tv Fire Commission SFGTV August 27, 2024 9:00pm-10:23pm PDT
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this is the fire commission regular meeting. august 14, 9:00 am. this meeting will be held in person at members of the public attending the meeting in person will to provide public comment. members of the public the meeting and participate remotely by instructions below. members of the public for up to three minutes per item. public comment call in. number 14156550001. meetingar password is 1234. ensure you are in a and turn off background sounds such as television, radios. wait for the item you would like address to be called when prompted. press star three to queue. the system
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will notify you when you are. callers will hear silence when waiting for your,l will unmute. you may also watch item number one. roll c president. army. morgan. president vice presiden. commissioner. steven nakajo. president commissioner. catherine feinstein collins has been excused. chief of holson president, ramaytush ramaytush ohlone land acknowledgmention acknowledges that we are on homeland of the ramaytush ohlone, who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as the stewards of this land and in accordance with thei have never ceded, lost responsibilities as the caretakers of this for all peoples who reside in their traditional te. as guests, we recognize that we benefitm living and working on their traditional homelands. we wish to pay the ancestors
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elders, and relatives of the by affirming their sovereign rightses. item number two. generalmay address the commission for up to three minutes on any matter within the commission's jurisdiction that does appear on the agenda. speakers shall address their remarks and not to individual commissioners commissioners are not to discussion with the speaker. the lack of a department personnel does not necess of statements made during public comment. yes. thank yo the ramaytush ohlone land and at this point, is there any ? i do not see anyone one gentleman here. oh, my apologies.
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go ahead please. good morning to the fire department commissioners, fire chi chieftains. thank you for your unwavering service the city of san francisco and this fire department. i also appreciate t time you've given me to meet with you name is timothy crenshaw. i am a wildland firefi marin county fire department. the reason why today is to respectfully reconsideration for the 135th academy class last month, on july my preliminary panel interview received an email of int however, i was not contacted to schedule a. i'm aware that thissn't the ideal time or place for mys the only opportunity i felt that ou directly
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in support of my reconsideration. i would like to highlight some of last year in 2023. i had my chie with the city of san francisco and received a 930 and ranked second out of recruits. also passedations. background checks, and participated in the voluntary where istently tested above average exercises. additionally, i built a support system of current san francisco fire me and believe in my potential contributions to the department. unfortunately i did not meet the fctc written exam, which resulted in my non participation in 134 academy of 2023 or. yes, of the 134 a of disappointment. i've taken it t heart and especially considering the resources invested in me by the city of san francisco and then, i've time
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and volunteered at t and currently work seasonally for the marin countyhere i've developed more into an effective fire professional as well as member. i hope sorry about the time but i hope my is a reflection of myt this department. okay. thank you. thank. i do not seee on the public comment line, and i do not seek you madam secretary. so i guess we will call on the approval of the minutes from a motion to approve the 10th? so moved. i second. can i call a vote?t, i will call a vote how do you vote? y commissioner
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nakajo, how do you vote? i vote. minutes are approved. thank you, madam secretary. thank you. item number four. item numberort. report from chief of department jeanine nicholson. repor issues, activities and events within the departmentting on july 10th 2024, including budget events, communications and outreach to ot all field operations, including of fire prevention and investigation training wit airport division. report from ems and sandra tong. report on the ems . may i begin morgan, i'm sorry. president. president morgan. vice president. frazier. commissioner kathy and maureen. and our
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esteemed city attorney. am still your san francisco firehief, janine nicholson. and this is my report. since our july 10th meeting, that week of july 10th i went to the firescope board of a meeting with achiefs in california. and we, state and national trends, on everything from, fighting fires to cancer to wildland urban interface, all sorts of topics. and, it know some of our members chief deputy chief and assistant deputy chief, darcy, are also involved in scope meetings in developing policy. so i was there that week, it was a meeting. a lot of good connections made and we know
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all right, i also want had two station 49 members, aaliyah, don stewart and gerald colbert, honored at the de facto mayor of the tenderloin adele who was actually a firefighter in, was honoring they were of the community and of our department. and i know chief tong and others were there of our hbcu students, concluded, we had three of them. and it was it a department? i think it was a good experience be pretty successful across the board throughout the city and i reception. irules committee, the board of supervisors meeting about a charter amendment that was put local 798. that charter amendment and edited and is through the regular board, basically changing the retirement ages wise
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because this is a young person's job. we are moving forward with the 135th. is that wow. with 135th class interviews, we'll be interviewing approximately 130 candidates over the next you know, this is a wind. is that the wind that's the ac or something? all right. i'll just keep so, anyways we moving forward with the 135th class interviews be at headquarters over the next know, i think this is just such an important, job for us people that are going to be with 25 or 30 years. so super important, this past saturday was the peace day celebration right in civic center plaza
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celebration. and, we went on a little walk down market street to yerba buena. thank you to those who attended it was also this past weekend. it multiple departments were oakland, as well as had emt ishmael orozco who was honored, it was sweet. his mother, who'ss son were both there. he was recognized for his efforts in saving the life of a suicidal, patient by grabbing them by the ankles as they went out the window them for about ten minutes until we got a ladder company so, he wasg work, and we were , on the field by a command staff. so thank you to everyone that showed up. and as you know, i, announced my, impending retirement. i have, i am having some always telling folks to health, and i have been so it is, it's time
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for me to do that b caught up with me and and i want to have a happy and healthy retirement. so i supervisors on july 30th. thank you commissioners who did attend much, commissioner nakajo and vice president know, there will be a press afternoon with the mayor, at headquarters at 1230. and i just want to thank all of their support and hard work and your guidance and department and for the members in it. i really, real will be here for another commission meeting. so, you're not getting rid of me just yet and concludes my report. thank you. chief. d morgan, can you speakm sorry. thank you. can you this time, is there any questions from fellow commissioners in regards t report?
