tv BOS Rules Committee SFGTV October 7, 2024 10:00am-11:15am PDT
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serve the public by not having to hear all complaints before the full board and if i'm reappointed, my primary goal is to continue supporting greater transparency in local government. i also just aim to grow my knowledge and experience with the task force because, as i've said, i've only been here for a brief amount of time and i reiterate what has been said, that we do have a cohesive team and i'm grateful to serve with them. thank you. thank you so much. next, we have maxine anderson. good morning supervisors. my name is maxine anderson and i sit sit in seat five for the league of women voters of san francisco, the organization of which i'm a member. i, as well as you would like to be succinct, and i had decided i would be that way even before you indicated it should.
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this should only take a minute. so i will reiterate all the good things that have been said about our task force and the members on the task force and our complete commitment to trying to make sure that we have in san francisco a transparent government that all the citizens of our city of san francisco can access. so with that, i will end my remarks. i would appreciate it if you would reappoint me to the seat that i've been holding for the last almost a year, and that's it. thank you. thank you. next we have laura stein. okay. well, good morning. i am reapplying for seat six and i will keep it short. i've advocated for people's rights to access for media information, for decades in various capacities, which i can answer
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more to if you're interested. as a san franciscan, i'm very proud of our sunshine ordinance that affords strong protections to those seeking government information. since joining the task force, i've worked to make its procedures more effective and efficient, make the background materials more organized. i've also spearheaded the production of a data driven annual report that reviews our activities and decisions, as well as the state of sunshine in sf. was that my time or do i have a little bit more? we've got 30s okay. going forward, i'd like to see the task force reduce their turnaround time on cases to under 45 days, eliminate their backlog, and continue to produce high quality data and analysis that can help us improve the procedures and practices around sunshine. i would also like to do more outreach to diverse citizens groups on how to use sunshine, and to government respondents looking to develop best practices around sunshine. thank you for inviting me to speak, and i also brought copies of the executive summaries of last two years annual reports. if you haven't already seen them, thank you. thank you. matthew, i can pick it up. just leave it on the
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banister and i'll pick it up. good morning, supervisors. my name is matt yankee. i've been serving on the task force since november of 2018, and i've devoted the majority of my professional career to public service, specifically in positions involving a high degree of public contact, public records, and government accessibility. i'd be thrilled to continue my service on the task force, along with my colleagues, and respectfully ask for your support in my reappointment. while the work of the task force can sometimes appear as mundane and tedious, it serves an incredibly important role for the city. not only has the task force helped uphold the principles of transparency, and open government has likely saved the city substantial money in potential litigation and resulting penalties. for exampl, the city of san jose recently paid out 500,000 $500,000 after santa clara county superior judge found that it violated the public records act. personally, i've been serving as the chair since 2022 and served as vice chair from 2020 to 2022. i've
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worked diligently to enhance our relationship with other key city departments, like the clerk's office and city attorney's office, and have worked closely with the city's custodians of records working group in addition, i feel the task force made significant progress, becoming more efficient, thereby freeing members of the public more time and effective resolution of their complaints. thank you so much. next we have chris hyland. good morning supervisors. nice to see you again. nice to meet you, chair walton. members, supervisors peskin and safaí. nice to see you. and thank you for supporting me two years ago. i'm reapplying for seat eight. i've been on the task force 12 years, which makes me one of the, i think, the longest serving task force member. and, you know, in the absence of a database of best practices, i think it's important to have long serving members be a repository of our best practices and, and our institutional knowledge. and i'm happy to keep keep that moving
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forward. i will say, in the 12 years i've been here, i am the proudest of this team. this is a really good team that you have here all reapplying. we've managed to do some things at the committee level to triage more fully. we're now using a consent calendar, and i'm proud to say our backlog is down to 32 cases, which has been unheard of in my time there. so i would ask your vote to keep doing this important work for the city. and thank you for your consideratio. thank you. david paypal. good morning, david pilpel. i rejoined the task force last year after serving off the task force for a number of years. you all know me and my long standing and deep commitment to city government and all of its complexity. i think now, given the state of the world, the country, the state and the city government, accountability and
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transparency aren't just buzzwords. they're incredibly important things that this task force deals with every day, every meeting on a very real basis. i think the theme that you've heard from my fellow members, i absolutely agree with that. we have worked together effectively as a team, and i would encourage you to reappoint the incumbent members. thanks very much. thank you. and bruce wolf, we did get an email today. i did forward it to you that he's had he's unavailable this morning due to a conflict. thank you so much, mr. chair. i want to make sure that's on the record. and i do want to thank everyone who came in and spoke today, and also just everyone for your time, commitment and the work and also for your suggestions that you provided on how to improve the work of the task force. with that, we'll go to public comment. yes, members
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of the public who wish to speak on this item, should i speak at this time? each speaker will be allowed one minute. there will be a soft chime when you have seconds left and a louder chime when your time has expired. is there anybody who would like to speak on this matter? there are no speakers on this matter. thank you. seeing no speakers, public comment is now closed. mr. clerk, i'd like to make a motion to appoint dean schmidt to seat one. leila lahoud to seat two. saul sugarman to seat three. maxine anderson to seat five. laura stein to seat six. matthew yankey to seat seven. chris hyland to seat eight. david paypal to seat nine and bruce wolf to seat 11. yes, on that motion, vice chair safaí i
