tv Board of Supervisors SFGTV October 8, 2024 8:00pm-1:01am PDT
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roll. >> >> mr. president commissioner walton, present. >> supervisor dorsey, present. >> supervisor engardio, present. >> supervisor mandelman, present. >> supervisor melgar, present. >> president peskin, present. >> supervisor preston, present. >> supervisor ronen, present. >> supervisor safai, present. >> supervisor stefani, present. >> supervisor walton, present. >> mr. president all members are are present thank unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush (rah-my-toosh) ohlone (o-lon-ee) who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory.
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ramaytush ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. colleagues please join me in the pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> madam clerk do you have any announcements or communications. >> yes. thank you, mr. president. the city and county of san francisco welcomes you to attend here in the legislative chamber room 250 or. >> meetings are cablecast on sfgovtv, or cable channels 26, 28, 78 or 99 (depending on your provider). submit an e-mail to the to
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submit an e-mail to the to board of prior to the hearing may be delivered to the clerk of the board or the clerk of the committee and will be shared with the members. and today, we are joined by the partners at enter graphics will provide seaman's and other interpretation in chinese and spanish from that to 5:00 p.m. please um, there will be individuals outside of the doors to help gather those in need of interpretation or equipment. to make a responsible request under the americans with disabilities act please contact the clerk's office by calling. >> public comment call-in: 1-415-655-0001 thank you, mr. president. >> thank you, madam clerk and colleagues, i have an announcements give the limited
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number of the board meetings and and number of members of this body have terming out i want to make sure all of us have an opportunity to introduce legislation that with very been working on and pursuant to board rules i'm calling for a special board of supervisors to be held here in the legislative chambers next tuesday october 15th at 2:00 p.m. for roll call for introductions. and i intend to entertain a motion to continue some items on today's agenda on first reading to the special meeting of next week which we'll get to you later on on today's calendar and with that, go to the. >> special order 2:00 p.m. - mayor's appearance before the board. welcome mayor london breed there are no questions from any of the four districts were entitled do ask questions
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you have not to speed 5 minutes thank you for joining us. >> thank you, president peskin and i know this is a very difficult time for families at the public schools. families deserve clarity certainty and transparency about the tough decided ahead had matters on behalf of all the school district make the decisions to maintain local control. a state take over will be a disaster for the families and educators if the stay takes over schools will drain school resources. that's because if a state loan is needed to make a district solvent the district has to pay back interests the strict district has to make cuts to school services and lose programming and also, if if a
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state administrator the local school board will lose their power undermining agencies that shape our children and city's future the state take over has generational impacts and recovery could take 10 years or more this is serious this is the most important thing we can do and threatened and educators and staff working everyday to serve the children and families meeting this challenge is a huge undertaking for sf public schools that's why they request of the san francisco board of education i announce the now team consisting of top city leaders and experts if children and budgeting and if anything go oversight on day one they were
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confronted and at the request of the san francisco board of education and the superintendent they are go collaborating to better understand the special education and to provide recommendations to sfusd to prevent this from every happening again the team has addressed operational issues that impacts students right now for example, the city is providing a desk audit the city a hoping central the district multiple payroll cycles will improve the systems capability to address vacancies and multiple city departments are see pledged their support for par educator recruitment and department of human resources pledged support to help but teacher hiring and credentialing all of this work is important.
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but what matters is balancing the budget. that is what will prevent a state take over until the budget is resolved benefits to school closures will be only contraceptive any decisions think school closures my. from come from a clear understanding of the budget that must include communicating with the families and the educators of our schools. that's why the district should and will conduct intensifying engagement about the tough decisions ahead and the educators staff and families. the city is here as a partner to support the process no good answers here and no easy ways out. but my commitment is a clear. we will work with the board of education and the superintendent to deliver on had matters a comprehensive logical
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and long term plan for the schools and make sure the parents have the support to understand the tough choices and that we are here to support them and this is how we will get the district through the tiff period and in a better situations for years to come i'm grateful for the boards strong support for the families and look forward to um, that continued support in the difficult weeks and most ahead we are in a similar situations added laguna honda and many people thought we would lose laguna honda hospital we didn't we put together a team and brought in all the resources to make the hard decisions and now laguna honda is recertified and many of those folks were moved out the laguna honda hospital are coming back and we're allowing for now
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enrollment we can and do this to protect our educators and we're looking forward to making sure we take care of what is necessary to sure staeblt in our public schools in san francisco. and thank you, again for the board of supervisors to your commitment and support in those efforts. thank you. mayor london breed and thank you for the words and our collective work with the san francisco unified school district in they're tough task and madam clerk read one through 4. >> roll call. >> on items 1 through 4 supervisor engardio, aye. >> supervisor mandelman, aye.
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>> supervisor melgar, aye. >> president peskin, aye. >> supervisor preston, aye. >> supervisor ronen on items 1 they 4. >> supervisor safai, aye. >> supervisor stefani, aye. >> supervisor walton, aye. >> supervisor chan, aye. >> and supervisor dorsey, aye. >> there are 11 ayes. >> those ordinances are finally passed next item, please and oh, i'm sorry. let's go back to the meeting minutes of. >> approval of the september 3, 2024, board meeting minutes. approved by supervisor melgar and take that. >> same house, same call. (gavel) meetings will be presented after public comment and item
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public comment and item public comment and item public comment and item public comment and item public comment and item grant term of april 1, 2023, through march 31, 2025; and waiving the competitive solicitation requirements in the administrative code. >> same house, same call. the ordinance is finally passed (gavel) next item, property in connection with a vehicle sideshow or preparations for such a sideshow; 3) prohibit persons from knowingly being present at a vehicle of these provisions misdemeanor, subject to imprisonment and/or fine. >> same house, same call. the ordinance is finally passed jacksonville city council next item, item, please. >> 7. new business: resolution
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authorizing the general manager of the san francisco public utilities commission to execute amendment no.1 to contract no. pro.0138.c with aecom technical services, inc., increasing the contract by $9,000,000 for a total not to exceed amount of $20,000,000 with no change to the term of april 16, 2020, through april 15,2031, to continue providing planning, design, and engineering support of improvements to various dam and reservoir facilities, pursuant to charter, section 9.118(b). >> same house, same call. the resolution resolution is adopted next item, obligations or liabilities to the city and are necessary to effectuate the purposes of amendment. >> same house, same call. the resolution is adopted resolution is adopted (gavel) next item,
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next item, next item, next item, next item, through october 31, increase the not to exceed contract amount from $20,000,000 to $24,783,723. >> same house, same call. the resolution is adopted (gavel) next item, next item, next item, next item, next item, next item, next item, duration of the term by two
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months from november 1, 2024, for a total contract term of december 1, 2020, through december 31, 2024. mr. controller i realized you do not run the office of contract administration but run the office of the great mayor mr. wagner and my understanding that your office has uncovered some inflated charges to be refund for rate payers again does that impact the contract and all? >> um, president peskin gregory wagner controller the issue you're refer to has to do with with the rates for residential payers. this separate contract don't believe is affected by this. >> let me confirm with the office of contract administration auto that why not skip over this and the rebate is
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15. >> those over charges because of what? >> um, it has to do with with the way um, that cost were allocated and the model was an error in one of the california large projects the ecology side identity and disclosed based on working on the budget to actuals and finds variance in the budget to actuals which allowed us to track down the error and the california california /* california illustration. >> a piece of good news come back to this item. >> i'm sorry commissioner walton. >> thank you, president peskin i want to indicate though this is a contract amendment um, but not the new contact that went
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out to bid that um, resulted in withdraw the bid to the city. um, so this is a interesting contract we're continuing until we have a new contract. >> right of an existing contract you're extending is any way impacted by the new calculations my understanding that the city contract generally followed the rate setting process so why not here from o ca if that and two are completely different and don't rely on each other should approve this. >> madam clerk read items of $102,345,000 and extending the duration by eight months,for a total term of six years and one month, from june 1, 2019, through june 30, 2025;
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item, program, for southern embarcadero resilience and enhancement project for the period of october 1, 2024, through may 31, 2027. >> same house, same call. the resolution is adopted (gavel) elevator for residents' use; and affirming the planning department's determination under the california environmental quality act. supervisor safai thank you, president peskin this added to the regulations on salaries a loophole that building under 50 feet in height go out of operation with no concrete plan and currently section of housing code that the
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buildings exceeding this per the fire code one operating elevator for a occupancy, however, the section of san francisco fire code section 6045.5 necessary height for the maintenance of elevator as opposed to to the housing code section this discrepancy is led to situations three or four story apartment buildings have not operational for the tenants on the third and four floors as with any elevators disproportionately hurts the residents many moved into the homes relied on the elevators for access without operational elevators they're struggling and this legislation will close this we help those with immobility tenants and have
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recourse to have and not able the advisory committee and the building inspection supported this calling the solution a no-brainer. >> thank you jim a resident that brought this to our attention and to the legislative process to make sure this necessary change was combaekd and also the land use president peskin and supervisor preston and supervisor melgar for co-sponsoring and the rest in the office to help this across the finish line for the always easy to do a code change we're grateful to those all and thank you to the co-sponsors and hope are is have our support. >> thank you, supervisor stefani and our leadership, medical marijuana. >> yes. thank you for your work supervisor and i'm a co-sponsor. >> colleagues send this to
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next week special order reading and rather than wade madam clerk do i need to make that. >> i move we move item 14 to the special board meeting of october 17th is there a second? >> seconded by supervisor walton without objection and roll call supervisor engardio, aye. >> supervisor mandelman, aye. >> president peskin, aye. >> supervisor preston, aye. >> supervisor ronen, aye. >> supervisor safai, aye. >> supervisor stefani, aye. >> supervisor walton, aye. >> commissioner walton, aye. >> supervisor dorsey, aye.
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>> there be 11 ayes. >> next item, >> next item, please. >> 15. ordinance amending the administrative code to provide that newly constructed dwelling units that first received a certificate of occupancy between june 14, 1979, and november5, 2024, shall be generally subject to rent control, to the extent authorized by a future modification or repeal of the costa-hawkins rental housing act; and making certain changes to clarify existing law regarding rent control exemptions under costa-hawkins. thank you, madam clerk president peskin. >> thank you supervisor walton over the years in hypothetical debates about expanding nomination for the appointment of avni jamdar to the public utilities commission, for a term ending august 1, 2028. i'm asking you to take action and impact the first rent control in a generation unfortunately, this debate has come good toxic and
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whether you like it or not rent cell is on the ballot we're companionship to helping with the protections locally and some advocates have raised concerns this ordinance not to new construction will hurt the profits of developers built rental housing this is a false choice and strongly repudiate this is housing we don't need to destabilize hearsay of thousands of renter we can through smart policy give renters equal rights and agents point is to help renter and tenants. rent control is actually a moderate policy that strengthens the community
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and allows see landlord to set market-rate and protects the rights of landlord to have a return on investment and residents are installed from bile markets for example, when i region experiences the highway jobs they're not simply captured by destabling and displacing renters two months ago we all agreed that gouging is not pro housing and capping unfair rent increase is new national policies of our nominee kamala harris and which by the way, supports 6 proportion that that on this 2006 ballot and according to a stanford study it
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sponsors the strengthens in our communities and allows see elders to age in place all of that being that said, i'm willing to grants those who have raised concerns a chance to give me in conversation and for that reason we are or have duplicated the file in committee and today, i'm introducing a non-stub stiff for 1979 to 199430 years ago in essence extending rent control 15 years from 79 to 94 we'll vote on today you observing i would like to campus the multilingual family units over 45 years we're not here for that but we are here for 15 years that is 16 thousand units and some 40 thousand rents and will
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represent the expansion of rent control and grants protections to some of the individuals um, that deserve it so i'm standing up to amend the subject ordinance and thank you to the cove sponsors of this ordinance. um, on page one line 22 to um, say which was june 13, 1979, and page 2 line 16 through 18 with the adjoin 13, 1994 and page this to stick the 2024 data and appreciate a second for that motion. >> thank you i been in i think we have a seconded by supervisor mandelman madam clerk.
