tv Board of Supervisors SFGTV August 18, 2024 7:00am-10:03am PDT
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■f >> to the regularly scheduled board meeting of tof supervisors for today, july 30, 2024. our last meeting before the summer recess. madam clerk, would you pleads call the roll? >> thank you mr. president. supervisor chan, present. supervisor dorsey, present. supervisor engardio, supervisor melgar, present. supervisor peskin, present.isor. superan, prent. supervisor safai, prent.ty
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supervisor stefani, present. supervisor walton, not present. mrs. president. you haa quorumthank you madam c. the san francisco board of supervisors we acknowledge that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush ohlone who are the original habints of the san francisco peninsula. as the indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions, the ramaytush ohlone have ner■eeded, lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. as recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors relatives of the ramaytush community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. colleagues, please join me in the pledge of allegi >> i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under go iisle, with liberty and justice for all.
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colleagues, can we have a motion to excuse supervisor walton?superv and seconded by supervisor ronan and we'll take without objection. supervisor walton is excused. madam clerk, do you have communications? >> thank you mr. president. of supervisors welcomes interested persons to attend this meeting here board legislative chamber in ci room watch the proce■=sfgovtv channel 26 or view live stream at you can send public mmt in writing to or use the postal service, san francisco board of
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supervisors, 1 dr. carlton b odsan francisco california 94102. e accommodation request under the americans with disabilities act or to request language assistance, please contact the clerk' office at least two business days in advance by calling 415-554-5184. thank you mr. president. >> thank you madam clerk. is there a motion to appre the june 25, 2024 minutes? motion made by supervisor preston, seconded by supervisor dorsey. on that motion made and seconded, madam clerk, a roll call, please. >> on the ■■minutes, supervisor ronan, aye. supervisor safai, aye. supervisor stefani, aye. supervisor chan, aye.
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supervisor dorsey, aye. supervisor engardio, aye. supervisor mandelman, aye. supervisor melgar, aye. supervisor peskin, a supervisor preston, aye. there are motion is approved an minutes will be adopted as prented after public comment. madam clerk, please read the consent agenda. >> items 1-8 are on consent. these items are considered routine. if a member objects a item may be removed and considered separately. >> seeing no naon the roster, we'll take these items same house, d same call. the resolutions are adopted.ord reading and finally passed.erk, please read next item. >> item 9, ordinance amending
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e ss and tax regulations code to lower the gross receipts tax rates for business activities described in north american inry clstem (naics), code 721 (accommodation), the classification generally applicable (with some exceptions) to providing lodging or short-term accommodations for travelers, vacationers, and others, applicable to taxable gross receipts between $2,500,000.01 and $25,000,00in tax years 2025 and 2026, from 0.253% to 0.201%; in tax year 2027, from 0.264% to 0.209%; and in tax year 2028 and subsequent tax years, from ci0. passage of the ballot measure, entitled the “local small business tax cut ordinance,” at ing no names on the roster, wreel we'll take same house same call. the ordinance is finally >> item 10, this matter require a vote of 9 votes of all members of the approve passage of this ordinance today. item 10, thise health service system plans and contribution rates for calendar year 2025. >> seeing no names on house sam is finally passe next item, please. >> item 11, an e to reallocate approximately 13.7 3.ullion in
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unappropriated earned interest revenue from our city our home from sb■ñme gross receipts tax for service to address homelessness temporarily sugpenedg the limit on funding for short-termerantal subsidiesto direct the city to provide notice regarding eligibility for t-termerantal subsidies and find these changes are necessary to achieve the purpose of the our home fund pu to the business and tax regu code section 2811. >> roll call. >> on item 11. >> no, we'll do same house same call. my apology. the ordinance is finally passed. charter amendment (third draft) to amend the charter of
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the city and county of san francisco to change the such that persons who have or will become members of the fire department on and after january 7, 2012 ■■ reach a higher age factor percentage at earlier ages and lower from 58 to 55 the retirement age at which persons who have or will me mr january 7, 2012 reach the highest age factor percentage; at an election to be held on ■ >> colleagues, seeing- >> thank you president peskin. colleagues, i sponsored this charter amendment for a simple reason, we can and must do better to address the unacceptable cancel rates of the fire department. firefightererize dying as a result of ththen 20 years 300 san francisco firefighters to cancer and current and retired ms. female firefighters in san francisco have 6 tibreast cancer rate then the
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national population. a life of service to san francisco shouldn't end with a battle against cancer. to limit exposure to carcinogens and other instances of trauma, we ■' reduce incentivals for firefighters to stay on the job longer then ust. the measure before you allowed members of the fire department to the maximum service credit at age 55 as empower firefighters to with fi security without having risk additional three years of adverse health impacts. as mentioned in the prior committee meetings, prolonging the career by three years translates to heightened risk, demonstrated by the positive correlation between increased injuries, and workers compensation clm costs. throughout this process, my office thways to
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insure we achieve the most cost effective measures. protecting firefighters from cancer and other severe healt coisn't controversial, at least it shouldn't be. it is the right thing to do and i am proud to fight es for keeping san franciscans safe and thank the colleagues who through the committee process and get to the board today and thank you to os signed on to this amendment and i recognize the importance of health of our brave fire department mens. members. thank you. >> thank you supervisor stefani, mo seeing none, colleagues, i believe we same house same call. the charteris ordered submitted. next item, please. ■ >> item 13,■7g
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the transportation code to waive fees related to the temporary closure of streets for events on ir, h avenue to the great highway, that are organized by community-serving nonprofit arts and culture organizations, small businesses, merchant associations, neighborhood resident associations, and property and business improvement districts, and to set a sunset date of june 30, 2027, for the program waiving fees related to such street closures throughout the city. >> e reading. next item. >> item 14,■f=w resolution authorizing the sheriff's office to enter into a fifth amendment to a contract th services, increasing the contract amount by $14,905,123 for a total not to exceed amount of $34,668,237 and to from july 1, 2024, for a total term of july 1, 2021, through june 30, 2026, with no more option extend. >> supervisor stefani. >> thank you president pesk. colleagues, i wasn't able to attend the
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budget g, but i do have a few questions about this. last contract amendment was approved, the sheriff ■iliance monitoring of the pretri diversion project financial condition and governance and review ofthe financial statements through june 2023 and the assessment found pretile was generally in compliance with city standabut recommend the city provide technical assistance to improve the budget development fiscal policies and procedures and compliance with public ■ñ access standards and to my knowledge this is not yet done. this shouldn't be a shock i'm bringing this up around ongoing isi have with pretrial not of course within the way in which data while pretrial [indiscernible] with respect to safety and appeancerates are extremely high in the 90,
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there regarding the validity that data. that was brought up three years ago in 2021 after there validation study. moreover, it recommended in that up more then three years ago, san francisco establedplan to revalidate the public safety assessment tool. no such plan exists as of today. also, pretrial is ou compliance with sb36, which requires the study to be done every three years, and as of junes"2024, the pretrial population had dropped to 121, which is 64 percent decrease. e in cost are due to significant rent increases not out, which perple me given our office rent situation, an icodotally office rents are
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down and dont seem to be in a tight market space for that, so i'm a little confused. i tried to get the information so i could better know how i was going to vote today but do all the information. in 2021, like i said, i voiced my reservation about the contract nd reiterated the concerns during the vote of the contract 4th amendment which is asked for to again, address significant nt increases. at that time, i felt there are response to policy recommendation made in the state required valion public safety accessment authored the public policy lab. despite contract amendments and additional funding i continue to question the validity of the pr etrial conversion da and efforts to reduce bias and validation remain unimplemented. while i was encouraged by the
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januy discussion and recommendations made to the bla to improve fiscal and programmatic motoamendment woul towards algerent increase through 2026. i concerned about the non compliance of nate bill 36 whic validation study every year is not done, so for those reasons ■]i no on this contract amendment today. >> thank you supervisor stefani. supervisor chan. >> thank you president peskin. just wanted to clarify that during the budget ■nance committee, it was clear to us that the--i clearly for the ents
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amendments that it caem out to committee without recommendation and until now it■ was actually recommended by the budget and legislative analyst to approve this contract amendment before you today. it is as indicated in the budget and legislative analyst report as presented during the buet and finance committee that the assessment found gener with the city standards. clearly we still want the city to provide a technical assistance and the city as the sheriff department to development, fiscal policies and this is all on the fmge9 of the budget and legislative analyst report and al icate that, the sheriff office ■mfiscal compliance monitoring, including a review
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audit financial statements of th pretrial diversion project. so, it was with that budget and finance committee with recommendation, so i do urge your support. it is critical element to our criminal justice system to have this continue onperfect, like many things that came before us that the city's continuing attention to this matter and to th is none the less a very critical to sure we keep holding people accountable, but allowing them to have a program h the court system, so thank you. >> thank you suis madam clerk, roll call, please. >> on item isor ronan, aye. supervisor safa, supervisor stefani, no.
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supervisor chan, aye. supervisor dorsey, aye. supervisor engardio, aye. supervisor mandelmanaye. supervisor peskin, aye. supervisor prestonaye.ere are 9 supervisor stefani, voting no. >> resolution is adopted. mad erk, uyou please read item 15 and 16 together? >> 15 and 16 are two resolutions that provide retroactive authorization for two accept and expend grants for department of emergency manap=geme. item 15,is a $125 thousand grant from carestar foundation for enhancement for emergency medical service system. 2024 through september 30, 2025.
