tv Board of Education SFGTV August 31, 2024 6:00am-9:22am PDT
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great experience. >> extremelyelationships with the people c8 2024. special ing workshop on resource initiative. meeting to order. roll call. miss lena. present presenúo heent for the workshopll take childcare for this meeting on the fien555 franklin street from p m or whenever ends, whichever comes first. excuse me. past 9 p.m, space is limited and will b come first serve basis for children ages 3into closed session i call for any speakers to the closed sessi five minutes for speakers. are there any speakers? no in-person speakers members of the public who are participating virtually. a public comment on a closed session item, plehaó8cj meeting for closed session
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offering i services in spanish and cantonese. if you needllowing phone number after dialing. please introduce the pin num be repeat cantonese. juan carlos, el de san francisco de servicios interpretation en el iita interpretation por medio de googleíq meet, por favor, marca el de la clave de la critica, uno de una nueva tres, dos nueve 686, por favor, clave de cinco nueva nueva six nueva six seguido gracias. cantonese interpreter please. thank you have kajang waiting in google mee you might yet saysamut see how my chat ye back. i'll say thank you. thank you. that concludes services wanted to just to notate for
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interpreter. and then.invening the special workshop your patience as we got everything set up. those of you who are here in person:l as well as of you who are joining us online. my name is matt alexander new president of the board of education andtly 28 years ago today, a few, few, maybe a week or so off i stepped into my first day of teaching in sf, us so i've been involved with this district for a teacher, as a principal, as an sfusd and for the lastonor to be
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playing this new role in a district, a public school system that i really care deeply to start by saying that i'm miss laney mahtomedi, my predecessor, who from the board last week. i talked about her man exemplary leadership qualities at the press event last friday, so i won't, repeat all of that today but suffice to say that i'm had the opportunity toclosely and board leadership during and we're all going to really miss her on also grateful for phil kim's willingness to step up job. welcome, commissioner kim, i know and respect phil a lot from his work in sfusd, he the staff here, and now he's joining us as glad to glad to have him, and to my colleagues in ther months are going to be a team governance team for we're going to need to continue on transparency, on accou ensuring that we represent the vision and values ? i mean that's our job. for those of you wh as a school board are your representatives, we representtonight we're going to be talking about the resource
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folks are very have legitimate concerns and ways. we are going to be that voi you as well. i mean, our job is to be skeptical when staff bring obviously to support our staff in doing the best possible work,d values of our community our amazing communityrancisco. and so, you know we're going to keep working to stabilize sfalth to rebuild trust with families to keep our focusdent outcomes, and to really create that this great city deserves. so i'm looking forward with all of you before we move to our agenda, i need to closed session, which is as follows. it's very brief one matter of anticipated litigation, the board, byes direction to the general counsel and now we are going to move on to o which is the election of the vice president of the board. so thedo this type of election is it's by voice vote, a second is nott is permissible for board members to vote for themselves voting by name if there is more than one nomina only one nomination, we'll just vote yes or no. i declaree now open for the office of vice president of the
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board of education for the year 2024. are there any nominations? commissioner lamb? thank you, president alexander nominate commissioner weissman ward. she has demonstrated throu tenure as a board member, just her ability governance to this teamher deep commitment to our t vision, values, goals and guardrails this board. and she is, the right person at this moment to also sup leadership transition this as vice president and i humbly nominate. seeing nominations clos nominee for the office of vice president of is lisa weissman. ward. miss lenhoff, please let's vote. mr. montgomery what your last name is. interimcommissioner.
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bogus. yes yes, commissioner. lamb. yes, commissioner. kim yes. commissioner. sanchez. yes vice president weissman workedt. awkward, but. yes yes. she telegraphed. well, and i'll give an enthusiastic yes to sh it out, i amy pleased to announce that lisa weis been elected vice board of education for 2024, a iful that serve in this role, with me, as we for this year. so thank you very much.. and before we move into blic comment, i also want to see if our l we have no langston was here last if each of you could tell us we have two new student delegates this yea every year, and it's. yeah, we're super excited from a round of just want to share your name what school you're from, and anything else you ? okay hello'm a junior at lowell high school, and i'm honored to b as our interim student delegate. welcome. langston montgomery. i'm a
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junior this year has been a lot, but it'lldefinitely get better. and i'm excited to do this work with you guysrvice work for a little bit n be picked by a superintendent, matt wayne, to be on school task force a couple years ago. that'd be freshman year in now, and i was i was lucky enough to work on the sac the following year and now again progressing. i have landed myself here and i'm excite to wowrk this year with you guys to you both. weice, all right. we're now we're going t publi begin, i want to has been some understandable confusion and some justified public comment. former president moha together this year in actually trying to, been trying out some new approaches. some of, some have not. but i want to be really clear that is to ensure that as many people as can speak to as is legally required under california to begin our meetings at that we don't go late intohe night if we have ifurs of public comment then the business starts very late
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and then taking important votes or making important decisions at a who wan those decisions or watch those decis won't be able tox@ because it's so late. a balance we'r we would appreciate any feedback rdking any specific feedblic comment, please feel free to email me. some recommendations in the next month or so about want to point outás agendight we we can discuss. moving forward. but so ifd if you've ifent to the to the resource alignment initiative tha tonight's agenda. since that is the only enda item. all right.ther thing. i'll say is that board california law do not allow us, as boarddi time. if appropriate, the ask that staff follow or discuss your comments because it hasn't been la public comm, you know, it's not it's not like i just said it's notement. so we are working on also improving methods engage in two way community engagement. and please suggestions on that as well. you can always email us, but we'rour engagement, all right, let's. okay.
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i will call, people hearme up at the podium. you'll use a little button there. you'll press that and we have a timer here, that so just be i will call mary lovele. safaí supriya. anna gloria, and lisa, please line up at. news12 this one. okay. good evening everyone. my name is mary. i've been in this school distr in the position as an elementary advisor was still going want toto quote mine starlet, who just said, i don't know what to say a heart. if the people sacramento say, closing schoolsy are we even tal that's number one. number about the sc. we're the people that
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you got all the best practi close any small schools when maybe it seems to you that it's a drain on the not a drain. and if sacramentonot a drain, it's not a drain. thank you. name is supriya ray. thanks for taking speak briefly about the school closures and resource talked to a lot of par advocacy i've done in the past few years, and what i'm hearingpressing whether community inputto also over what islist i really unsure about what is goin point. what type of consultation they'll be, and in particular, if any schools are closed or co-located or will be for kids, that and staff and need to move to another locationlpful to make sure that we keep lines of communication open with the community folks don't know there's a lot of speculation going on and very helpful to keep people as aware as possible. you
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the resource realignment information that people shared live the dac meetings. the survey from stanford was not communit for everyone. what does teach? three runs for board work, and a thirst for making money off the backs ofvatization in common. what do they have in common? theivered friday by the mayor, and the joke's onate yourselves for further allowing th of this school district being hollowed out by a chief stop giving money to private consultation contracts. my child last year because of being stalled. i got told that fingerprinting took 90 days.itk 180. so i'm fed no excuse. there's an excuse to clos. hi, i'm anna klafter school principal and president of the united administrators of midst of looming school connection and a statewide teacher shortage. we now have a hiring freeze of some of our most important staff in, our paraeducators and more. us school leaders offered
