tv Mayors Press Availability SFGTV October 2, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm PDT
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silnts. you have a right to a attorney. tell the officer i would like a attorney. if you are arrested do not talk about your case or immigration status to anyone other then your attorney. do not sign anything without your attorney. do not lie to law enforcement officers and if you are property are being searched make sure i do not consent to the search. do not challenge the officer, you can file a complaint about police services later, if you are not comfortable speaking english you can ask for a bilingual officer who speaks your language and also ask for a interprerererererererere >> mayor:okay, okay, hello. all right.
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good afternoon, everybody. i'm san francisco mayor london breed. [cheers and applause] and we are here to officially swear in the mex recreation and parks department commissioner clark herrera! to know sonia is to love her and when i say love, if you don't fall in love with her when you meet her, something is wrong with you. she instantly takes you in and i don't even remember where we met but every time when i was as executive director of african-american director arts and culture complex, she was always there to land support and provide advise and willing to go out of her way to get
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somebody to provide the financial resources to make things happen. and i don't know if you remember this, sonia, i remember when the culture complex was at the young museum. the young museum worked with my kids and they were doing braiding and fun examine music performance and everything, and we had such a great time. and i remember seeing sonia and sonia had a really pretty necklace and i was like, ooh, that's cute, and she took it off and put it on my neck. that's the person she is, she brings, joy laughter and excitement, and that's why i want her on the rec and park commission. [cheers and applause] it's not to say it's not to say that our amazing commissioners from rec and park joining us here today are not fun and
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exciting, in fact, chuck i have to say that the rec and park commission is probably the most exciting fun and commission there is. and so, sonia hails from the arts background, the mural music and arts project that she has been actively engaged in for so many years. and what i appreciate about the work that she's done there, again it is always been about opportunity. how do you expose people and young folks who are incredibly talented to opportunities? and make sure others have a chance to see their uniqueness, their excitement and their glow. so i've appreciated being your friend and to a certain extent part of watching your children grow and thrive and becoming amazing, they just like they
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mama, they're so fun and exciting too. watching your husband and his career do his thing, but more importantly we know who the boss of the family is. [cheers and applause] because, the fact that eugene is here without flip-flops on, shows you who the bass is. [cheers and applause] [laughter] so on behalf of the city of san francisco i want to thank each of one of you for joining us but i do want to allow for some folks to say a few words. i want to start with chuck collins because of his relationship with sonia, he's the president of the san francisco arts commission and does an incredible job with his work for the county and city of san francisco. and i would also like for cat anderson who is the president
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of the rec and park commission the commission that she will be joining with fellow commissioners, ginsberg could not be here because he's busy saving the schools with sue. you're with the best of the best as busy as you are and as much as you have on your plate that you said yes for an opportunity like that. before i swear you in, let's welcome chuck collins. [applause] >> so if we know of a word that defines family for sonya is the pueblo and once you're there, it's happiness and meaning. and all of us in this pueblo
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today, really feels the cultural icon that a pueblo represents but also the energy of the mother that brings the pueblo to life. it's really special to see all of you, with all of your eyes and all of the ways that you have been a part of the life of our great zone ja. --sonya. this is the mayor's balcony and this is a place for people to see the rotunda and i'm honored to be part of that. and i want to express my appreciation to london breed, in particular in this moment where her gifted leadership is needed more than ever in order to guide us through where we are to where we should go.
