us. and i can still see myself walking into the mission as a young lady. i share a story that i brought my junior dress, dance for my
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junior high school dress that i wore in the mission and i'm very proud of that. and i'm very humbled to be recognized but i do want to say one thing, we always say this in the mission district, it takes a village and i want to recognize my team, they are here present and i want to briefly recognize my director of services and housing over--my communication department and of course my counterpart, sam moss, because together we make a difference and we want to continue to make a difference as we hand over keys to families that need it and help our homeless population that need the support for all of us. thank you very much, i really appreciate it. [applause]
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>> madam clerk, would you please call item 34. >> this is an ordinance to accept irrevocable offers associated with the market street use project to accept an irrevocable offer, located at the intersection of colton and brady streets to dedicate this infrastructure to public use and for street and roadway services. to accept stevenson street for city maintenance and liability purposes subject to specified limitation sxz to establish official public way and street ways and to a dop the appropriate findings. >> seeing no names on the
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roster, we will take this call. next item please. >> items 35, mr. president, committee report cause considered by the land use at a regular meeting and forward as a committee report. in the enclave mix and update citations and cross-references in the mex and use difpts to rezone 135 kissling street to make the appropriate findings. >> same house, same call, the ordinance is passed on first reading. next item. >> item 36 was considered by the rules committee at a regular meeting on monday july 8th and forwarded as a committee record. item 36 justice for renters act the california state
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proposition on the november 5th, 2024, ballot. and repeal for the costa hopkins repeal. supervisor preston. >> thank you. this is back before us, finally for a vote. i want to thank share, and the rules committee for hearing this yesterday. on what was recommended yesterday to the full board. it would put city of san francisco supporting the renters act which would repeal the state costa hopkins law to rent control law. i, i share some of the concerns that have been raised by supervisor ronen and many advocate just around some of the conversation on this.
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what i think is a pretty straightforward measure and thank you president peskin for reading the text of it and the last time it was discussed here. sxil state, it remains a very straightforward issue, tenants groups across the state anti poverty organizations, affordable housing, advocates, hundreds of organizations, support the justice for renters act. fundamentally for one reason. and the california relators association. department of association, the california yembi oppose the justice for renters act because they oppose rent control. and there haver a lot of efforts to op escape that fundamental divide but it's straightforward, those who
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support the control support the act. the state costa hopkins law, is operating exactly as it was intend today operate is driving up rents and it has driven up rents and it's a special interest law written by and for the industry. it's been a disaster for california tenants especially in cities like san francisco that are already expensive. it has transferred millions of low income people across the state to mega landlords and huge corporate entities and billionaires. and why it has been impossible to a machinesed or repeal through legislative action in sacramento which is heavily dominated.
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i went over the potential impacts in committee, i will not do that again. i do want to say this, if folks want to oppose this resolution, and stand with the real estate lobby and right wing republicans against tenants, i think that's your choice. and i want to note that if you cast your vote, you will not be the first democrat to do that and you will not be the last. and in fact, it's worth remembering that's where costa hopkins came from. the state senator jim costa and republican phil hawkins, both carrying water for the real estate, and landlord lobby joined force to see pass the guting rent control and screwing tenants across the
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states i mentioned, taking billions from renters and transferring it to billionaire investors. and for decades, both sides of the aisles have blobseding any reform of costa hopkins. to any that want to join them, that's on you, but for those who care about the housing needs of low income and working class people in san francisco, i hope you join me in supporting this resolution and justice for renters act. and thank you to my cosponsors from the beginning, president peskin, supervisor walton and chan. >> thank you, and before i call on supervisor dorsey, let me reiterate, and i was taken a back that the mayor did not know this. but this piece of voters that goes on november the 59ing,
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merely repeals the act and sees governments they see fit so. when i heard the mayor saying, i'm not sure if the act does this or that, all it does is stop state preemption and then local governments can decide whether they want a form of vacancy control, whether they want to extend to buildings that were built in later periods. that would be subject to all the lobbying and all the tooing and local politics and state politics are, are full of. so, i just want to be clear for the record, that's all this thing does is repeal the costa cop tins act that took away government's authority. supervisor dorsey. >> thank you, president peskin. i actually think this is more of a disagreement over legal interpretation than public policy. i'm going to be voting against
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this resolution for this today for the same reason i expressed opposition, it would put san francisco on record in support of a ballot measure that is misleading and i consider bad policy and i'm going to vote against it in november. it's important to point out that the opposition to this broad measure does not--to rent control generally. the underlying measure opposed by democrats including tony adkins and buffy who have both described it as a trojan horse to what it would do to halt housing production. as supervisor stefani and i both mentioned, the sphere is in hypothetical, there is a story entitled republicans for rent control which quoted a
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councilor in huntington beach, that requires affordable house hading production. that city councilor, tony strickland is an loan in reaching that conclusion. california yes, ma'ambi has agreed that renters for justice, will make new multi development financially and feasible. california yembi added that the measure as we have known as proposition 33, they call it a measure that will worsen by empowering nembi to power new housing. they oppose continue and i agree with that recommendation. i would add that i will support and continue to support rent control and i have supported and continue to support repeal of costa hopkins and if all that this measure did, i would support it.