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item 16, for an j50 thousand grant for emergency management perf 2024 from the california office of emergency services. >> roll call, please. >> on items 15 and 16, ■ supervisor ronan, aye. supervisor supervisor stefani, aye. chan, aye. supervisor dorsey, aye. supervisor engardio, aye. supervi supervisor melgar, aye.■é supervisor peskin, aye. there are 10 ayes. >> the resolutions are adopted. please read item 17 and 18 together? >> 17 and approve grant agreements with the department of children uth and their families. item 17 approves contract funding r ■!girls club of
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san francisco programs and for total term through june 30, 2029 and a total not to of $30.2 million and several centers for equity success inc. programs for total term through june 30, 2029 and for total amount of $10.8 million. > seeing noon the roster, we'll take those items same house same call.lutions are adopted. next item, please. >> item 19, resolution retroactively approving the grant agreement between san francisco, by and through its department of disability and aging services, and the non-profit, eviction defense cobsidies to seniors and adults with disabilities for the period of july 1, 2024, through june 30, 2028, for a tota ■7 >> seeing no names on the
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roster, we'll take this item same house same call. the resolution is adopted. next item, please. >> item 20, resolution retroactively authorizing the department of public health to accept and expend ■í ift of supplies valued in the amount of $57,264.40 from the san francisco public health foundation, in support of primcare dio department of public health, for the period of july 1, 2022, to june 30, 2023. >> same house same callresoluti. next item. ■= >> item 21, resolution approving the second amendment to port commission lease no. l-16274 with golden gatnation conservancy to build and operate a public serving café and retail space within the bulkheads and portions of the sheds of 30-year term, with two options to extend the lease for 10 additional years, effective upon approval of this resoluthis ame and to (i) establish the amount of unpaid base rent conservancy will pay to port at date to december 31, 2025; (iii) increase the original construction rent credit from $554,000 to $800,000; (iv) provide a three year extension of
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the lease term to june 30, 2052; and (v) establish a 50% share of any excess rents from food and beverage subtenants. >> same house samell resolution. next item. >> item 22, resolution authorizing the general manager of the san francisco public utilities commission to execute amendment no. 1 natural resources specialized and technical services, with: aecom technical services, inc. (pro.0066.a); applie technology and science a-t-s (pro.0066.b); and avila and associates consulting engineers inc. (pro.0066.c), increasing each contract by exceed amount of $21,000,000 for a total not to exceed amount of $63,000,000 across all duration for the period of january 1, 2019, through january 1, 2029, pursuant to charter, section ■ use same call.
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the resolution is adopted. next item, pleasementf approving and authorizing the director of property to enter into a real property lease with twin peaks petroleum, inc., a california corporation, doing business as twin peaks auto care, successor-in-interest to michael gharib, for approximately 14,4 square feet located at 598 portola drive, for an initial term of twenty years with one five-year option tex with annual adjustments of three percent thereafter; effective upon approval of this resolution by the board of supervisors and mayor, and full execution of the lease; to require the tenant to complete certain improvements by december 31, 2025, wi a wair of rent up to three months; finding that competitive bidding procedures required under san francisco administrative code, chapter 23, section .33, impractical; finding that the premises is exempt surplus land under california code, section 54421(f)(1)(b); and to authorize or of property to enter into amendments or modifications to the lease that do not materially increase the obligations or liabilities ■jd are necessary to effectuate the purposes of the lease or this
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resolution. >> supervisor melgar. >> thank you colleagues, this item came out with a positive recommendation out of the budget committee and i wanted to explain a little bit, because those who have been on the board more then four years remember this item. it is a legacy business, a gas station that is at the verytop of the hill at the boarder between istr 8 and 7, and ecessor, norman yee, brought this the board prior. when pervisor i started worked with the business owner to this is city owned land that was leased thfor 30 years, and the state requiring all gas stations, all through the state to a little more environmentally friendly, which this r will be required to do. in order to do that needed a longer lease to amortize the cost of doing that,
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so, in all that, folks at we purpose the land to build affordable housing do other things then sell gas which i agree with as a environmental ist. the issue is i went to the mayor of we build affordable housing here. we cannot. it doesn't support it. it is very odd shaped site, which the number of units. if we take federal money has to go through ceqa an cleaned up and will be expensive. garden or retail, none is feasible. , the state of california seeing the problem throughout the ste working with the federal government has made a pot of money available for owners like this one to trsi we don't have a bio fuel station on the have and you know, this gives
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us a opportunity to transition into that. so, what is before you today isr ■d that, it is a lease. predicated the clerk said, on acceptance of the grant from the state to transitio that is a requirement of the lease. in addition to that, the ase requires cleanup at the end of the lease which is so i do think that havid tires on thiso make--i have explored all the other options. i do-we are bringing in front of you day, i think it is a good my fear is this, we have heard from ronmental groups who have a have this be sale of can i have the experience of having
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juvenile justice center that is emy and owned by the city now that has been plagued withsquatters, fires, graffiti, garbage, and this site right at the boarder of d8 and d7 is one of the most vi■5si it is what every tourist bus see going up twin peaks and i do not want to have that be the legacy we leave behind. that is also not a good way to convince people to change their be and do environmentally sound things so i real really ask for your support. >> thank you supervisor melgar. supervisor preston. >> thank you president peskin and i just want to say, i appreciate supervisor melgar's efforts to impthe proposal for this site. i know her office put considerable work into th/wis and think it is grateful improved from what was before
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the bo■iously and i do hope we a shift to bio ■9site and i hoped ps and everyone would be together on the next version, but i understand that has not come to pass, so consistent with position of leading ennmno extend lease public land for fo use, i wibevote on this item. thank you. >> thank you. madam clerk, on this item, a roll call, please. >> on item 23, supervisor ronan, aye. supervisor sa supervisor stefani, aye. supervisor chan, aye. supervisor dorsey, aye. supervisor engardio, aye. supervisor melgar, aye.or peski.
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supervisor preston, no. there are 9 ayes and 1 with supervisor preston voting no. >> the resolution is adopted. next item, please. >> item 2 resolution approving amendment no. 3 to the agreement between positive resource health (dph), for emergency financial services; to increase the agreement by $5,365,891 for an amount not to exceed ears, from february 28, 2026, for a total agreement term of march 1, 2018, through february 29, amendments or modifications to the contract prior to its final execution by all parties that do not materiallincrea the obligations or liabilities to the city and are necessary to effectuate the purposes of the contract or this resolution. >> roll call. >> on item 24, supervisor safai, aye. supervisor stefani, aye.
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intention to retire at the end of ■] she started even before i did in 1994 a firefighter emt and transitioned through the ranks of firefighter paramedic lieutenant, captain and battalion chief before elevated as chiedostin the rotunda 5 years ago. she was apointed the chief in 2019 and professionalism, extensive experience and unwavering dedication to public service in the san francisco fire service. with over 30 years of devoted service reco■'gnition for arned
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distinguished record in public service. you have the number one-i served with a number of those 26 fire chiefs and noone has communicated with this board and the public and well and consistently all day you have, chief, for which i know me and my colleagues are profoundly grateful. you have been a real community champion and served most vulnerable residents of our city, been er neighborhood service response, mentoring future generations of fit responders, particularly women by volunteering at camp glaze and really demonstrated what i think we all agree is remarkable leadership and compassion, especially during the where you spearheaded life ng initiatives, focused on disaster
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preparedness and firefighter safety. you served on the board of ter cancer prevention foundation and honored to work with you we all voted to ban pfas emicals for your turn-outs and leading the nation in that way, and you have also tra women, but as the first openly lgbtq fire chief in san francisco history, so on board of supervisors, i want to thank you look forward to many more swims in because only the bold swim in the cold and with that, i might think my colleagues have words to share. >> thank you. chief, you are one of
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favorite public servants across all time across rtmeof you and family-my mom dropped off my daughter from la and ked e fire chief your favorite and i was ke yes, mom, the fire chief is my favorite. i talk about you so much my mom e lives in la and doesn't live here. that is how my won't echo nd family, an everything president peskin nai head, but i jt want to especially call out what you have done for young folks. for young people of who might never have considered a career in fire department and you went out on a ■ limb and re-created a program that is one of the most exciting programs we
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have in the city. you're extraordiny and weare so lucky we had for all these years and i just wish you the absolute best on your retirement, because you deserve it. please don't be a stranger bee we all veu so much. thank you. >> supervisor safai. >> thank you president peskin. chief, will you please text me all the time after [laughter] i will have withdraw.say, i wor city all most 25 years with multiple department heads, i ever had a stronger lev mmunication and things that are not in the purview of the fire department. that is larger, emergency management you have been there you kept us during covid all those times, that level of communication and then i was just talking to supervisor ronan, goinback to the 798 and your
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department taking through the training and how meaningful it was. getting a small my time on glimpse of what firefighters hae traini part of. you will be greatly missed. to a nice next phase of you have done for san francisco and thank you for being a model, a leader for your department and all the that we worked on together, whether it was padics or emergency response or anything related to your department.s as supervisor ronan said. again, with 798, really underscoring the test and the process to insure that women, lgbtq people of color we pa of the fire department and making that commitment and every time you brought something to your attention,
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despite any pocak, you fallowed through and so thank you. you will be this city. thank you for your service. >> supervisor melgar. >> thank you so much president peskin. i am not going to belabor the -! thingz my colleagues said. you are special to me also. i think the same for all of us. one thing people haven't brought up is /■?■s how funny you are. one are one of the stadership i is real impoant because this is tough work. you have been a and also an outstanding leader for our different thing. the level of nce you have conducted yourself with, the or have #3oped fthers, just
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the presence you bring and at the same time empathic efforts you make with other humans in the are just breath-taking, so ,i ■8&will de miss you. like i also want text and pictures after you leave, but relax. have fun and do other ingscommu but i will surely surely you so thank you for everything you have done for us. >> supervisor dorsey. >> thank chief, i am such a fan of yours and i will miss you, but i will probably not let you off the hook. i really want to do everything i can to cultivate a brain trust just appreciate all the communities we share and what you me and i share the community that we most, that is most important is
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how much we love the city. was at the police department to work board of supervisors, but just for being a pioneering figure the lgbtq plus community means the world to me. you'■ñll hearing from me with questions and things like that so tua well earned retirement, but i will miss you a lot. thank you president peskin. chief, you are the very very best i and my office and my staf past and present love you to pieces and that is all. >> supervisor stefani. >> that was fast. gosh, i feel emotional, because we are such good friends and i just when i heard the news i did not want it to be get news i dont like in this business, but this particular revelation i was so really sad
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about. i remember the first time you came to a budget committee when u chief and for you it want just about numbers, it was about heart and what the firefighters go through. you ptsd and really placed al and physical aspects of the job and you just really brought this and realistic idea of what your members go through and i think that budget year we were able to do more, nevegh, but i remember being struck by that and said this woman not only is she a bad ass, bu all heart. outside of these halls, and i am in constant awe of you on a daily basis.
