tv Board of Supervisors SFGTV September 10, 2024 6:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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thank you for your time today. >> thank you, chris. >> that's it for this episode. we'll be back with another sho) >> welcome to the san francisco city and county board of supervisors regular meeting this afternoon at 2:00 pm., tuesday, september 10, 2024. >> madam clerk could you call the roll. >> supervisor chan present.
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>> supervisor dorsey present. >> supervisor engardio present. >> supervisor mandelman present. >> supervisor melgar present. >> president peskin, present. >> supervisor preston present. >> supervisor ronen not present. >> supervisor safai not present. >> supervisor stefani present and supervisor walton present mr. president you have a mr. president you have a quorum. >> thank you. >> >> unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush (rah-my-toosh) ohlone (o-lon-ee) who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory.
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elders, and relatives of the ramaytush ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. >> colleagues please join me in the pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> we have a motion to approve the. >> approval of meeting minutes: approval of the july 30, 2024, board meeting minutes motion to that effect by supervisor stefani on that motion madam clerk a roll call. >> on the minutes supervisor stefani, aye. >> supervisor walton, aye. >> supervisor chan, aye. >> supervisor dorsey, aye.
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>> supervisor engardio, aye. >> supervisor mandelman, aye. >> supervisor melgar, aye. >> president peskin, aye. >> supervisor preston, aye. >> supervisor ronen and supervisor safai 11 ayes the motion is approval madam clerk, call the consent agenda one and two those items are routine and if a member objects that may be considered separating. >> with any member like item items severed seeing no other names on the roster. >> same house, same call. and the ordinances are finally passed and madam clerk let's go to the. >> special order 2:00 p.m. - mayor's appearance before the board. good afternoon mayor london breed. >> mayor london breed no one
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submitted any question so new hampshire avenue 5 minutes. >> all applicable lazy a nothing more important than at trust the public has in the government one of the 5:15 of this trust is the principle that government business is conducted for the public's benefit and pa the gospel of jesus christ workers serve the public street tree interest since taking office and i've - in the institutions of city government and worked with the members of the board the controller and other leaders to hole those accountable have broken the lazy lauded and have good government reform to prevent conflict of
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interests and a pay to play arrangement and undue influence and protect against krurng this work includes implementing over 60 good government reforms by the industry controller and our city attorney issuing 5 executive directives to change the policies to there transparent and accountability. a appointing good government leaders with dr. grant colfax or and publications our city attorney dan herrera head 6 the - and carmen chiu approving 7 allows u laws for france and transparency in city contracting and nonprofit compliance and to prevent undue influence and 235i6r78. >> i've authored and passed a
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ballot measure with president peskin to reform the wastewater to be more transparent and better served the public. this work has direct benefits for the residents of san francisco. the city has suspected or debarred 4 contractors doing business with the city those contracts have performed over tin million dollars worth of work over the years with over $30 million worth of work left on the contract those resources can be directed to others contractors who will abide by the rules and serve the public trust the city has secures significant financial roefrnlz including over one hundred million dollars from recognizance for wrongfully
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conducting settlement. rate setting and just to be clear, people are caught and exposed more than ever before because of policies that we that my administration have implemented we want to send a clear message. but the work is not done to build on that along with supervisor stefani and the support of city attorney david chiu i'm introducing a new set of reforms our contractor reform legislation will provide oversight and transparent and control for city contractors and guarantees that fund are award fairly and managed effectively and protect the funds from being misused for political will
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activist or lobbying city officers or frivolous law firm i want to implement new laws under existing lay standardizing contracts across the department you providing fair processes for guiding the departments in monitoring guarantee performs to allow for effect audits and investigation this work to reform our government is constant and the need to do so spear across areas (bell ringing) is more than just implementing itself laws it is also reaching barriers to the processes for small businesses and construction to remove the rid tape there that fuels favoritism and curriculums and it is about doing the long hard work to
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reform the charter which i initiated under a droiveng last week, i look forward to partially with the board on psa in lastly legislation in the weeks ago to come and thank you, supervisor stefani and hope more will join. thank you. >> at the mayor london breed and given no topics we will file this item and see you in the move october madam clerk will you read the next item. general city responsibility -district 7 projects and services - various departments - $549,950 $549,950 $549,950 $549,950 at commodore sloat elementary, playground improvements and
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seating at sunnyside elementary, and a new playground at jefferson jefferson jefferson jefferson jefferson marietta drive, and fence repairs at edgehill way; $13,200 to to to to to honda boulevard, rockaway avenue, and monterey boulevard and a public parklet on slow hearst in fiscal year (fy) 2024-2025. >> seeing no other names on the roster, we'll take this. >> same house, same call. the ordinance is passed on first reading >> 4. [real property acquisition - easement from san
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mateo county flood and sea level rise resiliency district - not to exceed $83,500] and sea level rise resiliency district for the acquisition of a 1,386-square-foot easement for an aerial water pipeline crossing in closing costs, for a total amount not to exceed $83,500 pursuant to charter,section 9.118. (public utilities commission). >> same house, same call. this resolution is adopted >> 5. [accept and expend grant - retroactive - larkin street youth services -rising up - office of financial empowerment - $181,368]sponsor: mayor. coaching to transitional age youth through the rising up campaign from july 1, 2023, through october 31, 2024. (treasurer-tax collector).
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>> same house, same call. the resolution is adopted resolution is adopted next item. annual base rent $60,353 -tenant improvements city contribution not to exceed $1,167,500]sponsors: peskin; mandelman. with the kelsey civic center, llc, for use of the ground floor commercial space at 240 van ness avenue as a disability community cultural center for the term of $1,167,500 towards the cost of tenant improvements; and authorizing the director of property to execute any amendments materially decrease the benefits to the city and are necessary or advisable to effectuate the purposes of the lease agreement or this resolution. >> same house, same call. the visa adopted next item, please.
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visa adopted next item, please. resolution approving amendment no. 2 to contract no. pro.0164, engineering services for the lower alemany area stormwater improvement project, between the city, acting by and through the san francisco public utilities commission (sfpuc), and mcmillen jacobs associates (dba delve underground), increasing the agreement by $8,300,000 for perform analyses, refine design as part of the caltrans encroachment permit, and to provide increased engineering support during construction - and. >> same house, same call. the resolution is adopted (gavel) next item, please next item, please next item, please next item, please
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development's local housing trust fund program, for an amount not to exceed $5,000,000. (mayor's office of housing and community development). >> same house, same call. the resolution is adopted madam clerk let's go to our committee report item cross-complaint against the city and county of san francisco, for $350,000; the lawsuit was filed on august 30, on august 30, on august 30, on august 30, on august 30, on august 30, overruns and delay on the zuckerberg san francisco general hospital building 5 rehabilitation . >> same house, same call. the owners is passed on first reading. >> madam clerk let's go to roll call for introductions not forwarded and not on the
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calendar first up is confirmed colleagues, i'd like to close the meeting a long time resident and beloved member 6 community who passed away at the age of 85 born in 1938 to her parents and at the age of 13 emigrated to the san francisco north beach neighborhood over world war ii and attended sacred heart high school she served in the united states military at foerlt brag and from cornell's to xlgz after that she was a fixture in the san francisco community. work for over 50 years and known for
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the quick wit built a base. and. >> medals passion for music he sank faithfully at st. peters church and his rendition even the angels paused to listen and helped a group dedicated to fair market value connection with the italian community and amelia loved san francisco the city he called home and on august 4, 3, 2 , 1, 1964 married the love of his life and together they returned to san francisco and raised they're two children. the chair as a loving grandfather
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and a uncle to many children and: >> (calling names). >> amelia's ability to make everyone smile his personality and life for sharing jokes left an impression and i know his legacy will enduring and the is someone that tsa was a fixture in the market and now the lbe's in district 2 and absolutely treasure run him he's an 14r50u9 amazing place for the community to gather for amelia on behalf of the board of supervisors we send our condolences to the
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family for this extraordinary man and treasure of san francisco community. the rest i submit. >> >> thank you confirmed and supervisor walton thank you, madam clerk colleagues today, i have one in in memoriam with deep sadness we follows up the passing or andrew a legacy in the history the san francisco as a educator and i had the witness of seeing the impact mr. banks had own the community mrarpt in bayview hunters point he was a history man as a high school coach to lead a team to victory the track and state championship an unparalleled feat in one hundred and 9 years history. the
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leadership at woodrow wilson high school for those champions is stood as testaments for expertise and under his guidance woodrow wilson got title in 1973 but cheechld number accolades back to back in the 4 hundred and 40 rally and achievements unmatched beyond his remarkable accreditations he was a devoted educator promoting architectural as a 23 years old high school teacher at woodrow high school helped to take pride in their heritage and one of the first directors of hunters point
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college played an role for the education of our community in 1976. adams commitment to the youth expended beyond the classroom as a administrator and yes, ma'am hurt middle school he mentored and guide young lives after retiring in education his dedication to public service as a behavioral in the san francisco sheriff's department and a graduate of balboa high school city college of high school and sacramento state university he excel as a athletic and part of record city college of san francisco 4 hundred and 40 yard rally team running like o.j. simpson and adams contribution to our
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communities are inmeasurable his commitment to excellence and dedication to uplifting the youth of san francisco will continue at the inspire future jurisdictions and as we register adam we honor has a impact on the community. he was more than a cooperative or a teacher he was a bacon of hope and resilience and pied pride for all. rest mr. banks your legacy will live on in light hearts and mind of all those. the rest i submit. >> >> thank you commissioner chan and supervisor chan. >> summit. thank you. >> supervisor dorsey thank you, madam clerk. >> colleagues, i'm submitting a laser of inquiry to invite collaboration responses from departments for specific questions for a policy endeavor