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have i member peskin, i peskin, i chair walton a walton i that motion passes without objection thank you motion carries congratulations and again thank you all for being willing to continue to serve. mr. clerk, please call item number three. i mean, i'm sorry. please call items three through five together. yes. item number three is a motion approving rejecting the mayor's nomination for the appointment of avani jamdar to the public utilities commission for a term ending august 1st, 2028. item number four is motion approving rejecting the mayor's nomination for the appointment of joshua ahsha to the public utilities commission for a term ending august 1st, 2026. item number five is motion approving rejecting the mayor's nomination for appointment of stephan liverani to the public utilities commission for a term ending august 1st, 2028. there is a request that these three matters be sent to the board as a committee report. thank you so much, mr. clerk, and again, i do
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want to just thank folks for being willing to serve and keeping in mind that we have a long meeting this morning. i know sometimes folks have a lot to say, and we have received your resumes. we have received information on you. we have received emails so we could keep our time to the minute. that would be much appreciated. and i will call you up in order of how you appear. and first is avni jamdar. thank you. supervisor walton. i am honored to be the mayor's nominee and to be considered for the position of commissioner to the puc for the environmental justice and policy seat. i am excited to serve in the commission because it builds on the work that i have done over the last 14 years in the environmental justice and climate sectors. i have lived in san francisco for over 22 years, moved here during my master's, and never left as an urban planner, i've been working in the energy and water sectors to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, create green jobs, and ensure an
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inclusive workforce in the green economy. my vision for the puc role is driven by my work on environmental justice, particularly on the energy side. i'd like to see all enterprises in the puc advance more community and equity focused programing so we can create a diverse pipeline of workers and contractors, as well as serve low income ratepayers as a priority. i want to work on getting clean power sf to partner with other ccas in the region, address high electric rates and other utility rates and costs of electrification and decarbonization. with that, i will i think that's my time right? yes. thank you so much. next we have joshua ahsha. thank you. chair. walton. supervisors joshua say honored to be nominated by the mayor for the ratepayer consumer advocacy sea. began my career as a civil rights attorney. originally representing rent payers, tenants and fighting eviction cases. worked on. my first puc
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meeting was in 2007 with the late, great doctor espinola jackson, advocating for low income programs as well as workforce working with groups like abu to connect ratepayers with jobs. i work in the labor movement now, advocating for ratepayer accountability at for profit utilities in terms of lowering bills and making more responsible investments in wildfire prevention. a lot of that work i've done with the city in terms of time spent as director of workforce development, helping folks to get jobs, to be able to pay their utility bills and others. i'm grateful to the labor and community folks who have submitted letters of support. look forward to answering questions around any of the topics of interest. i would very much be grateful to have your support and work with the amazing general manager team and fellow commissioners at the sf puc. thank you, thank you and steven leveroni. thank you, supervisors. i'm honored to have
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been nominated for the project finance seat on the san francisco public utilities commission. as a native san franciscan, a long time business owner, community volunteer, and board leader, i know i have the passion and commitment and business acumen for this important role. i'm very excited and challenged by the opportunity to serve the energy, water and waste issues we face as a city and county are complex, and yet at the core, i believe that is san francisco's values of access, inclusivity, environmental responsibility, and stewardship, and sound fiscal policies that provide an unprecedented opportunity to demonstrate leadership to the residents, businesses and other cities that we are managing and delivering these vital assets and services efficiently and responsibly, and with an eye on the challenges of climate change. thank you. thank you. colleagues, do we have any questions? i don't see anyone on
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the roster. i do have one question for everyone. obviously, this commission is very important, responsible for our water and sewer system, responsible for powering communities and at times the department has a lot of infrastructure projects and community. and one of the things it's always important to me is making sure that the folks who deal with all of the issues and concerns, negative impacts on some of these projects, their community benefits, needs are, are met. how do you all feel about community benefits? and you can come up in whatever order you choose? well, i helped negotiate a community workforce agreement so very much in support of community benefits. i also support your expansion of the social impact partnership program to include more benefits as contract sizes increases. so i'm fully in support of benefits
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as much as possible. and i would reiterate same supervisor walton, chair walton, with respect to the importance of community benefits as a way to further a lot of the things that make this agency unique in terms of establishing environmental justice policy, community benefits policies for more than a decade now, that as the ratepayer and consumer advocate on the commission, i would seek to ensure that those community benefits, full flow through and flow to the community. i think it would be incumbent upon me to maintain those connections with coalitions. the api council latino task force, mega black, other organizations that are specifically working with the community members that we seek to serve and seek to benefit. there's no maybe in some ways, some of the earliest benefits you can provide are benefits of work. and that's something i look forward to supporting through the project. labor agreements, local hiring policies, the hyper local approaches to contracting and full support of community benefits. thank you. chairman
