tv Building Inspection Commission SFGTV September 1, 2024 10:00pm-11:25pm PDT
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foing todayrv meeting of building to reurself if you is roll call. shaddix.present. chavez. jop present >> commissioner sommer. >> here.iams. >> we have a nuemann are and next we have our acknowledgment.nd ramaytush ohlone land ót nextbe listen nothing our call in number is 415-655-0001 the is 26640864442.
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and our thatnu reread that. for#"s meeting. today's meeting it is scold is 0821. mynthat. and next i wanted announce that we were be having our agenda item order today. so agenda item 9 will be at the beginning of the agenda and all other items accordingly. president? >> okay. we to read our item 9. section regarding the prb progra mm nguy requested possible low take action to grant jurisdiction to fil pursuant to wo of the the code. would youe to? shall i do now?;
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misinformation. we'll do the opening remark's first. special guests that's we're morning, the and s and rector. todaytoryo going back to dbi's and our fee structurefre questions about that we c t reports. we departures the contributions for his lastting is today duffy. [applause]. we will take them and commissioner soer first. today is meetingu, i want to express gratitudcommission. this is not a gla working have taken the fullce you
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started. i have always been dedication to the technicalb. i recognize the first thing you did in the and helped phenotype land acknowledgment and t that our commission meetings. you are the chair of nomination's committee vet residence my mays, feechnicalcommittees that support our work and meeting says hadnot happen in the i long time and members appreciated you for filling void and forthat. and then through your voice and votesenant community and s vulnerable voice and technical knowledge will be missd and you the best am thank you i open up to >> ecoath president you have been my left ear voice for a many of the items come up before the commissio by amazing helped me understands so much the work we h i want t for being the voice on my left you a lot
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and you. in t much to say. bitterswe what is best foro see commission. echo whatting have thinkommissioner alexander-tut said it best you balanced the te well in a way i know over again when we get lost in details other. and you have been a voice ofth respected and that has really helped me think al ts we faced on the commission. you willqc missed. and really appreciate all of the time here.yes. commissioner would change your mind. [laughter] not you know -- commissioner sommer right hand appreciated bogged down on some details and the disputes get off cou provided during my time on the of analytical clarity thiss the course. you have madeated simple for mever doubt about an sue
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or what the or if it come down if i needed to have aidote i look to you. so this is here. and you. >> i dide my wegd dinot want this to [laughter]. but i veryeciate your upon9 kind words. thank you for having decisio to the mayor'se for and the board for supporting me and for herding us and for all thedoing this important but not easy work. the department for welcoming me for 3-1/2 years and i have learned a lotbout our t is i suppose. i appreciate your me to move paths cross again and i feel that this cplace. i think you guysor a,, and going to be have of success goingforward. this and thank you your kind
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now we all takeesent you.ny [applause] all right. thank you. duffy. so first of all i wonderful career. and also that you are taking retirement. and all the best on ant to thank you for your help as the commissioner. director. ed to be an bic and served the secretary.2023 and you are concise and factua and helpful. thank you. on behalf of the commi presented to thank you for your
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service and your c and i will turn over i known we worked close low on things that were difficult and joe has been a. we managed get through the most joe well how about we do this way why do weouit? and i wouldgeez he is right. yearsvid joe was wearing 3 hats at 1 time. jobs. lucie kill mey joe doing theñ stuff. and --methat. when you think about the people i remember in j we could not have a party joe costco and pickedmomento. that's the man joe now i want to wish him his requirement we'll expect that your golf game will lot better. i have i hack around the golf course. good golf and joeatient with me andeard
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fs a friends i wish you well and that you yourrs0 of the public staff like to thshg i'm sean san francisco mayor's chief of staff employmented recognize joe do, joe, commissioner sommer thank you forv commissioner williams, we agree we would like vl t aroundful commissioner.nq"ant you 2? chnically the joe, if you want toça com )le@ wanted ce eeirectoca me9 i9sun working wiave known jf th a trued irish/american commun francisco. gaa fg o center and the we'llout. 3á jow alw present rely on ibe h of joe i think of eal der when it come to the work here what about joe whatv%across -- for someone like me
