tv Italian Flag Raising Ceremony SFGTV October 4, 2024 1:10pm-2:01pm PDT
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see each other succeed and grow. that makes it fun to come to work every day and to tell stories about san fan. shine a light on people or departments. that feels good. i enjoy doing that work with my colleagues. and yea, i love my job. clear clear >> (speaking foreign language.) >> council general, supervisor safai consul and diminished
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members of the community welcome to the city hall i'm the chief of protocol and an honor to celebrate italian heritage month in the city of san francisco with mayor london breed (clapping.) the italian community has prounlt shaped our city from north beach to the heart of art culture and economy. the flavors of music and strong family traditions of italy woven onto the fabric of san francisco. and this spirit i'd like to extend special thank you to richard,
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(clapping.) sheriff city committee with the celebrating 55 years thank you, richard (clapping.) just like it's late father richard has been instrumental in the people's connection between san francisco and italy. and his dedication to organizing this event each year insures it's ongoing success. thank you, again. >> mayor london breed understand the importance of celebrating your diverse community anticipate italian heritage month reflects that commitment thank you to the italian community for your lasting partnering for many years to come. and from italian
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heritage month. (clapping.) and now without further ado, my absolute mr. ryu to introduce supervisor safai a proud represent of distinct digit two my indict she's worked tailoring on the board of supervisors focusing on public safety, affordable housing, and revitalizing marjory stoneman douglas all for the betterment of san francisco. with her italian heritage in the community she brings heart and tenacity a tireless advocate from gun violation prevention led that banning guns and creating safer streets. thank you. >> her contributions to
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shape for the better we're grateful for our commitment to the commitment of the city and county of san francisco thank you so much. >> supervisor stefani. >> (clapping) thank you. >> (speaking foreign language.) so great to have everyone here i'm supervisor stefani district 2 supervisor sorry and want to welcome to the 2024 italian heritage month celebration and before we begin the program i'd like to invite maria and to sing our national anthem we put it out in the italian national anthem and take that away maria.
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>> (clapping). >> oh, say can you see by the dawns early light, what so proudly we hail at this time last gleaming whose broad strips and stars through the perilous fight over the we watch so flagrantly streaming. and the rockets glare the bombs busting in air. gave proof through the night that the flag was still
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there. oh, say does that star staged banner yet wave over the land of the free, and the home of the brave. >> (clapping). >> wow. bravo that was amazing always amazing. >> thank you, everyone for joining us today it is truly a special gathering we raise the flag in honor of italian heritage month and begin our
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celebration including the longest running parade in america the italian heritage month one hundred and 55 years (clapping.) sunday october 13th since 1869 how many people are proud of their italian roots how many of us have proud to be italian that's more like if we italians are loud and proud my grandfather came in over in 1890 one of 13 children like many of the people for a way of life and looking for that success and found it it in the central valley of merced and made money to buy a land some in the
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central valley that grew up with me know what is like to grew up in a family all about produce. so that's one of the italian heritage things in 1986 my gathered my groundwater grashthd answered a call if a italian add to rebuild san francisco over the earthquake and built row built san francisco and you, you know, my story how my ancestors can. to the united states we care about that that and if they could see us now would be happy but in discrimination and studio type my grasht didn't have the luxury of graduating in the eight grade but started a
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clotting store in the central valley people thought he was from the mafia i remember in warming 2 italian was not spoken because a lot of the italians were entering in san mateo county there is a lot of history we need to be mindful of i remember growing up the emphasis on safe, families and fun and food and sunday dinners from my family an emphasis on the service to others that led me into this job i meet people they feel likely richard knows brothers my older brother and why julian is a sister to me
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we're to bond how we grew up and special i love the italian community in san francisco i want to say when i started this job in 2018 something happened in san francisco i want to address one of the things that has kept me focused on making sure the italy community is heard and seen they were changing the name and it was a lot of hurt in the italian community the italian community was unheard and unseen i knew i had to fix it is unacceptable for the people he love for community that i grew up in to feel as they didn't matter we embarked on a way to heal that with nicole and i passed on ordinance creating a italian heritage month on that second
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monday in october and pans italian-americans the entire month of october and joined the anniversary with angela the former supervisor and president of the board of supervisors and joins us here. and then um, we had the north beach project i know that um, our consul general will speak about that and honored italian-americans at the board of supervisors to let you know we're doing incredible things and last year, we started this celebration at city hall and we'll do it for years to come that is important for us to recognition what we bring to the table and what we brought over centuries let's not forgot that san francisco is named after italian st. francis and 1847 and
