tv Board of Supervisors SFGTV September 29, 2024 7:00am-10:30am PDT
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>> they work worked at a play with the god fathers and photos he had his typewriter i wish i were here back there it there's a lot of moving parts the meeting spot rich in culture and artists and musicians epic people would talk with you and you'd >> welcome madam clerk, please call the roll. >> thank you, mr. president. >> closed captioned, present. >> supervisor dorsey, present.
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>> supervisor engardio, present. >> supervisor mandelman, present. >> supervisor melgar, present. >> president peskin, present. >> supervisor preston, present. >> supervisor ronen, present. >> supervisor safai, present. >> supervisor stefani, present. >> and supervisor walton mr. president all members are president all members are present. >> thank you. >> >> unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush (rah-my-toosh) ohlone (o-lon-ee) who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory.
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elders, and relatives of the ramaytush ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. >> colleagues in the pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> madam clerk could you please read the consent agenda or do you have any anonymous. >> yes. the board of supervisors welcomes you city hall, 1 dr. carlton b. goodlett place, san francisco, ca 94102 or view the live stream at sfgovtv and submit your public comment in writing by sending an e-mail or via the u.s. positively to the san francisco
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board of supervisors city hall, 1 dr. carlton b. goodlett place, san francisco, ca 94102 room 244. >> if you need to make a reasonable accommodations act please contact the >> public comment call-in: 1-415-655-0001; access code: 2663 946 4134 thank you, mr. president. >> madam clerk read the consent calendar. >> items pardon me? >> items 1 through 5 on consent those items are considered routine if someone objects an item maybe removed. >> seeing no other names on the roster, madam clerk, call the roll on items 1 through 5 supervisor chan items 1 through 5, aye. >> supervisor dorsey, aye. >> supervisor engardio, aye.
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>> supervisor mandelman, aye. >> supervisor melgar, aye. >> president peskin, aye. >> supervisor preston, aye. >> supervisor ronen, aye. >> supervisor safai, aye. >> supervisor stefani, aye. >> supervisor walton, aye. >> there are 11 ayes. >> these ordinances are finally passed (gavel) madam clerk read item madam clerk read item madam clerk read item the use of unassisted aerial vehicles, or drones, and making findings consistent with the criteria in state law. (police department) roll call. >> on item 6. >> supervisor chan, aye. >> supervisor dorsey, aye. >> supervisor engardio, aye. >> supervisor mandelman, aye. >> supervisor melgar, aye. >> president peskin, aye.
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>> supervisor preston, aye. >> supervisor ronen? (laughter). >> just kept going. >> supervisor ronen, no. supervisor safai (laughter) aye. >> supervisor stefani, aye. >> and supervisor walton, no. >> there are 9 usa and two nos them decent item program, that will include tree planting, tree establishment, and urban forestry workforce development in disadvantaged communities
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forestry inspector (fte 1.0) for the period of july 1, through june30, 2029. roll call. >> on item 7 supervisor chan, aye. >> supervisor dorsey, aye. >> supervisor engardio, aye. >> supervisor mandelman, aye. >> supervisor melgar, aye. >> president peskin, aye. >> supervisor preston, aye. >> supervisor ronen, aye.
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>> supervisor safai, aye. >> supervisor stefani, aye. >> supervisor walton, aye. >> there 11 ayes. >> the ordinance is passed on first reading. >> madam clerk read items 8 and 9 together. >> are owners and a resolution >> are owners and a resolution respectfully. >> 8. ordinance appropriating $30,500,000 consisting of $29,000,000 of one or more series of certificates of participation series 2024a proceeds and $1,500,000 of projected parking revenues from operation of the music concourse garage in the recreation and park department (rec), and placing these funds on controller's reserve pending the sale of the certificates of participation and acquisition of the music concourse garage in fiscal year(fy) $207,000,000 with no change to the five year term of january 20, 2023, through january 19, 2028, effective upon approval of this resolution.
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>> same house, same call. the ordinance is passed on first reading and the resolution adopted next adopted next item. >> 10. ordinance delegating board of supervisors approval authority under charter, section9.118(a), to the department of public works to enter into and amend contracts with the office of community investment and infrastructure (“ocii”) for the transbay project; and authorizing the department of public works to execute certain access agreements necessary to further the development of the transbay project.
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>> same house, same call. the owners is passed on first reading (gavel) next next july 1, 2024, through june 30, 2025, and for a total not to exceed amount of $26,519,360. (department of children, youth & their families) mr. president. >> supervisor walton. >> commissioner chan my i'll see is someone here to answer questions on this item. >> any representative of the department of children, youth & their families? >> seeing none, why not skip until the question is answered. thank you very much. >> president peskin. >> oh, i'm sorry supervisor ronen. >> thank you i just wanted to let you note through the chair
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supervisor walton we had two meetings on this i have and feeling i know what you're questions are related to perhaps not the $6 million but the $8 million will be used but i wanted to to the board um, that thanks foot leadership of um, supervisor chan and the great work by the elective a lot analyst we added language in both the contracts that was, you know, is an attachment to the resolution. as well as instructions for dcyf not future that requires them to be much clearer than they've been up at the point about outcomes that they expect for each grant as well as the methods they'll
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sclaelt whether or not this took place i want my colleagues to know we are very meticulously and asked my partner in so much of this work supervisor melgar to be vigilant about all succeed funds and legal last analyst to be diligent about the future allocations to the student success fund we had a long discussion in committee and what i would assume you want to talk to dcyf right now is this fund was not meant to cover the many problems that is school district has currently with that budget and with the operation. this grant this money was meant
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specifically to address academic achievement that is thoroughly lacking in many, many schools and amongst students throughout the district and social this is a crisis not only for san francisco children and young people but all over the country the intrfrjz that's not the purpose of this funding so i have questions about that $8 million that was announced by the mayor i know supervisor safai does and looking forward to having this conversations with the give you million the funding for this year not last year that was $89 million from last year, we put a lot of checks and balances in the contract and language to make
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sure that money is well opponent can't afford this is a mask investment isn't city and county of san francisco is making in your children i thank the voters of for doing that our job to watch it like hawks and make sure we actually move the needle on academic achievement we are doing it in the pilot map program we initiated - we pretty raised math cores among african-american and latino-american children that's the progress we need to see and deserve i wanted to make that point before we have more discussion on this item. >> supervisor walton would you like to wait for a dcyf. >> please but want to make a
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statement thank you for presenting and thank you, supervisor ronen for the dissolution that's it's a difficult time the district is lacking transparency and creating anxieties with their plans with the future and closed-door meetings and not up front but come to us and continue to ask for money from the city and county we don't know which schools been eliminated or happening with the future of district for us to be giving the district any money during this time i think slaps in the face of parents and communities that's why i'm going to ask pointed questions who what resources we are talking about and right the la report
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and not intend not to support this item today but mostly certainly want to hear the answers not voted on to subsidies school district but to improve the outcomes for the students in the district to make sure we will be anymore initiative with the programs so we can address the gaps in achievement and move forward to subsidies district operations frankly is going backwards not helpful to the district because of state they're if i want to bring that up and definitely have several questions around this item and just around we were going to be doing with the resources that's why. >> thank you commissioner walton i'm informed that maria is on their way why not circle
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back to this and madam clerk move to item innovative dementia care program, for term of 10 years and 26 days from june 5, 2024, through june 30, 2034, having anticipated and/or administrative errors, as long as those changes are consistent with this resolution.- >> seeing no other names on the roster, we will take this. >> same house, same call. the resolution is adopted (gavel) next
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next next fraud program, for the grant period of july 1, 2024,through june 30, 2025. (district attorney) >> same house, same call. the resolution call. the resolution adopted next item, next item, next item, next item, next item, next item, next item, tenants and based on tenancy commencement dates pursuant to administrative code, chapter 37, for the fiscal year (fy) ending june 30, 2025. 134kd the resolution is adopted (gavel) authority to approve the installation of said plaque to be installed at said location following the director's review of all permit
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herein; and affirming the planning department's determination under the california environmental quality act. >> same house, same call. the ordinance is passed on first reading (gavel) greater downtown activation program locations as entertainment zones to allow the off-site consumption of alcoholic beverages purchased
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act; and directing the clerk of the board of supervisors to forward this ordinance to the california building standards commission upon final passage. >> same house, same call. the ordinance is passed on first reading (gavel) next item, next item, mayor's nomination for the appointment of mike chen to the municipal transportation agency board of directors, for a term ending march 1, 2025. supervisor stefani. >> thank you, president peskin colleagues, i'm excited to support my colleagues appoint to the sfmta board of directors he x flies the oriented and dedicated perspective we need on a public service and since i met mike he is committed to improving san francisco with his
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various volunteer roles we need to appoint him in 2020 and helped to shape the recommendations for the operations san francisco government audit & oversight commission and during the most challenging years and during his role on sfmta and the advisory committee mike served as is president two out of that years and demonstrated in the transit system and the ability to be an period of time on those issues and will bring this serving on the sfmta board of directors and hopefully you'll join me in supporting mike. >> seeing no other names on the roster, take that item. >> same house, same call. the motion is approved next item,
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forestry council, for the unexpired term sending november 18, 2024, and terms beginning november 18, 2024, and ending november 18, 2026. >> same house, same call. the motion is >> 19. motion approving the mayor's nomination for the appointment of eleanor blume to the public works commission, for a term ending july 2, 2026. >> same house, same call. the motion is approved madam clerk let's go to committee reports item item item
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item item item item item item persons from knowingly being present at a vehicle sideshow or preparations for such a sideshow for purposes of participating in the vehicle certain conditions sell the vehicles; and 6) make violations of these provisions misdemeanor, subject to imprisonment and/or fine. president peskin thank
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you, supervisor preston thank you, president peskin i want to address this item colleagues taken a long look at the ordinance if appear to be doing anything but clarifying the behavior under state law and i want to remind folks that is illegal to aid illegal conduct in san francisco. so is he very hard the time through trying to be charitable with that ordinance and see anything other than an election year public issue and not only because it do anything like i said, it is all right. illegal but inaccurately references inaccurate about the san francisco police department and extra sideshows the press -
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my hope the finding at minimum will be amended today or before the second reading i'll leave that up to the co-sponsor and like i understand the desire to as the need to address sideshow which are dangerous in the community and push for the infrastructure structures that change and defer the youth for sideshow and also push for the law enforcement in-laws that exist on the books not just the new ones but the governor in welcome back on this topic and, you know, those bills include bills to make it easier to to vehicles to block transverse for sideshow and other enforcement
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so um, i got to is i don't really see any benefits from this ordinances but no real harm if it either happy to support it today um, because i understand it is serious issue and for colleagues that more activity in their district it is important to act i'll be supporting b it but i don't think it has any real impact. >> thank you supervisor preston and supervisor safai i want to add on to the supervisors point with the legislation announced we had acquired after one of the large sideshow on embarcadero we inquired because legislation i led a few years asking for data and the police department to update us on the number of
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vehicles that are in sideshow the number in 2021, 2022 have gone occupy explicitly had a sideshow abatement and it is critiqued but, however, in 2023, the number dropped to just 5. and year-to-date the actual number was 5 or 6. the information that was presented in the press release that came up in the mayor's office describing other actions not related to the sideshows in any way. so i think what is important to notice we actually have some strong laws on the books they're endorsed aggressively with all the technology we approved, can be done in a aggregate margin you wake up in the morning the cars
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are gone a sideshow that is the message to be sent i'm sure legislation will do anything at all to be honest when i i'll support it but like 100 percent to be correct that's presented and the information and the department to be aggressive and actually enforcing the existing laws for sideshows that is had an affected by. so those are any thoughts. thank you. >> president peskin. >> thank you, president peskin i want to reiterate supervisor safai and i often little board i support the legislation to correct the sideshows a couple of years ago xhshgdz had our way we'll repository the cars - but
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had to apply with state law and with sideshow legislation one of the things that concerns me about the legislation the fact that bye, bye stands would be held accountable and if you're but i get concerned about folks overzealous in sideshows and caught up geographically in an area and make sure that we realize the issues that can come from being overzealous someone maybe in the area i want to make