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i'd like to just want toay thank you, chief. very small. thank you. event at the board of supervisors meeting was, wasot to hear what they had to say was, i think, really heartfelt and very and you deserved every single word. so thank you. thank you. any other so i'd like to say thank you nicholson and thank you for your service to the city of san francisco. and it's going to be to replace you. and, you know, it's just. i just think it was you i just want to say that i. i apologize for not being the board of supervisors event. i'd like toone of the commissioners can. who attended. yeah. of happened. but. yeah, i just want to. i just want to say thank
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you. just keep it that simple. and thank youadership. thank you, president morgan. appreciate it commissioner ocasio, th morgan. thank you very much, chief president morgan, commissioner, both myself and vice president frazier were at that ceremony at the board of supervisorsain, the vice president made her remarks, it was just a beautiful, bea very respectful, and it was really a rewarding to hear every member of the board of supervisors, make their remarks i didn't know they all put it was the proclamation that you were their favorite department head. i know that, announcements areonal in terms of retirement, one time i i kind of made a think about it was, what do you do with life after truth of the matter is a who in terms of that, in terms of yourrms of just having some
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good quality time, we on know the rest of our colleagues here wish you all so much for what you do in terms of san franchip that you provided in this department and working with thi membership of our department. thank you so much mister president. thank you commissioner. yeah. and i you know, elaborate. i would just like to add, i mean, i ies of leadership. no matter what the rank or who you're talking treat everybody with respect like a human beingou know encapsulate the word teamwork. that's what you project teamwork in the department. and i really respect that, you know and that's what i got from me, we're eadership chief nicholson and, at this point, is there any other comments? i will, i will till the last meeting. okay yeah. well okay. i guess we can go to
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item five. no no, no, wait a minute. no, it's chief, if we go to the po. there it is. all right? five. five. folk. i come before you again with no greater alarms in the reporting period. and i will lied tell you that my report will be brief but let's move forward july, there was no dramatic change in our suppressio statistics, the number of total boxeshe number of working fires was conforming. and the lack of the grit, determination efficiency and the strong work of our operations chief and all who serve underneath increase in water rescue calls and to see in the summer, and we were we're lucky enough to address, some of this with the people who take particular concern of the dogs out in, at funston and were recognized. work in rescuing people and dogs off of the cliffs this month. but i do not want to leave you
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without a fun fire story. so the last box on your working fire count number the 25th of the mont a fire that absolutely gone second alarm quite easily. you can see how tight beaverems that our rigs frequently encounter, positioning and was excellent at this incident. and you can see how, how tight the confines of the street are came up during this fire was it was another heavy. you can see the stairs with the yacht, rock albums that had cascaded down the st difficult. it was described as a slip n slide for the companies it, and they had a difficult time just ascending the stairs with they fought the fire fairly quickly once they were able to gain access, but yo see the loading. that's a these aren't giants. these are normal standard francisco firefighters standing on the amount of burnt materiair heads almost touch the ceiling. so in a loading the fire conditions, they were presented with, the companies did excellent work. there was heat of the fire but yeah, again complimentary to them easily
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could have been a greater alarm report. and i for their quick and efficient action and keeping it to a see there was some damage to what we bravo or the exposure. the immediate exposure to t able to contain it primarily to that building. so. excellent. excellent, to our bureau of fire prevention and i. i'll direct you to page nine and highlighting just a significant increase in notice of violation in in the , the early months went into effect. but youire marshal's office has worked very diligently to complete these bring them down and working to bring those notices of violations to completi, r2 inspection program, there was soissued at the field, hopefully it's opening the fire marshal's office can see they're working through that. through the assistance of thessly. i'll again h sfmta that the fire marshal and i have been working with the mayors and
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the controller's office to streamline that report will be the mta commission later, but you can see that the number of on page 13 has reduced significantly strength of our cooperation. another thing that the on last year was sb nine and new rules for accessory dwelling u of san francisco and the fire marshal's office continues to work very effectmayor's office to get these approved and built. in. and then on page arrest information is interesting. there for arson in the month of july, and despite the lack of fire activity or the perceived lack of fire activity. on city of san francisco, i will point out that itns the goal and the mission of san francisco fire department to protect lives andre was still one death and four injuries and fire in the month we'll go to the airport division and chiefused from this meeting. his work couple of things.