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we saw the grand jury dell chocolate and started the college the university of san francisco and in 19 owe six the photographer capitalism's hundreds of photos the only photos from the 1906 earthquake and supports the film devoted everyone should watch and the bank of italy now the b of a in 1923 established the first opera company we celebrated one hundred years of our opera thank you to that italian and joe da
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anyone else and our public service is proud mayors joseph, and george moscone and, of course, congresswoman opposed? the first speaker other house of represents we have done a lot (clapping.) i want to acknowledge and thank several people monica and on union street in the district 2 and also neal and i hope i got that right and the new owners of north beach restaurant opening soon thank you, monica and providing the food today (clapping.) also bill with - and nick with the san francisco athletic club for the wine and water water is
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necessary today and the san francisco chapter those are not my bodyguards i need them at times but our italian police force and happy to have them sharon and richard chairman of the san francisco committee. which is created in 1959 by the second italian and city hall will be lit up with the colors of italian flag that is green, with white and red and now i'd like to invite miriam and the consul general on behalf of the san francisco celebrating italian heritage month in san francisco
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(clapping). >> it is an honor on behalf of the london breed declaring italian heritage month. wow. >> italian heritage month (clapping.) thank you so much. >> thank you. >> you're very welcome. >> well, i'd like to introduce you properly i'm honored here to you can stay with me honored to introduce consul general of italy in san francisco for the past that years he has been a driving force in between italy and our city dedication has helped uplift the italian
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community in san francisco and celebrated leaders like mayor moscone with a special honor take place this friday thank you for your unwavering commitment and partnerships been amazing to work with you. this is all yours (clapping.) >> (speaking foreign language.) supervisors supervisor stefani your fellows and friends the consul general ladies and gentlemen of the italian-americans community my honor and the kickoff and with mayor london breed and supervisor stafani a kickoff in the italian heritage month. thi
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is an amazing event and let me say to the first point i'd like to touch on i have to express my full gratitude to mayor london breed for supporting this italian community deeply and more and more year by year we feel her support and the only your team the office and city hall and support of the community the growth of the italian san francisco that is north beach and representing of our country italy here is a great honor for me. what we've been doing so far is to feel strong everlasting ties supervisor stafani mentioned the very roots of san francisco on
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italy somehow with the italian the first immigrant came in here went through. never forgot that our community experienced as many other communities maybe more reasons here have experienced. so we probably think of italians of rich people but have to think that our ancestors our great grandparents here had a hard time at the beginning and have to bear in mind and celebrate italian heritage month. this is exactly the foundation of why would he celebrate italians in san francisco because we came here with a hard task and feel we improved our lives and families
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lives and collective but something that is important to mention and remember in this moment. supervisor stefani you do an amazing job in reminding how many important people we have had in the historic um, community of san francisco. great figures from the mayor to - and you also mentioned some of the most important persons and people that are here i don't want to repeat that but thank you all the organizations single for what we do you do on a daily basis to keep our our communities strong and feasible and connected with the rest of the city because that is to
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important one of our goals as the consul general we with the local authorities to the other stakeholders of the city the people of the city. and that's why i just want to mention something about what we do as italians more recently after san francisco was facing a hard time like italy the city was recovery the italian government decided the only ones to open our first italian in san francisco it was zero every italian would be proud of seeing what we've done recently to bridge more with san
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francisco. in a field that is new potentially which is innovation but a field where italy can not only thanks from gwen have but all the banks with the energy with the big giant lighting but about second innovation that's why the san francisco government recovers the city by opening the italy - and with the consul general on connecting with two community italians that are arrived in san francisco recently and searches and each of the community history to talk to each other what we've been doing with my
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team to connect to have further collaboration no reason we should be apart we have a lot of folks from the cooperation that's why we create the new which gashts organizations of italians and italian-americans like to italians heritage. and so and the new italian north america before here there she is and the foundation of italian we want to collaborate who make the city grow much more to help the
