tv Fire Commission SFGTV October 3, 2024 2:00pm-3:31pm PDT
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the time is 5. . 01 p.m. >> this meetingly will be in person at city hall room 400. members of the public attending the meeting in person will have an opportunity to provide public comment. members of public participating remote low may access the meeting and participate by following the instructions below. members of the public may address the commission for up to 3 minutes per item of public comment call in 1-415-655-0001. meeting id, 26639636930, webinar password. 1234. n ensure you near a quiet
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location. speak clearly and turn off backgrounds sounds. wait for the item you would like to address to be called. when prompted press star 3 to be added to the queue. the system will notify you when you are in line. callers will hear silence when waiting for your turn to speak. operator will unmute. you may also watch live at sfgov tv og. president morgan. >> present. >> vice president fraser. >> present >> commissioner nakajo. >> present. >> commissioner feinstein. >> present. >> commissioner collins. >> present. >> chief of department sandra tong. >> present. >> president morgan will read the ramaytush ohlone land acknowledgment. >> thank you. madam secretary. [ramaytush ohlonearc
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and not to individual commissioners or department personnel. commissioners are not to enter in debate or discussion with the speaker. the lack of riresponse by the commissioners or department personnel does not institute agreement with or support of statements made during public comment. please approach and you have 3 minutes. >> good evening. i get 3 minutes. i need to -- one for you one for you, miss and the others that are not here. whenever you have a chance this is important because you don't
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want to be jealous of anybody. so. all supervisors the police commission did the chief of the police d. that is it. these are my recommendations the list of thing to pleasure. does not concern necessarily the fire department. specifically. it just concerns everybody. so. its prove that you got temperature the guys know you have it now. whether you decide to read it or not, you understand? the concept. from the record as well. okay. what do we do now fire -- yes. fire. i wish we my wish will be a fire ax. clean water because somebody is clearly trying to mess with water temperature is not a good
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idea. there has been a missing around about with fire. you know it. it is not a good idea. whoever is doing that, is pushing the things is basically doneful you are not allowed. not allowed mess with the basic elements which are water, fire, earth which means food. and basically the skies. that's the reason why i'm here. i'm not crazy. i'm on a mission you should know it. may be not you miss, yet. this the mayor has it, too much that's if now you do your best interest in that if you see of your children on issues if you don't have children your relatives. they will pay for what you do. that's it.
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>> good evening, commissioners i'm melanea and i'm a campaign associate at walk san francisco i'm representing more than 30 community based organizations and civic groups poor of the civic zero. every 14 hours someone is taken to sf general after injury in the a crash. some of the victims will not and don't survive am we not that fire department witness the aftermath of the tragedies as first responders. fire department plays a crucial role in public safety and protecting life in san francisco. that's why we are look to the fire department as a part in in the vision zero efforts to end traffic crashes. we are asking the fire
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department to not recommitment but a leading partner in this effort. that means commit to a data base approach between agencies on how street design decision are made. fire department's emergency response network has been prioritized it must be considered in balance worrying goals for the city >> when more than 30 are killed and hundreds injury in the crashes each year. the vision zero urges the commission to recommitment the fire department to vision zero as partners. we allment the same thing, to save lives. thank you. >> good evening president morgan and commissioners. i'm alice rogers. i am a member of the vision zero coalition. i'm also pedestrian south beach
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rincon mission bay neighborhood association and importantly, since 2008 a proud nert and so, our very engaged with fire department activities >> i joined melinna in asking the fire department to engage and recommit with vision zero in a big way. i was especially pleased at an sfmt a meeting on vision zero to learn the fire department and public works worked together with the controller's office to find more common ground so that your safety needs and the public street safety needs can be made compatible. i hope we go forward with that and as melinna said save many more lives. thank you. >>
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>> madam secretary, is there more public comment on the phone or anything? i don't see public comment approaching the podium. ownership online. >> >> thank you, madam secretary. >> item 3. approval of the minutes discussion and possible action. discussion and possible action to approve meeting minutes. minutes from regular meeting on september 11, 2024. any discussion of the meeting of september 11? fellow commissioners or questions or a motion? i need to abstain i was not present. >> okay. all right. >> okay. all right. i move we approve the minutes. >> commissioner nakajo. >> second that motion
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>> we need to take public comment. >> i vote, yea. >> we have to call for public comment. >> before. >> okay. we will do public comment first. thank you. >> i see someone approaching the bench you have 3 minutes. >> september 11 du mention the what happened then we don't want to forget. never. the fire there was a collapse [inaudible]. what you have been told. that's not necessary to -- so i don't know what you d. yes zero does not exist. zero does not exist that's why it is called zero zero means zero vision it exist in theatre in reality it does not.
