tv Small Business Commission SFGTV August 28, 2024 4:00pm-4:55pm PDT
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>> count down from 5, 4, 3, 2 >> welcome to the san francisco small business commission methisfternoon at 4:30 pm., monday, july 22, 2024. the i'd like to call the meeting to order. at 34 p.m. this is held in in-person at city hall room 400 and broadcast live on sfgovtv channel 78. to participate, the lls (4) 655-0001. an opportunity for general public comment at the end of the meeting and an opportunity to comment on each action item and limited to 3 minutes per speaker and alarm wio when that is time to finish 30ir8dz
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finish 30ir8dz finish 30ir8dz finish 30ir8dz finish 30ir8dz sfgovtv, please show the office business slide. today, we'll begin with a reminder. the small business commission is the official public forum to voice your opinions. the small business commission in san sco give comments during local emergencies. today. thank you for corresponding and please continue to reach out to 1. ll call.f small business. >> commissioner benitez. >> commissioner cornet present. >> president huie. >> vice mayor montanaro is absent we have quorum. >> >> are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush (rah-my-toosh) ohlone (o-lon-ee) who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory.
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elders, and relatives of the ramaytush ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign ts as first peoples. >> please call item >> please call item and resolutions (dcu theommissil discuss and possibly take action to approve legacy business registry applications: presenting is richard kurylo, legacy business program manager, office of small business. >> welcome. >> gd president huie and commissioners city staff and mhe pbelic i'm richard kurylo, legacy business program manager, office of small business.. i would like to acknowledge my colleague in th office of small business sfgov i h power point
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presentation. >> before today are 9 applications for your consideration for the legacy business registry each application is staff report a draft resolution and the lactation itself and document from the planning commission and applications were submitted on gin 18 and heard by the historic preservation commission on july 17th. item 2a bissap baobab a restaurant in the mission district and it is unique establishment dining and cult and live music entertainment. there cuisine has for west african culture and nope t cocktails and and i performances. the bissap baobab
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has a term forhospitality. and strives for a welcoming multi culture for diversity and losing through it is a tribute to the of the missions in san francisco and if not incd in the regulatory has a risk of displacement. the core feature business remain ann as a restaurant. christopher's books the business an independent community based store in 3506r9 hill christopher's books has new books and a wideane of many subject have a stellar ll of kids books and that's my report hill t-shirts
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and pride themselves to order books for community necessary serve. the business fost fear for drawing in eats to local pets and lasting ith consumers and christopher's books has a strong commitment to the neighborhood in san francisco. core features must main this bookstore. 2c el faro restaurant inc. a mexican restaurant funded in961 in the mission that serves mexi food. and el faro restaurant inc. means theighouse in spanish is for burritose lend the created the first burrito to fill hunger people
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with and other things preparation and by the mid 1990s had 9 locations around san francisco. and when the owner passed a others original location at 2399 folsom streetn registry a local family opened business in san francisco. core features must main mexican cuisine and d the fly trap an i congress restaan in 188 three as a fashion restaurant in the south of market neighborhood and fly trap back to a time drae
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stet the restaurant became known as the fly trap and the name stuck to the dismay of original owner and today, the business is in the vibrant yerba buena district a stones through from the center and the michelle obama and inviting space and continues to celebrate san francisco heritage and the core feature my main restaurant. 2 e gallery 444. >> art gallery in 1993 in union square a gallery it offers fine for more than national artists
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with prints andai and sculptures including many that benefit local chariots. stop on the arts tour for all san franciscans bay area residents and californians. the core feature tradition must mn the art gallery. item 2 f java beach cafe the business is coffee shop and cafe in 1989 three in the outer suns the san francisco submission java beach cafe and stable in the outer sunseteighrhood serve pastries and other items and