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calling for sidewalks i expect this to be for the months to come for the efforts develop and urge a cooperated strategy to end drug use in san francisco. court mandated drug treatment is central and studies have demonstrated a success and criminal justice system interventions related crimes can be saving this is important now knowing many of those own the streets are captured by drug addictions are deadly in human history the institute since 2018 of drug treatment have been critical didn't need to be volunteer we arguing have authority to accomplish that california voters will begin we're going in on proposition 36 a month from few and no
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preference one way or another poles show will be adopted by a large margin wog one change offering to empower the drug courts by creating drug related treatments. my letter of inquiry for the police department and fire department and sheriff's office and city attorney's office seeks feedback how to use the treatment mandate felonies should voters make many opening and i'm asking for oat options to expand our courts in san francisco even as proportion 36 were not enacted to roar order to the streets and for drug use and drug dealing and make maevenlg humanitarian my letter of inquiry is intentionally and
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involving funding and incorporated a request for a need assessment to be required to scale up arrests to make sure property access to mentioned those were cited and arrested and expand to accommodate to maximize our use and expand the related services including more cancelable outpatient options and in district 6 neighborhoods and like many of my fellow members of the community would have increasing been move to activism by the drug overdose i think the san franciscans share the drug inevitableism is helping no one and not our small
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businesses that are facing theft and drug induced violence and in the in the grips of drug disorders and candid in discussing this and motivates the work and didn't mean i have all the answers or my views are right. what it means not a single day in city hall i'll not stop working on that beginning with that letter of inquiry to cover the months ahead and as long as drug use is illegal in can san franciscans have a right to expect those laws and eir perspective my letter of inquiry seeks responses and invites collaboration on the promise of
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clear sidewalks and established and at that point my drug free sidewalks that criminal justice system interferences for drug use and intfrjz and accompanied with with treatment options and that charges for drug uses be a condition for successfully completing the drug treatment and denormalizing drug use and look forward to your responses and san franciscans. the rest i submit. >> >> thank you, supervisor dorsey. >> supervisor engardio submit. thank you. >> supervisor mandelman. >> madam clerk i'm recognizing the twenty-four hour which will
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be september 24th and from a united against hate campaign in 20159 response from the white sprich rally united is an event finding the rejection of hate and discrimination we've con this i offered in 2019 to look at hate weeks ago and gin states in celebrating the commitment for seeps want to thank the united against hate welcome back for your advocacy and advocates and district 8 residents and other efforts i want to thank adam from my office and thank you to commissioner chan and supervisor dorsey and supervisor safai and supervisor ronen for signing on and. the rest i submit. >> >> thank you. supervisor
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mandelman. >> supervisor melgar. >> thank you, madam clerk colleagues today, i'm introducing a motion co-sponsored by president peskin to be voted as next week's board meeting to convene on september 24th to discuss the law suit and refer all any comments when we have that special meeting. thank you. >> thank you. the rest i submit. >> >> thank you. >> supervisor preston colleagues today, i'm introducing a new ordinance that guarantees that rent control public school be expanded to all renter in multi-family believes in the city and county of san francisco. built as of november 5, '24 hour and go into
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effect when the costa-hawkins is lift as soon as that year in proportion 33 is passed and thank you supervisor melgar for our cooperation and as well as early coworkers supervisor ronen and supervisor chan and helps the freedom from arbitrary price gouging for one hundred thousand san franciscans are denied their rights by this 45 years old out-of-date ordinance doesn't affect the isn't it true housing we put our money where our mouth is and city-owned the housing for all the debate between the housing right is a distractors
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and reason for capping unfair rent increase is is new normal kamala harris and natural democratic party we understand that renter need relief from price gounl and everyone deserves housing too many people are forced on the streets i urge you so support prop 33 can guarantee a stable home for all san franciscans and then finally colleagues, i'd like to adjourn today's meeting in in memoriam of deputy she was kevin who died on thursday september 5th those have been around this building like co-general you'll remember his smile but i was a gifted writer and authorize and beloved
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custom innovative for the san francisco chronicle we revealed incredible stuff he shared life about his family and chronicled his diagnosis in decline you could or should recalled it said farewell if a column that was published like all the writings this message one honest and caring and full of love that kevin exhibited to everyone in the building. um, he was a dedicated public servant had a very caring approach i remember years and years ago there was a woman who was going to jump off of the third disappear and a bunch of deputies with a net to
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try to catch her and kevin went and carefully talked her down over the ledge i will never forget saved her life and roses through the ranks in the sheriff's department position of chief depth of administration and programs in this oversaw the administration of all operations and rehabilitation programs and alternatives to incarceration i know made the sheriff and his successor proud and recognized for the ongoing programs born and raised in queens, new york in 1953 lived with his husband and sons in the excelsior and
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titled his book more true tails and little life in the outer outer outer excelsior. and kevin fought for gay marriage and fostered triplets returned though or to their birthday parents and learned in truthful ways if you want to be inspired read the columbia kevin he's left his guilty of in his psa honor the life of kevin fisher and condolences to bryan. the rest i submit. >> >> thank you, mr. president, and supervisor preston submit. thank you. >> supervisor ronen summit and supervisor safai (clearing throat) thank you, madam clerk i have a couple of things thank you, president peskin for honoring my constituent appreciate you bringing up his name we have a
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few things to say we are able to put that on the record an important individual a neighbor lived maybe a block and a half from our house and the last interactions he called me and was upset the city trimmed trees and the and his neighbors planted did trees and not requested for trimming and upset the and the requested my leadership this is all in an e-mail i called him up and said kevin i have my number. i said you drive by my house everyday and, of course, we got the stump removed and assured him we'll plant a new tree and
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publications could have done a better job in 40 him we talked about how much we cared for the community and how much he cared that the trees represented one thing to the neighborhood but about bringing the community together. as a neighborhood to plant those trees 25 years ago and how those families are seen them grow and the children grow he was a phenomenal individual very, very kind and very, very sad to see him pass, and, secondly, colleagues, i have a resolution today, we submitted december 16, '24 hour mini day the sites of, no. cabin too years when she was murdered her name is jena and arrested by the police in iran for improperly
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wearing her clokts and give you a little bit of background a excuse me - i thought came into power a day before increasingly women's day ironically they named they had to cover their hair in public and not wearing the clotting would be naked without them she died in the hospital in the morality police beaten on the way to the hospital and many eetsz and other women reported that, of course, the government denied is this day but she sparked a women's movement in iran and md 5 radicals of women took to the street over the world talking about the treatment of women and
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demanded freedom and democracy for women unfortunately, since that time thoughts of protesters have been killed and thousand detained and community-based organization death penalties on thousands and thousands of men and women but mainly women for standing up a catalyst the movement a spark for the women live freedom chant. and that's rooted in a phrase hers background that demands the end of job loss and other discriminatory actions against women in 2020 two represents talked about how women need to be made feel to be safe if they didn't dress properly and will
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brings or bring attention to this issue and honor her and many women have been brutally attacked not just in iran but all over the world i invite us to firmly support the live freedom support for women and fight for oppression of women and thanks for the honorees the building that lit up in red and white and great to thank you, co-general for making this happen and in honor on monday. the rest i submit. >> . thank you. >> dmrnld and mr. president that concludes the. >> roll call for introductions. >> go to the at all times and i'll go in the order starting or
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down but martha good government depends on good people and city hall has truly great people with martha cowen and was terrified (laughter) is unique city officers pick up the phone with with martha calls martha impacts exceeds the title. >> the 0 global world series and night life involve her and skill set for all mayors gets things done on and time and began as a freelancer scooting for tv shows and that led to a string for the mayors back to
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the 90s and martha has organized incongratulations and order the queen go elizabeth and pride san francisco would not be pride without martha cowen each year in june makes massing i can happen for the queer community and for the visitors and during covid implemented and managed the building center an grove street for the 2020 election and helped to have the vaccination site from january to june of 2021 and san francisco host 22 heads of states for the economic development issue and i can't imagine 25 thousand people
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passes through the plaza and made headlines across the country and martha cowen productions and as xhirmd and fracturetion of events and her birthday on september 12 a fitting time to honor martha for the city and county of san francisco. thank you all you do martha on behalf of board of supervisors i want to wish you a happy happy happy birthday (clapping.) thank you supervisor melgar. >> (clapping). >> hold on martha. >> martha you have managed to
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bring back the first time in this building the former chief of staff through a number of mayors and police chief and former supervisor and the brass and people from virtual every department don't be driving one of the ecology trucks (laughter) but no job too big or small with martha cowen and amazing you attended to every pieces of detail not just the international and pride but to many things all everything that need to be fixed around the building whether that is the colors we see on the building honoring different days all of that comes to you courtesy of
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martha has from he go and supervisor mandelman i'm delighted you have seen fit to honor ms. cowen the floor advertising. >> i'm sorry xhvrjd for those of you who don't know i almost everyone not room didn't know her i call her the wolf that is because any time anything needs to get done you call martha that happen and what i appreciate about her i think you said this supervisor she can be one of the most frightening people and the friend literal people all in the same breath as long as you listen to what she wants you to do (laughter) ; right? (clapping.)
