tv Arts Commission SFGTV November 10, 2024 3:30pm-4:30pm PST
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commissioner beltran is commissioner benavides, present. commissioner brzel is running late. commissioner carney, present. commissioner ferras, here. commissioner hakimi, here. commissioner lu, present. commissioner musleh, here. commissioner rothschild, present. commissioner schnair, here. commissioner shbyand ex officio so is absent. we hauorum. director of cultural affairs ralphputy director glen shawn ebon and deputy director of finance administration sarah hollenbeck and chief of staff alyssa bentry are in attendance. >> thank you so much. are there any agenda changes? >> now, for some publicmeeting instructions. i like to welcome alpersons interested in this ■meet■ging t
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attend in person city hall room 416. this meeting on sfgovtv 2 comcast 78, astound 26 and at&t uverse 99. i want to remind of policies and procedures for public meetings at this meeting. we are bound to follow the structure of our to best practice set in the good government guide. ting there is a opportunity for general public comment where members may comment on any item pertaining to this body. public comment will person with remote access provided for those who require a d a accommodation. respectfully we ask that you keep your public comment on topic. each public comment is limited to-please understand the committee does not crebt dialogue to each comment is documented for public record. as a courtesy, the first floor as a
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women rest room on ththen on th outside this room and all gender at the southwest side. in case of emergency, your nearest stair exit is at the southeast on the 4th floor outside this door. there is stair exits on each corner of the floor. it is recommentofire alarm and use the stairs. fire alarm is a variable tone and strobe lights will flash. it strobe lights and alarms go off you must evacuate the building. wheelchair accessible entrance are van ness avenue and grove street. wheelchair--after multiple by a breakdowns the wheelchair lift is replaced for improved operation and reliability. we anticipate having a functional left after the completion of
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construction in may 2025. there are elevators and accessible ■$ restrooms located on every throor. i'll turn it over to our commission secretary for public comment e÷ st >> for record, commissioner shelby is here. joining in person who wish to comment on agenda iletms, once you are called you will be asked to voice comment at the podium. you will see blank public the . you are recommended but not required to fill out the card included in ■o the minutes. i will start 3 minutes using a visual timer. bñ■ you receive a 30 second warning. when your time is up i will say your time is up. participant who wish to speak on other items may listen for the next public comment opportunity. persons who speak during the public comment period at today's meeting of the arts commission may supply a brief written summary of comments to be included if it is 15 0 words or
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accommodate all requests. please proceed when you are ready. >> thank you so much. i like to start by reading our land acknowledgment statement. we acknowledge at are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush ohlone who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as the indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions, the ramaytush ohlone have never ceded, lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. as guests, we recognize that wbenefit from living d itional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors and relatives of the ramaytush community as first peoples. as department dedicated to equitable arts and cultural environment in san
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francisco, committed to supporting the traditional and contempary evolution of the american indian community. i am now calling on item 2, which is approval of the minutes. i remind commissioners to say their name after they respond to a motion. i will ask for a to approve the october 7, 2024 minutes. >> so moved, commissioner ferras. >> thank you. >> second, commissioner musleh. >> thank you so much. is there any public comment on item 2? approval of the minutes. >> for those in person please proceed to the public comment podium and fill out the information card. we are currently on item 2. your time will start when you begin sp you will receive a 30 second warning before your time concludes. requesting those in person. anyone who would like to make a
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public comment on the current agenda item? i see no request for public comment. public comment is now closed. >> thank you. are there any commissioner discussions or comments on seeing none, may i have a final motion? all in favor say yea. >> yea. >> all oppose, nay. seeing none, the motion passes unanimously. thank you. now calling item 3, general public comment. is there any public comment on item 3, general public comment? >> for those in person proceed to the podium and fill out the information card. we are on item 3. as reminder, your time starts when you begin speaking. you will see a visual timer and receive a 30 second warng before your request comments from those in person. yone when who would like to comment? you can come up.
