tv Building Inspection Commission SFGTV September 8, 2024 10:00am-11:31am PDT
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>> good morning today is wednesday august 21, 20 tor. regular meeting of building inspection commission. i would like to reminds to mute yourself if you are in the speak the first item is roll call. president alexander-tut. >> present. >> vice president shaddix. >> present. >> commissioner chavez. jop present >> commissioner sommer. >> here. >> commissioner williams. >> here. >> we have a quorum. meng and nuemann are excused. and next we have our lands acknowledgment. [recommend ramaytush ohlone land
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for our previous meeting. today's meeting it is the access scold 26600648696 and the web password is 0821. my apologies for that. and next i wanted announce that we were going to be having our agenda item out of order today. so agenda item 9 will be moved at the beginning of the agenda and all other items accordingly. that's correct, president? >> okay. we are going to read our item 9. appeal pursuant to section 1038.6.3.2 of the building code regarding the expand compliance control prb program of tahhed
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nguyen requested jurisdiction. commission will hear and possible low take action to grant jurisdiction to file and hear appeal pursuant to 1038.6.3.two of the the building code. would you like me to? what shall i do now? okay. i'm sorry. misinformation. we'll do the president's opening remark's first. >> thank you. special guests that's why we're doing this. >> so good morning, the public
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and fellow commissioner s and director. today i am happy sumtory everybody and congratulations to parents and kids going back to schoo will it week. today we have 2 big highlights to talk we will hear about one is the controller's integrity report. and dbi's performance. and also the budget cycle ended and our fee structure passed if there are questions about that we can talk about that in the reports. we have two bittersweet departures the contributions for commissioner sommer. his last meeting is today and joe duffy. [applause]. we will take them and that order. so commissioner sommer first.
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today is your left meeting, thank you, i want to express gratitude for your service on the commission. this is not a glamorous as the hard working commission and you have taken the full responsibility since you started. i have always been impressed by your dedication to the technical aspect of this job. some of the important contributions this i wanted to take a second to recognize the first thing you did is jump in the and helped phenotype land acknowledgment and the primary person who read that our commission meetings. you are the chair of nomination's committee vet residence my mays, interview and recommend for off the technical committees that support our work and are so importantful you attended those meeting says had not happen in the i long time and members appreciated that. so thank you for filling void
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and for noticing that. and then through your voice and votes you set up for the tenant community and showed that your respect for the most vulnerable in our city. and your voice and contributions and technical knowledge will be missd and wish you the best am thank you i open up to fellow commissioners. >> ecoath president alexander-tut. you have been my left ear voice for a year and a half and i so many of the items come up before the commission you helped me by listen to and your amazing calmness helped me understands so much the work we have done. i want to say thank you for being the voice on my left ear and appreciate you a lot and
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best to you. in the future. >> i know there is so much to say. but it is bittersweet i'm glad you are doing what is best for and you sad to see you leaving the commission. echo whatting have been said i think commissioner alexander-tut said it best you balanced the technical and human well in a way i know grounded us over and over again when we get lost in details on one side or the other. and you have been a voice of reason on the commission i respected and that has really helped me think through the challenges we faced on the commission. you will be missed. and really appreciate all of the contributions you made in your time here. >> yes. commissioner sommer. i wish you would change your
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mind. [laughter] not a joke. you know -- commissioner sommer, you have been my right hand commissioner literally. and i have really appreciated when we get bogged down on some of the fine are details and the disputes get off course what you have provided during my time on the commission is a degree of analytical clarity this brings the shift back on course. you have made complicated issues simple for me and whenever i have been in doubt about an issue or what the positions are or if it come down if i needed to have a deciding factor in how i will vote i look to you. so, this is really a loss for me here. and yea.
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if -- i'm glad you are moving on. i think you are in a -- do great with all wlfr you go doing forward. and i hope to see you around in the financial district. >> thank you. >> i didn't have speeches at my wegd dinot want this to happen. [laughter]. doing this but i very much appreciate your upon kind words. thank you for having me on this decision and thank you to the mayor's office for nominating me and the board for supporting me and sonya for herding us and for all the fellow commissioners doing this important but not easy work. and also you know the department for welcoming me for collaborating and us. i learned a lot i have been here
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3-1/2 years and i have learned a lot about our city and this department. and there is more to learn but another time i suppose. i appreciate your it is bittersweet for me to move along. buoy hope our paths cross again and i feel that this commission come to a great place. i think you guysor a great path and going to be have a lot of success going forward. so. thank you for this and thank you for your kind words. now we all take pictures and present you. certificate.