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i know he would like me to highlight is he was approved irport to advertise and to hire for ar, which will absolutely increase their effective they will have a new position that just manages fleet procurement that they need for airport operations and i know you've noticed that the newsletter hasn't been included. commissioner nakajo. yes. it hire the new training captain. so the trae hired probably at the end of this month to the division of , just a couple of highlights. they had a strong in-service module. attended and was very complimentary of in an ear july. another thing that they took on this this month, in july was exercise with the port and with some different federal assets fory emergency operations on boardnd this has been an emerging threat. and department was very aware of it. and we w and, chief dragovic was instrumental in these drills, also developing a tabletop and those
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will continue. i will didn't glean. i didn't ias i usually do. but if you haven't been on top of an aerial of commissioner feinstein, yes, if you haven't been on tops is the view. so now you don't have to climb. okay. thi looks like. and this is all from the h three preparatory academy 49 members who are going to go toy're better prepared, page 41, the note that i use of our facility by napa's, police swat the kind of cooperation that we see fairly but even outside agencies, other fire departments and ot police departments and when you get your report on the new see that our capacity for that kind of cooperation is going to page 47 high acronyms. commissioner feinstein's favoritenym. so the f is a regional agreement with, california oeslop what's called the urban search and rescue e. and we mentioned that a couple of meetings ago, and the work continues.had
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members of our technical resc chief miller and captain mancinelli, preparingd look like for implementation. our coordination with the one of the first working groups. chief miller in pasadena to continue this relationship. inert nert is going strong with the addition of lieutenant honda. and we hed nine 60s. so retired members who are working in a mo, but in their retired capacity, they have th bandwidth to really push the program forward. we have a backlog ofut 700 people who would like the training, and they will. they will definitely increase our that, chief kilo and i attend a of the country of singap were called out by name in the crowd setting up nert training with the singaporean consul and commissioner nakajo was kind kilo and myself to a disaster preparedness meeting with the japanese consul, where same opportunity
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to the japanese consul, swis, indonesian. so hopefully that's the type of program, additional work that doesn't get captured in this report, but to the commission in the past, is our work on autonomousd in the month of july, i attended the autonomous road transit sat on a couple of panels. and i will tell you the sfpd, that we were very, very, very well concerns were thehere were a number of regulators there at the and a number of other states. and we made some good bridging relationships. and we'll continue those cy that the chief's assistance with this is a noted. and, it was a good mic and i've already lied to you andso this is my presentation. so now chief. and i want to take the opportunity to thank the chance to serve as the deputy chief of operations for the san francisco fire dep talk a little bit about the chief, this relationship and the the command staff is is a testament to the
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diversity of the agency in so, so many ways those. but the diversity of our to these jobs, there on the outside looking in, i thought, there's a vast chasm, right.ience in the agency, we were together in paramedic school in if i saw you one time until you became the deput and oversaw my role in training when you oversaw training, i. there weren't many. and for the chief to, to have trust, and to trustw!ñm maybe her gut. i don't i don't know but that was that was. but what i found when we worked together was that this, despite those experiences and the way we came to the absolutely true believers in this. a you've seen her advocacy. you've you've seen the force of what she brings to of the department. she is absolutely dedicated at all timesday, seven days a week 365
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unless it's a in a year to the mission. the to the people of the city of san francisco and to the so she serves essentially as a ceo of a half billion dollar corporation with 1700 mem individual foibles and moments of greatness, with 160 year history. and that is an awe. it's an all consuming responsibility. and i, i appreciate the work into that job and the faith that she has shown strength of the command staff that she has establis has built. and i just want you to know, we're going to keep doing the work, boss. we're going to keep keep on for you. and i want you to enjoy you're not going for another couple of weeks, butr kind words. thank you. and if ther, thank you so much, chief lathrop. can you hear me? i hear that they're having'll try to talk into the microphone. so thank you so much for your report, chief lathrop. and, probably
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going to i going to ask you about theout the logistics officer at the airport i might have missed the times and the hiring and to that effect. yeah. the 19th of the month, and i believe they've conducted the interviews and member yet who will be taking the job been shared by the training captain. it had been a dual responsibility and a lot of the time of their training division when it was actually a logistics function and the airport was gracious and saw the need and filled the well, that's great news. to lighten the load for, chief a little bit, yeah. good deal. so at this point,he rest of the commi, president morgan. thank you very much, chief, for. i particularly, appreciate your statements and remarks in terms of the end of your report, ince to cd one, i made somef the command staff and the command level andeem to be talking about the experience of