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i will start your time once you begin speaking2í >> good afternoon. my name is ivy, counsel with american gil for musical artist and chief negotiator for the symphony chorus union represented choristers. over the past few months you heard from our colleagues and members the san francisco symphony as well as unpaid colleagues who perform alongside them. you heard about the symphony resistance reaching a fair deal with union members and today the chorus is returning to work for the first time since e strike ■.during the performance in september. they showed up to picket in concert black in september because the goal is goal is perform and make beautiful music for the
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the union choristers were ready to perform and if they came to a fair deal but when they received notice we were going on strike they immediately decided to cancel all three days of the run. today the choristers walked back and begin work again rehearseing scheduled for later this month. they are ready to perform in e expired contract they are ready to sing today. when we last bargained al were willing to offer was a flat extination of the current collective bargaining agreement the year and season this isn't acceptable to singers and not the g the important cultural institution. if the arts are essential to the revitalization of san francisco as i heard in body before, artists have to be part that conversation.
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we asked 2 to 3 times now and renew the plea again for thssion to intercede with the symphony. you are one of the b donors and biggest government source of fundling. the power to bring them to the table and demand transparency about the direction of the organization. you are the power to demand they invest in the long-term stability and vibrancy of the symphony chorus and musician more g i ask you contact me at iy a n@musical to learn what is going on and how to assist us. thank you. >> thank you. any additional public comment? i will start your time once you begin speaking. >> good afternoon. my name is [indiscernible] volunteer singer with san francisco symphony chorus. my journey with the symphony began in 1973 as a 11 year old in the san francisco boys chorus
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performing with a chorus eaier concert. inspired i committed my life to the ar form and honored to be part of the grammy [indiscernible] 1993. since 2014 i have been a dedicated member of the chorus with talented singers and world class music directors. 2016 and [indiscernible] professional network facilitated over 200 performance and engaged ng . many singers are [indiscernible] volunteers with the symphony chorus. it is essential to remember the san francisco arts commission was established in 1932 to keep symphony musicians employed during the great depression. 1967 the commission launched the neighborhood arts funding initiatives like [indiscernle] performing arts events and festivals in soma, civic center and my brother benefited from the commission support funding san
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[indiscernible] in 1968. promoting arts education for filipino high school student in bruno heights [indiscernible] state college and resulted in the establishment of ethnic studies programs nation wide. today i stand before you advocating for singers whocontribute talent and dedication to the symphony and the broader san francisco community internationally recognized roots in universities and decades of excellence. wee are dedicated to mastering singer vital producing up to 10 performance annually. throughout 52 year as a singer director and arrangeer i witnessed many talented musicians struggle to make a living, leave the bear consider or lose passion due to financial hardships. the reduction proposed by the san francisco symphony are not just financial cuts, they signal decline in the community quality of life. when arts are reduced cultural
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enrichment educational outcomes civic engagement suffer. the cancellation of the concert businesses cal that rely on concert goers. the arts and rich life education and community bonds lead to negative consequences. we join the symphony chorus uplifted [indiscernible] reducing suort undermine the contributions and risk the symphony reputation. i urge you to use your influence to support singers during the financial challenges insuring fair contracts to sustain professionals and preserve the artistic legacy of san frci join in advocating for the artists who enrich thcultural fabric and thank you for your commitment to the arts. >> any additional comments? seeing none, public comment is no closed.
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>> thank you. i am now calling on item 4, the director's report. i will turn over the mic to director ralph remington. >> thank you vice president shiota and good afternoon commissioners. i hope you are are having a wonderful to your november. in the still free united states of america. it has been a busy few weeks as we begin to wrap up the year with numerous 77 celebrations this past month, such as national arts humanities month, indigenous people day, halloween, [indiscernible] among others. i limonth report share highlights from recent events. october 9, i had the pleasure to speak at a press conference announcing the acquisition of a new asian
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filipino american performing arts space in soma at 262 7th street the new home of the asian pacific islander cultural center and [indiscernible] will renovate the building to house a 120 seat theater, a visual arts gallery for dance rehearsals, community events and workshops and office space. the arts commission was thrilled to have been able to help support this effort with administrating grant support through the soma 0n culta on october 10, i joined mayor london breed and other ci officials for hehistory month celebration at city hall. this year marked the 20 anniversary of the celebrated every october and [indiscernible] october 15, i attended 4 sites
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black gold story untold preview which brings together over 15 artists to share untold stories of black citizens in octobecelebration in indian basin waterfront park. commissioner collins and staff in at california lawyers for the arts 50th anniversary and attended the historical society annual fall gala union, lead by former president of it arts commission. october 23, i was honored to join president collins on a pa■l at the world economic forum ban transformation summit focused on embracing arts and culture. that was happening.