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soups and sandwiches to the cafe they can the perfect cup more than a coffee shop the second home to me a friends living room to others own t edge of western world. there as a governor mcauliffe the outer sunset and the ocean thefee shop. the lien ying academy was an art studio in china. the lien ying tai chi chuan academy is the culture traditions and philosophies of arts and a private lessons and le demonstrations. and
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educational partnerships. >> the business was founded by the gentleman that taiwan and joined by his wife in the following year. still owns and operators this restaurant. lien ying tai chi chuan academy encourages the movement in desireseople to wake up and exercise in the morning (clearing throat) and the core featureramoss maina training 2 h te the ramp restaurant a restaurant and entertainment venue in 196234 the dogpatch neighborhood a boat ramp designed apt local
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secret and situated blocks from the left lane in one of the sunist histori parts of the san francisco. >> a greaor weekend and grabbing a bite after baseball and enjoying live t.j. music events andti that be mark parties and private together the number one dedication for livemusic. food maintain as a restaurant. item 2 index rocco's cafetaurant
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established in 19 three 2. currently l on the south of market neighborhood rocco's cafe an italian american restaurant for the dishes and dedicated to the rich history. honoring classic receipts from generations and authentic dishes the owners want to have the neighborhood gather and in conversations. commitment so invest in the city's future and have a legacy businesses further cuisine. >> all the businessesmet the
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three criterias for thebusiness positiveome historic preservation commission. legacy business registry program recommendation adding businesses to the regulatory for each business for your consideration and a motion in support should be f as motion in favor. thank you. that concludes my presentation. i'll be happy to answer y queso. >> there are business represents present may wish to speak on o behalf of the applications during public comment. >> thank you very much. rick. >> any questions? no? >> how about we start with public comment? >> commenters want to lne up to myright. >> don't be shy please come
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up. >> yes. feel free to (laughter) hi. >> thank you very much. small businesi. >> this is the same comments i made they las i hope it's okay. at theater you are. it is so easy to work with rick and really he made workinge application seamless to he's a lovely human being so i want to say that. it to be part of bayview book lege selling community for more than e years the first books have been an boaem part of the that's my report adapting community for all those years in the am location. this represents the heart cases o san francisco neighbors and small businesses and community
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organizations uplifting one another year afterea i have a landlord peter been supportive of store over the years and he's um, wellon for running the 35 project andk on san francisco pestering history is the best selling b thank you, peter that is wonderful and lik staff for three three years think about that a my current staff donate and later our handy man peter that your dedication to the book selling is magical i appreciate you show up day to day and last my family and wife lynn and sons nick and joe long hours
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on holidays and thank you for supporting thg this open the days a week past seven years a lot of books book toecommend to you thank you for your time and please come and visit k u. >> um, thank you, to the small business commission i'm working at christopher's books for over 25 years a thank you, for the best job for many years my kids were raised in a local book shop and correcting books for others and of my kids is an interim and at a book seller at some point
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them solid newspapers for two years in that the kind of community that christopher's books fosters and i like my co-sponsor working and jackson said last k about the concept of the three pleas for after ww often i to visitors about their lives and new jobsnd travel and new relationships and brups. all enter worsen abbook i was a bartender for years offered heart and soul of the conversations few i sell books and the most favorite part of my j christopher's books has been a part place for three tree years and will be for generations thank you for listening.