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the fire department, but still don't know all of the operations orof the department. and cd one has that responsibility as you say. i also think that, again it, some positive remarks in terms of the command staff that t formalized with all of you that are out i didn't make in terms of the board of supervisors i corso and the rest of the command staff have gone board of supervisor members and have advocated an fought for what we need, which is funding. and that ain't an easy task at all. during these last couple of years in terms trials and tribulations, in terms of deficit, this chief hasto our department in terms of what's best for us., and i want to be able to say thank you for your service and your report as well. chief lombardohank you. thank you very much, mr. president. any other, commissioner fra it's a really interesting report from beginning to end. this upsetting to see those firefighters standing on top of feet of g, to say the least.
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accountability on the part of the owner. the renterwhoever's living there for those conditions. if our firefighters go int and get hurt, that just seems like not right, that there's no accountability just going to say that , for those conditions it. and good job keeping it at the level that you were able to, given the amountand plastic. and it's just it's shocki concern is the health and safety of our that kind of place. positive meeting regarding the electric vehicles. the san francisco. that's always good to hear. i remain somewhat dubious but i know i'm i'm fighting the glad to be updated. so thank you for that. outdoor fires are in the an alert. was it today about happened last night, early this morning.. so, i
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look forward to learning more many there are. the growing number of seems like there's more and more all the not small little fires. that's also a very dangerous our firefighters, but for our citizens who are aro their house, or where they work or where their car is.res, and the last thing thank you for honoring our chief and everything you said. and everything that you have done, i remember when you you camestreet, when there was a big fire on vermontig fire. it was two doors away. meet you and see how you you ran the show pleasure. and i also appreciate what you honored the chief. and that's. that means a lot. so thank you. feinstein morning chief. good morning. commissioner. just just little bit because,
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and i'm, i'm talking what at least we used to refer to as hoarders. you, i believe described them somewhat differently. my, i mean, i this was looking at these pictures, i've seen in a differ that where there was. i don't know what but hoarding. conditions and one where, when we approached the building, there were actually two rats scratching at the out, and it's terrifying. it's terrified me ever since it washaven't forgotten. my question is, what you. i mean, who cleans this up? what do you do about the mental health of the person? who? who do they get referred to? because, i mean they start accumulating even more just
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can't i how you approach the, the, the cleanup and the, you know, the worry ofhing fire. an hour later if it's you know this that is. i mean it was this was most shocking pictures, well, for, two, three, four pictures all together. that i've ever seen. tell me what what can be done. so i wasn't trying to produce nightmares. for that. and obviously what what has become trash now was somebody up to that moment. and we're we're it. this did require very extensive overhaul. there were ruck companies called, and it was hours and hours of removing burnt sure, as you said there would not be preparatory steps, this comes in. or justscovery on on a medical
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where it would be entered into our computer system as a as, a hazard. and would be distribute on arrival would know that these conditions exist. we don't have a formalized method forhat go along with these types of conditi i can you refer to apps ifis needed to that a little bit. and i'm sure chief tom can as yeah, we refer things to apps. our folks i know i did during my time and an officer in the department, but you know, ultimately, we when we respond to things. and, as much of the, you know, prevention that isment we can't get to ever so we get what we get and we rely on our really strong leadership in the to ensure that our
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membersing great care in what they do and that ever right. this is what we have here. and so we rely on ourship of our assistant chiefs and our battalion chiefs, and we rely training, extensive training and, sure that that we come out safe again we, we get what we get whens how it is sometimes, but, you know, i'm super proud of this department and keeping single alarm is kind of insane and just showed, like, you know the work that's being done out therg our operations are. right now, it's just it's impressive. so, yeah, we get what we get and we can refer to apps. i know i think sheto live with her son, so it was. sout alive. but yeah. lu, i learned a new term, and i thank you for it. slip and slide expression. maybe we can put it your vocabulary list that i. soand, i mean
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it was depiction to me. the ladder that you a wanted me to go up that was just never. it'sg to happen, it was fun t but that was about it, but i do want to commend you on the report. we, you know, we're that we need here, and i think that's and it's a very the things that, you know house, so to speak, is all all your reports have really been, to be commend our, our very instructional for those of us that have referred to you know you just it's going to be a constant learning curve for those of us that day. and this is very helpful in helping w that curve. so i really want to thank
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you for it i'll see you at the next meeting too. so your favorite picture and your robes, kylo photoshop you into the ladder picture. and then if he can put me on can take credit for it. the answer okay. but i took one look and i said you know, it's just and i have to say, this was at the training center at out on. and, and commissioner morgan and then he did. and the nicest person, who the, on the laddero harness you in. i'm going to be rig behind you. i took one look at that thing and said, and i. but i just said, you know, life is that kind of the theme of this meeting. life is short, and me to go up that high and come down so, but it i, im not at all sorry i