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[applause], all right. thank you. deputy director duffy. so, first of all i want to congratulate you on a wonderful career. and also that you are taking a step we hope to retirement. congratulations. and all the best on you. i want to thank you for your help as the commissioner. and your role as deputy director. you reported to be an inspection service before the bic and served the secretary.
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from 2020 to 2023 and you are concise and factual and helpful. thank you. on behalf of the commission other commissioners you presented to thank you for your service and your contributions of san francisco. and i will turn it over to the director. commissioner duffy i known joe for 25 years. we worked close low on some things that were difficult and joe has been a sounds board for me. we managed get through the most difficult things by joe saying, well, how about we do this this way why do we do it like you are thinking about it? and i would think, geez, he is right. so, 25 years and covid hit. chaos hit. joe was wearing 3 hats at 1
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time. 3 jobs. and i thought lucie was going to kill me when whey joe doing the stuff. and -- the mark of a man sometimes in times like that. when you think about the people around you. i remember in just before in 2020 we could not have a party because of covid joe went to costco and picked up a momento. that's the man joe is. now i want to wish him well in his requirement we'll expect that your golf game will get a lot better. i have played with joe and i hack around the golf course. joe plays good golf and joe has been patient with me and i heard nothing but words from him. so, as a friends i wish you well
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and that you enjoy your retirement. [applause] members of the public staff like to speak? >> commissioners thshg i'm sean san francisco mayor's chief of staff employmented recognize joe and before i do, joe, commissioner sommer, thank you for your service. commissioner williams, we agree we would like to keep her aroundful commissioner alexander-tut you could recess the meeting and in the adjourn technically the resignation does not take affect. joe, if you want to come up, i
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wanted come up especially mayor breed directed me to because of her greatest esteem she holds joe i volunteered in addition to working with joe in this venue, i have known joe outside of this venue. talk about that briefly. joe is a true legend in the irish/american community of san francisco. volunteer work with the gaa and the irish immigration pastoral center and the other volunteer work he does we'll never know about. joe is always present and is someone we know we can always rely on to be, he just truly is when i think of joe i think of leadership. he is a real leader when it come to the work here what i wanted to say or thinking about joe what i wanted to get across.
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this is -- for someone like me who -- could barely use a ham and nail. work you do here is difficult to understand. and i don't think i'm unique. i think the members of the public struggle to understand the work that you do. asking people for advice and how to do something and how to understand the code. how to implement something. we learned overnight last many years finding someone who you can trust, finding someone you know will give you the straight answer. unfortunately it is not as easy as it should be. with show there was never doubt. i knew this was a man of integrity. you knew his word was gold. you knew advice was honest and full of integrity. a rare quality. with joe he stood out. he is truly in the best of sense
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i'm thrilled call him a colleague and friends and met important low today i'm thrilled on behalf of london breed i'm able to declare with this proclamation that today is officially joe duffy day in the city and county of san francisco. [applause] i'm blown away here! [laughter] just with lucie's help my wife, lucie, blown away by the reception on the award
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the certificate. not something i expected to get, ever. you know i was brought up in the north of ireland born in 62. and you know been through rough times there but you know as a child and growing up but i was always raised father other mother and grand mother especially and all the good values work hard be nice to people you will not go far wrong. that's what i have done. anyway. good morning board president alexander-tut and commissioners, sect hair and is director o'riordan i'm honored be here to accept this acknowledgment of my career at the d. building inspection. i'm delighted my wife louis competence nest new and close friends are in attendance. thank you to everyone for your
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kind words. and shawn, thank you, as limp throughout my 25 years with the department i worked with and met great people at dbi. i have always had the pleasure of meet and working wonderful people in multiple departments and agencies and there are too many to mention here today. i have always been fortunate to have met brilliant professionals in the construction straechlt i started my career at dbi on february 9, 99 and assigned xhshl plan check enjoyed the new challenge of being a building inspector plan reviewer. i learned so much from people like benny greene. shawn mc naulty, todd janes and simon brian. these men have passed away i was always gave for their guidance when i started. it shaped my future at dbi.
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in 2002 transfered building inspection and first senior inspector andy greene gave guidance to inspectors. there were great characters in building inspection and all a great sense of team work i was assigned to the richmond and have great memories from that district. i was fortunate to be the building inspector on the deyoung museum and that gave me great experience of a large project. the professionals involved were first class and i gained a lot of knowledge. became a senior inspector in 2008 and enjoyd that as limp i loved problem solving and trying to guide building inspectors and contractors and home ordinance through construction projects. i think one of the best experiences of work in the department such as dbi i got the
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saukz of helping the customer resolve and getting them to final inspection and approval. many times we deal with stake holders dealing with the complex project with code requirements and regulations and that come with pressure. taking the time to listen and help a colleague or stake holder is important. i also was fortunate at the department throughout the biggest to work at the department through the biggest building booms san francisco had and proud of the work done by dbi to help get the projects completed. i also represented dbi at the board of appeals for over 10 year in this room. i really enjoyed the work and again i met wonderful people during that time. like to acknowledge sin i can't go goldstein and jowlia rosenberg. scott shafrnys and everybody i
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worked with over the years. i want to pass my thoughts to dbi colleagues no longer with us. and especially the family of eddon low who passed left month. edwas a great person and good prenldz to me and a lot in the city family. i would loishg to wish all the department staff and the management team of patrick, nevel and not the very best of the future and i know the department is in good hands. it has been my privilege to serve this city of san francisco. thank you very much; thank you. [applause].