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sure that that um, enforcement understands that but again to president peskin and supervisor safai point i'll support it make a clear stance on highway we look at sideshows but if we enforce the current laws we already have thank you, president peskin. >> thank you supervisor dorsey and speak to this as a co-sponsor on the ballot no electoral stake i have in it i want to say i do think that is value to clarifying some of the motion and there is a substantive improvement can be made. to me will make a difference to enable the
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district attorney's office but share the frustrations of benefits that the colleagues maybe going to sacramento to take a roll in state legislature will give local improvement more authorities to use this as my colleague supervisor walton mentioned to con stat the city for those who obstruct many of the issues we face with that. but this stuff is no joke. in the past weekend in sacramento too young people lost their lives in a shooting with a sideshow. there is also been in northern california instances of people been seriously injured and killed in this kind of lawlessness which i was at the police department two years i
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was there an instance i think 10 vehicles that were um, excited and of the 10 individuals there were all been 18 and 23 not experienced drivers one from san francisco and sending a strong message that san francisco is not playground for dangerous behavior is important but i understand the frustration and hope the california lyric gives us room to maneuver. >> approach this issue. thank you. >> seeing no other names on the roster, it feels to me like we are going to pass this. >> same house, same call. but asking that on the second reading we reflect finding that are true and accurate and supportive. is that the sense of
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the body and to the mayor's office? can we get to the bottom of that and make appropriate amendments didn't sound like we're delaying negative impact crucial it seems to me a wide belief that this is more perform active than real. >> i'm okay with the mayor's office yes. >> all right. take this. >> same house, same call. on the first reading (gavel) before we go to our 2:30 special order circle back to item 12 because dcyf i'm sorry item 11 and we have a very rare mid board meeting closed session. to supervisor walton. >> thank you very much. president peskin and thank you, director sue and directors for being here this in the afternoon
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my frustration i discussed them earlier but have questions certainly not directed at the department of children, youth & their families but more so about the lack of trust in the unified school district and took place parallel over the last 6 months to a year. my first question for fiscal year fiscal year 2024/25 have an allocation of $35 million but today how 26 plus million dollar is allocated was the process for $8 million for technical assistance? >> thank you um, commissioner - sorry commissioner asianian-williams supervisor walton for the question. >> in fiscal year 2024-2025 the year we're now we have allocated the $26 million
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allocated to us. $26 million to the school district and several buckets for the school district to be utilizing one is direct funding for [off mic.] >> one is direct funding for um, school innovation and one to support schools for innovation projects and one for the district. one is to support the district on efforts. there is a small portion of $35 million will go to um, will stay at dcyf people will use to support um, second assistance and supports for the school district. and then, of course, to provide any of the data analysis support. >> so what that is is
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dedication for the $35 million that is in in front of you today. >> and director sue had safeguards in place for the innovation funds go to the schools for children with the greatest needs and who makes that decision. >> dcyf makes that decision the schools and what kind of programs and activities for the schools to use the dollars for. the performance measures and okay measures you're asking for has actually been invested and the budget and finance committee with um - and actually has been developed in conjunction with supervisor ronen over the last two weeks we're putting in more stringent language how we expect
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them to report back to us what they did with the dollars and to which target populations they need the dollars for. >> how can we release the funding what we don't know with the complete school portfolio the district has given us no indication and no closed-door conversations i assume potentially that some of the schools maybe in danger or on the list that schools can be supported by the resources how can when i make a decision like that? >> so fire hydrant to the $35 million is used to support 58 schools and those schools need it the most schools have um, that met all of our risk
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metrics and our target population mefbz so for the most part we will have not received in the school district a list of school closures or proposed closures. i will say that that is important for us to put the dollars approve them now there are programs that our children need now. support and mass support and some schools proposing to use those dollars to central more health specialists and nurses those are needs now. >> in terms of moving forward into the future we can have those conversations how that would look like but until that time we building that those dollars need to be released now. >> you didn't answer any
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question about it we didn't approve those resources today. i guess what safeguards do we have in place or how will we address the fact if some of the schools and resources we approve today maybe going into the direction those schools maybe closed or no existing anymore. >> our chief of staff resources is spending a lot of time working with the school community and nonprofits to think through what will it will look like when we photo which schools are closing and the welcoming schools and how to use the dollars to support the community and the families. okay. >> chief of staff. thank you. >> supervisor walton what
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we're going to be doing once the schools we go to analyze bpa what are the gaps and needs for closing the schools and welcoming schools and making sure those resources and services are in place at the welcoming schools as dr. sue said we don't know what schools are closing were in 2024-2025 not knowing we can - we know plenty of needs so as we garner more buildings make sure that the students the families, the faculty and admin and cbos are all working collaborating to transition that that might look like the core location closures have to wait and see when
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communities are effected and schools and resources and services were at the schools for folks to submit and figure out understand where those families will be going to figure out how those glrz follow the kids and families and what is the best fit 100 percent of those dollars can go to the school to support whatever that looks like and until we have more information we can't move forward but we're going to move forward with the schools we're identified because were the highest schools and mayor, those communities plans created are able to be carried out and the capacity building for every school around just how to implement that plan as well as if that school for and against happens to the school there is port to help them transition what that looks like
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we put those items in place and what will happen. >> to a degree, just for lack of better term somehow remnants of a blind check and the reason i say that is i 100 percent you know what in the district is being transparent and 100 percent building there are people in leadership that know what direction they want to go and schools they want to merge so it is disheartening to put this city in the situation the resources are available and, maximize our um, if we had information and the school bond is on the ballots they're guaranteeing that resources will not go to the school are that are on the chopping block how
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can they guarantee if they don't know what schools are on the chopping block i appreciate you saying well the resources are going and some of the thoughts behind what we'll do but some of the schools will receive the resources are actually not schools what that looks like and the last thing initially resources in per charter should be evaluated and receive in the report the information and data from the district on what has been guaranteed? >> supervisor walton this will be the first that year the school will have access to those plans we we receive the students success fund a small amount $11 million where we um,
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allocated to schools we made available to schools for entering purposes the schools used those dollars to put in a new alarm system in the schools or to um, oh, my goodness safety and support for lunch and supported some of the providers before school care. so that was the first year of the students success finds those activities are trackable and we have them denounced the second year where we are now. the allocations of those dollars directly go to the schools so the communities can start moving on bringing in the specialists for additional support that our highest children in the school district needs. >> address school support this
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is what the voters support those types of support that is a subsidized issue. >> there is a edition in the chapter that supervisor ronen wrote in that allows the planting their core funding core staff with our dollars. >> thank you so much. appreciate you both. >> thank you supervisor safai. >> we're going to talk about that next week billions the ad on to supervisor walton point i hear what you're saying but the $6.6 million to create the readiness grant for those who could have sited coordinators that is actively physically
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investing in people for the capacity of the school and ultimately you look at the list, you know, a lot of rumors flying around schools are receiving readiness grants are some of the ones targeted for shutdowns it does that make sense? to me and i want to make sure the funds go to the right place for the students and designed to be added to make sure that we are doing success in those particular schools hoourt the most but some to structures to support the school models we spent millions of on something not going to go to the kids you can't have multiple positions for the multiple schools it doesn't make sense. to move quicker when the school district will give us a complete - i can
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see moving some of the this but it doesn't make sense. to move all this money and the other parts initiatives are specific design on this money. and ultimately might not ago to this because schools are potentially going to be the ones that no longer going to be there or my merge i don't know how you transfer that without knowing the bits of information. >> thank you supervisor safai i think for the most part schools are a proposal to us. >> 100 percent. >> and at the worked on it and the school community worked on that that's the requirement of the charter. >> (multiple voices). >> parents and teachers, port staff and leadership at the
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schools came together and vote e wrote and proposal with those dollars we're going to do xwyz and could be from building our students reading capacity. >> right. >> and. >> (multiple voices.) >> and right that's (laughter) you can take with you, of course, but i mean part of the reason we did the success fund was so many times there are these terminating grants for the xyz foundations a lot of infrastructure passing is built up and the they'll positions leave and the school is left holding the baggy know that was intended why we did what we did for 18 years to make sure once we built that 70 infrastructure would be sustained over the next 15 years. but what we've been
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consolidation hanging over our heads i mean do you think that is wise for - like staffing positions and otherwise ultimately not being there in the future. >> xhvrjdz i support our children and . >> that's not what i asked this is not a political thing but are you committing a position that will not be a position there no more? >> of course, i want to invest in positions you through a grants we're giving to the schools will be a reading specialist for math or a par and not um - it's, you know, those are people and staffing that the school and the community needs right now. i 100 percent agree
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that we need to have another conversation when we see the closure legislators; right? and need to add the school district to make sure that their closure list has a plan that includes transitioning and supporting our families to transition whatever it is they're going to and i want to commit to this body i'm willing to come back and share with you what i know from the - and the plan that i think supervisor walton is asking we need to pit this together a lot of dollars over to the school district. >> the particular one i'm talking about is the readiness grant it is worth million the design for the sites to meet the eligibility for student success fund at the end of the grant period community school
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coordinator in place. that's not a reading specialist not a math specialist an important element what we created in the success fund. >> (multiple voices.) >> and so just to for your question yes, we don't know which schools are closing but if it school didn't close we can without creating the infrastructure that school needs to thrive this is what we required to at the end of two years have a plan how they're going to move toward with the goals and guardrails and as well as have identified a community school coordinator didn't mean they have to hired them yet or be on the board but have identified and be ready to move forward because community coordinators can be district
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staff, they can be beacon directors or to the a school position. so we're talking about position for that school community coordinator not an sfusd transition several schools under the implementation grant communities coordinator is the beacon director or site director taken on that so not necessarily co-related with the position and so to answer your question i like to say it is taking a gamble on the school will close or maybe not and make sure they are ready to apply for a larger grant that is the education grant ready - have absolutely nothing they're like bear minimum don't know what to do to provide the support to help them get to the point to identify as
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a full communicated this is where we want to go and the plan we have support ever activist and we know we'll have money to support the position that will help coordinate they don't need to hire one this year but by the end of second year have this community school coordinator and now ready to move forward. >> maybe in the la report supervisor safai and mean this is discussed in committee twice and have a 2:30 special order we have i think that choices. one is we can continue this after the special order and send that back to committee or call the question right now those are the that choices but we have to move on at the committee was
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continued twice. >> supervisor ronen last words. >> i wanted to say a whole discussion that is happening with the school district and reveal on the date they promised to reveal the mandate that was absolutely a slap in the face to san francisco families i want to thank director sue and chief of staff for you all have been hvrnl this got it right can't assume the schools will close we are doing everything we can to support the achievement of the kids that's what we have to do unless we know otherwise and condition it keeps us in the dark about the future of schools i'm assuming supervisor walton you know they know what schools they're closing so we can do planning by what we need to do
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and protect the kids thank you very much for your work and to point a finer point on it with regards to the item behind the questions you're hearing that was written been in the local newspapers on record september 15th and september 16th the president of the board of supervisors got an e-mail from the school district announcing what had been done the previous day a that's where we are. >> same house, same call. the resolution is adopted madam clerk read item left next speak.
