tv Board of Supervisors SFGTV September 22, 2024 7:00am-9:31am PDT
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>> >> welcome to the san francisco city and county board of supervisors regular meeting this afternoon at 2:00 pm., tuesday, september 17, 2024. madam clerk, call the roll. >> thank you, mr. president. commissioner walton, present. >> supervisor dorsey, present. >> supervisor engardio, present. >> supervisor mandelman murder in the third degree, present. >> president peskin, present. >> supervisor preston, present. >> mrnld, present. >> supervisor safai not
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present. >> supervisor stefani, present. >> supervisor walton, present. >> and supervisor safai, present. >> mr. president all members are are present. >> thank you, madam clerk unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush (rah-my-toosh) ohlone (o-lon-ee) who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. elders, and relatives of the ramaytush ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. >> please join me in the pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america
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and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> i would like to acknowledge the birthday of our colleague supervisor engardio happy birthday. >> happy birthday and like to welcome for the second day in a row in these chambers watching democracy in work the seniors from giveaway high with that, madam clerk in any anonymous. >> yes. mr. president welcome to the before chambers second floor or watch on sfgovtv channel 26 or view the live stream and submit public comment via e-mail to bos at sfgov or united states u.s.
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powerful service to the board of supervisors and number 1 city hall, 1 dr. carlton b. goodlett place, san francisco, ca 94102. >> to make a reasonable accomodation americans with disabilities act or request language assistance please came back the chief probation officers thank you, mr. president. a thank you, madam clerk. >> would you please call the consent calendar one through that are consent considered to be routine if a member objects may call is separately. >> seeing none, roll call, please. >> other than items 1 through 3 supervisor walton, aye.
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>> supervisor chan, aye. >> supervisor dorsey, aye. >> supervisor engardio, aye. >> supervisor mandelman, aye. >> supervisor melgar, aye. >> president peskin, aye. >> supervisor preston, aye. >> supervisor ronen, aye. >> supervisor safai, aye. >> supervisor stefani, aye. >> there are 11 ayes. >> those owners are passed think firefighters and adopted next next next next not to exceed $61,395,000 (“certificates”),to finance and refinance certain capital improvement projects within the city and county of city and county of
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city and county of u.s. bank trust company, national association (as successor-in-interest to u.s. bank national association), as trustee (“trustee”) (including - >> same house, same call. the owners is passed on first reading next consisting of approximately 9,625 square feet in land area,including the assumption of an existing lease, located at 240-6th street, assessor's authorizing the use of revenues from the property for property-related costs and future park planning; requiring any future park project to be
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modifications, and take certa inactions in furtherance of the purchase agreement and this resolution, as defined herein. >> same house, same call. the resolution is adopted $41,364,800 and to extend the term for two years, to commence on november 1, 2024, through october 31, 2026. (airport commission) >> same house, same call. the resolution is adopted county for utility user taxes
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(uut) collected between june 2018 and january2024 for electric bills. (public utilities commission) >> same house, same call. the resolution is adopted madam clerk read items um, 8 through 11 grant program to implement a wage theft enforcement program for the period august 1, 2024, through july 31, 2025. (district
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attorney). >> 9. resolution retroactively authorizing the office of the district attorney to accept and expend grant in the amount of $217,444 for the term of january 1, 2024, through december 31,2024; $217,444 for the term of january 1, 2025, through december 31, 2025; $217,444 for the term of january 1, 2026, through december 31, 2026; for a total not to exceed amount
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the 10-year period, effective upon approval of this resolution. (municipal transportation agency) >> same house, same call. the resolution is adopted (gavel) make a non-substantive correction regarding the authority of the real estate division. (real estate department) >> same house, same call. the owners is passed on first reading honor the legacy and life of aubrey abrakasa, jr., and to bring attention to his tragic death and the need for action against gun violence. >> same
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house, same call. the resolution is adopted (gavel) read items 15 read items 15 and read items 15 and read items 15 and police department's continued use of non-city entity surveillance cameras consistent with the department's surveillance technology policy. for the department of emergency management's use of shot spotter, a gunfire detection technology. (department of emergency management). >> same house, same call. these rezones passed think first reading
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reading next item, reading next item, reading next item, reading next item, employment, environment, and police codes imposing obligations or other restrictions on contractors. (office of small business) >> same house, same call. the ordinance is passed on first reading chen (residency requirement waived) to the treasury oversight committee, for a term ending june 17, 2026. (clerk of the board) >> same house, same call. motion is >> 19. motion appointing katherine jackson and noriko lim-tepper, for indefinite terms, to the food security task force. (rules committee) >> same house, same call. the motion is approved
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(gavel) committee reports item 20. >> first 20 and 21 were considered by the rules committee committee recommended committee recommended and policy relating to the use of unassisted aerial vehicles, or drones, and making findings consistent with the criteria in state law. (police department) thank you and colleagues this was forwarded as committee report by the rules committee yesterday since there that time one small conforming technical amendment has been requested by the police department and distributed it all of you that conforms to sections to read in accordance with one another and a motion to um, amend the policy as set forth made by supervisor
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melgar can we take that without a >> members of the public may address the commission on matters that are within the commission's jurisdiction we'll take the amendments that are before us and with that, to the item as amended supervisor preston. >> thank you, president peskin i wanted to speak to this item and raising for months. i first want to thank sfgovtv for meeting with my office and engaging in substantive conversations and taking the feedback from us that we raised things were advanced and priorities for civil rights advocates in particular thank carl and lieutenant erica for meeting with most of my office
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and arriving at changes to the sfpd policy used here will sure that the trial attorneys are not equipped or allowed to be equipped with weapons or uses as weapons against people will prohibit their use for purposes of freedom of speech and does include by standards of privately major priorities like i said for advocates and. our office. regarding the ab 481 my office has been raising the alarm with the police department. and with the district attorney's office for months and here in the chambers and very concerned about yesterday's story in the - that explained the sfpd policy team
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had wander against going around state law of property was passed and warning that getting board approval of objected will lead to potential legal challenges in cases and footage has been reviewed that will be a risk. had the san francisco police department come to the board getting the drones with that policy and consistent with state law, i believe that the polo would have passed easily without putting the city or pending legal cases in jeopardy over non-conforming with the state law this cloud offer my footage collected that is a bit unclear with the recourse we're navigating that with did state law was violated following
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proposing e but violating the state law could have been avoided with the appearance of sfpd policy team. so i think that is important to contradict for the purposes of protecting the city and going through the process can generously result in improvements to the policy we see in the policies that are before us i think that is equally important to avoid future violations of the law state law which undermines and results in may ended up in ennecessary controversy want to urge the department especially considering acquiring new equipment referred in other things we talked about in the budget process to the extent the department is considering acquiring any equipment like that not about this approved to follow the state law moving
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forward i'm staefrd with the policy and continue to be very troubled by the apparent violations of the just want law >> supervisor walton thank you, president peskin i do want to say thank the police department for their work what we presented in committee. and also adding the maximums trying to come up with more protection for residents the this is after the fact they've started using drones. i'm not asking the questions in detail like i did in committee. but i'll state the questions of concerns with that item. number one, are we violating state law by using states drones and number two, the authority to skirt a around the board of supervisors and the
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police commission why before we here today. they're. >> 2. president's report. (discussion only) those drones on the street. number 3, how do you not capture a person's daily activity when the drones are activated people will have their rights violated and number 4 my court rulings that state drones dependent on violate rights and how many officers and 6 how will the data be stored and live. >> number 7 how are we making sure we're protecting the privately arteries 9 all the prohibited uses when we provided a list with all the prohibited uses. and i'm a little bit confused why we are here today. because we're asking for
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permission to utilize the equipment that is in use i understand how, how drones maybe useful in helping law enforcement but a little bit of common sense tells me if this was lawful we wouldn't be here because if proposing e was public utility in place to skirt around the board of supervisors and no oversight for when issues of except use and other policies come up. um, i'll always challenged the constitutionality and equipment that violates the rights of residents people doing everyday activities and have we violating the state law city attorney a clear indication i believe we're waiting on updated i want to ask the deputy city
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attorney does that policy violate state law? >> city attorney ed. >> good afternoon, supervisors deputy city attorney brad. south lake the state law requires the board to approve certain types equipment including the drones by the police department when the voters approved proposition e earlier "year approved the use of drones by the department for the first year and questions with the compliance with state law in order to provide a more detailed policies of technology we recommend in the department submit this for board approval now. >> so that we violating state law by allowing the drones to be used without approval. >> and in the voters asked board of supervisors why are we here today?