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which i read previously. >> okay. >> so -- we my understanding is this we have an appeal and the department is not contesting the appeal. could we have someone just make a summary to summarize the department's position? my the point of this is to determine whether or not we need the full hearing or go strit to the vote. not the appeal but the request for jurisdiction. >> yes. the thank you. >> that's correct. good morning vice president shaddix and commissioners i'm
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chris rigoverna compliance manager for dbi. wanted give a brief statement on behalf dbi in response to the ask for jurisdiction. the eventses that lead up to the request, in our position. we sent a letter in december 8 of 23 advising the appellate that he is incurred 3 or more violations in 18 months eligible to be in the compliance controlled list. in this letter, we contrary to what was said in the brief it was signed and dated and provide instruction this is said you have 10 days to provide us mitigating information, documentation or information for you to consider before we make a determination. the 10 days laptopsed we did not hear from the appellate. however he did reach out and we did meet with him on december 21
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of 23. met with acting chief building inspector kevin birmingham. he provide instruction on the next steps regarding ceec. so, after that, i believe that meeting was memorialized and appellate position sent on january 4 of 24. via e mail stating the reasons why he did not believe he should be on the list that was his appeal. we considered that information and on january fifth sent out another letter the letter that is our notice of determination. made a determination and includeow the list. and -- within this letter it did provide a link to our website which had general information regarding the compliance control list and a site to the building code which -- gives instruction on how to appeal. there was not the direct information in the letter.
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so we understand that and may have confusion in that regard. we did -- in efforts to improve our internal processes and increase transparency and ensure good customer service, we improved the processes moving forward in that regard. made instructions moving forward on all notices of determination of the 15 daytime frame when you can appeal to the bic. and instructions on how that is done. on the letter of notice of termination. we did not hear from the appellate until months later. directly reached out to me and end of april and i advised him that -- the time line has elapsed the appeal from the notice of determination lapsed and would work with him to get his appeal heard. i advised him he needed request for determination. and our position with this is
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well is a new process. this is the first time the bic will hear anning appeal. we have no oppositions to for the appellate to be heard it is good and get all sides on record on what the appeal is and may be tell improve our processes moving forward. >> thank you very much. i appreciate the information and your transparency and wellingness to work with the public and figureing out together. >> i would like to move to grant jurisdiction. and bypass the hearing if that is acceptable to the appellate? since there is no and to the board. the appellate present? do you thank you for your time. >> yes. i don't agree i never met him before and never heard from him.
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this is the fact. i never have been in this business a long time i like the time to show my case i have been anguished in this situation. almost a year now. yes. >> and first i never see anything i received on december the letter they december 8. i did not receive until. sorry. >> ask if you are okay with not a hearing. >> so my question is -- in my reading i have not talked to anybody else. the department is not contesting your request for jurisdiction. and i am interested in making a motion to grant it but.ed conifer with you first we could go through the full hearing and make a vote or if the votes here are to available to grant your jurisdiction we can skip the hearing and go straight to the
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vote. based and if the motion failed we would have the full hearing is that okay with you do you understand? no , i didn't understand. >> you are here to have a hearing you will present the department will present you will rebut the department rebut and ask questions the department agrees with you if the i make a motion to grant jurisdiction and the commission agrees with me we would bypass that whole process and grant you jurisdiction. would this be acceptable to you. >> yes. >> thank you. >> so i needed to do public comment before making that motion on the motion? >> yes. public comment on the motion. a motion that we grant jurisdiction -- grant jurisdiction for the appeal described in item 9.
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>> second. need a second. >> second. wait. alexander-tut vice president? [inaudible]. >> and now public comment. >> public comment on the item. >> yes. >> item in general. you can have a seat >> public comment. there is no comment. [inaudible]. no public comment in person or [inaudible]. then [inaudible]. vote. >> just sorry. the motion is to grant jurisdiction. >> for appeal number mr. tad nguyen's appeal and request for jurisdiction.