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because she's earned and as my form teacher said she'd say o h i p frank has the power that is exactly what you represent ms. cowen and honored to have worked with you and everything in the city. thank you very much. and neglected to (clapping.) recognition ms. cowen you're joined by the sheriff. >> supervisor stefani. >> i want to let you know martha how much i should tell you on january was a dream come true i was appointed supervisor and learned that martha cowen was sitting on the event i knew i arrived something special must
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be happening and my kids were in school you put them where they needed to be they are nervous front people you're love for the city is so apparent and another event you did was the tony bennett jefferson elementary fairmont was special so many events more importantly you're just part of city hall and worked for so many mayors and people in the room look up to you i have to say happy birthday and i love to work with you ath at city hall and thank you. >> >> ms. cowen. >> thank you. >> president peskin and supervisor mandelman and members of board of supervisors good
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afternoon. >> i want to thank supervisor mandelman and others i want to thank my boss mayor london breed and our team in city hall as as well as the many people i had the 240ur7b collaborate them our city departments on a daily bases wheefrn i've abolished is the result of teamwork. i have been privileged to have worked with talented and dedicated public servants over the past thirty years i have had the privilege of severing 6 different mayors whatever differences they may have had they have a lot for the city and commitment to the people of san francisco. the most important thing union iron works historic district no later than our title
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or our task we all serve one boss the people of the city and county of san francisco. and they deserve our very best every time. >> when we keep that in mind we can do great things and have accomplished great things we mate san francisco the st. francis shine for all the world to see and more importantly our o on that resident san francisco will be a world-class city been the honor of my life to contribute in any way to the greatness of the city i love. thank you. >> (crying). >> thank you, martha
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honor of recognizing k9 canyons for providing service dogs with people with disabilities and to recognize the importance of service dogs in our community in line with that recognition we'll soon be passing declaring september 2024 as national service dog awareness month in the city and county of san francisco and city commissioner mandelman for co-sponsoring and k9 companions was founded in santa rose in 1975 and leader in enhancing is quality of life for people with disabilities. sorry. >> providing over 7 thousand experimentally trained dogs for veterans and children those served dogs are trained to perform over 40 specialized tasks alerting to sound and providing crucial assistance
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allowing individual to live independent lives as a nonprofit service dogs in the industry k9 provides dogs in all follow-up costs to assessable in the united states over 64 million dollars adult and children live with disability but not many dogs a gap between the need for service dogs. and national awareness month an opportunity to educate the invariable benefits those dogs provide and raise awareness of the people with disabilities to be condominium by their service dogs and joined by individuals that represent the k9 and dave as district 2 and dedicated volunteer puppy raiser joins us
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with casey. his 11 puppy training over the past 15 years dave's commitment prep puppies for their future roles and with safety and independence showing the wide range of disability for service dogs let's honor the k9 and accomplish the contributions that service dogs make in the lives of people with disabilities. >> dave we women welcome i to the podium to say a few words (clapping.) thank you, supervisor stefani for introducing this and thank sam in our office that did a lot of legwork to make that happen thank you. as mentioned i've been a volunteer with the organization important a very long time and got involved a
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good friend tied to a wheelchair and had a service dog from the k9 companions and wanted to help this organization and have casey just about 6 months old and one of the best puppies i raised as a baby and have until august next year and he returns to training by professionals to get the skills to help people with disabilities. our organization is assists most sdabtsd except lime they have their own dangerous an organization you are familiar with. many of our clients have mobility issues in wheelchairs or other issues and the dogs will pick up things and
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turn on lights and close and whatever they can do to make people's lives easier and train hearing dogs and jack is a reciprocating /* reciprocate i have a hearing loss so it is queen any alerts the sounds in the home and she like timers and gives me a big sense of security i live alone and i'm here to share with a queen any does an honor to be here. thank you.
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(clapping.) and last but not least our final recognition of accommodations from supervisor ronen and if you can come up to the front (clapping) (yelling). >> owe looks as good had i met him 25 years ago. >> he didn't but (unintelligible) unbelievable you, you have to share your secrets you guys. >> (unintelligible). >> yeah. >> (clapping.) colleagues today i'm thrilled to be honoring him for his remarkable 27 year in legal services and a celebration of
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his retirement. t l s the sheriff's office with a unique in house department that does the work of protecting rights of people in in custody and this is a interim in law school and been with the department ever since becoming the director in not and serving in that relay for 15 years. p l s a trail dbas department with the success and founded by michael hennessy the year and today answers hundreds of requests more information and as an each month for people in in custody and p l s works tyler to improve conditions and during the pandemic incarcerated. they have done amazing work in the
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right to vote and in 2018 ridden 5 hundred voters. colleagues share rptsd the prisons and 3408 the interims and for the tireless work for the incarcerated people p l s have one of the most legal internship in the bay and nick has been serving the city before this p l s a teacher with the san francisco community and his a grandfather that makes connections with everyone and the and his wife live in butts
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and known throughout the neighborhood to bring people together with nicks children were students played a role in the fundraising people celebrate and just this summer we've seen nick and annette at camp mather to raise money to keep that as incredible you're oregon or meeting and you're making this space better than that it is and with the extraordinary criteria and lifelong careers nick makes the difference and helped san franciscans of falling and especially in the vulnerable situations incarcerating with the basic rights and i'm so proud to commemorate nick as he
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takes his next steps we know you'll have a prominent role in the community and can't wait to hear what is next before i-i'm going to turn it over to you nike want to give the chief a minute to say a couple of things as well. >> good afternoon sheriff. >> good afternoon, members of the board and president i want to give nick the opportunity to have the last word after me. >> (laughter) has been throughout our friendship and relationship he makes sense so much to us i appreciate the moment thank you. on on behalf of all of us and conditioning the legacy of my tenure and continue to take care of the people who need it the most through the years especially fitting that today or
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this year is an election year and the work and energy and commitment and galvanizing are rirj to vote through the years has one one of the legacies you leave has been by you and carried on by our staff thank you for that and he's working an, an excellent barbecue i look forward to it it what you bring back to us. thank you. (clapping.) >> wow. >> i don't remember half of things but i remember i should stop now i am stories thank president peskin for that nice words about kevin fisher will be missed one of my colleagues and
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he was one of the ones from my days remembering housing and thank you for that supervisor ronen and everyone else for this honor has been an honor to work for the city for a long time i don't know how it got too long i went in an, an interim i never left and want to thank, of course, my mike hennessy and sheriff and other sheriff's for keeping me around this long. and, of course, my staff belinda and ruby belinda deinvolve the services was important i was thinking while martha was getting her award if i had her i might have been able to get for
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done. >> and, you know, it is really important job a lot of people that kind of anomalies job a lot of people in jail and really a hard job a job that is really important so mike hennessy started that and my hope it will be continued to be kept around and the board of supervisors will kind of make sure of that if any sheriff didn't want it around yeah. i could talk about the people i work with a lot of people are here today thank you for showing up but you guys, you know, we're kind of p l s is a loan wolf data at that time i got the last word many times you were not around to hear it i appreciate it. thank you.
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committee and excluding items which have been considered by a board committee. members of the public may address the board for up to three minutes. line up on the right hand and speak to the appearance the approval of the board minutes from july 30th and items up for adoptions without economy 13 through 17 all other items must be within the subject jurisdiction of the board and mark setting the timer for 2 minutes. >> i want to tell you a secret please don't pass this on before you and me it is slightly embarrassing but you know, i went i was counting how many words elijah spoke was 11 hundred he covered his head with his mantel and god said i
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thought i think i'm going to that i put on my shirt offer my head and a bird landed on me i swear and bird landing on me and squatted and cut into my head it is private. >> my dock trinity not mine by any man doing the will will note the dock trinity if it sauk county to itself who seeks the glory of him 3 sent him, no unrighteousness he seek the glory of god but i'll say a what i was going to say it is really baffles me i tell you why i'm not saying this i know what i did i know a call to talk shows
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before the world trade center fell i began teaching people (bell ringing) as syrup as knowing two things the year christ was baptized and a proper understanding of engineering jerry enough you'll get 66 six the world is not retarded but honestly before mentioned. >> thank you for your comments. >> let's hear in the next speaker welcome. >> good afternoon to everyone. >> we're hear back again and living missable life since we have taxi and uber i don't know what why 5 o'clock we work until
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10 o'clock or 11 o'clock to provide for the families and plus everyone is stressed out in the taxi business two weeks two people passed away had a heart attack and we can't get outs unless you take action and gives us some life we can see life it is difficult we forgot how to have a picnic and feed the families and how to take our children to places and are working like a slave 12 and 14 hours a day not getting anywhere to asking you right in front of my god we're miserable and need our help and part of the city we serve the city 25 or thirty
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years why are we not appreciated we need to this appreciated we work hard and need the hotel callers we are serving the city so the same people please (bell ringing) help us out we are in difficult times. >> thank you for your comments welcome to the next speaker. >> good afternoon. i'm a taxi driver and in the. >> 3. report on actions taken at previous closed session meeting, if any. of darkness we've seen in the last 6 years i'm 60-year-old and maybe next s years i'll retire maybe not be here by my will drive the taxis. >> so for (unintelligible) what kind of discrimination is
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that are we unto the best of our ability? don't you know 6 thousand people speak up and taxicabs pickup only one percent sometimes thirty taxicabs and sometimes one taxicab in a ridiculous outrageous and shamed slaughtered us and for this she's (unintelligible) i hope she'll not win good morning. i appreciate she destroyed everything or everything and our humble request to provide a medallion on $25,000
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(bell ringing) so because i'm so 10 years ago a couple of medallions one hundred and $25,000 and we are paying just interest on one of the one hundred and derivatives anymore is medallions the biggest discrimination we can't afford it. thank you. >> i've got a few things i love puppies and disabled people and hate cops and supervisor mandelman is not united a fucking and support conservatorship. >> jordan jordan can you address the full board please. i was using the third person but call disability people the r word i saw the tour in the news
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about carr money an immigrant got meningitis and lost fingers and toes and after hospital stay still not eligible for longer term housing and where hero 4, 3, 2 , 1-year-old drought can't stay with her. fucking the entry and fuck the pencil twittering and the bullshit ass mayor should be in chambers is refusing to release the reason we can't have nice things in the city because we are one of the few people in the state with a weak mayor i'm glad the person lost his - but why a for the up for a lgbtq youth organization i
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- like the mini did movement of which i support the resolution we will make sure he's no longer welcome in any lgbtq and our silence is complexity people need you to hold the people accountable and supervisor mandelman so resign. >> the neshgsz welcome. >> hello, i live in d-6 i believe survivors my track records iphone for people but you know what i believe that survivors have dourntd to be right and remember our memory are short term to forget those who men i'm not the only people tired of those people touching our bodies those traumatizing
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actions i had a man sneak up behind me and smack my as hard as he could would that okay. if you did that to me. >> and should some morality for the freedom of slavery and building jordan because you're happy to use jordan for your career i was surprised with a starch approached jordan between two supervisors over legislation i remember the many times and another staffer taught me a stiffer said hi jordan when at the passed by him in the halls you were looking at your fucking phone, too and everyone should know that is about our community and how you treat transpeople
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(bell ringing) and transwomen and binary people with sexual assault i think everyone who does should be taken out of power and held accountable do you? >> thank you for your comments next speaker. >> good afternoon to everyone i'm leonard i'm the ct p or special police education and development. we are celebrating 60 years of membership. started in the fillmore and bought a building at 1, 2, 3, 4 and fillmore street one of the goals to have a building for the members that are in training
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have a place to come to. >> we have grown to a different level of an organization there are a few other members want to speak on what we're doing and how long we've been doing it with the help of san francisco and also we believe that we made black history ways we got the last day of black history last year getting the keys to the building and also an organization i'd like to say managed by a black subgroup group of people because wearing multilingual culture in the city. and one of the things we are doing is i know guys but those are new ones we printed up because like for you to stop by
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and see what we do without help (bell ringing) in regards and asking for your support in the ways we can. we're going to more of us but have tours of duties and help to pay for what we're doing and thank you to the people have giving us the tours of duty for training and re-entry people can't get a job and come to us over the years and have moves forward own to something better (bell ringing) >> thank you for your comments. and welcome the next speaker. >> hello hi yes, i'm a member of the police officers association had i look at it and look at last golfing in our permeation and proliferation of people who are law-abiding
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citizens and decriminalization you got to lock up something but (unintelligible). >> this is going on in our town. so when i look at the social contract we have with people. in our society the social factory and the organizations that spoil give officers hope for the men that gone down the wrong road need an opportunity to change the social dynamics and we need 23u7b8dz addresses this organization needs to be all over the united states i'm sure men need an opportunity and with the yoedz i was going to be involved in
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security but concerned about the murder in our community need to be addressed and change the social dynamics and we have an opportunity to do that (bell ringing) become law-abiding citizens to train and change they're way of life we can have - do this again many men come down and tell you how this organization has chained their lives been on the other side of crime and things like that. so this is a great organization and great opportunity to - (bell ringing) problem and a solution - >> thank you, sir. thank you for your comments and next speaker. >> welcome. >> is this for presentation. >> yes. >> actually before i start can be respectfully to get the full boards attendance please. we're starting our time few.