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didn't take advantage of the opportunity. i'll just put i really want to commend you on this. and you know responds to things like that, that i it, but it didn't mention anything about the and you know, it just it just very illustrative of everything that this department can do. beautifully. and it is shocking. it wasn't a greater alarm. so hats off to you, to chief steward and all the companies on you. yeah. thank you, chief lothrop and i just want to reiterate that there were noight. so that was a good happy to hear that. and i just want to reiterate what chief to a single alarm. that's great work. thank you chief. thank you for sorry i didn't say hommissioner feinstein, vice president fisherpicture of you to keep. yeah. we do. the two. i guess at thisar from. oh. president morgan.
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sorry to interrupt. can you call for if there's any public comment for one and cd two? sure. yeah. so is there any public commen, for the chiefs reports? i do not public comment line or anyone approaching the podium. k you. madam secretary. good morning president morgan. vice president. frazier. commissioners nakajo chief. maureen. kathy staff. sandy tong, deputy community paramedicine. this is my report for july. so this is the report from assistant deputy y to be using your thi. there he is, so for ems data, our average call volume went down just a bit in the month of had a couple of days with over 400 calls. so i think this is just abit of people on vacation and maybe not in the call volume stays more o moments where it does elevate to somesome
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significant numbers, one of the things that we wan call attention to in this particular report, and has been a change fromvious months, is the way that we calculate our survival rate for cardiac arrest. in included all of the calls that wereted, but that also included those thatc arrests are a little bit different. kind of response and a different kind of treatment and a different kind of out those types of calls, those traumatic calls. whether somebody got shot, som a building, and we took out those calls and really looked calls that we resuscitated. and so in the month of july, when121 resuscitations that we attemptedhose we did receive rosc a good number, a very think continuing to provide community cpr, hands on, those kinds of trainings to the community will really help because, aed, application at the time of somebody's collapse can be really critical in the time hoping that we continue we are able to look at howeating people
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in cardiac arrest and how we are providing that m immediately really does result in more people saved, every, twice a year, we have a review of the san francisco emergency medical services agency. and those are revisions of current policies and protocols, looking at the science, looking at how situations have changed in those policies and procedures get changed. we also have an opportunity in the department, as well as all the other hospitals to review those revisionsm before they get voted on and approved and look at those those policies and protocols a are being proposed, we've created a working group among members our department to really look at those much more closely. we noted a nurs that, you know, are initially proposed punctuation you know, other kinds of grammatical thingshen just tighten up the way that those policies go out and, implemented. so being able to do that and having th
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opportunity, and for us to really play a significant part in that, given the work that and have sort of the lion's share of the work has been a good change in the way that we're approaching these policies and way that our divisions are working together in order to provide that fee, also, we provided two ambulances for event. we saw nine calls that we received, that we received. and then seven of those folks were transported. every year we looke call volume that we see with these types of events and determine whether or not the amount of staffing that we provide is sufficient. and wha event was that we anticipate that we anticipatedwe ended up having. and so we are always look msa to be able to say to them,t and the type of ambulance coverage that you're going to ne next year's events. and so being and provide that kind of feedback will h the amount of coverage the amount of demand that populations in the city increase because of the likelihood of increased call volume also will result.ust trying to better plan for those events, be able support. and that's not only for the department to providesome
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of these city sponsored events, we do provide ambulance service. just like we support many of the parades. but when they're private events that are comingdor, those are the ones that are going through an ems medical plan review by the msa. and they determine t but there's also overflow that does happen just within the actual event that there is a demand, but also the people that are around it. and then after the events that also impact we're trying to more and more be able to anticipate what like and how we might need to support them better in theentioned, and this is a little sneak into the two of our members be featured in a tenderness program. as the chief del seymore and shavon allen, we all recommend, i think wasted in the report to have any of you derloin museum which was an amazing venue. the exhibit that is currently is a great historical view of blacks in the and the video or the film thatmbers were in, excuse me paramedic gerald colbert. and
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emt elijah really nice. they represented the department. excellent. they spoke to sort of how they have as members of station 49 and working in the tenderloin. what community when they respond, so a just a very, very lovely. and then we also mayor of the tenderloin was one of the first paramedics in california in los angeles in 1971. so. and we're looking at, continuing a dialog with him to maybe come to station 49 and speak to some of his those first paramedics. on july 30th, i think time that we had the board of supervisors recognition of th so i was not able to attend. but station 49 hosted the spca, who donated a number of k9,y brought with them some of this picture you see on the right of a 34 35 pound bunny, that's alexander, it's famous. yeah. alexander. which looks like a heifer.
