tv Fire Commission SFGTV September 9, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT
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something that be proud of thanks to much for watching and tune in next time for because we don't have we don't have an audience. right? you know. okay. all right. hi. i'd like to call this meeting to order. special meeting, this is the fire commission special meeting september 3rd, 2020 for the time is 854. this meeting will be held in person at city
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hall, room 408. members of the public attending the meeting in person will have an opportunity to provide public comment. members of the public participating remotely may access the meeting and participate remotely by following the instructions below. members of the public may address the commission for up to three minutes per item. public comment call. in 14156550001. meeting id 26634781977. webinar password 1234. ensure you are in a quiet location. speak clearly and turn off background sounds. television phones. radios. wait for the item you would like to address to be called when prompted. press star three to be added to the queue. the system will notify you when you are in line. callers will will hear silence when waiting for your turn to speak. operator will
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unmute. you may also watch live at sfgovtv dot org. item number one. roll call. president. army. morgan. president vice president. marcy frazier. president commissioner. steven nakajo. president commissioner catherine feinstein, president and commissioner paula collins, present. item number two. possible. closed session regarding nomination for appointment. fire chief discussion and action item. i used to call item item number two. unless you want to. i don't know if we have to go to public comment right now, or should we go afterward. so we'll go next to public. okay. on all matters relating to item two. okay. oka.
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item number two is a possible closed session regarding nomination for appointment of a new fire chief. thank you madam secretary, this closed session is being called to consider nominations for appointment of a new fire chief, shall i say interim fire chief for this new fire chief? it's okay. give, giving chief nicholson's retirement and need to appoint a chief. the fire commission will further discuss possible nominations for appointment. the san francisco administrative code and the brown act allow for this discussion to be held in closed session. if the fire commission votes to convene in closed session, the commission may have a closed session discussion to review potential candidates and a potential nominee potentially nominate candidates to the mayor for appointment as fire chief. so at
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this time, do we okay. i do not see any person approaching the podium for public comment. okay. thank you. and i do not see any public comment on online. thank you, madam secretary. before a vote is taken by the fire commission to convene in closed session, public comment will be taken. well, there's a on all matters pertaining to item two, but i guess we don't have any public comment, including public comment on whether to hold item two c in closed session, whether the commission should act to make a nomination at this meeting, or a future meeting, and whether the commission should disclose the contents of its closed session deliberations. so is there any further public comment, madam secretary? i do not see anyone approaching the podium or anyone
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on the public comment line. so you can i guess i can call item b for you, madam secretary. okay commission will discuss and possibly take action on whether to hold a closed session. san francisco administrative code section 67.10 b. thank you, madam secretary, as there is no public comment, i will now entertain a motion for the commission to move into a closed session to consider the nomination for appointment of a new fire chief. the closed session is being held pursuant to a statutory authority under the california government code, section 54957b and san francisco administrative code section 67.1 b. is there a motion to hold the closed session to consider the nominations for appointment for
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the new fire chief? i would move that we have a closed session for this discussion. is there a second? second? okay do we have any commissioner comments or discussions on the motion to hold a closed session? if there is no further discussion, the vote will be called, commission secretary. cathy, please call the roll call. i'm sorry. president commissioner feinstein, how do you vote for the closed session? commissioner nakajo, how do you vote? vote i for closed session. president morgan, how do you vote? i vote aye. motion passes unanimously. okay. we will now vote. we will now convene in closed session.
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the time is time reconvened in open session, 9:38 a.m. okay so d. okay, item d. commission may report any actions taken in closed session and will take action on whether to disclose information from closed session as specified in san francisco administrative code section 67.12 a and b. so thank you. madam secretary, so i
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would just like to say thank you to the public whose patience while we were in closed session. if there is anyone online listening to this special meeting, we were reporting that the commission voted to make one or more nominations for appointment in closed session and to forward those, one or more names to the mayor for her consideration. and let's see the fire commission will now decide whether to disclose any or all of the discussion held in closed session, except to the extent the discussion in closed session is confidential. under federal or state law, the charter or non-waivable privilege, the standard of disclosure is whether the majority deems disclosure to be in the public interest. thank you, madam secretary. so is there a motion
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to not disclose? i would so mov. i'll second. we'll take the vote. we'll take a vote. commissioner collins, how do you vote? okay president morgan, how do you vote? not to disclose. madam secretary. commissioner nakajo, how do you vote not to disclose. motion passes unanimously. no disclosure. all right. great. i guess at this time, all we could do is adjourn the meeting. is there a motion to adjourn? so moved. second. i vote yes. how do you vote? commissioner nakajo to adjourn the meeting. all right. meeting is adjourned.