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she called me up last fall and said chuck, i would really like to talk to you about continuing as the mayor of the city. and i asked her, why, i said oh lord have mercy all the stuff that is going on. and she said one thing and i got it on the first beat, and she said this will not be my legacy. my legacy is going to take the city forward from where we are and learning from where we have been and pro claiming that san francisco has the rightful place among the greatest cities in the united states and that's why i am with london breed, have no doubt about it. and really thinking about, you know, her response. i know this is suppose to be sonya but i got to talk about london, because with no london, there is no sonya today. unprecedented pressure and visibility and the types of
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stings that people are trying to put in the political conversation, it's like that other person talking about where we've been when she wants to take us forward where we should be. but this work does not happen without commissioners. i'm a commissioner my wife just left where shannon is sitting to go upstairs to the fire commission, to conduct the city's business to make sure that there is integrity in what we do and where we believe that space between what can happen and should happen is where commissioners do their work. we take an oath of office. each one of us has taken that oath of office to support and defend this city and we take that any sacred way, because if you look at the guard rails that is necessary to ensure fiscal integrity and the importance of government, that we believe in, it's our
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commissions that help to bring that to life. we are a part of the army of our mayor. and this mayor really wants to work with her commissions not to eliminate to perhaps rethink them. but she, she will call you in a heartbeat sonya and say get that work done but never tell you what to do. i've never once had a phone call from london breed that directed me to do a single thing. and that's called trust, and the trust that she gives us that we're suppose to equip is sacred, you'll raise your hand and you will take an oath of office and we know that that oath of office carries throughout everything that you do. and we know people in our own time who have taken an oath of office and have desecrated that oath by not really believing that it's the country, it is the city for which we stand. and that's a very important part of taking this forward
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because, you know, we think about rec and park. first of all, it's rec and then it's park. it's really about, you know, the people. it's talking about these incredible place that's are in the trust of the rec and park department but it is people that bring the places alive. and we have the most mafsh russ places in the world. people come from all over, to see what we have here. but it's the people that bring it alive. and one of the things about sonya that we know everybody in this pueblo, there is some people that were ten years old, nine years old and babies when they start withed sonya in mural and art and music program that are now responsible adults, teachers in the schools, working in the ymca, working in our other
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organizations because sonya's organization saw that youth needed a place to develop. and like anything else, it's a catch and release game, you catch them with music and you catch them with art and then you take them to their journey to adulthood and i see in this these individuals who are now responsible adults. it's a magic thing. it is an important thing. it is not something that just you go ahead and say, oh i got this pin over here, we all wearing our pins today, right? but that pib means something and every time i put that pin on, i realize i'm in the steps of the mayor and one fall, reflects on the city. so always do your homework, always be willing to ask the questions but also what i love about rec and park is the culture of your commission. because we see it, i'm an arts commissioner, we get to do art
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with them, we get to really stand up with what they do, we do the art for the airport. but one of our most important places is the places in our rec and park system. so we help to bring that alive and we're going to have a new moment that sonya as an artist herself will help to enlighten the places because again it's people that bring the places alive. sonya's had a remarkable career. you might know her as an artist but also a scientist, i mean sonya has degrees in biology, microbiology in advanced biological anthropology, when you see her, you see the artist part but this is a person grounded in science. and that's important because she has this rational mind get the job done, right.
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so i think that you on the cusp of a wonderful new addition to the family. i feel that, every time we bring a new commissioner it's the responsibility. and i told sonya yesterday, sit down with your commissioners, you can only go one by one other size, you'll go through a notice provision. but sit down with your commissioners, they're the one doing this work. they're the ones really filling the gap. and when i think about what your commission is doing, india basin park one of the most remarkable history, done under the administration of london breed that is going to take crissy field and take it its star, sister, neighborhood, family, on the southeast side of the city. this is a mag any nificent
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manifestation of equity where the asthma and all the respiratory, the burden of that, but to think about your department and your leadership madam mayor bringing alive a new park in the most important part of growing edge of san francisco. there always has to be a growing edge. there always has to be a frontier that we're work toe clips and equitable development plan, of the india basin park has brought alive ten people that ten years ago were in their program and now program officers. they have raised over $100 million, it's coming from the community a randolph and other institution that's are indigenous. it is telling the stories of the sheros and heroes in that community that emblematic of your responsibility. i could not happier today to
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have gotten the call that mayor breed said, would you say a few words, i know i eclipsed my time but thank you for giving met mic. and now i'm bringing back up london mayor breed. [applause] >> wow, chuck said it all good luck sonya. i'm lucky to be in the second home of mayor london breed. son ya i feel like you're readdition to my life but i didn't know it but sonya was a really really important part of my life. and mentoring my children. i raised them in the marina and we went to the marina library
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and the playground next to the library years and years i felt like i lived there. when it was time to renovate the playground in about 2002, we made a tile and i'll show you a picture. here's muscony gym and there is a playground and tile wall and the tile by dd and patrick anderson is here in the corner and sonya just told me that she was the artist of these bronzes, these amazing bronzes and now that i know you're a scientist, boy did she get the star fish just right. i love it. i have been in san francisco long enough that there is amazingly committed people. london breed i met when she was executive director of culture arts complex, london what year
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was that? what were a come of your last years? i was just blown away by this woman. staffing a very affective legislature and former supervisor in our city. and i'm sitting there going papaw and i hunted her here, on these tippy toe, on threes flats and i'm like can i help had you not die, i've been behind you and a believer of your mag nificent open leadership ever since. london has helped create an amazing rec and park. and sonya welcome, i'm very proud of our commission. we're very involved people, some of us born and raised san
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franciscans some others transplants, but this is my home, been here more than half my life. and cathedral boy my son patrick is a grad as well. we are so happy to have your talents here, i do think that rec and park does a wonderful job working hand and hand with the arts commission. it's all about what contributes to the health and well being of the citizens and visitors to san francisco, that is our art, that is our park. we have much to be proud and we have thoughtful staff who yes, they have procedures to go through but they really care to hear from the citizens of san francisco, the folks that want to tell you about the tree that they wish we would not cut down. okay, i'll wind it up. anyway, we're just going to
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keep doing great things with sonya at the ready, and part of our team and again, welcome. thank you, mayor london breed! [cheers and applause] >> mayor: and before i bring sonya up, i want to acknowledge commissioners that are joining us here today. coach joe halsee is with us again. you want to raise your hand, there you go. vanita louie. and carey wintroub. thank you for joining us, i appreciate the comments of both cat and chuck especially as it relates to our park. one of the reasons i wanted to appoint sonya to this commission is the importance of making sure that we introduce and have embedded in what we do with the rec and park system equity and the arts as we
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undertake a significant change to the southeast sector, we are, it's not the sister or the brother of crissy fields because it's going to be better than crissy fields. india basin will be the envy of the entire city in the southeast sector in the city of in a community that had been rocked by environmental injustice and this is a creation created by the community it is transformative and it will be opening very soon along with so many other great things that we're doing in our rec and park system. so at this time, it is my honor, i'm excited to bring up sonya clark herrera to swear her in to the rec and park commission.