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>> the first site you saw article on mission local regarding gas pipes buried in the ground creating a life safety issue. that is mission local article. dated -- april 21 of 2001 by joe something k and the second one is 147 wood street. where that is has been going to be investigated by senior inspector matt greene hernandez
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improved the port around the gas people reader roar allows and directive as per directive this is from a complaint. and you see in 2021. matt greene is still investigate, i guess. >> okay. this is a job on slow street. involving bernard koran. similar to 125 crown paris matt green went out of his district and missed the required shoering and building went down the hill. that was in my district. same characters. o'riordan, koran, santos and matt greene. okay. here is a brief summary of the
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plans are erroneous and should in the approve it. okay. and -- then more permit research. i would like to complain about the way people disabled people are treated in the department. this is also reflected in the suicides i talked about and i understand somebody disable side treated poorly by the department and not accommodated. thank you. >> thank you. is there additional public comment? remote? seeing none we are on item 4. discussion and possible action
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regarding ordinance amending the building and planning code correct errors, update out dated references and revisions to clarify or simplify code language and other minor updates to various code provisions. >> good afternoon i'm aaron star manager of legislative affairs for planning the ordinance before you is a code correction's ordinance planning amended 4-50 time it is a year. mistakes happen. witness a year we try to clean them up here state law changed. it changed a reference to the california government code for the accessory dwelling unit program. we are changing that in the planning code and also we are asking to change it in the building code as well. so it is a straightforward change it is ministerial. section 106a.1.9 amended to
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reference the correct california government code sections by the passage of senate bill 477. and that's t. i'm happy to answer questions if you have them. >> thank you. >> there are questions? commissioners? >> i like to make a motion to recommend to the board of supervisors is that? correct. >> that to pass that amendment the draft ordinance as is? is that? is that what we have before us >> well is a motion to recommend approval of the ordinance is there a second? >> second. >> >> and a motion by president alexander-tut and second by vice president shaddix. is there any public comment on the motion? >> seeing none, a roll call on
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this motion? >> president alexander-tut. >> yes. >> vice president shaddix. >> yes. >> commissioner chavez. >> yes. >> commissioner sommer. >> yes. >> commissioner williams. >> yes. >> motion carries unanimously. thank you. we are on -- thanks. on to item 5. discussion and possible action regarding the revised bulletin 110. building facade inspection and maintenance and the status of information sheet circumstance 21 procedure for processing building facade inspection and maintenance reports. good morning president alexander-tut and the commission. i'm janie chan manager of technical services at the department of building
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inspection. i will be presenting today on the updates to administrative bulletin 110 regarding the facade inspection program. first slide. sorry. this was you. building facade maintenance program managed by dbi technical service division. purpose is to ensure that the public is protected. and to reduce the risk of death or injury resulting from drrted building the facade elements
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falling below. the ab110 provides guidance on how to comply with the program. >> more background, the facade program was established by ordinance 6716. amended the 2016 san francisco existing building code. requires detailed comprehensive inspections every 10 years for building types and age. building 5 or more stories and requires detailed inspection report submit to the department. ordinances 9723 and 1624 amended the 2022 san francisco existing building code and -- ordinance 9723 was the mayor's emergency ordinance after the storms that caused glass from high rises to fall on the streets below and
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1624 result of a glass study by our consultants to determine the causes of failures. as a result, it required that supplemental inspections of glass on buildings 15 or more stories be performed. revises requirements for reports to be submitted every 5 years alternating between the already required inspection reports and a supplemental inspection report. now, we are incorporating the updates in the administrative bulletin. the supplemental inspection program resulting from the 23 and 24 ordinances are now incorporated. the updates include check lists that created for our constituents to understand what is required by the standards.
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and we provide a signaturive report presentation format. this helps them as well as us while we are reviewing the reports and improves the amount of iterations we have to do with the -- the inspectors. so, we also have taking the opportunity to reorganize and -- update the document for clarity. another update is we have combined the license professional and owner affidavits for stream lined processing. we have consolidated information from information sheet s between so our constituent vs fewer places to go for the information they need to comply with the program. >> so, we have discussed the
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bulletin at the structural subcommittee and have recommended approval at the august 13th meeting >> the full code committee recommended approving the revisions to administrative bulletin 110 and associated attachments at august 14th meeting. so i'm happy to take questions at this point. >> commissioners. questions? this is very clear i like the attachments and check list it is clear to map out as a nontechnical person. so, i think this is very well done i don't have questions on the document. i had a question on the out reach how do bulletins make their way to the building owners or noteification about the new requirements how do than i get to the building owners?
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there are several ways that we communicate with the public about this program. one is through we -- do have public forums that we reach out to the public. and let them know the updates. more directly we -- participate in association meeting. let them know the things are coming. and more directly we -- contact building owners by mail. no questions. the action before us is motion to accept and approve the revised building bulletin 110. is that correct? yes. >> a motion?