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>> as i stated supervisor recommended that in order to answer the step back questions that the department get the boards approval. >> i haven't gotten a clear indication of whether or not we are violating the state law. i do understand and seems like we or definitely violating the state law and again, if wisp not violating the state law we wouldn't be here for approval from the board of supervisors i'm not clear we should be deploying equipment and i'm concerned about protection and violation of people's civil liabilities like drones. and again, i want to state i understand how those can be useful aids how this equipment can support law enforcement. but it is always going to be
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concerning we have equipment aerial equipment 3 has the ability and capacity to capture anything that it flies over and that for me most certainly is very concerning so with the fact we have been violating state law and the fact we can't guarantee people's civil liability will be protected i can't support this. >> i want follow up on that question in parts we get clarity 0 going forward with the back and forth confused about my understanding from reading 481 as sfpd policy suffice it notwithstanding proposition e those policies needs to come
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before the board um, so are we - i want to follow up with deputy city attorney after today is it clear that any such policy will have to have board approval under 481 did position maybe some different approach on this first vote and would be for future approval? >> the legislation the states legislation requires those policies to be approved each year and the department came to the board with other technologies for the vent will have to happen every year and the ordinance that is before you requires the department to coke with other preapprovals and the other military technologies. >> come back to the boards to
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the board not to the voters and that's right. >> this is the first, i'm hearing of this - 23 this idea that that 481 that somehow the voters can sit in for the board of supervisors 481 you shall contain approval the governing body and it didn't say a governing body but being able to go to the voters instead of to the board. so i - i mean, look that's not the forum for that that people have issues with the use of drones without this approval i'm sure that will be taken up elsewhere but crystal clear for the department and what we've been saying for months need approval this didn't
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impact my vote but i want to make sure that it is crystal clear and that the police department understand they need to seek board approval for this kind of technology going forward. >> all right. with that, on this item number 20 a roll call please. on item 20 which contains the upcoming assisted aerial policy as amended supervisor walton, no. >> supervisor chan, aye. >> supervisor dorsey, aye. >> supervisor engardio, aye. >> supervisor mandelman, aye. >> supervisor melgar, aye. >> president peskin, aye. >> supervisor preston, aye. >> supervisor ronen, no. >> commissioner walton, aye. >> supervisor stefani, aye. >> there are 9 ayes and two
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nos with supervisor walton and - madam clerk read the madam clerk read the next madam clerk read the next madam clerk read the next item. >> 21. ordinance requiring that the new public library branch serving the ocean view, merced heights, ingleside, and lakeview neighborhoods be built on the city-owned parcel of land at 100 orizaba avenue parcel block no. 7136, lot no. 060), subject to environmental review, required approvals, and other applicable laws; and prohibiting the - >> commissioner walton colleagues you recall that library neighborhood library in the entire city unfortunately, this project to rebuild it has been held up for over two year ago almost cve million dollars in a committee myself and supervisor walton and others asked pointed questions the most recently in committee we asked again, because a lot of the
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delay was on the sites surrounded the opportunity to build affordable housing and make that in the community center with the bond not making it the ballot and no i'd like affordable housing funds the initial project not the chosen site is no longer an option we got the library to say that the public land at one hundred plus i'd like to continue this conversation with the library and i'd like to sipdz this item back to committee and other turns of events can be beneficial and allows the project existing library to expand on site an adjacent parcels were made available so want to continue the conversation to mr. president i'd like to make a motion to send this back to committee. >> motion by supervisor safai
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and seconded by without observation referred to committee. >> madam clerk why not. >> roll call for introductions. if we go to the twoks. >> supervisor walton to introduce new business. >> thank you. madam clerk. >> colleagues today, i want to bring to your attention to the fact that the housing authority is continuing to fulfill the responsibilities along with property management companies eugene the housing authority psa has been not presiding oversight at eugene burger and allowing ejections for people victimized by the employees and specifically and potrero hill and that is a lapse in oversight
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and accountability on behalf of the housing authority. our office has been engaged in addressing those issues and are tired of vulnerable in the community continuing and upon discovering fraudulent practices within the eugene organization we've been working with the tenant and two hearings own this one in may of this year and one in july of last year and due to the eugene issues un, if you will, responsibilities eugene burger should not been managing public schools and the housing authority continues to ninth residents that's why i'll schedule another hearing in the upcoming weeks for eugene burger and the horowitz are opening will i failing the residents and
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to further victimize individuals who were suffering from paying money from illegal renting units weeds have to get to the bottom of this i hope you'll join me in getting eugene burger out of our system. the rest i submit. >> >> thank you supervisor walton. >> madam clerk why the go to the. >> special order 2:30 p.m. - recognition of commendations. and starting with supervisor stefani. >> can i can i please have michael come up (clapping.) colleagues it is really a great honor today to recognize the career of michael a dedicated advocate for veterans right and services who has been here since
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1976 and the director since 1982 they have grown from a small organization with a budget of $75,000 to a national leader and now with a $30 million budget and supporting the veterans have earned him a reputation on veterans rights and homelessness i know how humble he is this is the hard for you michael i'm going to keep on going and thank you for the work with the veterans academy in the presidio in the john paulson veterans committee with homeless veterans and working to make sure we had working similarities for them to get to the third and the second and third floor that was no small feat and michael's work extends beyond san francisco we co-founded fortunate veterans
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and the association for the agencies. and served on numerous weeks and commissions including the congressional on service members and transition assistance and the california senate on homelessness veterans the san francisco mayors planning committee and national agent orange information center and the veterans speakers alliance and on care. and michael's leadership shaped the policies on veterans from access to va services to addressing the needs of homeless veterans and thank you, he's helped so many children - vets don't know how to fill out the forms including myself helping my dad and not knowing who to turn to you turned to minimum for that help
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and michael's service in the u.s. arm in vietnam impressive him a place and in addition to his military and professional achievements michael holds a juris doctorate in the law school and from uc berkley and to note gardener chief operating officer is in the chambers afternoon. >> (multiple voices.) >> (clapping.) so colleagues, please join me in celebrating michael's accreditations and dedication to make sure that those who serve our country receive the care and support that they deserve thank you, michael i can't thank you, enough (clapping). >> can i share a couple of
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things. >> thank you very much. and um, very heart wants i know about your father and dedications to make sure we take care of our veterans and means a lot for all of us yeah. i was i remember being on dianne feinstein homelessness task force back in the day we thought they had a homeless hotline we thought that was a seasonal problem will go away next year about the end of the summer who knows but, of course, it's been, you know, with us and sort of - symbolize the desperation and i want to say san francisco oftentimes goats kicked around as a unpatriotic services but the heart of san francisco and the support 3 san francisco you gave us the opportunity like the
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presidio and gray housing for homeless to go to treasure island and create housing for homeless vets a place like mission bay; right? and what have you all over, you know. and it is made possible no way without incredible support in the public library segment; right? the common and, of course, when we fight for the country we're fighting for that same common that's what it is all about i'm like i said been a real joy to work in this incredible place, you know, and got the support and be able to like really literally feel like you can make diverse; right? that's what it is all about improving the lives of those; right? i'm proud to have been honored in a way and all, you