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if you have zero at noon it is because wanting a zero meansmenting to freeze. it is that stupid you cannot freeze evolution. one thing to freeze, now. no. that's the level of unintelligence. to push this absolute idiotic narrative am okay. not good to wear a mask anymore. the skies don't like it. civilizations collapse with too many parasites. >> thank you. >> madam secretary is that it for public comment? >> i don't see anyone else approaching the podium and don't see any public comment online. >> may we take a vote.
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>> commissioner collins? >> she has to abstain. >> okay. >> my apologies. president morgan. >> yes. >> commissioner nakajo seconded it. >> motion passes. >> thank you. >> item 4 chief of department's report. from chief of department sandra tong on current, activities and events went department since the meeting of september 11, 2024, including budget, academies, special events, communication and out roach to other government agencies and the public. report from administration deputy chief shane. report on the administrative divisions fleet and facility and update, finance, support service
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and home land security. >> good evening. president morgan and fraser. commissioners collins issue fine stierning nakajo. sandy tong. since you start i understand that my last report that some of it got dropped off. i will reiterate those i will tell that you i was talking for 5 minutes and then did not realize i was not in the room. so i will repeat what i was talking to myself about. so, you did hear a few things. but on september 6 was friday, i believe. i had a meet and greet with the mayor and leadership of the chinese association in china town. it was an opportunity to meet a number of leadership from the chinese community from the associations that are a part of that community. it was a nice opportunity to
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speak to my background and meet the folks and so it was a really nice opportunity to do this with the mayor. >> on the next day on the saturday we went over to observe a battalion drill at division of training and sought work that our crews do every day in terms of training and practicing at the tower. and the next day we have the fire, police mass at st. gabriel. and another lovely opportunity to you have been remember all of those who have died in the past years. from you opinion frommure know -- their service in the work and so a nice service. then the next monday september 9 we greeted the 31st veteransment academy the emt's going to paramedic. we were able to say hi and wish
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them luck. we are in the process of finishing up and we will know at the next meeting how many have successfully passd and now paramedics. >> we also had a birthday celebration for martha cohen our city special event's planner. a nice event at city hall. we were able to celebrate her, her accomplishments and the work she has done that have been critical to things we do in san francisco and her ability to manage and organize these eventses that are huge, she is detail or yenlt today has been a pleasure and it was a nice opportunity to celebrate her. >> and then00 autonext day was00 auto911 remembrance. thank you, station 5 who hosted us. was a lovely event and an important one that we will continue to do every year. i know that is something as
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years go on with members who are younger may not have been around when it happened. being able to make sure that we remember sna sacrifice that work that we do every day, but on that special day honor all of those, so, that was also a very sobering but important event. >> later that week i was able to review and select the next class of h2's we sent provisional letters we'll put them through back groundses, medicals and from there able to select a final class that will start in january. 135th academy? i believe? right? we also on -- september 16th greeted our newest class of level 1 and 2's we have had an
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academy for level 1s and academy for level two. it can be a lot of work for training staff. what we tried to do was combine level one and two classes and separate them out as we specialize the work this they dom in addition the level one classes are a longer academy they are 12 weeks the paramedics 8 weeks. abling to do things together many of the lecture and it is required mandatory training we do as one group that has been helpful to lessen the burden for our training staff. >> past sunday, i attended pacific asian american bay area coalition. where they honored 6 outstanding ap i women in terms of contributions to the asian community. and their career achievements. it was a very nice upon event.
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thank you to commissioner nakajo who introduce mead to a founder. whole invited me to this a nice event and some of the awardees i knew. >> yesterday also attend our life line events at a salvation army supportive army location in south of market. and i will say that the energy of the founding group, the commitment of not only that founding group and many of the member in our department top go sxout dot out reach and to the community to help those that are limited english speaking to have the information that we need as first responders when we go to homes to understand this is their name, medication and the doctor's name. the information they put together in a way that is accessible.
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and then useful for us in the field. i went to one of these and they had 11 of our members suppression members, emt, ems. paramedicine. upon ambulance companies. medical students and nurse they had a cod ray of people that were out there going door to door filling out form it is. most of the residents are chinese speaking and surprisingly i was able to understand some of the things they said. it was just a really inspiring and lovely opportunity to see them at work and to see the impact they are able to do in this capacity. so. thank you for nick who is
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eighty-one of the founders and all the members that participated >> and then myself and the command staff have been meeting with each board of supervisor trying to understand a bit more behalf needs are. and how we can help with what they are looking at. and also to share our priorities and especially what we are going to need in terms of fleet replacement and infrastructure and the next budget. >> and finally meet width ad c's individual to understands what some of their projects are. priorities and how i can help facilitate that work they are doing >> and i department to ask this we close the meeting in a moment of silence for members that passed away. one, who dieod september 9, elizabeth a firefighter. had 16 years of service. and brian who dieod september 12, had 29 years of service and there was a west sacramento firefighter who die in the the line of duty in training on
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monday. if we can close the meeting with those three. thank you. >> thank you for your report chief tong and we can do that. after the meeting a mobile home of silence for the fallen members. and at this time, we go to public comment. madam secretary? >> i don't see anyone on the line but i see public comment approaching the podium. have you 3 minutes. that microphone there. >> yes. i forgot say something essential your comment has to be toward. it is concerning everybody. everybody is under arrest. so you better know what you are doing. yes. i am, too much i know what i'm doing. i'm telling you. so because the charges violation
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of the rules of existence for too long. focusing everything you do. miseducation. [inaudible] you are under arrest am have a good night. thank you. that's it for public comment. >> yes. >> i don't see anymore comment. >> thank you. in the -- questions from my commissioners to chief tong. >> thank you for your report.