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principal ov yukonstantly remind me, this too al !a■xss, and just look forward to watching you continue to charge the road at a hapy destiny and of course i will meet you in the bay and i look forward swimming with you and president peskin soon. thank you. >> supervisor p. st >> thank you president. >> no wet suit, though. >> i will not be joining you all in [laughter] that is not part of my job descptio love you chief but will not be joining you in the bay.belabor the poin repeat what colleagu i think we chatted when i first learned t news by phone and i communicated then and many other times deeply i appreciate your incredible
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leadershp and your professionalism and i think one thing that i doto elevate is your not just yo professionalism, but also your humanity and how you vocate whether you are advocating for a long-term firefighterthe newest person in the department, or a j person struggling on the street getting help, from the department or people who have been burned out of their use of fires, you are often me and my colleagues oin incredible need of all different types across the city and i just wabeen struck by honor the dignity ang
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advocatalking about the person on the lowest rungs of the is i or folks anywhere within the department, you are a tireless advocate and championfo doing the right thing and doing right by people in this city. you will be missed and i wi l the best in your retirement. ■+■$ supervisor chan. chief, when we were first stood on stage, this how you always troduce yourself. since i met you is you always say, i am your fire chief. you are our fire chief.■h your people fire chief, san franciscans fire ief and here we honor you as such and so grateful to your service you are an example what public service mean and public servant mean.
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you always th integrity. you always put best interest of san franciscans and i think that that just so respectable and we so grateful to you and you always t r the people, fight for your members in a way that is really■ you fight with in good faith, you with respect, you just never trying to shame anyone in public. even though i know we both want [laughter] but you do that. you do that integrity, because you know that we do this in the best inke sure that we get things done. i know there is still lot of things to be done, but you just have served all of us in san francisco so ll. we are so grateful to you. we are going to miss you a lot,
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but i know you will be around for us and so--and we are also around for you. please come back and know we are here for you too. supervisor chan. supervisor engardio. >> chief, please keep your wonderful laugh. please keep laughing. it will be sustaining for the road you ■ have ahead. it will be sustaining for the road we have ahead. you taught me that the jobs we do, ey there are big problems. there are life and deatand are tragedy, but to get through that and to our city require hope and hope is fued by joy and you embody that. you are able to get us through infused with hope and joy, so ke that wonderful laugh. i will remember it, i will use it in my
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rk anplease keep using it in your work. thank you. >> thank you chief, before you say some words, i also want to pot chief suffers no fools.honest and tot nment. independent.through the hallma important and example to all of us. she holds people accountable within her department and has the courage to hold other department heads to high standards as well, ■0■ich shoul be noted. chief, the floor is yours. than. my board of supervisors. because i do live in san francisco, so you are my board of supervisors and i'm still your san francisco fire chief jeanine nicholson. thank you so much for that is a [laughter] you know, it has been-since i in 1994, and i learned that i was going to be a san francisc
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firefighter, i am like, are you kidding me! i have ■=won the lottery. i still feel that way today, because i got to be a service for many years and you know, and i also need to that i didn't do it alone. there is a ton of pe today that have helped me inside and outside of this department. one who has been with me my entire time i have been chief, sandy tong, chief of ems and community paramedicine who has rewritten the way we do ems across the country and i'm super proud th. i'm super proud of our diversity equity inclusion program, city emt, which gives at risk youth a opportun i am super proud of of course drawinga maybe it is meno pause brain, maybe it brain, who knows, what
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earlier when we were time at the budget when was advocating for health and wellness position department and thanks to you we have certainly expanded that and wonderful things. i again, i didn't this alone, and i had so much support and >/every of you, and everyone of your different personalities that i got to know. i never ever expected to be in this position when i first got hired. really and this is maybe it is not, but i took my been in the department about 13 or only rea it was because i saw some of the other
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people that were taking it and i said, no i don't want to work for that rson. [laughter] and that the truth.all in afte. fortun for any of those people. anyway, it has been a privilege, it has been a--still dont really understand exactly what happened the last 5 years, so that will take a little sort of understanding when i get out of here, but i am sticking around.j i am faithful to this city, to this department and i'll give you three words i close out, fleet replacement plan. th is what we need in the san francisco fire department, and to be able to the work we do. i'm so proud to have been a san francco firefighter and
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paramedic and emtd ■ief. like i said, i won the lottery, dream come true, how did this even happen, and again, didn't t here alone. so grateful for all the support in room today. [applau] i'sucky and thank you for always working with professionally and honesty and ■you know, mentoring me along the way too, because i had a lot i always said, if i ever think there is nothing left to learn, it is time to go. i dont think there is thing left to learn, but it is still time to. one last thing, what i learned a long time ag know
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sweet and i wanted to take a moment to honor our attorney, deputy city attorne ann pierson on her final day service as general counl tothis board of supervisors. role of board counsel perfect timing just like two months before covid in 2020 after a half advice as a deputy city attorney for other departments. i think is that right, do i have that right? and she guided us through the most challenging times that any of us could have gone through, but paularly, the city attorney's office as we navigated the challenging ■
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terrain of covid-19, including through two years of remote board meetings, countless emergency orders, and ordinances and unprecedented legal questions t her client at heart. she is moving on to her new role as head of the city attorney's health and human services team and i just want to recognize how diligently anu handled the absolutely impossible job that is board of supervisors, and this particular board of supervisors as you had to juggle competg interests and all sorts of legal advice and competing legislative needs, questions from not only the 11 of us, all of our aids, night and day and you have done with dignity and a plumb and your advicehas en good advice for
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which just want to acknowledge that you have a v included and you have navigated and mentored us well, so thank you for your service to the san francisco board of supervisors, ann pierson. with that, supervorn. >> thank you indeed. difficult clients we are. i'm certainly one of nothing is more irritating then are lawyers. i'm one of them. i like board president peskin like to say, we play oner on tv, so i know that-and yet you have ve been so kind. you have been just wonderful in the sense where you kind of let me and pretending and respecting me as pretend lawyer and sometimes me and fr is worse and yet , u are letting
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us say our thing and you patiently and but very sternly tell us no. that's not how it works. so, i apec i also do appreciate even though it has been difficult at committee, i wish we could do this right now, but i acback to say, it was the right thing to do to be able tothe time to understand the language and to understand that if on the spot, or not to actually defer for later and think through to make sure we have solid legal argument of course acing to you. not so much to me. i am like, we can do this. but with that, thank you. i am not saying much more, because we will work together again and so, but just thank you for your time, thank you you so much for your patience.
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>■:■o> supervisor melgar. >> thank you president peskin.qd you are one of a kind. i am so grateful for alof the council advice and support you have provided specifically on laguna honda ar don't know i would havebe it without you and your input and your counsel. i also want to thank you for your patience, kindness and jenosity me as a legislator. i don't lose it very often, but i have and you have been pat kind with with the bureaucracy and i really appreciate it and i appreciate you appreciate my bob cut too. thank you ■so much. whatever you do, you will be fabulous. you are still going to be there us and i appreciate especially because of
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laguna honda. but, i will really really miss you. i'you know, be a rock star here but you ann are so mu done this job and done and the relationships you built here. thank you. >>supervisor safai. >> thank you president peskin. ann, from the time i was little i never liked when a new teacher came in and i had a really strong relationship i was like, who is this ann going to be? you have been so amazing and i conser you a friend. you are accessible at all times and i know i'm probably one of the people that calls you at odd urs but y made yourse accessibl i think you are extremely
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jokes about many different things, wont get into, but i appreciate all the work you over the years on so many different pieces of legislationthe advice you have given, both for thber and missed, i'm excitefor your promotion and it is well deserved and i look forward wor withh; the next subsitute teacher. >> good luck, brad. supervisor preston. [laughter] >> thank you president peskin. i dont know supervisor chan, you said nothing is more irritating having a supervisor pretending to be a lawyer, i think the onlyty attorney is having a supervisor who a attorney trying to tell you how be doing your job when you are the city attorney, so thank you p with those who are attorneys on
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this boar ér i just want to say, we are so fortunate as a d city attorney is so fortunate to have you ad this board fwr the last 4 and a half years. you a brilliant attorney and someone who manages mee a million things which i guess is what you have to you are literally advising every supervisor. it =2is a unenviable job having clients essentially all over the place, whether politically or on policy or in peo i will say that i will into otherwise we would be here all day if we talk we have done together specifically, but i want to say, i think r■it is externally people see the work whatever it is
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that ■ are all most proud of in our work. they don't see by design, they dont see how we get there and that1 is through the work we do together with our city attorney and the entire office,v that comes through one person and for the last 4 and a half years that has been you advising us, often i think a iage function within a huge city attorney office looping thght folks and what i have been always been struck by working with just as colleagues said, your availability time your tireless work ethic and work, but also that even when you do thatr role of connecting us, whether housing issue and connect deputy city attorney or any number of people
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issues, i always noticed how you remain involved and on top of the projects we are working on. it nof outsourcing or connecting with the right ■1 attorney, somehow and dont know how you manage to , but 11, you are part of the teof strate part of top of cussions and staying on making sure we have these ordinances ready to go and any advice we need and advice, appriat but the follow-through in that regard, so i want ■to just really thank you for doing an incredible job over an you are staying at thcity attorney's office and moving to what i guess in some ways i think your returning to a lot of ur wo around health and
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human service so wish you all the best and we'll miss you at the board. thank you ann. >> thank you supervisor. supervisor dorsey. >> i was a long time executive staff member of the san francisco city fice and i can say i'm not a lawyer, but literally play one on tv 14 years. i will just echo peskin said, the attorney client relationship in the city attorney's office is really one of the most challenging kidsof professional relationships there is. office who has a more yer in nginjob of managing that relationship then the general counsel to the board of supervisors and i recall going back to the ted laky era. in the front office was always gaed as this is one of the hardest jobs to do for a lawyer and you ha done it with professionalism and grace
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and as others have said too, a level of accessibility i really appreciated, i would send e-mails all hours of the day because it was only when i wa■= able it get to my e-mail. i wasn't expecting you to get back to t i always appreciated the way you did. congratulations and are i know g together in a different capacity but on the hardest job city attorney office i'm aware of you did a great job and good brad on replacing you. thanks so much. >> supervisor stefani. >> thank you president peskin. ann, i will misyou so much. i kn you are just going to another job, but for reasons supervisor safai said, i are lt ally bad for you when you got this job. i really did, because i thought this is not an easy job and especially ow ■iyou went through. it was like a initiation of rat not participate in when it came to making your life miserable.