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>> supervisor mandelman. >> thank you, president peskin and i want to thank you for um, this amendment today um, i believe if prop that that passes we'll have lots of conversations what we maintaining want to do but think that i am certainly on record my time in saying i thought i believe costa-hawkins should be repealed and additional for rented control in san francisco i - end to represent control there is some year past that where rent control makes sense and not have future obstruction and setting this year thirty years past indicates that the board is and will take seriously for hours production and don't want to see the housing production in a
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housing crisis so i'm at that point or with that amendment comfortable but anticipate many further conversations going forward if prop that that passes. >> thank you supervisor mandelman and commissioner chambers. >> thank you, president peskin the thing that i want to highlight also got a letter this morning from the construction trade involved not just the construction of housing but the financing of housing through the union pension fund and raised a few concerns i don't know if you've spoken to them or for the. >> one of the things i think that is for that they highland and i were involved almost 8 years ago was the idea of having a technical advisory committee from the experts people like
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activists representing tenants and property owners and having them at the table to have this conversation i too am on record i think that the 1979 date is arbitrary and should be adjusted and that's a congestive heart failures to have i'm not sure if thirty years this the right year could be sooner 25 years or, you know, but i think what needs to happen is there needs to be a conversation with those in the industry and those more technical experience in all aspects of financing construction and this conversation so i the like the city attorney to draft an amendment that incorporates in language that allows for there to be a technical advisory committee so through the president to the city attorney lucky to have an amendment drafted for this legislation. um, will include um, individuals
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as you stated tenant and property owners and labors and happy to work with you on this and this letter was bring to your attention this morning from the construction trade and thoughtful letter i hope you'll be poster of that amendment. >> inadequate happy to work with you over the next week whatever the case because make that motion to draft that amendment and i i can imagine will require us to continue though item. >> so number one, i don't need a motion. >> (multiple voices.) >> no, no i'll oppose that vigorously i have spoken to the building trades council after
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the receipt of his letter i had a charter amendment that would have applied rented control where the city had a benefit and in the conversation after conversations with pension funds and real estate trusts there was actually a census that 7 to 10 years was the appropriate period. what i'm proposing is thirty years that times longer i'm happy to have a conversation with multiple parties didn't need to be written into a legislation i will oppose that amendment just a delay tactic with that president peskin. >> thank you and thank you for your leadership on this i think that the ordinance with the amendment you described is a
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significant step forward. to closing this um, two tier system we have and have rent control because some people have that and others don't we have experienced the results of that rent increases out pace inflation. and so i think that is important that step forward and think that is - fine not to expand rent control in the form no one if prop that that passes or the state legislation of prop that that doesn't but costa-hawkins we'll see what powers we have and have the conversations you're discussing that are appropriate things like extension to the families homes and vacancies all those things but hopefully now with the
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amendment is a thing we can all agree an and i wanted to address maybe a little bit more context i won't bother into going through what i said. but for people that have rent control but i will give for context on what costa-hawkins does and maybe not intentional but this new approach through the amendments achieves and we call new construction built back in 1980 but the new construction costa-hawkins does two things and one of them is built after costa-hawkins after 1995 is rent
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control across the state 1995; right? and another issue says for cities like san francisco to have rent control you're locked into the date san francisco that means 1979 a state law says the city can't update since the 1979 in los angeles it is 1978 the point is we seek the amendment is taking the piece that makes the least sense of costa-hawkins which everyone knows if you're in one of the cities you can't move forward from the 1995 date can't cover the units it is fundamentally unfair you can pass a rent control law tomorrow
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in east bay go do merced and cover all the rental unit built through 1994, but people in san francisco if their hope on the other hand, home was built before 1994 can't have rent control with that amendment you're proposing you're effectively taking care of that problem with costa-hawkins that is that the city can or cannot can't roll forward through 1994 which is the rule for the rest of state if they don't have rent control can pass a law today notwithstanding costa-hawkins one of the most important parts in which the state costa-hawkins law completely screwed rent control not just by 1995 as the
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period for exemption but all cities have passed rent controls laws in the 90s and 80s have no longer free so i port i support this with the amendments appreciate the efforts that - i think with the change i really urge colleagues with issues around that hopefully this will be a census measure with unanimous support i'll not be able other than a bunch of industries not be covering thirty these units. thank you. >> president peskin. >> supervisor chan. >> i'm in support of this legislation and a proud co-sponsor and appreciate the amendments proposed today. i also see that the sentiment the
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supervisor expressed on the a statewide level we should have more conversations i want directly involved in the conversation around rent control and the charter amendment i think that is actually a lot to it and have we're going to talk about the existing buildings that but the new construction and what we do to stabilize rent not just for the buildings but more to come i think those conversations are worthwhile and look forward to more conversations and in agreement i'm definitely open and supportive of o amendments that xhvrnz proposed we should consider and have conversations i think can be done not to
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duplicate a file and appropriate to consider those and move forward today with what we got today and, you know, anticipating 28 days out in the election of proposition 33 and in the meantime, work on this at the land use committee with the expectation with the committee members so i just want to say i'm in support of passing and approving both the amendments that are proposed by president peskin and that to continue to move this legislation forward and also to continue to work on the duplicate file in committee. >> thank you commissioner walton and supervisor melgar. >> thank you, president peskin thank you, for those amendments. i voted against this i believe because frankly, i was worried about the relationship between
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rent control and our existing ordinance which passed in 2002 and decided in a quite a few buildings and i have questions about process. so if the - wanted to hear from the city attorney how long it takes to draft the amendment that supervisor safai talked about this can it go to the special meetings you've requested on the 15 will i'm not sure it will be discussed it is is we'll vote on that perhaps on the 22 for the second reading on the 29 but first what commissioner walton to send the department file for land use we don't have a meeting
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on the 22 but on the 21st maybe a committee reports on the 22 sill be in the same place; right? i mean. >> i guess- >> (multiple voices). >> i'll let the city attorney answer but respectfully to xvrndz i said i was going so introduce this in july but on the front page of paper is disconcerting we didn't sinned it as a committee report on the day it arrives here you could have respectfully supervisor safai asked for the city attorney to draft this language this morning or yesterday evening i don't take kindly to that like to vote for it today and again, on tuesday um, i have an alternative proposal
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replacing land use chair you can deputy the file in committee on monday. you can forward it as a committee report to the board of supervisors and then we can have a trailing piece of legislation goes into effect a welcome back later but no mood to slow down this and - but to speed it up and as to whether or not it depends on how long we're sit down and talk together or whatever. >> city attorney sarah i believe this will create and advisory body that is a substantive amendment and requires some policy decisions about what the advisory body looks like it takes time to prepare but happy to work with supervisor and i can't speak at
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the moment to whether or not it is in time for next week's meeting possible but i don't know. >> supervisor dorsey. >> colleagues, i support expanding the rent control has helped thousand in supportive housing and anything built after 1979 we can't let that date frozen in time and expanding the rent control to 1994 i'm proud to support but i understand supervisor safai pointed i saw the letter today and, you know, their task of the building new housing and have to be studying the expansion to make sure it is lane on the right date 10 years or 20 years i don't know it is
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reasonable to wait a couple of weeks to make sure we can include that technical advisory committee the less expand rent control i don't think so we're rushing this day what's the imminent deadline my understanding which is moot unless based on the election the statewide election results i don't know what the rush is today, i prefer that we vote on legislation that is completed that labor asks for and still have this amazing expansion of representative control so that's my preference to do it in a couple of weeks. >> commissioner mandelman. >> thank you, president peskin i think i understand why we're not waiting until after november i think the reasons for the body like this to vote on something
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like that before prop that that to indicate and communicate with um, san franciscans what the san francisco board of supervisors would might do with something like that prop that that and use that will benefit and premiumly create enthusiasm among folks not impacted by that i think that makes sense and understand that and understand the desire not to have this undelayed and pushes us to the point because the decisions are made on november 5th i heard the arguments we shouldn't take that up until mafioso agree with that i don't see the problem with an additional amendment the devil
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is in the details and an additional process to sign on the 1999 represent control and future conversations by facts about the changes that would be made seems to make sense this is the building trades prices forces a price that is worth paying a courtesy i'll ask for one year extension but in the morning that. >> i believe commissioner mandelman that is heard from not only with that have to be referred but unclear will be ready in a welcome back. i mean, that's what you heard from the city attorney this will be referred back to committee for a substantive amendment i heard that. >> through the chair. i didn't hear referred i heard a substantive amendment. >> what's that mean
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supervisor. >> requires public comment. >> are you speaking for the city attorney now? >> so - did you want to go? >> okay. would that refer it back to committee? >> if we introduced do substantive amendment at a board meeting next week will require another either hearing by the committee the board meeting committee of the whole or referral back to committee and we have two options. so i want to say just for the record supervisor when he did clour when i was leading the process
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for inclusionary housing i had the option of the 6 to 5 vote to conclude you and supervisor kim at that time the goal was as census those are reasonable requests we have that people in the industry are saying reasonable requests in the end have an opportunity to have a census mayor will have the same impact we're asking for a very reasonable you say 30s just but the other day 2024 we need everyone at the table to make an informed decision everyone said expanding rent control including me if we're going to do this do this right and i don't think
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will delay that more than a welcome back or two and allows us to vote and you've gotten our accelerated timeline important one hearing here at the full board in fast process i got this letter this morning and didn't get it last night. >> and spoke to rudy go on and talked about that and i was receptive i talked to him this morning. >> he tell me the same thing but want the advisory committee and they times additional language has to do with with upkeep and maintenance for buildings that are ignored but woo woo. >> i'm dealing with one piece
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that is the technical advisory portion a fair amendment to conclude all at the table that's all i'm asking for. >> you're not. >> (multiple voices.) >> what was in the letter that's not true but four requests and oftentimes deferred maintenance impacts the buildings in rent control and want to have contractor at the table i'm not addressing that piece i'm addressing one portion which was included folks at the talk a little bit about technical advisory committee and. >> (multiple voices.) >> and supervisor two let's deputy the file and ask you're special language i already gave rudy my word we're going to have the traders at the table. >> i feel commissioner loving with the property amendment i appreciate that. >> supervisor mandelman. >> all right. so - supervisor
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engardio. >> a quick note i appreciate supervisor mandelman point and valid vote now sends a message but go to rallies and i'm happy to do any statement between now and november 5th saying yes, we let's expand rent control like 1994 my understanding why can't we wait a few weeks that that grounds we're all saying we want to expand rent control but putting the signal out there but do the legislation all at once. >> commissioner walton. >> we have done this before we duplicate a file and continue to
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work on which actually typically with substantive amendments we sort it out at the committee level and send it back to board and substantive we have a path to duplicate a file to this is a beauty of progress i love you, go and make more amendments we should make more amendments that propose that that passes and continue that conversation about rent control so the timing why we should do it now and why should we do it later we have the process in the and the tools available will make that happen as suggested by president peskin we could go back to land use which that is duplicate a file and make this property by
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commissioner chambers and amendments we make do i get the file and have it at the committee reporter clearly has to wait and welcome back and that timing i'm kind of confused why this is a problem like that process because the same timing over all and it just a parallel process i'm confused why we're arguing which route to go but by wonder i want to affirm my support for the version all the time and to also be supportive of duplicated file with the amendment proposed commissioner walton and include the amendments today that should be extend through june 1994 and duplicate the files in the committee. >> supervisor ronen.
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>> i've filed identify any ballot and every one of us - i was going to turn it in today (laughter) and i forgot it most of us have a battle at home let's be real the debate around prop that that is extremely confusing the people not in the position of prop that that are trying to pretend so what president peskin has done and fully support to put a clear and simple owners forward to say in prop that that passes we are going to make, you know, hundreds if not thousands of buildings in san francisco rent controlled that is clear simple and understandable. the
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ballot is a mile-long. to make voters understand what the is at stake with prop that that president peskin has brought forward a simple piece of legislation to let us understand what that is at stake and adding jargon let's create and body they may not or may disagree is a tactic so we don't expand rent control. i absolutely oppose extending this in any longer my san franciscans like me filled out the ballot and need the clarity today, i suggest we vote on this ordinance today and not give in into the delay tactics.
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>> supervisor walton. >> just to be clear, either i support rent control or you don't or local decision making costa-hawkins has been in place for thirty years someone to say we're rushing it is almost amazing to me but at the end of the day, we know and been a decision to work with our trade partners to have conversations the battle has been duplicated which is a step towards everyone finding the willingness to work together and then the legislation that is represented 1994 to 2024 is gracious step forward so at the end of the day, we have legislation fluoresced us and we'll work with as a team for a law we've been working to repeal for decades this is a true
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compromise president peskin because believe me i was okay with the legislation before but you have compromised at least the ones that support rent control or continue to go back and forth i don't know how many times back and forth in committee. but let's vote let our residents know where we're headed in terms of how we believe to come up with a process and legislation that is real. to address if prop that that passes i - i 100 percent hope. thank you. supervisor walton. >> thank you. president peskin. >> agree with supervisor
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walton comments i think that some of the suggestions are like the issues has been addressed the issue has been addressed by your willingness to do that but i want to just add one thing because, you know, the statements my colleague made about willing to make a public statement there is a difference between supportive statements about rent control and voting for rent control we've seen it in the chambers folks with concerned about voting on that today were voting in opposition to us taking a position on prop that that in those chambers and at the same time stating their support for rent control. and so i do think as relevance of upcoming elections not by the way, what a lot of folks mentioned was as someone that advocated for renters for 25 or
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24 years but you have an election coming up people have more friendly votes i love to see a vote that expands rent control no reason to wait and not will go comfortable but statements people will support rent control when now is the time we got a very reasonable ordinance in front of us that does a thirsted of what the original owners did and involves thousands of homes that consensus a response to concerns from the building trades and have ongoing conversations how we can go further with a technical advisory committee as the president has said prepare
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that and work on the duplicated files i see no reason whatever we shouldn't move forward and vote on what that seems like everyone agrees on in the events that prop that that passes or costa-hawkins law is changed that automatically san francisco will see an expansion from 1979 through 1994 covering all the years a reasonable piece of legislation and thank you, president peskin for your leadership. >> thank you supervisor mandelman (gavel). >> thank you, president peskin. >> i mean, the very fact we or doing this before prop that that passes is in and of itself bizarre i understand the point i think i understand the point i think the point is a signal to the broader community how we're to approach this in different
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ways on the other hand, we want to show the tenants we have rental control and signal to others we're going to do this thoughtfully i want to delay not past november 5th i don't think we have to get close to november 5th but a week ago to me sounds. okay. means next week boards meeting longer but i think i can handle that i assume public comment will come in at next week's ordinance but that's sort of how i'm seeing it. >> supervisor melgar and i want to clarify that is that is suggested. so um, i have not heard from the city attorney that can't be done in a week ago if it can be done in a week ago
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that means a special meeting next week we said incorporate the amendment and do the committee of the whole and take public comment and vote on that or no? but will be to be two weeks and go to the 22 for a vote and then on the second reading on the 29. >> that's what if means. >> as opposed to voting on it today and then will go to um, second reading on the 15? >> so would delay it a full too weeks but don't have any commitment that it will be done by next week in time for the 15.
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>> that's true. >> city attorney sarah. >> so that's correct the earliest which is 2 introduce for a future meeting a substantive amendment has to be referred to committee after that for additional hearings. so a minimum of two weeks delay. >> okay. i'm okay with two weeks but, you know, i understand supervisor ronens point. >> we're going to deal with the motion. >> we're about too, so everyone now understands this is
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paramount to two weeks and motion supervisor walton. >> thank you, president peskin i'm showing the motion on the floor is - >> well, no there are two motions one motion to amend that has been made and seconded one motion to continue the item for one week has not been seconded but not yet- >> (multiple voices). >> that's my point and now seconded which then requires a roll call because continuous take precedence. so supervisor ronen on the motion to continue. >> well, i have a question. to the um, maker of the motion about the motion through the chair dmrndz given like people
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have voted right now why can't this go through trailing legislation send this message forward and form a committee to figure out further i mean can't we say we're okay moving the date to 94 and on that we agree including the building trade chair agrees on that and then have a next second piece of legislation will create this committee that you want to create. um, so funny like several battle measures to get rid of of committee (laughter) i wanted to mention that but you want to create a new committee to do that i'm trying to understand everyone is asking by president peskin has - i guess
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the quo why do you have urgency why not day pay your fair share the date back cuts the prop that that you know what in a building from 1980 you'll have rent control i don't understand you're urgency. >> that's a lot of different questions i'll say that reiterate some of the things that is important to have the right process which we're doing a monumental piece of legislation i think to have by the way, not setting a committee what that does incorporated the language to have the technical advisory committee part of the process now ongoing and i think that is an important part of legislation to get it right and ongoing. and to say to the voters we're doing it in a responsible way. um, i think
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that sends the right message we here have said we support moving the time i think we're going to vote on that and now incorporating a piece of language that says we're going to incorporate into the legislation the requirements there be a technical advisory committee for that process and ongoing that is a thoughtful president peskin we worked out on that and continued it multiple times at the braid before we got it right and more urgency we were building housing at the moment to be impacted by the clour i have an amendment on the floor to continue it and work with the city attorney and the vote will happen before the election. >> xhrj. >> number one, the explore
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technical advisory committee was actually about subject matter experts looking at interest rates and performa's this is a simple conversation about the date is 1994 impacts no new construction ever but having said that he let me make a genuine proposal that allows for us to vote on this today which is why don't we include a finding in the legislation on page 2 a new subsection b that is an ad mission any future amendments studio charter of the administration codes the provisions relative to the applicability will be subject to the inclusion of labor and
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business and taint interests and that is the official statement in the finding of this legislation which we can vote on right now and not substantive i don't know deputy city attorney we were to put that in the finding not substantive and completely say precisely was that board of supervisors intention is and vote on that right now or after we listen to the workers from local o local 2 have been waiting patiently for quite sometime. >> i appreciate that supervisor and appreciate not to blind side i got this letter this morning. >> (multiple voices.) >> you saw me here in hallway and didn't say a word to me about that. >> a yeah, you did. >> we might have seen each other at the car outside. >> but i feel more supervisor blahnik if we can continue this
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and draft the amendment and vote on that. >> wait still will be voted on the percent of people that vote now versus those vote towards the end it greater we have a significant amount of time. >> this a delay tactic- >> (multiple voices). >> a very reasonable demonstration of the board of supervisors the policy is supported by supervisor melgar and supervisor engardio will what will say process get you about changing the date- >> (multiple voices). >> for another date this is a delay tactic. >> will send a message to the voters president peskin. >> we don't support rent control supervisor preston. >> you're putting words in my mouths i'm having flashback for
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costa-hawkins in sacramento the industry oh, we're open to discussing that and have a thirty year rolling date or 15 years and comes to the committee and the smaungz with all due respect, i don't know what we're debating literally everyone supports i'm hearing is everyone supporting rolling the dates to 1994 and legislation before us that does that the industry represents including the housing coalition said to the committee, you know, they'll be fine with something that supports something goes back thirty years but labor literally no one speaks against this (coughing) labor is fine with the date with president peskin says about the date supervisor (laughter) literally not a single person is objected to the ordinance as
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amended so if you want to work on file maybe moot but ongoing conversations about that right you got to like the lowest common denominator that we'll roll the date to 94 and beyond 94 is dispute i got to say it is certainly does seem like a delay tactic for you to do the work in committee beyond a doubt the steps to cover thousands of units for rent control we all want to do though we'll see when the vote comes. >> supervisor melgar and and
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was okay with 94 we heard from the folks that was okay. and crushed the numbers um, i want to also be inclusive but i understand that i mean, i already turned in my battle and that's also important. is that possible to um, there a the vote until we have it in writing can we do that. >> why not move this item until after the special order of business i'm sorry for the phone here for the 2:30. >> you want to vote on the possession motion why not come, to the motion and i'm sorry for the people if you're here for
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recognition of commendations. >> a. >> special order 3:00 p.m. board of supervisors sitting as a committee of the whole with hundreds of people who need to get back to work and so madam clerk please call the. >> special order 3:00 p.m. board of supervisors sitting as a committee of the whole actually call item that actually call item that actually call item that actually call item that actually call item that for guests and workers within the industry, and the"status of the san francisco economy" report; and requesting the city controller to report. >> are any members of the public like to comment on item that 1? >> seeing no other names on the roster, public comment is closed. and colleagues.