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thank you. good to hear from you today. it was one thing. thank you for suggesting we close in honor in memory of the 3 firefighters who died. and sounds like you are jumping in with both feet and doing everything. 7 days a week which is the job of the chief of the san francisco fire department. so. thank you. we appreciate you. commissioner nakajo. nothing. thank you for your report chief tong and i'm sure you will lead the ship in the right direction and we have confidence in you keep update great work i don't have questions thanks for your
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report. so -- at this time we are ready for chief kiloa's report? he is ready. >> ready. >> good evening president morgan and vice president fraser. commissioners liechtenstein, nakajo. i'm department chief of administration this is my report for august 2024. we begin with assistant chief brown and home land security. busy over the month of august, major planning and dintss the dream forest and 25 event.s nba superbowl 25 and world cup all in 2025. also heavy in the planning for float week. this takes time from chief brown and her staff to coordinate and facilitate with our fellow, local and state agencies.
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one of those being the diska exercise. this is the defense of support of civil service authorities this . is between the marine, coast guard. fire department and dem. this exercise for 25 this will be communications. attended a training course. for awareness and planning for large scale incidents ties back to all things we discussed that are coming in 2025 and preparing for those upon events. and throughout august, there was also action plans completed for outside lands and a visit. >> under the out reach, recruitment and development office under the dio office firefighter ariana wilson a busy throughout the month. not just what i will highlight with the tonight but also in
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lieutenant's involve am in the interview process for our h2 firefighters. as well as -- thanks, chief. there we go. and also -- participation in interviews and selection process it takes an amount of band width to assist us in the chief tong in that selection process among all other activities he does in his daily work. part of that in august, they visited the sf achievers program. for family day. this is a partnership that sfa inspire african-american men in unified school districts to succeed in college and post secondary institutions. here you see in these photos engine 42 along with lieutenantand are son and wilson and over view of the engine.
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some of the operations of the san francisco pirate. and it was a successful event and well attended. also on the month of august. they attended path way for kids in potrero hill neighborhood. it serveed empower sf under servedin are city youth by exposing them to career opportunity. and -- just a great opportunity to connect with the community and with the kids of potrero hill. engine 37 participated there. just like in our previous line. showing the engine talking about our operations. and how we served the community and how they can assist. >> fighter ariana wilon has been developing recruitment strategies at all levels. one being targeting athletes.
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and this is one fruit of her labor. stan ford pilot program. she met with the soccer steam with lieutenant strickland from training. and also firefighter jolie. here, they put the athletes through a miniboot camp some exercises, equipment. cba and other aspects of fire fighting and ema that look what the fire service is and the tie between athletics and the fire service. that team commitment and resilience and he strength building. community. and it was so -- well received by the coach that he invited the team back to stan ford to doo do this program with other teams at stan ford.
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they will build off this and the other colleges and other team sports so i look forward to seeing what they come up with. this is on top of their recruitment strategies through our testing center i discussed that targeting that list ensuring people understand our process of hiring and how to do through sdmroou serve them to be successful in the process. lieutenantand are son also [inaudible] opportunity for all with our flame athletic's program who is run by donny bendso in the fire department. and an incredible program. through athletic supporting our youth providing mentorship. to the youth of san francisco. through athletics they have a basketball. team baseball team. volleyball and fishing. and this day looks successful.
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yea. there is manage in this net not sure it is a fish. there is something in that net. why health and safety with chief al ba. al baconscience work with his initiatives throughout the month of august. he presented to the 1 thirty-fourth i want to thank chief mou for allowing chief al baand captain to come in the academy that they are very, very busy. and structured. every day. with very little wiggle time. i appreciate for allowing us to come inform to present this error important information on recruits. this is where it starts. we should not wait until there is an issue. start when our individuals are in the academy and when they graduate that provide them with information they need tow they can be healthy. >> he presented at the battalion
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chief's academy. i would like to thank him at division two, he ran the dhooef's academy schedule. again another tight schedule but very important that we give our leaders the tools to help keep our folks safe and reiterate the policies this sometimes got way side. to keep our members safe. and that is their responsibility as the leaders to ensure the policies and members are upheld. i want to thank chief for allowing us there. the fall cancer screeningings continue with local 798. and last month's report you heard my discussion on the nutrition study this was highlighted here. kt vu in a segment.