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anyway, i just remember watching through particularly difficult times and just so solid in your response and so strong and one attorney to another, admiring your strength in a because everyone alluded to, this isn't ■kthe easiest job an you handled yourself so well and i am really going to miss you and again, the advice and everything t is one thing, but it comes down to the humanity and relationships created in these rooms and the people are really of good heart and i never forget came to my office after that particularly difficult board meeting and what was very dark moment for me and you were just so and so reassuring and i can't thank you enough for that. times like that really make me have a lot of faith in people and i
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just you are one of those peoplei always look forward seeing and will miss you in this positreally excited about your next endeavor. supervisor mandelman. >> thank you president skin. there is non lawyers preteneding to be lawyers, there is lawyers and former city attorney practitioners who might be the most annoying of all. when i a lawyer for firms representing cities and citytor office, i knew the san francisco city attorney office was the gold standard, the very best of public law offices, and i think in your time with us, we you more then lived up to that standard. i'm grdone together and also al things we ven'managed to do together but sucked up huge amount of your time. thank yofo■lr
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good advice and fine lawyering and o forward continuing to work with you on the health stuff. pervisor ronan. >> i want to echo the thanks what many might not know is that, a voracious reader d s her book list i'm lucky enough to get and it is really good. i suask her for it. she dnhaimpeccable taste as impeccable as her legal advice. thank you so and look forward continuing to work with you. >> we alsoshare recipes. supervisor engardio. >> as the newest member of the for being a great teacher, great mentor and thank l your you for your broadway show
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picks. >> with great sense of relief, deputy city attorney pierson, want to share words you are welcome to. >> deputy city attorney ann pierson. >> for the record. >> i am your deputy city attorney. [applause] thank you. this means a awful lot to me. i have loved this job. really really love■nd it, so th means a lot so thank you. i get asked whatlawyer for the supervisors. i have a couple different answs, but the usual thing i say, it is amazing because i get to sit in the room where it happens and i have been so lkythis seat right here in the room where it happens for the past 4 and a half years and if you are somebody who loves policy making and politics and that cities
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and counties are the laborary of democracy, the isis is the only room you wa to lot about this room and how much i associate the job buzz as supervisor peskin said, for the first year and a half we a room, we were at kitchen tables and dining rooms was a extraordinarily hard time and it was a time i feel very privileged to have been a part of.[ it was unprecedented and what i got to watch you all do and to play a . her staff put together a ut remote room ■?e it happens overnight. literally, and this body, which in a decade before pandemic had passed a small handful ncy ordinances, really got the just of it pretty fast and used that
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power in extraordinary ways to ot■=people expericinghelsness, so it was a unbelievably hard time, but a important feel very grateful to have been a part of it. my transition into this job was hard not just because we immediately went into lock down, but because of the circum i had been to one board meeting and one commiee meeting before i sat in this seat, which is not ideal. so, i have a lot of people i they helped me preserve the process.gela, alyssa, everybody the clerk's office. i had the deepest áq for all of you. you are the best of the best and you set the standard for excellence in is city. i have the deepest affection
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for all your legiate cl there is very special bond people forge at e texting each other to ask how many left in the queue and we have that bond. we the city attorneys in the office, the legal staff are all amazing, they write the ordinances you worked on with them. they explain them to me. i come here with no background in land use or bonds or all the things been pretending to advise you on. they taught me,< such patience and grace and i'm john gibner, johnny g gibner, he isk best. that's all there is to it. if you have gotten to work wi him, you know how lucky you are. he's brilliant, he's hilarious,
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he is humble, he can answer any question and solve any ■sproblem and do all that while still making you ■lfeel kind of competent and you haven't interrupted him. he isyou can ever hope for and truly the beend i could ask for. he has been my friend fo25 years since kindergarten-- him very much and so grateful to him.i want to thank smith, who every tuesday for v,e past 4 and a half years i had the great privilege meeting with him and john ■on tuesday morning to talk about legislative items to try to think what you aring get up to later in the t wonderful sarah crawly and brad and it is the kind of meeting where you think, i can't believe they pay me to do
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this. it is that much fun. it is so interesting and you with the smartest nicest people you ever met and will3always treasure the tuesday morning:jesse is a iscernible] among men and he teaches all through example how to practice r and with curiosity and compassion and a constant desire to solve problems and foe a path forward and figure how to let our clients do at they do best which is make the city as wonderful as it is. thank for this time. i really appreciate it and looking forward to working with all of you in my new capacity. >> [applause]■ ■'
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come up? colleagues, i am just so pleased today to be presenting this special commendation to the stewards. if you have never heard of them, or■ have never been on a hike throu a forest i highly recommend that you do magical tour of a very special place in the city that does n't feel it is part of the city but it is magical amazing and rf and it is thanks to these fine people who better. mount sutro reserve is a asis in the heart of san francisco spanning district 7, district 8 and
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and it is abutting ucsf. the train and canopy are frequented by people who walk, ke you can spend an afternoon being completely surrounded by mother nature in the middle of our city. all these wonderful experiences are thanks to the ■ some of them are here today, who take the mountain and restore habitat and native plants and m room for critters who live on the mountain. i want ank [indiscernible] who is here with us today who is their fearless leader. i have to tell i took a tour a couple months back for a couple hours. it was like a graduate level course in
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native plant restoration in which plants are needed by birds and things need to happen and what order in order have nature restore herself. you are just a fountain of knowledge and magic re and restoration and what our responsibility and role is as humans take care of mother earth.■[ i'm so grateful for what you built, what you are building and all o stewards and all the nteers who spend their time and energy to make this wonderful place to restore this wonderful place, to ma for people in certain sections so we don't up other sections. i would-honored to give ■lyou this commendation. i look forward to continuing to support all you
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colleagues, if you haven't been ■eto the mountain, please go and support the work of this wonderful organization and these wonderful people. so, thank you for all you do.■ thank you mount sutra stewards for evhi you to say a few words. [applause] >> thank you so it was such a lovely surprise to receive the e-ma honored today. and i e just at the right time just i had so much fun with you and peor ndelman, i know we had a really wonderful opportunity. to take each and every one of you on mount sutra. you can put me on speed dial when you need a mo respite and nature. we are so lucky as a city to have a park thwalking distance of every city resident and i know that
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is because of the hard work of our sf rec and park department and also your hard work and so i really really appreciate that. a special oas. oasis. you can be on d not realize you are in the city because the drone ■÷■[ of cars is inaudible. fact we see beldings and the have that here in the city is something that is absolutely magical. we also live in hot spot, so the number of specious that exist in ;2■■■0san francisco is larger, more numerous th er the world, so california is a global bio diversity hot spot and y4the bay area a h spot within california so we pride of place. we feel a lot of pride to be san franciscans but our heritage can not be keto protect, diversity on mount sutra and o ] the trails so every san franciscan with lk trails and have access to th
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>> our last special order commendation is from supervisor ahsha safai. >> thank you president aaron peskin. colleags, today i have a special commendation for trevin reid and green cross be district 11 neighborhood for the pa business 20 years and been in district 11 for all most that time. happy to have the opportunity r unfortunately cant join us today, e but founder and president of the green cross for his great leadership and th he's done in our community and in cannabi
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industry in san francisco. it is a license winning cannabis retailer located in excelsior district, the only non profit public health benefit retailer in the city. established in 2004 and providing safe access for cannabis patients and over the years focused on supportive community advocating for spaulsh cannabis use and regulations. as participants in sf cannabis program, also dedicating promoting social economic conditioof district 11, employing folks from very diverse have been harmed by the war on drugs. also known to support many causes and organizations such as the aids walk in sf, the drug policy alliance, one brick, no hungry
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democratic party in the past just to name a few. kevin's leadership and commitment to being a great neighbor of business for the neighborhood, green cross a v>moand i can tell from talking to many many different neighbors, the way they manage the property, manage the high volume of traffic that can , insuring they are not a burden on the surrounding neighbors with parkw0ing or people loitering, they negotiated agreement with parking create o had overflow officext their business and in fact times when cannabis businesses have tried to come in the hnehbhoodlked about what they plan to do of man agemenanpolicy, i always point to the green cross and say, look c. go see what they do, talk to
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their patients and their customers and you will see how a business of this sort should be run in san francisco. i can to those conversations there were other businesses in the that were having a lot of problems and outside of the neighborhood. i wa67nt to really recognize th and appreciate it. this year the green cross is celebrating the 20anniversary which is testament to kevin work and dedication of excellence as well as unwavering support their members. to kevin and the green cross team, congratulation on this wonderful milestone d thk for being exemplary business in a industry that continues to rsial to some but more accepted and understood by more and e. i just want ■u■to thing i think is important to note.
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district 8, in another igsome of ingrowing pains they went through they learned from that and brought wonderful practices into the excelsior which made them model business, so thank you to the green cross. sorry kevin couldn't ■vbe here today, because he is sick, but i know we have eric is here instead. if eric can come forward and say a few words on beha of cross, i would greatly appreciate it. [applause] >> thank you supeisor esteemed members of the san francisco board of supervisors, ■i colleagues and friends, kevin apologize be here. deeply honored to accept the recognition on behalf of it green cross in celebration of r 20
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anniversary. this reflects our commitment serving our community dedication and care. our journey over the past de5'■■rcachallenges and triumps and none would have been possible dedicated team, supportive members and partnership with the city of san francisco. thank you again to the san francisco board of supervisors for this recognition and for your continued support. here is to many more years of service and success. thank you once aga appreciate it. [applause] d >> madam our regularly scheduled programming. >> item 25, resolution approving the form and authorizing the execution and delivery of an amendment to the indenture of trust securing the city's $40,776,000 maximum principal amount of multifam0ç
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2022a-1 and its $7,057,736 maximum principal amount of multifamily housing revenue bonds (sa 22a-2 (taxable), which provide financing for the acquisition and rehabilitation of a 69-unit, affordable multifamily rental housing project, consisting of five sites located at 4101 noriega street, 363 noe street, 200 randolph street/409 head street, 2206-2268 great highway and 2215-2263 48th avenue, and 1357-1371 eddy street (also known as 1353-1367 eddy street) known as “sfha scattered site” changes and additions to such amendment; ratifying and approving any action heretor taken in connection with such amendment; granting general authority to city officials to execute and deliver documents anary to implement this resolution, as defined herein; and related matters, as defined herein.enal autority to city officials to execute and deliver documents and take actions necessary to implement this resolution, as defined herein; and related herein. >> seeing no names on the roster, we will take this item same house same call. e t item, please. resolution
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retroactively authorizing the office of the city administrator to accepand expend hazard mitigation grant program funds in the amount of $189,558 from the federal emergency management agency through the california office of emergency services to develop a guidance document that will address financing strategies for earthquake risk redurete building safety program for the project period of july 14, 2022, through november 14, 2024. >> same house same call. the resolution is ado.item, ple >> item 27, resolution approving the assignment of the market stet flower market permit from byron yoanidis, dba trolley-car flowers, to andrew poulos, dba trolley-bus flowers. >> same house same call. the resolution is adopted. .p >> item , resolution
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approving and authorizing the director of the ma office of housing and community development (“mohcd”) to execute loan documents for the permanent financing of 21-th strt pursuantmall sites program, for a total loan amount not to exceed $30,000,000; confirming the planning department's determination nvironmental quality act; finding that the loan is consistent with the general plan, and the eight priority policies of planning code, section 101.1; and authorizing the director of mohcd or their designee to make certain modifications to the loan cuments, as defined herein, and take certain actions in furtherance of this resolution, as defined herein. >> supervisor safai. >> shall be noted. on the resolution we take same house same call. the resolution is adopted. >> item 29, motion ordering submitted to the voters at an election to r 5, 2024, an ordinance amending the administrative code to establish a first responder student loan forgivens utstanding student loans, and job-related educational and training expenses incurred while employed by the ers of the police department, fire department, or sheriff's department; paramedics; registered nurses; or 911 dispatcher supervisors, or coordinators. >> supervisor safai. >> thank you president peskin.