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>> same house, same call. >> roll call mr. president. >> what is missing. >> on that 1 committee of the whole. >> supervisor engardio, aye. >> supervisor mandelman, aye. >> supervisor melgar, aye. >> president peskin, aye. >> supervisor preston, aye. >> supervisor ronen, aye. >> supervisor safai absent. >> supervisor stefani, aye. >> supervisor walton, aye. >> supervisor chan absent and supervisor dorsey, aye. >> there are 9 ayes. >> the motion to approved (gavel) madam clerk read item 19. >> 18. >> 18 excuse me - >> item 19. >> 19
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>> 19 scheduled pending approval the motion contained in file no. 240972, to be considered on october 8, 2024. >> colleagues, i called for an urgent committee of the whole to hear about the working conditions public safety for over 4 thousand hotel workers the backbone of our local economy for the past two whacks hotel workers have been not afford cost of living and calling for hire wages and covid cuts as the city works with the industry on recovery we have to make sure our weathering can support the growth and promotes the industries and is invited
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the leadership from local 2 with over 15 thousand san mateo and the east bay and north bay the floor is yours. >> thank you, president peskin i'm sing i served now as the forker for local 2 in the contract; right? >> and i want to say a few words to kind of recognize the moment we're in before i'm going to turn it over to my colleague this is not the first hearing. this board has held about working conditions and labor disputes in the hotel destroy and we appreciate the focus on this because hospitality remains despite the headlines we see all the time and one of the bedrocks of san francisco's economy and
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two-thirds of san francisco hotel workers and 90 percent of workers in the large upscale hotels in the cities are members of the local 2 and those workers have typically the first faces that greet tourists that come into the city who then clean up and serve the meals. as a union we worked hard to make sure the hotel destroy have the kind of jobs near the city they love and serve they're not high paid the working earnings 5 that thousand dollars per year but combine that request healthcare and retirement benefits and workplace protects that's the basis for sustaining thousands of families in san francisco for many years all is at stake not
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just trauma for san francisco but major hotels throughout north america anyly elected president will say words about the future of those jobs can and should be but take a moment. hospitality in san francisco has always been a boom and bust destroy and in the late 80s before falling back in the early 90s director kennedy another year followed by the downturn and september 11th the mid 200s soared you're familiar with the upper presented boom of 2010 by the closure of hotels
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during covid with had escapes people will hospitality businesses through they operate on a flexibility schedule so the occupancy drops workers could work they're the ones that take the biggest hit and never true more than covid fully 98 percent of our local 2 members were laid off for more than a year without any support whatsoever from hotel employers the only reason local 2 members didn't lose healthcare coverage during the darkest days of the worse pandemic in centuries because of union sponsored health fund that workers voted to fund over the years and which is now very much being talented by the hotel destroy which we'll talk about in a few moments not to say that
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profit margins district attorney fall for hotel companies but employees take by far the first and biggest hits when business drops in the hotel and what is true every time a downturn we see owners gets more and more grateful trying to lock in the reduced staffing levels with the business comes back and try to persuade customers to expect less amenity and less of everything all while continuing to pay the high prices the short term profit and seek threatens the reputation of hotels over the long term and threatens the families that uphold san
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francisco hotel destroy just to be clear, the hotel business is a industry has seen two or three real estate recycle through the hotels and each time the in coming buyer strips out the value of the property and keeping their um, own san francisco short term and have little concern for performance yund i don't understand a 5 or 10 year times - and the tourism video is coming back and workers have to be part of that recovery and san francisco can't accept the workforce to fall further and further behind everyone in the room is betting on san
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francisco future we have been and time for the hotel industry to set up and do, do same i'll pass it on. >> hi, everyone i'm lizzie the president of local 2 as a said local 2 members truly building not hospitality we know that guests will come back we're clear time to make sure that hotel job is sustain the working class community our region needs. too many hotels have been their idea of commissioner cool and dome and gloom cut back on cleaning and raised the rents with expensive fees and getting consumers to accept less and
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making workers do more hotels grow they're profits every few years the industry deals with that and coming up for renegotiation at big hotels marriott and others are go are taken advantage of those wages blots cost of living and proposed to dismantle our health plan. >> that's why more than a month ago thousands of workers across many of the biggest hotels in the city voted to authorize strikes. that's what it takes to change the companies mind you'll hear why a few workers said enough is enough the hotel workers are angry and
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every single day they do work that multiple people used to do every single day they have to say i'm sorry to guests that are not getting the service they used to get and paying high prices every single day our members see companies making short term decisions that hurts the hospitality industry and today 15 hundred workers at that hotels are on strike the hilton and the grand and the western st. francis and workers at other hotels may walk off the job and not alone san francisco is not unique the experience of san francisco hotel workers and the behavior of those hotels are common across north america and close to 5 thousand works in total are on strike from
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honolulu and san diego to boston. please understand we don't take strikes lightly it is huge sacrifice it is hard to go without pay checks to walk in the heat and maybe in the rain we'll have and to put so much at risk but if we allow cooperate profits to strange the last jobs in san francisco that actually holds the performance of supporting working class families to live near the city we love to be at risk is a much bigger compromise and sacrifice the coverage of hospitality is noteworthy it we're here asking for your supporting and counting on you to do the right thing.
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people to support our families, however, after the pandemic the hotel they have how to cut people how to combine the jobs how to elimination - and how to take away you're benefits. our hotel has that buildings almost 2 thousand rooms and before the pandemic, they have that shuttle buses but after the pandemic they kit two persons and in the hotel hallways, office and property area cleaned by myself
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and like on the carpet we - (unintelligible). >> and before they have somebody who has to take care of that but nowadays they are trailing which - everything so, i mean the hotel industry, you know, they disregard we are struggling in the high live cost area and focus on households squeezing every penny from us that's why we're on strike we have - thank you for support. local 2 our campaign i mean our
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contract campaign and thank you for supporting our working class people. thank you very much. (clapping.) next speaker. >> any members of the public or local 2 or other partying like to testify please come forward on item number 19. >> hi my name is esther i have worked as a dining room tenant a proud member of local 2 and on strike for healthcare. when i first came here from indonesia i worked as a (unintelligible). >> the guys who work on the cable car tells me i could get a real job with benefits i didn't have healthcare. i asked where did i find a job with benefits? >> they told me to look for a
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hotel job i applied for a job resolution no. 1106-23-230 western and happy when i get it even with two days a welcome back i could get health insurance. in 2020 i find out i have a tumor luckily the union paid our insurance when many would not and i was able to get the health care i needed now they don't keep our insurance i'm on strike to make sure that me and my coworkers have medical. thank you very much for listening our story i hope (bell ringing) you can help us to send the message to sign the contract now
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(clapping.) i thank you for your comments. >> at this stage in the public comment is closed. hearing hold your applause if you want to signal support for the speaker please feel free. >> we'll set the timer for two minutes. >> any other members of the public want to testify on this? if you want to testify line up to your right and my left for the. >> special order 3:00 p.m. board of supervisors sitting as a committee of the whole in the "status of the san francisco economy" in san francisco. >> good afternoon for the record, i'm chris and a formerer director with the hotels in san francisco and the previous director of loss prevention and for massachusetts and have experience in most hotels and
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the issue is that a to conclude - by focus on all hotels they're workers and their guests just this morning announced that the conferences center will not be focusing - people refuse to come back to san francisco i spent several hours talking with the hotels and others no note handful preparing them for resignations and page 2 go to the prohibitive uses and you're violating all aspects in violation of state and federal law placing those hotels workers the pandemic is over they need
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to take this issue off the workers and guests thank you for your comments next speaker. >> i'm extremely horticulture what is happening in the hospitals where employees i think outside the box what they want to achieve to keep fighting against this this is good. >> thank you for your comments next speaker. >> buenos dias. >> (speaking spanish) hi, my name is i represent the latino culture and work in san
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francisco. >> (speaking spanish.) >> um, personally i'm here to defend our rights to keep a 17 month hold and worried the future and i also worried about their health insurance and their future. >> (speaking spanish.) >> the i'm one of the new workers here, i'm ready to fight for my rights and fight for the
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rights of local 2. >> (speaking spanish.) >> and together we will um, achieve what we like to do to grow the culture (bell ringing) . thank you. (clapping.) thank you for your comments. >> hi govern my name is jose. i-i have been working at for 32 years and fighting for our right they want to take away something for many, many years and healthcare after retirement. but personally i'm epileptic and
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take medication for over $600 a month hard to buy and working class here in this area is so expensive we're asking for your support and thank you very much. >> thank you for your comments (clapping.) welcome to the next speaker. >> hi good evening president peskin and all supervisors committee. my name is - i have work at the hilton san francisco union square a cook for years and worked at the grand highlighting union square a as a food person for 5 years and working 16 hours a day. am a
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proud member of local 2 i'd like to welcome visitors to san francisco but can't survive and on one job alone. i work hard to give the guests the best service with the high standards that should be. so the hotel industry can see survive the pandemic but can't continue without affordable healthcare. and those are the reasons i'm on strike to the hotels have not recovered the service after the pandemic but charge with the high price and make billion dollars of profit and half of my coworkers including me have - some of them only work a couple of days in a month and jobs has been combination work and work for
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full-time workers (bell ringing) our physical job and folks get injured over time especially, when you spend our lifelong working for the hotel but the hotel want to take away you are healthcare and as the early retirement healthcare has been long established around 25 years this is definitely unfair. (bell ringing) we are here to ask - >> thank you for your comments i do apologize we're setting the timer for two minutes. >> however, i'll say anyone that needs interpretation services each speaker b will speak for two minutes and the 2r50er789 for two minutes more. >> good afternoon. i'm working for the western over 12 years and the reason we are here we
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hope to get more support from everybody as well as well as the government and i'm since the pandemic the management has gone erased lots of jobs and been cutting most of special people for the positions. and um, i have a very good example we is where mentioned about the certain positions have been cut off and then the managers say no guests have complained about the issue but as the room tenant we go inside to clean the room the guests is move forward the furniture you need to do something about that and if we are the ones not cleaning the rooms it is under our outcome problem. so if we have nag they
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will sign and say it is our fault. >> right now we're here for the strike and hope everyone supports us for local it thank you for your comments next speaker. >> welcome. >> good afternoon. i have been working for san francisco hilton for the last 34 years. i have seen the hilton hotel in san francisco has been changes in the losing last years for the good and for the worse. the san francisco hilton used to be only san francisco hilton. but now the hilton corporation is growing hilton and is increasing from a few hundred million
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dollars now it is billion dollars and billions of dollars the working conditions of the workers it has never been improved but now it is going to the worse and our income is diminished. the little things that the stuff has been taken away by charging $35 a day as a bogus fee. how someone who is working everyday and cleaning 14 rooms every single day for the whereas 35 years is wanting to to take her kids to activities she can't afford to take them (bell ringing) how anybody who is working as a banquet cook cannot afford to
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buy a meal for himself or his kids? >> how? someone who is working every single day the average people they've been working for the last a thriving years why we have to worry where we retire and our pension will stay the same way? (bell ringing) now - >> thank you, sir. thank you for your comments [off mic.] >> thank you. [off mic.] (clapping.) thank you for your comments. >> next speaker. >> please. >> my name is janet's i work
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at the hilton housekeeping for that 5 years and i'm here it is flower - it's a retirement but the health (unintelligible) after the pandemic and the (inaudible) and also the 5 people are sick people stay in one room like really, really hard to clean. and also we need to push our cart is really, really heavy - have a (unintelligible) almost 4 hundred pounds and after the day, really, really tired. we want to come home to family but
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we we come home we are tired and can't do anything and also hilton holding the loan and they're busy and check out until a busy day they call us to clean the room but don't want to give them 36 they have (unintelligible) (bell ringing) that's why they need to (unintelligible) and we want to like clean good for the guests to come back but sometimes it is people (unintelligible) because housing & community development department has a 200 room that buildings. that's like takes a lot of time and also and
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>> (speaking spanish.) >> i'm here we can work together to end the strike none of us want to be on strike we're hard working people but on strike because we have to be. >> (speaking spanish) we're here to fight for our right and families we're here for the health insurance for the pension they don't respect and to get fair raise.
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>> (speaking spanish) i'm 50 years my mother was a hotel working now she's retired. >> (speaking spanish) i want to retire too with a pension and fight not only can we have this now but the workers in the future that will have the right to retire. >> (speaking spanish.) >> we have to work together to show this a good city so tourists will come still to here and we'll have a future. >> thank you good afternoon. >> thank you. >> >> next speaker, please.
