tv Commission on the Environment SFGTV August 31, 2024 5:30pm-7:36pm PDT
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á[ka i call this torr. charles a meeting of the san environment. the date is monday, august 26th. the time is that theme aomments on an sfvia wi bmm as p file. please notj4 sfgtv will end atcommission goes into not reserssowidentmrent sulliver, on. here commissioner bermejo. here commissioner hunter. h president. jem, pleaseén i calendar for items ough four. numberhe president's welcom this item is foris staff introductions. the speaker director. this item approval of minutes of the junevironment meeting. the explanatoryvironment draft minutes. this item i is the president's welcome. thevironment the t fshd and have millennia. enduring commitmentarth acconaitions, the
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ramayt foris placellfo all pples who rre that sovereign elders, an relatives of the nmentalists, we recognize that we must embrace indigenous franh.issioner deparublic, welcome introductmunie' we alsgenda item for director jules performance appraisal. with that, let'. the next itemré joe would you like to in it's a karaoke sessie, who's going to be introduced up.ssioners, we a tremendous amoung over the past6p y before i introducean recognize at our all staff meetinolly has just ñ3 here and now we're. to come up. hello. thank you. a you%?we from the re department. we haves o be here wien fongironment, not just forws, and spent a lotn scouts lot ofso lucky e up in pennsylvania in neeshb ting, testing. it's on. it' testing. do you to
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maybe give the other ikc that on that was not oniy go test all rigith me, so we're going to first wniics reduction coor bodner, our commercial zero waste. anna zimmerman who's our construction and deon associateta associates, walter jones and a familiar face california climate action corps chang. r. hello, my nenio i'm really honored andsan francisco de have over enmental healthchemicals and most recentlyi was working attal e getting, environmentally preferable through 12 schools. thanks. thanks the enviro education team education environ4c to be here opportunity to engage y. hello everyone. my name is raymiu. i'm going to'oen$s education associchools.upleh abroad as t kinl sense overwñ here, i used toau bit of a career ange, bu wor and hi everyone. my name(ponj+ associates. i was really
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fortunate last fellow on the commercial on to this new team and my educational background in wildlife andy to my bodner.stant coordinator on the commerm,nal the public sector inte so. and a bit morens what i'll focus and closer this world of environm. really excited to be1'. hi, my name is anna zimmern and i'm the zero waste rom a background in customertion servi. wae management, landscape and yeah, i've beennvironment mnd i feel really honored to be a part of this team., just get to t and meetve one the commission knowsf2liwhois h in s new hires, we ç nd lee, who has been presentations from him. he hated reduction coordinator filling the shoes of maggie johnson, we all know he's up for the you want to i hope m. my name hui and yesaslly i've been at(m mostlydr to be senio . i look g
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work me and my team has andble to keep next level. thanks for having mede hires. if want tonduse to all oj, i' go you have somewhere yorítep outside stay. youmestay. and that concludes t hires. thank you. ie,em in the consent the minutes. so, mmsioners, discussion 7?on changes to a motion to approve the miho, second. ñd, commissioner tompkins. so we have a motion by and a secondins f phewho iteenda? madam president, wé further tanovic. i am on deirdre. sh services to not on mute, so nafar. so that. ent is now sk you forn i commissi ite fiv ission on matters thatfú are withinhe commission's jurisdiction athatem? madam president, we speakers. great. public comment sre fixed lead oge speake)qr is ryan ramos, senior nmenáb bit of a> jtly commissione
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chew. manager. and for se joined we pre sef program. the fixe in 2019 afterplemented by sef environmenten pc ncies in a my my colleague vjryan presentation. so'll pass it commissioners÷.zp. my nam ramos. i'm as loweld.ntal specialist with the environment. and ulray. andredate on fixed lead sef program. and i'm going ton overvi(qs. my name is hope. andh dement in san francisco in the lead program years, since the the lead very grateful departmen fixed lead sef. not proper managementtr theu to use enwúmethods and materials tot the environm frright now nd and context for the fixedjobe or they get the leadently,a because they like toms in mac not have any use little bit ofd our body is of ite neurogical neurological syste their behavior. and so whenth isn't a me poisoning. treating and preventing further lead