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positions as early as april or ma s the bay area to work for us. andob now they're being told being in our budget for these positions this o do more with less and to and well-being in the meantime, it's not okay . for. good evening. i'm lisa francioni. i'm fifth grader and a kindergarterr sanly t francisco communit questions, and i know you can't respond, so i will email them to you as well, because i really do want to know the parent with very limited time working full time two kids, it's hard to pay at been very opaque, has not ha and i questions. my biggest one is felt so rushed and why it went from today, that school closures were one ofy options that were going to be explored, ahing about. it is the thing that is on happened to th to know what happened. what is the plan for cutting district staff? where is that? we know how much is the reports the fiscal analysis repo ha to see anything. i would love to see thoughtful
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process for what are we going to many, many other things. many questions. i wi has completely been lacking in. ev of anxiety around this. thank you. so good to speak. oh, do abernathy, teacher, i want to speak to ago we were talking about all ofld have done to prevent this disaster, and people did theopposite. now we havewe m buildings if needs be, to not allow charte schools to come into this district because it's a road to nowhere. and for justice came forward and said, we the infrastructure money, the income reduction act, so that we can green our public buildings. it it produces income closures. because you this has happened all over t have applied for this money and have noty of san francisco or sfusd jobs for justice came here spec going to apply for the income reduction act grants? it's the next ten years. thank you to bidenuld prevent,evenue that will prevent closures and charter schools, reduce class sizes, of the above. so let's not three years from now be in the
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same position and have not applied for that money. thank you.l the next group galen alexia, erica and kathy again. galen, michelle kathy. hey, y'all.naen. i'm a parent at san francisco parent action council, and i to say commissioner alexander, i don't feel like thisocess is matching our vision or values. closures ahead of everythingschool closures will not close the district's budget problems within ten years. closing school costs the $1.7 million that superintendent wayne tried to get you. thankfully, that meeting got canceled, to hire an outside company to manage closures i'm really glad that was put to the side for now, because i our most well-funded administrative offices california
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can't manage this internally little eye contact from the table. thank you, anyhow, i agree with what maryng here tonight. my fellow parent, michelle, just veryy al prepare anything. i'm not going to. i amcher. i have two kids at san francisco community school introduce yourself? i'm maisie. what grade are you in in. i'm in first, i'm not going to the things that you've been a single mom, it's exhausting to do this, to have to stand and up at 6 a.m. this morning, got theworked all day picked them up, grabbed a pizza on the way to get so that we could show up and show how hard it to do this work of being a parent, getting our kids to to worry about whether our
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t. i have three kids at one in fourth.o add. we have only heard rumor heard that this outreach has been great. i don't talking about. if it's the survey that went o seemed to have all the answers before we provided the, you know, hours or may some of the meetings that i heard happen last year were unspecific, very very badly communicated. i the school who are sort of surprised when you happening, it's happening next year. no one know we don't know why. and we're supposed to trust that it's going to happen for the good reason, for the good our children, find a great solution for es, multiple kids in a better school. and so, you know, thank you for listening. hello my name is erica. i'm an arts educatoro a proud sfusd parent, and i just would like to start by that less than
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a year ago, doctor wayne school closures should be a last resort. and my questi what other levers have been explored ing close the budget gapred, especially when si can? this will budgetary ask you again what other levers have been explored and to make sure that we're not balancing the budget on who are attending fully enrolled schools, communitiesook at th
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at the district level that will ensure won't continue to happen? and the last thing i'muld love to ask is instead of consistently talking about eliminating what might sfusd be do better attract and retain families, we assume. thank you. we are. let us not. enrollment will continually decline. we are here because we you. i will call the next group. gina rory. william sadia gina. rory. hi i'm gina s. the reading intervention math teacher at yick wo. resourinworker to every school it's been budgeted for. someone been hired their'r. we're supposed to have we have a modnder through second grade specialed f position. something's wrong with not there. my school has the its budget that we had in the
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spring. when my position full time by central office and now i'm told there's only money for point seven there are unfilledoaching nand reading specialist positions in thiso positions this is not right. i work hard move children who don't read and turn them readers. who i'm sorry, i already i did want to correct it and say i'm it's not the ink, it's the inflation reduction act. i just want to correct are listening, thank you. thank you. hi, my name isare they them. i'm a parent of sfcc student and a social worker inecho what everyone has said that to align with the values of the community and to rebuild trust with families feedback from the community regarding resourcegnment, which to me feels like a fancy word to want to talk about our think being transparent, like alexia waspeople don't know what's going on and that
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job needs to[ informing families and communities what's going on self-fulfilling prophecy. if you're closing schools down, so echoing whatveryone has said, what are we doing to with what what is working? i mean sfcc has been going for a lon something's going right there, we're scaring families. thank you. thank you my name is will patte, and i'm a former resource specialist with the school to talk about the school closure and howb. i impacts the when you don't know what's coming next to stay focused on your students. i also want to bring two students right now who are in private school. i ants both last left fusd because they weren't with dyslexia. we have 15% of dyslexic in the school district, and we haveold and has never been sent to principals district. it specifies what support receive. both the students who i tutor did when they were in the school district, and both of them were in thriod. so you have principals
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that don't know the resource specialistsne never given a training never given any information about limited one on one contact with a supervis this and bring back enrollment to the distri closures. and high. does these words resonate to. thriving? yes. i think in sfusd. so my name is sadia and i employee of sfusd for the p five years. a doctor william cobb have trusted my two daughters sfusd. and so with that being said hearing all of andress myself, you know, i don't have much t i feel like a bit frustrated that, we are treated we send emails show up and everything, but none sometimes feel discriminatednd because, well, it's, to hope, we will be we will have like, the opportunity to be a, as a
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usda should be treated. thank you. thank you. our last two speakers arebrandy markman and brandy bone. president alexander is, can can we take another public okay. s to online after the card. so okay. hi, everyone. my name is brandy markman. parent and a member of the organizing committee of the san francisco should google advancement projects, stop c advancement project is a civ dc. a couple of mythahs t under-enrolled.chools under enrollment is a construct created by businesso define enrollment relative to other schools, notions of efficiency ideas of what schools should look like. w look like. school closures. also, as a previous district enrollment because the next closest sch neighborhood school is often a charter school. i also want the san francisco education alliance joined the boards dumb club and sf berniecrats in
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expressing our outrage tha pro-charter school. former kipp employee doing before he was on on over to coordinate a school closure process. wented. to hello, my name b butocates and i'm just extremely frustrated that we're going through another year of understaffing and our meeting happened. today. i really feel like we wouldn't be so under-enrolled if we understaffed. and i don't think that school cles are goill. it's only going to inflame it. it's going to it's not going heal it. and we're going to just see our schools going to stress out our staff, and it's really goingk and brown students, especially those who are coming from those larger going to push therther out of our district way. and so i don't think there's any just way to think that we really need to think about where not only our definitely our
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neighborhoods as well. right so thank you. that concludes in-person to virtual public comment. please raise your hand if you care to speak to any of the items on theker will have one minute. can we publicos. usted tiene un comentario publico. puedo levantar su mano para poder. hablar acerca de los puntos de la minuto. muchas graciasd i'm also gonna come and when you. thank you thank you erin go is in withancisco, i want to ask a questi regarding scores are going to be validated for which schools to close for example, what school has a tie f what would happen?