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>> >> good afternoon our leaders my name is diego i work for - and last 35 years. so i can say i was born there. um, you know, being a member of units local 2 the stronger you be in the mission but the greedy corporation every time we sat down for negotiations they never, never negotiated. before strike we are peaceful our leaders we work for today to help our leaders get elected we
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do not every time election time comes to our city you work so hard throughout the city that means we're included in the city. finally most of the issues spoken by the guests that i'm asking my by my words do something. do something to negotiate. and in case with us so we can end this strike help us thank you for listening i appreciated that (bell ringing) >> thank you for your comments next speaker. >> so for interpretation pursuant to the board rules the speaker will speak for 2 minutes and the interprets speaks two minutes that's pursuant to our
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>> (speaking spanish) (clapping.) so um, my name is geraldine eve been working at the hotel for 21 years and during that time my son and i have relied on the health insurance but we don't know what could cause us our lives we deserve the benefits for the hard work that's why we're here and on strike to get a fair benefit we deserve. thank you. >> we're asking you hold our applause to show your support you're welcome to signal welcome sir. >> good afternoon. i'm surjoey want to express my what
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we're facing now and talk about how i (unintelligible) in the morning. they did graveyard guys at night on their when it is cold at this time and they um, i don't think they are doing the right um, thing with that. our pension and benefits we already deserve if we already 9 to 5 i don't know anything about the big numbers they said they're not making any numbers; right? they are we live in a beautiful city and in san francisco so our members ones keep the city up so, please i want you to to support for us. thank you.
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worked for 12 years at the grand hyattstown san francisco a member of union for 23 years and that's my fourth strike with the union we're fighting for a fair contract we're fighting for health insurance and good see wages a fighting for a fair workload i hope you'll support us in that fight thank you, welcome to the next speaker. >> good afternoon, everyone. my name is jennifer wong i have working in the union square for 29 years as a housekeeping supervisor i'm a proud member of local 2. and literally we're on strike um, i'm on strike for
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keeping our healthcare. i need this because any family and i are are depending upon the insurance for our health if i pay for my family health care by my own i might spend half of any pay check each month. the living cost and inflation hesitate fwlrd over the years. so i need a wage increase for my family to stay in sophomore sometimes, i think i might literally leave the city i can barely afford it but live here about thirty years already i love san francisco. so san francisco is my home right now. so i want to stay here. so,
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please we need your support for our campaign we need your support. thank you very much. >> thank you for your comments welcome to the next speaker. >> good afternoon all. my name is anna i work for union square since 2004 and yeah here to ask you for support, you know, to help us with our corporation. i'm asking for better pay because the cost of living. is so hard and expensive. and um, and the housing shortage, you know, i don't know when you're going to get sick and the cost of hospitals i can't imagine how
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expensive it is. and ask you to for support and because we have been on strict we have three weeks - and we really need your support. thank you very much. >> thank you for your comments welcome to the next speaker. >> hello, my name is joe i have worked at the western st. francis for over thirty years as a bartender and a proud member of local 2 i have lost my voice can you hear me? i've been shouting for 5 days i'm a bartender i work i get paid for four hours to serve the hotel charges three hundred - 4
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hundred and 70 before you pour alcohol i make a third of that money and charge 25 percent and call the service charges you know what we get 18 percent the 7 percent the corporate is making they hire a lobbyist they don't live in san francisco what do they do they got the money they hired them to lie are you going to listen to them the people that don't know nothing who is working there i worked for thirty or 40 years i met my wife there and married it there and that kids i i'm a proud father and i have to pay for my kids schools and after covid now have two of them i mean have a
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allergy for the peanuts and two asthma and they trying to take away from us (bell ringing) nobody gives us, we worked hard and all the people and now fight for the next a generation nothing given away i'm not asking for handouts but the hotels should give us what we deserve you guys should support us (bell ringing) >> thank you for your comments (clapping.) welcome to the next speaker. >> good afternoon. what he said with all my local brothers and sisters i'm a bar interpreted for hilton for 26 years. i've busts and
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911 and all the time the hotels say we can't had had contract wearing climate change harmed but we fight and win and each time they get our contract and you know what hotels make so 34 money so greedy any. and here we go we need our healthcare to stay the same to be healthy and work and retirement like pensions and healthcare so we can retire with dignity. my wife recently broke her leg a blatant in her ankle i'm here to say they need our help and help you to keep the city great for consumers when we fight, [off mic.] when we fight [off mic.] >> thank you. >> thank you for your comments
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>> (speaking spanish.) >> hello, my name is jose been at the highlighting for 8 years and raising up together not only for our rtsd but the rights of those ahead of us, you know, we're not letting them take away the pension and make sure the jobs are good for generations from the bottom of my heart thank you and ask for your support. >> thank you let's hear in the. >> next speaker, please. >> >> hello, everyone good afternoon. my name is benjamin changing work at the grand highlighting for 8 years. we are on strike today 17 days why we are on strike we are fighting
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for our benefits, healthcare, wages, pensions why we need this? because expensive groceries insurance and bills has since - my family's expensive have gone up and wages have increased my family's not have to worry any financial hardships may occur i want my family to live slightly more comfortable after paying my bills i feel as though i don't have much left over important personal use. and our - i feel like my family's not able to
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afford groceries that other families can have and the wages make a big imprint after today, i hope everyone can support us (bell ringing) help us to get a reasonable and fair contract thank you for everyone. >> thank you, sir. thank you for your comments. >> next speaker, please. >> >> hello govern my name is hannah i reading in hilton hotel as a room tenant. i'm on strike for wages and healthcare. i need to do this because i live in a very expensive city so i need to work hard for that but i didn't get enough for that i feel bad when did or restrooms.
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i can't. um, but the company even wants to cut our health insurance it is not acceptable. and then i don't feel peaceful anymore that's why we are here we need to get you to support us. thank you. >> thank you for your comments next speaker. >> hi, everyone i have worked in the hilt for 14 years i'm a proud member of local 2. i'm today - i need this because i
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want to be enough. the hotel doesn't give us. the rent rooms that people check out don't want to clean. even the hotel is really high occupancy and cut my hours. and then they don't want to spend the money on their employees. they cut my hours i always didn't get enough hours for insurance. um - they are less of us and the room is dirtier. we need to do more and have hard job in the rooms to please support us so we can have
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a fair contract. thank you very much. >> thank you for your comments next speaker. >> hi, everyone i'm working other highlighting regency. they don't pay us. and in my department and then we work for the tips don't get tips every time we're going to go back i get a 20 or $21 tip in the hotels i can't afford my rent control and every time i have to borrow the money to pay rent that's why we need a contract that's why i'm here for the
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contract i want you guys to support us. because they want us to not strike on the city that's why i'm sorry if i'm - that's why your hotel is one of the best business in our entire city and they don't want to pay us i'm here for supporting for my coworkers. thank you. >> thank you for your comments welcome the next speaker. >> i'm a server for the last 10 years. um, i'm on strike today and the last 7 days and in
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the future we need to for job security i'm a fourth generation san franciscan from a working-class family from top to bottom any gathering used to own a bar on haight street before the summer of love and me grandmother raised a family of 5 but still bought her own house on a working-class salary this is working class family being able to have stable jobs and job security is not is capture phrase that's why boac out here um, for a real reason this is the fundamental way to plant and stay in the city when the bosses try to cut our jobs and in any case the food and beverages hospitality will be collapsed or
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tossed here and there keeping us balancing in the middle and trying to raise our family they're not just attacking one working they're coming over the multitudes of people in the bay area (bell ringing) so we're coming here asking for your support to call and help to talk to those companies again to get them to help us sign a fair contract and stop giving us blank stares and faces and come with a real proposal thank you very much for your support. >> thank you for coming this afternoon next speaker. >> my name is john i'm a bartender at hilton union square
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and son strike i'll not let the hilton take away our healthcare they play games with the insurance we rely on i've worked enough hours to quality i went 5 consecutive months without the healthcare because the employer didn't make the contribution for the health fund i was forced to cut my medication in half so i could make it until any health insurance got restoreed for the new contract the housing & community development department has agreed to maintain the good union health insurance i know how important it is to have that
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our insurance is stiletto union healthcare trust fund. i am asking for your support so we can get to fair contract that maintains solvent deniedable healthcare. >> 2478z welcome to the nexus. >> i'm stephen torres a bartender and though i'm not a member of local 2, i am here on a port of them because they are fighting against all the things we're fighting for healthcare and protections from wage theft and speak for all of us not represented i know you support them and happy to see many of you on the pick the and like to
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ask considering what everyone has shared everything everyone has faces with food insecurity and rent what we can do to support them in other ways and passing legislation and in passing resolutions with the agenda will help them having or have a sustainable life in san francisco. >> thank you for your comments next speaker. >> welcome. >> (clearing throat). >> i'm working he 12 grand hyatt and this company after the pandemic; right? the people to work have a lot of workers stay at home we know about cleaning but hard to finish the work they don't call the people to work
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and for example, we lost like the people don't call them at the hyatt to hart to finish the job and in the department have a person mid shift don't call the guys to lunch so they have workload issues and we normally make money they cut a lot of people and really we are tired with the management they say oh, sorry sorry about that the schedule sorry about that the schedule but don't call the people we are tired and really hard it live in san francisco and everybody in the room knows it is hard right now because everything is way to expensive gas and insurance it is hard to
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get by in san francisco i know a lot of you are lives and thank you very much (bell ringing). >> and thank you to be in the line. thank you very much. >> thank you for your comments before the next speaker any other members of the public like to talk about the hotel industry please step up. >> welcome sir. >> hello, i'm matthew can be driver and with a medallion. you guys know why i'm here not just for me, i'm here for them and the business directives and is hospital workers and it is time to support the workers of san francisco you guys i think so you're frustration. about the rent control it is delay, delay delay what is going on? why can't we get stuff done question agree on the same thing but nothing is done how this before
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you relief us and how long before we sleep at night and the comments in the cab how we're treated a absorb and everyone gets taken care of but the san francisco workers we're the basis of this city. they are in control of people that visit i'm in control of the people that visit you guys have much more obligations than pushing papers around some of you have running for that mayor who will step up what will if stop i've gun here over and over for years we get nothing. >> let's hear in the next speaker. >> please. for the record, i'm mary a date of local members have worked in
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this industry for more than 20 years my family as bend from the health insurance my father is a cancer survivor and deals with many now my mothers dependant and needs to keep the health insurance he deserves to stay alive and the mentioned goes for thousands and thousands of dollars we need to keep them living please listen to us and port us in this fight. >> thank you for your comments and mr. president. >> thank you public comment is closed on this item number 19 (gavel) i have a few questions for the president of unit here local 2 and if mr. sing we sign the
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headlines about the bankruptcies over the years i want to know were you consider this the kind that san francisco hotels are struggling and what's local 2 answer. >> those bankruptcies showcase which is wrong with the hotels companies for example, the hotel union square when hilton corporation put the real estate into at separate company salted that real estate trust with two-thirds of a million dollars for debt of those two properties what that did is with stood hilton performance and they paid out huge dpifdz as a result
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whether the family came they decided to stop making payments on the debt service they're credit rating went up after they walked away to be able that for a minute if anyone in the room men minute in the room and went on a spending spree i'm sure the credit rating will not go up but that's how that works for realtime they are an incentive to do this we've seen this behavior over and over and over we saw that during the early 90s and and now after covid 19 every time the hotel industry boundaries back stronger and made record profits the problem is not with the city's success at the hotel market but housing and real estate companies are
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stripping all the profits out from the city and taking them away from san francisco. >> okay. thank you for that very clear position i understand that as part of this action you have been communicating with future customers including potential convenience. >> absolutely you, you know, we are talking about talking with customers they're very, very supportive of our fight they're working families and we are asking consumers to come to a hotel not come to the city and while we're on strike we're putting everything on the line by being on strike for the hotel
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our strike is about the standards in the residential hotels will the standards and what that means when the services are not here to just to be clear, nobody's desire i heard that to ever to be in this position we have the, you know, had the authorization to strike and when the dream force was here and choose not to do that we care with the future of the city we care businesses coming back to the city and people have a good experience we stayed on the job and sales force commit to the future of san francisco and sales force those employers have not shown that while we're here on strike we are asking consumers to not visit in the hotels on strike and for customers that are coming to san francisco we're not asking them not to come to san francisco just to be clear, we're moving them to places we're not on
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strike and not in the situation but tourism has to be good jobs here to sustain tourism here and otherwise there is no point no hospitality. so our members have decided enough is enough and it is time to draw a line hotel jobs have to keep up the cost of living and allow us to live in the city we love and serve the customers and we have been saying for many years one job should be enough. >> a number of speakers today suggested this and are unable to clean up and provide the level of customer service that is expected in hotels in san francisco hotels what has been your experience is that common place? >> yeah. >> that is one of the biggest concerns we have i think there was least a handful of members bill talking about the sham pga
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of the carpets. >> 345kz it impossible to do do level of cleaning up but guests can visually see something that dirty but all the things we can't see in hotels guests amenity see that we know the level of cleanliness is not the same what staff can't do work we hear about that and um, every time a down budget in the industry the hotels sees the opportunity to slash the jobs and continue to charge the high room rates they're not secret and in 2020 one of the ceos one of the owners said we viewed this opportunity the crisis
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truly has an opportunity to redefine the hotel model not to do better for guests or working; right? but make more money as an owner of the real estate company and commanders as you heard few people doing the same amount of work and shot cuts get taken rights you can clean one area one day but you don't want to check both a hotel room take it from the reviews you see echol cole about what the hotel rooms where like and that's not only which we're not on strike you'll see um, experience that you'll see rooms are for the clean and public areas are not clean some years ago during the pandemic this board not this exact board of the board of
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supervisors passed laws about the minimum cleaning standards um, and part of that to send a message about san francisco hotels about them being safe and clean. um, and i have to say in the years that those rules have been in definition that is unclear whether this is happening in the hotels. and so because enforcement is very rare the law didn't mean anything; right? not a way to hold them accountable and seen this after the pandemic should be cleaned the way they used to be that does a disservice to the customers. >> thank you i was actually going to bring up the healthy building ordinance on the books and you jumped got to it before
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i did and we should hold hearing on what extent to increase the enforcement provisions in that away law that sounds we need to take up at the this board of supervisors. supervisor ronen. >> thank you i have already asked this the attorney that introduced legislation before getting both that i want to thank you all for coming here today. and for your incredible testimony. to all the workers who worked too hard every single day to make um, people coming to this city to visit us feel welcomed and wanted and cared for for making our city look so good and go or be such an amazing place to fight for
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yourself and fewer families an inspiration and seeing you on the picket lines for fighting for dignity and fighting against corporate greed. is something what that makes 33 me feel proud to call san francisco my home thank you all so much for thank you for everything you do. and is sacrifices is urgently inspectionsal and i can't speak cantonese and filling.