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i actually voted for prop 10 in 2015 by was another measure spofrn sponsored by michael weinstein, than is more than the measure of costa hopkins. but what we now have is that we will be prop 3 3, uses one sentence to go beyond simply repealing costa hopkins, that one sentence the state may not regulate to maintain and expand residential rent control. in my view, and based on some many of the advocates and lawyers i have talked toxer
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that single cents ens will eviscerate including housing ordinances wiz would be weapon onized by anti housing local governments which we saw with the councilor in huntington beach. a more local preemption and we would have this no resource to do their part to fa sil, if they were to weapon on rent control or vacancy control to undermine housing production. so i would add that it's backed bit same development, scott wiener called california and chief. i would support a more responsible repeal of costa hopkins as i have in the past but that one sentence is the problem, that takes one form of
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preemption and makes a much worse form of preemption in terms of what it would mean for san francisco if others don't facilitate affordable housing. i urge californians to vote no in november as well. >> supervisor ronen. >> thank you, although, i truly believe this is a dis ingenuous attempt to not support rent control, what the failure of this argument where republican controlled cities are all of a sudden support the strongest laws in the state, is that they all get no rent controls in those counties. wouldn't it be great in huntington beach to have rent
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controls, do you think that those who are barely hanging on how great that would be to have protection in their housing. so let's, it does, their argument even though it's so farfetched to begin with, that it's just a red herring. it's a way to pretend that they care about rent control when they don't, it's a failure in and of itself this argument, what they're saying is we might get i few less new units for luxury people but we'll walk --lock in rent control. i encourage to you vote yes on this. on this resolution but most importantly, i hope that this measure pass nz november
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because it's extremely important. >> supervisor preston? >> thank you, president peskin. i just wanted to come back on the roster here to address what is just constantly thrown around this sort of prohousing democrat, i still after housing advocacy now for 25 years, find the pro housing phrase to be just so bizarre and such clear propaganda. i don't take comfort that people who takes hundreds of millions from the real estate industry whether they're democrats or republicans are somewhat prohousing, if they're out there fighting for rents to be increased for people without limit so that corporate landlords can charge whatever they want and continue taking millions of low income people. that's what we're talking about, i've got to say, we often talk about our past
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experience, i spent a lot of time going to the capitol and talking to these folks that you're talking about. they're the reason, why these quote unquote democrats, these are not friends of tenants. these are the legislatures who are backed with big money from the real estate industry. so it is one thing and i'm used to for years, the landlord groups arguing that there should not be stronger rent control that, it is too burden on somebodisinger they always put forward their most sympathetic mom and dad landlord, that's the most digest discussion, you don't see the big corporate landlord, it's so-called mom-and-pop
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landlord and for many many years, this is the first cycle that i have ever heard folks, objecting to cost o hopkins repeal and objecting to this measure. somehow on grounds that they're like advocating for housing position. maybe that gives you some comfort that california yambi backs us. that is a moment that is absolutely tied to the big industry profiteer. and they should focus on luxury housing. and when it comes to costa hopkins i respectfully that they and maybe members of this body, should listen to every tenant group in the state of group that works with bipoy
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communities. every affordable housing organization, affordable housing organization. and to to all the tenants who are saying the rent is too dam high and the reason local governments can't control is because of the preemption. there are state rights where there is a complete ban on any form of rent control because the same national real estate interest have gone to state capitol after state capitol to pass these bans. there is a bit of a reckoning and we've seen the results, we've seen skyrocketing rents across the nation and discussion nz state capitols but so far, democrats and certainly republicans but corporate democrats and republicans have been uniform alley against passing costa
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hopkins reform or repeal, that's why it's going to the ballot and it really is, how one can define this measure as some kind of trojan horse, it's really a stretch and i ask folks to just own it. just say it and say that, you want to trust the market instead of rent control and you know, that's folks have been organizing that for a long time bu. let's not present that we're for rent control and support, it makes no sense. >> roll call. >> on item 36, supervisor melgar. >> aye. >> melgar aye. supervisor peskin. >> aye. >> preston. >> aye. >> clerk: ronen. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor safai. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor walton. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor chan. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor dorsey. >> no. >> clerk: dorsey no. supervisor engardio.