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(clapping.) hi, everyone i'm melissa. i'm a representing the and the students far i teach tai chi was not potential if not it has not been there one thing i wasro big yellow building or the yellow facadh out as you pile up chinatown through the garage or, you know, co about into that parking lot i was wondering how to get up there as a kid and had the opportunity later on when i was or 19 and went to san
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francisco state university loerld the instructor teaching an campus one of the things her husband wanted to teaching tai chi and marshall arts through the education system and the would be able to do that and she continued that over thirty t passed throug those walls bruce lee and robert duval a local residents dorothy and james so many people have come through wall and studied with her and ultimately, you know, will be up to the family what happens to the building blue every time
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owner el nc. and the current owner and she wanted to her employees who are here her family and brooz her kids and everybody that camesupport her, her family means everything to her and her family supporter by coming and buying and burritos and working behd the i'm - i started going to el faro restaurant incler married back in the 90s and growing up in the city el faro restaurant inc. held a heart in the mission and every time i'm in the restaurant people tell me that's where my first date with my wife we went there to the
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park and ate it and people say oh, i've been coming here 20 and thirty years every time i come back to the city it'sfirst thought 2 means a lot to all of us thell s so thank you for hearing our application and thank you, 4 those who made the application possible a thank you, thank you. nk u and. >> (speaking spanish.) >>. thank you very much. >> (clapping) good afternoon. i'm the owner operator restaurant thank you for considering us for this legacy businregistry. hopefully some of you wll visit the question is what isout the ramp the ramp restaurant
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people love is too much. it it because it is wonderful size? great to eve man, you, bring our dog or childrent onhe weekends and people out ic in the open air b the water 34 things to many ple.p we are dedicated to this future the area has changed we know all the massive development. that we this is edge of the city and now the city is comes to us in a massive way wa stopped so in light of all the changes that is more important an historic place
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rock do o could during so, now you well setback for years for future generations an the foods and management and run it well efficiently will add to the iconic institution (bell ringing) . and yh, i wanted to thank you for considering use it gives me all of that gives me great pleasure to see how the people enjoy the restaurant and like i
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said done this for very long time thank you all (clapping) thank you. >> . thank you. >> hime is jamie a manager he at the fly trap had i want to speak brown fly trap in his presentation we have been around for one hundre on hundred and 41 this restaurant has seen things happening in san francisco and probably other things you really a lot of defying stat things but throughout that time t location die to the san francisco fire and the wells
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fargo buinguilt and through that time has continued persevere we found our home it was the fillmore since theonall years but in i've seen i mean been there 6 years for a reason an incredible amount of growth in communities particularly during covid but before and after that's why i continue to stay and um, time say it has something meant a lot to me been a beautiful aspect of the neighborhood and ino. for the last one hundred and 40 years i love the story how >> welcome to the san francisco city and county board of supervisors regular meeting this afternoon at 2:00 pm., tuesday, june 11, 2024. infor with the current owners a really fantastic job of maintainingeve
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and building throughout her time as the owner and really bring want to thank you for your time and everyone what helped us throughout the application process we really predict the institution and work. thank you. >> (clapping.) and hello, everyone i wan to thank you all for considering i'm mark the owner for a long know time and had a dream long ago before came here and heard from my grourm you'll see a lot of up ticks but guaranteeing
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i'veee encouraged because of community and wherever you the deep roots you hang an and we've been through so much over the years and went to the rentes a great job the rent increased country but t counity stayed strong and weeo and then had neighbors with the sound and wen to court and wanted to stay here not easy b we believe in the build of that and support it hopefully make us strong thank you for considering us and thank you, board
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(clapping). >> any more public comment? >> of you're not planning on it we're welcome to come up even if you don't have anything written yeah. >> (laughter.) >> hi my name is and i am to thank everybody h for doing this and i am talking about the rocco's cafe but, yeah i a the city doing this and thank you. i thi that is a good thing and, you know, like three 1 years ago i opened up on the beach one thing people aed me how do you get aootions for there was fent on the building for 4 years straight
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when i r the sdwoor bell to ask if i could open up a coffee show that i was this years old i wanted to ask gentleman said he was going to t an apartment, i.e., would like our idea he goes i'll let you give it a and, you know, the thing about, you know, the re w there was for rent on beacr rent onll the buildings nobody wanted and people when building people go hey good idea but notn and the thing about it i grew up in that that a neighborhood and remember placing on the beach and so the
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neighb i had a vision that could be built. and i figured at least i'll tryndt least i'll try to rebuild the neighborhood andm, i was really my intention plus i love coffee and ha at the beach yeah again, thank you twothreto everybody. >> (clapping) thank you.any other public comm >> i feel like an auctioneer (laughter.) >> seeing none, public comment is closed. um, commissioners comments? >> questions? >> um, commissioner benitez.