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so yeah, but they visited 49. and anytime we have animals come to 49 or to the department is a great day. and so these masks provide life saving device for all of our canine. and i believe we have some small ones too. that can so thank you to the spcaparamedics from assistant deputy chief of community paramedicine simon payne a few things happened over of july. chief mason of our administration was invited to speak to over 800 individuals at a national association of mobile integrated health focusing on funding and sustaina paramedicine programs. one of the things that we'rellenge is because of the number of calls that be going to and that increasing number of calls we don't get r to somebody to the hospital. and so being able to create a process and a system that is, you know, a medi-cal and through insurance companies a significant boost to support these types of programs has
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been very front and center in researching this, pa conversations. and so being able to representas well as from the fire department's perspective, what's necessary in able to create insurance and financial incentives is really important. and so we're very proud that he's able to provide had a continuation of our speaker had this month, urban alchemy's, director of hart, and ross mirkarimi who, you know was a p board of supervisor, he presented to the department members the hart program, which is the homeless engagement assistancegram has a number of street teams that come folks that are experiencing homelessness. and this is enforcement and they help connect them withlic benefits if they need medical and behavioral health resources. so we with them also very closely. and it was very illuminating conversation to find out more about a lot of the priorities and a lot of the responses that they have are similar to some of the things that we do on the street crisis team. and then there was a
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to by the new york university school of#u report, and this was a policing project university school of law, and they published a really in depth study on commpolice alternatives. first response in san francisco. so really francisco's public safety system and our sort, they looke number of calls that we've gotten we've changed the way that we respond to calls that are on theets, as well as the alternative to police, they noted that in their report, just even in a little bit over a yearrd that the street crisis team responded to over almost 29 average per day and with and very noteworthy. also our swat team responded to more than 3000 calls, most of them an overdose and over almost half of those patients reduction supplies. so they have really noted that in the time that we've created these street teamsgnificant strides in non-police alternatives to
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emergencies. so, continuing to do that good work. and then also here you'll see just some of the data points our m6 study and sort units that. sorry, consistent responses and continued good response times with all of our the number of suboxone starts from 3 to. we continue to provide some training to our members and to remind them that is an alternative and an option that you should be proviany patient that has experienced an opioid overdose. and that's the end of my. i am not as articulate as my colleague here to thank the chief and i probably have a m later on, because she knows how i can be, chief john, at this p any, questions from my fellow commissioners, the, commissioner frazier? thank you. chiefank you. chief tong, so much for interested in and i highlighted when i read it
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myself, , successes that you've had and thenyu conducted, i think it was published in the new y times. wasn't it something wasn't this mentioned? i think it was because i think i read a little blurb about it. so not only on being chosen for the study, results, the good results that you've shown. it's reall of. so good on you and all of that, what was the other thing the other thing in your report that national association of mobile integrated health providers. that's a new acronym. i think to me, 800 individuals at their conference. i mean, this for urban paramedicineed and developedmean, it's just you guys are on the cutting edge, and i thi wonderful. so i want to congratulate you on that. and if you ever need more car because that's something we should definitely have forward for transporting kids great. thank you. thank you chief. thank you very much,
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organ, thank you very much, chief to be able to on page two on the ems division report, i know that assistant deputy chief tony malloy is here as and i do like the i think it's suggested inde there was some refere can't remember what it was previously, but for me, when i see, time on task average and when i see san francisco fire market share beyond all the other i important to me personally. just to kind of see what it how long it takes because every one of those dynamics, there' narrative that perhaps the commissioners can learn point. i'm looking at something that can share that information. marke but it's really important for us to gauge dale seymour. i think that gentleman is an outstanding individual. i this
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commission or whatever interaction we do witheymour would be healthy. and i myself would like to have some exchange with him as well. okay. i ring a lot in terms of what his experiences and his perspective. and he'sctive, the other name that i saw is i ross mirkarimi was the director of the heart with this commission when die's been the director of this program? i feel like it's been. well, they've been in existence for over a year, and i'm not on board, if he was with urban alchemy prior to that before program. not quite sure. okay. and i just out of identify him because he was my supervisorve. sheriff as well, this san i'm happy to see his name. yeah, but also in terms of the heart program or any other programs we've been following program ems, six crisis teams that overlapping programs, and sometimes so when you say ross mirkarimi the heart program, point again, i'm leading to some education piece. if youcommission can kind of see what's out there and how