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motion. so moved. >> second. >> motion and second. seconded by commissioner shaddix. is there any public comment on this item? no public comment >> not in person or remote? i will did a vote on the item. president alexander-tut. >> yes. >> vice president shaddix. >> yes. >> commissioner chavez. >> yes. >> commissioner sommer. >> yes. >> commissioner williams. >> yes. genetics motion carries unanimously. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> next we have item 6 nominations 6a is update from
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the nomination subcommittee. 6b, discussion and possible action to point a member to the board of examines expire september 15 of 25 and members seek appointment stein harrisis engineer seat and c is notice of vacancy on the nomination subcommittee. >> start with the update. the committee met last week to discuss two applications forker board of examiners and other vacancies. the -- our board of examiners has a vacancy for structural engineer. i did not apply. i'm kidding. we had 2 one from steven hair and is david cane. received their applications and résumés and reviewed them they
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attends in the person we spoke with them. briefly and asked them questions and like to recommend to the group today to appoint steven harris for that position. the reasoning is both of candidates were highly qualified. david sit on the board of examiners in a different seat. he wished to move it is a more broad purview. but in an effort to fill the vacancies rather than have a net gain in number of members on this board, we wish to recommend steve harris fills this spot and keep i hope he wishes to stay david cane in the seat he is inform this is our recommendation here and -- do we
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should i ton talk about the vacancy. we can address that --. i was going to say there are a few more on the board of examiners which is a bad that has not met in awhile but did discuss issuing as we have in the past, you know calls -- we have contacts with organizations and going to issue a call for applications thank you. we will create an announce am with the existing vacancies and if commissioners or the public are interested they can have members to -- e mail the résumés. i did want to mention are we talking about the someone else from this group will join the
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nomination at some point or a later discussion? take your place this is item c. i read all together now we discussed the update and so i did not make it confusing item b had the business of the subcommittee recommended mr. harris for the seat and if the full commission would need to take a vote on this. >> so is there a motion then to for the commission to recommend harris for the seat? >> so moved. second? >> second. >> okay. >> motion by president alexander-tut and second by commissioner women. is there public comment on the motion? >> seeing none i will do a roll call vote. president alexander-tut.
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>> yes. vice president shaddix. >> yes. >> commissioner chavez. >> yes. >> commissioner sommer. >> yes. >> commissioner williams. >> yes. >> thank you that motion carries unanimously. congratulations to mr. harris he is out of town. so we will take care of his later. next is notice of vacancy since our commissioner somers is leaving us. there will be a vacancy and -- commissioner president alexander-tut asked this we mention that commissioners aware for next mont. >> desire for next month if you are interested. i was hoping we have the whole group here i was going to put in a plug and say, nomination is up committee is a great one.
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the purpose is to fill vacancies on the committee board of examiners. is there a third body? what is the third body? i should know. i didn't look it up before. i think it is a good -- way to be evaluated that does not require technical knowledge. i appreciated joining the groupful i think my thoughts on long-term goals for the groups there is in the diversity on some of the different subcommittees for various reasons and we have qualified candidates and we appreciate the people who do serve. it was one of my thoughts in coming in this is that our out reach and our -- word of mouth how we spread around the notice of the vacancies could improve with the goal of improving you know the amount of different
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types of people with different backgrounds on the subcommittees. in my view i'm not in charge but that would be a good goal going forward this is a nice committee to sit on to see the process and how we can help move that forward over time. >> thank you. i appreciate it. >> thanks. >> thank you. and -- any public comment on any of the items 6a, b or c? seeing move to item 7 update to the dbi strategic plan.