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>> no. >> clerk: engardio no, and mandelman. >> aye. >> clerk: there are, there are, 8 ayes, and 2 nos. [applause] >> well that was a telling. >> let's do roll call for straoxes. >> supervisor melgar. >> thank you, madam clerk, today i have in memoriam, forgive me it's so fresh. would i like to take a moment to recognize and honor the resent passing of my dear friend jane frances maclabi who passed away this sunday in her home of near beach at the age of 59ed. jane lived an impactful life being an inspiration as well as a source of joy in hope around
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her. jane was a force of nature, she was a youngest of 7 children, born in manhattan and grew up in rockland new york where her father served in the board of supervisors. jane beliefed that support the lower class, she dedicated to creating union and advocating power dynamic; she believed that unions were the building blocks to combating. once stated what almost no union does is organize their members as members of their own communities to build community power. we teach those workers to change them. jay legacy and laboringers is defined by her tireless advocacy for work rights in her
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strategic in building powerful unions and the power of workers. beginning her career as a organizer and then working in the environmental movement, jane was the best organizer start ining 1998, for nearly a decade she lead successes where she was my boss and became my friend. later, with sciu strategically organizing and building the capacity to win and serving on the executive board of international union, she later transition to see coaching and consulting imparting her expertise worldwide. in 2019, she joined the labor center at uc berkeley and thought thousands how to build power through organizing. she wrote multiple books, raising expectations and raising hell with a collaboration of san francisco
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augt tore bob, and no shortcut, organizing for power and new guilded age and most recently rule to win by power and union negotiations and many others. she was a correspondent for the nation, and also worked for the atlantic and many many other public aces. lived in san francisco, mira beach, also collaborate withed immigrant rights groups, environmental activist, despite facing personal challenges including battles with cancer, jane remained steadfast to associate justice until her passing, leaving a mark among all of us. rest in power, jane. the rest i submit. >> thank you, supervisor melgar.
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>> supervisor peskin. >> submit. >> thank you. supervisor preston. submit, supervisor safai, thank you. superintendent walton. >> thank you, madam clerk. today i'm requesting the budget and legislative analyst to conduct an a list of language access including analyzing the city's current workforce and resource expenditures for language access services, and analyzing the surnt bilingual pay policies for retaining bilingual and identifying additional resources and staffing that is needed per department to comply with the latest amended language access ordinance within the ordinance timeline. and the rest i submit. >> thank you, supervisor walton. supervisor chan? submit, thank you. supervisor dorsey. submit, thank you.
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supervisor engardio. submit, thank you. supervisor mandelman. >> thank you, madam clerk, this one is for the transient nerds, i'm introducing a resing lose to update san francisco ha is designation, including our county transportation authority, establish service standards. amended to allow local jurisdiction to designate ioz, which would be exempt and instead a lout local jurisdiction to use alternative methods work width transit first policy. in 2009, city designated the first ioz, which covered but left out other neighborhoods.