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>> hello. >> okay. >> i want to say thank you, at the all you today a lot of the businesses i'm an nature nativeen to many a music venues and a lot of amazing missio thank you for sporting the artistsnd java beach cafe many of the went with your daughter. el faro restaurant inc. governor brown grew up in san diego my wife is fromhe biggest. the biggest conversation we had with friends we had better bar none after being here and
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the community you brought together and the food san francisco is better than that san diego thank you for all you do. and e the ramp restaurant a comment about rickbout the exempts a secret local spot we're a small business weve to hear that i said no tely areo promote us and great to hear the stories especially the bookstores everything ow if you've seen the movie the heights well known for a smal music california called hamlin ahe song and one of the characters said yeah,
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i'm a street light chilling in the heat and some are happyr? en that makes my life completevery heart it is amazing keep on doing what you do people like you that san francisco the character it is and keep p so, >> (clapping.) yeah. >> commissioner dickerson. >> (laughter.) >> you know what if [off m oh. thank you. >> testing test. >> um, i'mot sure if you all
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know we're all busess owners. on this small business commission and so just ton to you talk about your businesses thistory, it always brings to such an emotional place in be able to be a part of this, ing you all into this place of the title o legacy business registry i think probably one of the that san francisco could done for legacy business registry we are instrumental to keeping the heartbeat of san francisco. and many of - some ofr have been to but my husband is born and raised san francisco he
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loves everything about san francisco i'll go home and hey babying bhaub that and did you see the owner we'll come and se don't talk about no burr burrito but want to say to you all thank you for being the examples the success the hard work that is consistent is he perseverance the love for your community and the love for the people you all serve and my hats off for the mine today but i look forward to you in our businesses soon
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congratulations. >> first of all, a round of applause for all of you and being up here so ny stories you've touched lives in our history ofeg to now and thank you and congratulates and part of that heartbeat of information so, thank you. >> (clapping.) i don't think we've had meeting with so many clapping it is well-deserved this is definitely one of the joyful parts meeting to be able to meet you and s your stories. um, i think that was very noticeable in the pl was how interesting and like unique i on
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our san francisco businesses are all your businesses are we spent i've a l of time at the range for the ingredients games on a sunny day san franciscans chase the can i get anywhere to eat outdoors for a minute i know we and talked about the outer and enjoyed i think a dish there thinking about that now i'm craving and like i don't know i something i like to think about. and that's like the thing i love about city i was traveling and saying how i miss lik - i love being wherever i was but a place we have so many beautiful people and differently types
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food and businesses you inspire me i knowther commissioners to continue like, you know, giving it our i think running a business is a great challenge like living all our personal ch out in the open (laughter) and the wonderful part i h t in the on the community u live comes back and hold you up i appreciate the time and care u'ven to the community around you to the city. and to, you know, all the people whore maybe going to goio businesses hopefully after day. th thank you for all you do and we're trying not to get choked up we have to continue on with the meeting
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after this oh, other piece i wrote down i want to appreciate you're small businesses have given opportunities to young people i think that is a real gift wen' really think about how many young people grew up and leaderho to work hard and learn how to relate with other people and as peers or, you know, being in a place of iceo thathink to encourage people tok around, you know, and like as you children good for many watching especially in our children arer make them get a getting a job in our local business a in our local book shop and
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places anywhere is a gift i think mother evebody has a chance to try but i k growing up in a small business has changed my life. so i think thos were - that was like all the i will i had does anyone have anything else thank you. i hope you celebrate today and we need to make a motion d someone want to make a motion. >> i make a motion to nominate every single one of them. >> do i have a second? >> motion by commissioner dickerson to approv t legacy business registry applications and resolutionsecond and
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this (laughter.) >> (multiple voices.) >> yeah, it is on the agenda - >> yeah.] [off mic.] >> yeah. >> (laughter.) all right. >> >> minutes (discussion and action item) the commission will discuss and possibly take action to aveing nutes. commissioners any questions or comments on is draft meeting minutes? >> seeing none, questions or comments open up for public comment anyone present for
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public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. um, i guess we'll haveo make a motion to approve the draft meetingminutes. >> like ton to approve? second. >> okay. >> (laughter.) >> motiony president huie and seconded by commissioner cornet, commissioner cornet, yes. president huie and motion passes. passes. and thank you. >> next >> next commission's jurisdiction but not on today's calendar, and suggest new agenda items for the commission's future coent would like to make comments not on items on the