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stands and take a ride on the low rider down the street. it is an experience that you can't have anywhere else in san francisco. [♪♪♪] [♪♪♪] >> district nine is a in the southeast portion of the city. we have four neighborhoods that i represent. st. mary's park has a completely unique architecture. very distinct feel, and it is a very close to holly park which is another beautiful park in san francisco. the bernal heights district is unique in that we have the hell which has one of the best views in all of san francisco. there is a swinging hanging from a tree at the top. it is as if you are swinging over the entire city. there are two unique aspects.
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it is considered the fourth chinatown in san francisco. sixty% of the residents are of chinese ancestry. the second unique, and fun aspect about this area is it is the garden district. there is a lot of urban agriculture and it was where the city grew the majority of the flowers. not only for san francisco but for the region. and of course, it is the location in mclaren park which is the city's second biggest park after golden gate. many people don't know the neighborhood in the first place if they haven't been there. we call it the best neighborhood nobody has ever heard our. every neighborhood in district nine has a very special aspect. where we are right now is the mission district. the mission district is a very special part of our city. you smell the tacos at the [speaking spanish] and they have the best latin pastries.
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they have these shortbread cookies with caramel in the middle. and then you walk further down and you have sunrise café. it is a place that you come for the incredible food, but also to learn about what is happening in the neighborhood and how you can help and support your community. >> twenty-fourth street is the birthplace of the movement. we have over 620 murals. it is the largest outdoor public gallery in the country and possibly the world. >> you can find so much political engagement park next to so much incredible art. it's another reason why we think this is a cultural district that we must preserve. [♪♪♪] >> it was formed in 2014. we had been an organization that had been around for over 20 years. we worked a lot in the neighborhood around life issues. most recently, in 2012, there were issues around gentrification in the
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neighborhood. so the idea of forming the cultural district was to help preserve the history and the culture that is in this neighborhood for the future of families and generations. >> in the past decade, 8,000 latino residents in the mission district have been displaced from their community. we all know that the rising cost of living in san francisco has led to many people being displaced. lower and middle income all over the city. because it there is richness in this neighborhood that i also mentioned the fact it is flat and so accessible by trip public transportation, has, has made it very popular. >> it's a struggle for us right now, you know, when you get a lot of development coming to an area, a lot of new people coming to the area with different sets of values and different culture. there is a lot of struggle between the existing community and the newness coming in. there are some things that we do
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to try to slow it down so it doesn't completely erase the communities. we try to have developments that is more in tune with the community and more equitable development in the area. >> you need to meet with and gain the support and find out the needs of the neighborhoods. the people on the businesses that came before you. you need to dialogue and show respect. and then figure out how to bring in the new, without displacing the old. [♪♪♪] >> i hope we can reset a lot of the mission that we have lost in the last 20 years. so we will be bringing in a lot of folks into the neighborhoods pick when we do that, there is a demand or, you know, certain types of services that pertain more to the local community and working-class. >> back in the day, we looked at mission street, and now it does not look and feel anything like mission street. this is the last stand of the
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latino concentrated arts, culture and cuisine and people. we created a cultural district to do our best to conserve that feeling. that is what makes our city so cosmopolitan and diverse and makes us the envy of the world. we have these unique neighborhoods with so much cultural presence and learnings, that we want to preserve. [♪♪♪] [music] so, can you tell us what it was like for you during your first encounter with the san francisco fire department? >> yep. it was super cool! i got to learn about the dry standing pipe correction. it is actually called, dry sand
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piper just stand pipe. tomato. you know. yea. >> so, what is coming up next for what is that for? >> oh , firefighter backsterinvited mow to a fire station to see the cool stuff firefighters use to put out fires. you have seen the had doors open like a space ship from out of nowhere. i close my eye its is like i'm there right now! wow! whoa. watch out, man. what is that for? >> what is this? these are fire engines they might look alike they are both red. white top and red lights on top.