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colleagues, just want to say a few words about the first responder student loan d ongoing education fund p. dont want to belabor the pointof con in the chamber about the dire situation that our staffing shortages and critical positions in our city c9for first responders. all which have been named in the title. 911, me police and firefighter. the public safety and ined now we need to create incentives to prevent insure we can attract and retain excellent qualified candidates to serve our city public safety ecosystem. this fund will provide real financial relief by vetanding student loan and job related ucat3t these city employees that
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were named. count on every single day and we must zp prioritize proper staffing levels and so to qualify for be hired into one of these roles beginninhence the attraction piece and cont working full time for at least three years before they would be able to access the fund. the goal is to start this fund with at least the hope is to get it up to $25 million, so that each person would have up to about $25 thousand in debt. just to be clear, this is not a aside. this is a priority in the coming months next year for the budget process for this board and the mayor, but i do think it also creates a opportunity í;z3for lean in.
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when i think why we want to put this on the ballot and i had conversations with many of you, part of the reason is when we look what prop i was able to do, ough it was not a maedallocation, it changed the conversation he chamber over the last number of years. kudos to supervisor preston for more money towards affordable housing and housing development and housing acquisition. kudos to supervisor engardio for pushing the conversation around algebra. even though it was not a set aside. it put pressure on the scdistri to move forward in that conversation. i also thk about when we many years ago supervisor ronan lea conver about mental health sf and there was an idea that it would go to the ballot at the
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time, but as part of those conversations it didn't, and i have think this mayor has ever made a ll commitment to mental health sf. never been fully or leaned into and we continue to see that suffering on the street today, so as part of the reason why i think it is important th the voters of san francisco have a opportunity to weigh in on this and tement. i like to thank my lead cosponsor who was not able to make it today, but supervisor walton has been a stark and strong supporter and then more recently, supervisor dory. for your cosponsorship. i hope you vote to put this i francisco deserve a opportunity to weigh in on this conversation. thank you. >> i will explain why an pass t
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legislation any tuesday afternoon at the board of supervisors, doesn't need to be on the ballot. with that a roll call, please. >> item 29, supervisor ronan, no. rv supervisor stefani, aye. supervisor chan, aye. supervisor rd supervisor mandelman, no. supeor supervisor peskin, no. supervisor preston, aye. 4 noes with and peskin voting no. >> motionordered submitted. next item, please. >> item 30, motion appointing billey hoang le, anthony partee, joanna pulido, lorenzo juan
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castaneda, and david mauroff, rms o the reentry council. roll call. >> on item 30, .] supervisor safai, aye. supervisor stefani, aye. supervisor chan, aye. supervisor dorsey, aye. supervisor engardio, aye. rv supervisor melgar, aye. supervisor peskin, aye. there are 10 ayes. is approved. could you read item 31 and 32 together? >> 31 and together are a motions that approve mayora■p nominations for item 31, for appointment of amy campbell toe an 4 year term ending july 1, 2028#
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and item 32, the motion approves the mayoral nomination appointment of commission 4 year term ending ju 1, 2028. >> same house same call the motions are approved. ■■ >> item 33 is approve aaron peskin nomination for reappointment to aaron williams for building commissio >> no names on the rost, take this same house same call. the motion is approved. next item, please. >> committee reports, mr. president. >> yes. >> 34 m?■and 35 considered by t land use and transportation commissi mee monday july 29. both items were recommended as amended wititle as committee reports. item 34, this is ordinanc ■í amend the planning code to designate the
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rainbow flag instillation at the harvey milk plaza by gilbert baker at the southwest corner of the intersection of market and castro streets as a í$inati and make the appropriate findings. >> same house same call. the ordinances first reading. next item. >> item 35, an ordinance to amende prohibit the sale or use of alga mythric devices to set rent for residential dwelling units in san francico. >> thank you supervisor mandelman. colleagues, pleased this item was unanimously recommended as as cosponsored by all the members of the land use committee to the full board. this ordinance will be the first local ordinance in the country to ban practice found to be artificia creasing the number of rental units that are
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being held vacant. a new type oferantal revenue management came to prominence largely because of the consoldaition of ownership of multifamily housing by national and international real investors as wall street has gotten into the housing business and . one company in particular has come to dominate this industry, a company called real page described by x employee that company as the amazon of property management software saying they "monopolize the indust ry". in the old days collusion ke filled back room but real estate owners share data into common data pool which is used to set occupancy terms. numerous state and federal investigations found this amounts to new form of price fixing which we seek to curb here today. to lower rents and bring more units on to the market.
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with this ordinance we aim to be a model for local governments aroundthand regulating this insidious use of technolo■gy lead on air bnb and short-term rental and other questionable business practicee prohousing policy and entirely consistent housing market that meets our real housing needs. let's build housing for renters, not for real estate investors. end this legislation to you . >> is >> i like to be added as a cosponsor. >> thank you supervisor dorsey. seeing no other names on the is same call. the time when this agenda was created this was ■xcommittee report. the committee meeting had not yet happened.
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see the note no economic report. happy to report considered by the dr.egeen a economic impact report was not necessary for this matter. >> thank you madam clerk. the ordinance is passed unanimously on >8 first reading. madam clerk, let's go to roll call for introductionmember to introduce new business is supervisor ronan. submit. supervisor safai. madam clerk. just one second. i'm asking the city attorney to draft a ordinance that subject affordable ■housing to the city wide project labor agreement i helped to gotiatsup others back in 2019.
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has been tremendously successful in our city. the way we build affordable housing in the city needs to change. right now the mayor's office of housing has a bidding process that is opaque and often times not very competitive. our intent is to increase competition by changing policy to require more competitive bidding for the job and that fl adding to the city wide project labor agreement.been shown bla have een shown the steady pool of workers and insure decent wages, quality workforce and on time and in budget. a recent labor center study showed the los angeles labor agreement for measure hhh actually
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controls cost because it helps bring projects in on ime and on budget. also, our experience with the city wide pla and olthe sfpuc and francisco airport shows covered bye pla have more performance for local hire, apprenticeship utilization work with our small businesses or lbe's that are not covered under normal pla's. pla's have shown to create a steady pool of workers an wages and quality workforce in addition m issues. we need to find innovate our housing construction without eroding labor standards and i believe this ordinance will help us paying construction workers the good wages and befits
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entitled to into attract more young people we are dustry and insure that solidifying working and middle class family work in this city. the industry desperately needs to expand meet the 80 thousand unit goal with 50 percent affordable to working families. we can expand the workforce and maintaining the threshold for businesses and minority contractors to access the work as well their businesses over time. so, this ordinance hes us do that. i look forward to working with my colleagues. i having robust conversation with our local businesses, robust conversation with labor contractors and builrs on those conversations have started and new conversations around financing models and looking at and controlling for cost
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over-runs and change orders wi of the conversation to allow to control for the cost of i hope to make this a reality in the fall when we me something drafthe time recess . thank you president peskin and the rest i have submitted. >> thank you supervisor safai. supervisor stefani. submit. thank you. supervisor chan. submit. madam clerk. i am requesting we adjourn today's meeting in honor of maureen sul mother of richmond district resident megan--maureen passed away peacefully in her san francisco home ■ieaer thir after a courageous against cancer. was born and raised in
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richmond california and was awded a full scholarship to stanford university and major in philosophy, voted a campus queen and performed on the football fielas a stanford dolly. she met her husndbe, jack leaventen on a blind date at when she was 16 years old. maureen lived an amazing life when their first daughter kristen was three, theytraveled to europe supporting themselves by playing guitar ha and cafe before moving to jordan park where they welcomed their second ug megan. when their daughters were in lback to school at university of san francisco to degree in marriage counseling, but after her husband jack was killed in a
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tragic boating accident in ange cl psychology and grief counseling, knowing first hand compx emotions that come with loss. through her grief, maureen to embrace life again. she liked cycling trip in europe and felt purpose when she help people she found love again in e marry gat pride and joy in combining their families megan and along with graig's 3 children, annie, katie and mark. they also delighted in 10 beloved grand children who call her h community givinback through serving on numerous boards, including catholic arities of san francisco, the ireland
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funds, the san francisco conserve tore of music, the oakland museum, theater, sacred heart and dominical school of theology. these ved the work she did boards and believed deeply in giving back. to her children and continues as a board member in san francisco non profit community. maureen was tireless in the pursuit of everythi■d she did and will be forever remembered her intellectual curiosity, integrity, : >> thank you. to be added to th. thk yo supervisor dorsey. >> thank you madae colleagues, today snding letter
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of inquiry through the boerk to several city departments seeking more information on current it inter employment data collection.the amendment cycle raised important questions for what our short staff public safety agencies are doing to recruit new hires and retain existing members. as we grapple ■with these staffing challenges, we would be well served as policy makers to beerhow our departments track how many people we sing and why we are losing them, where they are going.qt with police recruiting in particular, more competitive then any time in modern history, we see every day how the unprecedented shortages we face worker is ham stringing our economic come back and diminish safe enjoyment of neighborhood residents. understanding and potentially standardizing practice what we learn fwraumon from emplomet
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would hold potentially enormous value to recrurmt and retention efforts, especially en it comes to public safety agencies and the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor dorsey. supervisor engardio. submit. thank you. supervisor mandelman. >> thank you madam clerk. colleagues, today i am introducing a instillation and waver of fees for plaque on legacy of two legendary san francisco families, the jakes and morrisons. the contribution of jane moreson, jack morrison [indiscernible] date back to e jack moreson was a pioneer of environmentalism to protect the san francisco waterfront from over-development to incrto golden gate park oppose downtown development and tear ■@ down the embarcadero free way. helped found san francisco tomorrow and sevetw of supervisors.■c
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jane morrison served on bodies related to environment and california [indiscernible] she also served on human service commission more then a decade. [indiscernible] served on the [ chair organizing voter registration drive and support advancement women, lgbtq members and candidates of held straight white men. qh)so served on the san francisco human rights commission and democratic nati member of the democratic national committee in the 1950 diana roosevelt jake served as urban renewal committee of the san francisco branch for advance of colored people, naacp attempting to halt the demolition of low income homes in the western addition.