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>> - environmental laws and uphold you're laws the clean water act. >> thank you. next speaker. >> (bell ringing) >> go ahead sir. >> hello, everyone i'm scott the sierra and i environmental organizations that sign 0 on to this and lawsuit against the epa and one minute we see san francisco discharge one thousand gallons of pollution we need stronger protection and every law is about (bell ringing) to bring it back clean water
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must be a priority rather than the afterthought of a reindividualized san francisco what makes san francisco greater stand up for what is right and not contribute to the problem water shed to show you we can't come back don't clean up this but is sierra club will not forget. thank you very much. (bell ringing) >> (clapping) (clearing throat) i'll t.j. brown with f as a member of the community at 90 that hosted the climate welcome back opening ceremony and mayor london breed was scheduled to speak at the eventn blew us off an events that took 8 months to plan and we had um, almost 20
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thousand people attend sf climate welcome back in the heart of the city (bell ringing) to build coalitions that wasn't great. crossing to the f poles she's near percent points in favor to win in november that will be a margin of error. >> it is not about the election. >> people care about environmental issues are paying attention and (bell ringing) she stood with the city's environmental groups that will reenforce. >> thank you, sir. next speaker. >> game-changer peter with the river trust san francisco v epa could become a famous case bad
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actor bringing versus the board of education but the case that gutted the clean water act we did want that the p t lacks leadership about three or four new commissioners with a total of tenure of two to four years and not prepared to address this river issues we don't have a toxicology please represent us and (bell ringing) get rid of of this lawsuit a terrible blemish on us. thank you very much. >> hi, i'm marsha a required council doctor and public health of the organization and with the social responsibilities this is
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a public health for environmental for just the climate change flies in the ground water especially over burned communities have increased the chemicals (bell ringing) that can cause cancer and cognitive function and dementia this is the time to help our local officers with their efforts to strengthening the clean water act please ask the city to stop this lawsuit against epa that puts the green water act at jeopardy this is truly interesting. thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors my name is jacob i'm the organizing director for the san francisco bay chapter that is 10 thousand members who care about the local water and i'm here to urge you to stop the
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lawsuit against epa and thirty minutes and take the ocean seriously which why i believe that san francisco pursuing a reckless lawsuit to condition (bell ringing) with the current supreme court dismadam chair of one of our policies. the free water act is a - if you get rid of that it protects the eco system and helps public health clean water is a human right whatever you decide we'll make sure that everyone is here and across the country knows about that (bell ringing) >> thank you next speaker. >> welcome. >> hi, i'm devon a resident of district 4 and also a lifelong
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bay resident and here toplead to please not side with the xrukt and dismantle the clean water act i know in california someone that went to uc santa barbara access to clean water is inhale to the land and please don't make that reckless decision and drop the lawsuit against epa. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hello, i'm juvenile probation department sf coalition this lawsuit is wrong more importantly wrong but what scares me made up of the supreme
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court will win and san francisco will lose our environmental, you know, our reputation and any kind of environment the whole country will lose because of criterion water act dismantled please don't do it thank you, (bell ringing) >> hi, my name is dave a 42 resident of san francisco and currently the san francisco policy co-chair the reality project. what a transfer transferring city the city and county of san francisco is in violation of these clean water act mayor london breed and david chiu are suing the environmental protection agency for the rules of 1974 clean water act how can anyone in the city say they care
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i'm asking the dp go a we it should be working with the epa and set an example for the rest of the country and instead we're - this lawsuit succeeds in the supreme court the least unfriendly epa will did i animal everything in the clean water act bringing this both law (bell ringing) thank you for your comments next speaker. >> good afternoon, everyone i'm jeff young. f resident for since 2011 and former vice president three years ago, i woke up saw rashes and spent all
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morning over a trash can coughing up blood. for nearly 5 months i battled pneumonia and morning was like any other or so i thought civil air on the ocean beach one of the best beach on the planet and often happens i inhaled thought that was fine but i'm really glad to share my story and i know he (bell ringing) many don't have thank you for your comments. >> next speaker. >> thank you, once again for your time and an attorney and here with my members to ask the
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board of supervisors to take action to prevent san francisco from getting rid of the clean water act that case has san francisco's name on it and environmental groups are taking the epas side and others are backing city government please don't wait until this lawsuit goes forward please withdraw this. thank you. >> good afternoon. my name is tim i've taught ocean for 5 years represented california state coastal agencies and i'm disappointed this cal record and politics has joined forces with the leaders of special interest groups for the prevention of clean water act the consecutive
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supreme court that violates the standards those water quality standards (bell ringing) they're inadequate to protect public health and make sure the water both sides are safe for the fish and it sets a grave precedence to all the lakes and streams into which pollution is i urge you you to protect the public safety and ban this destructive appeal thank you, (bell ringing) >> my name is kathy i'm a longer than term resident love the city and volunteer with sf refugees picking up trash and volunteer with the surf rider organization and love the new
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carts and worry that people play on that get skin rashes. i'm upset with the current course that legislatures know better than the agencies and horrified with the pa thank you, don't support it. >> thank you for your comments. >> welcome next speaker. >> i'm a resident of outer sunset and a west hollywood scientist and things we can say about san francisco lawsuit and twoord of our rivers are unsafe for swimming and congress passed is clean water act that would plunge our community back into
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the livelihood and fisherman and others rely on (bell ringing) legislation is a repeat for disaster and leaves vulnerable working class communities and legislation prioritize public health we - this is not it is the reality that we are face to face. >> i don't ask you please don't pursue that lawsuit (bell ringing) - >> hello, my name is (unintelligible) i'm a resident of irritating san francisco neighborhood and recently in the bay and ask you to drop the lawsuit against the epa and the lawsuit is - thank you.
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>> good afternoon. >> my name is mary i'm a resident of san francisco district 7 and san francisco has petitions the supreme court for provisions of clean water act on the oceanside treatment plant with the protection of the designated species like water creation and protection of aquatic life and san francisco needs to be held directly accountable to the discharges on the receiving water the clean water act gives the epa and state board the authority yet they're weakening the clean water act please stop this
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misguided lawsuit against the epa. thank you. >> hello my name is ramirez a neighbor and this lawsuit will hurt us our neighbors and the entire country the result can be the end of clean water act as we know that and could on the floodgate across the country effecting from the beaches to the water we drink i'm asking that san francisco drop this lawsuit thank you, (bell ringing) a. >> hello, my name is cameron i'm a resident of san francisco. myself my husband and family we love the bay and for recreation our livelihood in some cases urge you to drop this lawsuit
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and ban the epa not tearing them down. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. >> hi, my name isable a san francisco resident in district 8 i have a ph.d in water quality and specifically ask- first-hand the impacts that result from people water con donated by law sewage and the challenges to protect public health san francisco will be progressive on environmental issues but aligned with the challenges to the epa (bell ringing) the long term ramification with the water quality and nationwide and ask the board of supervisors to drop the lawsuit against the epa and support the clean water
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act. >> hello, my name is - and a resident that upon a time and swim and dive in the water and rely that the clean water act to enjoy those activities the san francisco if san francisco wins this case will be the end of clean water act that will result in toxic waters across the country effecting everything from the water we drink i'm asking the board of supervisors and mayor's office to drop the lawsuit and support the clean water act. thank you very much. (bell ringing) >> good afternoon. i'm matt carter i have a ph.d in mick are biology and lived in the bay area are for 10 years this lawsuit what compels me by bringing this lawsuit to court
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san francisco jeopardize the epa and ask you to urge the mayor to drop this lawsuit against epa and thank you my name is bill martina san francisco residents in district 11 and volunteer activist with the sierra club please drop this lawsuit for simple reasons the entire country will suffer u.s. supreme court 6 members appointed by republican presidents in the supreme court guts the clean water act as fully expected, we (bell ringing) the agents will change in a very negative direction drop this lawsuit now. thank you.