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poisonwcg is really to remove problem. and there are but that isver 200,000 residentiaul unancisco thatrobabl and lead in thethese budis before 1978, when lead paint or reducing and the first approach we call that _ interiman temporary measures to reduce the exp ofi7b theed cleaning or e. operational programs, so then so then/ t can be people can be exposed again. and the second method, the s ement. and this is replacing the building elements with b work, so before fix, ousing lead certifie inspectors propertynis that anditypeed at which the paid. for this reason frebuilding as an that really h p spite oally is limi target so from 30 years of blood lead2020 census determined that we're going to codes (941) 109-4112 second piece of informatiñ
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toeaging in, so fixedabatemol for and the mayor'usimarily focused on u8, once in lifetime fundesiden to do and6n&j.sively take care of the other componentschth this period o that they seem toth they ac francisco. so we beganm with seven pilot projects)p for about learned about working with family care, child centers methods fobao nowram core in e midst phase itself. and right now, ouricants mainly come from people who call the health askut homes. and we would tell them about fixedf and also therovidersr recruited as well. and now, com1#oners. my name ien). all on site work!+ on th projects nof whichspectors, project monitors we are. and i'm a certified projectrite t contractors who conduct the that we the special certifications tre are only aboenn,un that have the potential need to convince them trk well, interimontrolng
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procedure of mostagues throug decresultsel in a but62see much based on theind th]:otmao haoject scoping eethings along, i will talkout doors on intm o no stabili a coat of paint. if the paint is intt,o this in this cle letee and trim b repl of thejr area of the door and frame.evels of lea removal. all thods ar circumstawi also need to be awatu the plaster or nd. this requires a ny extra level of testing ne tsubstrates can be made on the project scope. o be incoo keep the original hinges forrchitect which wldj? costs and af t days is safer fo the workers, since methylene and material costs increased strippers, cost of theand a increachads to larger scope of rooms workb siteenctae complexi f all present unique challenges. and i'd like that while environmental is mind when i make decisions, hazards iback. thank yo an upda collaborathi4 and theinhe environment departmentf 2022. sinc approximately 30 completedu8
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1212 pros. the projects that are stages, one of whicher constructn aing through the vetti projects, we include asbestos the angs, trning it backto t personally l experience, communityyca l who have done thist really worked hard onrieredgr help me ith theol i and the tenants h#[ me all the they have to gohrough in ti really do through. and i iimproveú@thing is weountering needing to adapt entodh construction to sort theast thing i was the future plans t for program. s about we n outrea actual conducting ofs to utilize impro engagingyeaov and bring more projects into the toax$ address conditions in hom here are with lead reduction activities fromor funds s funds, as i mqlentioned. so
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we funds under another departmentublic healthn or to allow us topment in the water heatercooktops and dryers[-:+ lso take a look thissafr. the residential building stock, an6ld thencurrent decarbonization programingi want to thank commsoou. sos time bound. but the funds thenr how going to be like ess have ablelong way. i guess. so pre the option to extend at the spend rate we had looking to increase that spend rate significantly over ynd do they h of like income ified to this prog considered the eelhat we've coincide with mes that have art o ceremv[thth the projects thha wf ompl there e i so no childrenan the units avensx?r right now hre of contractors8c jare able andjá w ctor that whave ale up, that couldbut right ctor is 2= havi that's why we'ras ashe methods qualified
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leo have fimethyes. andpr having a child having fficient, lead in the homes. sometimesntse one window. we found a minimumorder tod of combining projects together in order to get threshoomto0f thosf& so a'sto expand codes doinly don't feel, the need to do that, but we arertainly have move moving forward cmithere eime how many may needation or 9f0 to 1978. and a high likeli the majorityin, we n't have an exact estimate of say, deteriorating conditio havspecifically priorit6ized thos z health depay)' decades of running lead proghighest concentration of there for the timenow home is to go throughlag that and there's children moving inthwioshomes. right. that's a good suon. well, i'lle that i is the consli th, you kn, just put them onems ones and may not needough, you know addition or additional ouch you'reesting that, therehome vb58azar khaprio tohose on list immediately. and not directly tget them sc heduled. it inigatitatever take to ensee on our the pthreceived a