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know, those folks here and really like super, super proud of having an incredible person working for the last 15 years the spouse of a veteran. who, you know, his father passed away from agent orange served in vietnam working together, you know, over the years, you know, running our housing program and been taking on all that stuff and now the role again, it works with incredible partners; right? this is how that thing happens and people really orthodontist all getting in there and doing our share; right? i'll super proud. please say a words or 3. >> good afternoon. i said to stand here and thank you, michael for your legacy for many of us been here a long time
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michael is considered part of founding group because he's been there so along longing you're the longest staff member yeah, so we deeply presenter what san francisco has done to help this board to this is the most of veterans we continue 3 fight and not led if drop until no veterans on the streets grateful to the board and definitely reaching out to continue that we know a huge issue and folks who serve their country shouldn't have to 0 come back on the streets thank you, thank you, thank you and thank you, michael
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(clapping.) and next, i have at the privilege of recognizing a visionary leaders in the arts madonna (clapping.) come on up stepping away the laboratory open studio in the country now celebrating it's 50 new jersey where they served as executive director. arts span as you can see as opened up art to the people of san francisco through the open studios arts span with the diverse community and with the energy locally and
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globally and 2340e7b her, she took over this program. and expanded arts programming in nearly focus on san francisco open studios program a creation of pastas to artist and arts span officers year around support of members by professional development and workshops and art spans in the neighborhoods program and secured the opportunity with murals at transit center and the bidder song journal building and foirnld relationships with the art fair and excelsior and others a number of galleries and the force behind the art district and the city-owned this
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to serve the artist studios at community-based organizations classroom and and resource collaborate gallery you have stepping watt from art span you'll be an suspicion and the foundation you built connect will continue to grow and thrive in recognition for your role and a championship connecting local aortas and visionary leader of art span the largest studio in the country under our division pastas go commends you and thanks you, you and extends our highest accommodations. >> commissioner safai. >> thank you to honor some of the folks go dedicated to the arts my pleasure to work with
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joan an even moment i've been in office and i was on boards that was a rainy day i didn't know who joan was 8 years ago we were walking in the excelsior and looking at and talking about how we can bring more art and activation to the city of excelsior in the outer mission and shortly after joan applied for city grants a long journey at 3545 we're almost there but she was able to lead the art installations she did the art installations at city hall my office even during covid and have art exhibitions we
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recognize arts exhibits that has spread and she and her husband paul are exemplar residents and done a tremendous amount for the arts though it is sad you're leaving joan i'm happy 3 you are on to the next phase in our life such such such a tremendous life i'm really, really happy we're able to honor you and the different staff and people and the artist you worked with and board members over the last 7 years. thank you very much. and thank you for your commitment to san francisco. >> wow.. thank you. (clapping) >> thank you, thank you so much really. supervisors commissioner chambers and president peskin
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thank you so much and a few words please let me you know thank you, supervisors to recognize your incredible city of san francisco we know it is incredible not just because of here nature beauty but the tenacity of our community and san francisco is a place people could. to be welcomed for who they are not because of where they're from because of sincerity they contribute to the amazing city making it a unique and exceptional place for young women like me can arrive on a greyhound bus from oklahoma and welcomed by ono surprise i moved to to thirty years ago i - i
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feel in love. when i was compelled to make sure the creative souls of san francisco were seen and supported. and it is an honor and privilege to know that i have helped literally thousands of artists to be uplifted and appreciated for being the rich and fundamental fabric that makes this city strong people know that artists is one of the greatest assets for the local economy and international i'm honored to have played a small role of a currently vibrant city for the past 10 years i've been honored to serve and this year we proudly celebrate 50 years of san francisco studios and inviting the public to artist studios their source of supervision and our 50th anniversary is a testament of
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art to bridge community and to the reliant artists this shaped the identity through earthquakes and tech rooms and pandemic 07 studios is a beacon and continues to help the artist and help with the renaissance from my staff and colleagues and partners in art and culture and applies and friends and donors thank you's are to numerous to name because all of you who know me through my support know how much it it takes a village for caring souls to uplift and support each other. this honor is not just for me but all of us not for the recognition nor the compensation dots good work we care about community and each other and our place in the
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worlds as san franciscans that offer a beacon to the world i thank you all so much for this honor i hold up this recognition not important myself but the thousands of artists before me now with me now and after me for generations to come to make sure that san francisco is a global gorgeous designation and deepest gratitude and art for solid i present you supporting in journey and thank you, thank you for all you do for this great city
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collaborate are carmen latisha, and. >> (calling names.) >> hernandez and hazel gonzales and the chair. >> whose is a board member of childcare of san francisco together those women's have dedicated over 200 years collect lee with enrichment to children and families i'll proudly say prominently in the district 11 of excelsior outer mission neighborhood and so many of the families are represented in district 11. the san francisco family childcare network was founded in 1991 by carmen and anna jingling with the childcare be educators and providers offer
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to fame across san francisco. um, approximately childcare centers in san francisco are latino providers. and the vast majority of women the small with the small number of men that dedicated themselves to childcare and many, many of them are immigrant women i think that is important to recognize in the current compliment of immigrants we have so many wonderful contributors a large percentage have degrees and many more working towards their college degrees and 34 have dilemmas from their home criticize likewise mexico and all over latin america and most of their groups are dedicated entrepreneurs and experience
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immigrant women that work hard to carve a path for themselves and families often at times in the month challenging circumstances against any immigrants rhetoric and inspired the next generation and seen their own children follow in neither path from operating their own childcare and work as trainers and other positions and their network continues to grow and has a has they're advocacy in civic engagement it critical to make sure all the experiences are represented in the policies and decisions of that impact them directly. we must do anymore to up lifetime the early childcare providers that are mostly women of color like i said immigrants and it is
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shameful we've not acknowledged them the challenges they continue to face having a have a second job they're work in the day and their wages are too although the fact they're taking care of our children please let that sink in. i can't express enough how essential those early childcare providers are in the city and also to our city's recovery and how much we owe beyond education especially during the pandemic when they struggle to survive make sure that the transition back to work could be moved in some way i'm proud to have the opportunity to work with those women and throughout my entire tenure in district 11 supervisor they've
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brought me a tremendous amount i want to soto say watt our tenacity for the most part ab would not have passed with an amazing million dollars fund to provide childcare and then under assault they stood up to make sure it would be protected for years to come we want to thank you for that tremendous work it is an honor to work alongside you and thank you for your leadership and advocacy and your dedication to our youngest learns and carmen, latisha and eileen and hazel please come forward i believees pans will speak on behalf of the group or whoever guys choose it is up to you. thank you, again.