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some upcoming co and reminders. thursday november 7 at 6 p.m. in the auditorium main library, artists [indiscernible]■[ milldrid howard and [indiscernible] participate in women in public art panel to discuss reshape san francisco public arts to better reflect women stories. saturday november 9, 11 a.m. the fine art mewsume will hold a celebration to open the centennial year. reminder deadline for two 2025 grant opportunit■ies are due soon on november 6 for the san francisco artists grant opportunities and november 13 for the arts impact endowment grant
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opportunity. visit the web page for additional details and view technical assiancordings. and one fi community investment sta■zff whoare seeking grant panelists to participate in th■8 upcoming peer review panel. this is paid opportuty the grant making process. to be considered for the spring 2025 panel review, applications must be received by tomorrow november 8. by 1159 p.m. details on how to apply can be found on our as well. gallery updates.■ on october 18, the arts commission in partnership with the san francisco recreation and park department was please francisco based artists and [indiscernible] as well as curator. [indiscernible]
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2024 artist and resident program indian basin waterfront park. the artists will both en year in at indian basin front and they are at the construction site and bayview hunter point neighborhood and working with the curator to present the work. reminder when sites collide-i can't say that 5 times in a row. do it once really slow. reminder when unearthed site collide is on view at the main gallery through september 13. a two person exhibition featuring the work of emerging area artist [indiscernible] public art updates.
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the past work month me beautiful new public art. during the community celebration on october 19th at 900 ennis avenue indian basin waterfront unveiled a ■aground mural titled lady bayview. you see it in the photos there. the artwork is inspired by the big 5 of bayview. a group of black women leaders in the 1960 and 70 successfully advocated for housing [indiscernible] announce completed instillation of [indiscernible] by artists [indiscernible] /x the stainless steel light ulpture flects gold's journey through the universe and the important role
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in the cultural development of san francisco. artists updates and announcements. happy to share recent sf a c artist alumni news. william rodes community history quilts unveiled at the southeast family helthd center in 2022. if u haven't seen it over there, i encourage everybody to go. there is a great work including [indiscernible] and several others so check it out. this work was selected to showcase at 15th [indiscernible] that take place from november 15, 2024 to february , 20. william rodes will present two quilts, one traditional quilt and community quilt and both will join the permanent collection of national museum of fine arts. 2020 ant recipient joanna highgood named one of 5 dance magazine
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award for 2024. ceremony to recognize d in new december 2 at 7 p.m. the 2024 dance magazine awards will also honor george fa [indiscernible] and with that, this concludes the director's report for the november 4 commission meeting. i am happy to take questions you may have. thank you. >> are there any commissioner discussion or comments or questions? >> i just wanted to-if you haven't been down 900 ennis and seen the new park, it just fabulous and the artwork is just spectacular. and the whole development-this
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is just the first phase of what is going to happen there and how this will connect all the way to mission bay is just-it is going to ■ything around there. it is really incredible. if you haven't been, go. and bring your bicycle or just walk the whole route. >> any other questions or comments? seeing none, is ere any public comment on the director's report? that is item 4. >> for those in person please proceed to the podium and fill out the comment information card. we are on item 4. your time will start when you sual timer and receive a 30 second aue anyone who would like to comment on the current item? seeing no request for public comment, public comment is now closed. >> thank you so much.