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communities not only the italians but want to do more in the city that's my message that my hope and hope for the celebration we have ahead of us the italian heritage month in the days looking forward to this celebration and thank you and all the other friends for this better than that before. so thank you very much. and. >> (speaking foreign language.) (clapping). >> sorry. >> that's why i have a deficit talking about san francisco you mentioned before i invite you all on friday morning for the day after tomorrow 11:00 o'clock
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washington square and have the unveiling the the ceremonies to dedication for the former mayor will be a great ceremony and mayor london breed hopes to see you and chief. and then for supervisor stefani will be there and celebrating with a horticulture celebration 5 minutes and bringing the plague a beautiful one a huge project apart from the applications the purpose is so death the plague the great italian figure so we're looking forward to it in the afternoon will have the panel with the legacies with the great political sorry and
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celebration of former mayor george moscone sorry for that (clapping). >> a very exciting project the italian walk of fame excited to see the first unveiling and now i'd like to introduce paul president of the italian heritage month a native san franciscan and a actually member you, you may recognition his voice he's with the 49ers and the co-host of the morning show on 107.7 welcome sir, (clapping). >> thank you, cart roan you make it sounds longer than life and we're not there yet this
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year sergio and welcome to the summer in san francisco. the first welcome back in october always the best weather of the year in san francisco i didn't think it would be this hot but a great welcome back for italian heritage month and looking at for the parade in two and a half weeks next sunday october 13th. and everyone what is the columbus day italian heritage month parade if you have anyone asks you the second sunday in october. didn't matter with the day the second sunday and heads up next year sunday october 12th and call that the best can i have year not only the parade going to the beach have the tables out in the streets and food and celebration all
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participation parade because a set find spectators celebrates the italian heritage month a festive like a one of a kind we're proud of and the energy to the city and you combine that energy and the celebration of parade through north beach with the best weather of the year in october fleet welcome back and the crowds that come to the city and the parade 2:30 or 2:45 boom the bylaw angels fly over with a salute so we are very proud of what the parade brings to san francisco and congratulate the queen for fiscal year 2024/25 light bulb the queen in the parade and congratulate our out
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going queen and at this average they're at class we have two members of queens court and the conservator oversees lady where are you? and a couple of and george has been with the parade for 5 years something like that you're about this big and really grown up through the processes of the parade great to see you and have salvador will be part of the group this year (clapping.) thank you to the consul and the - and what you've done in our short stay for the italian community in san francisco and bringing people together and looking ahead to honor the
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italian community and spearheaded the little italy and a spectacular event we move on and over the years looking forward to friday and getting that first plague installed to do that at the beginning of italian heritage month is appropriate so thank you for thank you for all you do in the short period of time (clapping.) and, of course, and thank you, thank you for all you do there the con custodial and the support of parade is invariable thank you for all you do and, of course, thanks to san francisco mayor london breed, of course, kathryn supervisor stefani and our support and thank you for all you do to get italian heritage month done is unbelievable and a voice to get it accomplished. thank you. (clapping) >> at the support of the city is invaluable to the success of the parade not only from the
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mayor's office but from the grants of the arts and the financial support of parade with a grant they honor us with and we're grateful and eternally grateful for the financial assistance so thank you to the san francisco brace of arts the parade is not possible without you. >> san francisco rec and park reply and b of a and came to the rescue and continue to be one of our main sponsors excuse me - in fact they are the main sponsor and without b of a thank you for the support of b of a and the terry company and last year's marshall and ecology in the parade but they're cooperated dance move with the men is something to behold you
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need to get out there and see it a and thank you, steve for leading us thank you, steve (clapping.) so we hope you'll be with us in north beach and thank you for having us supervisor stefani indulgence once in a while thank you. wow. this is a very, very exciting parade indeed. and consul general thank you so much for your partnership and you're continuing effort to build bridges with the italian community and supervisor stefani thank you for sharing your story and for sharing the importance of appreciative and uplifting the heritage and, of course, it would be not an italian event
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without opera isn't that; right? my pleasure to. >> (calling names.) >> a talented italian tenor from my name is who can. to the u.s. 13 operas in 2015 and currently on a national tour will perform a concert on december 5th of the national stricken on the st. francis benefiting the italian athletic foundation please welcome the remarkable gentleman (clapping.)