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who -- could bar nail. work you do here is difficult to i'm unique. i think the members of the work that you do. asking people for advice and to do something underscode. how to implement learned overnight last many years finding can trust, finding someone you know will give youer. unfortunately it not as easy as it sbe with show there was never doubt. i knew this was aintegrity. you knew his word advice wasll of integrity. a rare quality. joe h stood out in the best of6y sense i'm thrilled colleagu important low today i'm thrilled on london breed declare with this that today is officiallyoe duffy day in the city and san francisco. [applause] i'm h lucie, blown away
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on the a the certificate. not somethi expected to get, was brought up in the ireland 62. and you know beenmes there but child and growing up was always raised father other especially and all the good values work harde you will not go far wrong. that's have done. good morning alexander-tut andcommissioners nd dire here to accept this my career at the d. building inspectionecompetence nest new and close in attendance. thank you to everyone for your and shawn, thank you,y 25 years with the dent i met i have always htng wonderful people in multiple manyion herrwe been fortunate to have met briltraechlt i started my career atdbi on
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february 9, 99 thelenge of inspector plan reviewer. i learnedle . shawn todd brian. these a gave for thewh= i started. it shaped dbi.transfered building inspection and first senior inspector andy gr guidance to cha buildi inspection and team work i was richmond memories frrict. inspector on the deyoungnd that gave me great experience of the professionals involved were knowledge. became a senior inspector in and as limp i loved problem solving and trying inspectors and contractors and home ordinance through construction projects. i think work in the department such as i got the saukz of helping the customer to on and approval. many holders dealing with the complexations and that come listen and help a colleague or important. i also was fortunateghout the at the8)
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department through building booms san francisco had and proud of the w help get the projectsi alsepresented ]ádb=em3i at the board of app over this i again i met wonderful that time. like and jowlia scottshafrnys anded with over the years. i want to pass my thoughts to dbi colleagues no lon especially the family of eddon edwas a great person and a lot in the city family. department staff and the nagement team of nevel and not the very best of the future and i good hands. my privilege city of thank you.e done@zdeputy.ygri
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which i read previously. >> okay. understanding is this we have anal department is not contesting the appeal. ]b could we have someone just aummarize the department's position? my the point of determine whether or not we need the full hearing the vote. not the request for yes. the thank you. that's correct. shaddix and commissioners i'm chrismage rigodbi. wanted givedbi in response to theas lead up to the sent a letter in or more violations in in the compliance controlllist. letter, we what was sai provideou mitigating informationntation or information for you to consi aation. the 10 days laptopsed we did appellate.
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time line has from the notice of determination him to get his appeal heard. i advised him he needed request determination. an this isw will hear anning opposit it is good and get allb?on what the appeal is and may be tell improve our moving forward. >> thank you very mu and your transparency to work with the public anding outike t to grant jurisdiction. and bypass thet is acceptablee? ard. do youl for your >> dever heard frofact. i never have been in i% time to show ce i have beens(cqheeu8mber >> okay a my my reading>felse. the depar request for jurisdiction. making with you first we could go through the full hearing and if the votes here are to avaler hearing and go straight to the
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based and if the motion failed we would have the is that okay with you do you understand? hearing you will prese you will rebut the department ask questions the department make a motion to grant jurisdiction and the commission wld bypass that whole proce and grant youyou. >> so comment before needed to doaking that motion on the motionment on themotion. a grant jurisdiction -- the >> second. >> second.wait. alexander-tut vice president? [inaudible]. >> and now public on the item. >> yes. >> item in general. you seat >> public comment. there is no [inaudible]. no publicn or [inaudible].[inaudible].
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you place that there.b: the firstticle on mission local buried in the creatin safety issue. that missionarticle. dated april 21 of 20 something k and thed one is wood street. where investigated by senior inspector matt greene improved around the gas people r anddirective as per directive this complaint.