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>> hi, i'm that nancy robert and resident. >> pull that myself closer. >> sorry i'm a district 7 resident since 2001 and have a mba and work on environmental events and i know anyhow difficult it is to create great regulations to enact the laws the question is simply will this lawsuit improve our water quality? no, that will not will dropping this preserve the environment and help people? yes, it is so drop the lawsuit it is important your for the laws and people thank you, (bell ringing) >> welcome next speaker. >> good afternoon. my name is eva born and raised in the bay area and lived in every city that touches those water it is
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important for clean act is access to clean water that is was it makes it home for my neighbors, aye. >> this showing today i mean it is the tip of the iceberg this is an unprecedented case (bell ringing) and unprecedented timeline you can imagine you'll get many activists so i urge the board to drop the lawsuit. thank you. >> hi my name is alisa i'm a ph.d scientist and the co-founder of climate change and nationwide climate advocacy organizations and am a mom i am a resident of san francisco my children swim not ocean every
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other individuals swimming in the ocean is a child of something else. our families and our communities that rely on our bedrock environmental laws and we need to rely on the elected officials to uphold the laws i'm urging you to withdraw the lawsuit and get san francisco on the rights side of history. thank you. >> my name is bill clark's and broad epa guidelines to allow the possibility of meeting registry scenarios by inviting the supreme court to propose clarity on the violation offending the placing field. underlying the eoa serves negotiating power of future sf projects including necessary you
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understand to meet climate change and asking for a settlement be reached now we can't afford to lay back with the sewer system upgrades. >> good afternoon. >> um, my name is a lisa i'm a resident of district 5 and a district scientist i swim in the bay and i'm deeply concerns about the water clean water is a basic right and the clean water act is a bedrock of legislation this will be a environmental leader and the supreme court has acted could fall i urge you you to ask to drop the lawsuit thank you, (bell ringing) >> hello, my name is tiffany
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and i'm a sf residents in districts 4 and the beach volunteer i'm a certified naturalist asking the board of supervisors to drop the lawsuit clean water is a basic right and back in the er a pollution caused our - our sf bay for nearly and century and during the clean water act (bell ringing) to the sf bay today a healthy population is served by scientists and others i'm urging and proud to share this story drop the lawsuit so we can share our story about healthy clean water. thank you. >> thank you. >> nexus. >> i'm a lifelong san franciscan and here with the
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conservation willist and here to implore you to - yesterday, i watched my son swim with wildfire and the ocean and bay are having plastics and with human waste let's there's not decrease regulations to keep our water safe thank you, (bell ringing) >> hello, my name is oliva and been in the bay for 10 years i'm a environmental educator and worked with nonprofits and work with the california academic of sciences and my whole life is dedicated to bring people to the
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ocean for benefits and mental health and recreation. um, how can i do this and share that with children in the next generation we have leaders who are trying to (bell ringing) the epa and minimize the regulations here we need to move towards this community ways of knowing thinking about how we can continue the protections. please ask you to drop this lawsuit so we can joy the benefits of being in the bay and in the ocean. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hello, i'm monica a resident of oakland crossed the bridge to make it to this meeting i'm a surfer multiple ear infections and had closures
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at the beach so this is a issue that directly impacts my as an individual and here representing the local nonprofit our mission (bell ringing) to increase access to the coast and for communities of color in oakland we all know that environmental racism is a real thing and the impacts of that will impact the people of color i'm here to ask the city of san francisco to halt this legislature not a good decision and advocate for the health of our planet and the health of your constituents thank you, (bell ringing) >> good afternoon. i'm - an sf residents in - in the bay and on the clean water act and sighing you pictures i - ocean
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bays and protected and i can tell you and moved here to learn about the environment we deserve criterion water it is human right and right now officers who we look up to this is not just about policies by protecting the water our beaches and health (bell ringing) more pollution not just here but across the country with the environmental injustices we can't let this happen. thank you. (coughing) >> nope sorry i'm drew mattison a resident and i represent from the san francisco riders charter my program in the over chapter is clean water for
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all. and klein water act opens the glad gates to hurt you are community and communities of color. at hunters point and reached out from people in oakland those communities are arguing with lower life expectancy sisters and health risks involved in their health from pollution and like san diego they've discovered that pollution from tijuana river is effecting the air quality and so we need to not - if we care about our communities and our residents and health (bell ringing)
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>> hi, i'm sheryl representing that 50 bay area and not been mentioned yet. first of all, san francisco will not save money if it wins in suit california is in the suit and california will make the city quit dunking sewage in the water. two, san francisco is part of a in lawsuit with the american gas association if you wonder why (bell ringing) the clean water act recollects drinking you heard will get ruined bus the chevron if you wonder you have the rights think about who you are in bed with.
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>> good afternoon honorable supervisors i'm on behalf of the sierra club and here as a residence from district 9 i'm here to ask you to drop this lawsuit against epa army of industrial lobbyist and that is the decision issued by the court last year decimating the ability of epa (bell ringing) skoets our state law please demand to drop the lawsuit to perspective don't give them the - don't help them in the quest
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to escape the pollution and more importantly do the right thing (bell ringing) >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> district 5 in san francisco and i'd like to relay the points of my peers it is harmful to community of color and those who are low income and if we want to create a city has opportunities for all need to make sure we have clean water for all at the. >> hi, i'm carolyn changing representing the sierra club chapter at as a local organizer and i'm here to ask you as our elected officials to drop this dangerous lawsuit yeah. i've
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began working on issues basically like sewage into the bay. >> i don't know why i'm asking you to address that (bell ringing) and also worked with other communities along the bay on the shorelines that needed to be complained up and we have so many pollution in the bay and regulations adds on other bay residents rely on and it is dangerous and caused premature death and i hope you recognizes that and use your power to drop this lawsuit thanks (bell ringing) >> hello president peskin and board of supervisors thank you for this opportunity of to speak today, i'm deanna a proud district 4 resident and here with the manager of the foundation san francisco charter one of 80 charters nationwide
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over 65 thousand members dedicated to protect the ocean and bachelors you heard from many members here today as well as is coalition organization and we spent countless hours to protect the waters and the communities depends on them and (bell ringing) testing for contamination in the water and the first speaker director of the heritage foundation has been fighting her entire life to defends the community at bayview hunters point we can't make that easier for other community to be polluted it is your duty to protect the environment please to that this dangerous lawsuit that clean our waters and (bell ringing) >> hello, i'm nancy woo in
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district 8 and also a former associate director of water division at epa now volunteered and they ask us first, we have short time please with your voice and the public has testified so far please urge mayor london breed to drop it lawsuit 0 not just what the deputy of san francisco (bell ringing) but it is what is in jeopardy for the clean water act across the country we further weaken i need to have affiliated with that the clean water act by calling for greater specificity in the permit would wane the overall permitting program
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across the country so this is why it is significant - >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> good afternoon my name is nancy i'm a resident of district 7. >> and a member and speaking today for two local climate and action associations thirty 350 and emergency and thank you, supervisor melgar bringing greater transparency closer to this damn lawsuit and (bell ringing) sewer and water systems in san francisco. we appreciate the boards consideration and urge you to advocate for the dropping the lawsuit from the mayor and to must lead and serve as a
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model on climatic and clean environment not to stop the responsibility of providing clean water and clean environment to all. thank you. >> (bell ringing) >> good afternoon. i'm john anderson a resident of district 2. um, this year um, i've been volunteering for the democratic party. companionships in reno and the central valley knocked on over one hundred doors so far. in a 22, i knocked open over 1,000 so got a ways to go i'll get there (bell ringing) i have to say the biggest obstruct didn't matter who i vote for they're all they don't
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care about the environment only about getting elected and so such a powerful argument for that. i couldn't accompany with that better one but if you - wrote it out, so it in november there is a red sweep we (bell ringing) will be responsible shame - >> thank you for your comments. and to everyone my apologies if we interrupt you, we are setting the timer for one minute. >> i'm james and live in district 4 and i read a news article that said has the mother polluted beaches in california i realized sweeps are affluent and i would ask that we not be the ones to turn our bay into a cat
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any shack swimming pool without risks (bell ringing) thank you for your comments. >> supervisors it is shame this great city is trying to diversity, diversity the environmental protection agency. a shame that we have been informed by hundreds of notice of violations we are only a fool will diversity and newly lists the clean water act. so i'm asking the mayor and why i'm supporting her in trying to neutralize the clean water act to spot o stop to stop this
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nuisance and you board of supervisors listens to everyone pay attention. for commissioners as sf uc - >> thank you for your comments (bell ringing) >> welcome to the next speaker. >> my name is - i'm a little nervous i want to say we live in a society where we get up every importance and i'm liking i'd like to comment on suing the city of oakland over the this is kind of not necessary and thank you. >> thank you, next speaker. >> hello, my name is peter i'm a san francisco resident and small business owner and surf eerie find out about this lawsuit and just disheartening
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very embracing and makes me think why i'm living here as a small business owner what are we doing? (bell ringing) doesn't make sense. to me and especially at the fat stand point people in san francisco has the defineers of do the right thing and that is backwards seeing the epa but let that sink in. san francisco so like for you to think about what is going on here if you have kids that's awesome but we can't go in the ocean (bell ringing) . thank you. >> thank you for your comments next speaker. >> welcome. >> thank you. >> my name is renée i live in
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district 11 and learned about that yesterday i'm not sure why i'm worried about this but about one of the most shocking things i learned about because it is hideous aren't we we should be embraced and a plight against the epa? >> it is short siektsd it is cowardly and this will have consequences (bell ringing) for the rest of the country. so i think we need to stop be selfish the consequences for the rest of the country. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> trisha district 5 and district one i'm objecting to
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this for another reason if you take the balance of power from the epa urging to have problems and i want i too think about that thoroughly right now, i'm dealing with that departments and 4 departments that did something behind everyone's back and far and for a project (bell ringing) that will cause more problems with water. i'm dealing with the city two departments that decided to sell our beautiful hetch hetchy water to um, other counties and give us fill traffic accident water i'm extremely upset i have to boil my water now (bell ringing) and take a look at - >> thank you thank you for your
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comments nice to see you. >> my name is duffey i want to follow on what mr. d cost said i've never been on a commission but proactively resigning from my public appoint that i might. amen. get so, so finally i don't know anything about that i remember under our. >> we i'm not is not to mess with water. and public water i know that everything the pair is doing is wrong yeah, because - no-brainier so, now you need to hold on that's it.
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>> ph.d is this clear you're under just hold on we don't - we see localities water (unintelligible) from them fire, food more important food okay. we don't mess with water. >> good afternoon, supervisors san francisco and the san francisco dream party. as many that i know a grassroots organizer not been at city hall that long but accept the battles against the commission that was not able carrying water into pg&e and blocking our local clean emergency program for more than a decade and still kicking
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and streaming for local energy this thing is the most evil f'ing thing the sfpuc do and are literally following the trump the supreme court and makes me wonder if you're pitching for positions in interruption cabinet if he wins? outrageous and need to stop that (bell ringing) and turning the puc into an elected body. >> announce if anyone is speaking to the closed session and the litigation with the united states environmental protection agency please step over to the curtain and take your public comment ma'am. >> hi my name is local any
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lucy swim in the bay and it was so beautiful. i'm so grateful to live in this city please don't throw our reputation away and our clean water away please get out of this lawsuit. thank you. >> mr. president and seeing no oats members of the public for the (in closed session). >> . thank you very much. we're now back in session for tuesday, september 24, 2024. and at this point we'd like to entertain a motion that the board finds it is in the best interest not to
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disclose closed session deliberations. >> motion by supervisor melgar all seconded by. >> madam clerk on the motion. >> on the motion not to disclose supervisor chan, aye. >> supervisor dorsey, aye. >> supervisor engardio, aye. >> supervisor mandelman, aye. >> supervisor melgar, aye. >> president peskin absent. >> supervisor preston, aye. >> supervisor ronen, aye. >> supervisor safai, aye. >> supervisor stefani, aye. >> and supervisor walton, aye. >> there are 10 ayes. >> thank you the item pass unanimously and madam clerk, call the. >> special order 2:30 p.m. - recognition of commendations. start with supervisor preston and then supervisor mandelman.