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walton, i'm very, very much involved in the community and wanting to continue that process with our contracts and going forward. i think it's very important, not just in community involvement, but also employment opportunities that might become available during for these type of contracts that we're giving out to the city. thank you. supervisor safaí. thank you. chair walton. one of the things that we often are confronted with when it comes to the puc is balancing the need for upgrading our aging infrastructure. we've done a significant number of projects over the last number of years that are continuously ongoing, and some of the things that supervisor walton was talking about in terms of impacting and benefiting the community definitely am strongly in support of the groundbreaking work that the puc did to
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establish project labor agreements that then created pathways for employment in partnership with city build for people to get into the trades, but also historically disadvantaged communities that have been overlooked and forgotten and left out of the conversation. and our local business enterprises and those companies that are owned by women, that are owned by black, latino and people of color super important. and i think the puc has done a good job of incorporating that. but a lot of the work that's been done impacts ratepayers, and it disproportionately impacts those working families, those that are struggling to survive in san francisco. so i just want to just give you a moment to talk about balancing out the impacts of the increased cost of living in san francisco, the large amount of infrastructure projects and how it impacts ratepayers, something that we've been that we've been confronted with consistently. there's been
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a lot of conversations about certain work should work being done, how you spread it out and how the impact of those rate changes impact ratepayers, particularly low income working families, middle class families, those that are struggling to survive in san francisco. i think we've seen a significant jump over the last few years. the head of the puc came in and asked for that in authorization, so i just want to give you a moment to respond to the impact that the work that you do has on ratepayers. thank you. supervisor safaí. that's an extremely critical issue. setting rates is a state level endeavor. so i think partnering with state agencies, whether it's the cpuc or cec, to create some conversations, dialog and maybe a task force around addressing rate hikes, particularly for low income customers, would be something i would be interested in working on. electric rates have nearly
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doubled in the last two years. it is really, really worrying, particularly as we go into electrification of all of our buildings. it's extremely worrying and something i actively work on in my day job, and i would absolutely commit to working on that at the puc. thank you. supervisor. the puc, in its budget submission and the mayor's budget to the board, that you deliberate upon the number one first comment and section of that budget book was commitment to affordability. and i see that reflected in some of the lowest electricity rates. cleanpowersf rates are lower than pg and e you look at water rates, there's all sorts of incentives and other means of relief payment plans, other tools that are part of the puc commitment to affordability. i think as the ratepayer advocate, what i've seen in, in, in watching the last hearings throughout the year, there's a lot of report back to the commission from the general manager and his team about the fiscal elements, the operations,
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the impact to ratepayers. and i think in in, if given the opportunity to serve, i think it would be a opportunity to plug in and continue to support that work and again, to continue to expand that connection to community voices, to bring those those real life impacts to back to the commission. but when it comes to construction, as you said, the project labor agreement at the sfpuc work that you supervisor have led citywide around project labor agreements, it's a model for the nation. and when you look at local hiring, because of the puc's work with city build and community partners, building trades and contractors, local hiring actually increases for overall local workforce, especially local apprentices. under the puc project labor agreement. so like i say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. help make it stronger, better and replicate it. as i mentioned, it's a complex issue. we do have the deferred
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maintenance and we have those things that need to be taken care of. but at the same time, i think being in the project finance seat, what i would be looking at really is one to value engineer those contracts as best as possible. and yet including the affordability and then being able to look at it from a prioritization and then also looking at maybe the timing of our bonds and how we would get those in place at low rates and take advantage of accomplishing not only the construction portion, keeping in mind the community and affordability, but also making sure that from a, you know, holding all accountable and including the value engineering of all contracts. thank you. chair. thank you, supervisor safaí. and seeing no more questions, we will now call for public comment and just a reminder, we're doing one minute for public comment this morning. thank you. yes. members of the public who wish to speak should
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line up at this time. each speaker will be allowed one minute. good morning. my name is geetha rao and i'm a senior director at enterprise community partners and we are a nonprofit that advocates for green, affordable housing. i'm also a resident of san francisco for 24 years, and i'm here to enthusiastically support the nomination of avni jamdar to the sfpuc commission. there are kind of three. i've known avni for about 20 years and there are three things that stick out. in terms of avni's leadership, the first one is with her experience in decarbonization of ne understands the details at the project level, and she lifts up what's salient, devises solutions, and then actually implements these solutions to achieve systems change. she works in true partnership. she works with people who who are at times at odds with each other, and she brings everyone along while having those hard conversations. and last, avni is steadfast and loyal, as