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2021. matt greene is still guess. >> okay. a job oneet. involving bernard similar to 125t district and missed the required shoering and building went down th that was in my characters. o'riordan, santos and matt greene. okay. a brief summary of the santos name on there bernard is koran and m it for a cost 4 it permit ty okay. and -- here is the complaint should
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in the approve it. okay. - then complain about the way people disabled in the department. this is alsoctficides i aboutisable side treated poorly by the accommodated. thyou. is there additional public remote?4. scussion and possible action regarding ordinance building and planning codeerrors update out dated references and rev clarify or simplify code la i'm aaron star manager of planning the ordinance before you is planning time it ise a happen. witness a year we try to clean them up here state law changed. it changed a ref california government code for lling
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unit changing that in 0uthe planning code and also we arethe building code as well. awa is ministerial. secti106a.1.9 he correct california sections by the passage of senate bill and that's t. i'm happy to answer questions if them. >> thank you. >> there are commissioners? >> i like to make a motion t supervisors is that? that to pass that ame thethat? is that what we have before us >> well is aoval of the ordinance there a cond. >> >> and a motion bye president shaddix. is there any on the motion?,ó >> seeing this motion? >> president alexander-tut. >> shaddix. >> >> commissioner chavez. "k er. >> yes. >> commissioner williams. >> yes. carries unanimously. thank you. thanks.
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on to item action regarding the revised 110. building facade inspection and maintenance and the of information sheet circumstance 21 procedure for processing buil and maintenance reports. good morning president chan manager of technical depa inspection. y on the updates to administrative regarding the facade first slide. sorry. this was you. by dbi technical seice to ensure that the public protected. and to reduce the risk of deathulting from drrted the facade elementsw.ab110
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provides comply with the program. background the facade program ordinance 6716. am2016 existicode. detailed comprehensive inspections ever and age. stories and requires inspection report submit to the ordinances 9723 and2022 san francisco existing building code and -- w$omayor's emergency ordinance after the storms that high rises to fall on the streets 1624 result of a glass study by the causes of failures. it@i required that buildings 15 or more stories be revises requirements peord. reports to be submitted years alternating between the alreadynd a supplemental now we are theb bullet
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($bulletin. theram and: incorporated. th updatesthat ouro uerand wsen them as while wwin are treports$proves the have toinspectors. taking portunity to!(reorganize pl need to >> so discued theetin at subcommittee recommengust 13th mee codeq approving the revisions to administrativend associated attachments at august meeting. so i'm take questions at this point. commissioners.ons? this i like the attachments and check list it is as a nontechnical person. so i think done i don't have questions on the document. i reach how do bulletinhe
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or do than i get to the owners? ways that we communublic about this program. one we --ave public forums to the public. updates. more directly -- participate in association meeting. s know the coming. and -- contactestions. the action before motion to accept and approve the building bulletinié 110. is that correct? so moved. >> second. >> motion and second. by commissioner plic comment on this item?lic comment >> not in person or remote? on the item. president >> yes. >> vicesident >> yes. >> commissioner chavez. >> commissioner sommer.
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>> yes. >> commissioner williams.yes. genetics motion carries unanimously. thank you. >>nk you. item 6 nominations 6a nomination subcommittee. 6b discussion and possible a member t of examines expire september 15 of members seek appointment stein ryhane of vancy on the subcommittee. >> the committee last week to discuss two applicat board of vacancies. the -- of examiners has vacancy for engineer. i did kidding. we had 2 one fro and isheir applications anés and attends in the person we them like recommend to the group today to for that position. candidates were highly on the board of
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examiners a different seat. he wished to move is a an effort to fill vacancies rather than h net of members on this we wish to harris fills this hope he david cane in the inform this is our recommendation here and d should i ton talk about the address that --g to say there are a few more on the anmoard of has not met in awhile but did discus have the past,e with g to issue a call for application s applications thank you.wereate an announce am with the existing if commissi are interested they can have members to -- e mail the s. i did want to aredh we talking about the someone else l join the nomination at some point
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later item read all togethere so i make it confusing itemthe busi subcommittee recommended mr. and if the full commission would need to takethis. so is there to for the commission to recommend harris for the seat? >> so moved. second? >> okay. >> alexander-tut and second by commissioner comment on the moil do a roll call vote.alexander-tut. >> yes. vice president >> commissioner chavez. >> yes. >> commissionersommer. >> yes. >> commissioner >> than motion carries unanimously. is out of town. so we take carer. notice ofancy since our commissioner somers is there will be a v commissioner president alexander-tut asked this commissioners aware mont. >> desire for next month if you are.