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(clapping). >> good afternoon. i want to take the opportunity to thank the supervisors that are here and to thank especially supervisor safai for taking the time to one learn more about us. not many people know how much work we do we behind the scenes i'd like to thank you for in 1991 - advocated for the right of early educators. so much has changed in the lifetime in our lifetimes and in 20-year advocating and our top priority to continue advocating for the lives to work and thrive in this
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beautiful city i hope you'll continue to learn about the work. and deeply understand our concerns and in our field once again i'd like to thank all of you on behalf of the educators and all the neglect leaders for this recognized. thank you. >> i just i'm not famous for being shy this recognition can be done for the magnificent team heard by you is being seen by you, you, you have turned heard our sacrifices for the children
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into action. and what we have a board of supervisors to turn our needs into action, then we know the city will continue to run well especially, when childcare is the base of the economy. for many esperanza have said we are worked so many years with all the heart for those causes. i just added this year i feel like i'm using this opportunity to recognize them because consistency and the clarity is what is brought this group together and we're not talking about 10 or two but more than one hundred come together and bring those to you so thank you for listening to where you are
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madam clerk let's return to. >> roll call for introductions. >> yes. commissioner walton you'll up next to introduce new business. >> thank you, madam clerk colleagues, i'm calling for a hearing from the budget and finance committee the information we received last week said mayor has instructed the heads to placed the money this department approved on reserve as listed in the board of supervisors those were to restore for the most vulnerable for the youths and low income family and homeless and community housing initiative while some of the funds have been recording to community-based organizations much has been placed think reserve with no clear information they'll be realized
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and therefore calling for a hearing and asking the mayor's office to present so we can better understand the criteria that was used to release those spending and what the plan moving forward in into the next year's process will be so with that, i know that colleagues today a few of you including president peskin and supervisor mandelman will be saying a few words in remembrance and take the opportunity to just say a few words last week we were shocked of his passing on monday, september 9th and pat was known for the contributions and leader in the newspapers industry and at the san francisco exam either we are
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with the asian american pacific islanders publisher of the metropolitan daily and transitions from a pay to free circulation like the other he was a posher and active in the communities and public safety in the 90s worked to protect the civil rights of hiv infected individuals and hiv in 2007 he went on to co-found the sf pat free campaign raising awareness hepatitis with the asian american pacific islanders and advocated for urban farming as the president of the san francisco farm bureau and director of the community farm
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in the bay. personally i worm i remember i was the asian-american for cam la harris i remember him as tech instead of others intimately known him when i first met him he was kind and thoughtful, um, and also quiet. and - but when they did speak he spoke with a forceful margin and with a lot of conviction and 340r8 for me lessons from acknowledge asian american pacific islanders has a voice in journalism i'm grateful
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to have known him he is survived by his husband of 27 years tony and his mom and allison and shawn will be dearly missed and. the rest i submit. >> >> thank you commissioner walton many of us have words about him and let me extend my condolences to tony and his mother and colleagues if no objection make this in memoriam from the fill board of supervisors without objections and i saw him a few weeks ago and very sad to see he's no longer with us. um, madam clerk next speaker. >> thank you, mr. president. supervisor dorsey i'm submitting a request to the budget and
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analyst office to replicate a national center an substance abuse to estimate the total costs drug addiction imposes on take tax payers while investments for drug enforcement and entertainment are pursuant and even necessary when faced with the costs associated with drug addiction in years the government spending have repeatedly founded for every tacoma park person paid i quote to shoveling up the wreckage of substance abuse with no more than $0.04 to treat drug addiction that we discovery on
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drug free sidewalks it will mean sitting scaling up think criminal justice system interventions to end drug use in san francisco expensive sure but i expect the report to show that is likely far less extensive ultimately than the status quo we will have an audit how many tax dollars to get rid of the wreckage with the drug addiction due to drug use and open air markets are distinguishing our markets and driving the overdose market as we have difficult budgets we need to look at this
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to work to incentive to diminish the attraction for the drug use and drug dealing and shoveling up two reports in 2001 and not and another replicated by the chief informational officer commission in 2020 budget analysts found the expenditures attributable to the consequences of addictions from a low of 9 percent to local to 10.7 to 13 point one of state budget and most recently 17 percent of oregon budgets and the "x" tradition of those numbers in san francisco will suggest that drug addiction to tax payers exceeds one billion dollars annually and financial terms and
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human terms a crisis we can't afford not to resolve i look forward to working on the solutions and will to us. the rest i submit. >> thank you, supervisor dorsey and supervisor mandelman. >> thank you um, madam clerk. >> thank you, supervisor chan for your in memoriam and i seen him the weekend the saturday before he died on monday in noe valley and he was kind to me. like many people in the city had many identities and was a proud gay man. and, you know, was like i said supportive so i will miss
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him and so condolences to his family and his family has had a lot of loss i have two more in memoriams first, we close today's meeting 34 maggie running ten died august 19th at age of 93 prior to moving there maggie a long time resident of glenn park those who know her will know her in the milk club maggie and was brovrnd in san francisco and in her professional life as a nurse but that i have visits to a free clinic in sex education and a coming out degree for advanced study of handsome sexuality she
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came out in a staff meeting for the center for the clinic where they worked when people were not out and she was a by work all in lgbtq 1972 provided confidential information and to raise awareness about all sexuality was well other of her time and taught basic courses at and in the earlier years she and her colleagues talked about the importance of safe sexuality and
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maggie a long time member of harvey milk lgbtq including had the achievement word and in 1992 the grand marshall of the pride paired in the society history markers ward and our condolence to maggie's families and friends and children and may her memory be a blessing and asking we adjourn today's meeting in memory of silver man passed away in cool (gavel) steve was bartender in 1967 in new york and earned a bachelor degree from uc berkley and was a heros ginsburg.
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>> presence in colorado and his teaching for a year a decade later and moved to san francisco in 1979 drawn by one to live a gay life without fear, two to be part a music scene with grateful full bead dead and others. >> he wroet wrote for hard-wired from the mid 1990s and for the new york times and many other publications in 2019 a book he began at the urging of many friends but oliver socks
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and was held by directives by the new york times and others. and awarded several prize and all in the publications steve delivered the keynote speech and steve's love of music he wrote the liner notes for all bad news for crosby stills and nash and school key for the deadheads in cool valley a figure and for local small businesses and started a feedback group for sf neighborhoods has more than 8 thousand members and when he backward a member of group steve made our neighborhood mayberry a
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civil place for tough issues and we realized was invariable during the early days of covid. just a few days before we died posted the message to the group when i die please don't say i moved on to a better place or joined my ancestors just use misses life to wake up rest in peace silverman. the rest i submit. >> >> thank you supervisor mandelman and supervisor melgar. >> thank you, madam clerk >> today um, i have an in memoriam for dominic he was born in san francisco and grew up in loma
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linda park. he was a member of the sacred heart. lieutenant had a long military career graduated for the navel academy with a bachelor of science in english and he was a graduate of the leaders course xlgz career earned a masters degree in studies a commanding officer for first reck nancy and personal awards included the bronze star with combat the purple heart and other service metals and accomodation and xeechlt metal
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in combat survived by his mother a residence of the park and his wife dr. vanessa and his children. the funnel mass will be on september 20th at noon at 2390 bush street in san francisco i have a in memoriam for richard we are asking we're asking to close today's a residence of westwood park passed away at the age of 87 born in nebraska and his family settled in california a lifetime civic certainty and evan of eventually after retiring in 1994 found a calling as a city
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guide san francisco at the ferry building city hall and civic center and the hotel he alsoed a book and left behind 4 sons and others and his beloved wife pauline is serving as the president of the association and richard will be remembered for the outside and for his services and lastly, madam clerk i am happy next hedge month september 15th we'll be celebrating the many contributions of our residents and diverse communities representing the latino-american in the caribbean started as welcome back celebration under