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one of those individuals that chief tong had mentioned who we have just lost brian, top pitcher all the way to the right wearing red n. bed is retired mike pack. to the left is current chief delucky. all cancer patients and also chad law. firefighter cancer foundation is putting up billboards to educate folkos the cancer risks to firefighters. to educate the public about the risks we take daily. and behavioral health in august we had 58 contacts. the team continues to create new contacts.
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collaborating with other groups including best practices. critical incident and mental health clinicians. we also issued a lactation policy in the month of august that was worked on with the behavioral health unit and our city attorney. hr and city policy. >> contact in the month of august were high for family and medical problems. it really triggered them to think of how to better support this issue. in the seek classes and other opportunity to learn more and how to support our folks going through family and marital problems and connecting worrying this is can assist us. as i spoke earlier, with the chief and the academy is this the behavioral health unit at 134th academy did two sessions
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at the academy. discussions resiliency training. active listening. critical incident panels and tactical breathing and exercises lead by lane kennedy. as i said earlier, it is important to give our folks the tools to understand the importance of our health including mental health. >> under the office of employee health with nurse practitioner stefani phelps. 74 were completed new screenings are about to begin. and screening for ems academy were conducted. 22 promotionals. and probation screenings were completed and doctor prosecute c and i continued we paused but will continue the visits.
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he continues his towards addiction specialists with ucsf and health and safety planning committee. so that everyone is in the room when the policies are being created temperature is important that all the right folks are in the room. so that everyone has a say. under investigative service bureau captain waddle, 36 screenings for august. 22h3 level one completed. upcoming background investigation is right upon us in the next month. we will do over 80 plus individuals there. this is a heavy lift for the. isb and for hr. and office employee health to get these completed so they are coming up short low. during the month of august.
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captain again deployed the park fireman butte incident and worked with the federal and state agencies on incidents as an engine officer part of a san francisco fire strike team. >> and the support service the deputy chief mullin, 129 questions during august. 161 service orders were completed. 8 minor plumbing issues were resolved. met with puc in august to discuss revive soil storm water management strategies and took livery of 6 new braun northwest ambulance and took in new scuba dive communication equipment. . this is the first new dive equipment for 15 years. the equipment we had were out dated. i was on the captain of rescue
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two screening and beg for the type of equipment. chief mullin make its happen with the captain at bureau of equipment and i thank them. on top of a 10 heart attack-vac heating boil are issues at fire stations and stages that you see in your report. under earthquake safety and emergency response. chief miller is busy with the fire training. there were so many other things that were happening. this is the one i harp on it is a large project. folks features of the fire training structures. designs were completed and sent it two cost estimators. members of the design team -- met with the art's commission regarding theard it is at the facility. and the design team met with the
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sfpuc commission to. identify soil retention and stabilization for the facility as it is a large site with different soils. there and how we mitigate those for the facility. >> highlights... all right. sfd community paramedicine team was out at sickle sell awareness. cp r training and how to activate 911 and shared information about range of services by the sfd. range of service the fire department is offers to the community and the visitors to san francisco. also, the sfd community out roach and education promoting fire and life safety at the twin peek's star bucks that is not
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the slide that is in there, that did help in the month of august. right here is the 911 the picture you see the slide you see in front of you is the 911 event at station 5. that is mayor london breed and other dignitaries that attended and we thank them. thank you. is there public comment? madam secretary? >> i don't see anyone approaching the podium or anyone on the public comment line. >> any questions? commissioner collins? >> i'm going to apologize i have several questions. just jump in, everybody and don't let me go on and of one, i should address this to chief
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tong and you chief kiloa, do we have any special plans for unrest post election? emergencies? i will say that we -- do if we anticipate or hear that there might be some silv unrest due to results of the election. that we do always reminds our members of our civil and unrest policy and to be prepared so we ensure we have everybody trained. than i review those that policy prior to you than day and our ready. >> we are ready. >> okay. the other listening to the vision zero report, and i had had this on my minds and wanted to ask, do we experience any
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level fatalities or injuries of our responders in roads when they are responding to roadside? emergencies? not they can recall. >> right >> i'm trying to think back. >> okay if and when this has happened. it has not since i remember. >> that is good news. >> we have ways of combatting that if we are on the roadway utilizing the apparatus to protect the scene so that does not happen. has not happened in the past we can find out. is that the latest of the street planning? aaa has a huge narcoticive on slow down move over because that are fatalities by the roadside. i did not know whether the fire department was experiencing that.