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evidenced by her 13 year tenure at emerald city. she was the first regional director and has built emerald cities to what it is today. so thank you for this opportunity and looking forward to having you nominate avni. thanks. good morning, i'm sarah. my name is sarah treuhaft and i'm the director of policy and partnerships at the institute on race, power and political economy and a longtime san francisco resident. i'm here to support the nomination of amna jamdar to the san francisco puc as well. i've known avni for 20 years, and i have seen firsthand her deep commitment to public service, thoughtful decision making and expertise in equitable urban planning and environmental justice. avni is a brilliant thinker and doer who is passionate about building a more just and sustainable san francisco. through her leadership at emerald cities, she has a long track record of
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designing and implementing climate plans and projects that deliver real results for underserved communities. i believe her leadership, dedication and innovative thinking would greatly benefit our community as we navigate critical issues around water and sustainability. thank you. good morning, chair walden, supervisors. my name is antonio diaz, and i'm with poder, an environmental justice organization here in san francisco. and i'm here to support avni jamdar to the san francisco public utilities commission in the environmental justice and policy seat. i've worked with avni for over 13 years through emerald cities. the board appointed energy efficiency coordinating committee and most recently the anchor partner network to advance equitable residential building decarbonization. and i have seen her commitment to work
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with various stakeholders government, private sector, community based organizations and labor with utmost integrity and a collaborative spirit and with a vision for advancing solutions, especially those that benefit low income communities, communities of color here in san francisco. and i just want to say that i support her being named to the commission. thank you. thank you. david pilpel. again, my history with the puc goes back literally 45 years to when muni was part of the public utilities commission. i served with avni on the puc citizen's advisory committee. i found her to be a very thoughtful and important member of the committee. some years ago when we served together. i've worked with josh ahsha closely. when he served admirably on the commission on the environment, including time as the chair. i
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do not know. mr. leveroni, but it seems like he will do a fine job as well. i just wanted to note that this is a pretty significant change in the commission makeup, and i hope that these new commissioners will look back to some of their predecessors, including andy moran, newsha ajami, ed harrington, many others, sophie maxwell to understand the puc and the breadth and depth of the water, power and sewer issues that they will now oversee. thanks for listening. good morning. randall de martini, executive director of the salesian boys and girls club, and i'm here on behalf to speak for mr. steven leverone. steven and i go way back. i've known him for over 30 years. not only is he very involved in a lot of community nonprofits, he's very involved with our salesian boys and girls club. so much so that
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when he was our board president, it was he back in 1995 that made the salesian, then boys club, the merge of the salesian boys and girls club. so i can only stress that steve is a great leader in this city of san francisco. yes, he is also a native of san francisco, and i know he will devote all of his energy and time into the position of public utilities commission, so i highly recommend that he is very much considered for this position. thank you so much. good morning supervisors. my name is sheila bukta on behalf of mission housing to express our strong support for the appointment of joshua arce to the san francisco public utilities commission. josh has dedicated decades to advocating for low incomes of communities of color and labor rights throughout the bay area. he founded the bright line institute, which has been pivotal in promoting environmental justice. his work
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as a representative of laborers local 261 and various regional labor groups for the past 15 years has demonstrated a profound commitment to social equity. his seven years as board chair of mission housing illustrates his ability to navigate complex challenges and lead initiatives that support affordable housing during critical times. we believe that with josh on the puc, it will be better positioned to meet the needs of all san francisco residents, and we urge you to support this nomination. thank you. thanks. good morning, supervisor, especially to our supervisors that just just attend. i'm here in the name of the late doctor espinola jackson. when i find out that our own josh was going to be appointed, and we was with great pleasure to be here and support because, you know that he's been there fighting with my mom, doctor espinola jackson. and
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thank you, supervisor, when you talked about the community benefit, because i don't see too much, i guess. can i take one of day minutes? 30s you got 30s i'll have 30s. okay. thank you. so the community benefits. i'm glad you talked about that. we in our community need a safe haven for our youth job training that was promised the educational building that was promised. and we are the sinners of the mitigation that puc promised. when my mama was aliv, we never received that building, that educational building. so we're hoping that the ones that's coming forward, our speaker time, has elapsed. thank you. thank you. all right. now, are there any additional public commenters on this matter? all
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right. good morning. my name is james richards. i'm the president of abu black man united. we're based in the bayview-hunters point area, and i'm here to support josh ahsha. ahsha to the commission. he's worked very hard and very closely with us in the community as he's he's just he's known he's very strong willed and he's wanted to the justice for all people. you know, he's fighting for us all. and i want him to continue his fight on every level. and i can say that the commission will be getting someone who is going to be strong willed, and he will be
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added to the commission and something to san francisco. thank you. thank. you. hello, commissioners. my name is ashley rhodes. i'm also a member of the aboriginal black man united and a strong advocate for that organization in the bayview-hunters point community, primarily known josh for years now and worked very close with josh and the thing that is most effective with mr. ahsha is when it's a job to get done, he gets it done. and i know for all the work that we've done together in the past, that he would for surely be the right person for this job. not only that, but he walks the community. he comes to the community, and he's a part of the community, not just speaking, but actually putting pavement in the ground to make