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>> thank you. can we start with supervisor mandelman. >> supervisor mandelman you're up. >> great. and - but i did want to say some nice things today, i'm offering a special accomodation in covid flyers were showing up neighbors showed up in a space that is easy and fun way and i'll be offering a millennium showing up 97 years old and shows up between 24 and thirty street and walking the that dogs. and earlier this year through a birthday bash with
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party hats and was a grandchild of - ranged 2315 to 17 people depending on the weather and walking with halfway bringing friendships and those are enter generation and rudy has time for announcements. offers a fun way to meet you neighbors in a relaxed way and show up at 10:00 a.m. springs if resident being together and owe was an inspiring example and we have a certificate and thank you, colleagues for indulging me telling you about noah walker.
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>> for today's timing apologize. >> supervisor preston thank you, supervisor walton and thank you for allowing us to give and i defamation in in memoriam as he mentioned family members are here and appreciate the opportunity to be able to have this in memoriam. colleagues today i'd like to offer an in memoriam for ali known as olie to his friends and family and community the owner of coffee tea and spice in the neighborhood for 29 years. a.a. will i was born in, sir run on november 14, 1961, and went to
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elementary school and junior high in 1975 he moved to the united states and attended high school in portland oregon and older brothers mohammed were pursuing their education and olie moved to chicago graduated into the township high school in 1979 after that found himself working in jobs and ultimately settled on a career in food service and a pastry chef in chicago and there he decided i wanted to own his own cafe someday and moved to and does exactly that in 1995 offered the coffee tea and spice own haze for ali the cafe was not just
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about ownership his own business by create a space for connection and fulfill the community and central coffee and place to find russian hill and seeking conversations will find everything and a ali had ideas ahead of his time and ali in tehran b a big thinker a plan for bringing water from the desert to iran currently 40 years later and conversation from big bang theory in part knowledge left an lasting impression and i knew ali for
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the last 28 years and conversations with him, i worked service phenomenon of them were short and all interesting and every conversation was truly an explosion and sharing his perspective and knowledge raised probing questions to make sense and how it might be better in the world and ali was curious and socially conscious and deeply engaging and more than anything ali took an interest in every person from the youngest to the oldest and want to understand their struggle he will be remembered for this connections and kindness and community and enact extent far beyond the circle all corners of
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the world have shared stories how they touch their lives his family is touched by the bid network of people that knew and loved ali and join us in mourning. >> ali is survived by his brothers and prostituted by his mother and his father his legacy lives on in the community he built one consistency and one act of kindness at that time. >> rest in peace ali. >> thank you supervisor preston our condolences to the entire family and madam clerk please call the. >> special order 3:00 p.m. >> items 22 through 20th
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century from eir as century from eir as general. >> 22. hearing of persons interested in or objecting to the determination of exemption from environmental review under the california environmental quality act issued as a general plan evaluation by the planning department on april 5, department on april 5, department on april 5, department on april 5, department on april 5, square foot, three-story, 48-foot tall non-life science laboratory building within the umu (urban mixed use) zoning district, neighborhood association, and j.r. eppler, on behalf of the potrero boosters neighborhood association)(filed july 15,
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department that the proposed project at700 indiana street project at700 indiana street project at700 indiana street project at 700 indiana street is exempt from further environmental review under a general plan evaluation. you thank you, madam clerk and before we move forward with the hearing i'll entertain to motion to excused president peskin and seconded by by supervisor preston i believe take that. >> same house, same call. and supervisor preston is excused now a a hearing by a mart described by the clerk give 10 minutes and then ask questions if we have any and hear public comment and then hear from planning and then we'll ask any questions? that have anyone wants to provide public comment on planning discussion and then
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it's already we're on now all right. i apologize my name is j r with the neighborhood association and the reverse you general plan for the property project because the planning department failed to do an adequate review of the california environmental quality act informs about the environmental impacts provided allergies the ceqa reviews failed allowing the review to allow the general plan errors and omissions. next slide, please. the proposed project is biotechnology across the street in the park rec and park open space and two large part time
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apartment building the box and two other schools one 1,000 feet. next slide, please. the project otherwise consistent with the plan the eir requires a additional environmental impact report for the site that were not analyzed in the eir but determining the mitigation can't be done without awning environmental impact report and justify the general plan based on consistency with the development as under the central waterfront plan first, the gpa for the purpose of environmental analysis ceqa requires a project deposition the gp fails to describe that has the definition the laboratory has survive and
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non-life sciences and here on accurate description for the eir not fully analyzed by the technology as the site in addition receiving to future regulations and in other words the description was for the affiliated as required by the ceqa guidelines and dp failed to implement the eir back a few slides to the area. um, the eir that the air quality that the planning department shall require at a minimum a site safer to identify environmental one 1,000 feet that is the project site prior to the first project approval action and includes children and other folks help out some exposure of
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air pollution. now that language is clear this is done prior to the first project and that safer identifying the uses will have have an potential project to make sure that the air quality have prevented prior to the ceqa and comply the eir requirement to identify the standards and other uses um, means that these sense of uses doesn't have a recourse that is prepared the planned analysis is done and simply this department proposed mitigation is not consistent with the planned eir and the shadow analysis to the dogpatch
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if a project is under the shadow ordinance or if a project under ceqa casts a shadow that is adversely effected that was on the final report the shadow analysis for the park and the ceqa analysis for the dogpatch a small open space are experienced shadowing and there is, however, no mention of dogpatch plaza with open space anywhere in the final report and in the spirit of the report casts and shadow now the project sponsor that memo state the same thing with the casting of the shadow that was after the planning department completed the analysis and not available for public review or the planning department prior to publication.
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so how could it be required without the analysis didn't consider the shadowing at the placing and hazardous materials were not analyzed or gp e and no indications for the impacts and prior to the laboratory will provide materials defining the eir with the actual materials and various materials can possess a risk to the workers parallel when the residential several schools and the proximity of the uses of the project and one not analyzed with the plant eir and while the planned eir is considered laboratory use for aircraft no analysis of the bio plan eir
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hazardous material section. and also no mention of hazardous materials in the gp e and no evidence the efficiency of the regulations. the facilities are boxes this is a better spaces for biotech standpoints and specific activities will occur on site and enforcement under the various regulations tends to be oversight by the state and federal agencies when questioned by the planting the project entitlement team commented that is a bio safety level two. now that is not the only bio level the entitlements to bio level 3 for the first cove kit and for
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the dangers and human error and disasters should have been analyzed with the publication mitigations including the potential project design changes and oversight and emergency planning the omission of review nor the cp e and in conclusion this project may have non-effects on the environment perk to the project not addressed for the eastern neighborhoods and full information was not known when the eir was certified the determination agency to this elevation should be revoked and this appeal to be upheld how this plays out with the neighbors we'll have the dogpatch neighborhood association. >> good evening supervisors and board staff thank you for your example it has been a long
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day i'm the president of the dogpatch neighborhood association and chief for the ceqa approval and the concerns of the neighborhoods opposite the project and in my community leadership role i have a high range of neighbors have questions and concerns. early this summer spoke with the young mother and asked him why are we opposed about something that is positive and well, we explained i basically shared the information about the quality and shadows of the project and said where do i write any letter of opposition. in dogpatch we have a growing population a large number of young neighbors
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and children and a little bit of open space children spaces are free park and the dogpatch. both are negatively impacting impacted by this project and dogpatch not mentioned in the shadow report my mom when i grew up she worked in the labs those facilities were never in neighborhoods worked next to the schools or next to homes. yet this project is between two large apartment and within that parcels my neighbors and i want to know how that is approved for near the schools and playground our children are vulnerable that is up for us to protect. so in closing they have failed to
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address those and i recommend we have the right to be protected and ceqa should be overturned and our recommendation upheld. >> thank you, sir. and now hear unless colleagues have any questions go to public comment on this item for those in support of the appeal. >> seeing no other names on the roster, or anyone in supports public comment is closed. for support of appeal is closed (gavel) and we'll now hear for the planning department. >> and my apologies we after planning and questions into the board of supervisors we'll hear from the project sponsor.