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this all flows within our participation, so i wanted to say that as well.r your report. and i look ion here and it's probably attributable to my lack of kinds of computer generated information, and just looking, your written report and you know'm missing something, but, i'm looking at the narcan use from july to september of 2024, and i know. we're, you know, in mid-august. soat number is going to go up, but it seems low. yeah. it did go down if that's just because we don't
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have the rest of yet or it had the number of narcan administrations has gone down that we've been tracking last month, as wellbeen at 202, whereas in the previous months we've been range. and so we're still trying to there's some significant change because of all the efforts on the and address the opioid epidemic and having a direct impact on the number of people who are needing quite sure if the number of people that have accesso narcan as bystanders are administering that pri not administering as much of it, so there's number of things that we're not quite sure how that's at 9:00, there'll be the accidental deaths, preliminaryom the office of medical examiner's this afternoon, likely. but last a decrease in the number of deaths. so we'll's any kind of relationship between how much narcan we're giving and also are reported. interesting. and if i president, just jump in real quick, yeah. as, as chief, tong saidarcan everywhere
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now, and, you know, wecall and. oh, yeah, we gave him 3 or 4 or whatever of narcan. obviously, we like to do the data and the the statistics of it all. about that, but it's everywhere. and the other thing is, i think an article came out recently about the weak fentanyl that's out so, yeah, because usually y know, just a little bit of fentanyl kills people. but now there'se something going on with fentanyl that's weaker. so, you know, we'll have to see if that plays a well i see. all right. so we'll we'll just need t watch this going forward, and seeand one last question about it is which is that if arrive, to an overdoseyou're told that somebody h by, you know, other civilians or acquired it, does that count in is are these statistics just the narcan that
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that your department, ? well, yes, it's the number of times we actually administer this is just fire okay. all right. that that helps me you very much. one more question, chief tong, again, not foraps a later presentation is, and this is a recent sweeps and the tent sweeps and the campers stonestown area, i'm just wondering what the effects individuals who aren't going intoestion for me is, where are they? w? i don't need to know particularly that, but what the effect is. departmentally, what are effects at some future date? and again, it's not really cl what it is. and i'll, i'll dialog with you a little bit clear. but i think you understand what i'm asking for.'ll, we'll discuss that. yeah. i just want to see the this recent still relatively new. the
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changes, i understand. thank you very much. thank you. pran. and if and if i may again interrupt through the looked in. it's 39 ov so that's quite a decrease. yeah. it's goodust want toto plug for the tenderloin museum, which is an amazing amazing thing that was pulled off by the community. a numberith the ever changing exhibits. if you have worth a trip down there. thanks. great report, chief tong. yeah. and i dale seymour for his work, in the tenderloin andher emts that are involved in that that and and just a general question the cardiac arrest, is it safe to say most of the calls is it like 75% is drug related or is way to say that, you know, i don't think to identify how many of the cardiac results. we can look into that. okay yeah. because it seems like, theigh
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here. it's kind of scary, youas just trying to see the, you know, differentiate the drug related or what's natural or whatever, about that. but other than that, thank you for your report. thank you. all. president morgan, can you call for public comment? sure is there any public comment? madam secretary? i do not public comment online or anyone approaching the podium. okay number five resolution 2020 402, discussion recomm of supervisors authorize the san francisco fire department to donate to obsolete ambulances to dusty's fishingeir city emt program. okay. how are you good morning. commissioner. elaborate about that. yes, mark speak on this next item, which is to donate two ambulances to dusty's fishing well which is the nonprofit emt program
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that the department is partnered with done this before with city college, i believe the city's code allows for us to donate surplus equipment to the greate public purpose, including educational opportunities, and that's what we're looking to do. you're aware of the relationship with city emt? we partnered with them, the mayor's of economic workforce development and it's been a very successfulp so far, and as the department receives new ambulances, generally ones, ones that are of no operational use forn this case, dusty's has requested chief has approved to donate two of these retired ambulances to their program. for educational purposes. and, this is an education. could be a very comes with a cost that a program may not be able to support them and would request approval of this questions. okay. thank you. feinstein, i just wanted to say iea. it makes it makes such good sense. it's a contribution to the community and those who want ems