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good morning i'm the communication director for dbi. here to give our quarter low update on the strategic plan. we started our strategic planning exercise last fall. many ump participated. i don't need to go back over the time line we presented the final plan in april. and we started implementing it in june. next slide. a brief reminder created a now mission to protect our community code compliant construction and habit at and supporting economic development and created a vision had we want to be our dedicated staff provide professional effective customer service using clear processes. standards to build trust acount at and safe guard the public. >> we wanted speak to our
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values. again i will not go through the whole slide. but in brief the core values customer focused professionalism, integrity competence maintaining a supportive work environment. diversity inclusion and belonging initiatives and making sure our work is transparent and held accountable for when we say we do. >> we put the plan in action. the implementation starts with work groups. each strategy was assigned a group. they have been meeting biweekly for months now as we move out of the sprinting phase to the marathon phase move them to monthly. well has been a manage to each group to implement the strategy. set agenda, lead the meetings and assign home work. they prom vied a quarterly update to the executive team and
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provide bimonthly updates video updates to staff, you see a couple screen shots that we started i think we kicked off in july or end of june. the last thing is each of the groups has a response this is responsible for delivering on the strategy achieving the strategy. we have the work groups leading the work and a manager over seeing the facilitating the work and executive who are responsible at the end for making sure the work and this gets done and the strategy is executed. >> as you see this is the work groups we have. the leader of each is bolted and you see we have one person from each of our divisions represents on each to cross pollinate and maker surety work is done in a way that benefits the groups. but really to help develop the
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folks as people who are managers. and want to gift managers a chance to shine and develop the leadership skills so one day they move up in positions where they run in other city departments. >> next slide, please. >> now we will jump in the work that has been done. the first is ensure building safety and resilience we have been collaborating with officer of capital planning. on the concrow building safety program. so far what we have done is drafted a floo know implement the directive issued the end of left year and presented this plan to the code committee for feedback. and the next step is drafting legislation with the city attorney's office. this will come before you before it is turned to lu. the other thing we are doing is we are really making sure we are
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efficient about managing compliance program such as the facade program to which follow up on your question about out reach we are updating our out reach materials. we are doing a bit more enhanced out reach all building owners are aware of responsibilities. and we are collaborating with the board of sprierdzs to update the business program. next slide. one person was doosz addressing for the city this lead to the oceanal log jam. that was something this when we said what do we need to fix this was the first things we identifyd and what this group is focussed on. they pulled together cross departmental group of people. addressing involved mull pull
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departments. and they have been work toward and develops a framework how they will do addressing moving forward. this has been the process mapped and the system laid out and now the developing departmental mou to make sure everybody's roles are clear and each department knows when than i need to do to deliver on the new system effectively. >> next slide. working on a couple other things including working with the permit center to identify the roles of the permit center. they have been working with us for 5 years and assessment where they add value in areas their focus is strong. working with us on metrics. helping support customer service. project management and rung the second floor permit center. the areas we want to formalize their role and our relationship. the next item is -- another big
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1 replacement of pt a working on a plan to replace pt s the permit tracking system you know the engine that feeds and powerhouse all of our work and the city's development, planning -- but it is old. 20 years old and like a good old car it keeps running you know that it is time to replace if before it breaks dun on the highway. the next and item is enhance inspection processes. focused on office policies and procedures. policies are being updated and processes reflect had they are doing now. now they focus issues cfc's. certificates of occupancy, permit renewals and housing complaint press to make surety processes are documented and reflecting what we are doing now. the next goal increase public trust. here we have good news the first
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item to complete the department's reform initiatives the controller's office said that we had implemented all recommendations they made you to for reform in our department when they should report two years ago. we feel good b. patrick mention today. it is great to get that outside validation for the w we have an impact on the inside. there are continuing the work is not stopping there we identified issues that the processes of plan review and reset criteria and making sure that we have quality qaqc and electronic that work in inspections. risk assessment staff trainings for conflicts of interests. form 700 ethics disclosures and ethic's policies and started doing developed a presentation
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the next step is schedule this training for each department and you wanted the on boarding process so that everybody who gets hired we have a big group meeting everyone gets sat down and go throughout policies with the nile hiring class. the next item is cultivate a workforce. and here as you see hr impelemented the new process and started the training as a group early 30 year. we begun implementing a program with communication program for several years we are doing all of this internal dialogue consistent low. two areas we worked on we had one of our mealmeetings commit todd 2 a year and another for november 6. and then we have been patrick as i understands an e mail twice an among to all staff for process changes kudos when somebody got a letter of appreciation from a
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customer and does this twice a month. the left thing you see here is to identify and deploy best practices for top candidates. help we hire new people we stay. we are look agthe recruit to make sure they are modern prop and getting us the most qualified people as possible. >> the last goal produce sufficient revenue of. the goal here to identify how much people and what technology do we need to meet our operational targets? and witness we than how we make sure we have enough funds to fund the personnel and the technology investments and targets this group identified 50 potential revenue opportunities. now those are vetted by data and information services team. understand how much revenue
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could they generate to see what fuel we have. in order to funds the personnel and technology investments. and that's where we're. we came out of the gate fast and feel good about our progress and we will come back in a few months with the next update. questions? >> thank you. commissioners have questions? thank you for the presentation it was great, thorough and great to hear how clear you all are in your direction for implementing the plan and how luare working. you may have said this i missed this? but with the one of our goals and values being customer basing and prioritizing the customer, how much xoount opportunity for feedback they all have in this
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plan? the plan is made up of individual initiatives the first thing we do is a quarter low public forum. and this is where we present new initiatives and said yes and process changes that we have. but we have 20 minutes or longer for feedback or ask general questions. we do this quarter low and the learning are initiatives we have we doll a dedicated forum around that. and we sends out e mails to over 6,000 people who are regular customers and signed up and we announce and prospried links to customers. when we want is the feedback. if it is not working for the customer it is not working for anybody when we get feedback we take it from inspection services and talk about the feedback and understand whether we incorporate if it is the next time we do a forum we acknowledge we got that
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feedback. any public upon comment on item 7? none. we are on item 8 directory report. a, update. good afternoon. i'm patrick o'riordan director at the department. i first want to thank commissioner sommer for your time serving on the commission. you have been excellent during change in the departmentful you ask smart, probing questions and raise good points during discussions attended the outside meetings. and knew where to push us for more details. most of all, i notice you
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believe in the w we are doing. recognize the commitment to our staff. and support our efforts to improve the department and better serve the public. that leadership was what the dbi needs we continue our journey tow excellence. thank you commissioner sommer for your partnership and support we're better because of you. now for a couple bits of good news we are always happy to hear. on august second the california department of housing and community development issued a report acknowledging the work dbi and the city done to improve san francisco's permitting system and declared san francisco implements reforms this would make it easier to build housing includes objectivity and electrons paraphernalias in the construction permitting process.