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i'll call item 5, committee reports and committee matters. item 5 subitem 1 is the civic design review report and like to introduce chair schnair to present the report on the civic design review committee. >> g thank you. usually when projects are in phase 2 we don't bring them to you until they are past phase 3 or actually totally going ahead, but the work on sfo terminal 3 project is really i think on the committee agree rather spectacular and well worth showing you guys what's going on there. so, the project team gave a overview of the projeccontext to remind the commissioners of the ovall
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goals which are basically making it easier user friendly and dealing with the congestion and traffic and things happening. some of the changes made were like, they had a glass canopy and they made it metal now. part of the reasons fo is, they are dealing with the solar radiation and glare that can enter from the land side and be really disruptive i people working there as well as thade travellers. the solution they have come up is to use the [indiscernible] on the glass which helps to diffuse the glare, and varying angle vertical on the building to shield, but one of the really incredible things they did, if we can go to the next slide. yes. great. one of the really wonderful things they did is created this scoop they
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called it, where the light comes into and bounces down into the space so it will will be a overall illumination type of light, opposed to the glare. i really give the team a tremendous amount of credit they came up with this type of solution and also as a result of doing this, hopefully we is they did major design change. yeah talked about the arch--yeah. in softening the boxyness of the roof they created a arched brow so it goes along ■with the curvature of th international terminal but this is a slight raise. it isn't that--see if it is the next one. you can see it is a slight fallen raise with the scoop out they have
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with the arched brow. i just was really impressed with that and wanted to share that with you guys. and then the ground level glass caenopy switched to metal in order to simplify the facade and shade the sidewalks. the entry ways are colored warm bronze so it is easier to see them and more welcoming entry. as well to reflect interior warmth. [indiscernible] added to the roof on a opset end but that isn't visible from the ground level. i just are wanted you guys to and see what's going on. i think it will be a incredible improvement for sfo. and then we also approved phase 1 of the cezar pavilion renovation
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work and also the jackson playground renovation project phase 1, which is long time coming. there is a lot of community involvement and i think it has become a much better project as a result and the s francisco fire department division of training phase 1 review, so that's what we did. yeah, and the great famine memorial project review. there was one that escaped through when making changes so we had to do a quick one on thatthe report. any comments from commissioners? not then, any public comment? >> for those in person to the podium. we are on item 5.1. your time will start when you begin speaking. you will see a visual timer and receive a 30 second warner before your time concludes. requesting from those in person. to there anyone who would like
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comment on the current agenda item?seeing no request for publ comment, public comment is now closed. >> thank you. i'm going to move to item 5, subitem 2, which is the community investment committee report. as the chair of the community investment committee i'll give the report. the community invest committee recommended the approval of l p $800 thousand funded by the librart and board of supervisor add-backs included in the consent calendar today. number 2 is, fiscal year 25 cultural ambassador program overview. so, the community investment a overview of the fiscal year 25 cultural ambassador program
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applicant and outreach data. ambassador [indiscernible] spoke about work with senior and disabled artists. anr?d item 3 we covered was the report and open grant portities. the director of community investment denise pate reported molly barren promoted to soonier compliance officer and recruitment for the vacant associate position will begin soon. director also nounced september 11, the community investment team launched 5 grant categories for san francisco based individual artists and arts organizations. two categories are still open as director remington mentioned. it is the san francoisco arts grant category and the arts impar
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guidelines and ormation. director also went over the update to guidelines and year's deep investment in outreach and advertising through several channels including 6 technical assistance webinars, three instagram live gital kiosks throughout downtown, inperson community eves and the sf a c news letter and social media. in addition to the team grant work, director pate noted artveneder holiday market that will happen on december 6, 7 and 18 as well as updates to the art vendor website, including new maps and and ted application and translated program manual.end o. are there any questions? seeing none, any public comment?
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>> for those in person please proceed to the podium and fill out the comment information card. we are on item 5.2. u abegin speaking. you will see a visual timer and a 30 second wa time concludes. anyone who would like to comment on the current item? seeing no request for public comment, public comment is now closed >> thank you. moving to item 5 subitem 3, the visual arts report and chair suzie ferras will present the report on the visual arts committee. >> thank you vice president shiota. we had a very sht and quick meeting. it is the report for the visual arts committee for october 2024. we had several things on our
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consent calendar, we only reviewed one ect. that is mia angelo monument portrait of a phenomenal woman at the public library on larkin street t. is first monument to an african american woman in the civic art the first monumen african american woman to the civic art collection. so appropriate and can't think of a better place in front of the library. it is bronze monument in the shape of a book and sits on a basalt base. on the back is a quote that i recommend everybody read. it ■$is very poignant and very
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much makes sense in terms of the location as well. and props to [indiscernible] thomas for rethking how monuments can be and how a book can be a monument to this amazing author. the front depicts an original portrait of dr. angelou the artist drew from the interview conducted wi dr. 1973 with bill moyers . she took a still from through the video to find just the right shot. she also intentionally did not use a well known picture or even a picture at all. she wanted something that was unique and never done before. she also wanted to usthat was not iconic representation of dr.