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and if there are schools that need to be limit would be cut off? thank you.. miss marshall good afternoon everyone. i'm . i'm sorry, parents, that we're not ther you tonight, but definitely support the and we'r ng with school of the school yeare said to the superintendenting of school is very, very exciting for parentse. wait until januaryf you must do school closures and mergers, wait until january 2025. now, this first board meetings cannot do homework with their children, feed their children a downtown at five five franklin protesting what we get rid of this board. get rid ofoo w this no avail to our students and our parents and brown students. soalexander, we are not happy with this call tonight. thank you. thank. tom are special
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education teachers and parents in the a lot of families and educators feel there's a lot of distrust. we're still dealing empowered, you know empowered debacle. and who knows ev which for teachers fri how do we know if it's correct, getting holdry to find the payroll calendar a little bit ago. and this this e how can we trust that when they close schools you know, they're doingings in mind. and these are big things. say, okay we're going to close schools and everything superintendent are doing withoute other things that have happened to educators of distrust leaving. you know, my wife and i talk about that thought about or is it just the bottom buck? and that' district and the superintendent. things have gotten worse the superintendent. i want the consider that you have to cut you off. thank you evening everybody. my name the executive parents of public schools of san marshall, i'm not
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present, but i present because the spirit of publicbrings commu more than just a be a commodity. it actually you know, has animpact on communities, i did publish a blog today, so go for all of my you knowant to in the room wee let's keep voicing ourith matt alexander's leadership, we aree able to come to a,nd you, thank you. all ght. me? yes, we canas really alarmed to hear ann-rson comment them eye new commissionerof those, folks who wasn'tuse, honesmftly, commissionery kim, iot the kids fr out f and it it really yo unable to tr did resource alignment. but getting tonhe oint presentation for tonight was taken out from, including information the community needs to know like that. not intend to have a welcoming school for every school leads to dispersal which leads to permanent en. this is why nationwide school ridiculous that we are otherwise. it is time for you to do this co
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rajni yes. thank you for the opportunity to comment. my ra. i'm a parent g elementary school in the mandarin immersion program. i echo all of the comments about the harm and inequitiewill cause. in addition, we strongly urge the distri ation of language and generalducation programs helps ensure that ouran francisco. it's what keeps many of us believe that wall to wall immersionmographically homogeneous schools that could result in our district back. integrated schools give a much more well-rounded education. wemodel for success at jose ortega, and we invite you not disrupt that model that has resulted in fullent, high teacher collaboration andif you must consolidate, we ask you to actually seek authentic community you alondra and i am
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a san francisco community child who was in because he overheard me speaking about this i'm here to say that i'm disappointed with the demonstrated by the school board and the lack of to advocate for accountability and asking you to beildren of san francisco that rely on this district. the impacts school closures will have on the current generations of students. what are the alternatives? you guys are thinking about and a lot of for potential alternatives. so what is this process as community to be think about how to prevent schoole all in like we're here as advocates, as you know community organizers. and we're children and ask you, like, what can we do to mal closures do not happen? thank . anna. hi. i'm also a parent at issue is just i don't und ourbe run
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like the governme meant to run at a profit. we are spend our money on our people, you know, likeselosures are bad and i understand they werecan find budget for police, we can find budget for1 public goods thank you. like to thank every public commenter from the s shown more care andrn for public education than anyone sitting on. sf usd is hiring pigs at the trough schools while you starve public education.hame on every one of it only took 22% over schools reopening. so how many voters would to recall you for these closures? you need to fire ma. penelope h i'm a public school in and i've been watching this process all through i think, a really transparent process or relatively, you know, public and transparent about
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coming up a phase of being sort of shrouded by mysteryty audit and things like that. and i just wanted and the district to, be transparent. after you announce the list about what the calculated them, you know, open up the why behind what our obviously as we can all painful decisions, it just i understand perhapsover the summer, but i think it will cau a black box. and it will mean that that process of coming in the spring was kind of for naught. of thin air. so that's my comment. thank you. thank. rhondas and superintendent wayne, my name is e had children that are now alumni of have a new little one, as some of you know, will be entering the district. and this was by far the most stress preschool, because i had to choose one that hoped you imagine the stress of that on top of to preschool for the first time in over how many years to put it in perspective college
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next to the baby, right? so it's been a very long time since i've had process. it s have been easy. it was full of stress. this district s need tra process, and you guys just need to be closures should not be your. make it work as. thank you hi, my name is violet a third generation alumni to sfusd, my grandmother went out here and my parents and now me. children, that would be the fourth. and i school, where my spanish class had books from the 1970s trying to t of mesoamerica, and we had to share booksising that en it together. it's actually a heartache, and many, many times to advocate for equity inrise or company those families and ch vulnerable in our cities. because i don't hear hear washington on the chopping block. i hear schools the
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work and doing it well, like june jordan, like the community scchools that the children really love to be at, that our families at. so please don't shut down our schools thank you. caller go ahead. hi my name is alejandro garcia. iughter in a public school as've been in a lot of meetings, and i think we the schools, parents and a hot mess is taking decisions without parents without people at school. and that is the big problemé@. our communication. we are the same community. a three groups are totally apart very unfair that artificial intelligence because ofistrict have a lot of
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buildings, a that should be using instead of plotting the schools. so i am echo the other parents, try other altern you. thank you.. castillo. i am a paypal alumni. as my brothers went to school out here. my 40 year old broth went to mcateer high school. if you i ten years mr. president, you probably remember that is that here? academy at mcateer. let's go. closing is on the chopping block. so we're going 40 year old brother again. you go to school as a salvador. you threw him in that school, closed different school. think about the black and brown lives. you are affecting. because that's who's affected. rich folk, no low income immigrants how y'all sleep at night. thank you. alliso each ofespecially doctor wayne get a preview of how this
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process is going to when a teacher. quote unquote, con year. and now we have classrooms that have are desks. and i think eacherience what my son experiences every get to sit down in class to stand up. so you do that day seeing if you're going to get a desk today, and then if you still think you're doing a good job. robert. hi, my name isobert. i'm a parent of two sfusd parents or kids, and i'm most intrigued mess, and, i don't know, giving n just doesn't seem correct sf spark draws a that nonprofit, yet i don't any of the donors to that nonprofit. so i'm really intrigued, especially withchool board. like, is kipp a donor to
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know, i'mstion because you don't share list. i've seen nothing that says that closing ofve money. so i of the day, i mean, i guess because it seems to beyour plan. the best us parents can hope for is maybe the doj. thank you. autumn autumn and i'm the parent of two children at leonard flynn elementary school, which is on the border ofhe mission, and vernal. i just wanted to share that one ofy is because of its really rich diversity, and that comes large inave both a general education program and spanish immersion. wha is there are often children who join the generalrack that come in as monolingual eakers, so there are there tracks. it's a really special school. i'm cote theso ople are considering someess that we get from having thoseprde teacher has been a member of t it's a reallyf texachers stay there for
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andá@ are rea thank you. thank he next topic which is theg workshop. one more first. excuse me. we're cout in a card.1 ran for school boardnd the gs a ended up in pr the school. and we finished public comment trying to sell thesaid we've already finished. so hegoing to end up in prison. thank you. all rirofit here one la. so the first thing wanted to say briefly is that there public blocked or delayed, specificallsocial, pa board has received many other, complaints and comments on that topic. first of all, that it's not even about the number of positions. it's really about the number of studentse delays in hiring. and it's not i've asked anded to do an after action review on our hiring process at our next regular boardtember 10th.
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so we're going to gettom of what delays and learn lessons know that, you know we're have been working really hard, but it's just not acceptable t have staff in our classrooms, for our kids. and so we're goingof that at the september 10th board meeting as part of our workshop on alignment, so i just wanted to alert the public to that. andalignment right now. andç!o just appreciate everyone who's made comments, you know, i, i, i as aas a principal have, haveool closures in san francisco. not have a good district of's the only word i could use to describe some racist. and so we cannot i think there is a commitment from this board that if we mov with with a plan, it's not going to pnd so i just want to say that is that we've received are received are so important. i mean, we had a conve that was all focused around the need for equity. the board said that that nd we increased that criteria. the superintendents
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can talk about really want to validate a lot of the comments. we've heard the history in this on low income families, black ilies, and and alsod for more transparency the board, you're going to hear us asking really tough questions righ we're not open. we are open. it doesn't mean we're not h their work. we are. but we're going to be asking some very difficult questions, becau that that you deserve answers questions about central office spending, about why we're doing this, about whats are, again, we need to get this r we need to center know, whatever comesut of this, this to turn it over to the superintendent, but just wanted to really, really very appreciate people coming out. and the as well, so2< w on. the two agenda, linked. the update on the process for a new school portfo second one is the student assignment for potentially closing schools. an then so there's going to be a is going to ask questions and engage our role as a board is to be skeptical, to push t represent your vision and values, in our academic goals, and in line with the onehich
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says the superintendent will alig transparent communication about how the allocations are all schools while addressing inequitable inputs and excellence in student outcomes. and i think that actually, that's the covered a lot of what we've already heard tonigy folks can stay and listen, that is our on that, and hopefully get to a givehe to produce a plan that meets those standards. superintendent wayne, thank just first, just a few logistics to startally have these meetings as workshops because there but we'rear the dais and so we have at least if you can just share if anybody needs the printedn what i did is, yeah, at least? it's on board docs toowe upl presentation, as well as just as a few oth and so i'll put that on. and this is all uploaded to board docs wants to follow along. correct? yeahll right. and thank you, pr opening remarks.preciation, my appreciation
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hearing from the community you started the a new school year just a little over aays an exciting time to start theome our and families. and i got to g from seeing our preschools all the way to our high schools and saw the and ene but also recognize that we're startingt from others, where the challenges we you know, and iparents approach me talking about this rt it's going . and, you know, and understand and recognize that we're talking about making decisions that students, our families and our staff, and in ways that as we heard tonight upsetting disruptive. will lead to change. and so i that. that's where many people that's h entering this room and are entering the school year. though move forward. and what i remind myself when i'm looking at our students like, so when i'm at tule elk preschoolprrs and transitional kindergartners, i'm this school year, but i'm them for their next 13 years. and we know that overall, the status trying to
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maintain theng for all of our students and particularly for our students most underserved by this district. and so these are decisions make to set those preschoolers, those for 13 years. but they're tough decisions. and i do not want to minimize in any way the impact that they' our community. and that's why we say we're handling this with care and w i just want to beng the board of education to make any decisions tonight. we're also not sharing our school closure plan tonight. b speak and talk about the process we've gonet in the coming months so that we can doxander said, that d some of ade as a district in the past. so you see, tonight we're going to share in the school portfolio development process. and then we had a workshop in the school year, so we thought it'd be of where we are. and then there are a few topics that specifically how this relates to our enrollment policy, y as how we're transitioning and supporting the transitio for families and staff through this processng to then we'll have time for discussion. and so process that we're going through.