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sounds like, no. not really. >> in the fire services is different does it happen? yes. that's why the things are put in place your apparatus is working? >> yes. >> one more question. i was 2 more perform the behavioral health report. are there in addition to the seminars that are offering, are there councillors available to people? >> yes. >> there are councilors and throughout or lighthouse app. well is e ap the city as well. there are resources. >> yes. >> okay. and one last thing. what is the plan for station 7? it is not in the budget? [laughter] what do we think?
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i think we need to get strategic and have conversations. i -- i don't than a bonds is going to work when that will come. to get station 7 doneful if it were we should advocate for the station 7 done. the 2020 upon slated for take down and rebuild station 7 and the training facility and work at 4 other stations. these othered costs of training facility. we were unable to do this. it should be a prior to the fire department. i believe it is. houses the most people and apparatus that runs half of the city. we move to disaster operations it is important upon that that fire house is standing when it
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happens. >> so if by some magic bond money appeared, would our construction reconstruction develop will plan be in place? or would this take time? >> that would take time. >> i know there were previous plans for that fire house. >> i think we also discussed you know utilizing the plan that we used for station 5 and trying to get a bit of that design process and all but i think we have to look at what the scale is, if it matches and may be being able to use that as a base. >> thank you. >> thank you for letting me ask questions in succession. thank you for your report,
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chief. a lot of interesting things. and two questions, one, on the brought up by my cyst are commissioner there is the bhu. the obvious need for family and marital support for our members. i don't, i heard there are resources and i don't know if there is up tick of resource. i know that is hard. i mean i come from a procession nobody asked for help. so i understand that. but it is curious to me. how what -- do they feel like they are resources or accessing them to what degree? that is aloment of work i know that. but it was shock to see this in a way. not surprising. >> see that level of need and -- >> right >> and then to seat next side the young people coming in how
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they are supported. only so much we can do but we can do something. how they are supported from the get go in this career. >> yea. >> no data in front of me is it being used? yes. to what level? will i have to dpet this for you. >> wonderful. >> augmented or what we do. >> yea. >> it has our attention. i will say na. our's too. >> of course. whatever we can do. the other question is about the cancer screening i'm glad is happening. my question is, is it more questionnaires? tissue and blood and hair? is it both in how are they conducting the screenings. >> do you isn't >> it is to tart with questionnaire i have to check on
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the second phase of that. i know it is the lucid screening i have to look closer. >> yea. >> whatever we can find out i would like to know what happens and what level of -- screening it is. i just realizing and noticing others [inaudible] what is it 23 in me is collapsing and all the data is going to somewhere. which includes a lot of us in this room and along ago. i than does not make people more second degree in signing up for screenings that involves tissues or blood. unless there is a tremendous aim of security built in. it is important and information that people can use in an on going way for their own health. so. >> yea. >> or we are also gnaw on the
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screenings we think they are important. we are also push the regular health checks. combauz it found so much in the checks. and as well as upon the pamphlet to bring to the physician to understands what the firefighters and ems personnel work around the chemicals. and how to how the provider can understand that and provide better testing in that pamphletism sent it to my doctor. >> that makes sense it is not an easiance or a magical fix to any of it. we support efforts for behavioral health and health checks/cancer screenings. thanks for your report. why thank you.
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>> i'm sorry so happy to hear the scoop upgrade does not electric like a giant television set. congratulations on that >> commissioner feinstein. >> i have a couple of i have several i will cut them in half. and i will save the other for the next presentation. because it is important to me i need to thank you for the excellent glossary of terms. you have no idea how much that helps someone who is a civilian associated with the department. understand what the reports say. so, i thank you for the effort this goes in that. i just have random questions because i realize at every meeting how much i'm still learning and learning and
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learning. but i was reading the home land security report by chief brown. and was talking about not only the big upon events that were coming up, which are big events. i don't know what -- what determines whether cal fire needs or gets of assistance from the san francisco fire department? >> yes. that's annual excellent question. the san francisco fire department is a signatoryy of the agreement a state agreement that says we'll provide resource when is needed if we can. house 5 cal engines that we staff. huthat trickles down from
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incident say there is an incidents in santa rosa and a large incident a few ways we will request the resources early in the process. that will be a request direct to the neighboring fees. as that sgroes gets out of control and cal fire or feds take over that fire that process guess through regions. we are part of region two will request am resource. it will be farmed out to all the regions. for resources. we will fill nel we have them and sends them to incident. who commands them? >> meaning our -- yes. so we have chief and cap sxans lieutenant qualified strike team
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leaders that have their own monetch communication and everything they need and there is the 5 engines that are staffed with an officer exclusive 2 firefighters. so, the bc or gap will be commanding the strike team. they will be reporting to a division that has objectives and they will be on the line. >> thank you. >> and then just because i need to i need to know, what is white stand for? >> what are you referencing. >> i'm sorry. page 7 of your report also chief -- brown and under rescue hazmat logistics and coms specialist. i did not know when it meant and it was not in the glossary. >> we will have to add that one. that is a team. there is a white team. blue team, red team.