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in 2013, state law was amend today change the definition of not io eh, that are transit priority areas within a community or alternative planning strategy adopted by planning organization. in 2020, this board expanded our development area which in turn allows us to expand our ios to form the a for mention neighborhoods. current state law a louing our transportation authorization to focus on alternative measures that emphasize the people and goods not just private vehicles. i would like to thank, m ma* ri a and chang for bringing in issue to mia tension and work withing lilly and levee in the city attorney's office to prepare the resolution and the rest i submit. >> clerk: thank you, supervisor mandelman. mr. president.
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>> madam clerk, let's go to general public comment. >> clerk: at this time, the board welcomes you all and asks to you line up. we're setting up time at two minutes. you're able to comment on 32 through 40. you may speak to the mayoral appearance and other general matters that are not on the agenda but within the board saoubt jurisdiction. i want to specifically call out items 10 through 31 those items pertain to the city's budget, they've already had their public comment in committee, so they're not eligible for to you speak to today. first, speaker, welcome mr. aman. >> speaker: thank you, i want to thank the board of supervisors, for everything that they've done. i aoep you're in good health and family and friends.
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gentleman here. >> we ask that awe dress the comments to the board. >> yeah, and i want to acknowledge what mr. mandelman, and then i want to address the orthodox people in israel should not be in the military. and everyday, i watch monday through friday, with amy goodman with democracy now. i'm concerned about the hostages released and very concerned about the palestinians being denied food and water. it's an election year. i voted for mr. biden the first time, i cannot say what is going to happen in november. my father fought wwii was perceived a purple heart.
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i hope that this whole board will as i understand, mr. dorsey, and mr. mandelman and stefani, was against the resolution because of hamas. i'm so sorry that happened october 7th, but there are two parties here. my father was my mother's republican and two sides. i hope that the hostages will be able to be released but in the time of great need. the palestinian must have clean water and food. and i hope that the full board will approve this. because i watch democracy now, monday through friday with amy goodman and this is very concerning to me. thank you for your time. >> clerk: thank you for your comments.
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>> speaker: good afternoon, i've been asking for to* give sfpd the strength and courage to move forward with arresting london breed and melissa brian. they have enough evidence to secure an arrest. bryant coluded with breed. it is the most agrecious conduct ever that includes embezzlement from the city, massive fraud, extortion and death. now i'm asking the board to contact dave and bill scott to move father with arresting and bringing charges on breed and
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bryant. they have--and every visitor to the green room. in a negative manner that resulted in pain and roughinger by weapon izing, it's time to do the same for u.s. and the rest of the world, thank you. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> speaker: my name is jordan, my pronoun is she, her, they them, and i'm in support of tenant abilitying and i would like to be remembered for that, rather than my tenant see or what i'm about to say in the second half. first i'm glad that police are putting up baracade the hill bomb, sometimes it means rolling down the road or punk band at golden gate park
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p.police needs to leave kids alone. i'm so missed about the past resolution, which makes me believe that even more that we should defund the police and invest in healing. i think police are useless and i want to express how's anti police i am. this is going to be difficult, that i never filed a police report when safai groped me as in a an event. i may be a survivor, but that does not excuse that sa fa fa safai put his hand on my breast. i said what i need to say, i do not want to fucken tour my trauma, i regret not coming out sooner. and he needs to be held
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accountable and anything else that he may have done. i yield my time, fuck you. >> clerk: can we hear from our next speaker, please. >> speaker: my name is jenaxi, i'm hoping that sometime in the near future, there will be a health commission here in the supervisor's chambers, maybe the state and federal government should show up and assure us all that the recertification, was a little appropriate, that's mythology could be trusted. also concerning the mayor's statement about homeless people and shelters, was she implying that people that stay in shelters don't wind up on the street? no, that's where you go, in the morning, they take you out. and you're indoors, she would want to say if you refuse to take shelter, that does not mean, that you can stay on the street, and then she said, stay
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where you are. i spent the whole idea behind shelters, they don't get people housed and they keep them on the streets. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. before the next speaker, if anybody else wanting to address, public comment, please stand in line. these will be the last two speakers. welcome. >> recession while the rest of the country was enjoying prosperity, recession may have fallen on the heels, this days the media seems to play today' economic slow down on remote workers while the feds imagine ceo can fill taking up commercial leases. to exit the city, a few halls