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and we in march started community. and we said we're going to develop data points and what are our commitmentsional bar actions we take how we align our resourcesision, well as what did we hearportant considerations. and then what? then we're going as an environmental audit. and so to as pr, we heard very clearly equity needs to be procearted off by asking that of our community. and that's somethin typically. and we looked at other districts, the criteria that is enrollment building performance, but we have. they ask about criteria like we've asked about, like in a community. so we're taking, and then we're going through this design pttle bit more time on in june but didn'teally go through this slide. and so we're start call our composite score. so that's we needed some objective way to say how do and what criteria would you use to consider schools for clowe didn't want to just say enrollment and building
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use because we kn was going to end up. so we are assigning every school what wesite score based on our three criteria equity use of resources. wery transparent that we need to have school us to have predictable resources at our use our buildings. we've invested millions of dollars into, you know, upgrading some facilities that we take advantage of that. and we're asking ourmunity to do. so we want to maximize the use of our facilities, particularly our new onesough on our commitments to equity and prh quality curriculum, high quality in the whole child. and then we want to have that schools can count on year to year what they k we're churn of what's going to be available. so we have all that information now scenarios based on multiple data points, like i'm go moment. we have an updated enrollment policy that we're goingo looking at things like population density or the enr are placed, and while some of those were in the composite score's about individual schools. we're also using thatsystem. and then audit that will be condu party, by
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stanford, center education policy. and as wenvironmental impacts. so what does this timelinere? this is the steps we've ta say how valuable our engagement was. we had two town halls with, you know of participants. we had over, we had 16 in-person community sessions, and we as just showing up at like , community other community meetings. and just to hear directly from o insightful about the hopes, because our ho you know, how we can improve things, but as well as the o now we're working on drafting our scenarios and looking at lens. and we're going through an iterativ revising where just to give again the community and the boardn on september 18th, we'll be sharing our recommended schoolo with the staff and the public. so then we're going to tat happens after september 18th. but before that i want to share the relationshipolicy and an updated co-locations the board of education of an updated enrollment
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policy recognizing how frustrating it's been for families who enroll in our to basically say, here's 72 schools from which t us where you want to go to school, and we'll do our best to get you there. sometimes families get their first choice. sometimes families gethere's process. to families not being able to send their schools to where they live. and the diversity that we need, so a policy to have neighborhood driv student assignment s zones. and then that policy implementation has been put on pause the pandemic before i sta then it hasn't really been picked making sure that thipolicy w want to do it after reate schools that are boundaries around schools that forw creatd school cs when om"rocess toere our special ed about how concerning it in aboutd is our community sessions, we heard about a ld in preschool and a special education program at one school. than a different school for kindergarten. we, you know, we want to and special education. and for so for 2526 and this was a big question for th board. we wrrent assignment
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system going to share one potential chang policy in 2627, the for grades tk to five. and i'll secondary. so that was one key update to a lot of the another key update is why are we doing this if we he to solve our budget problem and we're not presenting thudget problem, i know people, i always say this, people feele it's a euphemism resources that this is a resource a we use our resources best. and that process has beences wisely. new revenue, and then how do we cut costs. and we've been looking at all of those areas and to the at all of those areas. and as someone said, we needed to turn over all how we can improve our fiscal situation. and so we did. we are still going through that process. last year, we did achieve our $103 million in budget balancing solutions. we did eliminating vacant positionsth staffing union contracer can go back and look at our budget plan that we presented. but and we knew this, we still have to our budget for 2526 to achieve stabilization. but this is as
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you going to be the solution to achieving that fiscal stabilization. what this though, is how do we use our resources to best support our why we are still moving forward with this aspect of what's a better use of resources? is it better to everything we know our students deserve, which is not just about, a but aser, instructional coach, those kind of supports in and try to do that two schools with 100 students in them orudents in them, righthool. any standard. and those are the questions we're asking ours we've concluded that it's a better use of resources. we caying to maintain buildings, but by trying to provide in those buildings the res need, while there is a relationship, we will showe present the plan because the board has asked this, that if of increasing our capacity and not unused spaces, how is that better for studentsbetter to have that school of versus 100? we will be presenting that as part of our plan. that was a question that the board asked.ity hassked the last area has been what does the transition look like? what does
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the communication, before september 18th, we are trying what's happening. we're working internally with our site office leaders, la city partners around this, and then with our as to the announcement, you to have this board meeting share additional and sn forty partners, or public and community based organizations. share our plan, it's going to be translated into're going toak to the school be and so we plan to be out in the scho make these announcements to hear directly, immediatelyllow up over those next twoor back out at our schools at least twice have those face to face conversations, to hear the questions and concerns come back to you and say, we have, you know, we have heard are. here's how we're addressing them as we go through this transition. before opening up to a discussion, is, again, just a what happens from september really through the end of the school year. for 2526, we'll be working with staff totheir employment status, working with ourcognizing,
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again, like we have going to tonight. we're going to have staff who have been in schools for means to make a to make a change. and but we know our staff areed building. but care about, who in front of them, and then supporting our that, you know, they're a new school community. so that means, you know, talking to themt being right up front clear, like here is the school the process. if you want to do something different, here's where you answered. and then just being you know, operationally ready, like we know as commissioner alexander said even up to now like we so we're thinking we want to make sure there's enough des. we want to make sure that there's enough working wan make sure that all of that is in place and then lastly we're going to have students joining other school communities. families should counci should meet, pta should meet other advisory committees should talk. so setting all again is the work to happen from taking action from december to the end of the year want to say is specific transition support and why a policy for first reading is we are gos, you
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know, here is the closure plan. here's whe we don't want there to be any guessing for that. but option to go to another school, so we're apply and go through the process. and in our current policy we ha that basically allow preference for siblings if you live in the neighborhood. so the board to change its policy just for 2526, to add go to closed schools. and we wanted to bring thisfront of families on september 19th, when we go outersations and say, you know, we have support this process if you want so that's why the second agenda item is reading, so again, i know i shared a lot of back to i started talking about our kindergartners, the whole system. and one of our goals from college and career ready. and langston mentioned being on our and one of the things that came out of the taskities, and they want options, right? they want ta bre explore their passions and different options of how to do through career pathways, whether that's beingool environment, aro we're still committed to providing those options, but doing it in
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that's sustainable. and that sets up know that when they gs are going to be in placand not subject to these year to when we're continually in this cycle of not having enough resources, beinl organized as if we have 60,000 students you know, it's how we can deliver on con does a quality high school expnc be? how would it be to enroll students where it's not such guessingfamilies go? so with that, i know, worksome of the questions that were raised at june. i'm sure and discussion. we'll open it up to commissioner president alexander superintendent wayne. soboard colleagues our job here is really to represent the visiono ask strategic questions as much as possib of understanding, as much as possibleif we can, itic goals or guardrails which are up on thee so that, you know, again, it's easy to go down, let's meaning into the specifics stay at the high
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level and reflect what we know as as representatives of our community and the way that we'vepush and sort of, youpush on on the superintendent and staff in a helpfulthey can ensure that the plan that they bring forward is meets thosewant to start? i see commissioner bouguer's hand over there. i kind of a clarifying ask is there any space now to give some time for our give any thoughts or input on kind of the proces now, or is that not a part ofs point? no, we're not right now. i have a t, at the september 10th board meeting. okay the first question. yeah. and just just want team leaders from resource alignment to be up here in case there's the reason for that, commissioner, i wouldndent mentioned, i think this we all know that closing schoolsow much money it saves, actuallymight be something we want to and foremost we are not going to close our that's just to beclear. no, that wi way that we can it is impossible. we'd have to close allur schools and that we of doing this, although there are some savings. and so that's why on the fiscal impact. but really focusing on the educational impact. so go. cool.