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it is a stand by status. they say white team is on hard stand by. everybody on that team knows they are deplayable. >> interesting. okay. thank you. >> moving along upon and again, trying to learn -- i read diversity equity competence inclusion and i have to say i wondered if i was too old to sign up. because they seem to have a good time there. >> i think it it is great. we talked about the cancer screenings which i shared some of -- my vice president's questions and concerns but they have been addressed. what is -- appear support navigator i'm on page 16. it is the behavioral health unit
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by captain burr an >> they are folks in the field that are able have been traind and support our members. and get them resources or to the [inaudible] >> and trained by? >> um -- i'm sorry i'm forgetting. >> i don't need a name. what training have they received. >> training on? mental health, behavioral health. resource allocation. >> thank you. >> engage with people? >> okay >> and then again i marked the same am passage that vice president fraser marked about the, we have not ever talked about the high divorce rates and the strechlsz the toll it takes on family.
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it is really important and i make it my last question because -- no two more. i have a comment. could chief mullin have more things to attend to? yea. >> but -- i was just -- blown away sounded like a juvenile adjective that is what i was when i read through all of those things. some of it i don't understand and i will have to depend on our
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you know more about this then and there i do. but is there any other way to get funding to get this poor station that is very busy station and i than. -- back. i mean -- back on the drawing board here. right now it just looks like it is going to hang out there. without any movement to, to, to, to, to, it can't be fixed. it has to be replaced. i'm wondering if there is a different strategy that is out there to get it replaced? you know they got short shifts because station 35 costs so much. that's the bottom line. and the training facility you know we know what happened with those bids.
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so, you know the station that is very busy and i guess it is worth a trip down to see what shape it is in. i'm wonder whatting is the plan? you can't wait until 2028. it will full down by then. >> you will be having other -- you know crews coming in to rescue your firefighters. i'm wondering. >> uh-huh. what's the plan. >> nothing on paper yet. we need to look at an opportunity to have that station done and we will do that. okay. i was on the forefront of our minds. >> other than that i think your report was really just instructive and opened our eyes to areas that we were not aware
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of before. i thank you for this, chief. >> thank you. >> thank you. if commissioner. >> thank you for everybody's patience. commissioner nakajo. >> president morgan. thank you very much chief for your report. i am ask questions in 3 areas. question about home land security. i will ask a question about office of employee health. and i will ask detailed questions on support services. home land security, page 8ed. the drone program. arrival of new drones. so my question is, how many new drones are we waiting before before that how many do we have now? and in terms of that, what is operational with the drones when
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it come to the department? >> uh-huh >> we have three drones that are coming. the director put that through. we are waiting arrival. i don't believe we have one in service now. i'm sorry your last question? floe drones coming you answered the seck one one drone operational. and my question that one drone operational what do you mean. nonoperational. >> we don't have a drone in operation. >> clarify. >> we don't have a drone in operation. >> okay. >> i was under the assumption that they had a drone a former commissioner was adam about a drone? i think at that point the other
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issue was not the drone the training of the drone and how it applied to the department. is that the clarity this we don't have a drone or ever had one >> we have had one. a few. during training or noticing that drone there has been damage. which is why we are in the midst of waiting for the 3 others to come in. we have trained members and drone operation practice. i don't have the numbers for you we have trained operators in the fields that were trained for drone operations. >> when the 3 new drones come we will have the personnel to operate the drones one or two whatever. and under whop's jurisdiction in the department is the drones programmed under. >> home land security. >> second question on page 8. is -- the commissioners and
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myself we refer to the major incident plan. the major plans any city would be jealous. and all star game 2025. superbowl 2025. wow. 2 in a row. world cup soccer 2025. my question is in the the three major events san francisco has passed legislation recently to allow i don't know the formal term. parties, drink public low. designated areas in the community. and my question is that -- civic 70. concerts and numbers from 17,000 to 20,000 and small are numbers of 10,000. the embarcadero they had one there was oktoberfest the other nightism hear numbers 3-5,000.
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my question is, how the events apply to is there w that we home land security have to do? or department have to perform in? >> yea. home land secures all event in the city. events you speak about are not the size of these. there are plans in place for those events. both from pd and fire department. that it is happening, how many they expect. we provide resource fist something happened at that event. >> we don't necessary low need to have our paramedic or ems stand by or regular assigned evening in terms of events just our staff we are the events are? >> that's correct. not all are that way there are in we have medical stand by and personnel at scene.