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>> can i have the full boards attention i appreciate the full boards attention. >> good afternoon mayor london breed and i'm alongside my attorney brandon banks and mayor london breed i doubt you recognition me, i'm hoping thisblast will job our memory i asked you during my on boarding was executive order 18-02. and insuring diverse and fair and inclusive workplace i felt compelled it is one of the most powerful and meaning pieces of leadership and therefore with that in mind using whatever experience i have as my attempt
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to drawing your attention do those internal treats with the city effectiveness and on september 5, 2023, i thought hired by a department as a engaged and motivated 1824 analyst as a may 16, '24 hour for unknown reasons am a former city employee that is devastated, aye. >> sdpesz and desperate i condition with health conditions in rapid decline due to the stress of this circumstances not to mention the final turmoil. on display is the complaints that has been filed that the city attorney's office and it is currently reviewed by david chiu office with an response due to weeks from day and
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(bell ringing) with the investigation underway. >> thank you for your comments. >> thank you kindly. >> next speaker. >> welcome to the next speaker. >> ma'am, can you pull that microphone close to you? >> pull the microphone. >> i'm hearing impaired i'm with the special police officers association and too i'm the voice for deputy responding smith that passed away and one year today anyway, i basically want to get if off my chest. we both have cancer that is terminal and asked him. >> by to attorneys we had risen
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a car and the managers that are they're stole the document found her way stealing the service dog we cannot because threatened by the lawyer for jail time whatever. and we i'm sorry, i was not prepared to make a statement i was caught off guard but speaking for him no justice for the service dog. um, i don't know what else to say but basically he didn't get justice he died before he could complete his task the second lawyer bailed didn't want to help me
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(bell ringing) contest that the he got paid >> thank you next speaker. >> everything can you hear me? >> yes and it is specifically going to you this lady right here. >> it's going but i need her to understand something about nick worked with people incarcerated my name is jeffrey. allen junior november 17, 1997, part of to which i was literally chartd and spent 22 years in prison and i was jacob in department 12 may of 2020 i've been if fear of of one thing recidivism i was thrown into the
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streets about 5 months ago walked upon 1, 2, 3, 4 and folsom and was a witness to being literally led into an organization that sheltered me and grateful my a chance to be a skushth mind you you've been spending the majority of my life in prison. i don't know anything other than limiting just program wake up do this and that with the help of this oxygen i'm waking up and comboug to do something i literally help myself start a jailer service with the help of (bell ringing) the - i'm here to tell you guys funding is needed at 1, 2, 3, 4 and folsom i know you have
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agenda everyone has a way out stuff but like now my name is jeffrey junior i spent 22 years in prison i'm limiting asking for you guys help to give (bell ringing) - >> thank you next speaker. >> hi there i'm - i guess rafael did a resolution i'm a day late and and dollar short like often but i'm here with united against hate an organization around for 2 two years and we are committed to supporting um, curriculum and activities throughout the communities that are anti hate i worked with president peskin i
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mean gwen sorry with the anyway on the september 20, first, we are launching the unit against hate and will be activity we are passing out posters and asking people to go online to look at the activities we are looking at it by need to do something about it i don't know what the next steps are. we'll be back next week to talk about a resolution. >> i hope people will participate we have tons of poster. >> seeing no other names on the roster, public comment is closed. and come on, man. >> i'm sorry, i didn't do i
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francis a so let me bring to your attention this city was named an st. francis. and i see from those, too general who gentlemen from the talks about they are considering the public utilities commission and won't building this. the president was called to the mayor's office and told that his timer would not think extended what is happening to our city? we have the legislative branch the city administrator who had powerful brought in the mayor in 1996,
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and what is happening to our city? and like to the commission meeting i go home. but i'm asking you all that lets have some standards. let's have some advocates. let's some manners. we can't put someone on the commission and treat them like whatever this is happening in the city. this is what happens in the city (bell ringing) $10 billion and can't help the people $16 billion. that's a lot of money. thank you very much. >> thank you next speaker.
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>> only see mascot and in comes the flies. >> so you everyone i'm sorry. this is any orders i don't know if i noticed in the last three months i've been dutiful but where do you think that comes from. >> no consequences now following you are all, all physically the humanity good job that includes you are under us the charge is a violation of existence which basics focus on the x permission of beauty now you are under (unintelligible).
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>> so you (unintelligible). >> you can't bail yourselves out because you're basically under - if in our lifetime you attribute to kill anyone didn't mess with the guy but (unintelligible) i hope. who are (bell ringing) >> food otherwise you have done you're existence was a waste of space i will never be back in any form and - pay for you that's the way it works. come out of those jurisdiction happily walking and apply what
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things have telling you to apply (bell ringing) >> all right. public comment is closed. and madam clerk read the adoption without committee record. >> 13 through 17 were you and unanimous vote. >> amending a member my require administrative code to go to committee and seeing no other names on the roster, take these items. >> same house, same call. the resolutions are adopted and madam clerk please read the in in memoriam for supervisor stefani for an on behalf of the supervisor walton for andy banks and a motion by president peskin on behalf of the entire board of supervisors for chief did you want kevin fisher pulson.
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the board. our vice chair is myrna melgar. i want to thank jaime from sfgovtv and our clerk today is amy say young. madam clerk, please call the roll. >> commissioner chan, absent. commissioner dorsey, present. commissioner engardio, present. chair mandelman, present. vice chair melgar, present. commissioner peskin, absent. commissioner preston, present. commissioner ronan, present. commissioner safai, absent. commissioner stefani, present. commissioner walton, present. chair, we have quorum. >> thank you madam clerk. i think you have public comment announce ment. >> for members of the public interested in participating in this meeting, we'll welcome attendance in person
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room 250 city hall or watch cabl channel 26 or 99 depending on the provider or stream at for those wishes to comment remotely, the best way to do so is dialing 415-655-0001. when prompted entering access code, 26635793764. press pound and pound again. you will be able to listen to the meeting in real time. when public comment is called for the item you wish to speak on, press star 3 to be added to the queue to sfeek. do not press star 3 again or you will be removed from the queue. when your system says the line is unmuted the live operator will advise you have two minutes to speak. when your 2 minutes are up we'll move to the next caller. callers are taken in the order received.
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public comment for items on the agenda will be taken first from members of the public attending the legislative chamber. and then afterwards from the remote speaker queue on the telephone line. thank you. >> thank you madam clerk. we are starting late and i apologize to the public for that. i also apologize because given the late start i think it is possible we will not get to 10 and 11 on the agenda. i know those are important items so we'll do our best, but we may be pushing those off. commissioner peskin has asked to be excused from the meeting and i'm going to grant that request. before calling our next item, i like to invoke 3.26 to limit public comment to 30 minutes. each speaker has two minutes to speak on a given item unless indicating otherwise when we call for public comment on that item.
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madam clerk, please call our next item. >> item 2, approve the minutes of july 23, 2024 meeting. this is action item. >> i don't see any comments or questions from colleagues. let's open item 2 to public comment. if there is anyone who would like to talk about our minutes from july 23, please come forward and seeing no one, let's see if there is remote public comment on item 2. >> good morning chair, checking for public comment on item number 2. there is no public comment. >> alright. public comment on item 2 is closed. is there a motion to approve item 2? moved by dorsey, seconded by preston. madam clerk, please call the roll. >> commissioner chan, absent. commissioner dorsey, aye. commissioner engardio, aye. chair mandelman, aye. vice chair melgar, aye.
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commissioner preston, aye. commissioner ronan, aye. commissioner safai, absent. commissioner stefani, aye. commissioner walton, aye. there are 8 ayes, the motion is approved. >> great. madam clerk, please call the next item. >> item 3, community advisory committee report. this is a information item. >> and i think we are looking for cac chair k a t siegel. >> good morning chair mandelman, vice chair melgar and commissioners. the c a c met twice since my last report at our july meeting we rvled updates from sf mta about the quick build program and vision zero and update on severe injuries and fatalities. members wanted more information
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about trends in underlying causes of fatal and injury crashes and also wanted to know whether more data could be collected about more miner injury crashes and whether more reporting about injury crashes could be done by hospitals to decrease reliance on police reports. at the september 4 meeting, the c a c approved funding agreement for bayview street safety and struck bay study with vice chair and d10 representative expressing strong support for that project. along discan cushion on the prop l and tax funds allocation item, particularly on the great highway gateway study. several members were concerned the study was considered prior to the election and prop k would effect the scope of the project and thought it better to wait until after the election. the c a c voted separately on the allocation for the study and it did pass 6 to 3. the c a approved the remaining
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request for the 6 intersection improvements and the fiscal year 2025 quick build projects. the c a c also approved the prop k amendments for the two payment renovation projects and the ferry terminal improvements. thank you and i can answer any questions? >> thank you chair siegel. i do not see comments or questions so we'll open up your report for public comment. anyone in the chamber who would like to come forward, please do. no one. see if we have remote public comment on item 3. >> checking for remote public comment on this item. there is no comment. >> public comment on item 3 is closed. thank you chair siegel and to all the members of the c a c and we'll move to our next item. madam clerk, please call next item. >> item 4, state and federal
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legislation update. this is information item. >> mark watts, are you around? >> i can see myself, so hope i am. >> we can hear you. >> in the interest of time-- >> [indiscernible] >> thank you very much. so, this is a legislative update. since the last time i met with you the legislature returned to sacramento august 5, the first 2 weeks of the month moving bills through the calendar in the appropriation committee and the last two weeks the bills have came out [indiscernible] i wantsed to turn to item 4, table 1 in your packet and give a brief update on the positions on bills that were taken during the session and where they stand after the close of session.