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>> (speaking spanish.) >> (clapping.) and um, i wanted to let you all know i was going to announce this duration introduction but i'm mad that um, a law we passed unanimously here at the board of supervisors we're proud of doesn't appear to be endorsed that's not okay. we have licenses for restaurants in the city, um, the department of health inspects and have the same laws i'm asked the city attorney to draft legislation to make sure that hotels are
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properly licensed, aye. >> inspected and the guests know what a they're getting when necessary book to stay at the hotel we need to make sure that is enforce and requiring hotels get licensed this is the way to do that. so we're getting started hotels ordinance loosen up those workers and board of supervisors are standing hand in hand you'll not continue to operate in san francisco if you don't respect our laws and workers (clapping.) supervisor mandelman
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(laughter). >> (chanting). >> supervisor mandelman. >> um, well, i'm not completeing i'm sure in the board of supervisors will be working with you and president peskin thank you. we need to look at enforcing i was going to say had i said before and labor day perhaps for folks been here you see especially in the likely levels that the board manages to find things to disagree one thing we don't disagree is the workers are entitled do decent
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wages and benefits and particle local 2 are the backbone and heart and souls of our industry you came through so thanks everyone. >> (clapping). >> and rent controlled housing supervisor melgar. >> first thank you for being here. >> (speaking spanish) thank you, supervisor ronen for carrying forward as much appreciated. >> um, so when any family came to the u.s. from el salvador i was 12 years old we cleaned and delivered and all the things
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that we often forgot that is what makes this town run. so it is not a tech hospitality is our number one, industry that is what makes this count we must not forget but the the other thing i had a weekend off husband and i went to napa and paid a lot of money and it was like one time we get away from the kid and do this and got there and the that is a was closed the things that were advertised on the without any doubt for all the money we paid for one knitwear not there and, you know, i was so enraged (laughter) so we in san francisco are one of the most expensive communities we sell ours as a
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luxurious and our industry cuts the corners during the pandemic at the extension of workers but at the extension of consumers i don't think there can be a recovery climate change of our number one, industry. without getting back to who we are and what our values to do rights and just by workers, pay people appropriately and buy the products that people expect if san francisco from beautiful san francisco i'm with you all and let's keep going and let's win (clapping.)
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>> members of the public may address the commission on matters that are within the commission's jurisdiction >> the work of local workers do is incredibly important to our city and county of san francisco i have already expressed my support for your struggle in as member of consequence and reiterate my support and just to say unfortunately, i am only knowing english thank you for reminding us to do great (clapping.) supervisor preston thank you, president peskin and thank you, lizzie and to all the members who are here and let me say what you make the decision to go on strike that is last resort i know how much work and anxiety and stress goes into the year or
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so of negotiating and trying to avoid that is tough being on strike i want to recognition you're over month link strike and putting your body's and lives on the line and we've have been out they're all of us the strikes but like to also come in and take the time to share your experience with us asking us to take action i want to thank you for that. and want to thank you, particularly laying out the dynamics is crying hardships and urging us in positions of power to not fight for work we're harming the economy or hurting
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them what they're down why see those companies in boom time cutting you big checks but folks to top are getting they're raise and not like they're giving bonuses to you guys. so i get there are real issues, of course, real issues and you're aware them them and how who our tourism bounces but, but all the reasons i hear massive companies crying hardship not delivering the probation things to live and afford the most basics of rent and medical care and other costs food and other costs you talked about. 19 it just lands flat they should come to the table
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we'll be there to support you, you talked about those great real estate companies and talked about the billionaires so do right by our workers stop whining and one final thing i want to note it came up in insist speakers and if you can elaborate i'm curious on this issue of the service fees. like my understanding and i'm not a legal expert but my understanding is when they're an expectation from the public that when they're paying a service fee that would go to workers and actually been a lot of litigation but if you i heard
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one gentleman say charging 25 percent some of the other services charges with the designation charges they're ripping off customers but just going to pad they're profits i don't know maybe that is part of negotiation discussion i don't want to get you into get into the weeds if you don't want to go there any comments on the service fees and why they're not going to workers and there is a designation between service charges and designation fees, etc. service charges we negotiate the point that was illustrated people don't think about that right paying the high rates and assume it is going to the workers so much is going to
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the hotel we negotiate and continue to negotiate. the other fees the designation fees i think was talked about what they charge at the door i mean that is just - that's purple line, you know, a money grab and . >> you can use the phone in the room with domestic calls. >> few customers will use it to make a domestic call or cover international calls from that phone rights and cover passes to rent a bike things that the customers didn't ask for and don't want and in the meanwhile, all the things that customers want free parking a pet fee are all separate fees the customers pay the designation fee the
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resort fees cover the things you the customers don't want and before on strike we'll hear this from guests about charges and zero dollars from the 45 fees going to them. >> thank you for not only fighting for yourself and families and all workers in san francisco and we'll be there with you and so long as they come to the table. thank you. (clapping.) >> commissioner chambers thank you, thank you everyone and i know that is not easy what you're going through and easy to endured the amount of heat on the picket lines that is loud
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and consistent as you have been i know this puts a tremendous amount of stress on our families and i but i wanted to say i've been there with you in the past and arrested and marked with you and always there but and continue to make sure you set standards for the rest of the country i know you're not doing it just for yourselves by to set a standard everyone had fellow thank you, honest to god how that hard you're fighting we'll be there with you to the end. thank you. (clapping) >> all right. >> any final comments from united local 2? >> seeing none. >> we will see you on the picket lines for as long as that takes with that, this matter has
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been heard and now filed (gavel) thank you, one and all (clapping.) and you're welcome to stick around but first, the. >> special order 2:30 p.m. - recognition of commendations. first in order of supervisor engardio. >> thank you, president peskin >> colleagues today, we get do honor the linking high school dragon boat team they've been watching democracy in action give them a hand for sticking that out (clapping.) i want to ask you to come up to the front and all that that sounds side metals they won come on upcoming to the front.
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>> so is lincoln high school dragon team they've been waiting many hours. thank you. >> come on, come on. thank you. for your patience. >> all right. >> come on up so face us to get a picture and show off your metals this dragon boat went to italy to compete and won they beat top teams 23 germany and australia and canada won two gold metals here in underage cargos lincoln won more meltsz
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than if any other team. one of the athletes wrote i pushed myself margin i would have imagined i have been in so much pain and endurtsdz suffering but one of the things i'll never a reghetto this is dedication hesitates hear it for the lincoln boat high school team (clapping.) invite the coaches to say a few words anyone a coach all right. come on up. >> good afternoon and thank you, supervisor engardio i'm fine a u which i know a senior and university this summertime i had many the privilege of coaching 28 athletes represents the united states and together
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we won two comboldz and one silver and one bronze not the biggest win but it was certainly the harder and perhaps the most irreplaceable what made this team so special not their sprekt but the way they came together in the challenges and practices were tough. and every setback tested the results and instead of giving up they inspired each other and grew stronger together that's the biggest vague in the competition gave them something to fight for one moment a day over the 5 hundred meter race we lost by less than a tenth of a second and that was hard on the mentality it was hot and hi mid
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but we trusted each other i'll never forget the look on my teams faces. the determined focused and ready to do whatever it takes and managed to come back but it was not just about winning bull proving to the world and to ourselves what we're truly capable of this is the year in the making a culmination of high school chapters and perhaps the reason we joined this team and so as the look back on the golden summer i realized the value how we grew and how we figured out. and how we left a legacy that will pier others this taught us what it trial means to god do
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accomodation but a description why i'm commending the incredible human beings today. constant julian the - one of the unsung heros for count young people a workforce development organization has it's roots in the district 9 and reading with the youth citywide for dependant adulthood and has called district how many for 20 years and his parents immigrants left their homeland and with determination provided children with opportunities they themselves never had and settling in massachusetts those values were hard work are key reasons juul has dedicated his
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work began along before as a youth program in 2004 (coughing) excuse me - juul signs up will be and after working with formally youth juul was offered a full-time turpentine in 2010 and celebrated 14 years in november and during the tenure he managed teams and workings with over 12 hundred youth (coughing) i'm sorry to train and coach strategies to best support the parents and as a problem solver creating safe place for
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confidence in their determination and juul is an accomplished composer in san francisco music scene. (coughing) and in the mission district might find him walking the neighborhood with his family arrest watching his daughter perform or enjoying tacos. juul we thank you for your dedication and have proud to count you as one of the communities in district 9 organizational leaders. thank you very much. (clapping). >> why not return to item 10 i believe that while the office of contract administration is not available that our controller
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has answers to any questions? mr. wagner. >> thank you, president peskin i was able to get in touch with the administrator they confirmed no impact on the item before you from the rate calculation effecting the residential rates in the contractors are negotiated and have largely based on commercial rates before the error that occurred in the most working residential cycle thank you for that and worded looking to make sure that was correct. thank you. mr. controller on item 10 for recology not to exceed a roll call. >> we had a different house. >> did we have a different
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house navy. >> supervisor engardio, aye. >> and supervisor melgar, aye. >> president peskin, aye. >> supervisor preston eyes. >> supervisor ronen, aye. >> supervisor safai, aye. >> supervisor stefani, aye. >> supervisor walton, aye. >> supervisor chan, aye. >> supervisor dorsey, aye. >> there are 11 ayes. >> thank you, madam clerk why not return to item 15 and let me propose language on page 2 at the section one a new subsection d has been approved by counsel which will read it shall be the policy of board of supervisors to solicit and consider input for the public including
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representation of organized labor and landlord before the new construction date in section that 7 sub e of the administrative code. and colleagues, i want to note that other factors had been in in favor of ordinance with the 1994 dates you should be in receipt of the e-mails in support of from the service employees international 1021 the united educators of san francisco the international federation of local 21 owe the american federation of 2021-2022 and the union ever healthcare workers in support of the item. having said that, and you have my commitment relative to the duplicated um,
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file we can incorporate more robust language along the lines that supervisor safai refer to earlier before and vote to continue supervisor ronen thank you. working with everyone. um, i judge wanted to reiterate we did deputy duplicate and before election it is exactly the same date you have otherwise that's how that works and i want to thank the president and my fellow committee member for being willing to do that as well. thank you. >> thank you. supervisor
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melgar so on the motion to continue seconded by supervisor stefani and roll call. >> supervisor safai stayed one welcome back can we get clarification do you want to give us clarification. >> a special meeting then mr. president and cumbering to continue item 15 our the special meeting of october 15th and seconded by supervisor stafani a roll call. >> supervisor engardio, aye. >> new mexico, no. >> supervisor melgar, no. >> members of the public may address the commission on matters that are within the commission's jurisdiction no. >> supervisor preston, no. >> supervisor ronen, no. >> supervisor safai, aye.
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>> supervisor stefani, aye. >> supervisor walton, no. >> supervisor chan, no. and supervisor dorsey, aye. >> there are 4 ayes and 7 nos with. >> (calling names.) >> voting no. >> motion fails. we have one existing motion on the floor that was described that motion was made by myself and seconded by and supervisor walton i'd like to amend that to conclude language i adam in section one and subsection b on page 2 i read into the record make a motion to amend the original a sick to the motion by supervisor chan and fact that without objection so a vote to amend
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item 16 to change the date from november 5th of 2024 so june of 1994 and add language about future changes and public solicitation of the public input including but not limited to represents of organized labor we've heard if different unions on that motion a roll call please supervisor engardio, aye. >> supervisor mandelman, aye. >> supervisor melgar, aye. >> president peskin, aye. >> supervisor preston, aye. >> supervisor ronen, aye. >> supervisor safai, aye. >> supervisor stefani, aye. >> supervisor walton, aye. >> supervisor chan, aye. >> supervisor dorsey, aye. >> there are 11 ayes and then i would like to um, pass this item
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on. >> on the roster. >> i'm sorry supervisor chan. >> just curious shall we sinned this back to committee instead filing that is duplicated? >> not necessary. >> yeah. because we have to submit if we can do it all at once and committee we'll conform the files one way or another i'd like to vote on the item as amended and have our mowing to have you are second reading on at the special meeting on october 15th. own that motion a roll call please. supervisor engardio, aye. >> supervisor mandelman, aye. >> supervisor melgar, aye. >> president peskin, aye. >> supervisor preston, aye. >> supervisor ronen, aye.
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>> supervisor safai, aye. >> supervisor stefani, aye. >> supervisor walton, aye. >> supervisor chan, aye. >> supervisor dorsey, aye. >> there are 11 ayes. >> thank you, colleagues. next item, please. >> takes us to item employee's presence does not obstruct a police investigation or interfere with the district attorney's investigative or prosecutorial function.
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>> supervisor stefani thank you, president peskin this landmark boosters the robls of a newly form of witness rights and integrates the response performance and sharp that creates a comprehensive and supportive system for survivors despite the crime many victims remain reluctant to report their crimes. those barriers are wild understand to be major obstacles for pursuing justices recognizing those i champions
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property d that voters only approved in june of 2021 or 2022 this focuses on surviving crime victims with the omission of those barriers to make sure the victims receive the support they need without fear of further harm and i'm incredibly products of work to transform the way our city supports the victim of crime for a compassionate and support system our victims receive timely expensive care that honors their experiences and needs and i want to take a moment to also express my grurld to supervisor ronen and her team for they're collaboration throughout the process we're strengthening san francisco's ability to serve the victims in response to their needs and appreciation to director ivory for her shaping the office as
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well as to others from the city attorney's office and bobby lopez and city attorney jennings and my chief of staff and my aid sam who has done so much all played a really in draft this legislation. thank you. >> and i see that effort as a cornerstone of what i've been able to side at the board of supervisors and look forward to shaping the way the response to domestic violence victims and our work is creating a impact not just for the past, present, and future but for future san franciscans all victims get the support they deserve. thank you. >> thank you. supervisor ronen. >> thank you and the wanted to send the appreciation to supervisor stefani so excited about this new office. i want to
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precious you for creating the office but for um, being so wiling and welcoming to accept sharp into this new office and think that sharp will thrive in a whole new way and provide services the way should be provided for survivors of sexual assaults and harassment and thank you to you're aids for the work and thank um, bobby lopez and ivy for their work and making this all real and bringing the department to life. >> thank you jackie in my office for working so hard to not only bring life back to sharp but to make sure that we merged it into the department
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that you created supervisor stefani in. >> we have way thank you very much i'm excited to see justice that will come to the survivors. >> supervisor melgar. >> thank you. >> i wanted to say i have he felt so primgd in the last years to work with you amazing dedicated smart women are to passionate about survivors and making sure that our city goes above and beyond to support them and thank you, supervisor stefani thank you for all you do you are fierce i'm so happy to count i as a friend and add you as a colleague and supervisor ronen besides the folks you've thanked i see bobby lopez here thank you and ivy lee and make sure that i on the record
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thanking the former supervisor jane kim did a lot of work in supporting folks in the area of sexual assaults and the commission because for the past two years been steadfast for the young folks and push four justice in the city structure. thank you. >> thank you. supervisor preston. >> thank you, president peskin i want to thank supervisor ronen and madam clerk add me as a co-sponsor. thank you. >> thank you. supervisor preston and xhshlgdz i would like to thank you, supervisor stefani and supervisor ronen i'd like to be added as 60 sponsor. >> seeing no other names on the roster, i don't don't we
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sends this to the special board meeting we can get it done next week and not wait two weeks why not i'll make a motion to have this go to second reading on october 15th at special meeting will be part of this vote do i have a second? seconded by supervisor preston without objection a roll call please. on item 16 supervisor engardio. >> supervisor mandelman, aye. >> supervisor melgar, aye. >> president peskin, aye. >> supervisor preston, aye. >> supervisor ronen, aye. >> supervisor safai, aye. >> supervisor stefani, aye. >> supervisor walton, aye. >> supervisor chan, aye.