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work in the future i didn't know about this. i saw, you know, the dusty's, come on, dusty's fishing. well and i said? dusty's fishing. that possibly have to do with the fire department? and resolution and said, this is just it's really it's not just public relations, it's really good public thank the chief for signing off on it and think it's a great idea. great. thank you. motion. yeah. any commissioners? yeah, yeah. you're good. yeah, yeah. i ask one question, i think i read somewhere never used, or. why was that retired. they won't be used. they won't be driven absolutely. all right. i got you. all right. caruso. thank you for the update. yeah, they're though, right, mr. caruso 001, mr. i'm sorry, commissioner
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nakajo, action item director posner. yes, i so move, to approve this. you entertain ao. i would mr. president, to recommend the board of accept the donations oro, pardon memorgan? pardon me, president morgan, can you please call for public comment, all right. on the public comment, madam secretary, for this on the public comment line or approaching the. okay. thank you. so the floor to recommend the board of superviso, to donate these two ambulances. second? yes, i would second it. okay i vote, i, i. thank you. and if i may, motion is unanimous. if i may answer your questions briefly. yes, they are safe, designed to be operational for say, drivers training or anything like that signs over they release the liability for it and that it is designed for educational training purposes. as ae. thank you. i figured as much, but i so thank you. thank you, thank you, mr.
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caruso two, madam secretary, item closed session regarding nomination for appointmentossible action california government code section 54957b1 and s.f. admin co possible action to nominant as fire chief by the mayor subsectionon all matters pertaining to item whether to hold closed session? yeah. at this time, madam secretary, is there any public comment on this item? no. pr anyone on the public comment line or anyopodium. okay. all rig our dear chief nicholson month, and there will be a press everyone will attend, with the mayor. officially, commending the service, the fire commission will discuss a possible hear
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me, discuss a possible in san francisco. administration brown act allow for the discussion to be held in would be a potential motio closed session if the fire commission votes to convene in cl. so, at this point,n to go into closed session on this topic? i would so i'll second. i, i vote well motion is unanimous okay, we're back on. we are now back in. open think she said. so we're back in opension and secretary for me to make a report on the right. commission actions taken in closed session and will tdisclose information from closed session section 67.12, a and b. okay, so making a
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report, of o we're now in open sess reporting that the commission voted to make, three nominations for appointment. in cl to forward these nominationsto the mayor for her consideration. yeah. and now, to disclose the otherions in closed session. i would so move. second, i vote, i. commissioner nakajo, how do you vote unanimous. okay. item okay. at this point adjourn the meeting. meeting is adjourned at 11:29 a.m. ahead and adjourn. all right, mr. morgan. thank you.
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throughout the actually end up getting in a car accident i was in the back of ambulance he decided a good idea to tell me about the amazing i thought about that at said you know what sounds something might great aligns with me and to pursue to see what it i did and the moment that was pretty int how doors kind of opened i put and get any emt licenses ando be in the refreshed what is of the academy engineering that and so on and so forth had that moment spoke up to be doing this is this is the it this is me. and it of the , be it resolved that worked out and after the my work with one was
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(unintelligible) (sirens) what when that being a firefighter that i thought i could do. and a lot to do would not se in the representation of a normal firefighter will be so i an effort when i'm have other girls boys seeing me though orientation or race or any other orientation be able to be that person and know they can do they want to. >> mom i feel like person actually. that pretty a stark difference in from the pe i became a mom in the fire serve and person after the fire services being a a learning exercise and the same going to the fire service you're heart is a little bit
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more vulnerable i mom the harder thing and prior to this job or some of the things we do on job are some of the harderf levels each other out so i come to work and feel and canjn go home and capable a whole >> (music). >> my name is - my business name is himself mexicanamerica. >> i started my business a year ago the process was a by business wavinground noise.)
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about $1,000 and also guided mess. (background noise.) that was already paying the cond other fees for the restaurant city we put together to ho comes with (unintelli (background noise.)(multiple voices.) >> and some with ebbs and eggs (unintelligible) of roadways and beans. restaurant here in the districtuch an amazingund the mission area and respect tnd here and so i was able as establish any restaurant here really a feels like
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mayor, london breed. fire commissioners. board of staff and guests. i'm lieutenant mariano elias, and i'm honored that you join us career of the 26th fire chief fire department for over 30 years. jeanine nicholson and her great service to the citizens of san privilege to present to you the honorable mayor, breed, who will speak to her accomplishments. mayor breed. thank you all so muc to honor an extraordinary
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