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picted car dealerships on van that would not hire african americans. re teacher in the head start program for under served children and volunteered to serve the working poor and [indiscernible] walked local picket lines and arrested for civil disobeiance and [indiscernible] ginning in the jakes woodland avenue became renowned grassroots fund raising venues for generation including nancy pelosi, diane feinstein, kamala harris, [indiscernible] others including some of us here. nearly 60 years, the
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fire the causes of economic and social equality. this legacy and serve as remeender of the contribution to our city. i thank lisa jacks working with calvin ho from high office and dpw director +?r short, ian schneider and chris tom and austin yang for their work. i also want to thank president preston for their early cosponsorship and the rest i submit. nope. that's not it. i have one more. it is a sad item. in memoriam. asking we adjourn today's meeting in memory of nathan perks who died july 25 at the age ■uof■s7. nathan grew up in southern california bachelor in theater from new york university and moves gpsan
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francisco [indiscernible] san francisco robert barnes and went to work for mark leno as district 8 legislative aid. fallowed the state assembly and came back to san francisco to serve as government affairs manager for uc the last 12 years worked for the water southern california. [indiscernible] which lead to ecual ax for transgender employees. so helped create the san francisco entertainment commission and small business commission and worked th late night coalition to produce the love parade a number of times. long timearand historian for the lgbtq democratic club.■; bob heart long time friend and é fellow alum remember nathan as so
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crative and ahead of his time. one of his most important life teachers. opened to personal and are professional possibilities. he was continued uncommonly and [indiscernible] especially his beloved lgbtq i plus community. spirit drive and passion lives in across san francisco california and the inspired and loved. he made a difference in the world and wewill all miss him so much. amen [indiscernible] made his mark with the time he had. we send condolences to family and ieincluding his husband. rest in peace and power nathan, may your memory be a blessing and the rest i submilt. >> why don't we make that from the full board without objection? supervisor mandelman. supervisor melgar.
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colleagues, today i is a couple gsings to introduce that we can work on after the break. the stis a piece of legislation i have been wanting to write e on the planning commission to better protect controlled units that have tenants living in it and are going through renovations. something that we have i have been wanting to rite this legislation along with my aid jennifer ebwas with the tenant union at the time because we saw ma come in front of the planning commission and didn't have the so, i cases of unscrupulous who applied permits to redesign-renovate a building or submitting false information to the
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planning department that says there is noz un it is rented with tenants in them d rent controlled. sometimes tenants knew about kn was happening. there had plan for permit submitted for their homes. since there is no real registry for renters yet, planning f would just rely on honor sysm there a tenant and if somebody says no they take their wo for it. so, in the past this had happened repeatedly. i acknowledge sf ■khas gotten better, but we do not have a system per se to check this, so despite stuff that happened at the state in the inclusion ofisinsome of the streamlining bills at the state, san francisco still doesn't have full proof way
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to uncover whether tenants are living in a place that are going through permit process for renovation and there are ways people game the system. this legislation helps insure the permit application accurately portrays the existing condition the building today, such as the presence a unauthorized dwelling unit and tenant in the unit. it creates penalties for those who omit or mislead in the applications. i have always been a strong proponent oferant control and we need to protect the tenant and the units and i hope that work on this and that this becomes a tool in the future. i also introducing something i have been working on quite some time, which is overdue fix to the bmr home owof the bmr
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home ownership program is support low and middle income residents who would be priced out of ■san francisco with ability to buy a home and build some equity over time. typically the units are a good on the investment, a very good return on investmentch much lower then putting down a down payment the market, but when th few years sinc in some areas, the system have is inflexible and doesn't people to have the expectation they had program and gives the program a bad name. we have down mat li today, some bmr owners are in ■ terrible predicament and cannot sell because of their family circumstances. p families that purchased bmr
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units ic affordable price sometimes have difficulty selling their unto eligible buyers within the confines of our bmr ruleswh the bmr program was never intend to an owner the same amo of equity as in th never meant to sell at a loss or forced to losing whatever little equity this family has. the legislation i'm introducing the mayor office of housing the ability to reseeligibility for bmr under certain circumstances. when the market acts the way it is are other variables. i think there is ffence in every situation i hoping the planning commission will support us and able to k and ith uso people are not ç■■ this program can continue to
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thrive. i want thank maria benjamin, sissy■g yor office of housing for their effort and shannon way at ownership sf and depy ci attorney goodman for their hard work and the rest i submit. thank you. >> thank you supervisor melgar. supervisor peskin. >> thank you madam clerk.collea out of the ndemic into our economic recovery mode, i started connigroup of downtown stakeholders to talk about what they th helpful to downtown recovery. the group which number of months including sfur l all of the numerous downtown and around downtown community benefit districts and business improvement district. the bay ncil. boston properties. the buildings owneation.
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the san francisco chamber of commerce and otherd a list of things that could be achieved in near term midterm and long-term and work on projects that move than downtown forward and while this group has been representing downtown for many years, it became clear early on that it was scritical stakeholders that hold the key to the future of arts and culture representatives neighborhood voices, entertainment voices so we began inviting legacy businesstrepreneurs and groups rike the arts alliance to all start talking in e same language about what we would work for downtown and reenvision downtown and those conversations lead to pu■÷ downtown adaptive reuse legislation the mayor and i cosponsored and this board passed unanimously. the small ■businessthe
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november ballot and work the mayor did es entertainment zone downtown, which was ■pfa positive step in downtown recovery and today introducing legislation to create a greater downtown cbd 9master permitting entertainment ts and activation brought by downtown cbd and thanks to the brored we up able to a-mind the budget at the last minute and reprogrammed 2 and 3 quarter million dollars that was going to go to free parking spread around all these four cbd or 3cbd and business improvement district combined with the legislation will help turn all the gh this legislation establishes a greater ■k district
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master permit for entertainmen of public works, 5 year long permits that cut through a lot of reaucracy and it is quite clunky for a lot of pele. even the shared spaces are clunky many local governments enabled by state and local law and have the infrastructure to d do reportin cityoon the management an and supplement the base line service with cleaning and security and this i iwill be a boom to all them. i want to silver from downtown partership, andrew robinson scott from yerba buena district, melissa rodriguez frayawnian square alliance and large number and arts entertainment venue that pushed for us to get and their
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way and invest in a much process for permitting community events. each of these permits ■iassaid last for and we create 12 diwith this at anna plaza, [indiscernible] well as second street and as i mentiod,anks to all of you, eac these cbd have $687.500 to do arts and and entertainment programming, 30 programs ■aa year and each of these cbd. i look forward voting on this in september and thank you again to erybody, particularly my chief of staff, sunny an ghoulo for making it happ.[ then colleagues, sadly, i like to adjourn today's ard meeting in the memory of wolarry
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bush who died on friday and a seminal person in more then that, larry bush was a journalist, a former political aid and ethics warrior who servedon the civil grand jury, shopped ethic commission, serv on the ethic commission and a personal friend of mine for a qu he was a member of the family with long history in federal government service. he attended university he didn't finish because demised for being gay. [indiscernible] traveled to europe as a missionary for church. larry a gay political pioneer in washington worked as a h er for secretary of agriculture
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under president ford where he was outed and fired for being gay. he was washington dc correspondent for the advocate and first openly gay reporter accreded by e white house. published in the new york time, and published the bush report concern with gay political cultural issue and served for tional gay task force and worked for u.s. department of housing urban development. larry understood government, understood how to work for the citizens and what was necessary to bring improved service for the people of this sit ty. served as legislatiaid and speech writer for art aginose. nos. created thforce on hiv epidemic [indiscerniblecoacceptance of invitation by general evcoop to
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on aids of the congress for the first t■ anywhere in the country. coordinated efforts to create the first domestic rtin california and while he was on the san francisco civil grand jury lead the investigation into work ckz of the ethic ided empitous for deep anatsis of meeting the requirementoffs the mandate. the civil grand jury recommendation became the starting point for major reboot of the etcommission including disclosure, transparency, citizen involvement 6=ty. larry work roho !xlife made the public officials more transparent, brought for research, creating categories of disclosure. san francisco candidates, electronic li conflict of interest reporting.
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lived as a model of engaged citizen in local government, model we need now more then ever, rest in peace, larry bush.gues, i like to adjourn in honor a 9 year sfpd officer we lost sunday far too soon. a native, officer ortega served the ubty where he was born as a police officer since he was a child. super wed police as modern hereees. and great empathy from all walks of life. my heart, our heart goes out to his family, coirk withers and the police department, particularly at mission -t station where he served. lover of country music, he was planning a ik. 30th birthday would have been friday.