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president johnson that explains if september to october that is significant because it is the many central american criticize and mexico celebrates independence own the 15 and 16 and el salvador and it also signifies our resilience through times of war and hardship i'm introducing a resolution along with supervisor ronen and commissioner walton to mark for outcomes for our latino community i'm proud to be a latino serving on the board of supervisors and hope that our representation is every aspect of our society will continue to flush and latinos tribute
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through our k34i6k contributions and civic and community place making and we're entrepreneurs and part of heartbeat it is my dream we'll have a sister city in latin america when he currently don't in central america believe it or not we support the next businesses and causes this month we show extra love check out the community development website for lists of events and fun featured businesses and hope to see you all you'll join me next week to celebrate the latino x heritage at city hall and award simmer from 5:30 to 9 and with mayor london breed and um, of course, our treasurer jose and other
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hosts this year's theme is san francisco the dream of san francisco lives which is so fitting given the promise of the city full of opportunities and hope with rising from the ashes is our image "let's continue to uplift the small businesses and culture of events and madam clerk. the rest i submit. >> thank you, supervisor melgar excuse me - >> members of the public may address the commission on matters that are within the commission's jurisdiction a number of items for roll call calling for two sets of hearings by the boards government and oversight to investigate corruption and lack of oversight in executive branch agencies starting with a hot wash of what happened with sf safe and the opportunity felony charges the
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case is egregious involves the embellishment and misappropriation of hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars spent on travel and the arresting of the form director some hundred and 96 days after the audit was released by the controller at the beginning of this year the oversight that led to the arrest was an failure performance monitoring by the sfpd was delayed and action following the controller's office audit that's why i held the hearing despite some to discourage this process and seven months passed and carl was arrested at the of july and yet
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the reporting by the entities continues no internalth by the san francisco police department as to how that happened and how they're changing their controller's office they said they and adequately look at the expenses incurred with sf safe and what actions on those recommendations i don't know. i called the police department and spoke to the highest levels of the departments and it appears no follow-up this board needs to hear from the court of appeals the san francisco police department and the seceded of investigations um, equally if not more troubling the resolution large projects cheryl davis the controller's office has assumed control of human
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services this action follows the reports of conflict of interest and multilingual million dollars contract by the form director the offices of city attorney are undown the line will be more revelation up in board of supervisors to full our role for oversight into this process we need to ask questions about the action items by the controller as well as the timeline and to demand immediate accountability that is lacking in the executive branch more importantly we mediate to hear from the mayor herself i said by all gets a a lot of succession in the dream keeper initiative and the organization they've fund but i want to make sure the government is accountability this initiative is designed to serve and billion dollars are line of
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questioning the pockets of the associates instead of stiffening our neighborhood and approve the quality of life for the community that deserve that with the scandals this type of corruption has plagued the neighborhoods and i'm calling for through investigation by the board of supervisors with assistance from the analyst and the city attorney and if necessary the law enforcement. my next item has to do with with the legs small businesses are the back bone they provide more than jobs and neighborhood services they provide eyes own the street they provide family traditions why people love the city and in the mandated up zoning program in which the mayor and her planning
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department have property to concentrate maps of redevelopment on our neighborhood commercial district i've maintained we shunt signal to developers that is open season without putting a plan to address smaller neighbors rent controlled tenants and historic resources in the last weeks it came to our attention a venture capital i thought bought property and intent on kind of like out businesses. and it seems those up zoning is already putting small businesses at risk in response to that issue and community concerns expressed across the city i've drafted interim controls we have in place in north beach in order to offer the protections for the rezoning citywide those interim
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zoning controls will have authorization to replace the legacy businesses so they have to justify eviction we can grow our city but not at the expense of small businesses and this legislation i'm proposing is for neighborhoods commercial districts throughout city and county of san francisco and i'd like to thank supervisor chan and supervisor preston and supervisor walton and supervisor ronen and next the 6 hundred block of joe rosenthal's contributions to san francisco and joe was a war photo journalist on the battlefield during world war ii and captured the iconic photos with the
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maifrnz raising the flag in february 23, '25 is the 80 anniversary of 80 - that was used is same year to help sell $2 billion in war bonds and returning to san francisco after the war a joe rosenthal dedicated thirty years to document the news of this city and joe rosenthal is the strength of those who served in wartime and use the talent to serve for the betterment of san francisco and finally colleagues, i'd like to adjourn today is board meeting in under sheriff mary ann joined the san francisco sheriff's department in 1971 as a single mother in
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search of her carry including first female director dunlop in law enforcement history first woman to graduate from the command college and appointed by michael first woman to serve as the under sheriff of course of her career managed all the sheriff's department court services and the in her 5 years as the director found the resources for the services and implements solutions to meet the overcrowding federal litigation and shrinking city budget. on her watch the sheriff's department founded an array of programs and to alternatives to incarceration of corrections reform under sheriff's was a threatened skilled leader prepared those in her command
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and inspired the men and women of the sheriff's department to do their best service to the people of san francisco when asked by those who sought her in the achievement of that she said all that takes is hard work and dedication and total commitment and mary ann will be deeply missed by all and we'll adjourn in her memory. the rest i submit. >> >> thank you mr. president. >> supervisor preston submit. thank you. >> supervisor ronen. >> two items the introduction of legislation which was creates it's kind workingers just in san francisco i have to prior to working in city hall i was an attorney and in that role
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represented many specifically low wage innocent workers domestic workers and restaurant workers so often we didn't win every single case with a judgment against cellars o'clock collecting those wages was difficult and my last legislation as supervisor is looking at the we began straight out of law school. the legislation that i'm introducing today will create and workers just funds to a found for those and san francisco has protections for working families including paid parental leave
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and still workers with left without recuse and closes the employers run out of the money or no assets so pay what they owe the employer declares bankruptcy they work long hours in did the jobs and especially true for low wage work paycheck to paycheck those workers are victims of crime yet unlike other crimes we don't have restitution and wage workers as a group experience the highest wage he theft because the employers prey on those. in that new ordinance is low wage workers have recourse the
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workers fund is administered by the labor enforcements prioritizing restitution to court judgements that the employer violates the city minimum wage law relief for wages will be covered by penalties collected by the city for labor loss and unclaimed wages for years and i want to thank so many people were involved in crafting this legislation including the workers just fined and asian law caucus and the workers alliance that includes the chinese progressive association and no applicants for just and mission action and (unintelligible) workers unit a thank the city attorney's office and in particular john and matt who did
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some brilliant and quick work and thank you to my supervisors colleagues and give a huge, huge thank you to my officer who worked extremely hard um, on making this legislation happen and on a really quick timeline with love and fierce fight colleagues, i hope to gain the rest of your support and second to address the wage benefit and i think cadets within the social workers that the medical centers versus those at ucsf clinics with sf general hospital this resolution urges ucsf since the
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programs address behavorial health through the equity directing dph for funding opportunities like them to enhance the behavorial health services and in particular for hard to access communities we are grateful for the behavorial health services like ucsf champions including the zuckerberg san francisco general hospital have various forms of advisory trauma they are underinsured and/or maybe unhoused the critical social workers are behavorial health professionals to get credentials
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and who unselfishly safety officer unfortunately, ucsf unequal system differentiates between the medical centers through a champions associates into a lower step for the same position preventing staff in the program the workers experience education to those at the medical centers and yet champions cf w are lower wage with those requiring specialized care for trama the experience have dangerous turnovers and a