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highlight the address why it failed to meet the issuance and i'll start with a brief project overview the project is locked other 700 indiana street a urban mix used a demolition of the site and constructing and in that story building with 72 thousand square feet the building is accompanied by outdoor terraces and parking. the department issues a type of ceqa follows the mandate of protection 210 at ceqa section one 518 that the state law mandates that projects consistent with the development
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established by the general plan will impact the board shall not require an additional er this is consistent with the development established by the central waterfront area the redonning and plan eir was certified and the problematic eir rated the impacts of the results from the proposed donning control and including sites rezoned that allows technical uses by the project under this environmental impact report mandated by ceqa the studies where this will result in environmental impact by the eir. and based on the stunt evidence the department determines this is not a significant impact and the rest
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of the presentation addresses side concerns not going to cover all of them in my remarks. the appellants con intend the zoning parallel with respect to the laboratory outdoors but a matter up to the board of appeals and not within ceqa appeal that is the focus of hearing what matters the project is consistent with the density and established by the requirement in the planned area where the neighborhood eir was. and as response one in the first memorandum explained the project was defined and therefore, liberty under the ceqa guidelines. the appellants argued the lack the particularly regarding the laboratory details as in the project exception
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provides enough information in the detail sufficient for evaluation as section one 5154 the guidelines and the appellant raise concerns about the environmental impacts i'd like to briefly touch on shadows am the shadows are completed for 700 indiana street project first shadow shadow rec and park along dogpatch and the second shadow impacts the - the conclusion is that shadow impacts on parks will be less than significant and the department failed to properly have the eir mitigation measures for the impacts of project. the project mitigation
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for toxic air consistent with the apable measure of the eir and effectiveness of that eir measure. this approach alliance and supported by - the department reasons for modifying this in the supplemental and don't disqualify the hazardous materials eir adequately analyzed the materials impacts related to the laboratory as stated in the response letter the gp determined no hazardous risks in the eir. and that's our appeal response described the project will be highly regulated by local, state, and federal and make sure the viral safety in conclusion, the date, time, and place admiration that the
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project and evaluation for the section quoted by evidence and as stated in the responses the eir and gp e accurately and adequately talks about the impacts for the purpose of environmental impact report under ceqa including hazardous materials and g e or p and the appellant has not demonstrated therefore we respectfully ask the board of supervisors to uphold and fulfills the requirement of ceqa and now i'm going to turn it over to our environmental officer. >> good evening um, commissioner safai and members of boards i'm lisa you're environmental impact report officer and in february i
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presented to the board the that 95 sacramento street and provide the detail to the ceqa guidelines one 5 that extension provided today. and less than two weeks after the landmark pertinent to the appeals of this tax exemption was issued i'd like to bring to your attention for the environmental impact report the concerns an appeal the second to the board of supervisors of san diego which upheld the appeal and without getting lost in the details the court determined the ceqa language exactly as we have understood that have praentd it to you today a mandate central review. the court held that the led agencies decision moved by
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the mandate can be exchanged in court and that case the appellant and other key holdings to the board failure to limit to take event effectuate and enumerated and a lack of evidence regarding the finding that again are perk to that exact date i would like to this case with the legislative options with ab 16 that 3 for project housing accountability act reflect the market change and shift to the legal end about the appeals for being reviewed and the presidential nature of this makes is evidence this um, decision pertaining to exemption on the appeal at the time of that decision on the appeal so
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therefore i would like to note we're here as the evidence is before the board and what was in the record and the decisionmakinging progress in the eir process regulating i think that is important and no. especially and evidence and respectfully this pertains to matters related to the appeal of board of appeals and then to the mayor for the project. um, that concludes my presentation. and staff and i are available to take questions. >> thank you for the presentation. i don't see any questions from colleagues, i think i have two questions. >> first one i wanted to make
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sure i'm clear. (bell ringing) i cited a san diego state as an environmental - >> bring to your attention with the presidential nature of this case because for purposes of um, the ceqa and our practice case decisions have the effect law. >> establish standards by which we must abide in the overall decisionmaking that are per amenities for the um, case here today. >> i've never heard anyone correlate with the environmentally so, thank you. >> questions for don't labs physically handle some type of
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hazardous material? >> thank you for the question. planning staff yes, we understand that lab could potentially handle hazardous materials and they're highly regulated by numerous regulators that handle it and our supplemental appeal. >> so with the fact there is extremely high possibility of hazardous materials to be handled on the site why was there no analysis of the materials to mention of bio hazards in the analysis? and it seems to me particularly that from our statement and high potential of hazardous material being handled at a site by the
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community. >> joy from the planning staff yes, a discussion in the environmental impact report beginning on page 487. there is sites that is federal, state, and local regulations apprised to construction and soil. but they also added any future p dr or bio technology and that would be in the eastern neighborhood but the same regulations regarding the handling of use and disposal of hazardous materials and any regulations by the city as the result of the report issued but i bio scientist and that was described also in the eir. >> but ultimately the conclusion for any biotech or
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lab uses any hazardous materials um, that in conclusion, in the eir is in compliance with the san francisco health code that incorporated the site personnel and the public of hazardous materials or waste will protect against the environmental happening and therefore the potential impact is associated with the development of the new planned uses resulting from the implementation of project that and no measures were required. >> because we've not analyzed but domestic violence the level of hazardous materials; right? >> be on site. >> it is will be analyzed by a regulated by um, regulators.
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>> that's a fact. >> yes. when they're getting their licenses. >> and then your shadow analysis is pretty um, i know after the general plan evaluation can you explain that that is a doubt what the conclusions were like planning already made a decision. >> supervisor walton planning department. >> for the shadow impact analysis for the g e those are used to analyze section 295 and included as a supplemental analysis by the community from must finding and a further request by the community was my understanding requested for
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non-dogpatch and supplemental analysis for that was included in the supplemental memo at the time of the commission both all analysis conducted be less impacts related to shadows isn't parks. >> and did you come to the concussions prior. >> we included the analysis and that was - with the appellant and directed our consultants in a similar manner i i'm not sure where what the basis of that question was but absolutely not. >> we talk about air quality and did you conduct a map
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incentive sensor prior to approve of the hearings for this project? >> so the mitigation measure for air quality specifies that um, the analysis of those specific sensors you read prior to the building basic stepping back the possibility for impacts we identified was related to um, the potential exposure for the air conditioning nationals and generated by the project operation this and so, so the mitigation measure safety that and the air quality analysis is effective and staff did a survey
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of protectors and at the time of the navels effective and it is permitted to if it is allowed for identification the incentive repertoires a greater accuracy is for the sensors. >> i don't have any more questions for them and a representative from the project sponsor here? >> good evening my name is leah i'm a service chief operating officer for the bio lab and we provide lab space in
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support for biotech stovetops with diagnostic and climate change and subsequent and our scientists are committed their lives work to improving the work and their consciousness citizens of the neighborhood and cities and the broader community and our scientist and staff live and work in san francisco. and walk or take public transit to work and the laboratories which means that the studies are in the lab but unlikely to be in the community. biotech laboratories are regulated by a number of agencies at at local state and ferguson to make sure our practices are safe. some, some
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of the agencies are cal osha and the department of toxic control and california united program the district and the commissions the bayview air quality district and the centers control prevention and we're supporting one hundred and 35 stovetops and by helping them understand and provide the complex safeguards and other things hone we all operate irresponsible to care for the community and our environment. will not just about the external responsibility but the wellness of your employees. and they are at the heart of our mission the safety are the utmost you priority and as
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promised i it can take that responsibility very seriously. lastly as a proud long time resident of san francisco i believe we should encourage for our more laboratory space in the city and labs create many grounds not only for lab technicians and stovetops are the true development of tinges and leveraging cutting age and that is an ideal hub we without the proper lab structure companies will have to go elsewhere i hope you support the growth. thank you for your time and i'm available for questions.
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>> thank you supervisors john that we have that laboratory buildings and numerous other buildings for a general plan with the eir and this is available consistent with the development density on the eir unless something perk about the project that causes more impacts than previously analyzed and that is with consistedcy with the eir and the plan is permitted by zoning. the project is only building 58 percent of allowable density at the site and 10 feet shore for half of the site exactly the kind of project intended for the gp e when the eir was drafted several
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environmental issues agreed in the staff reports are not justified and it board knows ceqa appeal when reviewing the question whether the department findings are on the record and if they are the gp e should be upheld and - general arguments speculation from the appellant underline the gp e they agreed this description by the bio lab technology the project will not include life sciences facilities, however, none of those items are port did ceqa guidelines need a description of site and around the guidelines non-compliant and just what is necessary to evaluate and review
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the sites under the planning code that is roughly quote bio technology clarified by the bio level 3, 2, 1 unquote and elevated for those and no need for further clarification and agreed any questions about the difference between bio level 3, 2, 1 those are different physical facilities the facilities are designed not need to be used for bio level that there are physical components of this building of which any questions? we can go into detail but bio 3, 2, 1 but encourage you to ask in question if it didn't address the shadowing it is supported by constitutional
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evidence and air quality - this argument a merit tuesday mitigation measures update the measures that have to go by the measures are valid and appropriate and more importantly xhukt that in fact, the stronger mitigation in time of entitlement you'll know more about the mechanical system and hereby will be considered at that time if we care about the mitigation - that doesn't meet the litigation and regarding shadowing didn't correctly discuss the dogpatch but in the
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appellants letter dogpatch are include in the project original plan analysis and analysis was present under the potential shadow and shadows has been on the plaza both throughout the year and stand alone qualitative report the appellant does talk about no evidence has been attempted and in essence the shadow study was prepared and the appellant raised the issue. planning commission considers that additional analysis the project was eligible for gp e and exactly how ceqa was proposed to work and finally appellant argued about the eir and gp e failed to analysis the impacts by the biotech lab and
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stated in addition to the mitigation measures federal guidelines that make sure that that is not causing think impact on the environment and cited 9 other registry programs to make sure the laboratories will not are emissions and one example provide oversight both local of hazardous soil excavated and such analysis occurred over the ceqa review and numerous robust registry programs for hazardous materials and finally analysis the appeal decision made earlier by the court of appeals and with the county san diego and analyzed the previous eir where
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no unique impacts and clearly the case here appellants raised concerns have not provided evidence and after that, the evidence provide by the appellant and respectfully ask you deny the appeal. thank you. >> thank you. we'll ask for public comment for folks in support of the project. >> hello. >> my name is matt gender i'm an resident of san francisco moved to the city over 10 years and wanted to start a plaza company and did much for the last decade on potrero hill and were any lab was. which was not great. um, and then last year fortunate enough here in san francisco passport hill nbc one of the buildings and my company
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makes that same house and methane and we can get it and um, i get to walk to work everyday in my other career i never did that and now i walk to the gym after work and in the community they provide all of the safety guidance i don't think about that i don't want to think about the laboratory overhead they take care of that for us i ask you to support standing space and my company can get started in san francisco and more companies. thank you very much. >> good afternoon. >> board of supervisors good
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evening. i'm a local developer and on the advisory committee and board of supervisors i hope you support m bs bio labs and shouldn't be allowed to have defines put in place especially to halt projects in the district and this is an attempt to ban the labs not good for city of san francisco this is a miro business with the levy in the state of mind only positive things can come in the university students with labs in the close proximity to the schooling and as a fellow graduate and the everything and san francisco must get back to be a beacon of light for the world. i wonder whether the
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supervisors motivates were even after a hargd day. thank you. >> and community advocates are merely in funded black owners up and down the students and introduce legislation but not limited to michael developers and sub contractors and with luxury outdoor spaces and general contractors corporation (bell ringing) taken back state and families to no vail why play and political game what will people gain if not in the playing field and bio lab for supporting sf law within the industry is commendable and thank you, douglas crawford (bell ringing) thank you, you're time is up.