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the bills you supported outright, sb915 was dropped by the author but i have been given indirect assurance he intends to bring this bill back which deals with local government ordinances for autonomous vehicle service. the other measure is sb950 by senator wiener [indiscernible] on the state highway system conventional highway. there is a lot of opposition and concern of the bill. the last amendments were found to be supportable by the transportation industry, local agencies as well as labor, and that bill moved on to the governor's desk. bills that you sought to support and seek amendments as they move through the process included a b1777,
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mr. tang autonomous vehicle bill that required manufacturers to comply with the vehicle code. that bill fought off a very heavy last moment challenge by some of the key major labor unions in the state, including the teamsters and it was very interesting to watch how well mr. tang was able to maneuver his bill through the last three votes on that last day. mr. haney's bill, 3361 [indiscernible] on a number of data items. that bill was able to pass and there was some opposition as well. the other bill you were
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monitoring for supporting with amendments was the local revenue measure and that's on its on path now and that bill did not move forward. i would report that there were several bills you watched as they either came out of the last year session or the previous year session or moving through this year, and that included a b6 and 7 by the former chair of the assembly transportation committee. she was unable to generate support for her bills and amendments to her bills in the late days of the session, so they died on file. i jump to [indiscernible] a b2813 was the bill that provides the structure for the implementation of [indiscernible] as amended by a c a 5, which is now on the ballot and
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is more limited and less focused--let me restate that. no focus for intent to cover transportation programs, but the focus is now on affordable housing. beyond that,b i like to report that bay area including san francisco specifically was recognized by the appointment by the governor of jason elliot to the ccc, the transportation commission. he has left the governor's office earlier this year, has a outstand ing relationship with the governor, as you understand, he was the policy advisor to mayor newsom in the late 2006-2010 period. he has been very welcome in the capital in his work of here and very familiar with a number of local transportation officials throughout the state.
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finally, i comment on the special session. you probably likely [indiscernible] pardon me. you have likely seen coverage of the governor's call for special session to deal with gas price issues. the assembly has said yes, they will do that. they introduced two bills. the senate--hold on a moment, we like to wait and see if the assembly is able to put together the votes to move to the governor. [indiscernible] had the votes without needing to revert to special session, so at this point there are two bills introduced. a bx21 and x22 and they are pending committees in the assembly. with that, i bring my last presentation of the legislative session to a
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close and thank you for the opportunity to talk to you today. >> thank you mr. watts. is there-are there any comments or questions from colleagues? i have one on sb532. what would next steps on this be? >> as i are understand-- >> i think that is more of like a question for our t a. not rhetorical, but it needs to get signed and presumably the mta wants to do something with this so t a or mta staff. >> martin reyes, principal planner. we have a representative from the mta here if you like to answer this question. >> yeah. >> good morning chair
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mandelman, commissioners, acting director of government affairs here with you and we are very excitesed about this as a supporter of the legislation. we do see it as a terrific way to really address some of our financial challenges that the agency is facing and with the muni funding working group we see this as something we will be discussing as if it does get signed, as a tool that can save 10s of millions of dollars in the long run. we wouldn't be able to do anything right away because there is lot of work required to go into it, like creating the accessible equitable parking cash payment plan. we would work with different groups that represent low income communities. we would work with folks that are working on economic justice to put together a plan that would allow for this legislation to take effect
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on our streets, and save all kinds of money and save folks of lower income money as we go to start to generate more revenues for the system. >> do we know right now what percentage of the parking fees are paid on mobile devices? >> we don't, but--i am sure we do. i don't have the number off the top of my head. what i can say though is that, there is a significant difference from the way things work now compared to the things work if the legislation was to be implemented. the way it works now is people pay for at a parking meter with their phone. in the future a parking meter isn't needed and they pay with their phones and there are signs that direct people how to do it, so it would be revolutionary. if you didn't have a phone you are able to pay for parking at a local
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retailer or you get a bill associated with your license plate number, so it is very different, closer to the way we manage fast-track. fast-track you dont need to pay at a toll. it would be much more similar to that and most importantly, when i say about the allowing for people with lower incomes, now if you are person of lower income and receive calfresh, you don't qualify, there is no way to implement the benefits with the current system. with this future system you would be able to find a way to allow people to pay with their phone and get those benefits right away. >> interested to see how you-what you come up with. thank you. >> what we come with. we'll be working with you mr. chair and the muni funding working group. thank you all. >> vice chair melgar. >> just had a quick question on the issue for staff. that is, who is against this at
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the state? what is holding up a vote from or a signature from the governor? >> through the chair, there is it no opposition right now. it has been supported by we got two sister cities that are sponsoring the bill, santa monica and long beach, and all the different groups that have been engaged have been supportive of it. there are mobility advocates supportive of it and of course [indiscernible] the california association of transportation agency is supportive of it, so it feels like it should be signed, we certainly hope it will be signed. i imagine the governor has other things that are important but we are looking forward to that signature. >> alright. thank you. let's open the item to public comment. anyone in the chamber who would like to speak to us about item 4,
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please come forward. don't see anybody. see if there is remote public comment on item 4. >> there is no remote public comment for this item. >> alright; public comment on item 4 is closed. thank you mr. watts for your work and for your report, and madam clerk, let's call item 5. >> item 5, appoint sharon ng as the district 3 representative to community advisory committee. this is a action item. >> senior program analyst, so eager. >> good morning chair. yes, very excited. good morning commissioners. the transportation authority has a 11 member community advisory committee with each member serving 2 year term and the board appoints individuals to fill open seats with each of the 11 commissioners nominating one member to committee. neither staff nor c a c make recommendations.
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must be san francisco residents and appear before the board to describe interest and qualification mpts there is one open season, district 3 resulting from the prior district 3 representative resignation and with that, happy to take questions, otherwise we have the district 3 applicant sharon ng here to speak to her interest. >> thank you amelia wally. mrs. ng, you want to come forward? >> hi, board members. i'm sharon ng [indiscernible] as the d3 representative. [indiscernible] part of chinatown transportation research improvement project known as chinatown [indiscernible] i work with community based and grassroots organizations in the d3 area. [indiscernible] i like to emphasize community part of my role because i believe good responsive planning fallose when you [indiscernible]
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daily transit rider and who occasionally rides and bikes every so often but not a very skilled cyclist. [indiscernible] favorite thing to do on the weekend is walking around san francisco. this gives me insight needed to consider projects. i also work and [indiscernible] overlooked in transportation planning and transportation and planning in general who are largely transit dependent [indiscernible] i want to insure the creation doesn't come at the expense of any san franciscan. if i were to be apointed equity would be a core consideration in all
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i do because the transportation system should reflect the needs of its people especially those who don't always get a seat at the table. thank you for your time. >> thank you. i don't see any questions, but thanks for your willingness to serve, and i think calvin yan might have something to say on behalf of his boss. >> good morning commissioners. on behalf of commissioner peskin, thank you commissioner and chair mandelman and clerk to schedule this hearing as soon as we received news that our current or former c a c member rosa chan submitted resignation, and thank you-i want to take the opportunities to thank rosa for service over the last 5 years. as a lot of folks know in district 3, one of the neighborhood with the a lot of historical neighborhoods, but also a
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lot of vibrant and events happen. it is a district that bounces a lot of transit needs and there is a lot of family and seniors living in the district. on behalf of the commissioner peskin, we believe sharon has [indiscernible] expertise and younger perspective tackle a lot of transit, transportation, public safety, bike connections in the city. she is a community worker in chinatown community development. i think that we think that her perspective adding on to community development as part of the transportation network is crucial in this position. she is also a member of chinatown transportation research improvement project, which is a transit advocacy group since 1976 for connection on work with the organization would bring a lot of richness into work that the c a c does. on behalf of commissioner peskin, we urge and request for your
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approval and hope that sharon can serve a full term and maybe more. thank you for your time this morning. >> thank you mr. yan. let's open this item to public comment. if there is anyone in the chamber who wants to talk about item 5, please come forward. i are don't see anyone. let's see if there is remote public comment on item 5. >> checking for remote public comment on this item. there is no public comment. >> alright. public comment on item 5 is closed. is there a motion to approve item 5, apointment of sharon ng to citizen advisory committee? moved by dorsey. is there a second? seconded by walton. madam clerk, please call the roll. >> on the motion to approve item 5, commissioner chan, aye. commissioner dorsey, aye. commissioner engardio, aye.
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chair mandelman, aye. vice chair melgar, aye. commissioner preston, aye. commissioner ronan, aye commissioner safai aye. commissioner stefani, aye. walton aye. there are 10 ayes, the motion is proveped. >> thank you madam clerk. can you please call our next item? >> item 6, final approval on first appearance authorize the executive director to execute master agreements program supplemental agreements and amendments with the california department of transportation for receipt of state funds for bayview street safety and truck relief study in the amount of $525.110 and the state funds for planning, programming, and monitoring in the amount of $199 thousand. this is action item. >> principal transportation
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planner, alisa paz. >> alisa paz with transportation authority. i'm going over these two proposed resolutions and these are approval on first read because of caltrans deadlines. the first resolution is for the bayview street safety and truck relief study for $525 thousand and it advances recommendation from connect sf streets. the study high level develop a more complete understanding of freight activity in the bayview and development recommendation for policy and infrastructure improvement to separate the heavy truck traffic away from residential and commercial areas. it would also include safety recommendations and strategies to increase the adoption of zeer or low emission freight delivery vehicles. we expect the projbect to start early 2025 and go through 2027. the second resolution is for planning programming and monitoring.