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con dolances. f >> thank you. peskin, if you ca add me to both of those in memoriams. thank you peace officer ortega and larry bush. >> supervisor dorsey. >> i like to be added as cospounser for larry bushand officer ortega. >> why don't we make from the tire board without objection. >> thank you mr. president. >> submit. >> thank you. mr. president, that concludes the introduction of new business. >> let's go to public comme. >> at this time, all invited to line up on your ght sidef the chamber. you are able to speak to june 25, 2024 board meeting minutes as presented. item 38-44, the items up for adoption without being committee, and other general matters not on today's agenda but must
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board subject matter jurisdiction. all agenda content will have been reported out by a appropriate committee where public qcomment already heard. let's hear from the first speaker. you like us to collect that frou happy to. p be right there. setting the timer for two mi first speaker. >> exceptions [difculthearing speaker] is
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t going [indiscernible] he is afraid the guillotine is say what the--? from france you know what is going on. i say, we dont want that. i dont want this. reason this time not like the [indiscernible] france i think helped you guys wbget your independence and that's w, we don't want tha. the best solution i can give
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you guys here, but part the-problem. is undo what you have been doing. [indiscernible] not bionly for bikes and [indiscernible] you understand? recess now. [indiscernible] we to play. [difficulty hearing speaker] ■ next >> how you doinsupervisor i got some information for each of you i like for you to read.
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who has compliance different hat ■% programs to see if they are doing what they supposed to do? why is that happening? the building that was recently purchasedprofit academy which is a the culinary arts, janitorial and television production, but they need some help, so my the supervisors-- >> thank you for your mments,
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sir. >> good afternoon board of supervisors. my name is chrisfer last times here in le to focus more on my non come for the recognition and see who is doing it right in san fro th my non profit. many dont know that about two ed me to put together a power point presentation and that will be presented very soon to the health commission and human service commission, and what we found : that, if someone in the city and county was issuing gun permits for votes and someone got shot because that . why are we arms when someone is giving out public surveillan people are dying? i will not dwell on that, because room has to
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make a tough decisions because the news is coming out. it came out with new zealand happening the last 30 or 40 years, same is happening in san francisco. ing to dwell on that, but what i really want everybotofocus on is when this comes out to really ■ city and county and we need that, we need peace, need . when the san francisco is right, is the most beautiful city in the world. i moved here because of the et festivals, the people that were here and i am not leaving and we will that back again and we have to and if yowhat i'm talking about i will forward the power point it is very concerning. very but again, let's bring peace and unity and let's promote san francisco the good part of san francisco and not the bad part. thank u. >> thank you for your comments.
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next speaker, please. >> my name my domestic partner in order to petitione supervisors to acquire in writing from the federal state regulators involved in the certification oflaguna honda hospital and rehabilitation a full and complete accounting of the methodology and process used to certify laguna honda hospital and rehabilitation and make that informatto the public as soon as possible. i also petitioned the arboard o as a committee of the near future to hold a public hearing certification and request the federal state reg yulers and department
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ofpresent to speak about the process ■sure the current patients and families that is not bias. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon supervisors. my mejake hunter ortega and [indiscernib today from los angeles neighborhood leaders and i discussed the problem at is non profit performing the role each and every one of you promise today to get elected or reelected this year. you imagine excitement i heard one non profit head rasted for corruption even though she was most likely served out to give the re as a city are keeping ■é her photo was used in the paper and supervisopekiand mayor breed next to her cropped out. however, i look forward to how
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into health right 360 is coming alongd if not political talk to get elected and actionable ó÷ we see more arrest of corrupt non profit heads. let's also investigate jennifer friedenbach at the coalition of homelessness, so many others. something we also discused in los like the addicts on the streets suffering from addition, our both here in san francisco and in los angeles ■z are addicted to just handing out cash. i support supporting those in handing hard earned pay checks as this body is addicted to do. research has shown the body does not program after program we tried paying criminals to not commit crimes d to mandate treatment.
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lastly, body prefer to try to solve world issues i call on the red to condemn the actions committed by the blood ndiscernible] and [indiscernible] i can count on no vote by ■f supervisor preston, [indisc■s must condemn-- >> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon supervisors. name is rson. i am commenting item 35 and very surprised thitem was passed. >> sir, i'm pausing yourime. >> excuse me? >> i'm pausing your time.i that matter is disposed of and no longer before the board.
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>> it is public com. i can't comment on it? >> not on that matter, sir. the committee. >> i the prior speaker's ■rns. i'm shocked that the item 35 board without really considering the constitutional- >> thank you for your comment, sir. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon supervisors. i'm peter warfield, executive director of library user association. i will the end. as your should know the library you are funding is not the library any longer that you may it has changed quite a bit and
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ussing what the library has done to fulfill its which just changed, free and equal access tojoing, independent learning and number other items, mpletely go miion statement. independent learning is gone from the mission atemen joys of reading or any mention of books ading is gone from the mission statement, talking about their success in satisfying the long-standing goals, they have a brand new mission statement that is pretty the old one.s ripped out eve the library certainly has be moving away from free and equal, certainly not equal. more and more meetings, programs, are electronic only and only
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available for those have access to a computer, or even a like a kendall. the library is advertising social media the library monthly magazine. get social it shouts with a exclamation point and then points to the facebook and other social media it is providing information. i'm pleased to say they dropped little bit that from their printed materials. we haxé■beit is inappropriate to be just simply advertising [indrnible] >> thank you for your comments. leah, before you speak i want y if there is anybody else in the chamber who would like to please line up on your right hand side. welcome, leah. >> i was at the homeless encampment sweep this is based on. as old as my mother maybe as
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old as a grand mirther maybe as old as y'all, prolife unrooted ripped up potted in a square cart on wheels, two large refillable water ttese governor has come for her, the mayor and ither. they call it help but help it is not.easily forget humanity, existence. her resist the best i can. it feels inefficient. many more resisted with her it is lecernible] untell efforts and hearts puce the bounty of care and love to save her and the process ourselves. bq being human, that's how i resist. listen.ou the stories poor. her heart ache is st within a vault, i understand why. if she were to feel the heart ache of friends and survival partner
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dying unexpectedly two eago how would she pack her life on wheels and agaia rest in this heartless society? i ask if hug and yes she do so i do. our hear6,ts mere sent meters partd. she only has one other person 6 she can hug. my heart hurts, does yours? that should mean something in our society. it should mean everything in our society, but instead the government tries to [indisrnible] re 7 should we let it slip we cannot abide. heartless, life and still believe former commission and activist jordan when she says survissa running for mayor had a polica thank you for your comme. next speaker, please. my name is honey mahogany ors.[q
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director of office of transinitiative. i want to thank the board passing the resolution making san francisco a sankerary city for transpeople and reversing the budget cuts to rental subsidies for tranple many trans people are fleeing from across the country to cometo places like san francisco where they are safe and today i'm !mspeakingin support of resolution introduced by mandelman proclaiming august transhistory month. this is initiative brought by jupiter [indiscernible] three years ago and instituted by e mayor and the first time i believe the board of supervisors is officially declaring san francisco is the first city in the nation to celebrate trans history month and this year california will be the first state in the nan to also celebrate this historic ■h occasion, so again, trans people are being attacked all across the countryen all ac
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it is resolutions like is and the celebration of transhistory month that acknowledge our hew hanty and celebrate the have diversity and acknowledge our rich history and legacy that have even here in this very place, the stone wall riots and founding of your rancisco so thank you fo continued allyship and hope you all support pervisor mandelman's resolution. thank you. >> thank you director mahony next speaker, please. >> good afternoon san o supervisors. got a little of a speech written here. stand before you today with a heavy heart. as i speak about something that is rely imrtant to me and
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probably every mother and father the presence of fentanyl on our playgrounds and schools. children are overdosing and this is totally unacceptable. toayon my walk here to city hall, i noticed many people using fentanyl along the street near the parks main corridors bart entrances, bus stops, you name it, the whole 9 yards. i implore you divisive and decisive action anemploy measures to keep fentanyl away from our playground and schools.must address the is of opfentanyl, people here who are not legal citizens taki and exploiting our sanctuary city to sell fentanyl for $3 a gram.
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chper uthen a gallon of milk and gallon of gasolin a boom loop on 7ict and market. every night there e of pennies on the dollar and collective stolen property. a lot of people ran saking grocery stores and where apartments, my apartment has broken into three times. i have woke up to ÷,fight off burglars while girl is screaming. that happened more then once and wonder ving on top of the hill-- ■'>> ank you sir for your comments. >> appreciate thatnext speaker, >> there is a muni stop in my
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neighborhood that has been 3 cars every week for months and years on end intruding on the tracks. could you do >the overhead thin or maybe not? years. i thought maybe part of the problem was the site looked lik this. it .gp$looked pretty dilapidate. across the street, so it was in my interest to arcleaning it up. i had complained to the sfmta and start my property. morning, so they told me their solution ■o■for the cars going down the track was to tell the tok drivers to do as much damage to the they could
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removing them but i try it is better to clean up the site gni painted it and put signage out there. this was 4 and a half year ago, the fir subsequent to thi arrested at this site christmas day, spent two days in jail. they told me i was commti vandalism and they accused me of things like doing this and told replace the signs for this.ian on christmas day and scapegoated and go through this whole process and procedure was kind of interesting especially you are subject to so much fraud and scapegoating it substitutions like playing a game of dominos. they got vertical over-charging, horizontal over-charging ct to
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subject to a bunch of horizontal charges like misdemeanor arrests and then i had actually spend 70 hours on planes flying to and from san francisco to contend with all this. they told me i didn't paint this, that the dpw painted it and i owed them $2400. they painted the sitesite from the dirt and brooms entirely very corrupt, very corrupt and one as can't have conservatorship because of such things like officia■bl and fraud and they actually tried to introduce a conservatorship to my arraignment hearing. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. welcommrs. brown.
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>> >> hi, i like to use the overhead. dj8y here concerning my son aubrey murdered august 14, 2006. next moh ll the anniversary of his murder and like i said last time i i am very much feeling it and it doesn't mal■z years has passed, how much time has passed, he still my child and i'm just wanti bring awareness to all the unsolved homicides that happened here in san francisco and no justice has been give to us as mothers and fathers and i continue to seek justice for my child not just for my chil all mothers and fathers standing with other mothers and i am hoping that i bring these other ones that are not solved other
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homicide victims. i bring the picture of my standing over my my lifeless child. first is the smile saw earlier. they took that from me and i'm just praying that ■b is what i want to show you. this is what they left me. a lifeless corpus i show because people need to know what #50i78 ■n i'm talking about. just to say it, i want you to see it. on the 14th of august, chief scott will media coverage for me on the 14th and i'm praying everyone of you can show up and support. please, we need you. not only will i be cw mother
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and fathers willnw there too. let the people in the world we are sufferngshouldn't have to. we should be going--thank you. >> thank you mrs. brown. are there any other mbers of the public who like to address the board during general public comment? mr. president. >> public comment is now closed. madam clerk, plse call the adoption without committee reference calendar? 38-44 were introduced adoption without committee reference. the unanimous vote is required for adoption on first reading today. a member may require resolution on first reading to go to committee. >> would any member like an item or items severed? supervisor dorsey. >> 43. >> supervisor stefani, >> 41. 1# >> supervisor mandelman. >> 38, please. be added as r melgar. cosponsor for item 41, please.