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sure that things are happening. right. to hear the voices of the community so that the community can get the best that they need. that's the kind of man that this man is. and he'll be very, very welcomed in that position to do the work that needs to be done. thank you. buenos dias. my name is roberto hernandez, and i am here because i believe in this. brother josh asked how many attorneys do you know come down to the neighborhood and volunteer their time? not once a year, not twice a year, not six times a year, but every single day. and not only in the latino community, but as my african-american brothers. i've been there when he's been in in hunters point. i've been there when he's been in the western edition. i've been there when he's been in sunnydale. he goes to all the places that nobody else goes to. deep in our
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community and at a time when utilities are rising and people can't afford to pay utilities, if you pay utilities, you buy food. do you pay your rent or you pay utilities? those are the decisions that people are making. and with climate change, we need to address that. and he's the man that can help represent me. your time has elapsed. are there any additional speakers for these items? there is no additional public comment. thank you. seeing no additional speakers, public comment is now closed. and my apologies, mr. clerk, but i'd like to make a motion to excuse supervisor peskin as he has to report in another committee. yes, on the motion to excuse supervisor peskin, vice chair safaí i safaí peskin s excuse chair walton a walton i
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the motion to excuse. supervisor peskin passes without objection with member peskin being excused. thank you. motion carries. and now, mr. clerk, seeing no other members of the board on the roster, i'd like to make a motion to remove the word rejecting and choose approved for each nominee and send to the full board as a committee repor. yes. on items three, four and five. there's motion to delete the word rejecting throughout the throughout the motion and recommend that as a committee report as amended on that motion, vice chair safaí i safíi i peskin. excuse chair walton i walton i that motion passes without objection with member peskin being excused. thank you. motion carries. congratulations, everyone. mr. clerk would you
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please call item number six? item number six is a motion to approve and rejecting the treasurer. the nomination of greg wagner for a term ending june 17, 2026, to the treasury oversight committee. thank you so much, mr. comptroller. thank you. chair walton. supervisor safaí greg wagner, city comptroller. as you know, under section 5.9-3 of the city administrative code and consistent with the california government code sections on treasury oversight, the comptroller is designated the first seat on the treasury oversight board. so i am here to request your appointment of me to that board. if you do appoint me to that board, i can assure you that myself and my team will carry out the duties of that committee diligently and in the public interest. thank you, comptroller wagner. i don't
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believe we have any questions at this time for any questions for i object to greg wagner seeing no questions or comments from colleagues, please call for public comment on this item. yes, members of the public who wish to speak on this item should line up to speak. at this time. there are no public commenters on this matter. thank you. seeing no speakers, public comment is now closed. i'd like to make a motion to remove, rejecting and choose approved for this nominee and send to full board as a committee as a positive recommendation. yes. on a motion to amend to delete. rejecting throughout the legislation and to recommend, as amended, chair safaí. vice chair safaí. i safaí peskin. excuse chair walton. i will deny that motion passes without objection. thank you. motion passes. mr. clerk, please call item number seven. yes. item number seven.
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hearing to consider appointing board members. terms ending september 6th, 2027, to assessment appeals. board number one. thank you. so much. and again, i will call in order of what i have in my notes. and also just a reminder, we have one minute. and first is adina gilbert. good morning. committee members. i was first appointed almost two years ago after retiring from serving as an administrative law judge at the rent stabilization and arbitration board for 24 years, and it's been an honor to serve at the board, and i'd be honored to continue with that. do you have any questions? we will let you know if we have questions after everyone speaks. thank you. so much. hillary winslow. i believe they submitted a letter they were unable to attend today. thank you so much. karina
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mitchell. good morning. hi. i am currently serving on assessment appeals board one as an alternate for seat six. i'm applying for reappointment. i have had a i've enjoyed my time on the board for about a year and a half. i've been able to contribute and my knowledge and my time, and would love to continue to serve with my fellow commissioners. i think i can continue to grow and contribute to the board, so i appreciate your time and thank you for your consideration. thank you. paul bella. thank you. i'm seeking to continue my work on the assessment appeals board. i've been doing it for five years and
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13 years appraising real estate here in the city. 23 year veteran teacher as a public school educator. and i would like to continue, please. thank you. thank you. supervisor safíi do you have any questions for any of our nominees? no, i'll just say i appreciate your commitment to doing this. i think that all of you, having gone through the process myself, a number of years ago, it's important to have people that are objective and fair, that actually take the time to do the research and the work, and you have a great team to work with in the assessment appeals board. so thank you for your commitment to serve. thank you. supervisor safaí. mr. clerk, let's call for public comment. yes. members of the public wish to speak on this matter. just line up to speak at this time, i do not see any public commenters. thank you. seeing no speakers public comment is now closed and i too just want to appreciate everyone
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for your continued commitment to the work. and with that, i make a motion to send all names forward adina gilbert, hillary winslow, karina mitchell, alternate paul byler, alternate to the full board with recommendation. yes, on that motion, vice chair safaí i safíi i peskin, excuse chair walton i walton i that motion passes without objection. thank you. motion carries. congratulations. mr. clerk, please call item number eight. item number eight is hearing to consider appointing five members. terms ending september sixth to the assessment appeals board. number two, thank you so much. and again just a reminder we have one minute to hear from our candidates. and i will go in order of what i have. first is louisa mendoza. good morning.