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angelou, but a picture of her when she was young, which i also thought was ■ethe artwork was installed on wednesday september 18 and unveiled thursday september 19. thank you to the commissioners that were able to attend. i was so sad to not as i was too sick to go, but i know there was ent. thank you director remington for being there and the mayor was there, and yeah, it is right across the plaza from here, so i reen is a beautiful sculpture and in the process how they made it, i know that is in some of our documents and really seeing how that process evolved is very ngcommend if you haven't checked that out, please do. and that concludes my report unless there are any commissioner comments. >> i would just like to add,
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the ceremony was extraordinary for that unveiling. i assume ralph arranged it. it was spectacular. [applause]c8 >> i wanted to put on the record commissioner brenzel just walked in to there any public c em 5.3? >> for those in person, please proceed to the podium and fill out the information card. we are on item 5.3. your time will start when you begin speaking. you will see a visual timer and receive a 30 second audible warning. anyone who would like to comment on the e6 current item? seeing no request for public comment, public comment is closed. >> thank you. i'm calling on item 6, which is the consent calendar.
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we will take all consent calendar items. are there any withdrawls or recusals? seeing none, we'll take all the consent calendar items at once. any commissioner discussions or questions or comments? after yo respond to the motion. asking for motion to approve consent calendar. >> commissioner musleh, so moved. >> second, commissioner schnair. >> thank you, we have a first and second. is there any public comment on item 6? >> fl proceed to the podium and fill out the information card. we are on item 6. your time starts when you begin speaking. you will see a visual timer and receive a 30 second audible warning before your time concludes.
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requesting from those in person. is there anyone who ■would like to comment on the current item? i see no request for public comment, public comment now closed. >> thank you. i will ask for a final motion to the consent calendar. all in favor? >> aye. >> any opposed? this motion passes unanimously. moving to item 7, new business and announcements. is there any commissioner comments? anyone have new business or announcements? >> commissier benavides, i have a question. can i go back to the public comment when we had-when the public came? >> we do not interact on public comment. no.
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yes, they can put it on e d we don't have interaction on it. >> >> any other commissioners have new k bui have an announcement. we do biannual- >> commissioner shelby. >> we do biannual announcements of those who passed away, but i cannot let today go by thout speaking the name of probably one of the most celebrated accomplished alive or alive, quincy jones who passed away today. i bring him up because influenced me big time as a composer, and loved him dearly. never met him, but followed his
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entire career, so i wanted to speak his name. i know he is not from san francisco and we do this twice a year, but we have to honor when of r greatest arts ever, quincy jones. >> here, here. so much. any other new business and announcements? >> i have one more. benavides again.oc so, there is a show in berkeley for kamala shaw. she collects only women art in the world and considered one of the 10 in the world. if you get a chance to see it, it is amazing. it is supporting that little--the art [indiscernible] it is really exciting. women in art and what they are doing and so sad they [indiscernible] it is good to see it. >> yeah. >> okay.
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>> thank you so much. >> commissioner schnair, i wanted to mention that as we get into the holiday season, act is doing a brand new christmas carol that will be a lot of fun and very inventive, and pam mckinnon the artistic director is in charge of this and creating this, so i think it will be really amazing, so i wanted to put that on the radar and agenda for people to be aware of-it will be something very special and different and a lot of fun. >> thank you. yes, please. >> one more. i just wanted to mention and invite everyone, we a artist reception and opening at my
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gallery on balboa street at creative iq for artist [indiscernible] she is a musician in e san francisco scene and bay area for years for a long the pandemic she discovered her love of doing visual art. she had been doing visual art for years but it gave her a lot of time to really focus on her visual arts, and she has since been working in textiles and stencils d paint among other things, and this will be her first visual art exhibit. really excited to show her work. it is display of colorful pop art images and like nustalgic iconography. i am sure you will recognize a lot of things in her artwork and i encourage everybody to come out and on that note too, just to reminder to our
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greater community, this holiday season to shop local and support local artists. thank you. >> commissioner schnair again, i just remembered one other that is going on right is the opening cat berkeley for [indiscernible] african hair braiding salon and it's-i saw the new york production of it and it is fabulous. it is just one of the best pieces of theater. it's a comedy, but with a punch, and i highly >> support theater.ort theater. >> yes. it is berkeley- >> commissioner brenzel. last week i got to go to the curator talk for the new exhibition when unearthed sites collide. the exhibit is amazing.