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i know patrick spoke to this earlier but i like saying it again. that day the controllers 2024 public review determined dbi had implemented all of the recommended changes to permitting and inspection processes. i'm proud of that and the work our staff has done. thisvilleidation from bodies is meaningful and public low marks the progress we made in the department. i want to thank you, commissioners for oversight and encourage am and per ins in the community for their support. for our efforts. i want to thank our staff as i said dbi, for not only adjust to the many prescriptional improve ams we knead the last few years but also for embrags the change in our culture. it has been remarkable and i am
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deeply grateful. i want to finish on a somber note. last month shortly after retiring long time senior inspector ed don low passed away. it has been years in the department moving up to senior inspector to the disaster preparedness coordinator. ed was low key. out going had a store tow share and a perspective to inform any situation. he lead dbi's covid response for more than two years and able to work well with people under difficult s. and managed a challenging and every changing emergency. ed was excellent inspectoir reliable teammate and cherished friends i'm sad we lost him with his spirit lives on in the department. in the memories of his many
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>> good upon afternoon again, commissioners the following slighteds are intended highlight the evaluation of projects costing 5 million or more. that have been filed, issued or completed. over the past month. we will profile a few that bring high value in terms of their contribution to housing and community assets. >> in june of 20 tor, 3 permit applications with estimated construction evaluation of 5 million or more filed with dbi. one was for office tenant improve am on california street valued 8.8 million dollars. another was office 50 california street that was valued 5
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million. next slide. last month 4 high valpermits one a new 168 unit affordable how doing building at 1515 vaness. south vaness. that was valued 60 opinion 7 million dollars another for 89 unit affordal in sunnydale development that was valued 45 million dollars. lastly dbi finaled 4 high value permit one a new 138 affordable apartment would building 78 johnson street on johnson street on treasure island. that was valued 60 million dollars. and another 131 unit affordable how doing building located at 2340 san jose avenue.
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that was valued at 55 million dollars. thank you i'm available for questions. occupant enacted state or local legislation. good afternoon dave, legislative affair's manager. >> first up is the planning commission resolution you heard today. commissioner 121599. mentioned and you said a nonsubstantive ordinance. next is file 240798 by the mayor. exempts changes of use from architectural plan for permits designed to ease burden on businesses transitioning store fronts without construction.
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we are in on going conversation with the mayor's office sewneding amendments to this ordinance. to make sure that changes of use are not going beyond the scope we are comfortable with and need the plans. and next slide. next is file 240807, changes the requirements of having a functioning elevator in buildings. the requirement is building over 50 feet required by fire code have anning elevator for use this would change that in 1r and 2 buildings to all buildings regardless of height introduced by supervisor stefani. next the vacant store front ordinance you heard this has been signed by the mayor and start september 8.