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i was hoping we have the whole gr in s nomination is a great one. the purpose is to on the committee board of examiners. is there a body? what is the third body? i didn't look it up before. i --oes not require technicalatof thoughts on long-termps there is in some of the different subcommittees for various qualified nd we appreciate the people who do my thoughts in coming in this is that our -- word of mouth how we spread around vacancies could improve of improving thepes of people with diffent subcommittees. in my vie but a good goal going forward this is a the process and how we can help move forward over time. >> thank >> >> hank you. -- c?ei update to
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the plan.j! good morning for here to give our quarter l update on the strategic plan. started our planning exercise pa go backe we presented the final plan inand we started implementing it next reminder created a now mission to p code compliant construction and a n had we b dedicated staff effective cus using clear processes. safeblic. >> we wanted speak to our used pr maintaining a supp inclusion and belonging initiatives
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sure our work is transparent and held accountabl say do. the plan in action. the with work groupsategy was group. they have been biweeklyow as we move spr to the marathon phase move them;" has been a manage to each group to implement thehe meetings and assign home work. y update to the executive team andtes to you st5ee a couple screen in july or end of june. thing is eachonse this is responsible for delivering o the strategy strategy. we have the work leading the work a seeing the facilitating the work and executive w responsible at the end making sure the work and this strategy is executed. >> as you see this is the work leader of each is bolted and you see we of our divisions represents on e n1 maker surety work is done in a way that benefits help the#% who are
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managers. m develop the leadership s day positions next slide, please. >> work that has been done. the fi safety and resilience we of capital]( the building safety program. so farone is drafted a floo knowment directive of left year and te slation with the c this will comed thing we is sure we are ef managing compliance program your questione are udatial our out re doing more a bit e aorting with the board of wass lead to thes something this when we said what do we need identifyd and what this group ison. they pulled together cross departmental group of addressing involved mull pull departments. an and develops a framework how they willo addressing this has been the process mapped the system laid out the developing
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departmental mou to make sure roles partment knows when than i need to do effectively. slide. working on a couple other things including with the identify the roles center. they have been workingr= assessment where they add value in metrlpuppo service. project management andnd flooras we want to role and our rela item is -- anotherig pt a working on a plan the permit tracking system engine that feeds and powerhouse all and de planning -- but it is old. oldld you k replace if before it breakse focused on office pol policies a updated and processes reflect had theynow. now they issues cfc's.occupancy, renewals and housing processes are documented and re now. the next g
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trust. here we have good news the first item to depaatives the said that we had implemented a[2ll reform when they should report two ago. we feel good b. patrick mention today. that outside we have an im are continuing the work is not stoppi identified issues that plan review and resetand making sure that we have and electronic that work ininspections.flicts of interests. form disclosures and ethic' doing developed aon his training for eac departmentrybody who gets hiredroup meeting everyone gets sat down with the n the next item is workforce. you see hr impelemented the process and started the training as a group early 30 year. we bu÷- program with communication program for several years w;óe are doing all of dialogue
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consistent low. two aas we worked on one of our mealmeetings commit to year and another for november and then we have been asce an among to all s somebody got a letter of appre customer and does this twice a see here is to identify and practices for top help we hire newruit to sure theyde prop and getting us the mostpossible. >> thentof. the much people and what need to meet our operational targets? and witness we than how we make sure we have to fund the personnel and the technology investments andtargets this group identified 50 ted by data and information services team. they generate to see what fuel we and investments. and that's where we came gated about our progress and we will months with the next questions?
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commissioners have questions thank you for the presentation it was grea to hear all aretion for the plan and how luare his i missed this one of our goals and values being customer prioritizing the tucustomer how much xoo feedback they all plan? the plan is individual initiatives the first thing we do is a is where we present new nd process changes that we e have 20 min or longer general do this quarter low and the we doll a dedicated forum around e mails tho are reguomers and signed up and we prospried links to customers. when we want is the feedback. working for the customer it is not working for n take it from the feedback and understand whether we incorporate if a forum we acknowledg got that
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feedback.ublic upont on itemne. we are on item 8 a, good afternock at the department. i first thank commissioner sommer for your time serving ave been excellent during change in the departm probing questions and raise good discussions attended the outside meetings. and knew where to push us for more t of all, believe in the w we are recognize the commitment to ourpp improve the department and better serve the publiceadership wasdbi needs our journey tow excellence. than so partnership and support we're now for a couple of h issued a repo acknowledging the worky done to san fr permitting declared san francisco implements reform make easier
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to build housing inclu objectivity and electrons paraphernalias in the construction process. i know patrick spoke to this but i like saying it day controllers review determineddbi had impl recommennges tond inspection and the our staff has done. thisvilleidation from bodies is!9 meaningful progressn the department. i want to for oversight and encourage am and per for our efforts. i w[g i said dbi, for not ams we knead the but also for embrags remarkable and ilo finish on a. long time ed don low it has been years department moving up ttor to the disaster preparedness was low key. out s share perspectivetuation. he lead more t to work well with difficult s. and managedñt a every changing emergency.