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>> supervisor dorsey, aye. >> there are 11 ayes. >> the ordinance is passed say is first reading madam clerk 17 and and 18 together. >> 17. resolution determining that the transfer of a type-21 off-sale general beer, wine, and distilled spirits liquor license to union & hyde llc., doing business as union & hyde,located at 1210 union street (district 3), will serve the public convenience or necessity of the city and county of san francisco, in accordance with california business and professions code, section 23958.4; and requesting that the california department of alcoholic beverage control impose a condition on the issuance of the license. of alcoholic beverage control impose conditions on the issuance of the license. >> same house, same call. the resolutions are adopted madam clerk why not we go to committee
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reports item 20/20 through reports item 20/20 through reports item 20/20 through street on the north side of market street and at 5th street on the south side of market street, and western boundaries at the intersection of golden 3rdstreet on the west; and affirming the planning department's determination under the california environmental quality act. >> supervisor melgar. >> whoops you didn't need to be on there?
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>> just got confused i thought you said through 22 i want to speak on 22 sorry about that. >> why not on the second reading hear this is at the october 15th special meetings i'll make a motion to that effect do i have a second? seconded by supervisor preston without objection. >> on item 20 to send to october 15th for second reading. >> supervisor engardio, aye. >> new mexico, aye. >> supervisor melgar, aye. >> president peskin, aye. >> supervisor preston, aye. >> supervisor ronen, aye. >> supervisor safai. >> supervisor stefani, aye. >> supervisor walton, aye. >> supervisor chan, aye. >> supervisor dorsey, aye. >> there are 11 ayes. >> the item is passed
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clerk of the board of supervisors to forward this ordinance to the california building standards commission upon final passage. >> supervisor mandelman i uncle wouldn't hurt your feelings if heard on october 15th and seconded by supervisor mandelman without objection on the item (gavel) with a motion roll call presidential. >> supervisor engardio, aye. >> supervisor mandelman, aye. >> supervisor melgar, aye. >> president peskin, aye. >> supervisor preston, aye. >> supervisor ronen, aye. >> supervisor safai. >> supervisor stefani, aye. >> supervisor walton, aye. >> supervisor chan, aye. >> supervisor dorsey eyes. >> there are 11 ayes.
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>> the item is passed think >> the item is passed think first reading. >> next item, >> next item, >> next item, please move supervisor melgar thank you, president peskin. >> we heard this item yesterday at the land use committee. >> i introduced this resolution colleagues at the last not first resort. after months of quiet conversations with the parties um, being mindful hoping the negotiations the mediations will seal an agreement seeks to make the will have majority of body i ask for your support we heard for the city attorney and the general manager at the meetings two weeks ago and this
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resolution asks for the administration to the attorney general manager to resolve the dispute with epa doesn't specify that is entirely up to the expertise of our city attorney that's this resolution does not increase rates for the taxpayer for the rate payers no force ever puc but, however, points out the risks of that case going from even of the u.s. supreme court that gutted row versus wade and struck down decades of clean air enforcement i will read from a letter sent to us the city attorney and the mayor signed by 47 environmentalists groups we believe that every person has the right to clean
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water and continuing with that and it is disheartening to that san francisco based on the legacy as a environmental leader joining forces with the my wife and i association san francisco views that permits the conditions of receiving waterways is not scientific and water like the pacific ocean and require fluctuate for the fluxtions and literally the epa built to protect water quality will hinder san francisco health and a threat across the country of san francisco dispages the
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rate payers will not pay significant money and san francisco will retain the limits similar to those of the epa, and, secondly, the epa sets amendments on every single pollutant can lead to a cumbersome process will ultimately cost more money than the currents process. in the meanwhile, the risks of continuing the water is made harm to human health comes with costs and san francisco will destroy public trust and harm folks nationwide and climate change is a crisis wrecks havoc on the country we should look to for leadership we ask you to uphold the responsibility and not be parts of problem
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colleagues, i ask we take a stand and on the record and with the environmental justice movement in the country and pass this resolution. thank you. >> at the supervisor melgar and supervisor dorsey thank you, president peskin. >> so from our earliest conversations on this i was transparent i would likely to have strong he feelings this was expressed those strong feelings would have been, you know, my long time friendship with my boss and dennis herrera i made clear the basis was about the loyalty i have to the san francisco city attorney's office where i was honored to serve for 14 years the city attorney's office is the law office in the
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nation and done some righteous work for the sales and winning the rights of lgbtq couples to marry and keep city college open from graphic creditors and from rent control and evicting tenants from predatory landlord and other things and stood up again and again for workers winning back wages and benefits i will remind my colleagues san francisco city attorney's office has produced is licks of kamala harris our vice president and senator scott wiener and the first les bin and by all
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accounts the san francisco city attorney's office has served the board of supervisors with courtesy and respect and lawyers at the end of the day, deserve better treatment than what they're getting with that resolution. now i was surprised to see this resolution after a closed session last week that went on for nearly that hours. that i think offered considerable details on the situation that we are in this but i will confess what surprised me more than the resolution itself was the revolution that visually none of the information presented in closed session seemed to make itself way with into the resolution. um, i was appreciative that city attorney
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david chiu did a public memorandum things from closed session not in there set the read straight what the case is about and not it is not able our city attorney said a significant amount of incorrect information and misguided speculation about this case yet that incorporates or sills that are false and missing context not accurately representing this and describing the resolution before us now. he also added that to even attempt to meet the standard cannabis for san francisco to lose this case the city will need to spend over $10 billion more this would basically have a neglect impact on the improving the water
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quality and taxpayers paying 9 thousand annually and 10 full increase in rates i'd like to to your attention to the resolution itself. to me i think the initial telling that this is problematic and politically unfair we are having an urgent resolution urging the city attorney to do something we are fully aware the city attorney can't. if that that were a fair resolution we'll be asking the epa to resolve this in the supreme court rule the only way to resolve this all parties do that. the other part i calling your attention on the whereas,
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on page one item 13 where it says is city and county of san francisco challenged the environmental protection agency authorities on the clean water act not an accurate summary san francisco didn't challenge the environmental protection agency challenge a dissecret - this was a similar challenge brought about i say second sixth groups it is not alone in challenging the issues and the upper certainty that the circuits are caused. the next whereas, says focus on the inclusion of the prohibitions and the discharge permit that governs san
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francisco sewer system and wastewater treatment facilities? inaccurate for two reasons san francisco didn't challenge this prohibition and this is again to according to david chiu's memory not suggested that narrative provisions are unlawful it exchanged the generic prohibition of one of the permits and as several permits govern the treatments systems across the city and the fourth resolution line 19, whereas, the city and county of san francisco agreed the epa conditions imposed establishing limits this is also not accurate. the general prohibitions don't give specificity narrative about what
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quantifies the rates as san francisco is prohibiting from discharging the the 5 whereas, the 9 circuit occur ignoring important context where this is in the u.s. supreme court networks to recognize the 9 circuit decision was a split decision. the generic prohibitions were inconsistent with the clean water act and found the epa advocated it's tasks assigned to it under the clean water act likewise on page two line one that talks about prohibitions are permissible in the absence of the new medic limits in ignores the fact a
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strong decent in the 9 circuit that's why that is going to the supreme court. >> narrative permits that issue are common across the country so stipulating a ruling invalues or undermines them will reside new grounds for san francisco permits issued nationwide contain narrative provisions and san francisco is not challenging the narrative provisions. that's not fantastic at issue before the supreme court the only dissecret issue before the supreme court is the generic prosecutions the 8 on page 2 line 7. particularly of the 6 to that majority on the
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court i think we all most of you share concerns about the current make up of the court that is true the court has sometimes in some cases gone beyond bounds is notable the environmental context that court over the 10 years adheres to the questions presented in each case san francisco is framed that case merely asking the epa to do its job and follow the law anything about how you this case it decided will change or erase the clean water act that is here because a split on this issue. this would likely have cost the supreme court anyway and law office in the country i trust to do that right the san francisco
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city attorney's office. and resuscitation on page 2 destabled the clean water act. and san francisco would not have filed that action threatened the c w a to make sure the circuit follows the clean water act the leveling starts at line 17, page 2 it is placing san francisco in the position of championship the views of leaders fundamentally misunderstand the nature of the supreme court litigation everyone has the ability to file for their own interests it leaves out san francisco is starpdz shoulder to shoulder with more than 4 hundreds cities and over 23 hundred members of national association of counties
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and agencies. by a large in the san francisco board of supervisors let me check my notes we do local improvement and here line 21 the city and county of san francisco is represented by private counsel if or from a corporate law firm that is the san francisco city attorney's office david chiu and deputy attorney and others in fact, the person that is presented to the u.s. supreme court i think that is unfair to
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the city attorney's office to misrepresent their work they deserve better and page that not this is again, this is misrepresenting standing shoulder to showered with federal regulators by thousands of counties and cities on the side of local government so have certainty in neither regulation of in their water permit so they can do right. by the people they represent this is not local governments trying to pollute the water. this is the second circuit this is on the 9 circuit and finally, on 14 the city
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basically this is resolving san francisco board of supervisors urges the general manager of the puc and the city attorney's office to resolve the litigation this is - really is the thing that bothers me the most because we know we're asking the city attorney to does something we've been informed can't be done. this were serious asking the epa to also to join us that has been left out it is unfair the way it is playing out. one of the things i know activists here who have been vocal in this i'll say i'm proud to serve the city that has a great history of environmental protection i think that is unfair and i would venture to guess it is probably
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unwise for the environmental movement to be going after someone like david chiu who has a lifetime career 100 percent sierra club rating done for in california than the office holders and to say that now he's somehow a person like donald trump and a disservice for people to protect san franciscans and san francisco rate payers. so i want to wrap up by saying to those who that may be watching who work in the city attorney's office to our deputy city attorney here sarah, how sorry i am. this is an office mass served this board of
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supervisors with professionalism, and grace, and candor and we're not paying it back. we're asking - with that political stunt we are making the landscape goat for something that is isn't fair the political movement should have been pushing for where were the /* environmentalists and we're going after local improvements nobody wanted to be where we are. but the reality it is a not because of the city attorney the
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bad guy is the epa and yet this resolution makes the bad guy the city attorney. it is not fair, i think we should repay the courtesy of the city attorney's office has done for decades and in the building by voting this ill-advised resolution down. >> supervisor mandelman. >> my apologies. >> thank you, president peskin >> having not myself worked in the city attorney's office i know i have at deep passion that supervisor dorsey has but agree with the sentiments i did city attorney work i have enormous respect for the city attorney
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past and present for going against advise to publically underline them for me is a ohio bar. which i don't think has been met here. the arguments that the city attorney is making that local governments are entitled to some clarity what they're violating the standards rather than waiting after the standard is quite reasonable. i think that or on face that is reasonableness not comfortable calling on the city attorney to drop this effort. >> there is a notion in the resolution and some of the rhetoric we're lyon ourself with
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the mrurlts in the country and world we're lioning ourselves are the cities that are blue and red across the country worrying about how they're going to be treated by the state regulators they want this clarity it is reasonable thing to ask. >> i also am concerned about the republicans are pointing out more people san francisco and other blue city and counties cities are barred if that seeking relief when the issues we bring in may open the door potentially to a reaching supreme court deciding to go far further than what we're being asks to do is very, very narrow
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clarify a particular point and i'm grateful they're framing this question to get to this problem of the lack of clarity for us about whether we need to spends $10 million more on the infrastructure or something less. and my sense that well before get to that point. i think that is fair to point out this does go into ways if the epa didn't want it to again the to the supreme court has many opportunities to work with san francisco to negotiate negotiate a compromise or out of federal courts the epa federal government didn't take that. i'm
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reminded a little bit of the laguna honda fight and my confidence if we just trust the federal government to do the right thing they'll do right by san francisco and our sway mr. protect us i suppose in the end latin is turning out sort of okay. because of that political influence but a lot of struggle and death along the way i think the notion we don't need to pursue the litigation we feel the federal government will do right we need to seek judicial relief and the city attorney is remarkable and not supporting in resolution. >> supervisor stefani thank you, president peskin i just wanted to say something i've
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been really sad to see a lot of way that is played out and things have been said about our city attorney david chiu i know we can't talk about had said in closed session but how we thought after a session and confident our city attorney's office has tried to really settle based on the interactions um, to be careful and confident 88 tried to settle um, and i have complete confidence in the city attorney david chiu to represent the city and county of san francisco as well as the incredibly talented attorneys for the court justices themselves and i believe we're
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extremely fortunate in san francisco to have the best city attorney's office in the country for so many reasons we've celebrated them at the board several times for, you know, all the actions act same-sex marriage and fight back on we care about the issues and sad to see that dissolve into the attacks have happened i think that has been unfortunate i know people are passionate about that and this is, you know, and my team talked to them about those types of things and remind this is a non-binding resolution and expressing is views of some people have a certain take on this but really i have fill faith in david chiu and the city
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attorney's office to do what is right and a phone number binding non-binding i realized if we want to withdraw not the whole responsibility for the supreme court but don't want to leave the chambers without saying that i really think that is unfortunate in the way this has played out and especially the attacks on our incredible city attorney david chiu. >> supervisor preston. thank you. president peskin and first
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of all, thank you to supervisor preston for taking this on and with standing the attacks that is appropriate for the board to weigh in on this issue of major concerns to the environmental movement and to the residents of san francisco. um, i want to say this is not an issue of for the trusting the city attorney's office i want to push back on that but not trusting the united states supreme court a big difference i appreciate the praise for the city attorney's office some of the most brilliant lit imparts mentioned
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we're fortunate to have those tlaernd people but want to push back a little bit i think there's a mistake to be able this as a purple line legal issue in the supreme court i think the issue why it too important and appropriate to do that the concern here not but the legal argument or the skill which the folks it is city attorney's office are advancing not a judgment on their attempt to frame the issue as for allly as possible they're doing all those things right if we had a consecutive court like not an activist right wing unfortunately, mega trump will follow the supreme court residents and apply that a lot
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of what you're saying might resonate we did have that and they've shown that oh, over and to get protections we hold dear in the country with row versus wade? their mission project 25 is what they're doing. so it is not a question of the litigation field or how the arguments are presented but we say i have zero confidence with the u.s. supreme court will adhere to a precedent and what is happening there is a more political situation around the politics of this supreme court and whether they can be trusted to decide on that kind of case. in that context the