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thank you for that clarification. i guess then if we could just start lifting up, i think a lot of concern i've heard from thesteps have we kind of taken as a district and kind what is being presented the representation of kind of interest of kind of the educational needs seeing that embedded in this here. and if the district c yeah. and maybe in superintendent wayne, if you directly to our goals. right. as as he's ask educational needs of students, we've we've outlined those clearly. right. one second here. y highlight, this was in in some and when i say, like, we'll provide specifics the difference in terms of the educational experience that students will, will have, right. mean. 23, in the we started with 21% of vacant positions, not
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filled. we are in a better place this year, keeps happening, it feels worse. and we're going to talk that on september 10th, as you said. and, you know, we had classrooms staffed bnow, when we have fear, you know, and so the most important thing is invested in improving and guardrails is to have well qualified teachers in theassroom. so the fewer classrooms we have, agai resources so thin, the better chance we have ofo use some of ources for instructional coaching, we also shared about how, sorry, can i just want to make sure that was clear because you said. and so you're saying that to get fully staffed schools, having fewer is going to help us do that. correct. might? because i don't know. i'm not sure that's have, so right now when we when i spreading our resources too thin, right. it means thatve classrooms that can not by design but are have small student numbers that we're needing to sustkeep offering the program. so for example, you know, we havese we have so many programs across our small classes below
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just the 20 to 1 which is the classize we're looking for. and so what ends up happeningse classes. actually that's one of the data points we do have a teacher shortage in finding bilingual teachers is really have to fi f bilingual teachers for t0 an have so many classes below that. that'sps that's an example of what. sorry, i interrupted, yeah. no, no, this is good b questions. theks. we're fami not be it means. so here'sious what wha a lot of schools that have only oneernd again, not by design, and sov. if we had twoxn teachers per grade level, thahelps students, particularly at elementary school, when k5, that'shool they get aney havee level to interact with other classmates. and thencollaborate with at least one other have sai isors. we release students every teachers can collaborate, but if theyevel colleague to collaborate with, it makes it much less of experience. yes, they help each other and everything but it means so and then also what ends upwell yeah. so that's that's another example. then the third one i'll, you know, just as i shared in our language have a lot of combination classess
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a45 combination class, third fourth combination class. and their best to meet the standards and make everything they need, we do try to have as few combination classes as po fewer schools, we can reduce the number ofe are a few examples of to a the kind of educational experience where weeet our students, goal our goals for student outcomes. yeah. we stay on topic? is this on the same topic? okay i'm just going you'll be next. thanks. but can i just on this question of are you convinced that the superintendent hasined hows to address the educational needs of our stud saying? like, if we could just stay on that langston's topic, or maybe or maybe what what what are your what would be your follow up? yeah, because we haven't presented like the specific plan addresses that. but this is why present. ultimately, when we present to the board, what else would you because you're right. when we present to the board, you're going to need to be convincedd path forward for the district. thanks, you know, i important to be transparent and honest about therimary goal of this, and i know that to conflate
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the saving of money and ourhis is why we're doing it with things are related. but i ourselves that this is things are not goingal. and this is an opportunity to, to rebuild in a way, if we do itroves student outcomes. so tyour follow up alexander and to you doctor wayne the things i'm really interested about, and you've given the example of, can't say sorry, student x, you're having a bad da school. why don't you save that problem for tomorrow or sorry student why you'rewell. well our nurse isn't here talk about how this resource alignment would improve theerience of students and our educators and staff, if in terms of fewer actual physical buildings with buildings, how does how does that allow us to make those, not just educators in classrooms, but that other criticalitical folks to making sure our communities are safe and so one of the things that i t put into context is what happensdo we. so we one of the main ways
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ine allocation being transparent is last yearde. that said started to at a school and a in pu in reference having one social worker per so then there's the hiring issues we're facing. we'll talk is would not number of schools that we have. right and so we're saying put out a staffing model that we ted to do it in a sustainable way. so another exa in in that the more you know to have counselors schools that, you know, aren't at capacity where we wa enrollment. it means spreading those counselors thin counselors than we actually can afford based on us to and this is what we'll be can have a staffing model that when i say like ye year out, you know what you can count on. people will our schools will know what they can count on. okay, same topic or a differen same topic. commissioner kemp. next. i haven't forgotten, so two things. a comment, and the second is a question, on slide reading deck, you
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really helpful able sg is changing with those ten to change as a result of this one example would bee wz5ha in our current numb capacity to serve more than 14,000 more students thanis the assumption then that we will not have 14,000 extra this resource alignment initiative is done? if so what's that rationalendget that? if not, what's the rationale for that? right. so it articulates kind of the driving factors for where we are now. really helpful in the future then is then tying addressing the ten that you've named here as one of the drivin factors. so that's just a comment. the question i h know, kind of building off deck, specifically around slide solutions, reduced central office staff in the slide befored central office as a cost measure. is there what is the status o like a plan to reorganize the way in central office works and operates to better serve
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students, versus just saying are leading to cost saving measures that will the stabilization? i think it's other angle of asking which we're operating as a district also plann can better serve our current or of students knowing that right now we're not we are now to serve in our current structure. does that make sense yes. so a to so we have one example in response to that. we actually a couple weeks ago our updated organizational chart going to see last year we had an associate superintendent of schools and an as just have a senior services, doctor, carlene who, so that was an elimination of a cost an elimination of a position that will realize cost savings. str sometimes we had people left, we fil that what we've also seen in how we function? and this as well, that what's happening in educational services like curric, has not always been connected to what our school so now they're all under one division and really, doctor aguilera ford
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is reorganizing that division so that it's more teams of leaders cross-diliscip for example, college and career readiness used to in a separate division than our high school division. and they need to a lot more closely to meet the goal. so even if there members in those two departments, we're trying toange how they're working to be more coherent and organized. and so that' you you know, that's should see reflected in the organization chart. i explanation is in the chart, but that's that's where we're going to again, no serve our schools better from the central officehink hearing more about how like that will actually enhance then the services that today and in the future is i think that's between all the different measures that are taking place during over across ray. that connection is right now, i do think, i mean, what is just the very reality of school closures sometim lifting up examples of that are helpful. and that is where it will enhance. and also what are we losingare some, you know, district wide activities
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that won't be happening, like around c readiness that may have happened in the past because we have trying to center on what the school needs are. let' . okay, a lot of what we heard was talking about how this current in and it's sort of reflected, i think this report that of me because i'm this report is sort of building upent, the resource alignment initiative and closing schools is going to fix pmmissioner kim was mentioning a and one of them here is that many of our facilities aret shows a graph that is pretty demoralizing, with our school sites and there's no analysis there. it's this image and that's and that's it. there's no analysi will school closures help this issue but then how are it in the future, our schools need to be adapting with. i don't think closing them is gs that we see here, especially when there's no analysis tos that's my question is how areyk these changes t the school closures because there's no explanati going to evolve. so we don't find ours this position
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even when we have less schools referring to the facilitiesne right? yes. yeah talking about the whole all of them. right. yeah. and so again, , i think this is helpfulor us to be able to when we say like, where are we getting all this information from. so we do shows the different conditions we calat shows the the range of cond schoolsat. and i mean, you've experienced this at about why this process more students and better conditioned and bettere do have like the facilities masters and then it's not clear the connection thate. so i think going back to commissioner was commissioner kim's point as well is like as we present the plan and for you as commissioners, community. so i understand when commissioner president alexander need to be convinced. it's really how is the community convinced th term for a district this is going to help us? so i'm little bit more of the evidence behind
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somehichut need to get them very accessible. yeah. 10aph like this on here. there's ten l need explaining and then also we have this discussion is also open to the tiebreaker, right. can ne. okay. we'll come back to it. but ma about that one as well. yeah. okay becau up our questi down there i tnt justf i could just quickly follow up just on langston's point around how are we notg to get there again, some people have made the argus has been shown in other places to be true, that clo of doom loop, right where it's like, okay, we closed somee trauma. families leave the district then, you know, here, are six, seven years, closing more scs know, like what's the evidence that that's not going to happen. yeah. well i i during my talk working. right. so what we're saying is we're the status quo, and then we're putting forward a plan that we the end. like that. not that it will l where then drawing from other districts, what you september 18th, and as
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we is whyth other school ri wher with the lowest enrollment5b filled to capacity, have lowest test scores, and and then wet then you're going to have another set of sc become the next lowest set oft to that we pres a spending the timas so important this process, that the plan that we should pre r the status quo now, a continuing a negative cycle, the other side there. commissioner lam just pointed at me3d, so i'll you go first okay?p, and i'm a little frustrated by this conversation similar to what we did back in june. and s a lot of questions answers. and a lot of these same community members were here orng on zoom. and so i think that might be some of the frustration, we have a lot of work to do transparency, needed, by the way, some of us weren't making eye frankly eye to eye. there's a lot of kids who can't who. eye challenging. so keep i'll g now, okay. strategic question. commissioner. thank you, thank you. so going back to the central