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thank you very much. i move to booij office of employee health. simple questions have we distributed a flu and covid shot >> that is coming up in the next month. in october. i believe we start flu shots. >> thank you very much. i will move on to support services. and if i may through [inaudible]. get chief mullins. >> of course. i appreciate that. >> good evening chief mullins. prebl have to refer to the -- as well. >> you can move to your support services report page 33, goos as commissioner feinstein eluded to
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it page 34 and 35. item on page 36 and 37. >> not much and i will end with the same comment the commissioners made on station 7. i like this format. i told you before. . station 9, 12, 13. when i pick up i gotta turn the page, there is station 9 but stood out was steam fitters. when it came to station 12, what popped out was border proposal. but there is an estimation in >> 72 thousand dollars. i will move of station 13, i served furnace force. i had to turn page to look at the stations. now i'm trying to look at the stations and trying to find a
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pat urn. steam, furnaces and heaters. consistent where [inaudible] 22 i picked up steam fitters there. is that a comment the heating or pipe system rather than and i guess again through experiences compared to the new station 5 as a model. i come from station 16 i will not say it was hard and challenging but -- it was unique
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to be in that neighborhood and see what went on with that. i never was exposed a floating boat station. station 35. when the concept came through it was like, irrelevant? they told me. we have it when can i say. in the older stations, what is that range of -- costs in terms of wear and tear? president forth an, feinstein, collins and chooefr. so -- some have h vac and we which is forced air on the roof
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that's how they get heating and cooling. we redid station 26, 9 with new hvac. 13 has h vac. 1 and 5 have it. and the rest of the department the other 37 stations rely on boilers. and radiator systems to heat the station in the winter. boilers are old. so it is a matter of cost benefit analysis where they replace boil and rid iator systems or repairing them as we go. the cost is significant to replace a boiler. so what you see there is typical. >> thank you. it does not surprise me. in terms of oaf00 if aging the
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that and -- sometimes we defer jobs. knowing that -- we have a certain budget. have a 20 thousand dollars per station. the facility dj budget for maintenance. stations require more than 20,000 means other stations are left with nothing. so we have to plan and what i do is reserve a lot of money for end of the year in case well is a situation where a boiler dies and we have to replace it. i try to skew my spending and hold back money for the end of the year and march and april i get a picture i will go ahead and say, boom, let's act on these and fix the stations. i can't sfendz all at the beginning of the year i would be in trouble the second half.
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>> i appreciate that. i appreciate that. i appreciate that candid updated report i was curious and i knew your allegation is departmental. i remember in the past years we the commission through other dollars i can't remember where approved things necessary like showers and hands and you know like what is important i toilet seat or boiler? you know? again to the questions the commission where the dollars come from. if is has to do with the city and county in our deficit years, trying to again understands where the resources are real ~ically. >> and the bond and the atmosphere. i say that because again, gave us an opportunity upon to include the support services
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most of the time the report is lengthy. complex. that i don't take the opportunity but sdoided delve in it and decided to join them and not too late an evening yet. in terms of station 35 and the security gate has that issue been dealt with in terms of theft? iot permit was approved i signed it yesterday or day before yesterday. permit is aproved the work will be forth coming in the next couple months. >> thank you. i have one more comment. station 7. you heard now 3 of us talk about it. not that you have to answer i know this. and i believe we commissioners were a part of that station 35 experience. and -- those dollars in terms of
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this of and where it came from. that's the thing i can say. but at some point i like the fact that station 5 went up time loyal. and it it is a great model. that's the concept we are talking about compared to the olds days and the good ole days what the building is supposed to electric like. i will end there and try to work with the commission to work with the department to help [inaudible]. resources in terms of [inaudible]. thank you very much, chief. >> thank you. >> mr. president. you know photocopy you need a commissioner to help tour decision makers here with you, that was the first stations that i was taken to it is miserable. i think not the people the facility.
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[laughter] i don't think that is you know widely recognized. >> yea. >> but -- i think it is beneficial. why yea. why because it does not does not make sense. so, whatever we can do to raise awareness we got alost things we are trying to raise awareness about that is pretty important. why yea. >> agreed. i'm not kidding. >> i will. >> i will be contacting you. >> thank you, commissioner. >> put thank you for your great report, chief. the other commissioners stole all my thunder. all my questions were answered you in they asked it all. beat me. that's greatest am i want to say i was noticing all the big events coming, so. i see chief erika brown has her
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hands full there. >> yea. and the vice president upon visit? did this snap yes >> okay. >> and you got the let dream force thing went off without a hitch that was good. nb alike commissioner nakajo, world cup, a lot of stuff coming. a lot of planning >> and chief amazing and teams and great collaboration throughout the city. all one year >> i would imagine i mean certain news of cases that are emergency or a randzom fire.