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>> good evening board of supervisors and my name is dave i'm from supporting u a local 38 in san francisco and here in support of project and 700 indiana street and this project currently has a project labor agreement not only provides plenty of work dedicated in this situation for labor unions but also provides local hire qualities in the area and all of the scientists and other workforce um, that woke um, brought to this project is despite and along with the surrounding areas that benefit from a project like this
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hopefully you'll support this project. >>ng, everyone john vice president of san francisco building construction trades council here to speak in support of project against the appeal for a number of reasons number one, we have a project sponsor made a commitment and made a commitment to a apprenticeship and opportunities in local 6 we've had probably the worst 4 year run that we've had in decades but for the supplant being redone on the southeast section the lowest hours in years. we need projects like this and need do divert of destroy in san francisco the project like that provides and we also need to make sure the
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message is sent that san francisco is open for business and that we do encourage innovation and research the project is not necessary providing jobs with construction but that the construction of a project like this leads to further development of good sustainable careers in san francisco both the trades and in the bio scientists and it is important to think of the investment (bell ringing) in san francisco in the eastern neighborhoods and lastly when we look at the - they feel this has been determined by the planning staff and too often of not moving fast enough and deliberate for a reason they reviewed that and say the
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eastern neighborhood plan, which have been around the memories are 8 years with the potrero hill boosters was a big part of this product thank you for your time (bell ringing) >> good evening. >> been a long one but we're still here that shows our dedication i've been here all day had an opportunity to speak in favor of the continuance my name is demetrius and in the local building trades and also a worker contractor so when seven hundred indiana came and talked about to the clefgz not more of a supporter but have to get this passed and because it is not just for the communities it is
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for the residents also and make sure so many businesses closing in san francisco we have someone that wants to help san francisco that is for that we place this measure and really look at it and, yes time to open the doors for business in san francisco and give people opportunities especially to scientists a chance to see affordable for them to have a place for their um, tools i mean their tuition and stuff i'm in support of this measurement i'm so excited i hope the board of supervisors also passed this measurement because this is imperative not just for the construction but, but for the residents of the community to move forward (bell ringing) and open up the doors for san francisco businesses to continue to thrive. thank you.
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>> good evening, my name is i'm here to speak in support of msnbc and residents for over 16 years and chief the staff a startup with the cbos in mission bay and currently with the existing m b c lab building and working with the development for sustaining parts of the district and as a scientist nearly all the san franciscans have development a potential to transform cancer treatment for the clinical trial will threat humans with the basin treatment and the tenants we'll complete
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with large companies and so some will move outside of the city but focus the financial resources on hiring people from our community to do valuable science and we attract innovation and jobs for individuals and all levels and provide support to businesses in the dogpatch and i see colleagues and other companies frequently restaurants and we value the bipartisanship safety and 40s those reasons like to share my support for 700 indiana street. >> i'm a research society in therapeutics and work out of a bio lab to cure aids related
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disease i called san francisco was my home when i moved into the home with my grandfather and my childhood memories are brieshth when covid 19 hit i defined my roll that financially allowed me to remain a san franciscan and professional network within the city. during my nearly that years bio lab offered a chance to meet an array of diversity and the daughter of immigrants to solve - i believe space with m b c labs has a background are amplified and the celebrate the expansion of spaces in san francisco. as a proud resident
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of this city interest in science and bio tech is a obvious consideration and work as an individual. i give back to the community i call san francisco my home. thank you. >> good evening. my name is rachel and i'm a san franciscan resident. >> about 6 years ago i graduated with engineering from uc and retired with the first employee asian related custodial - diabetes this company was fortunate to call m b c home and i see this aligns with my personal values with equity and belonging. m b c has access to a central lab space and supports
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entrepreneurss regardless of their background and includes policies for the foundational principles for the initiatives and some are struggling no support everywhere by the over 50 percent fournz across the place to identify either women or underrepresented racial groups this approach has a scope of research but enhances the visibility for the science a scientific break through's can be accessible in the population and m b c bio lab commitment to the community and recognizes the responsibilities we all have for diversity and sound and activities included the range of programs (bell ringing) and local stem outreach events from programs that supports
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underrepresented groups and for founders for underrepresented groups i urge you to support this. >> good evening supervisor walton and board of supervisors i am a lifelong resident and um, we are proud to support seven hundred indiana this project we respectfully urge you to deny the appeal and fails to meet the threshold for over thank you, sir, your time is up. >> and should be denied and like to point out the hospital is approximately 13 hundred feet from the project that we saw and about that 1,000 right next to the hospital as well and well-designed and is code compliant and investment in the
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san francisco economic recovery i urge you you to deny the appeal. thank you very much. >> good evening i haven't been able to call you president walton and supervisors and construction trades council more of my colleagues were here earlier but i want to note there is a narrative around good jobs and inclusion and innovation and proud to think that could help the fact is you have a very stake in narrow scope. and with all wishdz it falls shortfalls to provide what you need and frankly must demonstrate to
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uphold they're appeal for this reason i ask you to deny the appeal didn't ppo the conversation is over but respectfully call out another group i think we need to continue to have conversation around that because in the community concerns need to be heard and arranged i found a particular developer will have this conversation and hundreds of commitments in other places they - i think that they already are maybe so i went out to the site this weekend and governor brown hope you finish the park later (bell ringing) i noticed msnbc are already neighbors and part of the community and precedent in particular neighborhood and because they're on indiana if you were to be at the factor on the left and see other side of
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the street you can look across it is desolate parking lot and old structure and realize we have a potential on the merits (bell ringing) respectfully ask you to deny the appeal tonight. thank you. >> thank you, mr. secretary treasurer. >> good evening supervisors. and scientists in the trades hard act to follow i'm christie i'm an area policy manager for bio california and it is oldest transition for the life survives with over 18 hundred members in the area and bio comes 2024 economic report that realize the life sciences generates $8 billion in san francisco and this includes over 25 thousand
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jobs but supported by the cigarette like those at the union trade centers here and those jobs booster the local economy but a robust economy that supports the city. the jobs the lab requires on site work and many of the employees at the jobs or labs are residents of san francisco living and work within the city and as a matter of fact there were more scientists waiting to give comments but had to leave and members of our communities and the diversity of our city projects like 700 indiana street we need in support of constitutional development and encouraging the long traction of technology prerng i urge you to you consider the positive impact this will have. thank you for
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your time. >> monkey here would like to speak on the public comment in opposition to the appeal or in support of the project. >> no speakers public comment is closed. (gavel) >> we do have any that minutes for rebuttal by the appellant. >> we have that minutes for rebuttal by the appellant. >> thank you supervisors we have to start by mit yes will be a lot of good - that's not the point it is a planning code that distinguishes between the good or bad uses that evaluates and our argument that the planning
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department didn't study necessary for it to be able to have the eir and make the finds and in the evaluation with respect to the shadows we acknowledged they analyzed the shadows on the dogpatch are lulled? on the same day the gp is out before the conclusion and the analysis was provided and that it was not analyzed for the analysis but with respect to the mitigation for air quality if i have have the overhead from the planning department own memo you see the planned they make the study prior didn't mean you contacted or can't do that after but we're going to do an
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analysis to identify prior to the entitlement of the building when you can perhaps do more more and more with the types of toxic air that is floating around up through compare this to the issue when we did a study brand with the machinery will not be in place and more afterward words they did the study beforehand that was perspired by the eir but didn't see it in this case but talks about construction issues like the things that are on site but didn't cover the operations they have to follow the law we know that already and new regulations from the pier science report that is implemented 2005 and nothing came of that nothing about the planning department will do in relation to the
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environment that helps to mitigate the hazardous material i and like a game you heard it more from the project sponsor no more later (bell ringing) but not the time of the project for us to use the extension and we're not saying they can't be fixed and recommended in the future but it can't go forward unless that is done appropriately right now. thank you. >> thank you. so much and hearing from all parties (bell ringing) we'll close this hearing (gavel). >> colleagues anyone have any questions or statements if not - first one i want to say objective this is an important matter and we take our work
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seriously i think the concerns raised on behalf of himself definitely valid and planning nor the more than can saying this site will not cause harm to the area. i want just to be clear, that i fully support of the building and the site. let me say that again, i fully support the site by most certainly the environmental impact report have not completely - i know that whatever was to happen at the site provide jobs for labor. and, of course, we'll make sure that our building construction trades have the opportunities to have those quality jobs and in fact, woenlt find another human being with flavor to the meat we want to say that when people come to the chambers with the
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projects they should know what they're coming about. before they get up there and speak and say anything with that said, beyond the environmental concerns the project is consistent with the general plan and the proposal life sciences youth that is prohibited in the marin county housing authority board of commissioners zoning district and additionally the project fails to lion with the goals outlined nonprofit earn neighborhood area plan. and the plans were obviously planned for the city's needs for housing and prefer the integrity of the neighborhoods and this project unfortunately, falls short i this or, talk about how the project and other opportunities the housing element how we are ways behind in reaching our goals and how but the fact they're truly environmental
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concerns with the shadows and air quality and whether that is appealed or not and something i don't joy about the job but i do think that we are at a place we need to wait and therefore like to table item 23 and approve items that 4 and that 5 and make a motion to do that. >> seconded by supervisor. >> supervisor ronen. >> all right. on that motion i'm making sure i have not missed comments madam clerk get a roll call. >> on the motion to table 23 and approve items this and 20th century. >> supervisor chan, no. >> it supervisor dorsey, no. >> supervisor engardio, no. >> supervisor mandelman, no.