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this is a new 2021 fire engine and this is an older 2014 fire engine. if you can't tell, this one is shorter and narrower than our older fire engines. they have cool things like recessed lights. roll up doors. 360 degree cam ares and more that is important as the city is moving toward slower and safer streets adding parklets and bulb outs and bike lanes we need to decrease our footprint to keep us and the community safer on emergency scenes. >> what's back there? >> when is not guilty fire engine. great question. i want to see, sure. >> let's go back and look at the equipment and the fire pump on the fire engine. >> this is a fire pump. it is cool all the colors and all that. this fire pump and this engine
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holds 500 gallons of water that is a lot. >> a lot of water. >> it is push out 1500 gallons a minute of water. we can lose our 500 gammons quickly. why we use hoses like this to connect to a fire hydrant and that gives us unlimited amount of water to help put a fire out temperature is important we have enough fire engine in san francisco to put fires out. so we can reduce the injuries and minimize loss of life and minimize property damage. [music] >> mr. will. mr. will. will! >> oh. daydreaming. thanks, everybody for watching!
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george floyd was huge. it opened up wounds and a discussion on something festering for a long time. before rodney king. you can look at all the instances where there are calls for change. i think we are involved in change right now in this moment that is going to be long lasting. it is very challenging. i was the victim of a crime when i was in middle school. some kids at recess came around at pe class and came to the locker room and tried to steal my watch and physically assaulted me. the officer that helped afterwards went out of his way to check the time to see how i was. that is the kind of work, the kind of perspective i like to have in our sheriff's office regardless of circumstance.
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that influenced me a lot. some of the storefronts have changed. what is mys is that i still see some things that trigger memories. the barbershop and the shoe store is another one that i remember buying shoestrings and getting my dad's old army boots fixed. we would see movies after the first run. my brother and i would go there. it is nice. if you keep walking down sacramento. the nice think about the city it takes you to japan town. that is where my grandparents were brought up. that is the traditional foods or movies. they were able to celebrate the culture in that community. my family also had a dry-cleaning business. very hard work. the family grew up with
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apartments above the business. we have a built-in work force. 19 had 1 as -- 1941 as soon as that happened the entire community was fixed. >> determined to do the job as democracy should with real consideration for the people involved. >> the decision to take every one of japan niece american o japanese from their homes. my family went to the mountains and experienced winter and summer and springs. they tried to make their home a home. the community came together to share. they tried to infuse each home are little things. they created things. i remember my grand mother
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saying they were very scared. they were worried. they also felt the great sense of pride. >> japanese americans. >> my granduncle joined the 442nd. when the opportunity came when the time that was not right. they were in the campaign in italy. they were there every step of the way. >> president truman pays tribute. >> that was the most decorated unit in the history of the united states army. commitment and loyal to to the country despite that their families were in the camp at that time. they chose to come back to san francisco even after all of
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that. my father was a civil servant as well and served the state of california workers' compensation attorney and judge and appellate board. my parents influenced me to look at civil service s.i applied to police, and sheriff's department at the same time. the sheriff's department grabbed me first. it was unique. it was not just me in that moment it was everyone. it wasn't me looking at the crowd. it was all of us being together. i was standing there alone. i felt everyone standing next to me. the only way to describe it. it is not about me. it is from my father. my father couldn't be there. he was sick. the first person i saw was him.
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i still sometimes am surprised by the fact i see my name as the sheriff. i am happy to be in the position i am in to honor their memory doing what i am doing now to help the larger comment. when i say that we want to be especially focused on marginalized communities that have been wronged. coming from my background and my family experienced what they did. that didn't happen in a vacuum. it was a decision made by the government. nobody raised their voice. now, i think we are in a better place as country and community. when we see something wrong we have change agents step up to help the community affected. that is a important thing to continue to do. you talk about change and being a leader in change and not
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knowing whether you have successes or results. the fact of the matter is by choosing to push for change you have already changed things. through inspiration for others, take up the matter or whether it is through actual functional change as a result of your voice being heard. i think you have already started on a path to change by choosing that path. in doing that in april of itself creates change. i continue in that type of service for my family. something i hope to see in my children. i have a pretty good chance with five children one will go into some sort of civil service. i hope that happens to continue that legacy. >> i am paul, sheriff of san
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