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ed was excellent teammate and cherishede friends with his spirit lives on in th many friends and ed4 a good friends. it was a for i was very when it happened and i'm sure he and in p concludes my repoctor. next we are update on major projects.ó8) >> good upon afternoon intended highlight the evaluation of million or more. filed issued or we will a few that bring high value terms of thei n to
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community >> in june of permit applications withuation of 5 million or more filed withdbi. e was for officem on valued mill another was 50 that next slonth 4 high valpermits one a new u building at vaness. vaness. valued 60 o for 89 unit sunnydale development that was 45 million dollars.dbi finaled 4 high value 138 afforda buildi johnson streeisland. milliond arnoer building j al dollars.es2n.+4 good after. the planningb5 h commissioner mentioned a nonsubstantive ts designed to ease burden construction. conversation office
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sewneding to this ordinance. to make sure that changes of use going beyond the scope we are theplans. changes the requirements functioning elevator in buildings. 50 fire code have anning elevator for use this would change that in 2 buildings regardless by sto front ordinanc has y the mayor aeptember 8.d+ slide. this is the oanrdin permanent amnesty program signed by the mayor on july started august 17th. and then f240297, thiws is the extension of the signed by the mayor on august 8 affect on septe moving on state l changes to lurelating governments for service thiss requirements that was held not moving forward dead. next extends the adu
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unpermitted build before this bill is pending a svote. >> senate ashleta this allows a is p xn?d vote and should know the outcome in the next week. is ab2910. al building regulations for in resident uses. th apply longer would be applicable here. it i floor vote as well. >> tday, is is in }ohe floor. august 31sth begins the leftoner to sign or veto at is passed and f pending withnd have an understanding what will put in happy to answer quyou >> t next we have update on [inaudible] serv afternoon commissioners i'm matthew provide an update
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inspect >> slide. >> in of 24 plumbing conduct 10pection thoseted wites qtomer surpagsz the gospel inspection service conduct 790 58 multifamily the buildinged complaintd and respondithin 3 36 cases to lastly house inspection recvgeived 351 nonlife hazzard complaints and84% wit. for lif responded to 80% within ahousing inspection service /w abuyed 387 case violation and sent director'sing. that concludes my report i'm available foru.8e update on dbi finances. good afternoon. upon deputy be the
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official update of the 24/25. but update since the last time that i mayor has signed the twoer 2 years and th started on july 19. that is a to c for helping make that happen. also in next month's meeting we24. nezrxt month we will provide an update on the ourlast year so this is the first month 8% of the year jular. and we will month inpdate them at 9 months in march. controller's budget status report. for now will are vol difficult to this shows the new year's budget anat actuals so far. totale away from this is that were 8% and the collected 9% a great start consideringne third of the month was at theollect and so this is great
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continuese been seein activity and dema next slide pl the new budget much to report here. expenditures are really lag as a salaries paid every t weeks and all of the other expenditure billed which is well after provide or ce next slide. and -- early to this is s year we8% permits than july of last ye permits higher than last year. this hope thiscontinues. happy t questions. that's the end of myon thank you. #gquestion. i'm sorriful thank y for i community we look forward to measure off the ballot. i don't know conversation is a lot of halted for the future. have we thought about that. considered
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or we considering that for do we havess question? i tried to i will let kate answer we tri pulse of what is going on and coming pipeli we deve are things like outcult onming. some of majorced that start planning process may not haars. may change. might we t aware of going on. and plan for the too hard for thepart. so. yea..
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next i10. commissioners may make inquiries regarding practices and 10b murt meeting and agendas. at thiission may take action to set the date of a special meeti that could be placed at the next meetingher meetings of the bic. our on september 18th. commissioners have any future or agen -- contact me if you have >> anytem 10a and b? we are on to itemi of meeting of july7, 2024. motion to moved. is there a >> second. >> well is a motion by and vice president minutes? no public comment. ure allaye. >> any opposed? >> thank you the
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