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working shortage colleagues, we know the invaluable folks that work to treat san franciscans and bayview residents with conditions in trauma we ask you to address the claims of the 9119 representing the campus and change the two tier system they can do better thank you to early co-sponsors. >> (calling names.) >> for this resolution and thank you to jennifer in my office for helping me to get this done 2013. >> thank you supervisor ronen and xhrjz. >> today, i'm introducing something in district 11 over many, many years to improve a small portion of the street
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within santa cruise and san diego the stretch of road belongs to bart but we'll expect the offer to approve the street into accepting the city's public public right-of-way up to san francisco standards for many years heard claims about the conditions of this street a constant source of frustration to residents this ordinances will address those concerns and bring the long street up to san francisco standards we expect and what is remarkable this offer was made almost two decades ago. you think we would have been priced out of this software but thank you, 0 to the transportation authority and the
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persistence of deputy attorney no additional costs for the long street to the san francisco public right-of-way. bart has offered this property along with $750,000 to help to cover the costs of the street and the transportation authority has a grants for public utilities commission and to handle the remaining maintenance and i want to thank public utilities commission director carla short and her team because of the estimates had to work at a much higher cost estimate so through evaluated engineering with the conditions the cost of improvement was brought down call the roll. considerable and once those workshops are
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completes carla short will finalize the septic of the street to meet the city's high standards this ordinance allows us to take ownership of long street and makes the dictates of the street makes it assessable to everyone and lastly, add president peskin talks about the corruption that plagues this administration i want to add my name as the co-sponsor to the hearing request it is unfortunate in the beginning of this administration until the past welcome back you heard of consistent amount of ethical wrongdoing and novel wonderful programs like the safe street lights initiative have been put
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on hold and many, many families many, many small business and many individuals that benefit from and worked to make the impact that the money was intended to do are frozen that is unfortunate. so there is a lot of unanswered questions it's been referenced in the media we have fbi is coming in and doing further investigation that is unfortunate i thought we were moving beyond this activity. so appreciate that will be parts of those conversations and looking to get to the bottom of that had the mayor answered more questions directly been a lot of avoidance and needs to be a lot of questions how the taxpayer dollars are spent and how we're going to make sure that no further corruption plagues this government with that. the rest i
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submit. >> >> thank you commissioner chambers and supervisor stefani summit thank you. mr. president no seeing no other names on the roster, concludes the. >> roll call for introductions. and let's which have been considered by a board committee. members of the public may address the board for up to three minutes. please line up on our right-hand side and may speak to general matters but won the boards subject jurisdiction and speak to items this through 27 without considered by a committee. we are setting the timer for two minutes first speaker. >> i need to add something of what i said last week you watched what i said last meeting september 10th. so understand just or so basically you the
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problem you are - what's wrong? you don't understand the scale of evolution of what i'm talking about we're talking about i don't know 50 years ago no, no - centuries of problems and correction are you talking way above corruption it is absolute incompetent that brings that as the highest level in human history we are absolutely incompetent that is what that means. we are gathering here the dream force no dream why you can't control the dreams. don't believe that. all right. what do
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we side understand this why should we need more safety in the city if you have done the proof the incompetent? comes from there incompetence now you need more safety (bell ringing) critical thinking please you must do it you're under this no? >> what you think. there is no where to hide tomorrow you try to delay to apply what i told you you to apply the more you're in trouble (bell ringing) >> thank you let's hear from the next speaker. >> welcome ms. brown. >> hi. um, i'm not i'm here to about my son. aubrey who was
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murdered august 14, 2006, to this day his case is not solved i'm here to talk about unsolved homicide. my son being one. there has been zero dollars paid out in a decade for nearly a decade about unsolved homicides so we're looking for people to um, solve the unsolved like what's his name with the police commission? i'm fosht his name max carter over stone working with paul henderson with the dpa to solve unsolved homicides i'm waiting for that i want to thank
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two people were talking about she's going my son went to saint dominic go school talking about earlier i want to give a thanks out to um, chief scott william scott brooke jennings and my investigator and lynn (bell ringing) i thank them for being there in the city of for loving my son and for me standing up and continuing to fight for justice not just for my child but other 0 moms and fathers self medicating and can't fight for their child i want my child to be remembered. i want to have other moms to have the courage
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to fight for their child. >> thank you, ms. brown for your comments. >> we'll come and collect that from you (bell ringing) >> good afternoon for the record i'm chris, i want to applaud the board of supervisors for taking a closer look at the corruption here in san francisco i'm i'm going to add the system and got this after two years and multiple public record requests and finally one system interagency alcoholic leads by the dhhs to conclude do department of health and human services department of health and human services and sf housing authority took me over two years to get that statement and it is not accurate two other
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agencies not named when you agreed to take the wifi and extends to 27 took those to the homes of people - creates problems. one system for the an a i and one system use something else and sets housing costs and represents that is in violation. take a closer look will find major errors out of las vegas nevada and using it to influence other people the other cities and counties retaliate and i'm happy to lend my investigative
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experience but that's the issue and tackles corruption. >> thank you for your comments and we know how thankful the fbi didn't investigate public corruption let's call it public corruption when this incredible evidenced and don't investigate they're guilty themselves of services fraud and wire fraud and laguna honda this is from the jcc joint conferee committee meeting for registry affairs patrick shaw provided this report is troubling with the new facilities incidents 5 occurred in july the backlog for not standing up for ice plummeted in
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today's report is suggested 200 and 53 fewer fbi's but all of a sudden where they are swept under the rug or where the reports document a number of between 19 and the eliminated data. worse extinguishes from all f o i's having 38 in 2023 on the july report (bell ringing) dropped and a vanishing act and then in spite of no art span i
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have some my other own art a public delay 40 in francisco. >> thank you for your comments. >> next speaker. >> good afternoon um, my name is mary a residents of district 7 in san francisco. peter from the trust couldn't be here today i'd like to read his statement into the record when this comes to environmental issues like be climate change san francisco is still a leader. higher than water the city is shockingly at the back of the impact the river has experienced the worst salmon decline to the san joaquin or rivers and wastewater treatment
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plants is a huge problem it has is agreeic into the bay and ocean that threatens people and the environment. san francisco challenge of the environmental protection agency order to address the problem is a terrible blemish on the city's reciprocation u reputation the corrupt u.s. supreme court couldn't be happier in san francisco. st. francis the saint of animals and now is the time for san francisco to step up and (bell ringing) reclaim the mantel as a green city by cycling we can address the problem of water pollution and toxic agreeic with a water
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supply to take pressure off the river please to help the e pa thank you for your comments next speaker. >> welcome. >> well govern president peskin and members i'm dane are the privilege of representing t w a-199 we proudly represent over 20 thousand workers across the system including the incredible clinic social workers ucsf before you a resolution calling on ucsf effectively creating a two tier mental health system you are are
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classified into titled and earning on average 31 percent despite the same credentials and education and experience as a counterparts and supervisor ronen stated the champions are inhale to address the structural barriers for under resources community and services those populations include the unhonors under insured many have trauma everyday our clinical social workers understand their work places them in safety jeopardy. >> we ask for bridge inequity for the behavorial health services to be liberated from
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the incadet we thank you, supervisor ronen for your leadership and hoping to bring ucsf back to the table and reclassify our workers. >> thank you for your comments next speaker. >> dear board president peskin and members of city administrator's i'm john a licensed clinical social worker with the university of california and also a proud technical employee t w a we work with san francisco's mar listed individuals providing services to those who often lost all safety net my colleagues and i operate on a entering room meeting people in parks and broken down cars we're often the