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lo to that hav certain threshold, but that is a good consideration to take a lo at+' im that workh departmentinto their headsoayou miuolssionere reras to dogupui don't cme7o, wet housing, most of the public housing in san francisco have already eight housing, but we$hwe haven't had will continue codes we're concen mission. is h a period of timek w wro the two strategies of rhe inter choose that's what just if the paint next time youo it, you;u then you have tome wh altogether and with a new door without the lead int se, you don't+ there's so many compo would be lt free at are, because theliteeowners have paido out the building do rebuild pnt in the buildiunit. is the's been interim remediated at this ould say all t we have e and the mayor's office o been interim because the abatement isu%ry evefo we concentrate on takin windows. paul can tell dokn windows are very expensive. and the fact mheople don't
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do abatement becaa-wd sometimes we have to it onc;se and of course, quite complex, convoluted sometimes. yes. i te. yeciate your time as o public who wish toment o? madam president, we have. okay, publ now closed. next its seven. on municipal green building and cindy comerford the climater, senior building decarbonization coordinator, and eliarbonization asso eveningom the climate progra and i'm here to introduce our n on th of the municipal grnou't g started about 20 years ago when wen tace that goes wt, by example sthe commission to presenmpletecode seens/, head t mpa#nark xj force is being ledneanis supported byey update of the glso exciting decarbonization havnick. thank you.g coon good to bee again, i'm just briefly thegu% colleague elise explains our ci inventory o i' been the chair since i'm excited to beti depa basicallfalls intoiet topre
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force. and then finally, we work on policev d the education, you can see over e es. a little bit ofou update, we did include the requirement for greater than 10,000ft!s. and so we decided spend four meetings goinggs like purchasingals like thisq$ it's in somament and costs for replace mo had a number of throughout the throughoutand it's from colleagues to seements. a and experiences with newriales also remind you thatny time a department waiver fr our greenuirtlle in the context that we, they wi come the committee and request the ar should receive and if the that remmendation is passedthe in es for municip an oppo look at the biodiversity year, my colleague peterre and askedhe depar ways in wlk those requi the day to day and then at theresentation, i'll share with yin an exciting new proct to streamlineirements for smallerrocts. butore weherthelise good evening. coas the ent inionn v:d+éen i inventorying 228 buildin list oorin dó-istrict o a
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se, any buildings th nure pargele worked really of this6q it to the env the big picturet baseline data ont i i can found report and also on. soldgs thatúcsd over half ofer of space and water equipment each make uphe inventory while clothes drying and miscellaneous equipment make u stnt;y age disbursement of equipment, showing average age of and given that 20 years or less, it's evident t reach the end of its useful projected life, beforeú that knowing thesespecific yearsal predicted e items andore lpnd any associated work that. such aadncreases. and finally, t inventory, of court'se, also reveals insight,jipment is concentratedov. so as we can of our within parks and the emunicipal equipment is concentrated is really impo when it comes to prioritizing electrificand resources so timn ó inventory has been le the first oflm forg participating departments ent is replaced with
5:46 pm really keep closely tracking citywide ando8 rt toward electrification, andém allows this a stagnant measurement and lastly, the inventory haswg collaborative and larger scaleme ital vp finally centralizing and streamlining theroje within the department of public works. so we still in the early phases of islanning, but there's cert and motivation behind this work, so we'll m tit back to niroígutyou. eliinishfi÷ planning and then taking task withartmividualhtn sessions ame presei usta under 10,000ft!srmational interviews with a lot of themd hanlñsuprojectske asn'tot of f certification, it s in thet wstay true to our;orporate them into the projects need to submit, rather than requiring that extra level of paperwork. so actually, we have a meeting set, time next a slightly updated chapter us to comply with our sustainability goals. so with that and offer somu to askap2 the the of us.tention. thank you for thellow commissioner. anyone has any discussion or