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>> supervisor melgar, no. >> supervisor preston, no. >> supervisor ronen, aye. >> supervisor safai, no. >> supervisor stefani, no. and supervisor walton, aye. >> there are two ayes and 9 nos with supervisors there are - there are 8 nos. >> with supervisors supervisor ronen and supervisor walton voting, aye. >> thank you, by a vote from 8 to two 2 fails. >> supervisor dorsey thank you, president walton express my gratitude for everyone that participated and came tonight and hearing the arguments this evening and reviewing the document and convinced the project is qualifies for the gp e i make a motion to table items
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24 and 25 and approve item 23. >> seconded by supervisor mandelman. >> madam clerk motion to approve item 23. >> supervisor dorsey and table items this and 20th century. okay. >> on that motion supervisor chan, aye. >> supervisor dorsey, aye. >> supervisor engardio, aye. >> supervisor ronen, aye. >> supervisor melgar, aye. >> supervisor preston, aye. >> as supervisor ronen, aye. >> supervisor safai, aye. >> supervisor stefani, aye. >> supervisor walton, no. >> walton no 9 ayes and one no with supervisor walton no. >> admission to approve item 23 and thank you for the public
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for sticking around and apologize for the time we started the appeal. madam clerk we are now at. >> roll call for introductions. >> thank you, mr. president first up to introduce is supervisor chan. >> thank you, madam clerk and colleagues today, i'm introducing a resolution to urge dr. mark wayne for the unified school district to re-evaluate the plan to close or merge san francisco schools after the alignments last august to respond to issues facing the districts the superintendent made clear closures and no information shared with the families are community partners telling me what this criteria and now the announcements has been delayed no further transparency and the school district has with budgetary problems and over million
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dollars failed and our educators and school left them without pay check and now a new $5.4 billion and the district should focus on the disaster at the table and work with the california of education to have a cost analysis and benefits and call statement analysis and propose $790 million and i appreciate the education and recommended to work with the superintendant after the emergency meeting last sunday and work with all stakeholders and look at all options for considering school closing and. the rest i submit. >> >> thank you commissioner walton and supervisor dorsey. >> thank you, madam clerk i'm drafting a request to be the
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feedback from the constituents on the context of recovering housing legislation co-sponsoring with - and as that addresses the discrete issue that is large in scope with the legislation and i'm asking that requires a cleaner and adequate notification to permits for the housing on drug related policies for the use of - and i'm also asking this include a signed acknowledgement of finding by the residents must be appropriate and in the language access ordinance and this legislation will have the work for the recovery bs h adoption but the issue that is elevated to my attention on the currents bs a residents has drug policies
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with the state housing provisions of the california welfare institution codes will political the states funded that requires tenants election to bring in and accepting applicants regardless of the substance abuse and the alcohol it not a reason for eviction and part of services for the and i dicks and assembly member matt haney has allowed for the recovery options in 24/79 legislation for the federal housing and the issue that has emerged locally some members of recovery who are bs h residents are not adequately informed about the drug policies. few those of us in the policy making
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have to terms like housing and bs h and harm reduction without appreciating sometimes, the no intuitive lecturing meaning those we serve parallel the residents struggling with disorders and fears when they expect themselves to be a situations and for some folks sobriety and they're not speculative a quote san francisco supportive housing sro's are 60 percent overdosing and this is a clear but misleading clarifications and appropriate languages to clarify
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and to clearly for the folks and i hope you support it and. the rest i submit. >> >> thank you, supervisor dorsey and supervisor engardio summit thank you. supervisor engardio thank you, madam clerk i have a resolution a millennium resolutions for office of emergency services as the october 2024 as the first san francisco fairway month in the city and county of san francisco since 1984 when they published her publication and long before that san francisco is a perish precious place in 2004 governor gavin newsom declared it stairway day and the
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first staircase the say mosaic with the sun and moon and the flowers and is piles representing the hardware across this and the tiles to the staircase like many that are completed this is designed brought to life by artists working with the community volunteers. in october san francisco gives other tile staircase in the park and by the avenue a disoriented by a mural and in an approval process. and largely because the effort is led by the neighborhoods tiles
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will be installed beginning next week and many across town in october and the best weather of the year coming upon us is the perfect time to celebrate and over 9 public staircases connecting the streets and parks and some have tiles and some are those stairways build the pathways san francisco's parks and on the familiar streets and having discoveries nothing natural not only a discovery beautification and clean up days and give chance encounters to straggler and san franciscans get out and discover the
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stairways in our neighborhoods and tile foot launches and pilot stairways and much, much more and check out the logs for the latest updates and i want to thank especially for who are bringing the stairway and the glen park community and madeline from the park alliance and short from the public works and the other folks in the department and i also want to thank any legislative aid and on this resolution i want to thank my co-sponsors. >> (calling names.) >> and supervisor ronen and first in memoriam is for nationally who passed away open july 2, '05 years old and
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dedicated as a dedicated employee for his retirement and after many years he joined dbi in the division for the i believe inspection and a disaster coordinator to handle any entering and later promoted to a building inspector and during covid pandemic the parade the emergency center and the prides of teamsters the building inspector in san francisco and 2013 we share the associations and dutyly served in the roles and colleagues this was a
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relikely friend and definitely i'm asking for you adjourn in meeting born and raised south of market and graduate and served in the army and red water meters for the city and for the last 60 plus years during that time friends of family described his wife of 60 plus years the best bathroom and was a remarkable athletic and championed handball player and amazing action titles and in the final decades of his life and supported women and
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handball from alcatraz and ran the race and finally a diet that is a little bit of sugar and later on never stopped walking became and fixture and i subscribed earlier and does pickle ball well and rudy was described as open-minded person and he's a model starting businesses now third generation with the jobs and starting making friends everywhere and - but all the accomplishments rudy people would lean out of cars do wave to him. and why not to be
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famous when i'm an old guy but he was famous socially and mentally engaged and may his memory be a blessing. the rest i submit. >> >> commissioner mandelman supervisor melgar submit. thank you. >> a president supervisor ronen submit and supervisor safai it up madam clerk i have one thing to introduce colleagues, i am introducing a hearing request and also a motion scheduling for next week will be to the committee as a whole regarding some of the information that has just come out extremely strooefl disturbing bicycle district have
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heard multiple reports $20 million is uncould for the school district with approximately education funding and because of that missions have not been able to be hired and families are not served and that is a matter of a crisis putting families in major, major disarray and causing upheaval and unfortunately, we need to call the conversations with supervisor walton today with dcyf and have them come in along with all the different agencies now have been asked by the mayor to be part of this recovery team and want to get to the become of $8.4 million that is accessed through the success funds was for the part of the original intent to hire consultants and others but actually, we talked about today was for helping and enhancing the educational
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environment in the school district so motion would be introduced and along with the hearing we will i will ask colleagues to support the committee as a whole next week but move on that in a an urgent matter and do that in support with president peskin and talked to other colleagues so we can move forward next week i know every single one of us have been asking questions about things that are happening in our school district and causing upheaval and concern as that relates to school concurs and thank you, supervisor chan for introducing this information and with that. the rest i submit. >> thank you, thank you supervisor safai and supervisor stefani. >> summit. thank you.
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>> and mr. president supervisor walton thank you, roll call is over and entertain a motion madam clerk, call the roll. >> make a motion to excuse supervisor preston for the remainder of meeting. >> supervisor chan, aye. >> supervisor dorsey, aye. >> supervisor dorsey, aye. >> supervisor mandelman, aye. >> supervisor melgar, aye. >> supervisor preston is absent. >> supervisor ronen, aye. >> supervisor safai, aye. >> supervisor stefani, aye. >> and supervisor walton, aye. >> there are 9 ayes. >> admission to excuse supervisor preston is passed and madam clerk, call role for
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adoption. >> public comment for matters. >> my i'll see to the public. >> please line up on the right hand 22 and setting the timer for two minutes. >> i'm the public um. >> just going to get a visionary it's been 0 long i live in the districts and thanks to the mission as a whole and the mixed projects and other sf wants to make city hall and that's begin the public will entity on the same page as a political and propaganda and i'm wondering will the public start talking about food and pushing together of the flash of the
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billionaires - related also weird overlap between the salvation employees and pulling together the sf are why this overlap so one example of an officer lap the supervisor talking about that and another is the founders of the periodic alliance and ad nauseam and last online twittering x non-bye people overdosing and with the weird overlap the commissioner safai and parks and recreation to the. >> y refrain if from talking
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about supervisors. >> continue with our public comment. >> so um, before the announcements he's in step with assessments policies and messaging and (bell ringing) um, and this particular person maybe well rountsdz like my supervisor. and making no mistake either (bell ringing) in amplifying the connections. >> thank you for your comments. >> if i other speakers mr. president. >> no more public comment public comment is closed. (gavel) and madam clerk can we go to the without reference. >> items 28 without reference and voted required for adoption for first reading today and
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alternating a member may require the first reading to go to committee. >> thank you, supervisor stefani pull items 29 and thirty. >> thank you so much. and seeing no other names on the roster, madam clerk we'll go ahead. >> same house, same call. for items 28 though that 1 and 32. >> madam clerk, call item 29. >> this is a resolution to declare 2024 at st. vincent evident in the city and county of san francisco with one hundred anniversary. >> supervisor stefani thank you, president walton friday september 27th as school day in the city and county of san
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francisco in honor 6 centennial resolution has within a core of education and community in our city for one hearsay years the household has upheld a holistic education and nutritious academic students as a mother of two i see impact of this incredible issue on the broader community founded in 1924 the high school has continuing evolved the curriculum and a methods for experimental and bode approaches for students to engage global citizens and this is a lasting community but i think city hall values and generosity and service encouraging them to participate
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in the initiatives and special thank you to father arrest trespasser and. >> (calling names.) >> st. vincent sent is a tribute to the educators for the learning environment over the past years. thank you. >> supervisor stefani and madam clerk, call item thirty. >> item thirty. >> oh, sorry. thank you. >> thank you. so much supervisor stefani and i believe inspected and item 29 passes my apologies item thirty. >> a resolution to urge the secretary of navy to country
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even the ship in commenting dianne feinstein for the >> supervisor stefani ask the privilege of chambers be sent to the brand drought without objection existed. >> thank you president walton urging the secretary of navy to christen the ship as uss dianne feinstein and thank you for recognizing the profound legacy of dianne feinstein that was lost one year ago and dianne feinstein was a trailblazer not just for women if politics but for the community with courage and conviction as the first
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woman anywhere has created a path forward for future generations and senator feinstein balanced with compassionate and with grace and for me more than a mentor but all - senator feinstein the connection to the u.s. navy was person. and after the tragedies in 1978 senator feinstein supported to strengthen the historic bonds to the navy and her vision and diligence the tradition continues to honor the brave men and women today. and
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defendant and renaming a u.s. ship after here is her contributions to the navy difference and the lives she's touched i urge you secretary to honor this by crisis evening a ship as uss dianne feinstein and shows her contributions to the national security and her instead of public service colleagues, i hope you'll join me in dianne feinstein legacy and with that, as you may know, to dianne feinstein granddaughter eileen. >> thank you very much. and good evening supervisor walton i will be brief i know that is late but i'm here like in my full capacity and speak about my grandmother and admiration for
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the navy um, she herself was a sailor um, she would sail in the bay and loved being think is water um, as supervisor stefani mayor she brought things to san francisco and show the navy um, we were women here in the city um, and briefly had blue angels and proud of that and told me that story at least one dozen times um, served as chair the committee where um, her reverence for the navy grew and um, one of the co-porpdz of uss harvey milk a proud public servant and supporter of the navy until the day she died and having a ship named after her meant the world's to her, she
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would have been honored um, and supervisor stefani mentioned that but not able timing she passed away a year ago this weekend um, this is a lovely way um, to remember her in her psa um, thank you, supervisor stefani um, for introducing this item um, and it is really means a lot to me. um, and thank you to members of the board. >> thank you, ms. morgan. >> i supervisor dorsey add me as a sponsor. >> please add me as a co-sponsor. >> thank you and madam clerk please add me as a co-sponsor as well. >> and without observation items thirty without objection. >> madam clerk do we have in
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