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and workers on going political climate. which now follow if we're is the unfreezing of tens of thousands of housing units sitting on ice set in reserve through impose moratorium by inclusion condominium, while the quality of housing would notably improve as landlords xhaoet to attract and retain tenants. swi problem brought an increase in supplies supervisor preston, protection measures restrict housing supply, drives up rents and relies on your fear and en
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tee and anest to stir billions while freezing other developers out. market competition will bring better housing at lower cost and least impact to the local environment by opening the doors of structures, environmental space this can lead to the further expansion. fkt less industrial wayses. >> thank you, for your comments next speaker. >> speaker: hi, there is never anything to be proud, pride is one of--so you've been wasting again, your happiness, last week i was in there, you should have come with me following the
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disguise to wyoming, yellow stone to celebrate your independence that you never had without the french. it was perfected, it was 76 degrees. nouz it brings, you cannot grow--because otherwise, you see them founs in this way. okay. brings me to something very important that concerns every one of us. the reason why climate change involving carbon dioxide is not, times, plans were huge, that meant very big animals, that's because the was much much higher than it is today.
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it is easy to understand, 7 of those. okay. we don't want qr codes. a i means absolute incompetence, technology, okay. i need to go, i'm calling again for engineers, able to develop that walks on water, it's going solve the problem of so-called position, okay. last what is it? you need to go back to school, we think local here, we don't care what the state says. >> thank you, few for your comments. >> seeing no other members of the public for public comment. public comment is closed. madam clerk, can you read the adoption reference calendar.
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>> clerk: 1 through 40 were introduced a unanimous is required on first reading. a member may require a resolution on first reading to go to committee. >> seeing no means on the roster, we'll take the items same house, same call, the resolutions are adopted. can you please read in memoriam. >> yes, today's meeting will be adjourned on the following virjsz on behalf of supervisor mell ga, on behalf of president peskin, for the late mr. kan ringo and ms. lou chan. >> we are adjourned.
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the charts and the tri work chart that is acquired by 3 best friends we love k pop and why not share that and would the community here in the bay. and originally supposed to open up an eco but unfortunately, the covid hit by the we got creative with the social media and engaged and bring in people within the being sure like pop and the instagram live or hip hope to bring that connection with the bayview k pop community and we grow. and hello we're a collective store so the cc around us within us has the cards people like to collect and try to collect limited edition
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mr. sincroy manufacturers like a state university or memorial and we have which is a venue for people to kind of make new friends and open up they're a goods and invite people to stay and oftentimes see the context we're very, very fortunate and everyone is super sweet and loveable to sum up i guess two words is a second home (background noise) and a lot of people visit. >> and connect this place even if it is really cool. >> san francisco is a city known for music and art and we at the pop store we to go show the k love and added to the diversity of music and the way
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of the community. >> it is safe place it is a great way to dmrofr new things and any friends and it is saying hello 2050 carville from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and followup on the francisco. >> (music). >> city and county of san francisco korean-american is one of the and preserve agrees in america we work with job seeker to make sure they're trained and able to enter the workforce by i work with the number of partners able to then recruit our residents from training and get
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a solidified trained up workforce the hospitality initiative started in 2012, we saw a need for culinary workers within san francisco is everything from hotels gift services to culinary training to also to security services as well as are jailer training is under the hospitality initiative umbrella and um, the goal so really try to make sure we have various training tracks for folks to answer within the industry and our program is about a tense week program about job readiness, you know, included with our kitchen work we teach life skills. >> to assess the program not only what my helped my life
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build. >> i come from a hardship to starting to connect again to changes, you know, and this is a second chance. >> why not to mess up on that and the program has supported me in that you a oewd is amazing; right? one of the things we focus on more on for our workforce development how to help more trained workers would our industry want to help raise the awareness of those organizations so our members know hey this is a place we could go and find a cook find a things to. >> my sidewalks previously i did 10 years in federal penitentiary i was released into prison and that's how i got introduced with that so to chat they said apprenticeship they
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