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[cheers and applause] okay, stand right there. all right, are you ready? okay. please raise your right hand and repeat after me. i state your name. >> i san sonya clark ge rera. >> solemnly swear na i will support and defend the constitution of the united states and the constitution of the state of california. against all enemies, foreign and domestic that i bear true faith and allegiance to the same. that i take this obligation freely. without any mental reservation.
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or purpose of evasion, and that i will well and faithfully discharge the duty about which i'm about to enter and during such time as i serve as commissioner for the san francisco recreation and park department of the city and county of san francisco. congratulations. [cheers and applause] here's our city ceo. put it on. >> i'm going to put it on. all right, let's pin you. see you got my name all signed. >> you got your name etched in there, girl.
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>> it's called class. >> there we go. yes. >> i'm shaking and i'm never nervous. >> mayor: these are all your friends and they love you. >> i'm, thank you to the mayor for having confidence that i can accomplish having with these incredible stewarts with the city and i know, i've already asked for all of your guidance and i've had the
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opportunity to know that i can count on you to do that and i always felt that about you. so i want to say thank you so much for giving me the chance to show you that i'm trust worthy of remembering public service of remembering our who our people live and why we came to san francisco and we decided to be this dynamic community. we're the reason that parts, we have all of these great things that we do together because we have passion and dedication and i know that from mentors like chuck, and my partners. thank you for being trust worthy and endorsing me to give this opportunity to give back to you to us and to make everything as strong as i can possibly do it. and i will do my best to make sure that you're proud of my
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service and i hope that i'm a great steward like my mentorship will be. thank you and you all. i feel like everybody know, everybody has got a candle and my eldest son who flew in from new york today, eldridge and miles who flew in from l.a. today. and my husband eugene. it's been a long day. i've been sick for a decade and to have to let go of your dream, and to fight for your health, is miserable but to get back up and look and trust people, and to remember that together, i think there is a way that maybe it's as i used
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>> >> >> my name is alex sinclair of willow on the green in san francisco. we are the only british tea shop on the west coast and focused on high quality luxury goods from the u.k. and we have teas and baked goods. we came up with the name because willow is made with baskets and the parklett, a willow green and
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that is a picnic in the park. i have come up with the idea because i have lived in the neighborhood for a year. seven years ago we had a tea shop. during covid we needed to have a new flavor and rejuvenate the business. we are between two beautiful businesses. i realized with the shop opening next to the bakery, we had a beautiful tea shop in the area. we started with british teas and want to support local tea makers in the local area. and once you have cheese and biscuits need tea and jam and lemon curd and chocolate and all of these parts basically imported from the u.k. our most popular products come from wales.
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it's an extra cheddar and next popular product is a jam made with alpine strawberry. so you get a taste of a nice strawberry. this is about supporting cheese makers and business in the area and women-owned businesses around the world and always want to support the community. we support concerts, we support charities and come to the aid to those in need such as the british society and the san francisco society and the -- >> if you have never had british cheese, i recommend you come in on weekend. all of our staff are highly
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knowledgeable of all of our products and we are really passionate about what we do here and gives you a chance to explore our culture and food and our values. i encourage you to come to the inner sunset with a beautiful park to be young and academy of sciences here. come to the shop. we have beautiful baskets and blankets so you can enjoy this wonderful nature and you can support these wonderful businesses out here. >> >> we will call the meeting to order.
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