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boards absolutely has a really and add so that the board of supervisors also has a really (coughing) more generally around our actions with the city attorney's office i don't think that is a turf thing but review in the dgo opening we look at a settlement if not in open session a good settlement or bad settlement 99 percent the board mr. go by recommendations we say you know what this didn't look right they can go back and renegotiate but i think that like what came out
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at the open session hearing yesterday in - was there has not been a mediation in this case since 2021. and given what is at stake doesn't make sense. people deserve better i'm not here to point fingers not the one litigating this case i don't care if it is the epas fault or is city attorney's fault neither party has an interest in resolving this through a decision of u.s. supreme court unless we're tried saluting everything to get to the table and communicate doesn't make sense. the last mediation it is in 2020 no mediation scheduled
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we have a law professor u.s. college of - yesterday who talked in detail about that case and at merits but also very clear no bar no procedural couldn't schedule a mediation and to resolve the case couldn't the case will be moved and stand avoid a court of rulings that's absolutely possible to do we're not telling me the city attorney go into mitigation not been a mitigation the epa didn't want the u.s. supreme court ruling on this maybe someone is sleep at the wheel i can't imagine epa wants this u.s. supreme court ruling on the clean water act
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and by the same token - i will say i think just want to correct professor owen made that clear in his testimony before the committee it is not correct and cannot be resolved at that point it can be but taking both sides you need to have a mediation and correct the $10 billion he also gave testimony about that not an accurate figure in estimating costs. and finally, i want to offer a friendly amendment i will support this either way but think one point that is well-taken i think this board urging resolution anyway, i see no reason we can't urge the epa and city attorney to go - a
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suggest a possible friendly amendment which will be to add a resolve clause says resolve that the san francisco board of supervisors and the city and county of san francisco urges the environmental protection agency and the city attorney to immediately schedule and participate in a mediation in an effort to resolve there and make a supreme court decision move. thank you. >> is that motion supervisor. >> only one, if our colleagues would be. >> yeah. >> i'll second that motion. >> i make a motion then. >> colleagues regardless how you, you vote can we take that without objection? >> all right. that objection the amendment is adopted supervisor walton. >> thank you, president peskin and i'll be more brief based on
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that k34ergd got to the crux of most of my concerns and want to start off by saying thank you and trying to get everyone to understand at least for me and a lot of my colleagues not about a slap in the face for the city attorney's office i have most went for the city attorney and the city attorney's office have the up mother right for the city attorney's office that brought the suit to begin with but want to say that this is 100 percent about no trust in the united states supreme court. the fact we think that they will handle cases based on the narrow merit of the law just something they have given several examples of that not being the case the decision making has been highly
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political in their rulings around labor and decision on a women's recent to choose this is 100 percent will not trusting the supreme court to make a decision based on the law. i have utmost faith in the city attorney's office to apply the cases the way they should and appropriately within the law but no faith in confidence in the supreme court not to be political and given them the ability to underline the clean water act which i think that case was - and doing just this so this has nothing to do with actually taking a fifth for anyone saying we're sitting here trying to placate city attorney's office i'm the one that tried to make sure we had meetings rather than getting to
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a point that resolution will not come to fruition but 100 percent about supreme court the fact they're highly apply sister and proven it in decision making ruling after ruling. >> thank you, president peskin and i concur coughing and thank you, supervisor preston for proposing it and thank you for agreeing to that we as a body and perhaps not at the colleagues were recently elected after 2021 under 2021, when i first came corporatively we had a similar resolution we end up unanimously actually approved and led president peskin and co-sponsored by commissioner mandelman this one, if i could
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remind the original title was urging the public utility to pause the litigation against the state control board. and of course, we actually have a similar a closed session and had a discussion and then eventually amended the title to urge the public utilities commission to reach a voluntary agreement rear yard the plan and now this is a little bit different in many, many, you know, in terms of issues and all that i want to again concur the sentiment not which i find that curious now for especially some of the political things outside of city hall became a political issue not percentage attack on city attorney david chiu this is really about the issue at hand we actually have a similar
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tiechsz resolution prior and in fact, in 2021 and so it is again really urging our decide agency and decision maker for this to cancer any type of litigation will cost the city money through litigation and the consequences when we can't be certain of in this case, i find it similar when we have to bring in case all the way to the supreme court so i again am in support of this resolution and find all the attacks kind of curious and in the unfortunate and regret we augment to follow the issues at hand and work with the control board in 2021, we ought to for them to do the same thing with the federal agencies with the
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environmental protection agency at this time. thank you. >> thank you. commissioner walton and let me go to people not spoken yet supervisor ronen thank you, i'm not going to repeat all the things my colleagues have said i do want to say after, you know, in passion standing up for david chiu and the city attorney's office whether we respect i want to stand up with passion for two of my colleagues supervisor melgar and others saying they are trying to increase the bills of hardest working people in san francisco with people of color
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and others spend their lives is an outrage and i know i need to be careful i'm out ranked about the fact and want to say about the you thank you for having a reasonable fear about the supreme court undermining our clean water act and apologize people take that and i do think we have difference about difference around strategy here. i think as you can see all colleagues are reasonable and having a different opinion around strategy. what is outage rage for me how that strategy is turned into something ugly that needs took said orndz. >> supervisor engardio.
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>> thank you i think that is important for san franciscans to know this is a non-binding resolution the city attorney has the right to - this will not impede him and acknowledge many klutz support in resolution and represented next to the ocean my constituents swim in those waters many residents one after another asked the boards to support this resolution i understand the concerns with the cost of the rate fairs and rates will go up no matter what i believe they can come to a reasonable compromise but yesterday professor david owen
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explained how 80s case opens the supreme court to underline the purchase of clean water act for this reason i'll supports this resolution. >> supervisor ronen i wanted to make a couple of points i'll leave it at that. >> i've never attacked the city attorney or anyone in the city attorney's office in fact, i'm super careful and answer the question a laguna honda example um, we all worked in the same direction had a strategy with the communication in regularly and we all went to the same way that's exactly why we're so successful this is a legitimate difference in strategy a difference of opinion so the
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word generic is no more in the clean water act there is nearest not generic not defined we're asking this supreme court to define that word i think that is a difference of opinion whether or not it is narrow. i do have a difference of opinion but so do every environmental organizations in the industry the state of california and many off folks who um, have weighed in on this case that is a legitimate opinion. >> we legislators and policy body for the city and county of san francisco have every right to state our opinions and that's why there's the democratic process i will just finish with that our earth is getting warmer colleagues have an antiquated
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system that combination encourage sewage and run off we're not the original city and counties it facing this around the world in 2019 the legislative body of the county of anyway maui passed a resolution had a difference of opinion strategy with their utility agencies this mr. happen more and more we're facing a warming climate and the need forever climatic adaptation and it on colleagues.
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>> supervisor dorsey. >> appreciate the amendment that supported on this while it does make the resolution better didn't make it better enough for me (coughing) to support that i wish there were more of the city attorney's advice from the memorandum of understanding that was incorporated i think the takeaway could be that in the future which we're and i all on the same side of things we should have conversations and 90 days away from the arguments in the supreme court had that happened a couple years ago we would be in a different situation but at the end of the day, the takeaway we are all on the same does just a question of whether this is the right
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forward and my decide to oppose it i appreciate the conversation today. >> on item 22 as amended roll call, please. >> on item 22 supervisor engardio, aye. >> supervisor mandelman, no. >> supervisor melgar, aye. >> president peskin, aye. >> supervisor preston, aye. >> supervisor ronen, aye. >> supervisor safai absent. >> supervisor stefani, aye. >> supervisor walton, aye. >> supervisor chan, aye. >> supervisor dorsey, aye. >> no. >> increasing 8 ayes and two notice with with supervisors supervisor mandelman and supervisor dorsey voting no. >> the resolution is prauftsdz madam clerk read items 2 that
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commission to immediately resolve its lawsuit regarding the clean water act with the united states environmental protection agency. protection agency. protection agency. >> 23. motion approving/rejecting the mayor's nomination for the appointment of avni jamdar to the public utilities commission, for a term ending august 1, appointment of stephen leveroni to the public utilities commission, for a term ending august 1, 2028. roll call. >> on items 23 through 25 supervisor engardio, aye. >> supervisor mandelman, aye. >> supervisor melgar, aye. >> president peskin, aye. >> supervisor preston, aye.
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>> supervisor ronen, aye. >> supervisor safai absent. >> supervisor safai, aye. >> supervisor walton, aye. >> supervisor chan, aye. >> supervisor dorsey, aye. >> there are 10 ayes. >> the motions are approved let's go to roll call for introductions. >> supervisor engardio. >> submitted supervisor mandelman. >> >> roll call for introductions.? >> i have an introduction. um, colleagues today, i am introducing a legislation to better meet the needs of disability in the community. i am calling this legislation beyond side front door the
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results of many months of conversations with the disabilities and all business owners and property owners and um, you are all familiar with um, the long saga of the program impacted in 2015 with the goal of bringing property in compliance with the assembly and the san francisco and americans with disabilities act the program has been successful with more than 15 thousand or 82 percent complying and others businesses have not complied with the program you've heard the story from the property owners and businesses maybe crushing small small business owner got lost in the rabbit holes and consultants and
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confronted with tests of thousands of dollars we have expanded the deadlines but at the end of the day, we have a policy choice do we city want to have the enforcement against those in some cases sympathetic to small businesses or come up with nothing better? that was the question i up to the time to a dream team of the city employees and, of course, those conversations thanks to conversation among the city staff and stakeholders i think i have come up with something better and to that end we are proposing i'm proposing um, to sunset the ab enforcement reminders and instead to direct
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the a mayor's office of disabilities do work on a program to have inclusion for people with disabilities in the small business i want to thank former director nicolle who helped us and encouragement interim direct debbie and folks in the department of building inspection looking at the operations to redirect the resources and thank director patrick reardon and tang has sponsored this back in 2016 and
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engaged in the challenges and to prove that i want to thank harry and. >> (calling names.) >> and move forward and sophia hayward and deserve thanks and peter and lots of folks have been engaged in the conversation to them and finally my office. the initiative we announced better described would main elements first mayor's office of disability has recommendations ab program is sunsetted and
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towards inspection effectively work with the property owners and dbi will provide training all inspectors are met requirements and hire a certified speciality division to support staff and provide expertise and work with the small business commission to develop materials and explains on the sdaeblts and inclusion and enhance and the second length of time of the package response to feedback in the communities asking for kinds of falls like vision hearing and cognizance health conditions and access so the city will be
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pursuing those dimensions and we'll get reports back to the board of supervisors on location of this program and that's what we got colleagues and reaching out to walk you through the various lechlts of that and i'm looking forward to helping move san francisco like i said i don't understand the front door and look other aspects of conclusions so. the rest i submit. >> >> thank you supervisor mandelman. >> supervisor melgar. thank you. >> president peskin. >> submit. >> thank you, mr. president, and supervisor preston. >> thank you, madam clerk i do want to share an announcement related to the past legislation on issues that was one we agree on and share the update colleagues you may recall in 2022 i urged the states officers
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to prioritize affordable housing on guess dmv site want to thank you all for that that and we introduced that is 2022 the state was preparing to redevelopmental the field office with funding in place but the plans it include any housing on the site. with you're anonymous resolution we reading with bill and representatives from state agrees including the a g s and dmv to change the direction of this project i think moms we have discussions like today what is the impacts of the
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resolutions we undertake at the board we have impacts and shortly after in january of 2023 e g s is interested in developing the housing with a new dmv office with interest by multiple developers and state agencies in support of our office moving forward with a more formal rfq and in september of 2023, e g s issued the qualifications rfq more affordable housing on the dmv lot and shared this news at roll call a year ago today with you colleagues and now we are at the next step thrilled to share the governor announced site will be developed for that hundreds and 72 developments with 100 percent
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affordable housing and a new dmv office on site the tenderloin corporation in california was to jointly develop the affordable housing and this project develops housing with incomes at the to 80 percent of the area medium income range with unions will be truly affordable too, so many of the working class in the district 5 and as the city takes think ambitious target more affordable housing i think that makes sense to prioritize like the dmv property for housing that serves low income san franciscans and their families. um, there's really lots of things to go around i want to yes, ma'am thank the state partners woumdz without the leadership and i appreciate all his work and naomi why assembly
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office and the d g f and dmv director steve gordon's personally participated especially the initial meeting with our office and assembly member to pitch the idea of affordable housing on this site and their teams especially our point person all through this jason from d g f have worked collaboratively to realize to take a step towards meeting the affordable housing goals and last but not least thanks to all the neighbors i'm so proud of our district everyone in the neighborhood rallying behind affordable housing and thank you for that to the neighbors and my
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staff worked tirelessly on this and my former staff kyle while in the building and lee our legislative aid and the truly last but not least is thank you to the governor gavin newsom for moving forward with that project last week so with that. the rest i submit. >> and thank you, everyone for your support thank you, supervisor preston and supervisor ronen. >> colleagues today i'm introducing a make-up for the implementation working group in 2019 for a coordinated system of care that was then hodgepodge that were not serving the vulnerable members of the community in a sustained way any
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violation a robust and pro-active mental health system everyone experiences a crisis have expansion and is four components of 347b89 for the response team residential care and treatment office coordinated care and service center to date this is among my proudest mrooshts not perfect has improved the mental health system in creating this we legislated this the implementation h that promoted the need for robust behavorial health workforce to realize berths goals and a greater need
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for streamlining the response team and more. however, we're 5 years into this presentation and displacing has covid pandemic issues and facing a fentanyl epidemic and state law has kapgd how to address this and we're anticipating much needed supports from prop one given this i believe that is more important to make changes to the make up of the implementation working group to allow them to be more agile and focus on a road map for mental health and from 13 to 7 and adjusting the number of seats will focus the group to the task at hand and second amending this so
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september 26th, july 1.5 in alignment with the next fiscal year and finally the legislation mandates reports to be produced by implementation working group that should include a summary of recommendations and is recommendations for the four mental health and evaluation of the mental health access for the 5 years and what changes they can recommend moving and couldn't be more grateful for the hard work by the implementation working group and the individuals that believed in implementation of us mental health legislation and the hopefully those changes will help the body thrive we need to see importance and. the rest i submit. >>. thank you. supervisor ronen and supervisor stefani submit.