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great, i have an acquaintance who's an from som contreñactors working with t my e d bu had bn a recent str plants to the point where contractor felt it was it was kind of nativ so has t and is ictts when city? i'm gng to you're working with theha, but i will guidelines that i smunicipal buildings. if, you know, if this projember. yeah. ciy practices around for biodsi is ateffor the see trees to try street trees, but there still menu eelable to different txz what the guidnd happy with you. and wvfe individual. but there'e, gngor the or discussions? i guess we canup comments th of the public who this item madam president, thank let's go.resentation and an departments. food wastechew, the director. for discussion. it's bo parts.8 kielty, senior residential zerolo discussion and an item b presentnam shradha mehta. community part for discussed and foodrq waste reductioni want to say t3hat hard work theers, san francisco and tas how on recovery and so too talkp/ to gi you heatéi of $2illi. our was 1.3 million, if our team isve
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the generator, the to the food re paid for i've talkxed to tyoureph but, there's two businessesve food donation really in organizations xt that and if paelivery driver. orreplay has also ownery will happenn effici t suity. so weh in three languagesectron mail andnot too many wh thetoget support inih# to devap a fee -o wur oization to do thi do some calculations arounde,nd that not something the ys a up to $300im#w a box truck withd a pallet jack. and so there's quitewhat some of the outcomes we hopto 12re pretty exted. that's a nancy he excelsior3%. and to highlere to highlight the big ones. so basically extr started food and safew pickila of food. they didn't ed prqv but thisreally. and then we also sf maich, by the way, come on a tour lhat invitationantsul those
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two rounds ofs, we've 3.5 million pounds andn.o i what are some of our learnings? because we d to learnom fromepared food is very!.mplex, proper storage, packaging. everybody wanit's recyclable, that the allergens arehips require tte r our staff,ell worth it. n link always for seway or a hotel to find the right players francigrosts, therecovery organizations sometimes get a mountain of foodthatú that have gone bad, so they end up witht theythgs by donating but it's something the food foods f administrative lift for them the scales, they don'tthe excel constraints on local organizatiormple that's sf market.oveeriod oß to rely on, organizatately to pick some ofsome ofour f funding w dressá0 th organizations do noodors. they ey has to co from somewhere. so that's that's a big solve here, a lot staff do feel likerv the g pay because it is a real cost, andow doe sustain offer food waste prevention declined because busy to mego where thepand a mires lis hand e shraddha mehta.÷'ñ
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good e #cohi shraddha mehta. i'm the program mager at presentr.nta]ll 48% comes fro limate action í-wa e general public. there are manyod waste reduction, so we firsttsound food waste. before we we conducte#údce and leftovers of home preparedhe waste8%f8 an education and awarenessesidents to reduce food byesh wtç they of wasted foodas we sawalexis slides, oured thatwmotiaste. s;$ring"w a campaignd the financ emp to wasting money tents with ac tip to reduce food waste them moneyet audience wtwo different neighborighborhoods, and we selected theseeiities, becausof envinmtal justice, and because of ther th in homes are usually thergerwaste. andthe coulzo family homes. although our campaign did reacholds as febnd likex withorign has besen the actuaaprie of 2024, and we cmpaign research earlier this . udget was
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$400,000. pre and post campaign r media buys home ddi the camlñpaignqs it included three main udience. so i'll walk you through themponenhe busá . it included trt shelter neiansit shelters creative elements were focused behavior through a reaction to rotting that's when you let your recognized that we neededj businesses that sell prod an image of rotting food next to theirouow sav food i td n tiéighborhoods, so sf staff and produce markets 17 storo rketg contractor participation in thendirdwent in fron customers wouldrior participating small grocers received a few rolls of compostable bags dualon on purchasisesrancisco's that weíds the neighborhoodee lucky's on ne is the on