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>> supervisor safai. >> i the board but i want to 100 percent double cck please add me as cosponsor to item 38 for transgender history month and 41 for korean day and item 42 for the the major encroachment permit. >> okay. madam clerk, please ver item 44, which leaves us with the balance of the calendar, item 40 and 42 and we'll take same house those resolutions are adopted. item 38, please. >> item 38, resolution to
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declare august 2024 as transgender history month in city and county of san francisco. >> supervisor. >> thank you president peskin. colleagues, the resolution before will designate august 2024 as transgender history month in th i want to thank the office of trsgender initiative honey mahogany and her staff coming by today and also for putting this resolution together. decades ago, black and bro transwomen and drag queens rioted in the tenderloin. the riots regarded as the first of mass resistance against police abuse in the united states pr stone wall riots by 3 years. the ripts at the time a 24 hour diner transand resident made
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outside the intersection of taylor and artu streets where the fighting continued. the riot tracted■0%8of tenderloin residents including some awaken fr apartments and sro and others. the riot showed the transgender and queer people were a force to be for transand queer people and make n francisco the with support of the city county of of transgender initiative-- initiative--[indiscernible] following san francisco matt offices resolution 57 making
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california the first atthe nation to j;ree anender history. we all know nationally transgender people suffer attacks. you are familiar with 527 pieces of legislation tating the lgbtq plus community introduced in 40 aim to limit the rights of transpeople gender affirming contribute to a environment of violence on deadly expression, 32 murders in 2023 and 20 in to speak loudly and support of the transgender sibling as we did last month when the boardeared sa francisco a sanctuary city for transgender people and
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again today as we recognize transgender histonth in san francisco and i want to thank i think everybody here on this as cosponsor. thanks colleagues. >> thank you supervisor mandelman. i was a cosponsor. >> you are. got your information. thank you. >> it is noted and that, we will take same house same call. the resolution "8 madam clerk, please read item 41? 41 resolution to recognize september as korean chuseok day and honor for hosting the 6 annual bay area festival in september 14, for the contribution to the korean american community in city and county of >> supervisor stefani. >> thank you president peskin. colleagues, i'm again introducing a emr day and ecognizing
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significance. changes every year so i want make sure every year we are honoring it appropriately. as u mefrom past years, i ■oçu similar resolution, chuseok thanksgiving korean celebrate the harvest honoring ancestors. today resoon ls out the contributions of korean americans. celebrating chuseok day embrace the within san francisco. community that contribute that keone we love so much. it events that help bring as closer together foster a sense of unity through the shared experiences we build stwraunger moresilit
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communities. in district 2, commemorated wia festival hosted by korean center at the presidio malaember 14 and you absolutely have to go. no organization has more to keep traditions thriving then the korea center in district 2 and also tremendous to the city and bay area. p korean center provided educational--been support to everyone in our city, i to llout work with under served immigrant communities and thank the korean ■ywf■# community and korean center for decades of support and best wishing all &9 i encourage everyone to attend at the presidio september 17. i said the 14. i will make sure you get the right information when the exact celebration is but it is a t on
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the presidio main lawn. thank you. >> thank you. >> please add me as cosponsor. >> seeing the roster we will take 41 same house same call. the resolution is adopted. please read item 43. motion to raquel to yerba buena gardens conservancy board. >> in 2018 the board established a few public benefit civic non profit the yerba buena gardens to assume operating and ímanagement responsibility for the gardens under master lease with the city. as part at master lease, the board has apointment authority to one seat on the yerba buena garden board of vacant rs and with that
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until now, i am thrilled to appoint in the neighborhood a long time the soma pilipinas cultural district to empower an filipino community participate programming. rot of e historiswrn the heavy lifting done uancy ba filipino restaurantd great work. play a important role for city resis visor its alike for shopping ■x nearby stores going ] attends mass or doing anything i urge n to do to support district 6 businesses so getting the space ght key to economic recoferby. the perspective bring as a
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legislative aid, labor organizing and non profit leader will someone of her caliber is see so +bo >> supervisor ronan. >> i agree and think raquel is important addition to this body and like to be added as cosponsor. >> motion same house same call, the motion is apprve madam clerk, >> item 44. motion authorizing preparation of written proponent and opponent
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t arguments for submittal to the voters for the november 5, 2024, general election. hank y madam clerk and thank you to your office for the amendments. [indiscernible] line 21-24. striking the references to the measure on the department of police accountability that did not make it to the ballot en assigning supervisor dorsey to the licr a supervisor melgar to the children and youth charter amendment, myself to the commission reform charter amendment, myself to the inspector general charter amendment, myself to the affordal housing extremely low income opportunity fund for seniors chr ent. supervisor safai to the nurse retiremepublic safety communication retirement plan changes.■3 f supervisor stefani to the fire department retirement pension measure. mayor breed to the general obligation bond. sug&■[pet
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responder student ■an forgiveness fund. mayor breed to the reproductive rights measure. supervisor engardio to the upper great highway measure.rvisor ronan as opponent to ■tirement option program measure and myself as opponent to the dysfunctional bureaucracy initiative or so they call it. like somebody to make an amendment to procedure.that as is our made by supervisor safai and seconded by supervisor mandelman. we'll take without objection motion as amended, same house same call. tion is approved as amended. madam clerk, please read the in memoria. >> today's meeting will be adjod in memory of the following beloved
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supervisor chan and stefani, for mrs. maureen sullivan. on behalf of supervisor mandelman and mr. nathan perkus. on behalf of supervisor peskin d th entire board of supervisors, for former ethic commissioner larry bush. on behalf of survisor and on behalf of the entire board of supervisors, for the ■late police ■9 officer luciano, ortega. >> deputy city attorney ann pierson, thank you for your service and everyone have a good summer recess. wree are adjourned. [meeting adjourned] b
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>> are u lookinfor a rewarding career and eager to acquire unlock new job opportunities? what if quou can receive training for free? ng ospects are waiting for you. offering through economgic workforce development, ■the hospitality initiative prepares participants in hospitality. no experiennecessary. explore training and services in the restaurant industry for food beverage careers including chefs, line ■u cooks, bartenders andber easters and ndiscernible] service industry careers [indiscernible]
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housekeeper maintenance manager security gutaught in english, spanish,s mandarin. connect to job opportunities throughout the city. elevate your skills. ignite your passion and embark on a growth. to get started, visit >> i'm connie chan distr welcom richmond. >> i'm anmmra and came to san francisco china town when i was 13 years old w brother. my first job is at the community or san francisco state.
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and land in the city hall and becamehxtive aid to sophie maxwell. went through city departmentsn s district attorney i'm proud to represent the richmondad district supervisor. we have g neighborhood commercial corridors that need to be protected. e we launched the neighborhood supporting the [inaudible] for 15 years we have the legacy business pr years or more and thought, you know, we sure the
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next generation contains for generations to come. am i'm owner of we were opened in 1968 at that belve one of the owners of mestart today went named and and father took it mid 70s. >> originally was just burger joint. open late nights. then it chad or years and became the breakfast staple. webreakfast, brunch come lunch now. i love this neighbo. and it feels like home. i walk down the blockf people s hello. you say hello you talk and joke. that is enjoyable and i have no.
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there are many would like to see improve ams the making sure that our tenants stay ed our small business in tact and those are the that will contain to push to make sur know our communities canroot, stay and thrive. >> i'm proud of you know, everyone loch its we got farmer's market every sunday the you see really business at the a. folks and going to chopk f like green apple. and that's when you like the deal is pizza place haall families love. you willsee a lot of great chinese shops that isñ. rlyever. >> and that is just thein are
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richmond there isre t do in the richmond. theatre. >> i mean adam and with my wife jamie, own little compkaned cinema sf webalboa theatre. the vocabularying theatre on■fn on clement. >> balboa ta opened in 1926 and servicing this outer richmond neighborhood since then. and close on the heels opens si. >> when you comeoéz a movie theatre, the rest of the world has to be leftbehind. but you get e mersed in the worhat for you. that is a special experience■ o the movies that we sawthe big screen of with everybody screaming or laughing or crying.
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it is a shared human experience that you get■ wn you go in to places that are gatherings and artist presented to you. >> a sharethe most precious. and the popcorn. [laughter]. at the balboaespecially, we stroif to have movies for people of every pop corn palace movies on the weekend■=rnings, for families and kids. this is for everybody of all ages. >> what is great about the richmond is it is a neighborhood of the immigr immigrants not ap immigrants you will seet there are also a huge population of rush wrans and ukraiany unit am see that the support the
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each other as a community. cinderella bakery is another legacy business. if youo on the website it is known as a russian bakery. the fthi you see their pledge to support the ukrainian community. you will see the unity in the richmond i'm proud of our monthed.t community in the r >> my dad immigrate friday iran the reason he s was because of the restaurant. has more centential is the reasonable we are in this country. opportunity to take over thens we are here par our legacy and san franc it going for years to come. >> to the only asian american woman elect in the office and as
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immigrant that is not happen nothing 3 it is my ability to asian-american community. in my case these speaking elders in our community that really can all me to communicate with them i'm program director of i have been here for 7 years i love to help the commuties and help and the people with disability. i foal a connection i am anim grant i love helping and improvements. new >> if you want nature, neighbore
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between ocean beach heights and golden gate outer richmond. for me is the single best neighborhood in san francisco. everybody knows each heg people have been living here forever. it is young and the ocean is really near by. and so there is that ■í to it. there are places to seat golden gate bdge it is amazing. businesses are all small mom and pop businesses. houses get passed down generation to it has a small town feel but you know you are i a big city at the same time. got a unique flat see in other neighborhoods j. it is about being inclusive we are inclusive and welcome the shoul
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