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assessment to the board. rules committee member of the public. my name is luis mendoza. i've lived in this city of san francisco for over 35 years. actually, 37 years. i've served on the board for quite a long time, and it's really good serving on the board. i've enjoyed it working for the public. i've been educated at golden gate university, started as a property manager, appraiser for wells fargo, moved on from there to be a mortgage broker, real estate broker. and now i continue to run my own farm. thank you. thank you, nicholas goldman. good morning
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supervisors. i'm nick goldman, i'm an estate planning attorney here in san francisco. i would appreciate your positive consideration of me for seat five on the arb. before i went to law school, i was in real estate and mortgage for three years. i worked on sales and purchases of both residential and commercial properties. so i have a grounding in the valuation of commercial properties. when i got out of law school, i worked in real estate law, various questions in real estate law, but mostly landlord tenant. and while i understand that this is not about landlord tenant law, landlord tenant law does affect the valuation of real property. also, i have no allegiance to any particular group in the city. for instance, when i was in real estate law, i belonged to the small property owners association in san francisco, apartment association. but since i'm no longer in that field, i don't belong to those
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organizations. so if somebody comes before me, they don't get any special treatment, right? so if you have any questions, i'm happy to answer them. thank you. michaela domingo. good morning, chair walton, supervisor safaí and members of the rules committee. i'm michelle domingo, and i'm a candidate for seat six. i'm founder and managing attorney of ms. domingo law group, where an estate planning, probate and trust administration and litigation firm. through my practice, i work very closely with court appointed referees to ensure proper valuation for real property, and i'm also a certified mediator and have been mediating for 20 years. and oftentimes the trust and estates dispute involve real property. i would love an opportunity to serve and thank you so much for
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the opportunity. thank you. and i apologize for mispronouncing your name and the spelling. no problem was different. thank you so much. thank you, joyce lewis. good morning, rules committee. my name is joyce lewis and i'm here seeking a reappointment because i served on the assessment appeals board from 2011 through 2019. and in 2024, i reconnected with alastair and gibson, the administrator who invited me to reapply. i'm a licensed attorney. i'm a licensed public health nurse. i also have a license in real estate as a salesperson and it's
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a wonderful opportunity to serve the city and county of san francisco and we serve a very vital function to equalize taxes so that we can maintain our city services, our city parks, our city neighborhoods. and i'd be honored to be reappointed. thank you. thank you. and claire irvin lee. good morning. my name is claire irvin lee. i was born in san francisco, currently live in pacifica. i'm a licensed attorney. i retired from the state of california. various departments. you have my resume and i retired in in 20. i'm sorry, 2018 and that was fun for a couple of years. and then i
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went back to work as a retired annuitant for the california public utilities commission, where i worked as a an investigator internally investigating complaints about eeo matters and mostly from employees internally, although there were some members of the public that had issues as well. i wrote neutral reports just no no bias towards one or the other and i that position ended in may of this year and i would like to serve in a position where i could be of help to the city and county of san francisco. thank you so much, supervisor safaí, do you have any questions for
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anyone seeing? no questions. we will now go to public comment on this item. members of the public who wish to speak on this item should line up to speak at this time. there are no public commenters on this matter. seeing no speakers public comment is now closed. mr. chair, i would like to make the following motion to appoint luisa mendoza to seat one. nicholas goldman to seat five. michele domingo to seat six. alternate joyce louise joyce lewis to seat seven alternate and clare irving lee to seat eight alternate. yes on that motion, vice chair safaí safaí i chair. walton i walton i. that motion passes without objection, with member peskin being excuse. thank you. motion carries. congratulations to everyone. mr. clerk, please call item number nine. item number nine is hearing to consider appointing
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one member term ending september 7th, 2025. two members term ending september 7th, 2026, and two members term ending september six, 2027. to assess an appeals board number three, thank you so much. and i believe we have one applicant, mark dic. i apologize if i mispronounced your last name. no, you got it right. thank you. good morning supervisors. thank you for considering my application for reappointment for assessment of appeals board three, seat five. my name is mark dickow. i have been a licensed realtor since i was 18 years old. i'm a second generation realtor. i've practiced real estate in san francisco for the past 15 years, and been a real estate broker for 11 years. here in san francisco. i would appreciate to continue on the assessment appeals board. i just finished my first year and some months
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and see the need for us to serve and get through these cases and would like to continue to do so. thank you. so much. thank you. i don't see anyone on the roster for questions or comments. mr. clerk, please call for public comment. yes, members of the public who wish to speak on this matter should line up at this time. my name is luisa mendoza. i would like to in regards to my fellow commissioner mark dickow. i would like to say i've been it's been a pleasure working with him. he brings lots of knowledge to the table on the assessment appeals board. even though our work has been mostly via zoom, it is really been a pleasure and i would like that