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office reorg and some trust and, talking about that one of the things we've heard from the community ansultants and consequences of some positions oftentimes leads to us needing totor, which costs more position. and so one, i'm n analysis of all the closed positions andoes end up cost saving us money. but two, what a to review our millions of racts and whether or noteeded? what are we doing? part of the work we is a planned obsolescence of some of the things. the example i'll give is . you know, if you look at any closed session, we have thousands of additional reading programs that are afterograms or our school sites are using for reading curriculum and now we hav we closing all those contracts? what, like what are we doing to harder? when is that review going to come, so that's one. secondly implementing the student assignment systemki your point recognize the racist policieshat we've put in place in the of our city with
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redlining, and frankly, we've done a whole lot of disinvestment in have school communities where we s into one neighborhood we bussed students to another part of town for just blanketly say, we're going we're going to focus on without addressing those racist policies our overall analysis and makin we're talkinglignment we're actually putting the where our students live so they don't spend the city. and the same for families, that was the whole reason. sor one more thing, and then i'll stop. no, but i want to get that. i think i don't want to miss your question. okay. i'm going to put no, because that's a really i just want to hear the response to okay, go for it. and to follow up on that, back2018 when the student assignment system redesign policy was passed, the parent advisvisory committee the district of english language advisory committee, the spedittee, we all wrote statements against it specifically for thae haven't addressed the underlying di our city. so untilhat and put the those schools, we're just perpetuating
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outcomes. so i want to see where too if we're going to force families into zones. so the this plan can you finish that statement? just because i want to make sure that think what you said is really really important. and i want to gosh, let's see if i c ted talk, how are we undoing the racist policies of the past and making sure equitably resource the zones whatever we're doing to as part of the new assignment policy? does that cover it? that was a does that superintendent? yes yes. okay, i me i think that'sat's why it was important tonight to share about the connectio enrollment policy and new just take that as a question that the board is asking to know, to a plan that they will believe will support improvi. your question is to know that if we're changing and schools go to students, go to school where they live, if they live in school that hasn't been invested in in the kind of programs andrtunities or staffing that will help our
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students, what's the just start i'm not going to give a complete answer now, but[4 part with that staffing and budget plan that we put forward. that differentiate, allocation ofdent need, so kind of noted much more explanation when the, when the final plan come i just want to you said something inle, but i just because you know, i'm going to givemeid mahtomedi credit for pushing transparency and accountability around contracts. so i kno wanted to share to the community that starting january we started posting at every reof all contracts that have been approved by the then, and then for this , you may have noticed if you if you like, wha i aear on why what what's what the contract is that's being brought forward. because you often have to it to find outctually is being being served. so using that to analyze what's being brought forward as well as analyze whatuse that is part of our fiscal stabilization to have a fewer reliance on contracts. so know, i know that. so just as ausas done is that
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for the contracts we approved you know the top 20% of them account for 80% oft? so we're looking through and saying then what are required transportation contracts and then what are required that we can pull back on. soe around. you've heard us doing the work around we need internal leaders to lead that w not is some initial analysis on it, but it's nowt we're where our contract money funds are going to, and then there is a middle one between that there is a ollment, there is how we're inves have neighborhood schools, what was the other one? just you undoing like 40 years of racist policies? basically history more than 40. you're right. you're right, i think that was related to the second. so i'll stopt comes. thank you, i think aligned to being consis you know, we talked about i f we're looking at the re central office staff, you know, how are we going result of it to in support of our at the school sites?
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my question is related to, you know, if what will result? in a fewer number portfolio you know, a p fewer number of schools. you know, how will we know that we will haveional experience for? i still have yet to at this understand what that certainly. i hear superintendenttion around, status quo cannot continue. certainly we know the educational out of our students has, particularly for our blacklatino and pacific islander students have the largest equity gaps in the that is why i'm honing, you know, as we go through this understand as the community better educational experience for our students? i mean, i think in part that comes monitoring you've committed to and doing so, we've we've sharedng process, when we meet the goal times we haven't met the goal, in some areas we've met them. what we did that led to did that didn't lead to it. and where we need to
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mean using our resources more effectively. so like we just to, we just did our our progress monitoring around guardrail three with curriculum and instruction. and we sawhe level we, we thought was necessary for improvement as meaningful feedback in that way. and that's why we praches. but similar to social workers, you know, thatds to be a sustainable, ongoing we need, you know to have the supports in place. so teachers and learning. so again, i think alignment. we're aligning to the where ultimately our teachers and those who serve our what's happening in the classroom and not feel stretched thin as i say, our hear from teachers and staff all the time how much there is to do there's more focus can be on teaching and learning. we talkf education for our students and fah sfusd, but they stay with us in our hopes of the full 13, 14 years. through this plan, i haven't seen,
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the strategy or the approach is pk ent of the for our education experience for our students and families? and certainly, i know that there have early literacy. my question is related to collectively, what is our around having thatk three? alignment and beyond? yeah. and yeah, this is an area where we've done, a lot of work. i meanament. i'll speak and then if doctor aguilera c speak because you're also asking, like, programmatically. right. how are we lookinge, as we launch our new literacy curriculum? how are our tk students being prepared tothat in kindergarten? so, doctor aguilera, is he in the meantime, through the enrollment process to what i said said before, right now, families enroll in pre-k andally knowing where they're going to end up in change policy
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for tk so that tk they they could know that they would be in the school if we forar those kind of pathways and alignment. and tha they're going to pk in a zone, they'll go. at least have a much clearer senseagain, rathe 72 possible schools. even after they went of programmatically, i'll have doctor aguilerasome and but thank you. before i have doctor wanted to note then on the enrollment piece, that san preschool provider for the city of san franc my anticipation that itow. so because of that, iú[ program materials and-+1(> we of thejignment, which isf in alignmenttate tothis with the coaches so of the details ind evening everyones!, ally important to talk about the p three alignmecurricul also work for pre-k and tk, which is how we
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came . when you look at the two how they're em the on. est curriculs r eariculum th imp instructionaerf our early pre-k tk, and we're really lear o that we'reaving those conversations aroundlly ve end goal of kindergartenness. when allergarten, working wi syfour and five and one more thing, fromroái will be rolling out the po provide muchcei tall right, did youk back to commissioner i yet, and then we'll. yeah all right. thank you.k, commissioner fisher's frustration. i it's not l of new worth it in a way. also, to getigf the common themesis happening. people ot ofand aluse i'm the only one hereclatsoever. it was just based on enrollnt factors alonend weroportionately impacted negatively. ies in therocess what youv2 that th transparent, that the press is listef e schools reassured we can to makederstandprn, that been hear ing forward. and then i brought up athe the d doctor alvinanty bil itepnderservedrima
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that does not matches thatn in the district a caen just, too i doink it'sk to don'tl like i got my initl question answeredxz pract the roi reading deck board docs, i believeout base for our decisionseeingatac co kind of graphic, or in the process. i lito-tle bit concerned that; that is for alla very troublin different work areas that retother cw0io as well as, ikj information enough clarity this think that' in selected thum amount oftiilin got to th lot of a way that we haven't our reser really want to just emphalfsize that ireciaton not enough for as as wec to our higher point, fo tho are in groups who are the behind their pocwing that schoo3osout alli9g know aublicly really shakesnce in the to the public to be having it nd as a boardm would say me asly are evjmlly, uncomfortable. think, just lift oructueve atpe don't see anything ins addressing that. i see us0ings better. but in my mind, if we'reing to do someths schoo do something that ie ailwhat the statusl
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representative. ihing else that'sur to rfact that ting abouthafor this. we havts gudangerst orly kind o and we don't h and we need to have or board leadership about how these thin committed to ass,omt's not grounded in and say that we'r that we've previoul the things plans, all the previous directionca. so we can be clear, because right now thos lot of uncertainty for me as a commissioner on the board wh hcision. so i'm hoping bot as we move forward, there will way possible so that we don't having this feelingf not s&oise thates a post my littl answer of like talk to me about how best practices are r that is a separate process and held somewhereh jobhito of boardns. that ishe sup job. so what is our job to our collectively to askay=v that th the board is not creatin resource job. we come here as repr as u justmí so be clear want to respond to that question i want to css. i mean, i'm to wdi and again, we're not askinge laying out i to say two things. one, and i hear the comments like,are we get
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lanec? people reallyli see the actual plan. so i understand there is an element ofn. what has been many people'sth this district to center' equity, but then the outcome of the plan that or the way it's implemented doesn't do thatu know, part of my best answer will be when we show the pla value of equity. i is commissioner sanchez said is lik to me, this was input, a second r y.o indicate what we'll do when we next goommunity. it's like after the first round we i tolgs. we had, we had you knowre know, we, likere vision for the tu real, frankly, the sanitized(l =xicre's concerns. we know there's name. there were realt were o there about this procs. like on that. it will leglad to a disproportionate impact on our i just put this you'an we're going to make t term, this is pretend thatct on students. and, and itbe to go to a ncounity. you know, when deromoted to middle school from we're going to needough that. the school where in fifth withctth gd a sixth g while thrgh like we