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thank you. >> supervisor walton submit. >> submit thank you and supervisor chan submit thank you and supervisor dorsey thank you, thank you madam clerk last week, i was joined at the foundation one of the treatment programs in the nation for a news conference with my community that members and for homelessness reduction act as i mentioned in a state proposition on the november ballot creates mandates for those dmiment crimes and help to end the phenomenal drug use and will save lives i'm proposing for the passage i understand the measure is not perfect and few feel strongly will enable courts
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to help as mayor said expressing his port not because we want to go back to an ar of xhashgs one that criminal justice intervention for drug position and drug use will be approached with a life-saving intervention and the all charges for drug use be a guaranteed condition for successfully completing a court mandated drug treatment program and that we affirm the human dignity doe stag if it sounds
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too good to be true, it probably is. . the rest i submit. >> >> mr. president no other names on the roster that concludes this. >> roll call for introductions. >> go to public comment. >> at this time the board welcomes our public comment line up on your right hand and speak to the mayoral the approval of the board meetings minutes and 28 through that that minus that 1, other general matters available but must be within the board's jurisdiction. >> we'll come and get that from you. >> things are the same as the
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one i gave on july the if that was the puppet (unintelligible). >> i do that again to make sure you understand that the guys know you decide what you want to do what was inside. it is (unintelligible) remainder 6 what i recommend you to plus this. step by step i don't know how you're good evening to do that but i'm here to help 2345i9s my mission and a few don't make a difference you have to act different. you are under ari remind you okay. >> i'm going to try to be
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short. >> the rules of existence rely on control. >> self control of our emotions. but by the emotions self control that is possible. self control. >> so i'm going to talk today quickly city (bell ringing) systematically corrupt because of too many parasites. that goes down in san francisco the last two years i've said now we have visually that that is visual
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(unintelligible) (bell ringing) >> thank you for your comments next speaker. >> please. my name is maricela a career cab driver member of taxi industry for 36 years in case you still do the right thing the medallion sales program brought forward by then governor gavin newsom charging cab drivers a quarter of a millions for driving a taxi clashdz with the driver uber and lyft uber and lyft have san francisco born companies embraced by city hall but not subjected to paying to the system cab drivers have to say medallion sales trapped
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medallion drivers are unfavorable loans. even though the matt wander a lawsuit brought against them by the credit union have not been able to sell and single medallion for 200 and $60,000 that is a hymn tragedy that can only be blamed on the mta in the city of san francisco former mayor newsom all his successors i have abandoned cab drivers who bought their medallions and never mayor london breed or any of you running for mayor have had the political will to address that injustice brought on cabdrivers
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uber and lyft now a multilingual million dollars they are all driving for hire in san francisco why must on the downtown cab drivers pay 200 addresses $60,000 - (bell ringing) >> thank you thank you for your comments. >> i'm about the taxi issue we've been coming here for years we're stuck in a disaster that was a deep disaster and everyone knows about that even the child knows what is going on and that is all crowded with the traffic and we're working but not making any money that is disaster is not only um, we don't have the business the business disaster after that we or paying the
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mortgage every month every minute how to manage the mortgage to pay the medallion i pay 18 hundred and pay the stream color for nine hundred and now they're going to increase the skin but believe me you're turning your back you don't solve the problem we're dying we're in the same situation if you don't want to do anything who do we talk to we've been coming for many years i don't know how many years but never not gotten any results from you guys so i don't know how we're going to manage to pay the mortgage and all those things plus we lost 75 or 80 percent of our business
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(bell ringing) we don't know what to do before we die we want to see we are realized from that disaster. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. >> yeah. today, i saw how you guys supported the hotel industry am i not a worker i'm a taxi driver because you talk about workers rights i've been coming here for 14 years i know nothing is done you don't have a soft heart for the cab drivers if there is a little driver they will go away but i ask you one question. what happened to the city? the whole downtown is sitting empty because you're to
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unjust your decision making was poor and the city is empty but what happens we be dying my son came out of a kid transplant you guys gave us stress and when we i have - i knows what day if you don't side anything about that decide what you, side is listen to our heart listen to our inner conscious and the answer for cab drivers i don't know but we don't have a hundred people behind us so i justism polar you
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in the name of god do something the industry do something now. >> thank you for your comments. >> good afternoon. >> good evening, my name is - i'm speaking for colleagues every person but i don't consider taxi drivers part of creations you consider us slaves san francisco is a ghost town 9 to 5 homelessness is happening here. >> taxi drivers driving taxi is missy and frustration we
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cannot lift the burden of the medallions you made our lives miserable and i don't understand our control. they're sucking our blood happening with the right your problems are taxi driver problems you create this mess you better clean up this mess. only solution for the taxi medallions let us out so we're done. thank you. >> thank you for your comments next speaker. >> hello, i live in d-6 a
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short comment the last time i gave public comment i was he reprimanded and as a whole i recommended it before um, i thought about that and upon further thoughts i agree i should address you as a whole question people are punish and should share the blame i should have the board of supervisors has shown which side they're invested in the board of supervisors invested in the billionaires - and existing the photos are transwomen as a transwoman i joke about san francisco criminalizing tacos
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and looks at how san francisco treats our vendors and our homeless people especially with the rv community highlighted. um, i see that as san francisco wanting us to serve them for pennies and to entertain them with our traditions and that's it. >> testimonies. >> mark with the taxi cab alliance after driving my taxi for 15 years i had hi anyone else for 15 years and that made a big difference the drivers of medallions were not lucky they waited up to 17 years the choice
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to pay $350.07 hundreds drivers - a daily struggle and we have behind them cruise and tesla and who knows how long before is medallions are gone as things span with - a decade to set this straight and still nothing has been done and we fear that will suit the interests not have the drivers i imagine those drivers have tour sympathy they need our active support you're not powerless have united states power of persuasion and is power of the purse and have the power to put this on the ballot in
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2026 is a long ways off those drivers needs i now this is one of the bleakist tails of abandonment not go on. >> thank you for your comments. >> i've been driving a taxi for 2 three years i wade years to get my medallion and paid the fees since 1978. and then in 2010 the rest of guys on the list got rail rooted for 250 for a medallion when brought in gavin newsom brought in uber and
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lyft in 2010 they don't pay any fees nothing. so the driverless cars don't pay anything why are letting that and we the taxi drivers pay all the fees those guys 250 thousand that is just insane. and i sat here and the first one on the roll call huffs million dollars you have money to spends for the programs but not one penny to give back to the bank and get rid of of 250 thousand loan give the money back you have the money like it is ridiculous to mask and give that back the regular medallions like the rest of us before 2010 you can do it. it is ridiculous that northbound wants to you see where hundreds of billions of dollars and you can give back
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this (bell ringing) money. >> that is insane. they have to be treated or rail rooted and everyone can do anything me want and drive less cars and expects the cabbie treated like dirt i'm really it is shameful. and we work hard (bell ringing) grateful when i got mine thank you, thank you for your comments (clapping.) (clapping.) thank you for your comments [off mic.] >> thank you for your comments. >> just before the next speaker. >> you have to hold your applause if you're showing support we'll see that from you welcome to the next speaker.
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>> hello, my name is dave, and i'd like to speak about the problem of discrimination in open relationships and other consensual non-anyone i didn't there are if you're a poly and your landlord finds out they can evict i and no law to protect you had is legal in your poly and our employer finds out they can fire you and none of the laws protect people in on, on as basis of gender, identity, or marital status or sexual status i'd like to
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scanning that my colleagues have passed 7 laws 5 in new ishdz and one in berkley and one in oakland in april. and i would like to respectfully ask the board of supervisors of san francisco to pass similar laws here in this city so if there is none on the counsel be willing to talk to me i invite you to talk with me and the city clerk's office are advise me how to pass that information along (bell ringing) thank you, thank you for your comments i've been driving a taxi since 2005 and . >> $250,000 that we want into a
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- they told you an excellent business and crucial and that was going to be how you call it an american dream we shouldn't be - that medallion was to be worth around $1 million and with the pay we were happy but then uber and lyft everybody came and then they don't pay nothing and they don't pay nothing in order to pick up people and driechl to anymore anywhere and we live in the city and more expensive for everything we make less and less and less plus the people who
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works as taxi drivers sometimes, we don't sleep and have to walk work up to 18 hours a day those people come from the restaurants and hotels is good news they got the benefit and everything else and they have a good salary we don't get nothing (bell ringing) so, please help us to settle everything and, you know, this thing is getting worse for us. thank you. >> thank you for your comments next speaker. >> please. hello. >> my name is evelyn i work with the san francisco taxi alliance and here asking you to
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step up and right thing to do san francisco was the first city uber and lyft began operating and doing nothing to stop them and doing nothing to regulate them and anything to control them and the puc stepped up something should do something they handed the regulations. you know, this medallion program was an opportunity and you heard an opportunity but a disaster one of the ways that was promoted a sad time the medallion would be paid off in 12 years that was in 2010 or 2012 and most of altercation drivers bought between 2010 and 2012 had them
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for 14 or 10 years and refinances to pay for another 12 years that is too much. and nominating the mta don't understand has been revoking payment medallions those are in the earlier days in 2020 and this year and they said they're revoking them the medallions are not phenomenally the rules as you can see the mta is a super agency (bell ringing) they execute the rules i ask i to pay attention to the taxi drivers those are not throw away people either need some relief and we can show that san francisco, california be a city that knows what to do and do something about that and thank you for your comments and next
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speaker. >> please. i have to raise my voice speak on behalf of the hotel workers that is desired emotional physically and financially unbelievably hard. >> years ago willie brown said to - can't do that the emissions uber and lyft can put thousands and thousands of cars on the street we do nothing we can't regulated them new york can but sat down with an uber taxi driver. so the mta will allow san francisco taxis to surge you
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guys that is wrong. and i made notes i had people a guy in north beach is - another person said why not cab drivers relief new york does and all the likely san francisco i almost want to say good liable i'm proud can i walk down to the street and feel safe? (bell ringing) we're a big part of to you guys can i go to the tenderloin anymore only with a mayor race or go through that a month later take our foot off the gas
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pelleted what happens. when we do the right thing by putting the (bell ringing) drug dealers in jail and finding. thank you. >> thank you for your comments [off mic.] >> thank you for your comments and. okay. mark. >> okay. i would like to say abraham was 75 years old when a wonderful promise in his seed all the families of the earth would be blessed thirty years later on he was two hundred and thirty he started mac and his son was beating up his brother standard that they wonder in the wildness for 70 years and
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march 19th did 6 the last day of 4 hundred and 90 sa california this outlet to make every jew and a chillin' the prop fetus i can quote it listen to me was crying and incline your ear and blofl the city we didn't present our supplications for our right news but for your mercies oh, lord fiscal and if not for our sake the city of people are called by your name and speaker card and praying and confessing my sorry about that (bell ringing) and presenting my supplication for the mountain of apply god
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do, man gabriel i saw caused to fly swiftly and touched touched me and said oh, daniel i've comfort to give you skill the come amenity and (bell ringing) you're greaterly boe loves. thank you. >> next speaker. >> i'm one of those seven hundred cab drivers who bought a medallion for $750 and gavin newsom came out with a brilliant plan to come up with, you know, with - at that time. then we were struggling i had to pay the
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$1,100 for the loan plus $900 for the color scheme i had to come up every month $2,200 whether i work or not. now with all the new technologies we got way more we got those cab drivers uber and lyft nothing we can do the only place that is left in the airport sometimes, we get stuck waiting for a customer up to three or four hours to get within single fair i building i need to pull your hand and hearts to help us out there is nothing else we can do the bank didn't want to help us out they said in the mta don't want to help you why should they
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gave us two months not to pay they'll hold the payments until the pandemic is over there is nothing else for us to do please help us out. >> (speaking spanish) (bell ringing) >> thank you for your comments. >> mr. duffey and i'm mr. duffey i don't want to relitigate this idea do nation has to grow to certain size but all sort of people got in the way and pushed aside we go through the resources as fast as we can and is industrial resolution from one a atlanta to the pacific but the frontier was closed one hundred and 40 years
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ago the united states is latter be economy and one hundred and 5 years ago my problem we did have a second act what is the second act we've done it where do we go from here the resolution that is passed today a step towards creating a more sustainable world and looking for carefully at, you know, rather than putting window greg things we say are building windmills everyone we add energy it only increases the desire for more energy we start to look more - i'm thankful for that. >> thank you for your comments. >> mr. president and seeking no other members of the public public comment is closed and madam clerk emigrates adoption
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without committee reference calendars 28 and that 0 without reference and unanimous vote is required for adoption on the first reading today and . >> would any member like an item to be severed. >> i'm severe item 32 on the balance of the calendar items 29 he that 0 and that that i believe question or we have same house with supervisor safai so. >> same house, same call. (gavel) those resolutions are adopted and the motion approved madam clerk read
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clerk read item 28. >> 28. resolution recognizing october 2024 as "domestic violence awareness month" in the city and county of san francisco, and reaffirming its commitment to supporting initiatives that raise awareness, prevent domestic violence, and provide resources and services to survivors. supervisor stefani thank you, colleagues domestic violence awareness month was launched in 1987 to union organizations across the country to support survivors raising awareness and for prevention and 37 years it is causing harms to victims and our communities. according to a domestic violence hotline nearly 20 percent - 20 people per minute is physically abused by partners in the united states and equally 10 million people each year and cannot ignore the deadly impact of firearms the
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presence of a gun increases homicide by women in the united states nearly half of all homicide victims are killed by former partners and every 16 honors a woman is fatally shot and the us is the most dangerous country in the world when that comes to women and guns women have 21 times more to be killed by guns and we are not immune to that epidemic in san francisco domestic violence is contributor to the women living on the centers in a survey one hundred and 6 unhoused women were asked where in san francisco will you feel safe no where and only with others women domestic violence touches the priorities from
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public safety to housing to public health we reaffirm the city and county of san francisco to raising awareness preventing domestic violence and providing resources for survivors i also want to invite you to join us for the domestic violence awareness rally tomorrow on the steps of city hall at 4:00 o'clock to 5:30 thank you, colleagues for your sorts on this resolution. >> thank you supervisor stafani supervisor ronen. >> submit and supervisor walton. >> want to insure. >> supervisor melgar. >> i'm sorry what do you say. >> as a a co-sponsor. >> need on the item. >> same house, same call. the resolution is adopted (gavel). >> former board members of sf safe at a special meeting of the board of supervisors' governmental audit and oversight
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committee. >> and colleague i have occur lasted number one, substantive amendments that are before you and described electronically and on our decks to change is wrong title motion directing the clerk to issue subpoenas for david to appear date to so determined should they fail to answer questions as former mission of sf safe and then the fourth paragraph moved amendments at lines 22 and 23 to say to attend a future go
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>>ime i half chinese and half thai and born in thailand. this is his majesty, a picture of my late king. his majesty, he pass away in 2016. the reason why i still have his portrait is to remind me of the amazing thing he has done for thailand. how he ruled the country with love and lead with passion. his legacy and philosophy in life is one i want to live by. when i moved to america, i became exposed to many more cultures.
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something else--[indiscernible] with chinese thai. i enjoy making connections with other people. happy aapi heritage month, san francisco. asian pride. instagram. >> hello, everybody this is americans first and the oldest house we are known for handmade our family is the (inaudible) is unique and one of the few places you that is happening in the world and and few items we add on the menu food from the old school handmade from other places. this was fined by a
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