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genda today seeing none, public comment is closed. next item, please. programs, policy and legislemat mayor, and announcements regarding small business activities.. thank youctor >> good evening, everyone all right. so you might have read in the chroniclet wek our tool for people to look on their own on their own time for a seat expansion and a shorter sfgov/commercial spaces or find it own sfgov o s b and, you know, about a year ago we had a new commercial leasing our offers and since then just taken
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offtes of services offered to people what we like to provide a self help tool for everyone that iski space and want to come to us la more detailed questions for whatever that is launched and it was happy to see that in the chronicle to generate more awareness with r looking for spaces to share this tool. in terms of elective we want to share the awning amnesty program was adopt by the board of supervisors this was the ext of the program for the application progress will continue on in per at this time with the fee waiver for fiscal year for june of 2025 in place that w by the mayor by that taty
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toented they board of nd also supervisors a final vote for the annual food permit ordinances we worked on weland essentially selling food, food vendors at le opon to pull in it annual an ary permits for the department of health can saven the paperwork and the inspections with eachnt and then in terms of outreach just said to share at the last meeting a discussion with an ordinance introduced by the mayor to restrict the hours of operation tenderloin to sell alcohol or our office with staff from the economic development pave done outreach
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again with the flyer was information to share with those businesses may or may not be impacted by the new legislation taking very soon and outreach in the regular outreac behalf of the ricknted to share the up and coming happy hours on august 8th at the mary pub on mission street and at three 2 nixon streets are my updates and i'll be happy to sw thank you, very much. and any questions? >> commissioners no questions. public comment? >> public comment on the director's report. >> no public comment? >> public comment is close
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. thank you very much. director >> next item, please and. nediscussion and new business (discussion item) allows see anticipateo rel businesses activities and announcements of interest yeah. ommissioners any comments for now business? >> commissioner benitez. >> just an announcement that the cords are having their talk from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. that took place from basking from the mcallister for and restaurants have popups and artists food and maybe wine and music a great way to kicking off like the last month and the weather is great come on out.
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>> that's that. >> okay. thank you. >> um, i had a things i know that recently was launched library chinatown artist regulatory write arts commission director tang you know more about that i saw itthrogh the arts commission and i don't know what other organizations we're trying to put together a list of i guess. i don't know if their ed like longer-term grown kind word that is the call out to everybody to identify as artists they know who should be regulatory i believe there are several
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in the works that is kind of why they're looking forts i think there is definitely more information can be on the application. i wanted to mention that into a financing frndpening a show that and they are extly excited by the help from us they've been seeing owe howy can become everyone personal friend in the office of small business and hang out with and we're going to make a huge impact on their lives (laughter) so i said, you know, i'd like to kind of document they'roury
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or have someone kind of like document they're jouy they're in in right now and they're so enthusiastic i wanted to appreciate everybody at the offic and all the work you've done to put together this piece so thank you very much. >> and are you think pretty much the highlights i have. >> other notes well - commissioner cornet. >> i got to meet the new restaurant ordinances like three doors down their open in thext t that. on 25 and 26 i've got
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communication they're concerned that big by space will not be filed to figuring out wha spaces or activate those spaces lit. >> and also wanted to recognize i w the event at the cow those championship and it was r) it was amazing. >> (lgh >> so gh>> i just wanted to like i feel still live in the city we were able to get and all star (laughter) but, you know, with that is maybe appreciate howal palace
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a thing the commission board that runs palace and operations they're doing an amazing job (laughter) so good events a encourage everybody to check out the cal palace calendar yes (laughter) those are the things i had. so any i think any public comment on like to plic comment seeing none, public comment is closed. and next item, please. >> 7. adjournment. sfgovtv voice your opinions. the small business commission in san francisco is the best place to give comments during local our services are free of charge.
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know san francis nothing resource sos care for people with substance use crisis on the streets. includes new pdam successful pilots. >> what is the location of the emergenc san francisco 911 disp. jot train that dispatchers receive for street crisis team andur new program is to triage for mental health as a medical call. we don't tree it as a police mattere a medical matter enthusiasm clint iings, paramedics emt's and councilors areispatched through 911. we dispatch tms identify the crisis. they sends an emt and medic. if you are upon experiencing an
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