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he be reappointed. thank you, thank you. are there any additional speakers on this matter? there are no additional speakers. thank you. seeing no additional speakers, public comment is now closed. mr. clerk, i'd like to make a motion to move the name mark dickow forward for seat five. yes, on that motion. vice chair safaí safaí. chair. walton. i deny that motion passes without objection. with member peskin being excused. thank you. motion carries. congratulations, mr. clerk, do we have any other items before us this morning? are there? there. sorry. my apologies. i just want to confirm that the item three, four and five were sent out as committee reports. correct.
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my husband we're the owners of you won't see ice cream in san francisco and really makes fishing that we are always going together and we - we provide the job opportunity for high school students and i hired them every year and . >> fun community hubble in san francisco is my district i hope we can keep that going for many years. >> and i'm alexander the owner of ice cream and in san francisco and in the outer sunset in since 1955 we have a vast of flavors liar choke o'clock but the flavors more than three hundred flavors available and i am the owner of
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the ice cream. and my aunt used to take us out to eat ice cream all the time and what can i do why not bring this ice cream shop and (unintelligible) joy a banana split or a great environment for people to come and enjoy. >> we're the ordinances of the hometown and our new locations in pink valley when i finished law school we should open up a store and, and, and made everybody from scrap the first ice cream shop any ice cream we do our own culture background and a lot of interaction and we're fortunate we can get
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>> preston, the owner of cafe alma and-- [music] the cafe started as a temporary project and made it permanent projecktd. project. the building is slated to be demolished probably in 5 to 10 years. it u.s.ed to be a awning manufacturing and i decided to turn it into a cafe. it also served as a incubator for small businesses in the area. we also do a food bank from the
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location. it has been an amazing community experience to have it, because we are [indiscernible] we like to [indiscernible] everything as much as possible from different vendors in the area, different producers. we like-other people as well. sometimes we have a pop up from a local maker. we also do a marketplace with another local business. definitely a lot of collaboration and local products. we have been in san francisco about 25 years. when i first came here i was in the restaurant, cafe, hospitality world and it is what i love to do and being in this neighborhood i have been in bayview about 20 years, but definitely knew i wanted to be a small business owner and do something here lovely in my community.
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>> the vibrant south of market neighborhood in san francisco is deep lee rooted filipino if fluences to shape the cultural identity. soma pilipinas known for [indiscernible] night life and art scenes is home to growing filipino community that thrived for generations. >> soma pilipinas is a community, the village that has been over a hundred years in the making. this is home to many generations of filipino from the turn of the century, to the present. continues to be a gateway community for a lot of filipinos just arriving from the philippines. >> one of sth most prominent scines is filipino owned businesses become staples in the neighborhood. restaurants like manila bowl and jp restaurant offer
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[indiscernible] >> we call it [indiscernible] this is my passion. everybody's who came right now. we feel good right here. community is like a family. >> the eatery serve mouth watering dishes and provide a sense of home to the filipino community, preserving traditions passed down generation. >> a filipino restaurant utilizing california ingredients we honor traditional family recipe [indiscernible] we shop in the market 2 to 3 times a week. we make the filipino cuisine proud in san francisco. >> along with the culinary
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deliteds, soma philippine ow is home to san francisco top mix aulgists. filipino artistry is a facet of soma pilipinas rich tapestry. the filipino cultural heritage district transformed public spaces into canvases that depict the stories and experiences of filipino americans. >> parlt part of the work we do is support filipino artists to work with community to really create and develop community based art. this is murals and designs that really reflect the rich history, the culture and the struggles and triumps of the filipino community. >> the presence of the filipino cultural center which offer workshops, language classes and community resources is a testament to the community efforts to preserve and promote the heritage. >> features the [indiscernible]
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philippines which is a indigenous community weaving textiles and tapestry for hundreds of years so proud to feech were modern ones and very antique ones and showcase fashion from the community and we are inviting everybody to come experience that with us. >> the center not only caters to the filipino community, but welcome all who wish to learn about and embrace this culture. >> we want to develop a cultural district where you have the young generation learn their history, language and culture and where you have also the seniors be part of the cultural and share their stories and their traditions, and continue to grow young in the neighborhood. >> the intersection of technology and culture in this part of san francisco provides a unique back drop for a thriving community embracing the past while looking to the future. the filipino influence ingrained in soma serves as remindser of the power of