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last resource of the worst day we face threatened and has we remain committed to helping the clients and those challenges are athletes to our safety and with with bad resources leave us drained with injuries. what makes this harder to accept while uc showcases the commitment to the community don't contribute to our pay unlike the mill social workers we seek understanding from the san francisco department of health services we love our work and love our clients. but we deserve equity and liveable wages to continue this work (bell ringing) it is you're the you support
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clinicians and the vulnerable people we serve thank you, thank you for your comments next speaker. >> welcome. >> dear president peskin and board of supervisors my name is just like yet a licensed clinical social working trauma recovery center yes, sir san francisco general hospital we can't make them well, we help people with sexual assault, aye. >> people are survived torture and o family issues we meet the clients in the emergency room we help patients for the specialized care i began working
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4 years ago i find thrilled to serve any community in the neighborhood i grew up but over time ucsf resources depend on how profitable your clients are not contributed the funds to our client my colleagues and i are paid on average 32 percent less than our social colleagues at ucsf and we lack opportunities for advancement this is encourages the clinicians working and longer client wait times (bell ringing) not to invest in the services directly impacts our patients quality of life i you're going to to end the two system tier in san francisco thank you for your
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comments next speaker. >> good afternoon. my name is sarah i'm with the member of the bay area san francisco residents in district 2 asking you to pass agenda item 27 the closed session on the litigation against is epa. i don't know how this came about no one denies this exists. so it needs to be fixed. the lawsuit threatens to what happened then the clean water act it is expected to happen going to the supreme court october 16th and if they found four san francisco they're fighting against is epa and the
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clean water act you, you know what supreme court we're talking about okay. the one that overturns women's rights not too long ago and had nothing to say about chevron whether expert testimony counts more or less than a judge this is a dangerous lawsuit i understand side remedies is - i'm afraid our predecessors might have been neglect ant (bell ringing) please pass that lawsuit. >> thank you for your comments welcome. >> thank you, president peskin and board of supervisors. my name is scott webb the vice
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president the sierra club and director of the advocacy for the institute and speaking today for the harris foundation and comprehensively vacation dogpatch and others we ask you approve the motion to approve the closed session against is epa the arguments by the city the epa states to implement the clean water over a half of century that protects the united states and san francisco's action have put this into the hands of a supreme court this act can be catastrophic for the rest of the city. we believe
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that every partnership has the right to clean water the industry contradicts. this lawsuit will make that difficult for epa for construction sites that effects the bay areas this revisions of the clean water and our colleagues in the southeast fighting against (bell ringing) local pollution in legacy has been the environmental leader and choosing this including the american gas soccer the institute we've witnessed the construction for the supreme court and hold the city accountable if you or our staff can talk about the fantastic that is one of the biggest
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environmental concerns in san francisco we appreciate - (bell ringing) thank you for your comments welcome next speaker. >> hello president peskin and the board of supervisors thank you for the opportunity to speak today my name is enin a a san franciscan in credibility 4 and serve as the manager for the better chapter one of 80 charters nationwide protecting our oceans waves and beaches we request i approve the motion with the city attorney regarding the litigation against epa. we are deeply concerns that san francisco continues to allow raw sewage to your waterways clean water is a fundamental right and we shouldn't have to worry quality of life and yet the city is fighting to strip epa to
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regulate the water pollution recent decisions undermine the nations bedrock laws and hear the case in october pursuing this will be a weakening to protect the community and the pollution of our air and land in san francisco the bayview and the entire nation. san francisco is known as progressive leader but in pursuing this is the city is lyon profit over people and supreme court to stick at the forage structure the clean water act this will only increase (bell ringing) climate change escalates you're responsibility to protect public safety and the environment we must not make it easier for polluters to pollutant let's clean you are waters and
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safeguard the community for future generations thank you for your comments next speaker. >> i'm ben an attorney and join the comments of my colleagues with the environmental organizations and ask that the board of supervisors to take a look at the actions in pursuing the supreme court case seriously weaken the signature this case has san francisco's name on that literally san francisco versus the environmental protection agency with the state of california and leading environmental groups take the epa side and a greatly and described as you heard back in san francisco. this board has a mandate to govern on behalf of the people of san francisco and represent the city on a national stage. this case partners to the
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former president trump by showing everyone that liable san francisco will not keep it's waters clean protects everyone in america and the worst kind of hypocrisy to tear this down to allow the epa to dump in san francisco bay until the people of san francisco gets sick of 3 or sick from that take a principle stand and ask the city attorney to withdraw from the lawsuit. >> thank you for your comments welcome to the next speaker. >> hello, my name is john, i graduated from the u.n. from the security council in 1996 and asking the board to consider a way to recognize the victims of
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um, in the present war in the middle east jfk drive. >> thank you for your comments welcome to the next speaker. >> hello this is always the average height. say hello member of hello to the members of the board. i have been engaged in the city with folks a stone's throw away from here and within walking distance i have a master degree he will at the end to - but what happened in my building highlighted one of the challenges of two tier system we identified not only for those in crises parts of the - but once they become housed there is
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still a two tier system because unfortunately, anyone someone in the my building died by suicide and there was a response but after that horrific vent in the building as of now notice notice from the management that that happened none outreach from the city that has spoken as minister in the building i'm horrified and traumatized i wonder in what way we focus you are energies on the crises we don't think about quality of life questions as the whole spectrum of those who are working class building (bell ringing) and what degree we attorney fees outreach and emotional support
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services once there is a shooting or deaths by suicide. thank you very much. >> thank you for your comments before i welcome the next speaker known in the chamber like to provide public comment now is your opportunity line up on the right-hand side of the chamber welcome to the next speaker. >> good afternoon. my name is jay i'm president of team jay conner in 2020 with the mayor and except some commissioners move the $20 million into the drone initiative because supervisor walton and mayor london breed championed that and supervisor preston said that was not enough but mayor london breed is not the only one you
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approved the money into the corrupt organizations you all my do that as well retrofitting to accept your role in funding the corruption is why notice trust and to quota resident from the eastbound i've not seen a snake shed it's skin in real estate and supervisor walton and supervisor preston brought up this if i can have the overhead. >> sfgovtv. >> yes. >> so on the 14 of september i
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walk around south of market and found 21 tents 55 rents signs and 200 closed businesses and not including the mall. >> three hundred and 66 roaming drug addicts san francisco gave you the time to clean up the mess but you choose to sit on your ass because you failed we the people of san francisco have no faith in our ability to good afternoon we'll circumvent you and the commissioners to pass is laws ourselves, however, i'll use my remaining time to let you see south of market because that is insane. >> thank you for your comments. >> welcome to the next speaker. >> there we go talking like a republican again. i seem to be sandwiched between the
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republican component today, i just backed the environmentalist and the guy whose built the building built it 30 feet above street level but w than the blooms the water shed around san francisco used to provide 25 percent of nutritions and now three or four percent huge areas deviolated of oxygen so i'm on the bigger picture i believe moving in the right direction i don't think the city this is a the political will right now. surprise me and thank you for your comments next speaker. >> you all know that daniel
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the prophet was thrown in the lions den in the 9 chapter the angel mind that would be 4 hundreds and 70 years broken down into $70 and king was to rebuild jerusalem the one prophesy tells us the year that jesus will be annoyed and die on the cross the last cheaper he was told by and different angel that the end would come those 3 yeah years he was convinced that angel was right and both angel are right if they're real angels but the second one spoke of a 3 a yeah years to be properly interpreted i really wish i had two hours to preach really you to have me into talk with you
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know that will never happen but jesus is coming back soon the angel told daniel 45 days until the resurrection 45 days sometimes in the bible a day he lives a year what is fantastically if you take the difference in time between 25 days sorry last year and lunar is 70 weeks 4 hundreds and 90 days i swear to god that is what it is benchmark the proofcy was kwektd to the 9 chapter the angel gabriel 70 that was 10 jubilees.