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next slide. next this is the ordinance that makes permanent amnesty program signed by the mayor on july 17th and started august 17th. and then file 240297, this is the extension of the business entrance program you heard signed by the mayor on august 8 and take affect on september 8. moving on state legislation. makes changes to lurelating contracts by local governments for service this require contracts specified requirements that was held not moving forward this bill is dead. next ab253, this extends the adu amnesty program to unpermitted build before 2020. this bill is pending a senate
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floor vote. >> senate bill 1465 by senator ashleta this allows a structure to uninhabitable. this is pending on the floor vote and should know the outcome in the next week. next is ab2910. allows large cities to adopt building regulations for commercial buildings to resident uses. this bill was amended apply to los angeles. it no longer would be applicable here. it is pending senate floor vote as well. >> august 23rd the last day, this is in relation, to amend bills on the floor. august 31st last for each to pass bills and recess begins and september 30 the left day for the goner to sign or veto
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legislation we have understand what is passed and pending within the next few weeks and have an understanding what will be put in law. happy to answer questions, appreciate the time. >> thank you for your report. >> thank you. next we have 8d. update on [inaudible] service. >> good afternoon commissioners i'm matthew green, i'm pleased provide an update on activities inspection service division. >> next slide. >> in july of 24 the building electrical and plumbing conduct 10, 376 inspection 91% of those conducted within two business days questioned by the customer
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surpagsz the gospel 90%. and inspection service conduct 790 inspections 58 routine in multifamily housing. the building commission received 385 complaintd and respond to 98% within 3 business days exceeding our target. 36 cases to directors here. next. lastly house inspection received 351 nonlife hazzard complaints and responded 84% within throw business days. for life hazzard received 30 and responded to 80% within a day. housing inspection service abuyed 387 case notices of violation and sent 18 cases to director's hearing. that concludes my report i'm available for questions.
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thank you. next keep have 8e update on dbi finances. good afternoon. upon deputy deshth of administration. this will be the first regular official update of the new fiscal year of 24/25. and but first, a quick update since the last time that i presented, the mayor has signed the budget for the next twoer 2 years and the fee legislation started on july 19. that is a bit senior than anticipated thanks to christine and kate for helping make that
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happen. also in next month's meeting we are wrapping update previous fiscal 24. next month we will provide an update on how we close the year. what our balances were and how last year compares to the next year. so, this is the first month of the new year. 8% of the year july lapsed so far. and we will create year end projections at 6 month in december and we'll update them at 9 months in march. part of controller's budget status report. for now we will show projeksz on budget since things are volatile in the beginning of the year it is difficult to project. this shows the new year's budget and the year to date actuals so
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far. total revenue. the only main take away from this is that charge for service were 8% and the collected 9% of the gj budget that it is a great start especially considering that only one third of the month was at the new fees we would have expected to under collect and so this is great news. continues scloit trends we have been seeing increased activity and demand for services. next slide, please. the new budget and actuals. not too much to report here. expenditures are really lag as payments are made. down the lineful salaries paid every two weeks and all of the other expenditure categories played when billed which is well
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after service are provide or received. next slide. and -- early to draw conclusion this is is good news. july of this year we received 8% more permits than july of last year. and the evaluation of the permits higher than last year. this is great news and hope this continues. happy to answer questions. that's the end of my presentation, thank you. i have one quick question. i'm sorriful thank you for your presentation. i sthan if we are community we look forward to measure 4 that just got pulled off the ballot. i don't know if you have been
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tracking. i know the conversation is a lot of developments now are halted for the future. have we thought about that. has this been considered or we considering that for do we have a thought process on that is my question? i think we tried to i will let kate answer we tried to keep our finger on the pulse of what is going on and coming not guilty pipeline. talk to planning. we talked to developers. what are things like out there it is difficult on draw conconclusions and timing. some of major projects this are announced that start the planning process may not happen for many years. may change. might not happen at all. we try to -- be aware of what is going on. and generally, plan for the
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next item is item 10. commissioners may make inquiries regarding documents, policies and practices and procedures. 10b murt meeting and agendas. at this time the commission may take action to set the date of a special meeting and determine the items that could be placed at the next meeting and other future meetings of the bic. our next regular meeting on september 18th. commissioners have any future or agenda items to -- contact me if you have any. >> any public comment on item 10a and b? we are on to item 11 is review and approval of the minutes of
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the regular meeting of july 17, 2024. motion to approve? so moved. is there a second? >> second. >> well is a motion by commissioner chavez and vice president shaddix. is there public ment on the minutes? no public comment. ure all in favor? aye. >> any opposed? >> thank you the minutes are approved. >> and then next we have item 12 adjournment. yes, i want todd first just express my sorrow and my condolences for i director and all members of staff morning this great loss of ed donnelly and wanted close the meet
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>>ime autumn looijen andeme polk running for district 5 supervisor. i have a track record getting things done. i run the school board recall and brought algebra back to middle school. our schools are on the-mind but city in crisis. running for supervisor because i came home and found a drug useer in front of my home. there were 5 kids on the top floor but couldn't stop himself. we must make sure people like him don't hurt himself or anything else. last year [indiscernible] a lot happen ed in the tenderloin now part of our district. we are a village in district 5 and we are going to help them. i have been walking thin streets talking to business owner jz non profit and expert and police and peopling on the street. my plan developed with input is the best strategy to get dealers off
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