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again, this is for $199 thousand and state planning programming and monitoring funds. as the congestion management agency for san francisco, we use a portion of the state transportation improvement program funds for project planning, development and oversight of state and federal funded projects, such as the caltrain electrification project. the intent of these funds is to support grant compliance and project delivery. that's it. i can take any questions. >> thank you. i don't see any comments or questions and so we'll open the item to public comment. i don't see anyone. let's see if there is remote public comment on item 6. >> checking for remote public comment. there is no no public comment for this item. >> alright. public comment on item 6 is closed. commissioner walton, you want to move approval?
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commissioner walton. maybe not. i'll move--yep. commissioner walton want to move approval of bayview item? yes. okay. moved by walton. f is there a second? seconded by melgar. madam clerk, please call the roll. >> okay. commissioner chan, aye. commissioner dorsey, aye. commissioner engardio, aye. chair mandelman, aye. vice chair melgar, aye. commissioner preston, aye. commissioner ronan, aye. commissioner safai, aye. commissioner stefani, aye. commissioner walton, aye. there are 10 ayes. the motion is approved. >> thank you madam clerk. please call item 7. >> item 7,ic allocate $284.145 in prop l funds, with conditions, and
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allocate $3.493.000 in traffic congestion mitigation tax funds for three requests. this is a action item. >> thank you madam clerk. we are joined by principal transportation planner mike pickford. >> you should be able to see my slides now, sfgovtv. this morning we have three requests, the first request is for $159 thousand in neighborhood transportation program funds for planning for the great highway gateway study that focus on technical analysis and design envisioning of lincoln way with [indiscernible] the study consider geometric design, traffic circulation and signal consideration and place making features and street cape enhancements with the goal improving safety and connective and pleasant driving biking and walking. providing a welcoming entrance to a potential great highway park or
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promenade. if the voters reject the proposition the scope will be reconsidered and revised. sf mta confirmed the area benefit from the improvements. expect to complete the study the end of 2025 and we'll present a final report to the board. the next is public works in neighborhood transportation funds for design and funds of pavement crossing at clement street. help improve pedestrian safety, walkability and neighborhood awareness at this location which is close to many inner-richmond businesses shops cafes rez raunts homes and schools. expectss the work is completed by june 2026. the final request is 3 and a half million dollar from the tnc tax
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funds for vision zero quick build program. the quick build program designs and installs reversible and adjustable traffic control measures such as roadway paints, signs signal timing, lane reconfiguration and parking and loading that improve safety and implemented quickly. this round of the program sf mta focus on three time of improvements. the first enhance sight lines visibility at 300 locations in accordance with assembly bill 413 by restricting parking near cross walks. the second speed reduction would be along approximately 70 corridors eligible under bill 43 for a 5 mile per hour lower speed limit. locations are too determined, but proposed locations are in the packet and this request would fund the analysis necessary to prioritize those locations. the third, bike way hardening
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install concrete medians at 200 locations. this request includes funding for outreach and communications to support community engagement about the proposed projects including translating materials into multiple languages. with that, happy to take questions and we have project managers from relevant agencies as well. >> thank you mr. pickford. are there any comments or questions from colleague snz i don't see any. let's open the public comment. if there is anyone in the chamber who would like to talk about item 7, dont see anybody. if there is anybody who would like to address remotely on item 7, let's check on them. >> we do have a comment on this. going to the caller. hello caller, your two minutes begins now.
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>> eileen boken with speak regarding the great highway study. the september 4 meeting urged the c a c to table the projaect. speak state bd agendizing the item could be seen as election earring. the project is questionable at best. at worst it is [indiscernible] deeply divisive issue. speak also questions ct a staff bringing the project forward at this time as it could be seen as implied endorsement of prop k. speak is now strongly urging the ct a board to table this project. thank you. >> thank you caller. there is no additional public comment for this item. >> alright. public comment on item 7 is closed. is there a motion to approve item 7? hello.
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commissioner safai. >> one quick comment. i appreciate for this item, there will be a significant number of speed limit reductions on high injury corridors in my district. because our district is bound by two freeways, many people use the neighborhoods a as a cut-through and there is a significant amount of speeding that does happen, so we have done a tremendous work with the t a and i thank tilly and her entire team for all the work we did to put speed cushions, to raise crosswalks and now this is the third element that putting in reduction speed limit reduction and as i understand it, that is signs that will be posted in terms of reducing the speeds from the current number. can you just say what that is so we have that on the record, please? >> i prefer to refer the question to sf mta. they can provide you details. >> sorry, do you know the
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actual reduction in speed is director chang? no. okay. [multiple speakers] >> here we go. >> my name is jennifer wong, transportation planner for san francisco mta and streets division. i just wanted to provide a little more clarity about this request. the measure as mentioned is in fact a speed limit sign. this request would fund the instillation of the signs. no laications are currently selected at this point in time. we have potential locations, which is included in the packet of information that is attached to today's agenda, and we are looking at these
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potential locations and in further identifying appropriate. >> so they haven't been finalized. what is the speed limit reduction so we have that on the record? >> the speed limit reduction is 5 miles per hour for qualifying locations. >> great. okay. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> alright. is there a motion to approve item 7? moved by dorsey. is there a second? seconded by ronan. madam clerk , please call the roll. >> commissioner chan, aye. commissioner dorsey, absent. commissioner engardio, aye. chair mandelman, aye. vice chair melgar, aye. commissioner preston, aye. commissioner ronan, aye. commissioner safai, aye.
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commissioner stefani, aye. commissioner walton, aye. >> looks like [indiscernible] >> commissioner dorsey, aye. okay. give me a moment. there are 10 ayes. the motion is approved. >> great. thank you. let's move on. please call item 8. >> item 8, amend two prop k grants to allow cost savings from the san francisco ferry terminal security improvements (design)($132,405) and potrero avenue pavement renovation ($737,181) projects to fund, respectively, san francisco ferry terminal security improvements (construction)($132,405) and de long street pavement renovation ($350,000) and sunset boulevard pavement renovation ($387,181) this is
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action item. >> >> amelia is back. tell us about this one. >> good morning. amelia wally, senior program analyst and we'll go through requests that amend two existing prop k grants to allow sponsors to use the remaining balances for new scope. on the-sfgovtv, i'm sharing slides. on the slide is summary table of the request. before i dive into each of them, to give background, when san francisco voters approved prop l the plan superseeded the prop k expandture plan and assumed the financial liability including the open prop k grants with remaining balancing. the funds are treated as prop l revenues and [indiscernible] we received a few requests for approval. project sponsor may request amendment of prop k grants with cost savings to apply towards a later project
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phase of the same project like design grant for construction which we'll see in the first request. new scope of work if the new scope is closely relatesed to the original, eligible under prop k program the funds were allocated and ready to proceed. the fist first one is golden gate bridge. oct2022 the board allocated $347 thousand to design phase of the san francisco ferry terminal security improval. design completed earlier this year, $132 thousand under budget and construction bids have come in higher then originally expected. the request is to use this $132 thousand remaining towards the construction phase to fill that gap. the project improve existing security fencing, construct additional fencing and [indiscernible] open for use by the end of the calendar year. and then the next two request are public works to use remaining
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balance of cost savings of potrero avenue pavement. both are similar scope and eligible for the prop k resurfacing program. the first is $350 thousand delong street pavement renovation that is 80 thousand for design, 270 thousand for construction and repave the block allowing public works to bring up to state of good repair for final acceptance by the city for maintenance. the k funds will fund paving, bart will contributes up to $75 thousand towards acceptance process and the sales tax funds is conditions on the final accept ochbs block for maintenance and inclusion of the block in public works paving data base consistent with prop k and l policy for the street resurfacing programs. the last request as mentioned from public works to amend the potrero avenue grant is for sunset boulevard pavement renovation to use $387
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thousand of remainen balance to fund change orders. in march of 2023, the board allocated $3.1 million of prop k funds towards construction of sunset boulevard pavement renovation. the first phase of construction has gotten underway, it is discovered additional quantities of sidewalk and curb ramps will be needed for accessible path of travel between the new bus stops out of sf mta 29 sunset improvement project and the intersections in the area, so this request is to use that $387 thousand remaining to fund those change orders and that's expected open for use by june, 2026. with that, happy to take any questions and we also have sponsor staff available as well. >> thank you amelia wally. commissioner safai. >> i want to say thank you again to director chang and the entire team. this is something that has been
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the delong street has been waiting probably for 25 years. this was habitat for humanity project. unfortunately the street was never accepted into the city public right of way. it was initially done so you go there and there is finger pointing on who's responsibility it is to do any improvements and we finally going to recify that and accept the street into the city public right of way. we have the money to do the improvements and public works will maintain this going forward. i talked about this for all most 8 years being in office and it sat there years, years, years prior, so thank you to the entire team. happy to see this finally moving forward. >> thank you commissioner safai. let's open the item to public comment. anyone in the chamber who wants to talk about item 8, please come forward. let's see if there is remote public comment on item 8.
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>> checking for remote public comment on item number 8. there is no public comment. >> alright. public comment on item 8 is closed. commissioner safai, would you like to move approval of item 8? is there a second? seconded by preston. i think we can take that motion same house same call without objection. the motion passes. madam clerk, please call our next item, item 9. >> item 9, adopt i-280 north bound geneva off-ramp study. this is action item. >> mike tan. carl. carl holmes. >> good morning chair mandelman and commissioners. also have with me mike tan, senior engineer. carl holmes, deputy director capital
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projects. if you can please share the presentation. we'll get started at slide 2. so, commissioner safai's office directed us to pursue an effort of looking into the excessive queuing that occurs on the northbound 280 off-ramp at geneva and as you can see from the slides, there is quite a bit of queuing on the off-ramp and on occasion it is used for pedestrian drop-off. if you can move to slide 4, please. as we embarked on this study, we also noticed additional pedestrian safety potential near miss conflicts and so we added this scope into the effort, and with that, came up with three recommendations. if you go to slide 5, please.