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h i would much us take th get to meet a deadline, and so ithat would beoipect toy, and againñser d now, i think that'sk that date, it wouldorpu board to be aware. so i'm going to have our executive directolanned. so far be mo question. good eveningor question, so my name is laurammunicatio are planning for multiple ways to noty diverse audiences 18th and a very humanizing, directhoclstr and will be sending fa[mi by sc about what they can expect that lyhool messages, autoeriencing low literacy. we'll make sure website, so that's going to be the directfected schools. we're to she with the community, because we know that everyon/0 the city of san francisco is going to want to know what'se happenin toan receirict so that it isr jusq÷ so the day of they will b receive be receiving anything before thatho leadersy( and d how how will families and staffant toj>= be receiving continue to share un heads up, if that's how aimessage. we know that, somethingng for and make sure that we're p sscehanks. you'rekwme onc room, i got school in the morning. so ye this, the
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tiebreaker for studentscted by the merger's closures having a revised system that,nately i think it's a littleyear too late with howe know the and co-locating because especially i know how lucky i'ves stem. shore second lett i was able to go to a p first i was ablewa ky i am for tha worry about where i'm going to school on the first day k that have, and it feels like piling on top of a system o many. i have no longer in as me, went to oolesn to hoover high school again. an't changing until the yearfter we're closing our schools p of it. how are we? betem and the list the the parents, are that are affected by these school clos+? not only are they becauseng them go across town, which you've talked about but how can we ensure that school on day one?t's for the students that are already in school that not c=onfirmed how are we going
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will be guaranteedt. sojust for students who choose a differentthan the assigned to. and so they want that placement more than they preferschool in the district"( fke how much into account are thereany otherhe tiebreaker system? : it's just going t to go athe lottery because particularly in ent lots ofioes. there are often open spaces, particularly i and so siblings usu right i think that that will be much than families who don'tt have sibli last follow up, as it goes i th then it affects every other kid how can we cthe schools, right? so don't get schools assigned. w either in a school right now, and they are to can continue in that school or they're given sshowever, assignment, and the school .momething? i just wante]dt. tin s this point, and justn rates it, this wee streets i, dad with a kid in a stroller who, and i said, aret(enrollpublic schls honestly, i'm enrollmegoto affordt, city, even though we here andf because of the. our en bken. and i think a new system which still hasn't been im langston's point, like we're waiting. and that wasctuall superintendent when
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i first saw this resolution, i toy matrau i mean,estion, i hear we may not be able to do itperintenmmissioner kim pointed out slide 2ofhef the points will conti taking thatt sure the enrollment system and have a predictable to goto8d middle school and you're going to go to this high school. like t would dramatically change how public schools were viewedco. and soou think about our school portfolio across all those con c if we move to these zones? t here that we improoav enrollment through all k through 12 so that people i build confid that a is that part of the idea yesj!óq. to go back to commsioner fisher said?í maybe somehat youecause thist wants to gavailable in this district, right, becaused,ls i mean, it's literally fundamental problem that we face as a district feel they won th getting they feel l getting intol. and then in this district, youm not even ing to playt tha the means to afford that, where they also spend a lot more. sothat it of anxietyck to the questions you all have been asking. fewerolthose schozkols are
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to if they getto a school, right? because what's going to be this dist pure like you just school no matter have our k-8 fundamentally shift that equation to say you're getting assigned we need ticularly in neighborhoods where familhas haven't had confidence or to get that. then to why to the to that? know, we our enrol said, you to know whao is before, zones. b 2526, you knoween devepeurt our enrollment syste did just if nd we alre we already had all that infá place, maybe we could this, we could start but we all that inckly. ine more s in the places thatrue.4 ly in my c which has happened tother this time where it was the;
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the past, you know, said, you know assigning students to schools at high the d need to have fewer schools,. really deeptitude to our student delegates and deep for the deep conversation.g3ng here. and you're you you the3 permissi to lea we commissioner weissman? word. e gosh, that. i'm very grateful was more. thank you.9> i commissioner correctly, it was like how are we going to re doing? and b actually going to improve student outcome there was a couple of things that you said, but we can't we can't use that as a l, oops, we think monitoring sessions is going toineood that. i also i also think that like there is such and you all have a year know informati've heard, but infave cultivated and created and culled throu. som hearing ites. and i layers. and i'm like more context. so i just want to s thank you for allou're generating and sharing. and between how much you overwhelming gh decision. and i don't
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know how to strike trying, but i guessld, if you could to commissioner lamm's cquestion about how will weifimoves? st outcomes, can you give an examp fictitiolike, what for that stu matches on to our visions va guardrails andallows uñw student outcomes would be a student th o's that'svidu i mean, as that did pu impacted, whether f impacted through a closure to a school andhool is absorbing new, new the that is currently enrolled in a school. lated, look like for spokenroving iledge your question. i think that family at each individual school, you know,ne ed t or even improved experiencen you i, i appreciate you. and to the examp because i cbe a third grader who is in a, in a combin combination class. so, buyr that's helpful guidance whennt on september out to 19th two, you know, followtems terms.ok-4 needing needing to do that a as well. can because i think i just want to seconisman. mean, i was thinking similar. i wasas, lepa a second grader who's third grade
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every day. and this is what you or your team by september 18th. all rii know commissioner bogusz had something to say, and thenan bring up, o? yeah. all commissioner bogus. let's and let's try to keep15. wrap up in the next do that. yes go back to myabout kind of they're anchoring the process. i resp just dwould bethe terms used on, i believe1 and the boe workshop are i readi d now,act based, the guardrail equity audit listed, where does educational best fit in, and how pet mee referencing. what slide number was iteading dec talkhw districts. the one belowççne. yeah. waúk aecd. there we sf, usd guardrail,f. so but then you'reing wheree to make sure we're notyou're asking n es i, what a we doing.ocess where i a little bit of both. for me, iturpl we're to reduce staffing and othere district just cut, right? and it doesn't with educational best practices. we're going to just p amount of
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unnecessar at school sites, which particularn this process or are modifying the district rve students. if that makes sense. yeah, okay, letet lrespond to this. think this is helpfulward appreciate the way you wed wh happening at our schools. some strategies based on best practices that we our goals and guardrair of theó
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resources to maintaie those plans to provide those supports. feel like i'm hear in the community is that that need i just namçed them in systemic terms. that needs to r weissman, ward asked, who's a parent as is com my do i understand when you're sayin career bilingual like, okay, but what that that mean if you at big takeaway ke we've made the case what it means to stretch our making the case, then a different school. that's like of in like you pushed that as youing for,reat id over the course ofatetink whae? deck onughf ike a good highform side, and thesego place to ensure that we're monitoring iegobe to and guarantee inth. it s these commitments, but these commit and i be iinq!e going to goals and really miss our objective iigwhat yhat extra level of detail and intention ofe that, how we're about school closures, but about how the district is changing the pt ex thatd throug to follow upd to commissioner bogusz point, are suppose tesi positi? so if we already can'tqf commitments this year, how can the public we're going to follow through on our
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cor nextthrough , can in. yeah. and can i just interjecpo for this after action review of whats, whatever is been betñcause i is something that i think has really ered trust becauseover again and again our staff are mebto the fe who to address these don't hit the mark. right. i think what's needs to ensure is that there's ansparency and accountabil but it do mean beingay, had thea cdc advisers in we'ved some omay not get esow to tr thing? so again, that's that is stay tuned. come on september 10th and hear ouftth you know because wen't go bac say what didose mistakese show that we're doing things differently? i think again, whof the superintend it's going>h t gotten i haven't seen board has seen e gotten i've talked tonk be different. i'm excitedhere are someg to be perfect,q be adjustments, but i think i do thmade.collectively we have to show that transpaat just want whammer you have a yes, i do. so i toow you've heard my private 12 through slide 20. i thinksthewp on the t getting nhyo, click down so tog place inr us to, to fulfill
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our values andur principles. becauseause time and timealft a operation astanding to the rootvrusof root wheaa to put towards them ell as the welcomingat i'd like to, undwterstand at is the amounter ttaryking on that now. anddefinitely. a few dif. so there's the of capital investments that need sure we can have, the rooms all compliant. the transition gng we' working on figuring out how to have the rightom you know limited dollars to this. but that's lik staffing, the moving, you know, activities like that engagement piece, which is lik setting up, as itings so th know, maybe extra, extra familyte getting organizing all that to be it does cost money to do this process. right, and those arez wherere some dollars make sure this goes ask, is being able to understandyou do come bac that transition plan, in to the logistics, i think partic in understanding th isthe
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human, you arou are supported in or families, once the news yourtfolio not only in the school communities that will be i mergers or co-locations, but s to also understand in that de funding amount that isessary forsive tr want to say something before wrap up?q: you said earlier. yeah. i just wanted to take a momenti would on that side of the table, for your time onog and with every question comes by staff. and ae as much asecognizet that officeas oth centralaffg who rely on c services and just recogne ewe are at a timeof someth takes but emotional, mend that is needs to happen over b the course of thist wanted think wh wte wanting to ç focume chanve hhaors need to changes that are produce outcomes for our can be with thatando our sch the
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better be. so i justose with have said this around this is metricse oua q if i backif i o clos you going to are there metrics that i for youn, can be, i thinkther, and h no0 that haven't been filled with, you know, changes weren't told about the i mean, that's thosehatcentral office staff who are workinge're doing a lot of we're a resource budget sort of and trying to rehaulnk youip on that committeeby the wayrce management too whic oan s trying to. so just to put it is this is hardgll of the going to get it right. but kwh weaders iso need to docountabilityo to hones, ng we'rehese issues. we' goi not just going to do someth actually going to make sure we get it that'ske for our students, and time do that. so thank you very muchal so you don't feel again like rushed to say, okay, we have to, you kno there's something that's not ready, tell us, you know, don't feel like got to meet the you got a to. right.