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grow here and take a a chap here we have roots here. we found ourselves here. and we are the small businesses. >> with 2040 opened in san francisco where we met supportive people to help every step and stage and breaking. >> to welcoming the first encumbers and from idea to opening san francisco listened to our dreams and made them real. start your legacies >> [music] you are watching golden gate inventions with michael. this is episode exploring the excelsior.
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>> hi i'm michael you are watching golden gate inventions highlighting urban out doors we are in the excelsior. pickleball. let's play pickleball! pickleball is an incredited low popular sport growing nationwide. pickleball combines tennis, bad mitton and ping pong. playod a bad mitton sized court with paddle and i plasticic ball. starting out is easy. you can pick up paddle and balls for 20 buck and it is suitable for everyone in all skill levels you see here. the gim is played by 2 or 4 players. the ball must be served diagnoty and other rules theory easy to pick up. the game ends when i player or team reaches a set score 11 or
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21 point bunkham win bright 2 pickleball courts are available across the city some are and others require booking ahead and a fee. information about the courts found at sf recpark. org if you are interested in playing. now i know why people are playing pickleball. it is so much fun you play all ages. all skill levels and pop on a court and you are red to g. a lot of fun i'm glad i did it. all right. let's go! time for a hike! there is i ton of hike nothing excelsior. 312 acres mc clarin the second largest p in san francisco. there are 7 miles of tris including the there was fer's way this spreads over foresxeft field and prosecute voids hill
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side views of the city. and well is a meditative quiet place in mc clarin p you will siendz labyrinth made of rock:now we are at glen eagle golf course special try out disk golf >> now disk golf! so disk golf is like traditional golf but with noticing disks. credit as the sport's pioneer establishing the disk ballsorption and the first standardized target the disk ball hole. the game involves throwing from key areas toward i metal basket. players use different disks for long distances driver, immediateerate. mid range and precise shot,
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putters. players begin at the t area. throw disks toward the basket and prosecute seed down the fare way. player with the lowest number of throws the end wins the game. disk golf at glen eagle cost 14 dollars if you pay at the clubhouse. there is an 18 hole course this is free. du see that shot? i won! am i was not very good now i have a huge respect for disk ball player its is difficult but fun. thank you for joining me in the excelsior this is goldenate adventures.
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will like it and other people will like you my name is alice my husband we're the owners of you won't see ice cream in san francisco and really makes fishing that we are always going together and we - we provide the job opportunity for high school students and i hired them every year and . >> fun community hubble in san francisco is my district i hope we can keep that going for many years. >> and i'm alexander the owner of ice cream and in san francisco and in the outer sunset in since 1955 we have a vast of flavors liar choke o'clock but the flavors more
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than three hundred flavors available and i am the owner of the ice cream. and my aunt used to take us out to eat ice cream all the time and what can i do why not bring this ice cream shop and (unintelligible) joy a banana split or a great environment for people to come and enjoy. >> we're the ordinances of the hometown and our new locations in pink valley when i finished law school we should open up a store and, and, and made everybody from scrap the first ice cream shop any ice cream we do our own culture background and a lot of interaction and
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