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cultural diversity and importance of celebrating in our ever changing world. >> some of the neighborhood in d8 are the castro and glen park and noe valley and diamond heights and coal valley. >> hello, i'm supervisor mandelman the supervisor representing d8 the board of supervisors. >> i had also been interested in politics and puck life and group in san francisco and when
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i was in high school i had a 13wrir78 with periphery on the board of supervisors. and as i got involved in um, in local affairs hi was grown up at the some point make sense to run so i did. >> so you had i was running in no charge back. focused on homeless and the mental health issues as priorities for me and the district. my mom suffered from mental illness for a big county executive of hero adult life got sick when us very sick my was 10 or 11 years old i move to san francisco she was not able to take care of of me by my grandmother i followed her life and try to help her anti she on the other hand, she lived institutions and board cares in homelessness shelters for a
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period of time and i thought there are folks with those sits needs have informed my governance and priorities as an office official. >> last year the governor newsom and senator egg that man and the pushed proposition one on the ballot in march this is a big involvement in um, in housing and treatment for people with serious mental illness proposition one it is a very large bond 6 nature billion dollars for housing, and bed placement and wake facilities for people with severe mental illness we have utilized to have stated hospitals we closed those
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for this is the most significant involvement california made in replacing the state hospitals with something better and more community-based organizations and anyone on the streets of san francisco schizophrenia see folks with really needs and i hoping that prop one with implementing it in san francisco will help us to better meet the needs of some pretty sick folks i think the country clubhouses the castro is known for a number of things a place where camera shops and where the queer civil rights movement and the political rights started in the decades and known for a study session for queer people a lot of that is about bar the great night life that's great a darker side to that there is a lot of addiction in the queer
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community. and overflow room when we were founded in 198 three were a coffee house was helping folks to recover from the especially department of defense of aids crises over time the last 41 years has changed and now we are be a nonprofits have the focus on the queer recovery community that's our focus but the center is on to everybody. we hosted 46 in-person board groups a week raping if crystal clear collaboratives anomalies and overeaters and undocumented children of alcoholics recovery and smart recovery we try to cater to the entire community and all the things they meet needs welfare from folks need a community of support to heal
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from substance abuse given the circumstances folks will need a place to go and meet forensics and hang out and get supportive services and then have a place where we can just be that's the magic that happens here the magic of san francisco community-based organizations small and mighty are doing work to help people move forward. >> i benefit from this because when i have questions about substance abuse disorders or tilly chang the challenges i can turn total folks at the country club have lived the experiences with the addictions and will tell me what will work or likely to work.
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>> with variety is another great castro institution. 1ur7 commitment for the neighborhood. at a time when retailed is struggling not only in san francisco but around the country a beloved it store provides jobs for folks in the neighborhood a if a family has seen is transitioned in the neighborhood were here when it was, you know, more issuing working class a neighborhood and then they saw and welcomed all the queer folks coming into the neighborhood and
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really changing the neighborhood and embraced now- >> (multiple voices). >> we started it was started in 1936 by my grandfather and evolved with the neighborhoods over the years my great grandfather in the tenderloin and while i was recovering fixing stuff in the back of his hardware store and the, fix anything. >> when you walk into my store you're walking into the most fantastic you've ever been in creative by board games and toys and when all of a sudden you're in hardware and hours ware and
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you're greeted by ice lashes and fabric and every gift. >> (laughter) a throw back to a time a general store go to one store for anything ranging from our drag state you multi-family dwelling unit need for some party or performance to um, something you need for 6 to fix our sewers or walls or to repaint. or maybe just a gift to thank someone for a holiday or birthday all the stuff and (laughter). >> we are an improvement of we don't have if you don't need it limiting we have everything except for food and cloths and every neighborhood in san francisco is struggling somewhat with the impact of our failures to successfully address the
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millennials of our people i look 10 or 20 years into the future i think it will be right is about e will be brighter to the extent we found a way to meet the needs of people with addicts to the mint mental health that impacts people walking around the neighborhood and i hope today, i think walking around in in san francisco neighborhoods people have to been, you know, why are we not doing a better job of caring four those people my hope that 10 or 20 years in from now my work and others would have to constantly ask that question that will now allow for a flushing of those neighborhoods. >> those are beautiful neighborhoods with beautiful buildings and views and we just have to might the needs of human
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