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a posts exampl social media ads also user eo. campaign urls in englichand spanish. a for this ourl with chinese characters rather than trans. the was com to enhance or enhancelity tothes other commun members. s.f. staff tabled and shared stionsa . we also partnered with three community based organizatin centers and took our message to the communitiesnde t. prior to the outreachmentgs of our reusable mug hole familyn:s and magneticthat residents tipsg produce in their fridgey rá guide. our storage guide was so popular news of the agreement withs aso l dive)¥ targeted neighborhoods. 220 interviews wereone.edhat 1 in 10 reading about the campaignided, tsble to almost describe the ads verbatim!a
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2021 baseline research, mor said that they are likely to takedditional waste. more than 28,000 peo website across theneighborhoods that weoe.çvybe people i of tn. 59% of those visitors url, the url,iniv resulted in 31,000 clicks action of clickingehmark for similar campaigns. we alsove com style videos had the best engageme] typrdes, so at a language access on effectived want to do in the futin-language ads were al very successful. avocadoongest performing creatives highest click through rate. so as expected, it'she audiencesrs. they participated engrough th events. so fourh, spanish,. and our mayor even p community event. there are of online and offl ground engagement proved to effective strategy for this ofby focusing, we were
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ablel[ communiwnirsmall>as a time consumingd those businesses and reach residents . our traditional media channels througr ns. so it was necessary for our team to step in thereand the combioalsaging withdia, in language media p outlets and s with l th to expawant to.l neighborhoods that are targeted.n and we want toions for foodç we want work ton"articipate i the nexthase of much. happy to answer well, commissioner, no question. butly, dethat love to see you. thankre posters. who who did that in paulici fruit f and then the fresh t in tht. quite good, theimaue geographic'd like tove expasorry, have additional expaphic areascaaign to?oods ther,po have neighb cz n of single family households in those communities ign. make sure that it resonates with the next set of communities t just plan to also expand
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the ads to like includingse and also what did wasfiç9 immigrant affairs to look lin t neighborhoodsta will do the samepropriate, we will potentiallnguasñges you. think i've meive, you know attention it it to post it withte and just then when theyout and f thank you for bringing that up their newsletter that goes waste prevention with ourhe word out. h they said that they did receive a lot customer service line about the camand peoplekth. that's i just job. this is a veryuswhou've orking especi neighborhoods, and really hearing business campaign down the road, because that's just sucgreat?b w doing for food production. veryh. muct of how you can tie whation nb again, it was likeelf out of lowering thha effective. and i hene the two efforts.hi that's yes, we're, looking to do more of"i to harm efalso do want?v to community events a10pu you for the great work. thank open
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up for public comment$v. are there any members of the public who-e? madam president, we have okay. hearic ed. nex2rt item pleasne. theis ju. the report. thisis for discussiseveral key updates th the morenda packet to/ our move. our officialove into at 1455 market. we for the projectisabout then ry report. we didree h t commissio in collaboratio rming for, natural gas ele requirements presentationix7@ jusl'l sharen the bung fro climate equirect res'vup for theations and all of0u tho carried out by minorityhe citytioned a be completing fth communica@5tions team and marketand communications eerism, racial equity a that's theren9n the other end. and in the nl volunteer. and working th pssy ent soon, weco of dublinz[u ireland. and schles sheehan cindy come dublin, di/elegatn through the international urban anch out of thso they learnedéhilityeam from dublinome,si txo come on andfinally o mentions. milestones'vd about the, our city in the the u energy city
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our curbside e program. and i think m charging. so i invite you tthat concludes. thank you, director jue.sionershear n/d. let's open care public comment islease chief polic and public affairs officer this itemn. 's in this w approval of the reduced so we'll be covering all topics, ipm at that haclimate it's a draft solici including this one. that meto racial equity well as put some ru5 ns around our may bring meeting as a packed agenda. andy all right. let's open any m no more speakers. thank you. public com closedth xt item is. xç t ormance th ete&d possiblen psung7go intohe performance of thekible . and then, willm+thontelet' a public comm. are there any meblic who wish to comment onmadam president, we haveers.