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the first recommendation is to modify the timing of the traffic signals. the second recommendation is to upgrade the traffic signals due to the technology and the third recommendation is to further study the queue spill-back. mike tan will get into later slides. i will say a little context, the first recommendation we [indiscernible] not just a recommendation we are asking for the board to approve as part of the adopting the report, but we were able to work with caltrans and sfmta, consultant staff and mike tan was able to corral all them to implement these traffic signal modifications and to also observe improvements not only with the queuing, but also with some pedestrian safety. the second recommendation
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requires additional coordination with caltrans. we dont have the funding for that as well as the third recommendation, but the second recommendation also includes things such as street light improvements and to improve the sight lines and also things like, no turn on red signage in working with our vision zero phase 3 team. the third recommendation is the queue spillback further study. :that thecludes stretching of the length of the off-ramp to provide storage for vehicles to be off the main line and to reduce the probability of rear-end collisions. we can go to slide 6. actually, slide 7 and i'll turn to mike tan to talk through improvements. >> good morning chair mandelman and
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commissioners. i'm mike tan, senior engineer with capital projects and i'll talk about improvements the near term improvements the project team including cal tran and sf mta implemented august 2023. what we did is redid the timing and phasing of the ramp intersections. that required a new plan and also implemented. we piloted this and got good results initially. the off-ramp left lane improve about 29 percent and during peak hours and then the right lane improve about 16 percent. we were also able to correct and fix a pedestrian crossing conflict at the southbound on-ramp. so, overall, this was a pretty good improvement. as you can see in the photos, the intersections was cleared up and traffic is moving better compared to the previous configuration. next slide, please.
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i will get to recommendation for second recommendation, which is the traffic signal upgrade. this is just to modernize all the system out there which reached end of life cycle and this will be looking at longer mass arm, new traffic controllers, and also better street lighting in the area. next slide, please. we also added additional scope from our c a c meetings and will be looking at just improving pedestrian improvements. [indiscernible] intervals and reflective back-plates for the traffic signals. next slide, please. recommendation number 3, this involves off-ramp queue spill-back study that will lengthen or straighten the off-ramp and require additional coordination with caltrans on the i-280 main line freeway. next slide, please. and just in summary, so, we
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completed the first recommendation, which was the signal timing and phasing changes, so that was implemented successfully. recommendation number 2 is signal upgrade and also coordination with caltrans and mta and also our vision zero team and recommendation number 3 is a further study of the queue back on main line freeway. with that, we like to request board approval of this study. >> great. thank you. commissioner safai. >> this is something that the t a have been working on and talking about the past 7 or 8 years. i know it sounds like a long time, but there is a lot of other priorities we had to shift to, so we have come back to this. this is a area we have affordable housing, we have done a significant upgrade to the plaza at the bart station entrance, but
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the truth is, the cars do really back up coming northbound on 280 to get off the exit there and there needs to be significant clarity so we have pedestrian safety so cars do understand that the traffic flow and traffic signals. i appreciate all three of the recommendations and am in full support and hopefully we can see some improvements there. i do think extending the lane would be helpful, because of the back-up, it is very dangerous often coming off the freeway. i think because of the curve, often times the line will back up. the cars will back up and it is hard to predict exactly the traffic slowing down right at the off-ramp. appreciate again your guys hard work and thank you director chang and your entire team on this. >> alright. thank you commissioner safai. vice chair melgar. >> thank you so much.
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thank you supervisor-commissioner safai for pushing this set of impruchbments. improvements. i have a couple questions and concerns. that is, i didn't see-i saw the sort of collaboration with caltrans because that is who controls this but not with bart. the bart station is there and there is drop-off on both sides. one thing that is most dangerous about this intersection is the northbound ramp and also the southbound, because the elevator to the bart station is on the north side of the street, and so sometimes i have seen it often, people taking their bikes or crossing in wheelchairs have to contend with people turning right right there when they are try ing to get the cross walk to get to the elevator so that is really
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dangerous. i'm wondering about the collaboration with bart in terms of signage and are then also a better or the timing of the pedestrian crosing from one side of the other on geneva. >> thank you vice chair melgar. in regards to coordination with bart, i propose that would be included with the traffic signal upgrade work if we get board approval to move ahead with that, because it is part of the entire package. we acknowledge that. was it a question in regards to the pedestrian crossing at geneva? >> just highlighting how dangerous it is for pedestrians to cross geneva, because from the northbound off-ramp, people make a right turn into the pedestrian crosswalk, all the time. when there are people on bikes
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or wheelchairs waiting to cross to where the elevator is, i have seen a lot of near-misses. >> dually and strongly noted. thank you. >> alright. thank you both for your presentation and your work, and let's open this item to public comment. if there is anyone who wants to talk to us about item 9, please come forward. i don't see anybody in chamber, so let's see if we have remote public comment on item 9. >> there is no remote public comment for this item. >> alright. public comment on item 9 is closed. commissioner safai, would you like to move approval? >> yes, thank you. >> so moved. seconded by melgar, and i think we can take that motion same house same call without objection, the motion passes. and, madam clerk, please call our next item. >> item 10, sf mta quick build program update. this is information item.
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>> jen wong. who is the quick build program manager. but is waiting for her slides. >> good morning. that is correct. hi, everyone. my name is jennifer wong, transportation planner from sf mta leading the vision zero quick build program. just wanted to provide a quick update today and to start i have a couple projects i like to highlight. that were recently completed. instillation of the [indiscernible] next to city college is substantially finished as of early august and this project created a new two way bike way along [indiscernible] and judson avenue and transit boarding islands for muni route. on grove street, pedestrian
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safety improvements were installed last month as well, including painted safety zones [indiscernible] turn calming treatments and we thank walk sf celebrating the work of our field operation staff and for their special recognition to them in the field. these two projeths are the newest additions to a number of projects installed in the past year. many remain in progress and i like to call out a few exciting ones. the oak street project, completes major outreach this summer, including tabling events along the panhandle and a virtual open house. the overall project designs are available online for viewing and this project team is now putting together a staff report and it will be up for consideration for final approval very soon.
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the beach street projbect has also been in close communication with stakeholders in that area, including the fisherman cbd and others. the project is also expected to be up for consideration of final approval later in the fall at sf mta board of directors. lastly, the larkin street team has been engaging with the community in the summer to gain advantsage of the sunshine. [indiscernible] attendeding the traffic safety task force meetings to provide more information. they are now gearing up for public outreach events this fall. to recap on the overall program, we have been advancing about 50 projects in various project stages. and to complement those
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corridor style efforts, we have also made substantial progress on treating every intersection of the city high injury network through something we call the quick build tool kit project this year, and the finish line is very much in sight and so we are starting to think beyond those high injury network locations. and scaling up. and so, we do have more efforts on the horizon and i want to definitely acknowledge the feedback we heard about the program as a whole, such as scaling up improvements and looking for ways to improve upon existing instillation. as you may have heard earlier this meeting, we are currently pursuing funding to do more daylighting and to do speed limit reductions at scale in alignment with a b413 and a b43. on top that, we are also looking to
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upgrade bikeways that use plastic delinears to something more higher quality such as the concrete medians where feasible. and meanwhile, again we are thinking what's next, and so we are in the process of queuing up the next set of corridor projects and we will be coordinating with t a staff on the timing that. and that concludes my update. thank you. >> thank you for your update. dont see any comments or questions from colleagues. let's see if there is public comment. if there is anyone in the chamber who would like to talk about item 10, please come forward. if not, let's see if there is remote public comment on item 10. >> checking for remote public comment on this item. there is no public comment. >> alright. public comment on item 10 is closed. thank you jen wong for all your work. madam clerk, please call item 11.
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>> thank you. good morning commissioners. shannon haik, sf mta planner in the streets division with a brief update with next phase of vision zero. as you know, san francisco was one of the first cities in the united states to adopt a vision zero strategy in 2014 that was our city initial commitment to eliminate traffic fatalities within 10 years. we didn't reach that goal, the vision zero policy was our north star and for the past 10 years we used tools like high injury network, [indiscernible] proactive tools like [indiscernible] lowering speed limits and signal timing. now it is time to recommit to vision zero principals while
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developing policies that guide our work going forward. we kicked this process off this spring assessing whauts we learned throughout the past decade and identifying programs that will continue. we also reached out to peer vision zero cities to learn best practices. we connected with other city agencies to understand their priorities and listened to residents and stakeholders about what they want to see. we are consolidating input and putting together a draft policy and expect to have a new street safety commitment adopted by the end of this calendar year. i wanted to touch on outreach. we had a online survey asking for [indiscernible] prioritizing high level goals that received about 700 responses. we hosted listening sessions both in person and virtually to hear directly from san franciscans and we atepded about 50 other meetings to hear from
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neighborhood groups, advocates, district supervisor office and others who care deeply about street safety. we heard during the engagement process we need to redouble the efforts protecting the most vulnerable among us, particularly as the vehicles on our streets are bigger, faster and deadler then ever. we also heard what the top vision zero issue is for san franciscans and that is speeding. speeding drivers make the streets more dangerous and put all san franciscans at risk. all the feedback we generally heard throughout this process fits pretty well into one of the 4 categories. first, we know we need to slow down speeding vehicles. our data shows as speed is the leading cause of our severe crashes. we need to get speed safety cameras installed as quickly as possible. proactively reduce speed limits and increase traffic enforcement. we also know that we have to
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improve transportation choices for everyone, so fewer vehicles are on our streets in general. we must protect the most vulnerable among us, those outside of cars, the very young and very old and are those with disabilities. and finally, we need to measure more aspects of the vision zero work and track progress over time. data is a critical component of vision zeer so and we want transparency as we tackle this challenge. that concludes my update and happy to answer any questions. >> thank you for your update. i dont see comments or questions. how is the camera program going? >> going very well. it looks like we will be implementing cameras in early 2025. >> so on track? >> on track.
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>> okay, great. are you thinking at all about--we have a public commenter who regularly really hates the name, but there is sort of a--are you thinking about name and branding and what the right way to think about this is and is it still vision zero or imagine something else? >> yes. we absolutely are thinking about how we communicate around the idea of vision zero. i think that is a topic we absolutely want to recommit to what vision zero is, but we think there are other opportunities in speaking with the public about it that make it more relatable, little less scary and moving towards a vision, rather then trying to avoid something unpleasant. >> also just the obvious, a bunch of work has been done, a lot of it is good. we think it is preventing fatalities and injuries that would
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otherwise be happening and yet we have this goal we don't actually appear to be closer to. okay. thank you. >> thanks. >> let's open the item to public comment. looks like we have public comment. come on up. >> hello, good morning. good morning chair mandelman, sfct a commissioners, and director chang. my name is [indiscernible] a campaign associate at walk san francisco. here today representing more 30 community based organizations, non profits and civic groups that are part of the vision zero coalition. the groups represent the diversity of our city, groups like chinatown community development center, lighthouse for the blind, colman advot cans, united playas s. we believe in vision zero as an approach and core to do everything possible to prevent suffering trauma and tragedy on the streets.