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you guy vs to strategize how you will get to the locations. and -- yea. i can imagine you have to have a crystal ball. >> [laughter]. >> that is tough. hey. make this the big. >> yea. >> yea. >> chief, you say crystal balls. >> we need the ref now to if i can the boilers. >> uh-huh. >> so that's all i got. thank you for your great report. >> thank you. madam secretary is there public comment? no public comment? >> i don't see anyone approaching the podium for public comment or anyone on the public comment line. >> that's it. i don't want to hold you up anymore. we can do a mobile home of moment of silence. >> this is for the moment of
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>> conduct a field shelter exercise where we open up a number of tents that animal control has they have supplies and equipment and staff and volunteers. we simulate the need for cape ability after a disaster or earthquake. >> animal care and control is your city's animal shelter. we care for approximately 10,000 animals a year. we are opinion for san francisco's animal in thes upon effect of an emergency. we got our tents and practicing
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how to deal with that. >> this is the shelter is overwhelmed with animals after a disaster this shelter is full regularly. if we torch have an event that would cause a number of animals to escape or injured or stray or separate friday their people that's where we would respond. >> pets are part of the family and need to make sure they are taken care of like people with the supplies and equip we are able to provide shelter for pets in addition to the existing shelter. >> we have formulated a plan so this in the event of a disaster we are hear ready to help and support the city. >> we are able to use the muni bus to transport the people. animals and other equip if the
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shelter. >> encourage people there is an evacuation order to take your pet with you. >> very first thing everyone should do is microchip the pet. and pack a bag >> shelter cert not a place where you want your animal to end up unless the last resort and like to keep most out of the shelter when we can. >> take care of your people and your friend and family. pets need to be taken
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>> come shop dine and play. taraval street is open for business. >> this is joey smith at barber lounge. one of the coowners at 19th and taraval and sunset. this establishment came about when me and my brother andy, coowner barber decided to it was time to take a step up in the barber industry. our business is community that shows their true artistic side of the barber indust rae. we are involved in taraval bingo so please stop by, get a haircut and when you do you get the barber sticker made for us. i say in three words, we are community, artsests and here to help. visit at barber louvl, 901
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taraval and find on-[indiscernible] >> a new community game supporting small businesses, anyone can participate, it is easy, collect stickers on a gameboard and enter raffle event for a chance to win awesome prizes. for more, >> i love teaching. it is such an exhilarating experience when people began to feel their own creativity. >> this really is a place where all people can come and take a class and fill part of the community. this is very enriching as an artist. a lot of folks take these classes and take their digital imagery and turn it into
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negatives. >> there are not many black and white darkrooms available anymore. that is a really big draw. >> this is a signature piece. this is the bill largest darkroom in the u.s.. >> there are a lot of people that want to get into that dark room. >> i think it is the heart of this place. you feel it when you come in. >> the people who just started taking pictures, so this is really an intersection for many generations of photographers and this is a great place to learn because if you need people from different areas and also everyone who works here is working in photography.
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>> we get to build the community here. this is different. first of all, this is a great location. it is in a less-populated area. >> of lot of people come here just so that they can participate in this program. it is a great opportunity for people who have a little bit of photographic experience. the people have a lot, they can really come together and share a love and a passion.
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>> we offer everything from traditional black and white darkrooms to learning how to process your first roll of film. we offer classes and workshops in digital camera, digital printing. we offer classes basically in the shooting, ton the town at night, treasure island. there is a way for the programs exploring everyone who would like to spend the day on this program. >> hello, my name is jennifer. >> my name is simone. we are going on a field trip to take pictures up the hill. >> c'mon, c'mon, c'mon.
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>> actually, i have been here a lot. i have never looked closely enough to see everything. now, i get to take pictures. >> we want to try to get them to be more creative with it. we let them to be free with them but at the same time, we give them a little bit of direction. >> you can focus in here. >> that was cool. >> if you see that? >> behind the city, behind the houses, behind those hills. the see any more hills? >> these kids are wonderful. they get to explore, they get to
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see different things. >> we let them explore a little bit. they get their best. if their parents ever ask, we can learn -- they can say that they learned about the depth of field or the rule of thirds or that the shadows can give a good contrast. some of the things they come up with are fantastic. that is what we're trying to encourage. these kids can bring up the creativity and also the love for photography. >> a lot of people come into my classes and they don't feel like they really are creative and through the process of working and showing them and giving them some tips and ideas.
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>> this is kind of the best kept secret. you should come on and take a class. we have orientations on most saturdays. this is a really wonderful location and is the real jewel to the community. >> ready to develop your photography skills? the harvey milk photo center focuses on adult classes. and saturday workshops expose youth and adults to photography classes.
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