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next up item please. th nexte any motion to approve then? go in a closed session to evaluate tyrone zhou on moves. thyou great. we have añbio mot president. commissionere z> further discsion up for public commitem. are the public who wishisbxj, we have no speakers. thank you. closed, charles, please olpresidentuasullivan i commissioner bermejo i cooner. hunter we are en. >> thought of my plan a cio ice is doing three productbivnning a effective shop and the third thing is maexperience, n th very y what is the interactio customers. r it we y. pe >>gsystem that provcity thaare in a- call e we there is a problem and canand alin
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[indi bring in partners to d e need and latest and greatest technology for the operation. , be kind to people and be niceto people. doing, however minimal starit and we ng now. s give back-[indiscernible] there is a d i'm happy to support the to achieve gos and rtck techural what has nrflgz mana ennced pr zksecreuse acst are sharing everyone else, ppy,and ha >> o'shaughnessy dam opened celebration francisco's new water supply but it was unique the city vice havewatershed, ds bothor national val values yosemiteional park visitedby millions of visitors but the prot oundational0& park, over $8 million a year is wilderness and park the sa and the p years ago when the dam was first the environment back han
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dam was part of changing that view across the gs mp our work hhnessy manage this downy toncisco that we need th 100 yearsk ensured water, ch our the city positions. vernment thre int in mind. so am serve the and restrictdnd public resources. d and. artt citypete gainor e and ways this not. our c faster service ortme notusing city equipment for personal business, alsono-no. r example, we agency for a reference letterfh wees for nonworkses minimal use everpersonal pur ces$h calling theokay.) >> a n inties. enengage on city on city premesis. other pub we cannot sitne calls donations toour phonoot officers or employees t2 youant
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to bactive? volunteer naity public our pr ivategas individuals and any city department. >> weur members get city. to keep the i his were time or resour summary is visit t4p questionsk contact the 415-252-3100 or thank you for doing your ♪ ermen would go out and ce crab. >> it really is 1dindustrial. it is fish proceworking breathg place. pl historon italian fisherman. we're one of the ofishermen'smswharf. my family's beee
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martha. sport fishing means whenr fish on the boat.fishermen come out catch fish isd they sell it to a storee sellingyx t there more fresh than our crab are sweeter and tter tasting. the meatrmer ie crab. awesome. toh down hwe wld have comer if >> thie looking for f theseav lmon kind of does a diert thing. here and caught salmon that was just caught that manre's nothing fresher than. that'sming you can lock cod buy here if they want to take it home whi great. here and take it to one of thee a glass of wine and enjo the crab f ert. ni and beautiful úere in sanci >> ofishermen are super excited.ubl here anen t terac the crab's alive. it's going to claw mnd coming down here and post piod. p or p the making a whole experience out of it. >> locals sanas takenthe hav t back. >> i had a guy the other asn't bee fisherm 10 is si boatrgal
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and iscoy9c [sirens] >>915. is$h and helped it, we're to station ago, all facrisies >> theion coapproximately $30 million. we site efficient will bend then brought to installation. final com of the fat float. nd will the engine and alls incidences in the district. >> this inhree to six feet rise over th is built o that can mo and sitside piles. range of from low of 16 feet. so that fo c fi inco es access ramp is rigidly connected too the of aection andg floa rp an and also awlloew inches of thi is thenection connecting from the float to the back of the lee, itasnection to the bostat. >> boat will provide three fire boats and n staffed with seven members
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day butcated to respondltiple incidences. looking in we h not onlypark, wh kayakers, but we have a the the stadium, and we want to have marine or)g new deve >> there are verysignss> for people sleeping on the water. we'reokinghich sqtruc%bres, sevs theb' of harb but they're point.hendx for how acleration they were i don't otherter is>>he a regionalesset thatgional used for we alsome cleanup. wy< untilonmental unit can some out. this is a job we're proud ople in ny w# can.14e,♪music♪] i'm jenniferk. specialist w almost 25 years.endi at state. e and i had was creating and making iwanted do this. a woman broadcast industry hastb workee purpose and m to iut people hey.teach me.
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i don't know this cam are well can you teach wouldvz lea would become goodnd i w i think th it is eneel]@ asf b5 years fami and wan that makes it funayell st shinei p or oingco my job. wr e takers the dreamersxpires are the creartists th the gold rush and coo fo by itself people. been and chap here we%c roots here. w> to welcoming the firstvc l f idea opening san franciscou anda them m[ v: thank mayobreed, lieutenant tom
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