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the curator and i will mispronounce her name. sorry. i think it is [indiscernible] was st gave a terrific talk ani just wanted to thank her and the slstaff for inviting the commissioners to go tolearn about the artists, somebody who is not a visual artists it is really imanand learn more about what is happening there and i can tell there is so much wo into it and it was really exciting exhibit, so it is on it is free ■4dnesday-saturday. everyone should take a look. it is really beautiful writing about the art as well. fabulous. >> thank you. yes, commissioner lu. >> thank you i just want to echo commissioner shelby of very important this is a article i read back in 2013
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and that was also when i was still living in australia and it was a article inspired me to move from australia all the way to here. it is actually in forbes tech column. title is, quincy jones. artist do indeed have a role in solving humanity grant challenges. in fact, quincy jones said as my friend ellen key said, the best way to predict the future allen is the technologist and jazz musicianparticipant in a group called experiment in art and technology. eain was a place where artists technologist share ideas and informal basi goal of creating projects and performances that would expand the role of ti
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we anticipate the merger of art and technology that lead to so much of today's digital art and culture. one thing i found recently is the word technology is actually not a really a word people really understood. if you look at the word technology, it is coming from the 70's and it is a word that actually has two root word from greek logo. [indiscernible] translate art and craft. logo as we logo today is expression ofac the spirit of human society. i would love to invite everyone and ■ think in the spirit of dr.
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quincy jones, remembering him, but i also feel his spirit is still here, so that article with everybody. thank you. >> thank you. >> one more thing. ■ >> yes, please. >> tomorrow i'm sure i don't do this, but please vote. [laughter] please vote tomorrow, it is voting day. you need to exercise our civic responsibilities. >> is there any public comment on new >> for those in person please proceed to the podium and the information card. we are on item 7.1when you begin speaking. you will see a visual timer on the podium and receive a 30 second warning before your time concludes. requesting comments from those in person. anyone who would like to coment on the
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>> this is an exhibition across departments highlighting different artworks from ouø collection. gender is an important part of the dialogue. in many ways, this exhibition is contemporary. all of this artwork is 9th century and spans all the way to the 21st century. the exhibition is organized into sen different groupings or themes such as activities,olismd others. by culture or time period, but different affinities between the artwork. activities, for example, looks
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at the role of gender and how certain activities are placed as feminine or masculine. we have a print by uharo that looks at different activities that derisionly performed by men. it's looking at the theme of music. we have three women playing traditional japanese instruments that would otherwise be played by men at that time. have pairings so that is looking within the context rela. also with how people are questioning the whole idea of pairing in the first place. we have three from three different cultures, tibet, china j. this is sell vanity stot relevar has been fluid in cultures.
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sometimes being female in china but often male and evoking features associated with gender binaries and sometimes in between. it's a lovely the themes together in this collection. gender and sexuality, speaking from my culture specifically, is something at that hasn't been recently widely discussed. this exhibition shows that it's gender and sexuality are actually have been considered and complicated by dialogue through the work of artists and thinking specifically, a sculpture we have of the hindu deities because it's half pee male and half male.
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it turns into a different theme in a way and is beautiful representation of how gender hasn't been seen as one thing or a binary. we see that it isn't a modest concept. in a way, i feel we have a lot of historical references and touch points throughout allhe ages and in asian cultures. i believe san francisco has close to 40% asian. it's a huge representation here it's important that we awk abouk about this and open up the discussion around gender. what we've learned from organizing this exhibition at the museum is that gender has been something that has come up in all of these cultures through all the time periods as something that is important and5 relevant. especially here in the san francisco bay area we feel that it's the conversations that people are having today. we that people can carry
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barber decided to it was time to take a step up in the barber industry. our busine is community that shows their true artistic side of the barber indust rae. we are involved in taraval bingo so by, get a haircut and when barber sticker made for us. help. in three words, we y, ar visit at barber louvl, 901 taraval and find on-[indiscernible] >> a new community game suppcan participate, it is easy, collect stickers on a gameboard and enter raffle event for a chance prize. for more,
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