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(bell ringing) any time is up - >> thank you for your comments. >> mr. president [off mic.] >> that's enough. >> any other members week ago two like to speak during the course seeing none public comment is closed. >> 20 through this. >> severe 26 and 27 please. on the balance of the calendars let's take those. >> same house, same call. the resolutions are adopted madam clerk read 26 and board of supervisors to sit as a whole tuesday, september 17, 2024, to hold a public hearing to consider the redevelopment
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amendment for the bus rapid transit and the hunters point shipyard project. >> madam clerk if we can have a motion to slightly amend the long title and moved at line 12 to say sit as a committee of the whole as the budget and finance committee. >> second on that. >> it is adopted unanimously and approved as amended next item, please. a motion to the board of supervisors queen in closed session monday, march 19, 2018, for the purpose of conferring voice from the sdpo city attorney for the
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environmental protection agency and madam clerk to accommodate the general manager the public utilities commission can we please amend this to indicate will be a 2:30 special order item. >> i'll make a motion and second supervisor melgar and approved as amended. >> same house, same call. madam clerk read the in memoriam. >> today's meeting for the beloved individuals on behalf of commissioner mandelman for the latest maggie and mr. steve silverman only on behalf of supervisor melgar important lieutenant neil and richard douglas and on behalf of president peskin and on behalf of on a motion made by president
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san francisco rising with chris manner. today's special guest is carla short. >> hi, i'm chris manner and you are watching san francisco rising the show about restarting rebuilding and reimagining the city. our guest is carla short the intric director of public works and here to talk about the storms we had and much more. welcome to the show. >> thank you for having me. >> great to have you. let's start by talking about the storms that started beginning of the year. there fsh a lot of clean up recovery and remediation. can you talk about what your team did? >> sure. the 17 inches of rain we got starting on new year's eve through the first 2 and a half weeks of january made it one of the wettest periods in recorded history for san francisco, so as you imagine we had a lot of work to do. we gave out more then 31 thousand sand bags, we were
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operating all most non stop from new year's eve to san francisco residents and businesses out of our operation yard and frequently working thin rain so it was a beautiful dance to watch. we had a corio graphed where people drive in the stop and load with san dags and get on it way so thats was the most visible thij weez had to do. responded to all most a thousand calls for localized flooding for the corner of the street with catch basin. our team trying to address that. we clear and pick up anything to block and it hopefully get the flooding to go down. if we are able to respond we call in the san francisco pub utility system and are responsible for the sewer system under so they bring ing vack trucks that vacuum out debris inside the catch basin. we also dealt
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with lots and lots of calls about trees and tree limbs down. i think we actually faired better then some other places in terms of loss of full trees. we did have whole tree failures and that is not that uncumin with super satch waited soil conditions. we had over 950 calls about trees or tree limbs down. a lot of calls were about loss of a limb and we could save the tree. we are still assessing the data to figure how many were full tree failures versus limb failure. >> also had land movement too. the great highway comes to mind. what is your approach to managing rock mud and land slides? >> that is a great question. we had 28 different slides over the course of that period. it is kind of a interesting process, so the first step is we have our geotechnical or structural engineers take a look to see is the hillside safe, do we need to stabilize
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it in some way or just need to do some cleanup? once they made their assessment they will recommend the next steps. often times to protect public safety we will place k rails the giant concrete rails at the base omthe slide area to make sure that any debris doesn't get on the edroway and bring ing the heavy equipment to scoop up on the ground and move off the roadway and try to open the roadway. some cases, we will actually inject some rocks or other stabilizing forces either into the slide area or sometimes below the roadway. right now there is nothing that's unstable out there but be are keeping a close eye on the areas including the gray highway area. >> right, right. well, so talking about the storms in the city response, brings us to southeast community scepter when there is rain remediation projects going on. can you
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talk about the inconstruction project kblrks that is a favorite project. a beautiful new community facility. we were involved in pretty much every aspect of developing that project for the public utility commission. they were a client. we design project management and construction management and the landscape design for that project. and one thing that we included was storm water management throughout the entire project site. so, that project encapturealize the rain water that lands on the roof and flows into the landscape where we have rain gardens so intent is slow the water down to and give areas to collect to percolate into the ground rather then the sewer system. when we have sewers that are overloaded, because our rain water mixes with the sewer treatment storm sewer system, we actually can end up
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dist charging into the bay which we dont want to do. anything we can do to just prevent those combined sewers from overpm loaded is a good thing and in this case allows the water to collect onsite and percolate to the ground which is the best way to manage the storm water and it is beautiful and provides habitat. i encourage everybody to see it. it is special place. >> that's great. there was recently news about how city (indiscernible) powered by steam, which is super unusual i think. i understand public works ablgtually does the maintenance on the system. can you just talk about that a bit? >> sure. that is a unusual situation. that steam loop was actually built when the city was recovering from the 1906 earthquake. it only provides to steam about 4
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buildings in civic center but that is how we keep buildings like city hall warm. the steam goes into the radiators and provides the heat. it is a old system and if you see steam billowing out of the man holes or other spaces, that is indication of a leak actually. we spend a lot of time trying to fix the leaks because it's a old system. it is managed by the real estate department and at one point they were looking trying to replace the whole thing but think that is a massive undertaking so now they focus on making as needed repair said. we did a big repair on growth street where we spent a month and a half working on the known leaks s in the area. it is a very tight spot and have to use blow torches to seal up the leak so a intense operation and seeing more leaks on polk street so we will be out there once it warms up to
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fix the leaks. >> excellent. let's discuss what is the reunifiquation of public works. there fsh a proposal or plan to split off the division, called the street and sanitation. now that has been shelved and public works is going to just retain being a single entity. can you talk through the process? >> sure. yeah. the original proposal was a ballot measure voted on to split the department into 2. it basically create the department of sanitation and streets that was really going to incompass all our operation divisions so it was a street cleaning department but encompass everything we refer to as operations. when we worked preparing for that split with the city administrator office, we found there were actually 91 what we call touch points between the operations work and our engineering and architecture side, so we really
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felt like it could be very difficult to split into two departments. we have so many areas of overlap. there was a new ballot measure last november to reunit the department. technically we split october one and did split in some ways. we did put on hold some of the behind the scenes things like rebranding all the vehicle jz giving everyone a new e-mail address in the sanitation and streets department, but on january 1 of 2023 we came back together so we are reunited i want sing the peaches and purb song and think it is a good thing for the 91 areas of overlap. we making #2c3w50d use of the research. preparing for the split. looking at all the touch points and trying to strengthen the department so we are more streamlined and efficient. one of the most important component
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from the original ballot measure is commission oversight. we retained two commissions, the public works commission which oversee the over-all department and approve the budget and contracts. and sanitation and street commission and their mandate focus on policy and deliverable for street cleaning and basically the operation division. reporting to them regularly how we are doing, we think will help make sure we are as efficient and effective as we can be as a department. >> that sounds great. thank you so much for coming and talking to me today and appreciate the time you have given. >> thank you so much for having me. it was a pleasure. >> that is it for this episode. you are watching san francisco
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>> i went through a lot of struggles in my life, and i am blessed to be part of this. i am familiar with what people are going through to relate and empathy and compassion to their struggle so they can see i came out of the struggle, it gives them hope to come up and do something positive. ♪ ♪ i am a community ambassador.
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we work a lot with homeless, visitors, a lot of people in the area. >> what i like doing is posting up at hotspots to let people see visibility. they ask you questions, ask you directions, they might have a question about what services are available. checking in, you guys. >> wellness check. we walk by to see any individual, you know may be sitting on the sidewalk, we make sure they are okay, alive. you never know. somebody might walk by and they are laying there for hours. you never know if they are alive. we let them know we are in the area and we are here to promote
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safety, and if they have somebody that is, you know, hanging around that they don't want to call the police on, they don't have to call the police. they can call us. we can direct them to the services they might need. >> we do the three one one to keep the city neighborhoods clean. there are people dumping, waste on the ground and needles on the ground. it is unsafe for children and adults to commute through the streets. when we see them we take a picture dispatch to 311. they give us a tracking number and they come later on to pick it up. we take pride. when we come back later in the day and we see the loose trash or debris is picked up it makes you feel good about what you are doing. >> it makes you feel did about escorting kids and having them
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feel safe walking to the play area and back. the stuff we do as ambassadors makes us feel proud to help keep the city clean, helping the residents. >> you can see the community ambassadors. i used to be on the streets. i didn't think i could become a community ambassador. it was too far out there for me to grab, you know. doing this job makes me feel good. because i came from where a lot of them are, homeless and on the street, i feel like i can give them hope because i was once there. i am not afraid to tell them i used to be here. i used to be like this, you know. i have compassion for people that are on the streets like the homeless and people that are caught up with their addiction
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because now, i feel like i can give them hope. it reminds you every day of where i used to be and where i am at now.arts. >> it my honor to introduce a true patron of the arts our mayor london breed. >> (clapping). >> wow. it is packed house here tonight, i'm so very much excited to be here because this has been a long time coming the process that the committee members have had to go through to make a selection who are
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