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at's important. thank you so e. i feel likeg this was a, thank you to the-oí; with board again, the board now this is actually a4m while, right? t reallyare going toresoluti the consent agenda at th meeting unless someone unlessjust put it onbe t consent. but then and staff will propose will put this a boardber. right. the superintendent and staff community to engageadjustments they want to make b the fisly, you cannd we expect youpe this the a lot of the engagement will be aroun that are going to then bring a fina plan to u tj clarification around the timelinef ti same way that we did back in junel these questions before september well, again, i'm unclear steps as far ase thece befor j supmean, at the end o yes or right? so there's a we do have time these queions. i thinkt and the community. and during that phase, we'll be hed learig and, and buttwnerinteend the community largelyo beuestions f questmy job here is to reflect the values what i'm i hear a heck answers ito b walk away k i19th, iheunity says
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so i wouldefmore crity about our roleweinkk my point indizívi c board meeting b a, you know m di idea is we want space for the superintendent team to refin. right. our job is really at the, we h convinced or there won'tan job. it's not it's a would argue it's actually not to micromanage out. so yes we need to be informed. but i do wantw up onetin superintendentl÷ because he's the one making the plan there. does that makectoes. and as how they v responsibility incredibly seriously. that's why i'm here so andcomes o september 18th, like, okay we still have process, and yet we haven't evhe fact that there'#
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+ shared some of that's ould president alexander tha then thing that would continue if- you want t all would talk aboutnd then a notese. but like, again, the three major themes we heardbort. and then t, fiscal you know, the connection to budget, whilehow outcomes? but to say are going tor a lot of the ons you 18th and then some. as presidentr said 9z said, i showed up a last round of gamentround of engagement? secondly wey and2b you. and then thirddent alexander consider more than that or talk that board members want to do and engage ine can talk we can thint around how we can improve our community engagement. so that's great. my get all you: o! going to do just to say the public into dn't that we wgoaianat. th a job listening, and i think this board actualkl a really good jo us, you know, in the communy.nd the questions we aske think we are refl ay t and all that. so but but we could talk ifei'm ais and do it then. let'sd+ l it. thanksthe policy, that's why them together. soat alexander said good discussion. i thinktoa first reading,nd the public tbo it, be on and weg[ause we don't need snk we got but i that coná as,
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as you said about, on addressing an right. if else, it is 9:4d.i[y' rebuildingghe w7 >> thank you for havingz businesses. perhaps you can tell us about >> yeah, sur are here vinghe union scare. o and people come to celebrate lifere holidaysouk square as aocs continue in celebration el ng creativeors. we are still the pandemic a offertiful hotel andn#destinations
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a theater using our strikes in you come cascadding frontl see stops. you can g notherarel kickoff the holi outan we have ice way to come anyre thel% ringing it life. it)a this is in ourlly g show to m fact for the country and opportunity to transform our ou have 13000 s the under%. higher have ca c ands wel ready officelice leasesle car to work in a vibrant space. lot remarkably share
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success stoies have been supporting them. >> this aligned wt neighborhoods. they have seenion on. in fact the earthquake of 1906. we have been around for hundreds p iní& they areown the aautifheat on powell street. aot of theerhood[. print. >> we talk richboces community. >> yeah, you knim unique opportunity here. was an district assess where m something. we need ait m. differentbut"qbc economic offering. ccessi you know differently out of the pandemic. we wan atet wg in the hat we would need to getreating a creating our locals inarticular you ere in th bay area.any of p will look
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like any other place. in san francisco ywherewe h d d business andtive. we flexible to do busivxere.loors of dlevels maybe level instead school exc and reallyha great. >> so, i guess, you finally w francisco residents andinesses to be this. gateway franci w are÷k oe would this reside coffee. listen tn the tore. with of openings, bet squar t, we have hotl. the of the. oth wonderful iestaurant.n of the old of the larg's in sanldon b onave a popping up and pch.ímis is the placeo on't forget union square isy in the w$ a very major city. we are dealing wit samvv explore and supp busine down, y
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wildly alsoprised at is since >> thankha optimistic taking ase little our heart of san fr >> thanks again. episode. shortly. thank you for watching. [music]i [ >> ago develop a paring the art network and bay to the entire miles of waterfront identified a very place to make park for community. the park for building. it was a verycity's history. iot best opportunityblic to bay thebay. >> theyhes value people can learnhat e then rlly be abledeyin. this was a building years and yea a away and for usav chdren the old m endless. >> this will be annful addioit to th san s cleanthe bay fro is toed this a destination folklessn the acommu agrass. and to and u
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bgoodtalking with the local theyig m whole place play ground they anything like blessed have been part n and the process ofk to thecommunit/jpace is something san francisco for ame.e have is experience i residents and district [me gs even opene 2)s dision on festering %3 before rodneking. you can look at all the are calls
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think we are involved in now moment that is going to be longenging. i was the in middch s recess class and came to tried steal afteards went out ofthe t how i is ohe kind of perspective have inheregardlessmstance. that influenced some is th i things that trigger memories. the the shoe store is another one that s and getting my dad's old armyxed. we would movies after the keep walking down cityúó it to ja w my the foods or the that my family also ha a dry-cleaningus ha family apartmengts above the business. we force. en fixed.dhould peoxmin the take ever ew< r my grand ml? ere very scared. of.
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>>lo. >> my gruncle joined opportunity came time that not right. in the italy. ever,:yepa ted unit in history of the to tohete that in the camp at er all ved and appellate board. myo look atervice s police andrihe same time. the sheriff's department grabbedhat moment it lookingd. g nding thereibeitr coul was him. i stillet byact i see m am happy tosition thei doing what am doing i say that on mae from my background and my family experien didn't was aec theow now, i think we are in a when we seenge agents ste to help the communit thingo about changend being a leer you havedvact of the matter is by for change youve changed things.
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inspiratio matter or whether itoug actualce being heard. i think you havet on a change by choosing of itself createsti type of service fga family.ope ton my i have a prettyys some sort of civilat h83 >> i am sheriff of san>s8líy % [ musxwic ]í> presenting d8 the board of supervisors.4 politics and group i wasau in high school ape and as idn um,
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