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yered you received a hard copy of the vision zero safe kwreets strong neighborhood recommendation delivered to your office. i hand delivered them. our recommendations are the result of months of discussions and research around one big question, what is needed for san francisco to accelerate progress on vision zero? the packet includes 7 recommendations from the vision zireo coalition. we believe crucial as san francisco enters second decade. the coalition is asking transportation authority to recommit to vision zero. next, looking to you to do everything in your power to enact the recommendations. changes are needed how projects are prioritized, planned managed funded and deliver. the number of people hurt and killed in traffic crashes, particularly those outside a vehicle shows what the city has done so far is not yet sufficient for the size and depth of the problem and traffic violence threatens our lives and quality of lives. safe streets are what strong
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neighborhoods. thank you. >> thank you. by other public comment in the chamber? dont see any. let's see if we have public comment on item 11. >> checking for remote public comment on this item. there is no remote public comment. >> alright. public comment on item 11 is closed. thank you shannon haik and mta for your work and walk sf and advocates for your advocacy. i would note it looks like san francisco police department has begun issuing more traffic citations which is good and no where near where they were when supervisor fewer and i started to complaining how far they were in 2018, so i think there is still work to do, but i'm eager to see what happens with the speed safety cameras next
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year and we will have another hearing on traffic enforcement at the board of supervisors before the end of the year, so too be continued. with that, please call the next item. >> iletm 12, san francisco department public health vision zero sf severe injury and fatality trends update. this is a information item. >> [indiscernible] ph.d. >> we are still good morn ing everybody. welcome to the next conversation. i will present finding from the 2023 fatality report. reprelimitary findings from the 2020-2022 severe injury trends report expected out later this month. provided for collaboration for all our vision zero core data providers, including the san francisco police department, sf mta, zuckerberg
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general hospital and the department of public health. preliminary reminder of these fatalities trends, as you can see here in the years leading up to adoption of vision zero prior to 2014, between 2010 and 2013, the total number of annual fatalities were trnding upwards and the average trend prior to 2014 is around 30 deaths per year. when vision zero adopted stabilized to 30. decreased sharply 2017 and average number of fatalities wiggled a bit, but hover around 28 annually since the adoption of vision zero. broadly, big pic here, there is some improvements, but overall, not enough.
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vision zero high injury network identifies corridors with most severe fatal injuries in san francisco are concentrated. dph released the last update in 2022. another update is expected in the next coming years. we are back-filling a vacancy of the position who responsibility is to do this so hope to have that out soon. this injury network in 2023, 65 percent or 17 out of 26 traffic fatalities occurred on the vision zero high injury network and all most half fatalities, 42 percent occur in a equity priority community. in p2023, there were fewer fatalities that occurred outside of the focus of the northeastern city compared to 2022. big picture, that is a good thing. you want to see fewer fatalities and fewer in the equity priority communities. the real story though by for
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fatalities we need to look at the data by mode. in 2023, every mode of transportation we follow here, pedestrians, cars, scoots and other low powered sit down vehicles motorcycles and cyclists, reported decrease in the fatalities compared to 2022. also 2022 was a record year, so we are now more towards where the average is. in 2023, san francisco saw just about under half about 43 percent decrease in the number of moter vehicle fatalities. motorcycle fatalities fell from 5 in 2022 to 1 in 2023, which is 80 percent decrease. we do have a decreasing trends in general for cyclists.
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we are doing a good job-a better job of really addressing the vulnerability of our cyclist but still remain the most vulnerable of transit in the city. focusing on severe injury trends. the report for the trends is spthed out later this month. these figures presented in this slide are considered preliminary while we do quality assurance checks qu data we get from the chief medical examiner's office. broadly, the severe injury line which is the red line was pretty stable between 2015 and 2018. down between 2018 and 2020. about 13 percent. up in 2021 another 13 percent and up down, up down. for the critical injurys, we see still relative stability between 2015, 2018.
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decrease in 2019, but somewhat steady increase through the end of 2022. when we explore the difference in counts of injuries between sfpd and what we get through the hospital, you can see that the sfpd data is under capturing the total severe injuries because not every traffic related injury receives police report. between 2015 and 2022, sfpd captured about 48 percent of the total severe injuries, so it is really important we really include the hospital data in these analysis. when we explore severe injuries by mode, the trend line hire in the bar charts give a good snaup shot of things. in 2022, severe injuries were the most common among motor vehicles occupants fallowed by pedestrians so from left to right you see highest to lower.
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fallowed by pedestrian, motorcycles and bikeals. bicycles. scooters had unique codes in 2018 so we only start the data reporting as of 2018. broadly, overall year over year, total for the modes throughout vision zero period were higher then we like them to be, but it is notable overall the severe injury trends since 2014 are decreasing on average for motor vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists. you can see the dotted lines. some of the lowest injury trends in the past 10 years for both pedestrians and cyclists. this is the good news. unfortunately we are also seeing on average since 2015 critical injurys increased over time across nearly every mode of travel. perhaps accept among pedestrens where the trend line is relatively flat. 2022 alone when the data
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examined by mode of travel critical injuries most compen fallowed by motorcycles and motor vehicle, bicycles and stand up had few critical injuries given the total vehicle miles traveled since 2018. in 2022, a notable year for critical injuries among cyclists. the average critical injury trend line was relatively flat between 2015 and 2021, but there a increase in critical injuries among cyclists in 2022. the picture of traffic fatality in san francisco is multi-faceted and dependent on travel mode. quick build project and other creative interventions may be helping to reduce the total number of crashes and close calls and common sense, if you reduce the number of crashes in theory we may see subsequent reduction in the total number of injury or fatality totals.
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however, if we achieve a fewer or lower encounter or crash rate, but fail to stop the speeds increasing or the car sizes increasing, each encounter, however fewer of them, retains a high er likelihood of resulting in a critical or fatal result from the vulnerable party, which this case is predominantly pedestrian and cyclists. pedestrians and cyclist have seen fewer severe injuries, but critical injuries remain high. motorcycle riders have seen more severe and critical injuries over the past 10 years and drivers recorded relatively stable severe injuries, but in the past 10 years have shown a clear and steady decreasing in the number of critical injuries. while there are very specific success stories in these data, there is still a lot more work to do to turn the curb on injury trends among travellers on the city streets. thank you.
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>> thank you. thank you for your work. it seems noisy to me. it is--the finding of trends is challenging and i think-by all indications we have a bad year going now, so that will potentially up-end any conclusion we could draw based on the data through 2022 or 2023. >> yeah, when we look online, we have the city controller's office created a benchmarking page, which really helps us put into context what is happening in san francisco relative to other comparable cities, and we are doing a pretty good job in most modes of transportation. >> relative to- [multiple speakers] >> san francisco is one of the leaders across this nation in getting to zero, but obviously as with many partners we have a long way to go.
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>> that's good to hear. alright. thank you. let's open the item to public comment. if anyone in the chamber who would like to talk about item 12, please come forward. >> welcome back. seriously, zero-- you forgot the [indiscernible] what's going to happen. i don't want this on the record. this afternoon is very important. zero, zero vision. you know, i [indiscernible] >> let's see if we have remote public comment on item 12. >> checking for remote public comment on this item. there is no public comment. >> alright. public comment on item 12 is closed.
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thank you doctor for your presentation and your work and madam clerk, let's call our next item. >> item 13, introduction of new items. this is a information item. >> looks like nobody has anything to introduce. please call our next item. >> item 14, public comment. >> alright. this is general public comment. anyone like to speak to us under item 14. please come forward. or, let's see if we have remote public comment under item 14. >> there is no remote public comment for this item. >> alright. public comment under item 14 is closed. madam clerk, please call our next item. >> item 15, adjournment. >> we are adjourned. [meeting adjourned]
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food. we have a two-part mission. first part is to support small and medium size farmers. the founders had the foresight to put the farmers in charge. most markets are run by associations that make the decisions for the farmers. our farmers make the decisions for the markets and it's very unique to us. the second part is make produce affordable to the people that live in the community and this community as you know is one of the lower income communities in san francisco. you'll find that some of our farmers will sell their produce here than they do at other markets that they go to. it's special and the neighborhood needs that so much because we provide that service for them. i think rewarding part for me is when i started the market i start today do out reach in the community to try to convince
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them to eat healthier and visit our farmers market. i would go to the sros and give talks. some of the people that i initially spoke to, i got them to come to the market and i still see them today and it always warms my heart when i feel that i have done some good and affected some other people's lives positively. there is nothing more than reward than that. i want to thank city hall to produce food will come and join our market. this is a city for every one. we should treat each other with kindness and empathy and all of those great things. there is plenty of love, plenty of resource to see go around. come enjoy downtown.
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photographer, i went to college for broadcast journalism. early on i paintd and enjoyed art. artists other most interesting people i interviewed. they have an interesting take on life and how they see the world. i mean, i find it inspiring. you know to talk to them and show case their work. >> it is hart to be a full time artist anywhere. there is thousands of them and you can only name one or two in the country. the biggest challenge was i did not finish college because the department change and i had got an internship my junior year. i really like today the nbc affiliate and i hung out with the photographers and the editors. and about 2-1/2 months into it than i offered me a job as an editor. this is great. i went to the new department and said, i will not do you know the
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afternoon classes for my senior year and he said, well, you know, we can't give you the degree then. so i dropped out and started work. but i did finish. what i would tell the younger audience this has a passion for multiple things is -- you know stick with it, because it is not going to work out t. is first people are going to discount you and -- get in your way, but you gotta believe in yourself.
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>> hello, and thank you to the san francisco league of women voters forviting me today. my name is aaron peskin the president of the san francisco board of supervisors and running to be the next mayor of the city. i love san francisco spent most of my adult life working to make it better. i fought to secure hundreds of millions of dollars for affordable housing, pass rent protection laws to stop unjust evictions and reduce crime with real community policing in my district. championed better public transit and help prepare for climate chaimpg. i know how to bring people together and hold the government account frbl results. that is exactly what we need to face the immense challenges before us today. as mayor, i'll unlock funding no cost to tax mayors to build thousand
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